Hey phreak, i really appreciate these youtube videos you do...i had been complaining about fizz being weak before the buff to rioters for quite a while i appreciate the change and appreciate you caring enough to look at this data.
I mean only us mentally deranged people play this garbage when Galio is fucking easier and does a zillion more things than my read head can do. The amount of despair, headaches and dopamine is not worth for casuals.
I wonder if this kind of data could ever be public for every champion, kinda like websites like Lolalytics track any sort of metrics regarding champions, this is very useful information for the public to know the true power states of champions
@@jowamowa I would be very surprised if that were true. In the ranked games I play, if I had to estimate, about 5-6% of people I see are one tricks (not that they literally had a single champion with games on their profile but that almost all their games were a single champion). I highly doubt it's under 1%.
I think he's genuinely a good data analyst, and while I think that doesn't necessarily translate to being a good designer, I do appreciate and respect the fact he has always been one of the the more vocal and passionate people in the community and I like to know the insights of the team.
He's ruined quite a lot of reworks so far. The guy's a good analyst and he's passionate but he's not really a good game designer, he seems to miss the champion's original theme or gameplay feel every single time. Also, give us Swain's R2 ability haste scaling from PBE back, Phreak.
Thanks for all the videos you do! Greatly appreciated! Really liked the video and I hope you can do formats like this in the near future again! Loving Statistics :D
The algorithm used to account for the impact of matchups and duos on overall winrate could be used here to account for the impact of mastery (similarly to the EU standard population used to age adjust stats, you could create a "League of Legends standard mastery distribution" for mastery adjustment)
Have been watching your regular videos for some months now and recently went back and watched the video where you announced your casting retirement. In that video you seemed so excited for your upcoming game dev job, and I hope you are still excited. I really enjoy your insight, overall vision, and the care you put into the game and these videos (they're basically the only reason I have any faith in the game anymore).
The correlation I always saw between pick rate, mastery rate and subsequently win rate is particularly referring to off role or off meta things such as people who play Rengar top, Zed jungle, Kled mid etc. where the vast amount of representation comes from people who are highly dedicated to making a champion work in another role than what's necessarily intended for them, as there are practically 0 people who will decide on a whim that they want to play Shyvana top or Skarner support. Zed might be a slight exception here since the jungle modifiers he received in the past arguably just moved Zed mid players to have an alternate 2nd role to queue for as opposed to breeding a new set of previous jungle mains who suddenly thought about picking Zed up. TL;DR I believe at least a decent amount of people attribute inflated win rate in tandem with unusually low pick rate to equate a heavy skew towards onetricks or specialist players that are devoted to something less common.
I'm sure the fact that their opponents would be mostly clueless against them probably helps as well, in a way that wouldn't happen if the role was meta.
Did you watch the video? He literally described how pick rate does not imply mastery rate and it does not correlate. Having a low pick rate and higher win rate does NOT imply onetricks or specialists. That's literally the ENTIRE point he made.
@@crossboy Tbf they're talking about extremely niche picks which you might expect to be different, although looking at the stats even zed jungle and rengar top don't seem to be niche or mained enough to see a difference (kata has more games played per individual player than even rengar top or zed jungle according to lolalytics)
Mastery reminds me that everyone I know received the change of mastery emote negatively. Sorry for writing this here. Loving these videos and transparency overall, keep it up thanks!
*Thoughts about Ambessa & suggestions at the end:* - She has nothing going for her aside from damage - Riven & Fiora both have fallback mechanisms where they have a "job" in teamfights when they're behind, Ambessa just gets oneshot if she's behind. - There is no outplay potential - Ambessa either stomps or gets stomped and it depends purely on her numbers - Ambessa completely ignores slows unlike Kalista - Inbuilt lifesteal makes this FAR more pronounced than it would be otherwise. *About each of these statements:* - Ambessa has nothing aside from damage (r isn't reliable and needs to be layered with other cc to be reliable). - Riven fallback: Flank & flash combo a squishy during a teamfight. Her damage comes out effectively instantly and its ok if she gets oneshot afterwards. - Fiora fallback: Ult a tank and play front to back. Bait stuff with w. - Ambessa fallback: Ult the backline (potentially miss) and get oneshot because she's locked in place during the suppress and her damage isn't instant. - There is no outplay potential: You can't run, she dashes faster. You can't realistically cc her unless you have point and click cc. Either the kit has enough damage or you just lose. - Slows & Kalista: Kalista is only balanced because slows actually slow her movement. Graves also dashes slower. Ambessa just gets to ignore slows entirely, which makes no sense to me. - Inbuilt lifesteal: Terrible idea, because it only makes the gap between op/useless tighter because lifesteal scales with how fed you are. If you are slightly behind, you get oneshot. If you are slightly ahead, you suddenly have infinite hp. *Suggestions:* - Her dashes MUST scale with getting slowed, this just feels terrible - Lower dash distance, so you can actually kite her if you have the kit to do it. Right now, literally nothing can outkite her aside from maybe Vayne if Ambessa has no Oracle Lens. - Lower her lifesteal dramatically. If she wants to kill sidelane tanks so badly, then go buy Botrk. - In exchange, give her utility in her kit, so she's not completely useless when behind. Graves(!) has more utility than her, just because of his smokescreen. - I just remembered again that she's energy-based. Yes, I read the kit and yes I watched the reveal videos, but I completely forgot this part because it is completely irrelevant to her gameplay. It's not like you can avoid getting autoattacked by her anyway. *Rant:* How did anyone at Riot think that releasing such a champ was a good idea. She's not just hard to balance, she's practically impossible to balance because she is so braindead simple in her decision making. You have one path to victory and if you trip along the way you just fall off a cliff. I wonder how many years it will take for K'Sante to be balanced, but since that project is nowhere near done, why would Riot just release another champion with the exact same underlying issues? I don't see a way that she will be balanced without major kit rework, similar to K'Sante.
