Medical kit does the same but medic related and has the ability to heal peoples injuries right away using supplies. From what I remember, the idea behind the concept of portable arsenal is essentially to give you access to all those supplies lying around on the island in exchange for space of your backpack. You gain adaptability in exchange for being tied to supply sources, which will not help you in the middle of nowhere when you've run out of ammo because you had to abandon your vehicle. Ammo box is amazing if you have time and space to prepare, it's sucks terribly when you've run into an enemy in an unexpected area. It looks overpowered on paper but gameplay shows It's not the case nearly as much. Yeah, if you gain foothold and are attacking Levie from south with that massive supply depo on the hill, dropping an ammo box and a manpack radio is just insane value. But if you don't have the opportunity to set up, it's a dead useless weight in your bag.
The resupply bag requires supplies. The arsenal system is about performance. In Dayz when players had all individual inventories it caused A LOT of performance issues and this game has much more going on. It is a good system. It is not magically appearing, you have to load supplies in a vehicle and operate out of it. The supplies represent these things and just save time. You can't carry the bag into battle and use it anymore. It would be incredibly inefficient to not use the supply system and have everyone using physical inventories for performance reasons.
I do not understand how something as trivial as inventory could be comparable to synchronization of players' position, orientation, fire, and dozens of other states, including animations and their states. Maintaining inventory would take roughly 0.001% of server bandwidth, server memory, and server CPU time.
i have 500 hours on the game and never ever saw one being used , i didnt even knew how it worked , i really like your channel and how you see this game and how you lean on "advanced features" like that , and i feel the game is going throught "identity crisis" , it doesnt know if he wants to lean to casual or milsim , the actual state of the game is enjoyable , and the experimental branch is SO DIFFERENT right now , i feel the more they wait to implement "rank locks" the more they will loose players when they release the bomb then again when they changed how the supply system worked for the first time i was a bit bitter because it offered less "operational freedom" so i played game master for a month and i feel it will be the same with rank locks im not against it , i spoke to a friend i met in game about future changes , and we conclued it wil be a good thing and prevent "dress up players" from emptying supps at main early game , but it do need balance what do you think ?
I can’t wait for rank locking. I think it’s great. I hate the idea that every “private” in the game could run around in full spec gear with suppressors and everything else from the start. Impacts the immersion and sense of narrative to the game, IMHO. Also, there’s so little benefit of rank generally except for SGT. I like the idea of if you see a full speced out player that must mean he earnt it and all the basic privates gaze upon him in wonder! 😂….also, agree on the ammo box. I’ve been playing Reforger since day 1 and hardly ever see on be used…thanks Caracal for reminding me, maybe I’ll give it a go! 😂
Okay the problem with your issue is that you are pushing for more logistics in a game that can only have 24 players on a balanced team. Pushing for more “realistic” gameplay when there is such a small team is not always good. As of right now attacking is way better than almost all defensive strategies. Pinching off the bases that you cannot take yet hurts the enemy way more than building up defenses or spending time making a mine field. Example you have to think about how much time it takes to do anything. When I go out and set up a mine field, it can take 30 or more minutes as a solo player to do this. Then it might not even be hit depending on where the war goes. And even if it does get hit it mostly only gets hit once. Not to mention players on your side who don’t pay attention to map markers or mine field flags or chat and run into your mines. Long story short, I have yet to see anyone else use this thing to rearm their squad on the fly, and making it even longer to load up a vehicle to put out mines will just mean that the few people who do will stop completely.
@@lukasschmidt2478 I think that often he has videos about gameplay elements that are present in official conflict. Not always but sometimes. And he cares about the game so unless you can specifically state why you think this or reference where he says this then I can’t really agree with you. Edit: “nor should you” Why not? I’m interested in what your thoughts are.
Thankfully I’ve only seen someone use it once in my 110hours, 90% of which was on official conflict servers. I didn’t think it was that bad, Vic with 30 supplies could provide 6 mines.
Absolutely agreed. I had no idea what the med box and ammo box did. This is straight up bullshit. Arma is arma. Putting magical arcady stuff in it has no place, simple as. You cannot have a great experience with shortcuts.
I don’t see myself stacking my car with different munitions for 5 minutes every time I want to roll out on a mission. It just leads to those things being used less frequently. I get your point. Maybe restrict the pouches a little. Set a maximum amount of convertable supplys and/or remove some items, but the general idea is good. What is your opinion about arsenal trucks?
@@InterfectorII 5 minutes? It takes under 1 minute I would say. Also you have never played proper operations that are pre-planned with game masters or something. You spend like 30min in your base. Planning, Briefing, preparing, putting ammo in cars,... Only after that you move out. I'd wish conflict had more of that instead of just heading out without any preparation
Why play arma when you dont wanna play arma? For me, loading up my equipment -equipment i will use mind you- is one of the things that make my experience in arma. Esp because it will be directly related to gameplay later on. One thing i always found boring in arma 3/other games tho, is that it doesnt feel good doing it, aka you arent picking up anything, you are just using a UI. Id love to physically fill the space and in the same way, be able to pick it up at a moments notice. Also 5 mins......again i find your argument weird. You DONT need to do it, and if you do, itll take max 1 min to grab everything you need.
