I discovered one of sadhgurus videos yesterday by accident, I had never heard of him before. I just love the way he sees things, and explains them. Great messages. Also he is really funny, and I find that I could listen to his voice all day, it's very calming. It's so weird because literally all the things I worry about and need advice on, he had literally done a video of how to deal with those problems.
I would say that I just stumbled upon him but I think there's more going on here than just clumsiness.. Whatever it was I am eternally grateful for having found him. 🙏
I have heard Sadhguru offer this advice so often and I never tire of it. So easy to forget! But also so much love and gratitude comes from this simple, painless practice.
I love this advice! It is such a simple thing to do. I am guilty of taking this life for granted. I will do this as a way to learn to appreciate what I have. Smile! We are still alive!!
Ja. Ben.dankbaar . Als ik terug ga .neem wederzijds contact .daar ik dvd wil bestellen .van Sadhguru. Een prijs lijst in euro .tot later groetjes aan de org
Life is such a gift. it took me some practice to finally throw off enough of the heavy indoctrination that I could once agin feel the peace that is presence.
I know the reason behind why Sadhguro wanted his listeners to give thanks every hour upon knowing that one is still alive. Because if one is doing it seriously, one may develop awareness of one’s essential nature! That is tantamount to knowing yourself what you really are!
Thank You Guru...it's so important that we always appreciated our life/lives so important so marvelous topic I loved your talk not only this topic I will listen to all ..it's all very important to me ❤️❤️🌹
Mentally alert is so important ! The great 'SADHGURU Ji ' hinted us to live full pledge human being, Clear about mortality ! Essential ingredients of our life ! Darkness & Light ! Really reality of our existence in this dimension cleared ! Sincere Gratitudes & love to unique teachings of inner engineering !
I know people take their lives for granted, but when they see that their dear people are suffering from an incurable disease and have only maybe a few years or months to live, they are terrified and in shock because until yesterday everything was okay.. Now imagine if they themselves were in such a situation, the perception of life is totally changing. Sadhguru before not becoming known, through a prolonged samadhi state, literally reached the edge of life and death and thanks to the people who were around him, managed to get out alive. When you experience something like that, death becomes just a transition from one form to another. Life gets too short for everything you want to do, because life really passes quickly regardless of religion, gender, education or property.. With regard, ROMANA from Croatia!!! 🌬️🌀🌌🙏🏻
Respected Sadhguru, I am very impressed with this unique technical process about conscious of life everyday. But, my last request(fataly desire) to you that you please live for a long, long time so that we shal be happy to see you aliveness. Thank you.
For the million people who will not wake up tomorrow morning, 6 billion plus people will! Life is a stochastic process, not a deterministic one, so treat it as such. When you go to sleep every night, say to yourself, “I will do this, I will try that....” and plan your life with just two things in mind, your well being and the well being of the society you live in. If you are right, as you will be every time (except once), great! You will be wrong only once and you will just not know about it for you will be dead. You will never have to regret dying, you will only regret all the lovely things you want to do but didn’t, because you were too busy thanking your existence (which is the most natural thing) every hour when you could have done so much that others would be thanking you for your contribution to their lives. If for instance, you were to die on your 50th birthday, know that with this attitude, you were right on more than 18,000 occasions, and the day you were wrong, you won’t even be around to know about it. Others will miss you, but you have done your bit for the world and made your graceful exit. And that would have been your wonderful life.
Thank you for english subtitle, wow☺ Till you have body. It meant you have time to creat good karma or good energy to your soul. After dead , dead nody cant not help soul do good karma and soul must go through pool same energy. What is the most energy in your soul? What is the last emotion before die? If happy before the last breath...good If angry sad upset etc...bad That is reason for keeping happyness ☺
That is why , I knew death since a child , I saw my Grandma the first to find her , I knew she was better off than what she was living , and I was only 7 or 10 years old , I thank all the angels and saints every day. , ... ,
I know the essence of his approach but I think it is such a depressing thing to remind of death every hour! There has to be a simpler way to leading life!
I know what u mean. When I listen to this while I am depressed, I see it the way u describe. When I listen to this in a state of gratitude, I feel the message, it invokes more gratitude, not depression. I hope u will find a way of connecting with urself so u can hear the wisdom in it
I love Sadhguru’s discourses especially the simple way he explains. However, I wish he does not use words like ‘bloody’, BS, damn, etc etc. I am sure he is very aware and knows the reason why he uses them. Would love to know. 🙏🏻
Perhaps to seem approachable to the masses despite the guru status. It conveys his passion and conviction on certain topics but in laymen’s terms. But idk, you should ask him if you meet him!
