Monster Hunter Types don't make sense, here's why.
- Опубліковано 6 лют 2025
- Let us take a look into how monsters are classified and why some typings may be incorrect. Enjoy!
Twitter: / xjaystmh
Zinogre was never a fanged beast 👀 since his release he was always a fanged wyvern.
@danielwilson217 Yea already answered another comment about this. It was a mistake on my part
@@xJayst ☝️
Magnamalo probably is a ground wyvern.
It would explain the strange armblades it has which would be the vestigial leftovers of wings that now serve a different purpose.
@Gigi4u zinogre has the same thing with his claw. It's really a question of how they are both placed into the ecology tree. The claw could have grown over time because it was useful. Making in theory zinogre older. But it just as easily could be the other way around with the claw growing smaller over time with zinogre being younger. But really, we just don't know. And seeing how zinogre was released first, his claw being how it is was always a hint to it being the finger that held the wing up and magnamolo just following suit to be considered zinogre's closest relative.
penguin is a bird but doesn't fly, but swim
there are other flightless birds as well.
just because they are not flying it doesn't mean that they are not birds
Monster Hunter isn’t called “Monster Taxonomist.” Monster “taxonomy” is for what to expect with hunting them; the information is all created by the I.P.’s Hunter’s Guild, who’s primary goal and purpose is to- get this- hunt monsters. For instance, real life hunters may lump all dangerous big cats as “panthers” despite evolutionary and taxonomic standouts like the mountain lion because taxonomy doesn’t matter in that skillset.
Agreed. The classifications are more for hunter convenience. For example, it's pretty easy to deduce that Gore Magala IS technically an elder dragon, since it's just a young Shagaru Magala. But the guild doesn't deem Gore to be the threat level of an elder dragon, so it remains an anomaly, and they let the hunters know by giving it the "???". The fact it has to do with power is reflecting in how Xeno'jiva is a young Safi'Jiva, but both are considered elder dragons because Xeno is considered to be that much of a threat.
@@plus-delta4477 Not to mention the difference between Rathian and Rathalos, which are the same species but different “monsters.”
@@plus-delta4477 another reason as to why Gore is classified as "???" And not Elder Dragon is the simple fact that Gore is affected by traps
@plus-delta4477 Not true, in-lore Gore is actively noted to have a significantly different biology to even elders. In fact, he drops wyverns parts, THAT'S why he is classified as ???
That makes some sense for things like leviathans, but then why are some classifications so varied? How does lumping Gammoth in the same family as Rajang prepare you for either fight? Why are flying bird wyverns lumped with the raptors and not with the flying wyverns? Rathian and Yian Garuga are basically the same fight but they're in different categories meanwhile Najarala's only buddy is Remobra of all things.
At a certain point you've got to realize it doesn't really make sense from any perspective, and the in-universe reason is probably the same as what real taxonomists faced after the linnean system fell out of favor: Animals relationships are complex and hard to put into neat little categories.
Great Jaggi is an Elder Dragon actually.
(WARNING THIS IS GONNA BE A LONG COMMENT) Ummmm I think you’re getting the point of the classes wrong here they’re mostly like to help the hunters know what to expect to fight when hunting examples of this world be like gore magala despite being obviously and ED it’s classified as ??? This is because it can be captured and one of the traits for EDs is that they can’t be captured this help the hunter know that this monster can be captured displacing it from its correct categorization of an ED. This method is used as a main basis however it’s not completely used universally as you can see the bird wyvern category vs the fling wyvern category this is done mostly due to ancestry now a few monsters you pointed out i will try and help you understand their categorization you see poalumu is designated as a flying wyvern instead of a fanged beast despite being obviously a mammal because of the wings fanged beasts never fly just look at that first word fanged which is like fanged wyvern their reptilian counterparts the main categorization of these is their lack of flight so when you see fanged beast hunters will automatically make the connection hence paolumu being a flying wyvern another monster you pointed out was gigginox and its classification in the flying wyvern grouping this is more so due to it having wings telling the hunters they can harvest those and it not being related to birds (the requirement to be a bird wyvern) however this monster happens to be one that actually has a subcategory of cave wyvern telling the hunter to expect a more khezu style fight and a small if not nonexistent amount of flight. Hoped this helped
Pukei being a Bird Wyvern makes sense if you know its inspiration.
