The Truth About Hurricane Katrina - Part 2

  • Опубліковано 6 вер 2024
  • Details about the great injustices experienced by myself and many others during Hurricane Katrina.
    Part 2 - The Harsh Reality of Injustice


  • @ericarceneaux
    @ericarceneaux  17 років тому +25

    It wasn't even that type of crowd... That's what I'm trying to get people to understand: The media painted this picture of this enraged mob of savages, but - initially - everyone was calm... disoriented, but calm nonetheless. More so, everyone was concerned about the well being of those around them. There truly was a sense of community... this feeling that we were in all going through it TOGETHER. (Part 1)

  • @ericarceneaux
    @ericarceneaux  17 років тому +17

    The Army guards were the ones at fault. Again, we did indeed ask the question of why the white family got to be skipped ahead immediately, while we had been waiting for 6 hours. The military response was, "Stop causing trouble. We will spray you," as he held up his can of mace. With a glance, they saw this poor, nice, white family amidst a bunch of blacks. They made their choice, based solely on that. (part 3)

  • @FetchTheSled
    @FetchTheSled 11 років тому +22

    I heard the same thing happened at The Dome; whites were removed early, especially if they were visitors/foreigners. It was done quietly and late at night by the NG troops.

  • @lexishendrix1145
    @lexishendrix1145 5 років тому +6

    Thank you for sharing your story, I wish I had words to say that could help, but words won’t ever ease the pain of or change the evils that were done to the residents of New Orleans. What a disgrace our Government is.

  • @Svhsgirl
    @Svhsgirl 17 років тому +4

    If you haven't been in his situation then I suggest you too not leave negative comments about this please.

  • @Rnbzeta
    @Rnbzeta 17 років тому +5

    Eric, I can't even express how I'm feeling as u tell ur story. Its like listening to someone talk as though they were from the 50's or beyond. Racism is STILL PREVALENT TODAY! and its a crying shame!

  • @MrsSmicks
    @MrsSmicks 17 років тому +5

    You were very descriptive. As you told the story I was picturing everything, yet I still can't imagine what you and the others went through. I've never been in a situation where I've been totally powerless- but you were. There was nothing you could do that wouldn't get you shot or maced.

  • @MsSkudz
    @MsSkudz 12 років тому +5

    I live in New Zealand. You are my wonderful online music tutor. Thank you for sharing your story with the same gentle openess and intelligence I have come to trust through your teaching videos. What a good man you are!

  • @7714girl
    @7714girl 16 років тому +5

    I'm from Ohio and don't get to hear first hand accounts of New Orleans that often. It makes me so sad and angry to hear your story and other stories. No one should be treated that way!!! And people think racism doesn't exist...

  • @ericarceneaux
    @ericarceneaux  15 років тому +9

    Thank you, but there's no need for you to apologize. You aren't responsible for their actions. I don't hold an entire race accountable for a few jerks. Idiots come in EVERY color,lol.

  • @victorgrigas
    @victorgrigas 17 років тому +6

    Fuck man, im crying watching this. I'm so glad you are brave enough to use UA-cam to say these things for everyone to hear.

  • @misadventuresspoonie8272
    @misadventuresspoonie8272 3 роки тому +3

    Thank you for speaking out and sharing your story.

  • @13monthsofsunshine4evz
    @13monthsofsunshine4evz 7 років тому +6

    Thank you for sharing your story. I'm sorry you had to experience that it's not fair and they will pay for the way they treated y'all. So not right. Again thanks for sharing ❤️

  • @rainstorm86
    @rainstorm86 17 років тому +3

    thanks for sharing these powerful videos on here, besides spike lee's documentary"when the levees break" i had no other picture of what went on. Thanks for the truth!

  • @ericarceneaux
    @ericarceneaux  17 років тому +2

    And just to make things totally clear, I am very grateful to the coast guard for saving my life. The three that saved my family from our rooftop were both brave and kind. As for the president and the rest of the military... I think the videos say it all.

