mister8765 lose jobs, friends get attacked by strangers, have your property damaged, destroyed or stolen. Being labelled a racist means you are a target, a literal punching bag.
It still boggles my mind how a comedian can show a greater amount of knowledge and analysis about political situations than politicians and the media can
@BrittaniaFTW Politicians get script writers as well, so that's probably not the reason. But not being a politician means he's a bit freer in what he says.
@@weswheel4834 so politicians have to say what they are told to say, that's the problem, who controls them? The idea they cannot say certain things leads to institutional corruption...like say for example...Britain hiding the fact it was built on the bones and blood of slave! Allan Moore foretold of this draconian Britain we now live in! Who watches the watchmen?
I got laughed at when I started trading. I was burnt out, needed a change, also wasn't expecting to be laughed out of the office when I mentioned my interest in investing in the stock market. Well, a few years later and $5.3 million in savings, I'm the one laughing now. Friends now want to know exactly what my i do to earn well I advise everyone to start trading in the stock market today for a better tomorrow that’s all I can say,thanks to Mr carlos @carlos_1uptrades on instagram. I’m making a living trading forex .
You said all I was trying to say. And I love how you said you were wrong. Even your earlier work has taught me to say "I am wrong" because its not about the ego... Its about change! So as a black girl. (Yeah ik ik. But it really means alot to me to day this.) Thank you for having my back and making me laugh through this whole mess.
Just watched the vids of all those black guys beating up the officer in Hackney, and then there's the vid of those black guys beating up the Irish kid in Cork because "slavery". Look, there's no question that George Floyd shouldn't have been killed thay way and those officers need to face justice. However, I can't get behind this blm movement, those protestors want to sterelise British history of anyone who wasn't a pure angel, and, this might sound a little controversial, but black people need to look within their own community because at the end of the day, not everything is the white mans fault. All this radical left protesting is making Ben Shapiro seem like a very reasonable man and as much as you think it's highlighting a cause, at the same time, this attack on British history is pushing a lot of other people further and further away from your cause and even more people to the right. So no, sorry, I can't support these BLM protests until people start to take the emotion out and we bring everyone to the table to talk.
"I've always been dubious of a hashtag. It achieves nothing other than virtue signalling your 'woke credentials'. Because it's trendy, it seems disingenuous". Absolutely this. Sick to death of seeing "look at me, I'm such a great person" posts all over social media.
So called black person from the U.S here. And I love this guy! you're always welcome at our home. Seriously, we have a mixed family and find people very humorous to say the least. There are in fact, a LOT of mixed families in the states and on the raise everywhere. We like to focus on individuals as individuals, not as groups. ie dont' codemn an entire group for the sickness of some. Cheers Everybody stay well and informed. A lot of whats going on is some of what you would consider a live nightmare. Do the research please, dont just listen to your bought and sold leaders.
Yet Pie makes the point that BLM is not about individuals but fighting against systemic racism. White ppl no longer remaining silent about a system that privileges them over POC.
Lisa Hayes In the UK the native population is white so of course they have priority. I wonder when Zimbabwe or Nigeria will start changing their systems to allow white People some equality.
He's almost like a British Bill Maher, the way he makes his left wing, anti-right wing views abundantly clear but isn't afraid to ridicule or criticise lefties either, instead of toeing the party line like so many other comedians do.
that why I thought at first he was on the other side, (right side), lol, oh, wait... it got me really irritated and then yet I couldn't stop listening because either way he is funny. So I left, unsubscribed and came back later to rightly subscribe to him again. lol. okay not funny.
Manuela typical left wing communist, didn’t like what he said so stamped and cried and unsubscribed.. oh wait he’s said some lefty commie shite? SUBSCRIBE!!!
I don't think pie is either right or left. I saw one of his lockdown video's that he states not being a person of either side because they're both shit. He does criticise both parties and government in general in his video's.
I'll take all this 'black lives matter' stuff seriously when they start petitioning politicians to sort out the issues of black youths being killed by other black youths in gang related violence. The silence around that problem is deafening yet it affects far more.
Exactly what Nestride Yumga was so angry about when a bunch of white people kept telling her to leave the BLM march because she didn't believe she was as oppressed as she should feel. She kept demanding them to bring the march to the ghettos and show they believe black lives matter.
It's not like self responsibility has anything to do with it. Equate it for a minute with knife wielding youths in UK. Shithouse or absent fathers, or mums. Not great mentors. Low education. Maybe a smidge of FASD. Race might have something to do with some of that, I dunno... In US, low level crime resulting in long or unfair incarceration could contribute to it over the long term for sure. Real problem then is anger. Justified or not, it's volatile. This can result in worse crime and longer incarcerations... Once a peaceful protest becomes looting or worse, much is lost from whatever message might be intended. Maybe this century requires a bit of overhaul in law and order generally, as well as opportunity. .
Agreeing with Morgan Freeman's view that "racism doesn't exist anymore because we had a black president once" doesn't make one a racist. It makes one an out-of-touch idiot, but not necessarily a racist, yeah.
It is quite funny to talk about "racial inequality" in the UK where investigations against grooming gangs were suppressed because the police was afraid that they will be called racist. To this day we still didn't see the grooming gang report. When is that coming?
True, they should look up the churches grooming and rape while they're at it, that's another that has been suppressed. Or the royal families child rape. List can go on. I don't think its anything to do with race, I think maybe the people running the courts are also in on it too? Maybe those in government who should be the ones high enough to deal with it maybe in on it also?
@@UncleBenjs it's quite possible that some government official is involved in these scandals, however as far as the informations we have access to go, this is an ethnic problem. If it isn't then the government should release the report and clear things up, by withholding it their are showing that they fear how the public will react, which ironically is only going to heighten racial tensions.
Honesty, learning, self deprecation, confusion, a call to common sense, a balanced view on trends and virtue signalling, a touch of guilt and contrition ... just what I needed right now. And all in 5 mins. Brilliant!
The lockdown protesters weren't breaking stuff, stealing stuff, and burning building down. RIP David Dorn, someone who actually did good for his community and was murderered in cold blood by a looter. His life mattered.
This is what I don't get. People are celebrating the protests as a victory because Chauvin is getting charged (which might have happened anyway) and Breonna Taylor case has been opened up. Yet Wikipedia has stated the deaths of the riots at 21: en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Floyd_protests#Deaths With a lot of them being black (I think around 8 or 9, which is the same amount of unarmed black people killed by police last year). That's the deaths as a direct results of the riot. Chicago also had it's highest death rate in 60 years (which by the way had 0 unarmed killings by police in 2019 and so far this year). That's before we even mention the thousands of businesses destroyed within communities that are predominantly black... But we did it guys, we got justice for two people and we only had to climb over a mound of dead bodies to get there! Tim's wrong on this one. These protests will resolve nothing and actually harm black communities whilst emboldening an ideology that hates racism but has no plan on how to resolve it. Maybe you need to break a few eggs to make an omellete... Well then, where' s the omellete?
@@Niaandrea7812 oh, the protests are already over? The police kills over a thousand people a year and in 99% of the time no charges are made. Do you think those thousand people are only black people? Over 30 million people are out of a job since the lock down. Do you think only black people lost their jobs? As soon as the lock down is called to end, mass eviction will happen. Do you think only black people will be throw out? Yes, Black Lives Matters sparked the flame, but the anger was already there and now, thanks to the government, millions of people have nothing to do while fully aware they're about to be trampled on. This protest isn't over yet. And it's not only about Black Lives Matter. But it is about solidarity, especially with people less fortunate in life.
