Commanded To Love: A Paradoxical Demand

  • Опубліковано 6 вер 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,5 тис.

  • @MindShift-Brandon
    @MindShift-Brandon  8 місяців тому +164

    Back from my break and excited for 2024. Happy New Year, all!

    • @chromographia106
      @chromographia106 8 місяців тому +10

      This video is a great illustration of the difference between the god Christians claim to believe in and the one they believe they are communicating with and will meet.

    • @HandofOmega
      @HandofOmega 8 місяців тому +7

      Happy New Year!...and may the next bring us all MUCH better tidings...

    • @mr.c2485
      @mr.c2485 8 місяців тому +5

      Welcome back! Hope your break was refreshingly relaxing 😊

    • @CheckmateSurvivor
      @CheckmateSurvivor 8 місяців тому

      Don't get too excited. These are the things that will happen in 2024:
      1) Trump is assassinated and the Civil War starts
      2) The economic crash
      3) More illegal immigration to white Christian countries
      4) The right to vote is abolished
      5) Atheists will become even more ridiculous
      6) The price of food and petrol will reach absurdity
      7) More gay rights and sexual perversion propaganda
      8) WWIII will start
      9) Freedom will be a thing of the past
      10) Everyone will blame God, instead of blaming Satan

    • @NebulaGamesInc
      @NebulaGamesInc 8 місяців тому

      Happy new year! Question for you. A lot of your videos (I think all of the ones I've watched) seem to be really hammering how terrible the God of the Bible is based on an understanding of Scripture that honestly no real Christian actually believes. Sure there are millions of people with their own interpretations of things but as far as Christian doctrine as taught by the Church, God is not at all this tyrant demanding love. He doesn't "need" anything. He is a perfect being with 0 needs. This is sound Christian doctrine.
      “The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in temples made by man, nor is he served by human hands, *as though he needed anything*, since he himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything” (Acts 17:24-25)
      “I have no need of a bull from your stall or of goats from your pens, for every animal of the forest is mine, and the cattle on a thousand hills. I know every bird in the mountains, and the creatures of the field are mine. If I were hungry I would not tell you, for the world is mine, and all that is in it” (Ps. 50:10-12)
      “'Who has ever given to God, that God should repay him?’ for from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever! Amen” (Rom. 11:35-36)
      So when God "requires" love, He doesn't require it and then force us to do it. He is the creator and He is decreeing to His lowly created beings what is "required" of them. What is good and beneficial for "life" as you accurately quoted
      "This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live" (Deut 30:19).
      You say this is putting a gun to your head so that's not really a choice. But if the creator of the universe says "I designed you to be a creature that was built to love Me and worship Me, therefore, choose these things and it will be well with you" you still have a choice to go against your "design". But you do so at your own peril. If you lived 5000 years ago and I traveled back in time and presented you with a lamborghini and I said this will allow you to travel quickly over land, but only pour this special liquid (gasoline) from the future into this location right here (gas tank) and it will operate as intended, otherwise bad things will happen and then I leave. Now you decide that you want to pour the gasoline all over the top of the car and place it on your altar to your god and light it on fire as a sacrifice and it explodes did you have a choice to NOT be harmed? Of course, and you chose to do what YOU wanted instead of what I told you because I know better. And you suffer the consequences.
      The same is true of the relationship between human beings and God. The only difference is, we are both the human AND the car in this situation. God is telling us how to properly operate the human "vehicle". We can choose to listen and obey or we can choose to do whatever we think is best. The traveler doesn't "need" the lamborghini any more than God "needs" human beings. But if the lamborghini is to operate properly then it "needs" gasoline in the gas tank. Human beings "need" to love God and each other and that's just how we were designed. Not doing so is detrimental to our very existence.
      I think a lot of your content is centered around an erroneous view of humanity's relationship to God. We are the clay and he is the potter, He can do with us as He pleases. This is repeated in both the Old and New Testament
      Yet you, Lord, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand. (Isaiah 64:8)
      Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for special purposes and some for common use? (Romans 9:21)
      So, if we use the entire Bible's message, I think God is also pretty clear on this subject. He reprimands Job as well (Job 38 and 39) for not knowing his "place".
      If you simply want to say God doesn't exist that is one thing, but I don't think it is fair that just because you can string together some verses from the Old and New Testament that seem to support a "contradictory" view that you dismiss the narrative of the Bible story. There are answers out there for all the slavery stuff, all the supposed contradictions, all the I love you but I also will send you to hell to burn forever etc. There are explanations and they aren't contradictory. Life is complex, life has nuance, mercy and justice are opposite ends of the spectrum. A being that claims to be perfectly merciful and perfectly just I would expect to have complex things going on. I don't expect to be able to fully comprehend a being that has the power to create ex nihilo. Like how do you even explain that? My hope for you my friend is that 2024 brings a lost sheep back to the fold. Your critiques and reasoning and logical thinking are a gift, a gift I pray will one day be used to bring more people into the light of truth that leads to life. Wishing you the best this year.

  • @Lightman741
    @Lightman741 8 місяців тому +379

    Imagine a parent who says "love me or I'll lock you in the garden shed...and set it in fire" it really helped me deconvert thinking of him as an actual person

    • @GameTimeWhy
      @GameTimeWhy 8 місяців тому +70

      The apologetics against this are terrible but the fact they even try is pretty horrific.

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  8 місяців тому +48


    • @Memoreism
      @Memoreism 8 місяців тому +70

      To be completely honest, as a kid being taught that all of the Bible is true, it didn't teach me to think about what was right and wrong, it just taught me to accept whatever this almighty, powerful being said, because he was the highest being on the totem pole, and if you wanted to survive, you'd best do his bidding.

    • @studiosandi
      @studiosandi 8 місяців тому +12

      Exactly right.

    • @SPL0869
      @SPL0869 8 місяців тому +75

      And on top of that, your brothers and sisters are trying to gaslight you by saying that “our parents aren’t actually sending you to the shed. You’re sending yourself.”

  • @shanepeterson6640
    @shanepeterson6640 8 місяців тому +223

    Imagine simply commanding that your significant other, children, etc love you, otherwise you will lock them in your torture chamber basement for the entire rest of their lives. Then call yourself the greatest most just perfect unconditional lover of all. Truly disgusting yet laughable.

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  8 місяців тому +37

      It really is so obvious and simple. I cant believe it ever took me so long to see clearly.

    • @suicune2001
      @suicune2001 8 місяців тому

      That's narcissism at its finest. Lol.

    • @pixel9548
      @pixel9548 8 місяців тому +18

      I had an ex with that attitude. He ended up in prison.

    • @VictoriousCatholic
      @VictoriousCatholic 8 місяців тому +4

      Yet overly simplistic. I bet every Christian you tried this on didn’t buy it.

    • @brushdogart
      @brushdogart 8 місяців тому +18

      If you take into account that the Jewish vision of god was as a petty tyrant of a small bronze-are kingdom it makes much more sense. Those royals were getting up to all sorts of horrible things with their own families so of course the "King of Kings" would be even greater in his tyrannical behavior.
      This sort of flawed deity is fine in a pantheistic religion where you don't expect your gods to be perfect. The problem comes when you try to throw out all the other gods and claim ultimate perfection for your ancient god of tyranny and warfare.
      Things get even worse when you try to claim that your god of death and justice is not a separate deity and that your goddess of peace and forgiveness is just some sort of nebulous spirit. "The three are one" my fluffy behind. "Mary isn't a goddess and certainly isn't the Holy Spirit"...poppycock!
      Sorry, I guess I've had a lot of time to think about all this silliness. I like fantasy novels and games so I've seen a lot of carefully crafted religions over the years. When I compare Christianity to those fictional religions it often comes up woefully short.

  • @DannyS177
    @DannyS177 8 місяців тому +125

    I remember being very confused as a child about what love is because my emotions would tell me one thing and the Bible would tell me something very different.

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  8 місяців тому +24

      For sure!

    • @samherrick5920
      @samherrick5920 8 місяців тому

      Yes… because your emotions are wrong. Not always.. if the Bible made you feel like you didn’t deserve love?? I don’t know why or how. I’m thinking you rejected things like “love your enemies.” Which is exactly what it sounds like. Like.. there’s no conversation for that I don’t know what to tell you. Having grace for those who hurt you is important so you can receive it from others. Or are you perfect and never in need of grace? Have you never felt relief from being treated in a way you didn’t deserve? Do that for others.

    • @truehzrecords
      @truehzrecords 6 місяців тому +15

      @@samherrick5920you made a lot of nothing points and didn’t show him any compassion at all. Just told him he was wrong without any real context. Typical Christian I suppose I’m not surprised.

    • @samherrick5920
      @samherrick5920 5 місяців тому

      @@truehzrecords There is nothing typical about me. Just hear what you want to hear so you can say that. I am so tempted to go over this whole conversation I forgot about to prove what a sad straw man that is what you just said, that I “made a bunch of nothing points” but I don’t have time. But remember that I am not typical. I suggest you seek to meet more atypical Christians who are willing to converse the way I am.

    • @abiliv-lf9tz
      @abiliv-lf9tz Місяць тому +2

      My guy just assumed what had the child confused lmao
      Did you watch the video at all?😭

  • @tdsollog
    @tdsollog 8 місяців тому +22

    Basically… “Love me or burn”
    Sounds like an abusive relationship.

    • @stefanheinzmann7319
      @stefanheinzmann7319 8 місяців тому +5

      Just what you would expect from a narcissist.

    • @Bojan12
      @Bojan12 7 місяців тому

      Do not be so quick to

  • @chromographia106
    @chromographia106 8 місяців тому +262

    The command to conjure love for an absent 'father' is a strong candidate for Christianity's worst feature.

    • @GameTimeWhy
      @GameTimeWhy 8 місяців тому +50

      Yupp. Love the abuser or be punished for eternity. Also the abuser will only truly show themselves after the fact.

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  8 місяців тому +26


    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  8 місяців тому +25


    • @Equinox2149
      @Equinox2149 8 місяців тому +21

      Didn't come back with the milk for the past 2000 years.

    • @i7Qp4rQ
      @i7Qp4rQ 8 місяців тому

      ​​@@Equinox2149"Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, 4And saying, Where is the promise of his coming?"
      You fullfilled this prophecy.

  • @VioletWonders
    @VioletWonders 8 місяців тому +45

    Another mic drop video. "A gun to the head is never a free choice." Excellent. Thank you.

  • @CatDaddyGuitar
    @CatDaddyGuitar 8 місяців тому +37

    "There is no fear in love" = Behave and there's nothing you need worry about. Misbehave and you're gonna have reason to fear.

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  8 місяців тому +6

      Yes. A bit different spin than how it usually gets sold.

    • @berkah6240
      @berkah6240 8 місяців тому +1

      This is yet another psychological trap used to keep people stuck in Christianity. By God simply declaring there is no fear in love, it puts the responsibility on the believer to not be scared by all of the horrific threats in the Bible.

