Series S FPS Mode: 1920x1080p 60FPS Resolution Mode: dynamic 1440p (1440p~1260p average) 30FPS Quality Mode: 1920x1080p 30FPS Series X FPS Mode: dynamic 1080p (1080p~900p) 120FPS Resolution Mode: dynamic 2160p (2160p~1800p) 60FPS Quality Mode: dynamic 2160p (2160p~1872p) 30FPS ONE X FPS Mode: dynamic 1260p (1260p~1080p) 60FPS Resolution Mode: dynamic 2160p (2160p~1872p) 30FPS Quality Mode: dynamic 2160p (2160p~1728p) 30FPS ONE: 1600x900p 30FPS - El Modo calidad añade Ray-Tracing en los reflejos para Xbox Series S/X. - La iluminación general se ha reajustado en Xbox Series S/X. - Se ha añadido más follaje en Xbox Series S/X, sin embargo, el modo calidad de OneX presenta mayor vegetación en algunos puntos. - El modo calidad mejora sensiblemente la iluminación global en Xbox Series S/X con respecto a los otros modos. - Las sombras también han sido mejoradas en Xbox Series S/X. - El modo calidad de SeriesX mejora considerablemente la oclusión ambiental, filtrado anisotrópico y los godrays con respecto al resto de plataformas. - Hay algunos problemas de rendimiento que siguen presentes en la versión Nextgen. Algunas caídas de framerate en zonas concretas o algunas texturas y assets que tardan en cargar. - Los tiempos de carga se han optimizado para Xbox Series S/X. - El parche llegará próximamente a PC. - Quality Mode adds Ray-Tracing on reflections for Xbox Series S/X. - General lighting has been readjusted on Xbox Series S/X. - Added more foliage on Xbox Series S/X, however OneX quality mode features more vegetation in some spots. - The quality mode significantly improves the global lighting on Xbox Series S/X compared to the other modes. - Shadows have also been improved on Xbox Series S/X. - SeriesX's quality mode considerably improves ambient occlusion, anisotropic filtering and godrays compared to other platforms. - Loading times have been optimized for Xbox Series S/X. - There are some performance issues that are still present in the Nextgen version. Some framerate drops in specific areas or some textures and assets that take time to load. - The patch is coming soon to PC.
Decent X|S update, XSX in resolution mode is doubling the One X graphic mode framerate while delivering slightly higher resolution and increasing settings up to PC Ultra levels. So XSX isn't simply doubling the X1X framerates, it's delivering around 220-240% of the X1X performance, 200% by doubling framerate and the rest 20-40% to boost up resolution and settings. However it's not a 10/10 update, they could have done like Metro Exodus (Dynamic 4K TAA reconstructed, 60fps, RTOn) No compromises.
The most impressive ray tracing I've seen so far on Series S. Kudos to Microsoft and Ninja Theory for including all 3 graphics modes on the budget box.
@@felipeeloko12f i played village on ps4, I only bought the series S recently. I thought the raytracing was nice in metro exodus but it really cost them on resolution. A lot of the S games I have had the raytracing feature cut from the X version so I don't have a lot to compare to I guess. I just think this game looks beautiful and they did a nice job.
@@ironbran12 yes I'm totally joking. Sure, whatever you think is the best, that's the best. I will adhere to your superior opinion. *bows reverently* 🙇♂️
Eso crea más ilusión al ver un juego, me pasaba a mi aunque lo feo de que cuando tienes la consola o el juego, ya no aprecias tanto todo como antes lo hacías
yo solo vengo a bardear la series s. me encanta la series X pero la s no debio existir en mi opinion. la series S debió ser una series X pero sin lector de discos a $400 como hizo sony. Le habrían ahorrado tanto trabajo innecesario a los desarrolladores.
@@JaimeIsJaime Y la ps4 pro también le dio problema a los desarrolladores? Jajaja lo que es hablar sin tener conocimientos. Desarrollar en series S es igual que para la Series X, ambas tienen la misma arquitectura solo que los juegos van a menos resolución. Que de complicado tiene eso?
@@CrixMora26 Tu comparación ni siquiera tiene sentido. La ps4 pro es pasada gen. una vez termine el periodo cross-gen ya no es un problema. O esperas que la series S muera con la xbox one X? Dios mio lo que hay que leer.
Cheers for the upload - sleeper upgrade on a cult game. So glad Xbox are bringing the value to gamers with the new hardware and getting every last drop out of older games and not charging. Kudos to metro exodus for same freebie.
The 120fps is really not needed at alln especially in an immersive story driven single player game like this, i would have liked to see a 60fps mode with RT on, sure it will cut off the resolution maybe even to 1080p, but i feel they needed to put a 120 fps mode just to show off the horsepower the xsx has, still i prefer a dynamic 1440p with RT at 60fps, the sweet spot.
I have played a little bit yesterday in resolution mode on series x. I’m sure the ray tracing mode looks better but it’s so hard to go back to 30 in this kind of game when there is a decent 60 fps option.
For me the resolution is most important.. I can't play @1080p anymore. 60fps is important as well.. but if a game is 1080p@60hz no thanks. (I have a Series X) And Ray tracing is just a nice gimmick.
@@VonDutchNL have you played metro exodus since they updated it? That game sold me on the potential of ray tracing if there aren’t big sacrifices required. It feels like the best of both worlds, ray traced GI at 60 fps and a decent resolution (1440 to 1700ish).
@@andyward8430 i have both on Series X, tough to compare because from the original state Raytracing was a game changer for Metro on the next gen update, this game had better lighting and shadows originally so RT wasn't as big of a change. That said, I've done chapters on 30fps and 60 and don't notice a difference either. It's so much walking, puzzles, etc I rarely notice or feel 30fps like I would in something like Doom Eternal
Debe ser un lío increíble para tí tener que comparar 3 modos gráficos entre 4 consolas diferentes y que todo salga bien sin errores. Buen trabajo! Y respecto al juego, le ha venido de maravilla el cambio de iluminación en next gen y por supuesto el ray racing de los reflejos luce genial... Aunque el modo gráficos enriquecidos debería haberse bajado a 1080-1440p para poder ejecutarlo a 60FPS con Raytracing activado.
