Cradle of Filth is the purest expression of darkened, degenerate art, into Metal. The music, lyrics and outfit are in harmony, showing a Gothic-like ambience and a melancholic appeal... How I love the band...
What a miracle... Maybe it is because the stars have alinged in the right, mysterious way. HAHAHA. Don't get used to it, they are changing like the weather. No offence I am a fan since 10 years. I love Cradle of Filth!
Lyrics Before the war, this grave darksome pall Pressed upon the face of England We were sovereign to nothing less Than the map of our souls solicitous to reign Together in a peace these wicked times disdain Then Empire saw much more to gain The crown discounts our loss Life cannot count the cost These numbers fount like water The dead, the dying, those on route to slaughter Valentine, sweet spine entwined I am sorry that I left you here, in time I will find the path back from the other side So keep a candle burning in your heart that is my shrine No Momento Mori For he passed away for faraway glory So tear the pages from this castaway story Spilling tears fill her lachrymatory She seeks to pierce the veil Melancholia speaks the fiercest tale Weeks are growing lonelier ever stonier regaled Love's bond responding beyond the pale The planchette is promissory Purveyance of this seance In obeisance to the spirits before their dismissory The crown discounts our loss Life cannot count the cost These numbers fount like water The dead, the dying, those on route to slaughter Valentine, sweet spine entwined I am sorry that I left you here, in time I will find the path back from the other side So please accept my kisses through the whispers of the Ouija board I suffer alone So far from home watching you from a distance A shadow's persistence to roam No time to atone You flower alone Beautifully graven you cut a black raven Whose tower has flown No Momento Mori For he passed away for faraway glory So tear the pages from this castaway story Spilling tears fill her lachrymatory She seeks to pierce the veil Melancholia speaks the fiercest tale Weeks are growing lonelier ever stonier regaled Love's bond responding beyond the pale The planchette is promissory Purveyance of this seance In obeisance to the spirits, ghosts that haunt amiss, amie Winter seems far colder Without you by my shoulder now this year Faith's blinding glare advanced to frost Finds her there, entranced to cross To breach death's porous border And reach where breath affords no quarter Helpless, I see her resolve harden This is where it ends, how the wretchedness portends The knife in her hand, on the stretch to the promised land And this is how they found my light Clutching tight that fateful telegram
@Gabriel Venegas I have no clue my friend. I just know that Dani Filth has clearly stated in an interview that Marthus has done complete orchestration as well as keyboards in Brno (which is his hometown in Czech Republic) for this album. She was probably involved in some way though...
@Mr Brownstone maybe he doesn't want to be saying that something is shit before learning enough about it to know what he is talking about, first. I came here from a banger TV review but I was pretty familiar with them already. Enough to know that they lie very near the bottom of the (campy, vaguely) Black Metal pile. Just wanted to see if they'd improved any for the better but no. It's smiling goth carol singers, frilly blouses, the lot. Enjoy.
Art at it's purest form? Bahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahah
Art at it's purest form? Bahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahah
This video is a Work of ART. Reminds me of the really good old days of music videos before everything went to shit with all the digital renderings. Horrid. This is simply incredible, so intricate, a dark delight to watch.
fataxel of course! This is 2017, editing and post production always require digital work. I am not against that. It actually makes it even more beautiful because it accentuates all the work that was put in. What I'm against is bad digital renderings, mediocre cgi, excessive reliance on visual shock value as if was still 2001, and worst of all, for some reason it just gave way of more than a decade of neglecting the art direction, photography and light direction, the visual narrative and editing tempos. The only thing they cared about was bad acting in front of a green/blue screen and hoping they can pull it off with limited time and resources. I'm not against digital, I work with digital. What I'm against is thinking that they can throw actual artistry through the window because they're able to render pretty things and wonder people with flashy effects. For some reason they just neglected everything else, but thankfully, that era is coming to an end and videos like these are proof that music videos don't need to be a commercial gimmick, but an extension of the artistic universe a musician is creating with their album, not just a commercial. Another piece of artwork that enhances the whole experience, and I really love that.
There needs to be a lyric book of all Cradles songs. From Principle to Cryptoriana. Even if you don't listen to the music the poetry in every song should be out there for readers. I got a lot of my inspiration for writing from Daniel Davey.
I Wholeheartedly agree and would fucking cherish that book seriously all the art a full lyrical story book i swear from cradle to the grave there is no gothic poetry i have ever found in my life that comes close fucking years later i still reread the lyrics while listening to the albums and its like nothing compares at all.
For some reason, this feels like a modern version of Her Ghost in the fog... and I love it! The new track is great. I'm looking forward to hearing the the rest of the new album.
most technical I've heard cradle in... ever maybe? This makes me really want to hear what the rest of the album sounds like. I have no idea what direction this is going but I think I like it.
