Whitney Houston Interview About The 1987 Special Olympics

  • Опубліковано 22 жов 2024


  • @henyantiafroanctosa2579
    @henyantiafroanctosa2579 2 роки тому +2

    🕊"In the beginning God Created...," hey!
    Cool, that is from the one true, The Holy Bible.
    Isn't the song, thankful, an old, in these United States of America,
    Judaeo Christian song of Christianity, called, "Yes, Jesus Loves Me," for The Bible tells me so.
    During life, life is joyful and sometimes, like sleepy, sorrowful, but that is normal life.
    Each knowing a 'good ethical' need by help of only God, for each one of us,
    to do, Jesus telling, judge not lest ye be judged,
    and condemn not lest ye be condemned, and in equal measure that ye judge, ye shall be judged;-
    thereby, God is sole Judge of Spiritual guidance of one's own self-hood.
    The Spirit Of God is God, The One True Good Lord God. The very first day in God's Own Purview,
    God Spoke, "Let there be light." And Genesis, is "the beginning" of God Created Creation;-
    so, since God Spoke,
    Since the start of The Bible, or called, The Holy Bible, or The Good Book,
    God Is Called, The Spirit Of God, it, it, light was so. God needs nothing for God to be God, The One True Good Lord God, simplistic, like a child, until adulthood and adult, only trusting The One True God.
    So, not by God, nor God's needed help, "scary" but deeply concerning. There was "darkness" on the face of the deep.
    Uh oh!, what is this "darkness?" Okay, only God Is Knowing Everything,
    so lets continue by the following. OK, this is of, only God, who has God's Own Word Of God for God, does give, the Word Of God stands, forever. Ref. Isaiah 40:8.
    In Isaiah 55, God's Word is *like* the rain & the snow in Creation, from God, formed inside Creation,
    since God Is Only Just Doing God's Own Being God, The Good Lord God's Good Deeds Of God's Own Goodness Of God, then only God's Word is true, not false or falsehood, of course, but Truth Of The One True Good Lord God.
    So, on the first day, that God decided to Create Creation,
    no Angel or of humanity, boy or girl had been Created by God as of yet, and;-
    God Is The One True Good Lord God,
    Jesus The Christ Of God Is The Only Begotten Son Of God, The Priest Of God, and Faithful & True Of God.
    "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." ref The Good News according to John verse 1:1. Jesus telling, do not be called teacher is very serious, in The Holy Bible, The Gospel has four testimonials, and since, God's Sealed Divine Revelation 2000 years ago, God Promised, The Spirit Of Truth, The Holy Spirit Comforter, then by God's Word, God, The One True Good Lord God Protected Scriptures of Biblical texts, of the one true, The Holy Bible for humanity.
    God has had folk, boys and girls, every stage until adulthood, for a very long time
    by "the first century" of the "common calendar."
    So, how come God Sent The Only Begotten Son Of God, Jesus The Beloved Christ Of God,
    then, 2000 years ago, to be God's Light sent into the world of under the skies, of seas & dry land?
    Oh, because humanity needs God's Own Help, Salvation or Redemption, like ever is true.
    Hmm, how did the practice of goodness verses thinking harmful things happen?
    Uh oh, Adam and Eve, each knowing God Knowing each of them, every single thought,
    thus Adam is completely in human spirit and body intimately needing one another,
    and Eve is completely in human spirit and body intimately needing one another,
    so each is human, a one gentleman human being, called "male,"
    and diametrically different by gender is one gentlewoman human being, called "female,"
    for the physicality is from dust to dust. So, Adam having heart, soul, mind, and strength, one steward,
    and Eve having heart, soul, mind, and strength, one steward, like each boy or each girl, Only God Created.
    Simplistic truth, so, "pro-"creation" is not Creating a boy or girl, only God does,
    i.e. Jeremiah 1:5, Isaiah 40, Jesus telling each boy and each girl has an Angel Of The Lord before The Face Of God all of the time in the one true, The Holy Bible, The Good News of exceedingly great joy, like The Heavenly Host Of Angels telling of Jesus, who traveled 9 months, from, Biblical scholars. by The Scriptural texts, by The Spirit Of Truth, help of The Holy Spirit Promised Interpreter, like the birth of John the Baptist, and other signs,
    that He, Jesus The Only Begotten Son Messiah Of God, then Suffering Servant Of God,
    had come to foster dad Joseph, and foster mom Mary, at near The Festival of Dedication called, "Hanukah,"
    and it is just true, nine months later, is, the "head" of the Jewish year, New Year begins in Spring;-
    thereby, then nine 9 months after, Dedication is Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur and Tabernacles called, Sukkot.
    Aren't the lyrics of Jesus Loves the little children great?
    - Down to earth, is like, this,
    since, One True Lord Good God, Sending Jesus The Beloved Christ Of God,
    now Ascended Into Heaven, and since The Spirit Of God, Having, The Spirit Of Truth,
    The Holy Spirit Promised Comforter, the help of The Holy Spirit,
    gives someone by God's Goodness Of The One True Good Lord God,
    the need of God's help received by one's own joy of life decision,
    thankfully so, thus called by, oil of gladness, by Jesus The Christ Of God,
    Promised at The Last Discourse, to never leave someone, boy or girl,
    up to grown, adult, by The Spirit Of Truth, Jesus Telling, from His stand point, "follow Me,"
    so, of course, following God, The One True Good Lord God, by The Testimony of Jesus Christ The Only Begotten Son Of God, Priest Of God.
    Since God Is Creator, Who Redeems and Sanctifies according to Only God Is Omniscient,
    having God's Very Own Continuing Purview Over Heaven and earth,
    God Knowing through & through every Angel Cherubim or Angel Seraphim,
    and each steward, ever Created by God of humanity,
    Only God Is The Good Lord God, thus By The Spirit Of God Is Lord,
    thereby, by Being By God, God's Only Begotten Son Of God, Jesus Christ Is Lord.
    hummmmmm, let me see, or discern;-
    lyrics are like this, Jesus Loves the little children, all the children of the world, Red & Yellow, Black & White,
    could be expressed, like, Brown & Tan, differing shades of color of skin,
    Jesus Loves the little children of the world.
    "Up With People," from a short/long time ago, sang, "What Color Is God's Skin?',
    so like, Jesus Loves the little children, each and everyone is precious in The Good Lord's Sight.
    God Gives the joy of life, and there is sometimes "tough" yet "disciplined" like saying good bye,
    but knowing coming home from school or work or play, is a little "sorrowful."
    However, hardship is normal since, the sneaky snake, yikes,
    tricking Adam and Eve, telling them the fruit of deciding good v. [influence or deeds of harm] evil, that it is good to eat, and that they will have their "eyes opened" knowing, not from God, but by not heeding God, for themselves, the difference between good v. evil, yikes! So, this journey, is called real life on earth.
    God Promised, he or He, shall crush the head of "the serpent" who trying to trick be telling so called sweet, truth mixed with lies, often not direct lies, i.e. the fruit of that physical natural true had nutrients and flavor, but!;-
    God Told The Truth, the Light of Goodness Of God Lamps, only eat from the other trees, in The Garden Of Eden.
    That is why, this long, "valley of the shadow of death," "valley of decision" in the Book of the prophet Joel,
    and intense, sometimes, ONLY God, By God's Good One True Lord God, Through Jesus The Only Begotten Son Of God, The Christ Of God, God's Light sent into the world, the Way & the Truth & the Life Of God,
    Jesus telling, "The Father is greater than all," and He, Jesus, by God Speaking From Heaven, this is MY Beloved Son in Whom IAM, I'm well please," Jesus telling, "I and The Father are One," and at The Last Discourse,
    telling, by "counselor," "ever lasting father," "mighty God," and is, "the government of the world on His shoulders,"
    from The Book of the prophet Isaiah, Jesus at The Last Discourse, By God! telling the Truth Of God Light Lamps The Goodness Of God, The Father is in Jesus The Only Begotten Son Of God, Jesus The Beloved Christ Of God, then Suffering Servant Of God, The Messiah Jesus Of God, and He, Jesus Christ Is in The Father, thereby, He, Jesus told Phillip, have I been with you this long, thereby, by seeing Jesus The Beloved Only Begotten Son Christ Priest Faithful & True Of God, Phillip saw, that need of reverence The Face Of God. After Jesus Is The Risen Lord Jesus Christ,
    but before Jesus Is The Ascended Jesus Christ Is Lord, He telling, "doubting Thomas," knowing unearned suffering,
    to be encouraged and strengthened, that Thomas had seen and believed, know to be the truth of God, lamps the goodness of God, Jesus telling, blessed are those who have not seen and believe, and heed God, of course, simplistic truth, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life," ref John 3:16. "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever." ref Book of Letter to Hebrews. and since Jesus offers Peace of God, by He Jesus, in The Holy Bible, not like the world gives peace, He gives Peace Of God.

