Gen Z Wants Less Sex On Screen

  • Опубліковано 30 лис 2023
  • A new study from UCLA finds Gen Z wants less sex and ambition in their entertainment


  • @KMort
    @KMort 6 місяців тому +253

    More romance, less hookup culture. More sexual tension, less straight up pornographic scenes.
    That would be my gen z preference but cutting these relationships entirely is more than idiotic.

    • @ninjaswordtothehead
      @ninjaswordtothehead 6 місяців тому +48

      I'm an old Gen X and I agree with that idea, too. I don't mind romance and whatnot, but fade to black or something. I'm there to be told a story. If I wanted graphic, I'd go to the hub instead of watching their watered down version.

    • @sigmaramen
      @sigmaramen 6 місяців тому

      A "cuck" is someone who enjoys of gains pleasure from watching others have sex. That's what it is, literal cuckoldry.

    • @Pers0n97
      @Pers0n97 6 місяців тому +11

      @@ninjaswordtothehead Your comment really hilight the problem with gen X, you are way, WAY too quick to categorize basically anything that isn't ultra safe as straight up porn.
      This is why we see time and time again genXers make the cancerous remark that "You only want sexy characters so you can jackoff".
      It is both sad and deeply concerning to the direction your generation is heading toward.

    • @unclerukmer
      @unclerukmer 6 місяців тому +25

      Man, I miss sexual tension. The first two seasons of The Office were undoubtedly the best because of how relatable the sexual tension between Jim and Pam was. It was inevitable that they would eventually get together, but I felt something was lost when they did.

    • @theauntofdragons
      @theauntofdragons 6 місяців тому +13

      When I saw the survey I ASSUMED it meant they didn't need to see sex occur on the screen to convey the characters liked each other. I didn't know it meant a reflection of their own sexless lives. I'm a hopeless romantic but I know Han Solo isn't going to show up on my doorstep because I know that it requires engaging in REAL LIFE NOT via a phone to find a partner. It's quite sad...

  • @edwardperkins1225
    @edwardperkins1225 6 місяців тому +200

    Seeing more platonic friendships if the characters are the same gender would be appreciated. It's an extremely dumb idea that really good friends of the same gender are something other than friends that media has propagated. This has resulted in males (at least) having less friends because they think if they show any interest in friendship people will think it's the other thing.

    • @silverhawkscape2677
      @silverhawkscape2677 6 місяців тому +39

      Exactly. The Alphabets ended up damaging Friendships making everyone as Lonely as they are.
      All they said is that they wanted Equal rights, all we got are Passive Aggressive or aggressive shows of their dominion over us that they clearly enjoy.

    • @ir8free
      @ir8free 6 місяців тому +23

      bromance in buddy films has become homoeroticized after frodo+sam.

      @FULANODETAL 6 місяців тому +14

      @@ir8free ah sam THE hobbit who got 12 CHILDREN...

    • @davebyrd1394
      @davebyrd1394 5 місяців тому +7

      It's funny because I was rewatching Hannibal NBC and I knew Hannibal and Will had a strong bromance and bond towards each and them being fkn quirky weird didn't help lol. But not once did I ever watch and think they were gay for each other. The writer and fans "shipped" them recently.
      But not once did they kiss or have sex which in 13-14 would been big news. But throughout the show we see Hannibal and Will have sex with multiple females never once with each other or guys. But people swear up and down they're gay 😂

    • @silverhawkscape2677
      @silverhawkscape2677 5 місяців тому +3

      @@davebyrd1394 I call this Bi Erasure since they refuse to say it.

  • @Dinosreviews
    @Dinosreviews 6 місяців тому +95

    I’m reminded of the ending of Red Sonja. Not the greatest film ever made, but the main character was female and had a rule that no man could be her partner unless he beat her in a fight. The ending has her fall in love with her equal. That to me is far more progressive than what most writers are capable of today.

    • @Dragblacker
      @Dragblacker 6 місяців тому +15

      But Red Sonja appeals to the "male gaze" and is sexualized; that makes her and her creators "evil". /s

    • @rutgaurxi7314
      @rutgaurxi7314 6 місяців тому

      @@Dragblacker Every woman loves to be sexualized in the eyes of men.
      Yes, even Zeglar types. Especially Zeglar types.

    • @silverhawkscape2677
      @silverhawkscape2677 6 місяців тому

      Now Modern Red Sonja is a Bisexual who wants to get down in pleasure.

    • @Skin_Man
      @Skin_Man 6 місяців тому +3

      Read this and had immediate flashbacks to the story of Atlanta in Greek Mythology

    • @Gyrfalcon312
      @Gyrfalcon312 5 місяців тому +1

      Damn! Now I need to see _Red Sonja_ . 😌

  • @Helux1957
    @Helux1957 6 місяців тому +33

    When sex is represented in a show like "Euphoria" and wealth is so often represented as (now) being in the hands of internet influencers, reality TV personalities, etc., it's no wonder wealth and sex lose their desirability. It's not about the things themselves seeming "bad" as much as they are made to seem vulgar.

  • @hope-cat4894
    @hope-cat4894 6 місяців тому +182

    I'm curious how these questions were asked in the survey. If the reason for this is because Gen Z has seen how oversexed our media has become and how toxic hookup culture is and wants nothing to do with it anymore, I don't blame them. I also feel like modern movies don't write very good romances which also influence this. There's also the increase in divorce and single parent homes which can also affect a child's perception of love and sex which would make them more cautious about choosing partners.

    • @bigd5773
      @bigd5773 6 місяців тому +34

      Completely agree. From what I’ve seen, they first stopped being able to write (well) same-sex friendships. True “brotherhood” disappeared without homosexual overtones (followed closely by overt sexuality. At the same time that very same message in same-sex relationships was reversed. The overt romantic relationships were cut back to subtext then eventually cut out all together.

    • @jakeviolet2195
      @jakeviolet2195 6 місяців тому

      There has not been an increase in divorce in recent years. There has been a decrease since the high water mark of the 70s and 80s. And the kids of that generation (Gen X) were all about sex. Also, our media hasn't been oversexed for at least 15 years. Zoomers aren't old enough to remember when every movie had to have at least one sex scene and some full frontal nudity to push the envelope. The reason Gen Z doesn't care about sex is not because they are taking some moralistic stand. It's because they are burnt out. They grew up in the age of the internet and hardcore pornography available 24/7 on their phones. When I was a teenager, a glimpse of Sharon Stone's pussy in Basic Instinct was enough to blow my mind. Kids today wouldn't even look twice at that. They've watching dirtier stuff on the internet since they were 10 years old and now they are dead inside.

    • @silverhawkscape2677
      @silverhawkscape2677 6 місяців тому

      ​@@bigd5773The Alphabets ended up ruining everything. They wanted representation and made all same sex friendships gay to avoid accusations of Queer baiting even though it's likely because the Alphabets never experienced actual Friendships.

    • @custos3249
      @custos3249 6 місяців тому +9

      That's the odd thing though - even those who see romance as dead and will drone on and on about this or that abusive aspect of relationships and hook up culture will go nuts for hypersexual content and/or otherwise "ship" any and every character in a series. It's the weirdest form of denial I've ever seen.

    • @MarvinHartmann452
      @MarvinHartmann452 6 місяців тому +2

      Divorce happened in the 80s and before. And people still had normal lives afterward.

  • @Grim2
    @Grim2 6 місяців тому +40

    Star Wars and LOTR are, of course, well known for sex scenes. Come on, man...

    • @BiscuitDelivery
      @BiscuitDelivery 4 місяці тому +6

      You don't need sex scenes to have romance or for sexual tension. In the original Star Wars trilogy, there was plenty of sexual tension between Han and Leia, and LOTR had Arwen and Aragon frenching in every movie. Just because they were family friendly didn't mean there was no romance.

  • @qZbGmYjS4QusYqv5
    @qZbGmYjS4QusYqv5 6 місяців тому +328

    I agree with ClownfishTV's take on this problem. Young people yearn for what they lack in real life. Pandering to the shippers and gender identity politics destroyed romance in the movies

    • @thecompareablezombie
      @thecompareablezombie 6 місяців тому +23

      American movies yes, while all other countries are managing so far.

    • @weldsj8847
      @weldsj8847 6 місяців тому +37

      @@thecompareablezombie Odd that it doesn't seem to be working in Japan. They have some of the most titillating media out there while going extinct due to lack of real sex and procreation.

    • @Halbared
      @Halbared 6 місяців тому +16

      @@weldsj8847 Procreation is falling across the West. The life is just too good.