It is their best technical guitar work so far. But the guitarists currently in the band are stellar. Actually most of the band now has gone to school for music so it's the most technical work the band has done as a whole. lol :D They sound really good like this.
Lyrics : Before the war, this grave darksome pall Pressed upon the face of England We were sovereign to nothing less Than the map of our souls solicitous to reign Together in a peace these wicked times disdain Then Empire saw much more to gain The Crown discounts our loss Life cannot count the cost These numbers fount like water The dead, the dying, those on route to slaughter Valentine, sweet spine entwined I am sorry that I left you here, in time I will find the path back from the other side So keep a candle burning In your heart that is my shrine No Momento Mori For he passed away So tear the pages From this castaway story Soilling tears Fill her lachrymatory She seeks to pierce the veil Melancholia Speaks the fiercest tale Weeks are growing lonelier Ever stonier regaled Love's bond responding Beyond the pale The planchette is promissory Purveyance of the seance In obeisance to the spirits Before their dismissory The Crown discounts our loss Life cannot count the cost These numbers fount like water The dead, the dying, those on route to slaughter Valentine, sweet spine entwined I am sorry that I left you here, in time I will find the path back from the other side So please accept my kisses Throught the whispers of the Ouija board I suffer alone So far from home Watching you from a distance A shadow's persistence to roam No time to atone You flower alone Beautifully graven You cut a black raven Whose tower has flown No Momento Mori For he passed away So tear the pages From this castaway story Soilling tears Fill her lachrymatory She seeks to pierce the veil Melancholia Speaks the fiercest tale Weeks are growing lonelier Ever stonier regaled Love's bond responding Beyond the pale The planchette is promissory Purveyance of the seance In obeisance to the spirits Ghosts that haunt amiss, amie Winter seems far colder Without you by my shoulder now this year Faith's blinding glare advanced to frost Finds her there, entranced to cross To breach death's porous border And reach where breath affords no quarter Helpless, I see her resolve harden This is where it ends How the wretchedness portends The knife in her hand On the stretch to the promised land And this is how they found my light Clutching tight that fateful telegram
Thanks alot. English is not my native language, so every single time when I played this song I wondered what Lindsay's lyrics are. Also there's like 2 websites that have the lyrics but looking back to those they seem wrong as fuck.
La voz de Dani siempre se mantiene igual, en mi opinión es la mejor! tiene una técnica maldita y su grito de "bruja" (como yo la llamo) es única!! Me pone la piel de gallina. CoF es una de mis bandas favoritas... lml
To be honest, Ive kinda forgot about Cradle over the years....then I listened to Nymphetamine (corrected) again and it kinda reawakened something within me that made me think "What have they been up to?" It's good to see theyre still changing members like a Victorian era orgy without losing their Members ;)
I shared this song from Caddle of Filth to broadcast it On Radio Saint Affrique FM. Thanx a lot, long living to rock 'n roll, your the welcomes. Antoine
It’s refreshing to come back to a band I haven’t listened to in a long time and see they’re still as I remember. Always loved that Cradle can be so dark and sinister but beautiful at the same time... their videos always paint a clear emotional picture. Amazing as always
Man the last album was the first Cradle album I've really loved in a long time and this song sounds totally badass too!!! I'm super pumped. I'm in my 30's and grew up listening to Cradle!!! So awesome to see them comin back around!!!
I've been a fan since '97. Loved every album, but these last 2 are absolute masterpieces. Just when I thought they couldn't get any better, they come out with this!
Such a gorgeous song. Omfg. Beautiful. Absolutely symbolic, dark, morbid, but poetic, and a masterpeice all on its own. I showed this to my hick neighbors and i think it scared them but they did admit it was badass.
I was just reading a "poser" comment on another video and even tho I'm not a fan of CoF I honestly can say I agree. The CoF sound is still very very present. And IMHO the modern production makes them even better.
2020, full of math rock, djent and jazz try to fuse with all metal genre.... i still listen and love CRADLE OF FILTH. One of the best band in the world!!!!
Най добрата група която съм слушал. Концерта им в Челопеч беше впечатляващ. Страхотна визия и сценично присъствие. Благодаря им за приятните мигове с тяхната музика.
23 in my case. And it meets my standard too. The whole album does. I had to download it..... It was too tempting not to. But I have pre ordered over 100 Euros of vinyl, cd and art. So I don't feel bad about doing it. Its fucking awesome btw.
Cradle of Filth is deep, people who dislike them or similar or other metal take it at face value and never understand what it all really means. You can't take it too seriously, it's art.
Seen them in 1990s and it was Dani 's birthday he had a coffin cake was pretty cool. First American tour. His voice back then was unbelievable and the drummer was like a machine. I am not much of a fan of the newer stuff but still cool to see them plugging away.
In coming barrage from the "First three albums only!" hipsters. This is a good song, nice to see they're still consistent as always. this should fit in nicely with the last 5 albums.