Ian Sagar You’re so far off the point. This is about hundreds of years not a handful of deaths. It’s about a systemically racist society not justice for two people. In my life time it spans from Rodney King all the way to Lloyd and all those thousands in between, and Stephen Lawrence and Windrush in this country. Just look at statistics from the US or the UK that tell the story of how the odds are hugely stacked against you if black. For goodness sake. Lift your head up and see.
Spot on. Say what he may about the people with 'assault rifles', they were peaceful. they didnt leave a mess. they stood together in peaceable assembly. The inverse is the burning of cars, buildings, businesses, destruction of historic artwork, burned out police station, people beaten in the streets, an assassinated federal officer, David Dorn and 20 others dead, and millions of dollars in general damage....just for Choven(?) (in my opinion) to be *over* charged and he may walk.
With tears in my eyes, I thank you. I was raised in an ALL Black segregated neighborhood in Louisiana. I have chosen to raise my 14 year old daughter in a majority White city in Indiana because I worked at the University for 9 years and started a PhD program here. I am a Race and Culture educator, I design lessons and curriculum to teach about racial and cultural differences (to hopefully get all of us to be more open, loving, and patient with each other) so I have tools others may not have, tools that help me navigate and digest what is happening in the world, and yet, still, I AM FUCKED UP ABOUT ALL OF THIS! Again, thank you for using your platform this way and I am sorry for cussing in your comments section.
@Stephen Bennett I am unable to answer your questions in full at the moment. I prefer to not respond when I am unable to detach emotionally (even for a few minutes). However, I can offer this: 'All Lives Matter' as a RESPONSE to 'Black Lives Matter' is one way to dismiss the issue at hand. It is a way to change the conversation, the narrative without fully acknowledging that Killing Black People is a problem, specifically the State sanctioned killing of Black people (just so we don't venture off into the 'what about Black people killing Black people deflection that is usually the very next thing that is shouted after 'All Lives Matter'.) To better understand the Black perspective, I recommend the book Black Rage by Carol Anderson. To better understand the White people in the United States, I recommend the book White Trash by Nancy Isenberg. To better understand ones self as a White Person who is willing to do the necessary self work required to undo or correct some societal wrongs, I recommend the book White Fragility by Robin D'Angelo. By the way, to be clear, I don't know what your race or ethnicity is, per my comment above, I was speaking in general terms to those who identify as White. Peace to you.
I am sorry to say this, but it is amazing you feel the need to apologize for swearing in the forum of an act that drops the bombs left right and centre.
@@bandiceet it is part of my upbringing. This is someone else's space so I feel I must respect their space as an invited guest should respect a home they have been welcomed into. On my page, I cuss just as much sometimes, but since the elders in my community back home have started following me on Facebook, I have chilled quite a bit. I am a 68 Baby so my generational training is showing perhaps. Respect the Elders and other people's property and all that. Peace to you.
@@jolivettejanderson-douonin3698 i was born in 76, i think i kind of grew up with the same set of manners - or at least near enough. I know there is a time and place for such things, but given the situation, i think there us a time and place where you can follow the lead...
Wasn’t Mr Floyd a convicted felon who previously broke into a woman’s home and pistol whipped her ( ilegal gun). As opposed to the senile white dude beaten up in an old folks home.......just trying to understand !
@@franklingoodwin a load of lunatics who have this weird belief that simply being born white makes one inherently racist, apparetly unaware that making such a claim based upon nothing but skin colour is itself racist. Ironic really.
I don't agree with "silence is violence". Protests are about the great work that people do, not about attacking the people that don't do anything for whatever reason. The moment you start scare mongering people it is no longer a movement or a quest for positive change
Plus, some are silent because they don't know enough about the issue, and they want to know more. Others don't want to hijack the movement from the people who started it, and who it's supposed to help.
I don't think there is any other comedian (or even news reporter, fake or real) who manages to so eloquently and honestly explore all the nuance and complexity of stuff. Pie rocks.
"..while you wear your Nike trainers..." I hear that. Like a hipster holding an iPhone with "This machine fights fascism" sticker on it. As much as they love irony, and pointing out hypocrisy, you'd think they'd notice it when it's staring them in the face.
There is no ethical consumption under capitalism, so no matter what brand you buy from someone is going to be exploited most likely. It's the price of living in a first world country, just not one we really pay. You can recognise that fact and fight for change at the same time.
Did you watch the video? Because if you did, you might have come to the realization that this "hypocrisy" did still get you to engage with antifascism. It made it "trend", so to speak.
Can I have an example of this systemic institutionalized racism? I can't see any racist laws or regulations in the UK and the only discrimination I've seen is positive for blacks and at the expense of whites.
@Tiger Tamer Sus laws are common sense if a member of the minority group is statistically more likely to be a perp. Law abiding members of minority groups should acknowledge that truth to support a law abiding society, and not cry 'racism'.
@Tiger Tamer Not a 'disproportionate amount of arrests' it would be 'more arrests'. The police would need to look at the % of arrests as proportion of stoppages. If it is shown the the % of perps per stoppage is higher for a group [lets say people wearing hoodies] then it's justified to continue the policy. If not then the policy should be reviewed. This is what happens, because this is what makes sense. To end on sarcasm ...it's interesting that you jump to defend the criminals and interesting that you jump to promote practices that lead to more crimes. What does that say about you ????
@Tiger Tamer If you're taking the time to understand the logic before responding then good for you. It's perhaps not straight forward common sense and requires a little math. What's important in this policy is that police treat everyone they stop with respect. A presumption of innocence.
You can have racist policing and governance without written out racist laws. Racists are arseholes they're not stupid, they're not going to make a law that says "Beat up black people more". Well, not anymore anyway. Institutions are made of people, and people can be racist.
BLM (UK): 'Who we are. Black Lives Matter UK (BLMUK) is a coalition of black activists and organisers across the UK. We’ve been organising since 2016 for justice in our communities. We’re guided by a commitment to dismantle imperialism, capitalism, white-supremacy, patriarchy and the state structures that disproportionately harm black people in Britain and around the world. We build deep relationships across the diaspora and strategise to challenge the rise of the authoritarian right-wing across the world, from Brazil to Britain.' Sounds like communism not anti racism.
@@normielegion1949 1) Jonathan Pie is a character played by an actor, 2) pretending to be a journalist who loves to have off air rants at the camera or with/at the camera person.
Normie Legion satire is telling reality truths through a story narrative that parallels reality, like Animal Farm, one of the best damn satires ever written
Especially, when the USA is build upon Genozide and Slavey... aren't then Brazil, Peru, Equador, Mexico, Canada, Venezuela etc. also build upon it? Why do the US americans forget, that the first people who were enslaved and killed off on their country were the native americans! And that 100 years before the first brit went onto the american shores.
I felt the same way. People posting a black square seems insignificant, and disingenuous because they're only doing it now that it's big news and trendy, but then that sort of behaviour is what makes any real change happen.
Yep. Me as well. (almost dais me too but...) As soon as I see someone's avatar has been overlaid with the latest social justice fad I'm just eye rolling.
Stupidity is off the charts these days... Most of those abusing words like "fascism" and "racism" don't have a clue of the actual meaning of the words... It's pathetic really, they throw them around right and left to anyone who they even suspect is in disagreement with them about anything... You can't reason with those people...
@@Freawulf I find it interesting that this both occurs on the left ("racist", "facist", etc.) and right ("socialist", "antifa", etc.) side of the political spectrum. And all of this, while all sides cry about the others being hypocrites for doing so.