Its design is based on primitive prehistoric birds which fits in nicely with the Ancient Forest being a sort of MH Lost World... other than Jurassic Frontier in Generations
Conifers, ferns and cycads are plentiful. Aptonoth, Kestodon and Anjanath are very dinosaurian looking.
Nearly all the Endemic Life are based on prehistoric life as well. Like the Pink Parexus is based on armoured multi lobe fish and the Joyperch on ancient Amphibians.
Pukei is based on a potoo actually
Saying Pukie is based on something like an archaeopteryx seems like a bit of a stretch.
@@LynseyFraser Pukei's design has eccentric elements and some chimeric features, but it still fits the bill of the prehistoric/primitive/living fossil for the winged Bird Wyverns.
Of the winged Bird Wyverns so far, besides Gypceros it is only the other one that has teeth, and it is the only one that has no beak. All the rest of them have beaks. Its partial feather covering feels like precursor to more modern bird looking Hypnocratice and Malfestio.
in German Monsters like Barioth ,Nargacuga ,Gigginox and tigrex where called Pseudowyverns
i remeber when i looked into this word <
i found out that the Monstrous nightmare from HTTYD is also classed as one
that when i realised that they all have the same feature --> they use theyr wings to walk around
I’m from Germany actually but since I always play games in English I’ve never seen the term Pseudowyvern. That is so interesting, thanks for the info!
The fan term "psuedowyvern" for English speaking part of the fandom appeared when Freedom 2 released with its Flagship being Tigrex.
Tigrex, at the time, was alluring and intriguing to the Guild due to it being elusive and nomadic and its primitive body plan being a look into the past for Flying Wyvern evolution.
After you clear its Urgent Low Rank Gathering Hall quest, the Pokke Guild Manager talks a bit about it. She says Tigrex front limbs are unique and primitive and says they're like "psuedo wings".
It's also due to Tigrex that the Guild could classify Akantor and Ukanlos as Flying Wyverns by comparing it to them. For Akantor, since it was completely unknown to the Guild and it showcasing its incredible strength, they were considering classifying it as an Elder Dragon.
It's like saying Teostra is lion but somehow he's an Elder Dragon and not a fanged beast.
Elder dragon is a classification that refers to a monster that is basically a walking ecological disaster. You don’t necessarily have to be an old dragon to qualify. It’s why newborns like Xeno Jiva and cephalopod like Yama Tsukami and Nakarkos are elder dragons
@@twofacezero257 *MOST* elder dragons can be broken down to a creature that biologically has 2 front limbs, 2 back limbs, and 2 wings, while *MOST* wyverns have 2 back legs and 2 wings. Elder Dragons in this simplification are a evolutionary anomaly, but can be generally understood by new players with this rule, if they haven't learned the ecosystem rule yet.
And then there's Kirin
@@bellatrix8247 by “and then there’s Kirin” did you mean to say “and then there’s Kirin, Lau Shan Lung, Yama Tsukami, Jhen Mohran, Ceadeus, Amatsu, Dire Miralis, Dah’ren Mohran, Dalamadur, Nakarkos, Ibushi, Narwa, Zorah Magdaros, Kulve Taroth, Behemoth, Shara Ishvalda and Gaismagorm (excluding subspecies and variants of course),”? Also that’s 17 of the 33 elder dragons (excluding subspecies and variants) a majority of them are not quadrupedal with wings. Hell, in the generation they were introduced in, only one of the three elder dragons followed that description. Why describe a group by the characteristics of only one member, that’s silly. Even if they were the majority, why define elder dragon by the similarities of the slight majority and just add in that this definition maybe referring to a non-elder dragon, when you could define them by the thing that links them all together and excludes all that aren’t like them? That being they are monsters that alone pose a serious ecological threat (and are completely immune to traps for whatever reason).