    • @jamesverner9132
      @jamesverner9132 6 місяців тому

      I yearn for peace and quiet. I don't give a duck what clownfish says it's gotten old. Make your own movies if you're so passionate. Otherwise your just being a crybaby reeeing at the world like a Karen.

    • @free_at_last8141
      @free_at_last8141 6 місяців тому +25

      North Koreans sing about food. Americans sing about love. We all sing about what we can't have.

  • @kristofgriffin384
    @kristofgriffin384 6 місяців тому +251

    I've nothing against aromatic/asexual characters, but it's getting annoying how almost every show or movie has to have a lead that has zero interest in romance. Yes, it's good to show that you don't need to find a romantic partner to be content with your life, but I think it's equally damaging if that's all you show them. Most people do want to find that someone, settle down, and maybe even start a family. Just because there are people that don't want that doesn't mean you need to change the entire landscape of entertainment to cater to them.

    • @thecompareablezombie
      @thecompareablezombie 6 місяців тому +20

      This here is an important take.

    • @oliverford5367
      @oliverford5367 6 місяців тому +17

      I watched the 2018 Tomb Raider recently and that's what it was lacking. Lara spends the night on a muscular Chinese guy's boat and they stay in separate rooms.
      I wanted some passion.

    • @PatsyIsDrunk
      @PatsyIsDrunk 6 місяців тому +1

      Only losers "want to find that someone, blah, blah, blah," I live more of a life than my married mates, a lot more of a life. Plus, it's more about adventure than getting laid. So many people get sucked into family, mortgage, other debt, which forces them to spend more time working than with family.
      The corporations and the Government want you with kids and debt, then you can't tell your boss to shove it, they own you. The ancient Romans said if you work for a wage, then you're a slave, they were right. Family, debt, and children is indenturing yourself.
      I wish you all the best.

    • @Ultrasteel
      @Ultrasteel 6 місяців тому +9

      @krist While I do think bonding like that and starting families is important, I should stress that people get the idea that heterosexuality or being gay/lesbian/asexual defines their whole character. There is so much more to a male or female character, first, make them relatable to the audience.

    • @planescaped
      @planescaped 6 місяців тому +16

      Too many "forever alones" in Hollywood working as writers.

  • @LouStarry
    @LouStarry 5 місяців тому +13

    Funny my take away from the original study is, they’re tired of every friendship being a “are they gay for each other?” On tv. It’s never just two friends of the same sex anymore, there’s always a motive to make them gay

  • @SergioLeonardoCornejo
    @SergioLeonardoCornejo 6 місяців тому +33

    I'll say it's in part zoomers being programmed to become puritanical and lonely and part awfully written scenes and relationships.

  • @svenhans662
    @svenhans662 6 місяців тому +11

    Sex is easy to find online, what gen z can’t find are examples of positive genuine human relationships.

  • @doughauck57
    @doughauck57 6 місяців тому +186

    Can't say I'm surprised. I have listened to my Gen Z kids talk with their friends, watched their entertainment, etc., and I notice that they seem to have a poor opinion of sex and romance overall. This goes even for those who literally define themselves by their sexual orientation. (I suspect the huge uptick in LGBT identification among their generation is related to this - it's really easy to be "gay" when you're not actually screwing anyone. But I think that makes you just "really good friends".)
    The other thing I have noticed is a big increase in the use of "creep" and "creepy" to describe behaviors prior generations considered perfectly normal. "So Jen says this guy came up to her in the coffee shop and asked for her number. Eeeww! Creep much?" Meanwhile, in my college years, this girl once followed me out of the classroom, down the hall, and into a whole different building to ask me if I wanted to go out sometime. We've been married for going on 25 years now.
    I think this is being fed to them by their entertainment, but not necessarily by Hollywood. I think it comes more from online influencers and meme culture, and is more a case of constant repetition of a message among peers leading to more extreme opinions, than anything that is coming down at them from above. Hollywood is just following the trend, not leading it.

    • @LunaticReason
      @LunaticReason 6 місяців тому

      I think its more natural for them to be "gay"' or asexual as the desire to create the nuclear family has diminished. The heteronormative pair bonding has seemed to decline. Hell even dating between both sexes has become jaded and toxic opting to give up on it entirely. Men are seen as threatening, Women are shallow and ungrateful. As they say the juice wasnt worth the squeeze. Society has friendzoned itself.

    • @Pers0n97
      @Pers0n97 6 місяців тому

      Totally agree on the LGBT thing.
      There is a good reason why more and more of these made up sexuality have nothing to do with being homosexual, but rather be literal posing like "demisexual" and "asexual".

    • @planescaped
      @planescaped 6 місяців тому +39

      Social media and internet culture has bled into reality and warped a lot of peoples perspectives of human interaction.
      On the internet everyone is anonymous, people are unknowable and strange. And we have a whole generation who have grown up on the internet and see interweb behavior as normal, and it has affected the way they view people in the real world.
      Approaching anyone is much more difficult these days because, as you said, a lot of people have massive walls up at all times, and see any interaction the same way one sees a shitposter online.
      The more internet and reality merged, the lamer _both_ became.

    • @jg3000
      @jg3000 6 місяців тому

      China is leading it.

    • @silverhawkscape2677
      @silverhawkscape2677 6 місяців тому +32

      ​@@schmiggidy Emo, Hippie and Goth didn't require you cause permanent bodily damage. Hench why you can walk away from those phases.
      But this era will be our era of Labotomy. Hope we can answer our kids why we Mutilated Thousands of Teens over this stuff.

  • @bigd5773
    @bigd5773 6 місяців тому +97

    To be fair, I’m Gen X and agree. It’s not that I have a problem with attractive people or “sex”, but modern writers seem incapable of writing friendships.
    Not sure EVERY relationship has to be sexualized. It makes me sad for these writers and worried for the watchers.

    • @mattd5240
      @mattd5240 6 місяців тому

      They're mostly horny degenerates.

    • @silverhawkscape2677
      @silverhawkscape2677 6 місяців тому +4

      Friends with Benefits ruoned Friendships.

    • @kathrineici9811
      @kathrineici9811 5 місяців тому +3

      Because the writers have never had a friend

    • @notthegreatestdetective
      @notthegreatestdetective 3 місяці тому


    • @CanofArizona
      @CanofArizona 27 днів тому

      Millenial myself and I agree with that. I'm of the opinion if it doesn't do anything for the story, don't include it. Not everyone needs to fall in love with someone or needs there to be sexual tension.

  • @CG-MP
    @CG-MP 6 місяців тому +40

    personally I want romance, but less sex. characters with chemistry falling for each other is fantastic, but I'm not interested in watching the actual sex scenes. A nice PG13 making out, fall on bed, lights out--that's enough to get the message across. So when some of us say they want less sex, they don't mean everyone should be asexual!

    • @notthegreatestdetective
      @notthegreatestdetective 3 місяці тому

      agreed, never felt like outright sex scenes are needed, you don't need to see body parts or sex faces to enhance the story or care about the character, i just think excluding all notions and suggestions of any of it makes it all feel meaningless to a degree

  • @NormieNerddom
    @NormieNerddom 6 місяців тому +97

    Gen Z grew up on MeToo so every bit of human romanticism is now seen as problematic. Utterly ridiculous.

    • @mightquinnable
      @mightquinnable 5 місяців тому

      Most scandals in the modern age is sexual in nature so they look down on it

    • @WillieFungo
      @WillieFungo 5 місяців тому +26

      Incorrect. Every bit of straight male sexual desire is seen as problematic. Everything else is fine.

    • @thibaldus3
      @thibaldus3 5 місяців тому +19

      @@WillieFungo This. A straight romance is either forbidden or will have the man invariably grovel to a better woman more masculine than him.

  • @thinkwithurdipstick
    @thinkwithurdipstick 6 місяців тому +60

    I can understand what they mean if they’re talking about blatant and gratuitous displays of sexual content in tv shows. It seems like after GoT every show now has to have that, even at times when it isn’t warranted. You can have a tv show include romance without it becoming outright pornography, but subtlety is a dying art and showrunners are rapidly forgetting this.

    • @mightquinnable
      @mightquinnable 5 місяців тому

      But I like gratuitous sex in film tho, I don’t see the problem with it

    • @alexgomez6723
      @alexgomez6723 4 місяці тому

      @@mightquinnableMaybe cause you’re a porn addict.

    • @notthegreatestdetective
      @notthegreatestdetective 3 місяці тому +1

      iwkym, there's a fine line between over-the-top romance and sex in media and a complete lack-there-of, if gen z or gen alpha don't like it cause they can't get it themselves, that shouldn't mean no one else gets to enjoy it

  • @bannedmann4469
    @bannedmann4469 6 місяців тому +56

    Are we equating sex with romance? I for one definitely want less gay relationships, cause woke writers can’t understand close platonic relationships. Woke shipper culture.

