DONALD BREWER fuck you, lord for even entertaining the idea of allowing a universe where your sentient creations could spend eternity in hell for completely trivial reasons that you programmed them to feel as natural acts. and double fuck you for thinking i should praise you for your infinte love and mercy at the same time. i have many more issues, but those are big enough to consider you either fictional or undeserving of anything but contempt.
African Warlord lmao you were just looking to flame someone. And that was a song. Probably good ones if you sat through it. Cops is a TV intro. Usually with video playing. Take it down a notch Jeez.
Nikki Mejia nah it was not legal, but due to the traffic situation and the actual law stating that you can’t travel 200+ ft after the beginning/end lane, the judge dismissed the case.
josb inyoface yeah... you can buy many things... still looking forward to the day they’re standardised though... would make everyone think twice before doing something stupid to another if everyone had them as standard. Think you missed the point.
This stop lasted minutes and the potential profit was huge if you didn't fight it in court, which most people don't. The city is relying on people not fighting it in court. Good on you!
oogiemaster in Las Vegas you show up in court to fight the ticket (can't be done by mail), they ask how you plead. If you say not guilty they give you another court date two to three months down the road, when you show up they ask you how you plead and say you're there to plea not argue your case.......corrupt ass bullshit welfare program for assholes on bench......
+*Todd Poulton*, That's precisely what it is . . . one long drawn out process designed to coerce people into just paying the fuckin' fine. I'm glad this guy beat the system, and it appears to me a court that lets people mail in evidence of their innocence is very smart because it saves unnecessary time spent in court wasting time and money, not to mention the burden on employers having to give their employees time off for it.
I am a retired police office of 35 years. 27 years as a motorcycle cop. I would not have stopped this guy because the painted lines were very faded. That said I lost very few tickets because I wrote fair tickets and was not a prick when I talked to the driver. One funny ticket that I lost was a 18 year old female that crossed over the painted double yellow lines and also passed several stopped cars (driving 0n the wrong side of the road). I got behind her and put my red light on but she did not respond. I hit my air horn but she was not paying attention to her rear view mirrors and kept driving at the speed limit. Well I was in no hurry to stop her so I just followed her with my lights on to see when she would get the message and pull over. Well after 3 miles on city streets (Newport Beach) she pulled over. I asked her what was she thinking, and she had that beach blonde (I don't have a clue look). I issued the ticket and just shook my head. Months later she took me to court and your not going to believe this. She walks in to Harbor traffic night court holding hands with a NUN in full habit The nun was in her eighties and was smiling at everyone in the court. I told the judge the above statement and sat down. The defendant got on the stand and stated she did not remember doing anything wrong. I looked at the judge and had to bite my lip to keep from cracking up. The judge looked at me then at the NUN sitting near the front row and said case dismissed.
That story is GREAT! I would have had to literally bite through my lip to keep from laughing. The only way it could have been better is if when she walked into the courtroom with the nun she was holding a boombox playing "The hills are aliiiiiiive....with the sound of musiiiiiiiiic..."
I've done this maneuver. It's illegal, but it keeps traffic moving. That cop knew what he was doing sitting there with the right lane clogged up. Somebody was going to drive down the center to make the left turn. It's a legitimate ticket, but it seems like he would have better things to do.
InnaterialDream, You cannot do it because it is not a dedicated left turn lane only for traffic proceeding in the direction he was going. It is a center turn lane that traffic from either direction can enter to make a left. Riding for long distances in that lane can cause accidents if a car in the opposite direction also wanted to turn left.
Wait so that lane allows traffic of opposing directions? WOW ... thats ... interesting and dangerous. Here in Hungary it is usually painted on the road that from the middle of it the lanes next to it can change lane to the turning lane. There is a clear painted line in the middle of that road like \ that traffic cannot pass thru because the other side is for the opposing traffic. But it never allows traffic in both directions at the same time.... wow that sounds way too dangerous. If someone want to turn on that lane they have to wait in line of the straight going traffic then change lanes when they reach the painted signs in the middle. (edit) Forgot to mention that on some roads in the bigger cities there are flowerpots in the middle as the paint divides the road to further discourage people trying to go over it.
It's only a turn lane for both directions in certain spots. After that, like intersections, it's obviously for left turns only from a certain direction. He got in too early, but I understand why. There's no point in just sitting there if you are going to be turning. It IS illegal to do, yes. If you're caught, you get a ticket like the cammer did. He fought it though. Most people wouldn't. It's a good thing, and it's bad thing. When traffic is backed up, I honestly see no issue in jumping in early, as long as you're at the end of the traffic line like he was. If someone wants to turn the opposite direction, just make sure nobody is in the way when you get in. If the person jumping in early has to wait for someone else already in the lane, so be it. I've done it.
Oh well i still find it dangerous that it is allowed in amercia atleast without a mark on the road like here. I understand the logic behind it it is just wierd. But i guess every country has its own wierd rules.
Hell yeah, congrats. Just bought and installed my first front/rear dashcam and will do so for every vehicle I own in the future! It pays for itself, like in this video!
Well I'm glad you got it dismissed. Although you clearly lied about where you entered that turn lane on your "evidence". The point you enter a lane is the moment any part of vehicle occupies it. You entered the turn lane before Ventura street. You can see your already hitting the line at least 60 to 80 ft before the black car pulls in from Ventura.
I particularly applaud your professional reaction in dealing with situation in a meticulous and illustrative details, no point in arguig and being disrespectful to the cop. even if he was in the wrong You did right by following the legal channels while resting your case. well done!!
I google maped this location and using the video as reference and counted around 400ft of travel in the turn lane. How on earth he came up with 192ft is beyond me.
Max Melnik dude I'm looking at it now and Idk how anyone who looked at it thought this was less than even 350 ft its ridiculous. granted the charge was quite a bit for just traveling over 200 ft in a center lane but he should have just had a lessened fine, but a fine nonetheless
You can also count the dash lines. They are painted every 40 feet (10 foot dash, 30 foot space) and I counted about 12 of them. He traveled at least 400ft in the center lane.
Yeah, I googled it too and the distance from Venture St to the light is 444ft, he entered before Venture St though, that's way over 200ft even if subtracting him being back 33ft or more. But, hey, he got out of the ticket which means the Judge basically went on the honor system. And i'm sure he believes it because he posted all the info online thinking it was right. Sometimes courts are right and sometimes wrong.
Did you measure to the stoplight or the start of the turn lane? Because where the actual turn lane starts for the intersection is where you would stop measuring.
I really liked your video, your title explains exactly what your video is about & you have an outcome of a dismissal! I hate watching a video an there's an arrest or ticket but no follow-up or explanation of what happened. Thanks for the closure, makes it more enjoyable to watch!!
You nailed it, that’s everybody’s thought when They see a cop behind them for no reason. By the way. I live on Long Island and I do that all the time can’t believe you were stopped for that
You entered the left turn lane before the red parked pickup I am not law enforcement but you were wrong. The fact that you lied to him and said you did not was sufficient to cite you. Sorry but you were wrong and deserved the citation!
Out of curiosity, when it gets dismissed this way, does the issuing cop find out it was dismissed since it never went to court, or is he just left figuring you paid it?
When a ticket is challenged in court, the issuing officer is required to attend the court date (6th Amendment). If the officer does not show, then the ticket is summarily dismissed. If they do, they are allowed to provide testimony as to the specifics of the citation.
@@karlynn7719 Know of several cases whereby the ticketing officer did not appear in court. 2x the judge dismissed the cases and 3x she set a time and date for a subsequent hearing. The alleged offender had to take another day from work to appear. More folks should spend a day or two sitting and observing in a court room to observe justice in action.
@@shadowgarr7649 heh, I agree that more people should just go grab a seat in a traffic or district court... possibly not as good an idea NOW, as it was when this thread started, lol. I should have said "may" be summarily dismissed, as the judge has a TON of latitude in how to precede. If the issuing officer isn't there, they tend to dismiss. At least that's how it used to be.
It’s a myth that if the officer doesn’t appear in court, the ticket is dismissed. It can be but most often the hearing is rescheduled for the next court date.
The worst part of disputing tickets generally is you have to pay the ticket to dispute it, then it's refunded if ruled in your favor. Basically, unless it will add points against your license, fighting the ticket is designed to be more of a hassle than most are willing to contend with.
This is stupid. You start to pass them before most of them even stopped. They could have been meaning to turn at the light, as well, and you would have blasted past them. You got impatient and wanted to skip the wait.
That was a ticket for sure bro.. at 1:38 you went straight on that middle Lane which is not to go straight, is to make left onto driveway ....At 1:44 where that BIG RIG IS AT, is where you're supposed to enter on to the left hand turn lane got lucky
No, you can enter the [shared] left turn lane and be in it for up to 200 ft. He did not have to enter by the big rig. However, I do believe a mistake was still made on the driver's end of things, you are correct in the fact that it should be a ticket. You shouldn't be going through an intersection in a shared left turn lane, even if your just staring to merge into it. He could enter that turn lane anytime after the intersection, not before it. Not trying to be rude, just trying to give you some more knowledge. Feel free to search up, ask a leo, or driving instructor to verify this if you are still unsure. It is up to you as a driver to decide what actions is best for your safety and the safety of others.
Pisses me off people driving down the turn lane like it's another lane. I have seen too many crashes by mouthbreathers who have not a clue that this is bad move.
