"Are you North or South" is hilarious because when I was doing Civil War reenactment we were always being asked if we were British or Patriots. The best reply was "No Mam, we are National Guardsmen, just Pentagon has been slow on updating our unit's equipment".
I'm sure some people know better but are essentially making fun of you reenactors. Maybe somebody was brought by one of their friends who loves history.
@@silverletter4551 No, many people do not know better. I had a principal that couldn't tell the difference between a Union and Confederate uniform. You see it was America day, and a kid decided to dress as a Union soldier. Well she called him racist for wearing a confederate uniform. Some people are in fact idiots.
I asked, "How much did your kit cost you?" His answer' "You can't afford it." He was probably right, but at the time I thought he would make a poor recruiter.
Some of these activities/ clubs become a bit cliquish and you'll find some members then don't like newcomers coming in. Then before you know it they become organisations where everyone is so old that no-one younger wants to join and there's no succession to carry it on.
@@BrandonF I was put off, but maybe the guy was having a bad day. Then I found your videos and it has renewed my interest. You have a pleasant demeanor and a natural teaching ability.
"Men in blue waving the star spangled banner match up a hill lined with men in grey who are singing that they wish they were in dixe land." spectators - "Ah yes, the battle of Waterloo."
Shut up you guys!!! I know it's that it's Waterloo because my granddad's plane got shot down by a kamikaze during it and he's hated Russians ever since.
As a medieval reenactor, my favorite is "Is that heavy?" when I'm wearing my armor. I try to explain politely how you get used to the 87lbs of kit. Often, I'll let them hold my helmet for a bit. It gets them thinking about the period in human terms rather than historical terms.
@@aeropone Not too far off of how I met my fiance. She saw my group practicing and approached us. One of the first things I said to her was admitting that my armor was worth more than my car. That's more of a comment on the car I was driving at the time though.
I do 15th Century Burgundian (English mercenary archer). The one they probably never ask is "is that hot?" In any case is your harness tournament armour? 87 lbs is heavy for field plate. Your arming doublet probably is cursing you. Do you pop a lot of points with that kind of weight?
@@williamknowles5646 My kit's based on a Chernbourg pattern with maille underneath. I'm fully encased in steel, since I'm a man at arms. The maille shirt is a large percentage of the weight. Plus I'm 6'4". Took a little extra steel to armor me :)
I was at a Civil War reenactment in New York when I was a kid, and a gentleman in the cavalry was kind enough to spend roughly an hour going through his entire kit, even giving me a minié ball.
reminds me of the time I went to a town fair, and there was a police department booth with police equipment laid out on the table. Me, I'm like "oh surplus sale" and asked how much for the helmet. The main representive, a young officer, explained to me that it was just a display booth to educate kids about law enforcement and the equipment they used. That's when I noticed all the little kids running around with police vests on and handcuffs. Anyway the man kindly started pointing to the various equipment and how he used it all while on the job. Nice experience, and that's what I like to see out of those kind of events.
@@BrandonF What if Vr gets sci levels of real that would be sick. Picture fighting waterloo or Yorkstown with people and Ai while feeling really there.
The history channel and bovington have 360 or from images of battle and tanks but a game would be fun but it would have to be scripted heavily to keep people in line especially in vr
@@johntheknight3062 "Tactics and the Experience of Battle in the Age of Napoleon" by Rory Muir does have a few very interesting pages about taking a shit on the battlefield, if it helps (mostly "break ranks and go some distance away, unless you absolutely can't because you're in the middle of action, in which case good luck to you, also you might have to go to the front rather than the rear if you're an officer so you don't lose face, and your men will cheer if you come under fire while doing the deed, also I hope you're not a horseman with diarrhea")
“You should be ashamed for portraying the English. What they did was just as bad as the Nazis.” - real quote from woman at reenactment (it was in the US)
Some people you just have to cut your losses with...it's unfortunate, but you're unlikely to ever change their mind at the particular instant. Unless you're willing to speak for a few hours...
@@russellalexanderyim8623 Most Germans never became Nazis, and far from all Nazis were German, the latter is the main reason the Nazi conspiracy fiction is still spread by the alt-right terrorist movement and their allies in the European nazi movements over here (though the latter prefere to call themselves "socially conservative nationalists" to circumvent raising res flags with people too ignorant to see that the content is the same only with an expanded target list and reworked dog whistle terms.
I would argue they were pioneers in the field, in the case of the boer war concentration camps, but that was probably not what she was referring to....
"How many shots can your one-shot rifle hold?" "Why aren't there bullet holes on the battlefield monuments?" " Did the soldiers hide behind the monuments on the battlefield?" These are real questions that I've heard spectators ask us reenactors.
Uhhhh...you see this soft lead ball? Yea so crazy thing is unlike modern spizter-esque cartridges when it hits the human body it tumbles and flattens upon impact. You know that means? You’re going to blowing grapefruit-sized chunks out of people! I don’t know can it kill you???
"Well if your exposed organs didn't kill you, and somehow the doctors were able to heal you, then the lead ball would probably poison your blood quite a bit, especially if you loading your musket a lot as well."
One of my friends was dressed up in full NVA kit for a Vietnam reenactment and he got thanked for his service by a woman at a gas station. Definitely interesting to see the lack of history knowledge from some people.
That's got be the best anecdote here. It reminds me of a British comedy routine. A man is begging on the street with a sign "Falklands War Veteran". A well-dressed man with a regimental tie says, "I was there. It was hell. Sorry to see you in this situation. Here's 20 pounds." He goes away and the beggar says, "Gracias, senor."
Some people just see a modern uniform and assume that you were or are from the armed forces, even if it’s an uniform from a different country, I for one probably would have a hard time distinguishing a lot of modern uniforms, I don’t think it’s a stupid question or even a lack of historical knowledge for that matter, I know my history pretty well, I’m just not very interested in the arms, uniforms or vehicles of the time if I’m going to be totally honest, I think the politics, the tactics, the diplomacy and the economy interest me more.
I have often had the question "Are you hot?". I took it mostly as the public/person have not seen the era's outfits and I know most of the information about fabric/dyes/embroidery and the response is "actually I am very cool. The material is linen which does keep me cool and then I go into people in wool and I give them a talk. But I have however had a dumb question, it came from an event organiser that knew we used real fire. We were asked "can you turn down the smoke?" We looked at open fire and said "no" and they said "there must be a setting on the box to turn it down." We then had to show them that the fire is real and the box is just an iron box to hold the fire for safety.
@@firestorm165 that was what did end up saying but they only has the damp/wet and green wood. But strangely ever since the wood we have gotten has been dry as a bone and no green growth.
A kid asked us why some of the flags have yellow stars and some white. (this was at a a.c.w event) No one in the 28th had a clue but this sparked a long conversation with the girls parents about the flags and there meaning, and we talked about it for a long time after the family had moved on. p.s. It is because the flags issued by the army had gold and the flags issued by the states had white. Originally the stars on army issued flags were meant to be gold, but the gold lace they used would tarnish black in a few months so the used yellow instead.
If you're ever afraid of asking questions at reenactments, just remember that at 10:00 he was so willing to explain the history that he rambled to a non-existent person so long he had to edit some of it out
I've actually had one spectator at an artillery demonstration complain to us that she didn't know the cannons would 'be that loud'... because she didn't cover her ears when told to while we're all wearing ear plugs lol.
My husband was demonstrating making nails, and was explaining that nails were so expensive that builders would try to use as few as possible. Some drunk loudly contradicted my husband, saying they didn't have nails in our time period. My husband replied, "Yes, you are right, Sir. That's why the Romans TIED our Saviour to the Cross!" He got a lot of free drinks that season as the story went around.!
We always say we have authentic fires from the 1500, that we got from a museum after it was dug out from an old kings tomb. We also have this game where we tell the spectator that the following story has x inaccuries, and they have to spot them. Sometimes there is prices.
4-year-old spectator: "Mr. red shirt man, are you wearing a pirate hat?" Reenactor: "How adorable! I'm actually a soldier!" 38-year-old spectator (the kid's dad): "Do you guys use real bullets?" Reenactor:...
It’s enjoyable to talk to kids as pretending to be from that era and confuse them ‘We have radiators at home’ ‘What’s a radiator?’ ‘It use hot water to make the house warm’ ‘How many servants would you need to carry those water around! Your family must be even wealthier than our lord!’
A friend of mine was asked at a WWII event he was at by a woman if he was wearing his “summer wool”. The same guy was asked at a different event “are you real?” We all nearly died laughing at both events from that.
@@le13579 sure. So the summer uniform for the US army was cotton khaki. If you ever watch the movie (I can’t believe I’m using this movie...ugh) Pearl Harbor, the khaki uniforms they wear in Hawaii are summer service. The wools (shits and trousers) are winter service though they were worn in the Mediterranean and European theatres year round, at least the shirts were. Occasionally you’ll see men in HBTs in Europe but that’s more of a Pacific theatre thing. There really were no “summer wool” uniforms in the army at the time since their summer uniform was cotton khaki.
I got asked that a lot myself, i feel bad though when i wear anything WW1 or newer that isn't American because some people get scared and ask if America has been conquered by whatever country i am representing and i don't mean to scare people.
I'm a very anxious person. The mere thought of approaching a group, all talking to one another, all wearing the same clothing, all obviousy pre occupied, and walking up, getting their attention, and asking my question...is slightly terrifying for me lol. Don't know if anyone else can relate....
I'd like to try re-enactment, but not only am I anxious, but I'm also an anxious girl that probably won't be accepted by 90% of the units out there (at least from what I've read on Google), so I might never end up asking people because they seem so scary :'(
@@DelDel__ If you live in Europe you have high chances of getting accepted into some groups which do reenactment of cavalry, I dunno how is that in America though.