    • @retsaMoN
      @retsaMoN 6 місяців тому +15

      romance in movies=good. Random shoved in sex scenes that are forced=bad. That's the way I see it. They can just imply that someone had sex, they don't need to show it in a very forced scene all the time, unless it's an adult r rated film.

    • @theceoofeggmansempire5214
      @theceoofeggmansempire5214 4 місяці тому +4

      Using word "woke" unironically is cringy.

  • @holywarz
    @holywarz 6 місяців тому +126

    Boy, the WEF has really done a number on these kids.

    • @dragonskunkstudio7582
      @dragonskunkstudio7582 6 місяців тому +18

      The World Economic Forum?

    • @jimmyb79
      @jimmyb79 6 місяців тому


    • @thecompareablezombie
      @thecompareablezombie 6 місяців тому +21

      @@dragonskunkstudio7582 Yes

    • @Rhamsody
      @Rhamsody 6 місяців тому +13

      Yep. I think we're the last stand against them. After that, they win. 😣

    • @chamuuemura5314
      @chamuuemura5314 6 місяців тому

      Somehow I see the future as a rivalry between the CCP, ISIS, and the WEF. The fun!

  • @mrbigglezworth42
    @mrbigglezworth42 6 місяців тому +7

    I think it's less "we don't want to see sex on screen" and more "stop showing us weird degenerate fetish material". Bros is the first that comes to mind, and that was a objective failure on a number of levels.

  • @frankberry6220
    @frankberry6220 6 місяців тому +12

    Dear Echo,
    What Connery failed to mention is that these days the Prom Queen is far more likely to 'Me Too' the winner.

  • @Ezey420
    @Ezey420 6 місяців тому +57

    Good, 99% of sex scenes are pointless anyway. There is enough degenerate crap out there already.

    • @heinoustentacles5719
      @heinoustentacles5719 6 місяців тому +3

      like pot, and rap music.

    • @Ezey420
      @Ezey420 6 місяців тому +7

      @@heinoustentacles5719 Smoking doesn't automatically make you a degenerate but wanting pornography in movies, TV and video games does. Nice try tho.
      As for rap I actually kind of agree with you but don't act like every rap song ever made is negative.

    • @Eldeecue
      @Eldeecue Місяць тому

      @@Ezey420 As long as there's still pornography in my pornography....

  • @ab-gail
    @ab-gail 6 місяців тому +72

    I see your point though I would say Hollywood, activists and hook up culture have made sex and relationships seem so gross that they don’t want to see it anymore. I for one would like more well written friendships and romances and less GOT type “graphic sex but there’s plot said over it so it’s fine.” Hollywood just isn’t doing relationships well anymore.

    • @kitalalaris
      @kitalalaris 5 місяців тому +8

      George Martin and GOT were a mistake.

    • @ir8free
      @ir8free 5 місяців тому +5

      Hollyweird's kinky porn started before the 90s.
      The aftermath of the Hays Code was profound.

    • @sirrathersplendid4825
      @sirrathersplendid4825 4 місяці тому +2

      Some of the recent sexual relationships in film have been just atrocious. No chemistry. No build up or tension. They just take their kit off as if sitting down to a meal. Especially worthy of criticism is “Foundation” based on Asimov’s series of books.

    • @sirrathersplendid4825
      @sirrathersplendid4825 4 місяці тому +1

      @@kitalalaris- I absolutely adored some of the love scenes in Game of Thrones. As graphic as the violence and equally surprising.

  • @British_Rogue
    @British_Rogue 6 місяців тому +61

    A reminder: Those percentages are less than 50%. Therefore, those people are in the minority. Most people want sex and romantic relationships on-screen.

    • @ajaxrosso1
      @ajaxrosso1 6 місяців тому +2

      You proved you think like a goldfish

    • @carpetbomb8986
      @carpetbomb8986 6 місяців тому +5

      Thank you, i couldnt figure out how to say it. But that minority is definitely affecting those of us who are actually interested in romance and sex.

    • @Pers0n97
      @Pers0n97 6 місяців тому +2

      So... just because a clear shift is happening but still doesn't represent a paradigm shift means that it doesn't count?

    • @redshirtacademymortuary4848
      @redshirtacademymortuary4848 6 місяців тому +2

      But it begs the question: just how many tens of millions sincerely represent that "less than 50%"? That's the real disaster here.

    • @British_Rogue
      @British_Rogue 6 місяців тому +1

      @@Pers0n97 Learn to read words as written, rather than interpreting them.

  • @jimmyb79
    @jimmyb79 6 місяців тому +16

    The sample was taken via UCLA, so assuming it would be skewed towards Californian ideology?

    • @fattiger6957
      @fattiger6957 6 місяців тому +7

      I think it is more than fair to assume that. Young people have had pretty specific preferences in their entertainment for thousands of years. It didn't suddenly change in one generation.

  • @Maniac1607
    @Maniac1607 6 місяців тому +14

    Because it's constantly thrown in our faces in the media and in pop culture and people are tired of it. Familiarity breeds contempt.
    There's nothing mystical or magical about sex anyway.

  • @jarchack
    @jarchack 6 місяців тому +57

    Some of the most successful shows throughout my 60+ years of watching television were steeped in sexual tension. That includes everything from "I dream of Jeannie" through "the X-Files". Nobody needed to take their clothes off.

    • @ir8free
      @ir8free 5 місяців тому +5

      the ongoing daytime soap operas have sexualized men more than women.

    • @jakerutherford3380
      @jakerutherford3380 4 місяці тому

      Jeannie was fine as fuck

  • @AAjax
    @AAjax 6 місяців тому +10

    Gen X here. I don't mind romantic partners being a plot element - a reason for alliance, tension between characters, etc., but I really don't care for extended make-out/sex scenes that have taken over many modern stories. Far from being titillating, it just feels like lazy, boring filler to me.
    The nudity and sex scenes in GoT felt like it was put there for people that were too uptight to scratch that itch elsewhere.

  • @Qaligrafia
    @Qaligrafia 6 місяців тому +53

    Gen Z is the first generation that grew up exposed to the overabundance of erotic content available on the internet, something that millennials only had access to as adults. Maybe this overexposure has caused an exhaustion in this generation. I don't know, I'm just guessing.

    • @mazkeraid4039
      @mazkeraid4039 6 місяців тому

      I was born before the times of the 2k10s and onwards.

    • @lilbroomstick7914
      @lilbroomstick7914 6 місяців тому +10

      I think thats part of it, but for sure social media and dating apps has had a greater impact by far in the socially awkward romantically awkwardness of gen z. There was nothing like social media or dating apps before. We have always had lewd/erotic content

    • @notthegreatestdetective
      @notthegreatestdetective 3 місяці тому

      idk myself, i grew up before alot of internet existed, the earliest stuff i grew up with was chat rooms, and those were mostly just to talk, that being said i'm the most awkward person i've ever known so i don't think when we're born matters but how we deal with it i guess@@lilbroomstick7914

  • @Dragblacker
    @Dragblacker 6 місяців тому +10

    I really don't see that it's a good idea to complain about the "desexualization" of pop culture from the Right. Especially when the Right is supposed to be about family values, sexual morality, etc. You CAN go after Hollywood, et al for their moral hypocrisy on the issue, but to complain that "XYZ girl character isn't being sexually suggestive for me" isn't going to fly with normies, much less left-liberals who are honest about the issue. If anything it may drive them further into the "woke, anti-patriarchy" mindset.

    • @heinoustentacles5719
      @heinoustentacles5719 6 місяців тому

      I don't know if this guy is actually on the Right (actually I think he's explicitly stated that he's liberal). Wanting things to be sexier is obviously a liberal position. You don't have to be on the right to dislike wokeness, in fact, some of the first people in the online sphere who started complaining about SJWs in the early 2010s were liberal atheists (like thunderf00t or The Amazing Atheist), and they were specifically complaining that political correctness was bringing down the Atheist movement.

  • @luthfinicolasereni5595
    @luthfinicolasereni5595 5 місяців тому +9

    I do crave romance in movies but not sex scenes, why? If I want to watch sex scenese, I go watch porn, not movies.

  • @fattiger6957
    @fattiger6957 6 місяців тому +69

    Yeah, I doubt the results and/or the methodology of that survey. It is very easy to skew statistics and this is from UCLA, a far left establishment. I have a hard time believing the preferences of young people suddenly changed after having very similar tastes for thousands of years.
    I do feel sorry for Gen-Z kids. Their perceptions are so warped by the media and the internet that they don't know what to believe or what to believe in anymore. I'm not a religious person, but I do think people need something to believe in. Something to anchor them. Nihilism leads to depression.

