From Pain to Healing: My Gall Bladder Surgery Journey

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @jessalovely7936
    @jessalovely7936 18 днів тому +1

    I have my surgery Monday and your video gave me hope that I will get through it ok .. I have so much anxiety around this but I know I need to get it out

    • @lifewithrachna
      @lifewithrachna  18 днів тому +1

      Trust me... i was the same... just think of it like this... having no gall bladder is 1000 times brtter then having a bad gallbladder... hope everything goes well for ur surgery and wishing you speedy recovery

    • @jessalovely7936
      @jessalovely7936 17 днів тому +1

      @ thank you so much .. I will report back after Monday and let you know how it goes 😅 by the way I love your videos I’m also a mommy with 2 kids both girls ❤️

    • @lifewithrachna
      @lifewithrachna  17 днів тому

      @ 🥰🥰🥰🥰

    • @syedadilsyed3570
      @syedadilsyed3570 11 днів тому

      ​@@jessalovely7936how did your surgery go

  • @itsdeefromfiji4548
    @itsdeefromfiji4548 4 місяці тому +1

    I’m so sorry you had to go through this pain 😢 So happy Jija and the kids and sweet MIL was there for you during those tough days. Wishing you speedy recovery sis. I miss you, I love you ❤

  • @jessicacoley8745
    @jessicacoley8745 3 місяці тому

    i had the same surgery done in 2011, wishing you speedy recovery you will do fine i
    promise. i was able to go home after in the recovery room same day. you will need lots
    of help as it hurts when tryin to bend over.

    • @alimehrez5319
      @alimehrez5319 Місяць тому

      If you had your gallblader removed can you share . Did it affect your life quality afterwards

  • @JamesasKitchen
    @JamesasKitchen 4 місяці тому

    Hey Rachna
    Wishing you speedy recovery.. glad to come across this video… this was captured so beautifully. Especially with the kids❤❤grateful to rinesh for actually caring for you so well…… thank you for sharing your experience through this journey…..will definitely help ppl with information

  • @mstinnel222
    @mstinnel222 Місяць тому +1

    Hoping things are going better for you now? My surgery is scheduled for November 22. Thanks for sharing.

    • @lifewithrachna
      @lifewithrachna  Місяць тому +1

      Thankyou soo much.. yes i am now 3 mnths post op and feel amazing.. cant even tell i have an organ missing or went thru such a surgery... wishing you all the very best for your surgery and sending you positive thoughts and prayers.. take care

    • @mstinnel222
      @mstinnel222 Місяць тому

      ⁠@@lifewithrachnathank you for the encouragement and prayers.

  • @NNN-en9vg
    @NNN-en9vg Місяць тому

    Omg my gallstones was discovered after 2 weeks in to my marriage. Sharp, stabbing pain. It was torture. I came back to home country had surgery. After surgery the was absolutely horrible. I couldn’t stand walk. I felt lonley in a room which was dark. I needed to go home. I forced my self to leave, my brother walked me into his car at night. 3 days slept, on painkillers and nausea. I couldn’t cough. I felt my insides are tearing. The pain. Took 14 days to recover, get back into normal eating, moving around. Got into feeling emotional. Took an effect on my mental health. 8 weeks off sick from work. Was a Teaching Assistant. Then all got better.

    • @lifewithrachna
      @lifewithrachna  Місяць тому +1

      Wow.. What a journey you went through my dear... i was very blessed my surgeon was amazing.. i was told that he is the best at his job and i def see why... i was able to walk around the same day... although i was in alot of pain then but now 3 mnths later i cant even tell i have an organ missing... or that i had surgery of that nature.. i am wishing you speedy recovery and may god give u lots of strength and blessings in your recovery journey...

  • @sumidear4881
    @sumidear4881 Місяць тому +1

    Please give the reviews now .. your eating schedule etc
    I have my surgery on 18th of this month

    • @mariaelshamalixi1512
      @mariaelshamalixi1512 Місяць тому +1

      Me too my schedule is on monday. Nov 11

    • @lifewithrachna
      @lifewithrachna  Місяць тому

      Sorry i didnt see ur comment before.. if i have to answer quickly then i eat and drink everything like before.. like i normally used to without any pain now... the only issue comes when i eat anything made of excess ghee or extra cheese... then i get the runs but otherwise no issues.. hope ur surgery went well and wishing you a speedy recovery

    • @lifewithrachna
      @lifewithrachna  Місяць тому

      Hello sorry i didnt see ur comment too.. i wish everything went really well for your surgery and that your recovering well... sending you positive thoughts and prayers

    • @syedadilsyed3570
      @syedadilsyed3570 29 днів тому

      ​@mariaelshamalixi15ho12 how did your surgery go

    • @syedadilsyed3570
      @syedadilsyed3570 29 днів тому

      How did your surgery go