  • @dawnalawrence6584
    @dawnalawrence6584 8 місяців тому +22

    I remember an old church hymn from my childhood --"Trust and OBEY, for there's NO other way to be "happy in Jesus", then to trust and OBEY!" The OBEY thing is definitely a biggy !

    • @Tommo44
      @Tommo44 8 днів тому

      Yep, this hymn was a regular at the church I was involved with years ago. I would sing along not even really thinking what those words meant. Just being a sheep baa-ing along with the flock I see it as now.

  • @EduardoRodriguez-du2vd
    @EduardoRodriguez-du2vd 8 місяців тому +28

    For me, the enormous moral problem of a Christian god is that he commands that he be loved above all things. Christians are not surprised that the god, with the characteristics that they attribute to him, orders that he be loved above all things. When I ask why God gives such an order, Christians dodge the answer and argue the reasons why the believer should love him. But they can never explain why God has such a need that not obeying him results in eternal torture.

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  8 місяців тому +2


    • @EduardoRodriguez-du2vd
      @EduardoRodriguez-du2vd 8 місяців тому +6

      @rboland2173 In my impression, a believer defends his belief, on which he has built his way of interpreting the world and the rules that he must follow for his survival (he interprets that he is his soul) with tooth and nail. In the same way as if you tried to cut off his hands. If you take that away from him, he wouldn't know how to survive.
      I suppose all of us defend the core of our interpretation of reality. But some of us are more risky, less afraid of trying to survive in a chaotic and very uncontrollable world.
      When reality contradicts our most basic and important intuitions, we suffer greatly and are paralyzed. Both believers and atheists.
      To get inside someone, they must trust us. For a believer, asking him about the core of his interpretation of reality (which has already shown cracks due to dissonance, which he calls a crisis of faith) is completely identical to suffering a physical attack.
      Religion should not be taught to children. It is something that can only be offered to adults.

  • @thekendredspirit5771
    @thekendredspirit5771 8 місяців тому +49

    When I was a child living in a pretty rough neighborhood, there was a gang leader who tried to force me and my siblings to join his gang or suffer the consequences for not doing so. I absolutely agree, coercion, threats, blackmail, terror, and torture isn't love.

    • @Bojan12
      @Bojan12 7 місяців тому

      That is completely different

    • @thekendredspirit5771
      @thekendredspirit5771 7 місяців тому +2

      @@Bojan12 Of course it's different but my experience has a lot of parallels to religious dogmas and doctrines. Me being a child is parallel to me being impressionable. My rough neighborhood is parallel to a world full of suffering. The gang leader is parallel to the religious leader. Trying to force me and my siblings to join his gang or suffer the consequences is parallel to religious ideology that attempts to convert groups of people to accept it or suffer the consequences of verbal threats, judgement, and ultimately eternal torture for not joining the religion(Gang). I used my actual experience as an analogy so yes it's different but there are many parallels.

    • @resaucefull444
      @resaucefull444 5 місяців тому +1

      ​​@@Bojan12 are you trying to justify the gang leaders actions

    • @user95395
      @user95395 5 місяців тому +1

      God def acts like a gang leader.

    • @warriorofthelord4142
      @warriorofthelord4142 12 днів тому

      @@resaucefull444No because he is not God and he does not love her and he does not own her while God does

  • @Fair-to-Middling
    @Fair-to-Middling 8 місяців тому +65

    Thinking of this type of 'love' as a man-made concept genuinely reflects on how a woman and children were to view the husband and father in ancient times. With fear and obedience. And of course punishment was the reward if they strayed from this path.

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  8 місяців тому +21

      Exactly! Just par for the course of this time period. Not divine by any stretch of the imagination

    • @Sarahizahhsum
      @Sarahizahhsum 8 місяців тому +4

      Ancient times? Loads of men still enforce this BS

    • @campfireaddict6417
      @campfireaddict6417 8 місяців тому +2

      Afghanistan today.

    • @janetgillespie6590
      @janetgillespie6590 8 місяців тому

      I agree with your comments about the woman and children.
      This was at the time of what is called the patriarch arrangement
      However Christ progressed this teaching and he is spoken of as being head of the congregation and gave his life for us
      So this is not a dictatorial role
      But rather we respect what he tells us, about God's will, because we know they both care for us and instruct us wisely
      His role is to protect us.
      And that was the role that was assigned to the husband.
      To guide the family, together with his wife.
      with the guidance of the creator and Jesus.

    • @janetgillespie6590
      @janetgillespie6590 8 місяців тому

      @@MindShift-Brandon That's why we needed
      To reinstate God's standards.
      To put humans on the right road.

  • @CatDaddyGuitar
    @CatDaddyGuitar 8 місяців тому +101

    If either one of my daughters decided that they didn't want a relationship with me, my first reaction would NOT be to punish her. My immediate reaction would be heartbroken but wishing only the best life for her. My love doesn't stop at what they do, but who they are. And they will always be my children. Apparently my love for my children is greater than God's is for us. To quote Hulk, "Puny god."

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  8 місяців тому +14


    • @suicune2001
      @suicune2001 8 місяців тому +14

      Exactly. I don't know any loving parent who would condemn their child to an eternity of suffering for ANY reason. And an eternity of suffering for any kind of finite crime, let alone the "sin" of not loving someone you've never seen or heard or felt, is ridiculous.

    • @DoloresLehmann
      @DoloresLehmann 8 місяців тому +6

      Ever read the story of the Prodigal Son? That's exactly what it is about. One thing's for sure, the person who told this parable was NOT a person to threaten people with hell, ever.

    • @DavidRichardson153
      @DavidRichardson153 8 місяців тому +1

      Well, I think God would have that drink now.

    • @CatDaddyGuitar
      @CatDaddyGuitar 8 місяців тому +8

      @@DoloresLehmann yes, but look how it's framed.. he's irresponsible, ends up destitute and his only safety net is to go back to daddy who should have taught him how to be responsible in the first place. Why'd he give his inheritance early anyway, knowing he'd squander it? He didn't have to. And it's the example of how god can just forgive you on your death bed, no matter how bad of a person you were. It's a convenient story where now the son is forever under his father's thumb. And the older son always was. That's my interpretation.

  • @MrCanis4
    @MrCanis4 8 місяців тому +52

    You cannot force Love. You can only earn Love.

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  8 місяців тому +11


    • @johntiggleman4686
      @johntiggleman4686 8 місяців тому +5

      @MrCanis4 Here is a quote from the short story "Anthem" by Ayn Rand: "I owe nothing to my brothers, nor do I gather debts from them. I ask no one to live for me, nor do I live for any others. I covet no man's soul, nor is my soul theirs to covet. I am neither friend nor foe to my brothers, but such as each of them shall deserve of me. And to earn my love, my brothers must do more than to have been born. I do not grant my love without reason, nor to any chance passer-by who may wish to claim it. I honor men with my love. But honor is a thing to be earned." Pretty much what you said. But this was written decades ago.

    • @blueStarKitt7924
      @blueStarKitt7924 8 місяців тому


    • @Truth-Be-Told-USA
      @Truth-Be-Told-USA 8 місяців тому +3


    • @Bojan12
      @Bojan12 7 місяців тому +1

      And Jesus is worthy of it. What He did is incredible and mind blowing and deserves every bit of love

  • @unclescar5616
    @unclescar5616 8 місяців тому +42

    The fact that it is commanded and comes with threats is why I find it ridiculous when Christians then say that God's love is unconditional. The fact is love is and can never be unconditional. Love for anyone is always based on certain conditions. The problem with God's love and the love of all narcissists and abusers is that it is based on the wrong conditions.

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  8 місяців тому +7

      Well put!

    • @michaelhenry1763
      @michaelhenry1763 7 місяців тому

      I agree, the Hebrew Bible shows how conditional God’s love is. The New Testament follows it up with his conditionality

    • @Noise-Conductor
      @Noise-Conductor 5 місяців тому +1

      Right! If god love was truly unconditional there would no Hell, maybe an after-death rehab or whatever to prepare you for heaven. But why would god make people in the first place just to love & obey him. What the Hell does the creator of everything even get out of that?

  • @Johnmhatheist
    @Johnmhatheist 8 місяців тому +224

    There's no hatred like "Christian love"

    • @onedaya_martian1238
      @onedaya_martian1238 8 місяців тому +22

      Yes sir.
      Sooo many examples of the hate as a consequence of 'christian love' it would fill up the internet.

    • @juliebarks3195
      @juliebarks3195 8 місяців тому

      Is that what Christian parents tell their children when there beating the crap out of them for minor offenses.?

    • @CaliforniaSurfer-gc2xv
      @CaliforniaSurfer-gc2xv 8 місяців тому

      yes ywh, Spawn LOVE

    • @capitalchurch217
      @capitalchurch217 8 місяців тому

      Interesting, I have found that Christians are pretty well hated among most other groups. I have also found that Christians make up the vast majority of donations and non profits globally. Perhaps that is in spite of their beliefs, but this seems like an odd case to make. After all, love is an action too is it not?

    • @blueStarKitt7924
      @blueStarKitt7924 8 місяців тому +2


  • @Viky.A.V.
    @Viky.A.V. 8 місяців тому +22

    If someone told me "Love me -- it's a command!" I'd lol, and then think they are crazy. And I used to wonder why on Earth I should "love god more than my mom and dad". It never made any sense to me. Now, as an adult, I understand that no all-loving or all-kind god would need worshiping, along with fear and obedience. it's the demand from a male who feels week, unconfident, and seeks approval. Typically for those ancient times, when men could only imagine "Love" as obedience and fear.
    Happy new year everyone!

    • @suicune2001
      @suicune2001 8 місяців тому

      Yep! It was written by weak insecure racist men for weak insecure racist men to enslave women and other races to boost their fragile ego.

    • @Bojan12
      @Bojan12 7 місяців тому

      I love God more than my own family because they are no existential without Him. All that is mine is because of Him and He is worthy to be loved especially after He revealed His greatest love for all humanity. Eternal torture is nowhere in scripture so Satan is really deceived many

    • @Viky.A.V.
      @Viky.A.V. 7 місяців тому +2

      @@Bojan12 good for you. And I'm happy my love for my dearest ones is the strongest feeling I'm capable of.

    • @Bojan12
      @Bojan12 7 місяців тому

      @@Viky.A.V. My was too like that. But not anymore

    • @suicune2001
      @suicune2001 7 місяців тому

      @@Bojan12 So....if you heard a voice in your head saying it was God and he ordered you to murder your family, you'd do it without a second thought?

  • @curiousnerdkitteh
    @curiousnerdkitteh 8 місяців тому +26

    It's becoming more and more apparent to me that God was invented by narcissists wanting to be given unconditional love and loyalty and unchallenged, unquestioned power by everyone they met as God's "chosen" prophet or divine leader.

  • @hamobu
    @hamobu 8 місяців тому +50

    Love for God is not about selflessness but about submission. You must, not only do everything that God wants, but you must love it and do it eagerly. It's meant to totally crush your wants and individually to serve another like in some sort of sick dungeon erotic roleplay.