    • @billybussey
      @billybussey 6 місяців тому +9

      what! I personally know many gen z people and this is all definitely true. They would rather play video games than try to date or become romantic. Masturbation is way easier than actually falling in love.

    • @davidgg8318
      @davidgg8318 5 місяців тому

      You know, I think that the gals of Gen Z and below are simply not interested in sex or in relationships for that matter. They show little to no interest in men it seems and prefer their group of gals. To be fair, guys do this too with their friends. Men lost interest in sex because our masculinity has been reduced due to it being seen as problematic. So a lot of guys my age are just giving up and going to pron and video games. It's a hell of a lot cheaper and easier than an actual woman. I'm still trying my best, working on myself to get the real deal, but this stuff is exhausting and seems pointless when gals just always have the same excuse that they're not looking for a relationship. Either they are lying or they are telling the truth. Both outcomes are worrisome for the future.

    • @Sigard14
      @Sigard14 5 місяців тому

      ​@@davidgg8318yeah in my opinion I don't think the women are not interested and not doing it as much. I do completely agree more of the gen z guys are those ones not really caring as much anymore and would rather just get a substitute from something online.

  • @ernestcamboriii4809
    @ernestcamboriii4809 6 місяців тому +6

    Make it make sense that society is so hypersexualized but it's still somehow worth complaining that the newer generation is having less sex. I thought conservatives would prefer that there were LESS children born out of wedlock?

  • 6 місяців тому +25

    if you remove romance, you destroy one of the strongest human motivators. what we do for love can push us into extreme circumstances. take that away, and it's no wonder modern stories lack any "stakes" which is a common complaint

    • @crab5862
      @crab5862 23 дні тому

      it's a good thing platonic and familial love still exist

    • @saadiahahmaddaud1991
      @saadiahahmaddaud1991 16 днів тому

      That's why I don't like western drama movies, they portray love and romantic relationships as hook up culture sex, even relationships as friends or with strangers, western movies portray as sex, I'm more interested in love stories from Korea and from Turkish drama movies there are various kind of not just about sex

  • @Sidera17
    @Sidera17 6 місяців тому +34

    I'd be interested to see a survey on Gen Z's take on gratuitous violence in movies, as well as complex multi-layered works about the messiness of being alive. Or even their take on some of the amoral character protagonist-driven dramas, like plopping them into a David Fincher screening. I suspect that they will want a reduction in all these things as well.
    I associate the lack of desire for sex and romance in film to two things:
    1. An overarching fear of the emotional complexities and messiness that comes with adult life
    2. Due to this fear generationally, a gravitation towards queer-based media not just because of representation, but because queerness is sold to younger generations as part of a relational package that is "outside" of heteronormativity, which they are told is oppressive, dangerous, and toxic.
    It scares me as an older millennial that, while we as millennials were always seen as the Nostalgia Bait generation, Gen Z hovers around the bandwidth of desiring adult content that mimics children's cartoons in style and complexity and messaging.

    • @alecperdeau650
      @alecperdeau650 6 місяців тому +9

      That last paragraph basically described Steven Universe, The Owl House, RWBY, She-Ra and The Princesses of Power and every other show that we've been told 100 times is for kids while being filled with adult themes.

    • @Sidera17
      @Sidera17 6 місяців тому +3

      @@alecperdeau650 Oh wow, you're right! (I'd say ATLA does this well too). A lot of those shows lean heavily into queer themes more than normal (in a good way I felt that didn't totally corrupt the show with The Message) and did explore adult themes, But you're right-- it was still explored in a "kid way.". I can't put my finger on what the writing difference fundamentally is, but they were not "adult" in tone or complexity.
      To use a medical metaphor, we can eat nutritious food in childhood, but it must be softer. In adulthood, we no longer need to eat soft food alone for nutrition, though we can. It scares me that Gen Z seems to only want to continue to eat soft food, if that makes any sense in the metaphor.

    • @faynarawn4164
      @faynarawn4164 6 місяців тому +6

      Fellow older millennial here, and I'm also concerned that sex is demonized while violence gets a pass. I agree with your theories and I'll suggest a third cause: a strange new kind of Puritanism where people are scared to be perceived by others as interested in sex. They make a performance of criticizing sexual content outwardly, while secretly consuming it. This is obvious in the banal argument to "just watch p*rn", which comes across to me as obvious projection.

    • @Sidera17
      @Sidera17 6 місяців тому +6

      @@faynarawn4164 Yes, agreed. And it's weird demonization of sex not for the traditional reasons or moral purity or fear of STDs/pregnancy. It folds into all that virtue-signalling crap where things like gender is relative, and body positivity is in. If you don't want to sleep w a certain type of person, you could be a "bigot." or you have to adopt a ton of this other behavioral baggage.
      At least in hetero circles, sexual behavior is seen as predatory because MeToo swung the pendulum so far in one direction men are afraid to approach women now.
      Then add how social media is fueling unrealistic standards of beauty w filters and level of access to people. Everyone has to look like they're wearing an instagram filter. The grass is always greener.
      Interestingly enough, Gen Z is responsible for the rise in situationships. Relationships without a label, and all the social responsibility and interpersonal responsibility that goes with it. Again, to me that just indicates an avoidance of complex, adult subjects and behavior, only in this case concerning relational attachment (separate from sex.)

    • @nolanwine5062
      @nolanwine5062 5 місяців тому +1

      beautifully said, highly underrated comment

  • @StarsManny
    @StarsManny 6 місяців тому +7

    I think they want to see more romance and less sex.

  • @killgriffinnow
    @killgriffinnow 6 місяців тому +81

    "Gen Z wants more stories focusing on lives like their own".
    THAT'S IT, society is dead, R.I.P. Why on GOD'S EARTH would you want stories (that are usually meant to be escapism) to focus on "lives like your own"? "Oh, you want me to read The Lord Of The Rings? Sorry, that doesn't have enough Starbucks, Cappacinos and TikTok videos in it! That doesn't reflect "lives like my own"."
    What we are seeing is the death of imagination. The death of the idea that the world can be a better place, the death of the idea that any kind of world exist outside of our own narrow, limited points of view. I'm 100x more conerned about this than "sex" or whatever.

    • @chasehedges6775
      @chasehedges6775 6 місяців тому +13

      I’m a Gen Z 2001 young adult and this is just saddening.

    • @chasehedges6775
      @chasehedges6775 6 місяців тому +10

      I’m so glad I wasn’t born in this 2020 decade

    • @killgriffinnow
      @killgriffinnow 6 місяців тому +9

      @@chasehedges6775 "Alas for the mailed warrior!
      Alas for the splendour of the prince!
      How that time has passed away,
      dark under the cover of night,
      as if it never were."

    • @AmbiguousMan724
      @AmbiguousMan724 6 місяців тому

      The "woke" propaganda is working in the young.

    • @johnnymidnight2982
      @johnnymidnight2982 6 місяців тому +19

      Many of these new films and shows are directed and/or produced by women. It makes the entire plots gynocentric. Women tend to insert themselves into fiction and the new fanservice demands that the characters not only be relatable, but the audience be inserted into the production. Men are a more passive audience. They don't want Luke Skywalker or Indiana Jones to be them, but they will be inspired by these folk heroes.

  • @fermentedcinema4892
    @fermentedcinema4892 6 місяців тому +25

    Romance requires working with someone and compromise, which goes against the selfish narcissistic culture surrounding Gen Z. So this makes perfect sense to me.

    • @lilbroomstick7914
      @lilbroomstick7914 6 місяців тому +4

      Imo the biggest narcissists of gen z are the ones who are addicted to their social media, and the type to go on "foodie dates". Not everyone in gen z is a narcissist, but they unfortunately have a pool of the social media addicted, foodie date type to pick from

  • @AwFiddleStickss
    @AwFiddleStickss 6 місяців тому +26

    Zoomer here. Why exactly is decreasing the amount of sex scenes a bad thing? Like okay I grew up watching stoner comedies and raunchy comedy that millennials thought was peak humor and every time a sex scene was onscreen it was the most awkward thing I’ve ever seen, especially in groups with multiple people watching. Who are these scenes even for? I enjoy the movies I mentioned and still dislike the scenes. You can still have human interaction without two actors having really awkward over the pants pretend sex. Very bizarre that people defend this.