You were soo in the wrong. Even your dashcam shows you went from intersection to intersection. You made so many driving mistakes. You passed cars that were still travelling to the stoplight. I don't like cops at all, but this cop had you dead to rights. You got lucky with getting it dismissed, probably because you just showed still photographs with inaccurate information on them. Cause where you said you entered the lane was not where you entered the lane. I watched the video 3 times to make sure. You entered the lane and while you were passing the first car, you crossed an intersection, then passed several more cars before you got to Enterprise. You came to court with false evidence and won, I ain't mad at cha! They come with false evidence all the time and win. Glad to see the tables turn. But you were guilty. But what's truly amazing is how many ppl think that he's in the right, or that the cop gave him a bogus ticket to meet his quota. At 1:35 a car makes a right turn onto the street from Ventura. At 1:37 he enters the center lane, at 1:39 he crossed the intersection of Ventura and continued on. So just like the cop said intersection to intersection.
Peter Pate he's not full of shit he's literally stating facts presented in the video. This guy's own video proves he's guilty he just got lucky getting it dismissed.
Alex Hauschild It wasn't about luck, majority of drivers don't know that you can enter that lane when the stop is 200' of less. As stated in the video his distance was just under 200' making it a legal maneuver.
A Tuck no it is illegal he moved in to an intersection that's illegal simple as that. There's no argument when what he did was straight up illegal.we all learned this in class this isn't news to anyone
Alex Hauschild Alex Hauschild Look closely at 2:17, on the right that is a business, not a street. Public roads don't have closable fences. On the left there is a street. An intersection has roads going across another street forming a "+". This is not an intersection. The cop came out of a parking lot. Notice he comes out of a gated area (private property) were the signs were. (I've gotten one of these tickets before when I was younger so I had to look into the law on it). This is why the ticket got dropped after being viewed by several qualified people in law. Do you think the courts would have just let a nearly 300 dollar ticket drop if what he did was illegal?, No. Courts will find you guilty easy and on bogus charges. You have to show irrefutable evidence of your innocence therefore the courts and I agree what he did was legal.
That center lane should be used for any vehicles going the opposite direction to turn onto Venture to your right (their left). I'm a motorcycle rider and people do this all the time and have almost run me over in the process. The turn lane doesn't begin until the break in the yellow line. This driver got lucky.
Yeah you got lucky bro, because you were absolutely in the wrong. You should have waited until the light ahead turned green and the traffic moved forward and entered the turning lane closer to the light. Its kind of a petty thing to pull someone over for but that doesnt make you any less guilty.
The letter of the LAW; reasonable and prudent for existing conditions. What you and the cop are citing are code violations. This is the corruption We the People elected Donald J. Trump to the office of President of the United States in order to correct. The difference between LAW and code is paramount to a free people. Learn it so we can Live it.
Glad you got it dismissed but it does seem you entered way sooner than you needed to - what was another 50-100 feet? you were moving - not like it was a standstill... just saying. If the guy in front of you decided to turn left at the same light, he would have been out of luck or hit you.
Well that's why you have mirrors on the car and can move your head before changing lanes. That's a weird rule for me (from Germany) but maybe because we don't have such centerlanes which change into turning lanes.
Road rules allow drivers some expectation as to what other drivers will do, if they follow those rules. As others have stated, if a driver ahead of you pulled into that turn lane where rules state you should, why should they be at fear you will hit them because you want your own personal express lane.
@Game0Pat it's to avoid idiots driving on the center lane for miles to pass other cars patiently waiting, and because it is very dangerous to move fast on the center lane (traffic could come from both directions, which some drivers are not expecting, especially not at fast speeds).
The second lane looked full and that is for going forward. We don't have turning lanes for both ways in Europe, so the situation in the video will not ever be found in Europe. In my opinion, there driver didn't do anything dangerous, just preparing for a left turn a bit earlier than supposed.
you are correct the second lane was full. He was supposed to stay in the lane until he got much closer. The fact that the turn lane has to be used for 2 directions increases the need for the lane to be kept open and available. If not, many people would just use the turn lane as an express lane to avoid traffic.
Yea well maybe he wanted to save 1 min because that one min he'll never get back at red light or 2 mins waiting behind everyone because big brother says so harm no foul he went slow not like I would of floor it n go u sallys
i have to say yes, he was turning left, not just going around, and the traffic was backed up from light to light, they dont call them suicide lanes for nothing
I'm really surprised your ticket got dismissed because the cop was right. You travelled in that left lane from intersection to another intersection. Far more than what you claimed in your pictures. You entered that lane before Venture st. Maybe you got off because the pictures you took are a bit misleading. I guess in the US you have a different numbering system, because I don't see 21 cars stopped in line at the light.
You got lucky. Center lanes are not to be used as an extended turning lane for your convenience, regardless of traffic conditions. Try doing that during rush hour like many motons in Phoenix and watch the number of accidents as a result.
If I were that cop I would have explained pretty firmly that putting any vehicle on the right lane in danger on the off-chance they decided they needed to be on the left lane and didn't anticipate someone breaking road rules and rushing up on a lane they shouldn't have been on is far too risky to let pass. So many accidents occur because people become complacent with the road rules. Good for the officer in trying to preserve safety, over convenience.
It's always recommended to check mirrors before changing lanes; this applies just as much to left-turn lanes as anywhere else. No-one is being put at risk by one vehicle moving by in the left-turn lane, and any other driver needing to turn left can simply let him pass before merging into the left-turn lane.
At 1:38 is when he enters the middle lane which isnt even close to 192 ft but then takes a pic of him being less than 200ft which is at around. He even goes through Venture street while being in the mid lane. Dude was driving too aggressive with his impatient, it was indeed needed of a warning at least.
Google maps, great thing. Dropping a pin where you went in and then stopped puts you traveling at nearly 450 ft in the lane. Got lucky, you should've had to pay. For those actually interested, put in destinations 2301-2305 Auto Park Way, Escondido, CA 92029 and 2324 Auto Park Way, Escondido, CA 92029 as the start and stop.
Frankly there was no reason at all for you to enter that median when you did. Not saying you deserved a ticket but because you didn't wanna wait until the turn lane opened up you passed 5+ cars to end up at a red light? Cop was not in the wrong here. It's called patience. It's a virtue.
its amazing seeing the differences between my country and this one. in my country, the earlier you can go pre-sort ( is that even a word in english? no idea) for a left / right hand turn on intersections, the better. but once the turn lane 'goes solid' you are no longer allowed to change, its basicly the right oposit of what you see here, here your lane is solid untill it opens up in the end, while in my country its open, and it locks up in the end so people cant do dangerous last moment lane changes.
That Escondido cop was fired after that ticket dismissal my guess, and will not be getting promoted to lead traffic enforcement officer either! Im sure he was not counting on two experts being present above his job title (dash cam) cops just really DISLIKE those devices when caught in the wrong!
You were wicked lucky! I checked the area on Google Maps and it appears the officer was right since you entered the left turn lane about 60 ft prior to Venture Street. Plus I counted 7 skip marks between Venture Street and the beginning of the unidirectional left turn lane at Enterprise Street. Isn't that 280 feet?
@@christophergreninger6952 the judge did not agree with you; the cop wasted our money on a very minor situation; that is not excusable; nothing else to do????; start digging on unsolved crimes or reduce their budget and save us money; they are our employees, they brake the law more often than us, not only in traffic, but against the actual people that pays their salary, and they get away with it; this was totally out of order; no logic, no reasoning, no brains
@@christophergreninger6952 in addition, when traffic is diverted, laws are eased, good cops know it; tyrants use any means to control, any excuse, as minor as this, wasting our money and dividing us
Did we watch the same video steve b? He did get a ticket yes, but it was dismissed and he got his money back. Technically he got a ticket, but in the end he didn't.
But the ticket was dismissed and he got his money back. That's like being punished and sent in your room when you're a kid but be allowed to use your phone and computer, it won't do shit. Is that punishment? No, and neither was that a valid ticket. It was indeed a ticket, as good as one I could write myself on a napkin and hand to you, doesn't make it a valid one though.
At the point he moved in the turn lane legally he would have to turn left where the police was, a turn lane even if you turn is not to be used as a passing lane even if empty... It's about using it properly so it's safe for everyone. If someone else followed the law there and used the turn lane when they could move to it there could have been an accident. I'm for motorcycles lane splitting, they can't where I live a few petitions went around which I did sign but they were all rejected. Sometimes things don't seem to make sense but generally laws are there for safety as long as everyone do what they have to, one person does this and safety goes out the window. If a bike was lane splitting there, what could and would have happened?
Using Google Maps you switched to the turning lane just before Venture Street. You then drove up the turning lane to to the intersection of Auto park Way and Enterprise Street. Using Google Maps distance tool, it shows it's 477.86 feet from where you turned into the turning lane to the point where you stopped behind the truck, You turned in beside the Amerigas propane parking lot. From the entrance of Amerigas to where you stopped behind the truck at the intersection was 477.86 feet. You were over double the 200 foot legal limit. Traffic in the area was not to the point where you needed to drive up the center lane almost 500 feet. You ran up the center and crossed over an intersection and parking lot where if someone went to turn into one of them you could have caused a head on collision. The entrance of Reiss Racing and Restoration is 204 feet from the intersection. You go lucky the department or courts didn't simply go measure the distance. You broke the rules on the road and got lucky.
I was thinking this before the cop even pulled out. The yellow lines stopped, which indicated a turn section. Arizona would pull me over for this and I would get fined, fighting or no fighting.
