Hey barry, do you have the video where they have to guess the song you are playing? I cant remember the special guest but the songs were "The carnival is over by the seekers" "Born to run by bruce springstein" And blackbird by the beatles Or do you remember the episode numbers you have been on so i can look for it?
Greatest moment on australian television
What I miss are Barry's original demo videos of the Hammond from the Sunnyside mall. They really showed off what it could do. Bring them back Barry!!!
This was fantastic... looking forward to September in Melbourne :D
Truly, truly awesome.
Hey barry, do you have the video where they have to guess the song you are playing? I cant remember the special guest but the songs were
"The carnival is over by the seekers"
"Born to run by bruce springstein"
And blackbird by the beatles
Or do you remember the episode numbers you have been on so i can look for it?
What happened to the episode where barry did born to.run i loved listening to that
I wish they wouldn't buzz in...
Looks like a Hammond Aurora Classic Organ.
This is where I found out about this guy
Вот это мимика во харизма=))))