So beautiful... the song and the video.. i hope dani keeps this line up for a while.. they all seem to have come together and make some damn good cradle of filth sounds! Ive fallen back in love with this band... soo good!!
Very much like Cruelty And The Beast. Excellent !!!! This is how Cradle should sound like these days!! I was expecting something exactly like this. Hail Cradle, Hail Dani!! You never fail !!!
"Very much like Cruelty And The Beast." THIS! I haven't listened to them in years since they changed so much but this takes me back to a beautiful dark place :D I really like this!
Before the war, this grave darksome pall Pressed upon the face of England We were sovereign to nothing less Than the map of our souls solicitous to reign Together in a peace these wicked times disdain Then empires saw much more to gain The Crown discounts our loss Life cannot count the cost These numbers fount like water The dead, the dying, those on route to slaughter Valentine sweet spine entwined I am sorry that i left you here, in time I will find, the path back from the other side So keep a candle burning In your heart that is my shrine No Momento Mori For he passed away For faraway glory So tear the pages From this castaway story Spilling tears Fill her lachrymatory She seeks to pierce the veil Melancholia Speaks the fiercest tale Weeks are growing lonelier Ever stonier regailed Love's bond responding Beyond the pale The planchette is promissory Purveyance of this Seance In obeisance to the spirits Before their dismissory The Crown discounts our loss Life cannot count the cost These numbers fount like water The dead, the dying, those on route to slaughter Valentine sweet spine entwined I am sorry that i left you here, in time I will find, the path back from the other side So please accept my kisses Through the whispers of the Ouija board I suffer alone So far from home Watching you from a distance A shadow's persistence to roam No time to atone You flower alone Beautifully graven You cut a black raven Whose tower has flown No Momento Mori For he passed away For faraway glory So tear the pages From this castaway story Spilling tears Fill her lachrymatory She seeks to pierce the veil Melancholia Speaks the fiercest tale Weeks are growing lonelier Ever stonier regailed Love's bond responding Beyond the pale The planchette is promissory Purveyance of this Seance In obeisance to the spirits Ghosts that haunt amiss, amie Winter seems far colder Without you by my shoulder now this year Faith's blinding glare advanced to frost Finds her there, entranced to cross To breach death's porous border And reach where breath affords no quarter Helpless, I see her resolve harden This is where it ends How the wretchedness portends The knife in her hand On the stretch to the promised land And this is how they found my light Clutching tight that fateful telegram
One of the most catchy singles of the last three albums. It has all the brutal yet melodic feeling of what an awesome Cradle of Filth song need. I can't stop to loop to it 🤘🤘🤘
Segundo Wanderley, eles vêm agora em 2018 na turnê mundial. Dani disse que eles poderiam fazer mais datas além de SP e Rio Grande do Sul, mas a agenda deles sempre depende do contato dos produtores (casas) de cada país, e aí eles organizam os shows . Da última vez eu cruzei o país inteiro pra ver eles ao vivo, mas seria massa ter ao menos uma outra data que não fosse São Paulo (já tocaram lá 03 vezes).
This litterally Was Born The Day After My Birthday!!what a great way to Start 25 years!!Much respect for this band i grew on you guys and you will always inspire me to make and create something different in the eyes of the world and one day ill shall be heard.
Yep, got Vempire in '96 and Cruelty in '98 (I was 17). Hooked, Love 'em, going to see them here in Perth on the 24th September! (saw Iron Maiden last night- first night of the Aussie tour)
years come, years goes away, and CoF are still here and still are one of best heavy metal bands in the world! I'm fan since their first álbum, and will die like this.
My mom told me this is just a phase when I was teenager. Here I am now, 35, married, with a kid blasting this song at home! Metal is a way of life.
Same, but 52 :)
@@Urotsukidoji1 so I'm 14 years old
Same but 56 "one day you'll wake up and hate this rubbish" LMFAO
I'm 35, loved them for 20 years.
Love you cradle. Always will.
Yup. I first heard cruelty and the beast in high school 1998
Fuck off broms
@@Dan16673 Same here, in Germany. First album Cruelty and the beast and because of'em my English became better and better. :D
im 43. loved them for 25
I seen this live amazing experience
Cradle of Filth is the purest expression of darkened, degenerate art, into Metal. The music, lyrics and outfit are in harmony, showing a Gothic-like ambience and a melancholic appeal... How I love the band...
Has Cradle of Filth really recorded TWO albums with the exact same line-up??? Inconceivable!!!
Sirenia kept the same singer for four albums, anything is possible \o.o/
What a miracle... Maybe it is because the stars have alinged in the right, mysterious way.
HAHAHA. Don't get used to it, they are changing like the weather.
No offence I am a fan since 10 years.
I love Cradle of Filth!
because this lineup is the best CoF lineup and was most needed. I really loved Hammer and i believe i will love this album as well!