The cringe while watching this was real, I can’t even imagine the logic that goes through some people’s head while driving, anyone would’ve thought the nice people left a big enough gap for someone to enter the left turning lane and then you have this guy ready to blind side someone by traveling down the turning lane 21 car lengths early lol
I guess if you edit your screenshots with lies and the cop isn't there to correct you, it must be ok. Math is simple - your dash cam shows your speed and shows the time. By 9:59:12 you are fully in the middle lane, doing 44 km/h. You actually speed up here, but get back down to 44 km/h at 9:49:20, a full 8 seconds of 44 km/h. Traveling at 44 km/h is 12.2 meters per second, or 40 feet per second. Just that 8 seconds at 40 feet per second is 320 feet, clearly over the '192 feet' fiction you made up. When you consider that you actually increased speed up to 53 km/h in the middle lane (covering more ground), you are still a full semi-truck length short of stopping at the 9:49:20 mark I used, and that you started into the middle lane a second or two earlier, your over 320 feet by a good amount. This video should be titled "Ticket dismissed... thank you again lying and cheating."
Sounds like he's implying you can't travel down the middle lane, it's for making turns and you literally went from street to street. I can see where he's coming from. The judge gave you a break i think.
Thats some pretty aggressive driving though. You rode that lane too long and would of denied those other cars from turning into the turn lane at the correct spot.
Or if everyone does what he did, we all save time. There is plenty of room to have people waiting to turn left be in the middle lane. not a big deal at all Your logic would defeat the purpose of a green turning light. lets say the first few cars are going strait and then next few are turning left and then the next strait again cont... then the left green arrow comes on you have to sit and wait (no one can enter because the people going strait are in the way). then later it turns green for the others to go strait but now everyone behind you will have to wait because your waiting for the green arrow to turn left again. This would only let a couple cars through each light cycle. Traffic would be a nightmare. ITS PERFECTLY FINE WHAT HE DID.
flohealz you call a slow moving indicated move into a left turn lane aggressive?? wow. that's what that lane is for, to ease congestion in the travel lanes.
...if someone doesn't check thier mirror before pulling out. However the OP was far too close to the car infront before it turned right and its possible the highway patrol was this and could only try to ticket for something else.
Actually this is the adviced behaviour for most of the world (like the parts with intelligent people making the law).. Makes 0 sense to keep blocking the lane, when your turn lane is free.. It's like building a road, but then not allowing people to use it xD
Even though it looks to me like you entered the left turn lane a little earlier that I would have, you deserve the dismissal. You prepared a well organized graphic presentation of your case, with solid evidence and told your side of the story in a professional manner. Good for you!
I love the cherry picking on the still he used to show where he was "stopped" behind the pick up truck. He rolled right up to the hitch in the original footage :)
Dude you enter the left hand turn lane way too early. Dont do that man, I just turned in my dash cam video to insurance to help a driver cause he got hit by a another that drove 1 whole block in the middle lane and got into an accident when another car was making a left from a corner and entered into the middle lane to get onto the opposite lane and got hit dead on. The driver that did what you did, got into the middle lane to make a left 1 whole block early and she had a baby in the car. Was pretty bad, you deserve that tickey in a way but good that you won by officer not showing up. The dash video clearly shows that you are in violation of entering the left hand turn lane way way too early.
Again, he won because of existing conditions and what he did was not hazardous. Traffic tickets are not meant to be for revenue enhancement. They are meant to dissuade unsafe driving. Everyone seems to forget that there was a reason for the backup...
See this is why most people pay bogus tickets because you don't know the law and when you are presented with the truth you stick to your broken guns. Cut off your nose to spite your face eh? The law states darn near everywhere that you cannot exceed 200 feet of distance in a turning lane. This guy was there for 192' therefore is was legal. Why don't you actually learn something in case this happens to you. He didn't measure from where he entered the lane. He entered well before the black car. I'd bet any amount of money the cop was sitting at 205 feet.
Mean Bear I bet you all my worldly possessions the cop is not a lawyer and the people who dropped the ticket are far more versed in the law. I'll even take out a loan and give it to you if you can find a court who gives away money because the person who got the ticket "just wants it". (Of course this does not include cops, or people who know judges and politicians). People need to learn that far too many tickets are given and paid because people and cops don't know the law well. This comment section is a prime example. 90% of people here don't realize that wasn't an intersection he passed. The side street did not CROSS the street this guy was traveling on.
Damn glad you had proof to save you from the road pirate! Hell I got dragged into court once for "unmowed lawn" while I was actually mowing my lawn!!! Judge dismissed the charges against me when animal control officer spoke up as a witness told the judge she seen me mowing my lawn when I got ticketed. I went back home finished mowing my lawn. Same officer came over inspected my yard looking to see if I missed an area. Mind you I was using an old time non motorised push rotor mower in mid summer weather.
You definitely entered that turn late way too early. I’m gonna side with a cop here. At least wait till traffic is stopped to get in, because maybe one of those cars was gonna turn.
At 4:29 you reference that you enter the turn lane roughly adjacent to the silver SUV, yet at 2:12 we see you clearly enter much earlier, adjacent to the second small white car. Looks to be a good 60 feet back from the silver SUV.
Also the solid orange line means that you can cross / pass if safe to do so . It was not the normal route the driver would have taken due to the accident .
Except there are entry rules on distance to an intersection. He passed an intersection and parking lot where if someone else needed to turn left coming from the opposite direction he could have caused a head on collision. He needed to turn left but was 477 feet before the intersection. The rules are no more then 200 feet before your desired turning area.
in britian if theres a "shared" centre turning lane it will have a transverse dividing line and/or a hatched no go area where it switches its purpose from one side to the other and big white arrows pointing to where you can/can't turn into. the US system looks pretty dangerous,and the lines also need redoing - probably not in green this time... the OP was driving too close tho so should have been given a slap on the wrist anyway
60m isn't very long. Shared lane seem stupid IMO, just separate them out for either direction depending on which direction has a turn at that specific point. All these people saying you could've caused a head on are ridiculous, if you couldn't see the car in the middle lane and got in it and crashed head on, you ought to lose your licence, everyone has a duty to avoid an accident, and just because you're in the right, have right of way or people are SUPPOSED to give way to you, doesn't mean you should crash into someone because of it, thats the stupidest thing I've ever heard. At 50km/h ~ 31mph, you're doing about 15m/s, 60m will go by in 4s, it takes a second or so to get in the lane.... so 200ft seems incredibly small.....
im with the cop on this one, you moved into too soon.. What if they guy infront wanted that lane? Hardly worth a ticket though and WHERE did he come from?
"too soon" is not a matter of opinion on time/distance, it's specified as 200 feet or less and he traveled less than 200 feet in the turn lane, which is legal,, ugg, so many idiots claiming he was in it too long when the law is written to allow the distance he traveled in that lane...
There should also be a provision for providing compensation for the trouble the person has to go to prove himself innocent of the offence. And the police guy who gave the ticket without the right observation should be penalized for not using police resources wisely.
I know that area, so it was interesting to see this, especially since I work near there. Glad you got it dismissed. That cop was desperate to write someone up for anything.
Agreed - One can see from the rear facing cam that he entered the middle turn lane BEFORE he reach the driveway where the police officer was parked. In his images to the court he says, with arrows, that he entered the turn lane WAY AFTER the actual point where he DID in fact enter.
Had a situation where a cop said I made a left from a left turn lane on a red. I knew at that time from what she said there was no way she could see whether my light was red or green. Did the same analysis as this guy but there were no dash cams back then. The cop never showed. Dismissed! Most intersections have crossing traffic both red for a sec or two before one goes green. Not this intersection. Light goes green and cross traffic goes red nearly simultaneously. With help of another I timed it and the time interval was about 2 tenths of a second which included the delay time for the observer to raise his hand and me watching the other light hit the stop button on the stop watch. Take out our reaction times and there is zero overlap of reds. I think the cop knew it and did not expect me to figure it out. Another time on a military base I was stopped for making a right at a stop sign and not first coming to a full stop. The cop was correct. I never saw the sign. Went back the next day. That stop sign must have been installed in the 40's when the base was built. It was about 75% of a modern stop sign. Never before or since in the US or Canada have I ever found one that small. Nearly non reflective, partially hidden by tree branches. A few weeks later I put a video recorder on my dash and drove around the base after dark. The modern stop signs were so reflective they saturated the image, due to the low light conditions, to the point you could barely make out the word STOP -- just a white blur. The sign in question was barely visible in the video. And by this time many of the leaves had fallen from the branches that had blocking the sign. Somehow I got an audience with an ADA. They looked at the video. Checked my driving record. Dismissed! I think the military cops just sit waiting for people to miss the sign and write tickets. This also helped
So you admit it wasn't legal but because it was safe and reasonable they let you go so I will use that every time I go through a red light when there's no traffic. Cheers.
I love it when us citizens can stick it to the government. HOWEVER - you would have never entered the turning lane that early if it weren't for the slow Mazda in front of you. Your determination won you this just as much as the dash cam. There was no reason, despite what you showed us here with the irrelevant hoopla, to have entered the left turning lane that early. This happens a lot in my city where people enter the left turning lane WAY before it opens up, and it causes lots of accidents. There are LINES on the road for a reason. Still, good for you that you put in the time and effort to make the courts not want to deal with it. For that I definitely commend you.
The ONLY REASON the cite was dismissed is because the officer obviously DID NOT respond to the written declaration. It was not because of the silly reasons stated in the video. 21460.5 (C) CVC is a good cite and I write a ton of them here in So Cal. That middle divider with the one solid line and inside broken lines is called a two-way left turn lane. You're allowed to drive in it for LESS THAN 200 ft and that is ONLY if you're going to turn left into a business/driveway, etc OR to stop and prepare for a UTURN. You Sir, used this middle portion as a lane so-as to pass other vehicles because you're entitled and impatient. There could have been other vehicles there waiting for the LEFT HAND TURN BAY to open up, but you passed them all. When I cite people for this, many people that are stuck in the same terrible traffic give me the thumbs up and say, "yeah, go get 'em!!!"
