Respect... I'm 51 years old. And when I was a child, we sculpted entire countries out of plasticine, characters lived there who made up an integral mythology that we came up with, there was a currency, churches with plasticine icons, daily newspapers were published..
This is very similar to the games from my childhood. I also sculpted fortresses, cities, villages from plasticine, there were people in them in which I played. Actually, from those times plasticine remained
What an amazing model. Usually people tend to intentionally/unintentionally insert fantasy elements in castle builds. There's nothing wrong with that but personally I love historically accurate builds, and this model is the real thing. It really gives off a gritty "unpolished" vibe that true castles have, very little decorative elements in favor of functionality and security. It also has a very dynamic feel to the layout, as if it was built to fit the terrain its on, making it even more realistic. Compliments!
Back in the day most castles were plastered and whitewashed on the outside, and quite a few parts like some of the internal hoardings don't make sense, and it lacks guarderobes (toilets) and some of the lintols/arches aren't historically accurate and the don jon is unlikely to have a basement like that, and the turret isn't useful and the outer ward sunders the inner one more than you'd like and there are WAY too few wooden structures and round towers are a post cannon age so you'd expect inner stairs, filled in lower sections, and for a tower that big culverin emplacements to fire back their own cannons, or at least some springalds. Stone castles are extremely expensive, so you expect manicured gardens and opulent decorations to advertise the wealth of the residents. They're usually built generationally with different architectures too. Fortressess were more the pragmatic buildings you're thinking of, but have a very different design ethos. It's a great build nonetheless, you have to know an awful lot about castles and architecture to start questioning it and seeing the anachronisms and questionable choices.
I agree that this build is more of a fantasy castle build, realistic-esque, but what a fantasy it is. The thing about fantasy is that it tends to mash all pre-industrial historic period into one date. The result is quite interesting in itself.
I'm imagining this was built for some epic part of a DnD campaign. Everything would've been planned and then the second this is pulled out, the player's would've found some loophole and just skipped the whole encounter.
an endoscope would allow you to literally “walk” through the halls of your castle. so fun to watch. attention to detail amazing. kitty cute. bad kitty.
I like this art because it is without time. The castle town is frozen, and you can observe the special events going on at the exact moment they take place. A most excellent, and exotic craft.
Потрясно дружище !!!👍👍👍Винный погреб, кузня и даже туалет ! Все с юмором, особенно задолбавшийся подниматься по лестнице мужик, " какой ... все это построил" 😂И изюминка спичечный коробок, кировской фабрики "Белка - Фаворит" Спасибо за труд и настроение, ты мастер !👍
Que maravilla!! Un arquitecto de la época medieval. Excelente la edición con el gatito y todo, muy pero muy buena, ni hablar de la letrina con la popó cayendo ja.ja. Sos un genio, hace un vídeo con el desmontaje y armado mostrando detalladamente los espacios. Te felicito, te veo desde Argentina 🇦🇷
@@AlekseyKarpushkinподобные тебе люди вдохновляют меня творить и делать что-то новое. Благодарю от всего сердца. Продолжай в том же духе, твой упорный труд заразителен и приносит много радости и и идей для вдохновения.
An extraordinary project, and accomplished beautifully. I enjoyed the little vignettes with the characters, too. The cats were very well-behaved, I thought. The castle must have been such a temptation!
There are no complaints about the spotted cat. She was no longer young and showed no interest in the castle. But the young cat constantly made her own adjustments. She and I clearly had different ideas about what a castle should look like
The fact you make the little bricks first and use a mini trowel, is just sensory overload. So impressive, and this would be the last hobby I'd personally take up, but the respect I have for your dedication to a project couldn't be higher.
Просто невероятно, сколько мелких деталей! И винные бочки в погребе, и кузнецы на кузне, и подъемная решетка на воротах - она меня особенно впечатлила. Это же не только сделать, но и спланировать все нужно. Как хорошо, что у вас есть помощник с пушистыми маленькими лапками 😇🐾
I used to build plasticine castles and cities with my brother as a kid. This brought tears to my eyes, the sheer creativity, care and craft that went into this castle is more than anyone should hope to even witness. So thank you for displaying this great piece of defensive architecture. May it never be scratched by cats.
You are really an artist with resolve and patience. How you did this masterpiece with your feline "helper" about is spectacular. Thank you for a most engaging 39 minutes. BRAVO!
it can't become better, i say to myself. it becomes better every minute. not only really usable parts but all this small details AND expositions with figurines?? astonishing!!!
😂😂i love the bit where the men are breaking blocks and fall over swearing,i didnt expect to see humour as well as the fantastic castle this build is amazing.
I love how you accurately portrayed medieval architecture by adding the dual layer walls with filler for all fortified structures rather than just a simple wall. Plus how the blocks are off center staggered is amazing. You did a fantastic job showing post Crusade architectural design. Well done
this is plasticine not bakeable polymer clay, its a type of oil clay and will always be mailable the only way to finish a project with this material is with mold making and casting, but the fact that this is all plasticine makes this build truly insane.
