Can You Remarry If Your Former Spouse Is Still Alive?

  • Опубліковано 12 сер 2016
  • Dr. Brown speaks with a caller whose wife has left him for another woman.


  • @iiiiiiilamps
    @iiiiiiilamps 4 роки тому +8

    A wife is bound to her husband as long as he lives. If her husband dies, she is free to marry anyone she wishes, but only if he loves the Lord.

  • @chefgromano5025
    @chefgromano5025 5 років тому +4

    You can murder? Steal ? Cheat ? Blaspheme? And be forgiven. But divorce is not forgivable?

    • @eugenenunn4900
      @eugenenunn4900 5 років тому +3

      I forget the greek word but when the bible says one commits adultry when they remarry it's a recurring sin.

  • @ticeygirl
    @ticeygirl 4 роки тому +4

    The only time limit reconciliation has is death. Robert 👂 keep praying for God to bring your wife back.

    • @ticeygirl
      @ticeygirl 4 роки тому

      God is married to the backslider. Keep praying.

  • @hispoiema
    @hispoiema Рік тому +1

    I married because he raped me. I thot God was angry at me because I froze and did not fight him off. I left after 35 years because it never got better and I was mentally and physically sick from emotional abuse and stress. I then remarried. I have peace with God and am no longer afraid to express myself after 3 years away.

  • @Michael_Chandler_Keaton
    @Michael_Chandler_Keaton 6 років тому +3

    It is no better for a man to "burn" with desire before marrying the first time, than a second time would be. Scripture makes clear that not all people are cut out for celibacy. Furthermore many people remarry before they are saved. The Lord certainly doesn't wanna see this marriage end any more than another. And certainly we shouldn't divorce once we get saved just because we were married previously, that would be ludicrous.

    • @Dante-vf4sd
      @Dante-vf4sd 4 роки тому +1

      I'm not saying one way or the other but based on some of the scripture in these comments if you are committing adultery with your current spouse, God would clearly not want that to continue. In this their words He would want it to end because the marriage is invalid and a sin, both spouses would be sinning by being in an invalid and adulterous marriage. God would want ideally for the person who was originally married to another person to reunite with them or secondarily to remain single unless the person dies then they are free to marry another.

  • @1Sackettgirl
    @1Sackettgirl 3 місяці тому +1

    Thank you Dr. Brown for this audio. It has taken me a long time to see through Pawson and differ with him on this point.

  • @nathank8613
    @nathank8613 2 роки тому +2

    Alright, so having to divorce because my spouse was a serial adulterer, this has been heavy on my heart; I have prayed, fasted and gone to God's word for answers.
    The Bible states the man is living in adultery if he divorces and remarries for any reason other than fornication or adultery.
    On the other hand, a woman can divorce for this reason but cannot remarry.
    I prayed to Jesus to help me see this clearly and this was a revelation that came to me after at least two hours of steadfast prayer.
    Instead of focusing on a man being able to divorce and remarry and a woman being able to divorce yet not remarry let's leave it at this!
    Jesus said these things as he spoke to the Pharisees and Jews. I believe in what he said but take the above things into consideration and then consider these situations that happened.We all know that God is a just God and his ways are higher than ours.
    The woman at the well had how many husband's before the encounter with Jesus??? Five, that's right and then she encountered and believed in Jesus. Jesus said, I don't condemn thee go and sin no more. Now we all know that it's sinless perfection is a lie yet what Jesus was actually saying is give up your life of habitual sin.
    King David sent a man to battle to die so he could have his wife and both things actually came to fruition.
    Did the woman at the well go to hell for all the husbands she had? NO. How about David, a man after God's Own Heart? NO, although his lineage was cursed, he was confronted by the prophet Nathan and repented.
    God is a God of forgiveness and restoration! Every person situation is different and for the naysayers that say a person who was abused or cheated on repeatedly by their spouse cannot remarry, etc I ask you all, who are you to say that? You are condemning people when you do not have the right and that is not what Christ wants at all! If you disagree with me well then I agree to disagree with you. Put yourself in a situation where divorce is necessary and then you tell me God would want you to be celibate and never marry again for something that was not your fault to begin with! Our God is a god of the impossible and our opinions do not dictate what God does. God hates an unequally yoked marriage and will have his way in a believer's life to deliver them and then what happens in that believers life after the divorce remarriage, reconciliation or not is totally up to God, no man's opinion!

    • @nathank8613
      @nathank8613 2 роки тому +2

      So yes, either the abandoned wife or husband could possibly remarry if God wills it!