Actually I doubt he used it because he's "entitled and impatient" but probably more because he used common sense. There was obviously no oncoming traffic due to the lights ahead, and his lane was backing up so he did something sensible and skirted the "law" in order to help the rest of the traffic around him. Unfortunately it's jobsworth's like you who read the law to the letter and penalise drivers like this for actually having common sense and using the whole available road in a sensible and legitimate manner.
i live in britain and this 200ft rule seems a bit ridiculous especially on a road where cars are passing each other potentially at max road speed in opposite directions without a central reservation; if a lane has been demarkated we can drive in it unless its blocked by roadworks etc. That being said the OP was - for whatever reason (someone mentions he may have been using phone above ) - driving far too close to the vehicle infront which eventually turned right but I doubt that infraction would stick as much as the 200ft one...
21460.5(C) CVC. California Vehicle Code. It's not about common sense. He's not in a lane. He's shooting up the middle, passing motorists that are patiently and legally waiting their turn. What's next, driving along the shoulder when there's traffic on the freeway? Blowing the red light because nobody is coming? Same thing. You sound like an entitled and impatient driver. You're the type that cause accidents and are going to get someone killed. Thank you so much for your COMPLETE 100% understanding in this matter now that I've explained it to you. I'm so happy that you are willing to comply with the laws like the rest of the motorists. Sign right here in the red box. Press firmly as there's three copies. Everything is explained to you on the back of the cite. You're free to go. Take care.
in the uk we have actually started to drive in the hard shoulder at very busy times on motorways - they are called *smart motorways* and periodically there are electronic signs over each lane to say what can and can't be done in it. i.e. drive at specific speed, do not use lane (if there's an accident or roadworks etc). at busy times the hard shoulder is used as an additional off ramp lane. there are cameras hooked up to national computer systems that can control the signs using software, more efficiently than humans. anyway, how is one supposed to determine 200ft while travelling at 40mph in traffic? are the lines always only 200ft long?
excellent - that rear facing dash cam almost paid for itself ... nice detective work - evidence has its rewards ... i would think about getting another cam for my rear flank ...
Wtf... I randomly click on a video and it's of someone getting pulled over in my home town. I think UA-cam is watching me... Or trying to tell me something.
Thank you for sharing. I would never have thought that even if by technicality it can be dismissed if you are able to prove reasonable circumstance.....reconsidering my purchasing a dashcam. lol WTG
So someone should miss multiple lights and stay behind a whole bunch of cars when they are not going in that direction? That is stupid as hell and there wouldn't be lanes like this if that was the original intent, go eat a carrot
Middle lane turns for both direction are there to make turn to left, driveways, entering property parking, etc... for left turn on stop light there is no middle lane, just left lane to turn only left.
obviously you're wrong in this case because the courts have decided to dismiss this ticket. maybe you can go hate on people who actually drive further than 200ft in the middle lane. this man did nothing wrong.
kevin roberts 100% agreed and definitely seen my fair share of accidents due to drivers getting over way to early and the law abiding citizens actually gets over when he is supposed to and gets rear ended by the Impatient person who couldn’t wait a couple extra minutes
Intro ends @0:40 - Video Begins. -- I agree, get a rear and front view Dash Cam. It won't cost you more than $100 for the 2, and can save you from having to pay higher insurance premiums for years.
Ryan Toomey well mister toomey, I reviewed it and no where did I ever see anything stating that you are allowed to drive in that lane to pass all the other vehicle so that you can get in the turn lane before everybody else does
Arent u only allowed to turn into the turn lane were the break is cuz i dont think you could go threw a solid line but im assuming different states have different laws idk
That is an illegal move. Those middle turn lanes are made for turning in and out of side driveways. You can clearly see the double yellow lanes meaning he shouldn't have been inside that turn lane. There is clearly a white lane dividing to the left indicating when that turn lane starts.
You're stupidly confused. The lines where he enters are solid paired with passing markers. That means people can cross into the lane legally for left turns. As long as you don't have a double solid, you can enter the lane to make a left turn within 200 feet. The 200 feet can be debated, based on traffic/road conditions. The problem is when he stays in that left lane across an intersection. That's the big no-no, and you can't do that, because it's dangerous. You're not even supposed to block that intersection if you're waiting for the light, because people using the crossing road have the right of way to the other side of the intersection, even if traffic is backed up.
Over $230 for "not dotting the i", or driving EXACTLY the way THAT particular officer expects. Muchless, making the ASSUMPTION that the driver drove entirely intersection to intersection in middle lane). FAULT FINDING MISSION instead of any ability to understand how FRIVOLOUS this ticket/citation is! It's a shame these officers don't have consideration as to inconvenience citizens with such expensive, yet MINOR infraction(s). Worse being so deliberate as they realize most will acquiesce by simply sending in the fine for the ticket(s). That cop is the epitome of such low-grade tactics, of which I suppose his department is so proud...
such dangerous driving, thank god no one was killed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Haha, fucken menace!
Please give God his due respect moron...
Why respect him ? He clearly does not care for you.
fuck you, lord for even entertaining the idea of allowing a universe where your sentient creations could spend eternity in hell for completely trivial reasons that you programmed them to feel as natural acts. and double fuck you for thinking i should praise you for your infinte love and mercy at the same time. i have many more issues, but those are big enough to consider you either fictional or undeserving of anything but contempt.
want more subscribers, delete the 32 seconds of useless cops intro and get to the point
African Warlord lmao you were just looking to flame someone. And that was a song. Probably good ones if you sat through it. Cops is a TV intro. Usually with video playing. Take it down a notch Jeez.
no, i wasnt.
Eric Sullivan you do make a good point, on youtube it is better to not have a long intro like this.
yuck you're the cringe of the internet, stop talking warlord
1:36 you merged into the center lane before the intersection and drove through the intersection in that center lane. That's illegal and dangerous.
exactly what he was stopped for lmaoo, everyone in the comments but u is dumb af
I agree
He got away with it because he sent still images instead of the video
Nikki Mejia nah it was not legal, but due to the traffic situation and the actual law stating that you can’t travel 200+ ft after the beginning/end lane, the judge dismissed the case.
Exactly illegal use of the lane ticket for sure u got lucky man
Can’t wait for the day when all cars have these fitted as-standard
That's... actually a good idea
Only Tesla cars as far as i know.
🤔 OR you can just buy one. 🤷🏽♂️ They are reasonably cheap. They come in handy for all types of situations.
josb inyoface yeah... you can buy many things... still looking forward to the day they’re standardised though... would make everyone think twice before doing something stupid to another if everyone had them as standard. Think you missed the point.
David Bryant yea if they’re internet accessible. Most dash cams are closed systems on a recording though aren’t they?
This stop lasted minutes and the potential profit was huge if you didn't fight it in court, which most people don't. The city is relying on people not fighting it in court. Good on you!
oogiemaster yeah good on him for falsifying evidence.
oogiemaster in Las Vegas you show up in court to fight the ticket (can't be done by mail), they ask how you plead. If you say not guilty they give you another court date two to three months down the road, when you show up they ask you how you plead and say you're there to plea not argue your case.......corrupt ass bullshit welfare program for assholes on bench......
+*Todd Poulton*, That's precisely what it is . . . one long drawn out process designed to coerce people into just paying the fuckin' fine. I'm glad this guy beat the system, and it appears to me a court that lets people mail in evidence of their innocence is very smart because it saves unnecessary time spent in court wasting time and money, not to mention the burden on employers having to give their employees time off for it.
kinda what I was thinking.. I'm in Las Vegas and went with someone to traffic court before.. it was the biggest joke I've ever seen.
+PureDoom ... what evidence did he falsify? Yeah, didn't think so. Like oogiemaster said, good for him. You, OTOH can go fuck yourself
Never tell them you have a dash cam in your vehicle. Then take it to court and then present your video evidence.
I am a retired police office of 35 years. 27 years as a motorcycle cop. I would not have stopped this guy because the painted lines were very faded. That said I lost very few tickets because I wrote fair tickets and was not a prick when I talked to the driver. One funny ticket that I lost was a 18 year old female that crossed over the painted double yellow lines and also passed several stopped cars (driving 0n the wrong side of the road). I got behind her and put my red light on but she did not respond. I hit my air horn but she was not paying attention to her rear view mirrors and kept driving at the speed limit. Well I was in no hurry to stop her so I just followed her with my lights on to see when she would get the message and pull over. Well after 3 miles on city streets (Newport Beach) she pulled over. I asked her what was she thinking, and she had that beach blonde (I don't have a clue look). I issued the ticket and just shook my head.
Months later she took me to court and your not going to believe this. She walks in to Harbor traffic night court holding hands with a NUN in full habit The nun was in her eighties and was smiling at everyone in the court. I told the judge the above statement and sat down. The defendant got on the stand and stated she did not remember doing anything wrong. I looked at the judge and had to bite my lip to keep from cracking up. The judge looked at me then at the NUN sitting near the front row and said case dismissed.
That story is GREAT! I would have had to literally bite through my lip to keep from laughing. The only way it could have been better is if when she walked into the courtroom with the nun she was holding a boombox playing "The hills are aliiiiiiive....with the sound of musiiiiiiiiic..."
