I would love it if the people on here could just stop arguing. Any people who believe in the "gay agenda" obviously won't change their views because of people on the internet. They'll never believe that all we want is to be treated with respect as human beings, and that if you treat somebody badly, it better be because they're dicks and not because they're not straight.
besides the point and a gimic you talk about what homosexuals do but don't care about their lives. Nat King Cole was a good singer but he was a chain smoker that sin stole His life and His voice from us. His daughter then got on drugs theirs a pattern here the devil attacks in patterns. It's not fee love and it's not no strings attached society is decieved
Matthew 7:12 - "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets." If you aren't following the Golden Rule of the bible, then you are not following God and no one will believe that you are. Why is that religious zealots demand that others follow the bible to the letter but they feel that they...just don't have to. There is NO valid argument against homosexuals, religious or otherwise.
Have you read the Law (Torah) and the Prophets? I would start there, and get a better translation. The Law and the Prophets show us how to love people and how to love our Creator in the way He intended.
it is not about normalizing gays...... its about acceptance in the difference. We have to stop trying to make everyone ''normal''. We should promote difference as something good rather than trying to normalize every one.
Duane Kosmicki You will all stand before God for your sins there will be no question mark then pride makes you feel invincible but you are only hurting yourselves
Duane Kosmicki I was a sinner but accepted grace you instead mock grace and become God's enemy because you are deceived by Satan the ruler of this world come to Jesus the real Jesus before the judgement
Goward Horton Ii ditto again so fricken righteous POS ... I know where I stand before the creator ... So haughty I see you as sufficient as you are / were! afortiori is karma beyond infinite modus of operandi!
Rafael Serrano What are you even talking about? Why are you changing the subject to something SO UNRELATED as... Banking laws...? That has nothing to do with what I am talking about, you are making Zero Sense. Would you like to have a Conversation around Marriage Equality? Because that is, you know, the actually topic?
I always found it funny when some people say that we're evil and want to "normalize" homosexuality but they don't even know what they mean by "normal" like did y'all talk to nature and it told you what's normal and what's not ? Who decided that heterosexuality was normal and homosexuality was not normal? Explain normal ?
rashisdachan @ least the 2nd amendment won't go down tubes for us warriors since Clinton lost and Obama lame duck/jackasses ... thank God for Trump ... lol! afortiori!
request2000 Um I'm gay and quite happy and healthy, so if that bothers you then that's your problem, not mine. The people that I love has nothing to do with you so stop trying to pretend that who other people love has any effect on your life
Stop lying. No one cares that you're a homosexual. It's you people who are suing Everyone to include your homosexuality into their lives. Bakers, Florist, Bed & Breakfast, Boy Scouts, etc. Now children as young as kindergarten are being taught about a sexual perversion. Which is wrong, two homosexuals can't reproduce children their homosexual acts. There is no reason children should be being taught about homosexuality. This Country has real problems eventually you people will fade away. So stop pretending like your lifestyle isn't affecting everyone.
You know "boy" and "girl" are genders right? Heterosexuality (the opposite of homosexuality) is a sexuality right? We are already taught these things as kids by heterosexual and cis-gendered people. It's not that serious. You are not going to die or be possessed. And there's already a law implemented that bans teaching the topic you were talking about.
@@MSALL-co8bflol stupid ppl don't realise most agendas aren't discovered until it's already applied. 7 years later gays are definitely forced on society
I like how is black and comparing gay rights to blacks and the women's movement, I often hear people say "Gay is not the new black, they haven't suffered nearly as much as what the blacks went through" In the few hundred year time frame that's for surely true, I don`t know if any of are in a position to say as far as thousands of years of history goes. But even if so, I`m not sure it matters who suffers more, why should any minority have to suffer because another group feels a need to be superior? Well there! this guy gets it!
In fact it is an issue of rights also for the non-ruling part of society. Listen how he talks about his son who seems to be quite a different guy than daddy. That's what I call respect and love. The black rights movement was an answer to sspecific racist legislation (sit in the back of the bus), so the movement was right. The next step is acceptance of what is acceptable (rape isn't, kids' gangs with weapons aren't either). This step is much smaller and can be done with less effort (except for football-fans, may be). I'm confident, at least.
Yeah i dont hear about gays getting lynched, shot unarmed by cops, turned down for jobs, riding at back of bus, substandard education, or remember as slaves in this country. The comparison is pure bullshit and very insulting. Gays are some of the richest people in this country. Everybody who runs into a bit of adversity always like to jump on black issues and struggles and have never felt the magnitude of that struggle. I have no issues with any race or a persons sexual preferences just hate that comparison.
inasexymood yes in middle east as you said recently any in usa? I mentioned several other things along with my point. I dont want to see anybody harmed in anyway. My main point is i hate the comparison because there is no comparison. There cause is there cause you cant hide being black! Quit lining up the two. I sure dont see that community uprising or marching and causing stirring anything when major black atrocities happen
"No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or the immunities of citizens of the United States." 14th Amendment, US Constitution
- sue you if he doesn't like the way you treat him and the straight man cannot, and the local culture is such that your customers would prefer to deal with a straight man than a gay man at your company... The result I see happening is that employers will actively screen for "known and suspected homosexuals." In a competitive labour market, even progressively-minded employers, and even employers who are themselves GLBT, will face catallactic pressure to not hire GLBT people. I'm aware that it -
>Hell >Because of Love Sounds like a really great God you have there. I'll take burning in Hell for love rather than recline on some cloud after living a life of bigotry. Ask yourself, what would Jesus do?
Hadrian Augustus Or because they're sick of constantly having to be mindful that there's over-sensitive gay people trying to FORCE them to accept them.
You don't see people complaining that they're FORCED to accept POC people?? People are still ignorant assholes, even four years in the future...nobody is forcing anyone, I don't see any homophobic people being tied down to a chair, do you? These hyperboles are growing tiresome.. (also I didn't know if you wanted to be accepted, you're oversensitive??)
Love - "the unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another" You're correct. This will change the world for better. I try to remind myself of this every day. Thanks!
When he is talking about his 15 year old son. Is he talking about the fact he was married with a woman and had a son, or is he talking about his adopted son?
Great comment my friend. White straight guy here from the UK. I have no issues whatsoever with gay people,black,white,yellow,purple,who gives a shit on colour for we are all of one race,the human race and its about time we all started to act in a more humane way towards one another. Good luck with your invite to the level headed ones,I fear a poor response lol. Sincerely JF ( UK )
Passionate speaker, sarcastic topic, great name, unnecessary title. Every group has an agenda of some kind, agendas mark purpose in a coherent manner for the body of solidarity to have direction and unified strength. As is evident in the entertainment industry.
What he said actually makes a lot of sense when you actually take the time to think about it. And for all of those that commented on it thinking that it is wrong for religious reasons that is your opinion, but I would also like to remind you that your religious freedom should not encroach on their rights. We all have the freedom of religion and speech and just by only looking at the views of SOME Christians and making the term for marriage change to between a man and a woman is not right. It was mentioned in the video so I would like to bring up that certain groups of people fighting for rights that should have already been given by the constitution runs a lot through America's past. Even after African Americans struggled for freedom they had to deal with segregation and their rights. Then woman had to fight for the right to vote and for equal treatment in the work place (glass ceiling). As a woman I am very happy that I do not have to worry so much about this now because others have already fought for the cause, but I do see the similarity in what is happening with the LGBT community. I have known people that have struggled with their sexual orientation and even had a friend who was kicked out of their home (by their parents) for this difference. I know that not all Christians share this anti-gay view but their are those that hide behind their religion in irrational fear of something just because it is different. I just ask for people to try to look at both sides of the situation so that we can come to understand the way each other instead of instantly judging by stereotypes. Is this to much to ask?
