Hey, richtig gut gemacht aber die würge Szenen waren nicht so gut gespielt aber ansonsten alles 100% das war richtig gut ihr könnt stolz sein und das war bestimmt viel arbeit und hat sich jahre lang gedauert, ich finde es hat mehr likes verdient aber toll gemacht. Hatte aus dem echten Film sein können und richtig gut gemachte Kämpfe einfach nur heftig. 🤩
alternate timeline: obi wan jumps down says "hello there" and grievous turns around revealing 40 arms all holding lightsabers. He starts spinning them all and takes off accidentally
the subtleties of his facial expressions gives him all the character and story one needs. It's amazing to see a slight bit of humanity come out, then watch it disappear when he sees he's being watched
I love how at the end he seems conflicted about killing her. When he fights her, you can kind of tell he's just toying with her, he barely even blocks her attacks in favor of dodging and he doesn't use both blades while fighting her. She shows that she is not quite a Jedi yet, as she weeps and seems to let her anger get the better of her. The ending gives me the feeling that if Palpatine were not watching, Maul would have spared her life and maybe even taken her as his apprentice. This is a very good fan film.
U are so right the way he looked at her an the fight showed he was testing her he wanted to bring her along he for sure would have knocked her out an took her if palp wasn't watching would have made a good next film an good ending but we all know palp would have killed em
@@sparkyd6225 Pretty sure Dooku knew about the rule of two, didn't stop him taking on Ventress or Grievous. Pretty sure Palpatine had Maul on strings though so he defs would've found out regardless.
JokerAsylum the mouth area couldve been better, dont get me wrong i really enjoyed this but i felt that it looked like he had a cartoonish exaggerated grin sometimes. Again, i still enjoyed it
Very good observation on your part. Maul was secretly very loving as Sidious never truly drove out the inner child still living in Maul. He would have spared her had not Sidious been watching him. The reason being is that the fear and helplessness she exhibited reminded him of his own vulnerability and the brutality he experienced at the hands of Darth Sidious during his childhood training. Had he not killed her he knew Sidious would have killed him.
@@michaeltruthson6262 wtf are you on about? There's no way Maul would ever spare a Jedi or a padawan. Literally his entire being is dedicated to how much hate he has for them, he more than likely would have toyed with her longer if Sidious wasn't watching, he would be expected to end her when the opportunity arises. That's probs why he looked pissed lol
@@Morbidoner thanks for your comment and my reasoning regarding Darth Maul is due to my having read SW: The Revenge of Darth Maul" which chronicles the experiences he faced with Darth Sidious from his childhood. Yes he was a Sith Lord Enforcer but psychologically he was a shattered soul with deep compassion . Sidious had always hated that both Maul and Anakin never fully embraced the idea of absolute ruthlessness as he hoped they would considering how powerful they were. I recommend you read the book.
The actor for Maul got everything so right, from the facial expressions, to the fighting style, he even nails Maul's classic final blow (stab or slash to the mid section while the opponent is either too tired and telegraphing his next move, usually a downward strike coming from above). THIS is how you portray a character accurately! Props to the choreographer as well for training all of the Jedi and Maul himself, too understand how two swordsmen can duel with different styles is amazing, then add to the part where both are adapting to each other's styles. This is quality, absolute dedication.
The guy who played Maul is Maul Cosplay, who does ultra realistic cosplays. Google Maul's Zane cosplay from Borderlands, that one is absolutely mind-blowing.
I was going to say the same about the facial expressions and fighting style!! It's awesome! I've always wanted to see more of a back story about Maul...he's my favorite Sith
the actor who played maul is incredible, you can see the regret and pain in his eyes before he strikes down the final apprentice and yet still manages to look evil and imposing 10/10
While Maul's silence is epic, his Clone Wars and Rebels scenes are some of the best Star Wars we've had. I'd go as far as to say that Maul is the best character in the history of Star Wars.
If this is the production values of a fanfic. Palpatine: Look well my apprentice, for the value of Disney and it's "attempts" at depicting my empire......Are at an end!!!
I love how Maul takes the masked Jedi and Master seriously, but legitimately plays with the apprentice in the final fight. He doesn't even ignite his second saber. He seems to almost be testing just how much a Jedi is willing to endure, and while she is a significantly less skilled fighter you can see that he gains respect for her determination by the end. Maul respects power and sheer will above all else. Only his fear of Palpatine is stronger
@@sebsteyn1592 if you watch the Clone Wars TV show, without spoilers, it is made clear that Maul is absolutely TERRIFIED of Palpatine. Some of the best star wars moments involve that plot line.
I dont think he didnt ignite his second saber because he didnt respect her as a fighter. It just doesnt make sense to use a double bladed saber against a single opponent, its for fighting alone against two or more enemies.
Couldn't agree more. Darth Maul was brilliant. Brilliant light saber skills and his eyes told you exactly what he was feeling. The rest of the acting paled in comparison.
Obi wan lost to maul.....simple. ( aint talking about animated clone wars lol) maul was far superior. Maul lost to maul....overconfidence. obi wan couldnt touch maul in a lightsaber duel lmao.... If he could they never would of made it to the deadend off of the bridge. Obi wan would of killed him much sooner. Maul easily beat both jedis.
@@datdawg9291 I 100 percent agree with everything he said. How in the hell is Maul gonna 2v1 obi and his master effortlessly, but then lose to obi with the slowest attack I've ever seen. There's simply no way he wouldn't have seen that shit coming.
@@hunterleyendecker4305 So your original thought is to call out others for their lack of original thought? So not only are you a hypocrite, but you also fail to bring anything new or constructive to the conversation. 👏 I guess we know where to send Goop is they want to start making asshole scented candles.
It can't be canon. With these 5 missing, the Jedi would've sent a search party, would've found their bodies and realized that they were killed by a lightsaber. At least from my point of view they would've instantly realized the sith were back.
I really like this because it shows a lot without telling you, like, the downfall of the Jedi was actually the master's hubris, he thought he would be the one to defeat a sith lord while he really should have protected his padawans and fled to tell the council. This reflects the way the jedi forgot how powerful the sith actually are. The master realizes this too late, hence his final words, "I'm sorry." Really good little movie.
@@TheLostOne3243 Haven't you noticed that Darth Sidious predicted their fall by saying the Jedi became arrogant and Maul used that to his advantage by retreating to the forest
For a 17 min fan made video. This was well written better than Disneys the Acolyte. The fight sequences and just the story of the sith being discovered and hidden just makes more sense.
The whole fan-film is amazing, actors are fabulous, but the absolute highlight is the guy who plays Darth Maul. He summed up the character perfectly, he doesn't say a word, almost doesn't change his expression, but all along you know exactly what he thinks, and only with his gentle facial expressions. Awesome, truly awesome.
Wow, this was amazing. Very well done by everyone involved, great action, emotion, and the production values are top-notch. Hope to see more Star Wars stuff.
When one sith lord can take on around 6 Jedi and kill most of them, they're training has clearly been slipping. Oh hang on they all died how Dissapointing that quigon jinn and obiwan could both endure a fight with Maul longer than half a dozen jedi.
The choreography in the battles are spot on characteristics of Darth Maul's battle style. The aggressive and quick movements and the subtle thrashing to avoid being struck from his opponents is what sold this video for me. He portrayed Maul to a tee in this short. Well done to everyone who played a role in putting this together. Big fan!
It was really good, my only slight problem with it is when he saw the girl crying lying down he felt resentment in this whereas the real Darth maul wouldn't have as he is filled with the only rage and revenge. It was a really good job in the role and I don't think many people could've done better but that's just one of my small little opinions. Not taking away from the fact that it was a really good performance!