That's ridiculous
John Oconnor nice story! It was funny 😂
Stupid judge.
Thank you for your service. That's a very long time.
I've done this maneuver. It's illegal, but it keeps traffic moving. That cop knew what he was doing sitting there with the right lane clogged up. Somebody was going to drive down the center to make the left turn. It's a legitimate ticket, but it seems like he would have better things to do.
And they sit there daily so if guy is a local he got caught slippin.
InnaterialDream, You cannot do it because it is not a dedicated left turn lane only for traffic proceeding in the direction he was going. It is a center turn lane that traffic from either direction can enter to make a left. Riding for long distances in that lane can cause accidents if a car in the opposite direction also wanted to turn left.
Wait so that lane allows traffic of opposing directions? WOW ... thats ... interesting and dangerous. Here in Hungary it is usually painted on the road that from the middle of it the lanes next to it can change lane to the turning lane. There is a clear painted line in the middle of that road like \ that traffic cannot pass thru because the other side is for the opposing traffic. But it never allows traffic in both directions at the same time.... wow that sounds way too dangerous. If someone want to turn on that lane they have to wait in line of the straight going traffic then change lanes when they reach the painted signs in the middle.
(edit) Forgot to mention that on some roads in the bigger cities there are flowerpots in the middle as the paint divides the road to further discourage people trying to go over it.
It's only a turn lane for both directions in certain spots. After that, like intersections, it's obviously for left turns only from a certain direction. He got in too early, but I understand why. There's no point in just sitting there if you are going to be turning. It IS illegal to do, yes. If you're caught, you get a ticket like the cammer did. He fought it though. Most people wouldn't. It's a good thing, and it's bad thing. When traffic is backed up, I honestly see no issue in jumping in early, as long as you're at the end of the traffic line like he was. If someone wants to turn the opposite direction, just make sure nobody is in the way when you get in. If the person jumping in early has to wait for someone else already in the lane, so be it. I've done it.
Oh well i still find it dangerous that it is allowed in amercia atleast without a mark on the road like here. I understand the logic behind it it is just wierd. But i guess every country has its own wierd rules.
Worst episode of cops ever.
Plexiate fancy seeing you here and with no comments? Can I call first?
The fuck plexiate doing here?
Rich Rich cringy
I agree with you,no domestic violence issues and nobody resisted arrest
@niftertube lmfao
Bad boys bad boys Watcha gonna do when they copyright you
It’s called a copyright strike and I believe it falls under fair use
Bad cops Bad cops watcha gonna do when my camera is pointed at you
It's 'copyright'
😂😂😂 so true
@@waynehopps1757 it's been a long time since I posted that
Hell yeah, congrats. Just bought and installed my first front/rear dashcam and will do so for every vehicle I own in the future! It pays for itself, like in this video!
i would love to have seen the cops face when he finds the case dismissed
You were clearly guilty of crossing solid yellow line.
Well I'm glad you got it dismissed. Although you clearly lied about where you entered that turn lane on your "evidence". The point you enter a lane is the moment any part of vehicle occupies it. You entered the turn lane before Ventura street. You can see your already hitting the line at least 60 to 80 ft before the black car pulls in from Ventura.
I wish you got that ticket.. 30 second intros, that aren't even yours, are downright absurd.
he did get a ticket
He got the ticket but then got it dismissed.
wow really? over that get a life idiot
I particularly applaud your professional reaction in dealing with situation in a meticulous and illustrative details, no point in arguig and being disrespectful to the cop. even if he was in the wrong You did right by following the legal channels while resting your case. well done!!
I google maped this location and using the video as reference and counted around 400ft of travel in the turn lane. How on earth he came up with 192ft is beyond me.
Max Melnik because he wanted to pick a number under 200 ft and well 192 it is! Yeah this was illegal
Max Melnik dude I'm looking at it now and Idk how anyone who looked at it thought this was less than even 350 ft its ridiculous. granted the charge was quite a bit for just traveling over 200 ft in a center lane but he should have just had a lessened fine, but a fine nonetheless
You can also count the dash lines. They are painted every 40 feet (10 foot dash, 30 foot space) and I counted about 12 of them. He traveled at least 400ft in the center lane.
Yeah, I googled it too and the distance from Venture St to the light is 444ft, he entered before Venture St though, that's way over 200ft even if subtracting him being back 33ft or more.
But, hey, he got out of the ticket which means the Judge basically went on the honor system. And i'm sure he believes it because he posted all the info online thinking it was right. Sometimes courts are right and sometimes wrong.
Did you measure to the stoplight or the start of the turn lane? Because where the actual turn lane starts for the intersection is where you would stop measuring.
I really liked your video, your title explains exactly what your video is about & you have an outcome of a dismissal! I hate watching a video an there's an arrest or ticket but no follow-up or explanation of what happened. Thanks for the closure, makes it more enjoyable to watch!!
Nice I'm getting a dash cam thanks for convincing me
You nailed it, that’s everybody’s thought when They see a cop behind them for no reason. By the way. I live on Long Island and I do that all the time can’t believe you were stopped for that
Excuse me? Did he switch away from Paramore at 1:34?? He deserves a ticket..
You entered the left turn lane before the red parked pickup I am not law enforcement but you were wrong. The fact that you lied to him and said you did not was sufficient to cite you. Sorry but you were wrong and deserved the citation!
Out of curiosity, when it gets dismissed this way, does the issuing cop find out it was dismissed since it never went to court, or is he just left figuring you paid it?
When a ticket is challenged in court, the issuing officer is required to attend the court date (6th Amendment). If the officer does not show, then the ticket is summarily dismissed. If they do, they are allowed to provide testimony as to the specifics of the citation.
@@christophergreninger6952 exactly what i thought. He basically rode the lane for an entire city block.
@@karlynn7719 Know of several cases whereby the ticketing officer did not appear in court. 2x the judge dismissed the cases and 3x she set a time and date for a subsequent hearing. The alleged offender had to take another day from work to appear.
More folks should spend a day or two sitting and observing in a court room to observe justice in action.
@@shadowgarr7649 heh, I agree that more people should just go grab a seat in a traffic or district court... possibly not as good an idea NOW, as it was when this thread started, lol.
I should have said "may" be summarily dismissed, as the judge has a TON of latitude in how to precede. If the issuing officer isn't there, they tend to dismiss. At least that's how it used to be.
It’s a myth that if the officer doesn’t appear in court, the ticket is dismissed. It can be but most often the hearing is rescheduled for the next court date.
The worst part of disputing tickets generally is you have to pay the ticket to dispute it, then it's refunded if ruled in your favor. Basically, unless it will add points against your license, fighting the ticket is designed to be more of a hassle than most are willing to contend with.
This is stupid. You start to pass them before most of them even stopped. They could have been meaning to turn at the light, as well, and you would have blasted past them. You got impatient and wanted to skip the wait.
You fucking moron.
He was turning. When you turn, you go into the turning lane. Woah!!!
Azcaveman is right, the car in front of him could have wanted to turn left, but this guy decides to use the turn lane as a lane and pass him
True then it would have been this guys fault for hitting them. what can u do lol
Do their cars not have signals to advertise this intent? Weak.
That was a ticket for sure bro.. at 1:38 you went straight on that middle Lane which is not to go straight, is to make left onto driveway ....At 1:44 where that BIG RIG IS AT, is where you're supposed to enter on to the left hand turn lane got lucky
No, you can enter the [shared] left turn lane and be in it for up to 200 ft. He did not have to enter by the big rig. However, I do believe a mistake was still made on the driver's end of things, you are correct in the fact that it should be a ticket.
You shouldn't be going through an intersection in a shared left turn lane, even if your just staring to merge into it.
He could enter that turn lane anytime after the intersection, not before it.
Not trying to be rude, just trying to give you some more knowledge.
Feel free to search up, ask a leo, or driving instructor to verify this if you are still unsure.
It is up to you as a driver to decide what actions is best for your safety and the safety of others.
@@StackableGoldMC Exactly, I would of waited until I was closer to the intersection before traveling in that lane.
Pisses me off people driving down the turn lane like it's another lane. I have seen too many crashes by mouthbreathers who have not a clue that this is bad move.
The biggest problem is that you had to go to court period to do anything when it should have been handled right there in the moment
That would have required .....
IQ, above 40
You were soo in the wrong. Even your dashcam shows you went from intersection to intersection. You made so many driving mistakes. You passed cars that were still travelling to the stoplight. I don't like cops at all, but this cop had you dead to rights. You got lucky with getting it dismissed, probably because you just showed still photographs with inaccurate information on them. Cause where you said you entered the lane was not where you entered the lane. I watched the video 3 times to make sure. You entered the lane and while you were passing the first car, you crossed an intersection, then passed several more cars before you got to Enterprise. You came to court with false evidence and won, I ain't mad at cha! They come with false evidence all the time and win. Glad to see the tables turn. But you were guilty. But what's truly amazing is how many ppl think that he's in the right, or that the cop gave him a bogus ticket to meet his quota. At 1:35 a car makes a right turn onto the street from Ventura. At 1:37 he enters the center lane, at 1:39 he crossed the intersection of Ventura and continued on. So just like the cop said intersection to intersection.
they have to proof it, not you... so as far as they cannot prove it that this is not the right spot he entered it, it was dismissed.
Peter Pate he's not full of shit he's literally stating facts presented in the video. This guy's own video proves he's guilty he just got lucky getting it dismissed.
Alex Hauschild It wasn't about luck, majority of drivers don't know that you can enter that lane when the stop is 200' of less. As stated in the video his distance was just under 200' making it a legal maneuver.