"Are you Union or Confederacy?" "I'm a wehrmacht soldier invading Stalingrad oblast the 15th of January of 1941 lady" "Oh those egyptians are cool then"
One of my favorite questions ever received at an event was at a timeline event where a spectator came into my camp, German Fallschirmjager, and asked us how the Rev. War guys had lived this long. He thought all of us where veterans of our respective wars and was afraid to ask the "oldest" participants how we live so long out of fear of insulting their age.... When we told him we were reenactors, and explained what that means, he got insulted we were fake imposter soldiers and left. Also, he did start the conversation with the classic "is that fire real" all while his kid annoyed the US Marine reenactors in next camp over by telling them their '03 Springfields were wrong because they didn't have scopes on them because the '03s have them on Call of Duty....
@@MongyBongy :) Yes I have, if only for a short time. And you are right, not easy to stay always polite and nice - but they are the customers, even when they "know everything better"...
The first question I ever asked a reenactor was: "What was your helmet called?" (it was at Battle of Königgrätz reenactment and I was asking Prussian reenactors) I did actually know the name of the helmet (Pickelhaube), but I just wanted to have a small talk with them, but with one sided question like this I could not expect it to turn into some bigger chat. So I left as soon as I got the answer. Now I don't have much problems talking to reenactors (unless we count "walking strangely around the reenactors until I get the courage to ask them something"), but that is also partly due to me already knowing some stuff, which is something common people probably miss.
Weeeell actuaaaaally it was called the "Helm mit Spitze". "Pickelhaube" was only a degrading Soldiers term for it. Mind you "Pickel" is the German word for something pointy but also for a pimple. So it was made to sound ugly/disgusting. And somehow people from around the world call it that way now :D
@@aeropone oh, interesting, thank you very much, then I shall avoid using the Pickelhaube term, or actually not, since I am more of an Austrian person, I shall use it to mock the Prussians :)
I read alot of history books before I started reenacting or even attending events as a spectator. After answering questions from the public during reenactments revealed to me how few people did the same thing.
The first reenactor I ever met as an 8 year old was literally a civil war soldier in my eyes, and that guys willingness to speak to me with respect and answer all the questions I'm sure he had heard a hundred times was a huge deal to me. What a learning experience. And eventually led me to the hobby
After a battle once, we were hanging out in our company street to answer all the stupid questions (and, of course, the good ones, too), and a small group of people had gathered around. A young woman said that the battle had made her cry. That made my day. It's easy to ditch the farb and dress authentically, but to elicit historically correct emotions is when you are really getting it right. I don't mind the stupid questions anymore.
Whenever I ask where the bathrooms are, I EXPECT an in depth explanation on how the British answered the call of nature, while also on the march, all the while I'm saying "mhm" and "oh" and "cool" and "yeah" every five words you say, very slowly taking small steps backwards.
Now that I've had my serious answer: my favorite responses to questions from the public: "Is that wool hot?" >No sir, feel it. See? Cool to the touch. or >No sir not at all, I bought it from a reputable vendor "What did you have to do to blank adapt that 1903 springfield" >[the inaudible sound of my soul being torn asunder] "Do you use real bullets?" >Not as often as I should "How much does this stuff cost?" Ma'am, I honestly try not to think about it.
If you have to modify a 1903 Springfield to fire blanks that is unfortunate. honestly this is one of the main reasons I wish companies did replicas of old Rifles and Sub-machine guns so you didn't have to mess with the internals on a side note does modifying it to fire blanks remove the ability to fire a standard cartridge
I totally agree with you! Luckily these modifications only happen if the rifle is used for reenactment (smooth bored and are held on a (shot gun certificate). The good news is, you can legally own and shoot perfectly intact rifles in the uk (with a firearms certificate). On a side note, you can get some awesome blank firing replicas in the UK, I have an FG42 (video on my channel) and a blank firing m1a1 Thompson.
@@GrimdarkCrusader20th You don't actually have to modify an M1903 at all. You can just load blank rounds straight into any bolt-action rifle. Modifications are only needed for weapons with automatic actions, like Garands and Thompsons for example.
After giving a tour of the USS Alabama in USN kit a member of the tour asked if the ship was sunk during the World War II. I honestly did not know what to say.
To be fair, there are historical examples of ships that were indeed sunk and later raised and returned to service. My personal favorite example is of battleship USS West Virginia; sunk at Pearl Harbor, later raised and made history by participating in the last battleship battle in history, the Battle of Surigao Strait.
As a WW2 German re-enactor, on more than one occasion I’ve had the statement “ thank you for your service “ said to me.... not necessarily a question, but still just as ridiculous 😳
I definitely felt more than enough intimidation when I came up to you guys at Fort Lee 😭 I spent half the time beforehand trying to think of something witty or clever to say before finally stammering some sort of response that I don't even remember anymore. Another big part of the intimidation as well is not even knowing really what to ask reenactors even if you wanted to! Im very glad to have been able to chat and speak about the hobby with you guys and am sorely disappointed that events and the like are on hold for the foreseeable future due to clear and obvious current events. All the best!
But I'm glad you came up all the same! I really love meeting people who watch my videos, at events and otherwise. And no worries...I don't remember what you first said, either!
Brandon F. Sidenote, but you ever notice there’s not that many battles where the literal heat of the day is so ubiquitous in the accounts? Outside of Monmouth I only know a few others with that same reputation - Hattin, Adrianople (378) and maybe Pydna are the only ones I can think of. You’d might expect more, considering that for most of history campaigns could only be conducted in warm conditions.
@@warlordofbritannia While I don't know about exact battle, I know a case in an entire campaign. In war of 1866, Italian campaign, Austrian army suffered from great heat problems (entire war was fought in summer) because in field, soldiers preferred (I am not sure if actually they weren't forced to) to wear their great coats, I am not sure why, but it might do something with the fact that Austrian uniforms were white, so they could easily get dirty, while their great coats were grey and besides, I don't think anyone cared if those got dirty. Once again, I might be telling bullshit, also, this would probably only be a case for line infantry, since other parts of the army (artillery, cavalry and probably some parts of light infantry) wore variety of differently coloured uniforms (however I saw pictures of artillerists, who wore brown uniforms, wearing the great coats too), which were much easier to keep them clean.
I wonder if the "north or south" question would be asked for a Roman Empire reenactment. Yes, we're portraying Caesar's 13th Legion crossing the Rubicon, coming from the North so yes we're portraying the North, driving dixies out of Rome !!!
As a former school teacher and former tour guide for the National Park Service, thank you so much for doing this video. I always found a way to take 'dumb' questions and turn them into a long and informative conversation, because I understood the tourist or student asking the question wasn't being stupid and was just trying to find a way to break the ice and start a conversation, but didn't know where to begin. So many others don't pick up on that, at least at first, and when someone's 'dumb' question gets shot down or blown off, they feel stupid and awkward and their enthusiasm dies. Treat their 'dumb' question as an opportunity to go in depth on something interesting, and you can get them hooked; now reel them in with a conversation on things they always wanted to know about the event/place/time period in question, help them learn where to find more information, and reel them in. You can either get somebody to become an enthusiast for life, or you can give them a negative experience that makes them lose interest. It really is all on you as the reenactor/tour guide/teacher to handle it properly, and I'm so glad someone made a video specifically addressing this and understands what's really going on and how to handle it. Bravo.
When I was a tour guide, one of the displays was a reproduction of an Italian map (in a Spanish mission) from the 1500's, which included Antarctica, but not Australia. None of the other tour guides ever made it a feature in their tours, it was just something cool for the tourists to see hanging on the wall, and very few could answer any questions about it. I made it one of the last stops on my tour, used it as an opportunity to explain that no, people didn't think the world was flat and Columbus sailed to America while trying to prove it was round, and by the way, can anyone tell me the first time they discovered Antarctica? Because it wasn't in the 1500's when this map was made. So how did they know to put an entire continent they'd never seen on a map of the world? That's the kind of thing that sucks people in, and after the tour concluded there, I could have a conversation lasting anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour with the people from my tour or who just happened to be standing nearby while I was talking, because they never knew any of this and wanted to know where they could find more information. You have a passion for history and facts, and it's your job, your responsibility, to cultivate that same passion in strangers you'll probably never meet again. Approach every interaction wisely.
"Can you breath in your corset ?" "Well, I'm wearing it for six hours now, so obviously yes (everyone laugh)...but guess what ? It is not uncomfortable at all ! And let me debug all those nasty urban legend about corset..........." Thank you for your vid. You are so right !! We should never forget that most of us did not knew so many things, had so many skills, when we begin reenacting, and that the goal of reenacting is to share with others...
Brandon, Brandon, Bandon, a very wise penguin once said "just smile and wave boys, smile and wave." Sage advice. In the meantime take a deep breath. Good air in... bad air out... good air in...
So many people are completely missing the meaning of this video. You should appreciate the "stupid" questions, as it can eventually lead into the questioner ending up more educated on history.
As a medieval re-enactor, when I'm in armour I almost never get asked "Is it hot in that?" even in a blistering hot day, but instead get the "Oh that must be so heavy!" comment. Ironically, my armour doesn't weigh much, but I'll be baking in it! Absolutely people will start with what they can relate to. Letting them try on some armour is always fun. Keeping some spare kit for that is good, especially with kids.
This is the attitude I have tried to use with my kids. I think it has worked. They know far more about history and geopolitical stuff than their classmates as a result.
I reenact 1500 late medieval landsknecht. Some tourist came along and asked "how do you keep the native in their reservation?" In awe we asked her to clarify... She thought we were "native Danes" like "native Americans". We took it as a compliment, because we had to be pretty authentic then 😅🤣
Yeah I find it funny how US Citizens project their own systems to every other country. I had a similar encounter in Germany, although not history related. I was at a demonstration as a photographer on the side and some US tourist asked us if it was a demonstration for democrats or republican. In Germany... Right.
Was at a vikingmarket couple years ago, and got asked by some americans if we where allowed to leave the reservation, and if we went to school, or got treated badly by the government.
@The Martial Lord of Loyalty Sure because every Demonstration in Germany ever is an AfD Demonstration. The AfD Invented Démonstrations. There are no other parties that do such Things. God are you dumb.
