Anakin: Don't kill him! That is not the way of the Jedi. Mace: He's to dangerous to be left alive. Tell you what, I'll let you break a Jedi rule if you let me kill this dude. Anakin: I want to marry padme officialy. Mace: 👌
A better version... Anakin: Don't kill him! That is not the way of the Jedi. Mace: I don't recall asking you a damn thing Skywalker! *runs the emperor through*
I actually agree with that Instead of strictly adhering with The Light Side or The Dark Side, they should've been more like Jolee Bindo and walked the path of The Grey Jedi who were more like the Jedai and embraced both sides of The Force
I still prefer the Legends continuity where Luke was successful in making a new Jedi order that actually learned from the mistakes of the past. Luke's order only vaguely resembled what had come before and really did seem to right most of the wrongs of its predecessors. Because Luke came in as an adult, he wasn't nearly as dogmatic as previous Grandmasters and he proved to be highly effective. That said, it still did eventually succumb to the same old cycle of conflict with a revived Sith, so I can kind of see the point in that regard, but the Sith rising up again would be an even bigger problem without Jedi to combat them.
What adds to your ending point was the eventual escape of Abeloth, Darth Krayt’s One Sith order on Korriban, the Lost Tribe of the Sith on Kesh, and the Dark Jedi Joruus C’Baoth on Wayland and his access to Luke’s severed hand and cloning technology makes for an extremely concerning situation if Luke hadn’t sought to bring the Jedi back. If he hadn’t, the overall fate of the Galaxy would be a harrowing nightmare if these various factors had been left unattended.
"The powers themselves are not good or evil, it's how you use them." Kyle Katarn, 14 ABY As a Jedi Master himself in Luke's new order, Kyle didn't discourage his students from learning force abilities the previous order considered dark in nature. As a veteran rebel agent, New Republic mercenary he was no fool and understood the harsh reality of wars and conflicts. Also being formerly consumed by the dark side, he understood what the dark side was like and he rejected it in the end. This to me tells that while some ideas of the Je'daii order were correct, the mindset that both sides could coexist is wrong. Instead the categorization of powers like force lightning and choke as "dark side powers" where their usage immediately leads to the dark side is the fault of the Jedi order. Instead of censoring all of the information and banning any use or study of what were hundreds of years ago considered a dark side power, they should have opened their archives to all Jedi. That way they could all learn whereabouts the line for falling to the dark side was and also use effective means to accomplish their good light side goals. So in conclusion, agreeing with Allen that the Jedi Order needed some kind of reset, but the Light side is indeed good and either a peaceful schism (which might actually be hard considering the Order's history) or a reformation of the order headed by Qui-Gon Jinn like individuals would be prefferable to younglings being sliced and diced.
Kyle's wrong the Jedi was right to ban dark side teachings under the republic era with it's regulations there was over 2000 years without a sith incursion splitting the galaxy. Only 20 masters left the order and of them only 2 turned dark side. And every Jedi who does turn at minimum fucks up an entire planetbin the case of Thanatos or assaj but usually the whole galaxy such as dooku revan, exar, ruin, Anakin, krayt, Luke for like 10 minutes, even malak. It literally takes one bozo picking up the wrong glowing pyramid and the whole galaxy gets a lobotomy
@@Akbar_and_Shaa There is indeed a fair logic to the Jedi banning the knowledge of the dark side. But it's also arguable that hiding a section of knowledge as 'forbidden' will incite the curiousness of Jedi and they will secretly get their hands on it one way or another. Instead of experienced Jedi Masters overseeing the education of their members over the evils and lies of the Sith, we have unaware potential Dark Jedi in the making. In order to protect yourself from evil and danger, you need to know what that evil and danger is. Know thy enemy.
@@super_jak ah yes but you must remember had they outright destroyed the dark side materials dooku wouldnt have been tempted to the dark side or at least he wouldn't be as dangerous and competent with it. See every time a force user had tried to go dark sider without training they end up being sloppy and haphazard in there attempts. They end up over extending leaving trails etc. This makes finding out about forbidden study kind of easy since dark side powers act as a beacon without experience in hiding it they can usually intervene and save or eliminate them. For instance Anakin when he uses the dark side becomes incredibly eratic even before embracing the dark side fully and is dealt with by obi wan because he wasn't able to think or focus clearly. Barris due to no access to training in dark powers essentially was just a more unpredictable Jedi acting on irrational emotion ergo bombing for peace. Assaj just killed everything on the planet she thought killed her master. Basically without training everyone nearly universally devolves into dangerous tunnel vision but act more like a cooking fire thats usually noticable after a bit of build up and can be contained where a single trained dark sider is literally a stars nova since they literally can crack the galaxy on their knee. Again even Padawan level Thanatos conquers a planet borderline as a hobby for all the effort it took him with Padawan light side training.
@@Akbar_and_Shaa That still doesn't mean the Jedi cannot teach about the dangers of the dark side. Of course any dangerous Sith artifact that is not of critical use to the Jedi should be destroyed or contained as best they can. But not teaching their members about the nature of Sith teachings and the dark side beyond "It's tempting and dangerous. Stay away from it" is leaving their members unprepared when they do face the dark side head on. On an unrelated note Anakin had already pretty much fully embraced the dark side by the time he choked his pregnant wife. It was his arrogance that led Obi-Wan to victory, not a lack of focus. On the contrary, Anakin had the upper hand for most of the fight and would most likely have won had Obi-Wan not arrive in the exact situation as with him and Maul. He most likely imagined every way that he could have died and was the most prepared to utilize his high ground. I'm guessing Anakin's overconfidence is what you meant by lack of focus. Feelings of betrayal and loss mixed with Obi-Wan's seeming underestimation of his power definitely clouded his judgement. But I would attribute that more to Anakin's deteriorating psychological state than influence of the dark side. Then again aren't all dark siders mentally unstable in some degree?
@@super_jak no I meant what I said with Anakin he goes from save family to kill his old organization to save wife to create empire to kill wife to kill obi wan for padmes situation. He did embrace it but I was saying he had nothing in training with it so he was just a drink hamster in a ball in terms of capacity to reason stop and think. Every non extensivley trained Darksiders have that tunnel vision especially when we look only at cannon they fixate and they can't bend they break. Legends has a couple counter examples but the VAST majority don't do well when mixing the sides. One sith went mad trying and with Luke's less dogmatic teachings within a couple generations the sith re emerge. Whereas Jedi of the galactic republics methods prevented such an event for over 2000 years by teaching about the dark sides nature they just forbade use of it. They still knew of the abilities for instance Yoda Kenobi in movies both can stop sith lightning. The allowing of abilities reliant on using it is the trap since almost no sensitives can use the dark side. For every katarn you have 100s of potential dark Jedi. And might I remind you once people fully embrace the dark side they're doomed. In legends like maybe 12 people could turn back because the dark side warps personalities.
Many of your statements about the Jedi can also be applied to the Sith. They were also quite dogmatic, restricted their use of the force to only one side, and were blinded by their own arrogance. They were two extremes of the same religion. Two different sides of the same coin.
@@axebearer Yeah but... No. The cycle would just continue without the force, because the cycle is maintained through sentient lifeforms' flaws, not through the Force's influence. Change every kind of sentient life such that war becomes unthinkable for them, and that diplomacy is always a possibility, and the cycle would end. Do that in the opposite direction and... Well, the cycle would also end, but the galaxy would forever be in a state of war or oppression, or both.
@@nathanjora7627 The constant great galactic wars between the Jedi and Sith only exist because the Force seeks constant balance. On a grand scale these billions of lives don't matter, they're decimal points in the greater whole, but to the worlds and people involved it matters. Without the force, one side could finally win definitively. Jedi like Revan and Skywalker and even Vader don't win because they're such amazing warriors, they win because the force wills it to be so. Without the force, Mandalorians would rule the galaxy.
