I love disaster movies but what upset me here was that Clarke was hyped up throughout the whole movie and all we got a 3 sec glimpse of the damage. I wanted to see a least a minute of all it’s destruction throughout the world, cmon
You are not wrong. If you watch the trailer for this movie, there is a shot of the asteroid hitting earth without that 'satalite view'. But, thinking about it, it wouldn't necessarily flow with the movie. Everything that happens in this movie is from the POV of a character in it. There are no omnipresent shots, so it makes sense that they went with the satellite view though I would have appreciated seeing the actual impact.
Something I really like about this scene is how, not once, did the soldiers ask for proof of their lottery or their bracelets. The soldiers took time to get to them, grabbed them, and ran. At that point, they didn't care about a damned lottery, they just cared about saving those lives. Physics not withstanding, it was a good scene.
That’s how I think our military would actually behave in the last minute. Plus don’t forget all the ones who would have knowingly sacrificed themselves on the surface to make sure those few survivors got there. (I cried at the cargo plane scene for example because my dad flew something very similar during his time in the Air Force and it was too easy to imagine him being killed in action there.)
Also pragmatically there was no way to know how many stations around the world would make it. Each additional random person means that little bit of added genetic diversity which will be called for not for political reasons but to survive.
I felt very sad there, because his neighbor instantly knew he wasn't picked up, not due to lack but most likely due to the job he had, so the MC was giving a rope the neighbor and his family could never take unless they fought for it somehow. The mother trying to make them take their daughter as a last resort was really hard to see.
@@juanjodpr yeah That was like a punch in the gut Most disaster movies make regular people just a background fillers to highlight the heroics of the protagonists and their personal tragedies. This one made me feel sad for nameless characters and I loved it for it
@@westonadams7135 its all about resources, with limited resource, any person is an extra mouth to feed. Until they developed underground greenhouse where they can farm to their desires, and having livestock set where they will continue to multiply and have an massive location to house them and feed them. Its not a the more the merrier situation.
*Meanwhile, 3 kilometers inside the Earth's crust* Halicephalobus mephisto: Hey is it me, or is it a bit warmer today? Extremophile Bacteria: Not that I can tell.
1:02 thats literally spain and poland flying off into space. Forget levelling cities a rock that size would create a new mountain range ON TOP of western europe becayse the earths crust would be upturned.
When they show the world and see the impact zone, you can see there is no Spain or France left, yet you see Paris still on land with crooked Eiffel Tower.
The comet actually impacted somewhere around the Shetland and Faroe islands at 60°13' N, 6°29' W (I spent way too long on map tools trying to find this lmao). The impact crater would be 100km across (all submarine), and the blast would vaporize basically everything on land for roughly 500 km. Almost all of Scotland is now devoid of non-microbial life (sorry, Nessie), and Edinburgh and Glasgow, existing mostly on the fringes of the ring of death, are nothing but smoldering piles of rubble; all that remains of buildings is the now molten steel used to construct them, as concrete is vaporized and all wood is completely burned away in seconds. 1000km away (all of Britain, Ireland, the populated area of Norway, the coast of the Netherlands, and most of European Denmark), anything that doesn't have its foundations firmly in the ground is blown away by the shockwave; all plants exposed to the blast of heat quickly burn or wither away. 3500km away (Newfoundland, Greenland, half of the Barbary Coast and Morocco, and roughly all of Europe, save for the easternmost portions), the glass in most buildings is blown out. Metal structures such as the Eiffel Tower and skyscrapers have their frames mostly intact. Wooden buildings are damaged but not blown away. 5000km away (all of Europe, New England, the Mediterranean, half of Russia, Iraq, Iran, and Kazakhstan, and where about half of Canada lives, and down to the African Sahel) most buildings are unscathed unless they exist near a tectonic boundary, where intense tremors will be triggered (the quakes go for everywhere before the 5000km ring as well). Take all of this with a grain of salt, of course. Paris would definitely not be a half melted wasteland as seen in the movie. As long as you don't live within 1000km of the initial impact zone or near a major waterway that connects to the coast, you'll mostly be fine until the hellfire begins to rain from all the debris shot into the atmosphere by the impact. After you've dealt with the hellfire, you'll likely have to deal with years if not decades of mass famine from the sun being blotted out of the sky. So have fun starving if you didn't get to a bunker! The truth of the dino-killing asteroid is that it really just wiped out much of the flora of the world, causing most animals to die in turn (ya can't eat if the animal you eat isn't breeding anymore). Would humans be stuck underground for centuries, as seen in Fallout? No, obviously, but humanity would struggle to survive for the first 100 or so years after the impact. After that, a mass recolonization of the world would begin. Think of the US manifest destiny period, just with less Natives and more ruins of depopulated cities. I think a continuation of the story presented in this movie could be done through a book series, and I can see it being a success if they keep it relatively realistic without making it boring. Like, they could provide a multi-person narrative. We know that in the end of the movie, the Helsinki and Sydney stations are still alive, so we know that humans did survive in these shelters outside of Greenland. Maybe give us a look at post-apocalypse Europe and China, and have the people of the Greenland station return to a devastated North America. The universe this movie builds could be fleshed out beautifully if they so tried.
The part where they are hugging each other as the shockwave rolls over the bunker is giving me anxiety. The terror and helplessness in that room is palpable. Just hugging your loved ones as everyone around you screams, waiting anxiously to get crushed by rubble or miraculously survive.
Just imagining something like this in real life makes you realize just how easily our society and way of life can be destroyed. Even if somehow a population of humans survived the actual impact, just imagine the struggle of surviving afterwards.
You don’t really have to imagine that hard… last year in the early stages of the pandemic people were ready to stab each other for toilet paper… society is so damn fragile it’s scary.
@@matthew1232k this is true...I remember it was absolutely absurd how fast toilet paper flew off the shelves and if you managed to get a pack of it elsewhere others looked at it like it was gold. I think of that as the first stage of the craziness that is now, but now it seems it's gotten worse because literally ppl who have been friends for a long time can't seem to accept that the other person has a differing opinion from theirs and also they're being conditioned to believe that unvaccinated people are to blame for new variants of covid and whatnot.
@@matthew1232k I agree, society is so fragile and can shatter at the slightest disaster. After seeing what happened last year, I have no doubt that people would literally kill each other in an apocalyptic scenario.
I don't think, there is a big chance of humanity surviving at all. Those who survive the impact may survive some time more in their bunkers. But there is no way they can sustain themselves for a long time. Everything is just gone, there are no plants left to cultivate and harvest, there are no animals left to herd or hunt. Earth will be covered in clouds of ashes for years to come, little to no sunlight will reach its surface. It will be freezingly cold if not next to the lava/magma fields and volcanos triggered by the impact. As sad as it is, I don't think humanity has a chance at survival. We are way too dependant on everything below us on the food chain.
"Where the flashes?" This broke my heart. I broke down. Having your kid look at you and think they are going to die. The kid really did a great job acting as well as the dad and mom.
That's the stupidity of this movie... No one survived, who's gonna hear the message? An ending with no feeling at all... For me the worst disaster movie...
This great film was not only spectacular looking, but had a harrowing family survival story at its core. Butler and Baccarin had great chemistry together!
The masterpiece of this underrated scene is the kid said earlier on in the movie "I think your memories should flash before your eyes while you are alive" and then it showed their memories of the past because instead of dying and experiencing that (which they were close to), they survived and were really going to live :),
@Ocean Man you can hear in the clip at the end that someone via radio is calling out. "Hello, this is Greenland station. Can anyone hear me" That is emplying the station survived thus they did as well. If they didn't no one would of been there to also make the radio call.
@@Nodnarb69 do you have any idea how quickly the chain of command would break down in such a situation? How many would be sneaking their families into bunkers?
From an impact that size all cities within the blast zone are gone. Paris is within the blast zone, and the heat zone. What doest get blown away, burns. Sydney gets taken out by the tsunami. Fortified underground is legitimate. The seal would have to be 100% with some sort of forced air. Hopefully they got that right.
@@arandomcommenter0135 - you can actually see the welcome to Wrigley Field sign which is red in that scene. The camera is panning up and the sign is at the bottom of the screen.
This was one of the better recent disaster movies, there were a few moments near the beginning of the movie that made me cry (the neighbors begging them to take their child is one of them) Overall it was very well written and acted, and its not often I actually get emotionally invested in disaster films Highly recommend 👍
The terrifying part about such an event is that surviving the impact, shockwave and the atmosphere that heats up to several hundreds of degrees is the easy part. The significantly more difficult part is to survive in an ecosystem that is unhabitable for years, and where 99% of everything has been wiped out.
exactly. did they even bring animals? I mean, otherwise those few that did survive probably won't cut it for meat consumption. so I guess everyone would be just a vegetarian (or probably even vegan) for the next decades.
Put it this way our ancestors survived chixclub so we can do so as well. Granted humanity will be reduced to near extinction but we have something that other animals lack and that’s a brain. We will work out solutions in the end.
@@aussiegod4269 how are we gonna find a solution without technology? Life and plants were wiped from the surface, we cant eat fruits neither animals, waters are more polluted due to dust, and salt water cant be consumed without existant filters that were wiped out, you cant try to walk for a safe place because you would die of starvation or die of thirst before you even reached there, good luck trying to swim into deep waters too, you cant get boats if there arent any trees in your area.
yea... our species wouldn't last long underground...and it would probably be millions of years before the surface would be habitable and then the atmosphere may be toxic for humans...
