Good farm vs Bad farm on the map in dota

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • Feel free to leave comments, don't be a dickhead


  • @FusionX9000
    @FusionX9000 7 років тому +1

    Loved the video as well as all your past content. You're one of the very few remaining people creating good quality advanced content that is not hidden behind a paywall.
    Please continue creating these videos!

  • @dmlsidh
    @dmlsidh 7 років тому +13

    I had to laugh at "cause I'm an asshole" and "the enemies forgot that enigma is a dota 2 hero"

  • @TheAtoZChap
    @TheAtoZChap 7 років тому

    Man, I love your videos, glad that you're posting more content. Been adapting your style of play for a while now, keep it up!

  • @vishalgaikwadsr.964
    @vishalgaikwadsr.964 7 років тому

    Thanks man. Your videos help me a lot as a ~4.5k mid player. Hope you can keep pumping out content like this and the playing the map video

  • @enwolvedtv9674
    @enwolvedtv9674 7 років тому

    thats great, advanced content, i like to see - no need for fancy editing. Thank you blitz, please do more! :)

  • @Anne-ug4jv
    @Anne-ug4jv 7 років тому

    This is really cool. I hope you do some video about how pro supports roam/rotate next.

  • @XSDeso
    @XSDeso 7 років тому

    Thanks for doing this Blitz, really love this kinda video content and I hope you get a nice, long break and maybe return to casting with Cap soon after :D

  • @mykullbubbles
    @mykullbubbles 7 років тому

    who's upload this video? Good Blitz or Evil Blitz?

  • @dualmonkeyx
    @dualmonkeyx 7 років тому

    You have free time?
    Gonna stream?

    • @jhunt6666
      @jhunt6666 7 років тому +1

      hes been streaming a lot, just not on his main twitch channel. Try storm spirit tv

  • @LeTrickyTrickster
    @LeTrickyTrickster 7 років тому +40

    Thanks Willy

  • @Eric-ys5yl
    @Eric-ys5yl 7 років тому +18

    Huge fan of your content, keen as for more stuff to come.

  • @AndersJytzler
    @AndersJytzler 7 років тому +43

    good trade

    • @filipbrodd4372
      @filipbrodd4372 7 років тому

      damn rekt!

    • @AndersJytzler
      @AndersJytzler 7 років тому

      But i agree Blitz; those were poor decisions. I appreciate your videos. Don't take my comment the wrong way.

    • @iluvatar5244
      @iluvatar5244 7 років тому +1

      I'm a 3k and I knew this, I see it all the time in 3k but for some reason people don't understand when I'm trying to explain them, the only time I consistently see people not making thi smistake is when I see good antimage pickers

    • @isaacyingzhouteh
      @isaacyingzhouteh 7 років тому

      feels more like his teammate are getting the best out of his dive and opp's reaction.

  • @BakeZhangozha
    @BakeZhangozha 7 років тому +23

    Will, please update the storm guide

  • @paragshrestha9143
    @paragshrestha9143 7 років тому +16

    missed u. not gay.

  • @1richaj3
    @1richaj3 7 років тому +4

    ayyy love ur videos blitz =)

  • @TheFxyO
    @TheFxyO 7 років тому +3

    4k support always telling people to gtfo of woods and shove lanes or people want to all in mid without shoving smh.

    • @gavaudan2131
      @gavaudan2131 7 років тому +1

      just pick kotl

    • @TheFxyO
      @TheFxyO 7 років тому

      you can, but people cry when you get 2 hero blasts when laning on him for 'pushing' when thats literally how the hero is played. Also fuck those base stats when you start with courier double ward and sent. literally die to bristleback farting.

  • @conallogribin
    @conallogribin 7 років тому +1

    HI Blitz.
    Just wanted to say that the stomping mid lesson you provided Day9 with was some of the best content ive looked at in years , and has helped me a lot personally.
    I hope you consider running a patreon or indeed making said advanced content. I'd be happy to put my money where my mouth is, your teaching still is effective and refined after all :)
    In any case, thanks for making these, i'l be watching each and every one!

  • @emeQve
    @emeQve 7 років тому +1

    Thanks Blitz! I'm just a 3k scrub and I find mind blowing the way you talk about the game!! Damn Dota is complex!! PS: Love you

  • @PommesPeterZK
    @PommesPeterZK 7 років тому

    Wow, quality guides from a quality player without having to pay for some shitty service like GameLeap.
    Your older videos already helped me improve dramatically! Thanks for that!

