Sen. Collins said justices wouldn't overturn Roe. See her reaction now

  • Опубліковано 4 чер 2024
  • Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) said in 2018 that she was convinced Supreme Court Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh wouldn't overturn Roe v. Wade. Now if the Supreme Court overturns it, it would be "completely inconsistent" with what the two purported, Collins said following news of the draft opinion. #CNN #News

КОМЕНТАРІ • 8 тис.

  • @scottcampbell96
    @scottcampbell96 2 роки тому +2207

    Susan Collins is either a horrible judge of character, a highly gullible person, or a massive liar. Maybe all three.

    • @jdarst100
      @jdarst100 2 роки тому

      She is a Republican I rest my case.

    • @inveele
      @inveele 2 роки тому +86

      Massive liar

    • @macynavarro9781
      @macynavarro9781 2 роки тому +84

      She's a liar. Corrupt power seeker.

    • @alexanderbarrera9906
      @alexanderbarrera9906 2 роки тому +71

      I'll put my money on 3.

    • @seanp9157
      @seanp9157 2 роки тому +6

      @@macynavarro9781 what happens if it is overturned?

  • @goyasolidar
    @goyasolidar 2 роки тому +212

    Holy hell, get rid of this woman already.

    • @sukani84437
      @sukani84437 2 роки тому

      She was *just* RE-ELECTED FOR A SIXTH TERM by the majority of Maine voters in 2020 for another 6 years. People just don’t seem to understand that their representatives reflect directly on them. And Maine voters made their opposition to judicial integrity, safe reproductive healthcare and human rights damn clear…

    • @ajs11201
      @ajs11201 2 роки тому +6

      Well, that's up to the voters of Maine. I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you.

    • @tgreenland
      @tgreenland 2 роки тому

      No shit. Babbling idiot. She floats where the wind blows. Slimeball.

    • @robertirvine7938
      @robertirvine7938 2 роки тому +5

      She can't be out until 2026 at the earliest.

    • @HiroNE217
      @HiroNE217 2 роки тому

      ...get rid of her, but then what about the Ted cruzes, gym Jordans, McConnells, geatzs, and the hundred other male slime balls who remain?

  • @brianfreeman8290
    @brianfreeman8290 2 роки тому +34

    I'm not pro-“murdering babies”.
    I'm pro-Becky who found out at her 20 week anatomy scan that the infant she had been so excited to bring into this world had developed without life sustaining organs.
    I'm pro-Susan who was sexually assaulted on her way home from work, only to come to the horrific realization that her assailant planted his seed in her when she got a positive pregnancy test result a month later.
    I'm pro-Theresa who hemorrhaged due to a placental abruption, causing her parents, spouse, and children to have to make the impossible decision on whether to save her or her unborn child.
    I'm pro-little Cathy who had her innocence ripped away from her by someone she should have been able to trust and her 11 year old body isn't mature enough to bear the consequence of that betrayal.
    I'm pro-Melissa who's working two jobs just to make ends meet and has to choose between bringing another child into poverty or feeding the children she already has because her spouse walked out on her.
    I'm pro-Brittany who realizes that she is in no way financially, emotionally, or physically able to raise a child.
    I'm pro-Emily who went through IVF, ending up with SIX viable implanted eggs requiring selective reduction in order to ensure the safety of her and a SAFE amount of fetuses.
    I'm pro-Christina who doesn't want to be a mother, but birth control methods sometimes fail.
    I'm pro-Jessica who is FINALLY getting the strength to get away from her physically abusive spouse only to find out that she is carrying the monster's child.
    I'm pro-Vanessa who went into her confirmation appointment after YEARS of trying to conceive only to hear silence where there should be a heartbeat.
    I'm pro-Lindsay who lost her virginity in her sophomore year with a broken condom and now has to choose whether to be a teenage mom or just a teenager.
    I'm pro-Courtney who just found out she's already 13 weeks along, but the egg never made it out of her fallopian tube so either she terminates the pregnancy or risks dying from internal bleeding.
    You can argue and say that I'm pro-choice all you want, but the truth is:
    I'm pro-life.
    Their lives.
    Women's lives.
    You don't get to pick and choose which scenarios should be accepted.
    Women's rights are meant to protect ALL women, regardless of their situation!

    • @FakingANerve
      @FakingANerve 2 роки тому +2

    • @msolivette
      @msolivette 2 роки тому +2

      Outstanding post Mr. Freeman. If you don't mind I would like to share it with the World!

    • @brianfreeman8290
      @brianfreeman8290 2 роки тому +5

      @@msolivette Be my guest ! I didn't write it, unfortunately. I found it on FB and am doing my best to share it as widely as possible.

    • @a_diamond
      @a_diamond 2 роки тому +1

      Thank you, Brian.

    • @larrytischler570
      @larrytischler570 2 роки тому

      BS murdering babies is not womrns health, and CNN IS LYING when they say 60% of Americans want abortion to continue.

  • @benjaminblevins9576
    @benjaminblevins9576 Рік тому +4

    "I actually think he won't" - May 4
    June 24th, Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh vote to overturn Roe v. Wade.

  • @ly776
    @ly776 2 роки тому +1460

    No one believes Senator Collins is this naive. She was not duped. She got the result she wanted. She is responsible.

    • @doglog18
      @doglog18 2 роки тому

      No more baby killing for you....

    • @springbloom5940
      @springbloom5940 2 роки тому +6

      Stop it. You're making me like her.

    • @CadetBoneSpurs
      @CadetBoneSpurs 2 роки тому

      @@springbloom5940 you should move to Russia traitor ! Also why do you hate woman?

    • @DuaneHallinSD
      @DuaneHallinSD 2 роки тому +5

      Collins is pre-choice. She was duped/naive.

    • @DJShoutSmith
      @DJShoutSmith 2 роки тому +21

      Big donors told Susan, we got you. You know what to do!

  • @swisschoco25
    @swisschoco25 2 роки тому +169

    For any Supreme Court Justice who lied under oath should be removed from the bench. Period.

    • @Calbeck
      @Calbeck 2 роки тому +7

      None of them lied. Also, demanding an oath from a Justice candidate to decide a case for or against before any such case is even heard is unConstitutional and every Senator who does it should be removed from office.

    • @casper191985
      @casper191985 2 роки тому

      @@Calbeck your lack of comprehension is appalling. Did you even watch this video?

    • @johnlennon6790
      @johnlennon6790 2 роки тому

      Calbeck is right. Low information paste eaters instinctively say stupid things like this. In fact, for those who spend any time thinking about things in turns out, that people change their mind *and* if you didn't let them change their mind, they would be in violation every case that comes before them since they would not be open minded with the freedom to expand their knowledge as they listen to arguments on an issue. They would be forced to hear new ideas, new arguments, yet continue with the same decision.
      In wouldn't even have trials much of the time. You'd just go to the confirmation transcripts and see where they stand on issues.
      All of that is dumb as hell. People change their mind, context changes from confirmation hypotheticals and we don't even have a ruling on this yet. We have leaks.

    • @springbloom5940
      @springbloom5940 2 роки тому

      Know who's going to get removed? The activist Justice that leaked this. Then they'll get replaced with *another* Conservative, in 2024 🤣

    • @dee5778
      @dee5778 2 роки тому

      @@Calbeck yes they did. You fascists also stole 3 seats from We the People to install your nazi "justices". You mother fuckers are going to get stomped into the ground if you keep attacking our country and children.

  • @DaveKraft1
    @DaveKraft1 2 роки тому +2

    Isn't lying to Congress a crime? What's the punishment?

  • @colerowekamp58
    @colerowekamp58 2 роки тому +3

    There needs to be term limits for these life-time politicians. They are so out of touch with what the average citizen experiences every day. They are surrounded by “yes men” and are isolated from their constituents.

    • @heathergallipeau9702
      @heathergallipeau9702 Рік тому

      Right get rid of Chuck Schumer Nancy Pelosi they’re older than half of America put together Joe Biden get them all out of there clean house I agree except for a year on the demon rat side and I’m on the Republican side

  • @marcmescher2335
    @marcmescher2335 2 роки тому +78

    Susan Collins also said the first impeachment “taught a lesson” to Donald Trump and therefore saw no need for a Senate trial.
    She’s the one who needs to learn a lesson about governing.

    • @donaldbrown7237
      @donaldbrown7237 2 роки тому

      She is just playing a part she knows exactly what she is doing along with all the regressive party it is all about money and control a thay will be in power for the rest of their lives

    • @papawmc2345
      @papawmc2345 2 роки тому

      Shes lost. Clueless and lost. Its why she favors the other side of the aisle often.

    • @rievans57
      @rievans57 2 роки тому +3

      Republicans don't walk they slither.

    • @5rings16
      @5rings16 2 роки тому

      Youre not getting rid of trump!

    • @Celsor5865
      @Celsor5865 Рік тому +1

      Wrong on all those assumptions!

  • @hoytoy100
    @hoytoy100 2 роки тому +264

    Her whole career can be summarized as “completely shocked”.

    • @kevinmartin2411
      @kevinmartin2411 2 роки тому

      Sorry I disagree. Anyone watching Sue Collins could see she was totally gullible, due to her not being particularly bright. What IS shocking, is the knowledge that voters still voted for her to join Congress! But why be shocked about this, when one saw Donald Trump being voted into the WH! So showing the world that there was a high number of American citizens who were wither gullible or stupid!