@@gamermass3000 I know that. I just prefer bake clay to this type of things, because plasticine is like hamsters... It goes back to menu in most weird and unexpected circumstances. Also *DEAR JESUS ALMIGHTY...* I just wanted to check the English grammar of "Hamster", but wrote it by "Ch-". Isn't google supposed to *at least pretend* to be family friendry? Memes about J*ws have a "Trigger Warning", but *THIS* doesn't?!??
You have channelled your inner mediaeval architect. What a great work! Very detailed. I really like the way you made the segments and cutaways. Awesome job. Cheers!
Choosing plasticine for such a project intrigues me, but I can't help but be impressed by the result. Such an amazing project. I particularly enjoyed the inclusion of castle workers.
@@AlekseyKarpushkin Regardless of the chosen material, the work is impressive! My only concern is for the longevity of the piece. Is this being kept for posterity or is it meant to be temporary?
Estoy viendo nuevamente el video porque me encanta todo lo que sea pequeñito. Parece. Montas y desmontas como si se tratara de un pastel medieval. Te felicito,sos un maestro de tan maravillosa obra. Me suscribo para gozar de mas construcciones.👏👏😾💖🇦🇷
Mad respect for old school labour of love. Despite this age of 3d printing, you still find the time to do this plus document and share with us. Thank you for this!
Incredible !! As a Welshman I love castles, even though the English built them to control us back in the day :) The attention to detail is second to none.
I Love building Scale Models and When I was Young, I used to love making buildings for the small figurines I had, but I simply did not have the knowledge and understanding to do something like this, but then came along Mine Craft. Well, I started to make houses and floating Islands with castles on them and everything like that so that when my Children came over, they could joke around and look at my stuff and try to make their own buildings too. But the hardest part about Minecraft is that it doesn't allow for anything but cubes, you must have had a lot of plasticine from an old playschool or something like that because you can see all the colors mixed in there and it looks quite old and well past its prime. a perfect medium to be used to make things like this with because when it cools off from being worked by warm hands, it actually becomes quite firm. You have a nice place space that only your kitty poses a threat to the castle, that think wouldn't last a day with my kids near it! LOL But well done! it actually takes a lot of knowledge to be able to build a castle and have it reasonably correct, and you went through a lot of efforts to make sure it was relatively correct. Now you need to make it a lived in space, with furniture and rugs and tapestries along with living quarters for the men who would be the defenders of this keep. as well as a kitchen for the cooks and the various places that would show this to be a true period correct Castle! But this is an excellent build in my book! Something that would be a great part of a HUGE diorama that you could build and even have fields of wheat in stoops in the field and the horse drawn wagons and the whole countryside outside of the castle, and by the looks of it, you have a lot more plasticine you could use to build it with.! Kudos to you!!!!
Thanks for the very nice comment! Plasticine is really from my childhood, in which I sculpted cities and fortresses, populated them with little men and played in them. But there was no plasticine left at all. It was barely enough, only because in the end I started saving. I want to populate the castle and when I do, I’ll make a new video
This is truly amazing. Thank you for sharing it with the world. You made my night. I hope you don't mind me subscribing. I hope to see more of your skills in the future. You are gifted❤️
Thanks for watching and for subscribing! When the heat subsides and the plasticine is not so soft, I plan to finish the castle, fill it with furniture, various things and inhabitants
Great Build! But Also Great Filming❤!!! Now you will have to go through withdrawal "I don't know what it is & why, but I constantly feel like I should be doing something!"
As a history lover, architecture and castle aficionado, designer and carpenter, I have to tell you that ILovE THIS!!!! Especially the way you are representing so close to actual historical structure! U cracked me up too with the freeze frame😂🤣 SUBSCRIBED!!!
Thank you, I appreciate your subscription! Although I do not pretend to have a thorough knowledge of history, I still try to avoid obvious contradictions, such as potatoes in storage or a modern anvil in a forge. That's why I'm glad that people like you watch me
This is absolutely astounding. Brick by brick construction, attention to detail that would please any architect, and the removable levels and sections to reveal interior detail is amazing. I assume this was impossible to move once constructed and you had pre-chosen the spot in your home to dedicate to your work of art?
Really cool Time-lapse. In the thumbnail, I was wondering how you got the lines on the bricks so clean. I would’ve never guessed that you cut and laid individual little bricks. Awesome work.
I am dutch, sorry if the following does not make much sense, but i hope it does. Another way of getting them lines faster and easier without laying individual bricks is by making a small jig. A simple flat board of wood or plastic. And then you could use piano wire which you attach to the board horizontal evenly spaced, and vertical like you would lay bricks. You just cut small pieces of wire and lay them spaced like you would lay bricks. Half a brick ontop of the other half, i dunno how to explain it better. Anyways, you can attach the wires with some glue, fast curing glue or something like that. Make it large enough for whatever you wanna build. Then when you want a tower of the castle to look like it is all bricks, you simply roll a piece of clay/plasticine into the shape of a tower. A cilinder basically. And once it is rolled into shape, you roll it over your template board thing-a-ma-jig. And voila, the lines appear in the clay. You can then obviously hollow out the cilinder with a smaller size cilinder. A normal straight wall? Just create it with the clay, put it on the template and push it down. Voila. A wall as if its all bricks. Just an idea from a crazy dutch guy.
