Arthur diagnoses Jack with Diarrhea

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @Anon0122
    @Anon0122 Рік тому +4270

    "I need your money, tough guy! You wanna die?" best line, a doctor can say 🤣

    • @nickyplays3108
      @nickyplays3108 Рік тому +282

      American health care in a nutshell

    • @Doctor_Straing_Strange
      @Doctor_Straing_Strange Рік тому +137

      American doctors be like

    • @kymo6343
      @kymo6343 8 місяців тому +21

      looks like healthcare hasn't changed that much since the Wild West days XD;

    • @Angle-saxon-94
      @Angle-saxon-94 8 місяців тому +3

      @@kymo6343fact 😂🤣

    • @drekxan3267
      @drekxan3267 7 місяців тому +2

      Especially to a kid with terminal sick (in that moment)

  • @lanceryderwilson8618
    @lanceryderwilson8618 Рік тому +5068

    Papa Bronte must have accidentally put laxatives in Jack's spaghetti instead of parmesan cheese

  • @sobofshofol5622
    @sobofshofol5622 Рік тому +2242

    How is your father?
    -You mean Papa Bronte?

    • @thekindaprogamer9090
      @thekindaprogamer9090 Рік тому +10

      700 likes and no comments?
      Imma have to fix that.

    • @YaBoi-StaminaUp
      @YaBoi-StaminaUp Рік тому +6

      @@thekindaprogamer9090 but you didn't 'fix' anything because it wasn't broken😏, (how'd you know they didn't want lots of likes without a single comment? - Now it's ruined!)😊

    • @kevin_bodi
      @kevin_bodi 8 місяців тому +3

      Papa Bronte was there more for little Jack than John ever was

    • @Greasy8294
      @Greasy8294 6 місяців тому

      I should’ve used a condom

  • @callieope_
    @callieope_ Рік тому +1946

    the "do ya like fishin'" caught me so off guard lmao

  • @MadamRavenn
    @MadamRavenn Рік тому +2924

    At least John's taking him fishing in his last moments.

    • @Homophobic_racist_sexist_pdf
      @Homophobic_racist_sexist_pdf Рік тому +46

      Uncle's Uncle also took him "fishing" and we all know how that went

    • @pelajagro
      @pelajagro Рік тому +2

      @@Homophobic_racist_sexist_pdf 💀

    • @milesparalysis9341
      @milesparalysis9341 Рік тому +45


    • @jayrom14
      @jayrom14 Рік тому +4

      Ur old yt account amazes me

    • @michalurbanful
      @michalurbanful 11 місяців тому +4

      Naah, it's just that John is Jack's spirit animal ...

  • @CheeseYourself
    @CheeseYourself Рік тому +1114

    "I NEED YOUR MONEY, TOUGH GUY! YOU WANNA DIE???" - most empathetic American physician

  • @Blaise_G
    @Blaise_G Рік тому +1375

    That "Open it. OPEN IT!" killed me 🤣🤣🤣

  • @BertoPlease
    @BertoPlease Рік тому +665

    "This is about your laaast moments aliiiiiiev" had me rolling

  • @I_LoveHorses55
    @I_LoveHorses55 Рік тому +416

    "this is about your last moments alive"
    *That's okay*

    • @ChillCucco
      @ChillCucco 6 місяців тому +14

      “Im sorry kid.”
      “Am I in trouble?”

    • @Aed_11
      @Aed_11 5 місяців тому +2

      ​@@ChillCucco "You're a good kid... Now, GO F THEM SCHOOL GIRLS. "

  • @taylors4986
    @taylors4986 8 місяців тому +35

    “Uncle Arthur!”
    “You’re coming with m- *wheezes*”
    “Thanks…” 😭

  • @pingrett5258
    @pingrett5258 Рік тому +160

    "i guess thats ok"

  • @XPLR_FAN-y6r
    @XPLR_FAN-y6r 8 місяців тому +70

    The end 😂😂
    “Do u want to go fishing?” -John 1899

  • @SingerDinger
    @SingerDinger Рік тому +181

    “I guess that’s okay..”
    Me too Jack, me too.

    @CEBAHTNY Місяць тому +28

    0:16 You coming with KHHHHHH-

  • @NotchTreys
    @NotchTreys 9 місяців тому +19

    I guess that’s alright:3”
    Realest shit ever

  • @brianbommarito3376
    @brianbommarito3376 Рік тому +284

    My favorite part is when Jack says he still has a sore throat, and Dutch yells “Arthur!” Dutch just can’t handle the pressure. Then, of course, Arthur is the perfect physician anyone could ever ask for. “Give me your money! You wanna die? (Gets paid) Uh, sorry kid, you’re dead anyways.”

