The Truth About Hurricane Katrina - Part 3

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024
  • Part 3 - The Anger


  • @ericarceneaux
    @ericarceneaux  17 років тому +8

    For those of us who actually grew up in New Orleans, hurricane warnings were many and greatly sensationalized. Every storm was "The big one." It was like "The Boy Who Cried Wolf." My parents lived in a part of New Orleans east that had not flooded in over 2 decades, despite the many storms and hurricanes.

  • @melissatorrisi1
    @melissatorrisi1 4 роки тому +6

    I’m a white female from Australia..and even I can see from this distance that racism is still alive and well in the US. Years ago I read an incredible book about a white man who got a dermatologist to make him appear black temporarily. He then went into the South and the nightmare began. I was thoroughly disgusted. I am so sorry you, your family and all the other people of this tragedy were mocked by these evil bastards. Don’t let them make you bitter. God sees all..God bless you!

  • @ericarceneaux
    @ericarceneaux  17 років тому +8

    First of all, thank you for even asking that question. Overall, my family is doing well now. We realize that we've truly been blessed to be able to adjust to our new lives as well as we have so far. However, there are definitely still some emotional scars. (part 1)

  • @ericarceneaux
    @ericarceneaux  17 років тому +7

    I was very thankful to have family in Houston who were able to take me in, once I arrived. As far as the government is concerned, I never received a single penny. It was not as easy to acquire financial support, as it might have seemed on TV. Thank God that my family and I had savings to fall back on. I'm most thankful that I learned early on that worldly possessions are temporary and that - in America - blacks are seen as expendable.

  • @ericarceneaux
    @ericarceneaux  17 років тому +8

    I went through a period in these past recent months where I would have occasional bouts of intense frustration and anger at having to start my life over. Events usually shared with close friends and family, like my 22nd birthday, which I spent up here in DC, have been especially hard. I was so used to being surrounded by the people I loved. I know that my family members have had similar feelings (part 2)

  • @bugsinrug
    @bugsinrug 17 років тому +6

    God bless you and your family Eric. You and so many other innocents endured the unthinkable. I applaud you for bringing forth the truth. May your future shine. hugs, Chris in Canada

  • @EricaYE6
    @EricaYE6 13 років тому +10

    Eric, thank you so much for sharing your story. I watched all 3 parts. And although I wasn't there, I believe you 110%. B/c I've seen Black people treated this way in so many other examples and situations. I'm so sorry what you and your family had to suffer through. But I am glad you made it and able to share your story (the truth) with the world. B/c you know we're not going to get this kind of info from the media. God bless you always and keep doing well. I'm very proud of you.

  • @mtamorphis
    @mtamorphis 17 років тому +3

    Thank You Eric, I am crying as I type this. You envoked several realms of emotion in me. I was angry, felt hatred and now I am sad. Your words delivered a message that needs to be heard. Thank You again, Peace

  • @jordanabeaulieu2530
    @jordanabeaulieu2530 3 роки тому +2

    This year will be 16 years since Hurricane Katrina and I am sure that a lot of people are still dealing with PTSD from that horrific experience. People have no idea how much they are manipulated by the media, they only show you what they want you to see!

  • @kiranb121
    @kiranb121 16 років тому +1

    It says in the Bible, this world will only get worse. And it's evident Revelation is really starting to take place.
    I'm studying about racism in my University course right now and am very compelled to show this to my prof. This has been a topic of discussion for a while.
    Thankyou for exposing the truth.
    May God Bless you in your career bro.

  • @FetchTheSled
    @FetchTheSled 11 років тому +7

    I watched every minute of that horrible week in complete unbelief. I expected a huge federal and military response; triage center with medical, showers, latrines, cots, chow line, etc. Instead, nothing. Our leaders were on trips, playing golf, buying shoes, seeing shows. Sick disregard in what could have been our proudest moment.

