Dealing With Loss and Grief - Loss of a Loved One

  • Опубліковано 23 лип 2011
  • For those of you who have lost a loved one, here is some understanding.


  • @lindabell8083
    @lindabell8083 7 років тому +15

    Thank you for your knowledge, and compassion.
    Our beloved 31 year old daughter Noelle suddenly passed away three weeks ago. She was are only child. We are completely devastated. The pain is beyond what words describe, unbearable.
    Last week I was diagnosed with serus endometrial cancer. We are gutted.

  • @barb227
    @barb227 4 роки тому +16

    It been two years since my mom died on Christmas Eve and I still cry on this holiday. I feel so lonely without my mother and I wish she was here.

    • @betha8761
      @betha8761 2 роки тому +1

      So sorry about your Mom Barbara. I hope your doing ok! I know how you feel!💚

    • @terrygreene5942
      @terrygreene5942 2 роки тому +2

      My brother passed this year on Christmas too. I feel your pain my friend.

  • @jeanmasonmcmahon2515
    @jeanmasonmcmahon2515 5 років тому +10

    Dr. Gary, I lost my husband five months ago . We didn't have the best marriage but now I am by myself and it's scary for me. I am older and my kids do not live close. I keep trying to figure everything out to my best ability. I don't like living by myself. Thank you so much for your tuneups they mean a lot!!!

  • @candidaherron6130
    @candidaherron6130 Рік тому +2

    I'm so glad I ran into this video . I lost my husband 2 months ago today. He had a long illness . I was his care giver for 6 years . I knew his time was coming . Health was declining . Didn't make passing away any easier. I'm so sad , I hurt that he had to go . I'm grateful he's not suffering any longer . He was much a part of me , us , my children . I know he's gone . Still can't believe he's gone. I love taking about him , our pass our life together . It helps t bring me peace on some of the really bad days . I Thank you for your words of peace , understanding , truth and compassion!!

    • @kelleymcfadden9675
      @kelleymcfadden9675 Рік тому +1

      I am so sorry you are going through this. Jesus loves you more than anything and He said in His word that He has a peace to offer you that the world cannot offer. He knows exactly what you are going through and He cares. I would like to share my best friend's story with you and I pray that it helps you find true peace and comfort. God bless you.
      Precious Memories-By Sonya Lakey
      Family Story
      Little did our family of six know that Friday evening, September 24th, 2021, would be the last night our family would be complete. We laughed together, played games, sang, and enjoyed listening as our 16-year-old son, Ethan, played the piano for us. I packed a lunch for Ethan for a church mountain hike he was going on the following day.
      My mother (who was visiting from out of state) and I woke early with Ethan on Saturday morning. He hugged me and smiled, never pulling away or rushing me. He got in the car, waved, said he'd see me later and he loved me. It was hard to watch my "new driver" heading out on his own that morning. As Ethan pulled out of the gate, I turned to my mother and said, "It's just so hard letting go." Little did I know how much "letting go" I was really doing. That was the last time I saw Ethan. He did not make it home that evening.
      That afternoon, a friend tried to contact my husband, leaving an urgent message to call him back. He tried several times to return the call to no avail. As we were preparing supper, an overwhelming feeling of deep concern for Ethan filled my heart. I quietly blinked back tears. I glanced out the window, half expecting to see a police officer pull up to the house, but no one arrived. However, within a few minutes, a patrol car DID pull into the driveway. In my heart, I feared the worst. My husband and I went out to meet the officer, who confirmed our fears. Hesitantly, he told us our son had fallen off of
      a bluff and had succumbed to his injuries. Our hearts were crushed; they still are.
      Yet, in all of our brokenness, deep, continual grief and loneliness, our family has such a blessed Hope and assurance that we will see our dear son and brother again. You see, when Ethan was a young boy, he was saved; he put his faith in Jesus alone to forgive his sins and to take him to Heaven when he died. He realized some very important truths from the Bible that he would want to share with you.
      His Story
      Everyone is a sinner. Sin is any violation of God’s Law. God is holy, just and righteous, and He cannot allow sin in His presence. Ethan realized that he - like all of us - had sinned; and his sin separated Him from God.
      “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; ” (Romans 3:23)
      “Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:” (Romans 5:12)
      He understood that, because of his sin, he deserved to spend eternity in Hell.
      “For the wages of sin is death;” (Romans 6:23a) [Wages: price]
      “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8)
      Ethan believed that Jesus, God’s Son, paid the price for all sin when He died on the cross - because His sinless sacrifice was the only thing that could satisfy the just demands of a righteous, holy God. Jesus was buried in a borrowed tomb, but He arose the third day, triumphant over sin, death, and Hell. Jesus is alive today!
      “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)
      “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9)
      Ethan was sorry for his sin, repented (turned), and received by faith the free gift that God offered to him.
      “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13)
      “...but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” (Romans 6:23b)
      Because of this great salvation, Ethan lived his life serving Jesus. He worked hard to spread this Good News to the world. He is alive in Heaven with Jesus today; and because of this great HOPE in Christ, we know we will see him again soon - not because he was a great kid, but because of his faith in the great Saviour!
      “And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.” (John 10:28)
      Your Story
      What about you? What if you had fallen to your death that day - What if you were to die today? Where will you spend eternity - Heaven or the Lake of Fire? There will not be any parties in the Lake of Fire. It is a place of eternal torment for those who reject God's Son.
      The Word of God is very clear that there is only One Way to Heaven.
      “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (John 14:6)
      We did not know that Ethan would step into eternity that day; however, because he put his faith in Jesus alone for his salvation, Ethan was ready to go. Some day - perhaps today - you will take your last breath here on earth, and you will step into eternity. Where you spend eternity is determined by what you do with Jesus Christ. Will you accept Him or reject Him? You are not promised another day or another breath. Eternity begins soon - Are you ready?
      “...Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved…” (Acts 16:31b)
      “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13)
      “(...behold, now is the day of salvation.)” (2 Corinthians 6:2c)
      If you need more help or if you would like to send a word of encouragement to the family, please go to:
      If you don't have a church to attend, we would love for you to join us in person @ Liberty Faith Bible Church in Norwood, Mo. every Sunday morning central time 11:00 A.M., Sunday evening 7:00 P.M., and Wednesday evening 7:00. P.M. where you will hear sound, biblical preaching from God's Word as well as uplifting, godly music.
      Or you can join our livestream family at:
      Facebook: Reg Kelly-Table In The Wilderness
      Sermon audio: Liberty Faith Church Pastor Reg Kelly
      UA-cam: Liberty Faith Church Reg Kelly sermons (not livestream, but recorded)

  • @rayb3000
    @rayb3000 2 роки тому +5

    Just found your channel tonight. Was gonna just sub like and move on but then i thought I'd really like you to know how soothing your words are and how much I appreciate you putting the effort to help others (and myself) in the way that you are. It's been 6 years since my father passed away and you're right, time doesnt heal it, it helps not to think about it as often but the hurt I havent worked through is still inside and sometimes it comes out. Its uncomfortable but theres still stuff that has to come out. As a 50 year old man, I still feel like a child when it comes to this but your words are very comforting and powerful, very moving. Thanks again :) Please realise all the good you're doing for people who are suffering out there, it's very worthwhile.