Well, your point about tax breaks makes sense. Hospital visitation rights, inclusion in the funeral of a spouse, transferral of wealth from one spouse to another, citizenship between spouses of different nationalities... there are other benefits to marriage that do not involve taxes; lesbian/gay couples won't get those unless marriage is legally recognised. These familial situations are already controlled by the law, so couples have no choice but to involve the state.
i encourage you to find just 1 source that proves ANYTHING you have mentioned. i myself am straight, but i have known gays who were religious, some were businessmen, some enjoyed sciences, some enjoyed video games, while some enjoyed shopping. i've known one who was always polite and easy to talk to, while i've known another who was friendly but arrogant about anything. such personality traits apply to everyone. BTW, sexual orientation has repeatedly been scientifically proven to be gentetic
John Pratt I can also call your heterosexuality a perversion. Does that make it wrong? No. Same with homosexuality. It doesn’t harm anyone so why do you even care?
YES. Thank you. I am a big LGBTQetc. equality supporter, and I always say, in the face of the "Born This Way" approach, that's fine if you believe it, but it shouldn't be our anthem. We shouldn't proudly shout "there's no cure," but "there's no disease."
Let me have a go: "Kids, those two men are kissing because they're gay and love each other." That wasn't hard at all... was that supposed to be difficult???
I don't have children, but this is what my mum told me : "usually men and women love each other and gets married, but some times women loves women or men wants to be with men and though it might seem a little strange to us, it's perfectly natural and there is nothing wrong with it" She said with an attitude that invited questions if I should have them. That did not mess me up or make me gay in any way, I think it is a very valid answer.
So there were a few really good points in this talk but... the entire time I felt like there was something a little off... Like... he didn't understand his audience. He seems to be trying to convince a crowd of people that are already convinced. He already assured that the people who didn't agree with him would stop listening by making fun of their opinions (erroneous or not), and then proceeds to try to convince the rest of the crowd. This talk may (or may not be) true, but it wasn't well made.
I remember defending this position, then we saw what teachers were doing in classrooms and leaked video from Disney and Drag Queen story hour, now I look back and feel foolish.
Lunamaria this gender and transexual stuff is a completely separate thing, not sure why you’d want to blame gay people for that. I’m sure most gay people are perfectly happy with their biological gender and have no struggle or confusion with it. Now to me, this movement to regulate speech (in regards to gender etc etc) IS an agenda but that also has nothing to do with gay people.
Excuse me? Are you saying that adoptive parents will never feel that the child they are raising belongs to them? My parents had me biologically, and adopted my brother because of a glut of babies at the time from native families requiring adoption, and they never - not once - felt that my brother was any less their child than I am, nor did I feel that they were any more my parents than my brother's.
sooo funny!! thank you so much for this! I'm from Mexico :) and I'll make my parents watch this.. so I can finally say to them: "hey :) I'm gay and that's cool cuz I'm gonna make this world turns evil >:D"
jaja es una decicion dificil, o por lo menos lo es para mi, pero que tengas suerte!! soy de argentina :P haha it is a hard decicion or at least for me D: but good look!
I remember Torch Song Trilogy very well too. I watched that movie over 10 times. So many great quotes in it. Very moving story of love... gay LOVE. Yes we love, we care deeply about our partners, our family, our friends, our children, our community and our world. Our agenda... to be treated with respect.. to be equal... to be loved.
I've never noticed the gay community or its supporters use the phrase "pro-marriage." They use the phrase "pro-marriage equality," which means something entirely different. Also, they are not trying to determine what marriage is for the rest of the world. They are not the ones telling you that you can't get married. They are simply trying to determine what marriage is for themselves and be treated equally under the laws of this nation that (supposedly) grants liberty and justice for all.
+Mantrost Tony Rojas You got that right! This guy talks about having a son but downplays the fact that he that son with a woman. Then he compares homosexuality to Slavery and Women's rights...really both blacks and woman are born that way and they had very real grievousness. I'm sure Harriet Tubman, Nat Turner, Sojourner Truth weren't concerned with homosexuality in any way. they were fighting for a Nation made up of men, women and children, families, not then new normal. He also uses the Constitution which mentions nothing at all marriage. Finally he says he wants to adopt, Why? Children need both a mother and father not two men or two women which deliberately denies children a mother and father. He chose a lifestyle that doesn't produce children and he should live with own his choices.
+request2000 No choice at all except to follow your Nature. Lets talk about the Agenda of enforced Heterosexuality which predominates through religious indoctrination!.
+lharris2able You sound so stupid. Heterosexuality or normalcy is the only the species is perpetuated, it's the only way you would even exist. You're mind is just as warped as your deviant death style.
+lharris2able it's natural... it creates children so the generations can continue on. so if heterosexual before seems forced, sorry. some can do artificial insemination but it's exactly as the name states, ARTIFICIAL
+792bnz R u saying the elderly and people who cannot have children shouldn't get married? What about the people who come out to the Gay Lifestyle after a divorce or the death of a partner, and who have had kids? How do they fit your agenda dim wit?And if being Gay is genetic, then the whole population is not going to become Gay are they? You people are just sooo dumb.
I agree there is a risk. My point is that "obvious" GLBT individuals will already be discriminated against by nervous employers, as they would be filtered by the selection process but GLBT who can make it through the selection process and who are then revealed to be GLBT should not lose their jobs based on sexuality. In your country do you have to disclose your sexuality on the application form?
Fantastic video! I appreciate he connection of the struggle by gay people with the values embedded in the US Constitution. And I appreciate what you've done wih your life, and for your son and partner!
I am more worried about the children that will be forced to live in a home that doesn't give them the opportunity to have a father and mother male and female living in the household and in a relationship. I am more worried because they're young minds are easily influenced before they have a chance to grow up to make their own decisions. I am worried that they will be subjected to things that they are not ready to see or hear. I worry about the children.
+Barbara Jansen Don't worry. Take it from someone who grew up in the foster system- Gay parents who love, support, and care for you is a lot better that being bounced from group homes to foster families with way too many kids to handle and then back to group homes. I never got adopted. A lot of my friends never got adopted. We ended up homeless for a while, after we turned eighteen and got thrown to the curb. I was lucky enough to have siblings who had gotten on their feet to take me in and help me get on mine. Trust me- every one of us who turned eighteen and ended up alone and hungry because we weren't taken in to a family would have done anything to have been adopted by anyone who would have loved us- gay, or not.
what he didnt mention was that his son also has a mother who holds an active part in his life. granderson was married to a woman before he came out (though they are now divorced) and had a son. they divorced 4 years later
I think we should have an unprecedented majority vote across the whole of the united states to determine where our moral compass truly lies on this issue. For once, lets forget the political games, and buerocratic lobbying. Of course, this will never happen, because those who pull the strings are deathly afraid of how that would probably result.
