The Spiritual History of Trees with Fred Hageneder

  • Опубліковано 21 жов 2024
  • This talk explores our relationship with trees and the natural world, the meeting of spirituality, mythology and ecology.
    Trees and humankind have always had a symbiotic relationship. Since time immemorial, trees have provided us with a multitude of nutritious fruits, leaves, flowers and roots for food and medicine, wood with which to make our tools, timber for houses, boats and bridges, and fuel for fire which drives the engines of civilization.
    Last but not least, the majority of spiritual paths have begun beneath old, venerable trees and in sacred groves. Ancient tree specimens are guardians of the gates to the spirit world, and almost all cultures have acknowledged that in their traditions.
    Our ancestors recognized that there is a vital balance in life: to receive and to give. They celebrated the forces of nature where they were closest, namely by sacred waterways or in sacred groves.
    Forests hold other secrets that not only serve humankind, but the entire biosphere. Together with the oceans, forests are the main players in maintaining the planet’s climate as well as the other regulatory systems that make this planet a living one. The forces they wield are gigantic, yet their balance is fragile. And contrary to prevailing opinion, these ecosystems function much less through competition than through cooperation.
    About Fred Hageneder:
    Fred Hageneder is a leading author in ethnobotany, the cultural and spiritual history and meaning of trees. So far, his work has been translated into ten languages. He is a member of SANASI, an international group of scientists who help indigenous guardians around the world protect their sacred natural sites. And he is a member of the Ecocentric Alliance, a global advocacy network for ecocentrism and deep green ethics. Fred is a founder member of the AYG (Ancient Yew Group) which works for a better conservation of ancient yew trees in Britain. He also plays traditional harps and composes music for various tree species.


  • @76biggdogg
    @76biggdogg 3 роки тому +17

    Great presentation . The one thing I have learned on my path of trying to awaken, and become enlightened is that we are very lucky to be alive at this period in time . Any information we want is available and we are able to hear all of these wonderful theories that help put the puzzle together.

  • @robbcervss595
    @robbcervss595 Рік тому +2

    Thank you

  • @Kayumari
    @Kayumari Рік тому +2

    I am clan Ewing, of the Yew tree, so loving your Yew and your sharing.

  • @johnniejohnson7916
    @johnniejohnson7916 3 роки тому +6

    Beethoven supposedly liked trees more than people. I love his Pastoral symphony the best of anything he composed. It conveyed his love of nature. Good lecture!

  • @dgarzaart2000
    @dgarzaart2000 4 роки тому +6

    Thank you so much for this lecture! Good things to you & yours now & forever! Peace, trees & health to everyone everywhere!

  • @AwakeningLeela
    @AwakeningLeela Рік тому +2

    Thanks so much for passing on the knowledge.
    I have had a understanding of the WWW wood Wide Web and seen the network and the connection trees have to all densities

  • @wisdomenchanters
    @wisdomenchanters 5 місяців тому

    Cool lecture... Im curious about those books in the background as well...🙂

  • @marklewis4793
    @marklewis4793 10 місяців тому

    thank you,

  • @JD-uq8iy
    @JD-uq8iy 4 роки тому +6

    Trees are Boss .

  • @DKMKartha108
    @DKMKartha108 2 роки тому +4

    धत्ते भरं कुसुमपत्र फलावलीनां
    घर्मव्यथां वहति शीतभवां रुजां च /
    यो देहमर्पयति चाऽन्य सुखस्य हेतोः
    तस्मै वदान्यगुरवे तरवे नमस्ते //
    dhattē bharaṁ kusumapatra phalāvalīnāṁ
    gharmavyathāṁ vahati śītabhavāṁ rujāṁ ca /
    yō dēhamarpayati cā’nya sukhasya hētōḥ
    tasmai vadānyaguravē taravē namastē //
    I bow my head in respect to you, O, Tree
    You are my guru
    In how you generously bear the weight of leaves and flowers and fruits
    For the sake of others,
    How you bear the hardship of the summer heat
    And the pains of the winter afflictions,
    For the sake of others,
    And how you offer your body and life at the end
    For the well-being of others.
    Jagannaatha Pandita (India, 15th Century C.E.)

