That's why he trapped her in the tower and only gave her reidiculously boring books to read. It's all part of his plan to deprive her senses in order to awaken her telekinetic powers.
"We don't know where a bunch of important people are at the moment." So true. In the wake of the upcoming (ha!) release of Winds of Winter, it would be great to have a video which summarizes for all the major characters where they are (and in what state) at the end of Dance with Dragons. It's been years since I read the books, and I'd greatly appreciate a refresh on everybody's whereabouts, especially since the TV show has planted extra memories which are not book canon.
You misunderstand gout if you think Doran standing is a special overcoming of a disability. It's not a paralyzing affliction, just a ridiculously painful one. It's entirely possible to stand and walk with it, you just feel like you're grinding glass into the afflicted joint(s).
Do you sometimes get the feeling that Doran just thought: "Ok, my kids are not nearly smart enough to be part of this and the sand snakes don't help either, so I'll just send them all on silly errands and get them out of the way..."?
Leaving by boat from Sunspear would have entailed travelling around the arm of Dorne, through the Stepstones, which is problematic due to the recent surge in piracy. Leaving from the north side of Dorne avoids that.
It's not only lords that have ravens if you have enough money to have axis to masters acalites at the citadel often read and write letters, heal wounds ect
Getting a mission from Doran that is critical for the future of Dorne seems to be a sure-fire way to die a gruesome, horrible death. Oberyn was crushed by a Mountain, Quentin was roasted by a dragon. I think Arianne will drown in the sea.
The actual story of the "Princes in the Tower" is a little more interesting than what you described - and even more "Game Of Thrones" in many ways. The generally accepted story is that Richard III imprisoned and executed his nephews in 1483, in order that he might become king. Simple and uncomplicated, immortalised by the bard a century later, and suffering from some seriously gaping plot holes. The biggest plot hole is that their mother, Elizabeth Woodville, wrote a letter to Henry VII in 1486 - the year after Richard III's death at Bosworth - discussing her sons' welfare and her desire to see them. Even if the two boys were already dead by the time the letter was sent, the fact that it was sent means that they were still alive around the time of Henry's coronation in October 1485. This means two things: firstly, Richard III cannot have ordered their murders since he was already dead; and secondly, that by the time the princes died there was only one person had any reason to want them dead: their new brother-in-law Henry Tudor. Richard III became king when Edward V was deposed - against Richard's wishes - by claims that Edward, his elder sister Elizabeth of York, and his younger brother Richard of Shrewsbury, weren't the true-born children and heirs of Edward IV. (Basically, the claim was the Elizabeth Woodville was a slut, and Edward IV was a cuckold.) This worked in Henry Tudor's favour at the time - it meant that the king was someone he could meet and kill on the battlefield, and this is precisely what happened. Following Richard's death at Bosworth, Henry faced an uncomfortable political reality: England was more deeply divided than at any time since the Anarchy - the decades-long civil war the split the country during the mid-12th century. In order to heal the rift, he decided to unite the Houses of York and Lancaster under the new Tudor dynasty by marrying Elizabeth of York; this unity was symbolised in the Tudor Rose, which has the white rose of York contained within the red rose of Lancaster. As a political move it made a lot of sense, since Elizabeth's claim to the throne was considerably stronger than Henry's, but it had one key flaw: her claim was only stronger than his if she was legitimate, and legitimising her meant legitimising her brothers as well, and reasserting their even stronger claims to the throne (yay sexism!). So Henry had the princes imprisoned and executed, then made it appear as if Richard III had done it years earlier, successfully turning one of England's most competent monarchs into one of its most reviled ones, while simultaneously strengthening his own popularity as the king who brought peace after over a century of war. Every king or queen of England since then (including Willem van Oranje) has been a descendant of Henry VII, which means their claims to the English throne continue to be dependent upon Richard III's disgrace. This political reality is why Shakespeare's plays portray Richard III as a deformed and evil creature: they were written by a man whose patron, Elizabeth I, was the granddaughter of Henry VII and, like most monarchs of the period, she had the habit of beheading, hanging or burning at the stake anyone she didn't much like. If Shakespeare had told the truth in his plays about Richard and Henry, he would have ended his days dangling from the end of the hangman's noose.
I thought Edward IV's children were considred illegitimate because he had married someone despite being betrothed to someone else (like Robb Stark), and that that was the argument Richard III used to usurp the throne.
you haven't touched on what made these chapters so great tbh: the fact Arianne is stopping being one of the Kardashians and developing an actual conscience thinking about consequences and focusing on helping and listening to her father that's been playing the game of thrones for decades. that's great character development right there.
I think maybe George reminds us of the Princes in the tower as he's setting up his own Perkin Warbeck in Faegon - a pretender groomed to be king by nobles who was supposedly one of the two lost Princes but revealed as false.
What is the deal with Arianne's friends sounding like horses? There's Drey (dray), Garin (garron), and Spotted Sylva just sounds like something you would name a cute dapple or something. Every time those three come up it sounds to me like Arianne is just a child who misses her favourite pets. Weird.
That's just a great point! Don't know if there's anything to it than perhaps Arianne just being a bit of a vapid "mean girl", with her little "pets", kind of showcasing how empty-headed and immature she used to be.