A Tuck no it is illegal he moved in to an intersection that's illegal simple as that. There's no argument when what he did was straight up illegal.we all learned this in class this isn't news to anyone
Alex Hauschild Alex Hauschild Look closely at 2:17, on the right that is a business, not a street. Public roads don't have closable fences. On the left there is a street. An intersection has roads going across another street forming a "+". This is not an intersection. The cop came out of a parking lot. Notice he comes out of a gated area (private property) were the signs were. (I've gotten one of these tickets before when I was younger so I had to look into the law on it). This is why the ticket got dropped after being viewed by several qualified people in law. Do you think the courts would have just let a nearly 300 dollar ticket drop if what he did was illegal?, No. Courts will find you guilty easy and on bogus charges. You have to show irrefutable evidence of your innocence therefore the courts and I agree what he did was legal.
That center lane should be used for any vehicles going the opposite direction to turn onto Venture to your right (their left). I'm a motorcycle rider and people do this all the time and have almost run me over in the process. The turn lane doesn't begin until the break in the yellow line. This driver got lucky.
Yeah you got lucky bro, because you were absolutely in the wrong. You should have waited until the light ahead turned green and the traffic moved forward and entered the turning lane closer to the light. Its kind of a petty thing to pull someone over for but that doesnt make you any less guilty.
He *measured* the distance and it was under 200 feet. No law was broken.
The letter of the LAW; reasonable and prudent for existing conditions. What you and the cop are citing are code violations. This is the corruption We the People elected Donald J. Trump to the office of President of the United States in order to correct. The difference between LAW and code is paramount to a free people. Learn it so we can Live it.
Glad you got it dismissed but it does seem you entered way sooner than you needed to - what was another 50-100 feet? you were moving - not like it was a standstill... just saying. If the guy in front of you decided to turn left at the same light, he would have been out of luck or hit you.
Well that's why you have mirrors on the car and can move your head before changing lanes.
That's a weird rule for me (from Germany) but maybe because we don't have such centerlanes which change into turning lanes.
if they changed lanes into your lane that would fall them if they hit you, must yield to other already there
Road rules allow drivers some expectation as to what other drivers will do, if they follow those rules. As others have stated, if a driver ahead of you pulled into that turn lane where rules state you should, why should they be at fear you will hit them because you want your own personal express lane.
@Game0Pat it's to avoid idiots driving on the center lane for miles to pass other cars patiently waiting, and because it is very dangerous to move fast on the center lane (traffic could come from both directions, which some drivers are not expecting, especially not at fast speeds).
Every video on youtube ive found so far of dashcams where people say they didnt do anything...has them doing something dumb
All the more reason to never drive without a dash cam! Nice work.
pause video at 1:37 and ask yourself, "should he be in the turn lane this far from the red light?"
The second lane looked full and that is for going forward. We don't have turning lanes for both ways in Europe, so the situation in the video will not ever be found in Europe. In my opinion, there driver didn't do anything dangerous, just preparing for a left turn a bit earlier than supposed.
you are correct the second lane was full. He was supposed to stay in the lane until he got much closer. The fact that the turn lane has to be used for 2 directions increases the need for the lane to be kept open and available. If not, many people would just use the turn lane as an express lane to avoid traffic.
Yea well maybe he wanted to save 1 min because that one min he'll never get back at red light or 2 mins waiting behind everyone because big brother says so harm no foul he went slow not like I would of floor it n go u sallys
i have to say yes, he was turning left, not just going around, and the traffic was backed up from light to light, they dont call them suicide lanes for nothing
Thats called a suicide lane correct?
Without that footage that corrupt cop would have made revenue for his unlawful stop.
I'm really surprised your ticket got dismissed because the cop was right. You travelled in that left lane from intersection to another intersection. Far more than what you claimed in your pictures. You entered that lane before Venture st. Maybe you got off because the pictures you took are a bit misleading.
I guess in the US you have a different numbering system, because I don't see 21 cars stopped in line at the light.
You got lucky.
Center lanes are not to be used as an extended turning lane for your convenience, regardless of traffic conditions. Try doing that during rush hour like many motons in Phoenix and watch the number of accidents as a result.
Another motorcycle cop "hard" at work. The chaos and violence they protect us from is miraculous! Complete waste of our tax money.
Don’t assume that you are guilty of any ticket just because the cop gave you one
If I were that cop I would have explained pretty firmly that putting any vehicle on the right lane in danger on the off-chance they decided they needed to be on the left lane and didn't anticipate someone breaking road rules and rushing up on a lane they shouldn't have been on is far too risky to let pass. So many accidents occur because people become complacent with the road rules. Good for the officer in trying to preserve safety, over convenience.
oh shuttup
Nd you is what is wrong in the world nugget
It's always recommended to check mirrors before changing lanes; this applies just as much to left-turn lanes as anywhere else. No-one is being put at risk by one vehicle moving by in the left-turn lane, and any other driver needing to turn left can simply let him pass before merging into the left-turn lane.
At 1:38 is when he enters the middle lane which isnt even close to 192 ft but then takes a pic of him being less than 200ft which is at around. He even goes through Venture street while being in the mid lane. Dude was driving too aggressive with his impatient, it was indeed needed of a warning at least.
Google maps, great thing. Dropping a pin where you went in and then stopped puts you traveling at nearly 450 ft in the lane. Got lucky, you should've had to pay. For those actually interested, put in destinations 2301-2305 Auto Park Way, Escondido, CA 92029 and 2324 Auto Park Way, Escondido, CA 92029 as the start and stop.
Don’t deep throat the boot, Mr. Cox.
Frankly there was no reason at all for you to enter that median when you did. Not saying you deserved a ticket but because you didn't wanna wait until the turn lane opened up you passed 5+ cars to end up at a red light? Cop was not in the wrong here. It's called patience. It's a virtue.
yea I'm sure hes taking driving tips from some kid whos never driven himself you fuking idiot.
It's getting so bad that every body is going to have install a camera on there forehead
its amazing seeing the differences between my country and this one. in my country, the earlier you can go pre-sort ( is that even a word in english? no idea) for a left / right hand turn on intersections, the better.
but once the turn lane 'goes solid' you are no longer allowed to change, its basicly the right oposit of what you see here,
here your lane is solid untill it opens up in the end, while in my country its open, and it locks up in the end so people cant do dangerous last moment lane changes.
You did actually drive through an intersection in the center lane, therefore, you went from one intersection to the next in the center lane.
He got a ticket for driving too long in the LEFT LANE to make a left lane turn.
fuck you
Cop drove same lane same distance. Why didn't he write himself a ticket. Wtf
That Escondido cop was fired after that ticket dismissal my guess, and will not be getting promoted to lead traffic enforcement officer either! Im sure he was not counting on two experts being present above his job title (dash cam) cops just really DISLIKE those devices when caught in the wrong!
You were wicked lucky! I checked the area on Google Maps and it appears the officer was right since you entered the left turn lane about 60 ft prior to Venture Street. Plus I counted 7 skip marks between Venture Street and the beginning of the unidirectional left turn lane at Enterprise Street. Isn't that 280 feet?
i mean technically he did go from intersection to intersection and passed a moving car in the process...
that traffic was diverted was the excuse, and his driving was smooth ...
@@christophergreninger6952 the judge did not agree with you; the cop wasted our money on a very minor situation; that is not excusable; nothing else to do????; start digging on unsolved crimes or reduce their budget and save us money; they are our employees, they brake the law more often than us, not only in traffic, but against the actual people that pays their salary, and they get away with it; this was totally out of order; no logic, no reasoning, no brains
@@christophergreninger6952 in addition, when traffic is diverted, laws are eased, good cops know it; tyrants use any means to control, any excuse, as minor as this, wasting our money and dividing us
you should have gotten a ticket. you entered the turn lane to early
You...You...TOO early!!
Did we watch the same video steve b? He did get a ticket yes, but it was dismissed and he got his money back. Technically he got a ticket, but in the end he didn't.
But the ticket was dismissed and he got his money back. That's like being punished and sent in your room when you're a kid but be allowed to use your phone and computer, it won't do shit. Is that punishment? No, and neither was that a valid ticket. It was indeed a ticket, as good as one I could write myself on a napkin and hand to you, doesn't make it a valid one though.
At the point he moved in the turn lane legally he would have to turn left where the police was, a turn lane even if you turn is not to be used as a passing lane even if empty... It's about using it properly so it's safe for everyone. If someone else followed the law there and used the turn lane when they could move to it there could have been an accident.
I'm for motorcycles lane splitting, they can't where I live a few petitions went around which I did sign but they were all rejected. Sometimes things don't seem to make sense but generally laws are there for safety as long as everyone do what they have to, one person does this and safety goes out the window.
If a bike was lane splitting there, what could and would have happened?
That is an all too common mistake I see bad drivers make every day.
Polite approach by cop. Introduce his agency, himself, state the offense, ask for papers.
Using Google Maps you switched to the turning lane just before Venture Street. You then drove up the turning lane to to the intersection of Auto park Way and Enterprise Street. Using Google Maps distance tool, it shows it's 477.86 feet from where you turned into the turning lane to the point where you stopped behind the truck,
You turned in beside the Amerigas propane parking lot. From the entrance of Amerigas to where you stopped behind the truck at the intersection was 477.86 feet.
You were over double the 200 foot legal limit.
Traffic in the area was not to the point where you needed to drive up the center lane almost 500 feet.