  • @2009marcy
    @2009marcy 7 років тому +11

    Thank you for a beautiful video. I lost my dad 4 days ago and I can't stop crying.

  • @elanasomekh1125
    @elanasomekh1125 Рік тому +1

    My dear mother passed away 5 days ago and although she lived a long life, the pain of losing her is unbearable. I feel it was an honor for my siblings and myself to have had her as our mother and our memories of her were only good. We can only pray that the world will have more good people like my mum who made an indelible mark on our lives and all those who had the privilege of knowing her. A beautiful light has been extinguished from our world!😮‍💨

  • @roseb.7104
    @roseb.7104 3 роки тому +3


  • @joannoriol6444
    @joannoriol6444 5 років тому +9

    Thank you. I lost my son, my only child and my best buddy all in one terrific human being. I think of him everyday and I try to adapt his positive attitude. 🌻 subscribed today.

  • @elmasodioda2261
    @elmasodioda2261 5 років тому +6

    Years and still grieving

    • @peanutbutterpancakes7
      @peanutbutterpancakes7 5 років тому

      Me too....sorry for your loss.

    • @brendadrumm9708
      @brendadrumm9708 3 роки тому +1

      Yrs do not heal no word no action on god's earth can help me I. Will defy anyone who tries or dares to tell me any bull shit I've lost a daughter and son seconds mins hours days weeks yrs are spent crying for them that's how I am life has stopped for me no one can make help me

    • @jacquelinestewart3820
      @jacquelinestewart3820 3 роки тому

      I’m so sorry for your pain and loss, I keep looking out my kitchen window at the clouds ⛅️ people say sometimes loved ones give you signs through the clouds plus I talk to my daughter all the time have had no answer yet but will keep trying god I miss her so much 🙏

  • @jonnyprezant
    @jonnyprezant 12 років тому +5

    Thank you for this. I just lost my sister and best friend two weeks ago, tragically and suddenly. She was only one year older than me and have been finding it extremely hard to make any steps in the right direction. Your video was beautiful and I will take all I can from it to help me continue my life.

  • @mandericom
    @mandericom 2 роки тому +2

    I lost my two sisters to covid 3 days apart💔😢 of each other...
    I will honor their memory by remembering them and loving the family members they have left behind....

  • @Whey2lovely
    @Whey2lovely 9 років тому +10

    Thank you so much for posting this message of encouragement. My son lost his father and I lost my very best friend. My son is 26 and we all were crazy close. And now he is gone. It's been almost a month and we are both dreaming about him a lot. They are not bad dreams because we didn't have bad times. But they are dreams as if he were still here. I and my son are trying to move forward but how can we when the good-byes are never gone? I check on him daily but in my heart... I need someone to check on me. Your message helped me a lot because he was here and he was a major part of our lives. Thank you so much for caring enough to post. You really helped me and now maybe I can help my son.

  • @larryulery3729
    @larryulery3729 2 роки тому +2

    Thanks Dr Gary I lost my sister in September this will be the first Christmas without my sister Linda it's been hard .hearing you talk makes me feel better. I now no it's OK to grieve

  • @GabrielsTears
    @GabrielsTears 7 років тому +2

    I wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for this video. I just lost my soul mate and everyone in my life ran away and will not talk to me becaue I am grieving. Your words brought comfort to me. You made me feel like you were taking directly to me. I wanted you to know that helped. i know the video is old but still it helped me while I am in such pain right now. Thank you for helping me.

  • @inaacielo6078
    @inaacielo6078 3 роки тому +3

    A lot of friends and relatives passed away due to Covid and lung problems. One night i can still talk to my cousin (icu), the next 3 days she was intubated then additional
    2 days she died. very difficult times and Life is Very Short 😔 God strenghten us. 🌹

  • @cheryalannlawrence7187
    @cheryalannlawrence7187 7 років тому +2

    i lost my mother on january 24th, 2016 she was 62 years old,i was her only daughter i was three months pregnant when i found her unresponsive to me on the kitchen floor ,i called 911 right away,when they arrived i hoped that there was some hope to bring her back it was to late they told me that she passed away and i was at home at the time of her death.i miss her all the time my heart aches for her always she was my world my happiness will never be the same.

  • @elizabethwolfedekluijver840
    @elizabethwolfedekluijver840 4 роки тому +3

    Thank you for your heartfelt presentation.....everything you said was just right! I know because I lost my husband 3 months ago after a longtime Parkinson’s disease that became more complicated by other nefarious ailments.He spent his last15 yrs fighting it and had become so weak and tired that at long ends: he willingly died.
    I do grieve his absence a lot.....but at the same time recall his heroism, willpower and talent in accomplishing everything that he ever wanted in life...and as luck would have it......that included being married to me!🌷

    • @ChrisJohnson-lh9qb
      @ChrisJohnson-lh9qb 3 роки тому

      I'm so sorry I know how it feels to be lonely without the person you love, such is life I understand how you feel but life goes on, I lost my wife 3yrs ago to a terrible heart disease, I felt deeply devastated with grief, but that's the past now, time is indeed the best healer I'd love to talk to you more if you don't mind it'd be nice if you just say hi here is my number +1206-237-2054

  • @patmesser
    @patmesser 6 років тому +13

    I lost my son to suicide 6 weeks ago, 12-02-17. This was a great message. I need to talk about my son but people avoid it so as not to upset me. I know this because I have done the same thing to other people who have lost loved ones. I am thinking about going to counseling and see if this helps.

    • @JoseSanchez-bp7xz
      @JoseSanchez-bp7xz 5 років тому

      Pat Messer
      I’m so sorry to hear about your son. I lost my 33 year old relative to the same
      thing at age 33, but had not seen him since he was 7 years old.