This comment was made five years ago, so before the fandom discovered that Drogo, Lyanna Stark and Tyrek Lannister are all horses. Truly a visionary post!
Imo PJ is too deep into the whole Doran sceming. I dont believe for a second that he is faking his goodbye or trying to manipulate Arianne into being his pawn. Doran didnt choose Arianne to send her away, he sent her because he won her trust! With Oberyn dead and Quentyn gone he HAS to start relying on Arianne due being physically very limited (and probably not having many years left to live). And she is his oldest child and the heir to Dorne, once again he HAS to start trusting her with some power. The actions Doran takes are to TEACH Arianne what it means to be a leader, not to manipulate her into doing his bidding. Doran won her trust and loyalty by letting her ill adviced rebellion play out and made her more cautious and wary in the process. And the strange choices of companions have also their reason: Elia is very obviously in the party to keep Arianne cautious by showing her first hand how dangerous a stubborn, reckless companion (like Arianne used to be herself) can be. And Daemon is a guy who Arianne can't seduce (unlike Arys) but who still loves her enough to readily die for her and who probably is also jealous enough to keep Arianne from getting entangled in a romantic realtion (which is important since "pretty boys" have always been a weakness of Arianne, as we learn later in this chapter). He's the perfect shield really. And I'm sure Arianne not knowing the rest of the party is supposed to keep her judgement clear from emotions and to keep her mind on the mission. The whole party is literally designed to keep Arianne cautious, thoughtful, objective and focused which are the exact qualities that Doran values! This shows that this mission IS important to Doran and he is trying to set Arianne up to make the right decision! This isnt some weird distraction in an overcomplicated master plan. And as for why there are no more highborn nobles in the party: I think it's simply to avoid giving the invaders more valuable hostages. Notice how the Dornish armies in the passes are not comanded by Martells. So if things go really south and Arianne ends up imprisoned, the other Dornish lords are still free to act without having a family member held hostage. Also, Arianne doesnt have to impress Connington with a glamourous entourage, she is the heir of Dorne and Connington is the one who wants support from the Martells not the other way around. And yes, it is a very risky mission to send your daughter and heir but who else could Doran have sent? Clearly not the Sandsnakes. It's also too delicate to send someone of another house. It had to be Arianne. Thx for reading this overly long comment and have a nice day xD
Little known fact: If Preston Jacobs had an advance copy of TWOW, and did multi-part videos in this style for every chapter at his current rate, he would spoil the entire book.
For about the last year I've impatiently waited for pretty much every video you put out. This particular series even moreso. Can't wait to see what happens in Dorne. You da real MVP
I love these videos. I'm a Go t fanatic like most of you guys and this is such a great release. Preston breaks down the story I such an intelligent and fun way.
Lol, you're correcting that and not his egregious abomination of 'Arianne'? Priorities i guess. "Airy-ann" or "Arry-ann". I have no idea where Preston's getting the 'UH'.
"Why should Doran believe in her?" Uh maybe because he wants to leave Dorne to her? Because for all her mistakes, she is still his first born and only daughter and he wants to give her another chance to prove herself now that she is in the loop of the Dornish Master Plan? The Quentin quest seemed designed to tie down the Yronwood's scheming, while Young Griff and the Golden Company seem to have taken Doran by surprise, Tristan is too young and inexperienced to go out, so that leaves Arianne, her companions are people of no consequence in the event of betrayal from without and from within, they are also people the Golden Company can sympathize with since they themselves are descendants of bastards and exiles. I won't go so far as to claim Doran has deniability in the event their plan fails or is found out, given that Arianne is involved unless Doran in some twisted way makes her the fall person in the event of failure with her past scheming as proof. Arianne's inner monologue shows that at most she's now wholly committed to her father's plan or at least realizes how stupid her plan was to try to crown Myrcella at the time. How Arianne can prove one way or another Young Griff's identity is a mystery since he was a baby when he supposedly died at Kings Landing, at best this mission seems aimed at co-opting the Golden Company while a Dornish Army camps on the border or makes a move towards Blackhaven or Summerhall for a possible linkup
PJ i like your discussion of the books and the way you analyse events and dialogue. I re-read the 5 books in chain fashion, when i finish book 5 i start over with book 1 - and get a little bit more from each reading - but I don't make the same interpretations you can, they are interesting and insightful.
I would love to see the faces of characters like doran and arianne who are obsessed with the petty game of thrones, when they see the Others with their own eyes.
Yes yes yes yes! Was eagerly waiting for this. Since TWOW won't come any time soon, your videos on it are my only consolation. Thank you! Please hurry with the next one lol... and I hope you're enjoying married life! :)
The more and more I think about it, and believe me have given it a ton of thought. I believe that Doran is using his children and family as sacrificial pawns or cyvasse pieces to politically cripple his top adversaries such as Dany and Aegon and Cersei. So he sends his children in the guise of good will to them, but secretly set them up to fail, so that he can blame their deaths on his adversaries while at the same time gaining crucial inside info about them. That seems to be Doran's game to some extent. Rather than campaign for allies, Doran is sending concealed poison ( quentyn & ari, the Sandsnakes etc) to destroy their operation from the inside.