  • @ericarceneaux
    @ericarceneaux  17 років тому +2

    It wasn't until many hours later that people began acting irrationally. The white family was in the same boat as us, when they first arrived; So no one was angry at them... the anger came when they were escorted to the front. And to be honest, I believe that the white family were themselves just as surprised by the special treatment. It wasn't the family's fault... It's not like they asked to be skipped ahead; they just were. No one blamed or yelled at the family. (part 2)

  • @1Carliii
    @1Carliii 11 років тому +3

    So true ("Idiots come in every color." And thank you so much for opening the eyes of so many about this matter through these three videos. You experienced this to exposed the truth.

  • @ericarceneaux
    @ericarceneaux  17 років тому +2

    I just hope that, in this life, you are blessed enough to experience the same level of understanding that you would have shown me and my people. If I were you, I'd live in constant fear... Not fear of attacks from enraged black people, but fear from Karma coming back and giving you what a bigot deserves. And trust me, whatever happens, I'm sure you will totally deserve it.

  • @ericarceneaux
    @ericarceneaux  17 років тому +1

    I mean, sure, we simple minded black folk were dealing with the loss of our homes, social systems, and - in many cases - the loss of our own family members due to death... And, also, we were desperately seeking food and shelter... BUT, when you see an innocent white family, we blacks just decide to put all that aside and attack "whitey." Guess you saw right through to the truth. How insightful you are! I am forever indebted to you and your wisdom.

  • @sherribailey75
    @sherribailey75 17 років тому +1

    pointing and laughing? that is insane. I had never heard that before. You are amazing. To go through what you went through and still remain so calm, positive. I'm so sorry you went through that. People are starting to forget Katrina. But what happened there needs to be talked about, discussed as often as possible. You need to go on TV with your story. And I'm sure you will. You're very handsome btw :)

  • @Svhsgirl
    @Svhsgirl 17 років тому +4

    Wow, that was powerful

  • @trapaholic4133
    @trapaholic4133 3 роки тому +1

    Bro it’s 2021 about to be 2022 is couple months in 19 how do I not know more about this

  • @sweetgirl0227
    @sweetgirl0227 13 років тому +2

    I am so sorry! I am white, and I can't believe this happened to you! I also am from New Orleans, and I didn't know this was happening in my beloved city, my wonderful home! When I was a small child (I'm 12 now) I delt with very few racisim at my school, but it never occured to me that it was this big! I used to want to write letters to the millitary for helping everyone, but now, I just don't know what to think! If I was apart of that family, I would have delcined! I wouldn't have even cared if

  • @littlesalvo000
    @littlesalvo000 5 років тому

    we are all the same, it's a shame that there are people who are making differences.

  • @angelacrutcher2308
    @angelacrutcher2308 3 роки тому +1

    Oh my God! They will have their day God will repay them for sure black is beautiful no matter how superior they think they are my God took time to create these beautiful black beings and said this is good so we should hold up our heads up because if God thinks what He created is beautiful then so should we also Amen!

  • @A_Muzik
    @A_Muzik 14 років тому +1

    SO sorry to hear that Eric.That was really jacked up.

  • @LinkIsOurChampion
    @LinkIsOurChampion 15 років тому +1

    I am not american, neither English speaker but i could understand and It's a totally shame. I can't understand why people is that idiot; all this stuff about our skin colour, our language, our country... the true is that at the end we all are living beings.
    I felt racism once but it was for language, I upset and definitely i felt hurt. I am still wondering how can people say we are different and modern when there are still je*ks who acts like that? It's terribly sad!

  • @djedd23
    @djedd23 17 років тому

    im half british and half Korean. eric i'm fed up with all the racism. i also am totally pissed off at the number of racist comments on youtube. i don't live amongst a lot of racism, but when it does affect me, i realise that a lot of people just can't understand.