It’s important to follow the game’s rules, where champions should have counters and ways to counter others. Without this balance, the game becomes prone to abuse, leading to an unhealthy experience.
Hello, Phreak, adding percent Hp dmg to rengars kit, preferably to each of his W instance, would make rengar top more fun and viable in toplane. Right now there is so much hp and sustain in toplane, that he cant compete and It would add more variety to his gameplay instead of being auto focused he focuses more on his spells.
Would be interesting to see how trends spread out with other champs like Swain. Seraphine for example. It makes me wonder which role is played most by her mains
Granted Smolder is still a relatively new champ, I would love to see what his graphs look like over the year. Same thing with Ksante and Zeri especially with their changes and the amount of changes they got. It would be kinda cool to see the concrete data of the changes and how effective they were especially for Zeri who seems to be unbound from pro now.
Fizz mentioned As a former Fizz otp who had to quit because a squishy melee champ with 0 ranged spells to farm obviously just doesnt work mid lane (and certainly will never feel good to play or play against) nowadays, I wonder if he will ever get his well deserved rework
Many champions are no longer used nowadays because they have a high chance of losing. The game should provide opportunities for these champions to contribute to winning, even in higher levels of play. Players keep choosing the same champions repeatedly and abusing the game because they rely on overpowered champions to secure their wins.
I know I've complained about this before, but are you guys doing something about the fact that games end long before they actually end? It never ceases to amaze me when I'm trapped in a game for 5-10 minutes when all my team has done is throw, can't surrender, and then you guys punish AFK. Like I can look at my map at 10 mins, see waves crashing into towers, or look at my jungler's camps, and just instantly know that our odds of winning are just in the toilet. Like you guys need a mercy rule or something where if one lane gets smashed hard enough, or maybe like a cumulative thing, of gold xp and obj, one team just wins. league games go on wayyyy too long for games that are often as one-sided as league games. It's the one thing low ELO needs more desperately than anything else, because low ELO players cannot connect gold and xp to the nexus blowing up, and I know this because I have been one of those players in the recent past. They are perpetually obsessed with outplaying their opponents, which none of them have the mechanics to accomplish, except very intermittently against other weak players. This is why I think people have a good reason to hate this game, it's extremely terrible at teaching players how it actually functions in any kind of organic sense.
I'm really curious what the average per champion stats are for each grouping of mastery. Both regular and otherwise. For regular stats, one might expect things such as CS and KDA to go up with higher mastery, but I believe that's linked/correlated to the individual's rank more than anything else. Please correct me if I'm wrong. For irregular stats, instead of those displayed by the API I'm really interested with the non-displayed stats such as APM, or the amount of champion damage dealt per kill (both solo kills and takedowns). Do higher mastery players become more "efficient" with their ability usage such that the total amount of damage dealt per kill goes down, but the number of kills goes up? Really interesting topic, Phreak. Thank you for this. :)
Very good explanation which bring us to a new perspective. The obvious stat like wr, pick rate ban rate on stat web are not that good indicators of champion balance. We need such analysis to understand the balance status better!! As a shaco OTP I think shaco should be similar with katarina, a highly mastery champion. I think such mastery champion's wr is inflated. If their wr target is 50% they are definitely over weak. Please pay more attention on them and keep bringing league to a better spot!
Considering the recent changes, worlds, and other variables I'm sure you know better than I do: Is there any way to show the exact win-rates for Azir based on mastery, buffs, nerfs, etc? Really interested in seeing this, especially with the higher Galio pick-percentage and lack of newer Azir players since he never showed up in Worlds this year at all. He's my favorite champ since I finally tried him years ago, he just sorta clicked for me instantly (most Control mages do now for me). Though still an ARAM player at heart lol. PS. An ARAM health check-up would be really nice!
Would love to see champion mastery analysis on some of the most hated ones. I, personally, would love to see Yasuo, Irelia, Yone, Riven, Draven, Vayne, Viego, LeeSin and Belveth analysis. Not ALL of them but 3 or 4 like in the vid would be great.
