If Everything God Makes Is Good, Including Satan, Where Did Evil Come From?

  • Опубліковано 5 вер 2024


  • @Zarasha1
    @Zarasha1 6 років тому +7

    God gives free will. Some will take advantage of that. He doesn't want anyone to be forced to do good and worship him. He wants you to do it from your heart.

    • @kingdomconcepts777
      @kingdomconcepts777 2 роки тому +1

      Really? Do you believe in original sin?

    • @iveacendedboyos1555
      @iveacendedboyos1555 2 роки тому +1

      Adam and Eve had no knowledge of Good before eating the Knowledge of good and evil

    • @Embrachu
      @Embrachu Рік тому +1

      ​@@iveacendedboyos1555 not exactly. Eve, and then Adam, both rebelled _before_ eating of the fruit of the tree. Therefore, "evil"...in other words, selfish desire...originated within our own hearts, and did not originate from within a piece of fruit. In the same way, Lucifer himself ate no fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good/Evil, yet he, too, had selfish desire in his heart.
      So the question then follows, "Did God create this selfish/sinful desire and put it into our hearts?" The answer is, "No." How do we know this?
      James 1: 13-17...
      When tempted, no one should say, "God is tempting me." For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; 14 but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. 15 Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death. 16 Don’t be deceived, my dear brothers and sisters. 17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.
      God is good, but he did not create sin/evil. When we're offered an opportunity to choose, there are consequences which follow every decision. Of course, this process often devolves into the debate of Predestination vs Free Will, and our understanding of both, but that's another discussion.

  • @labronkatz5942
    @labronkatz5942 3 роки тому +3

    At the end of the day we are just to trust in God and not in ourselves.
    Think of it in this way, A man creates a snowman and know's what's best for him,
    the snow.
    but the snowman decides not to listen to man and goes to live in the summer or in the rainy season.
    he melts and dies.
    Same with God. He made us and knows what's best for us.
    He knows what's good for us and what is bad.
    and even when we don't understand why things are the way they are, we trust in him because
    we believe he is a faithful loving God.

  • @vshrum
    @vshrum 4 роки тому +6

    Quick summary. If there was no evil there would be no good because we would not be able to decide between good and evil. If there was no evil we would not be able to differentiate that from good.

    • @iveacendedboyos1555
      @iveacendedboyos1555 2 роки тому

      God created the tree did he not? the fruits of that tree is Good and EEEEEEEEVVVVVVIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLL

  • @constantinvaldor3742
    @constantinvaldor3742 6 років тому +7

    I'm not religious but I respect them answering the hard questions.

  • @prozpeck
    @prozpeck 2 роки тому +8

    The answer is always the same in regards to this question yet, the question is never answered in a way that gives me satisfaction of what is being asked. FREE WILL, The ability to CHOOSE is unanimously the answer on most every occasion. Still though the question isn't answered to my satisfaction or understanding. I say that to say this...God is Love, God made us all good, perfect infact..He makes no mistakes..so in that realm why would he allow us to know or have the ability to even know the opposite? Evil should not exist with our God being the creator of all things. Why create an adversary when you are the most high and why create something that you knowingly knew would turn against you and allow him the ability to turn some of your creation against you as well? Is there a sense of arrogance within this? Or is there a very complicated inconceivable excerpt in the bible that is being misunderstood by most who try to explain? In that case is simply saying " I don't know the answer " the better option rather than the attempt to give an educated guess?

    • @kingdomconcepts777
      @kingdomconcepts777 2 роки тому

      The bible makes little sense. What is the point if everything is going to be good and free of bad? Useless excuse to me

    • @incognito3990
      @incognito3990 2 роки тому

      As an atheist (if you are one), can you explain why evil exists? Out of all the possible worlds that the big bang would have given us, we could’ve had a perfect world in which there was no suffering, no death, no negative emotions with all the good there could be; but we are stuck in a world in which there is suffering, death, negative emotions, and evil. Explain why there is evil, and why there is good. Since this is a problem that you always keep asking to theists, then surely you have an answer.

    • @thewordrappergma7713
      @thewordrappergma7713 2 роки тому +2

      @@incognito3990 Hello Incognito, I believe if an individual is a serious seeker of The Most High they have asked Our Creator that question also. Nevertheless, because they have had a supernatural experience with Him they know He exists and don’t seek to answer that question until confronted with it or through studying the Bible has come across scriptures that allude to The Most High being good and creating evil. The Most High Created the Light Bearer that’s what his real name is in the Hebrew( King James uses Lucifer) a cherubim( a specific type of angel) he was perfect, beautiful, shielded the glory of the Most High, etc. Then it says that iniquity was FOUND in him Ez. 28:15. Iniquity in the Hebrew is perversity, to bend, twist or distort. The question is where did iniquity come from. Since the scriptures state that our Creator is Light and there is no darkness in Him at all. Darkness meaning no evil in all its forms, sin, transgression, iniquity. Darkness also meaning unenlightened mind( no wisdom, knowledge understanding, discernment etc.) Well, there are some scriptures that says Deuteronomy 29:29 Secret things are for the Lord our God and revealed things for us. Another situation in the life of the Messiah on earth is in the passage St.John 6:48-60. The Messiah was speaking symbolically as you will see, telling his followers to eat His flesh and drink His blood. The majority of His followers stopped following Him because of that statement. Even the disciples were confused. But because they had seen such supernatural manifestations, miracles, healings etc. They said, although I don’t understand what you are saying right now, I know BY EXPERIENCE that you are from God. Then later, they understood what He was referring to. For ex. If you were a quantum physicist trying to get a 2 yr. old to understand the depths of that discipline it would be an impossible task indeed. Until that child matured and learn the basics of other disciplines leading up to Quantum Physics then they would be able to grasp that knowledge. In order for our finite minds to understand the infinite supernatural abilities of our Creator He uses the mechanics of the earth. It’s a process. A constant learning and growing spiritually. One scripture states that the invisible things make the visible. Atoms, molecules. We don’t see them but we know that 2H20 makes water. We know that this entire planet is sustained by someone. We know that the way our bodies are constructed, the preciseness, DNA etc was created by someone. Nature itself tells us that there is a Creator. Therefore, although some things I don’t understand and some things are hidden I can study my surroundings and know that there is a Creator. The answer to the question of where evil came from may not be answered in this physical realm or maybe we wouldn’t be able to comprehend it even if He told us but we know deep down within our beings what is right and wrong and something is sustaining this solar system in which we live.

    • @KensCinemaSofa
      @KensCinemaSofa Рік тому +2

      Hello from Tokyo, been a missionary here for 12 years and so while I don't profess to know everything, I have had many conversations with people about this from outside the culturally christian environment (since they have grown up in Buddhism). The thing that I believe best explains it is to look at Lucifer as a created being, a bit higher than us (Hebrews chapter 2 citing Psalms 8:5), but a being nonetheless. Many keep asking "why did God create evil", assuming that Lucifer was made that way. However, if he was, I doubt he'd be given the position of angel, and if you read deeply into Ezekiel 28:13-14, many theologians agree that Ezekiel is comparing the evil king of Tyre to the fall of Satan. In those scriptures, we read that an anointed (specially chosen) cherub was put in charge of Eden, that he was beautiful and specially made (even the precious stones and fittings that covered his body were made for him on the very day he was born v.13). That is a lot of care, prestige, and responsibility imparted to an evil being, but that's because he wasn't evil when he was made. Like all created, sentient beings with a soul and yes, free-will, Lucifer was made just as God desired: perfectly able to perceive the reality around him and use the powers of his will to bring about changes, actions on this world that would result in reactions. Having those parameters are necessary for love, good, nobility to occur, otherwise we would have no idea what those things are if the possibility, even the notion of evil did not exist. They would have no reference point, and therefore no meaning. There are some (not all, chill) that grow up, for instance, filthy rich and feeling entitled. Money has no meaning for them because they've always had it, however one who has never had it and has learned hard lessons of loss, value, and giving may have a totally different worldview and gracious personality if they do suddenly come into an inheritance. I think parents should be the ones most able to grasp this: no serial killer's mom knows that that smiling bundle of joy will turn into a monster, who could? That is the risk of creating a new life in your image and not have them robotically joined to your hip, the existential cutting of the umbilical cord, so to speak. Now, I think the real question bothering us is this: why did God create Satan with the same respect to sentient being as us humans? I believe the answer is this: philosophically, God did not create Satan, He created Lucifer. Lucifer created Satan, with his power of choice. We do the same to our own natures with every choice we make each day. Blessings!

    • @Embrachu
      @Embrachu Рік тому +1

      Evil originates from within our own hearts, just as it did with Lucifer/Satan. See James 1: 13-17.

  • @cz7755
    @cz7755 5 років тому +2

    I’m a Christian, and we may not have answers to these questions, but God does. He loves us, no doubt about it. God bless!