  • @MaestroErnestoGitarrenkurse
    @MaestroErnestoGitarrenkurse 17 років тому +1

    Thank you! I can hardly find words to say about what had happened to you. It really makes me sad how you and your family have been treated. All I can say is thank you for telling what had happened so that everybody knows the truth!

  • @ericarceneaux
    @ericarceneaux  17 років тому +9

    How can we ever have any hope of correcting this problem if we insist on refusing to believe that it even exists in the first place?!

  • @JourneyofaProducer
    @JourneyofaProducer 16 років тому +2

    I hardly remeber him raising his voice at someone. I know how much his family means to him, and he would not have left his brother behind. If they all were not on that bus he would have waited longer if he had to. Eric I commend you and I know that this story will speak volume everytime it is told. Stay strong my Brother. Hold your head up because you are a survivor.

  • @SiobhanConnolly
    @SiobhanConnolly 8 років тому +2

    Thanks for sharing your story Eric. I wish I could give you a hug. Sending much love your way!!

  • @CelestialGatez
    @CelestialGatez 7 років тому

    Thank you for this insight, Eric. It pains me to hear of this horrible account of being a neglected "America" by the American government. You have a beautiful heart and I'm glad you and your family survived this horrific ordeal.

  • @rainstorm86
    @rainstorm86 17 років тому +1

    Thank you again for sharing, im glad that you're here to tell this story.

  • @sahnie82
    @sahnie82 17 років тому

    Wow... i'm at a loss for words. I'm not American, nor have I ever experienced racism, so i can't really relate and say i know what its like.However as a black young lady, I felt the pain in which you described as a result of the obvious racial actions of your government. I was touched by your story- and wish you never had to go through that. Thanks for telling us your experience, I was richly blessed.

  • @venusflyy1689
    @venusflyy1689 8 місяців тому +1

    Im so sorry this happened to your family. I lived in Greenville Sc and my neighborhood had a few refugee families move there. They became family. We heard the nightmare stories. I hate what monsters run the world.

  • @ericarceneaux
    @ericarceneaux  16 років тому +5

    Do I believe that racism still exists in America?...

  • @manque15
    @manque15 17 років тому +2

    When I hear stories I thank my lucky stars I live in Australia...It makes me truly grateful that we havent come to this sort of inhumanity towards each other ...yet...Im so sorry this happened to you.

  • @calohtar
    @calohtar 12 років тому +1

    This is a pretty incredible story. I can tell it was difficult and painful to put out. It really brings to light a different aspect of America that I've never encountered.

  • @timpoduska6067
    @timpoduska6067 4 роки тому

    Your experience needs to be shown to all children as soon as they are capable of critical thought but still incapable of unwarranted hate. God bless you and your courage. Love my brother

  • @1missyumyum
    @1missyumyum 15 років тому +2

    Everyone should be watching this.

  • @brethahuncho2824
    @brethahuncho2824 3 роки тому +2

    My mom left me on a bridge with random people she ask to look over me while she went back to get my family . An old lady in a plastic chair watched over me and she handed me some chips then we were at those bus stops it was calm anddddd the military wasn’t shit !! I was maybe 9 I remember all of this from them shooting at us and all

  • @AlyviaAshley
    @AlyviaAshley 8 місяців тому +1

    Speechless you described it so well I can truly envision the fear, anger and animalistic feelings that you were forced to feel. Thank you for sharing and I will never forget your truth

  • @rasaaronzion13
    @rasaaronzion13 13 років тому +2

    Native here too and we are never spoken about

  • @ericarceneaux
    @ericarceneaux  17 років тому

    Thanks Futsalinho for your insight. I totally agree that we cannot hope to change others directly. The change has to begin with us, as individuals. We have to become more aware of our views and actions and how they contribute to the whole of society.

  • @Subtlety46
    @Subtlety46 16 років тому

    I applaud you for being brave enough to tell the truth, Eric. Our country, the so-called, "Land of the Free", is bigoted and prejudiced, full of those who hate anyone who is not of their own race, whether it be white, black, red, or yellow. People who faced Katrina and endured the neglect had to have had their faith in this government shaken to an all time low. But, what can we do about it? What can be done about? Those are questions that we now have to face.