@@AlekseyKarpushkinEven if only briefly, please speak about why you do this. Your inspiration or motivation if you're willing. You put so much quality and detail and aparts that you then hid and that feels wrong to me, but I don't know if you've got some trick up your sleeve that explains it or if that's just your passion. I mean no judgment I am just sincerely curious. Thank you for sharing this incredible piece of work and the process of its creation.
Absolutely love it. A fun project you can now admire for the rest of your life! Brick by brick, the devil is in the detail. Wish i had the same dedication. Brilliant work..! 👏👏👏
@@AlekseyKarpushkin Kitty must really love you though, to come steal your attention so many times lol. Awesome work, you've got a lot of talent, and even more patience, for the cat and the castle!
This video was so entertaining to watch. I can see how this took a great deal of skill and perseverance to complete, despite your cute little fur babies attempt to "help" you with the design of it - I guess having a life sized play fort for a kitten was just too much temptation ! (What are you cats names please ?) It is a great achievement to construct something as large as this, and I can understand how it took so long to do it. I am very impressed that you managed it will no major mistakes. Is it based a a real castle that is in your homeland, or did you create it from your imagination ? Either way, it is amazing, and I am sure your "rampaging attack dragon" will continue to enjoy his play fort - It would be a funny video if you strapped felt dragon wings on him and he attacked one of the villages in the castle as a snack and "flew off" with them !
Thank you for your attention to my work. My name is Alexey, the cats' names are Musya (spotted) and Carolina (young, gray and white). Judging by the fact that the castle has not yet fallen apart, I think that I really managed to avoid fatal mistakes. Castles have never been built in my country, but I really love European culture and a castle is more of a collective image. It does not copy any real castle
I was very impressed. The one thing I couldn't get over was that there were no spots to put torches or chandeliers or candles. That's one dark stronghold.
Я рад, что понравилось, жаль качество съемки так себе, но основное увидеть можно. Заселение будет обязательно, заодно и обзор внутренних помещений сниму
What a masterpiece! 🥇 Carthage, a historic city-state located in modern-day Tunisia. Carthage was renowned for its impressive structures and fortifications. What castle is modelled here? I have always wished I had such skills, but now, I'm just appreciating other people's skills, and I'm impressed. The detail level is astonisheing!
As a child, I was fascinated by ancient history and, in particular, Carthage. At that time, I was impressed by Gustave Flaubert's book "Salammbô", which describes the events after the second war of Carthage with Rome. That's why Carthage ended up in the name of my channel. And the castle is already medieval, belonging to European culture
Yeah it would be great until somebody is reaching over the castle for a model and loses their balance and slams their hand into a wall trying to steady themselves...
@@thomgizziz it's build pretty sturdy. And anyone playing a RPG game with it will (I hope) have respect for it and be cautious. After all, the fig themself for tabletop game are used with care. Even more if you have paint them yourself...
Some people have done similar things with foam bricks. Reasonably sturdy and texturable, a lot lighter, but will drive you just as insane building them. Then there are the people using actual miniature bricks…
Excellent work brother, I admire the patience you had when making the model of the castle, respecting each of the details. I send you a big hug from Argentina 🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🫂
Yes thank you. I had to go through quite a bit of trouble with the stairs, choosing the pitch of the steps so that the stairs would go out where needed and not to the side
@@AlekseyKarpushkin he means take molds of the individual pieces, and get them cast in something more durable,,plastic or foam, sell it as a kit. i would buy one.
Великолепная работа ! Сам скульптор , когда что-то делаю - ход времени не замечаю. Каждый из нас вкладывает душу в свои произведения искусства. Вы мастер своего дела , браво 👏
Two thoughts. 1. Once the mice in your house figure out how to make a catapult, your cat's going to be in for some problems. 2. Just one bathroom? That's going to go south quickly! LOL ---- good work!
There is only one toilet and it belongs to the owner. The rest should relieve themselves where they can. The funny thing is that this is exactly what happened in the castles of the Middle Ages
Superbe ! Incroyable travail : vous êtes un artiste ! Amateur du Moyen-âge, je suis ébloui par votre réalisation et par votre ingéniosité : Bravo ! Mille fois Bravo !
This is why i am moving into 3D printing & such. I fought against technology, for so long…even being a Graphic Designer. I wanted to stay connected with “hands-on” work. But, I’m over it. Probably is…I change my mind WAY too much. Lol! I have Bipolar Disorder, so my mind RACES (literally. It’s a literal side effect/symptom of the illness). So, my entire life (I’m now 42), I throw my stuff away. I get tired of it & never finish it. So, I have to have faster-paced things. Kudos more for the dedication than anything.
Krasiva ! Sir, you have talent and I wish I could learn from you. Would you do a tutorial ? What material do you use ? Is it clay ? This is awesome. And with this huge monster cat lurking and terrorising the population of the castle 😂 So good
No, it's not clay. I use children's modeling plasticine, which never hardens. I’m unlikely to be able to give a lesson, since what I can do has already been demonstrated and I don’t know how correct it is
❤❤❤❤. Did you remember the secret back door escape route should the castle get stormed? You have one mighty talent. Thank you for sharing. PS. I a bit worried about there being only one toilet - the one 3/4 of the way on the tallest tower…😊
Respect... I'm 51 years old. And when I was a child, we sculpted entire countries out of plasticine, characters lived there who made up an integral mythology that we came up with, there was a currency, churches with plasticine icons, daily newspapers were published..