    • @kingdomconcepts777
      @kingdomconcepts777 2 роки тому

      Then your religion is useless. Might as well abandon it lol.

  • @lilacDaisy111
    @lilacDaisy111 6 років тому +59

    5 minutes, and I don't think I got an answer.

    • @mache3984
      @mache3984 6 років тому +4


    • @christhomas5761
      @christhomas5761 6 років тому +1

      He didn`t answer the question regarding where did evil come from.

    • @navinsingh1981
      @navinsingh1981 6 років тому +2

      Yes you are right, no answer for the main question,
      God Created Satan & God will destroy satan soon.
      All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made.(John 1:3)
      Behold, I have created the smith that bloweth the coals in the fire, and that bringeth forth an instrument for his work; and I have created the waster to destroy. ISAIAH 54:16
      5 I am the LORD, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me:
      6 That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the LORD, and there is none else. 7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things. ISAIAH 45:5-7

    • @ericp1139
      @ericp1139 6 років тому +11

      It's because it is impossible for them to answer the question. It contradicts their entire belief system. And so they waste time quoting Scripture and distract you with off-topic truisms and hope that you forget what you were talking about.

    • @gizmo3714
      @gizmo3714 5 років тому +5

      That's how bible people work. They just talk for enough time for you to forget you even asked a question.

  • @stacyshoemaker9177
    @stacyshoemaker9177 3 роки тому +1

    Whole new understanding of God Is Good! Thank you!

  • @MoskusMoskiferus1611
    @MoskusMoskiferus1611 2 роки тому +2

    Evil comes from what is usually Good

  • @divasbraidz
    @divasbraidz 6 років тому +12

    He created evil to show his goodness and he let us fall so we can be redeemed. It’s all about glorifying his son Jesus Christ

    • @remancupido5323
      @remancupido5323 3 роки тому +1

      Why you need to create evil if you are the most powerful????

    • @vthevaccinechanjo8947
      @vthevaccinechanjo8947 3 роки тому

      @@remancupido5323 If someone makes toys and gives them life and explains how he created and maintains everything they can see, then everything he created will obey/worship him....However, that can also be a dictatorial approach seeing if what you created has a will, it means they have to choose, and if you all about goodness, then there has to be a complete opposite... So evil is that choice, and the existence of the two is the proof of both good and evil... Now YOU choose!

    • @kelseykjarsgaard5774
      @kelseykjarsgaard5774 3 роки тому +1

      @@vthevaccinechanjo8947 whoa

    • @challisjones2714
      @challisjones2714 3 роки тому +1

      Sounds like God needed a job to do. He was without purpose because all was perfect. If Everything is made because of god then how can anything else create anything. Sin is a force against God the lack of good. But if someone makes a wallet it will still be a wallet no matter how many times you want to say it's a blender. It just wasn't made for that purpose. If we were made perfect then how was sin even possible. I can tell you. Because God allowed it. Which is just a fancy word for God made sin. To give him a purpose. If Gods all loving then why is satan not eligible for redemption? If he used sin for free will then how were we able to take the fruit before sin happened. The sin was not taking the fruit it was eating it. We still had freewill to do so. If God is a gentleman and doesnt choose anything for us then why is our eternity up to Gods presence. Why do go right back to perfection when he comes back? Do we lose the ability to sin? And with it our ability to have freewill. Because biblically we will be worshipping from heaven and from hell no matter what we want. Just food for thought.

    • @jk5638
      @jk5638 3 роки тому +1

      So in short, He is playing with us!

  • @StandForTruth205
    @StandForTruth205 5 років тому +26

    If God is good and is all powerful, then why does evil exist?
    This is an important question. The vast majority (if not all) of the people I've talked to that deny the existence of God usually do so because of some variation of the problem of evil. And usually it's deeply personal. Many of them have had very difficult experiences in their lives that have led them to their atheistic convictions (sickness, betrayal, loss of loved ones, etc.).
    The heart of this question is commonly referred to as the "problem of evil" and is used as an argument against God. The irony behind this argument is that usually it’s atheists that make this argument against the existence of God. However, the argument itself necessarily assumes that objective evil exists which presupposes objective good which necessitates the existence of God. There would be no objective good and objective evil without God.
    Nonetheless, the problem of evil argument goes something like this:
    1. God’s power means God can prevent any evil, since God is all-powerful.
    2. God’s goodness means that he would prevent any evil.
    3. But there is evil.
    4. So, God cannot exist.
    At first glance it seems this argument has some weight to it. But the problem is, it makes a false assumption. This argument wrongly assumes that there is never a morally sufficient reason for God to allow evil. But we know from Scripture that even though we may not always understand how it works, that God has good purposes in allowing evil to occur in this world.
    For example, in Genesis 50:20 as Joseph reflects upon how his brothers sold him into slavery he says these words, “As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today.” God used evil for good.
    Similarly, Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” God works all things together for the good of those who love him. He sovereignly uses good things and bad things in our lives for our good and for our sanctification.
    God also uses evil (or at least what many would perceive as evil) sometimes to punish the wicked. We see this throughout the Old Testament (i.e. conquest of Canaan). Evil can be used as an act of judgment against the wicked.
    God uses evil sometimes to show his glory in triumphing over it. John 9:1-3 says, “As he passed by, he saw a man blind from birth. And his disciples asked him, ‘Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?’ Jesus answered, ‘It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him.’” So God allowed this man to be born blind that he might show his power through him.
    God has good purposes for evil even when we do not always understand them. God’s ways are above our ways. For any evil that God allows, He has a morally sufficient reason for allowing this evil, even if we do not know what this morally sufficient reason is in some cases (as is the case with Job for example).
    That means that our suffering in this world is not meaningless. Our suffering, no matter how hard or how difficult, has meaning and significance and purpose! In a godless worldview, there is no point to “evil” or suffering. It’s all random and absolutely meaningless. If your life is hard then it’s just hard and that’s it. You've simply been dealt a bad hand and just have to deal with it. There is no hope in the midst of suffering in a godless worldview. But as Christians we truly have hope in suffering. It’s much easier for me to believe that God allows evil to happen according to his good purposes then it is for me to believe that bad things happen for no reason at all and that evil will go unpunished. There is purpose to our suffering! One day every wrong will be made right. That inner desire we have for ultimate justice in the midst of tragedy and suffering will be satisfied because God’s justice will one day prevail over all. The sense of injustice that you feel when you observe or experience evil is all the more reason to believe in a God who will right everyone wrong than it is to conclude that life is meaningless and bad things happen and that's it.
    We see God using evil for good most clearly in the gospel itself. If we didn’t know what evil was then we wouldn’t know how glorious the gospel is. The concepts of sacrifice and courage and heroism would not exist in a world without evil. But God used the greatest evil ever imaginable, the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, to bring about the greatest good. Through the death of the sinless Jesus Christ, he purchased our forgiveness and our salvation. And so if someone is having a problem reconciling why God might be allowing a certain evil to happen, I would encourage them to consider the gospel. Consider how God used the greatest evil to bring about the greatest good. That means he can sovereignly use your suffering for good as well. There is hope.

    • @TheTokoUate
      @TheTokoUate 4 роки тому

      It also says in the Bible that the Lord knew no sin, so when you think about it God can’t have created sin and it was formed in the darkness. Also since the physical realm has rules to the universe with time space and matter having to co exist and everything wouldn’t there also be rules to the spiritual realm mainly rules of God because even the devil has to have permission to do something in the spiritual realm by God. It’s really a deep topic

    • @lilys_webb5018
      @lilys_webb5018 4 роки тому +6

      the purpose of the evil to me is rather irrelevant. this theodicy justifies evil rather than disputing it. if God is claimed to be good and everything he does is good, and evil exists, even at all, that cancels each other out. And i’m sure many people can tell you stories of time when evil was just evil, no good outcome. The idea that all suffering exists just to train you as a person and become good later on also kind of negates Heaven. isn’t heaven a painless world? but without pain is life meaningless?
      I’ve thought a lot about this but it’s truly a dilema. if you separate god and evil, you are saying there is something He did not create, therefore He isn’t omniscient. But if you pair them together, you are saying a good God created evil therefore he is not a good God.

    • @gaygyazo4554
      @gaygyazo4554 3 роки тому +4

      @@lilys_webb5018 God is good, absence of God is evil. God created beings with choice, we can choose to not be with God. Absence of God=Evil. We can choice evil. Why can we choice evil? If we had no choice then we would be robots not humans. In order to love someone you have to choice it is not forced, if we could not choice then we could not love.

    • @Staremperor
      @Staremperor 3 роки тому +4

      @@gaygyazo4554 Tsunami killed hundreds of people, injured thousands and tens of thousands people lost their homes.
      This is not a choice of a free man, this is suffering.