Preston can it be the Doran is so ice cold he was willing to use his son quentyn as a decoy on a doomed mission to make the yronwoods think they were involved in the "Dornish master plan" when in reality Doran was planning something without them out of fear the yronwoods would try and claim Dorne
Preston - Can you do a video (or series) on ancient structures in Westeros and their original purpose? Your comment about Stormsend being a power plant really got some light bulbs going off in my head. It would be a nice follow up series to your bigger pictures videos. Perhaps name it the Biggerer Pictures series?
Preston, quick question: Here, you say that house Santagar isn't a close ally of the Martells, but in your `What you are missing` video 2.something you actually say that it would be comically incompetent of Doran to not have the King's Landing master-at-arms (Aaron Santagar, IIRC) on his payroll. What's up with that? Is this just because he's a well positioned dornishmen? Or - given the friendship between Arianne and Sylva and the fact that Aaron Santagar was on Doran's payroll - we should rethink the relationship between House Martell and House Santagar?
hooray, new vid! I hope this time you discuss the glaring discrepancy (blunder?) of Doran sending his daughter to a war-torn region, where she is becoming a hostage of his potential enemies. I don't think you discussed this much in deeper Dorne...
i think this is one of George RR Martin's many homages at 3:30 the protagonists of Frank Herbert's DUNE were a desert world people who dare not waste a tear :P
Given the similarity in names, do you think Arianne has any connection to the mythical Ariadne? I couldn't find any threads (hihi), but i wanted your opinion
I disagree that Doran standing is ridiculous. It's not as if he is paralyzed at some point in his spinal column, and love overcame a disability. It is more likely that he hurts to stand and experiences weakness; I have seen people that use wheelchairs regularly get up to walk short distances, usually with walkers or holding onto furniture. They can do it for short periods, but only when necessary, and some days are easier than others. It is perfectly fine as a symbolic gesture.
Hey Preston, have you ever considered doing a "quick hits"-esque video? Like a compilation of ideas or theories that aren't expansive enough to make a full video about
Main reason I'm looking forward to season 7 is Preston's his videos. I won't actually watch the series but even Sir of Summerchild from Summerfeld is more fun than that plot.
It just still hurts so much they did Doran dirty like that in the show. Like just reading that passage about him struggling to get up. It's so dumb that instead of layered complexity that is actually easy to understand we got generic, "Oh lookie plot twist!!!"
Very interesting, I kind of like how History of Westeros did to explain why Daemon Sand and Elia Sand was sent on the mission. Daemon is among the best warriors having been the Red Viper's squire and he loves Daemon, he would fight to defend her from all possible harm. As for Elia, the duel reason why she was sent was to be a wild child so that Arianne will come to learn how it is to deal with a wild young girl like she was for her father and since she is a great warrior on horse it is to reinforcement the idea that a woman could be great on horse to support that Lyanna Stark was the Knight of the Laughing Tree.
I've forgotten, is Doran Martell working with the Iron Bank in his overarching scheme? Is Doran's wife working with him in his master plan? Could Mellario actually be in Braavos spying on the Iron Bank?
Was doing some genealogy work while listening to your videos. Imagine my surprise that I am looking at my 17x great grandfather's siblings and see "Richard Neville 'Kingmaker'" on the list just as you say his name. Naturally, you peaked my interest. What else can you tell me about him?
Hey Preston, I've been going back thru the books thinking on your theories. I really like most of what you have to say about werewoods and the children and sweet Robin. I was just curious what you have to say about other werewood un-planted throughout the story like sweet robin's throne; such as the chairs in house of black and white, the table in the white tower, and blood ravens bow. if a throne is enough of the werewood when uprooted to have children's souls in it, would the same be true of these other objects?
Ahh Preston, your comments about Richard III are based upon the play, it was never actually confirmed as to whether he did lock the prince's in the tower, but historians doubt it
lilnako i was half expecting an April Fools version from PJ. then "someone" did a in depth anal...ahem...ysis on a GOT porn parody( i guess as a joke) and i thanked the Many faced God that Preston isnt a hack.
If Doran does not trust either of his children , his brother is dead, then there is big flaw in his plans - himself , he is very fragile and might die before any of his plan reach their destinations. He need to confine to someone in order to preserve the final destination Plus , why he does not trust Arianne ? asmentionedin your own Dorne videos , he tried to make Arrine rebelious so now because she did what he manipulated her to do , she is not trustworthy ?
George really likes his "seven" in Dorne. Ned brought seven to the ToJ even though no one in Dorne (or the North for that matter) seem all that Faith of the Seven aligned.
I had assumed that Oakhart had tipped off the plot so he could get himself killed in the confusion to hide the knowledge of Rosamund. He seemed so fixated on how his being knowledge endangered Myrcella. i can't work out how he would know to wear his cloak if he didn't help plan the ambush in some way.
yeah seriously do a recap cause i cant keep track of what the hell is going on at the end of feast and dance. what was the fan compilation stories that made sense of it all i know you have that on reference
I like how most of the commenters here are sarcastic and snarky to eachother instead of raging out and being dicks. Brings me great joy As Margery Antoinette said, "Let them eat Frey."
I find it interesting that Quentin and the Yronwoods, who historically have been blackfyre supporters are sent to Dany, while Arianne, the Martell supporters, and a potential descendant of Rhaenys, Ellia Sand, are sent to Aegon, who is most likely a blackfyre.