This is very similar to the games from my childhood. I also sculpted fortresses, cities, villages from plasticine, there were people in them in which I played. Actually, from those times plasticine remained
Sounds like it would take 51 years to create all that lol.
Sounds like the Original Dungeons and Dragons. Lol😊
I usually just ate mine and made snakes. Go figure.
Same plasticine games in my childhood as well , hundreds of hours molding a plasticine , building cities, homes, making wars, etc.
now that's some dedication! and fine craftsmanship too; the castle withstood several attacks from yon fuzzy dragon.
😂. ❤
Imagine all the little people screaming 😂
As a blacksmith myself I can finally get the relief to see that you have made a historically accurate anvil and not a modern day design
Thank you for your attention to detail!
Have you ever blown an Anvil with Black Powder?
200th like
@@bazra19 The first time I had ever seen that was a few days ago on a channel called Outdoors With Casey. Shot up a couple hundred feet.
What an amazing model.
Usually people tend to intentionally/unintentionally insert fantasy elements in castle builds. There's nothing wrong with that but personally I love historically accurate builds, and this model is the real thing. It really gives off a gritty "unpolished" vibe that true castles have, very little decorative elements in favor of functionality and security. It also has a very dynamic feel to the layout, as if it was built to fit the terrain its on, making it even more realistic. Compliments!
Thanks for the comment. There will still be some things in the castle, but you're right, there shouldn't be many of them
Back in the day most castles were plastered and whitewashed on the outside, and quite a few parts like some of the internal hoardings don't make sense, and it lacks guarderobes (toilets) and some of the lintols/arches aren't historically accurate and the don jon is unlikely to have a basement like that, and the turret isn't useful and the outer ward sunders the inner one more than you'd like and there are WAY too few wooden structures and round towers are a post cannon age so you'd expect inner stairs, filled in lower sections, and for a tower that big culverin emplacements to fire back their own cannons, or at least some springalds.
Stone castles are extremely expensive, so you expect manicured gardens and opulent decorations to advertise the wealth of the residents. They're usually built generationally with different architectures too.
Fortressess were more the pragmatic buildings you're thinking of, but have a very different design ethos.
It's a great build nonetheless, you have to know an awful lot about castles and architecture to start questioning it and seeing the anachronisms and questionable choices.
I agree that this build is more of a fantasy castle build, realistic-esque, but what a fantasy it is.
The thing about fantasy is that it tends to mash all pre-industrial historic period into one date. The result is quite interesting in itself.
I'm imagining this was built for some epic part of a DnD campaign. Everything would've been planned and then the second this is pulled out, the player's would've found some loophole and just skipped the whole encounter.
I feel that one.
@@YourBestFriendforToday I feel you feeling that one. I have an unused wizard's keep staring at me...
I don't think anything medieval related needs to be DnD, he just built this to put in a table and show it off like a museum or smth
This was one of those "Oh god can I really devote 40 mins to a video?" Definitely worth it.
Exactly what I was thinking and I loved it.
@@TheMacDonald22 same, but 1min in and I was hooked.
an endoscope would allow you to literally “walk” through the halls of your castle. so fun to watch. attention to detail amazing. kitty cute. bad kitty.
“Kitty cute. Bad kitty” -what’s that supposed to mean 💀
"Kitty cute. Bad Kitty" bro... thats a Bit random but it made me laugh
The cat literally paws at parts of the castle. Did yall even watch through?
Tries to eat it too.
@@ThomasChristianWolf yea but it sounds funny
I like this art because it is without time. The castle town is frozen, and you can observe the special events going on at the exact moment they take place. A most excellent, and exotic craft.
I'm convinced that this was just a clever way to show off a time-lapse of your cat growing up, lol.
He…laid the bricks…that caught me right away. He didn’t texture them or find some quick way, he literally built this brick by brick.
Yeah, everyone will assume he used a mold, so sadly no-one will ever know each brick is separate after a hundred years when this is found.
My wife asked if this was done brick by brick when she saw the opening shot.....that was answered shortly after. This is AMAZING!!
Потрясно дружище !!!👍👍👍Винный погреб, кузня и даже туалет ! Все с юмором, особенно задолбавшийся подниматься по лестнице мужик, " какой ... все это построил" 😂И изюминка спичечный коробок, кировской фабрики "Белка - Фаворит" Спасибо за труд и настроение, ты мастер !👍
Спасибо за такой позитивный комментарий! Мне приятно, что видео понравилось
Que maravilla!! Un arquitecto de la época medieval. Excelente la edición con el gatito y todo, muy pero muy buena, ni hablar de la letrina con la popó cayendo ja.ja. Sos un genio, hace un vídeo con el desmontaje y armado mostrando detalladamente los espacios. Te felicito, te veo desde Argentina 🇦🇷
@@AlekseyKarpushkinподобные тебе люди вдохновляют меня творить и делать что-то новое. Благодарю от всего сердца. Продолжай в том же духе, твой упорный труд заразителен и приносит много радости и и идей для вдохновения.