    • @cinemint
      @cinemint 6 місяців тому +5

      I'm a Christian. I refuse to watch sex scenes, and I appreciate that there are less of them. What worries me is that this seems to be indicative of a deeper societorial problem. People are just as horny as ever, but without morals, what's keeping them back?
      It's because there is a decoupling of intimacy from friendship. These are kids raised on porn who don't think sex is anything but compromise and problems. This is a generation that has no aspirations and won't have kids. This is a small problem, but it's a symptom of a greater issue.
      Right now, we aren't meeting the rate of replacement in any Western country. Our economy is *built* on people having children. We can import immigrants, but only for so long - their rate of replacement is low, too. I predict we are less than 100 years away from a complete societorial collapse not unlike the fall of the Bronze Age.

    • @AwFiddleStickss
      @AwFiddleStickss 6 місяців тому +18

      ⁠@@cinemintHow exactly is the widespread acceptance of less sex in our generation correlating to a greater societal depravity? I fail to see the connection. If anything, a rampantly sexual society has a higher correlation with societal collapse and depravity. The abandonment of modesty and sexual reservation in the 70s and 80s directly led to a slew of problems that still affect the social climate of the US today. Rampant STDs, fatherless children, and a hedonistic pursuit of animalistic tendencies and to embrace these as the “cool” thing.
      Personally, I don’t care about children nor the economy profiting off of the labor of people. It can all collapse for all I care. Might even occur in my lifetime. It is amusing seeing people attack my generation for literally every single thing we do and don’t do though. And then they wonder why we loathe them.

    • @tym9080
      @tym9080 6 місяців тому +1

      Because these people are grifters. Everything bad is good, everything good is bad. Gen z is right to want overly sexual perverted awkward sex scenes out of movies

    • @anneoneal3865
      @anneoneal3865 6 місяців тому

      On the up side, if things fall apart that badly, I won't have to listen to a bunch of self obsessed wingnuts screeching in my ears anymore.
      Finally, some peace and quiet!

    • @MilleniumFalconSuperCool74
      @MilleniumFalconSuperCool74 6 місяців тому

      @@AwFiddleStickss It correlates because more people are happy to live in the fantasy porn provides: that people’s perception of sex is one of idly fulfilling one’s own sexual desire divorced from the humanity and messiness of a relationship between two human beings.
      You say you don’t care about the economy or the population, but it’s exactly those two things that keep your comfy, first-world life chugging along. That misanthropy is exactly why people talk shit about your generation.

  • @OldyAlbert
    @OldyAlbert 6 місяців тому +15

    It's interesting because that doesn't mean they don't want characters to be sexy nesseserally. Like in One Piece there's 1085 episodes where nobody have romantic relationships but male characters are jacked and women are half naked with giant boobs. So i don't think this study means what you think it means, but i could be wrong. I myself don't care for romantic stories much, but i still want women to be feminine and men to be masculine.

    • @Yoshiedude
      @Yoshiedude 6 місяців тому +3

      I think it comes down to the fact that people don't understand that yo can have your cake and eat it too. One Piece and Dragon Ball are a male power fantasy that don't involve getting with a pretty girl. Just getting stronger and becoming a better version of yourself. I think this videos issue is that its made with a stereotypical Hollywood lens. I agree with you on this study.

  • @DmytroBogdan
    @DmytroBogdan 2 місяці тому +1

    They picked LA for such surveys very deliberately. I bet somewhere in Texas the results would be completely opposite

  • @enginepy
    @enginepy 6 місяців тому +8

    They also have access to porn online and many young people apparently watch it more than previous generations. So the poorly acted sex scenes in movies don’t really do much for them. Kinda like the derivative poorly acted and choreographed fight scenes in superhero movies. They are just a waste of time.

  • @atillathehungry3145
    @atillathehungry3145 6 місяців тому +12

    That is misleading. The question was is sex needed for the plot of most tv shows and movies. The obvious answer is sexual intercourse is not necessary for plot while sexual inuendo and flirting and romance are different. And the numbers are all MINORITIES.

  • @lodrezzon
    @lodrezzon 6 місяців тому +51

    I live by one rule. If Gen Z says it or thinks it, it's wrong. If anyone doubted the power of media on kids, just look at Gen Z. These poor kids don't know if they're coming or going, if they're men or women, if free speech is worth protecting, or if twerking while listening to rap songs is the key to long lasting love and happiness. Growing up in the 70s, my biggest problem was deciding if I wanted a double whopper with cheese or another Jawa Star Wars figure with cloth hood. The 80s was tougher, having to decide whether Duran Duran or the Police was cooler. Now in my 50s, it's obvious it was the Police. But at the time, it wasn't so obvious. Chess King ONLY sold Duran Duran type clothing, so it swayed my impressionable mind. Thankfully, I survived to wear hoodies and sweatpants like everyone else these days.
    I try to keep in mind we all have our struggles as we grow up, but we ALL arrive in the same place in the end. Fat, and devoid of hope.

    • @SergioLeonardoCornejo
      @SergioLeonardoCornejo 6 місяців тому +1

      I agree. And, as a writer, I basically take the classics and Eastern writing, as reference. Because these new generations are not capable of good taste.

    • @marbellaotaiza801
      @marbellaotaiza801 6 місяців тому +1

      Komm Susser Tod

    • @PelouseMan666
      @PelouseMan666 6 місяців тому +4


    • @thedualtransition6070
      @thedualtransition6070 6 місяців тому +6

      You sound like my grandfather when I was a teenager in the 1970s!

  • @nonyabidness4894
    @nonyabidness4894 6 місяців тому +20

    The answer is probably less porn. Porn has messed young people up but no one wants to talk about that do they?

  • @___m___111
    @___m___111 6 місяців тому +27

    It seems to me (just my experience) that romance is still heavily desired and people really enjoy it in media, its just not needed in every single genre of media, so people who dont care for it rnt forced to watch it. That being said i know i would find a lot of things boring as hell if they took out the romance in it. As for sex, it makes perfect sense, we cant even open social media to look at something funny or talk to our friends without seeing half naked girls in adds promoting onlyfans all the time it just ruins ur mood. Its so overdone in every form of media its just annoying. Not to mention we all had to deal with friends with a prn addiciton as well as awkwardly watching that crap with our parents growing up since everything just has to have a sex scene in it. Either way i think the want to make it "more abt their own lives" only applies to a small minority bc most of us enjoy stories that are actually interesting and exciting.

  • @kevinarmstrong478
    @kevinarmstrong478 6 місяців тому +3

    Thankfully that was a UCLA study. I wonder what real people think?
    Great vid, thanks.

  • @Thx1138sober
    @Thx1138sober 6 місяців тому +10

    I'm sure glad I grew up in the 70s when teens and young adults were mostly interested in sex, drugs and rock n roll.

    • @AwFiddleStickss
      @AwFiddleStickss 6 місяців тому +1

      Ah yes the degenerate beginnings of the American social collapse being praised by a Gen Xer. Must be a day that ends in Y

    • @NewOrderOfAlexandria
      @NewOrderOfAlexandria 5 місяців тому

      Most still are, these are just twitter tw@ts

    • @AwFiddleStickss
      @AwFiddleStickss 5 місяців тому +1

      @@NewOrderOfAlexandria Definitely not true. We’re the least openly promiscuous - while remaining the most salacious - generation in a long time. “Rock n roll” has been dead for decades.