    • @gaygyazo4554
      @gaygyazo4554 3 роки тому +2

      @@Staremperor Natural disaters are a result of man choosing Sin, Man lived in the garden of Eden where there was no such things then we chose evil over God so then natural disaters entered into the world. So it was because of Man natural disasters came about.

  • @marshimaroo
    @marshimaroo 6 років тому +5

    If God is infallible than this argument is redundant. Lucifer is an agent of God and is doing his work. God's favorite angel was tasked with presenting humans with sin/ temptation and the option not to follow God. He is not the antagonist to God, Lucifer is the dutiful agent of God doing the most difficult of tasks. Lucifer should not be revered for his position but respected for his loyalty and servitude to God. This is entirely and merely my humble opinion.

    • @White-Devil666
      @White-Devil666 5 років тому

      That is the most interesting point of view i ever read! Thanks a lot! Btw you can google Joy of Satan if you wanna see another interesting point of view :)

    • @ladyt3927
      @ladyt3927 5 років тому +3

      Respected your opinion thanks, but if his doing his task then why will he be thrown into lack of fire himself with all the others who obeyed him..? Thats biblical too

    • @edensgarden3009
      @edensgarden3009 5 років тому +1

      You sound like a sociopath.

    • @valdirmassiala606
      @valdirmassiala606 5 років тому

      @@ladyt3927 most humans have the same fate according to the scriptures. He will be locked up and will be released again to tempt men. That sounds like an agent in on a mission ;)

    • @coreykirby1632
      @coreykirby1632 4 роки тому

      Umm no he rebelled against god and got kicked out became corrupt then did that idk where you got that from

  • @trayahzz537
    @trayahzz537 7 років тому +10

    I have soo man questions and ive been told that I ask too many.

    • @Xtreme0x00
      @Xtreme0x00 7 років тому +3

      Ask away brother. Here to answer.

    • @anthonylang3283
      @anthonylang3283 7 років тому

      can you explain samuel 15.3?

    • @Xtreme0x00
      @Xtreme0x00 7 років тому +1

      I will answer this to the best of my understanding. People of wonder why would a good and loving God do such a thing. My short answer to this is that God is good. There is evil in this world. How can this be since God is all powerful, all knowing, and fully good? It just doesn't make sense. The whole free will defense while valid in many ways still does not put this mystery to rest. Actually it just adds a ton more of questions. See how this is not turning out to be short. Huge question. Anyway, It in many ways comes down to faith. Why would God allow the existence of evil and not prevent it all together. Ultimately I must say that it is one that we are not equipped to answer. God knows so much more than we know. The gap of knowledge is infinite. Since there is evil in existence there must be a good reason for it since God is good. I cannot even begin to explain every single case of evil in this world and why God allows it. It simply takes faith in God over yourself. Address this question with pride you will always fail in it. The moment I realized that morally I and the entire human race fail, It started making a lot of sense to me why a lot of things in this world don't make sense. Either way you are left with faith in this issue. Is God a good God with a good reason for allowing evil or is God an evil God that allows good just to screw with us cause he has nothing better to do? Well I don't need faith to know that by the Bibles standards I am evil. So being evil now how can I even hope to fully understand what is Good especially if that Goodness is God who is infinitely above me. It just makes more sense to me for this reason and many more I don't have space for. Now to directly answer your question. I needed you to understand that above first to say. God is Good. There is evil. Why not get rid of it all. Ultimately asking this question is like saying if God were really good since things are this bad He should just destroy everything. Which he kind of did with Noah and the flood and will again one day when he returns. When we think about "Our moral code" hold no room for forgiveness because that contradicts justice. So complicated an issue. The question to ask is why save anyone? Why not just destroy us all right now? God knows what He's doing. We should just trust him.

    • @Xtreme0x00
      @Xtreme0x00 7 років тому

      I will answer this to the best of my understanding. People of wonder why would a good and loving God do such a thing. My short answer to this is that God is good. There is evil in this world. How can this be since God is all powerful, all knowing, and fully good? It just doesn't make sense. The whole free will defense while valid in many ways still does not put this mystery to rest. Actually it just adds a ton more of questions. See how this is not turning out to be short. Huge question. Anyway, It in many ways comes down to faith. Why would God allow the existence of evil and not prevent it all together. Ultimately I must say that it is one that we are not equipped to answer. God knows so much more than we know. The gap of knowledge is infinite. Since there is evil in existence there must be a good reason for it since God is good. I cannot even begin to explain every single case of evil in this world and why God allows it. It simply takes faith in God over yourself. Address this question with pride you will always fail in it. The moment I realized that morally I and the entire human race fail, It started making a lot of sense to me why a lot of things in this world don't make sense. Either way you are left with faith in this issue. Is God a good God with a good reason for allowing evil or is God an evil God that allows good just to screw with us cause he has nothing better to do? Well I don't need faith to know that by the Bibles standards I am evil. So being evil now how can I even hope to fully understand what is Good especially if that Goodness is God who is infinitely above me. It just makes more sense to me for this reason and many more I don't have space for. Now to directly answer your question. I needed you to understand that above first to say. God is Good. There is evil. Why not get rid of it all. Ultimately asking this question is like saying if God were really good since things are this bad He should just destroy everything. Which he kind of did with Noah and the flood and will again one day when he returns. When we think about "Our moral code" hold no room for forgiveness because that contradicts justice. So complicated an issue. The question to ask is why save anyone? Why not just destroy us all right now? God knows what He's doing. We should just trust him.

    • @anthonylang3283
      @anthonylang3283 7 років тому

      we can talk our-self into believing and justifying just about any thing but without facts logic and science they dont hold up and these are the very things the creator ,the universe,big bang etc created why would he contradict theses things then punish you for the contradiction or man knew you where afraid of death and used that to control the masses

  • @mtnfreestyle1899
    @mtnfreestyle1899 3 роки тому +2

    Creating sin and creating the opportunity for a person to sin are 2 separate entities

    • @iveacendedboyos1555
      @iveacendedboyos1555 2 роки тому

      Only through the knowledge of evil can a sentient being create evil

  • @ceceliabarriere7068
    @ceceliabarriere7068 10 років тому +3

    This is a great explanation of angels as well as evil.

    • @realtruthrealquick
      @realtruthrealquick  10 років тому

      Cecelia Barriere Thanks, we're glad you found it helpful! Be sure to subscribe on iTunes/ UA-cam to stay connected. We release a new episode every week!

  • @TheNoNonsenseNinja
    @TheNoNonsenseNinja 6 років тому +16

    Isaiah 45:7
    “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.”

    • @FirstnameLastname-yk2js
      @FirstnameLastname-yk2js 5 років тому

      Holy crap... why isn’t this taught in my church!!

    • @haleighmassey8294
      @haleighmassey8294 5 років тому

      @@Rahulrahul-cn5nk actually it is "I form the light, and create darkness: i make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things"

    • @vladgonzaleza8774
      @vladgonzaleza8774 3 роки тому +4

      This was taken out of context

    • @labronkatz5942
      @labronkatz5942 3 роки тому +3

      @@vladgonzaleza8774 Yep for real. in hindsight all we need to do is trust in God's wisdom and not in our own, like in the story of Job.

    • @ZVQsnipes2
      @ZVQsnipes2 3 роки тому +1

      Even if god is real this is exactly why I don't believe. What kind of sick fuck does that?

  • @dannyvalastro2638
    @dannyvalastro2638 8 років тому +2

    We are all powerless to protect ourselves from whats been done to us why dont god tell us the truth why does he leave us in this pain and suffering i love life not if anybody on the face of this has to burn forever in torment for iit just for being born

  • @samuelzhao2540
    @samuelzhao2540 5 років тому +3

    I think he is only focusing on God is good, not explaining where did evil come from.

    • @beatricemaina742
      @beatricemaina742 2 роки тому

      Evil was created by man when he came into agreement with Satan. Period

    • @kingdomconcepts777
      @kingdomconcepts777 2 роки тому

      @@beatricemaina742 Nope. Isaiah 45:7.

  • @tbowen12
    @tbowen12 6 років тому +1

    One of my favorite real truth real quick

  • @Embrachu
    @Embrachu Рік тому +1

    Eve, and then Adam, both rebelled _before_ eating of the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good/Evil. Therefore, "evil"...in other words, selfish, rebellious, disobedient desire...originated within our own hearts, and did not come from within a piece of fruit. In the same way, Lucifer himself ate no fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good/Evil, yet he, too, had selfish desire in his heart.
    So the question then follows, "Did God create this selfish/sinful desire and put it into our hearts?" The answer is, "No." How do we know this?
    James 1: 13-17...
    When tempted, no one should say, "God is tempting me." For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; 14 but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. 15 Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death. 16 Don’t be deceived, my dear brothers and sisters. 17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.
    God is good, but he did not create sin/evil. When we're offered an opportunity to choose, there are consequences which follow every decision. Of course, this process often devolves into the debate of Predestination vs Free Will, and our understanding of both, but that's another discussion.