    • @mervyngreene6687
      @mervyngreene6687 2 роки тому +7

      In 2017, Collins had the opportunity to follow in the illustrious steps of Margaret Chase Smith. She has failed miserably. At this point, she has become one of the biggest disappointments in Congress.
      As much as Collins has proven herself to be a disappointment, we, on the (alleged) left have witnessed Congressional integrity from the most unlikely of places--Wyoming.
      Representative Liz Cheney has (probably) shocked the entire political world.
      She is the daughter of one of the Republican Party's most revered leaders who many on the left considered the poster boy for the evils of the right. As the third most powerful Republican in the House, all she had to do was bid her time and let the "alpha males" McCarthy and Scalise take the limelight. One way or another spineless McCarthy and mini-maga Scalise were going to flame out. People close to Trump tend to fall from power quickly.
      Instead, she has shown incredible bravery.

    • @AMSOLIS1106
      @AMSOLIS1106 2 роки тому

      Exactly...In total shock is this perplexed,confused, gullible fraud and liar is Susan Collins......What the hell is wrong with the voters of Maine..?.

    • @stevec1877
      @stevec1877 2 роки тому


    • @christownsend7552
      @christownsend7552 2 роки тому +1

      And “Deeply Concerned”…

  • @nycstreetpoet
    @nycstreetpoet 2 роки тому +1

    They should have some guts and call the justices liars.

  • @paulshaw5119
    @paulshaw5119 2 роки тому +1

    Neither the courts or the government should have anything to do with what a woman does with her body

  • @UberHypnotoad
    @UberHypnotoad 2 роки тому +177

    Yep, and Trump “learned his lesson” after his Ukraine fiasco. Stop giving these people credit they don’t deserve.

    • @donnav7103
      @donnav7103 2 роки тому

      So what is Biden doing to end this war? Nothing, even Noam Chomsky said in an interview several days ago, Biden's lack of leadership as prolonging this war.

    • @aaronroy9825
      @aaronroy9825 2 роки тому +5

      That’s where I remember her from

    • @debrajohnson382
      @debrajohnson382 2 роки тому +2

      What are you talking about. Trump has nothing to do with anything happening now. What's wrong with you people.

    • @elmarobberts5128
      @elmarobberts5128 2 роки тому +7

      @@debrajohnson382 Wow. You really can't connect the dots, do you? What's wrong with you?

    • @bobbylight1606
      @bobbylight1606 2 роки тому +4

      @@debrajohnson382 why all those secret meetings with trump

  • @muhammadsteinberg
    @muhammadsteinberg 2 роки тому +322

    She knew! She played the game and only suckers believed her. Everytime this type of issue came up she pretended to be undecided.

    • @thelakeman5207
      @thelakeman5207 2 роки тому +15

      Every time she lies, her head shakes.

    • @ealexander71
      @ealexander71 2 роки тому

      What do you expect from a party campaigning on lies & hate, it's disgusting for them to pretend to be patriots just cause they have the flag tattooed on their racist ass.

    • @feralferrari2516
      @feralferrari2516 2 роки тому +5

      She knew (à la Game of Thrones) 🤫🔨

    • @kimjoseph1492
      @kimjoseph1492 2 роки тому

      I wonder why women don't fight for the right to close legs, use contraceptives, abstain from sex or family planning. Why protesting to kill babies?? Unless rape or incest situation. People of color should fight for preservation of more black race , Poverty and gun violence Not abortions, and same sex marriages. Fight a good fight right. I believe in freedom but fight right smh..

    • @ThresholdGaming
      @ThresholdGaming 2 роки тому +1

      As they still have NOT done that, she is still right.

  • @petesmith9472
    @petesmith9472 2 роки тому +2

    America still debating abortion in 2022. Yet the American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists policy is that abortion is a healthcare issue between the patient and her doctor. What have judges or politicians got to do with this ?

  • @alextabet9247
    @alextabet9247 2 роки тому +5

    Just as those who are now claiming that Roe is “different” from other conservative issues, if and when Roe is overturned, they will move to overturn other basic rights, such as same-sex marriages etc…

    • @birdlynn417
      @birdlynn417 2 роки тому +1

      Liberals and the left use fear tactics over and over again. They are such drama queens and LIARS.

    • @heathergallipeau9702
      @heathergallipeau9702 Рік тому +1

      Wow Are you scared of your own shadow too

    • @birdlynn417
      @birdlynn417 Рік тому +1

      Alex, One step at a time, one day at a time, one topic at a time. How do you think people feel about gay people parading down the street and acting out sexual perversions? Yes, those were gay men who did that, and if that is what you call freedom for same sex marriage and power, I am NOT for it.

  • @B__C__
    @B__C__ 2 роки тому +229

    "Of course he's learned his lesson. He's been impeached." ~Sen. Susan "That Nice Old Lady" Collins

    • @nancyross7935
      @nancyross7935 2 роки тому +1

      Trump did learn his lesson, just not the one she thought he had learned. What Trump learned that his cult and the depravity of the Republican party when it comes to convicting one of their "own," they will not hold them accountable. McConnell as much as said so during his 1st Impeachment trial, saying they would work closely with the White House. In the 2nd Impeachment trial, he postponed the Senate hearing until the Republicans had calmed down and voted on party line. Had he held the Senate trial right away, Trump would have been convicted. The talking point to justify not convicting Trump was that he was already out of office. What none of those cowards have stated out loud, and was probably the prime reason he was not convicted is simple: If they had convicted Trump he could never have run for office again. There is your real reason for his acquittal by the Senate. The Republicans have been very silent about that, but l dare one of those corrupt, alt right liars to prove me wrong.

    • @perfectblendnutrition207
      @perfectblendnutrition207 2 роки тому

      Ever wonder exactly how screwed up our society and Government is...Susan Collins. People actually have the nerve to complain about her (granted she is a useless, lying cow). They voted for her. Anyone who votes for presidents, governors, mayors, just as bad. I would never place myself in a situation where I support some ass clown that could care less about anyone but themselves. I don't have to share the guilt or contributing factors that damage our country or our people. It's a monkey see, monkey do game with a society of followers. All these people who run to be elected, presidents, and such, target societies values (whether they believe in them or not) and lie to the people just to get their votes. Our society is equivalent to puppets on strings (mindless puppets who can't be leaders or think for themselves). They are as stupid as someone believing in a man made religion like Christianity, when it's only true purpose was designed as a tool for political control. No other religion has committed as much murder as Christianity and that's a fact. Want proof about political control? Just take a good look at the Pope and all his child molesting Cardinals that commit the most heinous acts you could imagine.
      Here's your proof of political control:
      As head of the Roman Catholic Church, the pope is the supreme spiritual leader of the church and controls the church doctrine. With more than a billion followers, the pope's decisions affect societies and governments all over the world.,governments%20all%20over%20the%20world.

    • @davedave8960
      @davedave8960 2 роки тому +5

      @@gailleonard2419 He learned he can get away with it.

    • @fifermcgee5971
      @fifermcgee5971 2 роки тому +4

      Twice impeached sunshine.

    • @blinkonceonsunday1325
      @blinkonceonsunday1325 2 роки тому +7

      In order for anyone to learn a lesson, they need to first have a conscience.

  • @stoodmuffinpersonal3144
    @stoodmuffinpersonal3144 2 роки тому +170

    Isnt this the forth time she's been "duped?"
    "Fool me once,"
    (Or shes a liar too, both seem possible)

    • @dabsafe
      @dabsafe 2 роки тому +2

      Hint: it’s the latter not the former.

    • @bokani79
      @bokani79 2 роки тому +4

      She is a liar

    • @dr.jamesolack8504
      @dr.jamesolack8504 2 роки тому +4

      She hasn’t been duped. She knows EXACTLY what she’s doing!

    • @perfectblendnutrition207
      @perfectblendnutrition207 2 роки тому

      Hee...hee....Our society is pathetic.
      Ever wonder exactly how screwed up our society and Government is...Susan Collins. People actually have the nerve to complain about her (granted she is a useless, lying cow). They voted for her. Anyone who votes for presidents, governors, mayors, just as bad. I would never place myself in a situation where I support some ass clown that could care less about anyone but themselves. I don't have to share the guilt or contributing factors that damage our country or our people. It's a monkey see, monkey do game with a society of followers. All these people who run to be elected, presidents, and such, target societies values (whether they believe in them or not) and lie to the people just to get their votes. Our society is equivalent to puppets on strings (mindless puppets who can't be leaders or think for themselves). They are as stupid as someone believing in a man made religion like Christianity, when it's only true purpose was designed as a tool for political control. No other religion has committed as much murder as Christianity and that's a fact. Want proof about political control? Just take a good look at the Pope and all his child molesting Cardinals that commit the most heinous acts you could imagine.
      Here's your proof of political control:
      As head of the Roman Catholic Church, the pope is the supreme spiritual leader of the church and controls the church doctrine. With more than a billion followers, the pope's decisions affect societies and governments all over the world.,governments%20all%20over%20the%20world.

    • @TheQueguy
      @TheQueguy 2 роки тому

      By "she" you mean "we"?

  • @user-ti3vp9mt3z
    @user-ti3vp9mt3z 2 роки тому +1

    And just what action is Chief Robert's taking on Judge Thomas for breach of judicial ethics??

  • @OnTheAir
    @OnTheAir 2 роки тому +2

    Susan Collins never met an old white guy she didn't believe.