Because there are gay people in this world honey. We're around. THAT's why our marriage is being legalized, and people like us are on TV: It happens in real life ;)
Guess what, gay people exist and are hard working tax paying citizens. You are a woman of color, we see people like you on tv too.. What's the problem?
Gay people have ALWAYS existed, the reason it SEEMS they didn't is because they were ALLOWED to be open with who they were. Many people suppress these feelings even tho it's how they truly feel
And BTW, I happen to agree with Granderson on one thing -- the sudden explosion of gay characters and gay content on TV has nothing to do with a "gay agenda." But what Granderson doesn't mention is that the networks and movie studios aren't altruistic either. After decades of their own rigid homophobia, the networks realized they could in fact draw greater audiences and make more ad dollars by appealing to gay-friendly audiences. They're money-motivated hypocrites, not civil rights advocates.
LZ is funny and a good presenter, however he missed the mark. Many are being effected negatively by the 'gay agenda'. All they did was say 'I can not, for religious reasons, participate in your same sex marriage ceremony." For exercising their freedom of religion (Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;) they were dragged to court, sued, and call names in the press. For now, when I see the sign 'Live and let Live' in a gay parade, it rings hollow.
Maybe your religion says you have to harass black people but, legally, if you do so it's illegal. Your rights to freedom of religion end when you affect someone else's rights or break the law. (why you can believe in human sacrifice but cannot go through with it)
uh, what century do you live in? if you don't acknowledge the fact that if you were the one being hated and bashed by, the situation would be reversed. you now feel the pain of those who are too frightened to come out because of threats of violence, torture and intimidation. dictate your OWN life, not others.
Don't people have a right to choose whether they support gay marriage or not? Why do sympathizers of gay marriage have to demonize those who believe that it's not right? A bigot is someone who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion. If I don't support gay marriage for my belief in God and Christianity, I get hate for it because I'm "being a bigot" and "I hate gays".. The hate I get is entirely hypocritical because the people who are accusing me of such things are just zealously supporting their own cause and demonizing those who think otherwise.. People who are intolerant of those who don't support gay marriage are bigots by definition. They're utterly and zealously intolerant of any differing belief. People lose jobs nowadays just because they don't support gay marriage... What kind of an environment are we creating? The gay agenda wants to forcefeed their beliefs to people unwilling..
Would you call me a bigot if I was against people owning a Bible or people going to church and voted accordingly? You talk about the gay agenda, as if the religious agenda doesn't exist. To argue which agenda is right, is pointless. The point is, leave people's rights alone. You can go read your Bible and visit church, and a gay couple can get married. It's not like marriage is a religious thing anyway.
inasexymood Marriages isn't a religious thing? Are you seriously that dumb. Why do you think most get married in a church with a bible involved with a minister. You are not bright. Marriage is created by God for one man and one women. Take your stupid sick perverted idea and leave.
thomascampr Marriage is performed, recorded, and recognized by a religious authority OR a government official. It does not have to be performed in a religious setting. Most marriages aren't performed in churches with Bibles, considering that marriages between people of different religions or no religion are common as well. Your statement that most are is false. You call me dumb and not bright, yet you have no idea what a marriage is. You tell me to leave, when you're the homophobic one watching a UA-cam video that features a gay man talking about his family. You make no sense, pumpkin.
inasexymood Religious marriage doesn't have legal validity in France; they have to go to the Mayor's office. Religious weddings are thus ceremonial only. In other countries, marriage ceremonies performed by churches likewise have no validity without the signing of the government register. The state doesn't recognise any of the religious part, only the vows such as any two might make in a secular setting like the Registry Office.
Ok, I take you at your word. At one time in the UK, we had something called positive discrimination, in other words, pushing for women to enter parliament, pushing for newsreaders from ethnic minorities to be prominently featured. I'm not sure that we had the same policy regarding gay people, nor would we need to, really, as they come in all colours and creeds and cut across all sorts of boundaries. Some gay men work doubly hard to prove themselves. Maybe that is all that has happened here.
It's not about human rights of gay people, it's about raising our children under our own morals and Christian principles. This is very difficult for us parents because of the gay agenda in the media and in the schools. This is such a frustration.
gmanon I hope you don't mind, but there are two questions I always wanted to ask a believe in Christianity. 1) How do gay people (by extension I assume you mean LGBTQIA) adversely effect how you raise your child? 2) Can you point out some places where this 'gay agenda' is? I don't know about you, but whenever a positive portrayal of a gay person pop up in the media either the TV show/movie is criticized a bunch for doing it or its taken off the air entirely. For example, Sailor Moon had a lesbian couple when it was being shown in Japan. But right when it got to the US one of the couple was changed to a dude. Then when I do see stuff about gay people in the media and in school it usually is a constant barrage of insults. If I got a penny for a good gay portrayal and lost a penny for negative ones that make gay look like the worst thing ever, I would be in more debt than the United States is to China. I'm sorry if this sound more like an attack than a question. But I would really like to hear your point of view if your still here.
According to the creation in Genesis, God made a man and a woman and Adam was not gay, neither Eva. But, the bible talks about man who were not interested in women (The eunuchs) and according to history they existed in Israel and in Pagan countries. In pagan countries they were forced by castration. And according to Jesus, this was a gift to some who preserved themselves to serve, or were born that way or were forced into it that way. But, these men are not Sodomites. Sodomites according to the bible is anyone who turns the natural use in sexual relations usually by force. So when a man use another man as a woman, a use a woman as it was not intended; he is committing the act of sodomization. As you can see, the actual sin has nothing to do with being born on any way and it's not limited to any group of people.
It sad that as the gay life style is being normalize and people of faith are being prosecuted in exchange for their beliefs. Acting like the first amendment doesn't exist is a reverse hate crime.
There is a loop hole. One can not have something and the opposing force or view is granted as well all at the same time. You cannot have a law of non contradiction. You cant have both this particular God, of the bible, point of view of opposing homosexuality from face value of the text and the law of the land favoring the very opposite. It wont work. In order to have true harmony they must be a dominate side over the other. What does that mean? If the side of bible's biblical, face value of the text, point of view is on the dominate side then from the face value homosexual acts is condemn, but on the other hand if law of the land is in favor then " Interpretations " of the text have to be allegorical and not face view. For example, when the "Queen's James" Version went into print in 2012 it changed the face value of 8 verses from the text that traditionally opposed homosexuality in general into only opposing Homosexuality during worship rituals. The context was Homosexuality is ok in God's eyes all around except in temple worship to Baal and other examples in the Queen's James Version. Back to the subject in hand. You state " What you must understand is that ultimately, it is neither the person of Faith's nor the homosexual's place to impose laws on each other that deny them their human rights." Your are wrong. At this moment if a christian speaks any opposing comment towards the Homosexual lifestyle, even in the smallest degree, the law favors Homosexuality over the first amendment of church traditional, face value of the text in the bible, etc.... One must be dominate over the other. At the moment Homosexuality in general is being honored over the first amendment. The law does nothing if anyone who is gay, that openly bashes the church, but when done in reverse then Christians are losing their bakery business, being thrown in jail etc..... Its all one sided. So, no sir, your statement is incorrect.