    • @CelestialSpino
      @CelestialSpino 8 місяців тому +13

      And the roleplay with god isn't even consensual.

    • @Mr_Mistah
      @Mr_Mistah 8 місяців тому +8

      This is the problem with an "all loving" God.
      It's clear there's a severe expectation to worship him and the love thing is for the sake of public relations

    • @Bojan12
      @Bojan12 7 місяців тому

      It is most beautiful thing because He made it to be that way

  • @alphaalvey5029
    @alphaalvey5029 8 місяців тому +65

    This completely shreds any argument about how god gave us free will so we could freely love him, more positive reinforcement in my mind:) thanks dude you’re awesome !!

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  8 місяців тому +13

      My absolute pleasure. Thanks for the kind words back!

    • @WhiteSwarm
      @WhiteSwarm 8 місяців тому +9

      If God is omnipotent and omniscient... free will has no meaning.
      He knows what we will do. Everything
      From birth to death...
      What's the point of it?

    • @onedaya_martian1238
      @onedaya_martian1238 8 місяців тому +6

      @@WhiteSwarm The randomness of life that still comes to a point where we can communicate through letters via keyboards, to computers, to servers, to everywhere in the world is a testament that reality is far beyond what some old text has to offer. ( Any religion is, I submit, a 'boat anchor' to the advancement of humanity).

    • @alphaalvey5029
      @alphaalvey5029 8 місяців тому +4

      @@WhiteSwarm life is what you make it, have fun and see what you can accomplish, I honestly don’t believe god is up there and is any of the omnis

    • @johntiggleman4686
      @johntiggleman4686 8 місяців тому

      @@WhiteSwarm That is exactly how I feel. Well, except for life having no meaning. Here are some lines from the short story "Anthem" by Ayn Rand: "I am. I think. I will.
      My hands...My spirit...My sky...My forest...This earth of mine...What must I say besides? These are the words. This is the answer.
      I stand here on the summit of the mountain. I lift my head and I spread my arms. This, my body and spirit, this is the end of the quest. I wished to know the meaning of things. I am the meaning. I wished a warrant for being: I need no warrant for being, and no word of sanction upon my being. I am the warrant and the sanction.
      It is my eyes which see, and the sight of my eyes grants beauty to the earth. It is my ears which hear, and the hearing of my ears gives its song to the world. It is my mind that thinks, and the judgment of my mind is the only searchlight that can find the truth. It is my will that chooses, and the choice of my will is the only edict I must respect. Many words have been granted me, and some are wise and some are false, but only three are holy: “I will it!”
      Whatever road I take, the guiding star is within me; the guiding star and the lodestone which point the way. They point but in one direction. The point to me."

  • @pixel9548
    @pixel9548 8 місяців тому +15

    Most hated home decor: signs around people's houses ordering me to "BELIEVE".

    • @sundayoliver3147
      @sundayoliver3147 8 місяців тому +2

      Personally I think belief in anything is probably a bad idea. It seems to me that belief usually amounts to unthinkingly and often unfeelingly accepting someone else's story about how things are. My aim these days is to have fewer and fewer beliefs; they get in the way of knowledge, and possibly also of truth.

    • @Bojan12
      @Bojan12 7 місяців тому

      @@sundayoliver3147To me it is opposite by belief I see what my eyes cannot

    • @sundayoliver3147
      @sundayoliver3147 7 місяців тому

      @@Bojan12 I see what my eyes cannot, too -- and I don't see that as something I come to by belief: it's something I open to, experience, and then know.
      Belief is tricky, because we become so blinded by it. I'm actually doing my best to either dissolve beliefs or hold them very lightly, in the understanding that new experience and knowledge may well make me change my belief.

    • @Bojan12
      @Bojan12 7 місяців тому

      @@sundayoliver3147 Since I witnessed power of God there is nothing that I do not believe anymore. He opened my eyes completely and shocked me greatly how much I actually did not know. Faith is really something incredible and beyond any understanding that is why it is one of the main keys into God’s Presence

  • @imjustsayingthough2261
    @imjustsayingthough2261 8 місяців тому +59

    It kinda like Stockholm Syndrome but not exactly. It's more like a narcissistic forced abusive love where you are walking on eggshells in fear of messing up and being punished. But you think it's love because everyone else tells you that it is. Brandon I am all over the place with this response because it is triggering me in a bad way. Thanks for this video. Happy New Years

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  8 місяців тому +13

      Sorry for the trigger. It really is amazing how abusive the concept that so many of us were subjected to for so long is. Happy new years!

    • @gilgamesh.....
      @gilgamesh..... 8 місяців тому +12

      It's being in an abusive relationship. I've been there. It sucks.

    • @RichRocketMan
      @RichRocketMan 8 місяців тому +9

      I feel your pain. Christians love to rescue their beliefs by telling us, "But don't worry! God has forgiven all of your screw ups! No need to walk on eggshells." But for me, I live in agony because in my heart and mind, I KNOW I'm a complete failure to God. How can a child find peace when his father keeps telling him he is a daily disappointment to him? How can a kind, sincere child live a healthy, happy life knowing he is essential worthless garbage in his father's eyes? It is soul crushing. As a struggling Christian, this is the pain I constantly feel. Christians act like I should feel great about God's mercy. Yet, I feel like a complete loser and disappointment. How can this be healthy for a child? And, like you said, this loving father has essentially predetermined that the vast majority of my brothers and sisters I live with will roast with their flesh burning off for eternity. How can anyone find comfort in this religion?? I am trying so, so hard. But man, I'm like you, walking on eggshells. The more I think, the weaker my faith in Christianity.

    • @imjustsayingthough2261
      @imjustsayingthough2261 8 місяців тому +6

      @@RichRocketMan I have never looked at god as a person on mercy but more like something to constantly fear. I always thought he was looking for ways to punish me. And laughing about it the entire time. I did not attention church out of love it was always out of fear

    • @suicune2001
      @suicune2001 8 місяців тому +6

      I had a brother like that growing up. You never knew when he was going to snap. Any little thing would set him off. Saying no to any demand potentially would result in physical assault or broken possessions. (if he didn't just straight up steal them anyway) He even could have potentially killed me on a couple of occasions growing up. One of my friends even admitted she lived in fear for my life on a near daily basis and expected one day to get the call saying he killed me. Even worse, when he was hauled away in a stretcher to a mental institution as a kid, I cried and wrote him a letter saying how much I loved him.
      I definitely don't love him anymore and since he was sentenced to 60 years in prison, I no longer need to live in fear of him.

  • @gomiker
    @gomiker 8 місяців тому +37

    Brilliant. Former Mormon missionary here, I absolutely LOVE your videos. This one in particular.

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  8 місяців тому +4

      Thanks so much, Mike! Appreciate that

    • @Volleyball_Chess_and_Geoguessr
      @Volleyball_Chess_and_Geoguessr 8 місяців тому +1

      I thought the Mormon God was a bit nicer. Extra chance after death, levels of heaven. Do you still see the Mormon God as evil?

    • @mindoablues
      @mindoablues 8 місяців тому

      @@Volleyball_Chess_and_Geoguessr Where did you pull "evil" out of what he said?

    • @Volleyball_Chess_and_Geoguessr
      @Volleyball_Chess_and_Geoguessr 8 місяців тому +2

      @@mindoablues Well the biblical God IS evil. I'm just wondering if this ex-Mormon sees the nicer version as also evil.

    • @mindoablues
      @mindoablues 8 місяців тому +2

      @@Volleyball_Chess_and_Geoguessr I gotcha! I misinterpreted the tone, so I apologize

  • @stuffnstuff5685
    @stuffnstuff5685 8 місяців тому +7

    I came from an abusive household and as I got older I learned what toxic relationships were and how abusers/manipulators use various manipulative tactics to keep their victims from reaching out, leaving them, getting help etc. and as someone who was still a self proclaimed Christian at the time, I was honestly horrified at the similarities between these tactics and “relationships” and how we were supposed to “love” god and how he “loved” us. Needless to say, it became an extremely important part of my deconstruction

  • @4dojo
    @4dojo 8 місяців тому +7

    Can love be genuine if you're forced to do it at gunpoint? I was a Christian for over 20 years. I thought that I loved God, but looking back the big smile on my face was just hiding the terror that I felt inside of me. I sacrificed every part of my life to God as he commanded and then I would brag to unbelievers about the freedom I had in Jesus.

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  8 місяців тому +1

      Thanks for sharing

    • @icoleman007
      @icoleman007 8 місяців тому +1

      sorry You were allowed to carry on apathy, our hearts have some growing to do even after accepting christ and if our apathy isn't addressed it can come out as pride and work based salvation when our purpose with christ is to gain empath.

    • @4dojo
      @4dojo 8 місяців тому

      @@icoleman007 I appreciate your take on me, but trust me, you don't know my story at all. It's a long one and far more complicated than just not having the right attitude or enough faith. Christians love to think that if someone stops believing in God then they must have been doing it wrong.

    • @aheartonfire7191
      @aheartonfire7191 8 місяців тому

      If I go away from Christ, all I have left is this world.

    • @4dojo
      @4dojo 8 місяців тому +1

      @@aheartonfire7191 Okay. But that's a C.S. Lewis style argument. You're basically saying that you believe that God exists because it would be kind of depressing if he didn't exist.

  • @optimus_rhymes6955
    @optimus_rhymes6955 8 місяців тому +70

    I haven’t watched your stuff in a couple of weeks. Sometimes the ptsd hits me if I watch too much of this kind of content.
    I’m really glad you did this video. I hate the defense for god. It’s no different than someone being in abusive relationship. “I do this because I love you.” “Look at all I’ve done for you”. It’s gross, and I’m glad there are people like you to call it out.

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  8 місяців тому +9

      Totally understand! And thank you!

    • @pixel9548
      @pixel9548 8 місяців тому +10

      I once worked for a woman who told me that her father loved her with all his heart. If she did something wrong, he'd tie her to a tree in the back yard and leave her there overnight. He wouldn't allow her to go wrong. That's how much he loved her.

    • @optimus_rhymes6955
      @optimus_rhymes6955 8 місяців тому +4

      @@pixel9548 Jesus fucking Christ! I hope that isn’t real.

    • @blueStarKitt7924
      @blueStarKitt7924 8 місяців тому +1

      ​@optimus_rhymes6955 Unfortunately, it really can be real. I've heard stories like that.😰😰🤮😞

    • @optimus_rhymes6955
      @optimus_rhymes6955 8 місяців тому +2

      @@blueStarKitt7924ironically, it’s these kinds of stories that makes me think there’s no god. Any god that has the power to stop it, and doesn’t is a cuck of a god.

  • @KeytarKris
    @KeytarKris 8 місяців тому +49

    There’s no better hate like “Christian love” .

    • @michaelsbeverly
      @michaelsbeverly 8 місяців тому +1

      "We don't hate the sinner," they say. "We hate the sin."
      lol....yeah, then why are you such douchebags?
      Only a Christian (like WLC) can say with a straight face that genociding babies is good for them, and a loving act. "They go straight to heaven!"