Honestly, your views are meant well but honestly, they would fit a game which takes weeks to finish... not something that is often resolved within 3 hours. Especially with current way the maps are. Maybe it will be different and individual positions will be a lot more important when the devs add that you can establish your own base as I'd expect them to wipe the map out of all those small bases and leave only control points. But right now - any point that is not a control point is not worth to even bother with securing. The box have been in the game for a very long time yet it never played a role - and the base ammo used to be free. You very rarely see anyone today load up anything into the vehicles as the moment brown hits the fan the vehicle is immediately abandoned as it's just a fat loud target and everyone and their mother carry RPG's in this game. Even the neutral NPC's! Vehicle is not a cash but a liability. And that is even if you manage to get to the place you mean to and don't get into the fight along the way (As road camping is VERY popular).
Tbh, if theoretically Arma went back to its routes with roles or if someone wanted to, play an Ammo Bearer and have, "x" amount of supplies I could see the Ammo Resupply having a purpose but only in that context
I don't think it needs or should have fixed roles. The game should just allow for the need of ammo being carried to emerge from gameplay and then have players carry ammo if they want.
@@caracal3892 I disagree, having those fixed roles makes for the realism and doesn’t subtract from it. However if players want to diverge from that (which they already can) then they have the freedom to do so.
@caracal3892 Fair enough, yet again most people don't utilize vehicle storages or working closely with teammates nearly as much as they should. Yet on the contrast, ppl should carry enough mags to hold for a sustained engagement and resupply at arsenals when possible
I think that if there were pre-made load-outs, aside from the default load-out I wouldn't be upset, but I do not want to be restricted from grabbing an M60 if I am not the designated M60 gunner.
The Ammo box is in no way or shape "Magic" it requires you to drive to a supply point load supplies into your vehicle then stay within range of said vehicle so you can access supplies. So what happens if you remove it people now go to a base load up a truck from the arsenal using HUNDREDS of supplies which could be used for spawning in troops acquiring various vehicles etc and ontop of that creating MORE work for supply runners. Again the box is not "Magic" the supplies you have to obtain ARE the bullets, ammo and explosives NOT the ammo box itself.
If is changing supply points into whatever the player wants, whether it is a landmine or rpg ammo anywhere on the map with only a small amount of supplies present in the car next to it, I feel that should not be in the game as it allows players to adapt to situations in an unrealistic way, the decision on what to use in combat should be made at an armory
@@caracal3892 Thats just it tho supplies ARE what ever the player wants them to be they supplies can be cars, armored vehicles, helicopters, guns etc. The Arsenal lets you convert supplies into guns ,just like the ammo box lets you convert supplies into bullets and the Medical case lets you convert supplies into health. I don't really see how it "Allows players to adapt to situations in an unrealistic way" Id say the exact opposite id argue its MORE realistic to have a supply vehicle with you so your squad CAN adapt to evolving situations just like you would in real life.
In official Conflict servers, these ammo boxes don't even take up any supplies, and you can spawn iwht you, meaning you can spam infinite RPGS from hills into bases with it, it's toxic! I abuse it all the time on servers that have these evil ammo boxes enabled, any good conflict server will completely ban these monsters. At the end of the day, it should be default off, but its also OPTIONAL to have this.
I used this in the base game a few days ago, we used it to mine off an entire bridge. was very cool and i dont really think it should be removed, just capped
Which is something you can do anyway (load up a ton of mines into a car and plant a minefield) - but nobody does that. The Humvee by default comes with two mines yet you almost never see them used.
@@Geenoi Exactly. That is why nobody was doing it despite the fact that the Ammo box was in the game for essentially forever. Not only does the battle moves way too fast, but in general setting up defenses is not very effective. Why spend twenty minutes setting up a minefield which might literally never come into play when you can use that time to instead do a thunder rush deep into the enemy territory and disrupt their operations. Setting defenses in back line is a waste of time. Setting defenses in the front line means that you are not actively helping with the current fight and if your side is winning, your defense will be pointless and if your side is losing then it's kinda your fault for not contributing + you might not get to finish it anyway.
If we're were to go that way. Where every piece of equipment is physical. Then perhaps we need an ammo depot and a spot on the arsenal to load ammo directly into vehicles like supplies. Pull up hop out walk to the trunk and pick the load insert ammo type prompt.
You mentioned this being similar to squad, Ironically, the ammo box could have been what the rifleman backpack is in squad: a simple way for a couple of guys to get some extra mags. this is the equivalent of bringing a whole FOB from squad in a box with you at all times. Devs probably wanted to go easy on the ps5 crowd.
