This atheist, like most of humanity, has been lied to about God by christianity.

  • Опубліковано 20 жов 2024


  • @simonundergrace
    @simonundergrace 4 дні тому +4

    Bravo, Janssen! Great video, brother!

  • @inTruthbyGrace
    @inTruthbyGrace День тому +1

    The false presupposition that you BOTH make is that God always gets His way.... He does not. Man has been given a freewill to rebel against God and deem themselves unworthy of eternal life. Few there be that find it because few want to be reconciled to God and receive. love of the truth.

    • @ambassadorofconciliation
      @ambassadorofconciliation  День тому +2

      God always gets his way. Otherwise He is not God, a title which means subjector/placer.
      Rom 11:32: "For God locks up all together in stubbornness, that He should be merciful to all."
      This one passage destroys the idea of "free will". Man has not been given a "free will".
      Isaiah 46:10 says explicitly that Gods council always stands, and His desires He always gets accomplished. His desire is that all mankind be saved. Therefore, all WILL be saved.

  • @markpriore3151
    @markpriore3151 День тому

    He said "I am not a Christian" then basically said the Creed.

    • @ambassadorofconciliation
      @ambassadorofconciliation  День тому

      Not even close. I believe the scriptures, unlike Christians, who typically value "creeds" and traditions over scripture. I went into this in the video. Christians do not believe the evangel I stated right after I stated "I am not a christian".

  • @LongSwordEdits
    @LongSwordEdits 3 дні тому

    Good video, what translation is this? Very interesting find in 1 timothy about God/Jesus literally being the savior of ALL mankind I would go over verses liek that and be like "woah what? ALL!?" and then just go on. But that thought always sat in the back of my head like "what if it really is that hardcore, what if that's how powerful it really is, and just hearing the good news can help someone"

    • @ambassadorofconciliation
      @ambassadorofconciliation  3 дні тому

      Hi there! Your comment is very encouraging, thank you for it. I primarily use the Concordant Literal New Testament. I find it to be one of the most accurate English translations. Rotherhams, the Dabhar (also called the Writ) and Young's Literal Translation are also good.
      I guarantee you, God is this great, Christ's sacrifice is enough to completely take care of sin. Christianity in effect, declares Adam to be greater than Christ Jesus, as they say his single offence was enough to condemn all to death (like Romans 5 says) but then they go on to deny that Christ's sacrifice has an even more powerful effect on all of humanity ( like Romans 5 says).
      Thanks again for your comment, I encourage you to watch my other videos and shorts for more information. Grace and Peace to you.

  • @stealthbomber2127
    @stealthbomber2127 День тому

    If you reject God too much, He will not reach out to you. In fact if you would prefer to believe lies, then He make's sure you get all of the lies.

    • @ambassadorofconciliation
      @ambassadorofconciliation  День тому

      Rom 11:32: "For God locks up all together in stubbornness, that He should be merciful to all."

  • @josepharagon799
    @josepharagon799 3 дні тому +2

    No, with love you are incorrect. 1 Corinthians doesn’t say what you are interpreting of your own knowledge.
    Timing around 12:20
    If someone dies without Christ, they will be in the lake of fire forever and ever ( this is eternal).
    Don’t agree with me!
    Agree with the word of God!
    Pray to Him and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you to all truth!

