Latest update: I went to Raspberry Pi store yesterday in Cambridge UK. They said that they are having RAM chip shortages. That's why they reintroduced the Pi4 1Gb Version. They limit one Rpi per customer in their store. Origionally, they just did that with the Pi Zero only. Problem is although they have the manufaturing in place it's just getting hold of those precious RAM chips forcing them to sell some models at a loss regarding some models for a while. However, they are out of the Red on that score but still having problems. Prices are likely to go up vastly and shortages get worse (since RAM chips come from abroad) so even if it is going to cost you £100 / $150 I'd say get yours ASAP NOW!!
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Latest update: I went to Raspberry Pi store yesterday in Cambridge UK. They said that they are having RAM chip shortages. That's why they reintroduced the Pi4 1Gb Version. They limit one Rpi per customer in their store. Origionally, they just did that with the Pi Zero only. Problem is although they have the manufaturing in place it's just getting hold of those precious RAM chips forcing them to sell some models at a loss regarding some models for a while. However, they are out of the Red on that score but still having problems. Prices are likely to go up vastly and shortages get worse (since RAM chips come from abroad) so even if it is going to cost you £100 / $150 I'd say get yours ASAP NOW!!
So what country is this channel owner from? This channel clearly uses a sophisticated text-to-speech program.