HOW TO: Order Fish Online
- Опубліковано 9 лют 2025
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Tutorial video on how to order fish online, and acclimate them.
Everything you need to know, from start to finnish.
This is my way of ordering fish within canada. It may or may not be the same way others do it. This method works for fish traveling a short distance.
This video should give you a good starting point as to how to do it.
This is ajay from India, just started to follow your really inspires to DIY....the pain and effort that you are taking to make these videos are commendable. Hats off to you.
I wish you all the success in all your endeavors.
Pro trick : watch series at KaldroStream. Been using them for watching a lot of movies these days.
@Remy Elliot definitely, I have been using Kaldrostream for years myself :D
@Remy Elliot yea, have been using kaldroStream for since november myself :)
Joey, seriosuly. Your fish should be priority we all can wait for you to reply 😂but thank you for the love you show your fans!! I love your videos man. your doing good. Your my inspiration to start getting into the fish/aquarium hobby!!!
Hey Joey I am a subscriber now for a few months, I really like the tank on this video, just the way it is, the background is really nice and the Java moss in the center makes it great to be able to appreciate the beauty of the discuss, keep those videos coming man since I have watched every single one of them.
I actually like the fern in the middle like that.. Gives them a round about way to swim and is nice. Also the contrast between the yellow and the gray backdrop is nice!!
This is the first video I ever watched from this channel way back when!
I love the soft orange color of the discus, I would suggest getting a huge piece of driftwood for the discus to swim around and to anchor the java fern to, java fern does very well with its roots attatched to wood as it contains a lot of nutrients. If you split the java fern into several pieces it will spread quicker :) anyways regardless of what you do I'm sure it'll still look great especially with that background in there!
This comment is for supporting your local fish stores, I'm just starting out my fish tank and I went to my one of my local fish store and I feel like what a ripped off , because their prices like $10-$20 more than saying if you go to Petsmart or Petco to buy equipment .
I like the fact that their fish look really healthy and active.
As soon as I set up my aquarium I will post it on here so you guys can see
I guessed right! haha. Discus are a pain to keep here in the US because you have to change water with drinking water, which can be expensive. I definitely want to see an update of these guys in a few weeks!
what canadian online vendors are there im having trouble finding them
make sure to keep the plants, Discus, as you know, are amazonian fish, and they like to have lots of plants in the tank to hide in, and so do tetras: I would recommend both Neons and Cardinals, the two will form a schhol, and having a more coomon fish can be good to mix in with a not-so common fish. Amazon Swords are a great plant to get: will good aeration, they get HUGE!
If you liked this video, you will LOVE my book:
Your Canadian my too
The king of DIY
how to order your fish discus i want a breeding pair thanks in advance to reply .
what website do you order your fish
from thankyou
ps. all your tanks look good
Tank looks great, just got a pair of discus myself. Ive got a 190 litre with 2 twig catfish, 5 otocinclus, 5 peppered corys, 15 rummy-nose tetra and the 2 discus. Ive also got a guppy tank with a couple of dwarf gouramis in. Ive never had any fish die in the 6-months the tanks have been running. I float the bags in the tank first, add some tank water, keep the lights off for a few hours and add some stress coat to keep stress down. Water testing hasn't really been mentioned, which is v.important
I think the tank decor is beautiful like that. VEry different and unique, minimalist. Like art deco or something. Genious looking, even if it wasnt on purpose. I might steal this idea later down the line a couple years when I venture to bigger tanks (just got my first, a 30)
These videos are awesome, I'm slowly trying to get into the hobby and these videos are great for tips.
Great tank Joey! I enjoyed this series and all the rest of your videos. It has really inspired me to set up my tank that has been down for a few years. Really looking forward to seeing a huge school of tetras in there too. Keep it up!!
Great video and great looking discus. As far as keeping other fish with my discus I keep Rasbora Het's. Awesome little fish. They are small and you can keep alot of them in your tank.
