사피엔스 307강
- Опубліковано 11 лют 2025
- [친해영tv]
307강 pp. 257~258 1/3
This, for example, is why liberals object to torture and the death penalty./ In early modern Europe, murderers were thought to violate and destabilise the cosmic order./ To bring the cosmos back to balance, it was necessary to torture and publicly execute the criminal so that everyone could see the order re-established./ Attending gruesome executions was a favourite pastime for Londoners and Parisians in the era of Shakespeare and Molière.
grue·some [grúːsǝm] ɑ. 무시무시한, 소름끼치는, 섬뜩한.
307강 pp. 257~258 2/3
In today's Europe, murder is seen as a violation of the sacred nature of humanity./ In order to restore order, present-day Europeans do not torture and execute criminals./ Instead, they punish a murderer in what they see as the most ‘humane’ way possible, thus safeguarding and even rebuilding his human sanctity./ By honouring the human nature of the murderer, everyone is reminded of the sanctity of humanity, and order is restored./ By defending the murderer, we right what the murderer has wronged.
thus [ðʌs] ɑd. 이렇게, 이런 식으로
sanc·ti·ty [sǽŋktǝti] n. 신성, 존엄; 고결, 청정(淸淨); 신성한 것.
307강 pp. 257~258 3/3
Even though liberal humanism sanctifies humans, it does not deny the existence of God, and is, in fact, founded on monotheist beliefs./ The liberal belief in the free and sacred nature of each individual is a direct legacy of the traditional Christian belief in free and eternal individual souls./ Without recourse to eternal souls and a Creator God, it becomes embarrassingly difficult for liberals to explain what is so special about individual Sapiens.
sanc·ti·fy [sǽŋḱtǝfài] vt.
① 신성하게 하다, 축성(祝聖)하다, 신에게 바치다; 숭배하다.
② 죄를 씻다.
re·course [ríːkɔːrs, rikɔ́ːrs] n. 의지, 의뢰《to》; 의지가 되는 것, 믿는 사람;
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