@@tylerderpface9563 I disagree. that scene contrasted Darth Maul in Phantom Menace vs Darth Maul in this film perfectly. showing how he hesitated when confronted with a helpless enemy and pressed through it.
No reason not to. Wonderful thing about the vague timelines in Star Wars is that all non-canon material, be it legends, fan content, etc., can perfectly fit into the chronology if you want it to. This has never been contradicted by the canon material, so while Lucasfilm will never accept it as canon, it doesn't mean you can't.
Rogue one and The Mandalorian weren't bad, the new trilogy couldn't be good either way, far too late to tell the story that needed to be told. What hardcore fan (Movies and EU) wanted to see another character come along and take as long to build as Luke has been; before we moved out of that era of story? That's what, 40 years or so of story to make up for? I'm glad they got this new trilogy out of the way.. While these fan films can be cool. They have no plot, little dialogue, they're just glorified battle sequences. Comparing them to films is kinda low brow, not to mention, picking on Disney's attempt is low hanging fruit at this point. Even Lucas himself couldn't recapture the essence of Star Wars in his later attempts in live action film. That said.. Strip all of the social dogma, story, acting, etc away. Just play out the action sequences and what would be different from a fan film; aside from far better production, effects and stunt performers at the disposal of a multi million dollar studio? Not much... I also have to say, Dave Filoni deserves a mention here as well. That dude could make the Clone Wars era and Anakin into likable things. There's still hope for some good Star Wars to come, as long as he's still given projects to do. And they're based on new concepts to follow.. That's just my two cents anyway.
Agreed. He said one line at the end, but his nonverbal's throughout were awesome. He spoke so much through his eyes. And he has the look too. Ray Park or this guy, both awesome as Darth Maul. Great job on the film guys, you did great.
I love how Maul was giving his slight smile from time to time. He wants to hide the enjoyment he takes in killing those Jedi, but he simply can’t hide everything...
I don’t care what anybody says. Maul was “that dude”. Cool, laid back, quiet killer. No talking...just kicked ass. Raw and cold-hearted. He made it look good. Lol
@1234 *sighs* Reality and fantasy bounce off of each other, but it's not only trite but hateful to extrapolate praise for knowingly drawing out the intensity of a "dark character" along the same lines as those who *FUCKING MURDERED GENUINELY INNOCENT PEOPLE.* Do you think every single author who wrote a "bad guy" did so because they thought "badguy" was an awesome thought? Yeah I'm probably more angry than I should be, I'm just having a rough day. Best wishes all. Remember, the best villain you can think of can look you in the eye through the mirror, and breaking the mirror just makes it impossible to face alone. Will you face yourself alone, is it all a farce, shall you be swarmed and die unnamed? What is the Dark Side to you? Is there a difference between Self, Love, Light, Dark, ....what do you think? Anyway, if you're going to shoot up something, --------------------------
Maul was the ultimate acolyte. No room for monologue just action.This is how you film a forest fight scene. The padawan here I give huge props bc her master told her it was all or nothing. It showed Mauls honor by displaying that he wanted her to come at him with everything she had nothing held back. This is how you show a sith lord in the making.
@@raafeyplayz7015 except that obi wan wasn't legendary at the time. He was a padawan. And it wasn't just a jedi master. Qui gon was noted to be one of the best swordsman within the order
I like how he didn't want to kill her. He saw her fear. She changed right in front of him through the pain of losing her master and friends. She chose to face her enemy and even in defeat she stared him in the eyes with anger and passion. He respected her from a warriors perspective and he was not full blown sith yet either. But he knew Palpie was watching so he got super pissed off and used it to strike her down. Outstanding. A fantastic look at who Maul was before his obsession with obi wan. Who knew 17 minutes could beat all of Disney.
Despite how old this video is this brings me back to when star wars was actually good and this blows Disney star wars out the water I love to see this as actual full length film
Love how expressive maul is with just the smallest facial expressions, like when the Padawan is crying and you can see maul debating if he should kill her, or feeling pity. The discomfort with the fact that he killed the Jedi, then the evil smirk as he hears sidious compliment him. All with barely any dialogue. 10/10.
When he gets double teamed and they go "there is no escape for you , surrender" He clearly gives them a look of "Over my dead body!" and then he beats the masked jedi one on one his face gave the look of respect for his fearlessness and skill.
OMFG you managed in 17 minutes to restore my Star Wars hype so deeply massacred by the latest Disney productions. I love Sergio Leone references so much....really inspired and so true to the Star Wars Lucas continuum. By an old SW77 fan
Those parts were a bit weird. Only time we see him do that in TPM is when he is separated from Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan by the energy field. He really don't waste any time walking around trying to look badass.
@@larascasse9264 yeah i know what you mean. he's about action and only action though, i think they nailed it with the expressions. Maul's agility was more present too in all of the star wars, that's what made him an excellent sith
@@DarthVader-do8tu I base my opinion on the way Darth Maul is portrayed in TPM. The acting is spot on, but inconsistent with his character in that movie. I guess I've watched it about 10 times.
Nice touch that when the Padawan has her 'last stand' it doesn't make her a better duelist. I always hate that in movies, suddenly your decision to stand up to the mean guy means you're a blade master when before you were mediocre. He was clearly kicking her ass, he just wasn't hateful enough to kill her outright.
The1Floyd for real! This was the perfect mix of choreography and passionate fighting. Watching that last stand, I could feel the passion from each of her blows, but to see how useless it was says so much more about her character than to suddenly become a master on the spot. She was determined, passionate, maybe even desperate, but she was no master. Dang! This was good!
@@sethsmith4250 And I find interesting that it emphasizes that this is Darth Maul's story. What is important is not how grown that padawan is in her final moments, but how Darth Maul acts when he clearly has some degree of compassion for her.
It is unacceptable that a few fans with low resources make a better clip than all what Disney's Empire created since they acquired the franchise. Epic.
@@fabianmeyer506 if it was a 2 hour film with a bigger budget, it would make star wars fans crazy, it would be like when phantom menace came out, but the movie was actually good.
Why is it unacceptable? We live in a time where we have the gear to make this possible on a low budget. The talent has always been there, but the products to bring their visions to life weren't. That has changed, and as a budding independent film maker I don't care that a few fans with low resources can make a better clip that all what disney's empire created since they acquired the franchise. I revel in it. Great times indeed.
@@godboy159 This is what I am saying. I enjoyed this clip more than everything released by disney since they acquired the franchise, regardless of the fact that they have unlimited resources and could have done a legacy.
This is probably the best Star Wars fan film I've ever seen. It's ubelievable that Maul is even more scary than in episode 1. It's probably because Maul doesn't speak at all and aggression at the same time. The other acting performances are also at the same level as in the movies. This makes all the deaths seem even more brutal. I need more fan films like this.
I love how they used Maul's intense, silent Phantom Menace character, it really shows how much care and thought went into this whole project. Really great stuff!
To be fair, I am pretty sure the reason he's different is that he went insane on the garbage planet, so he lost all self control.@@cremedelamemesupreme1649
Actually he was never ment to be a silent character. The Actor they cast as Darth Maul Ray Park, (A Martial arts, quarter staff master. The same Actor who played 'Toad' in the original Xmen movie) did not have an intimidating voice at all. As his voice is higher pitched. So they cut almost all of Darth Maul's Voice lines and left them out, or gave them to others. The few words he speaks in the actual movie are done by a different actor they hired to voice the character. Really interesting trivia bit their.
@jamesmartin- That’s only half the story. The original actor wasn’t satisfied with Maul and actually quit the movie. So they quickly hired Ray Park and rewrote maul to be the silent assassin. Ray park was an excellent choice. And even recently was involved with the motion capture for Maul vs Ahsoka.