    • @1Sackettgirl
      @1Sackettgirl 3 місяці тому

      what does “bondage” mean in 1 Cor. 7:15? What is the purpose is “letting" the unhappy pagan depart? What is the purpose of divorce?? The only purpose for divorce is to open the door for remarriage. period. Otherwise you can just leave and live alone.

  • @thetachmoniteb825
    @thetachmoniteb825 3 роки тому

    Yes, if your wife is still alive and an individual remarries another women, he and partner, not his real wife, are committing adultery.
    Jesus told the Samaritan woman, in john 4 paraphrasing "Go keep call husband. She replied i have no husband. You are right in that you said you have no husband for you had 5 husbands and the husband you HAVE NOW IS NOT YOUR HUSBAND. In this you said truly."

  • @evacat66
    @evacat66 8 років тому +7

    Matthew 19:9-10
    I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.”

    • @AngelaGrant2015
      @AngelaGrant2015 8 років тому +6

      Right. Why can't the others see that part where it says, except for sexual immorality. SMH.

    • @nuno09
      @nuno09 7 років тому

      María F in some versions of the bible it says "save for fornication" not "sexual immorality." the context on the passage is actually mainly adultery/infidelity. and if you really want to know what God would do with this situation, read Hosea and Gomer in his book.

    • @benjaminbird2772
      @benjaminbird2772 5 років тому

      María F the word is fornication, get it right.

    • @inky8294
      @inky8294 4 роки тому

      I agree

  • @chefgromano5025
    @chefgromano5025 5 років тому +1

    God forgives all sin. Except for divorce? No one says you should frivolously divorce. God forgives sin and divorce is not the unforgivable sin. Believe and Repent! And you shall be saved!

    • @eugenenunn4900
      @eugenenunn4900 5 років тому +1

      I forget the Greek word for adultry in the actual text but the adultry is a recurring sin unfortunately. It's not that you commit sin when you remarry but the fact that you walk in sin after the marriage. It's a recurring sin sadly

    • @chefgromano5025
      @chefgromano5025 5 років тому

      Eugene Nunn So your saying in order to fully repent you have to never commit the sin again? I’m not being antagonistic just want to see the thought process? Because sins like adultery are even looking at a woman in a lustful way I think many saved people struggle with that.

  • @OperationReapSinners777
    @OperationReapSinners777 7 років тому +1

    1Co 7:27 Art thou bound unto a wife? seek not to be loosed. Art thou loosed from a wife? seek not a wife.
    1Co 5:12-13 What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? God will judge those outside. “Expel the wicked person from among you.”
    Once two people become one flesh, there is no circumstances that can undo it.
    1Co 7:39 The wife is bound by the law as long as her husband liveth; but if her husband be dead, she is at liberty to be married to whom she will; only in the Lord.
    Eph 5:31 “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.”
    There is still no loophole where marriage is concerned, you cannot go to the old testament in order to prove your point. The new testament is now our view point concerning marriage according to Jesus. God hates divorce (Mal. 2:16) and only allows for it in the case of unfaithfulness by one or the other spouse (Matt. 19:9). Even in the case of unfaithfulness, God does not require or desire divorce but merely permits it (Matt 19:7-8). When there has been unfaithfulness or other sins that have torn apart the relationship, it is God’s desire that both partners would repent, forgive one another, and reconcile (Luke 17:3-4, 1 Corinth 7:10-11). Forgiveness is always required, and the failure to forgive is sin (Matt.6:15). It may be difficult to forgive, and it may take a long time, but God always wants us to forgive others. In some marriages, it may be the case that on-going unfaithfulness or abuse prevents reconciliation in the marriage. It is not possible, at least not for the foreseeable future, it is neither wise nor safe for the couple to try to get back together.
    In the case of a stubborn, unrepentant attitude on the part of at least one spouse, the other spouse who desires to reconcile is not bound to force their unrepentant partner to stay married to them (1 Corinth. 7:15). God desires forgiveness and reconciliation, such that He would will that two people who have gotten divorced would eventually reconcile and re-unite with their former partner in marriage once again. This would be the ideal outcome for a couple who has divorced. But what if it looks like reconciliation will never happen and one (or both) of the partners wants to get remarried to somebody else? Jesus says: “Everyone who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery, and he who marries a woman divorced from her husband commits adultery.” (Luke 16:18)
    That means that God does not approve of a divorced person getting remarried. As long as there remains the possibility of reconciliation and re-unification in marriage, a new marriage to a different person is not permissible. It is sin. The Bible says: “To the married I give this charge (not I, but the Lord): the wife should not separate from her husband (but if she does, she should remain unmarried or else be reconciled to her husband), and the husband should not divorce his wife.” (1Corinthians 7:10-11)
    If the former spouse dies, then the remaining spouse is free to marry:
    “A wife is bound to her husband as long as he lives. But if her husband dies, she is free to be married to whom she wishes, only in the Lord.” (1Corinthians 7:39
    Mat 5:32 But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: AND WHOSOEVER SHALL MARRY HER THAT IS DIVORCED COMMITS ADULTERY.
    Again, The woman that is put away for any reason, why can't anybody be married to her?