  • @dinosilone7613
    @dinosilone7613 2 роки тому +267

    “I’m shocked, shocked that gambling is going on here”. Did anybody really expect this not to happen?

    • @Alltime2050
      @Alltime2050 2 роки тому

      The left stayed home in 2010 and let the tea party destroy government instead. Cons never would have been given this much power if the left wasn’t stupid on the concept of showing up to vote.

    • @paulmason9186
      @paulmason9186 2 роки тому +2

      This ruling R Vs W should have never been allowed in the first place. Corrected law that's all

    • @Alltime2050
      @Alltime2050 2 роки тому

      @Mark Stewger Conservatives don't give a flying crap about human life. They are people who are so intellectually dishonest that they even lie to themselves.

    • @jerryeberts
      @jerryeberts 2 роки тому

      @@paulmason9186 ... how do you sleep with all the noise your wife's chains make when she moves?

    • @paulsimmons5726
      @paulsimmons5726 2 роки тому +1

      Oh, here are your winnings.
      Thank you!
      Major Strausser would have approved of this apparent strike at RvW!

  • @CrazyAboutVinylRecords
    @CrazyAboutVinylRecords 2 роки тому +174

    Her reaction now: "Whoops, sorry about, not really sorry."

    • @ThresholdGaming
      @ThresholdGaming 2 роки тому

      As they still have NOT done that, she is still right.

  • @staceyjustus8543
    @staceyjustus8543 2 роки тому +1

    Critical moral questions? Thats not their job!

  • @leapinglemur452
    @leapinglemur452 2 роки тому +2

    It’s unconscionable that they had to choose attacking access to safe legal abortion as such a primary issue to radicalize the party on. Couldn’t they of chosen something that wasn’t such a threat to women’s lives? I support gay marriage but overturning that at least wouldn’t mean potentially letting some women die. Doesn’t a woman have a right to her own life and safety? If the woman dies from an unsafe illegal abortion or from pregnancy or childbirth related complications these justices have technically violated the woman’s constitutional right to her own life and her own safety. If a woman cannot make critical healthcare decisions about even HER OWN body then she cannot protect her own safety and that is the material fact. A lifesaving medical procedure should not only be available in certain states or only to certain women who have financial means. No state or politician has the right to potentially take the life of a woman simply because she is pregnant, a lot of woman are pregnant. They are basically saying that some pregnant women’s lives should be sacrificed. And yes they are saying there are certain circumstances in which the fetus is more valuable than the life of the pregnant woman. If you look at all the women that have died from backstreet abortions or from pregnancy related complications you have to think to yourself, ‘wouldn’t it of been nice if these women were still alive and got to be with the people who loved them. 😪😪😪💔

    • @arpoehler
      @arpoehler 2 роки тому

      They actually started with school segregation as the wedge issue to unite disparate conservative voters. And they are full circle at this point, because school segregation is a hot issue among Republicans and evangelicals again.

  • @gstaff1234
    @gstaff1234 2 роки тому +443

    Susan Collins has been wrong about how people might/would change so often it is not even comical

    • @geneeverett7855
      @geneeverett7855 2 роки тому

      She’s wrong about everything. Republicans aren’t fans ,Democrats aren’t fans and she win her election in 2020 with 55% of the vote. Guess everyone who likes her lives in Maine.

    • @gustheriaga1654
      @gustheriaga1654 2 роки тому +13

      She needs to take her meds and stay home with the grandkids, knit stuff....... definitely should not be anywhere near power.

    • @atedinahalf6288
      @atedinahalf6288 2 роки тому


    • @nikolaiboogaloo4592
      @nikolaiboogaloo4592 2 роки тому

      @@gustheriaga1654 hey Gus unless you live in Maine like me you should probably shut the fuck up on matter yah??

    • @nikolaiboogaloo4592
      @nikolaiboogaloo4592 2 роки тому +2

      @@gustheriaga1654 like who are you? My guess is nobody

  • @Meee22222
    @Meee22222 2 роки тому +827

    I believe that she knows exactly what she's doing.

    • @Cefshah
      @Cefshah 2 роки тому

      Collins is full of sh__!!!

    • @marshallj2415
      @marshallj2415 2 роки тому +32

      Just another natural born liar!

    • @Boowillis
      @Boowillis 2 роки тому +16

      Same!! She knew along time ago

    • @patrickfennell6372
      @patrickfennell6372 2 роки тому

      Screwing the state of Maine is what she is doing. She is a parasite, like the rest of Congress.

    • @bethfraser7518
      @bethfraser7518 2 роки тому +5

      Yes, she can't be inept - can she?

  • @pierredelafrance4962
    @pierredelafrance4962 2 роки тому +2

    These justices mislead us.

  • @georgeabihabib2287
    @georgeabihabib2287 2 роки тому +1

    And they all lied under oath …

  • @nathanwood4762
    @nathanwood4762 2 роки тому +47

    This from the same Senator who voted against removing 45 from office because she thought "he learned his lesson."

    • @springbloom5940
      @springbloom5940 2 роки тому

      Don't worry, you'll get a two-fer in January, when Brandon gets removed and so does the activist Justice that leaked this 👍

    • @gordon-1
      @gordon-1 2 роки тому

      @@springbloom5940 The election was stolen because Trump told me so, and he has never lied. He and JFK Jr. will be installed next January as you said (if JFK Jr. can get a decent flight).

    • @gracieb.3054
      @gracieb.3054 2 роки тому

      @@springbloom5940 January? You do understand that it is a 4 year Presidential term? Also, it would likely be a clerk that leaked it. You have no evidence that a Supreme Court Justice did anything. But great job trying to distract from the real horror that 80% of American's support Roe, but the lying religious extremist's on the court lied under oath to get rid of it. Nice try.

    • @Bmasta717
      @Bmasta717 2 роки тому

      @@springbloom5940 Brandon 🤓

    • @pjesf
      @pjesf 2 роки тому

      @@springbloom5940 : You Qanon folks keep pushing that date into the future as though you have credible evidence to bring that about
      Everyone knows that if malignant narcissist Trump had even a SHRED of credible evidence then he would have posted it everywhere and thrown a big party with jugglers, fireworks, and pony rides for the kids.

  • @paullynch4021
    @paullynch4021 2 роки тому +689

    Don't worry Sen. Collins... I'm sure they will see the error of their ways. Just give them another chance!

    • @SuperFlamethrower
      @SuperFlamethrower 2 роки тому +36

      It's the Collins dance: always "concerned" or "disappointed" but only the votes matter

    • @TheGothicdolphin
      @TheGothicdolphin 2 роки тому +21

      Giving them the First chance (believing/trusting them) is what opened the doors to this Firestorm Issue. Fool me once, JUST ONCE- you won't have a second opportunity!

    • @joewearsadroolbib7347
      @joewearsadroolbib7347 2 роки тому

      There's no error in judgement by the justices... only Senator Collins!
      This leak is great news! The Left is getting CANCELED daily. 😅😂🤣

    • @cyeszin2818
      @cyeszin2818 2 роки тому +6

      Error? Lol shows how little you follow the opinion or the constitution

    • @davidclark573
      @davidclark573 2 роки тому

      She knew what she was doing. She just needed them to say something to justify voting for incompetent justices who were republican.

  • @Neo_to
    @Neo_to 2 роки тому +1

    In the rest of the world, judges are supposed to be neutral and not let political or personal views get in the way of their work, only contemplating the law and most current evidence for their decisions.
    Then there's the US, where judges are appointed according to their political views and base their decisions on any centuries old scribbles they can find from people who didn't even consider these topics.

  • @grunthostheflatulent2613
    @grunthostheflatulent2613 2 роки тому +1

    I wonder how long till they charge women who have a miscarriage with murder as well?
    Also, I wonder how long till they ban contraception?
    Welcome to Gilead ladies, Welcome to Gilead...

  • @JSkyGemini
    @JSkyGemini 2 роки тому +388

    Funny how she was "convinced" those dirty judges weren't going to do exactly this, when the rest of us could see it coming plain as day.

    • @bobweiss8682
      @bobweiss8682 2 роки тому

      I think the term for her is "willfully Ignorant"....

    • @ThresholdGaming
      @ThresholdGaming 2 роки тому +1

      As they still have NOT done that, she is still right.

    • @kimsinthe80s
      @kimsinthe80s 2 роки тому +3

      And people call Biden slow...

    • @Sweet.Mother.of.Cheesus
      @Sweet.Mother.of.Cheesus 2 роки тому

      She knew. ofc she fucking KNEW!!!
      She's just concerned with being re-elected so she's keeping up this charade bc she knows a good part of her constituency is actually moderate-republican. Collins is a liar and schemer just like all her colleagues in the Trump party

    • @kevinmartin2411
      @kevinmartin2411 2 роки тому

      Shows you how many dishonest politicians there are!

  • @photonboy999
    @photonboy999 2 роки тому +253

    *"I think he's learned his lesson (Trump after Ukraine Impeachment)"*
    Ya, her opinion is pretty useful. She's NOT that stupid so...

    • @garytruthteller2606
      @garytruthteller2606 2 роки тому

      Well, maybe she IS that stupid. She is a complete DISASTER, in either case!

    • @palmereldritch_6669
      @palmereldritch_6669 2 роки тому

      Unfortunately, the morons inhabiting Maine beg to differ. At least the ones that bother to show up on election day.

