Case Study: UXDA adds SOUL to Goalry financial aggregator

  • Опубліковано 28 лют 2022
  • Financial platform with a heart beating for its customers
    The Challenge: People are not aware of their financial possibilities
    Most people struggle with financial management to have enough money to reach their goals, which leads to an unfulfilled life and regrets in old age about things they could have done during their lives if they only knew how.
    Goalry is an invitation to discovery. It is a field of opportunities for true discoverers and tireless life improvers, and it has everything necessary for taking their lives to the next level.
    The Goalry Mall is a place for any money matter─from financial education to community and financial stores; everything that helps people reach their goals.
    1st floor - Social community
    Support by like-minded people toward financial wellness
    2nd floor - Financial education
    Strong educational knowledge base about finances
    3rd floor - Finance stores
    Let the people discover their financial possibilities to improve their lives
    Reveal to users the potential tools they could use to improve their financial management.
    Guide users through their financial transformation with advice, helpful tools and tips.
    Motivate users to achieve even higher financial goals.
    Goalry adds a personal touch for the users, just the opposite of all the financial platforms that are soulless and fact-based. It translates all the financial facts into people's own language and motivates them to save money so that they can spend it the way they want to increase their quality of life.
    With the help of the deep and intuitive symbol of a heart, the achievement moment is present even when the user navigates the mall. It is further intensified by its imminent vanishing─the heart in the center of a Goalry is a gentle gauge of exquisite moments in their lives.
    People can go on a dream trip, buy the family house they have always dreamed of or purchase the newest iPhone to move their blogger career to the next level.
    People will always have dreams, and Goalry's main goal is to help people achieve them.