I love watching your videos, the best aquarium vids on youtube ! I have a 10gal tank for a few years now, I just set up a really nice 20 gal about 6 months ago, I just set up another 20 gal about a month ago, I also have a 100gal that needs to be set up when I get the extra money for the set up, I cant wait to set it up this year and be able to buy bigger fish types, I currently have a big pleco that will love the 100gal, so I want to thank you for helping me with all this great aquarium tips !
thanks for all of your videos! i've watched about 20 of them now. they are incredibly thorough, clear, and easy to follow! thanks!!!
Hey Joey, always find your videos entertaining and informative. I will be setting up a 125 gallon discus tank soon so this one was particularly interesting. Nice looking pigeonbloods, great that none died off over this time. If you are still looking for tetra suggestions and if you want to stay with a yellow theme/color you could try lemon tetras, rummy nose tetras are also nice they seem to stay in tight schools. For substrate, white, pool filter sand it would look good in your tank.
Here are my tetra selections: I really like tight schoolers so
Rummynoses are my #1 pick, favorite tetras.
Lemon Tetras are nice when they fully color up
CoffeBean tetras are maybe black neons!!
good luck and i hope you find what u want!
Excellent choice of fish. Good job of taking care of them.
To each their own man. True passion for the hobby lays within appreciating different types of tanks. There are lots of fresh water tanks that explode with color. What do you have?
Hey Joey, can you post a video of how this tank is doing now? I would just like to see how you updated it and what it looks like.
awesome video the java fern would look really good and wouldn't burn in the back corners on rock or driftwood and you could see the awesome rock background more....i wouldn't go with white sand with discus i would go black sand the white sand reflects a lot of light and makes everything a lot brighter, they like dark areas in the wild. hope all goes well
I have a 20g planted tank and have been thinking about getting one, I like the way the look. It's a red cherrry shrimp tank(4 glow tetras because the kids liked them). I was always wondering if I should get a pleco to help tank health. Thank you for the info.
Just found your videos today. Really helpful stuff. I'll keep watching. Thanks. I'm new to the aquarium hobby. I have a 30 gallon (6 months) and a 125 gallon (4 months). Good information in these videos for someone like me.
Good job. Really enjoyed the series. Like the tank and fish.
I had a large tank like yours with 6 discus 5" in dia.. I put a 100 carndinal tetra with them. It looked beautiful to watch them go back& forth across the tank I had Amozon swords,aponigiton uvasiis(bad spelling,sorry) The discus would always spon on the Amizon swords. I never tried to breed them.I found temp. was the most important thing with discusn & slightly acid water.I love discus. I have enjoyed your vidios. Thanks
Have you considered putting a pleco or two or 5 in with your discus and tetras would seem like it would be a good fit and look pretty awesome.
BTW keep up the good work, you are doing a great job!
I've really enjoyed this build. Sad it's over. I've learned alot. Cheers.
the tanks looks great much like the whole series well done
Nice video Joe , can you tell me what kind or where you bought your air stones , i like how the surface water moves and what air pump as well ... Thanks
Great video again Joey. If I were you I would add some pool filter sand, driftwood, and a group of clown loaches, or yoyo loaches. They are very entertaining!
Great video again Joey. I've been watching for it every day. I've kept black neons and glow lite tetras with my discus and they've done well. One question though, did you just dump the plants in the tank or did you do anything to get rid of snails first?
Loving the tank dude! Im sure that whatever you do to it will look awesome. I think that a school of red nose tetras would add a nice touch and contrast.
just out of curiosity, have you ever tried to make a reef LED light ? and as always great video.
Those are just a few reasons. Some Plecos are really pretty and dont grow too big for some tanks at all, and Plecos just like any fish should be researched on before adding to any tank.
Amazing videos just watched you build, set up the tank and stock it from start to finish!I've got a motoro sting ray pup in a 6x2x2 (72x24x24) and was going to get an 8x3x2 but now I want to build it... is acrylic suitable for a tank this size? and could you give me any tips on building such as number of support braces, also would the 6x2x2 be a bit excessive if I converted it into a sump? Many thanks for the fantastic videos!