Дядька Лёша ! Я влюблен в эту идею и работу. @@AlekseyKarpushkin
@@kinkin7513 hola❤
I would never have the dedication to make individual bricks, I'd just use a mold on the wall. Kudos for going all out.
its easy to get a strip then cut it to make it look like bricks afterwards, once its on there
@@NicholasThorntonOfficial place them one by one would never be easy or fast tho...
That's why no one will remember your name
@@brandonradke4379 says the guy called brandon
@@ennayanne Pffftt
An extraordinary project, and accomplished beautifully. I enjoyed the little vignettes with the characters, too.
The cats were very well-behaved, I thought. The castle must have been such a temptation!
There are no complaints about the spotted cat. She was no longer young and showed no interest in the castle. But the young cat constantly made her own adjustments. She and I clearly had different ideas about what a castle should look like
@@AlekseyKarpushkinWell, I think you won. Bravo. And awesome job too!! tyvm
The addition of the privy was indeed the highlight!
The fact you make the little bricks first and use a mini trowel, is just sensory overload.
So impressive, and this would be the last hobby I'd personally take up, but the respect I have for your dedication to a project couldn't be higher.
wtf..? you literally built that castle brick by brick. Bravo.👏👏
Not literally
@@jimlahey3919 brick also means "square-shaped compacted mass" (as of ice cream), so yes, it is literal.
It’s just awesome 😮👍
Просто невероятно, сколько мелких деталей! И винные бочки в погребе, и кузнецы на кузне, и подъемная решетка на воротах - она меня особенно впечатлила. Это же не только сделать, но и спланировать все нужно. Как хорошо, что у вас есть помощник с пушистыми маленькими лапками 😇🐾
Это не помощник, это Злой Дракон
I used to build plasticine castles and cities with my brother as a kid. This brought tears to my eyes, the sheer creativity, care and craft that went into this castle is more than anyone should hope to even witness. So thank you for displaying this great piece of defensive architecture. May it never be scratched by cats.
Thank you for your nice comment and good wishes!
You are really an artist with resolve and patience. How you did this masterpiece with your feline "helper" about is spectacular. Thank you for a most engaging 39 minutes. BRAVO!
it can't become better, i say to myself. it becomes better every minute. not only really usable parts but all this small details AND expositions with figurines?? astonishing!!!
"But sire, they have.........a CAT!"
Dragonheart reference?.... 🤔
@@djmarsone5209 Just musing on the scale of the cat in relation to the project,, I thought I saw it knock something over just before a scene cut.
@@inisipisTV I raised it and even lowered it towards the end of the video
The Dragon
Outstanding. Can’t believe you made individual bricks for all of it. Really nicely done. I love how patient you were with your cat too.
😂😂i love the bit where the men are breaking blocks and fall over swearing,i didnt expect to see humour as well as the fantastic castle this build is amazing.
I'm glad you liked it. But I think those men were not laughing during the fall
6:57 for reference
I love how you accurately portrayed medieval architecture by adding the dual layer walls with filler for all fortified structures rather than just a simple wall. Plus how the blocks are off center staggered is amazing. You did a fantastic job showing post Crusade architectural design. Well done
That's cool. The kitty and stop motion guy fking up and falling over were great haha
Your cat is a great stand-in for a dragon! Attention to detail is excellent! Great video!
Yes, and the cat even surpassed any dragon in terms of destructive power!
This was an amazing watch my friend and it was cute seeing the little grey and white kitten getting bigger before our eyes 👍🏻🇦🇺
as a Plasticine enjoyer, i rexpect ur job, on my childhood i made a loot of soldiers like from age of empires (samurais, knights ,etc)...BLESS
Incredible detail brilliant skills good enough for any film prop department loved the humour. 😉💯👍
Феноменально!! Я в восторге. Такая точность в деталях средневековой фортификации. Единственная деталь, которую я бы добавил - машикули.
I feel a strange urge to buy ~10kg of bake clay... and a new table.
this is plasticine not bakeable polymer clay, its a type of oil clay and will always be mailable the only way to finish a project with this material is with mold making and casting, but the fact that this is all plasticine makes this build truly insane.
I know that.
I just prefer bake clay to this type of things, because plasticine is like hamsters...
It goes back to menu in most weird and unexpected circumstances.
I just wanted to check the English grammar of "Hamster", but wrote it by "Ch-".
Isn't google supposed to *at least pretend* to be family friendry?
Memes about J*ws have a "Trigger Warning", but *THIS* doesn't?!??
@@mateuszbanaszak4671 what are chamsters….?
@@mateuszbanaszak4671 what are chamsters….?
Google autocorrects "Chamster" into an *adult website* name, instead of correcting it into "Hamster".
You have channelled your inner mediaeval architect. What a great work! Very detailed. I really like the way you made the segments and cutaways. Awesome job. Cheers!
Choosing plasticine for such a project intrigues me, but I can't help but be impressed by the result. Such an amazing project. I particularly enjoyed the inclusion of castle workers.
Plasticine was chosen only because I already had it. Otherwise clay would be much better
@@AlekseyKarpushkin Regardless of the chosen material, the work is impressive! My only concern is for the longevity of the piece. Is this being kept for posterity or is it meant to be temporary?