@@geocruz7267 yo me volvería loco con tanto corte de vídeo jajaja y con tener que grabar las mismas escenas una y otra vez en los diferentes modos gráficos y diferentes consolas… Imagino que Rafa ya lo tendrá automatizado pero aún así tiene mérito
@@FrancisRS Simon, la verdad se la rifa el man, y me pregunto si de alguna manera gana algun dinero al menos considerable (a parte de las donaciones porque no creo que se le done tanto) porque lo que hace es mucho mejor que lo que hacen ciertas personas que no traen nada bueno a la comunidad y aun asi ganan dinero y a veces esas mismas personas andan criticando a estos que realmente aportan algo sin uno saber que tanto ganan
@@Aagggyy it's a story about a woman who is going crazy that goes into the nordic hell to save her lover's soul. Basic sword combat with parry and some puzzles. Worth the time imo.
its probably based on xbox one S version for SS and on one X for SX, so set values didnt need to be changed that much, and they had more time to have better RT on series console cause of it
I would say, that the ray tracing mode is the best. This isn't much of a fast-paced game, and the ray tracing and lighting is just fantastic in the ray-tracing mode.
Sin buscar malos rollos ni discusiones ya q para mi las series S/X y ps5, son unas consolas bestiales. No hay nadie q diga algo sobre el 4k dinámico?? Xq si llega s ser la ps5, ya habría unos 10 comentarios hablando de que no tiene potencia, q si 10 mierdaflops... Pero bueno, alguno saldrá, no en este juego, ya que es de xbox. Estarán esperando alguno multigeneracional. Muy buen video analista, yo soy de los q miran tus vídeos sin tener la consola ni juegos jajajaj! Pero disfruto de ver como lo estudias todo👌👌👌
@@gamerknight7397 mi comentario no es el xq va q 4k dinámicos, xq es lo más normal. Simplemente, es xq cuando la play va a 4k dinámicos, sale gente de x debajo de las piedras a decir q no soporta el 4k 🤷🏻♂️. Aquí publicaron q este juego iría a 4k 60fps y raytracing. Pero como es lógico no va a 4k nativo 😄. Nada más 😉
@@ps5yseriesx989 en la xbox también ha pasado, es algo normal en las consolas... Pero vamos, q veo q nadie pilla mi comentario, no? 😅😅. Defendeis la resolución y ya está. Q no hablo de resolución, si no de la gente q habla cuando ven la oportunidad de tirar mierda, nada mas. Cmo lo q acabas de hacer tu... Simplemente era eso. Cuando salga horizon zero dawn 2, os metereis con el juego xq no va a 4k 60fps o tonterías así, cuando es lo mas normal... Pero bueno, seguid asi👌👌
I’ve been saying it every video I’ve seen about this update. The graphics mode should have been dynamic 1440p upscaled 4K with ray tracing and global illumination.
that still does not guarantee 60 fps for the Series X. The most limiting factor both consoles have for achieving 60 fps with ray tracing is memory not neceseraly gpu horsepower.
Yep. I'm with you with that. Just like insomniac does with Their games. And looks fantastic while doing so. 1440p upscaled to 4k, Locked 60fps with full on RT and global illumination. Spiderman remaster, Miles morales and Ratchet and clank raises the bar for this. Insomniac games are wizards. This game should do it aswell. It's quite a linear game compared to the games insomniac are doing.
@@yourfriendlyPSguy62 why does everyone keep saying this? Insomniacs engine is a lot less taxing on hardware. They have their own engine and they use it for 1 console only. And you’re wrong, spiderman mm doesnt hit 1440p with rt on. It’s 1080p with way lowered NPC density making the city lifeless. Hellblade was built on UE4 one of the most taxing engines in history. Trying to do 4k 60 with rt on is impossible on a graphically intense game like hellblade. Also this update wasn’t done by ninja theory, another studio optimised the game
@@addictedtogaming6938 you clearly haven't played the game if you think its lifeless. Its hitting 1440p upscale to 4k. Check NXG or DFs videos ffs. Cmon mate. I have the game. Calling it lifeless is a hatred statement. Are you an xbot maybe? Ratchet as it is today is the bar for next gen graphics. Facts mate. But According to you it's probably not. Even if tech experts are saying it aswell. Just stop.
Not director's cut. The director's cut editions on playstation not only optimizes the game for ps5 but adds new content (DLC). So... Even when is great that xbox offers freed next gen upgrade, is not fine that you compare a PS Director's cut with an xbox free next gen upgrade.
Excelente video! Pero pregunto, en este tipo de juego hacia falta un modo 120fps??? Hubiese preferido el modo gráfico con RT a 60fps. O directamente un solo modo gráfico, 4k a 60 sin RT. ( Ya que el RT aplicado, se me hace mínimo, casi anecdótico)
@@wilsonmarlon el motor creo que es de las primeras versiones del ue4 no tenia muchas herramientas y dado que el RT lo incluyeron hace dos años y este juego es viejo no podría hacerse pero dado que salieron estas nuevas herramientas se puede configurar
Tenho sx e estou achando a coloração feia, inclusive o contraste tá pior do que no One X. As folhagens estão mais bonitas no One X, não gostei do que fizeram nessa otimização. Mas o RT tá bem legal, isso é vdd.
Yo creo que tiene más trabajo quitarla que dejarla como estaba XD. Las cosas extrañas que hacen las desarrolladoras, que sólo las entienden ellos. Quizá micro les paga para hacer este tipo de cosas, pero vamos... yo, en lo personal, los videojuegos los uso para batallar, no para mirar plantitas, asique poco me importa
@@danicras8931 Hombre, por 300 euros no te van a dar más, ni aunque puedan XD. Yo considero que por la relación calidad/precio está dando mucho más de lo que deberia
Yo a día de hoy no veo muy justificado pasar de una One X a una Series S. Veo que el rendimiento en ciertos juegos es a veces similar, y en algunas ocasiones incluso superior en One X. También hay casos en los que Series S tiene mejor desempeño. Está claro que con el paso de los años la Series S será mejor opción, pero hoy día, con la carencia de nuevos juegos para XBOX, y en particular para exclusivamente la nueva generación, la One X sigue siendo una gran opción, y encima si el usuario medio lo que va a hacer es jugar con el game pass a juegos de hace varios años, mejor que mejor.
Modo gráfico: tiene Ray tracing lo notas en la antorcha y en los reflejos del agua en el suelo, además de que se ve los rayos de luz mejor, y el de resolución es eso más resolución osea menos pixelado.
lol.... series s FPS mode is also 120 fps, X/S Optimization for games is literally 120 fps for both consoles (by default or with the specific setting, in this case fps mode)
Finally, a comparison between one X and Series S...I have been saying that if you want to upgrade your One X the logic option is to go for Series X, go for a Series S seems like a downgrade for me.
If you want 4k yes, if you play on a monitor i don't see why. Then it all comes down to how much you want to spend. For a 299 (and often sold at 250) € machine the Series S is an amazing console And if you are talking about foliage, the reason is series S is playing the enhanced One S version of the game, not the One X version.