I would love to see this for Kog'Maw and Phreak to talk about him, and many other champ mains as well, it's very informal. Wish we could get smaller videos per champion, but Phreak already overworking xd.
League of Legends Jungle Champion Tier List (Personal Observations and Opinions) S+ Tier Graves, Rek'Sai, Dr. Mundo, Teemo S Tier Shyvana, Zac, Warwick, Nocturne, Skarner S- Tier Kayn, Nidalee, Xin Zhao, Poppy, Mordekaiser A+ Tier Volibear, Gragas, Ekko, Elise, Talon, Diana A Tier Udyr, Hecarim, Viego, Kha'Zix, Gwen, Brand, Vi A- Tier Shaco, Rengar, Nunu, Briar, Fiddlesticks, Wukong, Lillia B Tier Master Yi, Neeko, Trundle, Ivern, Zyra, Sylas, Ambessa C Tier Sejuani, Zed, Lee Sin, Qiyana, Kindred, Bel'Veth, Olaf D Tier Qiyana, Rumble, Pantheon, Rammus, Jax, Taliyah UNPLAYABLE Karthus, Morgana, Camille, Maokai, Riven, Tryndamere, Sett, Vayne, Zed, Evelynn, Naafiri General Thoughts -League is starting to neglect champions that need love. -Meanwhile, some champions remain meta and continue to be abused by the majority of players in the rank game match.
It would be cool to see these charts for every champion/role but that would probably take a while to make. I know my champ would have a super fucked looking graph too since her main role has changed 4 times since I've played and I feel she is played by low mastery players more for the first time in a while.
Hi Phreak, don‘t know if you are reading this but I‘m asking if there are any plans for Twitch? He is currently sitting at the lowest tier possible. I really enjoyed Twitch last season but currently he is unplayable. I‘m sad that I get flamed when picking Twitch. I don‘t want to quit playing him but I think I need to. Would be very nice to get an answer from you. Enjoying your videos, keep it up. 😊
This is incredible, and i just got back into legue, but last time I played, mastery capped at 7. Are there any good videos explaining what exactly the new mastery system is?
One thing to consider for these is champions that get full reworks for champs. I have high mastery on aatrox, but all of those games are on oldtrox. So I don't know if my mastery should really count in that instance. Same for Swain before his major rework.
Can we talk about Wukong and making him more dynamic and interactive like Akali, Warwick, and all these new champs that get to keep using abilities all fight, while Wukong, the monkey loves fighting and watching fights has a magical staff that only extends some as a empowered auto and having to be in a spin of an ult in order to have movement spd buff and cc.
Clarification question: Is this data *just* ranked games or do you include normals as well? (are normals even statistically significant enough to be worth counting?)
I have a question for you Phreak. Considering a lot of your work (at least in your opinion it should) revolves around the high mastery players, is it a safe assumption to say that these champions like Galio are harder to balance due to the lack of mains percentile wise? Or does it only matter the flat amount of mains for your data? Because at the end of the day, yes on paper it is a great decision in my eyes to balance around those that are skilled at the champions, but if they are only being played by 'first timers' and they are curb stomping according to winrate, a large portion of the player base is by mastery standpoint, not skilled at said champion.
Keep in mind people, eventhough a champion having a low pick rate does not necessarily mean he has more otps, high pick rate champions tend to be popular because they are good counters into most team comps, which means their players are often not mains, just casuals counter picking. The opposite is also true, champions with low pick rates tend to have niche gameplay that people either hate or love, so they either main them or they dont, and nobody casually picks them as counters, meaning they have a higher otp ratio. Again, all of this is flexible, but just keep in mind Phreak is highly biased, and in patch 14.12 he stated the exact opposite of what he says here, saying some champions are balanced around 48% or 52% win rates depending on how many otps they have compared to casuals. Low pick rate champions DO tend to attract more otps, and "pick rate has nothing do to with mastery" is simple not true. All numbers are connected
Does lolalytics have a win rate per champ mastery statistic? If not, is mastery statistics per summoner per champion available in the API? This looks like something the community should have access to, at least in aggregate if not per summoner
@@chasemitchell8166 The big problem with how lolalytics defines 1 tricking is that as long as you're masters+ and have at least 50 games on the champion, you count. I just checked for example and three of the top 10 kayle "1 tricks" shown have kayle as their *second* most played champion this split lol.
I would be curious what, if any correlation exists between pick rate and mastery (independent of the brackets of mastery) across all champions. Even if the answer is "negligible" I just like data. I can't help it...I'm an economist...