My dad was Army. And I have no doubt he would have gotten my mom, sister and me to the door, told us he loved us, then jumped in the truck and went back to get stragglers or the injured who couldn’t run. He told me once that was his greatest fear - not just something bad (read: nuclear) happening, but having to shut the doors in the face of people who he was responsible for because they didn’t get to safety in time, knowing he was safe (maybe) and his family was on the surface. Big dose of PTSD for the survivors.
NASA would PROBABLY try to evacuate them from the space station as fast as possible using a docked soyuz or dragon. Of course,the orbit has to be pretty much right above Greenland AND they need to not be hit by some fragment.
The most likely outcome would be that they would wait until after the impact. If there are any humans left (let’s say Greenland like in the movie) they would call in and the people on the ISS would leave after supplies are exhausted and return safely to earth. They would have a lot of supplies so there would be plenty of time for them to plan a path where they land near Greenland
Many people may have complained about not seeing the comet actually hit, but you have to remember, this is a very first person kind of film. Take that into consideration.
@Ders snek in me boots No, he's saying that it is a "very first person kind of film" which means the perspective of this story is being told from the characters, not the disaster. The film focusses on the perspective of humans, which is why you don't see a lot of shots of the comets in space, or the comets hitting the ground. You only get to see that if the character is watching the news on TV, or a comet shower happens right in front of them.
I went into this movie with no expectations and came out of this movie totally impressed with my faith in cinema restored. This movie had no budget but because of the acting, believable script and excellent directing they pulled it off and made a great movie anyway. I would like to see a sequel but only if it has the same directing team and actors.
At least in this one humanity tried and took measures to save what they could to not give up no matter the odds The other showed what happens when you have a incompetent leaders and greed completely disregard the safety for there own ends and people giving up to pay for the mistakes of their leaders
This movie is really good. I love when movies make me face my own mortality. It kind of makes you appreciate what you have right now, even if it's not the best
It really means something when the family had initially packed bags and a suitcase, but in the end, all that mattered was that they just had each other.
The scariest part of these mega scale catastrophic events is that they can happen in any form, time or at any place, sometimes we won't even know its happening before its too late, we won't even realize that our life is flashing before our own eyes. Thats how ruthless and unpredictable the universe is and how that's how fragile we are. The moral of the story is to enjoy every second you have in life as long as you can, because you don't know when it all ends!!!
I agree people need to humble themselves, and stop hating killing one another, have morals and honor instead of acting like desperate animals off survival and make a positive change, pretty sure most people in apocalyptical scenario would turn into evil beings.
Doesn't even have to be a catastrophic world wide event. My fiancés 23 year old son served in the army and has a 7 month old baby and he just got in a real bad car wreck couple days ago. He wasn't killed but he has a serious brain injury he's being kept sedated. He'll end up in long-term care and may never fully recover. I wish it was all just a bad dream to wake up from.
The fact of having to leave everything you once knew behind...all of your friends, your home, your memories is incredibly sad and actually makes me really really sad of if this actually happened
Hmm...kind of like when one dies, then, isn't it? Only when we die, per Christ Himself, we don't know a thing, and NOBODY goes to heaven (nor to hell, since there is no such place)!
watched this movie last night, it was way better than i thought it was going to be, i was on the edge of my seat a lot and felt lots of emotions watching it. Very underrated !
One has to feel the enormity of how utterly soul-crushing it must be for the guy DOING the countdown to the shockwave. Likely the last thing you and any of those people are going to hear is just your voice ticking down to their possible final extinction as a force of cosmic destruction wipes out absolutely everything youve ever known and loved, including you most likely... Whos to say thryd actually finish before breaking down and just muttering "Goodbye" right before it hits?
Very good movie. Butler’s character was not over the top, really well written that shows that he is human. He makes mistakes and make up for it. There are many scenes from beginning to end that shown humanity from the soldiers up to the regular folks. 9.5/10
I really like the way this movies makes you feel what would really be like in this situation. Everything you know is about to end, in an instant, and there is nothing you can do about it.
If you look at the "live" impact footage at 1:01 , and the expansion of the blast radius being calculated, you see its moving about 200km a second, it has reached Iceland, meaning they have about 6 seconds before it reaches their position Greenland. After they have just run through the blast doors and are running down the ramp.
@@HowToChangeName i was talking about the ones that were there when they were closing the gate and directing them down the stairs to the bunker i assume some of them never made it in or voluntarily stayed to make sure the civilians made it in
I see all of these comments about us not being to see more cities aftermath and how we didn’t see Clarke hit. Well, the perspective of the entire movie before that point had been with the family. It was never at a military operations room(that they weren’t in), or a random city in chaos. It was always with the family, unlike many other disaster movies who jump around. This created many emotions with the family as we actually bonded with them and their family, as we saw their entire struggle. The only time the movie strayed from this perspective was at the very end, which is usually regarded as the worse part of the movie as a whole. It was an emotional movie because the characters were often in positions everyday people would’ve been in if something like Clarke happened. Getting a 360 degree look around Earth and a live camera showing of Europe getting absolutely demolished would break that more than they already did. However it would’ve been cool, for sure. But oh well done with my rant
I actually thought the most chilling part of this was how it never even mentioned Europe as it was gone so quickly, only on the screen did you just see hundreds of millions of people die, without any recognition. Really good movie.
What a movie. It gave you that sense of mortality from the first person, start to finish. This is one of the few disaster movies I’d love to see again.
@@rocketpak2179 It doesn't matter if the movie is fiction, the fact is this IS how people would react in this kind of situation. It would be everyone for themselves.
@@nycot107 lol, no. If you go research natural and other disasters most people band together and help each other out. There are a select few that try to take advantage of others, but that's the minority.
I enjoyed that the film took me on the journey with this family, and focusing more on their story versus the destruction or comet itself. I think it would be cool if this was a trilogy, but the sequels followed the story from other perspectives and experiences of this event
Realistic I've seen in a long time and it actually caused me to tear up. This is definitely one of the best performances done by Gerard Butler. Just...wow...
I love Disaster movies, ever since the 90s ive always been a sucker for them. While Titanic and Gravity will always be my favorites, this production and cast did a very good job! It was a nice surprise to see a well done film after several let downs. Cheers to the cast/crew/studio!
This movie is closely based on true events. I was the guard stuck outside the bunker, so I died. I reincarnated recently and UA-cam AI brought me here. I'm glad we survived to make this movie. It gives hope to my traumatized soul and continuity to my karma, resolves much confusion, and was sexy to watch. Thank you !
It's a movie. Enjoy it as such. But a "fragment" that big punching thru the atmosphere at that shallow an angle ... everything on the ground underneath its trajectory would flash fire with the heat generated by atmospheric entry of such a large object. Probably wouldn't have had to wait for the impact shockwave.
Didn't the animals that sustained themselves underground the last time this happened survive? I saw a documentary earlier this year on the extinction of the dinosaurs and it went on to say that burrowing animals actually survived
I was surprised to hear they weren’t down there for the rest of their lives, I thought meteorites that big would literally make the surface uninhabitable for years
@@LazygirlLA892 the fragement was a 9 mile long fragement probably a couple miles wide. Nothing not even bacteria will survive this one. Thats it the world was dead.
0:21 you can the final fragment flying over the bunker in Greenland. Since it landed all the way over near Europe, that would imply that the fragment came in at a pretty shallow angle. Despite how shallow the angle would have to be for the fragment to be visible flying over Greenland and then land in Europe, the debris from the fireball at 1:01 is spreading out in all directions equally. Instead of a large amount of the debris being directed to the East, it splashes in all directions as if the impact was at 90º.
Scientific accuracy is often boring compared to what movies want to show. Imagine if they had to show instant blindness or the atmosphere heating up or an impact so fast you don’t see any big rock before death. That would be boring
ua-cam.com/video/PENT_hnyO-o/v-deo.htmlsi=JbHtKaTFGI5s2bb- This simulation is one of my all-time favourite depictions of a planet-killer impact. Quite a bit larger than the one in this movie though.
The music paired with the Planet Killer in the first 2 minutes is perfect. Also, it’s refreshing to see a disaster movie that actually isn’t a trainwreck or horrible, and also has the decency to try to be somewhat realistic
I lost my 3 year old daughter this year in June. Whenever i think of this scene i won't be running for cover. Ill be walking into it. All my memories flash by every moment of my life still. I pray for this. I'm ready to meet my maker. Edited: my daughters name was Oaklyn Jolee Faye Webster. Indiana obituaries. I lost her on father's day. She died from parainfluenza that caused her white blood cells to attack her vital organs. She had a rare blood condition called Thrombotic Microangiopathy. I had to watch my daughter suffer for hours while nurses said she was fine." And that she would bounce back before you know it" listened to them cackle and laugh while they stood around outside while me and my wife worried for hours. I dimmed the lights so my daughter could rest. They came back and said on a haha funny kind of way that they "thought the room was haunted because they forgot we were in there". They moved her to a separate room. That's where the seizures started and she defecated all over herself while I held her and got it on my clothes. I had to call my wife to rush back to the hospital because she had left to get my stuff I left behind rushing out the house and to relieve my in laws of our son. He had turned 1 the week prior. He got sick with the same virus that week of his bday party. And my daughter got it at the end of that week and died 3 days later. To people who say I'm "suicidal". Don't flatter yourself. I hope you never have to go through what I had to go through. Not even my worst enemy deserves to watch there child suffer and slowly fade away. Ill never know what she was going through being trapped in her head as she slowly died. So yeah. If the fuckin world ended today! Id be very welcome to the opportunity to see her again. You run and hide. I welcome the chance to meet my maker and see my daughters smiling face again.