  • @stephonwingard
    @stephonwingard Рік тому

    Thank you for sharing this I was never taught about this in school. It was just a footnote.

  • @JourneyofaProducer
    @JourneyofaProducer 16 років тому

    Eric I hope you read this. Everyone, I am very close to this individual. And one thing I know about him is that he is a honest person. He says what is on his mind and does not hold his tounge. To see someone that I have known for over 4 years, and have met his family numberous times, they have opened their home to people without a second thought, very kind, generous people, having to be treated like they were discribed is horrible.

  • @66geckos
    @66geckos 14 років тому

    Thank you, Eric. I'm from Spain. I've seen the news, i've seen movies regarding the tragedy, I've been a turist in New Orleans 2 years ago. All those put me into situation but you've made me understand what the hell was going on. Now, I've decided to listen to Sam Cooke's "A change is gonna come". Music is powerful. Hope!

  • @beefyz11111
    @beefyz11111 17 років тому

    Eric, I just want to say that I am sorry you, your family and everyone in this crisis who have suffered from Katrina. I support you 110% in stepping up to voice the truth of the aftermath of Katrina. God Bless

  • @abdurrahimk
    @abdurrahimk 17 років тому

    Thank You my brother for sharing your (OUR) story. Racism is nothing new to us, when will it end? I only wish your story could be told on the news, in the papers, on talk shows, in the pulpit, everywhere on the plane. Many of us are still in the dark about what this government is doing to not only us here in their clutches but to black peoples all over the world. Katrina was only a eye opener. I applaud you. I will download and treasure these videos as a major part of my education.

  • @oldguy1944
    @oldguy1944 17 років тому +2

    In situations like Katrina the best and the worst is drawn out of people. How truly sad that you and family and neighbors were exposed to such unjustified behavior. There were some instances of heroic deeds but they are all diminished by the barbaric and stupid acts committed by the military and their leaders.

  • @thislovex
    @thislovex 17 років тому

    I feel for you right now.
    It's disgraceful how the media covers up how disgusting their government, and members of "authority" are able to treat people unfairly just because of a slight difference.
    The world has matured and I think it's safe to say we're all smart enough to accept people the way they are, for who they are.

  • @parrotcharmer
    @parrotcharmer 17 років тому

    Thank you for sharing your knowledge and pain. I was in N.O. for 8 weeks right after the storm.... doing animal rescue. I have heard versions of your story
    from MANY residents... both black and white. A white lady had her shoulder broken and her jaw dislocated by the military. There were many that discribed to me having M16's placed on their heads to make them do things. I hope that your healing comes soon.
    Best Regards.... Nancy

  • @Fromplefeet
    @Fromplefeet 14 років тому +1

    Thank you so much for sharing this. Keep sharing your story. God Bless You!

  • @Estrella1101
    @Estrella1101 16 років тому

    I respect you for bringing some type of intelligence and knowledge back to people and i mean EVERYONE all races are embarrassing themselves and using one another to get the attention off of them. I feel so bad that you had to go through that but in a way i am glad it was you because the next person may not have tried to deliver that message in such a peaceful and intelligent way.

  • @ShoeBum95
    @ShoeBum95 6 років тому

    Hey Eric, thanks for sharing your story. I know I'm quite late to watch this video but it doesn't change the fact that I'm deeply moved by it.
    I didn't know much about you and what you do. But as an aspiring singer, I chanced upon one of your video. Today is a Saturday and thankfully my off day, so I decided to catch up on all of your videos and watch your vocal training lessons.
    I was going to skip the three hurricane Katrina videos, but I'm glad I watched it. And I'm very angry and feel sorry for what happened with you and all those families there.
    I don't know what the scene is in the USA right now, you know, channels on the TV say it's great. No more or near non-existent racism and people getting along but I believe only the one living there, and experiencing everyday life can tell people what really transpires beneath the surface.
    I hope the situation has improved and people are no longer racist or radical. Your videos have also helped me realise the plight of what people go through when in a disaster. I now realise how grave a situation like a hurricane or something similar is.
    Please share your emotions more often, I just saw your latest video that you posted after 9 months or so. Please don't starve your followers of your wisdom and experience. Hoping to see more vocal lessons and personal videos from you Eric.
    Your new fan and follower
    Shubham M sharma

  • @fistjedi
    @fistjedi 15 років тому +2

    Thank God that you and your family made it out!