You ran up the center and crossed over an intersection and parking lot where if someone went to turn into one of them you could have caused a head on collision.
The entrance of Reiss Racing and Restoration is 204 feet from the intersection.
You go lucky the department or courts didn't simply go measure the distance. You broke the rules on the road and got lucky.
spydergs07 he won cause the cop didn’t show up
Glitzy X4X the cop showed up but he was eating doughnuts 🍩 in the cafe
You can't go through intersection in that lane, that is pretty much considered a turn lane.
Ashtyn&Jon It is a two way left turn lane.
I was thinking this before the cop even pulled out. The yellow lines stopped, which indicated a turn section. Arizona would pull me over for this and I would get fined, fighting or no fighting.
I see that all the time.
The cringe while watching this was real, I can’t even imagine the logic that goes through some people’s head while driving, anyone would’ve thought the nice people left a big enough gap for someone to enter the left turning lane and then you have this guy ready to blind side someone by traveling down the turning lane 21 car lengths early lol
You drove from intersection to intersection then lied about it. You show it in your video starting at about 1:40. So what are you proud about?
I guess if you edit your screenshots with lies and the cop isn't there to correct you, it must be ok. Math is simple - your dash cam shows your speed and shows the time. By 9:59:12 you are fully in the middle lane, doing 44 km/h. You actually speed up here, but get back down to 44 km/h at 9:49:20, a full 8 seconds of 44 km/h. Traveling at 44 km/h is 12.2 meters per second, or 40 feet per second. Just that 8 seconds at 40 feet per second is 320 feet, clearly over the '192 feet' fiction you made up. When you consider that you actually increased speed up to 53 km/h in the middle lane (covering more ground), you are still a full semi-truck length short of stopping at the 9:49:20 mark I used, and that you started into the middle lane a second or two earlier, your over 320 feet by a good amount.
This video should be titled "Ticket dismissed... thank you again lying and cheating."
those are very good vascar skills wish I was that good at Mathamatics
You should have been the judge for this case.
Sounds like he's implying you can't travel down the middle lane, it's for making turns and you literally went from street to street. I can see where he's coming from. The judge gave you a break i think.
Yeah, one of those impatient asses. Turns out that move cost you much more in time.
Thats some pretty aggressive driving though. You rode that lane too long and would of denied those other cars from turning into the turn lane at the correct spot.
Or if everyone does what he did, we all save time. There is plenty of room to have people waiting to turn left be in the middle lane. not a big deal at all
Your logic would defeat the purpose of a green turning light. lets say the first few cars are going strait and then next few are turning left and then the next strait again cont... then the left green arrow comes on you have to sit and wait (no one can enter because the people going strait are in the way). then later it turns green for the others to go strait but now everyone behind you will have to wait because your waiting for the green arrow to turn left again. This would only let a couple cars through each light cycle. Traffic would be a nightmare. ITS PERFECTLY FINE WHAT HE DID.
flohealz you call a slow moving indicated move into a left turn lane aggressive?? wow. that's what that lane is for, to ease congestion in the travel lanes.
It's aggressive driving because there is increased risk of a collision.
...if someone doesn't check thier mirror before pulling out. However the OP was far too close to the car infront before it turned right and its possible the highway patrol was this and could only try to ticket for something else.
Actually this is the adviced behaviour for most of the world (like the parts with intelligent people making the law).. Makes 0 sense to keep blocking the lane, when your turn lane is free.. It's like building a road, but then not allowing people to use it xD
Even though it looks to me like you entered the left turn lane a little earlier that I would have, you deserve the dismissal. You prepared a well organized graphic presentation of your case, with solid evidence and told your side of the story in a professional manner. Good for you!
"There were 21 vehicles in line from the light back" I count 6.
7 in front including the pickup in the left turn lane, 14 behind and not seen looking forward
I love the cherry picking on the still he used to show where he was "stopped" behind the pick up truck. He rolled right up to the hitch in the original footage :)
Dewd you turned the doors? I was like, finally a video that the driver is not listening to techno!
Dude you enter the left hand turn lane way too early. Dont do that man, I just turned in my dash cam video to insurance to help a driver cause he got hit by a another that drove 1 whole block in the middle lane and got into an accident when another car was making a left from a corner and entered into the middle lane to get onto the opposite lane and got hit dead on. The driver that did what you did, got into the middle lane to make a left 1 whole block early and she had a baby in the car. Was pretty bad, you deserve that tickey in a way but good that you won by officer not showing up. The dash video clearly shows that you are in violation of entering the left hand turn lane way way too early.
You definitely drove in the median too long.
Again, he won because of existing conditions and what he did was not hazardous. Traffic tickets are not meant to be for revenue enhancement. They are meant to dissuade unsafe driving.
Everyone seems to forget that there was a reason for the backup...
You won't get away with blowing through a red light just because it doesn't happen to be hazardous either.
See this is why most people pay bogus tickets because you don't know the law and when you are presented with the truth you stick to your broken guns. Cut off your nose to spite your face eh? The law states darn near everywhere that you cannot exceed 200 feet of distance in a turning lane. This guy was there for 192' therefore is was legal. Why don't you actually learn something in case this happens to you. He didn't measure from where he entered the lane. He entered well before the black car. I'd bet any amount of money the cop was sitting at 205 feet.
Mean Bear I bet you all my worldly possessions the cop is not a lawyer and the people who dropped the ticket are far more versed in the law. I'll even take out a loan and give it to you if you can find a court who gives away money because the person who got the ticket "just wants it". (Of course this does not include cops, or people who know judges and politicians). People need to learn that far too many tickets are given and paid because people and cops don't know the law well. This comment section is a prime example. 90% of people here don't realize that wasn't an intersection he passed. The side street did not CROSS the street this guy was traveling on.
Damn glad you had proof to save you from the road pirate! Hell I got dragged into court once for "unmowed lawn" while I was actually mowing my lawn!!! Judge dismissed the charges against me when animal control officer spoke up as a witness told the judge she seen me mowing my lawn when I got ticketed. I went back home finished mowing my lawn. Same officer came over inspected my yard looking to see if I missed an area. Mind you I was using an old time non motorised push rotor mower in mid summer weather.
You definitely entered that turn late way too early. I’m gonna side with a cop here. At least wait till traffic is stopped to get in, because maybe one of those cars was gonna turn.
It’s not illegal. I don’t think you understand how lanes work.
At 4:29 you reference that you enter the turn lane roughly adjacent to the silver SUV, yet at 2:12 we see you clearly enter much earlier, adjacent to the second small white car. Looks to be a good 60 feet back from the silver SUV.
good thing you weren't the judge.
Also the solid orange line means that you can cross / pass if safe to do so . It was not the normal route the driver would have taken due to the accident .
I am surprised you didn't get a ticket for following to close, but then again it could just be the angle of the video.
Tech4hire It's the angle, notice the side of the road. Majority of the time you can see two cars of distance between his car and the car in front.
1:55 you can hear him locking his Iphone, using the phone while driving too? tisk tisk
Good dash cam footage. What kind of cameras were these? I'm interested
Strange rules. Surely if you are turning left the left turn lane is the place to be!
Except there are entry rules on distance to an intersection.
He passed an intersection and parking lot where if someone else needed to turn left coming from the opposite direction he could have caused a head on collision.
He needed to turn left but was 477 feet before the intersection. The rules are no more then 200 feet before your desired turning area.
in britian if theres a "shared" centre turning lane it will have a transverse dividing line and/or a hatched no go area where it switches its purpose from one side to the other and big white arrows pointing to where you can/can't turn into. the US system looks pretty dangerous,and the lines also need redoing - probably not in green this time... the OP was driving too close tho so should have been given a slap on the wrist anyway
It's a two way turn lane, and the law limits the distance you may travel in it to 200' (≈60m).
60m isn't very long. Shared lane seem stupid IMO, just separate them out for either direction depending on which direction has a turn at that specific point. All these people saying you could've caused a head on are ridiculous, if you couldn't see the car in the middle lane and got in it and crashed head on, you ought to lose your licence, everyone has a duty to avoid an accident, and just because you're in the right, have right of way or people are SUPPOSED to give way to you, doesn't mean you should crash into someone because of it, thats the stupidest thing I've ever heard.
At 50km/h ~ 31mph, you're doing about 15m/s, 60m will go by in 4s, it takes a second or so to get in the lane.... so 200ft seems incredibly small.....
im with the cop on this one, you moved into too soon.. What if they guy infront wanted that lane? Hardly worth a ticket though and WHERE did he come from?
sitting on the side waiting for people to move over 1 second to soon .
I'm front....!!
"too soon" is not a matter of opinion on time/distance, it's specified as 200 feet or less and he traveled less than 200 feet in the turn lane, which is legal,, ugg, so many idiots claiming he was in it too long when the law is written to allow the distance he traveled in that lane...
from the sounds of it blind spots don't exist in the US. people just merge (blindly) from lane to lane (and die)...
There should also be a provision for providing compensation for the trouble the person has to go to prove himself innocent of the offence. And the police guy who gave the ticket without the right observation should be penalized for not using police resources wisely.
Nice editing. But your video shows you merging into the lane prior to the intersection.
Just to make sure I looked at your video again and you were passing the grey car prior to the intersection , good job anyway.
I know that area, so it was interesting to see this, especially since I work near there. Glad you got it dismissed. That cop was desperate to write someone up for anything.
Agreed - One can see from the rear facing cam that he entered the middle turn lane BEFORE he reach the driveway where the police officer was parked. In his images to the court he says, with arrows, that he entered the turn lane WAY AFTER the actual point where he DID in fact enter.
