Struggling with Assessments in the Language Learning blended classroom. This example is for CONTENT rather than building basic W/R/L/S skills. I'd like more ideas on this. Thanks,
We use E-Portfolios for all sorts of work including the skills work as students can embed all sorts of things like examples of writing, audio, video, etc. I will keep in mind what you said and try to do a new video that focuses on the skills more.
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Struggling with Assessments in the Language Learning blended classroom. This example is for CONTENT rather than building basic W/R/L/S skills. I'd like more ideas on this. Thanks,
We use E-Portfolios for all sorts of work including the skills work as students can embed all sorts of things like examples of writing, audio, video, etc. I will keep in mind what you said and try to do a new video that focuses on the skills more.