+Joey Collins that is happening right now. The tyrants, LGBT, has the law of the land in their back pocket at the moment. Right now LGBT is pulling the strings when ever any pastor sneezes the wrong way.
Thats my point. This has never been true harmony. And there will never be true harmony. Bible has a set of rules just as LGBT have their mandates. When one tries to fuse both together then the effect of water and vinegar happen. No true mix. At the moment, stated before, LGBT has dismantle the tyrant and has become the new tyrant.
Why is it so difficult for y'all to understand what the first amendment actually does? Newsflash, the first amendment doesn't stop people from criticizing things that you say. It stops the government from censoring or punishing you for what you say. Just look at it this way. There are people out here saying that they don't "agree" with homosexuality, or they don't think it's okay, or morally right, etc. Sure, that's your belief, whatever, but what is that supposed to even accomplish? Take this from somebody who has personal experience on this, it isn't a lifestyle. We cannot change it, nor was it something that we chose in the first place. It's just there, and arguing against it will not make it go away. That's like telling a black person that you don't agree with their skin color and expecting them to agree and magically turn white. What i'm trying to say is that trying to argue that our "lifestyle" is wrong is pointless, because we're not going anywhere regardless of what you believe. Not only that, but it's very tiring for LGBT people to be hearing the same lines of flawed argumentation over and over again. Your sexuality is hard-wired into you, whether you're heterosexual or homosexual. There's no changing it. *I can't fucking change it.* Just look at it from our perspective. Let us live and treat us equally.
When you see them do that, you can show them these: Deuteronomy 25:11-12 If two men are fighting and the wife of one of them comes to rescue her husband from his assailant, and she reaches out and seizes him by his private parts, you shall cut off her hand. Show her no pity. Stubborn children were to be stoned, and the stoning was to be instigated by their parents ~Deuteronomy 21:18-21 A rape victim must marry the rapist. Deuteronomy 22:28-29 Such a loving book.
It's a never ending argument about the fundamentals of marriage and what it stands for. It has nothing to do with the gay-movement in particular, just the fact that marriage is between a man and a woman, but I have to regress, in a modern age where adultry and young age sex is conceded I don't think same sex marriage is something we should be really surprised about. Also beastiality has nothing to do with homosexuality since animals cannot offer any consent. Also once I find an animal that can understand the meaning of marriage and can utter the phrase ''yes, I do'' animals can marry for all I care. Btw, the same people that defend the fundamentals of marriage should also defend their countries amendments
You know, there's this little thing called freedom of religion. It also means freedom FROM religion. If I don't follow your religion, I should have the right to not give a flip what your religion said about my right of marrying the one I love.
i agree with you for the most part, my take on the gay agenda and sudden push for it is to aim for safer and covert population reduction, if we have same sex couples everywhere that means less variables to go into the equations of procreation, but people do deserve to be with who they want and we shouldn't interfere with that.
the sad part about a comment saying that this TEDtalk (or any TEDtalk, as the case may be) is somehow "anti-family" or "anti-religion" is that the person who made the comment likely did not watch the talk all the way through, or they might have seen that the presenter (and other TEDtalk presenters) is very much family-oriented and not anti-religious
+Chloé Lee (chloethegamer) The Pentagay Papers!
Chloé Lee monster
"run for your heterosexual life people" 😂
Look gays harass me for political social and economic reasons everyday, Shame on anyone who pretends it isn’t real! Were they raised in a barn?
"This is the super duper evil gay lifestyle. Run for your heterosexual lives, people!" 5:18
Why do we never hear the term " heterosexual lifestyle"?
I would love it if the people on here could just stop arguing. Any people who believe in the "gay agenda" obviously won't change their views because of people on the internet. They'll never believe that all we want is to be treated with respect as human beings, and that if you treat somebody badly, it better be because they're dicks and not because they're not straight.
Tell ppl in Santa Clara county California to stop harassing me for their gay agenda!
To quote a more recent iteration of LGBT activists "we're here, we're queer, we're coming for your children!"
"I'm looking at you North Carolina" still so relevant lmao
Video aged like milk 🤣
Property value goes up when gay people move into a neighborhood. Nobody complains about that part of the agenda.
+RaShaun Austin Whetstone (RAW Custom Drums) Lol
besides the point and a gimic you talk about what homosexuals do but don't care about their lives. Nat King Cole was a good singer but he was a chain smoker that sin stole His life and His voice from us. His daughter then got on drugs theirs a pattern here the devil attacks in patterns. It's not fee love and it's not no strings attached society is decieved
RaShaun Austin Whetstone so you suggest we Mow gays down to make houses more affordable? Good idea.
It’s not a myth.
Matthew 7:12 - "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets." If you aren't following the Golden Rule of the bible, then you are not following God and no one will believe that you are. Why is that religious zealots demand that others follow the bible to the letter but they feel that they...just don't have to. There is NO valid argument against homosexuals, religious or otherwise.
Have you read the Law (Torah) and the Prophets? I would start there, and get a better translation. The Law and the Prophets show us how to love people and how to love our Creator in the way He intended.
Leviticus 18:22, Leviticus 20:13, Romans 1:26, 1 Timothy 1:10, 1 Corinthians 6:9. Read the Bible first.
Thank you Norman. Finally an adult entered the conversation
lost it when he came out with the lightsaber
it is not about normalizing gays...... its about acceptance in the difference. We have to stop trying to make everyone ''normal''. We should promote difference as something good rather than trying to normalize every one.
Goward Horton Ii ...?
Goward Horton Ii ditto afortiori ...
Duane Kosmicki You will all stand before God for your sins there will be no question mark then pride makes you feel invincible but you are only hurting yourselves
Duane Kosmicki I was a sinner but accepted grace you instead mock grace and become God's enemy because you are deceived by Satan the ruler of this world come to Jesus the real Jesus before the judgement
Goward Horton Ii ditto again so fricken righteous POS ... I know where I stand before the creator ... So haughty I see you as sufficient as you are / were! afortiori is karma beyond infinite modus of operandi!
Imperial March + lightsaber = i died XD
I support *_the Gay Agenda_*
I support *_the US Constitution!_*
I support *_Freedom_* and *_Equality_* for *_Everyone_*
Well you do not know enough about Jesus to be making such assertions.. Read Romans 1..
carlos espinal
??? Jesus isn't in the Constitution =^_^=
You are free to believe whatever you want Carlos
Just as I AM FREE to not believe
carlos espinal
Which translation? There are over 1,000 different versions to choose from.
There's only One Version of the Constitution! No Translations, no Ambiguity!
*_Freedom_* and *_Equality_* for *_EVERYONE!_*
Rafael Serrano
What are you even talking about? Why are you changing the subject to something SO UNRELATED as... Banking laws...?
That has nothing to do with what I am talking about, you are making Zero Sense.
Would you like to have a Conversation around Marriage Equality? Because that is, you know, the actually topic?
This is awkward given the Disney executive admitting their not secret gay agenda.
I always found it funny when some people say that we're evil and want to "normalize" homosexuality but they don't even know what they mean by "normal" like did y'all talk to nature and it told you what's normal and what's not ? Who decided that heterosexuality was normal and homosexuality was not normal? Explain normal ?
rashisdachan @ least the 2nd amendment won't go down tubes for us warriors since Clinton lost and Obama lame duck/jackasses ... thank God for Trump ... lol! afortiori!
request2000 Um I'm gay and quite happy and healthy, so if that bothers you then that's your problem, not mine. The people that I love has nothing to do with you so stop trying to pretend that who other people love has any effect on your life
Excellent response to a Homophobe.