I would say, "what you know " becomes your "belief". You believe in God because you know He exists, and experience Him in your daily life. That is not bs. But belief without understanding or really knowing, leads to fanaticism and other troubles.
I discovered one of sadhgurus videos yesterday by accident, I had never heard of him before. I just love the way he sees things, and explains them. Great messages. Also he is really funny, and I find that I could listen to his voice all day, it's very calming. It's so weird because literally all the things I worry about and need advice on, he had literally done a video of how to deal with those problems.
Welcome, same thing happened to me about 6 mth ago, life changing.
He is very wise and a joy to listen too and watch!
I would say that I just stumbled upon him but I think there's more going on here than just clumsiness.. Whatever it was I am eternally grateful for having found him. 🙏
@@alladrm I agree with you, that is exactly how I feel.😊
@@charlenealger5770 Thankyou, it's funny the way you look at life can change so quickly.
I have heard Sadhguru offer this advice so often and I never tire of it. So easy to forget! But also so much love and gratitude comes from this simple, painless practice.
I love this advice! It is such a simple thing to do. I am guilty of taking this life for granted. I will do this as a way to learn to appreciate what I have. Smile! We are still alive!!
Gratitude is the best attitude.
Ja. Ben.dankbaar .
Als ik terug ga .neem wederzijds contact .daar ik dvd wil bestellen .van Sadhguru.
Een prijs lijst in euro .tot later groetjes aan de org
I think we can all be guilty of this at times. I hope you're still alive and loving life. Best wishes to you
Amen hallelujah
Life is such a gift. it took me some practice to finally throw off enough of the heavy indoctrination that I could once agin feel the peace that is presence.
May you be free from danger
May you have mental happiness
May you have ease of well being.
Thank you ❤️
You too amen :)
@@wesmail08 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 88888g888888888c898ggg88gg9g888g878888g88cu8g98g 98u888887g8c8g9888g88g8u78c8c88888gu888888g8788879g8c8g88c888c88888c878888g888898c88c8888u888g898gu88888gu8g888g7ggg88g88c8888888g8g8g888g888g88c888888888g88g8gg8888888898888888888g8c8gg888888c888g8yc8g8g88g887g8888yg888g88888g8g8g878uug88g888g888888g8888y88888888g8g88g88888888888888gg8u8uu88g8u8888g788ug8gug888c88888988cuc8g88889u88888u88g98878g8888u889u888889888g88g8ug88ugg8g8g9u8888888c888g888888888g7u8g8988g8c88888g888888g8g88g888ug9u8g888u88 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 u8gug88c8888gu8g8g888888g8888g788cug8y88y8888gc88888888888g88888gg878888888888g9888c888gug888g888c 88u8c8g888u8788g8888g8g88888g8u88ggg8g88ug8889888c88g88gg8u88g88u8888888888gg89g8c7g88u889888cu8888798c8888g8888888y8888gg8988g8g8g8u888gg8u898u888g88888g8u8888g89u888888888g888888u887ug88g8g8888g88888888g88u88g87g888888g888888gg889ggg88888g888888988c8888g8888gg88888c88u89888888u87888g888ug98889888gu888uug88897uy88888u8g8u88g898788gg88889888889gg88g8888888y98gu8g888888y888888g8888g8g88g8888g8888888g8ug8ug888u8g8888888g8888888g888g8g888u88 7g88g888y888g8878g8u8gg9
Thank you! Vibing back at you! May you be fill with joy. May you be blessed and loved wholeheartedly ❤🙏
Great thinking
It’s 2:44 pm my brother mom sister and dad are still alive and I am too!
Anthony wow you still alive
10:19 a.m.
I feel a lot more relaxed & convinced whenever I listen to him.
Every day i wake up.thank you Lord im alive with smile.
Awareness is so important
Belief must lead to faith.
FAITH....gratitude and humility where they should not exist.
This life is not worth living. However, it IS worth dying for.
You’re very kind for adding the subtitle. I pray that you find something to smile about everyday.
A dispeller of Darkness. Great! Love the i am alive part. Celebrating it atm(big smile)
I know the reason behind why Sadhguro wanted his listeners to give thanks every hour upon knowing that one is still alive. Because if one is doing it seriously, one may develop awareness of one’s essential nature! That is tantamount to knowing yourself what you really are!