  • @ericarceneaux
    @ericarceneaux  17 років тому

    Please know that I do not perceive all whites as being racists. I experienced much kindness and genuine concern from many of the white people that I met, once I arrived in Houston. I just happened to be unfortunate enough to encounter a cluster of racist jerks in New Orleans. You don't have to feel responsible in any way for their actions.

  • @nithya1372
    @nithya1372 4 роки тому

    Thank you for making this video 💙

  • @shortbuddy
    @shortbuddy 17 років тому

    Thank you for sharing all of this! Best wishes to you & your family!

  • @death2hakz
    @death2hakz 15 років тому

    i remember hearing about this a day before i left colombia to the uk...poor ppl i didnt realise it was this bad!

  • @ericarceneaux
    @ericarceneaux  17 років тому

    Still, why MY parents stayed is totally not the issue. Many simply had no means by which to evacuate. The act of staying did not warrant such cruel behavior from the part of the U.S. gov't. (part 2)

  • @RossEnzo
    @RossEnzo 3 роки тому +1

    I’m so sorry for this experience. Unfortunately this appears to only have been practice for this year 2020

  • @chKchKcharley
    @chKchKcharley 13 років тому

    Wow, thanks for telling your story, thats terrible that racism is still running rampant throughout the world even with the likes of Jane Elliot, Martin Luther King Jr. and many other great life teachers who have shown a better way, to a stronger, brighter future without hate. So sorry to hear what you went through. So very glad you lived to tell the story. Thank you for sharing your story.

  • @lilltube
    @lilltube 16 років тому

    Thank you for posting this. It's important to know the truth. It's horrible to think that military personel that were supposed to keep order did nothing. Do you think they might have been afraid to use force themselves because of the era of political correctness we are living in? If they were actually laughing can't they be disciplined for not doing their job?

  • @Quamlak
    @Quamlak 17 років тому

    Very moving...this reminds me of a scene from Elie Wiesel's "Night" where German workers would throw bits of bread into train cars full of starving prisoners and watch them fight over it. Things like the Holocaust are not as far away as we like to think.

  • @shivang15
    @shivang15 17 років тому

    this is what is youtube for... to express your seplf rightfully... i respect you eric

  • @JourneyofaProducer
    @JourneyofaProducer 16 років тому

    People who are reading this, Eric is 5'5, 160 pounds. I can only imagine what was going through his mind when he saw his mom getting hurt. Eric is absolutly not a fighter, but a peace maker. He always thinks. He uses his intellect (padon me for my mispellings) to win against his enemies.

  • @RedPillDosage
    @RedPillDosage 4 роки тому +1

    That's why CHAD/CHOP was allowed. To laugh at you. To put you on display in front of the whole country.

  • @KolorKrans
    @KolorKrans 14 років тому

    Eric I Watched through all your Videos On hurricane Katrina and I am
    Heart broken and sadden at the fact that you had to go through that
    and how the military who was suppose to uphold justice but did the
    opposite of there work.
    Im Asian American and Have not experience any racism of any kind growing up here,but after hearing what you said,it fears me that this country
    still has this kind of injustice going on about race.
    I really wish more people would See this Video,your personally my hero.

  • @riecewashington3107
    @riecewashington3107 3 роки тому

    Thx for this truth bro, me being in the midwest at the time, I didn't realize this is how you all were treated. I been watching Katrina videos lately, almost every story is a lot like yours, but the way those ppl were treated in the video, I felt like it was the 50's or 60's🤔😶😐😠

  • @ericarceneaux
    @ericarceneaux  17 років тому

    Thank you so much.