Stop lying. No one cares that you're a homosexual. It's you people who are suing Everyone to include your homosexuality into their lives. Bakers, Florist, Bed & Breakfast, Boy Scouts, etc. Now children as young as kindergarten are being taught about a sexual perversion. Which is wrong, two homosexuals can't reproduce children their homosexual acts. There is no reason children should be being taught about homosexuality. This Country has real problems eventually you people will fade away. So stop pretending like your lifestyle isn't affecting everyone.
There is no such thing as a "homophobe".
It's not a myth. They are are fighting to teach our kids in public schools about gender and sexuality. Kindergarten through 3rd grade. This is no joke
Yep. I search up the agenda and it's just content saying that it don't exist!
You know "boy" and "girl" are genders right? Heterosexuality (the opposite of homosexuality) is a sexuality right? We are already taught these things as kids by heterosexual and cis-gendered people. It's not that serious. You are not going to die or be possessed. And there's already a law implemented that bans teaching the topic you were talking about.
Teaching someone about sexuality and gender will not make them gay. Would this have made you gay as a child? Ofc not. Your issue is illogical
This man knows his stuff. He exposes the "Gay Agenda" as the myth it is. Good on you Mr Granderson.
@@MSALL-co8bflol stupid ppl don't realise most agendas aren't discovered until it's already applied. 7 years later gays are definitely forced on society
Now Disney employees have confessed they are pushing the Gay agenda on your kids
This was a rhetorical masterpiece.
I like how is black and comparing gay rights to blacks and the women's movement, I often hear people say "Gay is not the new black, they haven't suffered nearly as much as what the blacks went through"
In the few hundred year time frame that's for surely true, I don`t know if any of are in a position to say as far as thousands of years of history goes. But even if so, I`m not sure it matters who suffers more, why should any minority have to suffer because another group feels a need to be superior?
Well there! this guy gets it!
In fact it is an issue of rights also for the non-ruling part of society. Listen how he talks about his son who seems to be quite a different guy than daddy. That's what I call respect and love.
The black rights movement was an answer to sspecific racist legislation (sit in the back of the bus), so the movement was right. The next step is acceptance of what is acceptable (rape isn't, kids' gangs with weapons aren't either). This step is much smaller and can be done with less effort (except for football-fans, may be). I'm confident, at least.
I think it's ridiculous when even some black people are homophobic
Yeah i dont hear about gays getting lynched, shot unarmed by cops, turned down for jobs, riding at back of bus, substandard education, or remember as slaves in this country. The comparison is pure bullshit and very insulting. Gays are some of the richest people in this country. Everybody who runs into a bit of adversity always like to jump on black issues and struggles and have never felt the magnitude of that struggle. I have no issues with any race or a persons sexual preferences just hate that comparison.
TheUpwardbound1 Gays are being lynched and thrown off of buildings in the Middle-East as we speak.
inasexymood yes in middle east as you said recently any in usa? I mentioned several other things along with my point. I dont want to see anybody harmed in anyway. My main point is i hate the comparison because there is no comparison. There cause is there cause you cant hide being black! Quit lining up the two. I sure dont see that community uprising or marching and causing stirring anything when major black atrocities happen
"No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or the immunities of citizens of the United States."
14th Amendment, US Constitution
Yet here we are.
he's got some skills with that saber
- sue you if he doesn't like the way you treat him and the straight man cannot, and the local culture is such that your customers would prefer to deal with a straight man than a gay man at your company...
The result I see happening is that employers will actively screen for "known and suspected homosexuals." In a competitive labour market, even progressively-minded employers, and even employers who are themselves GLBT, will face catallactic pressure to not hire GLBT people.
I'm aware that it -
>Because of Love
Sounds like a really great God you have there. I'll take burning in Hell for love rather than recline on some cloud after living a life of bigotry. Ask yourself, what would Jesus do?
Because they are homophobic idiots.
Hadrian Augustus
Or because they're sick of constantly having to be mindful that there's over-sensitive gay people trying to FORCE them to accept them.
Halitosis ByOsmosis Thank you for responding to a comment I made four months ago...homophobic idiot.
You don't see people complaining that they're FORCED to accept POC people?? People are still ignorant assholes, even four years in the future...nobody is forcing anyone, I don't see any homophobic people being tied down to a chair, do you? These hyperboles are growing tiresome.. (also I didn't know if you wanted to be accepted, you're oversensitive??)
@@AtticusAmericanus Six years in the future! How’s it going?
Love - "the unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another" You're correct. This will change the world for better. I try to remind myself of this every day. Thanks!
When he is talking about his 15 year old son. Is he talking about the fact he was married with a woman and had a son, or is he talking about his adopted son?
ming sun I don’t actually know
Why does it matter, it's non of my business where your children come from..
ming sun well considering he’s gay and has a husband, I think we can all agree he adopted.
A woman
It's hard to admit how awesome this guy is. I am totally jealous of how cool he is.
Great comment my friend.
White straight guy here from the UK.
I have no issues whatsoever with gay people,black,white,yellow,purple,who gives a shit on colour for we are all of one race,the human race and its about time we all started to act in a more humane way towards one another.
Good luck with your invite to the level headed ones,I fear a poor response lol.
JF ( UK )
Good for you, sir. The last part of your speech, when you really became serious, was wonderful. :)
I will now run for my heterosexual life.
I will join you....
Do you have any kids identifying as gay or trans yet? Or did they not attend public schools?
Passionate speaker, sarcastic topic, great name, unnecessary title.
Every group has an agenda of some kind, agendas mark purpose in a coherent manner for the body of solidarity to have direction and unified strength.
As is evident in the entertainment industry.
AfroNinjaX That's a good point. I mean about every group having an agenda.
What he said actually makes a lot of sense when you actually take the time to think about it. And for all of those that commented on it thinking that it is wrong for religious reasons that is your opinion, but I would also like to remind you that your religious freedom should not encroach on their rights. We all have the freedom of religion and speech and just by only looking at the views of SOME Christians and making the term for marriage change to between a man and a woman is not right. It was mentioned in the video so I would like to bring up that certain groups of people fighting for rights that should have already been given by the constitution runs a lot through America's past. Even after African Americans struggled for freedom they had to deal with segregation and their rights. Then woman had to fight for the right to vote and for equal treatment in the work place (glass ceiling). As a woman I am very happy that I do not have to worry so much about this now because others have already fought for the cause, but I do see the similarity in what is happening with the LGBT community. I have known people that have struggled with their sexual orientation and even had a friend who was kicked out of their home (by their parents) for this difference. I know that not all Christians share this anti-gay view but their are those that hide behind their religion in irrational fear of something just because it is different. I just ask for people to try to look at both sides of the situation so that we can come to understand the way each other instead of instantly judging by stereotypes. Is this to much to ask?
Well, your point about tax breaks makes sense. Hospital visitation rights, inclusion in the funeral of a spouse, transferral of wealth from one spouse to another, citizenship between spouses of different nationalities... there are other benefits to marriage that do not involve taxes;
lesbian/gay couples won't get those unless marriage is legally recognised. These familial situations are already controlled by the law, so couples have no choice but to involve the state.