Gaius Baltar eh... respectively no, yes, but only temporarily, and no. The constant civil war has nothing to do with the force wanting something and everything to do with people wanting something. This something (respectively dominance and peace for the siths and jedi) won’t disappear if you remove the force, it’s just that some weapons and people will be more important than they were, and some will become less important than they were. For the mandalalorians, yes, they would control the galaxy... for as long as they are able to keep power. Which, considering their individualistic and warmongering nature, wouldn’t be more than a few thousand years at best (and probably a couple centuries realistically). That is, if their conquests don’t rebel against them using their massive numerical advantage and the weapons and teachings they would’ve inherited from their new masters. I mean... the people of this world aren’t much different from ours. Did we need the force to have wars ? No, so why assume this galaxy needs them ? All that is needed for a war is a big amount of people wanting something, and a big amount of people determined to not let them have it, which can happen with and without the force. The players would change, not the game. As for the balance and the will of the force... Remember what Obi Wan said ? You can control the force. Meaning that it’s not « just » what the force wills, the will of individuals is there too, and what you said about the Force’s agents successes having nothing to do with their qualities is completely wrong. We know that it has something to do with these, the force gives you greater leverage on the events, it doesn’t disrupt the flow of causality. The force can’t turn a gold warrior bad, or a bad warrior good. If Anakin and the lot managed to do things, it’s because they had the capacities, and the opportunity to use them, not because the force is god, it’s not how it works. In fact, one could say it’s the opposite. The force will give leverage to chosen individuals, as well as non chosen individuals (those that will merely inherit the force by virtue of their parents, or for whatever other reason) until these individuals acquire by themselves the necessary skills to use that power, and sought to do what the force wants. But this doesn’t mean that they have to listen to the will of the force. Furthermore, the balance sought by the force is that of peace and harmony, not « having x amount of dark side and y amount of lightside ».
It’s kind of like food, you don’t eat a balance of healthy food (light side) and junk food (dark side) to stay at your best, you just eat the healthy food
Jedi : we must bring balance. By stopping the motherf*ckers that are aggressive noisy angsty teenagers that cause war and destruction because they can't keep their force lightning in their pants for two damn seconds, hence causing massive disturbances in the force.
Star Wars (1977): the Jedi are the heros! -yay! Star Wars (2019): the Jedi are weird hypocritical religious fanatics. -who am I suppose to care about now?
Luke’s reformed Jedi, who recognize both sides of the force, rediscovered force healing, and don’t eschew attachment, but rather draw strength from it.
@@jonmkl and was his jedi order purge and both canon and legends. Second the Jedi of an entire wing of force healer. Force healing was never a lost to the jedi.
And actually this should read: Star Wars (1977): the Jedi are heros! -yay- Star Wars (1983): the Jedi did some shady sh** but it’s all good I guess, because Luke proves them wrong and makes better choices. Star Wars (1999): the Jedi are weird hypocritical religious fanatics. Star Wars (2017): the Jedi are heroes again! -yay-
justin amey The Jedi only had a wing of force healers in legends, in the Canon the ancient texts that Luke finds on Ahch-to after the fall of Ben Solo contain the healing technique that Rey learns. Rey, who is Luke and Leia’s student, has all the texts, has now fashioned her own lightsaber, and will continue his order in his name.
Pasha Staravoitau But Luke and Leia lived to train another student, and after the destruction of his first temple was when he searched out the first Jedi temple and the ancient texts. Luke and Leia’s student will continue the order in Luke’s name. You know “I will not be the last Jedi” and all that.
"Perhaps Revan never fell. The difference between a fall and a sacrifice is sometimes difficult, but I feel that Revan understood that difference, more than anyone knew. The galaxy would have fallen if Revan had not gone to war."
Thumbnail/Vid Name: "What if the Jedi Order Survived Order 66?" GT: "What if Order 66 Never Happened?" Me: "Wait, You said Survived, Not if it never happ- Oh, Because they'd Never Survive it if it happened, Huh."
If the jedi had not been so blind to darkness in those closest to them, treason among their ranks: - fallen jedi would have been far less successful in back stabbing jedi. - Ashoka Tano would not have been driven out of the jedi. - Ashoka may have been able to divert Anakin from his murderous path. - Palpatine may have been recognized as a sith, or at least not to be trusted, much earlier.
Also, that Title, Lord Hoth. See, he wasn't just a Jedi General, he was one of the Jedi Lords, a group of Jedi who broke off from the main order and took control of great swaths of the galaxy, which they ruled as a hereditary nobility, with whole dynasties ruling from full on castles for generations
@@arronfrazier7873 most people wouldn't even know the sith and those that did probably just thought they were jedi I'm surprised luke wasn't more hated common people are pretty dumb and they'd see someone welding a glow stick and moving things with their mind and hey that's a Jedi to them doesn't matter if it is or not
Video idea: "What happened to the Jedi Temple after Order 66?" Was it deconstructed, sold off as a piece of property, or did Palpatine inherit it for his own personal use?
There is the line in "Revenge of Sith" where Mace WIndu casually remarks that the Jedi will need to take control of the senate. This could of very well been a foreshadowing, as Jedi tried to control everything for "the Greater Good".
It is the same when it becomes clear that the Jedi not wanted to taken Palps prisoner and send him to trial - they were just there to execute him. They decided he had to die and were there to execute him with even the slightes hestitation. Hardly a moral superior position. While they say hatred is from the dark side - how could their reaction to any Sith be seen than pure hatred?
@@marcbartuschka6372 When a sith, that can influence people's minds, and has numerous allies that would do all they can to maintain him in office despite his crimes, tells you in the eye that he won't surrender to be judged... Yeah, you don't have much of a choice. In fact, it was rather dumb of Mace Windu to not just kill Palpatine on the spot, and rather offer him a chance at surrendering.
@@marcbartuschka6372 "In the name of the Galactic Senate of the Republic you are under arrest Chancellor... The Senate will decide your fate" -Mace Windu. The Jedi were only there to arrest Palpatine and he resisted.
@@charliechuckles2195 Oh? Was is not the SAME Mace Windu who just a minute later said to Annakin, Palps is to dangerous to allowed to live? Sound not like anyonw would say who is just there to arrest him...
@@marcbartuschka6372 yea, after Palatine clearly used deadly force to cut down 3 Jedi masters in like 5 seconds demonstrating that he obviously was too dangerous to be left alive. Palatine forced execution when originally he was going to stand trial.
I love how this channel talks about Star Wars as if they were actually in it's universe. It's a cool little gimmick you don't see other Star Wars channels do.
@@darklord884 orginal six movies....ah yes,the 6 movies - The Old hope,the new hope,The empire dosen't strike back yet,The empire strikes back,The Return of the jedi,the Jedi Fuck off.
@@liker-qd4fz What exactly is your point? Because right now, all I'm seeing is the lack of it. Then again, one can entertain without a point, it just makes thing...nonsensical sometimes.
I always saw this in my head: Let's say Anakin made the 'right' choice in the Choose Your Own Adventure book. Palpatine gets cut down. However the truth is now out. Despite Anakin doing the correct thing there is the fact he broke serious rules and Padme is pregnant with his offspring. The Jedi are gonna come for said offspring. End of story. In this sense I can imagine Anakin falling. Not out of evil but in a last ditch effort to protect his wife. Falling in a last stand against several Jedi dispatched to take his son and daughter. No resurrection as Vader this time. He really dies by the hands of his former brothers. This leads to a huge schism in the order as several are absolutely disgusted by the heavy handed operation that led to Anakin's death. With Windu maybe leading the more 'purist' faction of Jedi and a dejected Obi Wan (Who is especially pissed Windu sent in a botched Jedi SWAT raid that led to the death of his student.) leading the opposition.
the jedi are going to come for said offspring? says who? the jedi, despite the claims of internet people who hate them, do not abduct children. They take them in willingly. There are in fact even jedi who had children. Anakin might be reprimanded, or at worst expelled from the order, although even that I have trouble believing as they would be grateful for all that he had done. But there is no chance, not even a little bit, that they would "come for said offspring" in the sense of attacking anakin and abducting his children. This is a ridiculous scenario which has no basis in anything the jedi do.
