Revealing Fact !! Behind the Injury of Candy of Sovanna's Team

  • Опубліковано 27 вер 2024
  • Dear all beloved viewers,
    Our channel was created to document the daily lives of monkeys habitating in Angkor Archaeological Area, approximately 8 km from Siem Reap Downtown, Cambodia. The reason that I decide to create these videos because macaques here are facing danger, threats, torture and hunting. The most vulnerable types are those with long-tailed. They are captured for food by the villagers and some are being smuggling to the neighboring counties for brain eating alive and also for experiments in laboratories in USA and Europe. This news has broken my heart so far. This is what I’m worried and pity them the most. Thus, they are in a real need of our help for their continued survival. They face many hardships such as habitat loss, diminishing resources, and drastic changes to regional weather seasons.
    You’re my channel’s fans, you surely can make a positive differences by sharing what you learn about these monkeys or joining conservations effort to help protect them since at least once a month, we often spot the corpse of a monkey in the forest with the wound on their neck or other places over their body. Seems like they were runnig for life from some abuse or killing. Additionallt, some are also missing. We really do not like to see happen and we will be against those violent actions to these human-like creatures.
    Anyway, all monkeys have their names and you can follow their daily lives since we will try to video them every day. We will tell you how to recognize each monkey because they all have each significant identification.
    If you have any ideas about our videos or what you want us to more focus, please kindly comment below.
    Please note that Channel Monkey Family Cambodia (MFC) has only one channel.
    Finally, I sincerely request you to subscribe our channel to reach the goal number, so we hope we will be qualified enough to be the animal helper or join with other organizations.
    Thanks in advance.


  • @jeffgarlitz8747
    @jeffgarlitz8747 3 роки тому +50

    I'm sorry but if this offends you to bad. But she got what was needed. If she wouldn't be to clingy and crying all the time then this would have happened. Alpha males do this to teach the babies not to be clingy and cry. But maybe if the people over in the country we quit breaking up the fights when the female bite them then the males wouldn't have to get involved let alone the keep their hands off the babies and then dropping them off in a different group. If you want to blame someone the blame the people that get involved in nature.

    • @helenbrown2969
      @helenbrown2969 3 роки тому +8

      Exactly what did they think was going to happen when they dumped a troop of dumped pets on a wild troop of monkeys who's lived there all there life's and its their territory and home!! Amari troop didn't see them as a threat and allowed them to live along side them and haven't tried to run them out which is very unusual for amari troop they were one hard troop to try and join and the vos have tired to release pets into amari troop many times and each and every time it's not gone well and amari troop won't accept them!! Ashley was a dumped pet and the only reason she was accepted was because of Queen amari and the other members didn't get a choice and that was a very very long time ago!! So they actually got a lucky break and the female's seem to like the babies and wasn't bothered by them nor was sankra or Mr bones.. But when you're got the vos coming and over taking and the constant interfering and once they got their feet under the table they then stopped feeding amari troop and started to only feed savanna troop and in front of amari troop and even run amari troop out if they tried to go after the food you can't bring in a troop of lil monkeys into another troops territory and feed them when its convenient or suits them and then start adding more and more babies to the troop like it's amari monkeys day care!! Then start feeling the monkeys out of turn in front of them that's just asking for trouble and then you have a baby who's only been a pet and doesn't know the way order of rank works and thinks it can just take and eat and carry on with all the screaming and hissy fits and thinks it's her given right to be carried on demand and crys or whingers all day long for no reason and then they wonder why that baby was taught a lesson!! They are quick to blame sankra but it could of been any number of monkeys bonita attacked her and would of done serious damage if the vos hadn't of stopped her.. It could of been anyone of the many males in Amber troop it's not like she didn't bring attention to herself but whoever it was could of killed her very easily with just one bite but they didn't she given a warning not once but twice!! If a male wanted her dead she would of been dead along time ago simple