That's terrible, i really do hope you can be happy again, my mom loves me and my sister very much, i can't imagine how it'd feel for her to lose us, much less imagine how it feels for you to lose your own daughter, i wish you the best of lives.
To both of you I watched this movie and I have to say it’s one of the best movies I have ever seen sure some parts are sad but it is just an amazing movie you have to see it if you are reading this pls respond back
This really didn't like typical that disaster movie, greenland are more grounded, less cliche drama, minimum to none over the top action, no cringy jokes
@@kinghenry6078 judging by low budget and too many drama scenes it is not that type of apocalypsis movie that is worth watching. If they are not showing main events and level of devastation, it is just another clickbait type of thing...
I've watched this several times. One of the best ever disaster movies, and far more accurate in terms of scientific knowledge, human behaviour and military logistics than any other in its class. Also, fine direction, fine acting and exquisite CGI. I also praise them for including someone with a disability. The only thing they skimped on is views of the actual impact. I'm hoping for great things in the sequel.
I love how each of these Disaster movies have their own theme to it in terms of style Example being Don't Look Up: Focuses on how people would react 2012: How you deal with the scenario And Greenland: Dealing a disaster in the worst case scenario
@@salar7902 yea the parts were it impacted but some of the other stuff like showing Tampa city didn’t look so good but I won’t let cgi effect the whole movie for me
@@MrMarmaduke09it’s scary because it could really happen my parents said it it would happen we would all hug each other dam maken me tear up typing this we’ll almost
my favorite thing about this movie is that it's shows true humanity in times of disaster. first, we can never be right about everything. we don't know 100% if something will go right or wrong. that's a flaw of life, but a flaw we should always accept. second, the actions of people in time of disaster. we see in this movie that in time of disaster people will do desperate things in order to either survive, or even die. this is where we get the common theme of anarchy and looting in movies, but also in greenland we see the (spoilers) kidnapping of the son by two older people so they can sneak on the flights and killing someone over them being chosen and you weren't. finally, we see the acceptance of life and reality. more importantly with the father. he knows he will not survive, so he chooses to stay where his wife died years ago and greet her in the afterlife. humans are some of the most beautiful beings in the world, with a cognitive capacity that exceeds all else.
Let’s be real. You'll see that as it was streaking towards its target when the main characters arrive at the bunker, it didn't look anywhere close to being that big. Plus, if it were that big and was streaking overhead, they would have been incinerated from the heat it was giving off. You'll also note that the shockwave took a little bit to arrive despite the fact that Greenland was a bit close to the main impact zone. It would have been an instantaneous arrival if the fragment had struck fully intact and would have been a lot more intense. Chances are, the blast doors would not have even had time to close before it arrived. Hell, the characters probably wouldn't have even made it into the bunker before the shockwave hit. Also, if it had struck fully intact, no way would the bunkers' occupants be able to exit a mere nine months later. The temperature would still be way too high. One more thing is if the fragment that struck was 9 miles wide, there is no way in hell the atmosphere would be clearing just nine months later, like the radios were saying. It took centuries for that dust and ash to clear after the KT Event.
@@jonask.9727 Don't know to be honest but i suspect it is way too fast for a collision of that size. I do know they got the timing wrong, they said 30 seconds to impact after the blast landed but the distance to them was only 1k miles.
Also if you saw that fragment flash into the atmosphere you'd be blinded and likely burnt alive. But still probably least corny and most realistic disaster movie I've seen.
What, another idiot that thinks the 2020 nightmare will end with 2021? Nah. It's a decade of pain with highlights being a biological warfare, USA civil war, and WW3. The population will drop from 8 billion to 2 billion... more than enough to purge ourselves of the weak youth and greedy old.
Me being a pedant about how these things work has the complete opposite reaction. I get annoyed, because for all this movie is good, the HAD to have the dumb roaring fireball in it. In reality you wouldn´t hear it, being vastly faster than the speed of sound. It would also take maybe a second to reach the ground. You wouldn't even have time to really take it in at that speed. But all of that is completely irrelevant because if you were close enough to see the entry into the atmosphere of such a large and fast object, you would be dead. Because it would create such an intense and massive spike of radiation by sheer friction with the atmosphere that everything in a thousand kilometers around it´s path would be vaporized or burned to ashes before it even hit the ground. The everyone outside the bunkers at 0:20 would be dead if this actually happened. And then it impacts the ground and creates a heat flash that makes the biggest thermonuclear detonations look like a firecracker. Burning everything in an area roughly the size of Europe away in an instant by sheer radiation of heat and light.
the twist of the Eiffel Tower assumes that the impact was coming from the Northwest. However, the impact in the film seems to be north of the Paris position, in the North Sea. Already normally Paris would have been destroyed from top to bottom, therefore without visible ruins, but there, the state of the ruins is not compatible with the events. Too bad because the film is not so bad.
I thought the same thing during the global shot. Not only that, but if you pause and look closely, there appears the be sea all the way up to the Alps at the top of Italy. As if the bulk of mainland Europe had been submerged.
right? if you puase on the video of the impact, its almost the size of greenland, nothing in europe should be there anymore. Plus greenland should be an ocean by then
What made us upset was that there was never a call back to the families at home. And they didn't take the daughter because they thought she would get them blocked when that wasn't the case (it was actually their son's diabetes.) All of their friends and family are waiting for news, based on how the beginning started, and they never get that news until they're annihilated by a fucking comet. That's just cold.
I just watched this with my family and it was really really sad but they made it and their is still life maybe they will have a chance to rebuild and repopulate
That's to say they survived... there's no guarantee they survived. The blast wave was likely ripping the earth up as it raced over the earth at 200 miles a second
Even theres plenty of survivors left. Chances of them being alive the next days or even years will be low since theres no water and food is running out.
@Marroud Ibrahim As of 2003, an average of 45% of married couples were related in the Arab world. This is not healthy, and destroys what was once a great scientific golden age of research, discovery and invention. I'm not trying to be funny, i want more healthy intelligent people and so should you.
A few points - An asteroid that size entering the atmosphere would be so bright it would cause a regional “whiteout”. You’d literally be able to see it through your eyelids and your body would appear translucent right before you instantly went blind if you remotely looked in its general direction. We are talking several magnitudes brighter than the sun - Our hero’s would have *long* been dead before they ever “saw” Clark just from the thermal flash and shockwave compression as it crushed the atmosphere a head of it to the point it would start digging out the crater before it actually impacted - An asteroid/comet large enough to create a ~1000km basin would sterilize the planet to the point that nothing but the most hardy of extromphiles would exist. We’d be dead irregardless if you were in a bunker or not (especially at that distance from ground zero). ISS Astronauts would have a front row seat to humanity’s extinction before they to died from the fragments the impact threw up into lower orbit. - Movies never give these lvl of calamities justice because we have no reference point of how absurdly extreme these events would be
@@JACKAL98 Against an event the size depicted in this movie? We don’t, plain and simple. You would need an asteroid roughly 50-70km across to creat a impact basin that large. An asteroid that large is roughly 500-1000x the mass of the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs (you can thank the square cubed law). Something that size is simply unsurvivable. We have zero chance of deflect something that size (even with our global nuclear arsenal or hypothetical ones) and even if one assumes we can build mega bunkers hardy enough to survive the impact (highly debatable), the global food chain/environment will quite literally be reduced to ash, so humans die from starvation within a few months. Nothing baring extremophiles and the most hardy of insects would have a shot as surviving something like this. Its *that bad* Luckily.... all objects even remotely that size are in stable orbits so is getting hit by something like this in the next few millions of years is no more likely to happen than the moon hitting earth tomorrow. Don’t loose sleep over it
The film should have ended with the flashback of his life because then it would give the ambiguity of whether they survived or didn’t because earlier in the movie they were talking about you get a flash of your life before you die and asked why don’t you get one when you are alive. Ending it there would have been good to let the viewer choose for themselves
I mean, that's kinda what happened lmao. We got a flashback of their lives. At that point I honestly thought the movie would end cuz it would been a really good cliffhanger.
Really agree with you here. It makes the movie has more connection to the viewer by having ambiguities ending because it letting you choose what the ending could be and also makes the movie more memorable because people will actually think and discuss probably with the other people who’ve watch the movie about the ending of the film.
There's a rumour about the scene being edited out after corona quarantine started and they felt audiences wouldn't be game for watching the world end. Look at the early trailer and there's a different scene where the meteor hits.
So? I just watched it last night, and all I can say Is that it was absolutely brilliant, I hate it when people always have to dig in to find a negative I wish everyone could just enjoy movies without having any problems
That was the original idea.. The scene at the end with them leaving the shelter was likely added in to let test audience have a happy ending. The original ending had the destroyed earth and I think faint radio chatter of the possibility somone survived on the perhaps now dead surface of earth.
I really like this scene. I think it captures perfectly the final moments any of us would have before an impact. But the impact itself isn't very realistic in my opinion. Official sources say the size of Clarke is around 15 km (about 9 miles) in diameter, but the impact looks like the moon itself crashed into the Earth. Way too extreme. Also you won't get a shockwave that strong. A comet of that size would maybe destroy window panes in North America, not flatten Sidney on the other side of the planet. If it hits the water, then it's of course another story because of tsunamis. Europe is screwed in any case. But, the real threat of suchlike impacts is always the aftermath: All the impact dust which gets blown into the atmosphere, blocking sunlight for years or even a decade and destroying the base of the food chain (plants). In this movie, however, after only nine months underground it's a nice day outside with chirping birds. How lovely.