@@burgertanker7970 It has and it isn't this simple. It's harder to use thana Squad because it requires supplies. It isn't magic you load the supplies yourself, this is a bad representation. It's only useful if you operate out of a vehicle wich most people do not. The medic kit does the same thing
I have really mixed opinions on this. First of all its not really been used right now as many already commented. But i think thats because most players dont know how they work and what the possibilities are. I was thinking of a middle ground. Maybe keep the ammo box as is but only for magazines. For rockets, mines and explosives i would go for individual ammo crate's. I really like logistics and building and securing bases is also a great feature but it's not that big part of the game at the moment because the games dont last that long. Also a higher playercount would make sense for that. If i want to play proper logistics right now i play foxhole
I feel that removing items and content is rarely the right call. Especially with 2027 being a long way off. The issue is that the ammo box is too effective and covers too much, not that it shouldn't exist. Basic mags and small arms ammo should be the only thing in it. With different boxes providing different resources and an ammunition truck being a better overall option as it gives all the things. Supply is the primary resource we have in game. While I hope resources expand in the future (ammo, and fuel for example) and believe we are heading towards that, currently supply covers many resources in one. In the short term until/if systems expand how can things change while still respecting the use and need of these systems? Splitting into an explosives box and ammo box would help ease this issue, as would making the box(s) deployable and interacting more with radio backpacks or supply stashes. It's also not mentioned how Rank affects the utility at least in Conflict. Currently (in experimental) you need Sergeant or higher to get the ammo box making it of little use for early rush's or to ambush choke points until lines have been more established. My solution would be to have the basic box be just that 'basic ammo with a low rank requirement'. But we would also have access to a 'special ammo' variant at a high rank, and an 'explosives box' at a higher rank. These would primarily be used for squad level play, while the ammunition truck would be used in conjunction with command trucks to create larger staging areas. I think it's easy to make hyperbolic statements or titles about things calling them useless or wanting them to be removed entirely as it's a great way to spur discussion. But it can also appear like clickbait or even disingenuous. Especially when aspects of the item/system are not expanded on, or actual live gameplay isn't used when presenting examples of function.
I agree, however, the garbage collector will eliminate this existing on the map after time plus if its stored in a vehicle the vehicles respawn based on distance from player and or a timer (or so I think)?
I disagree. The supplies feature makes it faster to ressuply people with different weapons. And yet it's limited. If you don't like it you don't have to use it.
Maybe it’s an abstraction of being able to put a shit ton of stuff in a vehicle? Why can’t I put 20 LAW rockets in a Jeep? They’d physically fit, but I can’t do it
The last comparison was really bad, you dont get magical points from killing enemies, you have to take supplies from one of your home bases to use the box
Literally making advancements in technology in Arma and this guy wants to set us back to square one. No please dont itemize everything and physicalize things so everyone has lag trunks with 50 rpg rounds in the trunk. plus its better to have this than what you say because lag spikes. secondly. you say unrealistic, however, if someone playing reforger makes a unit and organizes and assault or raid this little bag can help a unit keep fighting on. it streamlines the process of resupplying ammo from the reserve you should technically "have" in the trunk of a vehicle or something "in this case supplies" Those supplies are finite and that is the silver lining. If what you say is really truly true which I do not believe it to be. Then the easiest and most practical solution is to increase the supply cost. Not cut out items from the game. Keep everyone happy not just yourself.
on the '...choices you make before you get into combat' argument, The choice is already being made when you select which weapons to bring in the first place. Doing this whole thing still requires planning ahead, knowledge of the games' systems and actually getting the supplies/tools, the added flexibility is more of a positive imo. Additionally, you can still run out of ammo/supplies this way and it still will lead to that emergent gameplay, its also much more convenient for anyone doing a logi resupply to be able to literally resupply them instead of grabbing individual magazines for everyones unique kit, the needs of which can also change by the time you get out there. lastly, look at the other systems in the game, you are not required to load every individual thing you wish to build into the construction truck before setting out, you can use supplies to build whatever you need at the time, whether its a fuel, complex electronics, or an arsenal itself. if it needs balancing you can alter the costs of each ammo item and even bring a slight increased supply cost penalty for using the ammo box over an arsenal. nice videos though, the whole series is very helpful to all the new playstation newbies and other players ^^
Totally agree with it, the whole point of Arma is realism, there is no place for magic here. I remember when i first tried reforger and found myself having to use map and a compass, i though damn this is so cool, i actually have to learn a real life skill to play this game. I think thats really the key to Arma, to simulate combat logistics as much as one can on a pc. And as some pointed out, spawning on a base isnt exactly real, they could atleast try to drop you off the plane or find another more realistic way to handle it, same goes for magic ammo boxes.
@ all of that has room for improvement, it would make sense for them to drop you out of a plane instead of materializing on a base. If you want fantasy gameplay, there is battlefield and CS
I think a better idea would be that if you access the vehicle's inventory at a nearby supply point (base, or logistics truck), you can then get a "vehicle armory", for the player to LOAD the vehicle with specific supplies. Like, putting 24 landmines in the truck quickly. Then, you could unload an "ammo box" physical object, if you like, that can access that specific vehicle's contents (and other supply points nearby contents). (So if you park 2 jeeps and use the ammo box, it can access the total contents of both jeeps). Either way, it retains the planning at the base, where you need to determine what mission you are going for, and you can't just magically bring out what ever weapon you desire depending on the emerging situation.
@@caracal3892 Prepackaged at base/supply hub through the vehicle as an interface, yes. In the field, the ammo box object would still act as an "armory", but it would be limited to access only the specific supplies that are immediately available nearby. So, let's say you drive two jeeps into a forest. One is loaded with MG ammo, the other has mines in it. You deploy an ammo box near those jeeps, and now any player can access the contents of those jeeps through that ammo box. The only effect this has, is that it gives the player a way of accessing nearby ammo supplies through ONE interface/object, instead of running between all objects. The player will still be limited to use whatever was initially loaded (specific weapons and ammo) at the main base/supply point. I can also envision a version of this, where the player can establish a supply pallet anywhere on the map, and then nearby vehicles can "unload supplies" onto that pallet. The supply pallet then acts as a mobile armory. The tradeoff, is that this pallet is stationary, but can contain any weapon available to your side. The supply levels could be visualized by having procedurally increasing amounts of ammo boxes showing on top of it.