Surely the reason why Arianne has a relatively small and undramatic party with her, is that Doran wants her presence to go largely unnoticed, he certainly doesn't want to make a big show of it; when Oberyn went to King's Landing the opposite was true it was intended to be a show of force. Doran has assigned people to travel with her who are relatively trustworthy, but who still have noticeable pedigree so would not be interpreted as an obvious insult to fake Aegon. If there were major nobles from key Dornish houses in the party, then the risk of information getting out would be far greater. The Dornish are still feeling him out, the party seems completely in character with his cautious but open minded nature.
What role do you think Sylva Santagar has in Doran's plans? Obviously if she's on Greenstone it has something to do with investigating Robert's heritage.
Absolutely Drey is the source of the leak but I think there's a good chance that the younger brother caught wind of the plan and informed Doran without Drey's knowledge. Drey seems to have received the lightest punishment of the bunch and Doran later names the brother as his favorite among the children. The only child mentioned by name iirc.
I know. It screams of either a learning disability, or an inflated sense-of-self, i.e., "I will pronounce 'John' as 'Jone', because my mouth can do this, so I can".
They aren't traveling on the Queen Mary. They are SAILING. You don't know the winds, tides or currents of the Dornish coast. Maybe it would of been much slower to leave from Planky Town (and much more public) or Sunspear (not a port). By leaving from Ghost Town they avoid the Stepstones and the pirates that patrol them. Seems very prudent.
preston since the ASOIAF storyline has changed a couple times when do you think the Aegon plot was added? do you think it was before or after the release of AGOT (book) since Illyrio and Varys were talking about a Targaryen across the sea in AGOT
Possibly, but in Arianne's group all the other members are salty dornish and of relative vicinity to Sunspear, while Darkstar, a Dayne, is the outsider. And queenmaking on principle would have greater support among the salty dornish, while the stony tend to prefer agnatic succession.
Doran obviously stood up because he was trying to open Arianne's telekinesis powers.
That's why he trapped her in the tower and only gave her reidiculously boring books to read. It's all part of his plan to deprive her senses in order to awaken her telekinetic powers.
"We don't know where a bunch of important people are at the moment." So true.
In the wake of the upcoming (ha!) release of Winds of Winter, it would be great to have a video which summarizes for all the major characters where they are (and in what state) at the end of Dance with Dragons. It's been years since I read the books, and I'd greatly appreciate a refresh on everybody's whereabouts, especially since the TV show has planted extra memories which are not book canon.
Doktor Cool right!
yes please.
If you are still hyped for Winds of Winters read the books again yourself!
@@MrSnowParty i have read them recently, but some people dont have time to do so
wow i didnt realize how old this comment was at first
You misunderstand gout if you think Doran standing is a special overcoming of a disability. It's not a paralyzing affliction, just a ridiculously painful one. It's entirely possible to stand and walk with it, you just feel like you're grinding glass into the afflicted joint(s).
bob513993 every god damned day
Yeah it’s gout, not polio lol. I feel for Doran though; I always want to believe he’ll figure out a dietary solution to his gout.
Thanks, was just coming to say this 😄 lol
I already know I'm going to love this!
Do you sometimes get the feeling that Doran just thought: "Ok, my kids are not nearly smart enough to be part of this and the sand snakes don't help either, so I'll just send them all on silly errands and get them out of the way..."?
except for trystane
Well folks, lube up because it looks like we're going to go even deeper into Dorne! ;-)
We're probably raping body cavity at this point.
Not deep enough
Leaving by boat from Sunspear would have entailed travelling around the arm of Dorne, through the Stepstones, which is problematic due to the recent surge in piracy. Leaving from the north side of Dorne avoids that.
I've just thought of a reason why Quentyn didn't bring any ravens. He was posing as a wine merchant. Only lords and the citadel have access to ravens
Also might be becaue a raven would have a hard time crossing the narrow sea.
It's not only lords that have ravens if you have enough money to have axis to masters acalites at the citadel often read and write letters, heal wounds ect
Getting a mission from Doran that is critical for the future of Dorne seems to be a sure-fire way to die a gruesome, horrible death. Oberyn was crushed by a Mountain, Quentin was roasted by a dragon. I think Arianne will drown in the sea.
Nathan Jessep Unless Quentyn didn‘t die...
@LeadFaun What is dead may never die?
@LeadFaun Oof, a fate WORSE than death...
More likely to be squashed by an elephant.
The actual story of the "Princes in the Tower" is a little more interesting than what you described - and even more "Game Of Thrones" in many ways.
The generally accepted story is that Richard III imprisoned and executed his nephews in 1483, in order that he might become king. Simple and uncomplicated, immortalised by the bard a century later, and suffering from some seriously gaping plot holes.
The biggest plot hole is that their mother, Elizabeth Woodville, wrote a letter to Henry VII in 1486 - the year after Richard III's death at Bosworth - discussing her sons' welfare and her desire to see them. Even if the two boys were already dead by the time the letter was sent, the fact that it was sent means that they were still alive around the time of Henry's coronation in October 1485. This means two things: firstly, Richard III cannot have ordered their murders since he was already dead; and secondly, that by the time the princes died there was only one person had any reason to want them dead: their new brother-in-law Henry Tudor.