It's not too extreme in my opinion, you have to take into account the speed of impact. When something the size of Mount Everest hits the earth at 20-50 thousand miles an hour the energy released is immense, and would be an extinction level event. The blast wave and fire would engulf the whole planet within 24 hours so anything above ground would be incinerated.
see thats what i was saying like based off this it looks like it destroyed everything and if it destroyed our trees we are basically dead because it gives us our oxygen, also if it was a planet killer being under ground would not save us either.
Nobody knew shit in this movie, or they will still keeping info from people, everybody lost hope and they simply quit to say anything good. Even news were only reporting death, I think this is how it would be, total mayhem
@redgaze yes it certainly was, I was actually getting into the movie, yelling at a few scenes. It's pretty rare for me to even finish a movie nowadays, let alone get that sucked into one. Everything about it was prefect to me, the pacing, the writing, how they focused on the regular people and barely even mentioned the government. Just perfect
I love disaster movies but what upset me here was that Clarke was hyped up throughout the whole movie and all we got a 3 sec glimpse of the damage. I wanted to see a least a minute of all it’s destruction throughout the world, cmon
You are not wrong. If you watch the trailer for this movie, there is a shot of the asteroid hitting earth without that 'satalite view'. But, thinking about it, it wouldn't necessarily flow with the movie. Everything that happens in this movie is from the POV of a character in it. There are no omnipresent shots, so it makes sense that they went with the satellite view though I would have appreciated seeing the actual impact.
ah! they spent all their budget on destruction on the 2012 movie
I was dissapointed by that too, I wanted to see the destruction happening not a stupid flasjback
@@seriouslystupidbricks the aftermath of the final destruction is from omnipresent views
They have to give Gerard Butler his massive screen time, right?
Something I really like about this scene is how, not once, did the soldiers ask for proof of their lottery or their bracelets. The soldiers took time to get to them, grabbed them, and ran. At that point, they didn't care about a damned lottery, they just cared about saving those lives. Physics not withstanding, it was a good scene.
Stolen from Fallout 4.
@@wintercat2605 What are you talking about?
That’s how I think our military would actually behave in the last minute. Plus don’t forget all the ones who would have knowingly sacrificed themselves on the surface to make sure those few survivors got there. (I cried at the cargo plane scene for example because my dad flew something very similar during his time in the Air Force and it was too easy to imagine him being killed in action there.)
Also pragmatically there was no way to know how many stations around the world would make it. Each additional random person means that little bit of added genetic diversity which will be called for not for political reasons but to survive.
During all of this, there is still a guy trying to steal a tv from Walmart.
A Walmart Brand Onn at that....
All the tv's and games
LMAO damn that's funny
People in general are idiots:/
imagine if a piece of the comet landed on that specific walmart
The scene when their neighbours were hoping and praying for a message and when they had to leave them behind. That was heart breaking
I felt very sad there, because his neighbor instantly knew he wasn't picked up, not due to lack but most likely due to the job he had, so the MC was giving a rope the neighbor and his family could never take unless they fought for it somehow. The mother trying to make them take their daughter as a last resort was really hard to see.
@@juanjodpr yeah
That was like a punch in the gut
Most disaster movies make regular people just a background fillers to highlight the heroics of the protagonists and their personal tragedies. This one made me feel sad for nameless characters and I loved it for it
@@juanjodpr They could have taken the daughter and she would have lived..
@@sunnyday237Da antwortet niemand!
@@westonadams7135 its all about resources, with limited resource, any person is an extra mouth to feed.
Until they developed underground greenhouse where they can farm to their desires, and having livestock set where they will continue to multiply and have an massive location to house them and feed them.
Its not a the more the merrier situation.
Boss: You still coming to work right?
Says every Military and emergency services whose families weren't selected for shelter.
I don’t think the boss survived so I think we’re good 👌
Me: I might have to call off work.
For sure bro, expect that kind of question even if the world is ending.
_Meanwhile, deep in the ocean..._
*Undersea Vent Crab:* “Did something happen?”
*Squid:* No, you’re just imagining things.”
Man deep ocean got lucky, every other part of the ocean probably got boiled alive due to the impact and firestorm after.
Youre probably joking but its true, this is a realistic outcome
When they surfaces...
"... What the hell happened here?"
*Meanwhile, 3 kilometers inside the Earth's crust*
Halicephalobus mephisto: Hey is it me, or is it a bit warmer today?
Extremophile Bacteria: Not that I can tell.
Under sea crab and squid: Hey look what's on the news
Under sea crab and squid: 1:01 WTF IS THAT
Considering that the meteor hit somewhere in Western Europe, I'm surprised there's anything left of Paris at all.
1:02 thats literally spain and poland flying off into space. Forget levelling cities a rock that size would create a new mountain range ON TOP of western europe becayse the earths crust would be upturned.
When they show the world and see the impact zone, you can see there is no Spain or France left, yet you see Paris still on land with crooked Eiffel Tower.
@@salar7902 Not true but okay
The comet actually impacted somewhere around the Shetland and Faroe islands at 60°13' N, 6°29' W (I spent way too long on map tools trying to find this lmao).
The impact crater would be 100km across (all submarine), and the blast would vaporize basically everything on land for roughly 500 km. Almost all of Scotland is now devoid of non-microbial life (sorry, Nessie), and Edinburgh and Glasgow, existing mostly on the fringes of the ring of death, are nothing but smoldering piles of rubble; all that remains of buildings is the now molten steel used to construct them, as concrete is vaporized and all wood is completely burned away in seconds.
1000km away (all of Britain, Ireland, the populated area of Norway, the coast of the Netherlands, and most of European Denmark), anything that doesn't have its foundations firmly in the ground is blown away by the shockwave; all plants exposed to the blast of heat quickly burn or wither away.
3500km away (Newfoundland, Greenland, half of the Barbary Coast and Morocco, and roughly all of Europe, save for the easternmost portions), the glass in most buildings is blown out. Metal structures such as the Eiffel Tower and skyscrapers have their frames mostly intact. Wooden buildings are damaged but not blown away.
5000km away (all of Europe, New England, the Mediterranean, half of Russia, Iraq, Iran, and Kazakhstan, and where about half of Canada lives, and down to the African Sahel) most buildings are unscathed unless they exist near a tectonic boundary, where intense tremors will be triggered (the quakes go for everywhere before the 5000km ring as well).
Take all of this with a grain of salt, of course.
Paris would definitely not be a half melted wasteland as seen in the movie. As long as you don't live within 1000km of the initial impact zone or near a major waterway that connects to the coast, you'll mostly be fine until the hellfire begins to rain from all the debris shot into the atmosphere by the impact. After you've dealt with the hellfire, you'll likely have to deal with years if not decades of mass famine from the sun being blotted out of the sky. So have fun starving if you didn't get to a bunker! The truth of the dino-killing asteroid is that it really just wiped out much of the flora of the world, causing most animals to die in turn (ya can't eat if the animal you eat isn't breeding anymore).
Would humans be stuck underground for centuries, as seen in Fallout? No, obviously, but humanity would struggle to survive for the first 100 or so years after the impact. After that, a mass recolonization of the world would begin. Think of the US manifest destiny period, just with less Natives and more ruins of depopulated cities.
I think a continuation of the story presented in this movie could be done through a book series, and I can see it being a success if they keep it relatively realistic without making it boring. Like, they could provide a multi-person narrative. We know that in the end of the movie, the Helsinki and Sydney stations are still alive, so we know that humans did survive in these shelters outside of Greenland. Maybe give us a look at post-apocalypse Europe and China, and have the people of the Greenland station return to a devastated North America. The universe this movie builds could be fleshed out beautifully if they so tried.
@@daikolirae155 thank you for your service in describing all of this lol
The part where they are hugging each other as the shockwave rolls over the bunker is giving me anxiety. The terror and helplessness in that room is palpable. Just hugging your loved ones as everyone around you screams, waiting anxiously to get crushed by rubble or miraculously survive.
Wait til you see the ending scene of Nicolas Cage’s Knowing.
@blaximperia that's a good one. That movie introduced me to "existential dread" at an early age.
You got that wet wet?
Did they survive?
What shook me was that just at 30 secs it was already getting bad imagine what it was like when it did hit
Lets have a Rip to all the astronauts stuck on the international space station as they watch their planet burn and get stuck in space forever
You're assuming a fragment didn't take them out as well...
Lol u right
they woulda 100% died
That’s a subplot to another recent film, come to think of it....
@@erikagigstad9604 reminds me of an anime
Just imagining something like this in real life makes you realize just how easily our society and way of life can be destroyed. Even if somehow a population of humans survived the actual impact, just imagine the struggle of surviving afterwards.
You don’t really have to imagine that hard… last year in the early stages of the pandemic people were ready to stab each other for toilet paper… society is so damn fragile it’s scary.
@@matthew1232k this is true...I remember it was absolutely absurd how fast toilet paper flew off the shelves and if you managed to get a pack of it elsewhere others looked at it like it was gold. I think of that as the first stage of the craziness that is now, but now it seems it's gotten worse because literally ppl who have been friends for a long time can't seem to accept that the other person has a differing opinion from theirs and also they're being conditioned to believe that unvaccinated people are to blame for new variants of covid and whatnot.
That’s the thing about humanity; we’re always just one meal away from barbarism. Something like this would set us back millennia.
@@matthew1232k I agree, society is so fragile and can shatter at the slightest disaster. After seeing what happened last year, I have no doubt that people would literally kill each other in an apocalyptic scenario.