I’m just started playing the game an base on realistic elements alone this should be gone an another point is don’t we have the arsenal vehicle for that purpose
It should be attachable to a belt or under a backpack. It should be able to carry something like 20Kg of small items. Smaller than a landmine. Load it up and drop it down like shown in the video. One man is a designated ammo bearer for the squad and takes up his valuable inventory space to be a mobile distribution point. Hell it would be cool to be able to access the inventory when standing next to the individual like a car trunk. A bit of a ramble but that system would be awesome!
Yeah, I also think the ammo box is too much "magic" and also you pretty much don't need it in any game, as bases are always close and most bases have an armory to resupply. What I would rather have is someone taking a HUMVEE and loading the trunk with different kind of ammo. Then he can drive to the front and resupply his mates. 0:35 I'm rather surprised that in the experimental patch standard ammo costs supplies now. Because standard AR and pistol mags didn't cost any supplies before. So the ammo box was an endless supply of standard mags.
That is what I did 2 days ago on a public server, loaded 18 pkm boxes into a UAZ and drove it into a combat zone. I also noticed the difference in experimental. In current standard game, normal ammo for rifles and pistols costs 0 supply points which turns the ammo box into an ammo replicator that never runs out.
the whol loot system have to be removed from the game and the zeus system, it is unrealisztic and make the ARMA a arcade 3rd persone shooter like a forthnight or similar. The big proglem that ARMA has big oportunity but the devs make it bad way to use . there is no usable chain of command system, no rank system , no damadge . I mean it has, but not working properly as it should.
If they’re gonna have something like that, they should have a fill limit where you load it up from the arsenal then you can take it out with your squad much like loading land mines in a vehicle
The supply box is just ridiculous based on the premise you can just pull out 7 mines and rpg ammo and whatnot from this litte ass box. Immersion breaking. At this point i could forgive the armory truck for being in game And merry Christmas 🎄
every time such a video comes out I'm always "why is caracal hating on this game all the time" and in the end I eventually end up agreeing most of the times 😅
An ammo box should simply be a container for carrying around magazines and explosives and not this casual system. At most it could allow more magazines than other containers, to influence people to actually use it.
In my opinion the supply system is utter shit. I think the game should take influence from foxhole and have every supply be a physical item (mags, guns, radios, maps, cars, helos, sandbags, etc.) that has to be ordered by a commander to main and then players deliver it to other bases (I also believe you should only be able to spawn on main but I explained that on another video) this would be a better supply system than the current arbitrary number of supplies that just magically turns into whatever you need to pull out of the armoury. This change will enrich the simulation experience as there is more weight to each item you carry and communication and teamwork will be necessary to supply the right bases with the right supplies seeing an economic rts-like style of gameplay emerge similar to that of foxhole logi gameplay.
@@caracal3892 same person replying on another account. Precisely it would add depth to "your life" countering the gung ho playstyle which is so prevalent now. Also it would simply add more gameplay and teamwork. For example field resupply missions where you radio in for a resupply and a pilot or a driver drops you some ammo/equioment, this almost never happens in game as supplies are so abundant.
Absolutely agreed. Physical transfer of equipment to create a proper supply chain would make the game a whole lotta better. And if we need build materials? Just have the current supply system turn into building materials system.
@@UEemperor I agree to an extent. I primarily believe that the supplies should be ordered by a commander to main, however I do somewhat like the idea of build materials if there's a realistic approach to it, meaning that it could be used to build certain items in a pinch (e.g. you're not going to have a whole ammunition factory in an operational ao so ammo shouldn't be able to be built, but barricades and sandbags would be.).
I think an ammo box would be nice for organizing the items, while still respecting the volume it can carry
Medical kit does the same but medic related and has the ability to heal peoples injuries right away using supplies.
From what I remember, the idea behind the concept of portable arsenal is essentially to give you access to all those supplies lying around on the island in exchange for space of your backpack.
You gain adaptability in exchange for being tied to supply sources, which will not help you in the middle of nowhere when you've run out of ammo because you had to abandon your vehicle.
Ammo box is amazing if you have time and space to prepare, it's sucks terribly when you've run into an enemy in an unexpected area. It looks overpowered on paper but gameplay shows It's not the case nearly as much.
Yeah, if you gain foothold and are attacking Levie from south with that massive supply depo on the hill, dropping an ammo box and a manpack radio is just insane value. But if you don't have the opportunity to set up, it's a dead useless weight in your bag.
The resupply bag requires supplies. The arsenal system is about performance. In Dayz when players had all individual inventories it caused A LOT of performance issues and this game has much more going on. It is a good system. It is not magically appearing, you have to load supplies in a vehicle and operate out of it. The supplies represent these things and just save time. You can't carry the bag into battle and use it anymore. It would be incredibly inefficient to not use the supply system and have everyone using physical inventories for performance reasons.