Hey phreak, is there anything we can do to make resets more enjoyable for master tier players specifically? I think their experience and ability to enjoy the game is important even tho they make less than 1% of player base. It makes me sad they are neglected lately and I don’t think of riot as the type of company to do that. I think one of the biggest symptoms is master tier players cannot enjoy the games when consistently the other players are lower than master tier. Often times when communicating information you realize the other side doesn’t understand the information. They are basically still too new. And this is while using a comm system that is broken and needs an overhaul in its own respect even without voice the ping system has very low marks compared to its potential
Heya, was wondering what this specific field of game design would this be? It seems like it would be a systems designer but I am not sure. When I go through a game design process, my favourite part is the tables/excel related stuff with numbers.
well it's weird atm as a euw gm player and challenger NA would say the playstyle is way diff and people didn't adapt or change to it since u can 't farm like b4 anymore it would feel much weaker in euw and giga op in NA since people tend to punish less on na like it feels *ok* would say low A tier or high B probably just perma gank angle after lich and never farm camps gotta hear what splash says but that guy never plays sadly
Phreak how about instead of going with your initial reaction of nerfing mid swain and making the playerbase of yet another champ associate you with the reason they drop the character forever you leave the champ alone.
100%. Swain mid is at and slightly below average winrate mid. APC is roughly the same it has always been in terms of Winrate. Support is dogshit bad at 47% winrate. They kill midlane, they kill every lane for Swain lmao.
You should do a case study for when UA-camrs like Professor Akali or Zwag post a clickbait title "this pick with this build is sleeper op!" and directly compare the influx of playrate of a champion with that build before and after.
I have seen people with level 63 mastery and they are still good awful with the champion. Champion mastery doesn't mean anything even more so when you are a OTP. Champion mastery doesn't translate to being good with a champion or good at that role. Champion mastery is just a fever dream.
Every time he says short video, I never take him seriously, but I am hoping he doesn’t mean it. Only 19 minutes?! Enjoyed it but disappointed it’s not another hour+ one
Do you consider Mastery spread over multiple accounts? When my main champs get changed I usually test the new versions on a smurf where I have significantly lower Mastery
I'm curious the differential in mastery between OTP who spam a champ versus smurfs who hop onto a new account... ie low mastery win rate inflated by smurfs or win rate for high mastery thats dragged down by players who spam that champ
Someone may have mentioned already- scrolled and didn’t see but both swain and katarina got skins this patch, swain with two actually, wondering the impact a skin has on playrate. What percentage of rumble players use super galaxy, or what happens after an ASU. Anyway.
When bro said short I instantly checked if video was over an hour or not.
When bro said short, I opened my book of grudges and wrote his name in it like a true dawi.
@@JSNDragon SHORT? no alience
Phreak slowly turning into Ryze.
Hey phreak, i really appreciate these youtube videos you do...i had been complaining about fizz being weak before the buff to rioters for quite a while i appreciate the change and appreciate you caring enough to look at this data.
Thanks for the 'throwing a flashbang' warning
These kind of videos are really insightful. Would be cool to see more topics like this
Phreak: Hey guys! Short Video today.
Literally Everyone That Watches Phreak Regularly: *Checks total video time*
The graphs would be more intuitive + satsifying if the colors went from cold to hot. Blue -> Green -> Yellow -> Orange -> Red
40 % elite players - no wonder I never see bad Katarina players anymore.
I mean only us mentally deranged people play this garbage when Galio is fucking easier and does a zillion more things than my read head can do.
The amount of despair, headaches and dopamine is not worth for casuals.
lol? you see them 60% if the time then
@@Collektor1 And when you do see them they will be very bad lol
Mains not elite players. Elite I would call master+ Kata OTPs. Mains are just high mastery players (mostly OTPs).
I recently switched to syndra best decision ever @@pauvaldes4291
I wonder if this kind of data could ever be public for every champion, kinda like websites like Lolalytics track any sort of metrics regarding champions, this is very useful information for the public to know the true power states of champions
Yeah, Lolalytics has a otp thing but it works kinda wonky with almost any games, and 99% of players are not otps so it doesn't really says anything
Champion mastery is available in league api so it should be possible
It's very valuable information, but the vast majority of players don't give a flying fuck
Would be too easy to call riot out on their bullshit unfortunately so better to keep hidden
@@jowamowa I would be very surprised if that were true. In the ranked games I play, if I had to estimate, about 5-6% of people I see are one tricks (not that they literally had a single champion with games on their profile but that almost all their games were a single champion). I highly doubt it's under 1%.
I'm a Swid main and I'm proud.
Phreak is the perfect hire for Riot. Not many people have LoL ingrained in their veins like he does.
I think he's genuinely a good data analyst, and while I think that doesn't necessarily translate to being a good designer, I do appreciate and respect the fact he has always been one of the the more vocal and passionate people in the community and I like to know the insights of the team.
He's ruined quite a lot of reworks so far. The guy's a good analyst and he's passionate but he's not really a good game designer, he seems to miss the champion's original theme or gameplay feel every single time. Also, give us Swain's R2 ability haste scaling from PBE back, Phreak.
The s....r has been found, better find self-respect in yourself. Dogs don't lie like that, how did you stick your tongue in one place for him
Thanks for all the videos you do! Greatly appreciated!