I love the rage Darth maul fights with in this. It doesn’t seem like they’re dancing it seems like they’re truly fighting to kill. Maul is fighting with so much power and rage which makes it so badass
Yeah it was great. One immersion break at the end when the camera zooms out on Maul fighting the girl and he makes a few rather useless pirouettes, but otherwise spot on.
@@johnnamkeh1290 didn't feel like a immersion break imho, kinda felt like something he'd do. Just like in the phantom menace, when Maul was under pressure he fought brutally and tactically, it wasn't until he felt he had already won that he started to "play" with his opponent
It also serves a purpose for Maul; part of his fighting style, at least in Legends, was a technique known as Dun Möch, which involved taunting and breaking the opponents spirit in order to prevent concentration, crucial to using the Force effectively. By “playing” with a target, Maul is driving home their helplessness and making them feel even more helpless.
coming back years later and all the actors are brilliant. Maul's actor nails the facial expressions, and his control over how his eyes express so much veiled thought is just out of this world. Floors me every time.
Mind.Body.Soul Music had not Sidious been watching he would have released her. Considering his brutal past under Sidious, as he was given to him when he was a child Maul understood the young padawans fear. She like maul at one time was in over her head.
I don't understand, I don't understand...how this was so good, Camera shots? Legit. Costumes? Legit. Makeup? Legit. Acting? Legit. Choreography? Too Legit. Effects? Legit. Truly Amazing work.
+Константин Садовский These guys make me hate Disney even more. This fan film will forever be unparalleled. Second to none. The choreography was too damn mindblowing. I'd pay to see this all day, everyday
nah come on, the facial expressions sucked, the way they talked, the way they play tennis deflection and the girl's impersonation of this character was so damn german, I had to puke
Christopher Wolf. The acting was admittedly 4/10 but you have to admit choreography was beyond spectacular, surpassing all duels in the Star Wars films
These fan made films is how these guys Will be future hollywood directors and will probably a plus adding on your your resume using you tube technology.
my dad bought me and my lil bro lightsabers from toysrus after he took us to see episode 1, i must've been 9 and my brother maybe 7. i got the double blade saber and my bro , obi wan's. you have no idea how cool we were in our hood for having those sabers at the time (also, how many times we hit our hands accidentally.(also, this was before they lit up and shit; no batteries etc-- )). i dont see kids waving sticks at eachother anymore, pretending that they're maybe a lightsaber, or a sword, or whatever the fuck they want it to be. to be honest, back then; it picked at my interest into swordplay/fencing etc. tl;dr: thanks papi, and thank you old skool parents for being parents. [i'm drunk, disregard this whole ppost; i suck cocks']
I take this as canon. This interpretation of Darth Maul is really faithful to the Episode 1 version. The actor's face is very expressive, while keeping a silent demeanor just like Ray Park's take on it.
@@eliminator1472 dude, Maul would literally speedblitz them handily lmao. The dude has Hypersonic speed feats while these Jedi would cap at baseline Supersonic. Even Darth Sidious was hard pressed against him in training sessions and Darth Plagueis himself called Maul’s speed astounding, he’s in the same league of speed as them, and we’ve all seen what Sidious can do to people like Agen Kolar and Saesee Tiin. Kolar in particular being capable of stomping Quinlan Vos in a duel while he had fallen to the dark side. ‘The Zabrak’s fists and legs were as lethal as his lightsaber, and his speed was astounding.'' Source: Darth Plagueis Novel (2012) Maul's blade is too fast to see for Dark Jedi Komari Vosa, she sees multiple attacks, despite the fact Maul is wounded from his right arm by a blaster bolt. ''Vosa had all but admitted that she was no match for the erratic staccato blows that he was delivering, seemingly from everywhere, all at once. He swung out at her, the Dark Side streaming so powerfully from him now that itseemed to be pouring forth in great, explosive torrents. His blade was moving almost too fast to see.'' Source: Maul - Lockdown (2013) Maul can move so fast he’s essentially invisible, even holorecordings fail to record him and they need to be played back in slow motion just to show him whatsoever. ''Then he sprang to a series of other sites that ultimately carried him to the wall of the principal building, moving with such speed the entire time that whatever holorecordings were being made wouldn't show him unless they were played in slow motion.'' Darth Maul moves faster than a droid's photoreceptor can follow. ''Maul leaped aside, moving faster than the droid's photoreceptor could follow. The droid raced past him and smashed hard against the cell wall.'' Source: Episode I Adventures 3 - The Fury of Darth Maul (1999) Source: Darth Maul - Saboteur (2001) Long story short, the dude is broken a f compared to these fodders.
It’s very well made and Maul’s character is captured accurately, but It wouldn’t really work with canon if you think about it. Theres no way this wouldn’t have gotten the attention of the council, only a sith or someone trained in the jedi arts could kill 5 jedi (also they have lightsaber stab wounds) but Phantom menace shows that Qui Gon’s encounter with Maul on Tatooine was the first time a sith was seen in a long time. The council was surprised and even doubted his claims.
Hey Guys check out our latest project as well: Cyberpunk 2077 Phoenix Program Fan Film !
Cool vid :)
Der Film ist deutsch oder
Hey, richtig gut gemacht aber die würge Szenen waren nicht so gut gespielt aber ansonsten alles 100% das war richtig gut ihr könnt stolz sein und das war bestimmt viel arbeit und hat sich jahre lang gedauert, ich finde es hat mehr likes verdient aber toll gemacht. Hatte aus dem echten Film sein können und richtig gut gemachte Kämpfe einfach nur heftig. 🤩
my name is in this comment!
Part 2 guys, this was the best fan-film. Coming back almost 2 years later to watch it again.
Star Wars Theory Well, hello there
I watch you all the time
Star Wars Theory Same
Star Wars Theory yeah!
I just imagine grievous going around afterwards picking up the lightsabers
AstroSeven a fine addition to my collection
Another addition to add to my collection
alternate timeline: obi wan jumps down says "hello there" and grievous turns around revealing 40 arms all holding lightsabers. He starts spinning them all and takes off accidentally
Just Grievous walking around picking up lightsabers like a child picking up eggs on Easter
For a character that barely talks, the guy who plays him nailed his entire spectrum and characteristics including the facial emotions
For real. Everything is conveyed with the most subtle facial tweaks. Dude is a legend for sure.
He's a cosplayer now, search him on IG @maul_cosplay
Maul does talk..
jjaazz2002 only when spoken too. Until he went insane
Darth Maul: I’m trying to spare you life bitch.
*palpatine comes through still watching*
Darth Maul: ......Fuck.....
this is the kind of star wars fans deserved man
The fact that Darth Maul is silent the whole time makes him even more of a badass.
He's just a bad ass all the way around!! Not to mention the fact that Ray Park is absolutely gorgeous!!!
the subtleties of his facial expressions gives him all the character and story one needs. It's amazing to see a slight bit of humanity come out, then watch it disappear when he sees he's being watched
He killed PewDiePie tho
Cereal Cereal hahaha was thinking the same thing!!
@@cerealcereal1280 He did the world a favor.
The Maul actor played brilliantly!
so true!
Peter Serafinowicz, Star Wars Episode One
perfectly for a younger version of Darth Maul ;)
Darth Maul was voiced by a black guy? Do you even Star Wars, bro?
theotheroneification Maul got voiced later by a Peter serafinowicz
I’m not saying this is better than Disney, but this is better than Disney
Darth Vader its from Germany
Remmert Van Koppen it is from Germany i nie it because The Producer Hans a UA-cam Channel and its a German Guy from Cologne
Mmhmhhmmhmmh, ruined the prequels you did anikan.
Ummmm, Anakin who? Never heard of him..