Yeah people don't understand that
But people have individuell inventorys no? I don't understand your point
I do not understand how something as trivial as inventory could be comparable to synchronization of players' position, orientation, fire, and dozens of other states, including animations and their states. Maintaining inventory would take roughly 0.001% of server bandwidth, server memory, and server CPU time.
i have 500 hours on the game and never ever saw one being used , i didnt even knew how it worked , i really like your channel and how you see this game and how you lean on "advanced features" like that , and i feel the game is going throught "identity crisis" , it doesnt know if he wants to lean to casual or milsim , the actual state of the game is enjoyable , and the experimental branch is SO DIFFERENT right now , i feel the more they wait to implement "rank locks" the more they will loose players when they release the bomb
then again when they changed how the supply system worked for the first time i was a bit bitter because it offered less "operational freedom" so i played game master for a month and i feel it will be the same with rank locks
im not against it , i spoke to a friend i met in game about future changes , and we conclued it wil be a good thing and prevent "dress up players" from emptying supps at main early game , but it do need balance
what do you think ?
I can’t wait for rank locking. I think it’s great. I hate the idea that every “private” in the game could run around in full spec gear with suppressors and everything else from the start. Impacts the immersion and sense of narrative to the game, IMHO. Also, there’s so little benefit of rank generally except for SGT. I like the idea of if you see a full speced out player that must mean he earnt it and all the basic privates gaze upon him in wonder! 😂….also, agree on the ammo box. I’ve been playing Reforger since day 1 and hardly ever see on be used…thanks Caracal for reminding me, maybe I’ll give it a go! 😂
@@glennpeterson1357 hell yeah brother, We all on the same page here 🤙🏼
Okay the problem with your issue is that you are pushing for more logistics in a game that can only have 24 players on a balanced team. Pushing for more “realistic” gameplay when there is such a small team is not always good. As of right now attacking is way better than almost all defensive strategies. Pinching off the bases that you cannot take yet hurts the enemy way more than building up defenses or spending time making a mine field.
Example you have to think about how much time it takes to do anything. When I go out and set up a mine field, it can take 30 or more minutes as a solo player to do this. Then it might not even be hit depending on where the war goes. And even if it does get hit it mostly only gets hit once. Not to mention players on your side who don’t pay attention to map markers or mine field flags or chat and run into your mines.
Long story short, I have yet to see anyone else use this thing to rearm their squad on the fly, and making it even longer to load up a vehicle to put out mines will just mean that the few people who do will stop completely.
Totally agree. Official servers really need to allow more players.
He doesn't care about the official servers nor should you.
@@lukasschmidt2478 I think that often he has videos about gameplay elements that are present in official conflict. Not always but sometimes. And he cares about the game so unless you can specifically state why you think this or reference where he says this then I can’t really agree with you.
Edit: “nor should you” Why not? I’m interested in what your thoughts are.
Game needs the ability to save multiple loadouts
Thankfully I’ve only seen someone use it once in my 110hours, 90% of which was on official conflict servers.
I didn’t think it was that bad, Vic with 30 supplies could provide 6 mines.
Absolutely agreed. I had no idea what the med box and ammo box did.
This is straight up bullshit. Arma is arma. Putting magical arcady stuff in it has no place, simple as.
You cannot have a great experience with shortcuts.
I don’t see myself stacking my car with different munitions for 5 minutes every time I want to roll out on a mission. It just leads to those things being used less frequently. I get your point. Maybe restrict the pouches a little. Set a maximum amount of convertable supplys and/or remove some items, but the general idea is good.
What is your opinion about arsenal trucks?
@@InterfectorII 5 minutes? It takes under 1 minute I would say.
Also you have never played proper operations that are pre-planned with game masters or something. You spend like 30min in your base. Planning, Briefing, preparing, putting ammo in cars,... Only after that you move out. I'd wish conflict had more of that instead of just heading out without any preparation
Why play arma when you dont wanna play arma? For me, loading up my equipment -equipment i will use mind you- is one of the things that make my experience in arma.
Esp because it will be directly related to gameplay later on.
One thing i always found boring in arma 3/other games tho, is that it doesnt feel good doing it, aka you arent picking up anything, you are just using a UI. Id love to physically fill the space and in the same way, be able to pick it up at a moments notice.
Also 5 mins......again i find your argument weird. You DONT need to do it, and if you do, itll take max 1 min to grab everything you need.
Honestly, your views are meant well but honestly, they would fit a game which takes weeks to finish... not something that is often resolved within 3 hours. Especially with current way the maps are.
Maybe it will be different and individual positions will be a lot more important when the devs add that you can establish your own base as I'd expect them to wipe the map out of all those small bases and leave only control points. But right now - any point that is not a control point is not worth to even bother with securing.
The box have been in the game for a very long time yet it never played a role - and the base ammo used to be free. You very rarely see anyone today load up anything into the vehicles as the moment brown hits the fan the vehicle is immediately abandoned as it's just a fat loud target and everyone and their mother carry RPG's in this game. Even the neutral NPC's! Vehicle is not a cash but a liability. And that is even if you manage to get to the place you mean to and don't get into the fight along the way (As road camping is VERY popular).
Tbh, if theoretically Arma went back to its routes with roles or if someone wanted to, play an Ammo Bearer and have, "x" amount of supplies I could see the Ammo Resupply having a purpose but only in that context
I don't think it needs or should have fixed roles. The game should just allow for the need of ammo being carried to emerge from gameplay and then have players carry ammo if they want.
@@caracal3892 I disagree, having those fixed roles makes for the realism and doesn’t subtract from it. However if players want to diverge from that (which they already can) then they have the freedom to do so.