@@simonemuzio4376 but not everything is resolution, for example this same video, hope you have noticed the difference in foliage, some textures here and there, shadows, and antialiasing. I agree with you, Series S is a great little machine, but as I said before, I do not see as a wise move to upgrade if you already have a One X, at least for another year.
Hahaha true, but i think it has to see with the CC, maybe they changed the color filters because the xbox one version (both of them) looks more cinematic, while the series x version tries to take a more realistic color palette. Still i like a lot more the cinematic colors, hopefully they add a option to change that.
Debes verlo así porque no te acostumbras a la iluminación diferente de series. Además toma en cuenta que si tu tv tiene hdr el juego se verá infinitamente mejor en xbox series s/x
Another game that's got DOWNGRADED from One X version (previous: Plague Tale) XOX Quality Mode is the best, especially for its foliage density. When you are doing 30 fps mode on Series X be sure you don't messed up cuz its look like oversight from developers
How exactly can you downgrade a game that is getting double performance or ray tracing? That's beyond me. But I do know that I don't have to pay $70 for this "downgrade".
@@MichaelDeAbreu look at 12:28 and 12:56 (first is best mode for XOX, second best mode for XSX - One X picture is far superior). Or just compare simple tree texture at 16:06 to 16:34. One X got better textures
@@MichaelDeAbreu If there's is something that is worst in the new consoles (in this case foliage) then there is downgrade. it might not be "total" downgrade. but there is downgrade nonetheless. that shouldn't happen on the series X (series S is understandable I guess as it is kind of a cross-gen/shortage console) but series X is a way more capable hardware than one x is.
@@lightmyfire88 The foliage density appears to be a knock-on from Series S. Could be wrong, but it appears that XSX is getting ports from the S as the new baseline, even as the S is having certain issues with graphics sliders compared to the One X. Even more interesting is that a Plague Tale on PS5 suffered this same fate. Which, if I'm correct, means that the Series S was the porting standard for both XSX and PS5, causing issues with foliage density compared to the One X version for all three 'next-gen versions'.
It seems like there is kind of hereditary asset/texture loading issues on series consoles. Somehow in many games it looks pretty much same with Halo infinite's pop-in cases.
This is intentional. Maybe not the way you MEAN for it to be, but the camera angle, the sound effects (play this game with headphones, and preferably in a dark room), and the visual effects are all part of the story. It plays with psychology and the clinical aspects of schizophrenia more than any other game I have ever experienced. And does a better job, I think, than most movies I've seen in that genre.
The One X have a Bit more Resolution but all other Stuff the Series S is Beating the One X with ease. Lightning etc all looks more Natural on Series S, the Shadow Effects and Skin etc. The One X is just old and you Can See it in the Pictures
Foliage and Vegetation aren't the same. Series S has more Foliage while One X has more Vegetation. If we talk about Foliage, it's the stuff found lying on the ground or external parts of the environment like stones, planks, logs or other things, which the Series S has more of. Vegetation are the grass, plants, trees, branches etc. which the One X has more of.
Volvi aqui luego de retomar el juego porque quería comprobar los fps y vaya, no se si esta tan bien optimizado que no se nota o que carajos pero lo estoy jugando en modo calidad en series x y son los 30 fps más suaves que he jugado en mi vida jaja no se siente como otros juegos que hasta pesado se siente el personaje
@@mrpiratefox4497 hmmm depends on the pc you have , and that would also confirm to me it’s bad optimization if pc can’t even do it, gears 5 can run at 120 at high or ultra settings
@@chrisbrown113096 And? Gears 5 looks worse than this game. This is just a naturally demanding game that brought down the highest end rigs of that year. And with these new updates, it's even more demanding. These consoles are only around mid range hardware. For 500$, they're great in terms of value for power. But that doesn't change the fact they're not top end. They're about on par with previous gen mid range PC hardware
Que mal debieron haber puesto una opción en la Series X para jugar a 1080p a 60fps con el Raytracing activado, jugar a 30fps luego de haber jugado la mayoría a 60fps se hace demasiado incómodo.
@@fredyandressuarez8587 And sacrifices resolution and foliage for some unnoticeable effects at 30fps. For real RT on the series S is a gimmick. Series S is just not powerful enough to justify RT when there is a lot more noticeable graphical settings it should be taking care of.
Fuente Somosxbox: Durante el evento llevado a cabo hoy por Microsoft para dar más información sobre muchos de sus nuevos juegos, hemos podido recibir una gran cantidad de nueva información acerca del título. Entre ella, los desarrolladores han hecho saber que Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II no se encuentra aún en fase de producción al completo.
Why is Microsoft Xbox One X better than Microsoft Xbox Series S? 2 TFLOPS higher floating-point performance 6 TFLOPSvs4 TFLOPS 2GB more RAM memory 12GBvs10GB 102GB/s higher memory bandwidth 326GB/svs224GB/s 1280 more shading units 2560vs1280 488GB more internal storage 1000GBvs512GB Has an optical disc drive
No es el problema las consolas es el motor grafico esa versión del ue4 esta oxidada no puede tener RT hasta hace poco con herramientas externas agradece que puede tener rt o 120fps
@minesauriorex no pueden, hellblade 2musara unreal engine 5 pero porque esta en desarrollo si un juego sale o esta en desarrollo adelantado no se le puede cambiar el motor ya que salio el juego al mundo o seria hacerlo todo desde el inicio, eso lo debes saber
@minesauriorex aun así juegos como avowed, the outer worlds 2, hellblade 2, gears 6 o futuro proyecto de the Coalition, project mara si sale, etc. Si usan unreal engine 5 excepto avowed si no se si la versión que usa de ue4 tiene rt pero aun así, no es necesario RT.
The game makes it easy to switch, and the pacing/fighting is so spread out you can easily explore while in RT mode, and switch to 60 or 120 before each boss fight. That's what I've been doing to take advantage of all the modes
@@littlegloom same here but you can always tell right before a boss fight, I just go to main menu to change, jump back in and finish. At least to see what I prefer or what I notice the most
Series S
FPS Mode: 1920x1080p 60FPS
Resolution Mode: dynamic 1440p (1440p~1260p average) 30FPS
Quality Mode: 1920x1080p 30FPS
Series X
FPS Mode: dynamic 1080p (1080p~900p) 120FPS
Resolution Mode: dynamic 2160p (2160p~1800p) 60FPS
Quality Mode: dynamic 2160p (2160p~1872p) 30FPS
FPS Mode: dynamic 1260p (1260p~1080p) 60FPS
Resolution Mode: dynamic 2160p (2160p~1872p) 30FPS
Quality Mode: dynamic 2160p (2160p~1728p) 30FPS
1600x900p 30FPS
- El Modo calidad añade Ray-Tracing en los reflejos para Xbox Series S/X.