Delivereroffaith is that Paul Allender still though?
Anway Pramanik no Paul here.
When you're a poetic asf. Every song they created is poetry.
yeeessss, water rhymes with slaughter, yiiiiiss, very poetry, such wording
@@Florin_A are you upset ?
@@Florin_A You do understand poetry literally doesn't have to rhyme at all, right? It's about how you use the words you do.
@@Florin_A poetry = rhymes? Yea finally some experts! "Out of the rolling ocean the crowd" is clearly not a poem
Death magick for adepts is absolution :)
Before the war, this grave darksome pall
Pressed upon the face of England
We were sovereign to nothing less
Than the map of our souls solicitous to reign
Together in a peace these wicked times disdain
Then Empire saw much more to gain
The crown discounts our loss
Life cannot count the cost
These numbers fount like water
The dead, the dying, those on route to slaughter
Valentine, sweet spine entwined
I am sorry that I left you here, in time
I will find the path back from the other side
So keep a candle burning in your heart that is my shrine
No Momento Mori
For he passed away for faraway glory
So tear the pages from this castaway story
Spilling tears fill her lachrymatory
She seeks to pierce the veil
Melancholia speaks the fiercest tale
Weeks are growing lonelier ever stonier regaled
Love's bond responding beyond the pale
The planchette is promissory
Purveyance of this seance
In obeisance to the spirits before their dismissory
The crown discounts our loss
Life cannot count the cost
These numbers fount like water
The dead, the dying, those on route to slaughter
Valentine, sweet spine entwined
I am sorry that I left you here, in time
I will find the path back from the other side
So please accept my kisses through the whispers of the Ouija board
I suffer alone
So far from home watching you from a distance
A shadow's persistence to roam
No time to atone
You flower alone
Beautifully graven you cut a black raven
Whose tower has flown
No Momento Mori
For he passed away for faraway glory
So tear the pages from this castaway story
Spilling tears fill her lachrymatory
She seeks to pierce the veil
Melancholia speaks the fiercest tale
Weeks are growing lonelier ever stonier regaled
Love's bond responding beyond the pale
The planchette is promissory
Purveyance of this seance
In obeisance to the spirits, ghosts that haunt amiss, amie
Winter seems far colder
Without you by my shoulder now this year
Faith's blinding glare advanced to frost
Finds her there, entranced to cross
To breach death's porous border
And reach where breath affords no quarter
Helpless, I see her resolve harden
This is where it ends, how the wretchedness portends
The knife in her hand, on the stretch to the promised land
And this is how they found my light
Clutching tight that fateful telegram
The bird at 1:32 has a sick vocal range bruh
hahahahaha :D
:D !!!
it's a metal crow!!!!!
he's alwasy watching
You know that it's not a real Cradle of Filth's song when it doesn't start with YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
hateapericube That and there has to be atleast one phrase about "water" rhyming with "slaughter"
+hateapericube haha so accurate
Or tits
Most songs on Cryptoriana start with "YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" so I guess it's one of the good CoF albums. :-)
How do you know? Illuminati?
One of the best hit singles of all time!
Please Dani, Never let go this drummer.
Mark Meza Marthus is very underrated. He can play anything.
Playing is not his main strength in CoF though. He's responsible for most (in song) instruments arrangement.
He did keyboards and complete orchestration for this album as well.
and wtf did Lindsay do?
@Gabriel Venegas I have no clue my friend. I just know that Dani Filth has clearly stated in an interview that Marthus has done complete orchestration as well as keyboards in Brno (which is his hometown in Czech Republic) for this album. She was probably involved in some way though...
Cradle of Filth is better than ever, more darker more complex. Art at it's purest form.
Purest form? Hardly. I'd rather listen to country music.
@Mr Brownstone maybe he doesn't want to be saying that something is shit before learning enough about it to know what he is talking about, first. I came here from a banger TV review but I was pretty familiar with them already. Enough to know that they lie very near the bottom of the (campy, vaguely) Black Metal pile. Just wanted to see if they'd improved any for the better but no. It's smiling goth carol singers, frilly blouses, the lot. Enjoy.
Art at it's purest form?
Art at it's purest form? Bahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahah
Your're hilarious..
Loving the Dream Theaterness of this song.... and finally managed to get into Cradle of Filth after 30 years of dabbling.
This lineup is fucking amazing. It saved the band
I totally agree , i've seen them live 2 years ago and they were absolutely perfect , the two guitarrists are just amazing.
People were all complaining Dani voice was done and the band was done, now they says the guitarists saved the band? LOLWUT?
Nookie Nookie I never said that though.
I just wish we could hear the cruelty lineup doing the Cruelty And The Beast tour before we lost Stuart Anstis :(
This video is a Work of ART. Reminds me of the really good old days of music videos before everything went to shit with all the digital renderings. Horrid. This is simply incredible, so intricate, a dark delight to watch.