    • @henyantiafroanctosa2579
      @henyantiafroanctosa2579 2 роки тому

      "In the heavens God has pitched a tent for the sun.
      5 It is like a bridegroom coming out of his chamber,
      like a champion rejoicing to run his course.
      6 It rises at one end of the heavens
      and makes its circuit to the other;
      nothing is deprived of its warmth.
      7 The law of the Lord is perfect,
      refreshing the soul.
      The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy,
      making wise the simple.
      8 The precepts of the Lord are right,
      giving joy to the heart.
      The commands of the Lord are radiant,
      giving light to the eyes.
      9 The fear of the Lord is pure,
      enduring forever.
      The decrees of the Lord are firm,
      and all of them are righteous.
      10 They are more precious than gold,
      than much pure gold;
      they are sweeter than honey,
      than honey from the honeycomb.
      11 By them your servant is warned;
      in keeping them there is great reward.
      12 But who can discern their own errors?
      Forgive my hidden faults.
      13 Keep your servant also from willful sins;
      may they not rule over me.
      Then I will be blameless,
      innocent of great transgression.
      14 May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart
      be pleasing in your sight,
      Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." - Psalm 19:4-14
      Psalm 19:1 In Hebrew texts 19:1-14 is numbered 19:2-15.
      Psalm 19:4 Septuagint, Jerome and Syriac; Hebrew measuring line"
      [*note, reference source online link, www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm%2019&version=NIV , *note, teachings is sometimes traditions.]
      📝, signed, as poster, by God! In The Name Of The One True Good Lord God & The Only Begotten Son Of God, Jesus The Christ Priest Faithful & True Of God, and The Holy Spirit Of God,
      by help of The Spirit Of Truth, ref. The Good News, in the one true, The Holy Bible, "The Last Discourse," thereby, In The Gospel according to John, Jesus did give, The High Priestly Prayer,
      thereby, God's Granted surnamed Cimino, Birth Certificate legally, oil of gladness binding;-
      and legal known by, last name Pelaez, Joseph P. Pelaez, servant by Grace, the gift of God,
      ref Letter to Ephesus in Epistles chapter 2, of Jesus Christ Is Lord,
      ---, initialed, JPP. ✉

    • @henyantiafroanctosa2579
      @henyantiafroanctosa2579 2 роки тому

      *note, curator, JPP. Peace Of God, in Name Of Jesus The Only Begotten Son Of God, Jesus The Beloved Christ Of God, T.