I must have been living under a rock. I never knew this masterpiece existed for 8 years.
Me too. This is amazing!
Same here lol
The rock you were living under is called Disney.
@@gerardkarperien1430 So true.😂
With the 5 yrs of Crap Disney films we got & are coming....
*Got room under that rock?* 😅
I love how at the end he seems conflicted about killing her. When he fights her, you can kind of tell he's just toying with her, he barely even blocks her attacks in favor of dodging and he doesn't use both blades while fighting her. She shows that she is not quite a Jedi yet, as she weeps and seems to let her anger get the better of her. The ending gives me the feeling that if Palpatine were not watching, Maul would have spared her life and maybe even taken her as his apprentice. This is a very good fan film.
U are so right the way he looked at her an the fight showed he was testing her he wanted to bring her along he for sure would have knocked her out an took her if palp wasn't watching would have made a good next film an good ending but we all know palp would have killed em
Sidious probably told Maul about the rule of 2 so i don't think he would take her as apprentice but the spare part is pretty possible
@@sparkyd6225 The Sith were still a secret at the time so he'd have to her.
@@sparkyd6225 Pretty sure Dooku knew about the rule of two, didn't stop him taking on Ventress or Grievous. Pretty sure Palpatine had Maul on strings though so he defs would've found out regardless.
@@benmurphy4573 fair point I totally forget about that
Whoever played as Darth Maul in this film captured the original actor’s acrobatics *perfectly!* This is awesome!
His name is Maul Cosplay and he does some really good Cosplay too :)
Look here: facebook.com/maulcosplay/
His name is Ben Schamma, it's in the credits. Worth spending a few extra seconds finding out who these guys are if we enjoyed their work.
He looks exactly like the one in phantom menace which is awesome
JokerAsylum the mouth area couldve been better, dont get me wrong i really enjoyed this but i felt that it looked like he had a cartoonish exaggerated grin sometimes. Again, i still enjoyed it
Hello There
This is not your moment Kenobi, come back later.
be a shame if darth maul was killed by some lame apprentice. am i right?....
General Kenobi...
Obi-Wan Kenobi do u have the high ground
STK Shadow I am the high ground!
I’m telling my kids this was the Acolyte
The apa❤😂
This is the way.
Damn Qimir is so strong
That look in Maul's eyes at the end when he knew he was being watched spoke a thousand words. 10/10 acting.
That was a good part... very nice touch.
Very good observation on your part. Maul was secretly very loving as Sidious never truly drove out the inner child still living in Maul. He would have spared her had not Sidious been watching him. The reason being is that the fear and helplessness she exhibited reminded him of his own vulnerability and the brutality he experienced at the hands of Darth Sidious during his childhood training. Had he not killed her he knew Sidious would have killed him.
@@michaeltruthson6262 wtf are you on about? There's no way Maul would ever spare a Jedi or a padawan. Literally his entire being is dedicated to how much hate he has for them, he more than likely would have toyed with her longer if Sidious wasn't watching, he would be expected to end her when the opportunity arises. That's probs why he looked pissed lol
@@Morbidoner thanks for your comment and my reasoning regarding Darth Maul is due to my having read SW: The Revenge of Darth Maul" which chronicles the experiences he faced with Darth Sidious from his childhood. Yes he was a Sith Lord Enforcer but psychologically he was a shattered soul with deep compassion . Sidious had always hated that both Maul and Anakin never fully embraced the idea of absolute ruthlessness as he hoped they would considering how powerful they were. I recommend you read the book.
@midgetydeath have you ever read the book regarding Darth Maul
That’s my brother right there. I’m so proud of him
arent you dead
Savage opress as you should
Loki Laufeyson savage oppress has left the chat
Savage opress you fool
General Grievous Grevious will you ever learn to harness the force
The actor for Maul got everything so right, from the facial expressions, to the fighting style, he even nails Maul's classic final blow (stab or slash to the mid section while the opponent is either too tired and telegraphing his next move, usually a downward strike coming from above). THIS is how you portray a character accurately! Props to the choreographer as well for training all of the Jedi and Maul himself, too understand how two swordsmen can duel with different styles is amazing, then add to the part where both are adapting to each other's styles. This is quality, absolute dedication.
The guy who played Maul is Maul Cosplay, who does ultra realistic cosplays. Google Maul's Zane cosplay from Borderlands, that one is absolutely mind-blowing.
Dat a lot of detail
The only thing i wish he did was assume his battle stance he did against Obi Wan and Qui Gon. That would have sealed the deal for this imo.
I was going to say the same about the facial expressions and fighting style!! It's awesome! I've always wanted to see more of a back story about Maul...he's my favorite Sith
Here just after The Acolyte trailer dropped and it reminded of this. Such a classic!
the actor who played maul is incredible, you can see the regret and pain in his eyes before he strikes down the final apprentice and yet still manages to look evil and imposing 10/10
I just think maul would have never hesitated, i think he would have struck her down without thinking about it
@@benjaminberinger5449 Now that his training is complete, he will hesitate no more. Never again.
lol there was no pain or regret. He was considering her as his apprentice.
it will be no regret in my eyes, while exterminating those pathetic young jedi
Came here to say just that, the guy who played Maul has him perfect.
“Yes, My Master.” He only spoke three words during the whole 13 or so minutes he was on screen. Brilliant.
It's accurate
While Maul's silence is epic, his Clone Wars and Rebels scenes are some of the best Star Wars we've had. I'd go as far as to say that Maul is the best character in the history of Star Wars.
Maul also has braces! Crazy!
No he also said something like they are headed to tatooine as well
Nemer Velasquez what
*Maul:* kills master in front of apprentice
*Apprentice:* prepares to fight
*Viewers:* ah shit, here we go again
Darth Maul: Not this time XD
If this is the production values of a fanfic.
Palpatine: Look well my apprentice, for the value of Disney and it's "attempts" at depicting my empire......Are at an end!!!
RIP Qui Gon
I mean Darth maul lost to an apprentice
8 years. Still the best fan film I've seen.
Yes sirrrrrrrrr
Darth Maul: "Ignites first blade"
All Jedi: We got this
Darth Maul: "Ignites second blade"
All Jedi: *"Chuckles"* We're in danger
Can we just appreciate how sick the guy with the mask is
Nah, he's social distancing!
He looks like Bane, and I don't mean Darth Bane.
the dude literally took lightsaber stab and 3 lightsaber slashes to kill.
I swear in that second where he blocks the attack, maul is like: bitch how dare you still live.
@@darthnoxthegerman This made me laugh more than I want to admit
Coming back to this spikes my blood pressure knowing how much potential cinema has to be incredible but God gave us Disney.
More likely the Devil. There is nothing good at this Company nowerdays
I love how Maul takes the masked Jedi and Master seriously, but legitimately plays with the apprentice in the final fight. He doesn't even ignite his second saber. He seems to almost be testing just how much a Jedi is willing to endure, and while she is a significantly less skilled fighter you can see that he gains respect for her determination by the end. Maul respects power and sheer will above all else. Only his fear of Palpatine is stronger
I would say it’s less a fear of Palpatine and more a desire to impress his master
seb steyn nah, it‘s defenitly the fear, cuz what would Palpatine do if Maul haven‘t killed her?
@@sebsteyn1592 if you watch the Clone Wars TV show, without spoilers, it is made clear that Maul is absolutely TERRIFIED of Palpatine. Some of the best star wars moments involve that plot line.
I dont think he didnt ignite his second saber because he didnt respect her as a fighter. It just doesnt make sense to use a double bladed saber against a single opponent, its for fighting alone against two or more enemies.