Richard III became king when Edward V was deposed - against Richard's wishes - by claims that Edward, his elder sister Elizabeth of York, and his younger brother Richard of Shrewsbury, weren't the true-born children and heirs of Edward IV. (Basically, the claim was the Elizabeth Woodville was a slut, and Edward IV was a cuckold.) This worked in Henry Tudor's favour at the time - it meant that the king was someone he could meet and kill on the battlefield, and this is precisely what happened.
Following Richard's death at Bosworth, Henry faced an uncomfortable political reality: England was more deeply divided than at any time since the Anarchy - the decades-long civil war the split the country during the mid-12th century. In order to heal the rift, he decided to unite the Houses of York and Lancaster under the new Tudor dynasty by marrying Elizabeth of York; this unity was symbolised in the Tudor Rose, which has the white rose of York contained within the red rose of Lancaster. As a political move it made a lot of sense, since Elizabeth's claim to the throne was considerably stronger than Henry's, but it had one key flaw: her claim was only stronger than his if she was legitimate, and legitimising her meant legitimising her brothers as well, and reasserting their even stronger claims to the throne (yay sexism!). So Henry had the princes imprisoned and executed, then made it appear as if Richard III had done it years earlier, successfully turning one of England's most competent monarchs into one of its most reviled ones, while simultaneously strengthening his own popularity as the king who brought peace after over a century of war.
Every king or queen of England since then (including Willem van Oranje) has been a descendant of Henry VII, which means their claims to the English throne continue to be dependent upon Richard III's disgrace. This political reality is why Shakespeare's plays portray Richard III as a deformed and evil creature: they were written by a man whose patron, Elizabeth I, was the granddaughter of Henry VII and, like most monarchs of the period, she had the habit of beheading, hanging or burning at the stake anyone she didn't much like. If Shakespeare had told the truth in his plays about Richard and Henry, he would have ended his days dangling from the end of the hangman's noose.
I really enjoyed this comment. Thank you.
Thanks for that comment! Have you read Josephine Tey's "The Daughter of Time"?
It's somewhere in my to-be-read pile.
oh my gods, thank you! thank you!
I thought Edward IV's children were considred illegitimate because he had married someone despite being betrothed to someone else (like Robb Stark), and that that was the argument Richard III used to usurp the throne.
I watch your Dorne related videos while asking to myself "wth Doran wants??" and I only get more questions, love it
you haven't touched on what made these chapters so great tbh: the fact Arianne is stopping being one of the Kardashians and developing an actual conscience thinking about consequences and focusing on helping and listening to her father that's been playing the game of thrones for decades.
that's great character development right there.
I think maybe George reminds us of the Princes in the tower as he's setting up his own Perkin Warbeck in Faegon - a pretender groomed to be king by nobles who was supposedly one of the two lost Princes but revealed as false.
Damn, nice spot.
It is revealed that Aegon is son of Tyrion and Cersei, who eated Tyrion's semen in her childhood
What is the deal with Arianne's friends sounding like horses? There's Drey (dray), Garin (garron), and Spotted Sylva just sounds like something you would name a cute dapple or something. Every time those three come up it sounds to me like Arianne is just a child who misses her favourite pets. Weird.
That's just a great point! Don't know if there's anything to it than perhaps Arianne just being a bit of a vapid "mean girl", with her little "pets", kind of showcasing how empty-headed and immature she used to be.
This comment was made five years ago, so before the fandom discovered that Drogo, Lyanna Stark and Tyrek Lannister are all horses. Truly a visionary post!
@@shinjinobraveExcepting that Arienne has met none of these ppl, so you're randomly sperging out on some Glidus theory...
@@masonrockwood7732it's obviously a joke...
Imo PJ is too deep into the whole Doran sceming. I dont believe for a second that he is faking his goodbye or trying to manipulate Arianne into being his pawn.
Doran didnt choose Arianne to send her away, he sent her because he won her trust! With Oberyn dead and Quentyn gone he HAS to start relying on Arianne due being physically very limited (and probably not having many years left to live). And she is his oldest child and the heir to Dorne, once again he HAS to start trusting her with some power.
The actions Doran takes are to TEACH Arianne what it means to be a leader, not to manipulate her into doing his bidding.
Doran won her trust and loyalty by letting her ill adviced rebellion play out and made her more cautious and wary in the process. And the strange choices of companions have also their reason:
Elia is very obviously in the party to keep Arianne cautious by showing her first hand how dangerous a stubborn, reckless companion (like Arianne used to be herself) can be. And Daemon is a guy who Arianne can't seduce (unlike Arys) but who still loves her enough to readily die for her and who probably is also jealous enough to keep Arianne from getting entangled in a romantic realtion (which is important since "pretty boys" have always been a weakness of Arianne, as we learn later in this chapter). He's the perfect shield really.
And I'm sure Arianne not knowing the rest of the party is supposed to keep her judgement clear from emotions and to keep her mind on the mission.
The whole party is literally designed to keep Arianne cautious, thoughtful, objective and focused which are the exact qualities that Doran values! This shows that this mission IS important to Doran and he is trying to set Arianne up to make the right decision! This isnt some weird distraction in an overcomplicated master plan.
And as for why there are no more highborn nobles in the party: I think it's simply to avoid giving the invaders more valuable hostages. Notice how the Dornish armies in the passes are not comanded by Martells. So if things go really south and Arianne ends up imprisoned, the other Dornish lords are still free to act without having a family member held hostage.