@The Martial Lord of Loyalty Ah ja. Weil man Witze ohne jede Pointe, Smileys etc im Internet auch immer so gut rüberbringen kann. Kategorische AfD Basher sind, wie AfDler selbst, meist eher auf den unteren Rängen der Intelligenz vertreten. Deshalb gehe ich erstmal davon aus, dass du das Ernst meinst. Zumal da nicht eine Pointé oder sonst ein Indikator bei war. Naja Willkommen im Internet wenn das neu für dich ist...
After years of working in the Living History field, I learned early on to not wait for questions. Always ask the visitor a question. "Would you like to have a photo made holding my musket?" "What are you having for lunch?" Anything to break the ice. Once you do that, people will start asking questions. At an event in November, I had several people that stayed with us for at least 2 hours asking questions about everything. It all started by allowing them to hold a musket.
Someone once asked if my WW2 Canadian Italian campaign uniform was Desert Strom just because it was a Desert tan colour. How I did not use my bayonet that day still surprises me.
"Hmm are you hot in that soviet greatcoat sir?" "Aw naw it's only 90degrees out and I'be already given my canteen to my private... so no I'm not hot, I'm cooked."
Back in Virginia at a WW2 reenactment of D-Day i was talking to my friend Marty who was about to participate in the First wave of Omaha Beach and this girl came up and started asking him all these questions since he was in uniform and he got this look on his face he had through the whole conversation. after she left he said some foul words while it was just us and i asked him; "What's wrong aren't you having fun"? and i swear he says "That girl just wanted my number and a date she doesn't care about the sacrifices the men i am here to honor made i want her and everyone like her out of my sacred time capsule"! I'm like; "Geez man she just thought you were a dashing young man in that fine American WW2 kit of yours any of those poor men who didn't make it off the beach that day would have been glad to take that girl for burger fries and a coke back then"!
0:31 If he asked if you were Union, you could technically say he was right. The rest of the discussion would confuse him immensely, but it would be hilarious
In this video Brandon explains basic social interaction. :D I'd probably freeze were I to see a group of re-enactors standing together in a closed group all wearing the same thing and engaged in conversation. I'd start getting Vietnam flashbacks to where situations similar to that didn't end well for me, let's just put that as mildly as possible. xD
@@CharlieSkellon It ma seem so at first glance, but when we look closely we can see that in reality they depict Beiyang Army Chinese soldiers trained by European Officers
Brandon F. That’s... a little shocking? But, I suppose it’s expected at times if someone doesn’t know anything. Granted I’m looking for a British Para or American Marine group local to Long Island so I can’t speak from experience, but as a spectator many times over for a big reenactment in PA, I guess I could’ve heard stuff from there that was a little... Stupid. Maybe even ASKED stupid questions I’ve looked back at and regretted deeply.
As shocking as it may be there are people out there who have minimal knowledge of and minimal interest in history. They simply don’t care enough to invest time to learn all that much about it, they think their free time is better served elsewhere and are often pretty occupied with their day to day business. For us, history is our hobby and pastime, we love to learn about it and read it, but they do other things. When they see a reenactment, it’s almost more of a spectacle, they’re usually there for the experience and any info they pick up is just a nice little bonus, some flair they can add when they tell their friends and family about it and show them videos or pictures. That’s not to say there’s anything wrong with people like that, they do what they need to do and want to do so they can live their happiest life, but it’s the reason that you get Americans that can’t point out France or Britain on a map; it just isn’t essential knowledge and if they don’t have someone around to tell them and it never comes up, they simply won’t care and won’t be any worse for it. Then there’s also the very real possibility that they could have been messing with you
Man! The first 2 minutes? I sitting here getting mad! That "us/them" attitude is exactly why I don't often go to reenactments. I'm interested in this or that historical event and want a first hand perspective from history enthusists (reenactors) but it seems exactly like you said later on in your video, I'm not in your club. You guys are intimidating. A uniform is just intimidating, on a State Trooper or a reenactor. Is my question good enough? Is it "dumb" to the point I often have walked away and am no more the wiser. But, I am glad I watched the rest of the video. Well said. I hope your fellow reenactors take your advice to heart. Thank you.
@@duesouth180 We certainly would have wars. Thats just humans. Actually all creatures that master communication and form a society have them. Ants for example.
@@aeropone It's less about words and more about mindset. It's easier to take up arms against something that you see as separate of yourself or your group.
As a newer reenactor, who is often nervous about trying to keep the hobby going and keeping the public interested, I want to say, as truly and sincerly as possible, thank you sir for this video, and I can't wait to share this with my unit!
I was once thanked for my service and offered a discount when I went to a store to quickly buy some water while dressed in my Red Army uniform in Ohio. I was also thanked for my service in Canada as well in the same uniform.
I went to go see the fort at Mackinac Island in Michigan and saw reenactors there. They were wearing US army uniforms from the 1880's which were basically like Union Civil War uniforms but in addition to their caps they wore Prussian style pointy helmets for ceremonial purposes like when on parade and were armed with single shot, breech loading Springfield rifles. I even asked the reenactors questions about the battle casualties when Fort Mackinac was taken over by the British in the War of 1812. The Americans lost that battle but we got the fort back with the treaty ending the war. The reenactors there were very informative.
Reminds me of people asking retail workers "Do you work here?". 99% of the time they know, they just feel awkward walking up behind someone and going "You there! Where is the cheese?"
This was such a great perspective! Thanks for sharing! I've been interested in starting reenacting, so this was defiantly something I need to keep in the back of my mind!
I guess my craziest question a spectator asked me was from an event last year. Actually, a few spectators did. A group of kids around 10 years old each. Anyways, I portray an American soldier of the AEF in WW1. I was sitting under a tent which had several tabletop displays of WW1 memorabilia like firearms, web gear, uniforms, etc. when the three aforementioned children walked up to the gun table. I watched cautiously, making sure they acknowledged the “DISPLAY ONLY: DO NOT TOUCH” signs prominently displayed. They scanned the whole table and suddenly took interest in a trench shotgun (a Winchester 1897) and a bolt-action service rifle (M1917 Enfield), and without pausing one of them screams out loud: “Oh my god!!! I think it’s the hunting rifle & shotgun in Fortnite!!!” They focus attention to me and ask “Hey, is this the hunting rifle from Fortnite? Is the shotgun from Fortnite too??” What could I do? I wanted to shoo them off so, so bad for making Fortnite references. But I just kindly informed them what the firearms really were, and during the clarification they just up and left with no interest whatsoever. Well, if that event happens again this year I wouldn’t want that moment to repeat.
I was dressed German for a WW2 event, everything but the hat and the feldbluse, as i stopped off at a mini-mart to grab a soda on the way to an event. Feldgrau, not camo, mind you. This was less than ten minutes from the main gate of an active army post. They thanked me for my service…
I think the "are you hot wearing all that?" Is a kind of friendliness. Sure it might seem obvious that wearing lots of wool while running around in the summer is hot, but people are still trying to check anyway. Much nicer than if they called you and people of the past stupid for wearing thick clothes
Reenactor: wears a uniform that isnt even gray or some sort of uniform from the civil war. Also he stands in a line with a BRITISH flag in the line. He shouts "God save the king" and "Huzza" He also has a musket a flintlock one. His fighting against French guys. Some viewers: ah yes the civil war Are you south or north
As a shy as shit person, I can 100% vouch that stupid tiny questions can very easily be all I can manage to get myself to speak into words out loud, but I’m literally a history major - of course I have hella actual questions. But it’s hard to get that out of me. So, you’re definitely correct in this point, Brandon
One from a friend of mine who does Roman auxiliary re-enactment: A lady walked up to him and asked whether the Romans really had nails already. His answer to her was that the Roman-Catholic church would have a big problem explaining Christianity if they had not. Needless to say, that lady did not really get the pun. Another one I had myself while working in the smithy of an open-air museum: I was planning on making some needle files and had already shaped a couple of blanks. Now they needed to slowly cool down so they stay soft enough to cut the teeth in. One guy wanted his son to bring him one of the blanks to take a look at it (they weren't glowing red anymore, but still). I turned the boy away and told the father to get one himself if he liked to touch a piece of metal that is still at about 300°C.
I think that was actually his point-showing that the 'stupid question' sets up the potential to seque into relevant conversations which often means rambling off educational information. The fadeaway cut implies how the conversation carried on without actually drawing the video out with it.
One time, I was participating in a Civil War reenactment as a Union infantryman. Me and my mates were clustered together out of formation, gearing up. Then some guy comes by and shouts at us, "You know you guys lost, right?", followed by some profanities. All we were able to do was exchange confused glances...while wearing our blue uniforms....under the American flag....
@@ArtjomKoslow I understand but people simply dont go about learning guns or history. Think of it this way by helping them understand what gun you are using you have helped made the guy more about guns and history and that can only be a good thing.
"Are you hot in that outfit ?" - never asked to a Roman :P As to the other, "Where are you from ?" (in my home town) *Looks to either side before whispering *, "Canal Street."
I feel that Medieval/Renaissance reenactors get the worst of it considering that a lot of people will (stupidly) confuse it for fantasy LARP, because obviously people running around wearing leather and fighting with oversized foam swords is the exact same thing as men armed in full plate/mail, fighting with real (though blunted) weapons in an orderly formation.
All re-enacting is arguably LARP. Medieval, colonial, napoleononic or even more modern era's like WW2. Even professional military field exercises are technically LARP.