    • @kathrineici9811
      @kathrineici9811 5 місяців тому

      Have fun with the hepatitis and AIDS

  • @dutchrjen
    @dutchrjen 6 місяців тому +7

    For Sabine it doesn't make any sense. I wrote the below somewhere else.
    If a girl is going to throw an ENTIRE galaxy under the bus to just see someone she last saw ten years ago that shit has to be sold. Every single death in the galaxy from Thrawn and the Night Mothers will be partially her fault. Her character ranking dropped down to Holdo level. I'm not looking for a sex scene. Her reasons to love Ezra would be quite pure.
    "She did not give the map to Baylan to SAVE Ezra, she gave it to SEE Ezra. This was backed up by statements from Baylan and Thrawn.
    Why did Filoni throw out the concept of "found family?" Sabine called her entire Ghost crew her found family which includes Hera, Zeb, Jacen, and Chopper. She could have been a fighter pilot on Hera's ship and hung out with Jacen and Chopper if she wanted family. She's a beautiful woman and galactic famous war hero so she could have formed a family if she wanted to also.
    What was so special about Ezra????? Why was Ezra her only family???? She put the rest of her found family in mortal danger, her galaxy in danger, and gave up the chance to see anything she has ever known and also risking upsetting Ezra by undoing his sacrifice just to SEE Ezra. She had no reason to believe she'd save him at that point. Why did Filoni retconn who her family was?
    When Sabine gave the map to Baylan her best-case scenario was not getting killed by the villains, getting to the other galaxy, and then getting stranded with Ezra.
    She kicks her feet up and tells him NOTHING about the hyperspace ring. The SD could leave at any point. She made no attempts to get him off of Peridia until Ahsoka arrived a day later out of the blue. No effort was made to move closer to the SD or to tell Ezra what was happening. She thought Ahsoka was dead. She had no way of knowing Ahsoka would arrive.
    She was perfectly okay with getting stranded with Ezra and never seeing another human being again. This is a "soulmate" level action and not one to see a friend she knew 10 years ago. It was level 10 crazy but level 2 with displayed emotions.
    She says "it's complicated" whenever asked any important question by Ezra. Generally, this means a woman is going to get vulnerable and is going to look bad if she answers the questions. It was not actually complicated but it would make her look bad and Ezra would be asking the same questions I am here. Those questions could have told the audience important information.
    I still do not understand Sabine's actions. If we define "in love with" as willing to give up everything to spend the rest of her life with him then this is what she would be.
    If she was in love with Ezra giving him up to save Ahsoka would have a hell of a lot more meaning. That would put her closer to being redeemed than otherwise and it would explain her crazy Ezra obsession.
    Why did Filoni have the girl that was almost the same age as Ezra be the one to go crazy to SEE Ezra?
    She could not have put more under the bus to just SEE Ezra. She put as much under the bus as Anakin did.
    I don't understand her character or exactly what Ezra is to her.
    If she wants to be with Ezra but was too chicken to say anything then she would be suffering consequences for her actions. She put so much on the line to see him.
    She would look a hell of a lot better this way. I liked her character in Rebels and don't want her character assassinated.
    If she does love him this much and gave him up, then that would be like Anakin giving up Padme. She went back to save Ahsoka instead of being with Ezra.
    The 0 to 100 force thing and her actions not making sense fundamentally breaks her character.
    The "Ezra is my friend" stuff just doesn't work. No one goes this insane over a friend or brother. There is a whole horde of hormones that are released for love interests or for a parent's children as an adult and not for brothers or sisters.
    Her character was quite botched.
    Primarily I want Sabine to suffer the consequences for her actions and LEARN from them. Not because I hate her but because this is part of a character arc. I would be good for her to be away from Ezra after what she did BUT also for her to reveal she is in love with him and that it hurts for her to be away.
    I also want to like Ahsoka. Ahsoka let Sabine off the hook too, easily.
    If Sabine is really suffering from being away from Ezra again then this serves both of these purposes.
    I want to like both these characters again.
    Sabine's actions were level 10 and based on emotion but level 2 on displayed emotion.
    They fell completely flat. Sabine was so focused to SEE Ezra then when he's gone, she looks like "ohh well." She helped unleash a galactic war that may kill billions. I'd be vomiting and distrought.
    If any action should have the strongest emotions and romantic emotions behind it, then it should be risking the fate of a galaxy to SEE someone. I wouldn't expect them to just start making out anyways they haven't seen each other for ten years. I would have expected her to come clean to what she did and Ahsoka and Sabine to talk about how much it hurts her for him to be gone again. Willingness to be vulnerable makes a character stronger and not weaker.
    There is no romance in Star Wars anymore even when it makes sense. This is a natural part of humanity, and it cannot be left out entirely. You cannot just cut out all intimacy from media. Sabine was hiding stuff that would have required intimate answers that would have made her look bad and vulnerable, but Ezra could have also forgiven her. They had her scared of Ezra and what he would think.
    Risking the fate of a galaxy doesn't warrant an intimate conversation and some emotion? What does this teach people and is that healthy?????
    Rey and Kylo didn't make sense. Kylo was a genocidal mass murderer.

    • @seanfox4121
      @seanfox4121 3 місяці тому

      "No romance in star wars anymore".
      Um... did you forget about cal kestis and merrin? Jedi survivor came out this year.

    • @dutchrjen
      @dutchrjen 3 місяці тому

      @@seanfox4121 Don't care about Star Wars video games. This is about the movies and shows.
      I've never been interested in 1st or 2nd person SW video games.

  • @casualcausalityy
    @casualcausalityy 6 місяців тому +3

    This just means the next generation of entertainment is going to be even worse

  • @CinnamonGrrlErin1
    @CinnamonGrrlErin1 6 місяців тому +28

    There's barely anything out there already, especially compared to 80s and 90s movies. And to be fair there has been a lot of exploitation, but there's nothing wrong or shameful about intimate moments in the right context. And these are the types of people who wonder why they're so lonely too, of course you're going to be lonely if you emotionally and physically isolate yourself from human contact.

    • @oliverford5367
      @oliverford5367 6 місяців тому

      I can't believe they're happy being online and maybe jerking off (if that's not too objectifyingly problematic these days!). They need to switch the screens off and get out!

  • @deeesher
    @deeesher 6 місяців тому +12

    I discovered something interesting when I read the original Strange Case of Doctor Jekyll and Mr Hyde book: there's no love story in it. I wasn't looking for it but I realized this reading some trivia about it later. But yet every version made since then (and there's been many!) has shoehorned a romantic storyline in it. The original is still a good story! So did it need something romantic? I don't think so.
    But conversely, one of my favorite elements about Blade Runner 2049 is the relationship between Agent K and Joi. It's so bittersweet because it's not real, and yet you feel every moment and need it to give these characters depth. Also imagine the original Terminator without a romantic subplot. It all falls apart.
    Good writing is organic and makes sense. When you suddenly make Ezra and Sabine good friends, it's just dumb. But if it's not necessary to the story, I don't think it needs to be forced either. Love (or sex) can be a powerful motivational tool for some characters, but despite what Gen Z wants, if you want a decent story, I don't think it should be eliminated from a decent story.

  • @jackielogan9104
    @jackielogan9104 6 місяців тому +27

    to be honest there's too much of it especially on TV. it has been one of my top biggest criticisms for a while. it will be nice if friendships flourished first instead of having two characters fk on the first episode or early in the movie. This is why K-Drama is popular for taking full advantage of the romance genre where it focuses on natural and believable relationship development and character growth. and the whole thing comes full circle with starting with hand holding and a getting that kiss. as for Hollywood, they just need to do better.

    • @jakeviolet2195
      @jakeviolet2195 6 місяців тому +4

      Friendship is almost never a predecessor to sexual relationships. You never heard of the dreaded "friend zone?" People who are attracted to each other are gonna do it ASAP. Unless they are restricted by some religious or moral conviction. In that case, they might engage in a prolonged courting ritual first. But at no point does friendship enter into the equation.

    • @wb2860
      @wb2860 6 місяців тому +2

      Not grounded in reality. Friendzone it a thing hard to escape.

  • @yelsahblah3270
    @yelsahblah3270 6 місяців тому +17

    Ironically I never had much interest in dating growing up, I was too busy wanting to go to space and wanting to ride a horse. While I do think about dating and marriage from time to time as an adult, I know I'm not much of a prospect so I just don't bother. I'm just not dating material, from my looks to my general attitude and personality.
    Not that I don't want any romance, I just know the dating scene isn't what it was for my parents and instead of putting myself out there to be hurt and belittled, I just don't.
    I do enjoy romance in my entertainment to some extent though when done right and actually aside from my fantasy adventure games, I find an outlet for that energy by playing otome games or dating sims. I get to have that emotional connection and enjoy a good story alongside it without the fear of rejection. It's kind of just something I've accepted and I'm okay with that.
    So this sort of thing is sad but, with how badly they've damaged the relationship between men and women it was inevitable. Of course they prefer to not see romance they have no idea what it is.

    • @Gyrfalcon312
      @Gyrfalcon312 5 місяців тому +2

      Don't sell yourself so short. 😌 Though it may surprise you, given the emoji before this sentence, I am in similar straits with the 'no life partner yet' thing. Not about to give up...
      I suspect you're not either, just wanted to drop some of my positivity onto your comment!

  • @charliemoore2003
    @charliemoore2003 5 місяців тому +2

    Gen Z wants art to imitate reality, and reality to them is pretty bleak right now.

  • @chadkirk925
    @chadkirk925 6 місяців тому +12

    Because sex scenes add nothing to the movie except awkwardness 99% of the time

  • @ab-gail
    @ab-gail 6 місяців тому +20

    Aspirational movies are some of the best stories on the block. Shame they hate them. We are becoming bug men.