Also, Arianne doesnt have to impress Connington with a glamourous entourage, she is the heir of Dorne and Connington is the one who wants support from the Martells not the other way around.
And yes, it is a very risky mission to send your daughter and heir but who else could Doran have sent? Clearly not the Sandsnakes. It's also too delicate to send someone of another house. It had to be Arianne.
Thx for reading this overly long comment and have a nice day xD
like and then watched. this has been the order so far, and through all your videos, you never disappoint Preston.
Little known fact: If Preston Jacobs had an advance copy of TWOW, and did multi-part videos in this style for every chapter at his current rate, he would spoil the entire book.
For about the last year I've impatiently waited for pretty much every video you put out. This particular series even moreso. Can't wait to see what happens in Dorne. You da real MVP
Ah good; I came into work on a Sunday and need a good excuse to not actually work. This is objectively the best.
For God's sake Preston, I was just about to go to sleep.
Was watching another ASOIAF youtuber when I got the notification for this video. Others can wait. Preston can't.
I said to myself earlier, "I bet you he'll upload the Arianne vid today." Been looking forward to this series.
cmon cmon, i cant wait for the next video. your stuff is so addicting preston, i love it
I love these videos. I'm a Go t fanatic like most of you guys and this is such a great release. Preston breaks down the story I such an intelligent and fun way.
I’m trying to listen to this while I nap and now I’m laughing at doran’s voice
Another great one, been looking forward to this!
Buuuut its pronounced Warrick, the second W is silent. I don't know why either.
Lol, you're correcting that and not his egregious abomination of 'Arianne'? Priorities i guess.
"Airy-ann" or "Arry-ann". I have no idea where Preston's getting the 'UH'.
this chapter was deceptively good. I paid it no mind until recently.
Preston takes 0 prisoners
"Why should Doran believe in her?" Uh maybe because he wants to leave Dorne to her? Because for all her mistakes, she is still his first born and only daughter and he wants to give her another chance to prove herself now that she is in the loop of the Dornish Master Plan? The Quentin quest seemed designed to tie down the Yronwood's scheming, while Young Griff and the Golden Company seem to have taken Doran by surprise, Tristan is too young and inexperienced to go out, so that leaves Arianne, her companions are people of no consequence in the event of betrayal from without and from within, they are also people the Golden Company can sympathize with since they themselves are descendants of bastards and exiles. I won't go so far as to claim Doran has deniability in the event their plan fails or is found out, given that Arianne is involved unless Doran in some twisted way makes her the fall person in the event of failure with her past scheming as proof. Arianne's inner monologue shows that at most she's now wholly committed to her father's plan or at least realizes how stupid her plan was to try to crown Myrcella at the time. How Arianne can prove one way or another Young Griff's identity is a mystery since he was a baby when he supposedly died at Kings Landing, at best this mission seems aimed at co-opting the Golden Company while a Dornish Army camps on the border or makes a move towards Blackhaven or Summerhall for a possible linkup
Very cool! Thank you for doing these readings and analysis. I really love it and appreciate it! Good job!
this uploaded at the perfect time. bed time.. yay!
LOVE this video. the deep analysis of Doran is always exciting.
PJ i like your discussion of the books and the way you analyse events and dialogue. I re-read the 5 books in chain fashion, when i finish book 5 i start over with book 1 - and get a little bit more from each reading - but I don't make the same interpretations you can, they are interesting and insightful.
I would love to see the faces of characters like doran and arianne who are obsessed with the petty game of thrones, when they see the Others with their own eyes.
I was going to start a coup and seize power in my country, but a new P.Jacobs video is out and I have my priorities.
The last time I was this early, Quentyn was alive.
Next time you are this early, he'll still be alive.
Quentyn will live
@@darylchurch2115 how so ?
@@thewanderingartists If the book that confirms his death never comes out, he's technically alive.
@@DzinkyDzink hahahaha that's a nice reason.
Yes yes yes yes! Was eagerly waiting for this. Since TWOW won't come any time soon, your videos on it are my only consolation.
Thank you! Please hurry with the next one lol... and I hope you're enjoying married life! :)
His disability Is gout; it's not like Doren is overcoming paralysis. He should just be in extreme pain, but he's probably high on milk of the poppy.
Hotel dorne
Where you can never leave
The Dornish plot is my favourite and you make it so intriguing!
alright Preston. we back on that grind. I like this
The more and more I think about it, and believe me have given it a ton of thought. I believe that Doran is using his children and family as sacrificial pawns or cyvasse pieces to politically cripple his top adversaries such as Dany and Aegon and Cersei.
So he sends his children in the guise of good will to them, but secretly set them up to fail, so that he can blame their deaths on his adversaries while at the same time gaining crucial inside info about them. That seems to be Doran's game to some extent. Rather than campaign for allies, Doran is sending concealed poison ( quentyn & ari, the Sandsnakes etc) to destroy their operation from the inside.
You can pronounce Arianne however you'd like. Go for it.
But you can't pronounce the second "W" in Warwick. That's not okay.