No way anakin is the chosen one dude. He’s the best there is. Only at least half the council could kill him at that moment. He killed several masters during knightfall. There’s no way he can die
Len Kagamine Don’t forget Mace’s willingness to break the Jedi Code to kill the Sith Lord. It’s not hard to imagine he would’ve done the same to the most rageful, erratic, reckless and disobedient Jedi Knight at the time.
Mace Windu does say “if what you’ve told me is true, you will have earned my trust” to Anakin when he reports Palpatine. I thought this was pretty explicit in him being made a master if the arrest had gone off without a hitch. Not sure why it has to be theorized about.
It’s not time for the Jedi end even mark hamill didn’t like to say that line luke was so happy to be a Jedi and now he’s just grumpy Thank you very much for all of the likes and replies
@@udhavveersinghbhatia9524 the Jedi do not need to end, they needed to be cleansed, restart from the ground up. Go back to the old ways and find true balance In the force like Qui Gon and other Grey Jedi had done, not what the order became. It's why Luke tried something entirely different and I believe it would have worked out far better
Chara The Chocolate Lover that’s your opinion and I’m okay with that, but Alec Guinness is straight up older obiwan, what’s the point in aging Ewan up when you could just use Alec
I personally would love to see an alternate episode 3 where Anakin creates a more militant faction that harkens back to the jedaii than turning site like he did
The true enemy of all is the force. The force is the thing that has repeatedly thrown the galaxy into chaos. Light side, dark side, grey. All of these are just playthings for the cosmic force to interfere with our lives
Well it’s like in real life , if your arguing like screaming it’ will only creat more tension and further more you will get a fight like to the death 😂
9:32 Jedi Knight: Why did you kill the younglings? Jedi Master: We all had a vision that they would fall to the dark side and destroy us all so we killed them. Jedi Knight: And they put up quite a fight too because they managed to throw cocaine into your nostrils.
It is technique discovered by Qui Gon just before the movies. Until that point only ones who did have ghosts were the Sith. And fact that Qui Gon was gray Jedi, should make it more clear.
I get the feeling that Revan would have dissipated long before this point in galactic history. From what I've heard, they can only be a ghost for so long before they get fully reintegrated into the force.
I love that someone is actually addressing the fact that the light side Jedi actually started the entire mess. Before, those studying and practicing the alchemy did so as academic and spiritual discovery. It wasn't until those practitioners of just the light forced the schism, exiled anyone that even could have leaned to the dark slightly, and then banned the practices that finally caused imbalances as the light struck first. Only after that did alchemy become weaponized and later dubbed Sith alchemy. As noted, it was even the light side who first conducted a full blown genocide and in doing so giving the dark full right to do anything and everything as it meant that no matter what the light would hunt down and kill anyone they didn't agree with or thought was "evil."
Generation Tech fair point, the only green bois there were the acid spitting bugs and that’s like the green that you have after a night of heavy death stick usage
Malicos was well intentioned extremist that became a full on extremists simply because he lived on basically a bottomless pit of the dark side for years. It would be like if Qui-Gon lived inside the cave at Degobah.
Actualy they are along with the sith part of the problem is like 2 side of a patsan polotics clusterfuck, both sides made a efort to became the oposide of each other in every aspect. The sith are evil? Well no shit shelock the darl side eats away your compassion bostering you sociphatic tendencies so of course they are. But the jedi are terrible teachers, like their aswer to every conflict was sit on your ass repress your emotions, ignore the problem, ask a piscologist or a psycatrist if this work, att best you got a mace windu kind of caracther, an inssentive hypocrite ho leaks his iner conflict unknowingly and be a all around preacy asshole, at work you contribute to the fall of the chosen one and rise of darth vader, kenobi was the alomaly due his masters teachings
@@MrRobot-0 I don't have an idea of what the fuck you're saying,but listen to me. The sith basicly use the jedi's tactics to destroy the jedi.When you hoot at someone with a colt 1911,expect them to come back with a shotgun.
@@MrRobot-0 the jedi don't make world destroying planets. They are awful and complicit in a corrupt system, I dont deny it, but everything wrong with the republic was exponentially worse under the empire
What if the Jedi survived order 66 Generation tech - hey everyone instead of actually talking about surviving order 66, how about we have a Jedi history lesson instead.
I would point out that this failing in the Jedi played out very pointedly in Shatterpoint with Depa Billaba and Mace Windu. She was suffering from war related PTSD and had no way to combat or cope with it, and fell to the darkside.
Alan your comments concerning the Jedi remind me of something a Vulcan character in a Star Trek novel had said. She said ,and I am paraphrasing, only by finding peace within yourself can you facilitate peace with others. This very much applies to the Jedi since its obvious that few if any of them had a sense of personal balance.
To sum up this awesome video, the Sith adapted as time progressed while the Jedi stagnated and completely betrayed what their anscestors stood for in teachings of the Force. They became strict and cold, they turned into pawns for the Republic and it was a matter of time before they fell apart; all Palpatine did was speed up their demise and put the Jedi out oftheir misery.
I feel like this origin goes against Lucas's original vision. That balance means the absence of darkness. The absence of those who bend the force to their will and the presence of those who serve the force would thrive
Well I always imagined that after the war had the republic and Jedi Order continued that reform would take place. For example the Senate would be way less corrupt with the rebuilding efforts and the Jedi order would realize that maybe they need to change as well. It's kind of sad not too have Jedi order and without them Star Wars really wouldn't be Star Wars.
2:38 in legends there were a few Jedi masters that resurfaced after the empire fell to help Luke rebuild their Jedi order, there’s even Jedi that survived in canon, so the last Jedi still didn’t make sense for Luke’s Jedi order to fail, the only reason it did was because they wrote that Luke only trained a handful of students that were killed
Well, what did Palpatine say, "Civil war with no end." I always loved this line. It's essentially what the never ending battle of the jedi and the sith is, an endless civil war. Jedi would have fought a new sith order, and then rinse and repeat as had happened for thousands of years. Palpatine almost ended the cycle with order 66, and in cannon as far as we know the civil war of Jedi vs Sith ends with Rey, Ben, and Palpatine. Is up to Rey at that point, as long as the Jedi are around, one can claim the name of Sith, and restart the cycle. Two sides of the same coin.
I'd have to agree, the jedi were very ill suited for command on the battlefield. As general Sherman put it, "war is cruelty. There's no sense in trying to reform it, the crueler it is the sooner it will be over." Having said that the sith would have been no better at command because let's face it a lot of them were sadists. In my opinion the only group who would have been suitable for battlefield command in star wars is the mandalorians but only on the ground, they didn't really get too involved in naval warfare that should have been left to men like admiral yolaren or grand admiral thrawn
the thing is, that is exactly one of the things that creates the conflict and controversy of the clone wars. its what drives the story for ahsoka and her reasons for leaving the order and develops her character that much more. I agree that force users are not good for military command because they lack the military mindset and efficiency that leaders like thrawn and yularen had. all these personalities of groups being added to the story of starwars is exactly what makes starwars so rich and creates such an expansive mind. to conclude, starwars in make you do big brain stuff
When you talk about rouge jedi joining wars because they disobeyed the order reminds me of Qui Gon Jin who was often remembered to be the one to disobay orders to do what he believed was right..
At least now I fully understand Anakin's ancient prophecy of bringing balance to the force... remove users of both sides (cause the Jedi and Sith focused solely on their side and didn't dive too deep into the light side) to leave a balanced force: Luke because he embraced both sides equally. *But then the Sequel Trilogy shits all over that with Rey and Kylo*
No one going to mention the fact that he implied cannibalism is the same as sex and alcohol? Anyone? I think the Dark Side has taken over this channel.