I don't think, there is a big chance of humanity surviving at all. Those who survive the impact may survive some time more in their bunkers. But there is no way they can sustain themselves for a long time. Everything is just gone, there are no plants left to cultivate and harvest, there are no animals left to herd or hunt. Earth will be covered in clouds of ashes for years to come, little to no sunlight will reach its surface. It will be freezingly cold if not next to the lava/magma fields and volcanos triggered by the impact. As sad as it is, I don't think humanity has a chance at survival. We are way too dependant on everything below us on the food chain.
Imagine being that one guy being locked out of the huge door right when it closed
Talk about bad luck there if you were stuck on the outside.
The dead are the ones who truly rest in this world
@@VHSValdesHasSpoken very true
You mean like brandon frasier buddy benny in THE MUMMY???
Gotta be the Domino's delivery guy. Always late. Lol
I like 0:40 because the soldier is like "C'mon camera man you need to survive too, move it move it!"
"Dude, your plot armor won't protect you from this sucker. Get your ass in here!"
@@rprince418”my bad I gotta a little confident since Endgame” - The Cameraman
Dude, I saw that too! I was thinking “aww, he’s cuing even the camera guy to get to safety.” Love that detail.
"Where the flashes?" This broke my heart. I broke down. Having your kid look at you and think they are going to die. The kid really did a great job acting as well as the dad and mom.
where the flashes?
classic stupid USA kid
normal people explain to theyre kids that they will die soon
@@RealNotallGaming man whats wrong with ya
@@Max-tx5ul nothin
Was it acted?
@Zetta dotta yes the kid in the film is very stupid. Classica USA idiot like you
I like how at the end you can hear a radio saying "Is anyone receiving?" which shows that there were survivors.
If you watch the full movie,
Slowly but surely other bunkers begin responding, suggesting holdouts of survivors not just in Greenland but worldwide
That's the stupidity of this movie... No one survived, who's gonna hear the message? An ending with no feeling at all... For me the worst disaster movie...
You sure you watched the same movie @@dinastergiou709?
not for long...
@@Epic24123Moscow Metro be like: "You guys had to dig designated bunkers??"
Earth: *Exists*
Clarke: And I took that personally
clarke griffin
Clarke asteroid
Both of them are destroyer
Michael Jordan 😂
@@mr_tras5332 clarke is a comet
This great film was not only spectacular looking, but had a harrowing family survival story at its core. Butler and Baccarin had great chemistry together!
Ehhhh .. low budget
The masterpiece of this underrated scene is the kid said earlier on in the movie "I think your memories should flash before your eyes while you are alive" and then it showed their memories of the past because instead of dying and experiencing that (which they were close to), they survived and were really going to live :),
Well your memory wouldn't flash before your eyes when you're dead as you wouldn't experience it as you'd be dead .
I was standing in horror when the countdown stopped at 4, but if you keep counting, everything goes black at 0.
Don't worry, this movie ends with a happy ending
i can’t understand your comment, they clearly died, they didn’t live. what’re you talking about?
@Ocean Man you can hear in the clip at the end that someone via radio is calling out. "Hello, this is Greenland station. Can anyone hear me" That is emplying the station survived thus they did as well. If they didn't no one would of been there to also make the radio call.
A sequel to,this movie of a completely different genre after the comet hit would be so cool.
As long as it's not a disaster again, I'm in.
Watch The 100
Like fallout/mad max sort of movie
there can't be a sequal , the ending is bulshit . There is no " after " after this 1:02.
Truck driver: "let's park as far as I can !"
fr 😂
This is the first disaster film that literally had me on edge, I felt the fear, the emotion.. very good film!
For me it was like Armageddon and Knowing again.
adios tierra pelicula😭😰😟😱😭
Don’t look up came out, what you think?
The impact is the finest and the best disaster movie.
This and Deep Impact do a great job at making the audience feel different emotions, you feel fear, sadness and tension all at once!
I am actually obsessed with the beginning of this movie. On how realistic and pedestrian it all seemed, all rather believable and hence terrifying.
What do you mean by pedestrian?
Like The Arrival
@@osamabinladen824 like could happen now
Especially the panic. Breaks my heart seeing all the people in uniform not being able to help their families.
@@Nodnarb69 do you have any idea how quickly the chain of command would break down in such a situation? How many would be sneaking their families into bunkers?
3:38 Sydney, Australia
3:45 Mexico City, Mexico
3:56 Paris, France
4:05 Chicago, EEUU
From an impact that size all cities within the blast zone are gone. Paris is within the blast zone, and the heat zone. What doest get blown away, burns. Sydney gets taken out by the tsunami. Fortified underground is legitimate. The seal would have to be 100% with some sort of forced air. Hopefully they got that right.
Nooo mi México :(
@Samantha Reilly I am from Mexico City and I can recognize it anywhere
Is the last city Chicago? Because I actually thought that it was Boston (thought the giant stadium was Fenway Park)
@@arandomcommenter0135 - you can actually see the welcome to Wrigley Field sign which is red in that scene. The camera is panning up and the sign is at the bottom of the screen.
This was one of the better recent disaster movies, there were a few moments near the beginning of the movie that made me cry (the neighbors begging them to take their child is one of them)
Overall it was very well written and acted, and its not often I actually get emotionally invested in disaster films
Highly recommend 👍
comet incoming get in your bunker kid🤣🤣
The terrifying part about such an event is that surviving the impact, shockwave and the atmosphere that heats up to several hundreds of degrees is the easy part. The significantly more difficult part is to survive in an ecosystem that is unhabitable for years, and where 99% of everything has been wiped out.
exactly. did they even bring animals?
I mean, otherwise those few that did survive probably won't cut it for meat consumption. so I guess everyone would be just a vegetarian (or probably even vegan) for the next decades.
@@xxxaragon how the fuck would you grow crops
Put it this way our ancestors survived chixclub so we can do so as well. Granted humanity will be reduced to near extinction but we have something that other animals lack and that’s a brain. We will work out solutions in the end.
@@aussiegod4269 how are we gonna find a solution without technology? Life and plants were wiped from the surface, we cant eat fruits neither animals, waters are more polluted due to dust, and salt water cant be consumed without existant filters that were wiped out, you cant try to walk for a safe place because you would die of starvation or die of thirst before you even reached there, good luck trying to swim into deep waters too, you cant get boats if there arent any trees in your area.
yea... our species wouldn't last long underground...and it would probably be millions of years before the surface would be habitable and then the atmosphere may be toxic for humans...
Props to the cameraman for surviving and recording the end for us.
Wound, 😂😂😂😂
bro enough with these unfunny jokes
no one cares about a cameraman that joke is as old as hell
@@dzrxu why are you bothering this comment is 4 months old
It's a movie.
@@rusampler1877 that was recorded with a camera
0:40 the cameraman finally realizes his fate, and starts running for his life
Didnt noticed this until you said it, really made me have a good laugh, thanks for making my night better xD
underrated comment
you know it’s serious when the _cameraman_ himself thinks he has to run to survive…
I just watched this movie last night. Well done, looking forward to the sequel...
plasma doors closing
plasma doors closing
Remember those two brave pilots who gave their lives to help that group of people reach the bunker in time.
I think it was just one? The guy from mind hunter if memory serves me
@@simone311 he had a copilot. but yea that guy is also in Wrath of Man
Typical military pilot behavior, they screen hard for that type of personality
@@Max_Janszen - Why are you being a downer?
@@STH151NicoleFan I didn't take their comment that way. I took it as all of our military pilots are unselfish.
God, even after 2 years, this scenes still gives me chills.
Wait, when did this come out?
i would love too get raped by a tri some of girls at the end of days😍yum yum just gettin them in my behind and tongued till i begg for mercy
@@guardian7773 2020
This what happens when I take a dump
You're easily impressionable then, like a schoolgirl when discovers kpop
I can’t believe they left the Camera Man outside.
You’re hilarious!! LOL! 🤩
Don’t worry, cameramen are immortal
they know he always survive
Worse yet, he was 4 minutes from retirement too.
Cameraman memes were never funny
My dad was Army. And I have no doubt he would have gotten my mom, sister and me to the door, told us he loved us, then jumped in the truck and went back to get stragglers or the injured who couldn’t run. He told me once that was his greatest fear - not just something bad (read: nuclear) happening, but having to shut the doors in the face of people who he was responsible for because they didn’t get to safety in time, knowing he was safe (maybe) and his family was on the surface. Big dose of PTSD for the survivors.
You ever wonder how simultaneously amazing and horrifying it'd be to be on the ISS or the Moon in this scenario?
NASA would PROBABLY try to evacuate them from the space station as fast as possible using a docked soyuz or dragon. Of course,the orbit has to be pretty much right above Greenland AND they need to not be hit by some fragment.
They would probably starve to death there.
Theyd be looking back thinking...
"well shit" "now what"
People in the international space station would probably be safe away from the disaster
The most likely outcome would be that they would wait until after the impact. If there are any humans left (let’s say Greenland like in the movie) they would call in and the people on the ISS would leave after supplies are exhausted and return safely to earth. They would have a lot of supplies so there would be plenty of time for them to plan a path where they land near Greenland
Western Europe is the epicenter and must be a huge crater under a sea.
Paris remains with half of the Eiffel tower still standing.
Its France, they probably surrendered to the comet before it hit, so it kinda spared them.
Dont forget that when it zooms out it shows paris underwater
Yep whole Europe should be gone
@@848Evo86 gotta love boomer humor
that scene was before the final impact
Many people may have complained about not seeing the comet actually hit, but you have to remember, this is a very first person kind of film. Take that into consideration.
What? Bro Umm Deep impact? Armageddon >.>
@Ders snek in me boots No, he's saying that it is a "very first person kind of film" which means the perspective of this story is being told from the characters, not the disaster. The film focusses on the perspective of humans, which is why you don't see a lot of shots of the comets in space, or the comets hitting the ground. You only get to see that if the character is watching the news on TV, or a comet shower happens right in front of them.
