A Startling View of Divorce & Remarriage | Matthew

  • Опубліковано 1 лип 2023
  • Introduction:
    We have considered the matter of emphasis as we strive to hear the Scriptures as the Spirit of God would have us to hear them.
    If we are reading the Scriptures rightly, then what we emphasize will match what the text emphasizes.
    One of the sad tendencies that you witness in many people as the read the Bible is a willingness to trample on evidence that doesn’t fit their precommitments. You see a willingness to ignore what is plain in the text - to walk right by it as if it doesn’t exist.
    It reminds me a little of what you see in a White House press conference. If the press secretary acts like something doesn’t exist, then it doesn’t exist.
    We will ignore what isn’t convenient to acknowledge.
    Well, that is how I feel about what we find in the verses following our Lord’s teaching on divorce and remarriage.
    What Jesus said to the Pharisees is NOT all that Matthew recorded about the encounter.
    He doesn’t just record the conversation between Jesus and the Pharisees. He records a conversation that follows between Jesus and His disciples.
    The first thing I want us to think about is what the disciples understood Jesus to be teaching.
    And indeed, I would add, that what it clearly seems they understood Jesus to be teaching, is what the rest New Testament writers seem to understand Jesus to teach as well.
    It appears plain that the disciples heard Jesus teaching something that they didn’t expect.
    His teaching didn’t match what Shammai taught about the subject.
    His teaching didn’t match what Hillel taught about the subject.
    Which is why their reaction to his teaching is one of shock and cynicism.
    They understood Jesus to teach that unless sexual sin is found during the betrothal period, there is to be no divorce. Hardheartedness is not the standard that pleases God, divorce is not to be pursued, and if a divorce occurs remarriage is not possible.
    James Montgomery Boice - “If Jesus were referring to adultery as the one legitimate ground for divorce, the text would have used the word moicheia. That it doesn’t suggests we should look elsewhere for Jesus’ meaning. I would suggest that if the exception clause does not refer to adultery, the only thing it can reasonably refer to is impurity in the woman discovered on the first night of the marriage, in which case there would have been deceit in the marriage contract. Jesus would then be saying (in full accord with the accepted views of the day) that although a man may divorce a woman immediately after marriage if he finds her not to be a virgin (in which case he was allowed by the law to remarry and was not to be called an adulterer), he is not permitted to divorce her for any other reason. If he does, he places her into a position in which she may be forced to remarry, thereby becoming an adulteress, and he would become an adulterer if he remarried.”
    This is in complete agreement with what Paul CLEARLY SAYS about CHRIST’S TEACHING on the subject, in 1 Corinthians 7.
    ESV 1 Corinthians 7:10 To the married I give this charge (not I, but the Lord): the wife should not separate from her husband 11 (but if she does, she should remain unmarried or else be reconciled to her husband), and the husband should not divorce his wife.
    The “exception clause” refers to the Jewish practice of betrothal, not divorce after the marriage has been properly contracted.
    Boice - “When we compare our practices with God’s standards, we might very well exclaim, as the disciples do in Matthew 19, “If this is the situation between a husband and wife, it is better not to marry” (v. 10).
    But it is good to marry! The problem is not with the institution of marriage, since marriage is God’s idea. It was God who brought the first bride to the first groom in Eden, after all. Everything God does is good. The problem is sin, or to put it another way, the problem is with our own hard hearts, which Jesus refers to explicitly in verse 8. Jesus says, referring to the Old Testament law about divorce (Deut. 24:1-4), “Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning.”
    I am sure this is why, in Matthew’s Gospel, the long discussion of divorce in chapter 19 (vv. 1-12) immediately follows the equally long discussion in chapter 18 (vv. 21-35) of the need of Christ’s followers to forgive other people, knowing that they themselves have been forgiven much more by God.


  • @grant2149
    @grant2149 Рік тому +4

    Your view on this topic is 💯 Biblical truth.
    People love looking for loopholes for divorce and remarriage. Thanks for teaching the thruth on this Topic.

  • @nhdaddyman
    @nhdaddyman 14 днів тому

    Excellent teaching. Thank you for being obedient.

  • @womanatwellworshiptheFather
    @womanatwellworshiptheFather 6 місяців тому +1

    😮thank God a baptist minister is understanding and teaching this Truth.

  • @truthhurts6145
    @truthhurts6145 8 місяців тому +1

    The Lord Jesus will be well pleased in you Dr. Richard Caldwell.

  • @upillarmail1593
    @upillarmail1593 Рік тому

    Is there a link for Boice paper?

  • @BAM-jc7uy
    @BAM-jc7uy Рік тому +3

    Amen. Also, the marriage vows were taken between the man and the woman AND WITH the Lord Himself. How would/could anyone professing to be born again break a vow taken with the Lord for any reason, and yet it's done with the marriage vow, and there are many, many churches remarrying professing born again members with new spouses????
    The Lord becomes the husband and companion of that partner who has been left, why would that born again divorced person bring someone into the sin of adultery,/possibly spiritual death for the sake of lonliness over obedience to the Lord and His Word?
    Can the person who divorced his spouse still come back, even after 48 years? There will also be that hope in the Lord, that the His Name would be glorified on the return of the spouse, and if not, the person waiting cannot go back to singleness knowing the Word.
    I was given a bill of divorcement mid 70s....and it is possible to live alone, without dates, friendships, etc from the opposite gender, but it did take diligence and care on my deportment in my younger years. I love and trust the Lord, knowing He alone has walked me through this.