    • @blueStarKitt7924
      @blueStarKitt7924 8 місяців тому


    • @KeytarKris
      @KeytarKris 8 місяців тому +1

      @@blueStarKitt7924 it’s sad because it’s true

    • @blueStarKitt7924
      @blueStarKitt7924 8 місяців тому

      @@KeytarKris Yes.🙁

    • @benclark4823
      @benclark4823 8 місяців тому +1

      What about muslin “love” 😇

  • @jmparker78
    @jmparker78 8 місяців тому +28

    Argh, is it next Sunday yet? Damn but this was a good one! This was one of the big questions I had all my life that I got very good at just ignoring. I remember when I finally admitted I was an atheist, asking my wife if she was worried that because I "fell out of love with God" that I could also fall out of love with her, as I have heard some evangelical spouses declare. She wasn't worried, as it turns out, which is good, because, as I said then and say now, the kind of love I have for my wife and kids, the kind of self-sacrificial love that causes me to put their needs ahead of mine and rejoice that they even exist...I NEVER felt that kind of love for Jesus. And felt very guilty about it. But it was entirely because coerced love isn't love.

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  8 місяців тому +8

      Perfectly said! Thanks for sharing this. You are right on.

  • @alchemygal3285
    @alchemygal3285 8 місяців тому +11

    What is love? Baby don’t hurt me, don’t hurt me no more!

  • @pixel9548
    @pixel9548 8 місяців тому +21

    I think I was born atheist. Or at least with the inclination. My family was Christian and I remember my first theological WTF moment. I'd learned that I was supposed to love God above all things. I wasn't even in grade school yet, but I had questions. I asked my mother if I had to love God more than her and my dad and she said, yes, I did. This worried me for a long time. My family was my world, but I'd never even seen God.

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  8 місяців тому +13

      Everyone is born atheist. It takes training and teaching to make us believe specific god concepts.

    • @suicune2001
      @suicune2001 8 місяців тому +7

      Thinking is the enemy of religion. Even being raised in a pretty heavily Christian family, I never felt anything for religion. It was boring and an obligation. Then in the 5th grade I decided I wanted none of it because I couldn't shake the feeling Christianity and Christians didn't like girls.

    • @Hitoshura844
      @Hitoshura844 8 місяців тому +2

      There are studies that indicate that there is likely a biological component to spiritual faith. It can be temporarily induced by stimulating certain regions of the brain and religiosity seems to have a genetic component.

    • @pixel9548
      @pixel9548 8 місяців тому +1

      @@Hitoshura844 Fascinating stuff. I read something about that a while back.

    • @suicune2001
      @suicune2001 8 місяців тому

      @@Hitoshura844 I don't see how it can be a genetic component when newer generations are less religious than the previous. Religion is only about filling gaps in human knowledge and controlling people. Usually the more critical thinking and logic you possess, the less likely you are to be religious or eventually stop being religious. Mentally unstable people who don't think too much cling to religion.

  • @suzibikerbabe8073
    @suzibikerbabe8073 8 місяців тому +4

    My very religious mother would say, when I was growing up, that love is unconditional. In the next breath she'd threaten me with disownment when I did or said something she didn't like. The message I got: love is conditional based on obedience.
    Reading their bible is one way of not believing, experiencing how its followers interpret it to justify their behavior, is another.

  • @Childfree334
    @Childfree334 8 місяців тому +61

    Thank you Brandon. I have used your videos as a learning tool and as a defense against those who are STILL trying to reindoctrinate me (although I think that has more to do with all the money I gave to the church over the years). I have been called every name in the book for not conforming to the biblical standard of womanhood (having babies and domestic slavery). You and Kristi Burke released me from the shackles ⛓️⛓️‍💥 of christianity, and I am forever grateful.
    I am doing life on my own now (evangelical family and friends are now gone), so I am on a journey of self-discovery and travel to find my atheist tribe. Happy New Year and all the best to you and yours🎉🎉❤!!!

    • @GameTimeWhy
      @GameTimeWhy 8 місяців тому +12

      Congratulations! I'm sorry about your family but that's a lot of courage to stick to your guns and stand up for yourself being an autonomous human.

    • @imjustsayingthough2261
      @imjustsayingthough2261 8 місяців тому +10

      We should talk sometime. My family is deeply religious and they are giving me a little space but waiting on me to come back to the church. I have only walked away 2 months ago. But I have had questions my entire life.

    • @Childfree334
      @Childfree334 8 місяців тому +11

      @imjustsayingthough2261 I totally sympathize. Even as a child, many things in the Bible disturbed me when it came to the treatment of women and children, but I was always dismissed by my parents, my pastors, other women, my sunday school teachers, everyone. They all tried to convince me that God loves women, but the Bible itself totally contradicts that. That "God" is a misogynistic psychopath.

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  8 місяців тому +13

      I am thrilled to hear you have made it out and happy to have helped in any regard. Thanks for being here and for sharing. Wishing you well on this amazing and terrifying journey out!

    • @onedaya_martian1238
      @onedaya_martian1238 8 місяців тому +8

      Life can be very rough sometimes, but when *YOU* own it, are curious, careful and kind, it is then that one really lives !
      Virtual hugs through the internet !! Never stop finding the joy in big things and the smallest. Religion keeps people with wings from flying.

  • @gilgamesh.....
    @gilgamesh..... 8 місяців тому +25

    If you demand love, you don't deserve it. Anyone that doesn't understand that, doesn't understand what love is. Also, based on the biblical definitions, god doesn't love anyone.

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  8 місяців тому +4

      Perfectly put!

    • @Bojan12
      @Bojan12 7 місяців тому

      Do not be stupid

    • @gilgamesh.....
      @gilgamesh..... 7 місяців тому

      @@Bojan12 I'm not. I understand what love is, unlike the made up christian god. If you believe in the christian god then you're the stupid one. That thing is the most horrible being ever made up by people.

    • @Mayan_88694
      @Mayan_88694 7 місяців тому

      @@Bojan12he isn’t, unlike you

    • @Mayan_88694
      @Mayan_88694 7 місяців тому

      @@Bojan12he isn’t, unlike you.

  • @donaldnumbskull9745
    @donaldnumbskull9745 8 місяців тому +28

    Happy new year, Brandon. The O.T. demand for obedience is tolerable because it's achievable; the N.T. demand for love is incomprehensible, ridiculous, altogether impossible. The new covenant didn't make things better, it made it worse.

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  8 місяців тому +9

      I don’t think either was achievable but i hear you overall. It only gets worse and the NT is not the breath of fresh air its claimed to be. And happy new year, friend!

  • @zacharylehocki
    @zacharylehocki 8 місяців тому +16

    There is nothing paradoxical I see in Brandon and his followers love for this channel. And I predict in the new year we`re going to see a rise in subs. And no one will be commanded to or made a threat of fear or punishment. That`s genuine love and a Happy New year to everyone!

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  8 місяців тому +7

      So kind, Zach! Thank you very much! Cheers

    • @trythelight8319
      @trythelight8319 8 місяців тому +5

      This channel is not a perfect one. There are times when some people in the comments catch a mistake on a video, or Brandon needs to iterate something in a different context.
      But damn, this channel and others in the atheist/skeptic community have been so great. I just hope everyone realizes the impact they’re making to people like you and I who’re working on freeing oneself from the shackles religion can sneak onto us.

    • @zacharylehocki
      @zacharylehocki 8 місяців тому +2

      @@trythelight8319 I couldn`t agree more!

  • @DavidRichardson153
    @DavidRichardson153 8 місяців тому +10

    When your love for a deity is rewarded by being stricken with stomach cancer and dying one week after graduating from high school, the threat of punishment for not loving said deity means nothing.

    • @123456stronzo
      @123456stronzo Місяць тому

      god ,jesus ,the holy spirit ,this one’s for you🖕🖕🖕

  • @yacaattwood2421
    @yacaattwood2421 8 місяців тому +18

    Happy 2024, Brandon, to you and your family!
    Another thoughtful, cogent presentation - I wish these sorts of discussions were possible in churches, where people could openly air their doubts and issues with faith instead of being hammered at to ‘believe, believe, believe!’
    Your discussion reminded me of Les Miserables, where the convict Jean Valjean, released after 19 years, is invited to stay with the Bishop and given dinner and a place to sleep. He steals silver plates and silverware, and runs away as he’s used to hiding and scrapping for everything . The police bring Valjean back, and the Bishop says that Valjean forgot the candlesticks which were a gift as well - the Bishop does not demand punishment for Valjean, and he makes no demands of him - he freely gives
    Christianity focuses intensely upon the crucifixion of Jesus as a sacrifice for the sin and evil of humankind - and humans in return, should rightly respond in obedience and love.
    In Star Trek V: The Final Frontier, James T Kirk asks, “What does God need with a starship?” What does an Eternal, N-dimensional, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent Being need with human love? Shouldn’t humans love God not out of fear or command? Is not God big enough not to require anything of humans?

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  8 місяців тому +5

      Thank you for this wonderful comment. Not only was it so kind but mixing Les Mis with Star Trek is no easy task!

    • @onedaya_martian1238
      @onedaya_martian1238 8 місяців тому +6

      Truly Brilliant !!!
      Paraphrasing Forrest Gump, "And that's all that needs to be said about that."

    • @emro164
      @emro164 8 місяців тому

      And the worst part is that they tend to gloss over the fact that Jewish clergy were cheering for Jesus to be executed!! Because Jesus was openly and incredibly contrary to the era's state of organized religion. There is no way he would tolerate the nonsense of churches today. I truly believe Jesus was a real, fantastic person. But I also wholeheartedly believe that he was highly-educated in the mystical arts, as opposed to being divine in the sense as the Christians portray him to be. And I believe he led the "way" by setting a good example- not by being executed for political convenience. I don't think Jesus "saves" any body, and this is a very triggering concept to many Christians because it shatters the fundamental basis of the faith... Even though the faith wasn't originally founded on this concept.

    • @blueStarKitt7924
      @blueStarKitt7924 8 місяців тому

      ​@MindShiftSkeptic Exactly!😂❤🙏

    • @blueStarKitt7924
      @blueStarKitt7924 8 місяців тому +1


  • @hurdygurdyguy1
    @hurdygurdyguy1 8 місяців тому +10

    From childhood I was taught God's love is unconditional (especially when preached by Billy Graham) and yet when I got a bit older I thought "okay, unconditional love with a condition"
    12:49 and then there are those denominations that demand the addition of baptism (Adult baptism, mind you, not that heretical infant baptism) AND the addition of the baptism of speaking in tongues to be a "real" Christian...

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  8 місяців тому +2

      Yes. Its right there in the bible.

    • @suicune2001
      @suicune2001 8 місяців тому +1

      Let's say someone wants to believe in the Christian God but doesn't get baptized. So if they don't take the magical bath then God will still despise them and send them to hell? I never really thought about what baptism is. I know my parents had me baptized as a baby but I never cared about that.