You are such a king love you from turkey
Beautiful 👌🏻only sadhguru can explain this with such simplicity 🙏
Great lessons in our life that we never stop learning,thank you
Love some of your advice. Jesus Christ is my Lord and savor. God bless you in all you do. 🙏🏼
Don't let it go to your head
@@lovegenderless lol 😆
I'm hooked on Sadhguru!
Thank You Guru...it's so important that we always appreciated our life/lives so important so marvelous topic I loved your talk not only this topic I will listen to all ..it's all very important to me ❤️❤️🌹
I love listening to you. I’m looking at things so differently. It’s incredible. Thank you Sadhguru. 🙏
Mentally alert is so important ! The great 'SADHGURU Ji ' hinted us to live full pledge human being, Clear about mortality ! Essential ingredients of our life ! Darkness & Light ! Really reality of our existence in this dimension cleared !
Sincere Gratitudes & love to unique teachings of inner engineering !
Thanks! you always show as some LIGHT
Life is beautiful, everytime you think you are Mortal.. You don't have time for Bullshit..
Be kind!
I am totally enamored with him,his humor is adorable,also,has anybody else noticed he doesn't pronounce his v's
Sadhguru I am deeply grateful to you.
I thank and bless you. I am happy to be alive. Smiling!
I know people take their lives for granted, but when they see that their dear people are suffering from an incurable disease and have only maybe a few years or months to live, they are terrified and in shock because until yesterday everything was okay.. Now imagine if they themselves were in such a situation, the perception of life is totally changing. Sadhguru before not becoming known, through a prolonged samadhi state, literally reached the edge of life and death and thanks to the people who were around him, managed to get out alive. When you experience something like that, death becomes just a transition from one form to another. Life gets too short for everything you want to do, because life really passes quickly regardless of religion, gender, education or property..
With regard, ROMANA from Croatia!!! 🌬️🌀🌌🙏🏻
It is so helpful listening to Sadhguru, thank you so much 🌸🌺🙏🌼🌸🌺
This man is a gem.
Truly amazing 🙏🏾
Brilliant observations!
Excellent teaching.
Makes sense.
Rushen,Trishen and Suminthra Oojugir
Kwa Zulu Natal
South Africa
Marvelous...advice...truly appreciate 🙏whatever you teach....You are my guiding 🌟star !!
Sadhgru ....always speaking truth and from the heart ❤🙏❤
Respected Sadhguru, I am very impressed with this unique technical process about conscious of life everyday. But, my last request(fataly desire) to you that you please live for a long, long time so that we shal be happy to see you aliveness. Thank you.
Thank you Sadhguruji for your valuable guidance 🙏🙏
Such wonderful yet simple advice that anybody can do. ✌️🙏
Sadhguru WoW a wonderful awakening speech
Thank you for everything you do for humanity!!🙏💙💚💛🤍💎🌟
Wow! Inspiring words,thanks.
You are reading this...well done you made it this far
Vinita Bali....thq fr this authentic query ....loved your answers to Sadguru too
Great inspiring talk from Sadhguru. Thanks for sharing the video.
Sincerity and humble ness
For the million people who will not wake up tomorrow morning, 6 billion plus people will!
Life is a stochastic process, not a deterministic one, so treat it as such.
When you go to sleep every night, say to yourself, “I will do this, I will try that....” and plan your life with just two things in mind, your well being and the well being of the society you live in.
If you are right, as you will be every time (except once), great! You will be wrong only once and you will just not know about it for you will be dead. You will never have to regret dying, you will only regret all the lovely things you want to do but didn’t, because you were too busy thanking your existence (which is the most natural thing) every hour when you could have done so much that others would be thanking you for your contribution to their lives.
If for instance, you were to die on your 50th birthday, know that with this attitude, you were right on more than 18,000 occasions, and the day you were wrong, you won’t even be around to know about it. Others will miss you, but you have done your bit for the world and made your graceful exit. And that would have been your wonderful life.
Bahut bahut shukaria bahut hi satkarjug Sadhguru jioji
Thank you for english subtitle, wow☺
Till you have body. It meant you have time to creat good karma or good energy to your soul.
After dead , dead nody cant not help soul do good karma and soul must go through pool same energy.
What is the most energy in your soul?
What is the last emotion before die?
If happy before the last breath...good
If angry sad upset etc...bad
That is reason for keeping happyness ☺
Namaskaran sadguru infinite thanks❤🌹
awesome . thannks sadguru ji
Remind yourself WoW Hello Im still alive My family too Im still Alive Smiling with A smile Great feeling I Am Whole Again Words of Wisdom
Thank you..for this wise talk
Small things make big impact
i feel good when i listen to him. I try to connect myself when he speaks.