    • @FuzzyWuzzyBear89
      @FuzzyWuzzyBear89 3 роки тому +4


    • @jumpman3232
      @jumpman3232 3 роки тому +14

      Couldn’t agree more buddy but I’ll take this a step further… if so many of these “baby monkey lovers” would stop subscribing and stop watching all these baby monkey channels that pop up every day then these people wouldn’t have a reason to poach them from the wild to create a channel for financial gain. These viewers humanize these wild animals because they think it’s cute to watch them dress up in baby clothes and take baths and because of that they ignore and turn a blind eye to how the channel owners got the monkey ,what goes on when the camera gets turned off and what will happen to the monkey when it gets too big, uncontrollable and no longer cute. They will dump it in the wild just like hundreds before it left to fend for itself, not knowing how to behave as a monkey in a hierarchy setting. These same viewers blame the VOs, the government and anyone they can except for themselves. Because they are the reason these channels exist they are the reason they’re getting dumped. If these people stopped humanizing wild animals and admitted to themselves that no matter how cute it might be , putting a wild monkey in captivity, dressed in baby clothes inside of a cage while screaming for milk or something to cling to is always very bad for the monkey. Even in the best of circumstances keeping a monkey as a pet Creates a lot of emotional abuse and anxiety. What blows my mind is every time a baby monkey is caught on film attacked or hurt these same viewers cry and cry and cry that someone should help it or prevent the attack. These are wild animals you idiots. Sh*t happens. Mother Nature has a reason for everything and has her own way of balancing everything in her kingdom out. Human intervention only creates more problems and then even more human intervention to correct issues. These temple monkeys have gone unchecked for years because these idiot VOs come feed them every day. So now these monkeys are fat as hell, become dependent on humans to feed them and can’t forage enough on their own to survive. Because they get fed by humans so much they attack tourists for food and will invade the city and local street vendors and contaminate local water supplies. ALLLLL of this is because Karen wants more bottle feeding and bathing videos to watch no matter what the final, deadly outcome is for the animal in the long run. And they call themselves animals lovers… if they loved these animals so much they would want them left alone and admire them in their own natural habitat from afar. They even ask these VOs in comment sections to mail them one despite the fact that they know it would mean the animal gets put in isolation inside of a box for weeks while in the mail. They somehow forget that soemthing called US customs exists and think it’s perfectly legal to import a wild animal from Southeast Asia, with no vacancies, to their front door. This is how stupid and desperate these people are.

    • @jeffgarlitz8747
      @jeffgarlitz8747 3 роки тому +4

      @@jumpman3232 I couldn't agree more. Just like Baby Vigo. She got hurt, was on deaths doorstep and then the took her from her mother by distracting her with a mango. Had her for three days. All of which they brought her to her mother to visit in a cage. Then they realsed her back to her mother and now she is a clingy brat that can't do anything for her self. I'm sorry mother nature had it planned for her. Needless to say Vigo is blind. So how is she going to do grown up. That is not what was in store for her to grow up blind. So every day she suffers blind can't forage and is still breast fed.

    • @jumpman3232
      @jumpman3232 3 роки тому +1

      Yeah man you’re right. Once vigos mom closes the milk bar he’s going to suffer everyday until he dies. Unless one of the piece of sh*t VOs “adopts” him to make their own channel. In which case he’ll just be dumped eventually anyway. He’s probably going to die within a year because mom won’t let him suck the tit for too much long or she’ll dry up. Then he’ll be stuck eating like the rest of the troupe and since he’s little and low ranking he’ll be eating last. Though judging by how bratty this thing is he’ll probably feel entitled to eat when the alphas do and that could be the end of him. If they really loved these animals they would’ve let him die when Mother Nature intended. There’s a reason you don’t ever see blind/disabled ADULT animals in the wild…they die far before adulthood. Hell man I’m shocked it hasn’t already fell from a tree.

  • @nouseformyname3788
    @nouseformyname3788 3 роки тому +12

    Why does your UA-cam "about" information state that you are in Thailand? Is this for tax dodging reasons or something else?

    • @karen__stop
      @karen__stop 3 роки тому +1

      Don't just go after this one, go after them all! Especially all the United States obvious tax dodgers! IMO the Admins who live in the States who use the VOs to spy on their own people in exchange to use a US state contact info is just as guilty for the lies and/or abuse. Obviously don't mind the law either!