I love if they do another From Cradle To Enslave type of video. That was sick...
Mark Modi I remember owning that on VHS. From the Cradle to Enslave.
Exactly this. No HDR, or fake HDR, or digital-overdoing-anything. Very tasteful.
I assure you that this beautiful video has a lot of digital horrid-ness in it , mate. Thank you in the name of all "horrid" digital artists
fataxel of course! This is 2017, editing and post production always require digital work. I am not against that. It actually makes it even more beautiful because it accentuates all the work that was put in. What I'm against is bad digital renderings, mediocre cgi, excessive reliance on visual shock value as if was still 2001, and worst of all, for some reason it just gave way of more than a decade of neglecting the art direction, photography and light direction, the visual narrative and editing tempos. The only thing they cared about was bad acting in front of a green/blue screen and hoping they can pull it off with limited time and resources. I'm not against digital, I work with digital. What I'm against is thinking that they can throw actual artistry through the window because they're able to render pretty things and wonder people with flashy effects. For some reason they just neglected everything else, but thankfully, that era is coming to an end and videos like these are proof that music videos don't need to be a commercial gimmick, but an extension of the artistic universe a musician is creating with their album, not just a commercial. Another piece of artwork that enhances the whole experience, and I really love that.
This video is like a painting come to life
Cradle is just awesome.
I'm seriously impressed by this, gave me the shivers towards the end it was so good really.
This is the best and most relevant comment , I have evere seen in my life
Filmed by a guy in my hometown Riga in a small country named Latvia
The way Lindsay sways during the song is mesmerizing !
No Word Can Describe This Band's Awesomeness...Just Love Them
this version of COF sound like they have discovered what the old 90's band was about, i like...
This summer is boring.
*CoF release a new song from their upcoming album*
This summer is amazing.
There needs to be a lyric book of all Cradles songs. From Principle to Cryptoriana. Even if you don't listen to the music the poetry in every song should be out there for readers. I got a lot of my inspiration for writing from Daniel Davey.
Cryptoriana comes with that, but you have to buy the CD which no one does anymore lol! 🤘🏻
@@faassteddyy I meant like an actual book. Like a hardcover one. With all the artwork from previous albums in one giant book.
I Wholeheartedly agree and would fucking cherish that book seriously all the art a full lyrical story book i swear from cradle to the grave there is no gothic poetry i have ever found in my life that comes close fucking years later i still reread the lyrics while listening to the albums and its like nothing compares at all.
@@faassteddyylol 2023 still buy all the cds 😂
For some reason, this feels like a modern version of Her Ghost in the fog... and I love it!
The new track is great.
I'm looking forward to hearing the the rest of the new album.
I seriously thought the exact same thing right now
You feel it because is another greek tragedy.
most technical I've heard cradle in... ever maybe? This makes me really want to hear what the rest of the album sounds like. I have no idea what direction this is going but I think I like it.
Ty Thompson Losing Paul Allender was the best thing that ever happened for their guitar work.
Crispin Mallenroh
yeah, Paul was more straightforward and not into solos at all.
And gaining Richard Shaw (who wrote this one) and Ashok) on of the best things.
It is their best technical guitar work so far. But the guitarists currently in the band are stellar. Actually most of the band now has gone to school for music so it's the most technical work the band has done as a whole. lol :D They sound really good like this.
We agree with you man!
Lyrics :
Before the war, this grave darksome pall
Pressed upon the face of England
We were sovereign to nothing less
Than the map of our souls solicitous to reign
Together in a peace these wicked times disdain
Then Empire saw much more to gain
The Crown discounts our loss
Life cannot count the cost
These numbers fount like water
The dead, the dying, those on route to slaughter
Valentine, sweet spine entwined
I am sorry that I left you here, in time
I will find the path back from the other side
So keep a candle burning
In your heart that is my shrine
No Momento Mori
For he passed away
So tear the pages
From this castaway story
Soilling tears
Fill her lachrymatory
She seeks to pierce the veil
Speaks the fiercest tale
Weeks are growing lonelier
Ever stonier regaled
Love's bond responding
Beyond the pale
The planchette is promissory
Purveyance of the seance
In obeisance to the spirits
Before their dismissory
The Crown discounts our loss
Life cannot count the cost
These numbers fount like water
The dead, the dying, those on route to slaughter
Valentine, sweet spine entwined
I am sorry that I left you here, in time
I will find the path back from the other side
So please accept my kisses
Throught the whispers of the Ouija board
I suffer alone
So far from home
Watching you from a distance
A shadow's persistence to roam
No time to atone
You flower alone
Beautifully graven
You cut a black raven
Whose tower has flown
No Momento Mori
For he passed away
So tear the pages
From this castaway story
Soilling tears
Fill her lachrymatory
She seeks to pierce the veil
Speaks the fiercest tale
Weeks are growing lonelier
Ever stonier regaled
Love's bond responding
Beyond the pale
The planchette is promissory
Purveyance of the seance
In obeisance to the spirits
Ghosts that haunt amiss, amie
Winter seems far colder
Without you by my shoulder now this year
Faith's blinding glare advanced to frost
Finds her there, entranced to cross
To breach death's porous border
And reach where breath affords no quarter
Helpless, I see her resolve harden
This is where it ends
How the wretchedness portends
The knife in her hand
On the stretch to the promised land
And this is how they found my light
Clutching tight that fateful telegram
Thanks alot. English is not my native language, so every single time when I played this song I wondered what Lindsay's lyrics are. Also there's like 2 websites that have the lyrics but looking back to those they seem wrong as fuck.