    • @kelleymcfadden9675
      @kelleymcfadden9675 Рік тому

      I am so sorry you are going through this. Jesus loves you more than anything and He said in His word that He has a peace to offer you that the world cannot offer. He knows exactly what you are going through and He cares. I would like to share my best friend's story with you and I pray that it helps you find true peace and comfort. God bless you.
      Precious Memories-By Sonya Lakey
      Family Story
      Little did our family of six know that Friday evening, September 24th, 2021, would be the last night our family would be complete. We laughed together, played games, sang, and enjoyed listening as our 16-year-old son, Ethan, played the piano for us. I packed a lunch for Ethan for a church mountain hike he was going on the following day.
      My mother (who was visiting from out of state) and I woke early with Ethan on Saturday morning. He hugged me and smiled, never pulling away or rushing me. He got in the car, waved, said he'd see me later and he loved me. It was hard to watch my "new driver" heading out on his own that morning. As Ethan pulled out of the gate, I turned to my mother and said, "It's just so hard letting go." Little did I know how much "letting go" I was really doing. That was the last time I saw Ethan. He did not make it home that evening.
      That afternoon, a friend tried to contact my husband, leaving an urgent message to call him back. He tried several times to return the call to no avail. As we were preparing supper, an overwhelming feeling of deep concern for Ethan filled my heart. I quietly blinked back tears. I glanced out the window, half expecting to see a police officer pull up to the house, but no one arrived. However, within a few minutes, a patrol car DID pull into the driveway. In my heart, I feared the worst. My husband and I went out to meet the officer, who confirmed our fears. Hesitantly, he told us our son had fallen off of
      a bluff and had succumbed to his injuries. Our hearts were crushed; they still are.
      Yet, in all of our brokenness, deep, continual grief and loneliness, our family has such a blessed Hope and assurance that we will see our dear son and brother again. You see, when Ethan was a young boy, he was saved; he put his faith in Jesus alone to forgive his sins and to take him to Heaven when he died. He realized some very important truths from the Bible that he would want to share with you.
      His Story
      Everyone is a sinner. Sin is any violation of God’s Law. God is holy, just and righteous, and He cannot allow sin in His presence. Ethan realized that he - like all of us - had sinned; and his sin separated Him from God.
      “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; ” (Romans 3:23)
      “Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:” (Romans 5:12)
      He understood that, because of his sin, he deserved to spend eternity in Hell.
      “For the wages of sin is death;” (Romans 6:23a) [Wages: price]
      “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8)
      Ethan believed that Jesus, God’s Son, paid the price for all sin when He died on the cross - because His sinless sacrifice was the only thing that could satisfy the just demands of a righteous, holy God. Jesus was buried in a borrowed tomb, but He arose the third day, triumphant over sin, death, and Hell. Jesus is alive today!
      “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)
      “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9)
      Ethan was sorry for his sin, repented (turned), and received by faith the free gift that God offered to him.
      “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13)
      “...but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” (Romans 6:23b)
      Because of this great salvation, Ethan lived his life serving Jesus. He worked hard to spread this Good News to the world. He is alive in Heaven with Jesus today; and because of this great HOPE in Christ, we know we will see him again soon - not because he was a great kid, but because of his faith in the great Saviour!
      “And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.” (John 10:28)
      Your Story
      What about you? What if you had fallen to your death that day - What if you were to die today? Where will you spend eternity - Heaven or the Lake of Fire? There will not be any parties in the Lake of Fire. It is a place of eternal torment for those who reject God's Son.
      The Word of God is very clear that there is only One Way to Heaven.
      “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (John 14:6)
      We did not know that Ethan would step into eternity that day; however, because he put his faith in Jesus alone for his salvation, Ethan was ready to go. Some day - perhaps today - you will take your last breath here on earth, and you will step into eternity. Where you spend eternity is determined by what you do with Jesus Christ. Will you accept Him or reject Him? You are not promised another day or another breath. Eternity begins soon - Are you ready?
      “...Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved…” (Acts 16:31b)
      “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13)
      “(...behold, now is the day of salvation.)” (2 Corinthians 6:2c)
      If you need more help or if you would like to send a word of encouragement to the family, please go to:
      If you don't have a church to attend, we would love for you to join us in person @ Liberty Faith Bible Church in Norwood, Mo. every Sunday morning central time 11:00 A.M., Sunday evening 7:00 P.M., and Wednesday evening 7:00. P.M. where you will hear sound, biblical preaching from God's Word as well as uplifting, godly music.
      Or you can join our livestream family at:
      Facebook: Reg Kelly-Table In The Wilderness
      Sermon audio: Liberty Faith Church Pastor Reg Kelly
      UA-cam: Liberty Faith Church Reg Kelly sermons (not livestream, but recorded)

  • @2BAlive100
    @2BAlive100 10 років тому +2

    "Whatever purpose they were to fill on this earth also still is alive and is alive within you today" -- this particular thing you say means so much to me. Thanks for this video... this and many other things you say here resonates with me a great deal. This video really helped me to feel a little better.

  • @TheBennie102103
    @TheBennie102103 9 років тому +4

    Just lost my wife Diane of 32 years to a short battle (156 days) from a rare from of stage 4 skin cancer (merkel cell carcinoma) on April 4th 2015, everything you said hits home to what I'm in the middle of, I remember my wife saying shortly before she couldn't speak much any more that she was scared and didn't want to die, those words and her face when she did die will never leave my memory, my world is upside down and lost at this point . . I miss you Diane so much

    • @roberts4411
      @roberts4411 7 років тому

      If you haven't already look up a organization called Grief Share There are several other but Grief share is far better and more effective. If you have not gotten help yet but surviving don't stop there. Go ck out Grief share they have groups all over the country. I lost my 16 year old boy and I hated groups of any kind but the pain of losing him was completely overwhelming. I went and now this will be the 5th time I'm going through the 12 week course It's a life line to say the least. Go give it a two session chance and it can make all difference. Your wife does not want you to suffer so but heaven is seperated from earth in a manner they cannot reach out to you So realize you can still make her proud and continue to be the man she knew you are Finish your life well then one day join her
      If you reply to this I will get it and reply back
      God Bless. Hang in there.

  • @DONALD1951
    @DONALD1951 4 роки тому +1

    He is so right. Mention the person who passed....say there...
    The only wrong thing to say is to not say anything at all.