- La iluminación general se ha reajustado en Xbox Series S/X.
- Se ha añadido más follaje en Xbox Series S/X, sin embargo, el modo calidad de OneX presenta mayor vegetación en algunos puntos.
- El modo calidad mejora sensiblemente la iluminación global en Xbox Series S/X con respecto a los otros modos.
- Las sombras también han sido mejoradas en Xbox Series S/X.
- El modo calidad de SeriesX mejora considerablemente la oclusión ambiental, filtrado anisotrópico y los godrays con respecto al resto de plataformas.
- Hay algunos problemas de rendimiento que siguen presentes en la versión Nextgen. Algunas caídas de framerate en zonas concretas o algunas texturas y assets que tardan en cargar.
- Los tiempos de carga se han optimizado para Xbox Series S/X.
- El parche llegará próximamente a PC.
- Quality Mode adds Ray-Tracing on reflections for Xbox Series S/X.
- General lighting has been readjusted on Xbox Series S/X.
- Added more foliage on Xbox Series S/X, however OneX quality mode features more vegetation in some spots.
- The quality mode significantly improves the global lighting on Xbox Series S/X compared to the other modes.
- Shadows have also been improved on Xbox Series S/X.
- SeriesX's quality mode considerably improves ambient occlusion, anisotropic filtering and godrays compared to other platforms.
- Loading times have been optimized for Xbox Series S/X.
- There are some performance issues that are still present in the Nextgen version. Some framerate drops in specific areas or some textures and assets that take time to load.
- The patch is coming soon to PC.
Me gusto, mucha gente critica la potencia pero no recuerdan que es un juego de una versión oxidada del UE4 milagro es que pueda tener 120fps o RT.
Xbox One X really was a monster, I'm pretty surprised to see that it still manages to run some games better than the Xbox Series S.
Menudo currazo hacer una comparativa con 10 modos gráficos, mis dieses bro 👍
Decent X|S update, XSX in resolution mode is doubling the One X graphic mode framerate while delivering slightly higher resolution and increasing settings up to PC Ultra levels.
So XSX isn't simply doubling the X1X framerates, it's delivering around 220-240% of the X1X performance, 200% by doubling framerate and the rest 20-40% to boost up resolution and settings.
However it's not a 10/10 update, they could have done like Metro Exodus (Dynamic 4K TAA reconstructed, 60fps, RTOn) No compromises.
@@MoonSarito it runs games better than series S, but Series S is not made for 4k
Éste canal es el mejor cuando de comparativas se trata. Sigue así.
Usted nunca decepciona, gracias por el vídeo.
The most impressive ray tracing I've seen so far on Series S. Kudos to Microsoft and Ninja Theory for including all 3 graphics modes on the budget box.
Have you ever testwd RE Village? IMO it is the best ray tracing game for Series S (and very well optimized). .
Are you kidding me?
Youre joking right??
@@felipeeloko12f i played village on ps4, I only bought the series S recently. I thought the raytracing was nice in metro exodus but it really cost them on resolution. A lot of the S games I have had the raytracing feature cut from the X version so I don't have a lot to compare to I guess. I just think this game looks beautiful and they did a nice job.
@@ironbran12 yes I'm totally joking. Sure, whatever you think is the best, that's the best. I will adhere to your superior opinion. *bows reverently* 🙇♂️
Series S little beast! 👌💪👍
@@gremsaidio ts
Alguien es igual que yo que no tiene ni el juego ni la consola pero nos gusta ver las comparaciones ? 😁
PD. tío analista eres el MEJOR !!!
Jeje x2
Eso crea más ilusión al ver un juego, me pasaba a mi aunque lo feo de que cuando tienes la consola o el juego, ya no aprecias tanto todo como antes lo hacías
yo solo vengo a bardear la series s. me encanta la series X pero la s no debio existir en mi opinion. la series S debió ser una series X pero sin lector de discos a $400 como hizo sony. Le habrían ahorrado tanto trabajo innecesario a los desarrolladores.
@@JaimeIsJaime Y la ps4 pro también le dio problema a los desarrolladores? Jajaja lo que es hablar sin tener conocimientos. Desarrollar en series S es igual que para la Series X, ambas tienen la misma arquitectura solo que los juegos van a menos resolución. Que de complicado tiene eso?
@@CrixMora26 Tu comparación ni siquiera tiene sentido. La ps4 pro es pasada gen. una vez termine el periodo cross-gen ya no es un problema. O esperas que la series S muera con la xbox one X? Dios mio lo que hay que leer.
Cheers for the upload - sleeper upgrade on a cult game. So glad Xbox are bringing the value to gamers with the new hardware and getting every last drop out of older games and not charging. Kudos to metro exodus for same freebie.
trabalho gigantesco vc teve nessa comparação, nice job
The 120fps is really not needed at alln especially in an immersive story driven single player game like this, i would have liked to see a 60fps mode with RT on, sure it will cut off the resolution maybe even to 1080p, but i feel they needed to put a 120 fps mode just to show off the horsepower the xsx has, still i prefer a dynamic 1440p with RT at 60fps, the sweet spot.
yeah i dont know, 1080p 120fps isnt really all that impressive. Especially when the games probably running on low-medium settings
I feel the same love playing this game in 60 fps but I also want Raytracing too would happily sacrifice resolution for some fps & Raytracing.
@@domanater480 1080p 120fps not impressive? Okay lol
@@Aagggyy maybe for a console but my gtx1080 has been doing that for 5 years lol
@@domanater480 What an beasty card! My 2080s haven't been used at its full potential, since i only game on 1440p75hz monitor :D
Absolutely no point in having a 120FPS mode in XSX for this kind of game. They should've went for a 60FPS RT mode
Exactly. Wasting resources on a mode that's completely unnecessary
Seems like the One X has more foliage in ever mode compared to the Series S and X.
that's strange in some ways
Foliage, textures and ambient oclusion is better on xbox one x
@@mickeymau753 😂😂😂😂
Lo he estado esperando todo el día gracias 💚
Little monster SS with Ray tracing, oh Men!
I have played a little bit yesterday in resolution mode on series x. I’m sure the ray tracing mode looks better but it’s so hard to go back to 30 in this kind of game when there is a decent 60 fps option.
For me the resolution is most important.. I can't play @1080p anymore. 60fps is important as well.. but if a game is 1080p@60hz no thanks. (I have a Series X) And Ray tracing is just a nice gimmick.