    • @Bojan12
      @Bojan12 7 місяців тому

      @@suicune2001No and there will be many who were not baptized in Heaven

    • @suicune2001
      @suicune2001 7 місяців тому

      @@Bojan12 Prove it.

    • @greganderson2239
      @greganderson2239 Місяць тому

      No, Gods love is definitely conditional. Even after someone is saved, they have to work to keep it. Whereas unconditional love is a gift where the person giving doesn’t expect anything in return. God expects you bear fruit or you will be cut off and thrown into the fire. He’s a psycho

  • @hamobu
    @hamobu 8 місяців тому +17

    A better concept (which maybe didn't exist at that time) would be empathy. Understand that others are like you. Understand that they have the flaws and bad judgment just like you do. Just like love, empathy is the opposite of hate but different and more nuanced.

  • @Memoreism
    @Memoreism 8 місяців тому +16

    This video makes it sound like God manipulates people into loving him, kind of like in a manipulative relationship. Especially when you mention how he says he loves you unconditionally, but if you don't love him back then he will send you to eternal torment, but it is your fault being sent there because you chose it.
    This sounds eerily similar to a woman that's stuck in an abusive relationship with a manipulative man, and my first instinct is to tell the woman that she needs to leave because this is very bad for her. That she deserves so much better than an abuser like him.
    It takes years for a person to get over a manipulative relationship like that. The whole, "why do you make me beat you? Why couldn't you have just loved me? It's all your fault." Is very manipulative.

    • @suicune2001
      @suicune2001 8 місяців тому +3

      Exactly this.

    • @berkah6240
      @berkah6240 8 місяців тому +2

    • @user-kr8xz3oq5n
      @user-kr8xz3oq5n 8 місяців тому +5

      The only difference is imagine a world where everyone is against the abused wife, and keeps telling her to stay with the abusive man because he's actually not abusive. (Despite everyone being aware of what's going on, but imagine people somehow still deny it's abuse) Every time she tries to run away, they tell her she needs to stay with and obey him, imagine if everyone said it's her fault if he punishes her. And he's gracious enough to give her freewill by making her choose between getting set on fire in his basement or loving him forever.

    • @suicune2001
      @suicune2001 8 місяців тому +3

      @@user-kr8xz3oq5n So... The typical Evangelical Christian marriage. 😂

    • @berkah6240
      @berkah6240 8 місяців тому

      @@user-kr8xz3oq5n These analogies are really helpful! I've also been told recently by loved ones that my pride is on par with Satan because I have rejected Jesus' love.

  • @Zsokorad
    @Zsokorad 8 місяців тому +3

    Jareth: "I ask for so little. Just fear me. Love me. Do as I ask, and I shall be your slave."
    Sarah: "You have no power over me..."

  • @Uryvichk
    @Uryvichk 8 місяців тому +17

    If God commands people to love, and sincere love is necessary, why are there sociopaths who can't process or form meaningful attachments to other individuals? If someone's brain is just wired in such a manner that they CAN'T express or feel what other people call "love," how can they love God with all their heart/mind/strength even if they want to?
    Also, if God's love is merely analogous to the human concept of "love," which kind of love is God commanding us to have? If God doesn't love the way we humans love, then it seems like we can't love God the way God would love God.
    EDIT: Also, if obedience is the way love is shown, God can't love us, because God doesn't and cannot obey us.

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  8 місяців тому +2

      Yes. These are excellent issues to point out.

    • @emro164
      @emro164 8 місяців тому

      I think a lot of Christians would assume these people are demon-possessed or that "Satan has a reign on their heart". And they would be completely satisfied with leaving it at that. In other words, "The person must have done something wrong or their parents didn't beat them and drag them to church enough, therefore demons/Satan invaded their heart and made them heartless..."
      Of course, Christians generally lack an in-depth understanding of mental health.

    • @Bojan12
      @Bojan12 7 місяців тому

      Inly by being born again one can love God otherwise you cannot and never will because you cannot see or know Him to do

  • @thegametroll6264
    @thegametroll6264 8 місяців тому +13

    If God truly loved someone, they wouldn't force, threaten, or command anyone to love him or her or it. He would allow them to go their own way in this life and when they were ready they would allow them to die or rest instead of suspending their soul or whatever being endures after our death in perpetual torment for a period of time that is unfathomable and torment them in ways they couldn't even conceive in their worst lucid nightmares or night terrors. Thank you so much for the logic and reason you brought to this research where it would be shunned and feared in the church even persecuted.

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  8 місяців тому +2

      So well said! Thanks for the comment and the kindness

    • @Bojan12
      @Bojan12 7 місяців тому

      We are not the ones who will command God what to do

    • @thegametroll6264
      @thegametroll6264 3 місяці тому +1

      ​@Bojan12 what does that mean? Is that supposed to be some sort of empty threat? 😡

    • @warriorofthelord4142
      @warriorofthelord4142 12 днів тому

      @@thegametroll6264His jealousy burn like Hottest Fire which hurts and destroys everything that have ignited it

  • @MiniDiaz1
    @MiniDiaz1 8 місяців тому +7

    Imaginary things cannot survive without love

  • @user-lc9tk1yd9y
    @user-lc9tk1yd9y 8 місяців тому +20

    Bang on once again! Love cannot be forced or demanded. You make it so perfectly clear. I hope you can feel the 'love' we are all throwing your way. Happy New Year!

  • @gpol2517
    @gpol2517 8 місяців тому +29

    Happy New year to you and your family Brandon! 2023 you gave us wisdom we could never repay! Here’s to more growth and wisdom 2024! 🎉

  • @emmanuella2960
    @emmanuella2960 8 місяців тому +4

    This one hit too hard. I kept nodding my head through out the video because every word Brandon said was a point.
    God's love has always been conditional, and the first time i noticed this was in the ten commandments read to the israelites by Moses. Almost every commandment ended with "for I am the Lord your god who brought you out of slavery.' Sounded so much like a guardian constantly reminding their adopted children that they helped bring them out of misery or the orphanage.

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  8 місяців тому +1

      Great point!

    • @stefanheinzmann7319
      @stefanheinzmann7319 8 місяців тому +3

      There's another observation that I find interesting and telling: The first few commandments are quite wordy, and try to justify or explain themselves. Those are the ones that concern God, and specifically establish the power hierarchy with God at the top. The other commandments are very brief and contain no justification or explanation, they are the "social" commandments, i.e. they are about the relationship between people.
      My conjecture is that the social commandments need no explanation because they were self-evident even then, i.e. the people already knew them. It is indeed hard to imagine that people who had been living in Egypt, in the most advanced civilization of the time, could have been unaware that murder or theft is bad!
      The long commandments, however, are not self evident. They establish something new, the absolute dominance of a single God who cannot be questioned and must be obeyed. Hence the explanations and justifications. Putting those two types of commandments together into a single package is a cunning trick to make them appear inseparable. Even though the social commandments are undoubtedly much older than the God of the Israelites, it now looks as if all the commandments came from him as a coherent package.
      The trick works to this day, as we can see. Christians still believe that the ten commandments are from God, and that they are the foundation for all morals.

  • @ActiveAdvocate1
    @ActiveAdvocate1 8 місяців тому +7

    "God says, 'You MUST love me', which is to say that you are required to do that which would only be acceptable if done voluntarily." The philosopher Alan Watts said that, and the guy had even been an Anglican minister for a while, but he realized that Christianity just wasn't the way to go for him. He found the Eastern religions much more coherent, and especially in the case of Buddhism, which CAN be Atheistic, depending on how you practice it.

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  8 місяців тому +3

      Thats a perfect way to put it! Good ol Watts!

    • @ActiveAdvocate1
      @ActiveAdvocate1 8 місяців тому +2

      @@MindShift-Brandon, he had a very interesting life, but the weird thing about him was his death, actually. He was sick and he knew it, from what I understand, so he went off to his country house to live alone with his son Mark, who he called in to live with him specifically for when he died. He actually had Mark cremate and scatter his body along his estate literally so that people couldn't build some kind of shrine to him, which is CREEPY, but that's how famous he was. And the whole cremation and scattering bit went down less than a day after he died. He just wanted the job done quickly and secretly by the sounds of it. I don't know how true any of this is, by the way, but, again, so famous that people tell stories about him. I've heard his daughter Anne talk about this: how she hated being called "Alan Watts' daughter" rather than just Anne, you know?

  • @jenna2431
    @jenna2431 8 місяців тому +8

    Happy New Year to all and especially those who start their journey out of the craziness that's Christianity in 2024!!🎉🎈🥳

  • @teddrickmilsap5994
    @teddrickmilsap5994 8 місяців тому +6

    When I was a child I was told that God loves us and we go to heaven when we die if we are good instead of remaining dead. That seemed fair to me. One day in church I learned about the other option. My love for God totally disappeared and I have not been able to separate him from Satan ever since. Your video was on point. There is nothing that can force me to love anyone that wants to force me to love them. I can't even pretend like most Christians are doing.

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  8 місяців тому


    • @emro164
      @emro164 8 місяців тому +1

      Aw man. You brought back memories. I wasn't informed of Jesus' crucifixion until I was maybe 6 or 7. (It's really unfathomable for me to understand why my parents let another adult take such young kids into a room and tell them about such gory details and injustices. Nobody cared that this might be too much for such little kids to handle. It really makes me wonder about the mental state of the little kids who "chose" to be baptized.)
      But none of the Bible class teachers discussed Hell in much detail with us until we were like 9. We were told about Satan, but not Hell. Seems convenient for their little bait-and-switch. "Jesus was killed on earth. Heaven with God is good and... Yeah let's not tell these little kids where they go if they're bad..." It teaches kids that they shouldn't bother to improve the world and bank on Heaven being nice, and then later discussing exactly how bad the alternative is.

    • @aheartonfire7191
      @aheartonfire7191 8 місяців тому +2

      But Jesus died for me on that cross so that I don’t go there and He will forgive me of my past and heal me and if I would end up in Hell, it would be because I did bad things and I have. God is also Holy and will judge the world. Our justice system and judges in today’s world are corrupt and I’m so glad Jesus will judge each and everyone of us. We need it.

    • @Bojan12
      @Bojan12 7 місяців тому

      It is called commitment

  • @gergernzero6904
    @gergernzero6904 8 місяців тому +7

    Someone walks up to you " you be my friend. If you don't I'll beat the crap out of you every day till you do. So will you be my friend?"

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  8 місяців тому

      So many analogies that put this in perspective

    • @Bojan12
      @Bojan12 7 місяців тому

      That is not how it works

  • @tussk.
    @tussk. 8 місяців тому +3

    God loves you. God loves you so much that he created the world just for you, and all that he demands is that you love him back, no matter what he does, or he'll send you to hell to suffer in torment forever. God loves you.

  • @duanethompson8770
    @duanethompson8770 8 місяців тому +10

    I remember hearing from the pulpit that God and Jesus loves me unconditionally. Yet, a few weeks later I would hear that we must love God and Jesus because if we didn’t then we would be denied heaven. It’s one of those contradictions that slowly erased my Christian faith.