  • @mebsteve47
    @mebsteve47 2 роки тому +1

    One mistake I used to make is assuming Good meant perfect. God is perfect but everything He makes is Good. (Not perfect) Only He is perfect and we are very good images and likenesses of Him who is The Perfect One. Lucifer reflected the beauty of God. (Beautiful is translated as good in Hebrew Old Testament )
    Another mistake I made was thinking God could do anything. He cannot sin and he cannot make himself. Because by definition it wouldn’t be him. He is perfect but all things are made in His likeness and image. When they reflect Him as He is they give others a “Good” picture or image of God.
    All things and animals are made to reflect God outwardly. We were created to reflect God inside and out. To accomplish our completion, yes our perfection God sent Jesus to bring His Spirit Alive in us. Finishing His Creation, yes making us perfect in Christ alone.
    Lucifer was the Angel that was closest to God. He spread His wings above God and reflected God’s beauty. Lucifer has no beauty of His own. Nothing nor no one has their own beauty or goodness.
    Anything Beautiful or Good that exists is a reflection of God’s beauty and goodness.
    Lucifer thought it was His beauty, his goodness and fell when Pride in himself came to life in him.
    God gave him life and beauty and goodness but he stole from God, he lied about his beauty, he envied God. All came from Pride in what God gave him leaving out God who gave it.
    God didn’t create evil. Lucifer did. God used it against him when God created man. He revealed His most beautiful Part of Himself, His Perfect Son.

    • @thewordrappergma7713
      @thewordrappergma7713 2 роки тому

      Thank you for that answer, PROFOUND! That’s a question. Did the Most High give the angelic beings creative abilities. We create from the resources that he has provided. In the spirit realm maybe things of the heart ( thoughts) can be created. I thought that the darkness manifested in the absence of light just as light light dispels darkness. Once the Light bearer began thinking perversely that in itself causes the absence of YAH. Shalom

  • @abigailvincent4909
    @abigailvincent4909 2 роки тому

    When I almost stopped believing in God because I felt there was too much unnecessary pain, I heard these words; sometimes you may not understand the ways of God your creator but you can always trust his wisdom. It has been an anchor for me

  • @kennethyoung7564
    @kennethyoung7564 2 роки тому +1

    The scriptures teach that in the beginning he was perfect in all his ways. I believe it's Zachariah, but fell due to his exceedingly great beauty. Scriptures also state he was a liar from the beginning. I believe this is being relative to our understanding of beginning. At one point Satan, when he was Lucifer was good, but he fell and became Satan. But he was once a bearer of light.

    @JAZZLlFE Рік тому +2

    God placed within his creations the option of choice. Lucifer is the creator of evil by acting upon his option. Evil is the absence of God by default.

    • @unanimous-es4sn
      @unanimous-es4sn Рік тому

      Where did satan's evil desire came from when everything is perfect in creation?The first sin is happening in heaven,where did sin came from?.

    • @JAZZLlFE
      @JAZZLlFE Рік тому

      @@unanimous-es4sn God gives all creation free will including angels. Free will is choice. Without choice we are nothing more than slaves to God. God wants us to love him because we choose to...and that included Lucifer a once brilliant, trusted angel who chose to reject God and that rejection in and of itself is the definition of evil. Read Ezekiel 28: 13-18. Isaiah 14: 12-15. James 1: 13-15

    • @unanimous-es4sn
      @unanimous-es4sn Рік тому

      @@JAZZLlFE Do we have actually a free will because if we do against the law of God or command its a mistake and you will be punish.For example when you were a child before in your house/family your father is the ruler and he have laws and rules in your family that if you don't obey or miss you will be punish,do you think you have a free will then because he will punish you when you break his rules?or what better to say that if we made decesions to ourself even if it contradict or break his rules he will respect and not punish us that's a good sight of free will for me.We don't have a free will actually because He will judge us for eternity when we disobey Him and we cannot live a life that we want(not necessarily a wicked life) because we must submmit to Him.(like a slaves)

  • @theone1535
    @theone1535 5 років тому +1

    God determines what is evil and what is good even if it's evil or good in our eyes there is no point in defending God
    Because he doesn't need it or care for it.

  • @joeboxter3635
    @joeboxter3635 Рік тому

    Even if everything God makes is good, it doesn't mean everything stays good.

  • @trueunblack777christislord7
    @trueunblack777christislord7 6 років тому +8

    As God create evil he can surely exterminate it.

    • @Josepadillamondragon116
      @Josepadillamondragon116 5 років тому

      Why do you think demon fear

    • @aaronsteele8301
      @aaronsteele8301 5 років тому +4

      God Formed Light. (Out of Goodness) and created darkness. For contrast so the light has something to shine against. God makes peace. And creates evil ( to war against himself. The Lord indeed does all things. You are reaching to ignore the fact your goes created evil. For if he did not. What else created it? Are there two Gods one for God and one for evil? No. I will never recognize an evil god or Satan as God or even an equivalent force. He is a rival force but God is much stronger. God is Good. Good was God before the universe. Everything Good is God. The good spirit within things on earth the breath and holy spirit of the creator. Ascending and descending from heaven. Good is what makes u one with the creator. Evil. Is what separates u. Now u see how God. IS GOOD ITSELF. Is life itself. And created evil. And death. As both a punishment. And to God wants to see if u had the choice to do wrong would u. God is not evil. For creating evil. He created it to be at war with him. So that he may bring peace. Simply to show his might. Such is the will of God. God will absolutely return evil to you with wrath and punishment when u know. And choose disbelief or when u do wrong. However the evil and corruption is your own doing
      It's like the dominoes commercial where the guy throws the friebee his friend catches it and then he accidentally throws the pizza instead of the frisbee. Yes. God through the frisbee. But the confusion. Is ultimately the man with the pizzas fault. God will give u what u deserve or forgive u. At his own discretion. So God will return evil. To those who do evil against the people of God. It's karma. U did the evil first. God just threw it back at u. He didn't do anything. But return to u. Your deeds. The one who does the evil especially to those who don't deserve it and is the spirit of corruption and psychotic nature on earth is Satan absolutely. Satan anwsers to God. God knew Satan could betray him. Inevitably due to the nature of what Satan is. He's jealous childish. Arrogant rude. I'll willed and self serving. He is the teacher of the world. He teaches u through media and music. He is wicked and gunning. Enjoys seeing u in pain. And for that matter any person that self absorbed is satanitic. Know who your enemy is. God said he created evil. To give you a choice. Like Adam and Eve. Don't argue with scripture to apologise for God's words he doesn't need your apology.

    • @Jambuc829
      @Jambuc829 4 роки тому

      Aaron Steele You don’t create darkness once the star is shinning on earth the darkness is just the damn shadow 🤦🏽‍♂️

    • @aaronsteele8301
      @aaronsteele8301 4 роки тому

      You're dumb as shit dickhead darkness is physical matter called dark matter it's the heaviest thing in the universe

    • @eurikaeurika6260
      @eurikaeurika6260 4 роки тому

      @@aaronsteele8301 excellent explaination. This time, i just realize that this is the importance of our logic subject in college.

  • @chrisjones3972
    @chrisjones3972 6 років тому +1

    the first thing God wanted us to know about him is that he is a creator

  • @sloopy5191
    @sloopy5191 3 роки тому +1

    Easy answer: Isa 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

    • @wakingrose1956
      @wakingrose1956 2 роки тому

      This scripture had caused me trouble also.

    • @kingdomconcepts777
      @kingdomconcepts777 2 роки тому

      @@wakingrose1956 Same. That’s why it’s not worth reading anymore. It’s mind control.

    • @kingdomconcepts777
      @kingdomconcepts777 2 роки тому

      That means lord is evil…

    • @iveacendedboyos1555
      @iveacendedboyos1555 2 роки тому

      @@wakingrose1956 That is why God made the Knowledge of Good and Evil because God alone has that right and by putting the tree in the garden he made man choose between serving him or turning yourselves into gods

  • @christhomas5761
    @christhomas5761 6 років тому +1

    This pastor did not explain where evil came from. I do understand about the fall of man regarding Adam and Eve and that evil was already present because of Satan having rebelled against God and was cast out of heaven so he was able to tempt them and yes they yielded and fell ... However when Satan was still `Lucifer` in heaven , how could sin have entered him or heaven ? Nothing evil was there to tempt him and I don`t understand how sin or anything evil got into heaven . I don`t see how sin entered the mind of Lucifer .
    Will people that make it to heaven still have the free will to leave God ? Also, after Lucifer was cast out of heaven, how and why did he obtain the kind of power he has ? I know he was the highest angel there but he was still just a created being .
    I don`t think we as humans have the answers to much of this.