  • @chrispawlina7500
    @chrispawlina7500 2 роки тому

    my christian wife divorced me who i do not see or know if she fornicated or remarried. i live alone with the pain of it all and sometimes wish i was dead and in heaven.
    if i fall unwell i dont want treatment and welcome death to be with the lord.

  • @nparksntx
    @nparksntx 8 років тому

    I watch an excellent series on divorce by Apologia Church.

  • @slimsam2002
    @slimsam2002 8 років тому +1

    Dr. Brown, where in Scripture can I find that if a couple divorces, they are free to remarry? It is my understanding that after separation, one or the other must initiate a relationship (adultery) with another person before the ex spouse can be in a new relationship.

  • @ajlouviere202
    @ajlouviere202 4 роки тому +4

    Dr. Pawson is correct! You are not giving this young man the truth when it comes the scriptures. The apostle Paul wrote much about salvation and redemption but also in regard to this topic. By saying that you believe the divorced are allowed to remarry causes tremendous conflict within the scriptures. What is found in Romans 7:2-3, and 1 Corinthians 7:39 is very clear when it comes to the one-flesh covenant of marriage.

    • @sfs1167
      @sfs1167 9 місяців тому

      If a man sleeps with a prostitute, Paul calls it "one-flesh." So one night stands could also be one-flesh relationships. The "one-flesh" doesn't necessarily mean that is permanent. For Romans 7:2-3 and 1 Cor 7:39, yes, it is clear. A wife should not marry someone else. I would be very upset if my wife did. Now, if I became an unbeliever and abandoned her or I cheated on her, she would be justified in divorcing me, in which case she would no longer be my wife.

    • @ajlouviere202
      @ajlouviere202 9 місяців тому

      @@sfs1167 haven't you (sfs with the symbol of an eagle) made a similar type of reply, under many of my comments, in recent years?

    • @ajlouviere202
      @ajlouviere202 9 місяців тому

      @@sfs1167 just wondering why this profile, along with a few of the others that have been closely associated with the "Standing Strong For Marriages" channel, is still being used this way?

  • @tljbsc1
    @tljbsc1 2 роки тому


  • @MaximianoXavier
    @MaximianoXavier 7 років тому +5

    6:35 Dr. Brown makes Jesus contradict Himself in Matthew 19:9. If the meaning of the word fornication includes adultery, then the woman who was put away by her husband would be free to remarry an other man, but Jesus said she would NOT be free to do so, and the man who marry with her commits ADULTERY.

  • @Xristophero
    @Xristophero 8 років тому +1

    David Pawson is THE best biblical teacher in the entire cosmos.

    • @Xristophero
      @Xristophero 7 років тому

      john lee It's amazing. He speaks for HOURS upon HOURS on end and never says, "ummmm..." or "uhhh..."
      Very early on in my listening to him, I realized that he was speaking not of himself.

    • @Xristophero
      @Xristophero 7 років тому

      john lee I haven't either. In fact, I need to listen to him today!

    • @1Sackettgirl
      @1Sackettgirl 3 місяці тому

      Really?? I thought the Holy Spirit was THE best teacher in the entire cosmos? And would bring ALL things to our remembrance(John 14:26)?? Beware, no man is infallible, God alone and His Word are infallible.
      And dont forget Pawson has denies the infallibilty of the Scripture in English hence why he has ascribed to the erroneous Mcfall Erasmus argument which denies the infallibility of the Word of God in each language it has been published in. Believing instead that the enitre English speaking people have only ever had a Bible which lies to us on this eternal life or death issue. SO millions have believed and followed a lie that Erasmus supposedly inserted into the text long ago, a damnable lie because no adulterer will inherit eternal life.