Really liked the video and I hope you can do formats like this in the near future again!
Loving Statistics :D
Phreak made an actually short video? I think that's one of the signs of the end times...
What up Phreak, it's fellow gamers
The algorithm used to account for the impact of matchups and duos on overall winrate could be used here to account for the impact of mastery
(similarly to the EU standard population used to age adjust stats, you could create a "League of Legends standard mastery distribution" for mastery adjustment)
OK but when are you making another video, though?
@@Phreak I'm cookin, but editing is hard 😔
Have been watching your regular videos for some months now and recently went back and watched the video where you announced your casting retirement. In that video you seemed so excited for your upcoming game dev job, and I hope you are still excited. I really enjoy your insight, overall vision, and the care you put into the game and these videos (they're basically the only reason I have any faith in the game anymore).
The correlation I always saw between pick rate, mastery rate and subsequently win rate is particularly referring to off role or off meta things such as people who play Rengar top, Zed jungle, Kled mid etc. where the vast amount of representation comes from people who are highly dedicated to making a champion work in another role than what's necessarily intended for them, as there are practically 0 people who will decide on a whim that they want to play Shyvana top or Skarner support.
Zed might be a slight exception here since the jungle modifiers he received in the past arguably just moved Zed mid players to have an alternate 2nd role to queue for as opposed to breeding a new set of previous jungle mains who suddenly thought about picking Zed up.
TL;DR I believe at least a decent amount of people attribute inflated win rate in tandem with unusually low pick rate to equate a heavy skew towards onetricks or specialist players that are devoted to something less common.
Same is true for most bot lane mages
I'm sure the fact that their opponents would be mostly clueless against them probably helps as well, in a way that wouldn't happen if the role was meta.
@khan_k Oh absolutely.
Did you watch the video? He literally described how pick rate does not imply mastery rate and it does not correlate. Having a low pick rate and higher win rate does NOT imply onetricks or specialists. That's literally the ENTIRE point he made.
@@crossboy Tbf they're talking about extremely niche picks which you might expect to be different, although looking at the stats even zed jungle and rengar top don't seem to be niche or mained enough to see a difference (kata has more games played per individual player than even rengar top or zed jungle according to lolalytics)
Mastery reminds me that everyone I know received the change of mastery emote negatively. Sorry for writing this here.
Loving these videos and transparency overall, keep it up thanks!
Keep your hands under the table bois, Phreak released a new one ;D!
Great vid! It's nice hearing you talk about this stuff
6:15 very good mitch hedberg reference!! “i used to do drugs. i still do, but i used to too” lmao.
RIP the legend
Thank you for sharing with us Phreak ❤
Thanks, we all need a little bit of Intro Statistics post-school, because people can't even read anymore
Thank you for the vid Phreak, this was extremely interesting.
Really insightful, truly like this view into the machine.
Very interesting video Thanks for sharing these kind of topics with the community to have a better understanding.
That Katarina number is wiiiiiild. I wonder who else is up there with the highest "mastery percent" in the game. Very cool stuff. Thanks Phreak!
I gotta say interesting video, thank you Mr. Phreak.
*Thoughts about Ambessa & suggestions at the end:*
- She has nothing going for her aside from damage
- Riven & Fiora both have fallback mechanisms where they have a "job" in teamfights when they're behind, Ambessa just gets oneshot if she's behind.
- There is no outplay potential
- Ambessa either stomps or gets stomped and it depends purely on her numbers
- Ambessa completely ignores slows unlike Kalista
- Inbuilt lifesteal makes this FAR more pronounced than it would be otherwise.
*About each of these statements:*
- Ambessa has nothing aside from damage (r isn't reliable and needs to be layered with other cc to be reliable).
- Riven fallback: Flank & flash combo a squishy during a teamfight. Her damage comes out effectively instantly and its ok if she gets oneshot afterwards.
- Fiora fallback: Ult a tank and play front to back. Bait stuff with w.
- Ambessa fallback: Ult the backline (potentially miss) and get oneshot because she's locked in place during the suppress and her damage isn't instant.
- There is no outplay potential: You can't run, she dashes faster. You can't realistically cc her unless you have point and click cc. Either the kit has enough damage or you just lose.
- Slows & Kalista: Kalista is only balanced because slows actually slow her movement. Graves also dashes slower. Ambessa just gets to ignore slows entirely, which makes no sense to me.
- Inbuilt lifesteal: Terrible idea, because it only makes the gap between op/useless tighter because lifesteal scales with how fed you are. If you are slightly behind, you get oneshot. If you are slightly ahead, you suddenly have infinite hp.
- Her dashes MUST scale with getting slowed, this just feels terrible
- Lower dash distance, so you can actually kite her if you have the kit to do it. Right now, literally nothing can outkite her aside from maybe Vayne if Ambessa has no Oracle Lens.
- Lower her lifesteal dramatically. If she wants to kill sidelane tanks so badly, then go buy Botrk.