I love this video and have subscribed. I will be spending the weekend perusing your collection. I just washed and set the sand substrate for my second 125 gallon and am wondering how to stock it. I've never had Discus but always wanted them. Can you tell me the size of your demonstration tank in this video? Thanks again.
Nice discus! I love discus and they look great in species tanks.
I have seen a few of your videos, and I was wondering if you had one on saltwater tanks, or if you could make a video for saltwater aquariums. Thank you in advance.
I really like this method, i brought home Ich from a pet store once and whipped out my tank.
i think you should add bamboo shrimp and red cherry shrimp with the drift wood! they make a great addition to a tank!
Great video where did u get your back ground from and what kind of sump you running please be detailed I have a 125 gal looking to upgrade to bigger aquairum and add sump thanks
When I first saw the discuss I had my doubts, then 4 weeks later BOOOM! Beautiful!
rummynose tetras! awesome tank man. thumbs up on the series
i love the look of this going to try and recreate this look, i love java fern and its a lovely simple dash of green !! will look for updated videos now, wanted to ask what you did with the bottom of the tank is it painted black i cant tell?
Great video, what kind of plants are those
do you know of any websites that are good to buy fish from in the UK?
this is a good video and very informative
Nice tank man, always wanted to have a Discus tank, how much where those fish if i may ask?
Im currently with a 55G Malawi Cichlid tank. Good vids you have.
I love when the seller kicks in an awesome extra
tanks looks pretty good what about going with either rummy nose tetra , serpae tetra or neon tetra ? some driftwood with anubias tied to it would go well I think
Awesome vid!! Do you have an updated vid of this tank? I'd like to build a similar tank. I am curious as I want to see your behind the background setup on the filtration and sump. Hope you got what I am looking for :) Thanks for the reply as I am aware that you are busy with every day stuff like the rest of us.
Joey, I know this video is old but I'm just seeing it despite being a long time subscriber. I'm wondering what you did to the bare bottom of the tank - is it painted? I like the look. Thanks!
Yup! I have a video on how to paint a tank as well.
***** Thanks Joey. I see in other videos it looks like it is simply painted black. But right at the 32:00 mark of this video, it looks different - perhaps it is just a reflection of the background in combination with the lighting that causing an effect on the bottom that makes it more interesting than simply paint.
Hi Joey: Is it possible to attached a diy background to a full 90gal tank? Or do I have to do a tank tear down? This is a planted tank. Thx for any advise. I love your diys.
is this tank still going? sorry havnt been keeping up with your vids. i'd suggest Rummynose Tetras. They're tight schooling (more than most tetras) and i find them to be the best dither fish, casually cruising from one end of the tank to the other
this is another video with no gravel or substrate in the tank, do you use it at all? or is there a better benefit to not using it?
White sand would look great in that tank.for tetras i'd probably use some rummy nose I have about twenty and they all swim together which is great and they socialize great with my other fish like my neons. also what type of acrylic do you buy to make a fish tank. I would like to experimet on this, I'd appreciate your feedback and great vids so far keep it up.
Diamond Head Tetras are a really nice fish and would look nice with the Discus.
I love all of your videos. Thanks for taking the time to do these!
Hi Joey, long time subscriber and fellow Nova Scotian here.
Just a quick question...
What's a good canadian website/company to order a new aquarium from that would ship here (Halifax)?
Currently looking to upgrade from my 55 gallon to a 100+ gallon tank.
Thanks a lot!
Hey Joey, Are this discus the ones that you breed a couple of years later? I'm thinking about buying some of them but It is hard for me to distinguish if the shape is nice when they are juveniles
hey Joey, quick question... What do you use as your ammonia detoxifier, when opening up the bags if need be?
Hey love the videos, there very informative. Where else is there to buy fish online in Canada. Also I have a 120 gallon and thewater is kinda cloudy and wont clear up. It had just a 110 aqua clear filter in it and I added a Fluval 405 thinking that would fix it. But its still cloudy. I added some clear water solution to it as well. Any suggestions. Thanks
hi joey can u make a video about planting plantswith no chemicals because i already set up my tank and want to do more to it it is a 26 gallon fish tank
thank you for your video's, any suggestions regarding the noise issue apart from relocating the air pump?