  • @gamersunbounded7169
    @gamersunbounded7169 6 років тому

    I feel like i got a 100 a games worth of experience from this one video. Good Work.

  • @ydfgwge2339
    @ydfgwge2339 7 років тому +5

    THANKYOU BLITZ! Please do not delete, i love your educational content

  • @ashrafzaman2577
    @ashrafzaman2577 7 років тому

    hey blitz....i really struggle with my positioning in team fights, especially when i play support.....can you please make a video on the positioning aspect in team fights / your work.....Thanks. :)

  • @dswiiman123
    @dswiiman123 7 років тому

    Hey, Blitz
    Hope you are doing well. I think it would be really awesome if you started to put content out for players of "higher skill" 4k+ xD 4k is still a clown show, I should know I am a 4k noob myself. However, I really want to hit 5k soon its my #2 goal in dota right now, #1 is improving as a player. I really want to hit my #1 goal asap as I have friends that are much higher skilled than me and it would be really fun if I could back them up and make cools plays but what normally happens is I fuck up in game and it feels so awful, it just sucks:( feelsbadmangun. Anyways to my point I think it would be great if you put out guides/info. It would be cool if you put out content with something that I struggle with personally, like whats keeping me back the most? i.e. ( last hitting, map awareness. I know it is really is different for every body but if you could make some general tip that would be dope!)
    Also, not only figuring out what mistakes I made but how to improve and fix them. Idk if you want to do anything like this at all but for me its something i would really enjoy watching. Idk why I even bother writing this, who knows if you will even read this or even consider my ideas. If you do, I want to say thanks for your great casts, learned a lot from then as you would always point out super interesting details.
    Just a boy who also loves some dotes,
    -Giant :)
    p.s sry for any grammar issues as it is 2 am and I have class tomorrow

  • @pinksnake7584
    @pinksnake7584 7 років тому

    Hey Blitz, this is one of the things I know I should improve in, thank you.
    I have question tho: the principle of "good" and "bad" farm is very clearly explained in the video, but how do you evaluate what's the best thing to do if you don't have info about the whereabouts of the enemy team? Sometimes I just go for the "bad" farm because I think I could just die and accomplish nothing anyway, when I see enemy heroes on the map I always go push lanes and so on, but I don't know when the risk is worth taking if I can't see key heroes on the map. Thank you

  • @ghostdota542
    @ghostdota542 7 років тому

    Awesome video! If I could request a topic, it would be improving laning. I'm at 5k and if I'm ahead I can put together a win almost every time, but unfavorable lanes feels like my biggest weakness.

  • @lunarjoker99
    @lunarjoker99 7 років тому

    Blitz, I came to your channel because of you guest coaching with day 9. I loved what you taught him about doing what feels good when you play DotA. You mentioned you followed this principles while you were involved with team liquid. Can you elaborate on this principle or show other areas the principal appears in DotA beyond farming and trading in mid lane?

  • @shawnshih7394
    @shawnshih7394 7 років тому

    There are too many counter points one can make for example:
    (1) Farming jungle opens up exp and potential gold for your offlane solo.
    (2) Your dive although opens up an opportunity, also fed the enemy team free exp and money.
    (3) Being off the map put underlying pressure on the entire enemy team because they don't know whether they are going to get (smoke) ganked

  • @theshaggydogpoo7122
    @theshaggydogpoo7122 7 років тому

    Blitz, just wondering, would types of farm not change depending on the heroes you are against? For example against a lineup like IO legion and spirit breaker, wouldnt pushing aggressively just result in too many deaths to be worth it?

  • @psyroptus
    @psyroptus 7 років тому

    I love these Blitz keep itup man! I am 3k noob that come back home after work, play 2-3 games without thinking too much. These videos I really enjoy and can try to implement in my games!

  • @AfrO4E
    @AfrO4E 7 років тому

    Im wondering how this philosophy changes if you're playing Void or another melee offlaner. Because you can't just go an push out top or you could easily die because you don't have summoned units. So in that case is Void a "game losing pick" because he can't push out the lane like Enigma can? I know we hear about how pro teams always try to get a vision/scouting hero, but is this a similar case where if you don't have a hero that can safely push out a wave then you are at a significant disadvantage?