    • @judah7608
      @judah7608 3 роки тому

      Ok so I totally get what you saying I think we haven’t Examine the nature of God it’s really not what we been told in church God has issues also it’s pretty evident I think evil and good can’t exist without the other God knows this also

  • @jvlp2046
    @jvlp2046 Рік тому +1

    Analogy/Metaphor... the TREE OF KNOWLEDGE is like a DICTIONARY of all the Words with corresponding meanings both good and bad...

    Q?... Is the creation of Dictionary Evil/Bad?... Definitely NOT... but someone, opened the book and found much Knowledge of WORDS (plural) and studied all the Words both Good and Bad meanings... He found the knowledge of the word EVIL with corresponding meaning as well as the word GOOD... But he was fascinated with all the knowledge words of EVIL with their corresponding meaning, such as the words JEALOUSY, SLOTH, WRATH, GLUTTONY, VANITY, REBEL, MURDER, etc...
    At some point in time, he was fascinated with the word VANITY which he now knew the meaning of, and because the word VANITY matches his Beauty, Splendor, and Power over other created Celestial beings, that consumed his Spiritual Heart, and Mind of all other Evil thoughts of Knowledge he learned combined, it did not take an overnight REBEL, but it took some time before that IDEA or PLAN grew up, perhaps thousands of years before Mankind was created on the 6th day... Take note, 1 day to God is like a thousand years in Mankind's TIME... In Heaven the TIME is different... Remember the creation of Celestial beings was on the 1st day, when God said, "Let there be LIGHT"... and the LIGHT came, including the Celestial Being and the former LUCIFER which means LIGHT BEARER or MORNING STAR... He is the BRIGHTEST of All Celestial beings created by God...
    The same analogy, the TREE OF KNOWLEDGE is not only like a LIVING DICTIONARY but more than just a KNOWLEDGE... why?... if you eat the FRUIT, your IMMORTALITY DIES... the TREE OF KNOWLEDGE is not a LITERAL Tree as we see in the real world... This TREE OF KNOWLEDGE, where the FRUITS clinging to the branches/vines of the Tree are all WORDS with corresponding meaning.... so Adam/Eve saw some useful and harmful WORDS with their respective meaning, one of which is MISTRUST/DISTRUST... then at the end, both ate the WORDS/FRUIT of the Knowledge, and their flesh slowly died, Adam died at the age of more or less 930 years old...
    The Book of Genesis especially the part of the 6th Day of Creation by God and on the 7th God rested is full of Metaphorical Events like in the Book of Revelation... that can not be taken as ALL LITERAL... for if God will not use to explain that way, we humans can not understand and comprehend how HIGH is the knowledge of God...
    It is like when a child asks where BABIES came from, will the adults/parents say, and give full detail of Female Sexual Organs to the child?... Definitely not... the same analogy... Amen...

  • @asmrcritique6565
    @asmrcritique6565 Рік тому

    Evil is disobedience. The angels disobey the Lord by "creating man in their image."
    There was not a tree of good and evil, but only a tree of good. The Lord said "it is evil to eat... (of the tree of good).

  • @sinoda8793
    @sinoda8793 2 роки тому +2

    God shouldve made the bible plain, simple and clear!
    You have 1 god 1 bible but so many different interpretations!
    God is so perfect, all mighty powerful, all knowing
    If this kind of god will author a bible there will be no flawssss in it
    It will be sooo damn clear that it cant create atheists

    • @MyeshaQueen2023
      @MyeshaQueen2023 2 роки тому

      God is not the author there are 40 human authors whom were all led by the spirit of God to write in their own words. Just as I am explaining to you to the best of my ability in my own words. But it makes perfect sense, no?That's why ppl assume there are contradictions. He gives us free will and that means we have our own minds and the way we speak. So each book is written by different ppl that have their own personalities with different tones and ways of speaking.

  • @miltaz5523
    @miltaz5523 8 років тому +1

    why we can't choose to live or not to live? why He keep on giving life when too many people have died, or dying from bad fate, from misjudgment, poverty and cruelty

  • @ndjarnag
    @ndjarnag 3 роки тому +1

    So sin was present in world before adam and eve. Yet death did not exist. So why did adam's sin cause death? Also, satan had free will yet there was no pain and suffering. So why does god need pain and suffering to begin with? This makes no sense.

  • @ef702
    @ef702 6 років тому +1

    After following an organized religion for over 50 years I am convinced that nobody knows anything. Basically this man an everybody gives an educated guess and opinion.

  • @nathanrobinson402
    @nathanrobinson402 7 років тому +1

    p.s. good wouldn't destroy satan/evil but wouldn't hesitate to destroy man for his disobedience. make that make sense

  • @bigbusiness3000
    @bigbusiness3000 Рік тому

    Isaiah 45:7
    King James Version
    7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.

  • @EddwardTam
    @EddwardTam 4 роки тому +6

    Our Father,
    who art in heaven,
    hallowed be thy name;
    thy kingdom come;
    thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
    Give us this day our daily bread;
    and forgive us our trespasses
    as we forgive those who trespass against us;
    and lead us not into temptation,
    but deliver us from evil or the evil one (Satan)
    For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever amen.

  • @mtnfreestyle1899
    @mtnfreestyle1899 3 роки тому

    There had to be a plain of existence for evil to be, and that existence cannot be created on its own.

  • @raymondhoopai2917
    @raymondhoopai2917 5 років тому +3

    At 1:54 he says the Seraphim has two wings to minister to him (GOD). Why in the world would God need the angels that he created to minister to him when he is God. Shouldn't it be the other way around. And he also says the Seraphim has two wings to cover their feet when it says in the screen the last two wings is to fly. What is typed out on the screen doesn't match up to what he is saying. This is either false teaching or a cover up of the truth.

    • @Sapientiaa
      @Sapientiaa 3 роки тому +1

      The depictions of the cherubim are purely symbolic; they are used to describe their power and position. These are unfathomable forces, but we tend to anthropomorphize them. Beings that we can’t comprehend. We have no reason to believe that all of creation is 3 dimensional like us. These beings could be of higher dimensions. Try to imagine an actual tesseract. You’ll come to find out that you can’t.

  • @theblackhole05
    @theblackhole05 2 роки тому

    Very loaded title and question

  • @DavidOblivion
    @DavidOblivion 6 років тому +5

    Everything God created is good. What people don't seem to understand is that it all has the free will to CHOOSE to be either good or evil. He may have been good in the beginning but he definitely isn't now. Hence he also created evil. It all has a purpose. After all, who are WE to question God? What has anyone done to so boldly ask God about his actions? None of us are worthy. Simply accept the grace of God and trust that he has a righteous purpose for us all.

    • @timothyduffy7980
      @timothyduffy7980 6 років тому +2

      David Oblivion god made Satan and evil and so everything is gods fault especially if he knew what would happen if he did that. Now I know god can do whatever he wants. But he cannot say with accuracy that he is of the forces of good as it is evil to create evil.

    • @michaelgray1803
      @michaelgray1803 5 років тому


    • @yamchathewolf7714
      @yamchathewolf7714 3 роки тому

      While saying we have "free will" might be hinting towards a possible explanation, it doesn't really explain the root of this issue. What determines the course our individual free wills choose to take? Our God given nature/heart? If so did not God create us with different natures and unequal tendencies/capacities to do good and evil? How is this free or just? If God didn't determine the essence of our individual nature, what did?

  • @raymondhoopai2917
    @raymondhoopai2917 5 років тому +1

    I think he I figured it out. He says two to cover his feet as a sign of submission. But the screen also says two wings to fly which he didn't mention which was typed in the screen. Either the 1/3 of the angels who rebeled against God either chose to not minister or the chose to fly away and did their own thing when they should of stayed in Heaven in the presence of God. In Genesis it talks about The Sons of God (Angels) who left their habitat because they listed after the women if the earth so they came to earth and took them as wives and bore children. Which apparently created a hybrid mix (Nephilim) Half angel half human breed. That's why God flooded the earth because the so called Giants in mentioned in the Bible (half breeds) taught men witchcraft and war etc....

  • @JoshuaPaulKing
    @JoshuaPaulKing 5 років тому

    God created beings with free will. When we choose not to worship God, we bring evil into the world. Satan first, the Adam and Eve. Free will is not evil.

    • @valdirmassiala606
      @valdirmassiala606 5 років тому

      That's the problem my man. It doesn't make sense!

  • @InfoArtistJKatTheGoodInfoCafe
    @InfoArtistJKatTheGoodInfoCafe 3 роки тому

    I understand the Bible teaches that God allows evil because He is love. And love never forces. We are not robots. God is sovereign AND we have free will to accept or reject Him. Peace

  • @gaygyazo4554
    @gaygyazo4554 3 роки тому

    Well he did answer it for the people who keep saying he didn't, God created beings who are capable of choice and with choice, evil can come into play. If we were created with no choice then we would be robots not humans.

  • @tiffanyharness8960
    @tiffanyharness8960 5 років тому +1

    You are not answering the freaking question!...if God created Lucifer, Satan..Then why did he form evil from (Perfection)?