  • @heggysarchive
    @heggysarchive 6 місяців тому +11

    I kinda agree with it though, I like romance in some films but in some films it could be removed and the film wouldn't change, or even for the better. I can't think of a film equivalent but in the game fahrenheit I genuinely turned it off after the out of nowhere sex scene even though I was engaged with it up til then. I think I'd rather no romance at all than a shoehorned romance. Obviously those films that were mentioned aren't shoehorned and some revolve around the romance

    • @kitalalaris
      @kitalalaris 5 місяців тому +1

      Sex and romance are not the same thing. Sex with no plot is just that, cheap sleazy sex with no point. That's not romance, never will be. I apologize, women my age and a little older are mostly the cause of all this. They were raised by Tumblr and they've brought that wasteland with them into official media.

  • @inendlesspain4724
    @inendlesspain4724 6 місяців тому +5

    I'm not against zoomers having their niche in media, and as a zoomer myself (an early/old one, but still) I get where they're coming from with some of the stuff they want to see in media, but my problem (and I'm willing to bet everybody else's) is that said niche seems to be taking over space from every other niche in all forms of western entertainment, even timeless stuff that's proven to still be finantially viable today.
    It doesn't help that zoomers tend to be so intolerant of anything and everything outside their niche and the people who like it that they won't shut up until there's nothing but their niche everywhere, even if they have no interest in supporting it after all.

  • @theproplady
    @theproplady 6 місяців тому +25

    You can blame this phenomenon on:
    1. The #MeToo movement and third wave feminism which demonizes male desire and "male gaze" and paints any man with an interest in sex as a "creep."
    2. People no longer wanting to take risks or act dynamically because they're at a level where they're comfortable, even if what they have isn't that great.
    3. Learned helplessness, brought on by young people realizing that house-owning and family formation is out of reach for them.
    4. The Powers That Be pushing for people to become interchangeable cogs in an economy, leading to the depolarization of sex roles (or to women being "elevated" to traditional men's roles.)
    5. Soft living has made people lazier, fatter, sloppier, and less attracted to each other. What's so romantic about dating a carbon blob who wears pajamas to Walmart?
    6. Social maladjustment among young people and the fact that porn and online pseudo-relationships are easier than real life relationships are.
    7. Lack of purpose in living beyond hedonism and virtue-signaling. Why sacrifice or reproduce if this life and its pleasures are all you will have?

  • @sirbarongaming2138
    @sirbarongaming2138 5 місяців тому +2

    As a 22 yr old gen z man, i don't see any Hope

  • @kitalalaris
    @kitalalaris 5 місяців тому +10

    It's the rampantly stunted writers that have caused this. My age group of women in particular. Too many women my age were raised by Tumblr and the fujoshi degenerate mindvirus, now they're exclusively writing homoeroticism and abuse into everything they touch, and that very poorly I might add. It's led to an entire generation of kids who are so emotionally, socially, and mentally stunted that they hate anything resembling real romance or even real relationships, you can't even write friendships for these kids because they equate normal human interaction with harassment of one form or another. We've literally brainwashed an entire generation of kids to think that any type of normal human interaction is harassment, to the point where they don't know what friendship even looks like, much less romance, to the point where they think that an age difference of more than a few days in romance or in friendship is predatory and that mentorship is predatory by default. It's disgusting.

  • @Ender7j
    @Ender7j 6 місяців тому +15

    I find the video’s title hard to agree with. Sex and sexuality is all Gen Z thinks about. It’s in the way they dress on a daily basis and it’s all they talk about. I spent most of my 40s in college and I’m just about to graduate…I would know.

  • @Soup-man
    @Soup-man 6 місяців тому +19

    I guess I'm an exception. My pornography addiction says otherwise.

    • @spencerwarren8302
      @spencerwarren8302 6 місяців тому +6

      Same boat here, honestly wish there was more crossover between porn and plot. Like you know what makes porn better? Giving a shit about the charecters. You know what makes movies better? Tits.
      Seriously, separating the two is just depriving us of good media. I remember seeing the new fast and the furious and being reminded that there used to be attractive women in movies. It's no wonder I don't watch movies anymore, nothing there but a shit story, not even tits to save it from being a total waste of time! smh

    • @Soup-man
      @Soup-man 6 місяців тому +1

      @@spencerwarren8302 Exactly!

    • @deadhouse3889
      @deadhouse3889 6 місяців тому +1

      ​​​@@spencerwarren8302Writing is hard and porn is cheap. But yeah, that's why artist like Sakimichan make millions. They sex up well established characters with personalities audiences already have a connection with. Taking their clothes off is the easy part. This is also why one night stands don't compare to getting cozy with someone you're in love with. Same thing.

    • @thegamingprozone1941
      @thegamingprozone1941 5 місяців тому

      Same here 😂 😅❤

  • @LunaticReason
    @LunaticReason 6 місяців тому +7

    Its interesting as a Gen Xer we where living in a decade that was dealing with the aids epidemic, people who where gay/lesbian where a little more openly accepted by the mainstream, sex positivity and safe sex was the message amongst the parades and women went from equality to wanting more power. Nowadays its about being Trans and Nonbinary, The rise of the feminist girl boss has created this gender division and men are questioning their own roles within society even as partners which has led to the rise of asexuality and the decline of the family. Young people have become so jaded about sex and as a result romance too. Sex actually comes more easily for them as its become a hook up culture but I question whether Gen Z even knows what romance or true love really feels like anymore. I question whether they even want to raise families over their personal success or careers.

  • @wade2112
    @wade2112 4 місяці тому +2

    I agree with Gen Z, and I can see why they want that. Social media is filled with sex and influencers. Nobody really likes it, but it is the tool they have to use to socialize. Then relationships become harder because there's a ton of influencers and sex everywhere. In my opinion, we need to help them fix the environment they're in

  • @caedrewan
    @caedrewan 6 місяців тому +14

    It's no surprise - I think on some level people have given up on ideas of love, family... home ownership... but rather than grapple with these issues and their causes, people have convinced themselves that they don't want these things.
    For my part, I try my best to live without... but I'm still doing what I can to get what I want. I guess I haven't quite learned my place yet.

    • @emalinedickinson7492
      @emalinedickinson7492 6 місяців тому +6

      That was my immediate thought. They want "uplifting" themes because life around them is incredibly dour. They're giving up on the American dream because, with the advent of the internet and social media, we're seeing just how out of reach some of the most basic concepts of that dream are. We're failing the next generations and it's absolutely showing in their tastes in media.

    • @sigmaramen
      @sigmaramen 6 місяців тому

      ​@@emalinedickinson7492So it has nothing to do with inflation, court system, and cost of living increases? Got it.

    • @billybussey
      @billybussey 6 місяців тому

      @@emalinedickinson7492 bull. thats the lie gen z tells themselves so they don't have to make effort. they dont even want jobs or to work at all. it's not like they tried and failed...they never tried. They don't even go outside.

    • @mattd5240
      @mattd5240 6 місяців тому +1

      People so easily delude themselves rather than see what's right in front of them.

  • @MarvinHartmann452
    @MarvinHartmann452 6 місяців тому +2

    GenZ are offended about anything that is normal.

  • @613-shadow9
    @613-shadow9 6 місяців тому +2

    but isn't gen z the ones who care the most about a character's sexuality?

  • @j-mc5201
    @j-mc5201 6 місяців тому +1

    Appreciate you Echo

  • @marcuspitts2482
    @marcuspitts2482 6 місяців тому +2

    Well, what do you know, gen Z want a participation trophy.
    Without participating!
    The future of our planet is doomed!

  • @AkuTenshiiZero
    @AkuTenshiiZero 3 місяці тому +1

    No, Gen Z has a point on this one. I would love to see more platonic bonds between characters. I miss the days when you could have two same-gendered characters be best friends and not subtly coded as gay. I miss when character interactions didn't always end with "and then they fucked."

  • @r.morris5589
    @r.morris5589 Місяць тому +1

    They want less for the wrong reasons. I want movies that are Rated G and PG to quit having R rated subject atter in it (sex, gay, drugs, ect) and get back to be family friendly; like movies like The Apple Dumpling Gang. Their less sex will just give what we been getting, way to much talk about nothing - whiny cry babies characters.

  • @Nightweaver1
    @Nightweaver1 6 місяців тому +2

    ...And this is why I as a Gen X'er don't watch any new movies anymore.

  • @borgstod
    @borgstod 6 місяців тому +3

    Gen Z has the information Gen Xers could barely dream of at their fingertips, but soaking up content online means realising that many people don't get what they want out of life and lowering your aspirations accordingly. Why work hard towards something unlikely to happen for you since it is obvious you are working for a system already owned by the mega-wealthy. Winners do indeed 'F' the Prom Queen, but if there can only be one winner, and if you feel the cards are stacked towards the well-monied, why bother. Working hard to achieve minimal outcomes doesn't seem fair, hence 'quiet quitting' and pacifying your belief that you can achieve through hard work what the generations before you could. Indeed, working smart, not hard, is today's best option.