@caracal3892 Fair enough, yet again most people don't utilize vehicle storages or working closely with teammates nearly as much as they should. Yet on the contrast, ppl should carry enough mags to hold for a sustained engagement and resupply at arsenals when possible
I think that if there were pre-made load-outs, aside from the default load-out I wouldn't be upset, but I do not want to be restricted from grabbing an M60 if I am not the designated M60 gunner.
an ammo bearer is just a guy with a big backpack
Man I love it. Can’t wait to see the different configs of it.
Devs should to remove explosives an keep only ammunition in ammo box👍
The Ammo box is in no way or shape "Magic" it requires you to drive to a supply point load supplies into your vehicle then stay within range of said vehicle so you can access supplies. So what happens if you remove it people now go to a base load up a truck from the arsenal using HUNDREDS of supplies which could be used for spawning in troops acquiring various vehicles etc and ontop of that creating MORE work for supply runners. Again the box is not "Magic" the supplies you have to obtain ARE the bullets, ammo and explosives NOT the ammo box itself.
If is changing supply points into whatever the player wants, whether it is a landmine or rpg ammo anywhere on the map with only a small amount of supplies present in the car next to it, I feel that should not be in the game as it allows players to adapt to situations in an unrealistic way, the decision on what to use in combat should be made at an armory
@@caracal3892 Thats just it tho supplies ARE what ever the player wants them to be they supplies can be cars, armored vehicles, helicopters, guns etc. The Arsenal lets you convert supplies into guns ,just like the ammo box lets you convert supplies into bullets and the Medical case lets you convert supplies into health. I don't really see how it "Allows players to adapt to situations in an unrealistic way" Id say the exact opposite id argue its MORE realistic to have a supply vehicle with you so your squad CAN adapt to evolving situations just like you would in real life.
In official Conflict servers, these ammo boxes don't even take up any supplies, and you can spawn iwht you, meaning you can spam infinite RPGS from hills into bases with it, it's toxic! I abuse it all the time on servers that have these evil ammo boxes enabled, any good conflict server will completely ban these monsters.
At the end of the day, it should be default off, but its also OPTIONAL to have this.
We used an mi, this and loaded the mi with supplies one day on official. We stayed up for at least 20 minutes raining down roumds. Very op. 😂
I used this in the base game a few days ago, we used it to mine off an entire bridge. was very cool and i dont really think it should be removed, just capped
I think physically loading the mines at an armory would be more realistic
And more awesome, since every single mine would matter, as its a finite precious resource.
You can just load a UAZ with 180 supply, head over to an enemy point and place a shitload of mines using this thing lmfao.
Just as NATO intended
Which is something you can do anyway (load up a ton of mines into a car and plant a minefield) - but nobody does that.
The Humvee by default comes with two mines yet you almost never see them used.
@@ashwynnnewkirkTakes ages.
@@Geenoi Exactly. That is why nobody was doing it despite the fact that the Ammo box was in the game for essentially forever.
Not only does the battle moves way too fast, but in general setting up defenses is not very effective. Why spend twenty minutes setting up a minefield which might literally never come into play when you can use that time to instead do a thunder rush deep into the enemy territory and disrupt their operations.
Setting defenses in back line is a waste of time. Setting defenses in the front line means that you are not actively helping with the current fight and if your side is winning, your defense will be pointless and if your side is losing then it's kinda your fault for not contributing + you might not get to finish it anyway.
@@ashwynnnewkirk Yeah I get that it's very niche.
It's only really effective you go BEHIND enemy lines or to their MOB but that is highly risky.
i have never seen ppl useing the ammo box in conflict
If we're were to go that way. Where every piece of equipment is physical. Then perhaps we need an ammo depot and a spot on the arsenal to load ammo directly into vehicles like supplies. Pull up hop out walk to the trunk and pick the load insert ammo type prompt.
You mentioned this being similar to squad, Ironically, the ammo box could have been what the rifleman backpack is in squad: a simple way for a couple of guys to get some extra mags. this is the equivalent of bringing a whole FOB from squad in a box with you at all times. Devs probably wanted to go easy on the ps5 crowd.
I'm fairly certain that the ammo box has been like this since launch
@@burgertanker7970 It has and it isn't this simple. It's harder to use thana Squad because it requires supplies. It isn't magic you load the supplies yourself, this is a bad representation. It's only useful if you operate out of a vehicle wich most people do not. The medic kit does the same thing
I have really mixed opinions on this. First of all its not really been used right now as many already commented. But i think thats because most players dont know how they work and what the possibilities are.
I was thinking of a middle ground. Maybe keep the ammo box as is but only for magazines. For rockets, mines and explosives i would go for individual ammo crate's.
I really like logistics and building and securing bases is also a great feature but it's not that big part of the game at the moment because the games dont last that long. Also a higher playercount would make sense for that.
If i want to play proper logistics right now i play foxhole
I feel that removing items and content is rarely the right call. Especially with 2027 being a long way off.
The issue is that the ammo box is too effective and covers too much, not that it shouldn't exist. Basic mags and small arms ammo should be the only thing in it. With different boxes providing different resources and an ammunition truck being a better overall option as it gives all the things.
Supply is the primary resource we have in game. While I hope resources expand in the future (ammo, and fuel for example) and believe we are heading towards that, currently supply covers many resources in one. In the short term until/if systems expand how can things change while still respecting the use and need of these systems?
