Mirrors are a waste of time, focus on the front and sides stop worrying too much on what is behind

  • Опубліковано 13 чер 2024
  • I will show you when and where to use your mirrors. What is behind you is what you have no control over. Therefore, use your mirrors for awareness only.
    Concerntrate on the front and the sides where you do have influence and control yourself on the highway for a positive outcome.
  • Розваги


  • @tomquinn607
    @tomquinn607 Місяць тому +17

    Less than 10% attention to rear view mirror? That's really bad advice. It's not a matter of controlling traffic but we need to be aware of our place in traffic on the road. That can't happen if your an ostrich to what's behind you.

  • @QoraxStan
    @QoraxStan Місяць тому +8

    Ah, wrong on many counts brother.
    1) We don't "look" at the mirror, we "glance" at them infrequently.
    2) We 'must' glance at them especially before changing course.
    3) We borderline "look" at them 'only' under one condition, i.e. before moving from a stopped position.
    4) Those glances give us 'advance info' about the intent of a vehicle/person/moving object at the rear.
    5) We can then take "evasive" action/s. Which is possible 99% of the time.
    Things can go wrong anytime/anywhere despite our best efforts. But, being cautious is entirely up to us.
    It is about risk REDUCTION', not risk 'elimination'.

  • @Grumpy-Goblin
    @Grumpy-Goblin Місяць тому +14

    I agree we cannot control or influence what someone behind does but neither can we control or influence what anyone in front or to the side does but with 360 degree awareness we can make informed choices about what we do. The idea that those coming from behind should take correct actions to keep us safe is really a very risky strategy to rely on. Take the motorcycle overtaking you as an example of why we should be fully aware of what is going on behind us. The fact you didn't move over at all and your words "now he must have been flying there" would indicate that you we unaware that he was there or that he was going to overtake. He overtook you at 10.29 on the video but he fist came into view in your mirror at about 10.15 and at 10.24 he clearly moves to position 3 making it clear he is likely to overtake. I absolutely agree that primary focus should be on the road ahead but the title Mirrors are a waste of time I would definitely disagree with because although we can't influence what a car behind does we can adjust our position and speed to maximise our own safety.

    • @larrywade9041
      @larrywade9041 Місяць тому +1

      My friend; you are absolutely correct in what you wrote here. I couldn't have said this any better. Well thought out & well written. Illinois, USA

    • @alexibrowable
      @alexibrowable Місяць тому

      You absolutely can influence the traffic behind you. For example if you're approaching a junction and you can see that you need to slow down and stop, and you check your mirrors and you're being tailgated, you can start braking much earlier and more gently than you would normally do. This shows the driver behind your intentions and give them a chance to react safely, which could prevent you getting rear ended.

    • @Grumpy-Goblin
      @Grumpy-Goblin Місяць тому

      @@alexibrowable I get what you're saying but I don't think you are influencing their behaviour as such. If they are paying attention they may slow down but they may not. By checking your mirror you can see them tailgating and influence your own decision to brake more gently and/or to move position off to one side so that if they don't see you or don't stop they will hit the vehicle in front of you rather than rear end you.

  • @pete5405
    @pete5405 Місяць тому +11

    10:30 ; yeah dude, you would have seen him if you'd have looked in your mirror :)
    If you want to live some more years, I'd advise you using them.

    • @aabe4327
      @aabe4327 Місяць тому

      Hell, I saw him in his mirrors on the video. This guy is full of his own shit.

    • @bankruptpensioner
      @bankruptpensioner  Місяць тому +1

      I will admit I did not see him, however, this has happened to everyone. The point on this moment of the video is i had no influence on the other rider but I did have influence on what was in front. And that is where our focus should be. Fortunately, the overtaking bike gave plenty of space 👍

    • @aabe4327
      @aabe4327 Місяць тому

      @@bankruptpensioner You have as little influence on what is happening infront of you. The only thing you have an influence over is yourself and how you react to what you see around you. But you're just deciding to ignore one direction for some arbitrary reason. That argument doesn't make any sense. Might as well decide to ignore anyone that comes from the left.

  • @pete5405
    @pete5405 Місяць тому +4

    11:11: no, it's also your responsibility. If someone is overtaking while you're doing a right turn, it's YOUR fault.
    Let alone the situation where you're right but dead because someone else was irresponsible.

    • @Bob-ts2tu
      @Bob-ts2tu Місяць тому

      i read something a year or two ago online that i can't attest as to how true it is, but a traffic cop was reported as saying the two most common things he hears from bikers who are still concious after a serious accident are words to the effect that 'i want my mum' and 'i was in the right'.

    • @bankruptpensioner
      @bankruptpensioner  Місяць тому +1

      Hi Pete, exactly right and I agree. I state not to execute a right turn if someone is coming from the rear and to your right (UK roads of course). I agree with you 👍

  • @goughhomer3918
    @goughhomer3918 Місяць тому +2

    Where I live lane filtering is not legal. So when I come to a stop at an intersection I downshift to first gear and rely heavily on my mirrors just in case I need to quickly get out of the way of car ready to back end me.