  • @ericarceneaux
    @ericarceneaux  17 років тому

    It was not deleted by me. It wouldn't load for me either, when I checked just now. I'm guessing that it's just a youtube glitch. It happens sometimes. It'll probably be fine in a few hours.

  • @vidmakr
    @vidmakr 16 років тому

    As much as I hate that you and your family had to endure the "BEST" of America's freedom and compassion, I too am thankful that you DID. Why? As a survivor of the civil rights era, I shutter each time young black people proclaim that racism is dead. "it's not like that anymore, old man", is what I hear. You, young man are a living testament that our struggle continues. Our very existence as a race of people is threatened like none other in the history of the world. Maybe they will now listen.

  • @janetmennell7834
    @janetmennell7834 Рік тому

    You will never see this on the main stream media. The truth will always be covered up.

  • @Vittoria10538
    @Vittoria10538 15 років тому

    I am so glad I found your story while I was searching for vocal lessons.
    I am a woman of Sicilian/German descent (how's THAT for a mutt?!) and I am so proud to have worked very hard on Barack Obama's campaign. The funny thing was, I didn't see him as "an African-American candidate," but an exceedingly wonderful man.
    Let's hope his election leads us toward that more perfect union.

  • @27boof
    @27boof 15 років тому

    Eric, I am so sorry to hear your story. I am white, & listening to your story brought tears to me eyes. I so often have felt ashamed of the behaviour of whites toward...SO many different races! It makes me feel ashamed to be white at times. I am SO sorry, & for what ever it's worth, I apologize for what you had to go through at the hands of these "low consiousness" barbarians. Try to remember that not all whites are like that. I'm not - the love of my life is a black guy...

  • @ericarceneaux
    @ericarceneaux  17 років тому

    This nation knows no equality - a lesson I learned the hard way. If New Orleans was an all white city, things would definitely have been done differently. Wake up.

  • @coledibiase5971
    @coledibiase5971 2 роки тому +1

    People acting surprised are stupid.
    If it had been all black army men and majority white victims, they would have been treated the same.
    People care more about those who are like them, we are naturally team creatures who divide ourselves into groups based on shared characteristics.

  • @ericarceneaux
    @ericarceneaux  17 років тому

    For those of you wondering why I allowed this comment to be posted... I want this to be visible for the sake of all those who believe that racism is something confined to America's past. It is still rampant today, as is evident by strongfront22's comment and the many others that I delete each day.

  • @ericarceneaux
    @ericarceneaux  17 років тому +1

    I never said that ALL white people where racists... though I'm learning that many do seem to be defensive. I find this defensiveness to be largely motivated by guilt. After all, I never attacked you personally or even white people in general. I was very specific - the white military guards that I saw with my own two eyes, and George Bush (whom everyone saw) were the ones at fault. No need for you to feel attacked. My accusations were in no form directed towards you.

  • @matthewdensing3248
    @matthewdensing3248 4 роки тому

    this shit got me fucked up . the biggest injustice since there was fucking slavery, as far as I know... apparently I don't know what I should know though.... im in tears right now man

  • @brisbailrocks
    @brisbailrocks 17 років тому

    I agree that there is racism in America. I have to respond to a couple of your comments, though. First, as a white American, not all Americans are racists. Many white people donated money for the Katrina emergency. I did myself. I didn't consider color when I donated the money. I considered the need of my fellow Americans.

  • @goldenladyfun
    @goldenladyfun 12 років тому +1

    Hi Brother, I am in the process of putting a presentation for my family about preparedness. They are not exactly enthusiastic about talking about "what if". I want you to know and with your consent that your testimony will be a key part of my presentation. I hope you are well.

  • @ericarceneaux
    @ericarceneaux  17 років тому

    In all my years in New Orleans, I had never been the victim of a violent crime. In a city that is nearly 100% black, there will be a nearly 100% chance that any crime committed will be done so by a black person. So this is a truth, but only by default.

  • @xander7ful
    @xander7ful 14 років тому

    @Toriadafloecist Exactly. Their day is coming. They may win for a while, but God is keeping tabs and waiting for the right time to recompense them.