Also if you were to watch an asteroid impact a planet, u would go BLIND
@@francois9747 Bad excuse for a disaster film. Personal story or not, people want to see the fire and brimstone.
I went into this movie with no expectations and came out of this movie totally impressed with my faith in cinema restored. This movie had no budget but because of the acting, believable script and excellent directing they pulled it off and made a great movie anyway. I would like to see a sequel but only if it has the same directing team and actors.
"We really did have everything, didn't we?" ~ Professor Randall.
That movie hitted harder
At least in this one humanity tried and took measures to save what they could to not give up no matter the odds
The other showed what happens when you have a incompetent leaders and greed completely disregard the safety for there own ends and people giving up to pay for the mistakes of their leaders
Quite possible the best 'end of life' quote ever said.
They had everything except something better to do than have dinner with coworkers during the apocalypse.
This movie is really good. I love when movies make me face my own mortality. It kind of makes you appreciate what you have right now, even if it's not the best
It really means something when the family had initially packed bags and a suitcase, but in the end, all that mattered was that they just had each other.
The scariest part of these mega scale catastrophic events is that they can happen in any form, time or at any place, sometimes we won't even know its happening before its too late, we won't even realize that our life is flashing before our own eyes. Thats how ruthless and unpredictable the universe is and how that's how fragile we are. The moral of the story is to enjoy every second you have in life as long as you can, because you don't know when it all ends!!!
Well said. It's crazy how in the blink of an eye our planet could be destroyed.
I agree people need to humble themselves, and stop hating killing one another, have morals and honor instead of acting like desperate animals off survival and make a positive change, pretty sure most people in apocalyptical scenario would turn into evil beings.
Doesn't even have to be a catastrophic world wide event. My fiancés 23 year old son served in the army and has a 7 month old baby and he just got in a real bad car wreck couple days ago. He wasn't killed but he has a serious brain injury he's being kept sedated. He'll end up in long-term care and may never fully recover. I wish it was all just a bad dream to wake up from.
Wouldn't have said it better myself.
God youre pathetic
The fact of having to leave everything you once knew behind...all of your friends, your home, your memories is incredibly sad and actually makes me really really sad of if this actually happened
Welcome to Florida
Hmm...kind of like when one dies, then, isn't it? Only when we die, per Christ Himself, we don't know a thing, and NOBODY goes to heaven (nor to hell, since there is no such place)!
That’s why dying in the apocalypse can be a sort of mercy in some points of view.
@@jb6712 wrnog.
you'd be surprised@@jb6712
“Where are the flashes?”
“What flashes?”
“Before we die, the flashes!”
“Just wait a minute son, they’re coming.”
That’s kinda funny but I’m still sad
watched this movie last night, it was way better than i thought it was going to be, i was on the edge of my seat a lot and felt lots of emotions watching it. Very underrated !
This movie was sick. The effects were sick. The soundtrack was sick. Everything in this movie is just perfect.😌
this is actually fucking horrifying to think about. the sound and visual effects were too damn realistic man lol
Don’t watch these final hours then… that movie will scar you.
@@sovereign6445 your reaper noises would scare me even more if they were real
@@issacN7 yea every cycle we exterminate says the same thing
@@sovereign6445 imma watch it :) especially since it’s free on UA-cam
@@lifegoeson1007 you’ve been warned it’s not to late
One has to feel the enormity of how utterly soul-crushing it must be for the guy DOING the countdown to the shockwave. Likely the last thing you and any of those people are going to hear is just your voice ticking down to their possible final extinction as a force of cosmic destruction wipes out absolutely everything youve ever known and loved, including you most likely...
Whos to say thryd actually finish before breaking down and just muttering "Goodbye" right before it hits?
Props to the camera man for risking his life.
I’m fr about to delete this comment
Not to be a bummer but the jokes getting old
im the camera man
People still making the same unfunny joke?
Very good movie. Butler’s character was not over the top, really well written that shows that he is human. He makes mistakes and make up for it.
There are many scenes from beginning to end that shown humanity from the soldiers up to the regular folks.
I really like the way this movies makes you feel what would really be like in this situation. Everything you know is about to end, in an instant, and there is nothing you can do about it.
1:01 This sent chill down my spine
When you realize that directly hit on Scotland 😳
@@EASY_Scenarios rip
@@EASY_Scenarios damn....i would be instantly ded
@@vix5170 same 😂
@Zetta dotta At the end of the day. Europe got fucked 😅
If you look at the "live" impact footage at 1:01 , and the expansion of the blast radius being calculated, you see its moving about 200km a second, it has reached Iceland, meaning they have about 6 seconds before it reaches their position Greenland. After they have just run through the blast doors and are running down the ramp.
The second and slower shockwave.
@@mudded_singularity7832 he's talking about that 1
@@illuvion37 I believe that's just a sped up version to calculate.
Those soldiers are the real hero’s to think some of them probably never made it inside the bunker had to make sure everyone made it.
Real never thought of that 😢
Some? Most of them arent even lucky to be stationed in Greenland
@@HowToChangeName i was talking about the ones that were there when they were closing the gate and directing them down the stairs to the bunker i assume some of them never made it in or voluntarily stayed to make sure the civilians made it in
They could have if they had parked closer to entrance
"None of my family was chosen."
I see all of these comments about us not being to see more cities aftermath and how we didn’t see Clarke hit. Well, the perspective of the entire movie before that point had been with the family. It was never at a military operations room(that they weren’t in), or a random city in chaos. It was always with the family, unlike many other disaster movies who jump around. This created many emotions with the family as we actually bonded with them and their family, as we saw their entire struggle. The only time the movie strayed from this perspective was at the very end, which is usually regarded as the worse part of the movie as a whole. It was an emotional movie because the characters were often in positions everyday people would’ve been in if something like Clarke happened. Getting a 360 degree look around Earth and a live camera showing of Europe getting absolutely demolished would break that more than they already did. However it would’ve been cool, for sure. But oh well done with my rant
Clarke?, for me, its look like a endless meteor shower of destruction that rain meteor of any size, so yeah, its is a meteor shower of destruction 😅
I actually thought the most chilling part of this was how it never even mentioned Europe as it was gone so quickly, only on the screen did you just see hundreds of millions of people die, without any recognition. Really good movie.
I'm living in Ireland and at 1:01 it looks like Ireland and the UK Took a direct hit we'd be completely wiped out instantly
I'm from Central Europe and I prefer Deep Impact movie to this movie sorry 😅😢
What a movie. It gave you that sense of mortality from the first person, start to finish. This is one of the few disaster movies I’d love to see again.
Didn't know a Destiny fan was here.
Movie name please???
@@akshayanand7090 Greenland (2020)
The scariest part in this movie isn't the comet itself, it's the way people treat each other when they're desperate.
Also, keep in mind it's fiction.
@@rocketpak2179 It doesn't matter if the movie is fiction, the fact is this IS how people would react in this kind of situation. It would be everyone for themselves.
@@nycot107People tend to treat each other more altruistically in times of crisis actually.
@@nycot107 lol, no. If you go research natural and other disasters most people band together and help each other out. There are a select few that try to take advantage of others, but that's the minority.
Imagine the feeling of waiting for your death like this. Death is coming for us all, it's terrifying.
Death is only terrifying when things are left undone while living.
A wise man once said that death smiles at us all. All a man can do is smile back.
Its coming guys. its coming soon..
Jesus loves you and so do I
@@vanedwards7313 Explain why jesus and not the other gods? don't say there are no other gods, thatl only show a weak intellect.
I enjoyed that the film took me on the journey with this family, and focusing more on their story versus the destruction or comet itself. I think it would be cool if this was a trilogy, but the sequels followed the story from other perspectives and experiences of this event
There's a 2nd one coming out, Greenland-Migration
“Where are the flashes, before we Die?!” One of the most chilling/sad moments of the movie for me!
Someone really overestimated how many “happy family” flashbacks were needed for this.
Realistic I've seen in a long time and it actually caused me to tear up. This is definitely one of the best performances done by Gerard Butler. Just...wow...
Ничего реалистичного. Фильм скучный и глупый.худшая роль Баттлера.
Could have renamed it “ asteroid has fallen”
Earth has fallen..
@Mr Litteraly same
London has fallen Olympus has fallen angel has fallen and now introducing...
Continents has fallen
Earth has fallen prequel too olympus has fallen
I love Disaster movies, ever since the 90s ive always been a sucker for them. While Titanic and Gravity will always be my favorites, this production and cast did a very good job! It was a nice surprise to see a well done film after several let downs. Cheers to the cast/crew/studio!
This movie is closely based on true events. I was the guard stuck outside the bunker, so I died. I reincarnated recently and UA-cam AI brought me here. I'm glad we survived to make this movie. It gives hope to my traumatized soul and continuity to my karma, resolves much confusion, and was sexy to watch. Thank you !
Blud is in the wrong universe🙏😭
Sarcasm, or just some stupid kid commenting random stuff, I can’t tell
China bot
It's a movie. Enjoy it as such. But a "fragment" that big punching thru the atmosphere at that shallow an angle ... everything on the ground underneath its trajectory would flash fire with the heat generated by atmospheric entry of such a large object. Probably wouldn't have had to wait for the impact shockwave.
Didn't the animals that sustained themselves underground the last time this happened survive? I saw a documentary earlier this year on the extinction of the dinosaurs and it went on to say that burrowing animals actually survived
I was surprised to hear they weren’t down there for the rest of their lives, I thought meteorites that big would literally make the surface uninhabitable for years
Right and the Eiffel Tower wouldn't had been barely standing. Everything would be ash
And also it would be many times brighter than sun. All those people wouldn't even be able to look at the sky because they would get blinded quickly.