  • @18471902
    @18471902 8 місяців тому +9

    I have raised this question before: What prompted the writers of the Bible to write those things and what did they think they were accomplishing? Seems pure common sense would have indicated to them the logical irregularities, contradictions, and absurdities of what they put down on paper and they would have attempted to be more consistent and logical. A theory for part of this is that many of the stories in both the OT and NT were originally folklore/fairy tales/myths that were passed down separately from one another and that were not originally intended to have religious meaning, but were merely stories told around the campfire for entertainment or were attempts to explain phenomena that primitive peoples could not otherwise understand. At some point someone collected and wrote them down from the oral traditions---again, probably not intending it to be of any religious connotation. Under this scenario, the writers would not have cared whether the stories were consistent. Eventually, people began to accept these written-down myths as factual and having religious meaning; and, blinded by that belief, patched over, in their own minds, the "problems" about the text.
    But why did so many people latch on to such works as the Bible, Quran, Vedas, etc.? I have read probably fifty or a hundred secular books on philosophy, psychology, spiritually, and human relationships, that, in my opinion, are much more consistent and have infinitely greater value for my well-being than the Bible has.

    • @suicune2001
      @suicune2001 8 місяців тому

      Because it boosted their fragile egos. It raises men above women (insecure guys hate women and love subjugating them) and gave them an excuse to do cruel things to others. There is also your typical carrot and stick approach. You might be drawn in with the prospect of heaven but you are afraid to leave because of the threat of hell. It's typical cult mentality. Once you're in, you're afraid to leave.

    • @Volleyball_Chess_and_Geoguessr
      @Volleyball_Chess_and_Geoguessr 8 місяців тому

      They didn't have the resources to scrutinize it all like we do today.

    • @emro164
      @emro164 8 місяців тому

      I've said it in other comments but I'll repeat it here: the Bible, as a text, (whatever there was of it at the time) was butchered when the Deuteronomists took it over. There was a lot of censoring. Metaphors were taken too far. In other words, Lucifer was a Babylonian king that the author disliked. "Satan" means opposition, which could also convey "contrast" or "resistance". So Satan might have been an idea as opposed to a physical entity. The references to Hell were mainly a trash heap outside the city where the lepers and outcasts often convened. Yahweh was originally considered part of a pantheon, but they removed the feminine influence and pegged this as a villainous indulgence. Jesus travelled a lot and was highly educated. He was a member of the Essenes, who hid the Dead Sea Scrolls. And not all of those Scrolls were included in the Bible, which is suspicious... Then you add all the translational issues from the poetic prose and cultural differences...
      But the Bible still has a couple of Scriptures referring to "God" in plural terms. I think the Bible was originally a solid work that was later gutted during certain periods of time and rehashed by people with abusive, controlling tendencies. Even the council of Nicea based the content for inclusion on what they found relevant during the era... And Jesus was unique because he sought to cut through the organized religion and help people find their own power in the process. This led to his murder. Apparently, Christians and Jews believed in reincarnation, the same as everyone else, until the Council of Nicea erased it from the Bible. To me, it just makes a lot more sense for god to say "Well, that didn't turn out so well. What would you do differently next time? Yeah. Well try it and see if it works! Tell me how it goes!" than "You get only one shot and you'll burn forever if you mess it up!! Oh- you were born in a country where nobody is Christian? Not my problem!!"

    • @emro164
      @emro164 8 місяців тому

      The main reason I hold onto the Bible, even though I am no longer Christian (I would call myself "areligious" because I think all religions have truth even though I will never again espouse the views of only one) is because of crazy global consistencies. The creation story resembles the Epic of Gilgamesh. Every culture has the following: giants, "little people", deceptive reptilian humanoids, and a great deluge like a massive flood. I'm inclined to believe this is no coincidence, especially because many of these societies were separated for extended periods of time. I believe in souls and connective, unifying energetic forces. I just think the Bible was ruined by those who sought to control others. That it is now paraded by people who love the rituals and dogma more than the possibilities.

  • @DrakeTimbershaft
    @DrakeTimbershaft 8 місяців тому +10

    If the abusive being named "God" was real, then he would be playing an abusive mind game where you know not which step you make is a misstep and will condemn you to needless torture. I have had human bullies do this to me as a child, and the messed up part was I thought they were my friends. Because I had to deal with and liberate myself from these human bullies, I realized what a relentless bully "God" was over time. I thought I would feel everlasting dread if I moved away from him, but when I finally did, I felt a great sense of relief. Flesh and blood bullies are bad enough. Do not submit to a bully that dares not show his face!

    • @berkah6240
      @berkah6240 8 місяців тому +4

      Right. Especially when things like "blasphemy of the spirit" are not even defined or explained at all.

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  8 місяців тому +3

      Yes! So true

  • @melasunstrong
    @melasunstrong 8 місяців тому +2

    This has me thinking of when I used to keep pet rats, over the course of several years. As a rule, domesticated rats are sociable and affectionate, and I enjoyed building relationships with them, even the ones that where more shy.
    (think dogs, but potato-sized and with little hands).
    There was one exception in a female (who was older, had been alone in the petstore, and had wheel-tail, so no knowing what sort of background she'd had) who was outright mean. I had to be very careful reaching in the cage for anything and always keep track of where she was, since she liked to lunge and bite if you got too close. If I took the rats out for playtime, I had to be sure I had good footwear one or just keep a close eye out, because she'd nip my toes.
    She didn't love me, she didn't like or trust me at all.
    This didn't affect the fact that I was responsible for her well-being, and the thought of punishing her for it would seem ridiculous, not in spite of but *because* of the huge power imbalance between us.
    Similarly, if you kept an ant farm, what difference does it make whether the ants believed in you or not? Could you really be bothered to suss out the good, believing ants from the 'bad' nonbelievers? Devise a punishment/reward system for them? It would be unbelievably pathetic.

    • @stefanheinzmann7319
      @stefanheinzmann7319 8 місяців тому

      Excellent point! To expand on the ant analogy:
      Christians also often say that as he's the creator, you must be submissive because he's so much more powerful. Well, the ant mother (queen) isn't powerful at all! All ants in the colony descend from her, so in a sense she's their creator, but she is totally dependent on them and has no power to discipline or even crush them.
      The notion of "you have to obey your creator" is bullshit.

  • @reversefulfillment9189
    @reversefulfillment9189 8 місяців тому +4

    Roxberry chapter 6 verse 9 "What is love? Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me no more."

    • @CutTiesWithYourCaptor
      @CutTiesWithYourCaptor 8 місяців тому +4

      The book of Tina (it's a page "Turner") chapter 5 verse 3 "What's love got to do with it? What's love, but a second-hand emotion?"

  • @LuminesBreezer--
    @LuminesBreezer-- 8 місяців тому +5

    To be spammed at the podium with 'agape love', and the confidence upon saying such throughout my teenage years while in church, and how it's comically presented now is just great. Thanks, Brandon. Way to further build on the potential of atheism. 👍 See everyone in 2024.

  • @hillcrestvideoprod1
    @hillcrestvideoprod1 8 місяців тому +5

    Again, wow! A great analysis. You said it all…this god’s ‘love’ is not Love at all. It’s an imbalance of power…abusive at its core, direct from the bloody Bronze Age of emperors and kings. We do not need any more ‘kings’.
    Thanks for your overwhelming body of insightful work!

  • @redraven_the
    @redraven_the 8 місяців тому +9

    Well, after all I have learned from you: Commanding to be loved is gods only chance to get some. There is none to be expected on the basis of his track record. 🤣 Thank you for all you do and Happy New Year to you Brandon.

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  8 місяців тому +2

      Haha! Thats funny and true. Thank you! Cheers

    • @Bojan12
      @Bojan12 7 місяців тому

      Wrong I fell in love with Him when He saved me from demons and suicide. I absolutely fell in love

  • @Johnmhatheist
    @Johnmhatheist 8 місяців тому +38

    Christianity in a nutshell
    One day, you're at your house and hear a loud knock, and you ask who it is. "It's Jesus Christ, open the door." You ask him why, and he replies, "Just open the door. I love you so much that I died for you and was resurrected. Now open the door, and let me save you to show my love to you" and then you ask him what he wants to save you from and he replies "from what I'm going to do to you if you don't open this door and love me back" you then ask him what will happen if you don't open the door and love him back and Jesus replies "if you don't open this door and love me back as I love you so much, I will send you to a place full of fire and brimstone where you will burn, be tortured, your teeth will gnash, you will cry, you will scream, and I will not listen, but just know that I love you and if you love me back, you can be a senseless robot without any free will shouting Holy Holy Holy is the Lord for all of eternity without end"
    That's Christianity in a nutshell.

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  8 місяців тому +7

      It’s pretty darn close. Ive heard this before and it really does put it all in perspective. Thanks for watching!

    • @Johnmhatheist
      @Johnmhatheist 8 місяців тому +5

      ​@MindShiftSkeptic Happy New Year, Brandon. I will enjoy watching your videos in 2024 and many years to come.

    • @michaelsbeverly
      @michaelsbeverly 8 місяців тому +3

      I went to hear Dan Barker once, about 8-9 years ago, he's a good speaker.

    • @jimscott9974
      @jimscott9974 8 місяців тому +11

      Knock knock…
      "Who's there?”
      "It's me, Jesus. Let me in.”
      "Why do you want to come in?”
      "To save you.”
      "Save me from what?”
      "From what I'm going to do to you if you don't let me in.”

    • @Johnmhatheist
      @Johnmhatheist 8 місяців тому +1

      @@michaelsbeverly I will look him up.

  • @Prince__Teclis
    @Prince__Teclis 8 місяців тому +4

    What I think is the biggest flaw when it comes to Christianity and the other monotheistic religions is their need to fit all qualities into one deity. Whereas with any religion with multiple deities you can go. "Yeah that one is a dick but this one is super nice instead." Which makes sense because it's multiple deities, some are nice, some aren't, like people.
    But the Christian deity is apparently all loving and so kind, but at the same time will condemn people to eternal torment for not using their finite time on earth telling him how great he is.
    So as a result, their deity's "all loving" attitude ends up roughly being "I love you so much I've made an underground torture chamber in case you don't love me back." Which sounds less like a deity and more like an ancient attempt to write the world's first yandere character if you'll excuse the anime terminology.

    • @suicune2001
      @suicune2001 8 місяців тому +1

      Except from my understanding, yandere characters love. Yahweh clearly only loves itself and its only goal is to force you to obey and worship it with zero evidence of its existence. So it's really more like the hentai characters who rape and abuse their slaves into loving them.

    • @Prince__Teclis
      @Prince__Teclis 8 місяців тому +1

      @suicune2001 Fair point, who'd have thought Yuno Gasai would be a better deity than Yaweh, haha.

  • @ronmarkell4436
    @ronmarkell4436 8 місяців тому +12

    Perfect. Well thought out and well expressed.

  • @denisebaldwin9292
    @denisebaldwin9292 8 місяців тому +5

    Freely love me or else!
    Can’t wait for the next part of this video!