@@alejandrorojas1423 only if you use the term LARP as a misinformed main category label. And I disagree with that use. Reenactment is far more of a Broadway theatre show where the spectators may be allowed onto the stage area and limited interaction with the actors of anotherwise fully scripted event. In a LARP, there is no spectators and no detailed script, only detailed character descriptions allowing the participants to create their own plot and intrigue through the interactions of their chosen or assigned characters. In the same way, military exercises also are not LARPs any more than sports training matches are as none of the involved are assuming a character. Airsoft however, is an interesting crossover, as it can be practiced as a LARP, but it can also be practiced as a sports competition, or as a reenectment. I personally practice it as physical exercise and cosplay/personal LARP XD
@@BrandonF That's unfortunately still a common myth even to this day. And that's the kind of thing I tend to take issue with; when the general public refuses to move past ancient and debunked myths about particular historical eras. It doesn't help that most hollywood/entertainment industries continue to push said myth through movies, books, tv shows etc. Even in the fictional world, such as the setting of a "Medieval" fantasy where most everyone is portrayed as filthy and uneducated. I think pretty much every era in general from the post Roman to early industrial (perhaps 200 A.D - 1830 A.D) gets terrible treatment from the entertainment world.
@@alexandrub8786 But African warriors only wear A banana leaf and chuck a wooden sharpened stick. Uniform, .......cannot be hot. A lot of dancing and stomping in the dust makes one hot afterwards.
Me and a French Marine(7 Years War) (Winter Battle on Snowshoes) FT TICONDEROGA, were talking about footwear worn in the time period vs modern boots in a historical context (context used loosely). Actually, I learned a lot about winter accouterments and how period correct moccasins are actually kinda warm.
Brandon sir. I thank you, I went to my local French and Indian- Seven Years War Reenactment. Walked up to a group of Grenadiers, asked questions using the proper term to make conversation, I asked about his myter cap, tricorn, haversack, belts, facings, etc etc. He was pleased someone came up and was to us reenactors speaking English in terminology. He brought me to their groups recruiting officer cause I said I had given thought to Rev War era and early colonial re-enacting; but chose American Civil War re-enacting instead because I enjoy the Civil War and all history. I apologise for any spelling mistakes and my rambling.
"Are you hot in that?" "Well, as a matter of fact, we have an extra uniform and we can always use an extra body, so over there is a tent you can change in. How about you try it for an hour?"
I remember back when I was in the Navy I once was a shore in my Dress Blue "Crackerjack" Uniform and someone comes up to me and asks: Are you in the Navy? reply: No my Mother just dresses me funny
I've have moments were i was wearing bdu trousers, a green tshirt, and tennis shoes. "are you a soldier?" Or "thank you for your service " and all this happened during the days of universal camouflage pattern acu. 😑 Honestly, i just threw some clothes on!
I did WW1 and WW2 reenacting for years. I love the points you make. When I first started in the hobby, I not only read a massive amount about my impressions, I also read a huge amount from experienced reenactors talking about how to relate to the public. They too made the point that “stupid” questions are ice breakers - opportunities to relate a shared modern experience to a historic experience. I loved getting the “are you hot in that question”. It was an opportunity to talk about the convection qualities of wool, about how the climate of northwestern Europe is different from the climate of the Mid-Atlantic US, about features of clothing that were essential then but have disappeared today. Even questions like “is that a real fire” can be opportunities to talk about food preparation in the field, or about the need for maintaining warmth in a static position, etc. That’s really what the spectator is looking for: the beginning of a conversation. This all having been said, I still take great joy when attending reenactments as a spectator in asking the stupidest questions I can think of. Gotta keep ‘em on their toes.
As historical fencer I give public first question "free". They can ask stupid things, they can ask specific things, what ever. But when one guy said that he doesn't believe that the armour is real steel AFTER WE PUT IT ON HIM, I nearly lost it. So I just said "yes, it is very real piece of metal and it can protect you from pretty much anything". And he siad that he still cannot see how much this can help in real battle. In that moment my friend lost it, picked up an axe and him in chest, full force. The sound of hit on full plate is amazing, this guy fell on his ass and gasped. I heard that he joined another group about three months later.
"Are you North or South" is hilarious because when I was doing Civil War reenactment we were always being asked if we were British or Patriots. The best reply was "No Mam, we are National Guardsmen, just Pentagon has been slow on updating our unit's equipment".
That'd be funnier if they believed it lmao
Whaaaat? DoD? Being slow on implementing new stuff? Nahhh
Which teaches nothing to anyone.
I'm sure some people know better but are essentially making fun of you reenactors. Maybe somebody was brought by one of their friends who loves history.
@@silverletter4551 No, many people do not know better. I had a principal that couldn't tell the difference between a Union and Confederate uniform. You see it was America day, and a kid decided to dress as a Union soldier. Well she called him racist for wearing a confederate uniform. Some people are in fact idiots.
''Are you Union or Confederacy?''
''I'm Commonwealth, mate''
''Oh, Polish-Lithuanian, I see.''
You're being real generous to the general public for thinking they even know the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth even existed.
They're more likely to ask if you're fighting as a New Englander after that lol
As someone who has JUST been looking up about the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, that's what I first thought of.
But Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth infantry and cavalry also wear red uniforms during most of XVIII century! :D
I'd say, "Hey, that's a funny looking hat for a hussar and where are your wings? Where's your horse?"
I asked, "How much did your kit cost you?"
His answer' "You can't afford it."
He was probably right, but at the time I thought he would make a poor recruiter.
Yikes, what a horrible answer that literally does nothing but send people away from the hobby.
Some of these activities/ clubs become a bit cliquish and you'll find some members then don't like newcomers coming in. Then before you know it they become organisations where everyone is so old that no-one younger wants to join and there's no succession to carry it on.
@@BrandonF I was put off, but maybe the guy was having a bad day. Then I found your videos and it has renewed my interest. You have a pleasant demeanor and a natural teaching ability.
You no cash money enough sir
“There’s no such thing as a useless question.”
Public: Challenge Accepted
The trickster
Robert Parise military quote: there are no dumb questions, but some questions come with pushups.
It may be apocryphal, but park rangers at battlefield parks say they have been asked "Why were so many Civil War battles fought in National Parks?"
@Kabuki Kitsune Ive seen alot of people ask if there was actually water in the canteens or if the water was real.
How the hell do you get fake water?
Three is no such thing as a stupid question but there are stupid people
Ironically, "Are you hot in that?" is a good ice breaker.
Unless you have severe burnings from when your childhood-home went up in flames 5 years ago.
@@smuu1996 just say it was a flamethrower accident ;)
that "union" soldier definitely is
But obvious
Sadly..I asked a Confederate reenactor that back in the 90's as the sweat was pouring down his face.
"Men in blue waving the star spangled banner match up a hill lined with men in grey who are singing that they wish they were in dixe land."
spectators - "Ah yes, the battle of Waterloo."
Obviously it's the battle of the Somme
Guys please you're do uncultured. That is obviously the battle oh Stalingrad stupids.
Shut up you guys!!! I know it's that it's Waterloo because my granddad's plane got shot down by a kamikaze during it and he's hated Russians ever since.
Someone correct me on this if possible, but I do believe it's the battle of Trafalgar he's talking about.
No no no its clearly the battle Bannockburn
As a medieval reenactor, my favorite is "Is that heavy?" when I'm wearing my armor. I try to explain politely how you get used to the 87lbs of kit. Often, I'll let them hold my helmet for a bit. It gets them thinking about the period in human terms rather than historical terms.
lebverderben I like your approach. Thanks for being pleasant to other people :)
Maybe let them try to hold you ;)
@@aeropone Not too far off of how I met my fiance. She saw my group practicing and approached us. One of the first things I said to her was admitting that my armor was worth more than my car. That's more of a comment on the car I was driving at the time though.
I do 15th Century Burgundian (English mercenary archer). The one they probably never ask is "is that hot?" In any case is your harness tournament armour? 87 lbs is heavy for field plate. Your arming doublet probably is cursing you. Do you pop a lot of points with that kind of weight?
@@williamknowles5646 My kit's based on a Chernbourg pattern with maille underneath. I'm fully encased in steel, since I'm a man at arms. The maille shirt is a large percentage of the weight. Plus I'm 6'4". Took a little extra steel to armor me :)
Yes, Brandon IS hot in that unfiform...
@@BrandonF Oh shit he replied
@@BrandonF no thats illegal
omg yes
@@BrandonF Still waiting on the body pillows lmao
I was at a Civil War reenactment in New York when I was a kid, and a gentleman in the cavalry was kind enough to spend roughly an hour going through his entire kit, even giving me a minié ball.
reminds me of the time I went to a town fair, and there was a police department booth with police equipment laid out on the table. Me, I'm like "oh surplus sale" and asked how much for the helmet. The main representive, a young officer, explained to me that it was just a display booth to educate kids about law enforcement and the equipment they used. That's when I noticed all the little kids running around with police vests on and handcuffs. Anyway the man kindly started pointing to the various equipment and how he used it all while on the job. Nice experience, and that's what I like to see out of those kind of events.
I think it was a one-off event at Beardslee Castle.
And THAT'S how it's done! Bravo!
To be fair if reenactors used real bullets they would get larger crowds.
But there'd also be less reenactors, I think.
@@BrandonF What if Vr gets sci levels of real that would be sick. Picture fighting waterloo or Yorkstown with people and Ai while feeling really there.
The history channel and bovington have 360 or from images of battle and tanks but a game would be fun but it would have to be scripted heavily to keep people in line especially in vr
"Are you sure we'll have larger crowds? I mean they're all falling down!"
It'd be like the real Civil War spectators lol
"Do you know where bathroom is?"
"Well yes but did you know how soldiers actually urinated during a battle?"
I’m scared to ask but how
@@thegamingsentinel9238 Not sure either.
@@johntheknight3062 "Tactics and the Experience of Battle in the Age of Napoleon" by Rory Muir does have a few very interesting pages about taking a shit on the battlefield, if it helps (mostly "break ranks and go some distance away, unless you absolutely can't because you're in the middle of action, in which case good luck to you, also you might have to go to the front rather than the rear if you're an officer so you don't lose face, and your men will cheer if you come under fire while doing the deed, also I hope you're not a horseman with diarrhea")
Even today soldiers shit themselves. It’s better to shit and live than die shitting on the battlefield.
Most likely out of fear
“You should be ashamed for portraying the English. What they did was just as bad as the Nazis.” - real quote from woman at reenactment (it was in the US)
Why would you be ashamed of potraying a german?