  • @jefflambert8603
    @jefflambert8603 Місяць тому +3

    At a Red Light I am checking my Mirrors to see if there is a Car steaming up Behind my Bike
    Saved me a Few Times... if I see a Vehicle in my Mirrors too Close I give a Dab on my Brake Light
    This on Most Occasions Influences the Driver to Back off

  • @tnetroP
    @tnetroP Місяць тому +1

    I constantly glance in my morrors to know if I have an escape path to my left or right.

  • @Naryokowitsch
    @Naryokowitsch Місяць тому +7

    Who cares whos responsibility it is if you got ran over by a speeding SUV? Yeah, the SUV driver is at fault, but you are dead. Doesn't matter if the driver goes to jail after that.

    • @Bob-ts2tu
      @Bob-ts2tu Місяць тому +1

      that's always the bottom line m8, and why as softer targets we all need to work on our patience and not losing it when someone does something stupid

    • @bankruptpensioner
      @bankruptpensioner  Місяць тому

      Hi Naryo, but in that case, one would have been hit from behind regardless? Reaction time, evasive action planning time, execution of evasive action, and the SUV is already on top of you. Not saying that mirrors are not important, they are, but do not let the info in the mirrors distract you from what is in front of one, as this is where the real danger is - what is in front. Just a thought and thought provoking. 👍

  • @mrcool2457
    @mrcool2457 Місяць тому +1

    Lovely , great information, I found this very useful & helpful. Thank you.

    • @alexibrowable
      @alexibrowable Місяць тому

      It's terrible advice, please don't heed this!

    • @TheSummersilk
      @TheSummersilk Місяць тому

      @@alexibrowable rubbish, it is superb advice that you should live by

  • @derrickmanning2597
    @derrickmanning2597 Місяць тому +4

    Maybe get some training. Im always 'in my mirrors' as an ex truck driver. Now if we(the lifeblood of this country)didnt bother looking behind how many cars would hit the truck? A five second max glance every so often depending on the road and conditions. Especially if the traffic is moving faster than you. Oh and on a bike you control nothing,in front or to the side,but for your own safety finding out before its next to you. Ive ridden for almost 50 years and have no problem using mirrors,bet ya dont use em in yer car either.
    And i would have known that bike was coming and made room knowing he was coming up faster than i was moving. And i loved the mistake where you said about to the rear instead of the side.!

    • @fuglbird
      @fuglbird Місяць тому +1

      I Agree. He should definitely get some training. Riding in Germany and Austria with that attitude will get him into trouble very fast.

  • @SloboloboVFR
    @SloboloboVFR Місяць тому +1

    And I thought I had some dumb ideas.....

  • @igorcappello6604
    @igorcappello6604 Місяць тому

    You can only control the inputs on your bike. You need to be aware of 100% of your surroundings and act accordingly: be proactive, ride defensively.

  • @mum-0217
    @mum-0217 Місяць тому

    When I was learning to drive my examiner used to say mirror, signal, manoeuvre. So for bikes I guess it should be, look over your shoulder, signal, manoeuvre? There is always a risk with riding Bikes but if you try to minimise the risk then you might well avoid getting into difficulties.

  • @jeffhdpd782
    @jeffhdpd782 Місяць тому +2

    ok so i started watching because of the title and to see if it was going to be as bad as i thought it would be. i didnt make it past 1:48/// my advice to this person is to take this video down and never offer advise again. second i would suggest to him to take some riding courses and learn how to ride in the first place. if anyone chooses to listen to his so called advise you do so at your own risk. its ridiculous in the extreme.

  • @larrywade9041
    @larrywade9041 Місяць тому

    Hi Richard, I hope you are doing well on your trip to Austria & where-ever else you are traveling to. I'm glad to hear what you said at the end of this video that being how some people are not liking/agreeing with some of your substance. I was viewing one of your videos approx. 2 weeks ago now & I almost shut the video off. I let it play out to give you algorithm credit time, but was getting more aggravated by the minute. For me the problem is that you hammer your subject matter to a pulp. P.S. You did the thing in this video. Say it once/maybe twice & be done with it. When you go on & on it's like your a drill sergeant & insulting peoples intellect. Now remember that this is only constructive criticism to help you/your channel. Personally I like you & this is exactly what I would tell my brother. Have a beautiful day & send us some videos from Vienna. Cheers Mate!! Illinois, USA

    • @bankruptpensioner
      @bankruptpensioner  Місяць тому

      Hi Larry, thanks for the constructive criticism. Always valued. Yes, some have said I repeat myself, and this is true. Probably due to the work I do and have to reiterate the info multiple time to those listening. It's a good point. I will focus on reducing the reiteration of the info. Love the term drill sergeant - ironically, when I used to teach pilots to fly, I used to keep quiet until everything went wrong, learning from mistakes in aircraft does make the student learn quickly. Note take Larry, thanks for the comment 👍

  • @nickchalk
    @nickchalk Місяць тому

    riding almost 30 years, not using mirrors. crashed twice and the time i hit a car crossing a red light and flew over it , i was not even wearing a helmet. i should stop wearing helmets. 😁😁😁. though i broke my left testicle, it exploded... its working ok now but i think evey one should be wearing testcle protection. boob protection for girls should also be a thing especialy if they have silicone implants🤣🤣🤣🤣. just so you know i liked your video, i was the 35th thumb up you got, but man just because you have an opinion and you feel somthing is working for you, you can't expect tha everyone will like what you say. i wish to you, now that you are a pensioner, you can have the best rides of your life!
    have a nice day, Nick from Greece!