Its "memento mori", not "momento mori"
Hats off...
Delivereroffaith i
You forgot the YAAAAAAAA!!!!! of the beginning
La voz de Dani siempre se mantiene igual, en mi opinión es la mejor! tiene una técnica maldita y su grito de "bruja" (como yo la llamo) es única!! Me pone la piel de gallina. CoF es una de mis bandas favoritas... lml
No tiene la voz que tenía en Dusk and her Embrace
I'm a simple man. I see Cradle of Filth, I press like.
Burak Erdem me too
same xd
Fawk yea
Still ?
To be honest, Ive kinda forgot about Cradle over the years....then I listened to Nymphetamine (corrected) again and it kinda reawakened something within me that made me think "What have they been up to?" It's good to see theyre still changing members like a Victorian era orgy without losing their Members ;)
I still miss Paul and the one original blonde guitar during the vampire faze
Guitar player
@@brianbumstead2682 James
You mean nymphetamine right?lol
Those riffs are satisfying
I'm 40 and still enjoy their wonderful orchestra
I shared this song from Caddle of Filth to broadcast it On Radio Saint Affrique FM. Thanx a lot, long living to rock 'n roll, your the welcomes. Antoine
I wish dani would never get older so i could listen to his new material for ages...he never fails
This band is freaking AWESOME
lisa marie yeahhhhhhhhh :)
It’s refreshing to come back to a band I haven’t listened to in a long time and see they’re still as I remember. Always loved that Cradle can be so dark and sinister but beautiful at the same time... their videos always paint a clear emotional picture. Amazing as always
Man the last album was the first Cradle album I've really loved in a long time and this song sounds totally badass too!!! I'm super pumped. I'm in my 30's and grew up listening to Cradle!!! So awesome to see them comin back around!!!
I've been a fan since '97. Loved every album, but these last 2 are absolute masterpieces. Just when I thought they couldn't get any better, they come out with this!
The best band ever. I was presented to Cradle of Filth in 2006 through a high school friend and since that, I never stopped listen this darkness art.
New cradle song in my recommendations. Caught me totally off guard
Peripherony same
same here :D
Peripherony right
Peripherony Same
The same happened to me.
It sounds like it came from the album Midian! Love it
mody T my thoughts exactly!
mody T I was just about to say the same thing. Definitely an older Cradle sound-- that's a good thing.
agreed. sounds like hammer of the witches combined with Midian sound :)
mody T to me this new album sound like mix between dusk cruelty and hammer
Alexandre Eduardo de Oliveira Gomes yup buddy your right
If I never discovered cradle I don't know how my life would be.. I love COF they make me happy and got me thru hard times..
The solo is harmoniously magnificent, just woah!
Gleb Alexandrov likes Cradle of Filth? Awesome :)
Of course I do!
Sorry not my thing :(
100% agreed
I guess you know nothing about solos
Reminiscent of many elements of previous Cradle albums yet keeps fresh somehow, by wicked magic, most likely. I'm fucking loving this!
I am loving this aesthetic. It has been 3 years by now but I still listen to this COF album. Like I didn't do for a lot of years.
0:28 The noise I made when I hit my big toe off of the coffee table this morning.
Slam Dancer Hahaha
Slam Dancer lol
Slam Dancer Oh really? Because thats my orgasm voice.
Slam Dancer LOL
Slam Dancer lol
How can you not love this track?
I just turned 38, and I still have great respect for this band!!! Still bad ass!
criztoper Garcia I agree !!!! maybe they were trying to seek for their own style!!!!
i was pleasantly surprised to hear some undertones of their old shit, too
It's the most poetic music video I've ever seen, like a series of living paintings. Very inspiring.
Such a gorgeous song. Omfg. Beautiful. Absolutely symbolic, dark, morbid, but poetic, and a masterpeice all on its own. I showed this to my hick neighbors and i think it scared them but they did admit it was badass.
Awsome song, beautiful video.
laura gallcher
Not only the Song here is awesome and beautiful Dark Mistress. ; )
you are back with real passion. thank you very much, guys.
All of cof band Members' outfits are great in this video!