Это просто невероятно! Спасибо огромное. В детстве сами строили замки. Но, конечно, не такого масштаба и мастерства. Залип от начала и до конца :)
Спасибо за просмотр. Я рад, что понравилось!
I love people showing us their skills, talents, and passions. I love this and aspire to start my own miniature builds soon. Thanks for sharing!
Estoy viendo nuevamente el video porque me encanta todo lo que sea pequeñito. Parece. Montas y desmontas como si se tratara de un pastel medieval. Te felicito,sos un maestro de tan maravillosa obra. Me suscribo para gozar de mas construcciones.👏👏😾💖🇦🇷
Mad respect for old school labour of love. Despite this age of 3d printing, you still find the time to do this plus document and share with us. Thank you for this!
Incredible !! As a Welshman I love castles, even though the English built them to control us back in the day :) The attention to detail is second to none.
WOW!!! WOW!!! WOW!!! This is fantastic!!! So much fun to watch this video!!! Hugs and kisses to the cat!!! Greetings from Cologne/Germany 😊😊😊
Thanks for your comment, I'm glad you liked it
I Love building Scale Models and When I was Young, I used to love making buildings for the small figurines I had, but I simply did not have the knowledge and understanding to do something like this, but then came along Mine Craft. Well, I started to make houses and floating Islands with castles on them and everything like that so that when my Children came over, they could joke around and look at my stuff and try to make their own buildings too. But the hardest part about Minecraft is that it doesn't allow for anything but cubes, you must have had a lot of plasticine from an old playschool or something like that because you can see all the colors mixed in there and it looks quite old and well past its prime. a perfect medium to be used to make things like this with because when it cools off from being worked by warm hands, it actually becomes quite firm. You have a nice place space that only your kitty poses a threat to the castle, that think wouldn't last a day with my kids near it! LOL But well done! it actually takes a lot of knowledge to be able to build a castle and have it reasonably correct, and you went through a lot of efforts to make sure it was relatively correct. Now you need to make it a lived in space, with furniture and rugs and tapestries along with living quarters for the men who would be the defenders of this keep. as well as a kitchen for the cooks and the various places that would show this to be a true period correct Castle! But this is an excellent build in my book! Something that would be a great part of a HUGE diorama that you could build and even have fields of wheat in stoops in the field and the horse drawn wagons and the whole countryside outside of the castle, and by the looks of it, you have a lot more plasticine you could use to build it with.! Kudos to you!!!!
Thanks for the very nice comment! Plasticine is really from my childhood, in which I sculpted cities and fortresses, populated them with little men and played in them. But there was no plasticine left at all. It was barely enough, only because in the end I started saving. I want to populate the castle and when I do, I’ll make a new video
@AlekseyKarpushkin ❤
This is truly amazing. Thank you for sharing it with the world. You made my night. I hope you don't mind me subscribing. I hope to see more of your skills in the future. You are gifted❤️
Thanks for watching and for subscribing! When the heat subsides and the plasticine is not so soft, I plan to finish the castle, fill it with furniture, various things and inhabitants
Amazing show of dedication to your craft and skill.
Great Build! But Also Great Filming❤!!! Now you will have to go through withdrawal "I don't know what it is & why, but I constantly feel like I should be doing something!"
it's amazing how the cat did not demolish your work in a time span of 1.5 years
@@CountryMusicSavedMe It all make sense now
As a history lover, architecture and castle aficionado, designer and carpenter, I have to tell you that ILovE THIS!!!! Especially the way you are representing so close to actual historical structure! U cracked me up too with the freeze frame😂🤣 SUBSCRIBED!!!
Thank you, I appreciate your subscription! Although I do not pretend to have a thorough knowledge of history, I still try to avoid obvious contradictions, such as potatoes in storage or a modern anvil in a forge. That's why I'm glad that people like you watch me
Завораживает ...
Алексей , у меня нет слов .
Это фантастика . Браво !
Спасибо за комментарий! Я рад, что вам понравилось
This is absolutely astounding. Brick by brick construction, attention to detail that would please any architect, and the removable levels and sections to reveal interior detail is amazing. I assume this was impossible to move once constructed and you had pre-chosen the spot in your home to dedicate to your work of art?
Yes, I immediately chose a place where the lock would not get in the way, since due to its large weight it would no longer be possible to move it
I like that instead of just carving the brick pattern on the outside like most do,,you made each individual brick. It's allllll in the details;]😊
Most people would just 3D print the parts these days so hats off to you and your craftsmanship.🎉
Really cool Time-lapse. In the thumbnail, I was wondering how you got the lines on the bricks so clean. I would’ve never guessed that you cut and laid individual little bricks. Awesome work.
I am dutch, sorry if the following does not make much sense, but i hope it does.
Another way of getting them lines faster and easier without laying individual bricks is by making a small jig.
A simple flat board of wood or plastic.
And then you could use piano wire which you attach to the board horizontal evenly spaced, and vertical like you would lay bricks.
You just cut small pieces of wire and lay them spaced like you would lay bricks. Half a brick ontop of the other half, i dunno how to explain it better.