    • @onurguardian9004
      @onurguardian9004 Рік тому +8

      thats the very point i laugh so hard :) ARTHURRR!!!!!

    @MRUXUM Місяць тому +9

    1:34 BRO WHEN HE SAID “do you like fishing?” I GOT A PICKLE AD

  • @stupiddog7314
    @stupiddog7314 Рік тому +159

    I need more of dutch looking scared, these are getting better everyday 😭

  • @mindscrabbler
    @mindscrabbler 9 місяців тому +15

    “GET DA HELL ATTA HERE” “don’t be nasty uncle Arthur” “Pff nah I’m just jokin with ya”

  • @Mm2istheG0atyessir
    @Mm2istheG0atyessir Рік тому +96

    Arthur hovering the stick over jacks head got me!😂

  • @jtmarlin336
    @jtmarlin336 Рік тому +139

    Dude you're getting better at these each time finding the perfect audio to put in like it's not only hilarious but it still makes sense

  • @deanryder5325
    @deanryder5325 Рік тому +78

    "You're comin with WHEEEZE" Just kills me every time I play it back 🤣

  • @J1mBoyCall0way
    @J1mBoyCall0way Рік тому +22

    "Do you like fishin'🧍‍♂️" HELP I CANT😭😭😭

  • @abigaylemazurek7818
    @abigaylemazurek7818 Рік тому +303

    The beginning scene was honestly so well put together and cinematic, it was beautiful.
    And then Arthur had a PTSD Attack listening to Jack's chest. That betrayal seems like a life time ago 😂😂
    Your edits are getting so fuckin good Poorified ❤️

  • @TheWindigomonster
    @TheWindigomonster Рік тому +74

    This might be the best one you've done so far

    • @Poorified
      @Poorified  Рік тому +6

      Thanks a lot, partner!

    • @grasped2
      @grasped2 3 місяці тому

      Kinda emotional

  • @rahulmurali8302
    @rahulmurali8302 Рік тому +77

    The reasons why Jack got diarrhea: eat too much Bronte's spaghetti

  • @xLanzer
    @xLanzer Рік тому +53

    The fact that John only cared about fishing at the end lol

    • @Jolgeable
      @Jolgeable 7 місяців тому +2

      As Micah said: that's all there is, fishing and dying.

  • @Paulinho_66
    @Paulinho_66 Рік тому +28

    '' how's your father?'' ''you mean papa bronte?'' dude i almost shit my pants on that one 10/10

  • @anda7x531
    @anda7x531 Рік тому +68

    This channel is gold

  • @theoofedguy8249
    @theoofedguy8249 2 місяці тому +3

    “What wrong uncle Au-“

  • @crescentsister7467
    @crescentsister7467 Рік тому +28

    Arthur could've let him die after what Jack did... but he helped him, what a guy

  • @ZanaRekani
    @ZanaRekani Рік тому +216

    0:48 OPEN IT!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • @carldunne8124
      @carldunne8124 Рік тому +10

      Uh oh !

    • @heythere8418
      @heythere8418 Рік тому +25

      “Holds stick above head”

    • @TennisWall
      @TennisWall 7 місяців тому

      ​@@heythere8418woppity boppity i declare you have diarrhea

  • @The_Joker_420
    @The_Joker_420 Місяць тому +4

    He puts the stick on his head like hes a wizard about to cast a spell

  • @FunnyRedemption
    @FunnyRedemption Рік тому +10

    Jack woke up in heaven and even there he can't escape of fishing

  • @oilybat3269
    @oilybat3269 Рік тому +11

    Arthur, to a toddler with diarrhea: *THIS IS ABOUT YOUR LAST MOMENTS ALIVE*

  • @guspadgett
    @guspadgett 8 місяців тому +8

    i liked the part where he diagnoses jack with Diarrhea

  • @MR_Walter157
    @MR_Walter157 4 місяці тому +3

    "I'm just joking with ya"
    -Arthur morgan 1899

  • @Reddeaddreams
    @Reddeaddreams Рік тому +50

    haha you always got some nice ideas to make us laugh always appreciate these videos mate

    • @Poorified
      @Poorified  Рік тому +6

      Always appreciate the support, bro ❤

  • @endercivil
    @endercivil Місяць тому +1

    "Jack, i'm sorry, you've got cooties"
    "screw you uncle arthur"

  • @Strixian-pt2gq
    @Strixian-pt2gq 8 місяців тому +2

    I’m so glad I lived at the right moment in time so I can be able to witness this masterpiece

  • @youyining6140
    @youyining6140 8 місяців тому +2

    Arthur using stethoscope.
    -I don't understand.
    -Damn, you talked.