  • @blaiseronstadt7524
    @blaiseronstadt7524 5 років тому +2

    Hey Doc, My Mom died May 6 of 2018 , at 91.She was fully functional before stroke in 2015 , I took care of her in her own home for 3 years, 4 brothers I was the only one to step up ,Mother built every one of us we all live whithin 20 miles , I believe her stroke came from the death of her 7 year old Great Grandson in 2014 and all the stress and fighting, I have resentment towards family for abandoning my lovely mother, And you’re correct very few people will talk about the Mom and my nephew Julius that died , like they never existed, I need to seek counseling

  • @lauriebaker7608
    @lauriebaker7608 4 роки тому +3

    You are one of the best I've heard speak on grief you have a kind face.

  • @ocarinaalli
    @ocarinaalli 8 років тому +16

    i lost my mother 2 weeks ago and i've never been so lost.

    • @JessieTG
      @JessieTG 8 років тому +3

      I lost my mom in March this year. Its very tough, but I can tell you it will get better. Dr. Daniel is right, express your emotions as mch as possible. Dont keep it bottled up.

    • @pete7825
      @pete7825 4 роки тому

      I lost my best friend that I loved with all my heart and after a month it still hurts so much. It's the most awful pain, the worst I've ever known.

    • @jennihartzenberg7039
      @jennihartzenberg7039 4 роки тому

      I lost my mom a year ago and it still feels like it just happened. Every important event is devastating. It does help to talk about her and remember the good stuff. I totally understand the feeling of being lost, there is just no one that loves you like your mom. I'm now making even a bigger effort as a mom to try and be as wonderful as my mom was to me. I hear you!!

    • @DONALD1951
      @DONALD1951 4 роки тому +2

      I lost my son almost 3 years ago....the pain and grief is unbearable. Time does not heal this. My life and others has changed forever that day.

    • @TheBoomshine
      @TheBoomshine 3 роки тому +1

      My condolences to all here. Have any of you updates on your emotions, years later?

  • @daguiar424
    @daguiar424 10 років тому +1

    But it;s so hard to show my grief. When i feel sincere, heartfelt and painful grief, my emotions shut down and i become stoic... but i miss my mother so much. I frequently almost forget that she passed away and still reach for my cellphone to call her. I am therefore almost reminded of the loss is such a deep away a few times a day...

  • @daphnec4016
    @daphnec4016 Рік тому

    Best video I’ve ever watched on grief.

  • @jeanmasonmcmahon2515
    @jeanmasonmcmahon2515 5 років тому +11

    I lost my husband three months ago and I'm feeling all that your talking about thank you Dr. Gary~~~

    • @ChrisJohnson-lh9qb
      @ChrisJohnson-lh9qb 3 роки тому

      I'm so sorry I know how it feels to be lonely without the person you love, such is life I understand how you feel but life goes on, I lost my wife 3yrs ago to a terrible heart disease, I felt deeply devastated with grief, but that's the past now, time is indeed the best healer I'd love to talk to you more if you don't mind it'd be nice if you just say hi here is my number +1206-237-2054

    • @stephenparks864
      @stephenparks864 2 роки тому

      @@ChrisJohnson-lh9qb hey Chris knowhow you feel my died in September devastating my wife

  • @garychynne1377
    @garychynne1377 7 років тому +2

    i can appreciate what your sayin. it is a bit clinical. it is a good idea to have support but after awhile people think your moping, or living in the past. yea ya never get over it. yea life goes on. they're in a better place now, isn't that a riot. time heals all, there's another great line. thanks for tryin to help out. take care gare

  • @UFCWARRIORification
    @UFCWARRIORification 8 років тому +6

    When my wife died in 2006 no one permitted me to talk about it. My family would not allow me to even mention her name. The church told me they didn't want to hear about it. People told me immediately to find someone else and told me not to be sad. I lost my good job then my finances from all the hospitalizations, my mother then my wife then my dog then my brother in law then my father, and i've had health issues and injuries myself. I've also lost many friends. 2 to suicide. I am devastated by these losses even after several years, it is still very painful.

    • @roberts4411
      @roberts4411 7 років тому

      Rick. I'm sorry for your loss. Man you have been through it. It's been a year it looks like but hopefully you still get this. Read the post I sent to JB above this one. If you respond to this reply I will respond back and would like to try to help you.

    • @randymuro9486
      @randymuro9486 3 роки тому

      So sorry for your loses. My wife was murdered 22 years ago this month. The pain is still with me but I get through it by recalling the great times we had.
      Good luck to you.

    • @UFCWARRIORification
      @UFCWARRIORification 3 роки тому

      @@randymuro9486 thank you

  • @Anchor9Machinima
    @Anchor9Machinima 8 років тому +2

    Thank you Dr Gary Daniel Your video has really helped me. I lost my mum three months ago but your video was very comforting to watch thank you

  • @anethawylie4357
    @anethawylie4357 3 роки тому +1

    Please discuss parents that have been enstranged from their adult children. It is like a death

  • @elmarybrits6465
    @elmarybrits6465 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you so much for this wonderful video. I've lost my adult son a few months ago.