@@LazygirlLA892 the fragement was a 9 mile long fragement probably a couple miles wide. Nothing not even bacteria will survive this one. Thats it the world was dead.
0:21 you can the final fragment flying over the bunker in Greenland. Since it landed all the way over near Europe, that would imply that the fragment came in at a pretty shallow angle. Despite how shallow the angle would have to be for the fragment to be visible flying over Greenland and then land in Europe, the debris from the fireball at 1:01 is spreading out in all directions equally. Instead of a large amount of the debris being directed to the East, it splashes in all directions as if the impact was at 90º.
Also, a meteor this size would make air extremely hot and burn beneaht...
@@canatesgunes Yep, it'd be absurdly bright and hot. They'd be blinded and burned alive
Scientific accuracy is often boring compared to what movies want to show. Imagine if they had to show instant blindness or the atmosphere heating up or an impact so fast you don’t see any big rock before death. That would be boring
This simulation is one of my all-time favourite depictions of a planet-killer impact. Quite a bit larger than the one in this movie though.
The music paired with the Planet Killer in the first 2 minutes is perfect. Also, it’s refreshing to see a disaster movie that actually isn’t a trainwreck or horrible, and also has the decency to try to be somewhat realistic
I lost my 3 year old daughter this year in June. Whenever i think of this scene i won't be running for cover. Ill be walking into it. All my memories flash by every moment of my life still. I pray for this. I'm ready to meet my maker.
Edited: my daughters name was Oaklyn Jolee Faye Webster. Indiana obituaries. I lost her on father's day. She died from parainfluenza that caused her white blood cells to attack her vital organs. She had a rare blood condition called Thrombotic Microangiopathy. I had to watch my daughter suffer for hours while nurses said she was fine." And that she would bounce back before you know it" listened to them cackle and laugh while they stood around outside while me and my wife worried for hours. I dimmed the lights so my daughter could rest. They came back and said on a haha funny kind of way that they "thought the room was haunted because they forgot we were in there". They moved her to a separate room. That's where the seizures started and she defecated all over herself while I held her and got it on my clothes. I had to call my wife to rush back to the hospital because she had left to get my stuff I left behind rushing out the house and to relieve my in laws of our son. He had turned 1 the week prior. He got sick with the same virus that week of his bday party. And my daughter got it at the end of that week and died 3 days later. To people who say I'm "suicidal". Don't flatter yourself. I hope you never have to go through what I had to go through. Not even my worst enemy deserves to watch there child suffer and slowly fade away. Ill never know what she was going through being trapped in her head as she slowly died. So yeah. If the fuckin world ended today! Id be very welcome to the opportunity to see her again. You run and hide. I welcome the chance to meet my maker and see my daughters smiling face again.
My condolences friend. I know things are grim but I hope for much peace and positivity in your life ❤
That's terrible, i really do hope you can be happy again, my mom loves me and my sister very much, i can't imagine how it'd feel for her to lose us, much less imagine how it feels for you to lose your own daughter, i wish you the best of lives.
She will be waiting for you Mama.❤
Into your baby's arms
Im so sorry to hear that bro ❤
Imagine you are running toward the shelter and you see it's door closing.
That must suck!
Coffin dance music plays
Just yell REEEEE
*becomes Olympic class sprinter*
You have to do the maze runner thing
me: i hate disaster movies
also me:i wanna watch this damn movie
To both of you I watched this movie and I have to say it’s one of the best movies I have ever seen sure some parts are sad but it is just an amazing movie you have to see it if you are reading this pls respond back
@@kinghenry6078 I'm broke so I can even afford to rent it on Xfinity X'D
This really didn't like typical that disaster movie, greenland are more grounded, less cliche drama, minimum to none over the top action, no cringy jokes
@@kinghenry6078 judging by low budget and too many drama scenes it is not that type of apocalypsis movie that is worth watching. If they are not showing main events and level of devastation, it is just another clickbait type of thing...
Cyber Crate Lol
lol the Cameramen tried to get in the bunker too
But the camera man never dies
He obviously got in and that planet killer in the same size as the one that killed the dinosaurs right
Ahahhaaah I caught that too!! I hope the cameraman made it tho.😜
The cameraman should be outside catching all of the action.
I've watched this several times. One of the best ever disaster movies, and far more accurate in terms of scientific knowledge, human behaviour and military logistics than any other in its class. Also, fine direction, fine acting and exquisite CGI. I also praise them for including someone with a disability. The only thing they skimped on is views of the actual impact. I'm hoping for great things in the sequel.
I love how each of these Disaster movies have their own theme to it in terms of style
Example being
Don't Look Up: Focuses on how people would react
2012: How you deal with the scenario
And Greenland: Dealing a disaster in the worst case scenario
I take it zoom class would probably still be on
And stock market aficionados would still be watching the trades
And the teacher would be like behaviour point if you don’t finish your test before you die
Dude this was such a good movie
I enjoyed the story of this movie it’s just they need to fix the cgi that’s why I’m giving it a 8/10
@@jp8612 are u kidding bru. The cgi was TOP notch. Every impact felt perfect
@@salar7902 yea the parts were it impacted but some of the other stuff like showing Tampa city didn’t look so good but I won’t let cgi effect the whole movie for me
@@Crazypug2881 yeah. Because if an asteroid that size hits. Cities wont be levelled, they will be flung into the sky
I almost started crying when this part of the movie happened watching it again is making me cry for real
I watched this movie for the first time towards the end of 2023 and I was bawling my eyes out during this scene .
@@MrMarmaduke09it’s scary because it could really happen my parents said it it would happen we would all hug each other dam maken me tear up typing this we’ll almost
@@MrMarmaduke09all we could do is pray that god will protect us from that
my favorite thing about this movie is that it's shows true humanity in times of disaster. first, we can never be right about everything. we don't know 100% if something will go right or wrong. that's a flaw of life, but a flaw we should always accept.
second, the actions of people in time of disaster. we see in this movie that in time of disaster people will do desperate things in order to either survive, or even die. this is where we get the common theme of anarchy and looting in movies, but also in greenland we see the (spoilers) kidnapping of the son by two older people so they can sneak on the flights and killing someone over them being chosen and you weren't.
finally, we see the acceptance of life and reality. more importantly with the father. he knows he will not survive, so he chooses to stay where his wife died years ago and greet her in the afterlife.
humans are some of the most beautiful beings in the world, with a cognitive capacity that exceeds all else.
I need to stop watching these types of movies I’m gonna start being paranoid 😅
Next thing you now
Thats what happened when i played Fallout 4
Dony worry the government wouldn't tell us and you would just feel a big bomb then its over all good wouldn't last long
@@BikeRush Thats the whole reason she IS paranoid
@@cheesy_chi I know? I'm saying there is 0 reason to be paranoid its instant death not like its painful or you're see it coming
0:41 man, you know this is a serious apocalypse movie when even the cameraman starts running!
Let’s be real. You'll see that as it was streaking towards its target when the main characters arrive at the bunker, it didn't look anywhere close to being that big. Plus, if it were that big and was streaking overhead, they would have been incinerated from the heat it was giving off.
You'll also note that the shockwave took a little bit to arrive despite the fact that Greenland was a bit close to the main impact zone. It would have been an instantaneous arrival if the fragment had struck fully intact and would have been a lot more intense. Chances are, the blast doors would not have even had time to close before it arrived. Hell, the characters probably wouldn't have even made it into the bunker before the shockwave hit.
Also, if it had struck fully intact, no way would the bunkers' occupants be able to exit a mere nine months later. The temperature would still be way too high.
One more thing is if the fragment that struck was 9 miles wide, there is no way in hell the atmosphere would be clearing just nine months later, like the radios were saying. It took centuries for that dust and ash to clear after the KT Event.
I thought the same. Especially your 1st point
movie logic lol
I’m still on this thing. The boy’s distress at the end broke my heart. Then when he did get the flashes, I was okay till I saw his grandpa😭
rest in piece grandpa
Hmmm the blastwave is travelling at about 200 miles a second.
Do you think thats possible?
@@jonask.9727 Don't know to be honest but i suspect it is way too fast for a collision of that size. I do know they got the timing wrong, they said 30 seconds to impact after the blast landed but the distance to them was only 1k miles.
Also if you saw that fragment flash into the atmosphere you'd be blinded and likely burnt alive. But still probably least corny and most realistic disaster movie I've seen.
@Rare I think so. Not an expert at all obviously but it's pretty much similar event killed of dinosaurs with similar effects
@Rare it definitely is . i think 2020 especially has taught us we still can't contend with nature!
Last week of 2020 be like:
Edit: First week of 2021 be like
Edit: 2nd month of 2021 be like.
Hell yeah it’s gonna be the cherry on top😏
@@Bookeer and maybe just maybe there might be extra flavor
It’s just a movie chill
What, another idiot that thinks the 2020 nightmare will end with 2021?
Nah. It's a decade of pain with highlights being a biological warfare, USA civil war, and WW3.
The population will drop from 8 billion to 2 billion... more than enough to purge ourselves of the weak youth and greedy old.
I have literally seen this movie 22 times! Highly entertaining and scary at the same time. Hug your loved ones daily because this is highly probable!!
Movie name
@@FirsttimeConqueror movie is called Greenland!
The sound of the comet breaking into the atmosphere gives me chills.
Same as the movie Deep impact
@@NynkeFdejongDeep Impact was always my favorite disaster film.