  • @chriscrenshaw3730
    @chriscrenshaw3730 7 років тому

    a quick question, from a lower mmr player. would it be worth noting that even though you arent the "good" farm (from lane, to push and so on), you also arent revealing yourself and showing where you are and what items you have? I guess im asking when is it okay to take the "bad" farm? only when all the waves are pushed? and also can't the bad farm sometimes be the better option?

  • @E_Clip
    @E_Clip 7 років тому

    I would argue that this is probably the most important aspect of Dota, I mean besides things related to skill, teamfight, draft, synergy etc, or rather the most important strategic aspect of a Dota game that heavily influences the flow of the game, perhaps thats the better way of putting it. Very informative video Blitz, thank you!

  • @99jdave99
    @99jdave99 7 років тому

    Is this relevant for all roles; do you want to be doing this ever as a carry, or is it mostly relevant for the 2-4 role? Is taking safe farm that doesn't advance the game ever acceptable? If your teammates don't take advantage of the space you create, and you keep dying for it (within reason), should you continue to try to use good farm, or should you transition to safe farm to avoid worthlessly feeding?

  • @arckemist
    @arckemist 7 років тому

    I dig what you said in the video.
    What do you think of doing this on low mmr bracket? where everyone on your team is rotating the jungle around 20 mins mark and you let yourself exposesd on the lane. you will be the sole target of the enemy's thirst.

  • @xyzmirror9049
    @xyzmirror9049 7 років тому +13

    can u talk about aggressive farming patterns as a core in the late game, for example if you wanna create pressure and farm aggressively as storm, qop, am, etc. trying to create pressure, it feels like it's sometimes too easy to get caught by the enemy heroes farming their side of the map, so could you just elaborate how you try to farm and create pressure without over committing and getting ganked easily (so basically in when do you try to farm their jungle, when do you farm their lane, what do you do after you farmed their lane but then went back, do you continue jungling or do you tp back or whatever, just what are warning signals on the minimap for stuff like that and what are general rules of behaviour in those kinds of situation)?

    • @bruce3906
      @bruce3906 7 років тому +2

      wtf is this? how about git gud?

    • @xyzmirror9049
      @xyzmirror9049 7 років тому +1

      that's funny

    • @Ex0rz
      @Ex0rz 7 років тому +1

      Its super easy actually... Watch the minimap and see where the enemies are. If they are nowhere near your lane, then push, but if they are either missing or close enough to your lane, then by all means DONT PUSH! A: Carry a TP with you always. B: Try to stay around the lane you want to pressure by doing safe jungling etc. C: wait for a good opportunity to pressure the lane (watch the minimap). Its kinda all about watching the minimap and enemy positions. Also see if any enemies dont have a tp scroll or if some have their tp on cooldown.

    • @michaels6951
      @michaels6951 7 років тому +2

      Ex0rz this is like the basic type of stuff that you should instinctively be doing. The things you should be doing in game is looking at the map and evaluating in your head if it would be safe to push a wave. What hero you are playing? Do you have the escapes to be able to get away if they jump you? What is their lineup composition and who are the two main heroes with catch that you have to look out for? Are you pushing a lane where the enemy shrine is adjacent and they can tp in to get you? Is the enemy team in rosh and you are completely safe to push the wave out to their high ground? There are endless factors that go into this type of decision making and it's not one simple answer. From the perspective of the enemy team who are anticipating your split push, they can be off map as a means to not give any vision and they can be farming neutral camps nearby waiting for you to show in lane. These are the type of things you have to consider as you climb up in MMR brackets and it is all about adapting to every different game. You can only build this sense from more games of dotes

    • @Ex0rz
      @Ex0rz 7 років тому

      YEs for sure. But instincts dont come automatically when you are new to a game... New players easily forget about shrines and teleports in general. Not to mention smokes.

  • @Elken1996
    @Elken1996 7 років тому

    Why do u take so much responsible on yourself in the way u explain in this video? You had 4 teammates, except spirit breaker who are bad at pushing lane.

  • @valio0524
    @valio0524 7 років тому

    So first question: Although you are farming the closest camp and forcing jugg and the rest of the team in bad position isnt it more imporant for a minute to force your team into a bad situation and get your blink which is very important over pushing your offlane tower something which dazzle can easily do and if by any chance they gank it would be only a dazzle and not you where it will put you further away from your item timing?
    Second question: Where you show the second time you farm easy camp. At that point you are all pretty much on your side of the map with no real vision of the enemy because you have no agressive wards and you die from a invis gank. In previous video i think it was yours or purge, you say that its better to stay of the map instead of pushing where they can see you and gank you and here they have ns relocate and lc which can easily kill any of the heroes i think, so again isnt better to have a dazzle push out the lane and you farm where its safe?