  • @jdsolidus
    @jdsolidus Рік тому +6

    "Open it!"
    *Proceeds to hover the stick over him*

  • @yukihao90
    @yukihao90 Рік тому +11

    "I need your money tough guy. You wanna die?"
    Why is this sounds like a threat than helping haha

  • @lynette50
    @lynette50 Рік тому +31

    Whoever makes these has a warped sense of humour.
    And I ❤ it!

  • @PatienceisA_Virtue
    @PatienceisA_Virtue Місяць тому +2

    The purest form of RDR2 brainrot i've ever seen

  • @rainbowcloudss_
    @rainbowcloudss_ Рік тому +30

    what i so love about these videos is that even when it's the saddest mission ever i can still laugh at it haha

  • @Ulises11999
    @Ulises11999 Рік тому +1

    Man im loving these videos, thank you

  • @ex8800
    @ex8800 Рік тому +30

    Arthur’s tuberculosis and jacks diarrhea don’t compare to uncles lumbago

  • @tambourland
    @tambourland Рік тому +1

    Legitimately thought I was watching a scene from a Chris Nolan movie for a sec. The cinematic music behind the fast dialogue really made it.

  • @mentormarcello740
    @mentormarcello740 Рік тому +3

    "Hey pa, I think Im di..
    -You like fishin'?"

  • @literal-gust
    @literal-gust Рік тому +21

    You do like fishing 😂😂😂😂

  • @Shsudejdufuruf
    @Shsudejdufuruf Рік тому +11

    Truly a heartbreaking moment in the story. Micah Bell could only beat Jack if he had diarrhea:(


    Arthur: Open it 😐🤠🧔🏼
    Jack: What? 👦🏻🤨🤒
    Arthur: OPEN IT!! 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
    Jack: Oh oh 😭😭😢😢🤓🤓

  • @SNLfan-ec2ub
    @SNLfan-ec2ub Рік тому +7

    If only this was like a DLC that you could play as jack. This cutscene would’ve fit perfectly in it

    • @Cat-uv7dy
      @Cat-uv7dy Рік тому +1

      You can play as jack in red dead redemption 1

    • @Mr.Pro55k
      @Mr.Pro55k Рік тому


  • @Имя-п2п6ю
    @Имя-п2п6ю Рік тому +4

    Когда в первом классе хочешь уйти с уроков, но для этого приходится идти в медпункт чтобы с имитировать болезнь:

  • @cooperdn24
    @cooperdn24 Рік тому +5

    I like how arthur said you wanna die after jack denies to give him money also he puts the tongue depresser above his head

  • @ZooZwaves
    @ZooZwaves Рік тому +2

    ,,This is about the last moments alive" nearly killed me XDD

  • @ProGamer2805-Thebest
    @ProGamer2805-Thebest 8 місяців тому +1

    It sounded like John pronounced "Do you like fishing?" like "Do yu like fisheng?"

  • @edelweiss-
    @edelweiss- Рік тому +6

    the fact that 4 yo Jack got Money in his pants just made me laugh 🤣

  • @victordagameresteban682
    @victordagameresteban682 Рік тому +2

    You earned yourself a subscriber! These are mad funny! 😂😂

  • @MountainKing-00
    @MountainKing-00 Рік тому +1

    The funniest part was the “this is about your last moments of liiiifffee!!”

  • @nekomancer47
    @nekomancer47 Місяць тому +2

    This feels like one of those fuckin weird dreams that sorta make sense in the moment, but then you wake up and it confuses the hell out of you, then you forget every detail except one hyper specific thing, like Arthur saying “now go fuck them schoolgirls”

  • @spec-y7i-q8r
    @spec-y7i-q8r 4 місяці тому +1

    0:50 bro was helping air for a second

  • @cloudxz92
    @cloudxz92 Рік тому +56

    "Open it!"
    "Open it😡"
    That got me almost killed.😂😂😂

  • @sahilhossain8204
    @sahilhossain8204 10 місяців тому +1

    Lore of Arthur diagnoses Jack with Diarrhea momentum 100

  • @djfaded420
    @djfaded420 7 місяців тому +1

    "Bad news kid.... This is about your last moments alive!" Omg im dead 🤣

  • @BabbleOn777
    @BabbleOn777 8 місяців тому +1

    Oh dear...lmao, that was art.
    Blessed be.