    • @Rahulrahul-cn5nk
      @Rahulrahul-cn5nk 5 років тому

      Lets put it this way...Do you agree that god didnt had a beginning? Like that an evil spirit also exist along with the holy spirit ..So no one created god and no one created evil spirit....only god has the power to make creation and the power of evilspirit is only to deceive..Then that makes god the creator of everythings right??

  • @brown_recidivist
    @brown_recidivist 2 роки тому

    I thoroughly enjoy your channel, short and to the point lol

  • @joyjosh1
    @joyjosh1 5 років тому +2

    At the 4:00 mark, he unknowingly is saying God has the ability to choose evil.

    • @fewblack1572
      @fewblack1572 3 роки тому +1

      he doesnt have that ability..just like he doesnt have the ability not to be God

    • @iveacendedboyos1555
      @iveacendedboyos1555 2 роки тому

      God doing the flood is knowledge of EVIL but since hes God he gets to do all those things

  • @jvlp2046
    @jvlp2046 Рік тому +1

    The Bible attested, that Almighty God created ALL to be GOOD, visible, and invisible... God never created an ENTITY of EVIL (as a noun) but created the TREE OF KNOWLEDGE between GOOD and EVIL (both used as an ADJECTIVE and not as a noun)... VANITY is Knowledge, Understanding, Comprehension, Consciousness, and Awareness... Just like SLOTH, LUST, GLUTTONY, GREED, JEALOUSY, ENVY, etc...
    The First SIN was the ACT of REBELLION of the Highest Celestial/Angelic Beings from God... caused by the knowledge of VANITY (Excessive Self-Pride).
    The 2nd SIN was the ACT of DISOBEDIENCE of Adam/Eve from God's command... when Mankind lost their IMMORTALITY... caused by the Knowledge of MISTRUST (Disbelief)'
    The 3rd SIN was the ACT of MURDER of Cain to his younger brother Abel... caused by the Knowledge of JEALOUSY/ENVY.
    And so on...

  • @Bricklinsv1970
    @Bricklinsv1970 8 років тому +1

    Evil came from pain. It didn't come from anyone or anything. It came from the misery of pain.

    • @mitchzagiah8146
      @mitchzagiah8146 2 роки тому

      Where did pain come from....who created it?

    • @Bricklinsv1970
      @Bricklinsv1970 2 роки тому

      @@mitchzagiah8146 The Fluke unknown happening created it.

  • @dannyvalastro2974
    @dannyvalastro2974 4 роки тому +1

    If God knows everything you will do and choose we have no free will period that what the bible says jesus said too Peter before the cock crows three times you will deny me and Peter did what jesus told him he would do there was no choice how can we be responsible for what happened in the garden how can we be guilty of sin when God already knew we would do it there was no choice

  • @loonylinn8824
    @loonylinn8824 6 років тому +2

    How do you know that Lucifer/Satan did say that? did you witnessed it? we don’t exist at that time yet. all what is written in the Bible are all sweet flowery stories about God. We really don’t know what really did happen to them at that time we don’t exist at that time yet. Remember he made the good and the evil. what makes man fall is that we have God given instincts of desire and impulse that we don’t know how to control. that makes us human

    • @White-Devil666
      @White-Devil666 5 років тому

      I agree with you. I think this pov was written on a strange site Joy of satan. Interesting though. You can google it :)

  • @ArcHNemesis192
    @ArcHNemesis192 3 роки тому

    When there is good there will be evil where there is positivity there is negativity too . it is rules of nature where god can't do anything too

    • @chevys.designs
      @chevys.designs 3 роки тому

      He can because he created the laws of nature. As to why, we do not know. The Bible though, also says that a lot of God's intentions will remain a mystery.

  • @NkemOnyeka12
    @NkemOnyeka12 6 років тому +1

    Ok, so here we go. To say that Yahuwah created ALL things, and then turn around and say He didn't create evil is the same as calling Him s liar. He would not really be the Creator of EVERYTHING if evil showed up all on its own out if nowhere, and invaded HIS creation. That would mean that evil is stronger than He is and that He is not actually in control. So here is the scripture to help clear that up. Isaiah 45:8 "I form the light, and create darkness, I make peace, and create evil: I Yahuwah Elohim do ALL these things." I think we have a different idea of what perfect means. Abraham was told by Yahuwah to walk before Him and be perfect. According to our thinking that would be impossible. Apparently what Yahuwah thinks is perfect is not the same as what we think. " For my thoughts are not your thoughts saith Yahuwah, neither are my ways your ways." Yahuwah did not create satan, He created Lucifer and Lucifer....chose evil. He served at The Throne, he learned what everything was at The Throne. He CHOSE evil. Angels obviously have choice as well. You were right when you said you can't have love without choice. Lucifer chose not to obey Yahuwah and that is evil. Choosing what Yahuwah says NOT to choose...is evil. We can't blame Yahuwah for Lucifer's wrong choice, just like we can't blame Him for ours. It's exactly the same.

    • @yamchathewolf7714
      @yamchathewolf7714 3 роки тому

      So why did the all loving God create all the pedophiles who torture, rape and murder children?

  • @TheKingOfSayins
    @TheKingOfSayins 6 років тому +3

    God Says in the bible Old Testament that he creates evil light darkness and does them to man

    • @iveacendedboyos1555
      @iveacendedboyos1555 2 роки тому

      John 8:44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. is this ?

  • @doubledimples5260
    @doubledimples5260 2 роки тому

    The truth is that since God created everything, and everything he created is good, we can deduce that evil too is good since God created evil . In order to call something or someone evil, you have to judge it which Jesus told us we shouldn't do. Which is why the bible says only God CAN judge us. Also, God has already judged everything he created when he said he looked and saw that everything he created was not only good but it was very good. The bible says that God doesn't change so if God already judged his creation as very good, then that judgement will not change. In fact, the only thing that God says is not good is for man to be alone. So if you judge something as evil, you are judging which Christ says you shouldn't do, and you're directly opposing God's judgement on everything he created when he said it was very good. God's purpose for man was to be fruitful and multiply, God didn't indicate the direction we should multiply. Even if you did believe evil was "bad", I would ask why do people assume that evil could never further God's purpose for man.

  • @jvlp2046
    @jvlp2046 Рік тому +1

    Let us analyze... Former LUCIFER was "Crafted (Signet/Sign) of PERFECTION"... Analogy... The Bible attested that, in the Eyes of God, Abraham is a "PERFECT Man," but still, God had to TEST his Faith by asking his only son Isaac to be offered to HIM (God)... Abraham could have walked away, and not done what God wants for he has the gift of FREEWILL also, but instead, he does what God wants... fortunately, God stops it when Abraham almost struck his son with his knife, knowing the PURE FAITH of his heart... the same analogy... Satan, in the beginning, was Crafted of Perfection, but with his own FREEWILL, he chooses the Knowledge of "EVIL thoughts/thinking" than Good from the Tree of Knowledge, which consumes his spiritual heart/mind, and as time goes by (perhaps, thousands of years), his PURE LOVE declined towards His CREATOR and replaced by his (Satan) Rebellion...
    Conclusion: PERFECTION does not mean PUREST... Christ Jesus is a "PERFECT God/Man"... Christ had pleaded/begged to his Father (God), "let this CUP (sufferings) pass from me, but not my will but yours be done." Christ could have just walked away and not suffered, for Christ has also a FREEWILL like Humans & Angels... but Christ showed His PUREST Love for His own Father (God), that Christ took FREELY from His Heart/Mind our (mankind's) Sins to suffer and died for us on the cross...
    In reality, if NOT for the PUREST LOVE of Christ Jesus towards His Father (God), the WORD (LOGOS) who is "Safely in the Bosom of God in Heaven" would NOT have come to this world and become man to suffer and die by taking mankind's SIN... Facts and Truth, Biblically speaking... Glory, Praise, and Thanks be to God, in Christ Jesus' name... Amen.

  • @heiskingofkingsandlordoflo681
    @heiskingofkingsandlordoflo681 3 роки тому

    There are questions only God can answer.

    • @kingdomconcepts777
      @kingdomconcepts777 2 роки тому

      Cop out. How convenient…Another excuse humans make. In other words, it’s bs lol.

  • @Demetrenos
    @Demetrenos 4 роки тому

    If. There is your answer.

  • @Johnny55wwe
    @Johnny55wwe 7 років тому +13

    The bible does state God created everything

    • @DisabledPsychedelica
      @DisabledPsychedelica 6 років тому +4

      John Nayik Yes, but his creations also have free will. They can chose to leave the goodness that created them with for evil. He’s not responsible for evil.

    • @TheSCS90
      @TheSCS90 5 років тому +3

      If he created EVERYTHING, why did he create the things of the World, knowing that they weren't of him?!