  • @brisbailrocks
    @brisbailrocks 17 років тому

    It's a shame that in America, this happens. I have witnessed racism happening in the opposite direction recently. Blacks can be, and are, just as racist as some of the most racist whites. I agree that the Katrina reaction was ineffective. Americans deserve better from their government. I feel for what you all went through. I hope that we have learned something from this so that future responses to disasters show America at its best, not it worse.

  • @readytoride08
    @readytoride08 15 років тому

    I live in Mobile Al and I am white.Man damn that is fucked up.The rich yuppie whites down in here in Mobile seriously piss me off all the time.I went to preach in the hood and they got mad at me.The military had no right to compact people like that nor bump the whites to the start of the line.I bet you they was rich,I bet they could have got out too.Poor first rich last.Thanks for the video man,good will overcome this evil in judgement day!Just the idea of unjustice pisses me off.
    God bless!

  • @bilalahmed2123
    @bilalahmed2123 17 років тому

    Hey Eric, I am truly sorry to hear about what you went through, and I was surprised& disgusted on how the army treated you guys because of your color. I am a colored person myself, and what I don't know is,what gives them the right to treat colored people this way? Everyone should have been treated equally with respect and dignity.I never heard that this actually happened in the aftermath of Katrina.I feel your pain, and I think you should be heard on T.V. Are you still living in New Orleans?

  • @anddihier
    @anddihier 15 років тому

    I'm white and older and disabled but if put in this situation I would have refused to let them do this,the children go 1st,then the elders or injured,this infuriates me.I'll tell u what their day is coming.God still sits on the throne, u pray and u praise Jesus no matter what and u ask Him to 4give them and make them be ashamed,pray 4 your enemies and He will fight 4 u it's his battle. Jews have always been persecuted and they R God;s chosen people,dearly loved, but they've also went thru tons

  • @brisbailrocks
    @brisbailrocks 17 років тому

    I have one final comment. I believe that some Americans think anyone below them are expendable, regardless of color. One might be able to say that some blacks think that blacks are expendable, too. I believe this.

  • @mya0601
    @mya0601 17 років тому

    Im 4rm NewOrleans and I understand
    we didnt recieve Fema money and my mom later on found out she had cancer and myself onli being 13 didnt understand why every 1 was gettin money and housing
    but us Thats when I promise my mom her dream house
    and told her she wouldnt have 2 worry n-e-more
    thats why I desperatly want 2 become a singer
    I have a nice voice but we have no money 2 waste!

  • @ericarceneaux
    @ericarceneaux  17 років тому

    Furthermore, do you know what George was doing, once he found out that an entire city had been destroyed... eating birthday cake with senator John McCain. But of course, afterwards, he immediately rushed to aid his fellow Americans... Oh no wait... he didn't. He instead went to Arizona to promote a Medicare drug! Even after being briefed thoroughly briefed on the situation on Aug 29th at 11am.

  • @death2hakz
    @death2hakz 15 років тому

    my gosh sorry you had to go through that

  • @manque15
    @manque15 17 років тому

    'pointing and laughing'...omfg what the hell is this shit...those ppl pointing and laughing will have a lot to answer for in their lives ahead...what an absolutely disgusting way to treat people...I'm soooo sorry for what you went though...

  • @JamesMathurin
    @JamesMathurin 17 років тому

    No amount of ignorant, racist spam can take away the importance of what you're saying here. Thanks you for putting this on UA-cam.

  • @omo_alade
    @omo_alade Рік тому


  • @ericarceneaux
    @ericarceneaux  17 років тому +2

    Herein lies the irony: You aim to suggest that racially motivated mistreatment is unlikely, by using a statement that begins with a racial slur.
    I pray that God relieve you of the burdens of your ignorance and hate, as they will be a great hindrance to you finding any real joy in life.

  • @Alphacat
    @Alphacat 17 років тому +1

    yeah I was about to say that...sounded like a modern day slaveship. thats horrible.