    • @ambassadorofconciliation
      @ambassadorofconciliation  3 дні тому +3

      I do agree with scripture, you are the one who does not.
      1Cor 15:22: "For even as, in Adam, all are dying, thus also, in Christ, shall all be vivified."
      The same all that died in Adam will be vivified in Christ. That's all people. Do not attempt to twist the scripture, to say that the second all is different than the first all in this context.
      Rev 20:14-15: "And death and the unseen were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death-the lake of fire. And if anyone was not found written in the scroll of life, he was cast into the lake of fire."
      Where does it say human beings are thrown into the lake of fire and they remain there "forever and ever"?
      It doesn't.
      This passage also tells us what the lake of fire is- the second death. Death is not life somewhere else, there is no such thing as immortality of the soul. I have videos and shorts on the lake of fire and what the scriptures say death is.
      In 1 Corinthians 15 Paul informs us that death will eventually be abolished, thus all who died in the lake of fire will be resurrected (vivified) to live with God in bliss from them on. Only then can God be All in All (1 Corinthians 15:28).
      You were probably thinking of this passage:
      Rev 20:10: "And the Adversary who is deceiving them was cast into the lake of fire and sulphur, where the wild beast and where the false prophet are also. And they shall be tormented day and night for the eons of the eons."
      Only the Adversary, wild beast and false prophet are tormented alive in the lake of fire, they are spirit beings, not humans so the fire doesn't kill them. Even then they are only tormented for the eons of the eons. These are the next two eons after the current wicked eon.
      "Forever and ever" is a horrible translation, not to mention a nonsensical statement, and a phrase God would never use (how do you add ever to forever?).
      Look into the proper translations of the Greek words aion and aionios, these words mean an eon and eonian respectively, not eternity or eternal.
      Christianity has lied to you as well, look into these things for yourself and see.

    • @josepharagon799
      @josepharagon799 3 дні тому +1

      @@ambassadorofconciliation with all due respect, you are twisting the word of God to justify what you want it to say! If anyone is not found in the book of the Lamb, he/she is thrown into the lake of fire (this is the second death, I can go into this but you my friend will not understand)
      If a person is not found in the book of life, that person won’t be in the Kingdom of God nor will be in the New Jerusalem.
      I asking all these people repent and fear God. You my beloved friend ask the Holy Spirit to teach you! Have the Holy Spirit be your teacher as He is the only one that can guide you to all truth!
      One question : Do you believe that Jesus is God?

    • @ambassadorofconciliation
      @ambassadorofconciliation  3 дні тому +2

      Interesting. Thanks for the scripture backing up your position.....
      Have a nice day.

    • @josepharagon799
      @josepharagon799 3 дні тому +1

      We can go into the Scripture with love.
      Now, if I am incorrect or wrong I will admit it with all my heart and will say sorry to you and anyone else.
      But before that, please just one question!
      Do you believe Jesus is God?
      May God bless you richly in Jesus Christ!
      May the Holy Spirit be your only teacher!

    • @ambassadorofconciliation
      @ambassadorofconciliation  3 дні тому +2

      I went into scripture with you in this video and in my first reply, you passed off what scripture says in favor of christian traditions.
      As far as your question, this passage answers it:
      1Tim 2:5: "For there is one God, and one Mediator of God and mankind, a Man, Christ Jesus,"

  • @michaelparsons541
    @michaelparsons541 3 дні тому

    Curious…do you think this is the same message Noah preached for 120 years? “Don’t worry about getting in the boat I spent 120 years to build, God’s gonna save you another way.” Sorry, but Jesus said “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no one comes to the Father but by me.”
    Also, are you saying that I can just go on living however I want and still expect to be with God in heaven?
    Finally, does this mean that I no longer need to obey Jesus’s command of preaching the Good News to the ends of the earth?
    You have some serious contradictory problems. You can’t just pick and choose which verses you like to fit your views. Everything you are saying goes against the nature of God.
    “No Free Will” careful, you sound like a Calvinist. Jesus did die for all sinners, and offers a free gift of salvation…you do not have to receive a gift. What you are teaching is that Jesus didn’t need to die…I mean you’re using scripture that says Jesus died for all, but if I can die and then believe in Jesus later and be with Him for eternity, then He didn’t really have to die for my sins…because God has already made up His mind to save us, according to you, and if that’s what you really believe, that we’ll all be saved, then Jesus didn’t need to die to take our sins.

    • @ambassadorofconciliation
      @ambassadorofconciliation  3 дні тому +1

      Noah didn't have the evangel the risen Christ Jesus gave to the apostle Paul.
      God is eventually going to vivify all those who died in the flood, because of Christ's sacrifice.
      You are completely missing the point, the REASON God will save all is because of Jesus Christ's sacrifice on the cross. This was His plan from the beginning. Sending His Son to die for His enemies, and creating the new humanity in Christ is how God is just in justifying all.
      There is no free will, the scriptures don't support it and science/logic has proven it to be an impossibility. I am not a calvinist, I went over that in the video.
      You are the one who doesn't believe Christ died for our (everyone's) sins, because you think some people sins condemn them eternally. You do not currently believe the evangel. You will not have eonian life, but you will be saved at the consummation of the eons because of Christ's sacrifice.
      I have other videos that go into all of this, I encourage you to check them out.