Some people you just have to cut your losses with...it's unfortunate, but you're unlikely to ever change their mind at the particular instant. Unless you're willing to speak for a few hours...
I can kind of understanding her point from a certain point of view, mind you I'm Scottish and I've been to Culloden
@@russellalexanderyim8623 Most Germans never became Nazis, and far from all Nazis were German, the latter is the main reason the Nazi conspiracy fiction is still spread by the alt-right terrorist movement and their allies in the European nazi movements over here (though the latter prefere to call themselves "socially conservative nationalists" to circumvent raising res flags with people too ignorant to see that the content is the same only with an expanded target list and reworked dog whistle terms.
I would argue they were pioneers in the field, in the case of the boer war concentration camps, but that was probably not what she was referring to....
"How many shots can your one-shot rifle hold?"
"Why aren't there bullet holes on the battlefield monuments?"
" Did the soldiers hide behind the monuments on the battlefield?"
These are real questions that I've heard spectators ask us reenactors.
No fckin way...
“So are you British?”
*Wearing a red uniform standing in front of the Union Jack*
“No mate, I’m French.”
Cody Adams you fuken wat mate
@@codyadams120 You might be also swiss guard in french service with captured British banner :P
Ours have bullet impacts, history having a tendency to repeat itself
“Would that kill you if you got shot by it?”
*Points to .69 caliber musket*
*Laughs in gangrene*
Uhhhh...you see this soft lead ball? Yea so crazy thing is unlike modern spizter-esque cartridges when it hits the human body it tumbles and flattens upon impact. You know that means? You’re going to blowing grapefruit-sized chunks out of people! I don’t know can it kill you???
"Well if your exposed organs didn't kill you, and somehow the doctors were able to heal you, then the lead ball would probably poison your blood quite a bit, especially if you loading your musket a lot as well."
Okay that's bad.
A couple of our lads getting asked "You and what army?!" By the locals shortly before the rest of the Pike Block came marching round the corner.
I would pay money to see that
"That one" what a power move
That would probably be hilarious to see!
One of my friends was dressed up in full NVA kit for a Vietnam reenactment and he got thanked for his service by a woman at a gas station. Definitely interesting to see the lack of history knowledge from some people.
I'd crack up if that was me!
@@einefreunde The exact same thing happened to me but I was wearing a Soviet Red Army uniform, I did crack up.
That's got be the best anecdote here. It reminds me of a British comedy routine. A man is begging on the street with a sign "Falklands War Veteran". A well-dressed man with a regimental tie says, "I was there. It was hell. Sorry to see you in this situation. Here's 20 pounds." He goes away and the beggar says, "Gracias, senor."
Some people just see a modern uniform and assume that you were or are from the armed forces, even if it’s an uniform from a different country, I for one probably would have a hard time distinguishing a lot of modern uniforms, I don’t think it’s a stupid question or even a lack of historical knowledge for that matter, I know my history pretty well, I’m just not very interested in the arms, uniforms or vehicles of the time if I’m going to be totally honest, I think the politics, the tactics, the diplomacy and the economy interest me more.
@@diamonddigs6206 :)
Icebreaker when speaking to grenadiers: "where is your mustache?"
Or when asking to hussars: "why do you have that silly moustache?"
The better questions for a husar is "Are you the one that stole my wallet/daughter/beer/wife/goat."
"German" grenadiers.
I dunno? which unit? which era? which campaign?
I have often had the question "Are you hot?". I took it mostly as the public/person have not seen the era's outfits and I know most of the information about fabric/dyes/embroidery and the response is "actually I am very cool. The material is linen which does keep me cool and then I go into people in wool and I give them a talk.
But I have however had a dumb question, it came from an event organiser that knew we used real fire. We were asked "can you turn down the smoke?" We looked at open fire and said "no" and they said "there must be a setting on the box to turn it down." We then had to show them that the fire is real and the box is just an iron box to hold the fire for safety.
I would've responded "in theory yes but you'll need to find us some drier wood"
@@firestorm165 that was what did end up saying but they only has the damp/wet and green wood. But strangely ever since the wood we have gotten has been dry as a bone and no green growth.
No you mega fool you gotta touch the fire itslef and it will have a button there that you have to click for 20 seconds then call the fire manager
A kid asked us why some of the flags have yellow stars and some white. (this was at a a.c.w event) No one in the 28th had a clue but this sparked a long conversation with the girls parents about the flags and there meaning, and we talked about it for a long time after the family had moved on.
p.s. It is because the flags issued by the army had gold and the flags issued by the states had white. Originally the stars on army issued flags were meant to be gold, but the gold lace they used would tarnish black in a few months so the used yellow instead.
and that I didn't know. That's a pretty cool tidbit
Wow that's really cool i didn't know that.
Spectator: Do you know where the bathroom is?
Yea i will show you to the latrine that needs digging
just 20 minutes? Lame, to be a propper lecture needs to be at least 2 hours and just for the basics. That was a breefing.
I worked at medieval times for years and years.
"Are the horses real?" Was always my favorite question.
It sucks when Disney wont sponsor You with those realistic looking animatronic horses, aye, indeed.
Hbomberguy has entered the chat
If you're ever afraid of asking questions at reenactments, just remember that at 10:00 he was so willing to explain the history that he rambled to a non-existent person so long he had to edit some of it out
A great pickup line for a re-enactor is “You are hot in that uniform”
There is only one answer, and it is the same you should answer if people ask you if you are a God.
I've actually had one spectator at an artillery demonstration complain to us that she didn't know the cannons would 'be that loud'... because she didn't cover her ears when told to while we're all wearing ear plugs lol.
Well... you know, there are always Karens...
My husband was demonstrating making nails, and was explaining that nails were so expensive that builders would try to use as few as possible. Some drunk loudly contradicted my husband, saying they didn't have nails in our time period. My husband replied, "Yes, you are right, Sir. That's why the Romans TIED our Saviour to the Cross!" He got a lot of free drinks that season as the story went around.!
I mean... They did tie Him also
Beat me to it and I didn’t realize lol
If you really want to turn heads, tell them your canteen is filled with artificial water
Recreated Water
Authentic water from 1777. Anything else is pure farb
We always say we have authentic fires from the 1500, that we got from a museum after it was dug out from an old kings tomb. We also have this game where we tell the spectator that the following story has x inaccuries, and they have to spot them. Sometimes there is prices.
@@babyinuyasha Thanks for giving me a nice laugh and make my day even better
Tritiated water
4-year-old spectator: "Mr. red shirt man, are you wearing a pirate hat?"
Reenactor: "How adorable! I'm actually a soldier!"
38-year-old spectator (the kid's dad): "Do you guys use real bullets?"
It’s enjoyable to talk to kids as pretending to be from that era and confuse them
‘We have radiators at home’
‘What’s a radiator?’
‘It use hot water to make the house warm’
‘How many servants would you need to carry those water around! Your family must be even wealthier than our lord!’
A friend of mine was asked at a WWII event he was at by a woman if he was wearing his “summer wool”. The same guy was asked at a different event “are you real?” We all nearly died laughing at both events from that.
So sorry but could you explain this further? I'm a knitter and summer and winter wool have a meaning to me...
... It's the WW2 part isn't it? 😊
@@le13579 sure. So the summer uniform for the US army was cotton khaki. If you ever watch the movie (I can’t believe I’m using this movie...ugh) Pearl Harbor, the khaki uniforms they wear in Hawaii are summer service. The wools (shits and trousers) are winter service though they were worn in the Mediterranean and European theatres year round, at least the shirts were. Occasionally you’ll see men in HBTs in Europe but that’s more of a Pacific theatre thing. There really were no “summer wool” uniforms in the army at the time since their summer uniform was cotton khaki.
@@kaynebartholomew2994 Thank you so much!
I got asked that a lot myself, i feel bad though when i wear anything WW1 or newer that isn't American because some people get scared and ask if America has been conquered by whatever country i am representing and i don't mean to scare people.
Is that a real fire?
I'm a very anxious person. The mere thought of approaching a group, all talking to one another, all wearing the same clothing, all obviousy pre occupied, and walking up, getting their attention, and asking my question...is slightly terrifying for me lol. Don't know if anyone else can relate....
I certainly can relate!
I’d stall and just keep replaying all the different scenarios in my head. And never go up and come to regret later in life
First time I went to a re-enactment and saw the German ww2 guys my dad took me over to ask a question and I was terrified
I'd like to try re-enactment, but not only am I anxious, but I'm also an anxious girl that probably won't be accepted by 90% of the units out there (at least from what I've read on Google), so I might never end up asking people because they seem so scary :'(
@@DelDel__ If you live in Europe you have high chances of getting accepted into some groups which do reenactment of cavalry, I dunno how is that in America though.
"Are you Union or Confederacy?"
"I'm a wehrmacht soldier invading Stalingrad oblast the 15th of January of 1941 lady"
"Oh those egyptians are cool then"
One of my favorite questions ever received at an event was at a timeline event where a spectator came into my camp, German Fallschirmjager, and asked us how the Rev. War guys had lived this long. He thought all of us where veterans of our respective wars and was afraid to ask the "oldest" participants how we live so long out of fear of insulting their age....
When we told him we were reenactors, and explained what that means, he got insulted we were fake imposter soldiers and left.
Also, he did start the conversation with the classic "is that fire real" all while his kid annoyed the US Marine reenactors in next camp over by telling them their '03 Springfields were wrong because they didn't have scopes on them because the '03s have them on Call of Duty....
Ok what? Also about the kid...wHaT
Jesus H.!
@@princessdianasexplosivepet1524 Jesus Hitler!
Now imagine a German WWII veteran walks up and asks “Do you get hot in that uniform?”
@@laughingseagull000 "I used to get hot in my uniform quite a bit, especially around the ovens..."
My professor: "There are no stupid questions, only stupid answers."
In sub school they taught that the only stupid question is the one you didn't ask.