      @HAIDARAVEN 2 роки тому +4

      Evidence suggests she lied to get what she wanted?

    • @dinosaurus4189
      @dinosaurus4189 2 роки тому +6

      Evidence suggests the people of the great state of Maine should not have reelected her in 2020

    • @FACTS-pf1pf
      @FACTS-pf1pf 2 роки тому +1

      Susan Collins has always played the people of Maine. Maine seems to be ok with a "player."

  • @Aminah6623
    @Aminah6623 Рік тому +1

    All these people lied and then did the exact opposite. It's called double-speak.

  • @chaz3821
    @chaz3821 2 роки тому

    Senator Collins, did you know the word “gullible” isn’t even in the dictionary?

  • @red6743
    @red6743 2 роки тому +186

    There should be consequences for Justices that blatantly change their stance from what they stated during the confirmation hearing (while on record).

    • @samgibson684
      @samgibson684 2 роки тому

      Rhino laws for all

    • @aw8388
      @aw8388 2 роки тому

      Pretty sure that would burn more libs than conservative judges. Besides. NIETHER JUSTICE INDICATED their feelings for the aptness of Roe.V. Wade, just that it was LAW. And their job on the court is to see that the law is applied within the framework of the constitution. Welcome to the Constitution.

    • @tomaspita7244
      @tomaspita7244 2 роки тому

      It was perjury before Congress - but it wasn't arrived at singularly, rather through two or more persons' planning. That makes it a Title 18 Conspiracy (or three) and Perjury - that makes it a criminal matter rather than a political matter, so no impeachment is needed - just disbar, arrest, and put on trial - and - IF Ginni Thomas had anything to do with leaking or covering up or conspiring to induce (the disgraced) Justice Thomas AND she can be held to task for her role in the the seditious insurrection of January 6th - make it treason - forget Supreme Court precedent of 'must be in time of declared war'. Any reasonable reading of the Constitution and law should already ASSUME they are enemies of the United States

    • @taterboob
      @taterboob 2 роки тому +2

      So, you just want partisan robots? Brilliant.

    • @red6743
      @red6743 2 роки тому +30

      ​@@taterboob These are glorified job interviews. If you lie during an interview, there are consequences, no?

  • @carlsheperd2471
    @carlsheperd2471 2 роки тому +129

    She's COMPLETELY responsible for knowing what her party is.

    • @jackieb.2642
      @jackieb.2642 2 роки тому +1

      Her party??? 😂 She’s more of liberal democrat than a conservative Republican like she claims. She won’t even stand with republicans on issues relating to conservative values. Republicans have turned their back on her long ago.

    • @joewearsadroolbib7347
      @joewearsadroolbib7347 2 роки тому +1

      You're just a misinformed and ignorant hater. The Republican Party is the best thing for the USA.
      The Radical Democratic Party destroyed the Great Trump economy in less than six month!
      Now we have $4.35 per gallon gasoline and 8.6% inflation.
      How do you like those Biden Price Hikes?
      It feels good when you buy your groceries doesn't it? LOL
      You voted for all of this 💩!

    • @michellebutler9489
      @michellebutler9489 2 роки тому +3

      Her spirit animal is an ostrich and her soul mate is Mr. Magoo.

    • @irenagough1014
      @irenagough1014 Рік тому

      Collins is a LIAR. She knew they would lie to get into the high court and then say that she was lied to. Disgusting Repubicans!!

  • @may7127
    @may7127 2 роки тому

    The fact that a commercial for big truck wrecks popped up after Collins stating her trust in Kavanaugh is too accurate.

  • @jayseiler843
    @jayseiler843 2 роки тому

    "Egregious" leak, "Should go to prison", but 15 boxes of classified documents in Mar-a-Lago? Meh.

  • @cmw12
    @cmw12 2 роки тому +78

    Alito undermined his own argument by saying that the other decisions standing upon Roe as precedent don’t have the same moral urgency (or whatever the lying hypocrite said - I’m paraphrasing), and so would not be threatened. It proves this opinion is not based on the constitutionality of Roe, but rather on Alito’s personal ideology. But then, of course, duh.

    • @timothykozlowski2945
      @timothykozlowski2945 2 роки тому +1

      Nobody I'd overturning Roe V Wade and RGB even said that it was a bad law.

    • @erinobrien8793
      @erinobrien8793 2 роки тому

      Did you read all 96 pages?

    • @joshuaciresoli2927
      @joshuaciresoli2927 2 роки тому +2

      @@timothykozlowski2945 It isn't a law, it is a legal precedent and Supreme Court ruling. Laws are acts of the Legislative Branch of the federal government.

    • @ryukoli4707
      @ryukoli4707 2 роки тому +2

      Calder, well stated! I agree 💯.

    • @ryukoli4707
      @ryukoli4707 2 роки тому

      @@joshuaciresoli2927 Congress sat on their laurals and DID NOT CODIFY IT, operating under the FALSE assumption it was ALL SETTLED! This is alarming, due to this is has NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE, NOW!!!!

  • @FallingGalaxy
    @FallingGalaxy 2 роки тому +254

    Hint: When the majority of the people don't/do want a thing and it still does/doesn't happen, you're heading for nothing resembling a democracy anymore. When the people with power start not caring what the majority of the people want, it means they know they no longer need your vote to get the power they desire. This is bad.

    • @2Truth4Liberty
      @2Truth4Liberty 2 роки тому

      We are a constitutional democratic republic, not a democracy.
      In a democracy 2 wolves and a sheep vote on what's for dinner.
      In a constitutional republic, certain choices are off the table (with good reason).

    • @springbloom5940
      @springbloom5940 2 роки тому

      Hint: SCOTUS is the Judicial Branch. Learn about separation of powers and you won't look like such an imbecile.

    • @johnlennon6790
      @johnlennon6790 2 роки тому

      True, you're resembling a republic when that happens. When the majority of the people don't/do want a thing and it violates the basic rights inherent in individual sovereignty that make up the republic, you live in a republic. Republics can't murder people without due process, even if every last voter in the republic wants it.
      You don't get to kill little kids. Period. You live in a republic that doesn't care that the majority is ok with killing little kids as long as you're doing it inside a person. The values of the republic are such that you can't kill little kids anywhere you find them. Doesn't matter where they are, inside a cupboard, or in their room, down at the creek, or inside a womb - you don't get to kill children. It's pretty simple, actually.

    • @stephendavidbailey2743
      @stephendavidbailey2743 2 роки тому

      @Drew Rushing Ignorant comment. Pro-authoritarian.

    • @9876karthi
      @9876karthi 2 роки тому +20

      @Drew Rushing It doesn't matter if you say the government is for the people by the people...and doesn't respect people's will, you are authoritarian. Especially when the jurisdictions are supporting such environment and align with authoritarianism.

  • @rustydogcfl
    @rustydogcfl Рік тому

    When you see the word credulous in the dictionary, a picture of Susan Collins is what shows up as its definition.

  • @SilentSputnik
    @SilentSputnik 2 роки тому

    Thank you for confirming them Collins! I'm so thankful

  • @eiforget
    @eiforget 2 роки тому +88

    Collins is ever trying to be the hero of both parties and always ends up proving herself thoroughly useless.

    • @nervousallday
      @nervousallday 2 роки тому

      She serves one party only. She just uses that phony naïveté to duck out of being accountable for voting her party's line. Can't watch what she says; you can only judge her on what she does. She is trash and democracy simply does not stand a chance.

    • @jorgegonzalez-larramendi5491
      @jorgegonzalez-larramendi5491 2 роки тому +2

      worse consider she miiiight juust be EVIL.p

    • @ThresholdGaming
      @ThresholdGaming 2 роки тому +1

      As they still have NOT done that, she is still right.

    • @NuncNuncNuncNunc
      @NuncNuncNuncNunc 2 роки тому

      Collins has never tried to be a hero. She has tried to get herself reelected.

  • @corujariousa
    @corujariousa 2 роки тому +419

    For a country that keeps invoking “The Founding Fathers”, constantly ignoring the Constitutional separation between Church and State, yet criticizing countries (i.e.: Iran) for having clergy/religion driving the government, is beyond hypocrite. Shame on all who enable such actions. Why the same who want to impose their religious views on abortion commonly oppose social safety net legislations? How many of them are adopting kids? It seems pro-life is a twisted concept on these people’s minds.

    • @monikaw1369
      @monikaw1369 2 роки тому

      Interesting! There are women who adopt kids because of a botched abortion.

    • @nelsonvega3444
      @nelsonvega3444 2 роки тому

      Ok so …just to be clear the vast majority of Americans and I will go as far as to say 99.9% of Americans ..are pro life ….these right wing republicans are not pro life …in that sense ..that’s a slogan to win elections …what they truly are is por birth …to very different things ….just saying …

    • @monikaw1369
      @monikaw1369 2 роки тому +4

      There is a separation between Church and State; however, the decision concerning abortion is a state decision.

    • @nelsonvega3444
      @nelsonvega3444 2 роки тому +41

      Yes correct ..base on religious indoctrination….

    • @evaadams8298
      @evaadams8298 2 роки тому +39

      @@monikaw1369 I disagree. With the Republican Party, either Federal or State, they are definitely ruled by Religious Happy Clappin’ evangelists....

  • @anonymoushuman8443
    @anonymoushuman8443 2 роки тому

    “Leopards won’t eat my face. The leopards told me themselves.”