@@The8BitPianist There will always be a few rotten apples on both sides. But in my experience, the conservatives are much more welcoming nowadays. I'm saying this as a left leaning individual btw.
As mentioned above, I had a old school friend who was attacked by the FB mob because she criticised the rioters for attacking the police horses with stones and bikes. Unfortunely in times like these with emotions running high, and propoganda and counter facts being thrown thorugh the air, it is simply best to lay low and went for tempers to calm. When people are angry they are not the most level headed ones to converse with. Any counter to their claims however innocent or with good faith they will be will be met with utmost hostility. I'm sure when the situation cools down, and when people come to their senses, that they will realise that they did over step the mark. But as of this moment, do not engage them.
@@thatspookagain4030 I use facebook to talk with mates, I use twitter to take part in flame wars. It does terrify me how well meaning people are being attacked by the mob ( most of them being school friends ) for not kotowing and following everything they say about this issue. One girl posted a picture of the horse that was injured during the london riots saying how angry she was for people to throw stones and push bikes into it, and in return she got a barrage of accusations of her for not caring about black lives, that she essentially was a bigot and then they went through her FB feed and criticised her for not showing solidarity through the absense of any BLM messages or posters.
I do wonder how much of that 'old slavery money' (forgive my poor wording) is still about? I think there may be some documentaries on this but it would be interesting to research. How much of modern Britain is built on slavery. That would be a very nuanced discussion.
@@DrLove-ql1wh who cares. I mean what about the clothes your wearing made from slavery, what about the money the slave merchants made what about the money the Roman slavers made and then the Egyptians. Get a grip and get a life and lash yourself for all your sins.
Please do a skit in the US. That would be hysterical. Do it outside the whitehouse, stood next to a fox presenter so they think you’re from the bbc. That would be epic to watch.
Pie used to be funny and then Andrew Doyle stopped writing for him. Wokeness isn’t funny it just feels like being nagged by someone obsessed with racism and victimhood.
He sucks when you see him live as well. Gave me a headache. However he's super bright and very good at these skits. Hard to take for over an hour though.
@Vagabond-Savant The Autodidact-Serviette I mean... that is generally how Democracies work. Maybe not the learning you should be taking away from this but it's not an invalid lesson to learn.
@Geo Leech Hard left socialist? Oh my god mate but yourself a dictionary😂 His name is Tom Walker, Jonathan Pie is a satirical character. Also hes left wing, not hard left.
Mixed feelings “I posted a picture of my breakfast and within minutes hundreds of people were calling me a fascist”😂😂 unfortunately that’s the world we living in😞
Of the whole video, that's what you focus on. The whole thing. All the other intelligent things he said and you're taking away from this that BLM supporters see breakfast as being synonymous with fascism.
Vagabond-Savant The Autodidact-Serviette But most of the protest *are* peaceful. And it’s been proven time and time again that the looters aren’t the actual protesters and are just a bunch of low life’s trying to portray the movement in a negative light. Why is it that you lot seem more pressed about the looting (which isn’t the protesters) than the actual reason why people are out on the streets protesting? Edit: link to vid of looters ua-cam.com/video/14DQqcmXg8I/v-deo.html Also, where is the video of this alleged taking down of a Lincoln statue?
@Kris Moodley Does he fit your narrative ? Does it matter? Does it make his observations more valid if 10 people agree with it? Just difference of opinion I agree with John on something and disagree with him on other I do generally find him less funny than I used to but is that my change in humour or his it's all really doesn't matter he will tell what Jokes he wants and I wouldn't want him to do otherwise
I mean, it's undeniable that the movement has helped a lot of women out there, but it's also undeniable that quite a few people within the movement have shown a tendency to dismiss and label people for unfair reasons, and more than one have been unfairly targeted because of rumours and false claims. It's the same with antifa or even feminism as a whole. They've done a lot of good, but radicals within these groups have taken it too far more times than many would be willing to admit.
When there have been peaceful protests and prayers in all continents of the world? . When in US history, regarding this 400-year old fight, they've had their biggest scale of protesting? (the good and bad but mainly the good) . When millions around the world have finally not only seen the murder and knowing the reasons for it, (he has more melanin) but have for the first time felt the pain, the trauma that black Americans feel many times a year, every single year of their lives and now people of all races are saying: 'We finally understand. I feel your pain. I'm sorry. I want to learn. I'm listening." . Empathy has been growing regarding this human rights issue. We're still riding on a global pandemic here, the world has been crazily connected and I think in 2020, we're finally realising our common humanity for the first time in a long time. . The media is doing what the media will always do: Show the worst of humanity (minority number) and keep us divided by planting those images into your mind via TV and newspapers. . Regular people around the world are working hard on unifying, edcuating, supporting and listening because helping solve a huge human rights problem in the world benefits us all as fellow human beings. . Take a moment to decide how you'd like to contribute to our history for future generations in the name of love, equality and kindness.
When I am told I have a better life because of my skin and I should check my privilege then that is just dividing us. Now I have to be ashamed of my British culture, I want equal right for everyone but I'm not going to stand for innocent police officers suffering and my identity striped away.
@@MrMasque Black people have the same rights as white people and they both get hurt or killed by police. If people wanted things to get better then it should'nt be a race war of who suffers more, it is literally a few police officers in America that are racist and that should be the focus
some stupid arguments here re slavery and sys racism but Jonathan is the only left that can not only meme, but hold a proper discussion. This man needs more likes
"I instagrammed a picture of my breakfast, and within minutes, hundreds of people calling me a fascist" Are you sure you didn't accidentally instagram a picture of your Brexit? People keep confusing the two.
If we have to keep apologising and begging for forgiveness, for things we said when we were ignorant. We'll all be apologising every minute of everyday for the rest of our lives. The overwhelming majority of us understand and accept that racism is wrong. We understand that Black Lives Matter is more a plea than a demand. But we also understand that following the law and protesting passionately yet peacefully is commendable. But we also have to understand that in the realm of comedy, movies etc. There has to be a little leeway for creativity. Sometimes it's not even racist but poking fun at the stupidity of racism, or making fun of certain stereotypes. These stereotypes exist and it's hilarious when done in a tongue in cheek way. So rather than be sensitive to jokes, we should focus more on those who want to divide people. Picking on comedians and actors for film roles should be the last group we focus on. Let's live, love and laugh together. ✌🏾
I've not seen much that is all that objectionable, just... y'know... counter-arguments. When you make a point on the internet counter-arguments are one of the healthiest things you can see and blind agreement one of the most harmful.
Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you. Friedrich W. Nietzsche
Not only did the British empire's stop slavery in their own country, they spent a good bit of their money making sure it's stopped pretty much entirely.
"People are more worried about being called racist than they actually are about racism."
Truer words have never been spoken.
Of course..
Imagine if people just didn't care what they were labelled. These words would have 0 power.
SoftLuxuryOne The problem is the ramifications of being called a racist - people lose their jobs and friends even if it was used as a baseless slur
mister8765 lose jobs, friends get attacked by strangers, have your property damaged, destroyed or stolen.
Being labelled a racist means you are a target, a literal punching bag.
"I was wrong" is such an underused phrase.
"You are right." is another one. Coincidentally, you are right.
True words!
How does #MeToo take credit for Jeffrey Epstein?
It is on the left.
@@cyberninjazero5659 It doesn't. That was confusing. Maybe when he said "I was wrong", that's what he was referring to.