Tom Gebel tell that to obi wan
I still haven’t got my pay check for this
Lord Vader #paythesith
After the Naboo incident I hear your only getting paid half. ;-)
It was bounced since someone cut it in half
@@PhoneLineNYC LOL
Whoever plays Maul is a hell of an actor... this is awesome!
Adam Corbin If you're interested in him I'd suggest to check his Facebook page out, he is an amazing Cosplayer. "Maul Cosplay" is his Facebook page :)
LostFeeling Thanks!
Couldn't agree more. Darth Maul was brilliant. Brilliant light saber skills and his eyes told you exactly what he was feeling. The rest of the acting paled in comparison.
This is not Adam Corbin
Eight year old fan film utterly beats Acolyte episode 5!
beats the entire show LMFAO
That 06:35 jump was another level
Big time!
It beats all of “Disney” “Star Wars.”
@@talisavy1561Mmm… I wouldn’t say that. Disney has some good ones here and there. Btw, there is no “Disney Star Wars.” It’s just Star Wars.
A split second of "humanity" shows in his eyes just before the last kill then POOF it's gone. Brilliant!
He was probably thinking of taking her as his apprentice but then looked at the drone that sidious was watching him with and thought better
kittycat moodle Doodle couldnt have said it better.
"Humanity"? From a Zabrak? From Dathomir? That's one hell of a joke right there
@@fireflower3360 it isn't, but you are
Maul doesn't have any humanity.
This. THIS is what UA-cam was created for.
this is y u still live w ur parents
Henry Griffiths what does that even mean? Im married and own my own home 🤨
@@henrygriffiths7899 says the one who has the time to find this video just to make that comment
Nick Haldin he trolling don’t pay him any attention
Nick Haldin I remember stuff like this back in the day. It was awesome
I feel like I should've paid money to watch this. Incredible.
1HourHits Trend yes, shush
Watch the ads if there are any to watch .
They ran ads so technically you didn’t watch it for free
Landan Landon no you did watch it for free your not paying for anything
This Maul is on par with Ray Park. Absolutely outstanding acrobatics and style.
The fact that this is what fans can make without tons of money says a lot about Disney
No deadline and the ability ti not having to make things official and change the movie to suit SJW standards,
Maybe a factor.
For real. I’m upset there isn’t more of this for me to watch. So well done!
They did use a lot of money tho, the lightsaber shouldnt cost that much but u know
The budget for this was 25k
The make-up for maul is simply amazing
Leinad2134 absolutely
Leinad2134 If you watch the behind the scenes, he did it himself.
In a German documentation they said it took 4 hours
My make up is indeed amazing
I saw the making of this movie he did the make up himself
maul's acting is very impressive
Seen porn with better acting
Fabian69 funny but not true
@@Fabian6980 you gotta tell me what the fuck you're watching cause this shit is great
@@Glados1080 the movie wasnt bad the acting was 1980s rpgs level thats all
yes it was, maul is a hunter. He enjoys the hunt and toying with it's prey. They did that very well.
Duel wielding against a double blade is something so epic that i’d never thought I’d see done so well
Finally educational movie about, what happens when you don't bring kenobi to a maul fight.
well, if you look really closely at 7:50, you see. Maul gets the high ground. His win was inevitable. His master trained him well.
Dat Dawg on Naboo
Obi wan lost to maul.....simple. ( aint talking about animated clone wars lol) maul was far superior. Maul lost to maul....overconfidence. obi wan couldnt touch maul in a lightsaber duel lmao....
If he could they never would of made it to the deadend off of the bridge. Obi wan would of killed him much sooner. Maul easily beat both jedis.
@@giveematug7093 Amazing. Every word of what you just said was wrong.
@@datdawg9291 I 100 percent agree with everything he said. How in the hell is Maul gonna 2v1 obi and his master effortlessly, but then lose to obi with the slowest attack I've ever seen. There's simply no way he wouldn't have seen that shit coming.
Imagine training for years and some guy comes and kills u in 2 seconds
Cough: Agen Kolar
Cough cough:saesee Tiin
Wet Bubbles don’t disrespect fisto
Is this Cilvanis references?
Welcome to War
When the choreography of a fan film is better that the choreography of movie with a budget of over 200 million dollars
Is it possible you come up with an original thought?
jake seligson true
Hunter Leyendecker is it also possible that u accept the truth as well?
@@hunterleyendecker4305 not from a mouse
@@hunterleyendecker4305 So your original thought is to call out others for their lack of original thought? So not only are you a hypocrite, but you also fail to bring anything new or constructive to the conversation. 👏 I guess we know where to send Goop is they want to start making asshole scented candles.
Better than literally anything Disney has put out. Great work! The dude that played Maul completely nailed it.
Imagine making a Fan-Film so good that it’s practically Canon
Agree I count this more canon than the 3 new ones and solo.
It can't be canon. With these 5 missing, the Jedi would've sent a search party, would've found their bodies and realized that they were killed by a lightsaber. At least from my point of view they would've instantly realized the sith were back.
@@vinicius100470 or the jedi could have not known that they were gone or they could think it a rouge jedi but I like that it show how strong he is.
Your likes are 66, order 66
His original last test was to seriously try to kill Sidious. He lost to him, of course, but he has truly tried to, so he had passed.
I really like this because it shows a lot without telling you, like, the downfall of the Jedi was actually the master's hubris, he thought he would be the one to defeat a sith lord while he really should have protected his padawans and fled to tell the council.
This reflects the way the jedi forgot how powerful the sith actually are.
The master realizes this too late, hence his final words, "I'm sorry." Really good little movie.
His anger and his thirst for revenge for the fallen Jedi in battle clouded his judgment
@@alvallac2171 Thank you
@@alphasapharius925 isnt revenge a feeling that will lead you to the dark side?
@@TheLostOne3243 Haven't you noticed that Darth Sidious predicted their fall by saying the Jedi became arrogant and Maul used that to his advantage by retreating to the forest
Maul's acting without words was phenomenal. You can discern so much about his character without him saying a word.
So true
For a 17 min fan made video. This was well written better than Disneys the Acolyte. The fight sequences and just the story of the sith being discovered and hidden just makes more sense.
The whole fan-film is amazing, actors are fabulous, but the absolute highlight is the guy who plays Darth Maul. He summed up the character perfectly, he doesn't say a word, almost doesn't change his expression, but all along you know exactly what he thinks, and only with his gentle facial expressions. Awesome, truly awesome.
Yeah big Darth Maul fan and the guy is doing a good job at it
Oh so much so this. His "tipping point" was gripping.
The force-ball was pretty awesome too. Just the slightest smirk on Mauls face after he dodges it.
That darth maul could be taking part in an official series with like that :P
@@arianmotahamelian1684 But he is too tall!😄 Maul is a short guy.
"So, this canonically takes place before Episode 1?"
"It's just a fan fil-"
"So, this canonically takes place before Episode 1."
its before episode 1 , its a prequel, before Obi wan Kinobi was a master
he was making a joke. And Obi wan isn't a master in episode 1
@@zboub7025 Well, technically they arn't wrong when they say "before Obi Wan was a master."
I head Darth Mazul survived his... misfortune, once in the canon EU, before disney fucked up...
Whoever played that Darth Maul was on point.
Nobody played Darth Maul, he was CGI:)
@@btg2573 watch behind the scenes, chicken :)
Almost the equivilent to Ray PArk.
@@btg2573 idiot it was not cgi
Kenny Royâlz How the fuck can you think he was CGI haha. You must have problems with your vision
How can fan-made films be 8x better than big-budget studio garbage? Amazing! 😳
The guy that played Maul was amazing! Had Maul's fighting style down perfectly.