  • @dbrxsdgo
    @dbrxsdgo 2 роки тому

    Lifetime appointments need to go bye-bye and so does Collins. 👋🙄

  • @mylesjordan9970
    @mylesjordan9970 2 роки тому +305

    Sen. Collins’ “mistake” isn’t really just idiocy; it’s betrayal. Beginning long ago with her endorsement of John Ashcroft, hers is a long, sordid record. She’s always known perfectly well what she’s doing.

    • @ealexander71
      @ealexander71 2 роки тому

      If they were really sorry they would vote to abolish the filibuster, since Manchin & Sinema have helped republicans strip another right away from the majority.

    • @marks.6480
      @marks.6480 2 роки тому

      just call it what it is: corruption.

    • @mylesjordan9970
      @mylesjordan9970 2 роки тому +8

      If this is what it takes to wake people up to the “moderate” Senator Collins, then so be it. A lot more voters are onto her game now.

    • @ChickenMcThiccken
      @ChickenMcThiccken 2 роки тому +5

      this is her last year as congresswoman. no one will reelect that garbage. it shows how eroded both parties are.

    • @mcscrooge4542
      @mcscrooge4542 2 роки тому +7

      No doubt Sen Collins is _quite disturbed and very concerned_ about the abortion issue. _(Thoughts & prayers, Susan.)_
      Isn't it amazing how easily and quickly _Susan's public opinions, as well as her votes, turn around?_
      She flip-flops like a freshly landed fish in the bottom of a boat; sensing that it'll soon be flipping in a frying pan.

  • @thetruthfornow6045
    @thetruthfornow6045 2 роки тому +62

    Both justices lied under oath during their confirmation hearings. Both said it was settled law and was off the table. If they can lie and have no consequences. That is pretty sad.

    • @lifestories1446
      @lifestories1446 2 роки тому

      Sounds like an impeachable offense to me. Get rid of the lying assholes.

    • @richbrake9910
      @richbrake9910 2 роки тому

      It's not easy to prove lies unless it's obvious like having sex with that woman. People know when they have had sex. People know whether they went to work that day, etc., but proving you already had an intention to do something is difficult, unless there is evidence of an overt action.

    • @timsindt5245
      @timsindt5245 2 роки тому +1

      All 3 of the SCOTUS nominees committed perjury. Sen Whitehouse does a good job of showing us how all 3 (BTW,all 3 worked on Little Bush’ theft of the election in 2000, which bought us untold misery and wasted pallets of 100.00 bills to Afghanistan and then the disaster of Iraq

    • @benddover4300
      @benddover4300 2 роки тому +1

      Yes it is, but lying is what republicans do.

    • @heathergallipeau9702
      @heathergallipeau9702 Рік тому

      If they told Congress what they were going to do that they wouldn’t of been able to be supreme court judges again you idiots don’t realize they’re not supposed to go on a motion of the country they’re supposed to go on constitutional law and maybe some of you should go back and get an education on that before you run your mouth about it because you show your ignorance again you can’t fix stupid!

  • @The-KP
    @The-KP 2 роки тому

    "Darth Vader said he didn't do it!" -Princess Leia

  • @timsindt5245
    @timsindt5245 2 роки тому

    Brilliant! If you can buy 3 Judges, it’s much easier than convincing anyone

  • @BMinus0593
    @BMinus0593 2 роки тому +150

    The sad part is that when Collins is voted out or retires, this will have absolutely no impact on her lifestyle whatsoever. She’ll be living the high life somewhere on the taxpayers dime.

    • @curiouspenguin6887
      @curiouspenguin6887 2 роки тому +11

      And don't forget LIFETIME free healthcare!

    • @wayneallard8957
      @wayneallard8957 2 роки тому

      Oh you mean like the Dems do??

    • @bambamboom777
      @bambamboom777 2 роки тому +3

      That's the thing that bothers me most. I want these people to suffer as much as all the pain and misery that they have caused. And then some. I hope there is an afterlife for the sole reason that it means there is a possibility that these people can get payback for the horrors they've put people through.

    • @stevea6816
      @stevea6816 2 роки тому

      but at least history will judge he as the spineless individual that she is

    • @5rings16
      @5rings16 2 роки тому

      You still have no legitimate complaint.

  • @raharmonnelson7537
    @raharmonnelson7537 2 роки тому +375

    When we told her this she ignored everyone..... she knows what the federalist society is and what they stand for..... now she will act like a shocked Pikachu....

    • @PatriotsHateTheLeft46
      @PatriotsHateTheLeft46 2 роки тому +12

      Either way this is a great VICTORY for kids

    • @Joe_Bicycle
      @Joe_Bicycle 2 роки тому

      @@PatriotsHateTheLeft46 You mean anchor babies and black babies?

    • @t-bonestickyfingers1336
      @t-bonestickyfingers1336 2 роки тому

      These kids you speak of are often born to poor mothers who can barely support themselves. The republicans who support this don't want to support children once they are born.

    • @chewieknievel8439
      @chewieknievel8439 2 роки тому

      @@PatriotsHateTheLeft46👈🏻Hatful Trump Troll. Ignore him, he says some really ridiculous garbage. (Account started around 1/6 and he defended the attack on our capital.)

    • @stickysden
      @stickysden 2 роки тому

      @@PatriotsHateTheLeft46 - "Either way this is a great VICTORY for kids"
      How, per se? They aren't "kids" until they are Born! And, we know y'all don't give a damn about fetuses, after they're Born! 🤨

  • @leslieloudermilk3876
    @leslieloudermilk3876 2 роки тому

    They should be arrested for lying under oath

  • @lamontma1
    @lamontma1 2 роки тому

    These Justices MUST BE ANSWERABLE TO SOMEONE especially after lying on record. You can't have a few people be telling millions what they can do and cannot do in this case.

  • @davidleaman6801
    @davidleaman6801 2 роки тому +188

    When the press interviews GOP politicians, they should automatically assume that whatever they say is a lie. Any follow up questions should be based on that assumption.

    • @michaelday1073
      @michaelday1073 2 роки тому +1

      Actually the press should state right off the bat as they raise their watches above their heads "They want to save the watch from all the BS that's coming out of the GOP politicians mouths".

    • @domichrome1825
      @domichrome1825 2 роки тому +1


    • @justpray365
      @justpray365 2 роки тому +3

      You spelled Democrat wrong

    • @pmtoner9852
      @pmtoner9852 2 роки тому +10

      @@justpray365 nice of you to follow up your screen name with your IQ

    • @marcus1282
      @marcus1282 2 роки тому +1

      Best statement I have heard all day David! The lying, the hypocrisy...sad thing is that with them this is what America has always been....lies and hypocrisy! They just switched parties 50 years ago.

  • @Alister222222
    @Alister222222 2 роки тому +128

    I remember when ACB and Kavenaugh were being confirmed, how utterly offended Susan Collins was when she got sent hundreds of coat hangers and other forms of protest. She thought everyone was being hysterical and delusional. Well guess what, they were all right, and she was wrong. That must suck for her.

    • @eurokay4755
      @eurokay4755 2 роки тому

      You're giving her way, way too much credit. She wasn't offended by the coat hangars; she was desperately pretending she didn't know exactly who sent ACB and Kavanaugh and why. The Heritage Foundation sent them to McConnell to do exactly what they're beginning to do: dismantle Constitutional protections for anyone who isn't a white, straight, male, conservative Christian.
      Reproductive choice and family planning is just the first hole in the wall. They will use the same reasoning to overturn gay marriage rights, right to birth control, voting rights for the "others," health care information privacy protections and eventually, the right to equal public education.
      She knew it all along and has been an important cog in that wheel, the rodio 🤡 distracting angry voters with her ridiculous lies and fake "concern."

    • @kevinmartin2411
      @kevinmartin2411 2 роки тому

      Sheets too stupid to understand!

    • @nehpets216
      @nehpets216 2 роки тому +5

      If she cared about being wrong

    • @seanp9157
      @seanp9157 2 роки тому

      What happens if it gets overturned?

    • @donpettway7284
      @donpettway7284 2 роки тому +1

      Maybe coat hangers should begin arriving at her office and home doors.

  • @fullTimeVeganinOhio
    @fullTimeVeganinOhio Рік тому

    Donald's literal hand waving lol "you don't know that"

  • @saliston
    @saliston 2 роки тому

    Her lack of judgement shows she's unfit for office.

  • @michaelmarceau4863
    @michaelmarceau4863 2 роки тому +163

    I'm not concerned about the bank robbery. I'm more concerned about the caller who told us it was going to happen?!?!?!?!?

    • @Barry101er
      @Barry101er 2 роки тому +4

      The new normal (ok, maybe not so new)

    • @goodbher9244
      @goodbher9244 2 роки тому +20

      Who cares about those murders? I'm offended someone snitched on the murderer!!!

    • @user-bv2gk6uk3x
      @user-bv2gk6uk3x 2 роки тому
      Watch wht your govt funding your tax money.

    • @casey4602
      @casey4602 2 роки тому +4

      Yep never mind the fire, we want to know who snitched on the arsonist.

    • @springbloom5940
      @springbloom5940 2 роки тому

      How does it feel to be that *stoopud™* , calm and simple?

  • @thegenialdecepticon5244
    @thegenialdecepticon5244 2 роки тому +17

    Uh, they lied. We knew that they were lying when they answer the damned questions. I mean, why would we want honest people on the highest court in the land?