    • @sameeraholmes4823
      @sameeraholmes4823 3 роки тому +3

      @@karen__stop No No their is no animals doctor they are in Cambodia they use that for the viewers

    • @nikkirevis6198
      @nikkirevis6198 2 роки тому +1

      It's not for taxes. The authorities are after them and they know it! The local police that are supporting this BS will be caught too!

  • @veronicakennedy6977
    @veronicakennedy6977 3 роки тому +37

    That monkey was doomed from the first day of her life. R.I.P Candy.

    • @candysbrokenbody2700
      @candysbrokenbody2700 2 роки тому +4


    • @curtcodein6486
      @curtcodein6486 2 роки тому


    • @ariell6489
      @ariell6489 9 місяців тому +2

      Rest in Pieces lol

  • @terischulze5318
    @terischulze5318 3 роки тому +47

    I stopped watching these channels after Candy died. It just broke my heart. Too many suspicious 'accidents' and bites. It's so obvious they used her for money. Also see Arroz Marisco videos where he exposes VO'S for the inhumane people they really are. RIP little angel. You didn't deserve what they did to you.

    • @katdoc929
      @katdoc929 2 роки тому +4

      Thank you! I love him! And our gang! But you got some die hard fans of these channels that don't believe that it all happened, and is still happening. Harry holidays!

    • @terischulze5318
      @terischulze5318 2 роки тому +7

      @@katdoc929 I understand the fans and how it sucks you into watching. I was one. Then I learned the truth from different sources about the VO'S. It took a few weeks to finally pull away but I did. Another good one is Verbert Monkey Foundation. Ever seen that one? Happy Holidays to you as well.

    • @candysbrokenbody2700
      @candysbrokenbody2700 2 роки тому +3


    • @daisylucy2
      @daisylucy2 Рік тому

      @@katdoc929 I love Arroz, JW and Monkey Inc. They get to the truth!

    • @pogo2076
      @pogo2076 Рік тому

      You weren't the only one. The VO's deserted the Sovana VO's like rats leaving a sinking ship. Those guys knew what a handful of them did and they wanted no part of it.

  • @hearliestheglobe8423
    @hearliestheglobe8423 2 роки тому +17

    Moral of the story: Loose your towel and you'll loose your bowel.

  • @sameeraholmes4823
    @sameeraholmes4823 3 роки тому +8

    These is some bull we know what happened to candy just leave them alone Monkey live matter

  • @GSCannon
    @GSCannon 3 роки тому +33

    I know it’s nature, but Candy was taken from her Mom. She got shafted big time. I wish she could be saved even tho people won’t agree with me and say let nature take its course. I just cant help feeling sorry for her.

    • @carthainian
      @carthainian 3 роки тому +2

      FEELING SORRY IS FINE, but being taken from the mother is nothing special to nature. that is why nature works so well,

    • @jd7936
      @jd7936 2 роки тому +5

      I agree with you it was so heartbreaking to see candy so traumatized an scared the poor thing was taken from her mom then abused by her owner then thrown away like trash in this group of abandoned monkeys. people can be so cruel but they will have to answer to God one day

    • @annaargeanton8224
      @annaargeanton8224 2 роки тому +5

      People are dumb. The fact is Candy was poached, used for filming, then locked in a cage. That can't be all though. There are plenty of Joe blow poach and dumps and you don't see them hiding under a towel, sucking their toe and standing on two legs covering her groin area. She's lost. Running between humans and monkeys for safety. This girl was way traumatized and no one knows how or for how long. This animal had zero chance with her odd behaviors. Nature taking it's course through natural attrition is just a dumb thing to say. She was way too far gone when she was dumped. All this clinging are natural instincts gone awry. She'd have been better off in a sanctuary, or rescue...or honestly? ...dead.

  • @lorawinfrey9112
    @lorawinfrey9112 2 роки тому +3

    She was not a member of that team that team did not want her from day one

  • @rchurch2769
    @rchurch2769 3 роки тому +20

    It amazes me how horrific some of these animals injuries can be and they heal like it never happened. Skin hanging off with exposed flesh in that dirty environment and all that i have seen documented recovered with little or no human intervention. How infection doesn't get them in a relatively short time is beyond me. They must have one awesome immune system.