What the Fuck, England X)
Preston can it be the Doran is so ice cold he was willing to use his son quentyn as a decoy on a doomed mission to make the yronwoods think they were involved in the "Dornish master plan" when in reality Doran was planning something without them out of fear the yronwoods would try and claim Dorne
Preston - Can you do a video (or series) on ancient structures in Westeros and their original purpose? Your comment about Stormsend being a power plant really got some light bulbs going off in my head. It would be a nice follow up series to your bigger pictures videos. Perhaps name it the Biggerer Pictures series?
The question, Preston, is WHY
Preston, quick question:
Here, you say that house Santagar isn't a close ally of the Martells, but in your `What you are missing` video 2.something you actually say that it would be comically incompetent of Doran to not have the King's Landing master-at-arms (Aaron Santagar, IIRC) on his payroll.
What's up with that? Is this just because he's a well positioned dornishmen? Or - given the friendship between Arianne and Sylva and the fact that Aaron Santagar was on Doran's payroll - we should rethink the relationship between House Martell and House Santagar?
Petre Fugaciu He said he changed his mind about Santagar, and frankly, so have I.
bastard DireCrow Santagar was Master-at-arms during Robert's and Joffrey' reign(until the Riot of King's Landing), not Tommen's.
Petre Fugaciu he also said it in the little finger debt scheme videos
hooray, new vid!
I hope this time you discuss the glaring discrepancy (blunder?) of Doran sending his daughter to a war-torn region, where she is becoming a hostage of his potential enemies. I don't think you discussed this much in deeper Dorne...
Preston you spoil us rotten
You could make hour long videos and I would watch every single one.
I thought the group with Quentin is also seven. Dany was going to be the seventh and seven is the holy number. Like Myrcella is the seventh.
Myrcella is the seventh what?
i think this is one of George RR Martin's many homages at 3:30 the protagonists of Frank Herbert's DUNE were a desert world people who dare not waste a tear :P
Given the similarity in names, do you think Arianne has any connection to the mythical Ariadne? I couldn't find any threads (hihi), but i wanted your opinion
I disagree that Doran standing is ridiculous. It's not as if he is paralyzed at some point in his spinal column, and love overcame a disability. It is more likely that he hurts to stand and experiences weakness; I have seen people that use wheelchairs regularly get up to walk short distances, usually with walkers or holding onto furniture. They can do it for short periods, but only when necessary, and some days are easier than others. It is perfectly fine as a symbolic gesture.
Hey Preston, have you ever considered doing a "quick hits"-esque video? Like a compilation of ideas or theories that aren't expansive enough to make a full video about
cant wait for season 7 watch, awesome vid preston
jack marcucci I swear, I wouldn't be able to watch the show if it wasn't for Preston's after-show skits.
The show is bad, m'kay and we shouldn't watch it.
Main reason I'm looking forward to season 7 is Preston's his videos. I won't actually watch the series but even Sir of Summerchild from Summerfeld is more fun than that plot.
Elia is there to be the Lyanna Stark to Arianne's Elia Martell.
" and they are calling it a Game of Bones" XD
thanks for the upload!
Oh, noes! Are those lemons on House Dalt's shield? And on a purple (for treacherous amethysts) background?
Elephants take huge poops that can be used for fire fuel. Yummy S'mores! Thanks Big Guy.
It just still hurts so much they did Doran dirty like that in the show. Like just reading that passage about him struggling to get up. It's so dumb that instead of layered complexity that is actually easy to understand we got generic, "Oh lookie plot twist!!!"
Very interesting, I kind of like how History of Westeros did to explain why Daemon Sand and Elia Sand was sent on the mission. Daemon is among the best warriors having been the Red Viper's squire and he loves Daemon, he would fight to defend her from all possible harm. As for Elia, the duel reason why she was sent was to be a wild child so that Arianne will come to learn how it is to deal with a wild young girl like she was for her father and since she is a great warrior on horse it is to reinforcement the idea that a woman could be great on horse to support that Lyanna Stark was the Knight of the Laughing Tree.
I've forgotten, is Doran Martell working with the Iron Bank in his overarching scheme? Is Doran's wife working with him in his master plan? Could Mellario actually be in Braavos spying on the Iron Bank?
Time for my dose of telepathy and glamouring, thank you Preston!
Can I make the point that none of arianne companions will be able to tell if he truly Aegon or Jon con
so hyped that I came early...
I swear this is the first time.
Was doing some genealogy work while listening to your videos. Imagine my surprise that I am looking at my 17x great grandfather's siblings and see "Richard Neville 'Kingmaker'" on the list just as you say his name. Naturally, you peaked my interest. What else can you tell me about him?
Arianne always surprised me with how naive she is
I needed this
You would not want to piss off a family that got one of there own so close to the king.
Hey Preston, I've been going back thru the books thinking on your theories. I really like most of what you have to say about werewoods and the children and sweet Robin. I was just curious what you have to say about other werewood un-planted throughout the story like sweet robin's throne; such as the chairs in house of black and white, the table in the white tower, and blood ravens bow. if a throne is enough of the werewood when uprooted to have children's souls in it, would the same be true of these other objects?
Ah. That's the Shakespeare pro-Tudor version of events. Alas, Poor -Yorr- Richard.
