Very cool! I’ve never heard of this I’ve only tried the eyeshadow trick. I have black hair so This probably wouldn’t work but I did see a slight tint of darker hair !
The Santhouse House so I saw it on tik tok and tried it out it’s def not that great of a hack but it does work. You use foundation to lighten a chunk of your hair and then whatever eyeshadow you pat on your hair to act as like a hair chalk. Tried it out for fun but not exactly that great 😂
Logan just dyed his hair orange and green. He bleached it first so it’s crazy. You should do it!!
Oh my. Hahaha.
Very cool! I’ve never heard of this I’ve only tried the eyeshadow trick. I have black hair so This probably wouldn’t work but I did see a slight tint of darker hair !
Yeah I’m hoping to try it again sometime and do it a little differently. What’s the eyeshadow trick??
The Santhouse House so I saw it on tik tok and tried it out it’s def not that great of a hack but it does work. You use foundation to lighten a chunk of your hair and then whatever eyeshadow you pat on your hair to act as like a hair chalk. Tried it out for fun but not exactly that great 😂
Sounds messy! Not that what I did wasn’t messy. 😂
You should try kool-aid. My sister did they once ...
Never heard of that! Is there a reason she only did it once? 🧐