    • @MsBatbird
      @MsBatbird 3 роки тому +10

      I trip out on the ones that are dragging their legs around that have no tissue on them at all, like seriously, nothing but bones, as they sit there shoving food in their face like nothings going on

    • @randymason4486
      @randymason4486 3 роки тому +6

      That's why they have to keep testing them in labs.

    • @DanaTS
      @DanaTS 3 роки тому +3

      I know, right? Have you see the video of the one with nothing but a skeletal leg left from a burn injury (probably from power lines I would guess)? There’s a video of the thing picking off and EATING it’s own dead flesh from its leg. Just disgusting!

    • @MsBatbird
      @MsBatbird 3 роки тому +1

      @@DanaTS Aggggghhhhh!!!

    • @carthainian
      @carthainian 3 роки тому

      that is my point, they do not need us, if they die it is a good thing, that keeps the numbers down somewhat!

  • @Bojangles1987
    @Bojangles1987 3 роки тому +13

    Maybe she shouldn’t force herself on everyone and make eveyone hate her

  • @ronoyb219
    @ronoyb219 3 роки тому +6

    That was horseshit man. What revealing fact?

  • @nikiboss3312
    @nikiboss3312 3 роки тому +4

    She’s going to die without immediate treatment

  • @tysoncutler3630
    @tysoncutler3630 2 роки тому +10

    Their "Totally not fake" NGO treated her by leaving her out to die slowly on a piece of plastic. Couldn't even bother to give her something soft to comfort her while she died slowly.

  • @Ipfreely124
    @Ipfreely124 Рік тому +2

    Million broken face from laugh so hard pity tree rat dead hope it lasted many day to pass in pain while on terror. One less many more laugh in days to come.

  • @nplaimc1640
    @nplaimc1640 2 роки тому +7

    People are so stupid, they didn't see that it was the VOs FAULT. They kept giving her the towel then hiding that towel to see her reaction so they CAN FILM IT. Every time they took the towel to hide it, she got agitated and she would clap her lips constantly talking back to the VO in the camera. THAT'S WHAT GAVE VO LOTS OF VIEWS. So, they constantly did this to Candy. They also scared her often so she can continue to be AGITATED and clap her lips back and give that GRIMACE FACE that is so synonymous with Candy into the camera. WATCH THOSE VIDEOS again and you'll see what I see.
    Candy's DEATH is on the HANDS OF THE VOs.

      @GRIMSBONIAN13 Рік тому +1

      Not just her how many of these.abandoned monkeys.disappeared after being.let go. Putting the group in between Two groups who have been fighting over turf for years add to it groups of roving males who are trying to hoi Amber group. Wait until.more of these females become sexually mature and the males fight over them

  • @karenotte5420
    @karenotte5420 2 роки тому +3

    Sounds like they ran over her with one of those junk scooters

  • @bunga_renda
    @bunga_renda 2 роки тому +3

    Thousand miles away traveling just to save 1 tiny pest? What a waste of money and time and energy.

  • @P3rmissionD3ni3d
    @P3rmissionD3ni3d 3 роки тому +8

    Propaganda. I see through your lies. Aren’t we a little to evolved for these types of shenanigans. Apparently not.

  • @cathleenwilliamson6668
    @cathleenwilliamson6668 2 роки тому +8

    Candy was such a cling on. She's was warned many times. I think she did that because she had a blanket when the owner dumped her. After awhile the shitheads took her blanket.

    • @pogo2076
      @pogo2076 Рік тому

      she did NOT have a towel when the VO who owned her brought her to the park. The towel had been around in other videos for awhile and showed up again when others were brought after Candy was killed. She should never had the towel. It reinforced her dependence on it and she hid in it when she should have been doing what EVERY SINGLE ONE of the others did------ clung to a living monkey, socialized and became familiar with her surroundings and survived. The VO's did not want her to survive. She had a long tail. They wanted a pigtail troop in Angkor.

    • @cathleenwilliamson6668
      @cathleenwilliamson6668 Рік тому +1

      Pogo 207, there's a video of the day Candy was abandoned and she definitely had a towel. Then there is another video of the V.O.'s taking the towel away from her. That was when Candy starting clinging onto the other monkeys.