They lost me in these last few years but after this incredible song and video, I'm here for it
Ashlee Eidolon your hot
Same here.
Ashlee Eidolon
Hey, Eidolon cool name. Is this you're true name?
Ashlee Eidolon
Make sure you get Hammer Of The Witches.. ☺
Nope bye don't need you support when you abandoned them
And THAT kids is how you evolve without betraying your roots and alienating your fans.
ektelion Yep. Not many bands can do that and have every fan love it.
Hell yeah been a fan for almost 2 decades. One of the best musical evolutions ever
I was just reading a "poser" comment on another video and even tho I'm not a fan of CoF I honestly can say I agree. The CoF sound is still very very present. And IMHO the modern production makes them even better.
DjembeDjam how have you heard all the tracks??
Ihtesham Khan The album leaked a few weeks ago.
This melody is majestic, I love that band.
This bands poetic writings are epic and will most likely be something read for centuries to come!
If the whole album will be like this, definitely Cradle of Filth will become lords !! .... excellent piece!
Its even better. Trust me ;)
Krakator7 ~ Your wish has come true.
Their switch to Nuclear Blast Records was the best move they've ever made. Hammer of the Witches and Cryptoriana are two phenomenal albums.
Hellyeah! Cradle Of Filth is back in business.
2020, full of math rock, djent and jazz try to fuse with all metal genre.... i still listen and love CRADLE OF FILTH. One of the best band in the world!!!!
All we need is dark poetry.
Най добрата група която съм слушал. Концерта им в Челопеч беше впечатляващ. Страхотна визия и сценично присъствие. Благодаря им за приятните мигове с тяхната музика.
this song has grown to be one of my favorite songs by them! love the melodic guitar
Been a CoF fan since over 20 years, I approve this song
Great video as well!!!
23 in my case. And it meets my standard too. The whole album does. I had to download it..... It was too tempting not to. But I have pre ordered over 100 Euros of vinyl, cd and art. So I don't feel bad about doing it. Its fucking awesome btw.
fan since 1999
me too
Think lord filth as dani calls himself now got a whole new lineup.... I think he made the wise dicision
Cradle of Filth is deep, people who dislike them or similar or other metal take it at face value and never understand what it all really means. You can't take it too seriously, it's art.
As an old fan this new sound is actually a NEW epic than before...I like it
Mistaken Enemy I find myself having to agree with you
That intro is epic, they have such a knack for writing these epic lead melodies.
Seen them in 1990s and it was Dani 's birthday he had a coffin cake was pretty cool. First American tour. His voice back then was unbelievable and the drummer was like a machine. I am not much of a fan of the newer stuff but still cool to see them plugging away.
Yeah the drummer was nick he left and went to dimmu borgir
Reminding me of dusk, glad you're trying Dani. We all miss the golden age of Cradle !
The Golden Age is now!!!
Loved Godspeed though
Yes, we do!
Have you watched Cradle's Bloodstock 2019 performance? He sounds like he did vocally on their first releases.
Finally, this is the shit. They have the nostalgia back. Love it
i'm 49, still in love with COF 🤩
1:48 gives me chills every time
Love these Riffs! The Melodies remind me always of Autumn and the beginning of Winter...It just fits so perfectly...
I had the privilege to watch this song live. amazing.
Mom! Dad and his friends are being weird again!
Raytheon Orion macam cibai 😂😂😂
+Raytheon Orion
Thanks haha this made my day
Raytheon Orion Best fucking comment.
Thank you good like, here your man...
In coming barrage from the "First three albums only!" hipsters.
This is a good song, nice to see they're still consistent as always. this should fit in nicely with the last 5 albums.
Steven Lornie It has a lot in common with their early stuff.
The Abyssal Archivist yes this is definitely better than their mid 2000's stuff
Brides of Cthulhu Exactly. Also, this time they have been able to keep their lineup
Metal and punk elitists make me laugh
Merp Derp I hate most metal fans. Close minded, too willing to conform to stereotypes, hypocritical, and often homophobic.
So beautiful... the song and the video.. i hope dani keeps this line up for a while.. they all seem to have come together and make some damn good cradle of filth sounds!
Ive fallen back in love with this band... soo good!!
Very much like Cruelty And The Beast. Excellent !!!! This is how Cradle should sound like these days!! I was expecting something exactly like this. Hail Cradle, Hail Dani!! You never fail !!!
"Very much like Cruelty And The Beast."
THIS! I haven't listened to them in years since they changed so much but this takes me back to a beautiful dark place :D I really like this!
I love this song 🥺 is just like a love fable beyond the line between Life and Death... Magnificent 🖤
Been listening to them for just over a year and finally got to see them today in LA. Simply amazing.
Cadê os fãs BR? Vida longa ao Cradle of Filth e ao Dani com sua voz infernal sempre!
cradle more symphonic than ever
Best Cradle song I've heard in a long time, glad to hear them getting back to their roots a bit
What ive really liked with CoF is their lyrics. So damn poetic.