Me being a pedant about how these things work has the complete opposite reaction. I get annoyed, because for all this movie is good, the HAD to have the dumb roaring fireball in it. In reality you wouldn´t hear it, being vastly faster than the speed of sound. It would also take maybe a second to reach the ground. You wouldn't even have time to really take it in at that speed. But all of that is completely irrelevant because if you were close enough to see the entry into the atmosphere of such a large and fast object, you would be dead. Because it would create such an intense and massive spike of radiation by sheer friction with the atmosphere that everything in a thousand kilometers around it´s path would be vaporized or burned to ashes before it even hit the ground. The everyone outside the bunkers at 0:20 would be dead if this actually happened. And then it impacts the ground and creates a heat flash that makes the biggest thermonuclear detonations look like a firecracker. Burning everything in an area roughly the size of Europe away in an instant by sheer radiation of heat and light.
Nice to see they are making a sequel to this film. Often you don't get to see life after near extinction.
there better be another asteroid otherwise i'm not watching
@@john_mccarthy_hi "just when you thought it was safe to go back on the surface..."
I related to all characters in this movie. Well acted and well done. One of my top natural disaster films
The last scene of the film, in which our star receives a call about his expired auto warranty, was just amazing.
the twist of the Eiffel Tower assumes that the impact was coming from the Northwest. However, the impact in the film seems to be north of the Paris position, in the North Sea. Already normally Paris would have been destroyed from top to bottom, therefore without visible ruins, but there, the state of the ruins is not compatible with the events. Too bad because the film is not so bad.
I thought the same thing during the global shot. Not only that, but if you pause and look closely, there appears the be sea all the way up to the Alps at the top of Italy. As if the bulk of mainland Europe had been submerged.
You're a smart guy... awesome
This film was awesome!
Any land that close to impact would've probably completely melted into a sea of magma completely removing any and all surface features.
right? if you puase on the video of the impact, its almost the size of greenland, nothing in europe should be there anymore. Plus greenland should be an ocean by then
This ending got me heartbroken. Just to see a ordinary family almost die from a world destroying comet gets all the emotion, action, and drama out.
In the original ending, they did die. But the studio want a sequel
@@bolobalaman oh that’s sad
@@bolobalaman Same as Knowing with Nicolas Cage. The protagonist and his family dies at the end, and only their kids escape.
@@bolobalamanbetter that they survive anyways, imagine all those trials and close calls only for it to be worthless in the end
What made us upset was that there was never a call back to the families at home. And they didn't take the daughter because they thought she would get them blocked when that wasn't the case (it was actually their son's diabetes.)
All of their friends and family are waiting for news, based on how the beginning started, and they never get that news until they're annihilated by a fucking comet.
That's just cold.
I just watched this with my family and it was really really sad but they made it and their is still life maybe they will have a chance to rebuild and repopulate
Rip grammar
That's to say they survived... there's no guarantee they survived. The blast wave was likely ripping the earth up as it raced over the earth at 200 miles a second
@@frankcastle4010 I mean they're talking to each other at the end.
How do I watch
Even theres plenty of survivors left. Chances of them being alive the next days or even years will be low since theres no water and food is running out.
A planet killing comet wouldn't leave any building standing like those did.
Comet: "I just wanna see Europe before i die."
@Marroud Ibrahim Cousin marriage shouldn't be yours! :)
@Marroud Ibrahim As of 2003, an average of 45% of married couples were related in the Arab world. This is not healthy, and destroys what was once a great scientific golden age of research, discovery and invention. I'm not trying to be funny, i want more healthy intelligent people and so should you.
@Marroud Ibrahim you make no sense
A few points
- An asteroid that size entering the atmosphere would be so bright it would cause a regional “whiteout”. You’d literally be able to see it through your eyelids and your body would appear translucent right before you instantly went blind if you remotely looked in its general direction. We are talking several magnitudes brighter than the sun
- Our hero’s would have *long* been dead before they ever “saw” Clark just from the thermal flash and shockwave compression as it crushed the atmosphere a head of it to the point it would start digging out the crater before it actually impacted
- An asteroid/comet large enough to create a ~1000km basin would sterilize the planet to the point that nothing but the most hardy of extromphiles would exist. We’d be dead irregardless if you were in a bunker or not (especially at that distance from ground zero). ISS Astronauts would have a front row seat to humanity’s extinction before they to died from the fragments the impact threw up into lower orbit.
- Movies never give these lvl of calamities justice because we have no reference point of how absurdly extreme these events would be
You just destroyed everyone's thoughts of ever surviving something like this, thank you very much.
@@JACKAL98 just got to keep it real
@@adonislimes6156 ok Mr I know comets how do you suggest we survive something like this, surely there is 1 way, there always is.
@@JACKAL98 Against an event the size depicted in this movie? We don’t, plain and simple.
You would need an asteroid roughly 50-70km across to creat a impact basin that large. An asteroid that large is roughly 500-1000x the mass of the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs (you can thank the square cubed law).
Something that size is simply unsurvivable. We have zero chance of deflect something that size (even with our global nuclear arsenal or hypothetical ones) and even if one assumes we can build mega bunkers hardy enough to survive the impact (highly debatable), the global food chain/environment will quite literally be reduced to ash, so humans die from starvation within a few months. Nothing baring extremophiles and the most hardy of insects would have a shot as surviving something like this.
Its *that bad*
Luckily.... all objects even remotely that size are in stable orbits so is getting hit by something like this in the next few millions of years is no more likely to happen than the moon hitting earth tomorrow.
Don’t loose sleep over it
The film should have ended with the flashback of his life because then it would give the ambiguity of whether they survived or didn’t because earlier in the movie they were talking about you get a flash of your life before you die and asked why don’t you get one when you are alive. Ending it there would have been good to let the viewer choose for themselves
I mean, that's kinda what happened lmao. We got a flashback of their lives. At that point I honestly thought the movie would end cuz it would been a really good cliffhanger.
@Mr. Cool same it makes me feel like I just waited time watching the movie
Films don't do that anymore. They always have an epilogue of some sorts. Modern audiences don't like to make a conclusion for themselves
Really agree with you here. It makes the movie has more connection to the viewer by having ambiguities ending because it letting you choose what the ending could be and also makes the movie more memorable because people will actually think and discuss probably with the other people who’ve watch the movie about the ending of the film.
Astronaut coming back to earth after this: "What the hell did I miss?"
Thank you for choosing Vault Tech
What really annoyed me was they didnt show the fucking comet hit the ground!
I know
RIP camera man
It did not bother me. In fact I think it is better cause it gives more thrill. (My opinion)
There's a rumour about the scene being edited out after corona quarantine started and they felt audiences wouldn't be game for watching the world end. Look at the early trailer and there's a different scene where the meteor hits.
So? I just watched it last night, and all I can say
Is that it was absolutely brilliant,
I hate it when people always have to dig in to find a negative
I wish everyone could just enjoy movies without having any problems
If it ended where the flashes of there family moments , it would have been a guessing game and leaving it up to us whether they died or not .
I would have thought they would have died if it ended
That was the original idea.. The scene at the end with them leaving the shelter was likely added in to let test audience have a happy ending. The original ending had the destroyed earth and I think faint radio chatter of the possibility somone survived on the perhaps now dead surface of earth.
@@Quetzalcoatl_Feathered_Serpent truthfully, that should have been the ending right there.
@@Godzillaman I believe it was the original ending.
@@Quetzalcoatl_Feathered_Serpent I wonder if it'll be on the DVD release. Did you see it, by the way?
I really like this scene. I think it captures perfectly the final moments any of us would have before an impact. But the impact itself isn't very realistic in my opinion. Official sources say the size of Clarke is around 15 km (about 9 miles) in diameter, but the impact looks like the moon itself crashed into the Earth. Way too extreme. Also you won't get a shockwave that strong. A comet of that size would maybe destroy window panes in North America, not flatten Sidney on the other side of the planet. If it hits the water, then it's of course another story because of tsunamis. Europe is screwed in any case. But, the real threat of suchlike impacts is always the aftermath: All the impact dust which gets blown into the atmosphere, blocking sunlight for years or even a decade and destroying the base of the food chain (plants). In this movie, however, after only nine months underground it's a nice day outside with chirping birds. How lovely.
It's not too extreme in my opinion, you have to take into account the speed of impact. When something the size of Mount Everest hits the earth at 20-50 thousand miles an hour the energy released is immense, and would be an extinction level event. The blast wave and fire would engulf the whole planet within 24 hours so anything above ground would be incinerated.
*Sydney -p-
see thats what i was saying like based off this it looks like it destroyed everything and if it destroyed our trees we are basically dead because it gives us our oxygen, also if it was a planet killer being under ground would not save us either.
Nobody knew shit in this movie, or they will still keeping info from people, everybody lost hope and they simply quit to say anything good. Even news were only reporting death, I think this is how it would be, total mayhem
The one that took out the dinosaurs was only 6miles. The earth is really that fragile, speed also matters as well.
One of the best disaster movies ive ever seen. Saw it for the first time last night.
Me too it was one of the best and sad also
@redgaze yes it certainly was, I was actually getting into the movie, yelling at a few scenes. It's pretty rare for me to even finish a movie nowadays, let alone get that sucked into one. Everything about it was prefect to me, the pacing, the writing, how they focused on the regular people and barely even mentioned the government. Just perfect
@@tomlawrence1335 fr 😂 I saw part on TikTok that made me intrigued to watch it all
@redgaze lol ironically that's where I saw it first as well. I saw the beginning when it hit Florida, went to HBO right after that.