Splitting into an explosives box and ammo box would help ease this issue, as would making the box(s) deployable and interacting more with radio backpacks or supply stashes.
It's also not mentioned how Rank affects the utility at least in Conflict. Currently (in experimental) you need Sergeant or higher to get the ammo box making it of little use for early rush's or to ambush choke points until lines have been more established.
My solution would be to have the basic box be just that 'basic ammo with a low rank requirement'. But we would also have access to a 'special ammo' variant at a high rank, and an 'explosives box' at a higher rank. These would primarily be used for squad level play, while the ammunition truck would be used in conjunction with command trucks to create larger staging areas.
I think it's easy to make hyperbolic statements or titles about things calling them useless or wanting them to be removed entirely as it's a great way to spur discussion. But it can also appear like clickbait or even disingenuous. Especially when aspects of the item/system are not expanded on, or actual live gameplay isn't used when presenting examples of function.
Согласен, какая-то магия, так не должно быть
I agree, however, the garbage collector will eliminate this existing on the map after time plus if its stored in a vehicle the vehicles respawn based on distance from player and or a timer (or so I think)?
God damn, that German accent is thicc 😂 Can’t unhear it
I disagree. The supplies feature makes it faster to ressuply people with different weapons. And yet it's limited. If you don't like it you don't have to use it.
I hope they add magical back pack where i can spawn from pocket BTR or Helicopter
no one uses them, very few people haul multiple weapons in vehicles, this is a non-issue
Maybe it’s an abstraction of being able to put a shit ton of stuff in a vehicle? Why can’t I put 20 LAW rockets in a Jeep? They’d physically fit, but I can’t do it
I think it's more about the point of being able to casually "change" those rockets to mines or anything else.
The last comparison was really bad, you dont get magical points from killing enemies, you have to take supplies from one of your home bases to use the box
I was trying to find an analogy. And I feel that a small ammo box converting supplies to anything ammo anywhere near a supply stash is similar
Literally never seen anyone use it
great suggestions
Literally making advancements in technology in Arma and this guy wants to set us back to square one. No please dont itemize everything and physicalize things so everyone has lag trunks with 50 rpg rounds in the trunk. plus its better to have this than what you say because lag spikes. secondly. you say unrealistic, however, if someone playing reforger makes a unit and organizes and assault or raid this little bag can help a unit keep fighting on. it streamlines the process of resupplying ammo from the reserve you should technically "have" in the trunk of a vehicle or something "in this case supplies" Those supplies are finite and that is the silver lining. If what you say is really truly true which I do not believe it to be. Then the easiest and most practical solution is to increase the supply cost. Not cut out items from the game. Keep everyone happy not just yourself.
to add my emphasis on this I still SUBSCRIBED to you even if I dont agree with what you say. You do bring valid points to think about the game
Merry Christmas dude
on the '...choices you make before you get into combat' argument, The choice is already being made when you select which weapons to bring in the first place.
Doing this whole thing still requires planning ahead, knowledge of the games' systems and actually getting the supplies/tools, the added flexibility is more of a positive imo.
Additionally, you can still run out of ammo/supplies this way and it still will lead to that emergent gameplay, its also much more convenient for anyone doing a logi resupply to be able to literally resupply them instead of grabbing individual magazines for everyones unique kit, the needs of which can also change by the time you get out there.
lastly, look at the other systems in the game, you are not required to load every individual thing you wish to build into the construction truck before setting out, you can use supplies to build whatever you need at the time, whether its a fuel, complex electronics, or an arsenal itself.
if it needs balancing you can alter the costs of each ammo item and even bring a slight increased supply cost penalty for using the ammo box over an arsenal.
nice videos though, the whole series is very helpful to all the new playstation newbies and other players ^^
The one place I would agree to draw the line is potentially AT mines if they're allowed but I'm unsure if that's the case anyway lol
Good video, I wouldn't have noticed that at all with the ammunition box.
stop inventing issues to use as content for your youtube videos
I never see anyone use it period it in any of the matches i have ever played
Good Video good Point. Also I think RPG are way to cheap for the damage they Do to a vehicle... greetings
Totally agree with it, the whole point of Arma is realism, there is no place for magic here. I remember when i first tried reforger and found myself having to use map and a compass, i though damn this is so cool, i actually have to learn a real life skill to play this game. I think thats really the key to Arma, to simulate combat logistics as much as one can on a pc. And as some pointed out, spawning on a base isnt exactly real, they could atleast try to drop you off the plane or find another more realistic way to handle it, same goes for magic ammo boxes.
Ok. Yes, realism is a very important aspect of Arma…so why can’t I put 20 LAWs in a Jeep? Sometimes “realism” needs to be abstracted
realism? like people materialising in a base out of nothingness (aka respawning)? Arma is a video game with a few aspects of realism
@ all of that has room for improvement, it would make sense for them to drop you out of a plane instead of materializing on a base. If you want fantasy gameplay, there is battlefield and CS
I think a better idea would be that if you access the vehicle's inventory at a nearby supply point (base, or logistics truck), you can then get a "vehicle armory", for the player to LOAD the vehicle with specific supplies.
Like, putting 24 landmines in the truck quickly.
Then, you could unload an "ammo box" physical object, if you like, that can access that specific vehicle's contents (and other supply points nearby contents). (So if you park 2 jeeps and use the ammo box, it can access the total contents of both jeeps).
