Please help me too identify this QRM. Share the video to someone who would be able to identify.



  • @ivandubinsky1857
    @ivandubinsky1857 6 місяців тому +1

    Atmospheric noise often heard on 10 meters when there is a geomagnetic disturbance in progress. I've never heard it this intense, though, here on the west coast of British Columbia.

  • @daycreek
    @daycreek 4 місяці тому

    With 10 meters open right now and with the advancement of technology (SDR waterfalls) we can now "see" this phenomena from about 25 Mhz up to 30 Mhz (most around 27 Mhz) and it's seen/heard over most of the world. The QRM is caused by RF plastic welding machines used in factories. These machines put out anywhere from 1kW up to 100kW of RF!!! They are used to seal just about any kind of plastic/vinyl and the sealing process lasts for many seconds. This produces the lines that we see on the waterfall of sdr screens.
    Here's an example of a 15kW machine in action:
    These machines should be shielded in Faraday cages but most aren't and their radiating transmissions travel for thousands of miles.

  • @multilecful
    @multilecful 6 місяців тому +2

    This is normal on high sun spot years. It is not man made. I can hear it here in NZ.

  • @digiital
    @digiital 6 місяців тому

    Back in the late 80s and I was on 11m I would hear that noise all the time from CU3 land.

  • @Daniel_3Z9AM
    @Daniel_3Z9AM 6 місяців тому +1

    I see this qrm on 10 meter band many years. If can hear this qrm i know is good propagation pn 10 meter.

  • @dodgydd
    @dodgydd 6 місяців тому +1

    I sometimes get those moving ripples when my PC has started up, noise from the power supply I guess. It's not coming from your laptop is it?

  • @SRBee392_official
    @SRBee392_official 3 місяці тому

    every time I have gone looking at this type of interference its been a switching power supply, have you tried differenct equipment IE your PC, your battery supply that may have a A/C inverter, I have even had cell phone 12v car chargers that thow hash from dc to daylight! no joke, it was absolutely horrible and I thought it was the car....just a $5 cell phone charger! Good luck

  • @zerobow9413
    @zerobow9413 6 місяців тому

    Could be industrial welding systems

  • @pd4dd71
    @pd4dd71 6 місяців тому

    there was a solarstorm a few days ago.. i think sir u are on a amazing hotspot there.

  • @forextraderradioman
    @forextraderradioman 6 місяців тому +1

    I suspect, that you are carrying the "QRM-generator" with you around. Perhaps a USB-Connection from your computer to a connected device, or a switching power supply. Try to run (for a simple test) your whole station from a battery (no power-inverter!) and deconnect any devices from your computer. vy73 from Hamburg/Germany, Dietmar, DL4HAO :)

  • @jorgetorbe2528
    @jorgetorbe2528 6 місяців тому +1

    Magnetic storm?

  • @9w8zzkmohamad59
    @9w8zzkmohamad59 6 місяців тому +1

    This is normal on 10m. Even i am at in kuching sarawak. During i am on 10m ssb this is normal. Not from qrm man made. This is from Ionosphere. Only happen in 10m. Means the band condition is open. Have you try calling cq?

  • @donaldmittelstaedt500
    @donaldmittelstaedt500 6 місяців тому

    Never seen anything like it... if you had said it was only at that location, I'd say it might be the giant antenna in the background, but since it's in many different places, that's just crazy.

  • @VK5IR
    @VK5IR 6 місяців тому +2

    This is very normal for 10m here in VK when conditons are good. They are called atmospherics (we call them "spherics"). It is a good indicator that the band is open.

  • @regularguy519
    @regularguy519 6 місяців тому

    What is the name of the software you are running? Thanks.

    • @JIFD
      @JIFD 6 місяців тому

      Thetis on a Hermes Lite 2

  • @jameskaras4345
    @jameskaras4345 6 місяців тому

    sky waves.hahahaha i agree with some comments below...73

  • @adriaanhedonist7741
    @adriaanhedonist7741 6 місяців тому

    Van de mast , iets verderop.

  • @rttakezo2000
    @rttakezo2000 6 місяців тому

    Welcome to being close to China....