Thank You, Sadhguru !
thanks ~ good night
Great Sir. Every morning i have been learning something the way you talked!
I would ask myself these kind of questions when I was 6 years old
After that you got busy😅
God bless u guruji for the work u are doing to mankind and our life also be given to u ;to go on with this work.🙏🙏
Thank you always fresh, always new, always insightful. I am half alive but at least I know it!
Wise words, life is simple; we have just lost our senses. Thanks Guru!!!
Pranam Sadhguru, 🙏
Wow.! Back then this riddim was hot🔥🔥..big up Tony Kelly nd Shocking Vibes krew..🎤💥🎶🙏🏾🎸🎹🥁🎷👍👍
Very soothing. He makes me feel good no matter what is going on with me.
Thank you! I am a live too! 😃🙏😍
I accidentally found him too., or he found me, at the right place right time.. yes.. hello! 🙏
That is why , I knew death since a child , I saw my Grandma the first to find her , I knew she was better off than what she was living , and I was only 7 or 10 years old , I thank all the angels and saints every day. , ... ,
17/18 th September 2018 Good night from Italy ~
15th April 2019 - Good night from England :)
Swimming in a rough sea gives one awareness of mortality and more because when on dry land again, the feeling of being younger is so strong.
Excellent, thank you!!!
Really Great
Thank you
My whole family n friends are still alive Wow!!
Let's celebrate
I know the essence of his approach but I think it is such a depressing thing to remind of death every hour! There has to be a simpler way to leading life!
I know what u mean. When I listen to this while I am depressed, I see it the way u describe.
When I listen to this in a state of gratitude, I feel the message, it invokes more gratitude, not depression.
I hope u will find a way of connecting with urself so u can hear the wisdom in it
@Kapālin exactly. People have such wrong concepts of death. And then they fear it all and the fear of things makes everything depressing.
Death is a part of life. Accept this and life is beautiful and so incredibly valuable.
Thank you clicked this on accident just before going to bed , god bless !!❤
I wish I could live like it was my last day. Unfortunately work pay bills ect ect. How could I live like it was my last day everyday?
Live everyday as if it was ur last day, or soon u will wake up and it will be ur last day
When you are conscious about mortality Natural awareness will automatically come
Awareness is around u everywhere always anyway
First time on your site and did subscribed !
It's 10 o clock
And I am steel alive ...
The song at the end of this video really touched me. Can someone share a link to that song? Thank you. Great message always ❤️
Guruvashtakam - sounds of Isha
Sadghuru changed my life.😌💜
Yes. Its best to Just start, and thennn.. You will get better at the things. DONT BE AFRAID TO START
11:22 will come back
great message & teachings
💜 🙏 I know people ho are ill,and tell them this they gat scared even more!
Celebrating yourself that you are still alive is a nice gesture but never forget to thank God on that.
I love you Sadguru
💓💓💓💓smile every moment for u r breathing
I want to see him once in my lifetime
Wow it's good
Hi Shaily! It's not only good, it's great!
MashAllah Allhumdulilla thankyou
Tomorrow doesn't exist until we create it today. We should do these things now, while we have the chance
Where there is enlightenment..there is no darkness
15:39 Thank you very much...
“ I am willing to look at everything!” I loved that.I will definitely put it into my practice.Thank you so much Guru jee!
Thank you Guruji. I am still alive
Thank you sadhguru
🙏 வணக்கம் சத்குரு
Thank you!
Thank goodness ❤️
I love Sadhguru’s discourses especially the simple way he explains. However, I wish he does not use words like ‘bloody’, BS, damn, etc etc. I am sure he is very aware and knows the reason why he uses them. Would love to know. 🙏🏻
Perhaps to seem approachable to the masses despite the guru status. It conveys his passion and conviction on certain topics but in laymen’s terms. But idk, you should ask him if you meet him!
to give others an opportunity to become even better guru
Guru or not, hes a human being expressing himself. Even he gets frustrated too i would imagine, and why not.
I will do it
I would say, "what you know " becomes your "belief". You believe in God because you know He exists, and experience Him in your daily life. That is not bs. But belief without understanding or really knowing, leads to fanaticism and other troubles.
Nobody gets out of life alive.
Enjoy the journey
I think about my mortality constantly, I am sick of it. Yes, I have to do all kind of rubish because I must work for my family