Either way, it retains the planning at the base, where you need to determine what mission you are going for, and you can't just magically bring out what ever weapon you desire depending on the emerging situation.
So it would be a prepakaged box, I think this would be fun. The mortar box that can fit 3 shells I think it similar
@@caracal3892 Prepackaged at base/supply hub through the vehicle as an interface, yes.
In the field, the ammo box object would still act as an "armory", but it would be limited to access only the specific supplies that are immediately available nearby.
So, let's say you drive two jeeps into a forest. One is loaded with MG ammo, the other has mines in it. You deploy an ammo box near those jeeps, and now any player can access the contents of those jeeps through that ammo box.
The only effect this has, is that it gives the player a way of accessing nearby ammo supplies through ONE interface/object, instead of running between all objects. The player will still be limited to use whatever was initially loaded (specific weapons and ammo) at the main base/supply point.
I can also envision a version of this, where the player can establish a supply pallet anywhere on the map, and then nearby vehicles can "unload supplies" onto that pallet. The supply pallet then acts as a mobile armory. The tradeoff, is that this pallet is stationary, but can contain any weapon available to your side. The supply levels could be visualized by having procedurally increasing amounts of ammo boxes showing on top of it.
I’m just started playing the game an base on realistic elements alone this should be gone an another point is don’t we have the arsenal vehicle for that purpose
You made fantastic points. Thanks for giving us the “talking points” to address the devs with. Got my sub.
It should be attachable to a belt or under a backpack. It should be able to carry something like 20Kg of small items. Smaller than a landmine. Load it up and drop it down like shown in the video. One man is a designated ammo bearer for the squad and takes up his valuable inventory space to be a mobile distribution point. Hell it would be cool to be able to access the inventory when standing next to the individual like a car trunk. A bit of a ramble but that system would be awesome!
Why do you sound like MAX Verstappen??????????
Vehicle only them boxes for realism
Yeah, I also think the ammo box is too much "magic" and also you pretty much don't need it in any game, as bases are always close and most bases have an armory to resupply.
What I would rather have is someone taking a HUMVEE and loading the trunk with different kind of ammo. Then he can drive to the front and resupply his mates.
0:35 I'm rather surprised that in the experimental patch standard ammo costs supplies now. Because standard AR and pistol mags didn't cost any supplies before. So the ammo box was an endless supply of standard mags.
That is what I did 2 days ago on a public server, loaded 18 pkm boxes into a UAZ and drove it into a combat zone.
I also noticed the difference in experimental. In current standard game, normal ammo for rifles and pistols costs 0 supply points which turns the ammo box into an ammo replicator that never runs out.
the whol loot system have to be removed from the game and the zeus system, it is unrealisztic and make the ARMA a arcade 3rd persone shooter like a forthnight or similar. The big proglem that ARMA has big oportunity but the devs make it bad way to use . there is no usable chain of command system, no rank system , no damadge . I mean it has, but not working properly as it should.
If they’re gonna have something like that, they should have a fill limit where you load it up from the arsenal then you can take it out with your squad much like loading land mines in a vehicle
youre speaking facts. hopefully a dev sees this and removes this. arma is for maximum realism
The supply box is just ridiculous based on the premise you can just pull out 7 mines and rpg ammo and whatnot from this litte ass box. Immersion breaking.
At this point i could forgive the armory truck for being in game
And merry Christmas 🎄
every time such a video comes out I'm always "why is caracal hating on this game all the time" and in the end I eventually end up agreeing most of the times 😅
I ask the same question and usually disagree! 😂
An ammo box should simply be a container for carrying around magazines and explosives and not this casual system. At most it could allow more magazines than other containers, to influence people to actually use it.
In my opinion the supply system is utter shit. I think the game should take influence from foxhole and have every supply be a physical item (mags, guns, radios, maps, cars, helos, sandbags, etc.) that has to be ordered by a commander to main and then players deliver it to other bases (I also believe you should only be able to spawn on main but I explained that on another video) this would be a better supply system than the current arbitrary number of supplies that just magically turns into whatever you need to pull out of the armoury. This change will enrich the simulation experience as there is more weight to each item you carry and communication and teamwork will be necessary to supply the right bases with the right supplies seeing an economic rts-like style of gameplay emerge similar to that of foxhole logi gameplay.
Very good idea, I also think that the choice of what a player grabs should be made closers to the main spawn
@@caracal3892 same person replying on another account. Precisely it would add depth to "your life" countering the gung ho playstyle which is so prevalent now. Also it would simply add more gameplay and teamwork. For example field resupply missions where you radio in for a resupply and a pilot or a driver drops you some ammo/equioment, this almost never happens in game as supplies are so abundant.
Absolutely agreed.
Physical transfer of equipment to create a proper supply chain would make the game a whole lotta better.
And if we need build materials? Just have the current supply system turn into building materials system.
@@UEemperor I agree to an extent. I primarily believe that the supplies should be ordered by a commander to main, however I do somewhat like the idea of build materials if there's a realistic approach to it, meaning that it could be used to build certain items in a pinch (e.g. you're not going to have a whole ammunition factory in an operational ao so ammo shouldn't be able to be built, but barricades and sandbags would be.).
Hopwfully the utilize this hand system to carry boxes, to make everything physicalized. Even supply boxes.