- In exchange, give her utility in her kit, so she's not completely useless when behind. Graves(!) has more utility than her, just because of his smokescreen.
- I just remembered again that she's energy-based. Yes, I read the kit and yes I watched the reveal videos, but I completely forgot this part because it is completely irrelevant to her gameplay. It's not like you can avoid getting autoattacked by her anyway.
How did anyone at Riot think that releasing such a champ was a good idea. She's not just hard to balance, she's practically impossible to balance because she is so braindead simple in her decision making. You have one path to victory and if you trip along the way you just fall off a cliff. I wonder how many years it will take for K'Sante to be balanced, but since that project is nowhere near done, why would Riot just release another champion with the exact same underlying issues? I don't see a way that she will be balanced without major kit rework, similar to K'Sante.
It’s important to follow the game’s rules, where champions should have counters and ways to counter others. Without this balance, the game becomes prone to abuse, leading to an unhealthy experience.
Not gonna lie did not expect this, very interesting data
I really enjoy your content and the work u put into it and the game keep up the good work
Hello, Phreak,
adding percent Hp dmg to rengars kit, preferably to each of his W instance, would make rengar top more fun and viable in toplane.
Right now there is so much hp and sustain in toplane, that he cant compete and It would add more variety to his gameplay instead of being auto focused he focuses more on his spells.
Would be interesting to see how trends spread out with other champs like Swain. Seraphine for example. It makes me wonder which role is played most by her mains
I legit googled this last night and now this is posted 🙀
I remember when they announced the shyvana rework
did you remember when they said it was after two other reworks (skarner and the arcane vgu)? give them time.
Phreak, idk if you got the power bro but do not let that viktor VGU hit live. Go look at the overall feedback for it.
id be very interested in seeing cassios mastery distribution, it always feels like 22+ mastery players play her and stick with her lol
Granted Smolder is still a relatively new champ, I would love to see what his graphs look like over the year. Same thing with Ksante and Zeri especially with their changes and the amount of changes they got. It would be kinda cool to see the concrete data of the changes and how effective they were especially for Zeri who seems to be unbound from pro now.
Fizz mentioned As a former Fizz otp who had to quit because a squishy melee champ with 0 ranged spells to farm obviously just doesnt work mid lane (and certainly will never feel good to play or play against) nowadays, I wonder if he will ever get his well deserved rework
**intense Lee Sin hikuhs**
great vid phreak gj
Many champions are no longer used nowadays because they have a high chance of losing. The game should provide opportunities for these champions to contribute to winning, even in higher levels of play. Players keep choosing the same champions repeatedly and abusing the game because they rely on overpowered champions to secure their wins.
Galio is objectively overpowered and people don't play him. Most people *won't* meta abuse unless the meta abuse champions are fun.
Great video, agree with your main points.
I know I've complained about this before, but are you guys doing something about the fact that games end long before they actually end? It never ceases to amaze me when I'm trapped in a game for 5-10 minutes when all my team has done is throw, can't surrender, and then you guys punish AFK. Like I can look at my map at 10 mins, see waves crashing into towers, or look at my jungler's camps, and just instantly know that our odds of winning are just in the toilet. Like you guys need a mercy rule or something where if one lane gets smashed hard enough, or maybe like a cumulative thing, of gold xp and obj, one team just wins. league games go on wayyyy too long for games that are often as one-sided as league games. It's the one thing low ELO needs more desperately than anything else, because low ELO players cannot connect gold and xp to the nexus blowing up, and I know this because I have been one of those players in the recent past. They are perpetually obsessed with outplaying their opponents, which none of them have the mechanics to accomplish, except very intermittently against other weak players. This is why I think people have a good reason to hate this game, it's extremely terrible at teaching players how it actually functions in any kind of organic sense.
I'm really curious what the average per champion stats are for each grouping of mastery. Both regular and otherwise.
For regular stats, one might expect things such as CS and KDA to go up with higher mastery, but I believe that's linked/correlated to the individual's rank more than anything else. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
For irregular stats, instead of those displayed by the API I'm really interested with the non-displayed stats such as APM, or the amount of champion damage dealt per kill (both solo kills and takedowns). Do higher mastery players become more "efficient" with their ability usage such that the total amount of damage dealt per kill goes down, but the number of kills goes up?
Really interesting topic, Phreak. Thank you for this. :)
Thanks for the video phreak appreciate the transparency
The galio section just screamed "monkey see monkey do" to me lmao
Very good explanation which bring us to a new perspective. The obvious stat like wr, pick rate ban rate on stat web are not that good indicators of champion balance. We need such analysis to understand the balance status better!! As a shaco OTP I think shaco should be similar with katarina, a highly mastery champion. I think such mastery champion's wr is inflated. If their wr target is 50% they are definitely over weak. Please pay more attention on them and keep bringing league to a better spot!