    • @kelleymcfadden9675
      @kelleymcfadden9675 Рік тому

      I am so sorry you are going through this. Jesus loves you more than anything and He said in His word that He has a peace to offer you that the world cannot offer. He knows exactly what you are going through and He cares. I would like to share my best friend's story with you and I pray that it helps you find true peace and comfort. God bless you.
      Precious Memories-By Sonya Lakey
      Family Story
      Little did our family of six know that Friday evening, September 24th, 2021, would be the last night our family would be complete. We laughed together, played games, sang, and enjoyed listening as our 16-year-old son, Ethan, played the piano for us. I packed a lunch for Ethan for a church mountain hike he was going on the following day.
      My mother (who was visiting from out of state) and I woke early with Ethan on Saturday morning. He hugged me and smiled, never pulling away or rushing me. He got in the car, waved, said he'd see me later and he loved me. It was hard to watch my "new driver" heading out on his own that morning. As Ethan pulled out of the gate, I turned to my mother and said, "It's just so hard letting go." Little did I know how much "letting go" I was really doing. That was the last time I saw Ethan. He did not make it home that evening.
      That afternoon, a friend tried to contact my husband, leaving an urgent message to call him back. He tried several times to return the call to no avail. As we were preparing supper, an overwhelming feeling of deep concern for Ethan filled my heart. I quietly blinked back tears. I glanced out the window, half expecting to see a police officer pull up to the house, but no one arrived. However, within a few minutes, a patrol car DID pull into the driveway. In my heart, I feared the worst. My husband and I went out to meet the officer, who confirmed our fears. Hesitantly, he told us our son had fallen off of
      a bluff and had succumbed to his injuries. Our hearts were crushed; they still are.
      Yet, in all of our brokenness, deep, continual grief and loneliness, our family has such a blessed Hope and assurance that we will see our dear son and brother again. You see, when Ethan was a young boy, he was saved; he put his faith in Jesus alone to forgive his sins and to take him to Heaven when he died. He realized some very important truths from the Bible that he would want to share with you.
      His Story
      Everyone is a sinner. Sin is any violation of God’s Law. God is holy, just and righteous, and He cannot allow sin in His presence. Ethan realized that he - like all of us - had sinned; and his sin separated Him from God.
      “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; ” (Romans 3:23)
      “Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:” (Romans 5:12)
      He understood that, because of his sin, he deserved to spend eternity in Hell.
      “For the wages of sin is death;” (Romans 6:23a) [Wages: price]
      “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8)
      Ethan believed that Jesus, God’s Son, paid the price for all sin when He died on the cross - because His sinless sacrifice was the only thing that could satisfy the just demands of a righteous, holy God. Jesus was buried in a borrowed tomb, but He arose the third day, triumphant over sin, death, and Hell. Jesus is alive today!
      “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)
      “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9)
      Ethan was sorry for his sin, repented (turned), and received by faith the free gift that God offered to him.
      “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13)
      “...but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” (Romans 6:23b)
      Because of this great salvation, Ethan lived his life serving Jesus. He worked hard to spread this Good News to the world. He is alive in Heaven with Jesus today; and because of this great HOPE in Christ, we know we will see him again soon - not because he was a great kid, but because of his faith in the great Saviour!
      “And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.” (John 10:28)
      Your Story
      What about you? What if you had fallen to your death that day - What if you were to die today? Where will you spend eternity - Heaven or the Lake of Fire? There will not be any parties in the Lake of Fire. It is a place of eternal torment for those who reject God's Son.
      The Word of God is very clear that there is only One Way to Heaven.
      “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (John 14:6)
      We did not know that Ethan would step into eternity that day; however, because he put his faith in Jesus alone for his salvation, Ethan was ready to go. Some day - perhaps today - you will take your last breath here on earth, and you will step into eternity. Where you spend eternity is determined by what you do with Jesus Christ. Will you accept Him or reject Him? You are not promised another day or another breath. Eternity begins soon - Are you ready?
      “...Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved…” (Acts 16:31b)
      “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13)
      “(...behold, now is the day of salvation.)” (2 Corinthians 6:2c)
      If you need more help or if you would like to send a word of encouragement to the family, please go to:
      If you don't have a church to attend, we would love for you to join us in person @ Liberty Faith Bible Church in Norwood, Mo. every Sunday morning central time 11:00 A.M., Sunday evening 7:00 P.M., and Wednesday evening 7:00. P.M. where you will hear sound, biblical preaching from God's Word as well as uplifting, godly music.
      Or you can join our livestream family at:
      Facebook: Reg Kelly-Table In The Wilderness
      Sermon audio: Liberty Faith Church Pastor Reg Kelly
      UA-cam: Liberty Faith Church Reg Kelly sermons (not livestream, but recorded)

  • @intrakitproductions
    @intrakitproductions 5 років тому +4

    I lost both my parents at an early age and just now the love of my life passed away..It makes it 10x harder when Im trying to grieve on my own because I don't have any family or friends all the main people in my life aren't here anymore

    • @sarahloffler1872
      @sarahloffler1872 4 роки тому +1

      Intrakit Productions, that must be very very difficult. I am so sorry.

    • @PoeLemic
      @PoeLemic 4 роки тому +2

      I know how you feel, somewhat. Many of us struggle with losses that we often don't share with others. Funny, I know a lot of people (casually & talk to them), but not many people really know me well. So, it's hard to let down the wall and get to know people nowadays. But, I know how you feel and you are not alone. If you respond, I'll write you back and see how things are.

    • @catherinealberto9542
      @catherinealberto9542 3 роки тому +2

      My parents are also gone...and i also just lost the love of my life suddenly.
      He was my future....and now it is all gone
      I wish I never wake up
      The pain is unbearable

    • @intrakitproductions
      @intrakitproductions 3 роки тому

      @@catherinealberto9542 do you have an Instagram?

    • @catherinealberto9542
      @catherinealberto9542 3 роки тому +1

      @@intrakitproductions yes i do.

  • @nosaizekor8389
    @nosaizekor8389 3 роки тому +1

    i lost my mother recently last year in may she was my best caring supportive mother she really cared about me she inspired me she gave birth to me and she told me how I was delivered she would take me to London and show me around she would even call my name and stand me on the wall and teach me how to cook for the family she was so caring and funny when I heard she passed away I knew it that she was going to pass I saw it on the zoom camera I could hardly reconiser my mother she was looking blue on the mouth it wasn't my mother she was different something on my neck stood i could hardly said anything I couldn't scream I couldn't cry I was angry why my mother I thought she was going to come back to London why didn't anyone hold me and tell me to cry I was balm it on god she did a lot for me when I was born my mother was a nurse she would take me to a training course in nigeria to do sewing I miss my mummy i wish I could share my stories with a grief support group the last time I saw my mummy my self and mummy had a shopping trip I thought she was getting better life is not the same without my mother I wish I could talk to her I wish I could accept the fact she is dead I wish I could see her face one more time I wish I could hear the phone ringing it would be her it isn't fair want to talk to her like the way she would talk to me from her bedroom bed