  • @Northman1963
    @Northman1963 8 місяців тому +5

    This video describes exactly why I never became a christian. This is basic stuff; a child can figure it out. "Love me or be tortured forever". Would one love someone of the opposite sex if one were told this? Or more importantly, would one love a parent who said "love me or I will torture you for the rest of your life".

    @THEDARKSIDECEO 8 місяців тому +2

    My first relationship was with someone with undiagnosed BPD. The love I received was very conditional based on how he was feeling or if I did certain things for him. When I couldn't take it and would say I'd like to leave, he would threaten self harm or self-exit from this plane. I didn't want to cause him any pain and I couldn't see any way out despite my friends and family begging me to leave him. I would sob in my car begging God to get me out of the relationship, one way or another. I had stopped going to church because of him and in a way, started deconstruction as well. Too much of the behavior in the "Great Book" was mirrored in front of me. I had dedicated my life to God, feeling that maybe someone would love me if I imagined it. Learning to love myself has been a more satisfying journey. Thank you for these videos, Brandon. You help keep the voice of my mother out of my head.

  • @dougt7580
    @dougt7580 8 місяців тому +8

    "Love me or I will hurt you" is nothing I recognize as remotely close to how I understand the concept.

  • @GenJonesLife
    @GenJonesLife 8 місяців тому +2

    This subject of Love is exactly why I don't believe in an invisible God that we must believe in by faith.

  • @kingmarx810
    @kingmarx810 8 місяців тому +13

    This was one of the last ideas that made me realize how made up God is. Why would an all powerful perfect being demand the love and worship of lesser beings at the threat of eternal punishment? I have never been given a satisfying apologetic explanation.

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  8 місяців тому +5

      Me either! Maybe we will get some finally in response to this video, but let’s not hold out breath.

    • @Bojan12
      @Bojan12 7 місяців тому

      Because He made us out of pure love to be with Him forever. So love is returned by love and He demonstrated it first

    • @kingmarx810
      @kingmarx810 7 місяців тому +2

      @@Bojan12 He loved us so much, that immediately after we make our first mistake, he kicks us out of his home. He then punished us, and our descendants,for the rest of our livea with sin, death and misery. AND If you don't worship him with all your heart mind and soul. He will punish us for eternity. Sounds like an abusive relationship if you ask me.

  • @karolinaska6836
    @karolinaska6836 8 місяців тому +3

    It's amazing how deeply the indoctrination goes. Not until I hear you say it the way you do did I even start to question what's wrong with being commanded to love God! But you're right. If God is love, there's no need for the command.

  • @devin5312
    @devin5312 8 місяців тому +3

    Atheist here... If I'm mistaken, I don't have anything to be afraid of. I do not steal, I do not rape, I do not kill. Not because someone instructed me to, but because my common sense as a human being guides me.
    However, if you are mistaken, you essentially lived a life preparing for something that will never occur.
    I once heard someone genuinely say, "If God doesn't exist, then I can freely kill and rape."
    And I thought, "How can you consider yourself a 'good' person if your initial reaction, in the absence of God, would be to commit rape and murder?" Yeah, right.

  • @user-je5do6jn2f
    @user-je5do6jn2f 8 місяців тому +6

    There's no hate like Abrahamic God's love...

  • @PatrickWDunne
    @PatrickWDunne 8 місяців тому +6

    Happy New Year to all my fellow heathens!

  • @26beegee
    @26beegee 8 місяців тому +12

    Interesting timing on this topic. Just a couple weeks ago I had a discussion with my Dad about choosing to love versus spontaneous love, romantically speaking. I say it’s mostly spontaneous (pheromones and all that); he says it’s a choice (more brain driven). Never understood how people could say they love God/Jesus. How do you love someone you don’t actually know? I could appreciate the supposed sacrifice (although He could just say I was forgiven for my “sins”) but love? Just couldn’t do it. I tried really hard but, I need a physical being to muster up actual love! Am I too literal? And wouldn’t God rather we WANT to love Him than HAVE to love Him? That would always be my preference! Thanks for the thought provoking discussion!

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  8 місяців тому +5

      Thanks for the comment! As someone who really thought i had a relationship with god, love made sense to me. But it was so obviously imaginary and constructed looking back. Unrequited to the full extent if the word.

    • @Volleyball_Chess_and_Geoguessr
      @Volleyball_Chess_and_Geoguessr 8 місяців тому +2

      You better want to love him or you will suffer.

    • @emro164
      @emro164 8 місяців тому

      Since you asked about loving Jesus, I have an answer for that. As an aside, I left the Christian faith because I believe in more metaphysical concepts, like reincarnation. I believe the Bible, as we generally know it to be, is a limited and bastardized account of events. I read piles of folklore from around the world as a kid, and it seems that most religions are linked to a few root sources. (A deluge story like a great flood is present in folklore across the world, even though these countries were separated for centuries.)
      In my theological deep-diving, I read accounts from basic, average people who "went under" during hypnotic sessions and described meeting Jesus in detail, during his time on earth. Note: they didn't see themselves as important people. They were just basic citizens of the area who met Jesus or studied with his group. They said he was incredible as a person. He made everyone feel special and at home. He radiated unapologetic love and understanding. He basically said that, though the clergy would disagree for obvious reasons, humans all have a divine cord and a higher self, which serves as a particle of god. In other words: we are all god and we are all on a path towards advancing in connection and learning as much as possible. Earth is a playground, and life here is an illusion like a classroom simulation. The fear-mongering deity concept was created for control. And Jesus was later poorly paraphrased and misconstrued by authors. I was stunned to learn that citizens of Ireland and the UK have folklore about Jesus visiting them and working with the druids, even though the Bible makes no such mention of his travels. And even though Catholics later pulverized most of the druids. Mary Magdalene was recorded in the Bible as a prostitute, when she was really a powerful Egyptian priestess. (By all means slut-shame a powerful woman when you have no argument, right?)
      Basically, the greatest irony is that Christians have the most limiting views of Jesus lol The ones, whom they would call "pagan/Satanic/possessed/practicing dark arts" are those who view Jesus as far more than a lamb led to slaughter. They see him as a cognizant, fantastic person who was done incredibly dirty by his environment!!
      So basically, it's easy to love Jesus and look to him as an example... But especially when you are willing to rely on more than the Bible for the info. (Which is, of course, a taboo.)

    • @26beegee
      @26beegee 8 місяців тому +1

      @@emro164 Like you, I have been studying world religions (especially near-east religions) for a few years. Really seems the Bible is a mashup of the Atra Hasis, Epic of Gilgamesh, the works of Homer, the Enuma Elish, Osiris and many other mythologies. The idea man has a soul was primarily Plato’s hypothesis, it is most likely just the human brain. With hundreds of virgin births, savior gods, resurrections, etc. the entire idea any of it is real seems ridiculous. I appreciate your attempt to explain how one could love Jesus but, believing he taught about love (only half the time) still doesn’t provide an interactive relationship to enable one to love him. One could love the idea of him but, that isn’t knowing Jesus the person, only about Jesus. Not the same at all. I need feedback, dependability, kindness, compassion, etc. An invisible entity cannot do those things. Too remote, silent and untouchable.

  • @glennjoselane1690
    @glennjoselane1690 8 місяців тому +3

    Magnificent overview, Brandon. It's impossible to look at this any other way. Brilliant!

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  8 місяців тому

      Thanks, Glenn. Many would disagree ha but i think its all just too clear.

  • @onedaya_martian1238
    @onedaya_martian1238 8 місяців тому +6

    Love you Brandon.
    These presentations make the huge and blatant plot holes in that ancient text so obvious, it is amazing. To be able to steelman the ideas and then point out the inconsistencies the way you do is truly artful. Hopefully it helps the hard of thinking to be less sucked in by smooth talkin' preachers and gets them to be much more discerning about reality.
    Please continue this service to humanity. Far too much time is taken up being distracted by religion, which could be used to support public service, prevent wars by engaging with other, help prevent diseases through good practices and avoid poverty by voting for people who have been researched to be honorable, knowledgeable people.

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  8 місяців тому +2

      What a comment. Thanks so much for the love and kindness! This was very encouraging

  • @kenhoover1639
    @kenhoover1639 8 місяців тому +6

    As always, you have given me a lot to think about. I am going to share this video and summarize its main points on Facebook because I feel my Christian friends will at least read my comments on the video, even if they won't watch the video.

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  8 місяців тому +1

      Glad to provide anything that helps one question

  • @Lestat1349
    @Lestat1349 8 місяців тому +3

    You are probably sick of me fanboying over you by now, but once again you are hitting the nail on the head! also you are speaking all the doubts and thoughts that where deemed evil that I have had for years! pleas dont ever stop preaching the real truth! Thanks to you I now proudly say I am an atheist! thank you so much, you have done more for me in a month than Christianity have done in years (oh, have I really been trapped in this for years?). hope you have had a good well earned rest this Christmas and I hope the new year gives you all that you want and need :D

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  8 місяців тому

      So kind and no worries at all. I have a few people that were this for me during my deconstruction and i am honored to get to pay it forward with you.

    • @Lestat1349
      @Lestat1349 8 місяців тому +1

      @@MindShift-Brandon Thank you =)

  • @alohaohana901
    @alohaohana901 8 місяців тому +3

    That was intense, Brandon. You have a way of hitting the nail on the head.

  • @lancegolden8190
    @lancegolden8190 8 місяців тому +2

    👍🏾I’ve been saying this. Nobody else sees it, I don’t understand why nobody can see this. Amazing! Happy new year!🎆

  • @tiffanyplacencia2296
    @tiffanyplacencia2296 7 місяців тому +6

    I really want a horror movie based on the Bible and “god” being the main villain.

    • @aiya5777
      @aiya5777 7 місяців тому

      God isn't a villain lol

    • @Bojan12
      @Bojan12 7 місяців тому +1

      No thanks I do not want anymore pain

  • @Sarahizahhsum
    @Sarahizahhsum 8 місяців тому +2

    I love that your name is Brandon. Same as my brothers. He just had twin boys and every reminder of him, my SIL, or the twins makes me feel true warmth and love. God I want to hold them. They were premature so I have to wait till February.
    Thats real love. If they don't love me, I would love them just the same.

  • @docphil1000
    @docphil1000 8 місяців тому +5

    Kinda makes you wonder how much he loved the rest of the world [Asians/Native Americans/Polynesians/Northern Europeans etc.] while he was busy in the Middle East?

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  8 місяців тому +1

      Oh yeah. Huge issues by having a chosen people and only revealing himself to them at a certain time in history

  •  8 місяців тому +1

    What god is asking is that we do what we are made for... What we are made for, is what makes us happy.

  • @TomJudson
    @TomJudson 8 місяців тому +6

    Really powerful stuff. That Hebrews quote: if you continue to sin after knowing the word… then hell. How does any Christian think they’re going to heaven at all? They all admit they’re sinners.
    And another great argument against free will. 👍🏻
    By the way, loving the thumbnail graphics. Are you generating them yourself?

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  8 місяців тому +4

      Thanks, Tom! And yes working through mid journey to make the thumbs.