    • @yamchathewolf7714
      @yamchathewolf7714 3 роки тому +1

      @@DisabledPsychedelica While saying we have "free will" might be hinting towards a possible explanation, it doesn't really explain the root of this issue. What determines the course our individual free wills choose to take? Our God given nature/heart? If so did not God create us with different natures and unequal tendencies/capacities to do good and evil? How is this free or just? If God didn't determine the essence of our individual nature, what did?

  • @swapnam3236
    @swapnam3236 Рік тому

    You missed the point. Where did evil come from. Who is the creator of evil.

  • @ericp1139
    @ericp1139 6 років тому +2

    He talked a good 5 minutes and didn't answer the damned question. What is it with religious zealots that feel the need to pad their statements with Scripture quotes? Just argue the friggin topic on hand. We aren't impressed with rote memorization of a book.

    • @ThePhrozenOne
      @ThePhrozenOne 5 років тому +1

      It's like flat Earth society...

    • @White-Devil666
      @White-Devil666 5 років тому

      Yeah my thoughts indeed. You can try googling Joy of Satan. It is a strange site but has some intetesting things

    • @gaygyazo4554
      @gaygyazo4554 3 роки тому

      Well he did answer it, He created beings who are capable of choice and with choice evil can come into play. If we were created with no choice then we would be robots not humans.

  • @NkemOnyeka12
    @NkemOnyeka12 4 роки тому

    Ok so I found this in the Bible. Debate about it if you want to. "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace , AND CREATE EVIL: I your Elohim do ALL these things." Isaiah 45:7. If Yahuwah Elohim created ALL THINGS then evil falls under the category of ALL. He really is in control of EVERYTHING. Evil is a tool of the Father it seems. We don't understand what it really is or it's purpose but I'm willing to bet that if A'dam and Chawa (Eve) had obeyed Abba then we would never have found out about evil.

  • @storytime6263
    @storytime6263 7 років тому +9

    Evil= emptiness which is just the oposite of God. Evil is basicly Godlessness. It is the lack of life aka death.

    • @ericp1139
      @ericp1139 6 років тому +1

      Sounds like a cop-out.

  • @Shalanaya
    @Shalanaya 2 роки тому +1

    The more light you embody the more darkness you see, the ligher you get the more light and dark comes together in harmony.

  • @nickedmonds4486
    @nickedmonds4486 6 років тому

    If this premis that if God is good there must be evil is true, then how does the resurrection (which is supposed to be perfect without evil) stand?

  • @southernheat9278
    @southernheat9278 2 роки тому

    If Satan punishes sinners, wouldn’t that make him good?

  • @SKF358
    @SKF358 3 роки тому

    The free will answer again. No answer.

  • @Johnny55wwe
    @Johnny55wwe 7 років тому

    I don't understand how God would let satan deceive mankind knowing things before they happen. Like it doesn't make any sense to me

    • @j.wat.3437
      @j.wat.3437 5 років тому

      That's it He did not know what that angel would do. He did not know what Adam and Eve would do. He gave them the command. What would you like for your children to do. Do things because they love you from their heart or do things as an obligation? Satan and his demons had choices. We all are free moral agents on our own. No one in heaven and on earth were created robotic. Disobedience and sin came from that angel and the our perfect parents.

  • @kinotori1235
    @kinotori1235 5 років тому

    Santa Claus is like Satan: He lives in the North (Pole). He flies with reindeer while God has white flying horses. Santa turns children away from the true meaning of Christmas.Jesus said, let the little children come unto Me. GBU

  • @Naruku2121
    @Naruku2121 4 роки тому +1

    I think I understand it, can take it with a grain of salt, but I think evil exists when you are absent from god. Willingly, because with in the case with Satan he is accredited to a a lot of evil that is wrong with the world and has tempted many and that's true. But, he had choice and decisions maybe even tempted by his own growing pride, despite knowing who he's dealing with, he became self-centered believing in his own strength that he could eventually take on God himself and some how win, his corruption in his own heart was taking place. Such pride and self-centered views can corrupt people just the same. For you're basically cutting your self away from the very being that has allowed you to exist, in a way like how the vacumm of space would stifle the life out of you if you, draw further from the earth, you become more and more susceptible to the darkness around as you drift ever further away until you die. That is basically the fate of those who become entrenched in their sin and selfish, and destructive pursuits and become detached from God, but Jesus is the tether that reigns us back in.

  • @weshenderson3075
    @weshenderson3075 4 роки тому +2

    isaiah 45:7 i make Peace and i create EVIL I creat the Light and the darkness i the lord Does ALL THESE THINGS.

    • @yamchathewolf7714
      @yamchathewolf7714 3 роки тому

      Calamity, not evil.

    • @anthonymorrison2167
      @anthonymorrison2167 3 роки тому

      sounds like somebody might be a little confused

    • @kingdomconcepts777
      @kingdomconcepts777 2 роки тому

      @@yamchathewolf7714 Hebrew word is ra. It means evil. Calamity is still bad. Bad excuse.

    • @iveacendedboyos1555
      @iveacendedboyos1555 2 роки тому

      @@yamchathewolf7714 If i was God and saw my creation disobeying me out of anger ill create tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, genocide, slaughter my disobedient creation! that is the knowledge of Good and Evil

  • @ericday4505
    @ericday4505 8 років тому

    The answer is no one knows where evil comes from, only that God ordained it.

    • @ericday4505
      @ericday4505 8 років тому

      ***** That evil exists is because God ordained it. He is not the direct cause of evil. He allows it.

    • @ericday4505
      @ericday4505 8 років тому

      ***** I would not disagree with you ,except ultimate origin I do not see evil proceeding from God.

    • @ericday4505
      @ericday4505 8 років тому

      ***** In him is no darkness.

    • @zaditranin4147
      @zaditranin4147 7 років тому

      What a poor reply and a weak argument. You are implying that evil created itself and God has nothing to do with it...I think that evil has to be created by God, otherwise God is no longer all knowing and no longer the alpha and the omega. Elizabeth is 100% right

    • @MetaKnight964
      @MetaKnight964 7 років тому +1

      Elizabeth Adekale: You make God seem like a sociopathic dictator.

  • @jk5638
    @jk5638 3 роки тому

    So someone made evil! Not God. So God is not alone. Someone made nothingness.

  • @HaXxXoVtotheZ
    @HaXxXoVtotheZ 5 років тому

    Bu...he didn't even answer the question... If God didn't create evil then God didn't create everything...satan was corrupted by evil which existed before Lucifer. So there are two Gods? One good and one evil?

  • @gracekale11
    @gracekale11 8 років тому +22

    @ToddWagner It's best to thoroughly research a topic before speaking on it. God created good & evil, this is clearly stated in Isaiah 45:7 & Amos 3:6. At the end of the day we don't know it all, sometimes it's okay to admit that you are unable to fully grasp a particular concept than to act as if you know it all. As teachers of the world "to whom much is given, much is required."
    God created evil, He wouldn't be God if He didn't. Be blessed.

    • @MetaKnight964
      @MetaKnight964 7 років тому +1

      Prove God created evil.

    • @ericday4505
      @ericday4505 7 років тому +4

      God did not create evil, the texts that you speak of have to be read in context.

    • @Encrypted628
      @Encrypted628 7 років тому +2

      I agree that if we don't know something, we should simply admit it. The question was not addressed at all. If EVERYTHING God created is Good, and God is Good, where did evil come from? The question remains, no serious answer yet. I personally believe God created EVERYTHING, and as such created EVIL as well. I am open to a superior argument if anyone is offering..

    • @jrpalerider
      @jrpalerider 7 років тому +3

      John 1:3 All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. Colossians 1:16 For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities-- all things have been created through Him and for Him.
      There is nothing created outside of God . Satan being evil cannot tempt Job without Gods permission Job 1:6-12.

    • @KelseyKeeks
      @KelseyKeeks 6 років тому

      At the end they encouraged everyone to look at the notes at the bottom in order to be able to delve deeper. 5 minutes is definitely not enough to answer a question like this! Here is the link to the notes they were talking about realtruthrealquick.com/where-did-evil-come-from/

  • @nebular555
    @nebular555 6 років тому +1

    evil comes from eve,cuz she disobeyed her husband adam,in the charater of lilith,the reason she disobeyed adam cuz she created adam,

    • @nebular555
      @nebular555 6 років тому

      so lilith got angry,evil came from anger which is a destruction mode,

  • @jvlp2046
    @jvlp2046 2 роки тому

    Since God is "ALL KNOWING GOD" then why created the TREE of KNOWLEDGE, knowing ahead of time that Adam/Eve including Lucifer will do the Act of Evilness???... for Adam/Eve the Act of Disobedience, and for Lucifer the Act of Vanity/Pride, respectively...
    My answer is this, before Adam/Eve and Lucifer sinned against God in different timeframes and spaces, God gave all his angels including Adam/Eve (first humans) the Gift of Free-Will... so, even though God has the power to KNOW ahead of time, God will surely not violate his own Gifts to them...
    Analogy/metaphor... even though we have "Ultra Sound Technology" today to know ahead of time the gender of our unborn child but we (humans) still have the OPTION not to know it and hope for the best of what our child will be, right?... the same with God... God has an OPTION (reserve for God only) whether to know or manipulate ahead of time our own DECISIONS...