Sometimes a stupid question is one that is being asked for the third of fourth time.
I dunno you ever worked retail
@@MongyBongy :) Yes I have, if only for a short time. And you are right, not easy to stay always polite and nice - but they are the customers, even when they "know everything better"...
@@MongyBongy my sister gets people trying to use a Tesco card in her Sainsbury's and then have the audacity to ask why they can't.
The first question I ever asked a reenactor was: "What was your helmet called?" (it was at Battle of Königgrätz reenactment and I was asking Prussian reenactors) I did actually know the name of the helmet (Pickelhaube), but I just wanted to have a small talk with them, but with one sided question like this I could not expect it to turn into some bigger chat. So I left as soon as I got the answer. Now I don't have much problems talking to reenactors (unless we count "walking strangely around the reenactors until I get the courage to ask them something"), but that is also partly due to me already knowing some stuff, which is something common people probably miss.
Weeeell actuaaaaally it was called the "Helm mit Spitze". "Pickelhaube" was only a degrading Soldiers term for it.
Mind you "Pickel" is the German word for something pointy but also for a pimple.
So it was made to sound ugly/disgusting.
And somehow people from around the world call it that way now :D
@@aeropone oh, interesting, thank you very much, then I shall avoid using the Pickelhaube term, or actually not, since I am more of an Austrian person, I shall use it to mock the Prussians :)
if you will be interested in WW1 as well, dont forget to arrive to Mladejov... we are happy for every curious visitor who dont call us nazi :)
I read alot of history books before I started reenacting or even attending events as a spectator. After answering questions from the public during reenactments revealed to me how few people did the same thing.
always wanted a picklehaube myself but unfortunately in the US no units wore it during the civil war events I attended. have fun for me in wearing it.
This red uniform - is it from October Revolution? :P
Obviously they're supposed to be roman centurions
Le Garde Royale
Yes, it is from the imperial National-Bolshevik Monarchist army of Transamur.
"Is that.... "actual" food that you're eating? And you cooked it with fire!?"
Oh, the horror!!!
"But, when you cook on the stove, your cooking with fire no? When you cook on the grill, your using a fire no?"
@@zylack9069 Lol
Zylack stoves not so much anymore. Most use coils to heat save the few that use gas
@@thinkwithurdipstick Bah, fine, heat is heat no? and heat cooks
The first reenactor I ever met as an 8 year old was literally a civil war soldier in my eyes, and that guys willingness to speak to me with respect and answer all the questions I'm sure he had heard a hundred times was a huge deal to me. What a learning experience. And eventually led me to the hobby
Weird to think about. When my dad would've seen his first reenactments there were vets still walkign around from the US Civil War.
After a battle once, we were hanging out in our company street to answer all the stupid questions (and, of course, the good ones, too), and a small group of people had gathered around. A young woman said that the battle had made her cry. That made my day. It's easy to ditch the farb and dress authentically, but to elicit historically correct emotions is when you are really getting it right. I don't mind the stupid questions anymore.
We are alway told in our trainings that show condition emotions should be aimed to make little children’s cry lol
Whenever I ask where the bathrooms are, I EXPECT an in depth explanation on how the British answered the call of nature, while also on the march, all the while I'm saying "mhm" and "oh" and "cool" and "yeah" every five words you say, very slowly taking small steps backwards.
King Frederick, I like your pic. Are you hot in that uniform, though?
Now that I've had my serious answer: my favorite responses to questions from the public:
"Is that wool hot?"
>No sir, feel it. See? Cool to the touch.
>No sir not at all, I bought it from a reputable vendor
"What did you have to do to blank adapt that 1903 springfield"
>[the inaudible sound of my soul being torn asunder]
"Do you use real bullets?"
>Not as often as I should
"How much does this stuff cost?"
Ma'am, I honestly try not to think about it.
If you have to modify a 1903 Springfield to fire blanks that is unfortunate. honestly this is one of the main reasons I wish companies did replicas of old Rifles and Sub-machine guns so you didn't have to mess with the internals on a side note does modifying it to fire blanks remove the ability to fire a standard cartridge
To use rifles like the K98 in UK reenactments, the barrels have to be smooth bore.
@@worldwarwill1278 That is fucked a historical firearm should not need to be chopped to shit to be legal in a reenactment
I totally agree with you! Luckily these modifications only happen if the rifle is used for reenactment (smooth bored and are held on a (shot gun certificate). The good news is, you can legally own and shoot perfectly intact rifles in the uk (with a firearms certificate).
On a side note, you can get some awesome blank firing replicas in the UK, I have an FG42 (video on my channel) and a blank firing m1a1 Thompson.
@@GrimdarkCrusader20th You don't actually have to modify an M1903 at all. You can just load blank rounds straight into any bolt-action rifle.
Modifications are only needed for weapons with automatic actions, like Garands and Thompsons for example.
After giving a tour of the USS Alabama in USN kit a member of the tour asked if the ship was sunk during the World War II. I honestly did not know what to say.
Well, to be honest there are some museum ships that have been sunk at one point in their lives and later raised and repaired
Well I was a Tourguide for a German U Boat for a summer, and that one was sunk, recovered and made into a Museum Ship.
Yeah, it’s not as though several of the US battleships sunk at Pearl Harbour were raised, repaired, and returned to service...
To be fair, there are historical examples of ships that were indeed sunk and later raised and returned to service. My personal favorite example is of battleship USS West Virginia; sunk at Pearl Harbor, later raised and made history by participating in the last battleship battle in history, the Battle of Surigao Strait.
@@frankydman imagine being a japanese pilot and sinking a ship only for it to appear 3 years later in fighting condition
As a WW2 German re-enactor, on more than one occasion I’ve had the statement “ thank you for your service “ said to me.... not necessarily a question, but still just as ridiculous 😳
“Thank you for your service”
“Um… I wouldn’t?”
"Oh. thank you for your service!"
"Oh, uh your welcome?"
"So, where are you heading?"
@@razzledazzle8593"Yes Yes I know you Saw the War, but what about your destination?"
I definitely felt more than enough intimidation when I came up to you guys at Fort Lee 😭 I spent half the time beforehand trying to think of something witty or clever to say before finally stammering some sort of response that I don't even remember anymore. Another big part of the intimidation as well is not even knowing really what to ask reenactors even if you wanted to! Im very glad to have been able to chat and speak about the hobby with you guys and am sorely disappointed that events and the like are on hold for the foreseeable future due to clear and obvious current events. All the best!
But I'm glad you came up all the same! I really love meeting people who watch my videos, at events and otherwise. And no worries...I don't remember what you first said, either!
"are you hot" is to reenacting as "I guess it's free" is to retail.
“Are you hot in that uniform?”
*Flashbacks to Monmouth Intensify*
Always Monmouth...
Monmouth is ALWAYS hot!!! Make me understand what the real soldiers went thru on that day!!!
@@BrandonF 2019 Monmouth was beautiful, but everyone was at Springfield lol.
Brandon F.
Sidenote, but you ever notice there’s not that many battles where the literal heat of the day is so ubiquitous in the accounts? Outside of Monmouth I only know a few others with that same reputation - Hattin, Adrianople (378) and maybe Pydna are the only ones I can think of. You’d might expect more, considering that for most of history campaigns could only be conducted in warm conditions.
@@warlordofbritannia While I don't know about exact battle, I know a case in an entire campaign. In war of 1866, Italian campaign, Austrian army suffered from great heat problems (entire war was fought in summer) because in field, soldiers preferred (I am not sure if actually they weren't forced to) to wear their great coats, I am not sure why, but it might do something with the fact that Austrian uniforms were white, so they could easily get dirty, while their great coats were grey and besides, I don't think anyone cared if those got dirty. Once again, I might be telling bullshit, also, this would probably only be a case for line infantry, since other parts of the army (artillery, cavalry and probably some parts of light infantry) wore variety of differently coloured uniforms (however I saw pictures of artillerists, who wore brown uniforms, wearing the great coats too), which were much easier to keep them clean.
What's worn under the kilt ? they asked a Scottish soldier. Soldier: Nothing is worn, everything is in perfect working order!
I wonder if the "north or south" question would be asked for a Roman Empire reenactment.
Yes, we're portraying Caesar's 13th Legion crossing the Rubicon, coming from the North so yes we're portraying the North, driving dixies out of Rome !!!
Clearly it would be an east/west divide between the hellenic people with thin nose and the latin who salt cities to not be repopulated.
@@alexandrub8786 carthago delenda est
As a former school teacher and former tour guide for the National Park Service, thank you so much for doing this video. I always found a way to take 'dumb' questions and turn them into a long and informative conversation, because I understood the tourist or student asking the question wasn't being stupid and was just trying to find a way to break the ice and start a conversation, but didn't know where to begin. So many others don't pick up on that, at least at first, and when someone's 'dumb' question gets shot down or blown off, they feel stupid and awkward and their enthusiasm dies. Treat their 'dumb' question as an opportunity to go in depth on something interesting, and you can get them hooked; now reel them in with a conversation on things they always wanted to know about the event/place/time period in question, help them learn where to find more information, and reel them in. You can either get somebody to become an enthusiast for life, or you can give them a negative experience that makes them lose interest. It really is all on you as the reenactor/tour guide/teacher to handle it properly, and I'm so glad someone made a video specifically addressing this and understands what's really going on and how to handle it. Bravo.
When I was a tour guide, one of the displays was a reproduction of an Italian map (in a Spanish mission) from the 1500's, which included Antarctica, but not Australia. None of the other tour guides ever made it a feature in their tours, it was just something cool for the tourists to see hanging on the wall, and very few could answer any questions about it. I made it one of the last stops on my tour, used it as an opportunity to explain that no, people didn't think the world was flat and Columbus sailed to America while trying to prove it was round, and by the way, can anyone tell me the first time they discovered Antarctica? Because it wasn't in the 1500's when this map was made. So how did they know to put an entire continent they'd never seen on a map of the world?