    • @pogo2076
      @pogo2076 Рік тому +1

      @@cathleenwilliamson6668 She never had a towel or blanket in the home she came from. The towel was given to her to heighten the drama

  • @deborahpowell7791
    @deborahpowell7791 3 роки тому +2

    They scream all the time so mails don't like it

  • @someonewhoknows1891
    @someonewhoknows1891 Рік тому +2

    I heard they put her in a cage with dogs and let them attack her

  • @robinclark9805
    @robinclark9805 3 роки тому +1

    For goodness sake get her out-of help to put her down. This is awful news.

  • @pogo2076
    @pogo2076 Рік тому +1

    Candy was killed by VO;s. First they made her crazy with that damned towel..... then she was slightly injured. In with a few days she had a more severe injury and right after that she was injured gain. Before long she was shown suffering in pain on Konthea's front porch. They killed her for two reasons. First, she was just crazy enough when she was dumped by one of the cameramen that she exhibited the proper reactions for lots of drama so the VO's could beg for mney. Secondly, she did not fit the agenda of having a troop of pigtail monkeys in Angkor. Candy's only sin - and the reason she was so badly mistreated and killed - was she had a long tail.

    • @Вертикальныйгоризонт
      @Вертикальныйгоризонт Рік тому

      This macaque was not the only long-tailed monkey in this flock, but its relatives did not stand on ceremony with it, lapunders are more calm and it parasitizes precisely on them, clinging to them and trying to move around and satisfy its instincts of contact with its mother.However, this made her unattractive to the audience and therefore the oprators should not be blamed, perhaps they did it precisely because Candy was not liked by many viewers.

    • @Speedhp
      @Speedhp Рік тому

      Wtf is a "VO" ?

    • @pogo2076
      @pogo2076 3 місяці тому

      @@Вертикальныйгоризонт Viewers did not like her and ssid so..... which is exactly why the VO's kept after her to make her crazier and crazier because it generated lots of comments and arguments among viewers. The kept increasing the severity of the injuries until their only next step was to kill her. Look at her wound in her side. That is not a wound made by a monkey. That is a wound made by a knife.

    • @pogo2076
      @pogo2076 3 місяці тому

      @@Вертикальныйгоризонт It became their goal to make sure Candy was not liked so they could justify killing her. Every day you see people who don't like a particular monkey wishing it harm. Same with Candy. Viewers did not like her because VO's made sure she made noise, threw fits, hid under her towel and acted differently than the others. Others were also injured and Sankra took the blame. There are no videos of him attacking members of Sovana Camp. He was busy tending business elsewhere. The only problem is it wasn't Sankra that was so vicious to the babies. It was Santra. He is the one who was in the area and who killed Daniella. But he, also was engaged in politcs and not Sovana Camp.

  • @faustinaquintana7829
    @faustinaquintana7829 3 роки тому +5

    The subscribers and channels are criminals.

  • @KayBea351
    @KayBea351 3 роки тому +8

    I see this changed from Navy Dom

  • @SleekPantera
    @SleekPantera 3 роки тому +17

    These channels are pure evil. I never expected to witness so much wickedness against these defenseless creatures. There's hell to pay.

  • @enryquefvs
    @enryquefvs 3 роки тому +3

    ភាពល្ងង់ខ្លៅទាំងនេះមិនដែលអនុញ្ញាតឱ្យគាត់សម្របខ្លួនទៅនឹងជីវិតរបស់ព្រៃគ្រប់ពេលដោយយកនាងនៅក្នុងដៃពួកគេឡើងលើដើមឈើធ្វើតែរឿងឆោតល្ងង់ពួកគេខ្វល់អំពីការរកលុយដោយទទួលបានវីដេអូភាគច្រើនដោយមិនគិតពី ស្វាទាំងនេះសូមរាយការណ៍វីដេអូនេះជួយបញ្ចប់ក្រុមម៉ាហ្វីយ៉ាដែលមានឈ្មោះ sovana សូមអរគុណ

  • @Night_yawn
    @Night_yawn 2 роки тому

    The comment said ……by every male in every group …what happened was she beaten ?