Don't forget to mention love tho..
i encourage you to find just 1 source that proves ANYTHING you have mentioned. i myself am straight, but i have known gays who were religious, some were businessmen, some enjoyed sciences, some enjoyed video games, while some enjoyed shopping. i've known one who was always polite and easy to talk to, while i've known another who was friendly but arrogant about anything. such personality traits apply to everyone. BTW, sexual orientation has repeatedly been scientifically proven to be gentetic
Producer Lyricist said the pedophile
Producer Lyricist "EVIL IS EVIL" Call EVIL by it name. " Producer Lyricist a.k.a EVIL"
@John Pratt wth?
Shikam187 I’d just like to remind you that rapping a child is not love. So yeah, love still is love.
John Pratt I can also call your heterosexuality a perversion. Does that make it wrong? No. Same with homosexuality. It doesn’t harm anyone so why do you even care?
YES. Thank you. I am a big LGBTQetc. equality supporter, and I always say, in the face of the "Born This Way" approach, that's fine if you believe it, but it shouldn't be our anthem. We shouldn't proudly shout "there's no cure," but "there's no disease."
It wasn’t a myth beta boy 😂😂
Let me have a go:
"Kids, those two men are kissing because they're gay and love each other."
That wasn't hard at all... was that supposed to be difficult???
Apparently more difficult than explaining to a kid how a boy can like a girl.
I love how you support your thesis with so many valid arguments and reliable sources.
So many straight tears
So much ignorance.
You're mad bro?
@@jjtruth3507 pictured: straight tears
I don't have children, but this is what my mum told me :
"usually men and women love each other and gets married, but some times women loves women or men wants to be with men and though it might seem a little strange to us, it's perfectly natural and there is nothing wrong with it" She said with an attitude that invited questions if I should have them.
That did not mess me up or make me gay in any way, I think it is a very valid answer.
You’re so very lucky to have a mother who took the time to educate you and allow for you to, in return, be curious if need be. Love her!
I'm a Super Duper Gay and shopping is on my agenda.
That's so gay, ehm i mean o-gay.. 😂
You don't have to explain that to your kid. A kid does understand it by itself.
So there were a few really good points in this talk but... the entire time I felt like there was something a little off... Like... he didn't understand his audience. He seems to be trying to convince a crowd of people that are already convinced. He already assured that the people who didn't agree with him would stop listening by making fun of their opinions (erroneous or not), and then proceeds to try to convince the rest of the crowd. This talk may (or may not be) true, but it wasn't well made.
Lovely. That left me feeling inspired and in a good mood! Now just don't look at the comments...don't look at the co-*scrolls* damn it...
Castration of Rai Reupert and grinding him up into fertilizer will be a great act of mercy towards humanity. It's the best way you can help the world.
I watched the video and i felt so good and happy and then i scrolled down the comments... 😭😭😭😂😂
I remember defending this position, then we saw what teachers were doing in classrooms and leaked video from Disney and Drag Queen story hour, now I look back and feel foolish.
so much changed in 10 years
Drag queen story hour has literally nothing to do with gay people…
@@ixiixiixiixiixi are the drag queens not gay?
@@nerdimmunity7672 not all drag queens are gay, not all drag queens are even men 😂 do some research
The agenda is very real
Then I'm happy to support it.
Yup look at how here in Canada schools have to teach 6 genders, and drag queens read to our kids dressed in demonic outfits, and we can do nothing....
Lunamaria this gender and transexual stuff is a completely separate thing, not sure why you’d want to blame gay people for that. I’m sure most gay people are perfectly happy with their biological gender and have no struggle or confusion with it.
Now to me, this movement to regulate speech (in regards to gender etc etc) IS an agenda but that also has nothing to do with gay people.
Excuse me? Are you saying that adoptive parents will never feel that the child they are raising belongs to them? My parents had me biologically, and adopted my brother because of a glut of babies at the time from native families requiring adoption, and they never - not once - felt that my brother was any less their child than I am, nor did I feel that they were any more my parents than my brother's.
i love when people say "it's unnatural, so it's wrong" uh, hair dye, computers, fucking Twinkies are unnatural and i don't see an uproar over them...
sooo funny!! thank you so much for this! I'm from Mexico :) and I'll make my parents watch this.. so I can finally say to them: "hey :) I'm gay and that's cool cuz I'm gonna make this world turns evil >:D"
jaja es una decicion dificil, o por lo menos lo es para mi, pero que tengas suerte!! soy de argentina :P
haha it is a hard decicion or at least for me D: but good look!
I remember Torch Song Trilogy very well too. I watched that movie over 10 times. So many great quotes in it. Very moving story of love... gay LOVE. Yes we love, we care deeply about our partners, our family, our friends, our children, our community and our world. Our agenda... to be treated with respect.. to be equal... to be loved.
Shut up you homosexual loser
@@kokewolfxo9710 hateful little man, you are far from “normal” you little internet troll 😂 get a life
This didn't age well..
2 things:
1. This guy is damn funny
I've never noticed the gay community or its supporters use the phrase "pro-marriage." They use the phrase "pro-marriage equality," which means something entirely different. Also, they are not trying to determine what marriage is for the rest of the world. They are not the ones telling you that you can't get married. They are simply trying to determine what marriage is for themselves and be treated equally under the laws of this nation that (supposedly) grants liberty and justice for all.
This is a gay agent covered.
+Mantrost Tony Rojas You got that right! This guy talks about having a son but downplays the fact that he that son with a woman. Then he compares homosexuality to Slavery and Women's rights...really both blacks and woman are born that way and they had very real grievousness. I'm sure Harriet Tubman, Nat Turner, Sojourner Truth weren't concerned with homosexuality in any way. they were fighting for a Nation made up of men, women and children, families, not then new normal. He also uses the Constitution which mentions nothing at all marriage. Finally he says he wants to adopt, Why? Children need both a mother and father not two men or two women which deliberately denies children a mother and father. He chose a lifestyle that doesn't produce children and he should live with own his choices.
+request2000 No choice at all except to follow your Nature. Lets talk about the Agenda of enforced Heterosexuality which predominates through religious indoctrination!.
+lharris2able You sound so stupid. Heterosexuality or normalcy is the only the species is perpetuated, it's the only way you would even exist. You're mind is just as warped as your deviant death style.
+lharris2able it's natural... it creates children so the generations can continue on. so if heterosexual before seems forced, sorry. some can do artificial insemination but it's exactly as the name states, ARTIFICIAL
+792bnz R u saying the elderly and people who cannot have children shouldn't get married? What about the people who come out to the Gay Lifestyle after a divorce or the death of a partner, and who have had kids? How do they fit your agenda dim wit?And if being Gay is genetic, then the whole population is not going to become Gay are they? You people are just sooo dumb.
myth? wtf
So that was a fucking lie
How was it a lie?
When did he say it?
What was the truth?
My daughter is only 6 and can eat a couple of dinners a night. Are you telling me it's going to get worse???
Yess, 😂
I agree there is a risk. My point is that "obvious" GLBT individuals will already be discriminated against by nervous employers, as they would be filtered by the selection process but GLBT who can make it through the selection process and who are then revealed to be GLBT should not lose their jobs based on sexuality. In your country do you have to disclose your sexuality on the application form?