    • @denitzahill5936
      @denitzahill5936 Рік тому +1

      What if your first marriage was to a divorced man? That marriage ended with him cheating and leaving. I question whether its even valid ?

    • @BAM-jc7uy
      @BAM-jc7uy Рік тому

      ​@@denitzahill5936 Get out your pencil n paper, use ur center column verse references or TSK (esword) to follow through, searching Scripture with Scripture.... the Lord Himself will personally open the "hidden" Word to you....we are to use the OT/NT as our examples, this is NOT a few minutes one time search of the Scriptures, this study/search does take time and prayer.
      If you married a divorced person, as a person professing to "know and love the Lord" and born again, the marriage vows taken still included the Lord Himself and you...was that divorced person professing to be born again too??....and IF he was divorced what born again testimony was that?? so you are questioning whether it is even valid???
      The new question is why would you want to put another person in a remarriage with you "IF" it might condemn that other person as an...OR to go to....
      Question: do u think it is possible to compound even more a situation you are living in for a more serious negative walk with the Lord? ....or would it be better NOT to marry to live single, so that the Lord would be glorified.
      How could you even go back to a marriage with a person divorced...unless his first wife is dead? Answers for you can only be found in YOUR search of the Scriptures.
      and remember our life in the flesh as humans is like a blink of an eye compared to all eternity with the Lord.... we are sojourners here, this is NOT our real home and our fleshy worldy passions and wants are of this earth, NOT part of our real life with our God in eternity.❤

    • @palee8928
      @palee8928 10 місяців тому

      If your spouse cheats, or if your non-believing spouse doesn’t want to be married to you and leaves, Jesus has given exceptions for divorce in these cases.

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 8 місяців тому

      @@denitzahill5936 being married to a divorced man, is not a covenant relationship, so one would be free to end this adulterous relationship and marry another...

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 8 місяців тому +1

      @@BAM-jc7uy the short answer....any covenant relationship, is binding....any non covenant relationship is sin and needs to be vacated...

  • @denitzahill5936
    @denitzahill5936 Рік тому

    Quick question: so I mistakenly married a man who was divorced. A year later he cheated and left me. I had many preachers say I could remarry bc he was not a ' covenant spouse' . I have studdied the scriptures deeply on this subject and realized what an error I made. Would a person make a mistake with me seeing Im now divorced? Just curious

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 8 місяців тому

      this is true....to marry someone, with a living spouse, that means that your....marriage....according, to the Bible was adultery, a non covenant relationship, and as such you would be able to end that relationship and find another one....Biblically speaking...

  • @philipbuckley759
    @philipbuckley759 8 місяців тому

    what about the ones, already divorced and remarried....leave, or stay, in that relationship......Piper says stay, what does this speaker say?

  • @MakemelodyinyourhearttotheLord
    @MakemelodyinyourhearttotheLord 8 місяців тому

    Very good sermon. Thank you.
    Someone I know has a view on why there is an exception clause in the book of Matthew that goes like this.....Matthew was one of the disciples and could have actually been present when Jesus gave the exception whereas Mark and Luke were not there when Jesus said it as they were not one of the 12. Their teaching in Mark 10 and Luke 16 omits the exception clause because they weren't there to hear Jesus give it.....
    What is your view on this please?

  • @tedvinessr7187
    @tedvinessr7187 5 місяців тому

    The exception is not for marital unfaithfulness but for the marriage of that which God has not joined together. Such marriages are joined by the state but not of God. They are the biscuit burner divorced remarriage.
    Your sermon is right on except for the betrothal exception. The betrothal is no longer practiced and would not be considered as important as all the remarriages that God hasen't joined together. There is no divorce for that which God has joined together.

  • @Lisa-ty5xw
    @Lisa-ty5xw Рік тому +2

    No divorce except if there is immorality in the engagement period. That is Jesus’ standard period. The Jewish view is the marriage begins once the engagement begins.

    • @palee8928
      @palee8928 10 місяців тому

      Jesus says if your nonbelieving spouse no longer wants to be married to you, they can leave. We are not forced to make them stay in that case. 1 Corinthians 7:15

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 8 місяців тому

      @@palee8928 not enslaved is not akin to not bound...

    • @sfs1167
      @sfs1167 6 місяців тому +1

      @@philipbuckley759 Then what does it mean? You aren't under bondage but you're still under bondage? No, it means that the marriage is dissolved. You aren't under bondage because that person leaves. What do unbelievers do when they leave? They find another relationship, which is porneia (sexual immorality).

  • @doglover19601
    @doglover19601 2 місяці тому

    He seems to contradict himself.

  • @debra9700
    @debra9700 4 місяці тому

    There is absolutely no marriage to another while the 1st spouse lives .. to say a divorced person can marry another after divorce you are adding to the word of God . Those in a marriage after divorce and the 1st spouse lives they are living in ongoing continual adultery and you will go to hell , you will not enter heaven. Repentance is turning away from sin , not continuing in the sin . The adulterous marriage must be dissolved and you either live alone or return to your 1st spouse .