Your right!!!👍
His name is Ben aka "maul cosplay"
“I will protect you.” Pile of dead Jedi behind him.
this is me in battlefront 2 on pc
@@eu8028 young clue when i was 7
I was a jerk to him, but he is a good apprentice
No this can not be
Copied comment
@@_nso_12 I didn't copied it
@@_nso_12 maybe someone else typed it too but I didn't actually know
Darth Sidious bruh
The producers of this should be multi-millionaires. This easily could have been a full length movie.
Maul: Kills 4 Jedi Masters
Apprentice: Prepares to fight
Maul: So you have chosen death?
Oh you're approaching me?
Z the hooman I can’t kill the shit out of you without getting closer
Anakin: kills ALL the children
Actually, there are 5 Jedi Masters, aren’t there? If you count the one in the beginning
Obi Was: Hello There!
The make up on darth maul is movie quality 10/10
The way Darth maul fights is legendary and obi wan kenobi beat him twice
Looks like the same actor
I can just imagine palpatine sitting on his couch watching this with a bag of space cheetos.
Saying “dew it”
and then i threw the senate at him! the whole senate!
While drinking Mountain Dew
Moantain dew it
This shit made me laugh so fucking hard🤣🤣
I come back to this every few years. INCREDIBLE and UNFORGETTABLE.
You know Maul is a badass when Master Pewdiepie, his apprentice, Smoke from Mortal Kombat and discount Shaak Ti all fail to kill him
exactly what I was thinking
Discount shaak ti?
Hehhehhahahhoohoohahaha good one
You mean belle delphine shaak ti
Wow! We passed 10 Million Views!!!! It's incredible!!!
Thanks to everyone for watching and sharing our film! :)
You should do more Star Wars Fan Films
Wow, this was amazing. Very well done by everyone involved, great action, emotion, and the production values are top-notch. Hope to see more Star Wars stuff.
Keep up the amazing work.
wait are you julien bams brother Ja ich kann deutsch :D
Genial! Danke für die tollen Szenen :)
Also known as cooler Darth Maul vs Pewdiepie, Discount Shak ti, Bane, and Jedi Riley Reid.
Lol you had me with discount Shaak Ti and Jedi Riley Reid
Bro this deserves to go down in history
When one sith lord can take on around 6 Jedi and kill most of them, they're training has clearly been slipping. Oh hang on they all died how Dissapointing that quigon jinn and obiwan could both endure a fight with Maul longer than half a dozen jedi.
Lost it at Jedi Riley Reid
The choreography in the battles are spot on characteristics of Darth Maul's battle style. The aggressive and quick movements and the subtle thrashing to avoid being struck from his opponents is what sold this video for me. He portrayed Maul to a tee in this short. Well done to everyone who played a role in putting this together. Big fan!
If Ray Park saw this he would be very proud of this actor potraying Darth Maul.
Ray is a lad he is just a fan like us
This is one of the best, highest quality fan films I’ve ever seen
Maul's actor nailed the role perfectly.
For real ... his style was Juyo in its ESSENCE.
Better than in the movie tho!
It was really good, my only slight problem with it is when he saw the girl crying lying down he felt resentment in this whereas the real Darth maul wouldn't have as he is filled with the only rage and revenge. It was a really good job in the role and I don't think many people could've done better but that's just one of my small little opinions. Not taking away from the fact that it was a really good performance!
@@tylerderpface9563 I mean that's not the actor, that's the writing.
@@tylerderpface9563 I disagree. that scene contrasted Darth Maul in Phantom Menace vs Darth Maul in this film perfectly. showing how he hesitated when confronted with a helpless enemy and pressed through it.
I love seeing maul only using 1 side of his blade, shows how knowledgable he was with the fighting styles, absolutely incredible choreography
I'm willing to accept this as canon.
No reason not to. Wonderful thing about the vague timelines in Star Wars is that all non-canon material, be it legends, fan content, etc., can perfectly fit into the chronology if you want it to. This has never been contradicted by the canon material, so while Lucasfilm will never accept it as canon, it doesn't mean you can't.
Eoinster Well I just meant that its so good that if they made it cannon I'd be alright with it.
Alex Gates I wish it was
We make it canon, not Lucas!
Imagine if they had a million-dollar... Budget.. look at what they did in 17 minutes... Incredible... Disney your new movies are a joke
I'm sure it took them more than 17 minutes to film edit and produce....but omg the outcome is absolutely amazing.
@@1984Deathpool he was talking about the length of the video
Actors trash tho
@@nathangibson4568 Color Grading and Correction too tho
Rogue one and The Mandalorian weren't bad, the new trilogy couldn't be good either way, far too late to tell the story that needed to be told. What hardcore fan (Movies and EU) wanted to see another character come along and take as long to build as Luke has been; before we moved out of that era of story? That's what, 40 years or so of story to make up for? I'm glad they got this new trilogy out of the way..
While these fan films can be cool. They have no plot, little dialogue, they're just glorified battle sequences. Comparing them to films is kinda low brow, not to mention, picking on Disney's attempt is low hanging fruit at this point. Even Lucas himself couldn't recapture the essence of Star Wars in his later attempts in live action film. That said.. Strip all of the social dogma, story, acting, etc away. Just play out the action sequences and what would be different from a fan film; aside from far better production, effects and stunt performers at the disposal of a multi million dollar studio? Not much...
I also have to say, Dave Filoni deserves a mention here as well. That dude could make the Clone Wars era and Anakin into likable things. There's still hope for some good Star Wars to come, as long as he's still given projects to do. And they're based on new concepts to follow..
That's just my two cents anyway.
Whoever played Darth Maul deserves any non-speaking action role he wants tbh
Another Hitman Movie!
If there ever is a darth maul movie he should be casted
That was Awesome darth maul was brilliant but all that fighting and his only words were "yes my master" lol
Agreed. He said one line at the end, but his nonverbal's throughout were awesome. He spoke so much through his eyes. And he has the look too. Ray Park or this guy, both awesome as Darth Maul. Great job on the film guys, you did great.
why non-speaking? some people are too obsessed with accents
I love how Maul was giving his slight smile from time to time. He wants to hide the enjoyment he takes in killing those Jedi, but he simply can’t hide everything...
I loved how Maul only spoke one sentence, yet you could almost read his thoughts based on his expressions, excellent performance by the actor!
I think before he kills the girl he considered showing mercy, possibly thinking of her turning her to the dark side, but he was being watched.
@@powerboatguy2308 oh yeah, like I said, not a single word but we’re getting this much just by looking at the actor’s facial expressions
@@tobithirteen7307 Disney should put these people under contract.
@@powerboatguy2308NO,Disney IS the Dark side of the Force!;corruption,money,power, false idolatry,a Jedi craves not these things.
@@ianmorris4922 Since I've made this post I dropped Disney. Just could not deal with woke stuff and wearing ideology on their sleeves.
I don’t care what anybody says. Maul was “that dude”. Cool, laid back, quiet killer. No talking...just kicked ass. Raw and cold-hearted. He made it look good. Lol
@1234 lmao i think the same thing!!
Best Character!
@@lost_erik1525 so true my favorite one!!
@1234 *sighs* Reality and fantasy bounce off of each other, but it's not only trite but hateful to extrapolate praise for knowingly drawing out the intensity of a "dark character" along the same lines as those who *FUCKING MURDERED GENUINELY INNOCENT PEOPLE.*
Do you think every single author who wrote a "bad guy" did so because they thought "badguy" was an awesome thought?
Yeah I'm probably more angry than I should be, I'm just having a rough day. Best wishes all.
Remember, the best villain you can think of can look you in the eye through the mirror, and breaking the mirror just makes it impossible to face alone.
Will you face yourself alone, is it all a farce, shall you be swarmed and die unnamed? What is the Dark Side to you? Is there a difference between Self, Love, Light, Dark, ....what do you think?