That's the kind of thing that sucks people in, and after the tour concluded there, I could have a conversation lasting anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour with the people from my tour or who just happened to be standing nearby while I was talking, because they never knew any of this and wanted to know where they could find more information. You have a passion for history and facts, and it's your job, your responsibility, to cultivate that same passion in strangers you'll probably never meet again. Approach every interaction wisely.
"Can you breath in your corset ?"
"Well, I'm wearing it for six hours now, so obviously yes (everyone laugh)...but guess what ? It is not uncomfortable at all ! And let me debug all those nasty urban legend about corset..........."
Thank you for your vid. You are so right !! We should never forget that most of us did not knew so many things, had so many skills, when we begin reenacting, and that the goal of reenacting is to share with others...
Brandon, Brandon, Bandon, a very wise penguin once said "just smile and wave boys, smile and wave." Sage advice. In the meantime take a deep breath. Good air in... bad air out... good air in...
So many people are completely missing the meaning of this video. You should appreciate the "stupid" questions, as it can eventually lead into the questioner ending up more educated on history.
As a medieval re-enactor, when I'm in armour I almost never get asked "Is it hot in that?" even in a blistering hot day, but instead get the "Oh that must be so heavy!" comment. Ironically, my armour doesn't weigh much, but I'll be baking in it! Absolutely people will start with what they can relate to. Letting them try on some armour is always fun. Keeping some spare kit for that is good, especially with kids.
This is the attitude I have tried to use with my kids. I think it has worked. They know far more about history and geopolitical stuff than their classmates as a result.
"How did you blank-adapt that [insert non-self-loading firearm here]"
Always makes me die a little.
I reenact 1500 late medieval landsknecht. Some tourist came along and asked "how do you keep the native in their reservation?" In awe we asked her to clarify... She thought we were "native Danes" like "native Americans". We took it as a compliment, because we had to be pretty authentic then 😅🤣
Yeah I find it funny how US Citizens project their own systems to every other country.
I had a similar encounter in Germany, although not history related. I was at a demonstration as a photographer on the side and some US tourist asked us if it was a demonstration for democrats or republican.
In Germany... Right.
Yeah, poor education and little understanding of the rest of the world.
Was at a vikingmarket couple years ago, and got asked by some americans if we where allowed to leave the reservation, and if we went to school, or got treated badly by the government.
@The Martial Lord of Loyalty Sure because every Demonstration in Germany ever is an AfD Demonstration. The AfD Invented Démonstrations. There are no other parties that do such Things.
God are you dumb.
@The Martial Lord of Loyalty Ah ja. Weil man Witze ohne jede Pointe, Smileys etc im Internet auch immer so gut rüberbringen kann.
Kategorische AfD Basher sind, wie AfDler selbst, meist eher auf den unteren Rängen der Intelligenz vertreten. Deshalb gehe ich erstmal davon aus, dass du das Ernst meinst. Zumal da nicht eine Pointé oder sonst ein Indikator bei war.
Naja Willkommen im Internet wenn das neu für dich ist...
After years of working in the Living History field, I learned early on to not wait for questions. Always ask the visitor a question. "Would you like to have a photo made holding my musket?" "What are you having for lunch?" Anything to break the ice. Once you do that, people will start asking questions. At an event in November, I had several people that stayed with us for at least 2 hours asking questions about everything. It all started by allowing them to hold a musket.
Someone once asked if my WW2 Canadian Italian campaign uniform was Desert Strom just because it was a Desert tan colour. How I did not use my bayonet that day still surprises me.
"Hmm are you hot in that soviet greatcoat sir?"
"Aw naw it's only 90degrees out and I'be already given my canteen to my private... so no I'm not hot, I'm cooked."
Back in Virginia at a WW2 reenactment of D-Day i was talking to my friend Marty who was about to participate in the First wave of Omaha Beach and this girl came up and started asking him all these questions since he was in uniform and he got this look on his face he had through the whole conversation. after she left he said some foul words while it was just us and i asked him; "What's wrong aren't you having fun"? and i swear he says "That girl just wanted my number and a date she doesn't care about the sacrifices the men i am here to honor made i want her and everyone like her out of my sacred time capsule"! I'm like; "Geez man she just thought you were a dashing young man in that fine American WW2 kit of yours any of those poor men who didn't make it off the beach that day would have been glad to take that girl for burger fries and a coke back then"!
0:31 If he asked if you were Union, you could technically say he was right. The rest of the discussion would confuse him immensely, but it would be hilarious
"Are Union or Confederate??"
I'm North Korean Karen
Yeah but you want them to be united(unionist) or made a confederation(confederate) an work like Austro-Hungary Sigma.
North huh..... So the union
In this video Brandon explains basic social interaction. :D
I'd probably freeze were I to see a group of re-enactors standing together in a closed group all wearing the same thing and engaged in conversation. I'd start getting Vietnam flashbacks to where situations similar to that didn't end well for me, let's just put that as mildly as possible. xD
"is that fire real?"
*Starts crying at 4 in the morning*
Me: "Why are spectators so stupidddddd?"
I get dumb questions in 10th century reenactment. Patience is quintessential to the trade.
so you north or south m8 xd.
Guys, don't be absurd. My unit's obviously Wehrmacht
Obviously mesopotamian chariot riders
@@CharlieSkellon It ma seem so at first glance, but when we look closely we can see that in reality they depict Beiyang Army Chinese soldiers trained by European Officers
One of my favourites are: "Do you die for real during the showfight?"
“Did you die?”
“Sadly yes, but I lived!”
"Are you Confederate or Union" is that actually a real question you got asked.
A few times...
Brandon F.
That’s... a little shocking?
But, I suppose it’s expected at times if someone doesn’t know anything.
Granted I’m looking for a British Para or American Marine group local to Long Island so I can’t speak from experience, but as a spectator many times over for a big reenactment in PA, I guess I could’ve heard stuff from there that was a little... Stupid. Maybe even ASKED stupid questions I’ve looked back at and regretted deeply.
FLNY Mike I know there is a re-enactment group in Long Island because I met them at the American armor museum
Sparetime 247 For who, the Marines? I’ve been to the museum in Bethpage many times. Have you ever been to the reenactment at Old Bethpage Village?
As shocking as it may be there are people out there who have minimal knowledge of and minimal interest in history. They simply don’t care enough to invest time to learn all that much about it, they think their free time is better served elsewhere and are often pretty occupied with their day to day business. For us, history is our hobby and pastime, we love to learn about it and read it, but they do other things. When they see a reenactment, it’s almost more of a spectacle, they’re usually there for the experience and any info they pick up is just a nice little bonus, some flair they can add when they tell their friends and family about it and show them videos or pictures.
That’s not to say there’s anything wrong with people like that, they do what they need to do and want to do so they can live their happiest life, but it’s the reason that you get Americans that can’t point out France or Britain on a map; it just isn’t essential knowledge and if they don’t have someone around to tell them and it never comes up, they simply won’t care and won’t be any worse for it.
Then there’s also the very real possibility that they could have been messing with you
Man! The first 2 minutes? I sitting here getting mad! That "us/them" attitude is exactly why I don't often go to reenactments. I'm interested in this or that historical event and want a first hand perspective from history enthusists (reenactors) but it seems exactly like you said later on in your video, I'm not in your club. You guys are intimidating. A uniform is just intimidating, on a State Trooper or a reenactor. Is my question good enough? Is it "dumb" to the point I often have walked away and am no more the wiser. But, I am glad I watched the rest of the video. Well said. I hope your fellow reenactors take your advice to heart. Thank you.
Imagine living life without ever using the words us and them
@@hippyjoe We couldn't have any wars to reenact if us/them didn't exist. But, I understand your sentiment. ☮️
@@duesouth180 We certainly would have wars. Thats just humans. Actually all creatures that master communication and form a society have them. Ants for example.
@@aeropone It's less about words and more about mindset.
It's easier to take up arms against something that you see as separate of yourself or your group.
As a newer reenactor, who is often nervous about trying to keep the hobby going and keeping the public interested, I want to say, as truly and sincerly as possible, thank you sir for this video, and I can't wait to share this with my unit!
And thank you for the kind words, and for being involved with the hobby!
I was once thanked for my service and offered a discount when I went to a store to quickly buy some water while dressed in my Red Army uniform in Ohio. I was also thanked for my service in Canada as well in the same uniform.
I went to go see the fort at Mackinac Island in Michigan and saw reenactors there. They were wearing US army uniforms from the 1880's which were basically like Union Civil War uniforms but in addition to their caps they wore Prussian style pointy helmets for ceremonial purposes like when on parade and were armed with single shot, breech loading Springfield rifles. I even asked the reenactors questions about the battle casualties when Fort Mackinac was taken over by the British in the War of 1812. The Americans lost that battle but we got the fort back with the treaty ending the war. The reenactors there were very informative.
"you guy's use real bullets"
"I do, but most people don't."
Reminds me of people asking retail workers "Do you work here?". 99% of the time they know, they just feel awkward walking up behind someone and going "You there! Where is the cheese?"
I’m a civil war renactor and I was once asked if I was a ww2 soldiers
I could see WW1 but 2 that's just called someone had no investment in the subject matter
Ah, it's viceversa too, spectators arent so genious are they?
"Are you hot?"
No need to ask that. Have you seen their uniforms? Damn right do they look hot.
This was such a great perspective! Thanks for sharing! I've been interested in starting reenacting, so this was defiantly something I need to keep in the back of my mind!
I guess my craziest question a spectator asked me was from an event last year.
Actually, a few spectators did. A group of kids around 10 years old each.
Anyways, I portray an American soldier of the AEF in WW1. I was sitting under a tent which had several tabletop displays of WW1 memorabilia like firearms, web gear, uniforms, etc. when the three aforementioned children walked up to the gun table.
I watched cautiously, making sure they acknowledged the “DISPLAY ONLY: DO NOT TOUCH” signs prominently displayed.