Anyways, you can attach the wires with some glue, fast curing glue or something like that.
Make it large enough for whatever you wanna build.
Then when you want a tower of the castle to look like it is all bricks, you simply roll a piece of clay/plasticine into the shape of a tower. A cilinder basically.
And once it is rolled into shape, you roll it over your template board thing-a-ma-jig.
And voila, the lines appear in the clay.
You can then obviously hollow out the cilinder with a smaller size cilinder.
A normal straight wall? Just create it with the clay, put it on the template and push it down.
Voila. A wall as if its all bricks.
Just an idea from a crazy dutch guy.
реально очень круто получилось! отдельный респект за проработку и внутри и снаружи
Как же хорошо у тебя получилось, зачет👍👍👍
You should stick a mini cam and take us for a tour inside. See if it’s haunted
By the way, I’m going to do a review of the castle later
@@AlekseyKarpushkinEven if only briefly, please speak about why you do this. Your inspiration or motivation if you're willing. You put so much quality and detail and aparts that you then hid and that feels wrong to me, but I don't know if you've got some trick up your sleeve that explains it or if that's just your passion. I mean no judgment I am just sincerely curious.
Thank you for sharing this incredible piece of work and the process of its creation.
Didn’t think I’d watch that whole thing but this was a damn fine experience! Thank you for this.
WOW! That is wonderful! what a work of art. Thoroughly impressive. Very nice work. WOW!
Absolutely love it. A fun project you can now admire for the rest of your life! Brick by brick, the devil is in the detail. Wish i had the same dedication. Brilliant work..! 👏👏👏
Очень круто, прямо вау.
Шикарный монтаж, а сценки просто нет слов.
Как же здорово когда ты мастер, у тебя ест воображение, свободное время и кошка.
Amazing build 👍 Adore your cat's "cooperation".
Yes, the cat really “helped” a lot
@@AlekseyKarpushkin Kitty must really love you though, to come steal your attention so many times lol. Awesome work, you've got a lot of talent, and even more patience, for the cat and the castle!
This video was so entertaining to watch. I can see how this took a great deal of skill and perseverance to complete, despite your cute little fur babies attempt to "help" you with the design of it - I guess having a life sized play fort for a kitten was just too much temptation ! (What are you cats names please ?)
It is a great achievement to construct something as large as this, and I can understand how it took so long to do it. I am very impressed that you managed it will no major mistakes.
Is it based a a real castle that is in your homeland, or did you create it from your imagination ? Either way, it is amazing, and I am sure your "rampaging attack dragon" will continue to enjoy his play fort - It would be a funny video if you strapped felt dragon wings on him and he attacked one of the villages in the castle as a snack and "flew off" with them !
Thank you for your attention to my work. My name is Alexey, the cats' names are Musya (spotted) and Carolina (young, gray and white). Judging by the fact that the castle has not yet fallen apart, I think that I really managed to avoid fatal mistakes. Castles have never been built in my country, but I really love European culture and a castle is more of a collective image. It does not copy any real castle
Very impressive, congratulations!
Fantastic build, it's a good job you had the little guys to help cut the blocks, it would have taken twice as long without their help😁. God bless you
Yes, if the guys hadn’t missed the hammer, we would have built it even faster
I was very impressed. The one thing I couldn't get over was that there were no spots to put torches or chandeliers or candles. That's one dark stronghold.
The castle is not finished yet, so I plan to add torches, furniture and inhabitants
My missus would have gone mental if I had that in the living room for a year and a half.
Mi mujer dice,si es tu hobby tiene que aguantarlo,si no es que mucho no te valora,ni tú tampoco al permitirlo.
Perhaps she left?
@@gtukioleshe took the cat with her 😭
@@jonathanjonathan5963 Sounds like you have the better wife 🤐
Get a better missus.
Круто, столько проделанной работы! Масштаб впечатляет!!! Спасибо, за видео. Ждем заселение замка🤗
Я рад, что понравилось, жаль качество съемки так себе, но основное увидеть можно. Заселение будет обязательно, заодно и обзор внутренних помещений сниму
Спасибо большое, будем ждать продолжения! А Каролина нападает на замок?
@@Анастасия-х3у7щ Да, причем уже дважды сломала ограждения на стене
What a masterpiece! 🥇
Carthage, a historic city-state located in modern-day Tunisia. Carthage was renowned for its impressive structures and fortifications.
What castle is modelled here?
I have always wished I had such skills, but now, I'm just appreciating other people's skills, and I'm impressed. The detail level is astonisheing!
As a child, I was fascinated by ancient history and, in particular, Carthage. At that time, I was impressed by Gustave Flaubert's book "Salammbô", which describes the events after the second war of Carthage with Rome. That's why Carthage ended up in the name of my channel. And the castle is already medieval, belonging to European culture
Молодец, очень красиво! Кот настоящий помощник!
Благодарю за такой масштабный проэкт и особенно за вставки с кукольными жителями...удачи в новых проектах
Imagine being able to play skirmish games in that castle. It's awesome
Yeah it would be great until somebody is reaching over the castle for a model and loses their balance and slams their hand into a wall trying to steady themselves...
@@thomgizziz it's build pretty sturdy. And anyone playing a RPG game with it will (I hope) have respect for it and be cautious.