@@VonDutchNL have you played metro exodus since they updated it? That game sold me on the potential of ray tracing if there aren’t big sacrifices required. It feels like the best of both worlds, ray traced GI at 60 fps and a decent resolution (1440 to 1700ish).
@@andyward8430 i have both on Series X, tough to compare because from the original state Raytracing was a game changer for Metro on the next gen update, this game had better lighting and shadows originally so RT wasn't as big of a change. That said, I've done chapters on 30fps and 60 and don't notice a difference either. It's so much walking, puzzles, etc I rarely notice or feel 30fps like I would in something like Doom Eternal
60fps is like going black. You just can't go back.
@@ItzMeWill Cringe
Esperaba que el modo gráficos enriquecidos fuera a 60 fps como doom eternal pero no fue así. Buen video.
Good job with the video guys,hellblade is an awesome game,part 2 will be crazy
Guy*. There's only one person in this channel.
@@Rafa-wk3cy thank you for correcting me bro
Debe ser un lío increíble para tí tener que comparar 3 modos gráficos entre 4 consolas diferentes y que todo salga bien sin errores. Buen trabajo!
Y respecto al juego, le ha venido de maravilla el cambio de iluminación en next gen y por supuesto el ray racing de los reflejos luce genial... Aunque el modo gráficos enriquecidos debería haberse bajado a 1080-1440p para poder ejecutarlo a 60FPS con Raytracing activado.
Decile eso a las haters que no permiten que se equivoque ni una vez porque se ponen como lokitas :v
@@geocruz7267 yo me volvería loco con tanto corte de vídeo jajaja y con tener que grabar las mismas escenas una y otra vez en los diferentes modos gráficos y diferentes consolas… Imagino que Rafa ya lo tendrá automatizado pero aún así tiene mérito
@@FrancisRS Simon, la verdad se la rifa el man, y me pregunto si de alguna manera gana algun dinero al menos considerable (a parte de las donaciones porque no creo que se le done tanto) porque lo que hace es mucho mejor que lo que hacen ciertas personas que no traen nada bueno a la comunidad y aun asi ganan dinero y a veces esas mismas personas andan criticando a estos que realmente aportan algo sin uno saber que tanto ganan
This game is definitely a unique experience. It's still on Game Pass so I'm definitely doing another playthrough 🔥
Microsoft owns the game so it wil always be on game pass.
The game studio that made this game was bought by microsoft so it will be on gamepass forever.
@@Jose-FernandX What is this game about? I have the game pass and I’m new to x box games for PC. I’m thinking of trying it out.
@@Aagggyy it's a story about a woman who is going crazy that goes into the nordic hell to save her lover's soul. Basic sword combat with parry and some puzzles. Worth the time imo.
I know I can play it for free (I've played it 5 times over this month) but Ninja Theory deserves the purchase. They really outdid themselves.
Xbox One X really was a monster, I'm pretty surprised to see that it still manages to run some games better than the Xbox Series S.
the xbox series s is running the xbox one version via retro.
@@MrRobot-ks7xc sure dud
No it's not.
This is an official update
Xbox one x is bottlenecked, series s has a beast of a cpu
@@nighttimestalker an official update, but stil being xbox one version
El modo graphics de series X/S luce fenomenal con RT activado😍
es raro que ese juego pueda tener RT, curiosamente funciona xD
One x version looks better
@@mickeymau753 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
WTF why is the foliage so low on S/X compared to the One X version? The same with Plague Tale....
its probably based on xbox one S version for SS and on one X for SX, so set values didnt need to be changed that much, and they had more time to have better RT on series console cause of it
Xss is bad,
The One X has more bandwidth look it up
Cause series s is weak.
Se ve genial en todas sus versiones, me encanta
hats of for game devs allow us to choose graphic setting, nice video BTW... (❁´◡`❁)
Thank u soo much
Keep the good work boss 👍👍👍
17:01 por qué la One X en “Graphics Mode” tiene más vegetación que la Series X en “Graphics Mode”???
Great job developers! RT 30 or Res 60 are my preferences on SX and SS!
resolution mode is 60 fps for series x only on series s it 30 fps for resolution mode
Buen video, mi duda es que tal se verá el Hellblade 2 en Xbox series s... Por lo que se vio se está desarrollando con Unreal Engine 5.
Se va a ver mejor ya que el eural engine 5 tiene ya integrado de base el amd fidelity fx
Por lo que se se está desarrollando con el Motor del Forza horizon no con el UE5
@@anthonymartinezhdz3194 ya salieron diciendo que se estaba realizando con UE5
Why did they change the cubemap in the water? If you pay attention the old water without rt was better than the new water without rt.
That 2160p at 60fps (Resolution mode) on series X is definitely the best way to play considering the options
Although a dynamic 1440p-1080p 60FPS with ray tracing would have been nice. Oh well
I would say, that the ray tracing mode is the best. This isn't much of a fast-paced game, and the ray tracing and lighting is just fantastic in the ray-tracing mode.
Sin buscar malos rollos ni discusiones ya q para mi las series S/X y ps5, son unas consolas bestiales. No hay nadie q diga algo sobre el 4k dinámico?? Xq si llega s ser la ps5, ya habría unos 10 comentarios hablando de que no tiene potencia, q si 10 mierdaflops... Pero bueno, alguno saldrá, no en este juego, ya que es de xbox. Estarán esperando alguno multigeneracional. Muy buen video analista, yo soy de los q miran tus vídeos sin tener la consola ni juegos jajajaj! Pero disfruto de ver como lo estudias todo👌👌👌
4k dinámicos porque activa el Ray tracing
Jajaja, ya tienes la primera justificación. Apuesto que esa no valdría para la consola de Sony 😜
@@gamerknight7397 mi comentario no es el xq va q 4k dinámicos, xq es lo más normal. Simplemente, es xq cuando la play va a 4k dinámicos, sale gente de x debajo de las piedras a decir q no soporta el 4k 🤷🏻♂️. Aquí publicaron q este juego iría a 4k 60fps y raytracing. Pero como es lógico no va a 4k nativo 😄. Nada más 😉
@@mariolamasmunoz3315 porque la ps5 no alcanza ni el 4 k dinámico si te descuidas ,parte del 1080 p a 1440 p en la mayoría de los casos
@@ps5yseriesx989 en la xbox también ha pasado, es algo normal en las consolas... Pero vamos, q veo q nadie pilla mi comentario, no? 😅😅. Defendeis la resolución y ya está. Q no hablo de resolución, si no de la gente q habla cuando ven la oportunidad de tirar mierda, nada mas. Cmo lo q acabas de hacer tu... Simplemente era eso. Cuando salga horizon zero dawn 2, os metereis con el juego xq no va a 4k 60fps o tonterías así, cuando es lo mas normal... Pero bueno, seguid asi👌👌
I’ve been saying it every video I’ve seen about this update. The graphics mode should have been dynamic 1440p upscaled 4K with ray tracing and global illumination.
it already does ray traced reflections and global illumination :o
that still does not guarantee 60 fps for the Series X. The most limiting factor both consoles have for achieving 60 fps with ray tracing is memory not neceseraly gpu horsepower.