I love the influence of eastern religions on Star Wars. George Lucas really understood what he did! The light side and dark side are yin and yang, and balance is the key to happiness and success. Daoism, Buddhism, Hinduism and Confucianism have such interesting influences.
The Je'Die abandoned the dark side because the Racata turned meany to the dark and cause the first conflict between the light and dark causing people to abandon the dark seeing it as too dangerous, this was LONG before the formation of the republic
If the 66 had not been given, I believe all of the possible directions of the Jedi and the Republic you’ve explain could be plausible. It’s very very interesting to think about.
1776: enlightened libertarian philosophy births the greatest nation of man 2019: two sides forced to such an extreme through constant strife that neither can compromise on anything anymore
Daniel Evans sure, because altruism, the mere desire to survive (aka : not greed), ego, and generally speaking all of these emotions and drive that make the complexity of human behaviors and interactions. The same goes for politics, they are only global, not regional.
Great video as always guys. But I 2 quick ideas for a video of you don’t mind. 1. What of Palpatine never got close to anakin? 2. What if obi wan spied on palpatine instead of anakin?
You should do a video about what would have happened had order 66 been given but instead of most of the Jedi being killed they were able to escape with very few casualties.
@@nytenjin Having the Right to Kill? M Johnsen...You are no Jedi. Moral Obligation is doing the right thing. I'd kill the phuck out of Darth Sidious. I'm no Jedi.
Iirc you got the exile mixed up, those who strayed too far to one side were actually sent to that moon (i.e. those too far towards the dark were sent to bogan, because you could only see tython and ashla from bogan)
Not all Jedi forgot that truth. Qui-Gon Jinn sought balance which is what often put him at odds with the Order. He was deemed a gray or maverick jedi because he followed the will of the Force over the will of the Council. The will of the Force is balance.
Anakin: Don't kill him! That is not the way of the Jedi.
Mace: He's to dangerous to be left alive. Tell you what, I'll let you break a Jedi rule if you let me kill this dude.
Anakin: I want to marry padme officialy.
Mace: 👌
Darth Vader will not exist
Anakin: I want to be a Jedi master
@@brotherhoodofsteelpaladin5890 take a seat
Mckenzie Africa exactly
A better version...
Anakin: Don't kill him! That is not the way of the Jedi.
Mace: I don't recall asking you a damn thing Skywalker! *runs the emperor through*
GT: **ages Ewan McGregor for the thumbnail**
Alec Guinness: Am I a joke to you?
Jaren I mean money right
Jokes actually on you, Alex Guinness is dead and can't tell jokes
No, you are the joke.
@@chrissnyder8415 😪
I feel bad for you. No-one let you know this is last years joke and not funny anymore.
The Jedi Order didn't need to end. It needed to evolve.
Finally a bit of sanity -_-
Like in legends?
Just like the catholic church
John Salvi, this one needs to end.
I mean, if only because contrary to the jedi the central object of their dogma is absent if not nonexistent.
I actually agree with that
Instead of strictly adhering with The Light Side or The Dark Side, they should've been more like Jolee Bindo and walked the path of The Grey Jedi who were more like the Jedai and embraced both sides of The Force
I still prefer the Legends continuity where Luke was successful in making a new Jedi order that actually learned from the mistakes of the past. Luke's order only vaguely resembled what had come before and really did seem to right most of the wrongs of its predecessors. Because Luke came in as an adult, he wasn't nearly as dogmatic as previous Grandmasters and he proved to be highly effective.
That said, it still did eventually succumb to the same old cycle of conflict with a revived Sith, so I can kind of see the point in that regard, but the Sith rising up again would be an even bigger problem without Jedi to combat them.
What adds to your ending point was the eventual escape of Abeloth, Darth Krayt’s One Sith order on Korriban, the Lost Tribe of the Sith on Kesh, and the Dark Jedi Joruus C’Baoth on Wayland and his access to Luke’s severed hand and cloning technology makes for an extremely concerning situation if Luke hadn’t sought to bring the Jedi back.
If he hadn’t, the overall fate of the Galaxy would be a harrowing nightmare if these various factors had been left unattended.
"The powers themselves are not good or evil, it's how you use them." Kyle Katarn, 14 ABY
As a Jedi Master himself in Luke's new order, Kyle didn't discourage his students from learning force abilities the previous order considered dark in nature. As a veteran rebel agent, New Republic mercenary he was no fool and understood the harsh reality of wars and conflicts. Also being formerly consumed by the dark side, he understood what the dark side was like and he rejected it in the end. This to me tells that while some ideas of the Je'daii order were correct, the mindset that both sides could coexist is wrong. Instead the categorization of powers like force lightning and choke as "dark side powers" where their usage immediately leads to the dark side is the fault of the Jedi order. Instead of censoring all of the information and banning any use or study of what were hundreds of years ago considered a dark side power, they should have opened their archives to all Jedi. That way they could all learn whereabouts the line for falling to the dark side was and also use effective means to accomplish their good light side goals.
So in conclusion, agreeing with Allen that the Jedi Order needed some kind of reset, but the Light side is indeed good and either a peaceful schism (which might actually be hard considering the Order's history) or a reformation of the order headed by Qui-Gon Jinn like individuals would be prefferable to younglings being sliced and diced.
Kyle's wrong the Jedi was right to ban dark side teachings under the republic era with it's regulations there was over 2000 years without a sith incursion splitting the galaxy. Only 20 masters left the order and of them only 2 turned dark side. And every Jedi who does turn at minimum fucks up an entire planetbin the case of Thanatos or assaj but usually the whole galaxy such as dooku revan, exar, ruin, Anakin, krayt, Luke for like 10 minutes, even malak. It literally takes one bozo picking up the wrong glowing pyramid and the whole galaxy gets a lobotomy
@@Akbar_and_Shaa There is indeed a fair logic to the Jedi banning the knowledge of the dark side.
But it's also arguable that hiding a section of knowledge as 'forbidden' will incite the curiousness of Jedi and they will secretly get their hands on it one way or another. Instead of experienced Jedi Masters overseeing the education of their members over the evils and lies of the Sith, we have unaware potential Dark Jedi in the making.
In order to protect yourself from evil and danger, you need to know what that evil and danger is. Know thy enemy.
@@super_jak ah yes but you must remember had they outright destroyed the dark side materials dooku wouldnt have been tempted to the dark side or at least he wouldn't be as dangerous and competent with it. See every time a force user had tried to go dark sider without training they end up being sloppy and haphazard in there attempts. They end up over extending leaving trails etc. This makes finding out about forbidden study kind of easy since dark side powers act as a beacon without experience in hiding it they can usually intervene and save or eliminate them. For instance Anakin when he uses the dark side becomes incredibly eratic even before embracing the dark side fully and is dealt with by obi wan because he wasn't able to think or focus clearly. Barris due to no access to training in dark powers essentially was just a more unpredictable Jedi acting on irrational emotion ergo bombing for peace. Assaj just killed everything on the planet she thought killed her master. Basically without training everyone nearly universally devolves into dangerous tunnel vision but act more like a cooking fire thats usually noticable after a bit of build up and can be contained where a single trained dark sider is literally a stars nova since they literally can crack the galaxy on their knee.
Again even Padawan level Thanatos conquers a planet borderline as a hobby for all the effort it took him with Padawan light side training.
@@Akbar_and_Shaa That still doesn't mean the Jedi cannot teach about the dangers of the dark side. Of course any dangerous Sith artifact that is not of critical use to the Jedi should be destroyed or contained as best they can. But not teaching their members about the nature of Sith teachings and the dark side beyond "It's tempting and dangerous. Stay away from it" is leaving their members unprepared when they do face the dark side head on.