  • @aaronsteele8301
    @aaronsteele8301 5 років тому

    He wars against evil.

  • @jvlp2046
    @jvlp2046 2 роки тому +1

    God never created SATAN/DEVIL (fallen Angel/s) and DEMONS (unclean Spirits) but what God created was the "KNOWLEDGE" (idea/understanding/awareness) of Good and Evil... In the book of Genesis, God Almighty created the "TREE of KNOWLEDGE" ... but not the TREE of GOOD and EVIL... there is a BIG DIFFERENCE... I hope everyone gets/sees the true meaning and logical aspect.

    • @jonessaetienne590
      @jonessaetienne590 2 роки тому

      That's not true, He created the tree of knowledge of good and evil, that was the fruit that the tree bore, the knowledge of good and evil and the ability to understand this.

    • @unanimous-es4sn
      @unanimous-es4sn Рік тому

      Before God created everything,where did sin came from?

    • @jvlp2046
      @jvlp2046 Рік тому +1

      @@unanimous-es4sn The English word SIN (verb), which means is an ACT/OFFENSE of TRANSGRESSION or WRONGDOING... To Whom?... to Almighty God the creator...
      The first SIN recorded in the Bible was when the HIGHEST ANGELIC/CELESTIAL BEING with a LATIN TITLE of LUCIFER which means LIGHT BEARER (morning star) came across the knowledge of VANITY (Excessive Self-Pride) that consumed his Spiritual Heart and Soul due to his Beauty, Spendor, Power above all created Angelic being that he put himself to the pedestal equal with God... then out of that KNOWLEDGE when it is full grown, he convinced 1/3 of the angelic beings in Heaven to Wage War with God... When he and his angels were defeated by Archangel Michael (one of the Hierarchy of Angels)...the revel angels were banished from Heaven and God took AWAY his Title LUCIFER and gave him a new Title called SA'TAN or SAT'AN (Devil in English), a Hebrew-Aramaic word for "THE ACCUSER / ADVERSARY (Enemy) of GOD... Satan and his fallen angels are depicted as Black/Dark Angels because their Spirits no longer have LIGHT within them... God took away their light from their Spirit, for there is no longer God's forgiveness for them...
      Take Note... the Title LUCIFER came from 2 Latin root words... LUCI means LIGHT and ENSEFER means BEARER... The New Light Bearer (New Lucifer) of the World is Christ Jesus who had said, "I AM the LIGHT of the WORLD, whoever follows me will never walk in DARKNESS and will have the LIGHT of LIFE." (John 8:12)... Facts and Truth, Biblically speaking... Amen

    • @jvlp2046
      @jvlp2046 Рік тому +1

      @@unanimous-es4sn The Bible attested, that Almighty God created ALL to be GOOD, visible, and invisible... God never created an ENTITY of EVIL (as a noun) but created the TREE OF KNOWLEDGE between GOOD and EVIL (both used as an ADJECTIVE and not as a noun)... VANITY is Knowledge, Understanding, Comprehension, Consciousness, and Awareness... Just like SLOTH, LUST, GLUTTONY, GREED, JEALOUSY, ENVY, etc...
      The First SIN was the ACT of REBELLION of the Highest Celestial/Angelic Beings from God... caused by the knowledge of VANITY (Excessive Self-Pride).
      The 2nd SIN was the ACT of DISOBEDIENCE of Adam/Eve from God's command... when Mankind lost their IMMORTALITY... caused by the Knowledge of MISTRUST (Disbelief)'
      The 3rd SIN was the ACT of MURDER of Cain to his younger brother Abel... caused by the Knowledge of JEALOUSY/ENVY.
      And so on...

    • @unanimous-es4sn
      @unanimous-es4sn Рік тому

      @@jvlp2046 tree of knowledge between good and evil(as adjective) so what it means is God created the possibility of evil.
      My question is where did lucifer get his desire to sin when everything is perfect and no sin in heaven.Even if we always say pride or rebellion,how come or where did he get that desire to rebel which leads to conclusion that God creates the possibility of sin.
      Note that through one man(Adam)sin, all is condemn so God has plan all to sin so that He might reedem them when He sent His Son Jesus and the purpose of all is His glory.

  • @remancupido5323
    @remancupido5323 3 роки тому

    Where is the answer??

  • @horebborewelldrillingdimap9834
    @horebborewelldrillingdimap9834 2 роки тому

    Does not answer the question who created evil

  • @henriquesmauelele3547
    @henriquesmauelele3547 3 роки тому

    So God did not create everything according to this explanation...

  • @zipper978
    @zipper978 4 роки тому

    Because satan isn't evil. Satan is actually good and only wanted to tell humans the truth about god and the universe. While god wanted humans to live in ignorance and blindly follow. God is the evil one. Lucifer just wanted the truth and knowledge.

    @NECHOII 3 роки тому +1


  • @mtnfreestyle1899
    @mtnfreestyle1899 3 роки тому

    So God didn't create the space or plain for evil to exist? If you create an up, a down must also exist, a left and a right, a good and bad. God said he creates everything for good. We live in a polarized world because the only way we could really love God was to choose. Which is true in my belief that God allowed evil to exist. As a tool for us to get to know him and love him as a God that wants us to choose him and come to know what good and holy means.

  • @leoncastro1981
    @leoncastro1981 6 років тому

    That was pretty good

  • @writer9937
    @writer9937 4 роки тому +1

    I believe god is good
    But everything he our she made is not from what i see and hear down here.

  • @haroldbullock505
    @haroldbullock505 3 роки тому

    Evil was not created by satan the bible affirms that evil was found in his heart how was it possible ?
    Satan chose the path outside of God s demarcation hence evil which oviously existed before him was found in him. Satan by his choosing subjected himself to evil. The concept of how and why evil was created is a mystery that mere man cannot fathom . If evil did not exist it would have been impossible for man to have a context of referce to seen how good God is. If evil did not exist it would have been impossible for man to see the depths that our Creator would go to retrieve man out of hell. 0ur creatot chose to deal with the gravity of sin by using the spirit of a lamb to destroy the power of dragon.

  • @josephscala6707
    @josephscala6707 2 роки тому

    Your assertion that God created everything, yet didn't want to create evil, makes no sense at all.

  • @williamdeville9513
    @williamdeville9513 4 роки тому

    it is all good. but can turn bad very easily!

  • @aaronsteele8301
    @aaronsteele8301 5 років тому

    If there was no evil what temped Adam?

  • @stevespanos75
    @stevespanos75 5 років тому

    God is all you need, and everything else is a distraction. All our energy is preoccupied with distraction and fear. Maintain faith and direction of thought. Faith in God.

    • @mitchzagiah8146
      @mitchzagiah8146 2 роки тому

      Not everyone can be a robot like that. Men are wired to explore discover and ask questions....

  • @raymondhoopai2917
    @raymondhoopai2917 5 років тому +1

    Correction! Satan never said he wanted to he higher than Good he said he wanted to be like the most high! He said I will exalt my throne above the stars and be like the most high!

  • @LuciferDSatan-vn8gl
    @LuciferDSatan-vn8gl 6 років тому +1

    "Satan" is only evil because it brings truth, knowledge, wisdom and the ability to be free from the shackles of religion.

  • @miltaz5523
    @miltaz5523 8 років тому

    why God let Satan live up to this day? HE cursed Adam and Eve, so why He let Mary to be the mother of Lord Jesus? Most of the time life is unfair... Why He let the disciples die in the hands of evil people ...

  • @TheOliviadevon
    @TheOliviadevon 3 роки тому +1

    God did create evil...he said he created good and bad.

  • @jermeycombs3602
    @jermeycombs3602 6 років тому

    Jesus put a lot of Anxiety and sufferings in my Life for many Years, To me He is an Evil Creator, Jesus brings Humanity to suffer on this Planet,

    • @navincherian9623
      @navincherian9623 6 років тому +1

      Jermey Combs repent and believe and then you will be saved.
      1Pe 5:6 Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.
      1Pe 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
      1Pe 5:8 Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.
      If u ll read these verses it clearly states to cast all ur anxieties and worries in his hand..and before that he says Humble yourself- meaning complete dependency on him .. Because if u cast ur worries in his hand and still worry it means in your inner heart u still feel u could do it on your own..and hence pride take over..thats why verse 8 states devil keeps prowling for u to commit this unpardonable sin
      Of rejecting our Savior Jesus Christ..
      Please my humble request REPENT and BELIEVE!!