This man is the greatest ranter and satirist Britain has created for a generation. He is criminally under rated.
Don't forget his writers
@@LS-tz5re Well said
More like under investigated
He is NOBODY.... it’s a satire you idiot
owen okay the thing is what he’s saying is true
It still boggles my mind how a comedian can show a greater amount of knowledge and analysis about political situations than politicians and the media can
@BrittaniaFTW Politicians get script writers as well, so that's probably not the reason. But not being a politician means he's a bit freer in what he says.
@@weswheel4834 so politicians have to say what they are told to say, that's the problem, who controls them? The idea they cannot say certain things leads to institutional corruption...like say for example...Britain hiding the fact it was built on the bones and blood of slave! Allan Moore foretold of this draconian Britain we now live in! Who watches the watchmen?
Harry Rigby He actually doesn’t - he’s spewing mainstream propaganda for you.
Which he does mostly by talking out his arse.
@all my subs are my trolling victims He's been left-wing since ever made a Pie video. He actually attacks the left more now than he used to.
Ali G was about making fun of white people pretending to be black.
...Much deeper.
No, he was parodying what white people think black people are like.
Lenny Henry did a bit in white face as Steve Martin ua-cam.com/video/eH1PQoZsfLM/v-deo.html
@@moshemankoff7488 no he was playing a wigger, his mates The west Staines posse were wiggers too
Until he showed himself up as a leftist idiot.
“Eating a black pudding had become a racial micro-aggression” - classic!
"Or possibly the hash brown"
As a brown man I took offence to that 🤣🤣🤣
What´s the best brand of black pudding, please? I need to change my diet!!
What about driving over black tarmac.
I got laughed at when I started trading. I was burnt out, needed a change, also wasn't expecting to be laughed out of the office when I mentioned my interest in investing in the stock market. Well, a few years later and $5.3 million in savings, I'm the one laughing now. Friends now want to know exactly what my i do to earn well I advise everyone to start trading in the stock market today for a better tomorrow that’s all I can say,thanks to Mr carlos @carlos_1uptrades on instagram. I’m making a living trading forex .
"I instagrammed a picture of my breakfast, and within minutes, hundreds of people calling me a fascist"
Absolutely sums up the world we live in today.
Where is this picture he's talking about? Not there on his Instagram?
exactly LAWD!
You didn’t watch the whole thing.
It's fucking sad
@@Zecstar23 it's fukking salad
"Toxic Competitive Empathy"
Wordsmithing of the highest order
Finally!!! Someone who gets it! Thank you for your insight Jonathan.
A Canadian black woman.
"Eating a black pudding is a racial micro-aggression!" I have just laughed almost as much as I did when watching Chris Morris' Brass Eye.
Or a hash brown
You can't even call a "blackboard" that anymore (seriously). You have to call it a "chalk board". WTF?
@@hedgehog1965uk Jesus, we need to sort that out right now! The inhumanity...
@@dreddiknight It's OK, we have whiteboards now and we all know you can't be racist to white people, so we should be OK.
"Can I go back to playing Candy Crush?" That made me laugh.
I don't know what candy crush is. I suppose in Britain we would call it "sweet squash"
@@hopethisworks1212 It's one of those viral mobil games. Aggro Birds, Farmville, Panda Crush etc.
Nope, wake the f*xk up and make a change!
I'm just sitting here pondering the big question. Who is Tim?
The real Tim was the friends we made along the way
Us, we are all Tim! 🤣
Not me, I hope.
He will pop up one day like the stig.
That trump impression was on point, let’s not lie 😂🤣
But completely out of context....
The Geek Is Strong Trump's handled almost all these situations very badly
I commented a similar thing, before seeing yours. My bad lol
Guys guys.
It's ok...For all we know George Floyd could of been a Trump supporter.
So he wouldn't have been black.
@Razer Mantis He says that he's done more for African Americans than any president in history.
You said all I was trying to say. And I love how you said you were wrong. Even your earlier work has taught me to say "I am wrong" because its not about the ego... Its about change! So as a black girl. (Yeah ik ik. But it really means alot to me to day this.) Thank you for having my back and making me laugh through this whole mess.
Just watched the vids of all those black guys beating up the officer in Hackney, and then there's the vid of those black guys beating up the Irish kid in Cork because "slavery". Look, there's no question that George Floyd shouldn't have been killed thay way and those officers need to face justice. However, I can't get behind this blm movement, those protestors want to sterelise British history of anyone who wasn't a pure angel, and, this might sound a little controversial, but black people need to look within their own community because at the end of the day, not everything is the white mans fault. All this radical left protesting is making Ben Shapiro seem like a very reasonable man and as much as you think it's highlighting a cause, at the same time, this attack on British history is pushing a lot of other people further and further away from your cause and even more people to the right. So no, sorry, I can't support these BLM protests until people start to take the emotion out and we bring everyone to the table to talk.
The Greedy Orphan
So, what about if you start and take your emotions out of it....???
@@gorillaguerillaDK Being emotionally biased does not necessarily mean to be abstained from morality.
@@The_Greedy_Orphan That's the issue, people don't want to talk, they want full win.
"I've always been dubious of a hashtag. It achieves nothing other than virtue signalling your 'woke credentials'. Because it's trendy, it seems disingenuous".
Absolutely this. Sick to death of seeing "look at me, I'm such a great person" posts all over social media.
Underrated 👍
Edit: adequately rated now. 👍
People seem to seek validation for their ego. It's all self-serving.
The world has been taken over by dopamine junkies
Fantastic this writing.
@@EaterOfBaconSandwiches You're missing the point. People post a hash tag and think that's enough, that they don't have to do anything else.
So called black person from the U.S here. And I love this guy! you're always welcome at our home. Seriously, we have a mixed family and find people very humorous to say the least. There are in fact, a LOT of mixed families in the states and on the raise everywhere. We like to focus on individuals as individuals, not as groups. ie dont' codemn an entire group for the sickness of some. Cheers Everybody stay well and informed. A lot of whats going on is some of what you would consider a live nightmare. Do the research please, dont just listen to your bought and sold leaders.
Humans! Done right we're a pretty good species. Wellness upon you and yours!
Yet Pie makes the point that BLM is not about individuals but fighting against systemic racism. White ppl no longer remaining silent about a system that privileges them over POC.
Lisa Hayes In the UK the native population is white so of course they have priority.
I wonder when Zimbabwe or Nigeria will start changing their systems to allow white People some equality.
Woodland Warrior why does everyone bring up third world African nations lol
@@redpoet4385 If black lives mattered Africa needs to be sorted, read about slavery now, as in today, in Ghana and know how little black lives matter.
all my subs are my trolling victims of course he will, because black lives only have to matter to white people.
And you guys don't care enough about him to protest.
You only care enough to move your thumbs. Sad.
@all my subs are my trolling victims
Not to mention that Floyd also threatened a freaking pregnant woman
+@@billybigballs5026 Now that should be on a T shirt. May I use it?
He's CAPTAIN David Dorn
He's almost like a British Bill Maher, the way he makes his left wing, anti-right wing views abundantly clear but isn't afraid to ridicule or criticise lefties either, instead of toeing the party line like so many other comedians do.
that why I thought at first he was on the other side, (right side), lol, oh, wait... it got me really irritated and then yet I couldn't stop listening because either way he is funny. So I left, unsubscribed and came back later to rightly subscribe to him again. lol. okay not funny.
Bill Maher used to be good, now he’s a corporate Democrat who constantly demeans actual left wing values.