On an unrelated note Anakin had already pretty much fully embraced the dark side by the time he choked his pregnant wife. It was his arrogance that led Obi-Wan to victory, not a lack of focus. On the contrary, Anakin had the upper hand for most of the fight and would most likely have won had Obi-Wan not arrive in the exact situation as with him and Maul. He most likely imagined every way that he could have died and was the most prepared to utilize his high ground.
I'm guessing Anakin's overconfidence is what you meant by lack of focus. Feelings of betrayal and loss mixed with Obi-Wan's seeming underestimation of his power definitely clouded his judgement. But I would attribute that more to Anakin's deteriorating psychological state than influence of the dark side.
Then again aren't all dark siders mentally unstable in some degree?
@@super_jak no I meant what I said with Anakin he goes from save family to kill his old organization to save wife to create empire to kill wife to kill obi wan for padmes situation. He did embrace it but I was saying he had nothing in training with it so he was just a drink hamster in a ball in terms of capacity to reason stop and think. Every non extensivley trained Darksiders have that tunnel vision especially when we look only at cannon they fixate and they can't bend they break. Legends has a couple counter examples but the VAST majority don't do well when mixing the sides. One sith went mad trying and with Luke's less dogmatic teachings within a couple generations the sith re emerge. Whereas Jedi of the galactic republics methods prevented such an event for over 2000 years by teaching about the dark sides nature they just forbade use of it. They still knew of the abilities for instance Yoda Kenobi in movies both can stop sith lightning. The allowing of abilities reliant on using it is the trap since almost no sensitives can use the dark side. For every katarn you have 100s of potential dark Jedi. And might I remind you once people fully embrace the dark side they're doomed. In legends like maybe 12 people could turn back because the dark side warps personalities.
Theres a comic that showed vader seeing a future that couldve been. Padme was chancellor and he was grandmaster. Had a son named jinn
Whats its name?
@@tevcon317 The Comic's name?
liker 3000 yes
@@tevcon317 Just google ,,Padme Chancellor".
A comic named the lost squadron?Plot: Vader find and kill a Tarkin's son(obiusvly Palpatine said Yes kill Tarkin's son)?
“When a forest grows too wild a purging fire is inevitable and natural.” Ra’s Al Ghul.
Which Ra's Al'ghul, David Warner, Liam Neeson, Alexander Siddig, or Matthew Nable? lol
Bane Braddock Liam Neeson
Aka Quiggon Jinn lol
So proving a sociopathic point by taking a quote from a psychopathic terrorist/mass murderer?
Thanks Qui Gon
Many of your statements about the Jedi can also be applied to the Sith. They were also quite dogmatic, restricted their use of the force to only one side, and were blinded by their own arrogance. They were two extremes of the same religion. Two different sides of the same coin.
Exactly. Which is why Kreia was correct. The force should die. It's the only way to end the cycle.
@@axebearer Yeah but... No.
The cycle would just continue without the force, because the cycle is maintained through sentient lifeforms' flaws, not through the Force's influence.
Change every kind of sentient life such that war becomes unthinkable for them, and that diplomacy is always a possibility, and the cycle would end.
Do that in the opposite direction and... Well, the cycle would also end, but the galaxy would forever be in a state of war or oppression, or both.
@@nathanjora7627 The constant great galactic wars between the Jedi and Sith only exist because the Force seeks constant balance. On a grand scale these billions of lives don't matter, they're decimal points in the greater whole, but to the worlds and people involved it matters. Without the force, one side could finally win definitively.
Jedi like Revan and Skywalker and even Vader don't win because they're such amazing warriors, they win because the force wills it to be so. Without the force, Mandalorians would rule the galaxy.
Gaius Baltar eh... respectively no, yes, but only temporarily, and no.
The constant civil war has nothing to do with the force wanting something and everything to do with people wanting something. This something (respectively dominance and peace for the siths and jedi) won’t disappear if you remove the force, it’s just that some weapons and people will be more important than they were, and some will become less important than they were.
For the mandalalorians, yes, they would control the galaxy... for as long as they are able to keep power. Which, considering their individualistic and warmongering nature, wouldn’t be more than a few thousand years at best (and probably a couple centuries realistically). That is, if their conquests don’t rebel against them using their massive numerical advantage and the weapons and teachings they would’ve inherited from their new masters.
I mean... the people of this world aren’t much different from ours. Did we need the force to have wars ? No, so why assume this galaxy needs them ? All that is needed for a war is a big amount of people wanting something, and a big amount of people determined to not let them have it, which can happen with and without the force. The players would change, not the game.
As for the balance and the will of the force...
Remember what Obi Wan said ? You can control the force. Meaning that it’s not « just » what the force wills, the will of individuals is there too, and what you said about the Force’s agents successes having nothing to do with their qualities is completely wrong. We know that it has something to do with these, the force gives you greater leverage on the events, it doesn’t disrupt the flow of causality. The force can’t turn a gold warrior bad, or a bad warrior good. If Anakin and the lot managed to do things, it’s because they had the capacities, and the opportunity to use them, not because the force is god, it’s not how it works. In fact, one could say it’s the opposite. The force will give leverage to chosen individuals, as well as non chosen individuals (those that will merely inherit the force by virtue of their parents, or for whatever other reason) until these individuals acquire by themselves the necessary skills to use that power, and sought to do what the force wants. But this doesn’t mean that they have to listen to the will of the force.
Furthermore, the balance sought by the force is that of peace and harmony, not « having x amount of dark side and y amount of lightside ».
thunderstudent, true.
Jedi: we must bring balance. By purging the other side of the scale. That's how balance works.
Nimie Redwrench derp face
It’s kind of like food, you don’t eat a balance of healthy food (light side) and junk food (dark side) to stay at your best, you just eat the healthy food
@@infernogolem7533 why are you assuming that the healthy food is the light side
What i learned from kurzgesagt, healthy foods has its own dark side
Jedi : we must bring balance. By stopping the motherf*ckers that are aggressive noisy angsty teenagers that cause war and destruction because they can't keep their force lightning in their pants for two damn seconds, hence causing massive disturbances in the force.
Star Wars (1977): the Jedi are the heros! -yay!
Star Wars (2019): the Jedi are weird hypocritical religious fanatics. -who am I suppose to care about now?
Luke’s reformed Jedi, who recognize both sides of the force, rediscovered force healing, and don’t eschew attachment, but rather draw strength from it.
@@jonmkl and was his jedi order purge and both canon and legends.
Second the Jedi of an entire wing of force healer. Force healing was never a lost to the jedi.
And actually this should read:
Star Wars (1977): the Jedi are heros! -yay-
Star Wars (1983): the Jedi did some shady sh** but it’s all good I guess, because Luke proves them wrong and makes better choices.
Star Wars (1999): the Jedi are weird hypocritical religious fanatics.
Star Wars (2017): the Jedi are heroes again! -yay-
justin amey
The Jedi only had a wing of force healers in legends, in the Canon the ancient texts that Luke finds on Ahch-to after the fall of Ben Solo contain the healing technique that Rey learns.
Rey, who is Luke and Leia’s student, has all the texts, has now fashioned her own lightsaber, and will continue his order in his name.
Pasha Staravoitau
But Luke and Leia lived to train another student, and after the destruction of his first temple was when he searched out the first Jedi temple and the ancient texts.
Luke and Leia’s student will continue the order in Luke’s name. You know “I will not be the last Jedi” and all that.
"Perhaps Revan never fell. The difference between a fall and a sacrifice is sometimes difficult, but I feel that Revan understood that difference, more than anyone knew. The galaxy would have fallen if Revan had not gone to war."
Is revan good or bad
@@Black_Frost212 how much time you got
@@Black_Frost212 Yes
Thumbnail/Vid Name: "What if the Jedi Order Survived Order 66?"
GT: "What if Order 66 Never Happened?"