Anyway, if you're going to shoot up something, --------------------------
@1234 😂😂👌
Why the hell are a bunch of fans doing shit for free somehow _better_ than a multi-billion dollar corporation?
Fantastic job.
Because they actually care about the characters and the universe they belong to and not just about making money....
I wish this could be Canon
because its something called copy right unfortunately
Passion my friend passion...
Maul was the ultimate acolyte. No room for monologue just action.This is how you film a forest fight scene. The padawan here I give huge props bc her master told her it was all or nothing. It showed Mauls honor by displaying that he wanted her to come at him with everything she had nothing held back. This is how you show a sith lord in the making.
Darth Maul in movies: Can take on 2 jedi at once
Darth Maul in the Comics:
Well to be fair, it was the legendary Jedi Master Qui Gon Jin and the legendary Obi Wan Kenobi
@George Hiestand underrated comment right here
@@raafeyplayz7015 except that obi wan wasn't legendary at the time. He was a padawan. And it wasn't just a jedi master. Qui gon was noted to be one of the best swordsman within the order
@@lapplandkun9273 true
@@raafeyplayz7015 HEYYYY don't be dissing mater qui-gon jinn man he is legendary as well
The difference between money and fan-love. This was beautiful..
it cost around 30k €😉
Marcel S haste auch die Doku gesehen ? 😁
@@hopsingh2539 Ja! :D
They spent hundreds to please millions
@@kamikazekx1712 It has 645 000 likes right now. That is not a million.
I like how he didn't want to kill her. He saw her fear. She changed right in front of him through the pain of losing her master and friends. She chose to face her enemy and even in defeat she stared him in the eyes with anger and passion. He respected her from a warriors perspective and he was not full blown sith yet either. But he knew Palpie was watching so he got super pissed off and used it to strike her down.
Outstanding. A fantastic look at who Maul was before his obsession with obi wan.
Who knew 17 minutes could beat all of Disney.
Doesn't beat the Mandalorian
@@antattackBAM That's because Mandalorian isn't directed by total incompetents who should be doing Netflix filler shit instead of Star Wars
@@antattackBAM not Disney
I still feel Maul doesn’t get enough love. Such a beast with insane powers. Sad story as well
@@antattackBAM Well mendolorian has no lightsabers
Despite how old this video is this brings me back to when star wars was actually good and this blows Disney star wars out the water I love to see this as actual full length film
That moment when the Padawan is actually right, but the Master doesn't listen.
The arrogance of the Jedi
same with Ahsoka in some cases
Asoka clone wars flashbacks
Sums up most of the Jedi order
@@anthonykastrinakis4900 with the difference that Ahsoka would give Darth Maul a shit with Anakin.
Love how expressive maul is with just the smallest facial expressions, like when the Padawan is crying and you can see maul debating if he should kill her, or feeling pity. The discomfort with the fact that he killed the Jedi, then the evil smirk as he hears sidious compliment him. All with barely any dialogue. 10/10.
Seoul I love the shock he has when she turns around and is ready to fight he’s like oh damn girl ok I see you
@@xntii5047 my thoughts exactly it reminded me of maul vs qin and obi wan and maul killed obi wans master
When he gets double teamed and they go "there is no escape for you , surrender" He clearly gives them a look of "Over my dead body!" and then he beats the masked jedi one on one his face gave the look of respect for his fearlessness and skill.
The actor that played maul was amazing
I get the feeling that at the end, if it wasn't for the Emperor watching, I feel like he would have let her go. His face told so much with so little.
Ok... We got a fan-film about Vader and Maul...
Could someone make one about The tragedy of Darth plagueis the wise?
This ^^^
A Revan tribute film would be incredible as well.
@@astrodreamer946 Theres is
Revan Vs nihilus...
Not much accurate but it sweet
Count dooku next
I have not heard of this story, could you please tell me?
OMFG you managed in 17 minutes to restore my Star Wars hype so deeply massacred by the latest Disney productions. I love Sergio Leone references so much....really inspired and so true to the Star Wars Lucas continuum. By an old SW77 fan
Imagine what these guys could've accomplished with Disney's budget
True that!
The Chosen One Disney would screw thus over too
But the cgi
Actor who played maul absolutely nailed his character, from the way he walked like he was sizing up his opponent, to his facial reactions
Those parts were a bit weird. Only time we see him do that in TPM is when he is separated from Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan by the energy field. He really don't waste any time walking around trying to look badass.
@@larascasse9264 because he is bad ass
@@larascasse9264 yeah i know what you mean. he's about action and only action though, i think they nailed it with the expressions. Maul's agility was more present too in all of the star wars, that's what made him an excellent sith
@@larascasse9264 Did you watch like half of a movie with maul have you read the comics?
@@DarthVader-do8tu I base my opinion on the way Darth Maul is portrayed in TPM. The acting is spot on, but inconsistent with his character in that movie. I guess I've watched it about 10 times.
Respect, awesome fan-film 👍
Maul is my favorite Sith. This was spectacular fight choreography. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 BRAVO Mr. Ben Schamma! 🥇🏆
Nice touch that when the Padawan has her 'last stand' it doesn't make her a better duelist. I always hate that in movies, suddenly your decision to stand up to the mean guy means you're a blade master when before you were mediocre.
He was clearly kicking her ass, he just wasn't hateful enough to kill her outright.
The1Floyd for real! This was the perfect mix of choreography and passionate fighting. Watching that last stand, I could feel the passion from each of her blows, but to see how useless it was says so much more about her character than to suddenly become a master on the spot. She was determined, passionate, maybe even desperate, but she was no master.
Dang! This was good!
Henry's come to see us!
@@sethsmith4250 And I find interesting that it emphasizes that this is Darth Maul's story. What is important is not how grown that padawan is in her final moments, but how Darth Maul acts when he clearly has some degree of compassion for her.
You’d be surprised what fear, desperation, and anger can bring out in people
Majority of the time when Star Wars does it the padawan is using the dark side and light without realizing it. For example obi wan vs Darth mall
It is unacceptable that a few fans with low resources make a better clip than all what Disney's Empire created since they acquired the franchise.
If this would be the real film, everyone would hate it to.
Fabian Meyer no, because these people actually care about the franchise
@@fabianmeyer506 if it was a 2 hour film with a bigger budget, it would make star wars fans crazy, it would be like when phantom menace came out, but the movie was actually good.
Why is it unacceptable? We live in a time where we have the gear to make this possible on a low budget. The talent has always been there, but the products to bring their visions to life weren't. That has changed, and as a budding independent film maker I don't care that a few fans with low resources can make a better clip that all what disney's empire created since they acquired the franchise. I revel in it. Great times indeed.
@@godboy159 This is what I am saying. I enjoyed this clip more than everything released by disney since they acquired the franchise, regardless of the fact that they have unlimited resources and could have done a legacy.
Pewdiepie should've retreated right after Maul killed Bane.
I thought he was bane to
bane isnt a jedi... but yeah pewdiepie should've left immediatly
Jere j r/woosh
Jere j he meant bane the DC character not darth bane...
Good to know I wasn’t the only one that thought the master looked like PewDiePie
This is probably the best Star Wars fan film I've ever seen. It's ubelievable that Maul is even more scary than in episode 1. It's probably because Maul doesn't speak at all and aggression at the same time. The other acting performances are also at the same level as in the movies. This makes all the deaths seem even more brutal. I need more fan films like this.
I love how they used Maul's intense, silent Phantom Menace character, it really shows how much care and thought went into this whole project. Really great stuff!
That's what I liked too. The clone wars version of him is kinda cringe. He was meant to be a silent demon.