  • @charlesbynum
    @charlesbynum Місяць тому

    The one thing I learned from this video is to not let you ride my bike..

  • @heatherhelm4187
    @heatherhelm4187 Місяць тому +4

    Not good advice, someone has convinced himself that what he says is wise. It's not ... look front left & right and behind. Be alert at all times and don't listen to some big nose that knows, caus he don't.

  • @Bob-ts2tu
    @Bob-ts2tu Місяць тому +1

    i gotta say i was a bit shocked at the title, my take is a simple one, and that's to be as aware all around as much as possible, and i know i maybe don't look in the rear view as much as i should, especially since i got a faster bike, but the speed that some fools bear down on you is crazy, so im working on more rear view, not less, it's true, we can't control what they will do behind, but if i don't feel comfortable i can take action earlier, (as you attested to), and bottom line is it surely amounts to the same thing, so sorry m8, for once i cant upvote this vid, and dislike it for your message on this occasion, not who you are, or 99% of your other video's. GL

    • @jefflambert8603
      @jefflambert8603 Місяць тому +1

      Also is there a Police Car Behind You?
      If they Stop you & you say
      I did not See you Behind Me. officer!
      They will probably point at your
      Mirror's & say " what do you think these
      Are For?" & you might get Done for
      Due Care & Attention

  • @Fornowagain
    @Fornowagain Місяць тому

    Nope. Sorry. I like to know what the muppet behind me is about to do. I've moved in to spaces to avoid being rear ended whilst stationary. Watching numpties overtakling when they shouldn't. You name it, knowing what's going on behind is important. You should learn to use peripheral vision to monitor the mirror. I only really look in them before thinking about moving position, then actually look in my blind spot.

  • @jamesscoltock4837
    @jamesscoltock4837 Місяць тому

    Hmm, video's like this worry me slightly. What gives the creator the authority to give advice on how to ride a bike - I've no idea who the guy is or what his background is? It could well be golden information, but it could also be completely off the mark. And when it comes to staying safe, information needs to be spot on.

  • @gordonyoung3668
    @gordonyoung3668 Місяць тому

    Wise words indeed BP.

  • @-old-school-motorcyclesltd
    @-old-school-motorcyclesltd Місяць тому

    Hi Richard
    Yes spot on with those comments about riding 😊😊 it’s great to see you riding round familiar roads I recognise straight away 😊😊
    Dislikes no need but that’s UA-cam for you don’t lose sleep over it at all !!
    Keep up the great videos 😊😊

    • @alexibrowable
      @alexibrowable Місяць тому +1

      It's terrible advice.

    • @bankruptpensioner
      @bankruptpensioner  Місяць тому +1

      Contentious subject Phil 😆, but there is nothing you can do with the stuff that's behind you, hence that's why the mirrors are so small as my father used to say

    • @-old-school-motorcyclesltd
      @-old-school-motorcyclesltd Місяць тому

      I noticed that there are many opinions on this
      Riding my old bikes takes some doing aswell
      I have to be on alert constantly from all directions 😊I know the risks tho, I sometimes ride without mirrors 😊😊

  • @login1226
    @login1226 Місяць тому

    When learning to drive, my dad used to say, ‘ look where your going , not where you’ve come from’ 😊

  • @Sean-cx6up
    @Sean-cx6up Місяць тому +1

    Sorry, the focus should be on everything around you and you do have an influence on what is behind you. Your actions can dictate as to what vehicles behind you do. Downvoted, this is terrible advice.

  • @alexibrowable
    @alexibrowable Місяць тому +1

    I recommend you take some advanced riding lessons, because you're giving out potentially dangerous advice to people who may not know any better. You're clearly not qualified to be giving out advice.

  • @Mikethebike721
    @Mikethebike721 28 днів тому

    This is terrible and dangerous advice. I suggest that you take some beginner lessons, perhaps the CBT before you get back on a bike again and stop offering advice to people about motorcycle safety, you are definitely not qualified. Proper use of your mirrors may save your life. As or stalling your bike because you selected the wrong gear, this had nothing to do with the mirrors and more to do with poor skills (although we’ve all done it at some point).

  • @Bigbaldybear
    @Bigbaldybear 26 днів тому

    I pity that person having to drive a Nissan Qashqai more like 😁 You've certainly stirred the comments up with this one Richard