Me: "Wait, You said Survived, Not if it never happ- Oh, Because they'd Never Survive it if it happened, Huh."
If the jedi had not been so blind to darkness in those closest to them, treason among their ranks:
- fallen jedi would have been far less successful in back stabbing jedi.
- Ashoka Tano would not have been driven out of the jedi.
- Ashoka may have been able to divert Anakin from his murderous path.
- Palpatine may have been recognized as a sith, or at least not to be trusted, much earlier.
"Exiled to bogan"
Me, seeing bogan is Disney castle: "Nooooooooooo!"
Was that a Vader nooooo or a luke nooooo?
@@drdino2002 probably a little bit of both
Im sorry for the jedai that whent to the light this is a horible place i see it in my nightmares
@@Delkann better than freaking Disney castle tho
@@classyviking1965 disney is devil and disneyland is hell
Obi-Wan: only a sith deals in absolutes
Anakin: that's my purse! I don't know you! (Kicks Obi in the nuts)
The Jedi also believe in absolutes. Just look at their code; it's full of absolutes.
Lord Hoth: the manliest Manjedi to ever manjedi
May the force be with his beard always
Generation Tech DA MANLIEST MAN
@@GenerationTech may his beard be with us, always
Also, that Title, Lord Hoth. See, he wasn't just a Jedi General, he was one of the Jedi Lords, a group of Jedi who broke off from the main order and took control of great swaths of the galaxy, which they ruled as a hereditary nobility, with whole dynasties ruling from full on castles for generations
I love the xenophobia you guys bring to star wars galexy, LESSER aliens 😂
Have to watch out for all my peoples first
@@GenerationTech oh hell yeah! The Emperor protects.
@@TheW0rdMan its shocking how much that walking ball bag protects. Long live the Hutts
They would be alive
Btw that Imperial jacket is really nice
The Vneck is the future
The Vneck is generation tech
but the logo looked like the republic logo
No i was wrong
"Jedi are good, Sith are bad. Anyone who thinks differently eats coal" - Jedi Master Nicholas 'Santa' Clause
The Jedi are Hypocrites... A quote from Obi-Wan: "Only a Sith deals in absolutes"
He was a powerful Jedi. Lived for many years. 😂😂😂
20 plus years under the Sith/Empire, the people in the galaxy would see the Sith as severely bad.
@@arronfrazier7873 most people wouldn't even know the sith and those that did probably just thought they were jedi I'm surprised luke wasn't more hated common people are pretty dumb and they'd see someone welding a glow stick and moving things with their mind and hey that's a Jedi to them doesn't matter if it is or not
Video idea: "What happened to the Jedi Temple after Order 66?" Was it deconstructed, sold off as a piece of property, or did Palpatine inherit it for his own personal use?
Not a bad idea Palpatine turns it into his imperial palace and does a complete renovation
It became Palpatines Palace on Corucant
He literally just turned everything that was white and blue black and red 😂
Turned it into papa palpatinines pizza palace
Just imagine Anakin and Obi Wan growing old and basically becoming the leaders of the Jedi order 😢
Yoda would prolly outlive both their *sses lmao
There is the line in "Revenge of Sith" where Mace WIndu casually remarks that the Jedi will need to take control of the senate. This could of very well been a foreshadowing, as Jedi tried to control everything for "the Greater Good".
It is the same when it becomes clear that the Jedi not wanted to taken Palps prisoner and send him to trial - they were just there to execute him. They decided he had to die and were there to execute him with even the slightes hestitation. Hardly a moral superior position. While they say hatred is from the dark side - how could their reaction to any Sith be seen than pure hatred?
@@marcbartuschka6372 When a sith, that can influence people's minds, and has numerous allies that would do all they can to maintain him in office despite his crimes, tells you in the eye that he won't surrender to be judged... Yeah, you don't have much of a choice.
In fact, it was rather dumb of Mace Windu to not just kill Palpatine on the spot, and rather offer him a chance at surrendering.
@@marcbartuschka6372 "In the name of the Galactic Senate of the Republic you are under arrest Chancellor... The Senate will decide your fate" -Mace Windu. The Jedi were only there to arrest Palpatine and he resisted.
@@charliechuckles2195 Oh? Was is not the SAME Mace Windu who just a minute later said to Annakin, Palps is to dangerous to allowed to live? Sound not like anyonw would say who is just there to arrest him...
@@marcbartuschka6372 yea, after Palatine clearly used deadly force to cut down 3 Jedi masters in like 5 seconds demonstrating that he obviously was too dangerous to be left alive. Palatine forced execution when originally he was going to stand trial.
I love how this channel talks about Star Wars as if they were actually in it's universe. It's a cool little gimmick you don't see other Star Wars channels do.
Is Alan implying Peggy Hill is a dark side user?
There’s an image to contemplate...
Durante626 where did you catch that?
Bruh when she took that kick I was like nahhh c*** punts work lmao
And Boomhauer is their Yoda.
"You were my son Bobby, you ain't right"
- Hank Hill, Jedi master
By trying to control the force, Palpatine was ironically serving the force by hitting the Jedi reset button to then have the Sith order die as well.
„the force doesnt kill people, force users kill people... with the force“?
Johannes Siglreithmaier it’s the second amendment
I guess we should just ban the force then?
actually the force is sentient so according to kreia the force does kill people, like a lot
@@revanruler6404 hence anakin balancing the force by wiping out the jedi and sith.
Johannes Siglreithmaier the force doesn’t kill people
Purple glow sticks kill people
So this is more of a 'the jedi are evil' video than a 'what if the order survived' video.
Kinda. Because there's an apparrent wish to expell the philosophy of the original six movies in favour of the moronic ideas presented in the sequels.
@@darklord884 orginal six movies....ah yes,the 6 movies - The Old hope,the new hope,The empire dosen't strike back yet,The empire strikes back,The Return of the jedi,the Jedi Fuck off.
@@liker-qd4fz What exactly is your point? Because right now, all I'm seeing is the lack of it.
Then again, one can entertain without a point, it just makes thing...nonsensical sometimes.
@@darklord884 I just like to see people make mistakes and exploit them for my own entertainment.
@@liker-qd4fz You also enjoy talking without much sense it seems. Very well then. Keep at it. One day it might actually make an audience laugh.
I always saw this in my head:
Let's say Anakin made the 'right' choice in the Choose Your Own Adventure book. Palpatine gets cut down. However the truth is now out. Despite Anakin doing the correct thing there is the fact he broke serious rules and Padme is pregnant with his offspring. The Jedi are gonna come for said offspring. End of story. In this sense I can imagine Anakin falling. Not out of evil but in a last ditch effort to protect his wife. Falling in a last stand against several Jedi dispatched to take his son and daughter. No resurrection as Vader this time. He really dies by the hands of his former brothers. This leads to a huge schism in the order as several are absolutely disgusted by the heavy handed operation that led to Anakin's death. With Windu maybe leading the more 'purist' faction of Jedi and a dejected Obi Wan (Who is especially pissed Windu sent in a botched Jedi SWAT raid that led to the death of his student.) leading the opposition.
the jedi are going to come for said offspring? says who? the jedi, despite the claims of internet people who hate them, do not abduct children. They take them in willingly. There are in fact even jedi who had children. Anakin might be reprimanded, or at worst expelled from the order, although even that I have trouble believing as they would be grateful for all that he had done. But there is no chance, not even a little bit, that they would "come for said offspring" in the sense of attacking anakin and abducting his children. This is a ridiculous scenario which has no basis in anything the jedi do.
No way anakin is the chosen one dude. He’s the best there is. Only at least half the council could kill him at that moment. He killed several masters during knightfall. There’s no way he can die
Len Kagamine Don’t forget Mace’s willingness to break the Jedi Code to kill the Sith Lord. It’s not hard to imagine he would’ve done the same to the most rageful, erratic, reckless and disobedient Jedi Knight at the time.