  • @etherdeef4303
    @etherdeef4303 5 місяців тому +2

    Coming from a 19 year old chap, which I assume places me in gen Z, I enjoy romance. However, the problem arises when there is no tension and no interest, I find theres often no reason I should be interested in a relationship nowadays because it holds so little baring on the film as a whole. Other than a throwaway idea. I really enjoyed the relationship in series 1 of the boys, because it pertained directly to the story.

  • @diegoaespitia
    @diegoaespitia 6 місяців тому +3

    i mean lets be honest, some movies do throw in a romantic relationship just for the fuck of it, and it adds NOTHING to the story. like Top Gun, it was perfectly fine without Maverick needing to woo some chick

  • @OrinThomas
    @OrinThomas 6 місяців тому +1

    These preferences are just pointing at a desire to defer adulthood, defer responsibility for one's life, and extend juvenescence.

  • @skellymom
    @skellymom 4 місяці тому +1

    I want it all: Platonic, romantic, sexual, pornographic for straight, gay, lesbian, nonbinary, asexual. I want more stories that have great writing, plots, characters, stories in all genres. Why does it all have to be all or nothing. I want diversity.

  • @erichtomanek4739
    @erichtomanek4739 6 місяців тому +2

    LOL, that last parting word from Sean Connery.
    Talk about The Cock of the Rock!

  • @solar3mpire
    @solar3mpire 6 місяців тому +2

    Gen Z has a 30 second attention span... sex takes at least 1 minute... that's too long for the average tiktok zombie (a.k.a. Gen Z (Z = zombie))

  • @krishall2086
    @krishall2086 6 місяців тому +1

    The first generation to grow up with wall to wall porn available at the touch of a button seeks escapism.

  • @ps7372
    @ps7372 5 місяців тому +1

    As a member of Gen Z, not only do I agree with what you’re saying, but I also have a question to ask. Is it just me, or is this generation starting to become increasingly more selfish and narcissistic?

  • @randallwright1973
    @randallwright1973 5 місяців тому +2

    I am a person who has never seen the point in sex in a non-romance story. However, that doesn't mean a good science fiction story can't have romance. I just don't see the need to get characters unnecessarily naked for no reason. If the plot calls for a reason (like in Terminator), then go for it. But make it necessary to the story. But I'm also a person who has, unfortunately, never had anyone want me, so I watch movies to vicariously have a romantic relationship through characters on the screen. That's all been taken away now because "reasons."

  • @clariwinkle
    @clariwinkle 3 місяці тому

    Gen Z aged out of Nickelodeon and Disney and turned around and said "Hey what was with all the covert sex stuff in there?" and we're angry! Our cohorts can't connect emotionally, our brains were self-reported to not be working. The worry before THAT was violent video games causing violent behavior in kids. Millennials were the squeakiest wheel for gun control. It only makes sense that Gen Z is screensick and squeaking for this. I'm tired of meeting 6 year olds who can, for example, explain the depressing details of Elvis's life to me. THAT kid was sadly very concerned with the unfairness of Elvis's whole life and death after watching the Tom Hanks movie. Age ratings are a thing of the past -- the content will reach them as soon as their parents aren't vigilant enough and NEWSFLASH... their parents aren't vigilant enough.

  • @mizkohudeces2373
    @mizkohudeces2373 6 місяців тому +3

    We're facing some big issues right now like mass shootings, famine, and even threats of nuclear war. Oddly enough, even with all this, the world's population is still going up. It's kind of a weird back and forth situation.
    But when it comes to how people view relationships these days, I don't think that's adding to these big problems. It's just how things are changing, and every generation has its own way of seeing things. It's not a bad thing, just different.
    As for movies and sexual content, maybe we'll start seeing them split up more. There's already a huge industry for sexual content, so it's not like it's a new thing. I'm just wondering, what's the real issue we're trying to figure out here?

  • @manila-89-93
    @manila-89-93 6 місяців тому +4

    I am curious, do people really enjoy sex scenes in the movies ? I found the majority of them to be corny and useless. It's usually when I go to the kitchen or bathroom.

  • @wandering-wisp
    @wandering-wisp 5 місяців тому +7

    I think there's a strong difference between romance and sex scenes, though. I don't mind characters yearning for a happily ever after, it's a decent character arc, but I don't need 3 minutes of f*cking on screen to understand that people are in a relationship (UNLESS something essential to the plot happens during the sex scene). It's a cheap way to grab the audience's attention and in some cases to keep them interested because the plot is too weak/boring/complicated. Pointless sex scenes are one of the two criteria that will make me pass on a film. And for the record I'm not Gen Z.

  • @TheReelDealwithTomKonkle
    @TheReelDealwithTomKonkle 6 місяців тому +2

    Free internet porn has killed desire and allure of sex and sexuality in gen z. It’s made Gen Z numb to sex from overstimulation and too much accessibility.

  • @Bastion83
    @Bastion83 6 місяців тому +3

    For so many reasons I want out of this timeline.....

    • @thecompareablezombie
      @thecompareablezombie 6 місяців тому

      I agree with you, to add pulling the timeline in the direction you'd want to see is a fine choice to make.

    • @thegamingprozone1941
      @thegamingprozone1941 5 місяців тому

      I don't blame you

  • @torbenkristiansen2742
    @torbenkristiansen2742 6 місяців тому +3

    Gen-Z should check their food intake, and stay away from the electronic Hypno-Toad.

  • @jimbeaux89
    @jimbeaux89 6 місяців тому +1

    But their entire lives are based on their sexuality.
    This country’s screwed

  • @ThatJohnKillion1970
    @ThatJohnKillion1970 6 місяців тому +2

    This is why I miss the late 90's / early 2000's sex comedies. At least those movies were entertaining.

  • @TheHoneyBadger-yh5vj
    @TheHoneyBadger-yh5vj 5 місяців тому +1

    Sad but true, God bless you Echo 💙💚💜

  • @KawoneCollins
    @KawoneCollins 6 місяців тому +17

    Meanwhile in anime, they treated sex right

    • @fattiger6957
      @fattiger6957 6 місяців тому +1

      Even in Japan where young people have record low amounts of sex, there is still plenty of romance in their media.

    • @ninjaswordtothehead
      @ninjaswordtothehead 6 місяців тому +3

      I think we're reading different kinds of anime.

    • @Pers0n97
      @Pers0n97 6 місяців тому +1

      @@Fleshbag453 Fun fact: 99.78% of harem manga have literally no sex involved.

    • @ielohim2423
      @ielohim2423 6 місяців тому +3

      I see why Gen Z isn't feeling the aspirational capitalist movies. They see that late stage capitalism has screwed them over.

    • @Pers0n97
      @Pers0n97 6 місяців тому

      @ielohim2423 nice comir talk buddy. To bad in reality genZ has been trained to gobble big corp dicks and act as their strongest white knights.

  • @christopherkelley1664
    @christopherkelley1664 6 місяців тому +8

    Crazy how people are doing it so much less. A buddy of mine just got broken up with by a 30-year-old virgin lady. I didn't even know they existed.

  • @lathanandrews417
    @lathanandrews417 6 місяців тому +4

    UCLA study? So the teens they questioned are in LA? Makes sense.
    The rest of the country does not feel this way!!!

  • @JubeiSenpai
    @JubeiSenpai 6 місяців тому +1

    Because they want you to pay for it behind a OF account 😂

  • @Marqan
    @Marqan Місяць тому +1

    Some words about the study, and how it's misrepresented often. It really seems more of a woke school project, than an actual study.
    Right off the bat the "study" is extremely selective in what information they give you. They only give you percentages and representative graphs, when it suits them.
    Most importantly this "study" compares its findings to the same questionaire in 2022. It's not that GenZ wants less romance in general, they just want less than they wanted last year. So for example if last year 90% of them wanted more romance, but this year only 80% of them wanted more romance, then the authors of the "study" will say that GenZ wants less romance (because they compare it to last year).
    Also, the study asked people from ages 10 to 24. How many of you at 10-14 wanted to see more romance on screen? Definitely none of the guys I grew up with.
    This is not a study that you can take seriously by any means.

  • @marbellaotaiza801
    @marbellaotaiza801 6 місяців тому +9

    Movies having no romance is cringe. Otoh, teens having less casual sex is based.

  • @custos3249
    @custos3249 6 місяців тому +3

    They don't want to be reminded of how empty their romantic lives are and that no one will ever truly love them beyond a few instagram posts. Pure and simple.