    • @suicune2001
      @suicune2001 8 місяців тому

      I don't think Christians actually know what gets them to heaven or hell according to their fairy tales. Because if they say you HAVE to accept Jesus as your savior (why not Yahweh if Jesus was just Yahweh's MMO character? It makes no sense) or else you'll go to hell, you can say, "What about the severely mentally disabled who can't know about Jesus?" then suddenly disabled people get a free pass. So the one condition they cite isn't a requirement, according to them. lol. Can they back that up with ANYTHING? Of course not, but they never let a little thing like complete lack of evidence or logic stop them.

    • @Bojan12
      @Bojan12 7 місяців тому

      God is very merciful and when I day very I mean extremely. I even cursed Him to death while fully knowing Him personally and He did not do anything to me but waited for me. You people have no idea how much He loves us. I deserved painful death yet He just took me in His arms and said I love you

    • @suicune2001
      @suicune2001 7 місяців тому

      @@Bojan12 He genocided the entire world.

    • @Bojan12
      @Bojan12 7 місяців тому

      @@suicune2001 Whatever man sow that they will also reap

  • @itsROMPERS...
    @itsROMPERS... 8 місяців тому +7

    The concept of "free will" is null no matter what, because however we are, He MADE US THAT WAY.
    I don't actually know why I think and feel the way I do, I never decided that I would be a skeptic, that I wouldn't just accept the idea of God like so many others do.
    And the idea of being punished in a way that is defined as the worst possible way makes absolutely no sense except as coercion.
    And coercion is never free choice.
    So with the system enumerated in the Bible, God can actually never know if someone's love for Him is sincere, or coerced, because even if someone swears they're sincere, their feelings could have been coerced anyway.
    HOWEVER, if it's all modeled on an earthly King, it makes perfect sense.

  • @MR-zq5gt
    @MR-zq5gt 8 місяців тому +3

    So excited to sit down when I have more time to really listen to this content … immediately subscribed !

  • @balanc-joy9187
    @balanc-joy9187 8 місяців тому +1

    8:14 *Garth Ennis'* _Preacher_ is a comic that takes God to be exactly that. God in that fiction was so empty inside and so desperate for validation, that that is _exactly_ the kind of love He wanted.
    I have got to get that comic.

  • @totalspoof8344
    @totalspoof8344 8 місяців тому +5

    Theres a man named Tom from Manhattan who loves you. But this Tom from Manhattan is all powerful all loving and all knowing,and you cant see him unless you believe in him first. And people have been believing in him for a couple thousand yrs. Show me Tom.

    • @suicune2001
      @suicune2001 8 місяців тому +2

      And if you don't believe in Tom then he'll punish you for all eternity for not loving him. So you better love him OR ELSE! That's how love works.

    • @totalspoof8344
      @totalspoof8344 8 місяців тому

      @@suicune2001 I watch The Line and The Atheist Experience. I HATE it when people say what kind of evidence would you want or use the word "proofs" Any evidence that makes a claim more likely than not is what I'm looking for. And all "proofs" means is (why I believe)in what I believe in. Theists doubt their brain,life and all reality when you can just say there's not enough evidence to reach the conclusion that there is a God. Be honest and don't try to Mindshift me bro.

    • @suicune2001
      @suicune2001 8 місяців тому

      @@totalspoof8344 This is the only religious channel I watch so I have no idea who those other channels are.
      I'm agnostic so I'm open to the possibility of there being some kind of deity/deities-like creatures out there. However, if it/they do exist then it/they clearly don't care to make themselves known. Otherwise, we'd all be born with the knowledge of this deity or deities. Yet, none of us are. So we're either left with there isn't any kind of deity at all or if there is, it/they don't really care what we think or do. Just as we don't care what ants do and don't expect ants to love and worship us.

    • @totalspoof8344
      @totalspoof8344 8 місяців тому +1

      @@suicune2001 I was like that,a few yrs ago. Do you know what's at the bottom of our ocean? I don't and don't think anyone else knows. If we don't know what's at the bottom of our own oceans then we definitely don't know the maker of all reality. A gods possible but probable,no. If you like this channel then you'd like,The Line,The Atheist Experience and Paulogia. Have you heard of Bart Ehrman? Great books and he's a agnostic/atheist New Testament Scholar.

    • @suicune2001
      @suicune2001 8 місяців тому

      @@totalspoof8344 My guess the bottom of the ocean is full of our trash. We've likely caused species we didn't even know existed to go extinct. Even IF there is some kind of creation deity out there, it's not one any human could fathom. And like I said, if it does exist then it clearly doesn't care if we're aware of its existence. So I simply don't worry about it. I will either find out or I won't when I die.
      I saw a couple of videos from Paulogia but found it to be quite boring. They take too long. MindShift has a nice condense video structure. I've never heard of Bart Ehrman. I'm only really interested in hearing about debunking Christian arguments because of pressure from a family member who recently fell hard into the Christian cult and wants me to join him. So this makes it very easy to debunk him.

  • @scrider5493
    @scrider5493 8 місяців тому +6

    Very instructive, very persuasive. But I can say that Theology when it becomes at odds with itself, as in the examples you teach, it gets put on the shelf and is way secondary to the community that church brings. Community is in the forefront, singing, eating, networking is the more compelling reasons to belong. Very good vid.

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  8 місяців тому +6

      Thank you and for sure. Most christian love is within the ingroup, not god…he just gets all the credit.

  • @dannbon13
    @dannbon13 8 місяців тому +4

    Reminds me of Clash of the Titans. Maybe this god needs love is because that is how we feed his power. Without love he weakens, almost parasitic.

    • @suicune2001
      @suicune2001 8 місяців тому +1

      That's how a lot of gods seem to be in lore. Their power directly comes from the number of followers they have and how fervent they are in their worship. That's why even if Yahweh showed up and gave me the ultimatum of "worship me or else I'll punish you forever" I still wouldn't worship it because I wouldn't want to fuel its cruelty.

    • @Bojan12
      @Bojan12 7 місяців тому

      Weakens? He stays the same as most powerful of all

    • @suicune2001
      @suicune2001 7 місяців тому +1

      @@Bojan12 If he's so powerful then why does he always need human interaction to do stuff?

    • @Bojan12
      @Bojan12 7 місяців тому

      @@suicune2001 Because that is what friendship and relationship look like

    • @dannbon13
      @dannbon13 7 місяців тому

      ⁠@@Bojan12I think you need to reread my comment. I was comparing it to a movie where the gods loose power as their followers abandon them.
      It was a hypothetical question for an imaginary god.
      Your statement begs the same scrutiny. How do you know the god stays all powerful? The correct answer is, you don’t.

  • @paulfromcanada5267
    @paulfromcanada5267 Місяць тому

    Love isn’t a feeling it’s something we can choose to do, or not. I choose to love Brandon, and pray for him. 😇

  • @Tesseract745
    @Tesseract745 8 місяців тому +4

    I just noticed this recently but almost all atheist channels have ads for bible and Christian apps. I find that funny and ironic

  • @ButtercupBerry1234
    @ButtercupBerry1234 8 місяців тому +2

    what a great video.....another eye opener...thanks a million 🙂

  • @MightyWeeks
    @MightyWeeks 8 місяців тому +9

    I turned on notifications for you for these very topics. You bring items up that I would have never thought of and have been paramount in my questioning of whether I actually believe in this God. I was a campus minister with a local church for 2 years and decided to quit because I started heavily questioning God when I started asking questions on how to reach Gen Z which is arguably one of the more irreligious generations we've seen at least within the west (probably thanks to the internet). Just wanted to thank you for helping in the process.

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  8 місяців тому +2

      Thank you for this! Appreciate the support and am so glad to have been able to help!

    • @onedaya_martian1238
      @onedaya_martian1238 8 місяців тому +2

      Gen Z is a very skeptical generation. That is both a blessing and a curse 🙂
      Freedom from religion allows for much greater (albeit harder) opportunities to make the world a better place. Teach discernment, encourage curiosity, be an example of kindness, for that we will all be grateful !! (That witnessing sh-t is just annoying at best and extremely disappointing at worse... proclaiming not to behave like a complete destructive jerk is admirable...but - "because of jesus (not his real name)" is simply admitting a lack of self awareness.

    • @brushdogart
      @brushdogart 8 місяців тому +3

      I'm sorry you had to go through such a hard time to find your own religious position. Still, I hope you can look back and feel that you did some good as a councilor even if you weren't successful as a missionary.
      If you ever want to get back into something similar without the religious baggage, I've heard that Hospices are always looking for grief councilors. If you want to minister to those in need without the proselytizing that might be a good fit for you.

  • @Forge_Stryker
    @Forge_Stryker 8 місяців тому +2

    As always Brandon, great points and discussion. I love that you bring up these very valid concerns with religious texts and beliefs. The xenophobic, conditional and threatening love is not the way. But it’s great that you always present these contrasts to bring home important concepts like real love without all of the ugly religious distortions. Keep up the good work!

  • @mindoablues
    @mindoablues 8 місяців тому +3

    Thank you for your commentary! I actually went out and bought a Bible today. I've been an atheist for about 20 years now (I feel so old!). I didn't stop believing because of any logical argument, but more so because I felt like that connection was becoming hollower as time went on, to the point that it's like a kid growing up and realizing Santa doesn't exist. I spent a few years grieving that loss of faith. But getting into the atheist world back in the early 2000s was eye-opening as it helped me not only deconstruct Christianity as a whole, but the thought-process behind the concept of a deity and the afterlife. There are long bouts of time where I won't put much thought into being an atheist, but occasionally I will get back into consuming atheist/skeptics content. Your work has been really eye-opening! Despite going to K-12 Catholic schools, I've never actually read the Bible. My religious education was more about pulling out topical passages or hearing it read aloud in church. There are several stories that you have shared from the Bible that I had never heard before or had been contextualized very differently from how I grew up. Because of this, I want to spend time this year reading through the Bible, so I can interpret it for myself and have a better ground to stand on when talking to the religious believers in my life. Thank you for the hard work you do in bringing these subjects to life and creating an opportunity for people to chat about these ideas. Happy New Years!

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  8 місяців тому +1

      Love that! Happy new years and good luck working your way through

  • @pondboy3682
    @pondboy3682 8 місяців тому +3

    Great video! I remember having some of this discussion with my mother, and her comeback was that God commands us to love because WE need it, not him. Still, I only found this convincing for a short time because if God made us with that need, it still says something about his wants or desires.

  • @foxley6519
    @foxley6519 8 місяців тому +5

    Happy new year! Congratulations for ending 2023 on 31K+ subscribers, and I hope you'll get many more in 2024.

  • @markgiles3
    @markgiles3 8 місяців тому +2

    1 Corinthians 13 is a succinct definition of love, I think. Ideally it would be nice to demonstrate that kind of love every day! Is it our job to remind God of what he said? Would it make any difference if we did? I just can't image God being that loving. It's hard to image a human being that loving. And God is so far above us! Oh it would be so nice if God was really like that. But alas....