I heard an interesting theory that after the Jedi Council had assassinated or arrested Palpatine, they would have promoted Anakin to Master.
Mace Windu does say “if what you’ve told me is true, you will have earned my trust” to Anakin when he reports Palpatine. I thought this was pretty explicit in him being made a master if the arrest had gone off without a hitch. Not sure why it has to be theorized about.
As an Imperial commander, this was Anti-Jedi and Pro-Galactic Empire. I liked this. It’s beautiful.
Essentially Being A Gray Jedi Was Key In Otherwords
It’s not time for the Jedi end even mark hamill didn’t like to say that line luke was so happy to be a Jedi and now he’s just grumpy
Thank you very much for all of the likes and replies
I cought that to. That little pause. It hurt me too.
If you only knew the apathy of The Grumpy side of the Force ✊
Well the jedi needed to end but atleast end them in a better way.
@@udhavveersinghbhatia9524 the Jedi do not need to end, they needed to be cleansed, restart from the ground up. Go back to the old ways and find true balance In the force like Qui Gon and other Grey Jedi had done, not what the order became. It's why Luke tried something entirely different and I believe it would have worked out far better
blame rian/ruin johnson for the crap script, Mark Hamil completely disagreed with what rian was writing for luke skywalker
Lightsabers don’t kill people but they sure help
>old obiwan
>doesn’t use Alec Guinness
Carson B wait you right
I know I saw this and was like if there is a perfectly good old obiwan out there that avtually exists why wouldn't you use it
@@chapstix2549 yeah, don't waste your Obi-Wan's if they they're still servicable!
Because Ewan McGregor is the best Obi-Wan Kenobi
Chara The Chocolate Lover that’s your opinion and I’m okay with that, but Alec Guinness is straight up older obiwan, what’s the point in aging Ewan up when you could just use Alec
Padme wouldn't have "lost the will to live".
Brodo 21 she and anakin woukd still be alive! With Luke and leía!
I personally would love to see an alternate episode 3 where Anakin creates a more militant faction that harkens back to the jedaii than turning site like he did
I knew Bobby Hill would fall to the darkside
Every kick to the nuts is a step closer to the dark side
Bobby is gonna force choke Conny only to fight Joseph isn't he
As I've said, Grey is the way. Balance in all things in life.
Nah, white side is best
Inperial knights
The true enemy of all is the force. The force is the thing that has repeatedly thrown the galaxy into chaos. Light side, dark side, grey. All of these are just playthings for the cosmic force to interfere with our lives
Yeaaa little alien parasites inside ya blood lol
I once played through KOTOR 2 staying within the grey the whole game. That was the most fun playthrough I've had of that game :)
I love how you got king of the hill in the back ground it goes perfectly with what you’re saying and it’s gold!
“From my point of view the Jedi are evil!”
I will do what I must
@@Akbar_and_Shaa You you must'n.
Well it’s like in real life , if your arguing like screaming it’ will only creat more tension and further more you will get a fight like to the death 😂
Australians can confirm bogans definitely use the dark side
And meth.
@@Michael-hb4wc same thing jsut look at palpys face
palpatine was actually an australian meth addict
If you see 'Bearing' tell him he's a cunt. 😀
Ahh this comment made me lmao 😂 they also cruise around the universe in a VN Commodore
9:32 Jedi Knight: Why did you kill the younglings?
Jedi Master: We all had a vision that they would fall to the dark side and destroy us all so we killed them.
Jedi Knight: And they put up quite a fight too because they managed to throw cocaine into your nostrils.
The Jedi Order should have called in Revan for advice (you know; Force ghosting).
It is technique discovered by Qui Gon just before the movies. Until that point only ones who did have ghosts were the Sith. And fact that Qui Gon was gray Jedi, should make it more clear.
I get the feeling that Revan would have dissipated long before this point in galactic history. From what I've heard, they can only be a ghost for so long before they get fully reintegrated into the force.
If it were legends
I don't think time is fixed as a force ghost
@@Charolette21 incorrect anakin's ghost appeared to cade Skywalker at least a thousand years later
That’s why I liked Legend Luke’s Jedi Order, because he was a lot less strict and wanted his students to find their own way.
What if the father hadn't wiped Anakin's mind when the son showed Anakin his future
Then Anakin could have seen what could turn him and we see what he would have actually done.
So the ancient Jedi were the best people to be around.
I know it's just Star Wars but I can't help but find so many of these videos insightful.
I love that someone is actually addressing the fact that the light side Jedi actually started the entire mess. Before, those studying and practicing the alchemy did so as academic and spiritual discovery. It wasn't until those practitioners of just the light forced the schism, exiled anyone that even could have leaned to the dark slightly, and then banned the practices that finally caused imbalances as the light struck first. Only after that did alchemy become weaponized and later dubbed Sith alchemy. As noted, it was even the light side who first conducted a full blown genocide and in doing so giving the dark full right to do anything and everything as it meant that no matter what the light would hunt down and kill anyone they didn't agree with or thought was "evil."
The Jedi Order is just a death cult honestly...
You would've never been strong enough to join them😂
@@showtubes3532 being a jedi isnt about strength tho
Due to the Jedi’s dogmatic nature, in JEDI: Fallen Order, was Taron Malicos correct in his view of what the Jedi should be? Or was he to far gone?
I think he was a bit far gone there’s a balance that can be found and he chose to go live in dathomir they don’t even have the color green there
Generation Tech a BIT Far Gone? He was completely loopy at best
Generation Tech fair point, the only green bois there were the acid spitting bugs and that’s like the green that you have after a night of heavy death stick usage
@@GenerationTech we all can agree that dathomir is the last place anyone would go for a family vacation.
Malicos was well intentioned extremist that became a full on extremists simply because he lived on basically a bottomless pit of the dark side for years. It would be like if Qui-Gon lived inside the cave at Degobah.
I'm writing a fan fiction of star wars based 2000ABY and I added Generation Tech as "Gtech" holo articles.
All you talk about is how Jedi are the bad, and bad. We get this . They are still better option than sith.
Actualy they are along with the sith part of the problem is like 2 side of a patsan polotics clusterfuck, both sides made a efort to became the oposide of each other in every aspect.
The sith are evil? Well no shit shelock the darl side eats away your compassion bostering you sociphatic tendencies so of course they are. But the jedi are terrible teachers, like their aswer to every conflict was sit on your ass repress your emotions, ignore the problem, ask a piscologist or a psycatrist if this work, att best you got a mace windu kind of caracther, an inssentive hypocrite ho leaks his iner conflict unknowingly and be a all around preacy asshole, at work you contribute to the fall of the chosen one and rise of darth vader, kenobi was the alomaly due his masters teachings
@@MrRobot-0 I don't have an idea of what the fuck you're saying,but listen to me.
The sith basicly use the jedi's tactics to destroy the jedi.When you hoot at someone with a colt 1911,expect them to come back with a shotgun.
@@liker-qd4fz you know the concept tread necromancy? 4 months dude.
@@MrRobot-0 the jedi don't make world destroying planets. They are awful and complicit in a corrupt system, I dont deny it, but everything wrong with the republic was exponentially worse under the empire
@@MauroEnfermoDeLepra well time to call te paladins another necromancer
Rewatching the films in chronological order, and about to start the last jedi. Hugely helpful in understanding luke's demeanor when rae finds him
is the force a tool? Or are we tools to the force.
Jedi: Can Survive 30000000000 droids
Also Jedi: Can’t beat like 3 clones
I wonder what Luke would've learned about the Jedi if Jedha wasn''t destroyed.
Had to do a credited screen grab of the "Lightsabers don't kill..." bit. Pure gold there.
What if the Jedi survived order 66
Generation tech - hey everyone instead of actually talking about surviving order 66, how about we have a Jedi history lesson instead.