  • @allansilvea913
    @allansilvea913 7 років тому

    Eric just so you know, you go by your Earthy Father Lineage not Mothers.

  • @fistjedi
    @fistjedi 15 років тому

    Man! The more I hear your story, the madder it makes me.

  • @youtubenatan
    @youtubenatan 3 роки тому

    Damn. The thing with the white family coming up first is something else. The only thing I can think of, other than it being race related, was maybe the troops knew that white family, and another troop escorted them out of that crowd, but I know that still doesn't make it fair or right in the least bit...SBN RESONATE

    • @8213apice
      @8213apice 3 роки тому +2

      It was pure racism

  • @patrice72277
    @patrice72277 14 років тому

    Can I give you a hug?

  • @ericarceneaux
    @ericarceneaux  17 років тому

    Your condescending and passive aggressive tone betrays your own prejudiced feelings. How is it that news station helicopters were there within 2 hours of the storm's passing, while U.S. helicopters took days? Let me ask you another question: How long did it take the U.S. to respond to the tsunami victims on an entirely different continent? ask me where the "great injustice" is.

  • @yjgabriel07
    @yjgabriel07 17 років тому

    check out this film may be when can add some of your personal interviews. I want people from my city to control our own image.

  • @ericarceneaux
    @ericarceneaux  17 років тому

    I'd be lying if I said that your ignorance didn't anger me. Especially since I know how righteous you feel in your stance. I your type by now. And people like you are definitely a certain "type" of person. George bush didn't rush to aid New Orleans because it's largely comprised of poor blacks; Who cares about them, right? America views blacks as expendable. We're little more than a tolerated nuisance, in the eyes of many.

  • @dadhiltonmps
    @dadhiltonmps 17 років тому

    Absolutely outrageous!

  • @kojmas
    @kojmas 14 років тому


  • @ericarceneaux
    @ericarceneaux  17 років тому

    This is in fact what you think, and of course, my favorite part is "hostile blacks." The irony is that, in an attempt to defend yourself and your race from charges never even made against you in the first place, you accidentally have proven yourself to be guilty of ugly, ignorant, and racist views.

  • @janetmennell7834
    @janetmennell7834 Рік тому

    Only the approved narrative by the powers that be will be allowed.

  • @SuperNatblessed
    @SuperNatblessed Рік тому


  • @ericarceneaux
    @ericarceneaux  17 років тому

    "good blacks" ? Are you serious?

  • @8213apice
    @8213apice 3 роки тому +1

    Yes. You’re mixed. You’re black.

  • @dessafirestorm
    @dessafirestorm 17 років тому

    Just please dont become racist too. There are people who don't deserve to be alive, dont become one of them. I feel for you

  • @ericarceneaux
    @ericarceneaux  17 років тому

    Your words alone reveal your own racists perceptions. Why is it automatically assumed that a crowd full of blacks would attack a white family, simply due to the fact that they are white? Are we blacks so simple minded and barbaric that we would attack an innocent family, even in the midst of having lost our homes, possessions, and - in many cases - our own family members? How arrogant of you to think that we would put personal tragedy aside just to attack a white family.

  • @swifteagleworks
    @swifteagleworks 15 років тому

    I heard there was a lot of lawlessness.
    Is going to be nice when people finally grow up with this whole racist bologni.
    God created every color he does not discriminate!

  • @lisalisacole345
    @lisalisacole345 5 років тому

    Sounds like slave ship

  • @maceioninjutsu
    @maceioninjutsu 17 років тому

    i didnt know blacks were comparied as good and bad. there is good and bad in every race. i feel you are a "bad" white. god please help you.

  • @darquebeauty4802
    @darquebeauty4802 16 років тому

    Wow Eric, thank you for making this video. Honestly though, was anyone really surprised at the way the New Orleans residents were treated? White people maybe...Blacks, not so much. Also it shows how easily marshal law can be enforced...scary. God bless you Eric.