Fantastic video! I appreciate he connection of the struggle by gay people with the values embedded in the US Constitution. And I appreciate what you've done wih your life, and for your son and partner!
Right, and Will & Grace isn't about the gay agenda. Get real.
Why is he saying GLBT instead of LGBT?
+Brynn TempleWood because he's a man. he is putting gay ahead of lesbian because he's gay, not lesbian. this is just my assumption.
+InfinityOnHi actually it's used equally as much as lgbt, it's just preference.
+James Church that's kinda what I meant. like women pick lgbt and men pick glbt . sorry if it didn't seem that way
+Brynn TempleWood Who care? His message is positive.
stupid Is stupid does!
I get you. My point in saying that he has a son obviously shows that he didn't start out gay but evolved into that lifestyle some way.
I am more worried about the children that will be forced to live in a home that doesn't give them the opportunity to have a father and mother male and female living in the household and in a relationship. I am more worried because they're young minds are easily influenced before they have a chance to grow up to make their own decisions. I am worried that they will be subjected to things that they are not ready to see or hear. I worry about the children.
+Barbara Jansen Well a lot of young minds that have come from Gay households still end up Straight. That says sexuality is genetic.
+Barbara Jansen Don't worry. Take it from someone who grew up in the foster system- Gay parents who love, support, and care for you is a lot better that being bounced from group homes to foster families with way too many kids to handle and then back to group homes. I never got adopted. A lot of my friends never got adopted. We ended up homeless for a while, after we turned eighteen and got thrown to the curb. I was lucky enough to have siblings who had gotten on their feet to take me in and help me get on mine. Trust me- every one of us who turned eighteen and ended up alone and hungry because we weren't taken in to a family would have done anything to have been adopted by anyone who would have loved us- gay, or not.
Thats the guy off dream daddy
This didn’t age well.
this is amazing
what he didnt mention was that his son also has a mother who holds an active part in his life. granderson was married to a woman before he came out (though they are now divorced) and had a son. they divorced 4 years later
I think we should have an unprecedented majority vote across the whole of the united states to determine where our moral compass truly lies on this issue. For once, lets forget the political games, and buerocratic lobbying. Of course, this will never happen, because those who pull the strings are deathly afraid of how that would probably result.
myth? states trying to legalize gay marriage? almost every show on tv having some type of gay character? myth?
Because there are gay people in this world honey. We're around. THAT's why our marriage is being legalized, and people like us are on TV: It happens in real life ;)
yung amy Welcome to Communism.
Guess what, gay people exist and are hard working tax paying citizens. You are a woman of color, we see people like you on tv too.. What's the problem?
It's easy to lie and make money in this world
Umm ok?
Goward Horton Ii What's your point?
Its not a myth though is it....
Gay people have ALWAYS existed, the reason it SEEMS they didn't is because they were ALLOWED to be open with who they were. Many people suppress these feelings even tho it's how they truly feel
And BTW, I happen to agree with Granderson on one thing -- the sudden explosion of gay characters and gay content on TV has nothing to do with a "gay agenda." But what Granderson doesn't mention is that the networks and movie studios aren't altruistic either. After decades of their own rigid homophobia, the networks realized they could in fact draw greater audiences and make more ad dollars by appealing to gay-friendly audiences. They're money-motivated hypocrites, not civil rights advocates.
be yourself, never stoop to the level of those who aren't.
be free and soar above life for we are all human.
Wrong as usual
LZ is funny and a good presenter, however he missed the mark. Many are being effected negatively by the 'gay agenda'. All they did was say 'I can not, for religious reasons, participate in your same sex marriage ceremony." For exercising their freedom of religion (Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;) they were dragged to court, sued, and call names in the press.
For now, when I see the sign 'Live and let Live' in a gay parade, it rings hollow.
Maybe your religion says you have to harass black people but, legally, if you do so it's illegal. Your rights to freedom of religion end when you affect someone else's rights or break the law. (why you can believe in human sacrifice but cannot go through with it)
What if someone said it was against their religion to serve a mixed black and white wedding? Would that be ok by you?
uh, what century do you live in?
if you don't acknowledge the fact that if you were the one being hated and bashed by, the situation would be reversed.
you now feel the pain of those who are too frightened to come out because of threats of violence, torture and intimidation.
dictate your OWN life, not others.
It disturbs me to see so many people full of hate, for something that should only be fair.
Nice try satan
Don't people have a right to choose whether they support gay marriage or not? Why do sympathizers of gay marriage have to demonize those who believe that it's not right? A bigot is someone who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion. If I don't support gay marriage for my belief in God and Christianity, I get hate for it because I'm "being a bigot" and "I hate gays".. The hate I get is entirely hypocritical because the people who are accusing me of such things are just zealously supporting their own cause and demonizing those who think otherwise.. People who are intolerant of those who don't support gay marriage are bigots by definition. They're utterly and zealously intolerant of any differing belief. People lose jobs nowadays just because they don't support gay marriage... What kind of an environment are we creating? The gay agenda wants to forcefeed their beliefs to people unwilling..
Would you call me a bigot if I was against people owning a Bible or people going to church and voted accordingly? You talk about the gay agenda, as if the religious agenda doesn't exist. To argue which agenda is right, is pointless. The point is, leave people's rights alone. You can go read your Bible and visit church, and a gay couple can get married. It's not like marriage is a religious thing anyway.
inasexymood Reading a bible and doing perverted acts are not even close. Your argument is so ridiculous. Shows you are not bright.
inasexymood Marriages isn't a religious thing? Are you seriously that dumb. Why do you think most get married in a church with a bible involved with a minister. You are not bright. Marriage is created by God for one man and one women. Take your stupid sick perverted idea and leave.
thomascampr Marriage is performed, recorded, and recognized by a religious authority OR a government official. It does not have to be performed in a religious setting.
Most marriages aren't performed in churches with Bibles, considering that marriages between people of different religions or no religion are common as well. Your statement that most are is false.
You call me dumb and not bright, yet you have no idea what a marriage is. You tell me to leave, when you're the homophobic one watching a UA-cam video that features a gay man talking about his family. You make no sense, pumpkin.
inasexymood Religious marriage doesn't have legal validity in France; they have to go to the Mayor's office. Religious weddings are thus ceremonial only. In other countries, marriage ceremonies performed by churches likewise have no validity without the signing of the government register. The state doesn't recognise any of the religious part, only the vows such as any two might make in a secular setting like the Registry Office.
Bless this man. He is so right, everyone deserves to be treated with love and respect, regardless or their sexual orientation.
Ok, I take you at your word. At one time in the UK, we had something called positive discrimination, in other words, pushing for women to enter parliament, pushing for newsreaders from ethnic minorities to be prominently featured. I'm not sure that we had the same policy regarding gay people, nor would we need to, really, as they come in all colours and creeds and cut across all sorts of boundaries. Some gay men work doubly hard to prove themselves. Maybe that is all that has happened here.
if they fire anyone based on sexual orientation, they deserve to have the book thrown at them, in court.
that and close business.