  • @bluesdrummer715
    @bluesdrummer715 17 років тому

    In 1969 i went through Hurricane Camille. I was staying the summer with my grandfather in Bay St. Louis MS. I was 16. The biggest difference is the local and state officals didn't play with the states residents and their lives! They took advandtage of the federal govt's offer to come in before hand. It is solely a STATE issue. Shame on Ray Naggin, And your Govenor for doing what they did in New Orleans! Ray Naggin was in Houston, at a nice comfy hotel pointing fingers!

  • @defeatedwyvern
    @defeatedwyvern 14 років тому

    Thank you Eric for sharing this with us. Now It's clear, racism should stop and we should all unite.

  • @wfd1234567
    @wfd1234567 17 років тому

    Thank You.

  • @swifteagleworks
    @swifteagleworks 15 років тому

    I feel bad for those people who were stuck in that stadium. And don't feel bad for defending what you love.
    What could the the army do help settle everybody in a civilized peaceful manner?
    What happened there shows what happens when things get out of control in any color of skin.

  • @jjames11984
    @jjames11984 14 років тому

    man i dont no what to say im just glad you and your family got through it the american government could have dun a hell of a lot more it really makes me sick to the bone when i saw them people suffer like that

  • @jessicajmak102
    @jessicajmak102 16 років тому

    Thank you for this video
    I come from a very conservative New York family and I have herd stories of racism at it's worst but I still can't believe that this happened in the 2000's and while I can't excuse the behaviors of those solders that only bring shame and embarrassment to our people black white or whatever if we are meant to be a nation of equality and freedom I think it is about time we start acting like like one.

  • @Chimpangel
    @Chimpangel 14 років тому

    Wow, thanks for putting up your experience. It's good to know the truth.

  • @thislovex
    @thislovex 17 років тому

    It doesn't matter what you look like on the outside, it's what's on the inside that counts.
    Every single person is different in appearance but everyone of us has a brain and heart.
    So I think we should use both of them and realise discrimination and racism should be a thing of the past, realise if something as silly as skin colour allows us to hate one another we'll all end up fighting our life's away.

  • @Rnbzeta
    @Rnbzeta 17 років тому

    it doesn't matter what people say. If they don't believe you, so be it. Its ur testament to what happened. Those of us who want to hear it will obviously are moved and will hopefully realize that this is real.

  • @bobomcgraw
    @bobomcgraw 17 років тому

    It disgusts me that people still act like that today, and that people in power, who have a responsibility to protect the people around them, that THEY would act in such a manner is even worse.

  • @fuerstF
    @fuerstF 16 років тому

    Eric, there are good people (regardless of their color, background, etc...)on this earth, but unfortunately there are also many apathetic & noncaring ones too; as your utube testament verifies. I'm glad you & your family made it through. I sincerely believe that because people like you talked about their tragic circumstances during Katrina, the public has been made aware, and steps implemented to prevent such a disaster from happening again. God Bless

  • @pi6314159
    @pi6314159 14 років тому

    good stuff dude. you just hipped me to some game. i know what to expect next "Katrina". take care

  • @heavenbound45
    @heavenbound45 13 років тому

    Im so sorry you had to go through this! God Bless you.

  • @r2anacal
    @r2anacal 16 років тому

    it's sad that few people realize how f'd up our country is becoming, that nothing matters anymore but what the governement says, this isn't democracy,and in my opinion, our votes are not going to count anymore, they only want our votes to see what we think, but then again, they could care less.
    i applaud you as well eric, for posting this up,the united states needs to change, and the people need to speak up, set aside the whole immigration thing, and the racism, and focus o stopping (prt 1)

  • @SeanTolino
    @SeanTolino 11 років тому

    [continued] I have hope and feel optimistic that some day all of our wounds will heal. I am sorry that you had to experience that horrible event.