@@twofacezero257 when i say “and then there’s kirin” i mean that it’s probably the least related to any idea of dragonhood as any of them other than the crossover monsters since they’re, y’know, not from monster hunter. i also should have specified “to the new player” and most “new players” belonging to 5th gen, so the rules as i supplied only apply there. and also of course you can’t describe elder dragons by their physiology alone, that’s the whole point-that elders AREN’T categorized that way. it’s simply confusing to new players why a unicorn would be considered an elder dragon like my friends were when they started with MHWorld
@@twofacezero257 capcom has shown family trees and all elders are related
I think the real life examples are a bit different as jellyfish is the common name rather than the real classification, and monotremes while being different from some of the other mammal types do absolutely still fit within the mammal classification based on what is needed to be classified as mammal, and there are also other mammal groups that have aspects that don’t seem very mammalian. And while it definitely just was capcom writing themselves into a corner and getting a bit lazy, I think they could absolutely fix it cause it wouldn’t take too much work to set up a new classification (and sub classification) system with new monsters in mind, and even historically there’s precedent of having some massive classification overhauls. So perhaps in the next game beyond wilds they could do something and use the in world reason that with so many new monster discoveries they had to readjust the classification system to better represent the actual ecology of the monsters. I think they could also do a better job with the ideas of subspecies and variant. Either way I’m sure there’s many fan “fixes” of the classification system so they wouldn’t even have to look too far for inspiration lol
I've had this one discussion with the community in another video but I forgot which one.... The thing is: Pukei-pukei and Paolumu have similar wing structure.
And there you have it, a hell in MH classification, LOL
2:30 you didn't take into account that flying wyvern isn't a term in Japanese with the name meaning true wyvern.
From what i recall, the whole Fanged Beast name changing was primarily a localization issue, the jp name always roughly translated to Tusked Beast Species.
As for in-universe lore/science being not 100% accurate, we do have the cases of Ukanlos and Akantor that were originally considered Elders but were reclassified as Flying Wyverns, and while that is more a footnote of in-universe history, we also have Remobra which got reclassified as Snake Wyverns in the 4th generation.
this guy is going to have a really bad time when he finds out whales are fish
They're *Artificial Classifications*, used to identify very general types of monster, with similiar Atomony and Features which can help in fighting them
For me personally I'd love to have many monsters reclassifed and new classes to be created, il give a list of the new classes id like to see
First if I'd completely do away with the herbivores class and put some onto other classes like fanged beasts and create 2 new classes that you could also have large monsters in
Saurian wyvern for 4 legged dinosaurs like aptonoth and titan wyvern for sauropods like Larninoth
I'd also like to many of the current classes broken down and acutaly used in game, like taking all the rapters from the bird wyverns and making them runner wyverns and the Psudo wyverns acutaly be labeled as such instead of just flying wyvern
I'd like to see fanged beasts broken down into
Primatius beasts
Ursine beasts
carnivora beasts
Bovin herbivore beasts
Ungulate beasts
And I'd like elder dragons to be broken down aswell, cephalopod could be a new class for Yama and nakarkos and be for squid/octopus monsters and the rest of the elders could be put into the following catagorys
True dragons for the classic dragons
Titan dragons for the giants like Lao and Jhen mohran
Sky Serpant dragons for amatsu, ibushi, Narwa
Black dragons as a completely separate class
??? /unknown for anything that can't be put into a catagory for now
I like your ideas! Expanding on existing classes as well as correctly classifying monsters ingame would add to the overall vibe and immersion of the game tremendously.
@@xJayst yeah I really wanted it for the fanged beasts and elder dragons as they are too broad for me especially elder dragons which feels like a bit of a wastebin catagory at the moment rather then being something concrete
hey why dont we do it among us and x jayst can make a tier like video on it, if you are open for discussion please let me know
For the Elders I was thinking their classifications could be broken down to: Elders, Ancients, and Legends.