Myth? Hahahaaaaa
It's not about human rights of gay people, it's about raising our children under our own morals and Christian principles. This is very difficult for us parents because of the gay agenda in the media and in the schools. This is such a frustration.
gmanon Just remember that a sinner is a sinner and the gays in LGBT don't really know any better.
We are not living in a society where religious law is civil law. Looking at IS or Khomeini Iran, this concept isn't really desirable.
gmanon I hope you don't mind, but there are two questions I always wanted to ask a believe in Christianity.
1) How do gay people (by extension I assume you mean LGBTQIA) adversely effect how you raise your child?
2) Can you point out some places where this 'gay agenda' is?
I don't know about you, but whenever a positive portrayal of a gay person pop up in the media either the TV show/movie is criticized a bunch for doing it or its taken off the air entirely. For example, Sailor Moon had a lesbian couple when it was being shown in Japan. But right when it got to the US one of the couple was changed to a dude. Then when I do see stuff about gay people in the media and in school it usually is a constant barrage of insults. If I got a penny for a good gay portrayal and lost a penny for negative ones that make gay look like the worst thing ever, I would be in more debt than the United States is to China.
I'm sorry if this sound more like an attack than a question. But I would really like to hear your point of view if your still here.
Dimensions100 If being gay is a sin, why did God make people gay?
According to the creation in Genesis, God made a man and a woman and Adam was not gay, neither Eva.
But, the bible talks about man who were not interested in women (The eunuchs) and according to history they existed in Israel and in Pagan countries. In pagan countries they were forced by castration. And according to Jesus, this was a gift to some who preserved themselves to serve, or were born that way or were forced into it that way.
But, these men are not Sodomites. Sodomites according to the bible is anyone who turns the natural use in sexual relations usually by force. So when a man use another man as a woman, a use a woman as it was not intended; he is committing the act of sodomization.
As you can see, the actual sin has nothing to do with being born on any way and it's not limited to any group of people.
It sad that as the gay life style is being normalize and people of faith are being prosecuted in exchange for their beliefs. Acting like the first amendment doesn't exist is a reverse hate crime.
There is a loop hole. One can not have something and the opposing force or view is granted as well all at the same time. You cannot have a law of non contradiction. You cant have both this particular God, of the bible, point of view of opposing homosexuality from face value of the text and the law of the land favoring the very opposite. It wont work. In order to have true harmony they must be a dominate side over the other. What does that mean? If the side of bible's biblical, face value of the text, point of view is on the dominate side then from the face value homosexual acts is condemn, but on the other hand if law of the land is in favor then " Interpretations " of the text have to be allegorical and not face view. For example, when the "Queen's James" Version went into print in 2012 it changed the face value of 8 verses from the text that traditionally opposed homosexuality in general into only opposing Homosexuality during worship rituals. The context was Homosexuality is ok in God's eyes all around except in temple worship to Baal and other examples in the Queen's James Version. Back to the subject in hand.
You state " What you must understand is that ultimately, it is neither the person of Faith's nor the homosexual's place to impose laws on each other that deny them their human rights." Your are wrong. At this moment if a christian speaks any opposing comment towards the Homosexual lifestyle, even in the smallest degree, the law favors Homosexuality over the first amendment of church traditional, face value of the text in the bible, etc.... One must be dominate over the other. At the moment Homosexuality in general is being honored over the first amendment. The law does nothing if anyone who is gay, that openly bashes the church, but when done in reverse then Christians are losing their bakery business, being thrown in jail etc..... Its all one sided. So, no sir, your statement is incorrect.
+Joey Collins that is happening right now. The tyrants, LGBT, has the law of the land in their back pocket at the moment. Right now LGBT is pulling the strings when ever any pastor sneezes the wrong way.
Thats my point. This has never been true harmony. And there will never be true harmony. Bible has a set of rules just as LGBT have their mandates. When one tries to fuse both together then the effect of water and vinegar happen. No true mix. At the moment, stated before, LGBT has dismantle the tyrant and has become the new tyrant.
+Joey Collins True. I trust in God to clear it up at the end. To end all sin and tyrannies and take control as prophesied.
Why is it so difficult for y'all to understand what the first amendment actually does? Newsflash, the first amendment doesn't stop people from criticizing things that you say. It stops the government from censoring or punishing you for what you say.
Just look at it this way. There are people out here saying that they don't "agree" with homosexuality, or they don't think it's okay, or morally right, etc. Sure, that's your belief, whatever, but what is that supposed to even accomplish? Take this from somebody who has personal experience on this, it isn't a lifestyle. We cannot change it, nor was it something that we chose in the first place. It's just there, and arguing against it will not make it go away. That's like telling a black person that you don't agree with their skin color and expecting them to agree and magically turn white.
What i'm trying to say is that trying to argue that our "lifestyle" is wrong is pointless, because we're not going anywhere regardless of what you believe. Not only that, but it's very tiring for LGBT people to be hearing the same lines of flawed argumentation over and over again. Your sexuality is hard-wired into you, whether you're heterosexual or homosexual. There's no changing it. *I can't fucking change it.* Just look at it from our perspective. Let us live and treat us equally.
When you see them do that, you can show them these: Deuteronomy 25:11-12
If two men are fighting and the wife of one of them comes to rescue her husband from his assailant, and she reaches out and seizes him by his private parts, you shall cut off her hand. Show her no pity.
Stubborn children were to be stoned, and the stoning was to be instigated by their parents ~Deuteronomy 21:18-21
A rape victim must marry the rapist. Deuteronomy 22:28-29
Such a loving book.
"Oh really?"
It was just a question. Sentance started with "Could" ended with a question mark
It's a never ending argument about the fundamentals of marriage and what it stands for. It has nothing to do with the gay-movement in particular, just the fact that marriage is between a man and a woman, but I have to regress, in a modern age where adultry and young age sex is conceded I don't think same sex marriage is something we should be really surprised about. Also beastiality has nothing to do with homosexuality since animals cannot offer any consent. Also once I find an animal that can understand the meaning of marriage and can utter the phrase ''yes, I do'' animals can marry for all I care. Btw, the same people that defend the fundamentals of marriage should also defend their countries amendments
You know, there's this little thing called freedom of religion. It also means freedom FROM religion. If I don't follow your religion, I should have the right to not give a flip what your religion said about my right of marrying the one I love.
Spot on!
i agree with you for the most part, my take on the gay agenda and sudden push for it is to aim for safer and covert population reduction, if we have same sex couples everywhere that means less variables to go into the equations of procreation, but people do deserve to be with who they want and we shouldn't interfere with that.
You nailed it. Saying there is no agenda is the same is denying climate change. I simply don't agree, the agenda is clear as day.
the sad part about a comment saying that this TEDtalk (or any TEDtalk, as the case may be) is somehow "anti-family" or "anti-religion" is that the person who made the comment likely did not watch the talk all the way through, or they might have seen that the presenter (and other TEDtalk presenters) is very much family-oriented and not anti-religious
Being gay or straight takes up about 3/100ths as much of your life as going to the toilet--the bathroom lifestyle..
If that's true then I'll perish. These people should have the right to marry who they love. End of story.
XD with large letters, it's a smiley that is closing it's eyes while laughing
"A list or program of things to be done or problems to be addressed." - Let's not deny there's problems to be addressed.
My children understand kissing is an expression of love. None have ever wondered why anyone kisses.