Phreak giving a Mitch Hedberg joke really threw me for a loop
Considering the recent changes, worlds, and other variables I'm sure you know better than I do:
Is there any way to show the exact win-rates for Azir based on mastery, buffs, nerfs, etc? Really interested in seeing this, especially with the higher Galio pick-percentage and lack of newer Azir players since he never showed up in Worlds this year at all.
He's my favorite champ since I finally tried him years ago, he just sorta clicked for me instantly (most Control mages do now for me). Though still an ARAM player at heart lol.
PS. An ARAM health check-up would be really nice!
Would love to see champion mastery analysis on some of the most hated ones.
I, personally, would love to see Yasuo, Irelia, Yone, Riven, Draven, Vayne, Viego, LeeSin and Belveth analysis. Not ALL of them but 3 or 4 like in the vid would be great.
Honestly Phreak is in in such a lucky position, Id kill to spend a week with their databases and pull out player insights like this
im extremely curious as to how a graphic like that would look with teemo's rework and the buff leading to it impacted his player population
I would love to see this for Kog'Maw and Phreak to talk about him, and many other champ mains as well, it's very informal. Wish we could get smaller videos per champion, but Phreak already overworking xd.
League of Legends Jungle Champion Tier List
(Personal Observations and Opinions)
S+ Tier
Graves, Rek'Sai, Dr. Mundo, Teemo
S Tier
Shyvana, Zac, Warwick, Nocturne, Skarner
S- Tier
Kayn, Nidalee, Xin Zhao, Poppy, Mordekaiser
A+ Tier
Volibear, Gragas, Ekko, Elise, Talon, Diana
A Tier
Udyr, Hecarim, Viego, Kha'Zix, Gwen, Brand, Vi
A- Tier
Shaco, Rengar, Nunu, Briar, Fiddlesticks, Wukong, Lillia
B Tier
Master Yi, Neeko, Trundle, Ivern, Zyra, Sylas, Ambessa
C Tier
Sejuani, Zed, Lee Sin, Qiyana, Kindred, Bel'Veth, Olaf
D Tier
Qiyana, Rumble, Pantheon, Rammus, Jax, Taliyah
Karthus, Morgana, Camille, Maokai, Riven, Tryndamere, Sett, Vayne, Zed, Evelynn, Naafiri
General Thoughts
-League is starting to neglect champions that need love.
-Meanwhile, some champions remain meta and continue to be abused by the majority of players in the rank game match.
Evelynn is the most broken jungler in the game tho
Evelynn is indeed not the most broken jungle in the game, its Graves and Viego
Just because you re platinum and Evelynn just runs around the map in stealth killing everyone doesnt make it the most broken champion lol
Love the lore!
It would be cool to see these charts for every champion/role but that would probably take a while to make.
I know my champ would have a super fucked looking graph too since her main role has changed 4 times since I've played and I feel she is played by low mastery players more for the first time in a while.
Hi Phreak, don‘t know if you are reading this but I‘m asking if there are any plans for Twitch? He is currently sitting at the lowest tier possible. I really enjoyed Twitch last season but currently he is unplayable. I‘m sad that I get flamed when picking Twitch. I don‘t want to quit playing him but I think I need to. Would be very nice to get an answer from you. Enjoying your videos, keep it up. 😊
Looking really handsome Phreak!
This is incredible, and i just got back into legue, but last time I played, mastery capped at 7. Are there any good videos explaining what exactly the new mastery system is?
bout to lock in swid
One thing to consider for these is champions that get full reworks for champs. I have high mastery on aatrox, but all of those games are on oldtrox. So I don't know if my mastery should really count in that instance. Same for Swain before his major rework.
I wonder if riot could ever release mastery-win rate curves for every champion and role in the game
phreak, i simply DEMAND that from now on you refer to all champ role buffs/nerfs ln the same naming convention as 'swid' (1:49)
It would have been cool if you shared a Doc with all Champs mastery %
Can we talk about Wukong and making him more dynamic and interactive like Akali, Warwick, and all these new champs that get to keep using abilities all fight, while Wukong, the monkey loves fighting and watching fights has a magical staff that only extends some as a empowered auto and having to be in a spin of an ult in order to have movement spd buff and cc.
Clarification question: Is this data *just* ranked games or do you include normals as well? (are normals even statistically significant enough to be worth counting?)
Thanks phreak
I have a question for you Phreak. Considering a lot of your work (at least in your opinion it should) revolves around the high mastery players, is it a safe assumption to say that these champions like Galio are harder to balance due to the lack of mains percentile wise? Or does it only matter the flat amount of mains for your data? Because at the end of the day, yes on paper it is a great decision in my eyes to balance around those that are skilled at the champions, but if they are only being played by 'first timers' and they are curb stomping according to winrate, a large portion of the player base is by mastery standpoint, not skilled at said champion.
New podcast episode!