Saw this band in march, best experience in my life, would go back in time to re-experience it.
Waiting...for new album...i`m believe for it...would like
wow this is incredible, they are back to black metal? that makes me so happy, I grew up with the old cradle of filth, so many good memories!
black metal )
This is not black metal :"D
New band
gothic metal
Never did but they sure they know how to look back and honor their roots.
Before the war, this grave darksome pall
Pressed upon the face of England
We were sovereign to nothing less
Than the map of our souls solicitous to reign
Together in a peace these wicked times disdain
Then empires saw much more to gain
The Crown discounts our loss
Life cannot count the cost
These numbers fount like water
The dead, the dying, those on route to slaughter
Valentine sweet spine entwined
I am sorry that i left you here, in time
I will find, the path back from the other side
So keep a candle burning
In your heart that is my shrine
No Momento Mori
For he passed away
For faraway glory
So tear the pages
From this castaway story
Spilling tears
Fill her lachrymatory
She seeks to pierce the veil
Speaks the fiercest tale
Weeks are growing lonelier
Ever stonier regailed
Love's bond responding
Beyond the pale
The planchette is promissory
Purveyance of this Seance
In obeisance to the spirits
Before their dismissory
The Crown discounts our loss
Life cannot count the cost
These numbers fount like water
The dead, the dying, those on route to slaughter
Valentine sweet spine entwined
I am sorry that i left you here, in time
I will find, the path back from the other side
So please accept my kisses
Through the whispers of the Ouija board
I suffer alone
So far from home
Watching you from a distance
A shadow's persistence to roam
No time to atone
You flower alone
Beautifully graven
You cut a black raven
Whose tower has flown
No Momento Mori
For he passed away
For faraway glory
So tear the pages
From this castaway story
Spilling tears
Fill her lachrymatory
She seeks to pierce the veil
Speaks the fiercest tale
Weeks are growing lonelier
Ever stonier regailed
Love's bond responding
Beyond the pale
The planchette is promissory
Purveyance of this Seance
In obeisance to the spirits
Ghosts that haunt amiss, amie
Winter seems far colder
Without you by my shoulder now this year
Faith's blinding glare advanced to frost
Finds her there, entranced to cross
To breach death's porous border
And reach where breath affords no quarter
Helpless, I see her resolve harden
This is where it ends
How the wretchedness portends
The knife in her hand
On the stretch to the promised land
And this is how they found my light
Clutching tight that fateful telegram
One of the most catchy singles of the last three albums. It has all the brutal yet melodic feeling of what an awesome Cradle of Filth song need. I can't stop to loop to it 🤘🤘🤘
que obra de arte, agora está ótimo ! maravilhoso será muito bem vindo o novo álbum do COF
Certeza. So falta darem um passadinha aqui pelo Brasil rsrsr
Segundo Wanderley, eles vêm agora em 2018 na turnê mundial. Dani disse que eles poderiam fazer mais datas além de SP e Rio Grande do Sul, mas a agenda deles sempre depende do contato dos produtores (casas) de cada país, e aí eles organizam os shows . Da última vez eu cruzei o país inteiro pra ver eles ao vivo, mas seria massa ter ao menos uma outra data que não fosse São Paulo (já tocaram lá 03 vezes).
Hélio, não posso morrer sem ouvir Dani gritando "Nymphetamineeeeeeeee" no meu pé de ouvido. 2018 tamo aí!!!
Marcelo Alves de Oliveira porra, bem que poderiam dar uma passadinha aqui pelo nordeste né cassete! kkkk...
paulo henrique kkkkk ia comentar justamente isso!
Oh the poetry.....the combination taste is marvellous 😋 😍
Such a beautiful video, capturing perfectly the Gothic Romance that makes many Cradle of Filth songs and never ceases to fulfill!
This litterally Was Born The Day After My Birthday!!what a great way to Start 25 years!!Much respect for this band i grew on you guys and you will always inspire me to make and create something different in the eyes of the world and one day ill shall be heard.
Reaper Frost happy late birthday
What? I was not ready for this >.>
Yep, got Vempire in '96 and Cruelty in '98 (I was 17). Hooked, Love 'em, going to see them here in Perth on the 24th September! (saw Iron Maiden last night- first night of the Aussie tour)
That change up at 2:51 🔥🔥🔥
years come, years goes away, and CoF are still here and still are one of best heavy metal bands in the world! I'm fan since their first álbum, and will die like this.
Excelente video saludos desde Colombia
Excelente video insectos
Richardo RB Mijo !!!! hahhaha
luv the melodic riffs & the guitar solo in this song, COF rules
COF was a huge part of my 20’s and looks like they soon will be in my 40’s. You guys never cease to amaze me…. Keep it up
Dani is a poet!
This man and this band are simply amazing!!!