  • @TheCydboiChannel
    @TheCydboiChannel 5 років тому

    That's a very nice and convoluted way to show off some nice blackhole, Blitz :P

  • @0utofposition
    @0utofposition 7 років тому

    Really enjoy your videos, you are the reason why I started playing storm. Is it possible to look at replays of storm and say what is doing right and wrong etc? Thank you!

  • @horison6963
    @horison6963 7 років тому +2

    do I also go for the more risky but ''good'' farm if Im playing a pos 1 carry that can get ganked or killed easily if out of position? (Ck, Sven, veno, void pre 25)

    • @sontiyo7113
      @sontiyo7113 7 років тому +5

      I mean you have to judge the situation.
      Are enemys heroes missing on the map? Which ones? Can they gank you? If they tried, where would they be right now? If they can gank you, why?What skill fucks you up? Do you have any counter to that in ur skillset? or in teammates? If yes, get them with u.
      So on so on
      He is not telling you to go suicide farm lanes instead of taking safe farm, its just about making a CONCIOUS decision which one to go for, and which consequences each type of farm will bring for you, how the map plays out and ur teammates
      hoped this helps a bit

    • @cobrexu
      @cobrexu 7 років тому

      How can you get caught as a veno? Spam your plague wards all over the jungle as you continue pushing. Somebody comes? Gets welcomed by plagues (which stops blink anyway). Ofc, this isnt always the same in every game but you must know which hero can gank you and how

    • @isaacyingzhouteh
      @isaacyingzhouteh 7 років тому

      if you are pos 1 likely your teammate would be covering for you?

    • @Ex0rz
      @Ex0rz 7 років тому

      If you play CK, sven or veno you arent supposed to be farming that much. Those are all strong early game heroes and should fight 5v5. Also you shouldnt never be getting farm thats too risky. Always evaluate the situation as someone already pointed out. Getting like 500~g and risking death isnt worth it. You lose too much farming time when dead.

  • @HallsteinI
    @HallsteinI 7 років тому

    Thanks for pointing this out Blitz, now that I'm made aware of it I realize this is an extremely common mistake in Dota. Definitely relevant information for me.

  • @MOC504
    @MOC504 7 років тому

    so you dont need to farm jungle (and leave less farm for your carry) if you can farm the lane and pressure enemy carry? wow thats some incredible game knowledge, now i will get my juicy 2k mmr for sure

  • @andrewromanof8408
    @andrewromanof8408 7 років тому

    You seemed to be on the winning side and showing how not to make game losing plays to lose your lead. How about when you're the one behind, what sort of solo plays could you make to try and win the game and if split pushing is really hard to do because the enemy have a spirit breaker or something, how to try to comeback into the game? Thanks for the video.

  • @dougstacy3732
    @dougstacy3732 7 років тому

    Never would have seen the first easy farm mistake. The second one I would have recognized. Great teaching. Love to see more.

  • @aetherlift9076
    @aetherlift9076 7 років тому

    i have a question about when you said that you farming the jungle instead of pushing the top lane meant that juggernaut ended up not being able to farm it. basically, is it fine for the juggernaut to be farming the jungle if you farm the top lane? if so, how do you know if you're the one that's supposed to be farming the jungle vs pushing the lanes?

  • @karma6162
    @karma6162 7 років тому

    I always think there's more to dota 2 than i can see at any moment but never really could pinpoint it and its stuff like this is why i love u blitz . The only guy i've ever really sent a Pm to . Thnx for the content for however long .

  • @askingdeen
    @askingdeen 7 років тому

    maybe because ur against io+lc..thats why u didnt push lane solo to avoid feeding duel damage to legion and i agree with your point when you say radiant jungle is crowded..make other core awkward to find farm an have to run to other place to farm

  • @36424567254
    @36424567254 7 років тому

    the fact you added your original twitchtv account means you're going back to "serious" streaming?