Manuela typical left wing communist, didn’t like what he said so stamped and cried and unsubscribed.. oh wait he’s said some lefty commie shite? SUBSCRIBE!!!
I don't think pie is either right or left.
I saw one of his lockdown video's that he states not being a person of either side because they're both shit.
He does criticise both parties and government in general in his video's.
True, only Jonathan Pie is a character played by Tom Walker. But I get what you mean, Tom Walker should appear on Real Time with Bill Maher.
Did Black life of David Dorn mattered? A 77 year old black retired cop who got shot by a looter? I guess it mattered, just a little less than a new TV
Did you go out on to the street to protest it?
It doesn't fit the narrative, so no, he doesn't matter. (at least for the mainstream media and the NPCs who follow them)
@@blt4life112 I wrote an article about it
Oh now you care, congrats.
Let's read it.
At last, I’ve missed your outdoor doses of vitriol and social commentary.
Oh Jonathon, you continue to articulate my thoughts better than I can. Damn you, you wonderfully eloquent creature.
Reading could solve that problem :)
I'll take all this 'black lives matter' stuff seriously when they start petitioning politicians to sort out the issues of black youths being killed by other black youths in gang related violence. The silence around that problem is deafening yet it affects far more.
Exactly what Nestride Yumga was so angry about when a bunch of white people kept telling her to leave the BLM march because she didn't believe she was as oppressed as she should feel. She kept demanding them to bring the march to the ghettos and show they believe black lives matter.
@@stevezpj Kay UK....I agree completely with Nestride....she has a head on her shoulders..........
It's not like systemic racism has anything to do with it
It's not like self responsibility has anything to do with it.
Equate it for a minute with knife wielding youths in UK.
Shithouse or absent fathers, or mums. Not great mentors. Low education. Maybe a smidge of FASD.
Race might have something to do with some of that, I dunno...
In US, low level crime resulting in long or unfair incarceration could contribute to it over the long term for sure. Real problem then is anger.
Justified or not, it's volatile. This can result in worse crime and longer incarcerations...
Once a peaceful protest becomes looting or worse, much is lost from whatever message might be intended.
Maybe this century requires a bit of overhaul in law and order generally, as well as opportunity.
@@ryangoepfert9112 What systemic racism?
The," I'm with you brothers" was so GENUINE in it's like straight forward, awkward, whiteness it was honest and almost made me cry. Cheers.
I got called racist yesterday because I posted a video of Morgan freeman's views on racism, because I said I agree
if your white and male your a racist fascist by default according leftist standards and antifa definitions.
@@OrdinaryJoe12 due to white libs
Agreeing with Morgan Freeman's view that "racism doesn't exist anymore because we had a black president once" doesn't make one a racist.
It makes one an out-of-touch idiot, but not necessarily a racist, yeah.
It is quite funny to talk about "racial inequality" in the UK where investigations against grooming gangs were suppressed because the police was afraid that they will be called racist. To this day we still didn't see the grooming gang report.
When is that coming?
Where are the official reports into that claim for malpractice?
True, they should look up the churches grooming and rape while they're at it, that's another that has been suppressed. Or the royal families child rape. List can go on. I don't think its anything to do with race, I think maybe the people running the courts are also in on it too? Maybe those in government who should be the ones high enough to deal with it maybe in on it also?
@@UncleBenjs it's quite possible that some government official is involved in these scandals, however as far as the informations we have access to go, this is an ethnic problem.
If it isn't then the government should release the report and clear things up, by withholding it their are showing that they fear how the public will react, which ironically is only going to heighten racial tensions.
Twitter is an absolute mess. #Twitterisanabsolutemess
Almost as big of a mess as JEB!
It's a looney bin essentially because only sick people would make it a big part of their lives
You're just being trendy lol
I agree
I freaking love this guy..
Honesty, learning, self deprecation, confusion, a call to common sense, a balanced view on trends and virtue signalling, a touch of guilt and contrition ... just what I needed right now. And all in 5 mins. Brilliant!
The lockdown protesters weren't breaking stuff, stealing stuff, and burning building down. RIP David Dorn, someone who actually did good for his community and was murderered in cold blood by a looter. His life mattered.
Not to the masses. Wrong perpetrator, wrong victim, wrong time.
This is what I don't get. People are celebrating the protests as a victory because Chauvin is getting charged (which might have happened anyway) and Breonna Taylor case has been opened up. Yet Wikipedia has stated the deaths of the riots at 21:
With a lot of them being black (I think around 8 or 9, which is the same amount of unarmed black people killed by police last year). That's the deaths as a direct results of the riot. Chicago also had it's highest death rate in 60 years (which by the way had 0 unarmed killings by police in 2019 and so far this year). That's before we even mention the thousands of businesses destroyed within communities that are predominantly black...
But we did it guys, we got justice for two people and we only had to climb over a mound of dead bodies to get there!
Tim's wrong on this one. These protests will resolve nothing and actually harm black communities whilst emboldening an ideology that hates racism but has no plan on how to resolve it.
Maybe you need to break a few eggs to make an omellete... Well then, where' s the omellete?
@@Niaandrea7812 oh, the protests are already over? The police kills over a thousand people a year and in 99% of the time no charges are made. Do you think those thousand people are only black people? Over 30 million people are out of a job since the lock down. Do you think only black people lost their jobs? As soon as the lock down is called to end, mass eviction will happen. Do you think only black people will be throw out? Yes, Black Lives Matters sparked the flame, but the anger was already there and now, thanks to the government, millions of people have nothing to do while fully aware they're about to be trampled on. This protest isn't over yet. And it's not only about Black Lives Matter. But it is about solidarity, especially with people less fortunate in life.
Ian Sagar You’re so far off the point. This is about hundreds of years not a handful of deaths. It’s about a systemically racist society not justice for two people. In my life time it spans from Rodney King all the way to Lloyd and all those thousands in between, and Stephen Lawrence and Windrush in this country. Just look at statistics from the US or the UK that tell the story of how the odds are hugely stacked against you if black. For goodness sake. Lift your head up and see.
Spot on. Say what he may about the people with 'assault rifles', they were peaceful. they didnt leave a mess. they stood together in peaceable assembly.
The inverse is the burning of cars, buildings, businesses, destruction of historic artwork, burned out police station, people beaten in the streets, an assassinated federal officer, David Dorn and 20 others dead, and millions of dollars in general damage....just for Choven(?) (in my opinion) to be *over* charged and he may walk.
The problem with your full (racist) English breakfast is that sausages are a clear symbol of toxic masculinity
And I'm sure he segregates his beans from the rest of the plate, much like those evil borders.
and the sunny side up eggs represent boobs hence its objectifying WOMEN!
And then there's black pudding...
Don't forget your white toast...
@@craggydon257 You need to use sausage as a breakwater though.
‘...or possibly a hash brown’ set me off for a good 20 seconds.
Straight from the school of Alan Partridge... amazing hahahahaha
Which countries weren't founded on genocide, oppression and slavery?
The Principality of Sealand?
I'm waiting for someone to bomb the pyramids.
@@videogamebomer They've done some pretty nasty stuff in order to remain neutral though. And were, historically mercenaries.
@@videogamebomer the Swiss were responsible for tons of bloodshed and death in the middle ages.
“I’m with Hermione.” lol
this vdeo will not age well when black puding becomes a micro aggression
@D M I demand an apology no jokes involving black people
At this rate, that's going to occur by next Wednesday. This video will be banned and removed by Thursday, and Pie will be Unpersoned by Friday.