Katarina W. thanks Phreak ❤
katarina sucks
Keep in mind people, eventhough a champion having a low pick rate does not necessarily mean he has more otps, high pick rate champions tend to be popular because they are good counters into most team comps, which means their players are often not mains, just casuals counter picking. The opposite is also true, champions with low pick rates tend to have niche gameplay that people either hate or love, so they either main them or they dont, and nobody casually picks them as counters, meaning they have a higher otp ratio.
Again, all of this is flexible, but just keep in mind Phreak is highly biased, and in patch 14.12 he stated the exact opposite of what he says here, saying some champions are balanced around 48% or 52% win rates depending on how many otps they have compared to casuals.
Low pick rate champions DO tend to attract more otps, and "pick rate has nothing do to with mastery" is simple not true. All numbers are connected
Any chance you could put this data somewhere publicly? It’s really interesting and I’d like to look at other champions.
Every time someone wishes him c a strand of his hair falls out
Curious to hear about trends for Zyra
Does lolalytics have a win rate per champ mastery statistic? If not, is mastery statistics per summoner per champion available in the API? This looks like something the community should have access to, at least in aggregate if not per summoner
The closest thing it has is you can look at a champion's stats when played by "1 tricks." I'm not sure how accurate this is but they have it.
you can get current mastery from the API but not mastery at a point in time unfortunately
@@chasemitchell8166 The big problem with how lolalytics defines 1 tricking is that as long as you're masters+ and have at least 50 games on the champion, you count.
I just checked for example and three of the top 10 kayle "1 tricks" shown have kayle as their *second* most played champion this split lol.
Hey Phreak, can you check your audio? Your videos are real quiet, I keep having to turn to max volume to hear it.
I would love to have access to this kind of data. It is alwayss very interesting to look at
I'd like to see this data for all champions
I would be curious what, if any correlation exists between pick rate and mastery (independent of the brackets of mastery) across all champions. Even if the answer is "negligible" I just like data. I can't help it...I'm an economist...
Fun video!
Hey phreak, is there anything we can do to make resets more enjoyable for master tier players specifically? I think their experience and ability to enjoy the game is important even tho they make less than 1% of player base. It makes me sad they are neglected lately and I don’t think of riot as the type of company to do that. I think one of the biggest symptoms is master tier players cannot enjoy the games when consistently the other players are lower than master tier. Often times when communicating information you realize the other side doesn’t understand the information. They are basically still too new. And this is while using a comm system that is broken and needs an overhaul in its own respect even without voice the ping system has very low marks compared to its potential
Heya, was wondering what this specific field of game design would this be? It seems like it would be a systems designer but I am not sure. When I go through a game design process, my favourite part is the tables/excel related stuff with numbers.
Systems and tuning, yeah.
could u show evelynn stats or talk about her im really curious ? I feel like shes fine but everyone says shes weak.
well it's weird atm as a euw gm player and challenger NA would say the playstyle is way diff and people didn't adapt or change to it since u can 't farm like b4 anymore it would feel much weaker in euw and giga op in NA since people tend to punish less on na like it feels *ok* would say low A tier or high B probably just perma gank angle after lich and never farm camps gotta hear what splash says but that guy never plays sadly
Phreak how about instead of going with your initial reaction of nerfing mid swain and making the playerbase of yet another champ associate you with the reason they drop the character forever you leave the champ alone.
100%. Swain mid is at and slightly below average winrate mid. APC is roughly the same it has always been in terms of Winrate. Support is dogshit bad at 47% winrate. They kill midlane, they kill every lane for Swain lmao.
Dear Phreak,
Pls do not punish us Poppy top mains for the sins of our Support brethren. thx teehee
I would love to see hwei and vel'koz's numbers
You should do a case study for when UA-camrs like Professor Akali or Zwag post a clickbait title "this pick with this build is sleeper op!" and directly compare the influx of playrate of a champion with that build before and after.
I have seen people with level 63 mastery and they are still good awful with the champion. Champion mastery doesn't mean anything even more so when you are a OTP. Champion mastery doesn't translate to being good with a champion or good at that role. Champion mastery is just a fever dream.
Mr Phreak can you pls hotfix some small buffs for Rell? Some base stats maybe.
Super interesting video!~
Every time he says short video, I never take him seriously, but I am hoping he doesn’t mean it. Only 19 minutes?! Enjoyed it but disappointed it’s not another hour+ one
Where did his hair go?
I wouldve been interested in swain adc pick and mastery rate
Cause i feel like thats where i saw him most
Do you consider Mastery spread over multiple accounts? When my main champs get changed I usually test the new versions on a smurf where I have significantly lower Mastery
I'm curious the differential in mastery between OTP who spam a champ versus smurfs who hop onto a new account... ie low mastery win rate inflated by smurfs or win rate for high mastery thats dragged down by players who spam that champ
Someone may have mentioned already- scrolled and didn’t see but both swain and katarina got skins this patch, swain with two actually, wondering the impact a skin has on playrate. What percentage of rumble players use super galaxy, or what happens after an ASU. Anyway.
thank you for your work in this game phreak