To be fair, I am pretty sure the reason he's different is that he went insane on the garbage planet, so he lost all self control.@@cremedelamemesupreme1649
@@cremedelamemesupreme1649THANK YOU!
Actually he was never ment to be a silent character. The Actor they cast as Darth Maul Ray Park, (A Martial arts, quarter staff master. The same Actor who played 'Toad' in the original Xmen movie) did not have an intimidating voice at all. As his voice is higher pitched. So they cut almost all of Darth Maul's Voice lines and left them out, or gave them to others. The few words he speaks in the actual movie are done by a different actor they hired to voice the character.
Really interesting trivia bit their.
That’s only half the story. The original actor wasn’t satisfied with Maul and actually quit the movie. So they quickly hired Ray Park and rewrote maul to be the silent assassin. Ray park was an excellent choice. And even recently was involved with the motion capture for Maul vs Ahsoka.
Jedi: "He's getting away!"
Maul: "I'm not stuck in here with you, you're stuck in here with me!"
Nice 69 likes
sabrisaurus The first 285 actually
@@chrismarple bro that was 3 week’s ago
Rorschach like it
@@wookieeldzi1972 now its 329 likes
I love the rage Darth maul fights with in this. It doesn’t seem like they’re dancing it seems like they’re truly fighting to kill. Maul is fighting with so much power and rage which makes it so badass
Yeah it was great. One immersion break at the end when the camera zooms out on Maul fighting the girl and he makes a few rather useless pirouettes, but otherwise spot on.
@@johnnamkeh1290 Indeed, but it didn't look as if he needed to be serious to beat her, she was fightless and truly weak compared to Maul.
@@johnnamkeh1290 didn't feel like a immersion break imho, kinda felt like something he'd do. Just like in the phantom menace, when Maul was under pressure he fought brutally and tactically, it wasn't until he felt he had already won that he started to "play" with his opponent
It also serves a purpose for Maul; part of his fighting style, at least in Legends, was a technique known as Dun Möch, which involved taunting and breaking the opponents spirit in order to prevent concentration, crucial to using the Force effectively. By “playing” with a target, Maul is driving home their helplessness and making them feel even more helpless.
I been waiting years to see this kind of quality in theaters but it looks like the community of fans & UA-cam saved star wars
coming back years later and all the actors are brilliant. Maul's actor nails the facial expressions, and his control over how his eyes express so much veiled thought is just out of this world. Floors me every time.
Add to that his Light Saber work was spot on as well!
That darth maul showing a split second of compassion while the apprentice was crying was incredible
Mind.Body.Soul Music what at the end?
Mind.Body.Soul Music had not Sidious been watching he would have released her. Considering his brutal past under Sidious, as he was given to him when he was a child Maul understood the young padawans fear. She like maul at one time was in over her head.
John Beck the Jedi order doesn't have zero tolerance for dark side users, they believe in redemption
They let Barriss Offee rejoin the order after she bombed a lot of people and tried to kill 2 jedi
John Beck old order gave Revan a chance.
I don't understand, I don't understand...how this was so good, Camera shots? Legit. Costumes? Legit. Makeup? Legit. Acting? Legit. Choreography? Too Legit. Effects? Legit. Truly Amazing work.
Disney should learn from them how to make fight scenes.
blingximus kl
+Константин Садовский These guys make me hate Disney even more. This fan film will forever be unparalleled. Second to none. The choreography was too damn mindblowing. I'd pay to see this all day, everyday
nah come on, the facial expressions sucked, the way they talked, the way they play tennis deflection and the girl's impersonation of this character was so damn german, I had to puke
Christopher Wolf. The acting was admittedly 4/10 but you have to admit choreography was beyond spectacular, surpassing all duels in the Star Wars films
These fan made films is how these guys Will be future hollywood directors and will probably a plus adding on your your resume using you tube technology.
Parents: those kids are just playing around with sticks
It do be like that
We be like
'It cannot be!'
I felt that
my dad bought me and my lil bro lightsabers from toysrus after he took us to see episode 1, i must've been 9 and my brother maybe 7. i got the double blade saber and my bro , obi wan's. you have no idea how cool we were in our hood for having those sabers at the time (also, how many times we hit our hands accidentally.(also, this was before they lit up and shit; no batteries etc-- )).
i dont see kids waving sticks at eachother anymore, pretending that they're maybe a lightsaber, or a sword, or whatever the fuck they want it to be. to be honest, back then; it picked at my interest into swordplay/fencing etc. tl;dr: thanks papi, and thank you old skool parents for being parents. [i'm drunk, disregard this whole ppost; i suck cocks']
Back in the days
Accurate ways
I take this as canon.
This interpretation of Darth Maul is really faithful to the Episode 1 version. The actor's face is very expressive, while keeping a silent demeanor just like Ray Park's take on it.
Which is the correct and only true characterization for Maul. He is a man of few words tho but he makes it count. He's a silent assasin.
Les films de carte pense axluve les prtres
As skilled as Maul is, in reality I don’t think he could defeat all of these Jedi at once.
@@eliminator1472 dude, Maul would literally speedblitz them handily lmao. The dude has Hypersonic speed feats while these Jedi would cap at baseline Supersonic. Even Darth Sidious was hard pressed against him in training sessions and Darth Plagueis himself called Maul’s speed astounding, he’s in the same league of speed as them, and we’ve all seen what Sidious can do to people like Agen Kolar and Saesee Tiin. Kolar in particular being capable of stomping Quinlan Vos in a duel while he had fallen to the dark side.
‘The Zabrak’s fists and legs were as lethal as his lightsaber, and his speed was astounding.''
Source: Darth Plagueis Novel (2012)
Maul's blade is too fast to see for Dark Jedi Komari Vosa, she sees multiple attacks, despite the fact Maul is wounded from his right arm by a blaster bolt.
''Vosa had all but admitted that she was no match for the erratic staccato blows that he was delivering, seemingly from everywhere, all at once.
He swung out at her, the Dark Side streaming so powerfully from him now that itseemed to be pouring forth in great, explosive torrents. His blade was moving almost too fast to see.''
Source: Maul - Lockdown (2013)
Maul can move so fast he’s essentially invisible, even holorecordings fail to record him and they need to be played back in slow motion just to show him whatsoever.
''Then he sprang to a series of other sites that ultimately carried him to the wall of the principal building, moving with such speed the entire time that whatever holorecordings were being made wouldn't show him unless they were played in slow motion.''
Darth Maul moves faster than a droid's photoreceptor can follow.
''Maul leaped aside, moving faster than the droid's photoreceptor could follow. The droid raced past him and smashed hard against the cell wall.''
Source: Episode I Adventures 3 - The Fury of Darth Maul (1999)
Source: Darth Maul - Saboteur (2001)
Long story short, the dude is broken a f compared to these fodders.
It’s very well made and Maul’s character is captured accurately, but It wouldn’t really work with canon if you think about it. Theres no way this wouldn’t have gotten the attention of the council, only a sith or someone trained in the jedi arts could kill 5 jedi (also they have lightsaber stab wounds) but Phantom menace shows that Qui Gon’s encounter with Maul on Tatooine was the first time a sith was seen in a long time. The council was surprised and even doubted his claims.
That masked Jedi was so boss. I wish we had more “tough” unconventional Jedi in canon.
Yeah I have to agree with you on that
Quinlan Vos and Kyle Katarn are pretty cool but it seems they've given up on the idea that you can harness both sides of the force :(
There is also mace windu
@@samgriffin4751 I was just about to say quinlan Voss! Dude's a tank
This is why legends should be canon now.
Prime example of how these franchises need to expand out to more people. This was better than ANY of the Sequel movies and it was only 15 minutes!!