Great vid and a really cool tank. That back ground is really cool, did u make it ur self? If so, i think u should do a vid on it. I was wondering who u get ur discus from and how much they cost but once again, good video!
I like Andrews idea of the Tetras....I also think black sand would look awesome
cute discus! what kind are they? i should buy some. where did u get them? may i have a link please? lol
Quick question: how do you feel about adding a small amount of aquarium salt? I have heard a few places that say it's a very good idea. what's you opinion?
Joey I've posted a video response, to show you my tank and ask whether or not I could put some discus fish in my community tank. I know you mentioned that you proffered single species tanks, but it is possible to have them mixed with other fish?
hi joey was wondering if you know of any good sites to order on line in canada? which would you recommend? which one in your opinion is the best reliable site and cheapest site to order from? im looking for an asian arowana. suggestions? Thanks.. love your channel.. very informative.
Very good, informative video. Thanks a bunch for posting.
im located in belleville ontario and there is only two small pet shops available witch always have the same fish in what site would you recommend for ordering fish ? thanx
wow;i been watching almost all your vids,well done Joey
@uarujoey I think we pay alot more because most of the plants we get are imported only a few are grown here , is $15 not around £10 btw ?
Hi Joey, I've been watching your whole series for the past two or three days, I'm impressed with your tank, congrats! I was just wondering if you can answer this... How much did you spend since the beginning up to the end and the fish? I would like to have some spare time to build something just like your tank.
Best wishes!
I have a saltwater tank and I want to build a 30 gallon water mixing tank for water changes.
do you think i can get away with 1/4" acrylic?
and i'd like to put a pump in to pump it from that tank up 3 to 4 feet to the main tank, I don't want a spray, maybe like 5 to 10 minutes to pump it all, any recomendations on that?
is it essential to have live plants in your aquarium because i have 3 ornaments and a few plastic plants,
i got a 55 gallon and i think i notice under your tank your using another tank as a filter am i correct and if so i would like to know how to set that up
thank you
Nice vid man. Whats the best place to buy Red Bellied Piranhas with reasonable price? I have 3000 litre pond.
you did good man. a school of cardinal tetra would fit this tank well my friend.
Yeah! they are awesome! I really want one. I own a 15 gallon tank and I have one betta but he hates the current of his filter, so I thought an airstone would be good.
@uarujoey Cory catfish would be a good choice of tank mates.
beautiful tank. i like the stone wall.
I think the tank looks good just like it is how many dice is can you put in a 55gal tank
Love the tank it turned out very nice looking white sand would REALLY set off ur 3D background
Joey what's a good vendor in the U.S do you know and would recommend for me to get some really high quality discus?
I didn't realize you were here in the HRM. I have been looking around the local pet and fish stores, and haven't seen a very good selection. Can't find convict cichlids anywhere.
Not really confident about getting fish online.
I have been subscribe to u for awhile and loved u now ur from Canada makes it better :))))
Do you have any vids on the filtration system in this vid?
Hey Joey.
Just wondering if you might know where to order marine fish and other live stock for saltwater. I also live in Canada. My local fish store is really lacking quality so I am looking for a company to ship to me in Windsor Ontario.
Great videos Bud
Keep up the good work
Thx Doug
My biggest ? is why would you want to live in Canada? .....LOL just fn with ya. Keep the vids coming, great as usual and I hope your making a lot off the ads to make this worth it..
how did you do your background for your tank? or is it wallpaper?
i am in Canada also, where do you shop online for fish?
Silent Killa liveaquaria ships internationally i believe
I just watch it today, nice discus, I think altum angels will be nice to have them with the Discus, and some rummy nose tetras, and some neon tetras, and Pleco like L-046 and L-200 that will be the jewel for your fish tank,
Good taste!
+The king of DIY hi i live in the bahamas can a fish be shipped to the bahamas