  • @donniles3531
    @donniles3531 2 роки тому +1

    Who leaked it? He's sitting in the Kremlin sipping tea and smiling,

  • @glynisjoseph8859
    @glynisjoseph8859 2 роки тому +2

    Any judge who lied during hearings needs to be thrown out of their jobs.😡

    • @gopher7691
      @gopher7691 2 роки тому

      You’ll be happy to learn no one lied

    • @glynisjoseph8859
      @glynisjoseph8859 2 роки тому

      @@gopher7691 WHAT land r u living on & what planet do u come FROM🤔👋

    • @gopher7691
      @gopher7691 2 роки тому

      The nominees all said Roe was a precedent. That doesn’t mean they promised not to overturn it. I come from a world where pro choicers repeat lies over and over until they believe their lies, unfortunately
      When asked to produce a quote where a nominee made such a promise they insult the questioner

    • @gopher7691
      @gopher7691 2 роки тому

      Glynis Joseph I would like to live in a world where pro choicers didn’t lie about what SCOTUS nominees said
      What world would you like to live in?

    • @glynisjoseph8859
      @glynisjoseph8859 2 роки тому

      @@gopher7691 I would like to live ina world that any judge knows that they work for US not the highest bidder & if they lie during hearings, they need to be FIRED! They're paying themselves off of our hard earned TAX $s😡🌋

  • @michaelsane6136
    @michaelsane6136 2 роки тому +136

    The egregious breach was the breach of trust granted to him upon his confirmation to the court.

    • @readynowforever3676
      @readynowforever3676 2 роки тому +5

      If you lie in a job interview about who’s your favorite baseball team, no big deal.
      But there are people who have lied on their job application, their resume, or their curriculum vitae, and they have been fired.

    • @logicalsgt8829
      @logicalsgt8829 2 роки тому +4

      I can’t believe the republicans cry because the country found out before it happens.

    • @livefree316
      @livefree316 2 роки тому

      The only ones flipping out are sexually immoral groomers , perverts who seek to.murder babies. Why?/They don't have Gods love a d peace. They are so.mad they are beimg told butchering babies is wrong.. They seek to hurt others who rejected their violenence to kids tendencies..
      You'll know a tree by its fruit wether it be good or. evil. Oh this Biden regime is evil and so are all who support the democtic platform.
      GOD IS EXPOSING.THEY SERVE SATAN The father of lies who and destroy
      REPENT! God keeps giving the wicked L's! Because He desires you know REAL LOVEand salvation. It hurts Gods heart to see so many angry people.lost i n sin..look what sin caused Jesus. Those who push brutalizing babies in the womb. Are.of the same mind as those who brutilized innocent Jesus. JESUS message, purity a d truth was an inconvenience to the wicked in Jesus day. The wicked who ignore Jesus in our day..Treat innocent babies as inconvenience.
      Not murdering babies is Gods will. Femeals.don't have the right to be irresponsible hoochies. THEN SACRIFICE BABY. Rather then making savafices for an innocent human being. Who the result of ones sexually immoral choice.
      Jesus touch uyour hearts
      Most murderers to babies in the womb happen because females choose to hoochies..turn to Jesus and ckosenyour legs like a proper lady.
      God is not the God of the dead but of the living! JESUS IS PRO LIFE. He gives LIFE and life more abundantly. Most murder aka abortions happen berceuse of SEXUAL. IMMORWLITY.
      Jesus taught sinners to repent of sin including sexual immorality.
      No asexual immoral person or murderer is getting into heaven.
      Gods word about HOW HE KNITTED US IN WOMB and how.He knows us.
      When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.
      Luke 1:41
      Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward.
      Psalm 127:3

  • @Nancy-mi3xe
    @Nancy-mi3xe 2 роки тому +75

    She just can't stop being wrong.... If backstreet hanger abortions come back because of her choices, she'll have blood on her hands. She's old enough to remember those days, which is part of why we got Roe v. Wade in the first place.

    • @ThresholdGaming
      @ThresholdGaming 2 роки тому

      As they still have NOT done that, she is still right.

  • @mattheweaton5647
    @mattheweaton5647 2 роки тому

    If she’s so concerned and feels this way now, then she needs to do the right thing and vote against it when that time comes.

    • @heathergallipeau9702
      @heathergallipeau9702 Рік тому

      She latest Cheney and Adam Kinzinger need to do the right thing and go to the demon rat team because we really don’t want them on the Republican side anymore they don’t stand for life they aren’t Pro life they aren’t taking a stand for the people we don’t want an open border they didn’t take a stand for the people in America that have fought in Afghanistan as they exited the war thanks to Joe Biden again worst president ever

  • @jayseiler843
    @jayseiler843 2 роки тому

    Being from Maine, I am so incredibly embarrassed by that nitwit Collins.

  • @gcoop-vg8hj
    @gcoop-vg8hj 2 роки тому +17

    How can you have a bunch of liars on the court and have it's rulings respected?

    • @springbloom5940
      @springbloom5940 2 роки тому

      You can't, thats why they're being replaced with Judges.

    • @dt9913
      @dt9913 2 роки тому +1

      You cant. I don't.

  • @HerrFrankenstein
    @HerrFrankenstein 2 роки тому +117

    Susan Collins does not seem to be a good judge of character

    • @stefaniekokal58
      @stefaniekokal58 2 роки тому +5

      But Orange bunker boy has learned his lesson!

    • @koomaappa75
      @koomaappa75 2 роки тому

      And shit smells. Surprise, surprise.

    • @readingtips2690
      @readingtips2690 2 роки тому

    • @readingtips2690
      @readingtips2690 2 роки тому

    • @Meee22222
      @Meee22222 2 роки тому +2

      It's amazing how she got re-elected.

  • @georgedunn320
    @georgedunn320 2 роки тому

    So Susan Collins learns another "really big lesson."
    I don't think Maine needs to keep subsidising her continuing education.

  • @monicascott2354
    @monicascott2354 2 роки тому

    I don't care about the leak. I care about the treachery.

  • @catherinekoch3735
    @catherinekoch3735 2 роки тому +152

    I call BS. They knew this could happen. They just thought they wouldn't be blamed for it.

    • @ChineseChicken1
      @ChineseChicken1 2 роки тому +14

      Blamed for what? Adhering to the constitution? Show me the part in the Constitution that says abortion is legal. I’ll wait 😆

    • @brucerosati9434
      @brucerosati9434 2 роки тому +6

      @@ChineseChicken1 Exactly

    • @shawnhartmann4581
      @shawnhartmann4581 2 роки тому +6

      @@ChineseChicken1 Show me the part of the Constitution that says you're allowed to vote.

    • @justasking9845
      @justasking9845 2 роки тому +2

      @@ChineseChicken1 show where in the constitution it is illegal

    • @billfuentes7989
      @billfuentes7989 2 роки тому

      @@ChineseChicken1 Yay now I can finally have all those kids I wanted with your mom ...she used to keep getting rid of them after every cream pie I gave her! 😂🤣😂

  • @mikefromwa
    @mikefromwa 2 роки тому +118

    "I never thought they'd restrict MY abortion access!" cried the woman who voted for the Restricting Access To Abortion Party.

    • @timothykozlowski2945
      @timothykozlowski2945 2 роки тому

      Strange that nobody has done that and that Roe V Wade isn't going anywhere.

    • @timothykozlowski2945
      @timothykozlowski2945 2 роки тому

      @Erika With a K You do realize that RBG said that Roe V Wade was a bad law. And it's being sent back to the states.

    • @Lutherson1962
      @Lutherson1962 2 роки тому +1

      @@timothykozlowski2945 YET

    • @Lutherson1962
      @Lutherson1962 2 роки тому +2

      @@timothykozlowski2945 citation needed

    • @timothykozlowski2945
      @timothykozlowski2945 2 роки тому

      @@Paonporteur Well you're completely wrong with that statement.

  • @keitholiver19
    @keitholiver19 2 роки тому

    Relying on Susan Collins on anything is like relying on a used, worn-out tire. When you need that tire the most, it just blows flat!

  • @sharonsanderson5923
    @sharonsanderson5923 Рік тому

    Alito is absolutely correct. There is no reference in the constitution about abortion.

  • @martinvanburen4578
    @martinvanburen4578 2 роки тому +119

    Republican motto: "don't believe what I say today, tomorrow things change"

    • @seanm2511
      @seanm2511 2 роки тому +4

      b) OP, you are absolutely correct. The biggest problem with Republiclowns isn't overturning abortion rights, raising taxes on the 50% of americans who can least afford it or even shredding the constitution. It's that they can take a position for or against ANY of these things depending on what day it is and who they are talking to.

    • @Shark-hn4mv
      @Shark-hn4mv 2 роки тому


    • @glennlavalle9807
      @glennlavalle9807 2 роки тому +1

      @@seanm2511 are you calling Biden a republican? He's raised the price of everything in my life by double.

    • @birdlynn417
      @birdlynn417 2 роки тому

      While this crazy, monstrous party of Democrats are killing their own species off. So disgusting.

    • @seanm2511
      @seanm2511 2 роки тому +1

      @@glennlavalle9807 You reply tallies with my remark perfectly.

  • @Majickcharm
    @Majickcharm 2 роки тому +70

    I am constantly surprised that the democrats believe that any Republicans including judges will say the truth, any more.

    • @rcb2418
      @rcb2418 2 роки тому

      Democrats do not believe this.