Yep. I'm with you with that. Just like insomniac does with Their games. And looks fantastic while doing so. 1440p upscaled to 4k, Locked 60fps with full on RT and global illumination.
Spiderman remaster, Miles morales and Ratchet and clank raises the bar for this. Insomniac games are wizards. This game should do it aswell. It's quite a linear game compared to the games insomniac are doing.
@@yourfriendlyPSguy62 why does everyone keep saying this? Insomniacs engine is a lot less taxing on hardware. They have their own engine and they use it for 1 console only. And you’re wrong, spiderman mm doesnt hit 1440p with rt on. It’s 1080p with way lowered NPC density making the city lifeless.
Hellblade was built on UE4 one of the most taxing engines in history. Trying to do 4k 60 with rt on is impossible on a graphically intense game like hellblade. Also this update wasn’t done by ninja theory, another studio optimised the game
@@addictedtogaming6938 you clearly haven't played the game if you think its lifeless. Its hitting 1440p upscale to 4k. Check NXG or DFs videos ffs. Cmon mate. I have the game. Calling it lifeless is a hatred statement. Are you an xbot maybe? Ratchet as it is today is the bar for next gen graphics. Facts mate. But According to you it's probably not. Even if tech experts are saying it aswell. Just stop.
ya lo estaba esperando!
Another "director's cut" for free for us.
Where Is the new content ?
No, no need to pay
Not director's cut. The director's cut editions on playstation not only optimizes the game for ps5 but adds new content (DLC).
So... Even when is great that xbox offers freed next gen upgrade, is not fine that you compare a PS Director's cut with an xbox free next gen upgrade.
You are just a hater, this thing is just a next gen upgrade like many others, DC is that with new extra content....
Ps5 want 10$ for new patch without new content🤗
Xbox one X is a beast.
PlayStation is the king 👑 Xbox shyte box no games look at redfail lol and who needs a shyte box when you have a pc
@@Truthwillalwayswinoverliesu are a stupid fan😂 where is ps5 exclusives😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
series s and series x is a best lolll
@@Truthwillalwayswinoverlies Concord.
Vídeo top. Parabéns pelo trabalho
This channel is FAST
Excelente video!
Pero pregunto, en este tipo de juego hacia falta un modo 120fps???
Hubiese preferido el modo gráfico con RT a 60fps.
O directamente un solo modo gráfico, 4k a 60 sin RT. ( Ya que el RT aplicado, se me hace mínimo, casi anecdótico)
Yo creo que ese modo gráfico a 4k 30fps fue un error, debió haber sido 1440p 60. El juego es, injugable a 30fps...
Es el motor es oxidado ocupa muchas herramientas por eso el resultado
@@MC-117JF tiene que ser, viendo la comparativa del analistadebits, sorprende que no se corrija, la carga de escenario
@@wilsonmarlon el motor creo que es de las primeras versiones del ue4 no tenia muchas herramientas y dado que el RT lo incluyeron hace dos años y este juego es viejo no podría hacerse pero dado que salieron estas nuevas herramientas se puede configurar
Playing it rn on my xbox one x and it looks and runs amazing! 🔥
The lighting seems like HDR on vs off,not sure if thats the case....But it has the same outcome.
Excelente comparativa Tio Anal, como siempre
Bit disappointing they couldn’t manage a 60fps RT mode
Get used to it
RT is a heavy technique this consoles doesnt even have dedicated hardware for it unlike pc graphic cards so get use to it
@@verssek9896 Doom Eternal is a great showcase of 60fps with RT and high resolution.
@@redfirefox3568 yea glad it works maybe because of the engine used since that engine is very good optimized
@@verssek9896 Doom Eternal? Ratchet and Clank? Miles Morales?
I dont mind playin at 30 fps if rt is on 🧐
If it was a competitive game of course 60 or 120 fps would be essential but as it is a single player...
Hay jugadores que preferimos FPS que calidad gráfica.
Exactly. There is so few action spread out you could honestly change it to 60 or 120 before each boss. And explore in RT mode
Where is the PS5 version?
There isn't going to be one. Micro$oft bought this game out.
ps5 will not get update
Ps5 no puede con el juego
Ashhhh justo cuando me iba a dormir voy a prender el televisor
Tenho sx e estou achando a coloração feia, inclusive o contraste tá pior do que no One X. As folhagens estão mais bonitas no One X, não gostei do que fizeram nessa otimização. Mas o RT tá bem legal, isso é vdd.
@@arielramirez9457 una delicia
Discordo craque
Veja de novo, amigo. Esse Ray tracing está feio demais. Melhor sem ele.
Tardé meses en entender que la canción dice "zeravi on the beat" Xd
Jajaja que grande. Ni puta idea que decía 😂😂
pensaba que decía severa pij* (aludiendo a series S talvez? jaja)
Cuál canción? Jaja
La vegetación en series s vendra en un dlc después??
Yo creo que tiene más trabajo quitarla que dejarla como estaba XD. Las cosas extrañas que hacen las desarrolladoras, que sólo las entienden ellos. Quizá micro les paga para hacer este tipo de cosas, pero vamos... yo, en lo personal, los videojuegos los uso para batallar, no para mirar plantitas, asique poco me importa
@@eduardojesusi2977 Ya, en verdad no es cambio de diseño, sino recortes para mantener la resolución o los fps. Que cortita se queda la consola.
@@danicras8931 Hombre, por 300 euros no te van a dar más, ni aunque puedan XD. Yo considero que por la relación calidad/precio está dando mucho más de lo que deberia
@@tdt1352 400 euros cuesta una ps5 digital.
Series s no es cara, pero es que la relación calidad precio de las otras es muy superior
Very slow paced game, so 30 fps is not the problem. rt mode looks incredible on series s.