After all, the fig themself for tabletop game are used with care. Even more if you have paint them yourself...
Some people have done similar things with foam bricks. Reasonably sturdy and texturable, a lot lighter, but will drive you just as insane building them. Then there are the people using actual miniature bricks…
Yeah children would love it
Adults would love it more, knowing what it’s like to grow up without things this cool.
Здравствуйте! Крутейший замок! Очень скрупулезная и ювелирная работа! Автор и создатель замка- молодец и настоящий мастер!
Спасибо за внимание к моему творчеству
@@AlekseyKarpushkin Смотрел все части вашего строительства с привеличайшим удовольствие! Всех Вам благ! Удачи и успехов!
Very nice work, beautiful cat. congratz
Thank you! The cat really helped me a lot
Excellent work brother, I admire the patience you had when making the model of the castle, respecting each of the details. I send you a big hug from Argentina 🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🫂
Thank you for your comment and for your attention to my work. Hello Argentina!
As somebody who's been in and out of sculpting my entire life.... This is incredible and inspiring. Thank you
That's an incredible peace of art. I don't think there is any finer detailed miniature castle construction.
Incredible piece of work. Amazing detail.
Красавчик, пряма супер, я в афиге от этой работы. 👍
Astonishingly good. Particularly like the way you do the spiral staircases, ingenious.
Yes thank you. I had to go through quite a bit of trouble with the stairs, choosing the pitch of the steps so that the stairs would go out where needed and not to the side
Удивительно ка за полгода его никто не растоптал случайно. Огромный респект за объем работы, и еще большее уважение что его удалось сохранить!
Not enough adjectives to describe how incredible this castle is. You’re very talented and patient !
No 3D printer will EVER compete with the beauty in this!
My GOD! Thank you for sharing this!
That was absolutely fantastic. You should get it cast up for sale. If I had the room, I'd buy one.
Selling is problematic because it is not transportable
@@AlekseyKarpushkin he means take molds of the individual pieces, and get them cast in something more durable,,plastic or foam, sell it as a kit. i would buy one.
Супер, только наверное один единственный минус, это вес этого сооружения, а так просто класс!!!
Великолепная работа ! Сам скульптор , когда что-то делаю - ход времени не замечаю. Каждый из нас вкладывает душу в свои произведения искусства.
Вы мастер своего дела , браво 👏
Mindblowing! 🤯
The amount of historical knowledge, architecture, creativity, techniques, skills, patience it takes to make this!
Two thoughts. 1. Once the mice in your house figure out how to make a catapult, your cat's going to be in for some problems. 2. Just one bathroom? That's going to go south quickly! LOL ---- good work!
There is only one toilet and it belongs to the owner. The rest should relieve themselves where they can. The funny thing is that this is exactly what happened in the castles of the Middle Ages
Middle ages and beyond. Versailles had similar problems. Bathrooms and toilets are a late XIX - early XX innovation commodities.
10000 subscribers now. Respect to you with this! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Thank you so much!
19:50 🤣🤣🤣.
Respect for work and humor 👍
Good luck moving all that. a rigid support would have been nice 😅
6:58 had me laughing
Exactly what I thought
Superbe ! Incroyable travail : vous êtes un artiste ! Amateur du Moyen-âge, je suis ébloui par votre réalisation et par votre ingéniosité : Bravo ! Mille fois Bravo !
Can’t imagine how much passion is in this build 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Outstanding. A true work of art.
Listening to this music for almost 40 minutes nearly put me in a coma.
Me too, but I realized it when I already published the video
Honestly fair enough
But the castle build is really cool.
Un travail monumental!!!!!❤❤❤
The attention to detail is outstanding! Thanks for sharing!
This is why i am moving into 3D printing & such. I fought against technology, for so long…even being a Graphic Designer. I wanted to stay connected with “hands-on” work. But, I’m over it. Probably is…I change my mind WAY too much. Lol! I have Bipolar Disorder, so my mind RACES (literally. It’s a literal side effect/symptom of the illness). So, my entire life (I’m now 42), I throw my stuff away. I get tired of it & never finish it. So, I have to have faster-paced things. Kudos more for the dedication than anything.
Krasiva ! Sir, you have talent and I wish I could learn from you. Would you do a tutorial ? What material do you use ? Is it clay ? This is awesome. And with this huge monster cat lurking and terrorising the population of the castle 😂 So good
No, it's not clay. I use children's modeling plasticine, which never hardens. I’m unlikely to be able to give a lesson, since what I can do has already been demonstrated and I don’t know how correct it is
Que lindo ver essa obra-prima👍👍👍
Absolutely astounding truly incredible!!!
BRAVO c'est magnifique, quel TALENT
❤❤❤❤. Did you remember the secret back door escape route should the castle get stormed? You have one mighty talent. Thank you for sharing. PS. I a bit worried about there being only one toilet - the one 3/4 of the way on the tallest tower…😊
Thanks for the reminder about the secret exit. It needs to be done. The toilet is only for the owner, and the rest had to do without amenities
Meinen aller grössten Respekt für diese Arbeit, sieht echt stark aus.
Vielen Dank für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit für meine Arbeit