Had a situation where a cop said I made a left from a left turn lane on a red. I knew at that time from what she said there was no way she could see whether my light was red or green. Did the same analysis as this guy but there were no dash cams back then. The cop never showed. Dismissed! Most intersections have crossing traffic both red for a sec or two before one goes green. Not this intersection. Light goes green and cross traffic goes red nearly simultaneously. With help of another I timed it and the time interval was about 2 tenths of a second which included the delay time for the observer to raise his hand and me watching the other light hit the stop button on the stop watch. Take out our reaction times and there is zero overlap of reds. I think the cop knew it and did not expect me to figure it out. Another time on a military base I was stopped for making a right at a stop sign and not first coming to a full stop. The cop was correct. I never saw the sign. Went back the next day. That stop sign must have been installed in the 40's when the base was built. It was about 75% of a modern stop sign. Never before or since in the US or Canada have I ever found one that small. Nearly non reflective, partially hidden by tree branches. A few weeks later I put a video recorder on my dash and drove around the base after dark. The modern stop signs were so reflective they saturated the image, due to the low light conditions, to the point you could barely make out the word STOP -- just a white blur. The sign in question was barely visible in the video. And by this time many of the leaves had fallen from the branches that had blocking the sign. Somehow I got an audience with an ADA. They looked at the video. Checked my driving record. Dismissed! I think the military cops just sit waiting for people to miss the sign and write tickets. This also helped
So you admit it wasn't legal but because it was safe and reasonable they let you go so I will use that every time I go through a red light when there's no traffic. Cheers.
sounds like you locked your phone at 1:59... tut tut
Hugh Mad was just about to comment this
I don't hear anything.
Hugh Mad wtf is tut tut
Sounds like the truck suspension. Roads aren't always perfect
I love it when us citizens can stick it to the government. HOWEVER - you would have never entered the turning lane that early if it weren't for the slow Mazda in front of you. Your determination won you this just as much as the dash cam. There was no reason, despite what you showed us here with the irrelevant hoopla, to have entered the left turning lane that early. This happens a lot in my city where people enter the left turning lane WAY before it opens up, and it causes lots of accidents. There are LINES on the road for a reason. Still, good for you that you put in the time and effort to make the courts not want to deal with it. For that I definitely commend you.
David Morgan+ Copyright for using the Bad Boys (aka cops) theme song without adding it to the disc of the video.
The ONLY REASON the cite was dismissed is because the officer obviously DID NOT respond to the written declaration. It was not because of the silly reasons stated in the video. 21460.5 (C) CVC is a good cite and I write a ton of them here in So Cal. That middle divider with the one solid line and inside broken lines is called a two-way left turn lane. You're allowed to drive in it for LESS THAN 200 ft and that is ONLY if you're going to turn left into a business/driveway, etc OR to stop and prepare for a UTURN. You Sir, used this middle portion as a lane so-as to pass other vehicles because you're entitled and impatient. There could have been other vehicles there waiting for the LEFT HAND TURN BAY to open up, but you passed them all. When I cite people for this, many people that are stuck in the same terrible traffic give me the thumbs up and say, "yeah, go get 'em!!!"
Actually I doubt he used it because he's "entitled and impatient" but probably more because he used common sense. There was obviously no oncoming traffic due to the lights ahead, and his lane was backing up so he did something sensible and skirted the "law" in order to help the rest of the traffic around him. Unfortunately it's jobsworth's like you who read the law to the letter and penalise drivers like this for actually having common sense and using the whole available road in a sensible and legitimate manner.
i live in britain and this 200ft rule seems a bit ridiculous especially on a road where cars are passing each other potentially at max road speed in opposite directions without a central reservation; if a lane has been demarkated we can drive in it unless its blocked by roadworks etc.
That being said the OP was - for whatever reason (someone mentions he may have been using phone above ) - driving far too close to the vehicle infront which eventually turned right but I doubt that infraction would stick as much as the 200ft one...
21460.5(C) CVC. California Vehicle Code. It's not about common sense. He's not in a lane. He's shooting up the middle, passing motorists that are patiently and legally waiting their turn. What's next, driving along the shoulder when there's traffic on the freeway? Blowing the red light because nobody is coming? Same thing. You sound like an entitled and impatient driver. You're the type that cause accidents and are going to get someone killed. Thank you so much for your COMPLETE 100% understanding in this matter now that I've explained it to you. I'm so happy that you are willing to comply with the laws like the rest of the motorists. Sign right here in the red box. Press firmly as there's three copies. Everything is explained to you on the back of the cite. You're free to go. Take care.
I don't doubt it. I do this for a living. Thanks for your FULL understanding in this matter.
in the uk we have actually started to drive in the hard shoulder at very busy times on motorways - they are called *smart motorways* and periodically there are electronic signs over each lane to say what can and can't be done in it. i.e. drive at specific speed, do not use lane (if there's an accident or roadworks etc). at busy times the hard shoulder is used as an additional off ramp lane. there are cameras hooked up to national computer systems that can control the signs using software, more efficiently than humans.
anyway, how is one supposed to determine 200ft while travelling at 40mph in traffic? are the lines always only 200ft long?
excellent - that rear facing dash cam almost paid for itself ... nice detective work - evidence has its rewards ... i would think about getting another cam for my rear flank ...
Wtf... I randomly click on a video and it's of someone getting pulled over in my home town. I think UA-cam is watching me... Or trying to tell me something.
Damn me too
Same here, bro. Not only from Esco, but I know the cop in the video too.
synchronous AI hivemind network
same too
That wasn't driving excessively in the turning lane. Cop has a quota to fill for tickets. Good to see you didn't have to pay the fine in this case.
Thank you for sharing. I would never have thought that even if by technicality it can be dismissed if you are able to prove reasonable circumstance.....reconsidering my purchasing a dashcam. lol WTG
I hate people who drive down the middle lane cause there’s traffic!!! Be patient it’s not worth causing an accident or hurting someone
So someone should miss multiple lights and stay behind a whole bunch of cars when they are not going in that direction? That is stupid as hell and there wouldn't be lanes like this if that was the original intent, go eat a carrot
Middle lane turns for both direction are there to make turn to left, driveways, entering property parking, etc... for left turn on stop light there is no middle lane, just left lane to turn only left.
Wtf kinda logic is that? He was turning? His shit was dismissed so your comment is already looking stupid.
obviously you're wrong in this case because the courts have decided to dismiss this ticket. maybe you can go hate on people who actually drive further than 200ft in the middle lane. this man did nothing wrong.
kevin roberts 100% agreed and definitely seen my fair share of accidents due to drivers getting over way to early and the law abiding citizens actually gets over when he is supposed to and gets rear ended by the Impatient person who couldn’t wait a couple extra minutes
Don't travel in the turn lane and you won't have to worry about it. 👌
Intro ends @0:40 - Video Begins. -- I agree, get a rear and front view Dash Cam. It won't cost you more than $100 for the 2, and can save you from having to pay higher insurance premiums for years.
Your not supposed to get into the left lane that early smart 1
you do know what a solid yellow line is for right? You deserved the ticket
the judge didn't think so
Umm, its called a middle left turn lane, or suicide lane, you are allowed to cross it. Perhaps you should review the traffic laws.
Ryan Toomey well mister toomey, I reviewed it and no where did I ever see anything stating that you are allowed to drive in that lane to pass all the other vehicle so that you can get in the turn lane before everybody else does
Gary wtf is it for then if you’re not allowed in it. Lmao
Arent u only allowed to turn into the turn lane were the break is cuz i dont think you could go threw a solid line but im assuming different states have different laws idk
You pulled out to pass in an intersection and did go over the distance if the blocks. In my state it's illegal to pass in an intersection.
Cop was correct to stop u.
Not only did you enter the turn lane early but you also crossed a section of road used for turning, you deserved two tickets.
That is an illegal move. Those middle turn lanes are made for turning in and out of side driveways. You can clearly see the double yellow lanes meaning he shouldn't have been inside that turn lane. There is clearly a white lane dividing to the left indicating when that turn lane starts.
You're stupidly confused. The lines where he enters are solid paired with passing markers. That means people can cross into the lane legally for left turns. As long as you don't have a double solid, you can enter the lane to make a left turn within 200 feet.
The 200 feet can be debated, based on traffic/road conditions. The problem is when he stays in that left lane across an intersection. That's the big no-no, and you can't do that, because it's dangerous. You're not even supposed to block that intersection if you're waiting for the light, because people using the crossing road have the right of way to the other side of the intersection, even if traffic is backed up.
Looks like Escondido
EEMEANMACHINE 712 it is Escondido I saw the Escondido automotive
That's auto parkway
You didn't hear the cop says his name and Escondino police department?
it said in the description in the first 60 seconds that it's escondido auto park lol 0:42
Automaton426 yea just realized after rewatching
Over $230 for "not dotting the i", or driving EXACTLY the way THAT particular officer expects. Muchless, making the ASSUMPTION that the driver drove entirely intersection to intersection in middle lane). FAULT FINDING MISSION instead of any ability to understand how FRIVOLOUS this ticket/citation is!
It's a shame these officers don't have consideration as to inconvenience citizens with such expensive, yet MINOR infraction(s). Worse being so deliberate as they realize most will acquiesce by simply sending in the fine for the ticket(s). That cop is the epitome of such low-grade tactics, of which I suppose his department is so proud...
They saw all that and was like this guy is trying way too hard we can let this one go. Dude made a damn PowerPoint presentation 😂
That letter you got in the mail must have been so satisfying.