  • @chrissbrown7400
    @chrissbrown7400 2 роки тому

    my question is, why do they only censor the videos of the mistreated monkeys if here on ypu tube there are videos of dogs being tortured and devoured by the Chinese and the videos are still valid, I don't understand

  • @ennidmc
    @ennidmc 2 роки тому

    Que tratan de interpretar con este video?? Candy fue abandonada como muchos y gran parte de los makakos que viven ahi! El grupo de Savana team le dio cobijo y comida, Mr. Lyn lo único que ha hecho es ayudar a estos pobres victimas de los crueles hombres que los abandonan y gracias a la ignorancia y al gobierno no hay un control de estos animales en ese gran parque dentro de la ciudad porque no están en la naturaleza!!! en ves de criticar y decir que mal esta esto!! hay gente responsable con caridad que están dedicando su vida ayudar a estos pobres animales que con los videos ayudan para mantenerlos y efectivamente hay muchos videos de paginas que no aportan nada y solo están viendo que sacan de dinero!! y muchos videos son de personas que a estos animales los sacan de su hábitat para llevarlos a sus casas, vestirlos, acostumbrarlos a los seres para luego abandonarlos de una crueldad sin limites esos videos deben de prohibir!!!

  • @bigb5206
    @bigb5206 2 роки тому

    They are not human for one #2 they kept chasing her down and they threw it right back in dangerous situation! This is great throw another one in. Feed it really good so the bigger ones see it and watch the sheewwwee a really big Big Big SWOoooooooo!

  • @candysbrokenbody2700
    @candysbrokenbody2700 2 роки тому +2


  • @Joe-io5bs
    @Joe-io5bs Рік тому +1

    Finally candy is dead ! Be a lot quieter there now i'm sure. But the vos had it all planned for her to die anyways.

  • @ericquasney5251
    @ericquasney5251 2 роки тому

    Drop off monkey in plastic bag moving
    Dump monkey out coller chain hands
    Zipped tied behind back other monkey send welcome party cut monkey loose
    Runs into barn some how escaped runs
    Laches on tree by owner crowds coming
    Owner second thoughts try to call monkey back monkey look at owner
    Look at crowd look at owner runs off to
    Take chances with angry mob what does
    That tell you?⚖️

  • @marlenecarlo5066
    @marlenecarlo5066 3 роки тому +2

    Por favor puede decirme si murió?

    • @faustinaquintana7829
      @faustinaquintana7829 3 роки тому

      Vaya a la Esquire del telefono y busque la lupa, presione y busque monkey Candy .Va a ver un video.

    • @darkyblue6530
      @darkyblue6530 3 роки тому +1

      Hoy salió un vídeo donde dicen que ya se murió.

    • @marlenecarlo5066
      @marlenecarlo5066 3 роки тому

      @@darkyblue6530 donde está ese video

    • @darkyblue6530
      @darkyblue6530 3 роки тому +1

      @@marlenecarlo5066 Está en el canal wild monkey life, el vídeo se llama My Video y también dice RIP monkey candy.

    • @darkyblue6530
      @darkyblue6530 2 роки тому

      La atacó un macho alfa llamado sankra le abrió el vientre con una mordida.

  • @EleeCanberraIl
    @EleeCanberraIl 2 роки тому

    Why isnt the one FILMING HELPING ??

    • @cv-cq9ry
      @cv-cq9ry 2 роки тому +1

      Because they probably inflicted this wound for views, you know, like they often set up situations and create drama amongst troop members to stimulate interest and ultimately receive more likes which equates to more money. Cold hard Cash is the bottom line here for these criminals.

  • @ragacyho5901
    @ragacyho5901 2 роки тому +1


  • @adamhaqeem4660
    @adamhaqeem4660 3 роки тому +5

    She can't make it...the infection at tht wound might kill her anytime..

  • @carthainian
    @carthainian 3 роки тому +1

    So Candy is dead! Well.....BYE!