  • @churchgal2011
    @churchgal2011 12 років тому

    My are truly a living testimony. Thank God you and your family didnt die while all this was going on. It kinda broke my heart when you said that the white military men were laughing at you guys. And I did get kinda upset at the fact that you said that the white family was pushed up to the front of the crowd (Part 2). Thats really messed up. Thank you so much for telling your story Eric. God bless you.

  • @ericarceneaux
    @ericarceneaux  17 років тому

    Yes, every single soldier was white save for one soldier that appeared to be Latino. Who ever said there weren't enough soldiers? The soldiers seemed more than capable of controlling the crowd, when it came time to escort the white family to a bus. C'mon people, let's be real. "Assumptions"?... HARDLY! It doesn't take a genius to connect these dots.

  • @504Exclusive
    @504Exclusive 17 років тому

    Thank you Brother for this video.

  • @vidmakr
    @vidmakr 16 років тому

    Eric, thank you for sharing your story. I have to ask you this. Now that you've experienced what you have, are you, and others you know better prepared to fend for yourself in the event of another incident whereby your normal resources are not available? Are you able and willing to help others prepare themselves and their families to be self sufficient, and not HAVE to rely on this racist government in a catastrophe? We must avoid our military in a crisis at all costs.

  • @yeroc711
    @yeroc711 17 років тому

    well eric i am a white person and i am embarassed of what some white have done about skin colour. It doesnt matter whats your skin colour is everyone on earth should be treated the same wheather it be black people , white people or any other kind of people nobody should be discriminated at any cost.its embarassing. and for all you people who ever discriminated anybody i am ashamed of you.
    Christopher Léger

  • @bryanlafave
    @bryanlafave 14 років тому

    thats nuts bro... im glad you shared your story. i knew the story of what happened through katrina's truth never was shared. nothing against what happened BUT they need to create a drain system so this wont happen again. what you have to understand is the city is like a bowl.. once the leaves broke the bowl filled... the US has alot to blame for the pain of the people that went through all of this

  • @Vittoria10538
    @Vittoria10538 15 років тому

    I agree; it exists. I read on Huffington Post last week about the terrifying calls on a Sarah Palin website for Obama's assassination. (I pray for his protection all the time.)
    Racism never left, though I think things were getting better in the seventies. It was that progress toward racial harmony, I believe, which triggered a horrible backlash against it.

  • @rockyrox495
    @rockyrox495 4 роки тому

    I don’t think any of us could possibly imagine the carnage you and your family endured without the sensory perceptions of especially smell - for people to TRULY grip the reality of how horrible this was. While our president was in iraq and concerned for those abroad and our OWN- our OWN - had to deal with a great sense of not knowing and resignation when leaving loved ones bodies in their flooded homes, in the sewage waters, on the burning highway ground.. I am sorry for what you went through. Being a white female in dc- I never experienced overt racism until my biracial child was called a monkey with a deadbeat nigga father- WHILE we were coming to see her amazing hands on beautiful brown skinned father while he was at work.
    I’m sorry for your pain and now over a decade later what all those families must be dealing with medically from having feet down in those waters for days. I’m sorry.

  • @thislovex
    @thislovex 17 років тому

    The goverment should try harder, or it will lose respect from so many different groups of people.
    I feel for those who lost their life's and their loved ones.
    And I think that if a sixteen year old girl from the United Kingdom can realise that.
    The majority of Americans can too.

  • @NairaBRDE
    @NairaBRDE 17 років тому

    I'm sorry for you and your family this is so terrible to hear.

  • @victorgrigas
    @victorgrigas 17 років тому

    I'm reminded of the scene in Schindlers List where the Nazi officers are laughing at the people on the cattle car who are gasping for air in te heat of summer.

  • @JourneyofaProducer
    @JourneyofaProducer 16 років тому

    I have to honestly admit, I was relaxing in a comfortable apartment because I got out in time, but, AND ERIC YOU KNOW I MEAN THIS, if could have switched places with you I would have in a heartbeat. I would not wish anything that you discribed on my worst enemy, but for all you have been to me, I would have traded places with you. I almost could not watch this last video.