AeroDoe heh
Cant wait for the rest! :D
Thank You Preston
Its depressing this prepping for winter video is 2 years old with no more winter in sight
Ahh Preston, your comments about Richard III are based upon the play, it was never actually confirmed as to whether he did lock the prince's in the tower, but historians doubt it
May I ask *why* you pronounce it "Ari-ah-na", instead of "Ari-anne". Do you pronounce the name "Anne" as "Ahna"?
Exactly lmao
This guy knows too much about this story to pronounce so many names and cities wrong I think he does it on purpose.
@@coldhands2802 He could be trollin, it's true haha. Just baffles me
He HAS to be..
I thank you sincerely for not doing a video for the stupid trailer
lilnako i was half expecting an April Fools version from PJ. then "someone" did a in depth anal...ahem...ysis on a GOT porn parody( i guess as a joke) and i thanked the Many faced God that Preston isnt a hack.
Oh God.. I'm right there with you.. Seriously, Wtf are people reviewing in regards to that , lol ?
korky94 It was Alt Shift X that did a video on that and after I saw it, he fell lower in my eyes than ever before.
Oh come on, I thought the Game of Bones "theory" was hilarious. I really liked it.
Agreed, it was a hilarious April Fool's video. Not everything in ASOIAF needs to be super cereal.
Hey just found your channel and it’s great
you said you ending this because it's 20 min... I'm like give me 20 more mins... haha this was just getting good
If Doran does not trust either of his children , his brother is dead, then there is big flaw in his plans - himself , he is very fragile and might die before any of his plan reach their destinations.
He need to confine to someone in order to preserve the final destination
Plus , why he does not trust Arianne ? asmentionedin your own Dorne videos , he tried to make Arrine rebelious so now because she did what he manipulated her to do , she is not trustworthy ?
I think he trusts Arianne to act like Arianne.
Itai Peer He acts like Arianne because he wants to marry Aegon and have deformed babies with him, that's his big secret
He has another son
the 2nd son is still young , and bethorded to Lanister bastard
George really likes his "seven" in Dorne. Ned brought seven to the ToJ even though no one in Dorne (or the North for that matter) seem all that Faith of the Seven aligned.
I had assumed that Oakhart had tipped off the plot so he could get himself killed in the confusion to hide the knowledge of Rosamund. He seemed so fixated on how his being knowledge endangered Myrcella. i can't work out how he would know to wear his cloak if he didn't help plan the ambush in some way.
yeah seriously do a recap cause i cant keep track of what the hell is going on at the end of feast and dance. what was the fan compilation stories that made sense of it all i know you have that on reference
I like how most of the commenters here are sarcastic and snarky to eachother instead of raging out and being dicks. Brings me great joy
As Margery Antoinette said, "Let them eat Frey."
I find it interesting that Quentin and the Yronwoods, who historically have been blackfyre supporters are sent to Dany, while Arianne, the Martell supporters, and a potential descendant of Rhaenys, Ellia Sand, are sent to Aegon, who is most likely a blackfyre.
You mentioned who starred in North by Northwest, but not who made it?
Surely the reason why Arianne has a relatively small and undramatic party with her, is that Doran wants her presence to go largely unnoticed, he certainly doesn't want to make a big show of it; when Oberyn went to King's Landing the opposite was true it was intended to be a show of force. Doran has assigned people to travel with her who are relatively trustworthy, but who still have noticeable pedigree so would not be interpreted as an obvious insult to fake Aegon. If there were major nobles from key Dornish houses in the party, then the risk of information getting out would be far greater. The Dornish are still feeling him out, the party seems completely in character with his cautious but open minded nature.
What role do you think Sylva Santagar has in Doran's plans? Obviously if she's on Greenstone it has something to do with investigating Robert's heritage.
Absolutely Drey is the source of the leak but I think there's a good chance that the younger brother caught wind of the plan and informed Doran without Drey's knowledge. Drey seems to have received the lightest punishment of the bunch and Doran later names the brother as his favorite among the children. The only child mentioned by name iirc.
boom! preston time!
R-E--ANNE = Arianne
It's Arrianne. Not arianna.
I know. It screams of either a learning disability, or an inflated sense-of-self, i.e., "I will pronounce 'John' as 'Jone', because my mouth can do this, so I can".
Haha exactly. I'm also seeing many porn stars.
@@made-line7627 I stopped watching porn when I was 12 sorry #NiceGuys
@@artie5o6 Haha fair deuce
They aren't traveling on the Queen Mary. They are SAILING. You don't know the winds, tides or currents of the Dornish coast. Maybe it would of been much slower to leave from Planky Town (and much more public) or Sunspear (not a port). By leaving from Ghost Town they avoid the Stepstones and the pirates that patrol them. Seems very prudent.
preston since the ASOIAF storyline has changed a couple times when do you think the Aegon plot was added? do you think it was before or after the release of AGOT (book) since Illyrio and Varys were talking about a Targaryen across the sea in AGOT
How is sylva stony dornish? spotswood is at the tip of the broken arm, literally the point furthest from the mountains in all of dorne
We don't know where Spotswood is, but Silvia has freckles. The Stoney dornish are described as freckled.
Possibly, but in Arianne's group all the other members are salty dornish and of relative vicinity to Sunspear, while Darkstar, a Dayne, is the outsider. And queenmaking on principle would have greater support among the salty dornish, while the stony tend to prefer agnatic succession.
Maybe we should call you "Preston-ana".