  • @alexeibeketov5917
    @alexeibeketov5917 2 роки тому


  • @luzestegole5943
    @luzestegole5943 3 роки тому +1

    Esa no es Candy no se parece en nada???

    @CHAUNCEY.GARDNER. 3 роки тому

    0 info

  • @ericquasney5251
    @ericquasney5251 2 роки тому

    This one kinda stood out she was set up
    Abandon monkey in high stress (scared
    To death)would run to first human it comes to this one run to monkey.odd
    Many monkey tried to calm her just too
    Clingy physical pain not enough go for
    Mind too look at hook shot wet cold hungry beat up raped pointing where it
    Hurts walking upright begging anyone
    To at the very least touch her she became a liability to the others she had
    To go two broken legs stomach torn open left to die on floor sorry⚖️

  • @mariainmaculadapastoraboni7063
    @mariainmaculadapastoraboni7063 3 роки тому

    Candy no es una mona? O es persona, los títulos los escriben como que Candy me imagino una niña humana fue atacada por Sovana!!

  • @Isabella-nc4hh
    @Isabella-nc4hh 5 місяців тому +1


  • @jeddriggers5852
    @jeddriggers5852 2 роки тому +19

    The fake voices reading the broken engrish is just f**king hilarious.

  • @drew65sep
    @drew65sep 3 роки тому +3

    Buzzards gotta eat, same as worms

  • @Smurphy415
    @Smurphy415 Рік тому +3

    It was the screaming. Even the females attacked her because she never stopped screaming, and those monkeys will have none of that

  • @Your83
    @Your83 Рік тому +2

    She was asking for this she would never shut up

    • @DiddyCanFly
      @DiddyCanFly 11 місяців тому

      You’re a regard.

    • @Your83
      @Your83 11 місяців тому +1

      @@DiddyCanFly do i care ? Noooo

    • @DiddyCanFly
      @DiddyCanFly 11 місяців тому

      @@Your83 ya you do.

    • @Your83
      @Your83 11 місяців тому

      @@DiddyCanFly 😂😂😂😂🤭

    • @DiddyCanFly
      @DiddyCanFly 11 місяців тому

      @@Your83 see. I was right.

  • @lisaharrod8386
    @lisaharrod8386 Рік тому +1

    These poached youngsters dumped back in wild have zero monkey communication skills. Their behavior is not understood by other primates. Their posturing, and fear make them targets.
    They also do not fit into the hierarchical structure of wild troops. The are not recognized as members. They are unprotected, and very vulnerable.
    A wild monkey that is raised in captivity or released will have a miserable, short life. Either circumstance means a life of isolation, pain, and early death. And all with a camera in their fearfull, little faces.
    At least Cindy's ordeal has ended. The VOs are the animals, here. Not the monkeys.

  • @tashacherry1480
    @tashacherry1480 3 роки тому +6

    Local NGO 🤣🤣🤣🤣
    Smh you guys are such liars.
    Blame the big males for a dog's work. You're on lock down so no one's there feeding them. I highly doubt a big male attacked her... over what exactly!?

    • @nikkirevis6198
      @nikkirevis6198 2 роки тому +1

      They did not observe the lockdown! Are you kidding???? They break the law every direction there is!

    • @elainekent7026
      @elainekent7026 2 роки тому +2

      probably over her constant crying and clinging.

    • @simmomantua8910
      @simmomantua8910 2 роки тому +3


  • @luzestegole5943
    @luzestegole5943 3 роки тому +4

    Esa no es Candy, a quien quieren engañar? Misteriosos con la desaparición de la monita, el único que se pudo observar es monkey Ronnie herido🤔🤔🤔

    • @antoninasuzana2618
      @antoninasuzana2618 3 роки тому +1

      Si es Candy que fue herida por Sankra y se le ven los intestinos no sabemos si aún vive porque estaba malita

  • @Bojangles1987
    @Bojangles1987 3 роки тому +14

    She looks great

  • @johncase1353
    @johncase1353 2 роки тому +2

    Even you all said you she had no skill of living in the wild yet act surprised when she kept getting attacked.

  • @gdbriot1162
    @gdbriot1162 Рік тому +1

    Moral of the story, life’s tough, sometimes you get a shit one.