  • @ArthurTheGreat
    @ArthurTheGreat Рік тому +17

    This one was so hilarious 🤣🤣 Definitely masterpiece . Keep it up 👍

  • @mrnekr0ntv
    @mrnekr0ntv 8 місяців тому +2

    Act man brought me here

  • @dogeville5852
    @dogeville5852 Рік тому +1

    I love it how john waited to ask if jack wants to go fishing

  • @brunohmc7242
    @brunohmc7242 Рік тому +14

    OPEN IT!!!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @Angry_Axolotl
    @Angry_Axolotl Рік тому +4

    Saddest scene in gaming history

    • @jdog-tre
      @jdog-tre 8 місяців тому

      I know I almost cried during this scene

  • @PurgeOnRecRoom
    @PurgeOnRecRoom Рік тому +8

    Jack: I guess that's okay :/

  • @windows0202
    @windows0202 9 місяців тому +1

    Little Jack is adorable

  • @DavidRattlehead
    @DavidRattlehead Рік тому +4

    So,this is how Jack dies...
    It's good to know how the last member of the Van der Linde gang had to go.

  • @edelweiss-
    @edelweiss- Рік тому +9

    1:14 when did Arthur said "schoolgirls" lmfao

    • @whiskeytangofoxtrot8006
      @whiskeytangofoxtrot8006 Рік тому +4

      Ikr! Now I wanna know when he says that. This channel has been showing me lines I never heard in this game, and then I have to go play again and listen to every conversation. Lol. You have no idea how long it took me to find Dutch screaming "GODDAMN SNAKES!"

    • @OreganoParsley
      @OreganoParsley Рік тому +2

      Pretty sure it was on the boat robbery with trelawny

  • @JuneHernandez-k6m
    @JuneHernandez-k6m Рік тому +1


  • @pinkguycomments69
    @pinkguycomments69 Рік тому

    "I guess that's okay."

  • @drekxan3267
    @drekxan3267 Місяць тому +1

    "I need your money, tough guy! You wanna die?" a normal doctor in latam
    but in latam he will says "¡dame el dinero, chico duro! ¿queres morirte?"
    but using the coloquial words in latam, maybe can say "a ver pibe, dame la gita o no la contas"

  • @DF_RDR2
    @DF_RDR2 11 місяців тому

    "You're coming with- *coughs heavily*"

  • @shadowindex9850
    @shadowindex9850 Рік тому +1

    "Are you taking me back?"

  • @claudiamarian6517
    @claudiamarian6517 7 місяців тому

    John: -Do you like fishing?
    I almost shed a tear with that inspirational phrase.

  • @cr0wtherr
    @cr0wtherr Рік тому

    “You’re comin’ with m- **WHEEZE**” made me cackle

  • @SoVicariouss
    @SoVicariouss 8 місяців тому +1

    The "rats all of ya... you talked" in the stethoscope took me out

  • @Donbros
    @Donbros Рік тому +1

    Papa Bronte. I love relationship between Jack Bronte and Arthur The Bipolar

  • @TheFunnyDictator
    @TheFunnyDictator Рік тому +2

    That little hand movement at 1:24...

  • @grasped2
    @grasped2 3 місяці тому

    The moment Jack pulls out that banknote, hanging it in the air. Looks kinda funny :D

  • @Doggo_is_sus
    @Doggo_is_sus 7 місяців тому

    This is what is called as absolute 'masterpiece'

  • @FemboyKaiSaku
    @FemboyKaiSaku Рік тому +1

    you earned a subb this was great

  • @Fn0r1Chase
    @Fn0r1Chase Рік тому +1

    This brings back the UA-cam poop memories 😂

  • @CommanderBroShep
    @CommanderBroShep Рік тому +2

    "This is about your last moments alive!"
    "I guess that's okay."
    RDR1 foreshadowing?

  • @JavierEscuella149
    @JavierEscuella149 Рік тому

    " You like fishing?"-RIP Van winkle

  • @linkspokemon4114
    @linkspokemon4114 7 місяців тому

    Jack: my throat still hurts!
    Dutch: ARTHUR!!!

  • @ghostlight279
    @ghostlight279 Рік тому +2

    “Do you like fishing?” 💀💀

  • @igga619
    @igga619 Рік тому +1

    Wow jack has superpowers!! He carried the money without even touching it:D

  • @amandagrubbs3000
    @amandagrubbs3000 Рік тому +1

    Jack: what do you want
    John: Do you like fishing

  • @HAHAHAHOkayThen
    @HAHAHAHOkayThen Рік тому +3

    "OPEN IT"
    "UH OH! "

  • @nizaral-olovy1584
    @nizaral-olovy1584 6 місяців тому

    "dO lIkE fIsHiNg" killed me 😂😂😂😂😂

  • @faridagasiyev7042
    @faridagasiyev7042 Рік тому +2

    So they decided to open a clinic in alternate universe...

  • @JesterTheDeletedUser
    @JesterTheDeletedUser Рік тому

    John Marston casually waiting for Jack: "You like fishin'?" :)