  • @francocanalla1428
    @francocanalla1428 7 років тому

    Blitz, how do you secure the game when you got all t2 down, and you are choking them, but they have a really good high ground defense on the enemy teams? (Your cores are melee)

  • @TasuraX
    @TasuraX 7 років тому

    you're not wrong but what you say is very situational if you were not enigma or if trolls team comes to help you cant push the wave out to get unsafe farm instead you'd lose a tower and probably die causing even more harm. I think with a hero like enigma getting the blink is such a big boost for teamfights that taking the less dangerous route can easily pay off if you communicate and for example contest the rosh together

  • @6reps
    @6reps 7 років тому

    Can you make a video about who can show on the map? Like supports showing and farming vs hiding behind carries.

  • @Azazaz426
    @Azazaz426 7 років тому

    "good trade" yeah usually you dont have a terrorblade pushing and a jugg pushing theyre just gonna stay afk and farm jungle or some shit

  • @chadszabo1760
    @chadszabo1760 7 років тому

    okay but lets say you're in a position where going to a lane and pushing it out can very easily result in death from ganks ? would you say the safe farm is better in return that you get ur blink dagger instead of dying or? and great video i think this knowledge is super beneficial to all players

  • @Zail313
    @Zail313 7 років тому

    What if you tp'ed top to shuv in the lane and theres a ns + wisp around ur tower they go on u u die 100 gold before blink then they take tower and rosh anyawys and u delay your blink by a minute or so ;)

  • @zanyAnimations
    @zanyAnimations 7 років тому

    If you're not the one taking the farm then someone has to. You showed this from the position of an offlaner but if you're a carry or mid how do you determine when you should take unsafe farm even though there's safe farm for you to use and someone else could take the unsafe farm? Is it hero or composition dependent?

    @HDSFATDPS 7 років тому

    I have my sound at the maximum with my earplug, and I can't hear you well at all. Please make them louder next time, at least we can lower the sound as needed

  • @ChanTheGreat21
    @ChanTheGreat21 7 років тому

    Thank you blitz, really insightful and helpful stuff.

  • @yaminerenri
    @yaminerenri 7 років тому

    Lol all these comments making counter statements about how this or that play wasn't any good when they are 3k

  • @jinhoo7896
    @jinhoo7896 6 років тому

    Completely changed the way I play. Win rate improved a lot. Ty

  • @Matt-ix5lx
    @Matt-ix5lx 7 років тому

    in the first example, if the creep wave and troll was closer to dire t2 would it have been ok to farm the two neutrals close to mid and then rotate top to the tower?

  • @adarshchoudhury2473
    @adarshchoudhury2473 7 років тому

    finally a blitz video!!
    thanks for the upload man

  • @nvizible
    @nvizible 7 років тому

    Please don't delete this video, we love ur analysis and help stuff

  • @susideguy
    @susideguy 7 років тому

    This is really fucking good shit thank you so much.

  • @thomasbayer1843
    @thomasbayer1843 7 років тому

    No monetization? Nice video btw more like this please.

  • @JonasBM3
    @JonasBM3 7 років тому

    Excellent points you made. Love these videos!

  • @henniekrige6395
    @henniekrige6395 7 років тому

    Thanks blitz! Very insightful!

  • @paytonpillette
    @paytonpillette 7 років тому

    Wow. Seriously amazing insights.

  • @IroxX0
    @IroxX0 7 років тому

    Valuable insight for many players!

  • @louis1409
    @louis1409 7 років тому

    Make a patreon so I can give you money. Awesome video.

  • @BarneyGoogl
    @BarneyGoogl 7 років тому

    Woo Blitz content! I could listen to you talk about dota all day, dude!

  • @Zanthous_
    @Zanthous_ 7 років тому

    Thanks blitz, love your videos

  • @smau5220
    @smau5220 7 років тому

    thanks Blitz very informative.

  • @degenerate8252
    @degenerate8252 7 років тому

    guys dont flame or he will delete the video Kappa

  • @123CloudStrife
    @123CloudStrife 7 років тому

    your videos help me a lot keep them coming please

  • @Ubeogesh
    @Ubeogesh 7 років тому

    very insightful, thanks.

  • @Ubeogesh
    @Ubeogesh 7 років тому

    Offtopic but your "stay free" post on liquiddota gave me more inspiration, I finally started making noticeable progress in my weight loss! (96 to 92 kilos in 6 weeks)
    You probably don't give a fuck but I just wanna say thanks for writing that blog.