  • @subzero-ou6vg
    @subzero-ou6vg 2 роки тому +1

    Someone should of buy candy off these fool or go recuse candy damn one in a million monkey . That a shame I wanted that monkey we would make millions and candy was a star

    • @subzero-ou6vg
      @subzero-ou6vg 2 роки тому

      Without candy being the star monkey or sweet pea it's over all them other monkey is boring of nothing if you guys or them had brain they adpot candy and would be the top man of the monkey I'm ex convict and fromer hang banger a and rest y'all but I took the time to watch candy I'm not even a monkey person you know but I would have millions of views s millions of subscriber just doing video of candy with a better theme

    @UNCLEBERT926 2 роки тому +9

    I think one of those Vos killed her. That wound was too perfect like a blade. I know those big monkeys have claws, but that wound is way too clean

    • @bsunahin9596
      @bsunahin9596 2 роки тому +5

      The VOs didn’t need to do anything though. The way she acted I’m shocked she lasted more than a day out there. She disrespected every monkey and I’m surprised they didn’t tear her to shreds on day one

    • @carolvassallo26
      @carolvassallo26 2 роки тому +4

      It looked like a blade wound to me as well.

    • @pogo2076
      @pogo2076 Рік тому +2

      I absolutely believe one of the VO's cut her with a knife. I have a pretty good idea who it was, too. With the injuries others had at that time i wondered about the safety of all of them. There were too many that did not occur on camera and they told a story about how the injury happened. One of the VO's was hurting monkeys. With the graduation of injuries, I wondered if the locals have unsolved homicides of humans in Siem Reap.

    • @Вертикальныйгоризонт
      @Вертикальныйгоризонт Рік тому +4

      @@pogo2076 Daniela had the same injury, and it was definitely a male attack

    • @denisbezhin8905
      @denisbezhin8905 4 місяці тому +1

      @@pogo2076Ты детективов пересмотрел что ли?)))

  • @enryquefvs
    @enryquefvs 3 роки тому +1

    Someone knows if I have already hung up this monkey
    rather, did he die?
    comment thanks

  • @jodicox4305
    @jodicox4305 2 роки тому

    Cambodians, sick and twisted to take these babies and them record their deaths

  • @laylee3986
    @laylee3986 3 роки тому +3

    Hopefully you get her out of here for treatment and not bring her back to this hellhole where she is always getting attacked and starving

    • @KCBarr1
      @KCBarr1 3 роки тому +2

      Oh, boo fucking hoo.

  • @solangeboudreau5162
    @solangeboudreau5162 2 роки тому


  • @morallybankrupt1461
    @morallybankrupt1461 2 роки тому

    Is there of video of her death? I don’t think she’s actually dead.

    • @miserilovescompany5359
      @miserilovescompany5359 2 роки тому

      she is, and there is a video. she didnt survive her injury.

    • @carolvassallo26
      @carolvassallo26 2 роки тому +1

      @@miserilovescompany5359 i see a video of her injury but not her actual death

  • @ChadAndChill
    @ChadAndChill 3 роки тому +3

    The vid I saw of Candy was taken down can't find it on UA-cam anymore.Looks like her back legs are paralyzed from that attack.

    • @shelley4746
      @shelley4746 3 роки тому +4

      I too watched that video..she was dragging both back legs/had her small intestine hanging out a bit... crying/alone/no food/water offered..laying on dirty dirty towels/ was a photo of her in a wire type cage...not a thing since then/two channels have posted they've been "hacked" at the time of the "Candy update"...

    • @ChadAndChill
      @ChadAndChill 3 роки тому +1

      @@shelley4746 Yup,saw the same vid.

    • @annegretheskjoldborg8686
      @annegretheskjoldborg8686 2 роки тому

      @@shelley4746 arros marisco, he showed the video of Candy, filmed by navy dom p

  • @carlasheldon5932
    @carlasheldon5932 3 роки тому +1

    I Believe she was attacked twice by Sangkra

  • @curtcodein6486
    @curtcodein6486 2 роки тому +1


  • @Press_X_to_doubt
    @Press_X_to_doubt 3 роки тому +4

    RIP monke