    • @scottsponaas
      @scottsponaas 2 дні тому

      @@ambassadorofconciliationsorry friend, but nothing you said here is true. Science has not and cannot prove such a thing, it can only assume it. Furthermore, even engaging in an argument/conversation to change someone’s mind assumes they possess the ability to consider what you’re saying, evaluate both positions and freely change their mind. In other words, you engage in a performative contradiction when you try to argue we don’t have free will. God intentionally set it up that way so nobody could try to claim they weren’t able to behave a different way.
      God created us for love and worship. Neither of those things is possible without free will. If you loved a woman who wanted nothing to do with you but you could give her a potion that would overcome her will and make her agree to marry you, would you do it? Of course not. That wouldn’t be love.
      Same with worship. If you were the best musician in the world, what would you get more glory out of, playing for an audience that freely chose to come see you because they love your work, or an audience of programmed robots that can’t help but cheer? If there were no free will, we would be those robots.
      There is an entire field of psychology based around teaching people to be mindful of their thoughts, change them, and overcome their anxiety. Such a thing is only possible with free will.
      Finally, look no further than the story of Jonah if you want to see that we have free will. Without free will, the story of Jonah becomes a story about a prophet that God commands to preach to Nineveh, but then programs him to do the opposite, waterboards him, and then finally after three days enables him to go to Nineveh where they hear the message and repent when He could have just saved everyone all of the trouble and snapped His fingers and they all obey. Sorry friend, the determinism angle is not only unproven, it’s incoherent.

  • @GrantR-fv2hj
    @GrantR-fv2hj 3 дні тому

    Interesting point. I would wonder if you would like my understanding of these things. I believe that God has most clearly added scripture sections that say that certain kind of people will be thrust to Hell. Jesus also says that only those do do the will of the Father are saved in the kingdom of Heaven. Jesus says that there is a straight and narrow path and few that find it that leads to life. So these things matter. They also say that Jesus will have his day of redemption and that death will be defeated.
    Jesus said, "All sins will be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Holy Ghost will not be forgiven. So my way of understanding is this: Many will not initially inherit the kingdom of God and suffer for their sins. However, at some point, the day of redemption will come to all these people. However, those who blasphemed against the Holy Ghost are the only ones that the second death, the fire and brimstone, Hell, the place prepared for the Devil and his Angels, are sent.
    So, the condemned are those who refused to receive the testimony of Jesus Christ when offered it on Earth, are not actually going to Hell. Why is this important? Because God is merciful upon ignorance. To whoever doesn't know wrong and does it anyways, they cannot be condemned for it. Just like a teacher cannot condemn a student for failing a test they didn't teach for. So, God is graceful to many of those who didn't accept the gospel now, as to giving them the fulness of the gospel the way God understands it, then they have their last chance. If they will not accept the truth by men who do not understand it perfectly, there can be some grace. However if they do, how blessed are they!
    But still those will not accept the gospel must be thrust into Hell until the day of redemption and proper penitence. However, death will be defeated for them, by the hands of Jesus Christ. They will inherit a lower glory in the resurrection, the last resurrection, for this is when they come forward. As Doctrine and Covenants chapter 76 reads about this people who are redeemed from Hell, "And they shall be servants of the Most High; but where God and Christ dwell they cannot come, worlds without end."
    These must be saved through baptism for the dead, not being penitent to be baptized here on Earth, it must happen later, vicariously, through someone else. Luckily this is possible and mentioned in 1st Corinthians 15:29.
    However as many as will accept the gospel have great things that can come to them. Greater glory. "50 And again we bear record-for we saw and heard, and this is the testimony of the gospel of Christ concerning them who shall come forth in the resurrection of the just-51 They are they who received the testimony of Jesus, and believed on his name and were baptized after the manner of his burial, being buried in the water in his name, and this according to the commandment which he has given-52 That by keeping the commandments they might be washed and cleansed from all their sins, and receive the Holy Spirit by the laying on of the hands of him who is ordained and sealed unto this power; 53 And who overcome by faith, and are sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise, which the Father sheds forth upon all those who are just and true. 54 They are they who are the church of the Firstborn. 55 They are they into whose hands the Father has given all things-56 They are they who are priests and kings, who have received of his fulness, and of his glory; 57 And are priests of the Most High, after the order of Melchizedek, which was after the order of Enoch, which was after the order of the Only Begotten Son. 58 Wherefore, as it is written, they are gods, even the sons of God- 59 Wherefore, all things are theirs, whether life or death, or things present, or things to come, all are theirs and they are Christ’s, and Christ is God’s. 60 And they shall overcome all things. 61 Wherefore, let no man glory in man, but rather let him glory in God, who shall subdue all enemies under his feet. 62 These shall dwell in the presence of God and his Christ forever and ever. 63 These are they whom he shall bring with him, when he shall come in the clouds of heaven to reign on the earth over his people. 64 These are they who shall have part in the first resurrection."
    Does that make sense? This is how it is understood to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and I think it is certainly in line with the Bible, although the Bible describes very little. Do you think this is true?