Kushala, Teo, Chameleos, Velkhana, Valstrax, Malzeno, Shagaru etc would fall into the Elder classification.
Amatsu, Gaismagorm, Shara, Lao, Zorah, Dalmadur, etc would fall into the Ancient classification.
Fatalis, Alatreon, Safi and Dire Miralis would fall into the Legends classification.
@@dhisufiroafrozenseraphimdragon I think that definitely works for the power levels but not for the taxonomy, I guess it's dependant, but it would be good to get some kind of factor to split them up with
i think it would be a lot better if the terms were unique names rather than just adjectives that don't always make sense
The classification is not scientific its practical and half the time the guild has no idea what to call monsters. it doesnt matter that monsters have some features resembling another class because the classifications are entirely wrong if you look at it the way we would do with taxonomy today. Hunters need to know that the monster they are facing can fly or is grounded and uses its claws
I mostly agree but that point is further disrupted by Akantor and Ukanlos being officially classified as flying wyverns while being completely unable to fly
@@xJaystthey are in the same family as tigrex basically their wing devolved into legs also if not flying wyvern then it would be elder dragon for those two but they don't got anything too crazy they mostly use their size and brute force to fight even the more physically base elder have some crazy shenanigans so they wouldn't fit there
I hope Capcom doesn't do something completely nonsensical like classify, oh I dunno, Lagomby as a bear or something.
In the vein of the Veloci and the like, it would be interesting if they put the phylogeny trees in game. If we call certain Monsters certain types for ease of hunting them, Runner Wyverns would be a perfectly fine thing to call the prey/dromes They are still technically bird wyverns further up the tree but if they fight so differently from this like Kutku and Pukei might as well call em something more specific
Same with Giggi and Khezu, call em Strange Wyvern, sure further up the tree they are Flying Wyverns and related [somehow] but given they fight so differently from a Rath might as well give em a more specific class to make hunting them make more sense
100% Agree. Some comments talk about classification being about the type of fight you can expect but especially with runner wyverns it doesn’t make sense as they fight so differently from actually winged bird wyverns
0:34 Zinogre isn't a mammal
Yea I realized after uploading that zinogre is a fanged wyvern and not a fanged beast, my bad
Dude, this video is so weird and so wrong. Classification makes sense and you have to keep in mind the fact that the classification is set by the guild in the game's universe
afaik the monster classifications are just the ones provided to hunters, and that only had relevant info for them. is it similar to other flying wyverns? call it that. does it move like other bird wyverns? call it a bird wyvern. its not linked to biology but merely the basic info a hunter needs
or you know people just call runner wyverns bird wyverns as is the common nema for all bird feet species kinda the same but opossite of how in the real world when people talk about dinosaur they dont have to specify non avian
btw want an even crazier example of the pseudowyverns( the fan term for 4 legged flying wyvers) akantor and ukanlos are technically flying wyverns
I'm hoping for a waifu type monster
M̶o̶n̶s̶t̶e̶r̶ Wyvern Hunter
paolumu is also based on bat
The categorization is what hunters use for easier fights, not actual based on biology
I see this argument a lot but it doesn’t make sense, Great Jaggi and Pukei Pukei are completely different fights but they’re still classified under bird wyverns. Same with Ukanlos and Akantor being flying wyverns without wings.
@@xJayst capcom is just inconsistent and doesn’t take it as seriously as the fans
@@xJayst akantor and ukanlos are flying wyverns because their ancestors were of the flying wyvern line, their skeletal structure is the same as other pseudo flying wyverns like nargacuga or tigrex. A part of their design reflects their ancestry too through the rows of spikes on their arms that are the vestige of where wings used to exist.
i think a bigass praying mantis monster would be badass
Good news that exists already, and it's called Ahtal ka
@dractolis1592 well I hope that mf comes back
Sorry to tell you but Zinogre is a Fanged Wyvern
@@emilioboyer4170 pinned comment