They scanned the whole table and suddenly took interest in a trench shotgun (a Winchester 1897) and a bolt-action service rifle (M1917 Enfield), and without pausing one of them screams out loud:
“Oh my god!!! I think it’s the hunting rifle & shotgun in Fortnite!!!”
They focus attention to me and ask “Hey, is this the hunting rifle from Fortnite? Is the shotgun from Fortnite too??”
What could I do? I wanted to shoo them off so, so bad for making Fortnite references. But I just kindly informed them what the firearms really were, and during the clarification they just up and left with no interest whatsoever.
Well, if that event happens again this year I wouldn’t want that moment to repeat.
you did your job, informed them what the weapons really were. not much you can do if they don't actually take interest.
I hope for my country's sake that you made that up for fake internet points. Otherwise, well, I don't want to think about it.
I was dressed German for a WW2 event, everything but the hat and the feldbluse, as i stopped off at a mini-mart to grab a soda on the way to an event. Feldgrau, not camo, mind you. This was less than ten minutes from the main gate of an active army post. They thanked me for my service…
Pfft, lol
I think the "are you hot wearing all that?" Is a kind of friendliness. Sure it might seem obvious that wearing lots of wool while running around in the summer is hot, but people are still trying to check anyway. Much nicer than if they called you and people of the past stupid for wearing thick clothes
"Is that Mayonnaise Real?"
John Patterson ...Is it an instrument?
@@mikeytrains1 No Mike isn't an instrument
Master P What about horseradish?
FLNY Mike No, mike, horseradish isn’t an instrument either.
Well, Is it Hellmanm's or an authentic 18th century recipe Mayonnaise?
Reenactor: wears a uniform that isnt even gray or some sort of uniform from the civil war. Also he stands in a line with a BRITISH flag in the line. He shouts "God save the king" and "Huzza" He also has a musket a flintlock one. His fighting against French guys.
Some viewers: ah yes the civil war
Are you south or north
Cavaliers, obviously!
@@fds7476 Those ain't cavaliers, are you stupid ? These are clearly paleolithic cave-men
@@wp9746 Is that you, Don?
@@PfMokii Da, ofcourse
@@wp9746 from PBA?
"Are you hot in that?"
"I like to think so, thanks for the compliment! But seriously,...."
As a shy as shit person, I can 100% vouch that stupid tiny questions can very easily be all I can manage to get myself to speak into words out loud, but I’m literally a history major - of course I have hella actual questions. But it’s hard to get that out of me. So, you’re definitely correct in this point, Brandon
One from a friend of mine who does Roman auxiliary re-enactment: A lady walked up to him and asked whether the Romans really had nails already. His answer to her was that the Roman-Catholic church would have a big problem explaining Christianity if they had not. Needless to say, that lady did not really get the pun.
Another one I had myself while working in the smithy of an open-air museum: I was planning on making some needle files and had already shaped a couple of blanks. Now they needed to slowly cool down so they stay soft enough to cut the teeth in. One guy wanted his son to bring him one of the blanks to take a look at it (they weren't glowing red anymore, but still). I turned the boy away and told the father to get one himself if he liked to touch a piece of metal that is still at about 300°C.
I love how Brandon had to cut himself off while he was editing because he was rambling on a different topic.
I think that was actually his point-showing that the 'stupid question' sets up the potential to seque into relevant conversations which often means rambling off educational information. The fadeaway cut implies how the conversation carried on without actually drawing the video out with it.
Probably your best, most important video, Brandon.
(I just wish so many of your viewers commenting here weren't completely missing the point)
One time, I was participating in a Civil War reenactment as a Union infantryman. Me and my mates were clustered together out of formation, gearing up. Then some guy comes by and shouts at us, "You know you guys lost, right?", followed by some profanities. All we were able to do was exchange confused glances...while wearing our blue uniforms....under the American flag....
I'm astounded by the amount of times I've been asked if we use real bullets. We need more Brandon rants!!
And then as soon as someone actually gets injured , "I thought you guys *didn't* use real bullets"
Me (german WW2 Impression with MP40): Is that an AK?
To be fair people dont know shit about guns.
@@hagnartheviking6584 I would understand the Question if I had a StG44 but a Schmeisser?
@@ArtjomKoslow I understand but people simply dont go about learning guns or history. Think of it this way by helping them understand what gun you are using you have helped made the guy more about guns and history and that can only be a good thing.
Hans! You know what you need to bring...
"Are you hot in that outfit ?" - never asked to a Roman :P As to the other, "Where are you from ?" (in my home town) *Looks to either side before whispering *, "Canal Street."
I feel that Medieval/Renaissance reenactors get the worst of it considering that a lot of people will (stupidly) confuse it for fantasy LARP, because obviously people running around wearing leather and fighting with oversized foam swords is the exact same thing as men armed in full plate/mail, fighting with real (though blunted) weapons in an orderly formation.
Oh, I can only imagine... "So like, knights couldn't get up if they fell down, right?"
Do they get hot in those?
All re-enacting is arguably LARP. Medieval, colonial, napoleononic or even more modern era's like WW2. Even professional military field exercises are technically LARP.
@@alejandrorojas1423 only if you use the term LARP as a misinformed main category label.
And I disagree with that use.
Reenactment is far more of a Broadway theatre show where the spectators may be allowed onto the stage area and limited interaction with the actors of anotherwise fully scripted event.
In a LARP, there is no spectators and no detailed script, only detailed character descriptions allowing the participants to create their own plot and intrigue through the interactions of their chosen or assigned characters.
In the same way, military exercises also are not LARPs any more than sports training matches are as none of the involved are assuming a character.
Airsoft however, is an interesting crossover, as it can be practiced as a LARP, but it can also be practiced as a sports competition, or as a reenectment.
I personally practice it as physical exercise and cosplay/personal LARP XD
@@BrandonF That's unfortunately still a common myth even to this day. And that's the kind of thing I tend to take issue with; when the general public refuses to move past ancient and debunked myths about particular historical eras. It doesn't help that most hollywood/entertainment industries continue to push said myth through movies, books, tv shows etc. Even in the fictional world, such as the setting of a "Medieval" fantasy where most everyone is portrayed as filthy and uneducated. I think pretty much every era in general from the post Roman to early industrial (perhaps 200 A.D - 1830 A.D) gets terrible treatment from the entertainment world.
If someone asks a re-enactor or a history-bounder ‘Are you hot in that?’
Just strike a pose & say, ‘I’m hot in _anything_ I put on!’
"Are you hot in that uniform"
Me and the other Rhodesian reenactors
"Well yes, but actually, no!"
Rhodesia never die!
@@alexandrub8786 But African warriors only wear A banana leaf and chuck a wooden sharpened stick. Uniform, .......cannot be hot. A lot of dancing and stomping in the dust makes one hot afterwards.
Me and a French Marine(7 Years War) (Winter Battle on Snowshoes) FT TICONDEROGA, were talking about footwear worn in the time period vs modern boots in a historical context (context used loosely). Actually, I learned a lot about winter accouterments and how period correct moccasins are actually kinda warm.
Brandon sir. I thank you, I went to my local French and Indian- Seven Years War Reenactment. Walked up to a group of Grenadiers, asked questions using the proper term to make conversation, I asked about his myter cap, tricorn, haversack, belts, facings, etc etc. He was pleased someone came up and was to us reenactors speaking English in terminology. He brought me to their groups recruiting officer cause I said I had given thought to Rev War era and early colonial re-enacting; but chose American Civil War re-enacting instead because I enjoy the Civil War and all history. I apologise for any spelling mistakes and my rambling.
Do you reenact in the Pittsburgh area ?
@@dalepeto9620 no. I am with the 7th Kentucky Infantry. We cover, as far south as Georgia. This season he have some in IL, KY, and TN.
That reminds me of a time at lunch at school when a teacher thought my British canteen was an alcoholic flask and got angry lol.
teacher probably was just jealous you could down that much gin and they couldn't. yeah people don't know their stuff beyond their lifetimes.
once at a reenactment I had a man ask me if anything is real. his jacket said Descartes or something
"I sure am, I don't know about you, though..."
Fort DeChartres???
"Are you hot in that?"
"Well, as a matter of fact, we have an extra uniform and we can always use an extra body, so over there is a tent you can change in. How about you try it for an hour?"
I remember back when I was in the Navy I once was a shore in my Dress Blue "Crackerjack" Uniform and someone comes up to me and asks: Are you in the Navy? reply: No my Mother just dresses me funny
I've have moments were i was wearing bdu trousers, a green tshirt, and tennis shoes. "are you a soldier?" Or "thank you for your service " and all this happened during the days of universal camouflage pattern acu. 😑
Honestly, i just threw some clothes on!
I did WW1 and WW2 reenacting for years. I love the points you make. When I first started in the hobby, I not only read a massive amount about my impressions, I also read a huge amount from experienced reenactors talking about how to relate to the public. They too made the point that “stupid” questions are ice breakers - opportunities to relate a shared modern experience to a historic experience. I loved getting the “are you hot in that question”. It was an opportunity to talk about the convection qualities of wool, about how the climate of northwestern Europe is different from the climate of the Mid-Atlantic US, about features of clothing that were essential then but have disappeared today. Even questions like “is that a real fire” can be opportunities to talk about food preparation in the field, or about the need for maintaining warmth in a static position, etc. That’s really what the spectator is looking for: the beginning of a conversation.
This all having been said, I still take great joy when attending reenactments as a spectator in asking the stupidest questions I can think of. Gotta keep ‘em on their toes.
I saw a video of a guy in a American ww1 uniform and people asked if he was a nazi lmao
As historical fencer I give public first question "free". They can ask stupid things, they can ask specific things, what ever. But when one guy said that he doesn't believe that the armour is real steel AFTER WE PUT IT ON HIM, I nearly lost it. So I just said "yes, it is very real piece of metal and it can protect you from pretty much anything". And he siad that he still cannot see how much this can help in real battle. In that moment my friend lost it, picked up an axe and him in chest, full force. The sound of hit on full plate is amazing, this guy fell on his ass and gasped.
I heard that he joined another group about three months later.