I would point out that this failing in the Jedi played out very pointedly in Shatterpoint with Depa Billaba and Mace Windu. She was suffering from war related PTSD and had no way to combat or cope with it, and fell to the darkside.
"because science"
Kyle Hill: That's my line
(mando reference)
Alan your comments concerning the Jedi remind me of something a Vulcan character in a Star Trek novel had said. She said ,and I am paraphrasing, only by finding peace within yourself can you facilitate peace with others. This very much applies to the Jedi since its obvious that few if any of them had a sense of personal balance.
To sum up this awesome video, the Sith adapted as time progressed while the Jedi stagnated and completely betrayed what their anscestors stood for in teachings of the Force. They became strict and cold, they turned into pawns for the Republic and it was a matter of time before they fell apart; all Palpatine did was speed up their demise and put the Jedi out oftheir misery.
I feel like this origin goes against Lucas's original vision. That balance means the absence of darkness. The absence of those who bend the force to their will and the presence of those who serve the force would thrive
Well, the Jedaki would have seen the Sith as enemies and perversions of their teachings as well.
I like how the name of the Lasat's force is the Ashla, just as Typhon's moon is Ashla. I find that really cool...
7:56 "Kick her in the nads!"
"She doesn't have those!"
"Oh! Well, I'm out of ideas."
BlackEpyon that would still hurt though
@@robertbartley2409 Agree bu Bobby was not very strong so Peggy could tank the damage and pretend that the kick didn't do anything.
Hektols he should have worn a boot
Thanks for this video. I had a discussion about this with some friends and I will share this video. Thanks
one question, what happened to the holocrons in the jedi temple
Taken by the Empire, the Temple itself was converted into the Imperial Palace
The whole Palpatine plot is fucking brilliant. It was flawless and the greatest plot in fiction. Order 66 was fantastic
What if Mace never fell out of the Windu?
You are my Star Wars go to channel. Thank you for all your work.
Well I always imagined that after the war had the republic and Jedi Order continued that reform would take place. For example the Senate would be way less corrupt with the rebuilding efforts and the Jedi order would realize that maybe they need to change as well. It's kind of sad not too have Jedi order and without them Star Wars really wouldn't be Star Wars.
2:38 in legends there were a few Jedi masters that resurfaced after the empire fell to help Luke rebuild their Jedi order, there’s even Jedi that survived in canon, so the last Jedi still didn’t make sense for Luke’s Jedi order to fail, the only reason it did was because they wrote that Luke only trained a handful of students that were killed
Bogon is Disneyland?
Sounds about right.
Well, what did Palpatine say, "Civil war with no end." I always loved this line. It's essentially what the never ending battle of the jedi and the sith is, an endless civil war. Jedi would have fought a new sith order, and then rinse and repeat as had happened for thousands of years. Palpatine almost ended the cycle with order 66, and in cannon as far as we know the civil war of Jedi vs Sith ends with Rey, Ben, and Palpatine. Is up to Rey at that point, as long as the Jedi are around, one can claim the name of Sith, and restart the cycle. Two sides of the same coin.
I'd have to agree, the jedi were very ill suited for command on the battlefield. As general Sherman put it, "war is cruelty. There's no sense in trying to reform it, the crueler it is the sooner it will be over." Having said that the sith would have been no better at command because let's face it a lot of them were sadists. In my opinion the only group who would have been suitable for battlefield command in star wars is the mandalorians but only on the ground, they didn't really get too involved in naval warfare that should have been left to men like admiral yolaren or grand admiral thrawn
the thing is, that is exactly one of the things that creates the conflict and controversy of the clone wars. its what drives the story for ahsoka and her reasons for leaving the order and develops her character that much more. I agree that force users are not good for military command because they lack the military mindset and efficiency that leaders like thrawn and yularen had. all these personalities of groups being added to the story of starwars is exactly what makes starwars so rich and creates such an expansive mind. to conclude, starwars in make you do big brain stuff
That is an awesome way of looking at it. Now I am not sad about the Jedi order being gone. Thank you
“That’s my purse!! I don’t know you!!!”
When you talk about rouge jedi joining wars because they disobeyed the order reminds me of Qui Gon Jin who was often remembered to be the one to disobay orders to do what he believed was right..
Me: just one more video
Me at 5 am:
At least now I fully understand Anakin's ancient prophecy of bringing balance to the force... remove users of both sides (cause the Jedi and Sith focused solely on their side and didn't dive too deep into the light side) to leave a balanced force: Luke because he embraced both sides equally. *But then the Sequel Trilogy shits all over that with Rey and Kylo*
No one going to mention the fact that he implied cannibalism is the same as sex and alcohol?
I think the Dark Side has taken over this channel.
7:58 The shock on his face when he realises her groin isn't as Force sensitive as his would be if she kicked him back.
I wanna see someone Photoshop Alec Guinness to have Ewan's ROTS hair and beard, but in white
I love the influence of eastern religions on Star Wars. George Lucas really understood what he did! The light side and dark side are yin and yang, and balance is the key to happiness and success. Daoism, Buddhism, Hinduism and Confucianism have such interesting influences.
That’s my purse! I don’t know you!
The Je'Die abandoned the dark side because the Racata turned meany to the dark and cause the first conflict between the light and dark causing people to abandon the dark seeing it as too dangerous, this was LONG before the formation of the republic
Jedi are Peace Keepers... Jedi Become military Generals and Commanders
How do you stop a war that has already began? Not by sitting down and proclaiming "F@ck you, go away." that's for sure.
Fantastic lip sync with the "High ground" part! Loved it
Hey at least you got dooku being dead right this time
If the 66 had not been given, I believe all of the possible directions of the Jedi and the Republic you’ve explain could be plausible. It’s very very interesting to think about.
1776: enlightened libertarian philosophy births the greatest nation of man
2019: two sides forced to such an extreme through constant strife that neither can compromise on anything anymore
Damn you’re right
"1776: enlightened libertarian philosophy births the greatest nation of man"
... I think you meant 1789.
Or 1945.
You were birthed by global power politics and personal greed.
Daniel Pucher "births the greatest nation of man" .. That is some disturbing hillbilly shit that my eyes just witnessed.
Daniel Evans sure, because altruism, the mere desire to survive (aka : not greed), ego, and generally speaking all of these emotions and drive that make the complexity of human behaviors and interactions.
The same goes for politics, they are only global, not regional.
Great video as always guys. But I 2 quick ideas for a video of you don’t mind.
1. What of Palpatine never got close to anakin?
2. What if obi wan spied on palpatine instead of anakin?
When I pop onto youtube and see Generation Tech has posted 44 minutes ago.
The clips of king of the hill made this for me
You lost me when you mentioned TLJ had a good point to make.
You must have smoked some bad granola.
More like dodgy death sticks.
It does have a good point to make. That people who don’t understand Star Wars lore shouldn’t be making Star Wars movies.
You should do a video about what would have happened had order 66 been given but instead of most of the Jedi being killed they were able to escape with very few casualties.
The Jedi are Hypocrites... A quote from Obi-Wan: "Only a Sith deals in absolutes"
Killing Palpatine was the right (read: moral) call according to the harm principle.
@@nytenjin Having the Right to Kill? M Johnsen...You are no Jedi. Moral Obligation is doing the right thing. I'd kill the phuck out of Darth Sidious. I'm no Jedi.
Iirc you got the exile mixed up, those who strayed too far to one side were actually sent to that moon (i.e. those too far towards the dark were sent to bogan, because you could only see tython and ashla from bogan)
Thanks to you I am now a Pro-Imperialist, Anti-Jedi and pro Grey Jedi, Pro-Separatist and Pro-Humanity
Imperial knights
Not all Jedi forgot that truth. Qui-Gon Jinn sought balance which is what often put him at odds with the Order. He was deemed a gray or maverick jedi because he followed the will of the Force over the will of the Council. The will of the Force is balance.