@@t.o.p6849 tüpak
series s doing very good job. well done
also what's up in the beginning of the video the reflection looks wrong even for series x/s during ray tracing mode
Creo que la One X sigue siendo una pequeña bestia
amigo si no fuera por el RT fuera mejor sucesora que la series S
@@DiegooNyx definitivamente no, el cpu de la Series S es 4 veces mas poderoso que el del one x
No es que la One X sea un bestia. Es solo que la Series S apenas le dejaron un tercio de la potencia grafica de la Series X
@@DiegooNyx La series S podra con menos carga gráfica, pero si puede con mas del doble de fps, xbox one X no puede con 120 fps ni a 1080p
Yo a día de hoy no veo muy justificado pasar de una One X a una Series S. Veo que el rendimiento en ciertos juegos es a veces similar, y en algunas ocasiones incluso superior en One X. También hay casos en los que Series S tiene mejor desempeño. Está claro que con el paso de los años la Series S será mejor opción, pero hoy día, con la carencia de nuevos juegos para XBOX, y en particular para exclusivamente la nueva generación, la One X sigue siendo una gran opción, y encima si el usuario medio lo que va a hacer es jugar con el game pass a juegos de hace varios años, mejor que mejor.
No entiendo la diferencia entre modo gráfico y de resolución en xbox one x 🤔
Modo gráfico: tiene Ray tracing lo notas en la antorcha y en los reflejos del agua en el suelo, además de que se ve los rayos de luz mejor, y el de resolución es eso más resolución osea menos pixelado.
@@juanmontalvo3966 One x no sx
@@MC-117JF ay wey jajaja ando medio dormido bueno ay lo dejo de igual forma
@@juanmontalvo3966 mejor duerme, hazte un favor si tu cuerpo te pide que descanses, hazlo de todas formas puedes ver el video mañana.
@@juanmontalvo3966 es que el one x no tiene rt jaja, por eso tengo la duda
Coming back on it after several days of playing. I wouldn't have minded If they had implemented fsr in thus game .. especially for series s .
lol.... series s FPS mode is also 120 fps, X/S Optimization for games is literally 120 fps for both consoles (by default or with the specific setting, in this case fps mode)
The thumbnail is the same picture 4 times. Not even different resolutions to make it seem different lol.
Her Buddy will have a Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice Test on Playstation 4 and Playstation 4 Pro, Playstation 5?
It runs the same on the ps5 as it did on PS4 pro it didn't get a upgrade
Que tal es este juego ??? Si lo recomiéndan ???
Finally, a comparison between one X and Series S...I have been saying that if you want to upgrade your One X the logic option is to go for Series X, go for a Series S seems like a downgrade for me.
If you want 4k yes, if you play on a monitor i don't see why. Then it all comes down to how much you want to spend. For a 299 (and often sold at 250) € machine the Series S is an amazing console
And if you are talking about foliage, the reason is series S is playing the enhanced One S version of the game, not the One X version.
It depends on the game, the series s gives you higher framerates on a lot of games that would run poorly on the onex at 1080p due to its shitty CPU.
@@simonemuzio4376 but not everything is resolution, for example this same video, hope you have noticed the difference in foliage, some textures here and there, shadows, and antialiasing. I agree with you, Series S is a great little machine, but as I said before, I do not see as a wise move to upgrade if you already have a One X, at least for another year.
One X has an ancient Jaguar 2012 CPU. You must be high or technologically illiterate to say it's stronger than a Zen 2 server- class monster
Series S has FPS Boost.. end of discussion. My One X is only used when playing disc games, My Series S for everything else.
Xbox One X looks better than all of them even at 30fps.
Hahaha true, but i think it has to see with the CC, maybe they changed the color filters because the xbox one version (both of them) looks more cinematic, while the series x version tries to take a more realistic color palette.
Still i like a lot more the cinematic colors, hopefully they add a option to change that.
😂😂😂 yeah Sure
@@iiangmariiomega2639 look at minute 2:38 there’s more foliage
Great comparison.
how did you get resoultuin and fps? is there a software that shows theses info on Xbox?
Does hellblade run on the Xbox Series s in 4k Uhd resolution in 60 fps with the power mode you can set in game ?
Xbox X still holding down the fort like a BOSS
Yes but it s more expensive than series the price is a little bit lower than series x (if you find it)...
No es nada personal pero creo que se ve mejor en la One X que en la next gen.
Énfasis en el "Creo"
Debes verlo así porque no te acostumbras a la iluminación diferente de series. Además toma en cuenta que si tu tv tiene hdr el juego se verá infinitamente mejor en xbox series s/x
Eso será en tu tele de cubo 🤣🤣
Xbox One X is a beast... in 2021, too.
3 modes wtf. Can they do only two modes 4k60 and RT dynamic 1080p60? I rly don’t need 120 mode in that kind of games.
Another game that's got DOWNGRADED from One X version (previous: Plague Tale) XOX Quality Mode is the best, especially for its foliage density. When you are doing 30 fps mode on Series X be sure you don't messed up cuz its look like oversight from developers
How exactly can you downgrade a game that is getting double performance or ray tracing? That's beyond me. But I do know that I don't have to pay $70 for this "downgrade".
@@MichaelDeAbreu look at 12:28 and 12:56 (first is best mode for XOX, second best mode for XSX - One X picture is far superior). Or just compare simple tree texture at 16:06 to 16:34. One X got better textures
@@MichaelDeAbreu If there's is something that is worst in the new consoles (in this case foliage) then there is downgrade. it might not be "total" downgrade. but there is downgrade nonetheless. that shouldn't happen on the series X (series S is understandable I guess as it is kind of a cross-gen/shortage console) but series X is a way more capable hardware than one x is.
@@lightmyfire88 The foliage density appears to be a knock-on from Series S. Could be wrong, but it appears that XSX is getting ports from the S as the new baseline, even as the S is having certain issues with graphics sliders compared to the One X.
Even more interesting is that a Plague Tale on PS5 suffered this same fate. Which, if I'm correct, means that the Series S was the porting standard for both XSX and PS5, causing issues with foliage density compared to the One X version for all three 'next-gen versions'.
🙄 immer das gleiche Gelaber der Fanboys
La One X se merienda a la Series S en pleno 2023 😮 A la One X le pones un SSD y aplasta a la Series S
It seems like there is kind of hereditary asset/texture loading issues on series consoles. Somehow in many games it looks pretty much same with Halo infinite's pop-in cases.
happens on Xbox one too :|
i'm sure it's just a problem with the engine, and it only happens when you load boot up the game after fully closing it
Beat in the background is awesome 👌👏😎🔥🔥
en algunas zonas se ve mejor Xbox One X que en Series X|S xd
Creí que era el único que pensaba eso. 😅
Yo lo puse en SS y no siento que vaya muy bien en los modos resolución y gráficos.