    • @fruity220990
      @fruity220990 7 років тому

      You lost 4 kilos in 6 weeks LUL

  • @kuzi4701
    @kuzi4701 7 років тому

    But if you pushed top they would still go on you.

  • @sinjincheng277
    @sinjincheng277 7 років тому

    Hope people finally stop LC jungling

  • @hinyanyag
    @hinyanyag 7 років тому


  • @sahilaswal143
    @sahilaswal143 7 років тому

    butterfly effect right Blitz, hahahhahha

  • @irfanfadillah8235
    @irfanfadillah8235 5 років тому

    bulba is my only friend *and 1 more friends*

  • @verydeep1942
    @verydeep1942 7 років тому

    ayy, new vidz from blitz

  • @gooner3129
    @gooner3129 7 років тому

    tips on how to farm more efficiently

  • @MrKylesgj
    @MrKylesgj 7 років тому

    Please make more of this content

  • @Vendice
    @Vendice 7 років тому

    Hey ProZD you better cast at TI

  • @AN0NYMOUS1_69
    @AN0NYMOUS1_69 7 років тому

    Thanks Will, I've never really thought about the detriment of going to farm the jungle instead of pushing out my lane, good stuff! I'd like to respectfully request a few Support related videos. Bless up, phambily.

  • @holup437
    @holup437 7 років тому

    I actually have a question, its really hard sometimes to push out the waves when the entire enemy team is missing and the lanes are across the river. How do you know when its safe to aggressively shove out the lanes and when it isn't? And also how to you balance this with fighting, sometimes i find myself shoving a lane and when my team fights far the from our tour im not in a position to help.

    • @yaminerenri
      @yaminerenri 7 років тому

      George depends on what stage of the game it is. You should have some vision and game sense to know where your enemies are at.

  • @godlywog123
    @godlywog123 7 років тому

    watched ur videos about mid and such. but they are quiet old. when you get time could you explain what to do in mid now in this patch. and how to approach with certain heroes like. invoker, and how/ when to be active in the game.

    • @flayshon
      @flayshon 7 років тому

      gOdLy WoG he did a coaching session with Day9 a few weeks ago that covered these topics. Go check the vods at day9's UA-cam channel :)

  • @yasha886
    @yasha886 7 років тому

    Blitz, really appreciate your fresh take on farming, I also watched ur session coaching Day9 and found that super informative. plz keep bringing more :)

  • @bencross2818
    @bencross2818 7 років тому

    As am I tend to control the equilibrium to the point where it is under the area right outside tower range through denying and last hitting so as to be safer in the event of ganks and to make it harder for off to get exp, however because of this i don't push, would you say this is good or bad farm, and is it worth their tower not falling early?

    • @ConsciousnessInc
      @ConsciousnessInc 7 років тому +1

      Good farm is farm that accomplishes things - if by keeping the equilibrium near your tower you are allowing the supports to effectively zone their offlaner then you are keeping him low level and accomplishing goals. If he is getting xp anyway, then you might be better off pushing for an early tower in some circumstances.

  • @Fanchawe
    @Fanchawe 7 років тому

    love to see you back blitz, always loved your little guide videos. Shame you burned out from coaching, hope you keep (and ofcourse enjoy!) making this kind of content!

  • @chadszabo1760
    @chadszabo1760 7 років тому

    also I think a video centered around the concept of actually split pushing instead of just pushing waves would be a good watch or even both in one video because they do go very hand in hand

    • @chadszabo1760
      @chadszabo1760 7 років тому

      like when to go for the tower push as opposed to just pushing the wave towards the tower

  • @peradota
    @peradota 5 років тому

    I really enjoy ur vids

  • @HydroHunt3r
    @HydroHunt3r 7 років тому

    Thanks alot Blitz

  • @MartialArtist991
    @MartialArtist991 7 років тому

    Content god is back.

  • @macratak
    @macratak 7 років тому

    turn ur MIC VOLUME UP DOOD

  • @alvinang3447
    @alvinang3447 7 років тому

    y u no stream blitz

  • @jfaker214
    @jfaker214 7 років тому

    I really appreciate these videos Blitz, they are extremely helpful and amazing. Thank you!

  • @Lykyk
    @Lykyk 7 років тому

    >midas on enigma

  • @viktorwidin8587
    @viktorwidin8587 7 років тому

    Like the content. 5.6k