    • @ambassadorofconciliation
      @ambassadorofconciliation  3 дні тому +2

      I would encourage you to watch my other videos. The Hebrew and Greek Scriptures (what you refer to as the Bible) are the only inspired texts. They describe everything one needs to know regarding God, His plan and purpose and eonian life.

  • @PeaceMakerChad
    @PeaceMakerChad 3 дні тому +2

    Repent or perish. There's literally no excuse to deny the existence of God

    • @ambassadorofconciliation
      @ambassadorofconciliation  3 дні тому +1

      "Repent" is only a message for Israel, it is not the evangel of the grace of God that the risen Christ Jesus gave to the Apostle Paul, which is the only dispensation currently in effect.
      Even then, any "perishing" described in the scriptures is only for the next two eons, not "forever and ever", a horrible and nonsensical translation.
      I made thiis video to show how the incredible contradictions of Christianity cause people to become atheists, because they actually think about what Christianity teaches, and it doesn't add up. The scriptures are true, and Christianity is not.

    • @PeaceMakerChad
      @PeaceMakerChad 2 дні тому +1

      @@ambassadorofconciliation Tell what you just told me to the creator. See how it goes for you

    • @ambassadorofconciliation
      @ambassadorofconciliation  2 дні тому

      It's going to go swimmingly. God loves to be believed, and I will just be telling Him what He first told us.

    • @PeaceMakerChad
      @PeaceMakerChad 2 дні тому

      @@ambassadorofconciliation You don't know how it's going to go lol.

    • @ambassadorofconciliation
      @ambassadorofconciliation  2 дні тому

      Yup, those scriptures I went over must be wrong ..................
      You should probably change your user name from peacemakerchad to something else. It's not Peace you are bringing.

  • @iwilldi
    @iwilldi 4 дні тому

    So you have a position and then you cherrypick the bible to bolster your position?
    Even the atheist can do that!
    But let me just mention one thing. According to Paul we should not discuss at all because: the parousia is at hand!
    So you see what cherrypicking does. And the more you do it the more you contribute to the demise of christianity and theism.

    • @ambassadorofconciliation
      @ambassadorofconciliation  4 дні тому +2

      Cherry pick? I go through many scriptures that teach the same thing and perfectly agree with each other, and briefly touch on potential contradictions.
      If you had actually listened to my video you would know I am not a christian. As a believer of the scriptures, I know that Christ Jesus will destroy christianity as that false religion has taken the name of God and Christ in vain, teaching what it should not for sordid gain.
      I share actual good news in this video, good day to you.

    • @Leowithgoodnews
      @Leowithgoodnews 4 дні тому +1

      Hello Brother
      Always good to hear from you
      Loved watching this video, we are so blessed to know that God is in Absolute control of littery everything
      Rom 11 :36 For out of Him ( LOVE ) and trough Him ( LOVE ) and for Him ( LOVE ) is ALL , and ALL is for His ( LOVE ) GLORY ❤
      Love grace and peace

    • @ambassadorofconciliation
      @ambassadorofconciliation  4 дні тому +2

      ​@@Leowithgoodnews Amen Leo. Great to hear from you. ❤✌️