Jon, Not sure if you watched carefully, there are plenty of damaged boats ripped of moorings and/or docked in the marina and still destroyed. Sure there may have been a few with poorly set or undersized anchors but definitely not all of them. I am not sure if you are a sailor but I do assume you were not there. If you are sailing I hope you never had or will have to deal with a real powerful storm. Ultimately nature will always have the last word. Do not blame all the victims with such a broad sweep of your possibly unqualified brush. Handbreit, SY Nepomuk
when this happens?
Not sure if you watched carefully, there are plenty of damaged boats ripped of moorings and/or docked in the marina and still destroyed. Sure there may have been a few with poorly set or undersized anchors but definitely not all of them. I am not sure if you are a sailor but I do assume you were not there. If you are sailing I hope you never had or will have to deal with a real powerful storm. Ultimately nature will always have the last word. Do not blame all the victims with such a broad sweep of your possibly unqualified brush.
Handbreit, SY Nepomuk
Bei Booten gilt ja: hoch versichern und tief versenken ;-)
Wir hatten Glück. Unser “Einhorn” lag im Gemeindehafen und hat den Sturm mit kleinen Schäden überstanden.
Ach naja, n büschen Matte und Harz und das wird schon wieder....(lol)
Peter Weltweit oh ja, einfach mal wieder flott machen
This is why my G-damn boat insurance is so high. Get an anchor rated for a boat two or three times as big, and this wouldnt happen.