@@mikeboosh8776 ... dropped the soap on a saturday
Suicide on sunday
This is the life of solomon grundy...
Wait what were we talking about?
You're hilarious.
I love how Pie can demonstrate progressive self-contradiction so beautifully.
'That felt racist as it came out' 🤣🤣🤣
"That felt racist as it came out " 😂
Shit that was good😂
With tears in my eyes, I thank you. I was raised in an ALL Black segregated neighborhood in Louisiana. I have chosen to raise my 14 year old daughter in a majority White city in Indiana because I worked at the University for 9 years and started a PhD program here. I am a Race and Culture educator, I design lessons and curriculum to teach about racial and cultural differences (to hopefully get all of us to be more open, loving, and patient with each other) so I have tools others may not have, tools that help me navigate and digest what is happening in the world, and yet, still, I AM FUCKED UP ABOUT ALL OF THIS!
Again, thank you for using your platform this way and I am sorry for cussing in your comments section.
@Stephen Bennett I am unable to answer your questions in full at the moment. I prefer to not respond when I am unable to detach emotionally (even for a few minutes). However, I can offer this: 'All Lives Matter' as a RESPONSE to 'Black Lives Matter' is one way to dismiss the issue at hand. It is a way to change the conversation, the narrative without fully acknowledging that Killing Black People is a problem, specifically the State sanctioned killing of Black people (just so we don't venture off into the 'what about Black people killing Black people deflection that is usually the very next thing that is shouted after 'All Lives Matter'.) To better understand the Black perspective, I recommend the book Black Rage by Carol Anderson. To better understand the White people in the United States, I recommend the book White Trash by Nancy Isenberg. To better understand ones self as a White Person who is willing to do the necessary self work required to undo or correct some societal wrongs, I recommend the book White Fragility by Robin D'Angelo. By the way, to be clear, I don't know what your race or ethnicity is, per my comment above, I was speaking in general terms to those who identify as White. Peace to you.
I am sorry to say this, but it is amazing you feel the need to apologize for swearing in the forum of an act that drops the bombs left right and centre.
@@bandiceet it is part of my upbringing. This is someone else's space so I feel I must respect their space as an invited guest should respect a home they have been welcomed into. On my page, I cuss just as much sometimes, but since the elders in my community back home have started following me on Facebook, I have chilled quite a bit. I am a 68 Baby so my generational training is showing perhaps. Respect the Elders and other people's property and all that. Peace to you.
@@jolivettejanderson-douonin3698 i was born in 76, i think i kind of grew up with the same set of manners - or at least near enough.
I know there is a time and place for such things, but given the situation, i think there us a time and place where you can follow the lead...
Wasn’t Mr Floyd a convicted felon who previously broke into a woman’s home and pistol whipped her ( ilegal gun). As opposed to the senile white dude beaten up in an old folks home.......just trying to understand !
OMFG!!! LOL That look at 4:42, I laughed for 10 straight mins, looked like you noticed something in your pant's lolololol
I feel about as guilty for being white as I do for having feet.
for someone who has only one foot, part of me is offended
Oh hop along, mate...
Who asked you to feel guilty?..and nobody cares
@@franklingoodwin SATIRE
@@franklingoodwin a load of lunatics who have this weird belief that simply being born white makes one inherently racist, apparetly unaware that making such a claim based upon nothing but skin colour is itself racist. Ironic really.
I don't agree with "silence is violence". Protests are about the great work that people do, not about attacking the people that don't do anything for whatever reason. The moment you start scare mongering people it is no longer a movement or a quest for positive change
spot on
Plus, some are silent because they don't know enough about the issue, and they want to know more. Others don't want to hijack the movement from the people who started it, and who it's supposed to help.
Did you watch the video? Positive change will always scare people. Changing the status quo is scary. It's uncomfortable.
Yeah, that’s when it becomes a Leninist revolution
@@Johnb.78 Or, you know, a civil rights protest from the 60's.
"Yeah..uh, I mean, that felt racist as it came out! It's about learning. Yeah. And. Uh. I won't be doing THAT again!"
I have had a SHIT day and you've managed to still leave me with a smile on my face. Thank you Jonathan
That trump impression though 😂
I don't think there is any other comedian (or even news reporter, fake or real) who manages to so eloquently and honestly explore all the nuance and complexity of stuff. Pie rocks.
People won’t like this because people like to go out their way to be offended
I mean that’s a good sign
That’s fair. I don’t support blm but he makes some good points and is just saying what he sees. I like him.
@@dairekelly9395 Why not?
Trialbystone17 what?
@Trialbystone17 I AGREE with Jonathan Pie. I'm not offended that he doesn't support BLM. I'm interested.
"..while you wear your Nike trainers..."
I hear that. Like a hipster holding an iPhone with "This machine fights fascism" sticker on it. As much as they love irony, and pointing out hypocrisy, you'd think they'd notice it when it's staring them in the face.
Quite literally staring them in the face, reflecting their face. Great comment.
Just because you wear clothes doesn't mean you're wrong to criticize they way they are made
There is no ethical consumption under capitalism, so no matter what brand you buy from someone is going to be exploited most likely. It's the price of living in a first world country, just not one we really pay. You can recognise that fact and fight for change at the same time.
Eoghan Connolly you pay for it, you are supporting it!
Did you watch the video? Because if you did, you might have come to the realization that this "hypocrisy" did still get you to engage with antifascism. It made it "trend", so to speak.
Can I have an example of this systemic institutionalized racism?
I can't see any racist laws or regulations in the UK and the only discrimination I've seen is positive for blacks and at the expense of whites.
@Tiger Tamer Sus laws are common sense if a member of the minority group is statistically more likely to be a perp. Law abiding members of minority groups should acknowledge that truth to support a law abiding society, and not cry 'racism'.
@Tiger Tamer People who call 'racism' where it doesn't exist are part of the problem.
@Tiger Tamer Not a 'disproportionate amount of arrests' it would be 'more arrests'. The police would need to look at the % of arrests as proportion of stoppages. If it is shown the the % of perps per stoppage is higher for a group [lets say people wearing hoodies] then it's justified to continue the policy. If not then the policy should be reviewed. This is what happens, because this is what makes sense.
To end on sarcasm ...it's interesting that you jump to defend the criminals and interesting that you jump to promote practices that lead to more crimes. What does that say about you ????
@Tiger Tamer If you're taking the time to understand the logic before responding then good for you. It's perhaps not straight forward common sense and requires a little math.
What's important in this policy is that police treat everyone they stop with respect. A presumption of innocence.
You can have racist policing and governance without written out racist laws. Racists are arseholes they're not stupid, they're not going to make a law that says "Beat up black people more". Well, not anymore anyway. Institutions are made of people, and people can be racist.
Cummings drives car: 😡😡😡
Thousands in the streets: 🤐🤐🤐
'Who we are.
Black Lives Matter UK (BLMUK) is a coalition of black activists and organisers across the UK. We’ve been organising since 2016 for justice in our communities.
We’re guided by a commitment to dismantle imperialism, capitalism, white-supremacy, patriarchy and the state structures that disproportionately harm black people in Britain and around the world. We build deep relationships across the diaspora and strategise to challenge the rise of the authoritarian right-wing across the world, from Brazil to Britain.'
Sounds like communism not anti racism.
And now crowd funded by virtue signalling hypocrites to the tune of £800K and counting.