  • @thicky
    @thicky 4 роки тому

    man he may not get an answer from god... he may just have to leave that situation and pick up the pieces elsewhere. god does not answer every time we want him to.. it could take a while before he understands what god gets through to him.. me and my family over 20 years for my brother to change but hey i aint gonna spend the rest of my life praying. god already knows my family want my brother to change.. so its best to just let go and let god. the lord may have already turn them over to the own reprobate mind the end its them that make the choice. god will not force someone to make a choice. for it to be genuine it has to be a choice of their own heart and mind

  • @ertfgghhhh
    @ertfgghhhh 8 років тому +1

    if u are a believer but married to a unbeliever, u can part in peace. it is in the scripture. these rules and regulations of marriagevare for those WITHIN the body of Christ-not outsiders

  • @PlaymakerInTheFaith
    @PlaymakerInTheFaith 5 місяців тому

    I agree with Dr Brown that the word fornication includes adultery. I do not agree that if a married couple divorced because of fornication/ adultery that they are free to remarry. Reason is when God divorced Israel in Jeremiah 3:8 He was still married to them after the divorce in Jeremiah 3:14. This is why Paul says in Romans 7:4 we had to die with Christ to be married to another. Death only ends a marriage covenant. Paul says in Galatians 3:15 No man can ANNUL a covenant once it has been ratified. Divorce cannot annul a marriage covenant. Only death can do that. Now we understand why the apostles of Jesus responded the way they did saying it’s not good to marry in Matthew 19:10. Jesus says only those who can accept this command on marriage. It’s hard and difficult

  • @tzadiko
    @tzadiko 4 роки тому +2

    So let me get this straight... Jesus fulfilled the law and we are no longer under the law... Then Christians turn around and engage in these Talmudic debates on what the law is, just like the Jews. So what does Christianity do for us? We still have to worry about what is a sin and what is not... Why not just stick with Judaism, which already teaches us that there is a law and we have to follow it? It seems that Jesus is just an unnecessary complication.

    • @tzadiko
      @tzadiko 4 роки тому

      @William Toy says who? I don't see that anywhere in the Old Testament.
      That concept was invented by Christianity to give itself a purpose. There is no evidence that it is true.
      In fact there's plenty of evidence that it's false. There were hundreds of years between the first and second temples with no sacrafices. Nothing in the Old Testament says that it was impossible to fulfill God's will during that time

    • @tzadiko
      @tzadiko 4 роки тому

      @William Toy how did King David atone for his sin? How did the people of Nineveh atone in the book of Jonah? How did the forgiveness in Numbers 14:20 take place?
      None of these required any blood or sacrafice.
      God is perfectly capable and willing to provide atonement through repentance alone. The whole concept of "atonement requires a blood sacrafice" is not supported by the Old Testament at all. That's why I called it an invention of Christianity

    • @tzadiko
      @tzadiko 4 роки тому

      @William Toy and your point? He was forgiven with no Temple. And no Jesus. Just like all of us today
      The whole premise that there is no forgiveness without either a temple or Jesus is wrong

    • @tzadiko
      @tzadiko 4 роки тому

      @William Toy what does Israelite have to do with it? God forgives everyone through repentance alone... No blood sacrafice was ever required

  • @HM-vj5ll
    @HM-vj5ll 5 років тому +3

    First: The man needs to be regenerated, truly born again.
    Second: Start reading the Bible and stop getting your theology from so and so...
    Third: Its better to re-marry than burn in lust.

  • @Catari777
    @Catari777 8 років тому +1

    This is what the Bible say
    Matt 19:9
    and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery
    Luk 16:18
    and whosoever marrieth her that is put away from her husband committeth adultery.
    Jesus clearly says that to marry a divorced person is to commit adultery and those who do that shall NOT enter the kingdom of heaven
    1 Cor 6:9-10
    9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
    10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
    Before you marry ask the living God in Jesus name, praying and fast about it. Test the person and see if he or she is God fearing. The reason people end up marrying a homosexual or pedophile or a evil person is that they don't test the spirits and ask God who knows every hidden thing in men.
    James 1:5-8
    5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.
    6 But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.
    7 For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord.
    8 A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.
    Pastors don't teach this nowdays. When you marry you marry for life till death do you part and to break that covenant will lead to hell if you don't repent.

    • @Catari777
      @Catari777 7 років тому

      Jeff david You are talking nonsense! Of you remarry while your spouse is still alive YOU ARE LIVING IN ADULTERY ACCORDING TO JESUS AND THE APOSTLES