    • @birdlynn417
      @birdlynn417 2 роки тому +1

      You mean the truth that abortion is murder and Democrats deny that? Who is telling the truth and who is lying? The only lying is your Democratic sleazy party who are the worst I have ever known. What a sick and monstrous party who act like insane, creatures bent on killing their own, and in changing their own biological sexes too. Never ever voting Democrat again.

    • @LouieManza
      @LouieManza 2 роки тому +2

      Exactly! At this point. I don't know who's worse. The evil side or the weak and gullible saps?

    • @birdlynn417
      @birdlynn417 2 роки тому +1

      @@LouieManza Please vote Republican, and if you have any doubt, please do your own research on Republicans and listen to Fox news for awhile. (not necessarily Tucker Carlson either) but you will learn and see for yourself the truths that liberal media never tells, moreover hides. I love the Republican Party now, and can't believe I ever let myself be taken in and manipulated so badly by these Dems and media who only hate on our Republicans and say everything bad about them, thus encouraging this division. It is so unjust, that when I finally woke up I was mad. Never again voting Democrat. Good God, we have to save and protect our country from these people who are foolishly and carelessly allowing our country to fall apart right before our eyes.

    • @user-eu3qy8uf7f
      @user-eu3qy8uf7f 2 роки тому

      Well what the hell do people expect? Remember that judges are LAWYERS!!!
      Lawyers are as a general rule untrustworthy liars.
      There's a reason that our political, justice and social systems are dominated by lawyers. They want power. And they lie, steal, cheat and make false promises to get and keep it.
      It's no surprise to me that Kavanagh and the Barrett woman lied and then reneged on abortion rights. I read them both as demonic liars during their hearings and that Susan Collins and a couple of other senators were being conned all the down to their drawers.
      Out of all these SCOTUS justices only two pass the smell test, maybe three with the one retiring being in integrity most of the time.

  • @tomlehmann306
    @tomlehmann306 2 роки тому +1

    There should be consequences for lying under oath

    • @gopher7691
      @gopher7691 2 роки тому

      They didn’t lie

    • @tomlehmann306
      @tomlehmann306 2 роки тому

      @@gopher7691 yes they did, they all said roe vs Wade was law of the land and established precedence

    • @gopher7691
      @gopher7691 2 роки тому

      @@tomlehmann306 what they said was true. It was the law of the land and it was precedent. That does not mean they promised not to overturn it

    • @gopher7691
      @gopher7691 2 роки тому

      Tom Lehmann Plessy was an established precedent in the 1950s. Was it wrong for SCOTUS to overturn it?

  • @mecredi73
    @mecredi73 2 роки тому

    Collins is like…🤷🏻‍♀️ WHOOPS.

  • @GoldenPhil
    @GoldenPhil 2 роки тому +131

    This is Congress' fault. Once roe vs wade 50 yrs ago became law, Congress should have (codified) passed it as law and put it in the books.

    • @dee5778
      @dee5778 2 роки тому

      they didn't need to because it's a Constitutionally protected right. The stolen fascist supreme court is wiping their ass with our Constitution. These nazis are going to get the civil war they wanted if they keep attacking OUR country, and it'll go as well as it did for their racist ass traitor confederate ancestors.

    • @tetleydidley
      @tetleydidley 2 роки тому +1

      I kinda disagree. The judiciary's job is to say what the law is. When it has done so, it simply stands by its decision unless and until Congress decides otherwise. This is important to ensure stability and predictability of the law and to respect separation of the co-equal branches of government. That's what the doctrine of binding precedent / stare decisis ought to have meant for the current supreme court justices. When Roe was decided, abortion was deemed to be a constitutional right. Since we're not talking about a constitutional amendment, there was no reason for congress to duplicate what's already deemed as a constitutional right.

    • @MKR5210
      @MKR5210 2 роки тому

      And now they claim it is not a constitutional right.
      How can a country run when it's citizens are held hostage by a group of politically appointed "Justices" whose power over them far exceeds their authority in a democratic Republic 🤬

    • @nexussix7933
      @nexussix7933 2 роки тому +3

      They can’t because even though the news says the majority agrees they don’t. 37 states have laws protecting a fetus. 25 have laws protecting a fetus from conception.

    • @chadsimmons6347
      @chadsimmons6347 2 роки тому

      We could mandate abortions now, to kill as many future people as possible,before states ban the procedure 🤨

  • @junebug5390
    @junebug5390 2 роки тому +125

    Those judges lied and must be held accountable, and impeached for their lies.
    If I lie on an employment application I would be fired, and so should they.

    • @mervyngreene6687
      @mervyngreene6687 2 роки тому +4

      I think that this incident brings up two important questions about the process in which Supreme Court justices are confirmed.
      First, can/should a justice be subject to impeachment if it turns out that he/she lied (not prevaricated, not misrepresented, not intentionally avoided). Legally, it could be considered perjury. However, most of them would be protected by the Statute of Limitations.
      In this case, all the justices have to say is that they changed their minds.
      Second, no candidate should ever say how he/she would rule on an issue. The Constitution is clear on this. Article III grants the Judicial Branch power to rule on certain types of "cases and controversies."
      Therefore, their interpretations are supposed to be case specific. The first Chief Justice, John Jay was very clear on this subject when he refused to give George Washington an advisory opinion. This has been the first requirement EVERY case that the Court has had to meet.
      The question is inappropriate. Every successful candidate should respond the same way that John Jay did. Personally, I would be suspicious of any candidate who would give any other answer.
      I would also like to point out that I don't think that any of these justices actually lied about this. It looked like they couched their responses by admitting the importance of precedents.
      HOWEVER, it looked like some of the recently appointed justices may have perjured themselves on other issues. At the very least, they came dangerously close to doing so. Thomas and Kavanaugh seemed to be reasonably effective by fits of outrage.
      Jackson was really good at giving Senators that "Mom look." The one every teenager has experienced when they got caught trying to lie to or deceive their mothers.

    • @Thommadura
      @Thommadura 2 роки тому

      The problem is that the confirmation process cannot establish nor can the Congress ask a Judge to commit to a certain vote on a particular issue. They therefore ask questions AROUND the outside of the issue to get an idea of the views of the people - to say that the congress did not know that these Justice were pro-life is going too far though. At the time of their confirmation - the senate was controlled by the Mitch Led Republicans - virtually all Pro-life to begin with. There was NOTHING the democrats could do to prevent their confirmation anyway at the time.
      I note that the current suit is not really based on the actual law on abortions - it is based on whether the constitution actually gives such a right - a complete different issue. I note none of the candidates were asked THAT question when they went through confirmation exactly and therefore there is NO basis for impeachment.

    • @geoffreyk6229
      @geoffreyk6229 2 роки тому

      Nobody lied. CNN didn't show the whole clip. By the way, CNN got sued again.

    • @tomr3422
      @tomr3422 2 роки тому +1

      Who is going to hold them accountable, not many have even spoken out about Thomas, The Jan 6th commity will not use a power that they have to hold anyone in contempt, and the DOJ has yet to indict anyone referred...? Who? the voters are told to elect more people, when the people we have elected are doing nothing

    • @Thommadura
      @Thommadura 2 роки тому

      @@tomr3422 THe elected people nominated and confirmed a set of Right Conservative Supreme court Judges who did follow their beliefs - despite avoiding the question. THAT is not nothing and if you are happy with that - fine. IF you are not - what we need to elect people who are More Liberal and more Pro Choice so they will be able to pass laws in favor of pro choice - which would be their beliefs and mine. AS far as Thomas - he is not long for the court physically. That however still leaves a 5/4 conservative majority on the court. As far as indictments - the committee cannot hold people in contempt alone-= the charge is contempt of either the House and must be voted on by the entire House. They have referred two to the DOJ but right now may not be the right time for more when they plan to go public. Hold on tight - the next three months are going to be different.

  • @Debs11397
    @Debs11397 2 роки тому +1

    Women's rights is paramount to human right and well being.

  • @vernalc2449
    @vernalc2449 2 роки тому

    Justice Roberts, " not pose the same critical 'moral' question..." referring to his position on this issue and its impact on other established SCOTUS rulings. It is based SOLELY on his "moral" position and NOT on the meaning of the Constitution.

  • @scottoman
    @scottoman 2 роки тому +97

    i love when they use words like "representations" and "inconstancies". it's like trump and his "opinion" that obama is a muslim who wasn't born in the US. THESE ARE FLAT OUT LIES!

    • @dr.lesbien9618
      @dr.lesbien9618 2 роки тому

      Shouldn’t you be focused on the current administration instead of bitching about the last while ignoring the injustices being committed by your “better choice”?

    • @twain3074
      @twain3074 2 роки тому

    • @wayneallard8957
      @wayneallard8957 2 роки тому

      Barack Obama was not born in the US he's of Africa descent,, and his birth certificate is a fraud..

    • @heathergallipeau9702
      @heathergallipeau9702 Рік тому

      Or like Hillary listening in on Trump making up the Russia collusion you mean like that demon rat

  • @BetSeeBoo
    @BetSeeBoo 2 роки тому +115

    Any justice that said during their hearings that they wouldn't overturn it and then vote to should be held up on charges of perjury. Unless of course they weren't sworn in at that time but I sure hope they were!

    • @springbloom5940
      @springbloom5940 2 роки тому

      A) No one said that and B) fucking learn what a Judge is 🤦

    • @gordon-1
      @gordon-1 2 роки тому +16

      They were.