Yet to play this game but the angle behind her, actual third person perspecitve, just looks wrong and makes her walking stance look weird.
This is intentional. Maybe not the way you MEAN for it to be, but the camera angle, the sound effects (play this game with headphones, and preferably in a dark room), and the visual effects are all part of the story. It plays with psychology and the clinical aspects of schizophrenia more than any other game I have ever experienced. And does a better job, I think, than most movies I've seen in that genre.
Cool, will be giving it a try soon.
como lo cambio? mi series s solo admite modo rendimiento
para cuando comparando con nintendo switch?
Is strange that Xbox One X has more foliage than Series S and more so Series X? Maybe is a bug?
The One X have a Bit more Resolution but all other Stuff the Series S is Beating the One X with ease. Lightning etc all looks more Natural on Series S, the Shadow Effects and Skin etc. The One X is just old and you Can See it in the Pictures
Foliage and Vegetation aren't the same. Series S has more Foliage while One X has more Vegetation. If we talk about Foliage, it's the stuff found lying on the ground or external parts of the environment like stones, planks, logs or other things, which the Series S has more of. Vegetation are the grass, plants, trees, branches etc. which the One X has more of.
Siempre el mejor 😎
Looks great. Too bad there is no 60 FPS ray tracing option.
Grande Analista de Bits!
Graficas buenisimas lastima que el combate sea repetitivo y solo existan como 5 tipos de enemigos
Entendamos que Hellblade fue un Indie que parece AA
Volvi aqui luego de retomar el juego porque quería comprobar los fps y vaya, no se si esta tan bien optimizado que no se nota o que carajos pero lo estoy jugando en modo calidad en series x y son los 30 fps más suaves que he jugado en mi vida jaja no se siente como otros juegos que hasta pesado se siente el personaje
Didn't expect XSX to fall below 1080p to achieve 120 fps.
Tbh, not surprised. This is a fairly taxing game
@@nighttimestalker taxing for last gen . These new consoles shouldn’t struggle too hard , this looks like a poor update IMO
@@chrisbrown113096 a PC has the same problems when trying to run a game like this at such a high framerate, so its normal
@@mrpiratefox4497 hmmm depends on the pc you have , and that would also confirm to me it’s bad optimization if pc can’t even do it, gears 5 can run at 120 at high or ultra settings
Gears 5 looks worse than this game.
This is just a naturally demanding game that brought down the highest end rigs of that year. And with these new updates, it's even more demanding.
These consoles are only around mid range hardware. For 500$, they're great in terms of value for power. But that doesn't change the fact they're not top end.
They're about on par with previous gen mid range PC hardware
Que mal debieron haber puesto una opción en la Series X para jugar a 1080p a 60fps con el Raytracing activado, jugar a 30fps luego de haber jugado la mayoría a 60fps se hace demasiado incómodo.
Es la version del motor del UE4 es vieja con las nuevas si se pudiera jugar a por lo menos a 1440p
Tambien depende del motor
What??!!?!! we got ray tracing and 120hz for free we’ve been blessed 😢😢😩😩😩
not on series s unfortunately
@@JaimeIsJaime yea but atleast they got 60fps cause they were stuck at 30
@@younggio9065 who? if you mean one x it had 60fps mode already. Just one s didn't have but that was expected.
@@JaimeIsJaime series s doesn't have 120 fps but it does have rt.
@@fredyandressuarez8587 And sacrifices resolution and foliage for some unnoticeable effects at 30fps. For real RT on the series S is a gimmick. Series S is just not powerful enough to justify RT when there is a lot more noticeable graphical settings it should be taking care of.
Name of THE beat, someone please?
Sounds to me like something from need for speed
How is the One X having 72 more P’s than the Series X in resolution mode? Lol 😂
Because it's running at 30fps and not 60fps
Music name plz
"Ritual" by Zeraví. Only on UA-cam
Y pensar que la segunda parte todavía no está en producción Humo
Está en producción, humo? Eso es lo que han tirado todas las compañías de vídeojuegos está generación
Fuente Somosxbox:
Durante el evento llevado a cabo hoy por Microsoft para dar más información sobre muchos de sus nuevos juegos, hemos podido recibir una gran cantidad de nueva información acerca del título. Entre ella, los desarrolladores han hecho saber que Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II no se encuentra aún en fase de producción al completo.
@@gamerdecuarta2515 eso es verdad, pero del humo no se salva ninguna compañía y menos Sony, si insignias que no han cometido ese error
Por que algunas cosas se ven mejores en Xbox One x que en series S? Tanto en resolución como en elementos en pantalla
Why is Microsoft Xbox One X better than Microsoft Xbox Series S?
2 TFLOPS higher floating-point performance
2GB more RAM memory
102GB/s higher memory bandwidth
1280 more shading units
488GB more internal storage
Has an optical disc drive
Por cosas así me preguntó porque no lanzaron las consolas de nueva generación este año o en el 2022
No es el problema las consolas es el motor grafico esa versión del ue4 esta oxidada no puede tener RT hasta hace poco con herramientas externas agradece que puede tener rt o 120fps
@minesauriorex no pueden, hellblade 2musara unreal engine 5 pero porque esta en desarrollo si un juego sale o esta en desarrollo adelantado no se le puede cambiar el motor ya que salio el juego al mundo o seria hacerlo todo desde el inicio, eso lo debes saber
@minesauriorex aun así juegos como avowed, the outer worlds 2, hellblade 2, gears 6 o futuro proyecto de the Coalition, project mara si sale, etc. Si usan unreal engine 5 excepto avowed si no se si la versión que usa de ue4 tiene rt pero aun así, no es necesario RT.
I feel so jipped. I paid 500 for both the series x and one x. The one x is still somewhat a beast and had years left.
Not with that HDD
@@TempleofShaolin 45 sec more load time so wat
One x has a really bad cpu...not really a beast i'd say
@@xavierwilliams2228 that’s a lot lol
El raytracing delata cuál es la generación pasada.
All of them basically look the same, really the only big difference is the plants
O jogo está com pop in gigante em algumas áreas
PS: faltou um modo 60 FPS e Ray Tracing
Mal otimizado para variar!
Xbox Series S it's a low-budget monster. You get real RT for 300$ on true FullHD... Insanely good
The game makes it easy to switch, and the pacing/fighting is so spread out you can easily explore while in RT mode, and switch to 60 or 120 before each boss fight. That's what I've been doing to take advantage of all the modes
i was only able to switch on the main menu?
@@littlegloom same here but you can always tell right before a boss fight, I just go to main menu to change, jump back in and finish. At least to see what I prefer or what I notice the most
raytracing for 300 euro