  • @djedd23
    @djedd23 17 років тому

    omg, what is wrong with this world. is it not usual in natural disasters, that those most in need of help, the ones in the most trouble got helped first and as quickly as possible. But katrina did not give me that impression. you've highlighted a problem with racism in the USA that is apparent now to a lot of the world. as someone of mixed race, it is something i am always aware of and hope your story helps end some of that racism.

  • @heavydny86
    @heavydny86 17 років тому

    Ann Coulter would say "How dare you tell your true story and further the liberal agenda!!"
    I'm so sorry you had to live thought this. No person should have to go through even a moment of this. I hope this message is heard, so changes will be brought about. And that no person, black, white, brown, yellow, purple , blue or green, will ever have to go through this again.
    Again, I am sorry, and wish you better experiences in the future.

  • @georgeshaw8925
    @georgeshaw8925 2 роки тому +1

    Sounds like you went through hell. Sorry you had to go through that.

  • @DonSSanders
    @DonSSanders 15 років тому +1

    Right on! I am "white"to the world...but in my heart. Well, I am the great grandson of a Cherokee Indian slave. My "white" grandmother was taken form her Native Father and White mother and send to "Indian Schools." She never told me...she never liked us to say we were Cherokee in public. America is wonderful, America is selfish and sick too.

  • @bilalahmed2123
    @bilalahmed2123 17 років тому

    Hey Eric, I am truly sorry to hear about what you went through, and I was surprised& disgusted on how the army treated you guys because of your color. I am a colored person myself, and what I don't know is,what gives them the right to treat colored people this way? Everyone should have been treated equally with respect and dignity.I never heard that this actually happened in the aftermath of Katrina.I feel your pain, and I think you should be heard on T.V. Are you still living in New Orleans?

  • @ericarceneaux
    @ericarceneaux  16 років тому

    Again, I only allow comments like this to remain as evidence for all of you who would presume to believe that racism is a phenomenon that no longer exists in present day America.

  • @dadhiltonmps
    @dadhiltonmps 17 років тому

    You have undergone a **wake up call** as well as all the others of us who live in **protected coccoons** At what point does change come about. One person at a time, unfortunately.

  • @rmctagg09
    @rmctagg09 17 років тому

    What the hell is wrong with us?!

  • @shousetah
    @shousetah 17 років тому

    I also realise that if the situation had been a white dominated crowd, there would have been similair results. from now on I am going to try to be a color blind indevidual and see people for who they are and not jump to conclusions because of skin color. I would hope that everyone else in the world would do the same The police/military people where just sick individuals. But not all people are like that. All races have these kinds of people. Its up to the peers to make a difference.

  • @mhp287
    @mhp287 17 років тому

    I'm sorry Eric. I'm white and I am embarassed by the actions of other white people. Looking back though, I'm sure that throughout history, I would have felt the same many times over. When will we learn?

  • @Seattle206723
    @Seattle206723 16 років тому

    I would SUE TO THE HIGH HEAVNS!!!!!!!! State of LA, US Goverment, Department of Defense.. Lawyer Up...

  • @chiefinfiniteenergy9183
    @chiefinfiniteenergy9183 Рік тому

    when I heard your track after just hearing your video about Katrina the true story I thought you was going your first word was you been telling lies and I thought it was going to be about what happened to Katrina but it's about a female or a infinite lover

  • @Deltonanddevinbrochannel
    @Deltonanddevinbrochannel 6 років тому

    God will prosecute them. It angers me but I get relief knowing that their time is coming. They will burn in hell for eternity.

  • @duke68012
    @duke68012 16 років тому

    i think i noe wut u mean by tht 'inter' racism thing...wer ppl are racist within/towards ther own race?

  • @DLehrke
    @DLehrke 17 років тому

    What does Bush have to do with racist people in the military?