    • @ThomasEWalker
      @ThomasEWalker 2 роки тому +7


    • @Repdem
      @Repdem 2 роки тому

      Lying under oath constitutes an impeachable offense, but the trial would go nowhere in the Senate.

    • @RJL612
      @RJL612 2 роки тому +1

      That was never asked. Cope.

  • @HawklordLI
    @HawklordLI 2 роки тому

    Susan Collins bears an uncanny resemblance to Alice the Goon from the old Popeye cartoons.

  • @tomasinacovell4293
    @tomasinacovell4293 2 роки тому

    Let's waterboard Collins and see what else she truly has to believe!

  • @johndanenberg217
    @johndanenberg217 2 роки тому +154

    She's always been in denial of her party's lies. She's an enabler.

    • @jayzee9149
      @jayzee9149 2 роки тому

      ..and she got 6 more years from the dullard Maine voters...

    • @josephjones4968
      @josephjones4968 2 роки тому

      Actually she's a RINO, like Cheney and Weeping "Cry on Cue" Adam. We will trade the three of them for Tulsi Gabbard.

    • @gandalfstormcrow8439
      @gandalfstormcrow8439 2 роки тому +2

      Collins ain't a republican.
      She just claims to be.

    • @jlighter1
      @jlighter1 2 роки тому +6

      Her record would indicate otherwise. She can say she supports the right to choose all she wants, but every time the chips are down she aligns with the Republican Party

    • @georgiabulldogs3129
      @georgiabulldogs3129 2 роки тому +4

      She’s not a demokkkrat 😎

  • @thisbridgehascables
    @thisbridgehascables 2 роки тому +30

    Maybe we should move to a revolving Supreme Court, basically high level judges get picked randomly to make judgement.

    • @TampaDave
      @TampaDave 2 роки тому

      I guess that’s a better idea than shooting the lot of them.

    • @chrisstowell484
      @chrisstowell484 2 роки тому +3

      I think a two year mandatory rotation would be great. Line 27 judges on 3 panels if that's what we need to remove the years of backlog. Every 2 year the senior most members are retired and replaced by the next senior judge, and ban the Dark Money Federalist society from further corrupting any of the Federal Judiciary by returning to Bar Association standards and recommendations being Mandatory for any potential nominee. Strip the current Federalist Society members of their positions for Perjury to Congress.

    • @sebsoud
      @sebsoud 2 роки тому +3

      Seen from Europe (Switzerland), this USA justice system seem so corrupted and inadapted to present times.
      A democracy is supposed to have an independant justice from the political power, that's a base to avoid abuse of power. For me it's just insane that it works like this in USA...

    • @chrisstowell484
      @chrisstowell484 2 роки тому

      @@sebsoud that's called Federalist Society a corrupt organization corrupting out entire Judiciary. Despite decades of Bar Association warnings and attempts to stop it.

    • @chrisstowell484
      @chrisstowell484 2 роки тому

      @@sebsoud unfortunately as Trump proved lots of ignorant morons in America have issues with vocabulary. Science, history, math, TRUTH, and of course literacy and vocabulary...

  • @traog
    @traog 2 роки тому

    It would be a rare thing to overturn RvW, once is rare, and once is all it takes.

  • @johnwest3963
    @johnwest3963 Рік тому

    But today ol Susan is gravely concerned.

  • @Toddzmom01
    @Toddzmom01 2 роки тому +34

    Whoever leaked this should be awarded a medal for making court transparent. They'd be doing this shit behind our backs with no input from citizens.. Makes me sick taxpayers have to pay these judges a salary for double crossing us (women).

    • @johnaron9819
      @johnaron9819 2 роки тому

      I suspect that SCOTUS leaked the plan to cover up the insane decision that Roe vs. Wade can be overturned if sufficient money changed hands. Ain't that right, boys?

    • @vortexart5587
      @vortexart5587 2 роки тому

      I bet it was a women working in that federal court house in dc that leak the information!!! if so then god bless her! she did more for this country over night then what d.c. officials can do in decades...and that no small feat either....

    • @RJL612
      @RJL612 2 роки тому

      You're okay with undermining SCOTUS?

    • @datuminformatics2847
      @datuminformatics2847 2 роки тому

      @@RJL612 SCOTUS undermined themselves

    • @vortexart5587
      @vortexart5587 2 роки тому

      @@RJL612 SCOTUS seem to undermine there own protocols .. so shouldn't you be asking them that question instead of me?

  • @BP-1988
    @BP-1988 2 роки тому +58

    I wonder if Collins has learned her lesson that people, especially Supreme Court nominees, will lie to her?

    • @telebubba5527
      @telebubba5527 2 роки тому +2


    • @cynjwilliams6886
      @cynjwilliams6886 2 роки тому

      Except they didn't lie to her; you blood-thirsty ghouls are lying about what they said. Until arguments are heard in new cases, the prior ruling stands. They never said that they agree with the basis for the prior court ruling. Even RBG said that R v W was wrongly decided. There is no Constitutional right to murder unborn babies nor anyone; but blood-thirsty ghouls are throwing a temper tantrums over the possible reversal of R v W that was wrongly decided and without Constitutional basis. States will still be able to decide if they want to allow mothers to murder their unborn babies; but, here blood-thirsty ghouls are still whining and throwing tantrums.

    • @ecurewitz
      @ecurewitz 2 роки тому +1

      She knows, she doesn’t care.

    • @thegenialdecepticon5244
      @thegenialdecepticon5244 2 роки тому

      Because why should we expect honesty from the people on the highest court in the land?

    • @cynjwilliams6886
      @cynjwilliams6886 2 роки тому

      @@ecurewitz Only morons think that they lied. They did not promise how they would rule on cases coming before them; in-fact, they can't do that. What they did say is that the current R v W ruling currently stands; they never said that they agreed with the basis for the ruling nor that they would not reverse the ruling after hearing a new case and new arguments. Even RBG (a liberal) said that the current R v W ruling was wrongly decided. Morons hear what wasn't said and then accuse people of lying about what they never said.

  • @vernonedmonds24
    @vernonedmonds24 2 роки тому

    Susan collins is like that one old teacher who won’t retire and all you have to do is tug at her heart strings to get her to change your grade so you don’t fail even tho you never went to her class the whole semester

  • @lolacookie453
    @lolacookie453 2 роки тому

    She’s a politician, they make excellent liars so playing dumb isn’t far fetched.

  • @floridagirl4407
    @floridagirl4407 2 роки тому +30

    I think that we all deserve an explanation on why this judge changed his view, and so drastically. I think that is a fair ask... considering he was elected on his promise of the opposite.

    • @johnlennon6790
      @johnlennon6790 2 роки тому

      Why should we care when it's an increase in rights? If someone promised slavery would not be banned, I'm not sure how upset I would be if they immediately got handed a case and banned slavery. Also, it still gives states the rights to choose their legal framework around a divisive issue. That's how our republic works. 50 states with varying values, and we can all choose the values we like. How is that bad?
      You're afraid a state you don't live in might have a law you don't like? Why would you care?

    • @springbloom5940
      @springbloom5940 2 роки тому +1

      Lead in your drinking water?

    • @douglasreid7330
      @douglasreid7330 2 роки тому

      @@johnlennon6790 This movement to stop abortions will not stop at the border, their next gambit will be to devise a law that makes it possible for Texas or any of its fellow travelers to ban any resident to get an abortion in a willing State.
      That's why it cannot be left up to the States. Furthermore, this was never about state's rights.

    • @floridagirl4407
      @floridagirl4407 2 роки тому +2

      @@johnlennon6790 I'm sorry... but where do you find the right to have an opinion on this matter... John.
      I am not afraid of a state I don't live in, I am afraid of the state I DO live in, considering I live in Florida. Be different from the rest, from now on. Do you homework before opening your mouth. My screen name is Florida Girl. Or did you not notice. Find your own fight. Get lost.

    • @gordon-1
      @gordon-1 2 роки тому

      Confirmed, not elected. There is no telling what these frauds told the presidents to get elected.

  • @vk1pe
    @vk1pe 2 роки тому +37

    There is no reference in the Constitution to "female", and the only reference to "male" is to codify that males have suffrage -- not females. Let THAT be on your mind, too.

    • @nathanjones6638
      @nathanjones6638 2 роки тому

      Though I do find it interesting that female suffrage isn't attached to Selective Service.

    • @michellebobier-groves7821
      @michellebobier-groves7821 2 роки тому

      Before long, only white males who own property will have the right to vote.

      @DIVERDIV 2 роки тому +5

      @Peter Ellis
      I believe Women's suffrage was addressed and corrected with the 19th Amendment. Perhaps you are unaware of this...

    • @Acer_Maximinus
      @Acer_Maximinus 2 роки тому +3

      Been a while since you’ve read the ol’ Constitution, huh.
      Women have been voting for over 100 years.

    • @gregtennessee8249
      @gregtennessee8249 2 роки тому

      Are you in trump's cult? You are not familiar with our Constitution as most of trump's cult.

  • @dontransue9843
    @dontransue9843 2 роки тому

    This is the only place this country can go when one side invents rights with the courts.

  • @merannicuill6435
    @merannicuill6435 2 роки тому +1

    Sadly, the old joke stands true: "how can you tell a Republican is lying? His/her mouth is moving..."
    I regret EVER voting for a republican. Never again.