    • @kelleymcfadden9675
      @kelleymcfadden9675 Рік тому

      I am so sorry you are going through this. Jesus loves you more than anything and He said in His word that He has a peace to offer you that the world cannot offer. He knows exactly what you are going through and He cares. I would like to share my best friend's story with you and I pray that it helps you find true peace and comfort. God bless you.
      Precious Memories-By Sonya Lakey
      Family Story
      Little did our family of six know that Friday evening, September 24th, 2021, would be the last night our family would be complete. We laughed together, played games, sang, and enjoyed listening as our 16-year-old son, Ethan, played the piano for us. I packed a lunch for Ethan for a church mountain hike he was going on the following day.
      My mother (who was visiting from out of state) and I woke early with Ethan on Saturday morning. He hugged me and smiled, never pulling away or rushing me. He got in the car, waved, said he'd see me later and he loved me. It was hard to watch my "new driver" heading out on his own that morning. As Ethan pulled out of the gate, I turned to my mother and said, "It's just so hard letting go." Little did I know how much "letting go" I was really doing. That was the last time I saw Ethan. He did not make it home that evening.
      That afternoon, a friend tried to contact my husband, leaving an urgent message to call him back. He tried several times to return the call to no avail. As we were preparing supper, an overwhelming feeling of deep concern for Ethan filled my heart. I quietly blinked back tears. I glanced out the window, half expecting to see a police officer pull up to the house, but no one arrived. However, within a few minutes, a patrol car DID pull into the driveway. In my heart, I feared the worst. My husband and I went out to meet the officer, who confirmed our fears. Hesitantly, he told us our son had fallen off of
      a bluff and had succumbed to his injuries. Our hearts were crushed; they still are.
      Yet, in all of our brokenness, deep, continual grief and loneliness, our family has such a blessed Hope and assurance that we will see our dear son and brother again. You see, when Ethan was a young boy, he was saved; he put his faith in Jesus alone to forgive his sins and to take him to Heaven when he died. He realized some very important truths from the Bible that he would want to share with you.
      His Story
      Everyone is a sinner. Sin is any violation of God’s Law. God is holy, just and righteous, and He cannot allow sin in His presence. Ethan realized that he - like all of us - had sinned; and his sin separated Him from God.
      “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; ” (Romans 3:23)
      “Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:” (Romans 5:12)
      He understood that, because of his sin, he deserved to spend eternity in Hell.
      “For the wages of sin is death;” (Romans 6:23a) [Wages: price]
      “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8)
      Ethan believed that Jesus, God’s Son, paid the price for all sin when He died on the cross - because His sinless sacrifice was the only thing that could satisfy the just demands of a righteous, holy God. Jesus was buried in a borrowed tomb, but He arose the third day, triumphant over sin, death, and Hell. Jesus is alive today!
      “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)
      “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9)
      Ethan was sorry for his sin, repented (turned), and received by faith the free gift that God offered to him.
      “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13)
      “...but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” (Romans 6:23b)
      Because of this great salvation, Ethan lived his life serving Jesus. He worked hard to spread this Good News to the world. He is alive in Heaven with Jesus today; and because of this great HOPE in Christ, we know we will see him again soon - not because he was a great kid, but because of his faith in the great Saviour!
      “And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.” (John 10:28)
      Your Story
      What about you? What if you had fallen to your death that day - What if you were to die today? Where will you spend eternity - Heaven or the Lake of Fire? There will not be any parties in the Lake of Fire. It is a place of eternal torment for those who reject God's Son.
      The Word of God is very clear that there is only One Way to Heaven.
      “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (John 14:6)
      We did not know that Ethan would step into eternity that day; however, because he put his faith in Jesus alone for his salvation, Ethan was ready to go. Some day - perhaps today - you will take your last breath here on earth, and you will step into eternity. Where you spend eternity is determined by what you do with Jesus Christ. Will you accept Him or reject Him? You are not promised another day or another breath. Eternity begins soon - Are you ready?
      “...Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved…” (Acts 16:31b)
      “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13)
      “(...behold, now is the day of salvation.)” (2 Corinthians 6:2c)
      If you need more help or if you would like to send a word of encouragement to the family, please go to:
      If you don't have a church to attend, we would love for you to join us in person @ Liberty Faith Bible Church in Norwood, Mo. every Sunday morning central time 11:00 A.M., Sunday evening 7:00 P.M., and Wednesday evening 7:00. P.M. where you will hear sound, biblical preaching from God's Word as well as uplifting, godly music.
      Or you can join our livestream family at:
      Facebook: Reg Kelly-Table In The Wilderness
      Sermon audio: Liberty Faith Church Pastor Reg Kelly
      UA-cam: Liberty Faith Church Reg Kelly sermons (not livestream, but recorded)

  • @juliannereynolds8213
    @juliannereynolds8213 7 років тому +1

    Thank you so much Dr Gary your words have given me comfort.

  • @rebekahcorrigan4179
    @rebekahcorrigan4179 5 років тому +4

    I need to talk about it. I just lost my brother

  • @DeplorableprepperNYC
    @DeplorableprepperNYC 9 років тому +2

    Thank you so much for making this video my uncle who basically raised me had a massive stroke in both sides of the cerebellum and I really am having a hard time dealing with the situation and just feeling lost and confused and not quite sure how to get my self through this and its going to be a long road but I'm going to get through this

  • @blackiecat4984
    @blackiecat4984 10 років тому +2

    Brilliant video! makes a lot of sense.

  • @annfoster465
    @annfoster465 7 років тому

    Thank you so much for your kind words.

  • @TheSoitenly
    @TheSoitenly 6 років тому

    Thanks for giving me a those wonderful words of wisdom. It helps me a lot at this time.

  • @antonioguerrero8567
    @antonioguerrero8567 4 роки тому +1

    Yes, Thank you very much for your videos. Very helpful to me.

  • @venger78
    @venger78 5 років тому

    Thank you sir, your positive advice has really helped me today. God bless.

  • @safiabarrie
    @safiabarrie 10 років тому +1

    Thank you for doing this video.

  • @RobertBrown-mm3un
    @RobertBrown-mm3un 2 роки тому

    Today, I'm 9 weeks in, thank you!!!

  • @willpower9117
    @willpower9117 3 роки тому

    I am not clever, but at least I know a clever person when I see one. Thank you Doctor.

  • @dormandavis2767
    @dormandavis2767 2 роки тому +1

    I lost my wife of 30 years suddenly 4 weeks ago.

  • @francinebasis8721
    @francinebasis8721 6 місяців тому

    Thank you for your guidance.

  • @teriknecht7870
    @teriknecht7870 3 роки тому +2

    Lost my husband of 47 yrs on nov 2020 I’m so broken n loss with out him

    • @glory1star
      @glory1star Рік тому

      Sorry about your lost,
      Hope your better now! ❤

  • @sharonfralix7629
    @sharonfralix7629 3 роки тому +1

    My mom passed away and I can't seem to get passed it I fill like my life is over after losing her I feel regret that things I should have done and said when I had the chance 😭

    • @willpower9117
      @willpower9117 3 роки тому +1

      I am sure your mum loves you and it is eternal. The fact that you feel this way and have a need to express your feelings, tells us you loved your mum the same. Even the best sons and daughters have regrets and therefore don’t feel so bad about your perceived failings. As the good Doctor has said, carry on your mum’s legacy by being the best you can be. That way she will continue to be oh so proud of you. Take care.