I'm black and calling me a brother is not racist and I agree with all your points. Let's keep the fight going brother! 👊🏾
"Or possibly the hash brown" 😂
I'm French and I didn't get that one. Could you explain, please ?
@@injektileur hash BROWN and BLACK pudding
Watching this video made me realize I should judge a movement based on the RESULTS it produces, not what it can get trending on Twitter.
"I won't be doing that again." Oof, I feel that.
Still the best news satire 😭 I wanna see what he would do on a video outside of work
How is it satire when he's telling facts?
@@normielegion1949 1) Jonathan Pie is a character played by an actor, 2) pretending to be a journalist who loves to have off air rants at the camera or with/at the camera person.
Normie Legion satire is telling reality truths through a story narrative that parallels reality, like Animal Farm, one of the best damn satires ever written
0:29 Lol, no one tell him what countries still have slavery.
It's not woke to point that out
There's more people in slavery today then ever before. It wasn't abolished, it went underground
Buddy's Shop ,whatever the colour?
All of them mate
Especially, when the USA is build upon Genozide and Slavey... aren't then Brazil, Peru, Equador, Mexico, Canada, Venezuela etc. also build upon it? Why do the US americans forget, that the first people who were enslaved and killed off on their country were the native americans! And that 100 years before the first brit went onto the american shores.
your Trump impression is so on point
I felt the same way. People posting a black square seems insignificant, and disingenuous because they're only doing it now that it's big news and trendy, but then that sort of behaviour is what makes any real change happen.
I've been craving a Jonathan Pie rant for the longest time now. My wishes have been heard. Thank you Keanu Reeves. 🙌💖🙏
You made me laugh out loud and get told off by my wife for waking her up.
"I've always been dubious of a hashtag."
... Wow. That shit hits.
Yep. Me as well. (almost dais me too but...)
As soon as I see someone's avatar has been overlaid with the latest social justice fad I'm just eye rolling.
All the sweatshops in the world, happy to see a symbol of slavery topple in the picturesque town of Bristol, whilst everyone’s wearing Nike & Adidas.
2:40 to 3:02 - Someone has actually called me racist for this. I couldn't believe it... lmao
Stupidity is off the charts these days... Most of those abusing words like "fascism" and "racism" don't have a clue of the actual meaning of the words... It's pathetic really, they throw them around right and left to anyone who they even suspect is in disagreement with them about anything... You can't reason with those people...
@@Freawulf I find it interesting that this both occurs on the left ("racist", "facist", etc.) and right ("socialist", "antifa", etc.) side of the political spectrum. And all of this, while all sides cry about the others being hypocrites for doing so.
There will always be a few rotten apples on both sides. But in my experience, the conservatives are much more welcoming nowadays. I'm saying this as a left leaning individual btw.
As mentioned above, I had a old school friend who was attacked by the FB mob because she criticised the rioters for attacking the police horses with stones and bikes.
Unfortunely in times like these with emotions running high, and propoganda and counter facts being thrown thorugh the air, it is simply best to lay low and went for tempers to calm. When people are angry they are not the most level headed ones to converse with. Any counter to their claims however innocent or with good faith they will be will be met with utmost hostility. I'm sure when the situation cools down, and when people come to their senses, that they will realise that they did over step the mark. But as of this moment, do not engage them.
@@robertlustmord1636 don't let yourself be fooled
Breakfast is fascism! No matter how you like your eggs, you’re wrong.
How dare you assume i eat eggs
Eggs are part of white supremacy.
Noop Noop 😂😂😂😂😂😂
is this a quote from the game game?
You sir, are a bloody marvel! Thank you, thank you. Brings a much needed bout of laughter to my days every time you release a new one.
Thank you Jonathan, Thank you. Your genuinely one of my hero's real talk. You can come hang with the brothers whenever you want broski
"I was wrong". Thanks Pie. I genuinely am glad to follow your comedy.
Mr. Pie has got the right idea about others attacking people online
Cough cough
@@thatspookagain4030 I use facebook to talk with mates, I use twitter to take part in flame wars.
It does terrify me how well meaning people are being attacked by the mob ( most of them being school friends ) for not kotowing and following everything they say about this issue.
One girl posted a picture of the horse that was injured during the london riots saying how angry she was for people to throw stones and push bikes into it, and in return she got a barrage of accusations of her for not caring about black lives, that she essentially was a bigot and then they went through her FB feed and criticised her for not showing solidarity through the absense of any BLM messages or posters.
I think the Victorians of the industrial era in England would have something to say about who built the country.
They didn't need slaves they had the 'Swinish Multitude' toiling in the factories for thruppence a day
@@johncodmore and?
Here here, Britain home of the industrial revolution, country of innovators founded by poor white working class
I do wonder how much of that 'old slavery money' (forgive my poor wording) is still about? I think there may be some documentaries on this but it would be interesting to research. How much of modern Britain is built on slavery. That would be a very nuanced discussion.
@@DrLove-ql1wh who cares. I mean what about the clothes your wearing made from slavery, what about the money the slave merchants made what about the money the Roman slavers made and then the Egyptians. Get a grip and get a life and lash yourself for all your sins.
Jonathan Pie's rants are one of the UK's greatest exports.
Please do a skit in the US. That would be hysterical. Do it outside the whitehouse, stood next to a fox presenter so they think you’re from the bbc. That would be epic to watch.
He did a documentary in America in his role as pie and part of it was at the white house
James Denny ,he might get knelt on and or shot!
Or arrested.
Pie used to be funny and then Andrew Doyle stopped writing for him. Wokeness isn’t funny it just feels like being nagged by someone obsessed with racism and victimhood.
Hey, remember when the most controversial thing a politician said was "Nucular"?...Good times. Good times.
Well, lying about weapons of mass destruction to go to war is still pretty controversial. For me.
It wasn't his pronunciation that was the problem,
Haha, nice try at a casual joke :) The trolls are under the next bridge :)
PC gone mad everything sounds nuclear now
One thing I've learned this guy sucks at tying a tie.
That’s what you took away from this 😂😂
I think that's part of the act.
He sucks when you see him live as well. Gave me a headache.
However he's super bright and very good at these skits.
Hard to take for over an hour though.
I love how his composure changes, when he is "pretending to be a news reporter". No emotion.
Yes. It is just so unexpected. Please put him on BBC news at 6. Be great to see reactions the next day.
@@susanjewitt8783 It's a wish we can hope for, but a wish we will never get LOL. They won't let that happen, unless BBC don't mind being exposed.
I mean, that's the whole point of his character... he rants when the camera is off, turns into "news guy" when it's on.
@@dezperado9365 Yeah I get it.
@@KyleOfTheNorth yeah I know.
If the far left want to play games. The karl marx statue should go
Awww poor Ben. Having a little cry cos his beloved slave trading hero is in the drink.
its in a private graveyard and its a tombstone not a public statue ffs
What's stopping you? Pretty sure the leftists didn't ask to take it down, they just took it down. Or are you not as tough as the lefties?
y e e t
you should read his views on race then. a bit eye opening.
Most Marx statues have come down, especially in Eastern Europe. I didn't see Neo-Cons complaining about the erasure of History then strangely...
Isn't malaria a bigger threat to the lives of black people than 'police brutality'?
His trump impression is amazing 😂😂
Brilliant, as always, Mr. Pie. Shine on.
as a black guy i give u premission to say Brother Johnny
@S yer they do
Glad we agree
@S thats fine aslong as u agree im right =]
Nailed it with the last (nearly) sentence 'it's about learning' Well said Mr Pie.