  • @ravenhill_firelord_1968
    @ravenhill_firelord_1968 4 роки тому

    great scope many thanks.

  • @MsMtheory
    @MsMtheory Рік тому

    My..our ..Dog is missing him just as much as me. Thank you for this video.

  • @peggyjohns7893
    @peggyjohns7893 Рік тому

    Thank you.

  • @devinsenrick
    @devinsenrick 8 років тому

    Thank you for the advice

  • @frankod100
    @frankod100 5 років тому +1

    My father who I worked with for 30 yrs...daily...passed a year ago after 3 yrs of lymphoma...its very rough to walk into the small biz and run it... i am blessed to be there I know.. ....but I'm just getting by ..and am in question of future ..and my mother is now alone too after 50 yrs.very tough slow progress with backtracking for in past add lot. and anxiety is abundant.... although no clear answers what are you thoughts

  • @jeffhabermann6005
    @jeffhabermann6005 2 роки тому +1

    thank u sir.u made a difference

  • @mayiroam
    @mayiroam 10 років тому

    God bless you.

  • @barb227
    @barb227 4 роки тому +1

    I had 3 days to cry for my mother when she died then I had to go back to work. If I needed more time to cry for my mom . I had to use my vacation days up and I didn't want to do that.

  • @JP-he6rq
    @JP-he6rq 6 років тому +1

    i just lost my brother on the 2nd of January 2018 at peter loheed hostptial in Calgary Albert , i am in so much of pain

    • @jessicahart4371
      @jessicahart4371 5 років тому

      I lost my brother too, on June 18th 2018. He had a sudden heart attack. It's so difficult for me and I know it's very difficult still for you.

  • @antonioguerrero8567
    @antonioguerrero8567 4 роки тому +1

    My dad was my tragic Loss, an mix emotions been very hunting to me. My commit suicide by killing himself. A pracher of the church of God. After my mom died, he remarried a younger women, an had a son. My brother that so want to meet. She left my dad, an my dad could not expect the fact she abandoned him. Grab his gun, and kill himself. I was in Mexico when this happened. I just finished talking to him before this. He seem happy. So cought me on suprising suspicion of he being murdered. I don't know what happened. But my lost has left me with alot of mixed emotions. I really missed him. He was my hero.

    • @PoeLemic
      @PoeLemic 4 роки тому

      I am so sorry for your loss. My father passed few years back, and it was hard. Somewhat better now, but it seems that lots of times (around Holidays) it's hard. I wish we could talk more, because you are not alone. People care. I care. I hope you see this and that it helps you. Write back if you do. Thanks, Poe

    • @inaacielo6078
      @inaacielo6078 3 роки тому

      Im sorry for what happened. Your father was a preacher but still he comitted suicide, he must be very could just pray for him and he still watches over you 💗🙏🏻 take care..

  • @dadsc10
    @dadsc10 3 роки тому +1

    i was my moms caretaker , she had dimentia, most of the time she was very good but her health went downhill and i lost her on sept 3rd 2020, so the brakes were put on my life when she passed away, im having a terrible time dealing with this, so the tings you said make total sense to me, trying my hardest to get threw this but not easy :(

    • @inaacielo6078
      @inaacielo6078 3 роки тому +1

      She must be a good soul to be remembered in a very special way. May she rest in Gods care now..🌺🌺🌺

    • @chandavaswani6215
      @chandavaswani6215 2 роки тому +1

      I lost my dad suddenly coz of cardiac arrest on sep 3rd this year...the pain is sucks...i miss him so much...he was my everything...i hate sep 3rd😡

  • @maryannmartinez9425
    @maryannmartinez9425 Рік тому

    Thank you for yu video

  • @johngrant6535
    @johngrant6535 Рік тому

    Hi Dr Gary
    Being abandoned and betrayed ,as oppesed to dealing with a death of a loved one is completely different.
    After 30 years of being with the one I loved, she left.
    I invested so much into loving a women, only to be discarded as meaning nothing to her. That is something I will.never get over or understand given thst I am 76. She left 2 years ago.
    So, Dr Gary, how about a lecturer on that.

    • @kelleymcfadden9675
      @kelleymcfadden9675 Рік тому

      Jesus loves you more than you could ever know. He understands what you are going through and He does care and would love to give you a peace that this world can never give you. He wants to heal your heart and mind if you would only turn to Him. There is life after death and the most important decision you will ever make is where you will spend eternity, but there are only 2 places you can spend eternity, heaven or hell. The Bible says that you can know that you have eternal life in heaven, but If you are putting your trust in anything other than the finished work of Jesus on the cross to get you to heaven, you do not understand God's way. Please let me share with you how you can be 100% sure you are heading in the right direction.
      The Bible says that we are all sinners. When God created Adam and Eve, He made them perfect without sin, but they chose to disobey God and became sinful in nature. This sin nature was passed down to all humanity.
      Romans 5:12 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:
      Your sin separates you from God.
      Romans 3:23 For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God;
      A holy, righteous God cannot allow sin into heaven. Sin must be paid for and God's price for sin is death, but not just a physical death, but a spiritual death which means separation from God forever in a lake of fire in hell.
      Revelation 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
      In the Old Testament when man sinned, God required the sacrifice of a perfectly spotless lamb as a substitute to pay for the sins of each person. The blood of that lamb was only a temporary payment for their sin and so this had to be done often. Jesus Christ, God's Son took on flesh, was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life and offered Himself as that perfect, spotless Lamb and shed His blood as payment for the sins of the whole world.
      John 1:29 The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.
      Jesus loved you so much He WILLINGLY came and allowed wicked men to spit on Him, mock Him and scourge Him until He was unrecognizable as a man. They stripped him naked, thrust a crown of thorns on His head and nailed His hands and feet to a cross. He hung in agony for hours bleeding, thirsting, struggling for every breath. He died innocently in your place so that you could be saved from going to hell. It was His blood that satisfied the just demands of a holy God. God will not accept anything else.
      There is no greater love than that!
      John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
      The good news is that Jesus didn't stay dead in the grave. He came back to life 3 days later just like He promised and He still lives today!
      Matthew 28:5 And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified.
      6. He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.
      Friend, Jesus did all this because He wants to give you the FREE gift of eternal life in heaven with Him!
      You cannot do anything to earn your own way into heaven. You can't work for it, be baptized for it, go to church for it or try to be good enough for it. You must stop believing that you can get there on your own merit. It is a FREE gift that God is offering to you if you will simply receive it by faith.
      Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
      Ephesians 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
      9. Not of works, lest any man should boast.
      God said there is only one way to get to heaven, but it is not hard. You must admit you are a sinner headed for hell and you can't save yourself. You must believe that Jesus died and paid for your sin with His own blood on the cross, then He was buried and 3 days later rose from the dead. Then you must repent and turn to God and call on Him for mercy to save you from hell and give you eternal life in heaven with Him.
      Romans 10:9 that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
      10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
      13. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
      None of us deserve God's mercy and grace, but let me warn you friend, don't be deceived because if you reject His FREE gift, you are already condemned and when you die, you will suffer the torment of burning in hell for eternity in a lake of fire where you will be forever separated from God and all that is loving and good.
      John 3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
      Revelation 20:15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.
      Please don't wait! Don't take the risk of putting it off until another day, repent, turn to Christ NOW wherever you are at because you aren't guaranteed to live another day on this Earth. Believe God's Word, ask Him to save you and He will do it just like He promised. The choice is yours to make.
      If you would like more information or don't have a church to attend, we livestream our services and would love for you to join us.
      You can find us on FaceBook at “Reg Kelly - Table in the Wilderness”
      on Sermon Audio (Reg Kelly, Liberty Faith Bible Church)
      on UA-cam (Liberty Faith Church Reg Kelly Sermons)
      and on the web (

  • @TheRenard10
    @TheRenard10 5 років тому +2

    I lost my mother when I was 24 on November 16, 2002. That was profoundly painful, and was a big, big possibility! She was 60 years old. She gave birth to me when she was 36 on June 9th. Her birthday was January 14, 1942, and was born n Belcher, Louisiana. 7 years later, she moved to California. She gave birth to her first child on November 9, 1959 to her oldest daughter, Crystal, who's also n heaven. she had 9 children, but it was originally 11: One she adopted, and one deceased after birth. She also had 26 grandchildren, and 5 great-grandchildren. She was married to my stepdad, Alonzo, (who's also n heaven) for about 4 years. In her final years, she had health issues. It troubled us so many times she went to the hospital...I'd rather not discuss more, because of the disturbing details. She was a beautiful mom, daughter, sister, grandmother, great-grandmother, friend, and provider. Her loss still hurts us all after over 16 years. Others rejoicing with her n heaven as well is her 2 brothers, her parents, her other daughter (one of my other sisters), her former husband (that's my stepdad), my father, (Emille McKenneth). Memories remain, but every Mother's day, or on her Earth's departure date, mid-November, there b plans to go to the cementary. So many looked up to her. I'll always love my mama, my 2 sisters, also my 2 uncles. She done all she can.

  • @kayleeanderson3416
    @kayleeanderson3416 9 років тому

    I lost my grandpa Anderson and my BFF my dog name princess and my aunt and cousin and I am deal with grief nobody knows I'm very depression inside and outside

  • @taushacoffey8201
    @taushacoffey8201 6 років тому +1

    My mom lived w me n my kids n we found her on monday in our home were not ok n one of my kids cant even come bk in ourhomei need help

    • @inaacielo6078
      @inaacielo6078 3 роки тому

      I hope and pray youre ok. God bless! 💗

  • @deanl1108
    @deanl1108 5 років тому +1

    Dr grey I lost my dad last Sunday I'm worried about mum how do I look after her

    • @inaacielo6078
      @inaacielo6078 3 роки тому

      Hoping your mom is doing fine and may your dad rest in Gods care. 💗

  • @jessiebridge7317
    @jessiebridge7317 8 років тому +5

    Hi I am eleven and my papaw died two years ago and I am still going thro grif please respond because I need some pointers

    • @roberts4411
      @roberts4411 7 років тому

      JB. Hope you will get this It looks like it's been a year and I hope you are better but sometimes time goes by and we don't think or know some things and then our grief to our loved ones that die doesn't get better. I want to tell you that although the man in the video seems a good hearted man he does not mention the reality of heaven. You see no one that is alive ever ever will die If your papaw was a good man he is likely in heaven as far more go there then some people think. God is very very loving and the bible ( His word) says that the death of anyone going to heaven is a sweet thing to Him. Almost everyone thinks about death in a wrong way but that is because they don't know much about it. I lost my 16 year old son a few years ago and every since then I have studied the bible very very hard to learn everything God says about it and I will tell you it's AMAZING You will find as you grow up that everyone has strong opinions on what they believe about God and death. That's because God allows everyone to think for themselves. He does not control us because if He did then we would be more like robots vs people. If a robot that looked like your mother told you it lived you would you believe it ? No, because it's a robot God gives people free choice even if that means they don't choose to believe or love Him. But when people do believe in Him it makes Him very happy because He loves Everyone This world is hard. There are good times and there are bad times and the longer you live the more you will see and experience both. Heaven is where Gid lives and He does not allow bad things there because He wants all those that believe in Him to have a Wonderful, Beautiful, Very Very Happy place to live FOREVER and once there will never die or get sick again. It's normal to be sad and miss someone we love who has left us and went to heaven but remember a few things Your papaw is REALLY having a WONDERFUL WONDERFUL Best time of his life up there He misses you to but he knows he will wait and hope that you will one day go there to He knows when you do someday you will be just as surprised as he was to see such a incredible place that's as real as earth is but WAY nicer in every way
      Two, remember you CAN be sure you will see him again if you want to When our family dies we start to realize how real death is and we wonder about heaven. God and His son Jesus are the ones that have made a way for us to get there. Jesus died along time ago so that anyone who believes in Him and who wants to live a good life not a bad one will get to go there.
      Jesus actually cried when His friend Lazarus died even though in that story Jesus was on His way to do a miracle and He raised him from the dead. Why would Jesus cry if He knew he would be ok and be alive again as soon as He got there ? It's because Jesus even though He was the son of God He was also a normal man and it hurts when someone in our family dies. But Jesus tells us Not to grieve as those that grieve and have no hope but as those who do have hope. You see when we know the truth of heaven then our sadness isn't as bad because we know they are ok and we can see them again one day. So you see your papaw isn't gone he is just somewhere else Does that help you ? Hope it does. Hang in there

    • @JoseSanchez-bp7xz
      @JoseSanchez-bp7xz 5 років тому +2

      Jessie Bridge
      Hi, I’m sorry to hear about your loss. My dad lost his father the same age as
      you. The best thing is just to stay busy until you’re worn out at the end of the

  • @derby1991utube
    @derby1991utube 9 років тому

    Today is the 4 year anniversary of my best friend and first boyfriend's death. I'm losing it. Heh again.