@Vagabond-Savant The Autodidact-Serviette
I mean... that is generally how Democracies work. Maybe not the learning you should be taking away from this but it's not an invalid lesson to learn.
@Vagabond-Savant The Autodidact-Serviette sounds like you're a little rusty on the basics of compassion...
Why is it this "learning" never involves a simple search of FBI crime stats ?
Mantis Toboggan MD Listen and believe, bigot
Stats are important tho.
So is compassion.
We can do that.
I think he should be a script writer for the new " Spitting Image " when it finally comes ! (and not a moment too soon !)
Please no.
Will they dare take the piss out of Abbott, Butler, Lammy, etc?
The world is too politically correct now for Spitting Image.
When a black, muslim, gay, or trans person is mocked, there will be an outcry.
Sad days.
Jonathan Pie is WOKE AF
Joke 😂
No seriously tho, he actually is
Ha definitely is....
Wait, someone of the right is woke?
LOL You say Woke like it's a good thing.
@Geo Leech Hard left socialist?
Oh my god mate but yourself a dictionary😂
His name is Tom Walker, Jonathan Pie is a satirical character.
Also hes left wing, not hard left.
@@HushtheMag You say it like it's a bad thing.
What's wrong with being woke to issues affecting people negatively?
Mixed feelings
“I posted a picture of my breakfast and within minutes hundreds of people were calling me a fascist”😂😂 unfortunately that’s the world we living in😞
Of the whole video, that's what you focus on. The whole thing. All the other intelligent things he said and you're taking away from this that BLM supporters see breakfast as being synonymous with fascism.
I think hes on about when people posted black screens and people were upset because police brutality videos were being hidden.
Vagabond-Savant The Autodidact-Serviette But most of the protest *are* peaceful. And it’s been proven time and time again that the looters aren’t the actual protesters and are just a bunch of low life’s trying to portray the movement in a negative light. Why is it that you lot seem more pressed about the looting (which isn’t the protesters) than the actual reason why people are out on the streets protesting?
Edit: link to vid of looters
Also, where is the video of this alleged taking down of a Lincoln statue?
Lmao if that’s all you took from this video then... 🥴
Donald Trump voice? I was not expecting how good that was - great take as always!
Tim speaks common sense but sadly common sense is not trending
Pie was quite funny at one point but I’m fed up of all this leftie woke rubbish...
He's funny just completely deluded by trump
Over to John Pie "orange man bad"
@Kris Moodley Does he fit your narrative ? Does it matter? Does it make his observations more valid if 10 people agree with it? Just difference of opinion I agree with John on something and disagree with him on other I do generally find him less funny than I used to but is that my change in humour or his it's all really doesn't matter he will tell what Jokes he wants and I wouldn't want him to do otherwise
Holy Christ Mr Pie has the best Trump impression I've ever heard from a Brit.
Exactly it's not hate speech. Hate speech is criminal offence, discrimination is an offence.
Stop listening to him after his comments on Me Too. Happy to see he’s changed his mind, and admitted it publicly. Will give it another chance.
I mean, it's undeniable that the movement has helped a lot of women out there, but it's also undeniable that quite a few people within the movement have shown a tendency to dismiss and label people for unfair reasons, and more than one have been unfairly targeted because of rumours and false claims.
It's the same with antifa or even feminism as a whole. They've done a lot of good, but radicals within these groups have taken it too far more times than many would be willing to admit.
The black lives matter movement just divides us more in my opinion.
When there have been peaceful protests and prayers in all continents of the world?
When in US history, regarding this 400-year old fight, they've had their biggest scale of protesting? (the good and bad but mainly the good)
When millions around the world have finally not only seen the murder and knowing the reasons for it, (he has more melanin) but have for the first time felt the pain, the trauma that black Americans feel many times a year, every single year of their lives and now people of all races are saying:
'We finally understand. I feel your pain. I'm sorry. I want to learn. I'm listening."
Empathy has been growing regarding this human rights issue.
We're still riding on a global pandemic here, the world has been crazily connected and I think in 2020, we're finally realising our common humanity for the first time in a long time.
The media is doing what the media will always do: Show the worst of humanity (minority number) and keep us divided by planting those images into your mind via TV and newspapers.
Regular people around the world are working hard on unifying, edcuating, supporting and listening because helping solve a huge human rights problem in the world benefits us all as fellow human beings.
Take a moment to decide how you'd like to contribute to our history for future generations in the name of love, equality and kindness.
White people are killed by police aswel.
When I am told I have a better life because of my skin and I should check my privilege then that is just dividing us. Now I have to be ashamed of my British culture, I want equal right for everyone but I'm not going to stand for innocent police officers suffering and my identity striped away.
@@Ash-os1dz They are not causing a divide, they are making you aware of one that already existed. And it's okay if that makes you uncomfortable a bit.
@@MrMasque Black people have the same rights as white people and they both get hurt or killed by police. If people wanted things to get better then it should'nt be a race war of who suffers more, it is literally a few police officers in America that are racist and that should be the focus
some stupid arguments here re slavery and sys racism but Jonathan is the only left that can not only meme, but hold a proper discussion. This man needs more likes
Only BBC approved protest is allowed
The world needs more people like Jonathan Pie. What a bloke.
He's a comedic character you may require a sense of humour to understand he's taking the piss
I noticed you used "woke", which is the new Republicans mantra!!!
Nope, it’s a Left mantra, we just mock them for it.
I'm not black or white so I'm not allowed an opinion and I am not qualified to judge.
Actually you're the most qualified to judge because your observations are the most independent due not having a dog in that race. lol.
@@buddingnaturalist pretty sure it was satire.
"I instagrammed a picture of my breakfast, and within minutes, hundreds of people calling me a fascist"
Are you sure you didn't accidentally instagram a picture of your Brexit? People keep confusing the two.
If we have to keep apologising and begging for forgiveness, for things we said when we were ignorant. We'll all be apologising every minute of everyday for the rest of our lives.
The overwhelming majority of us understand and accept that racism is wrong. We understand that Black Lives Matter is more a plea than a demand. But we also understand that following the law and protesting passionately yet peacefully is commendable.
But we also have to understand that in the realm of comedy, movies etc. There has to be a little leeway for creativity. Sometimes it's not even racist but poking fun at the stupidity of racism, or making fun of certain stereotypes. These stereotypes exist and it's hilarious when done in a tongue in cheek way.
So rather than be sensitive to jokes, we should focus more on those who want to divide people. Picking on comedians and actors for film roles should be the last group we focus on.
Let's live, love and laugh together.
Nailed it!
Black guy here🤚🏿Apologising I could do without when it comes to racism, I would rather the people in power work to reverse the affects🤷🏿♂️
This comments section is a lot worse than usual
Most liberals are outside.
I've not seen much that is all that objectionable, just... y'know... counter-arguments.
When you make a point on the internet counter-arguments are one of the healthiest things you can see and blind agreement one of the most harmful.
Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.
Friedrich W. Nietzsche
Maggie Moran did you deliberately choose the poster boy of fascism, racism and a massive misogynist, or was that just somehow a flex of gaslighting?
This guy is my fucking hero
So WHEN did the British empire abolish slavery?
1833. not only did it abolish slavery, but it stopped most of the slave trade from leaving africa.
@@mistahsusan2650 While compensating (business) slave owners for their loss of earnings.
Mistah Susan do you want a congrats?
Slave trade was abolished in 1807...
Not only did the British empire's stop slavery in their own country, they spent a good bit of their money making sure it's stopped pretty much entirely.