  • @MikeNewham
    @MikeNewham 4 роки тому +1

    Just saw 'The Zelator' on the bookshelf to the right of the speaker. Definitely worth a read!

  • @thedruiddiaries6378
    @thedruiddiaries6378 3 роки тому +1

    Confirmation. Thank you.

  • @shesanerinafan
    @shesanerinafan 4 роки тому +1

    Interesting talk!

  • @spacelion6318
    @spacelion6318 2 роки тому +2

    Trees are worshipped all over India.even today.

  • @DKMKartha108
    @DKMKartha108 2 роки тому +6

    Vedic Hymn to Herbs
    yā oṣadhīḥ pūrvā jātā devebhyastriyughaṃ purā |
    manainu babhrūṇāmahaṃ śataṃ dhāmāni sapta ca ||
    śataṃ vo amba dhāmāni sahasramuta vo ruhaḥ |
    adhāśatakratvo yūyamimaṃ me aghadaṃ kṛta ||
    oṣadhīḥ prati modadhvaṃ puṣpavatīḥ prasūvarīḥ |
    aśvāiva sajitvarīrvīrudhaḥ pārayiṣṇvaḥ ||
    oṣadhīriti mātarastad vo devīrupa bruve |
    saneyamaśvaṃghāṃ vāsa ātmānaṃ tava pūruṣa ||
    aśvatthe vo niṣadanaṃ parṇe vo vasatiṣ kṛtā |
    ghobhāja itkilāsatha yat sanavatha pūruṣam ||
    yatrauṣadhīḥ samaghmata rājānaḥ samitāviva |
    vipraḥ saucyate bhiṣagh rakṣohāmīvacātanaḥ ||
    aśvāvatīṃ somāvatīmūrjayantīmudojasam |
    āvitsisarvā oṣadhīrasmā ariṣṭatātaye ||
    ucchuṣmā oṣadhīnāṃ ghāvo ghoṣṭhādiverate |
    dhanaṃsaniṣyantīnāmātmānaṃ tava pūruṣa ||
    iṣkṛtirnāma vo mātātho yūyaṃ stha niṣkṛtīḥ |
    sīrāḥpatatṛṇī sthana yadāmayati niṣ kṛtha ||
    ati viśvāḥ pariṣṭhā stena iva vrajamakramuḥ |
    oṣadhīḥprācucyavuryat kiṃ ca tanvo rapaḥ ||
    yadimā vājayannahamoṣadhīrhasta ādadhe |
    ātmāyakṣmasya naśyati purā jīvaghṛbho yathā ||
    yasyauṣadhīḥ prasarpathāṅgham-añghaṃ paruṣ-paruḥ |
    tatoyakṣmaṃ vi bādhadhva ughro madhyamaśīriva ||
    sākaṃ yakṣma pra pata cāṣeṇa kikidīvinā |
    sākaṃvātasya dhrājyā sākaṃ naśya nihākayā ||
    anyā vo anyāmavatvanyānyasyā upāvata |
    tāḥ sarvāḥsaṃvidānā idaṃ me prāvatā vacaḥ ||
    yāḥ phalinīryā aphalā apuṣpā yāśca puṣpiṇīḥ |
    bṛhaspatiprasūtāstā no muñcantvaṃhasaḥ ||
    muñcantu mā śapathyādatho varuṇyāduta |
    atho yamasyapaḍbīśāt sarvasmād devakilbiṣāt ||
    avapatantīravadan diva oṣadhayas pari |
    yaṃ jīvamaśnavāmahai na sa riṣyāti pūruṣaḥ ||
    yā oṣadhīḥ somarājñīrbahvīḥ śatavicakṣaṇāḥ |
    tāsāṃ tvamasyuttamāraṃ kāmāya śaṃ hṛde ||
    yā oṣadhīḥ somarājñīrviṣṭhitāḥ pṛthivīmanu |
    bṛhaspatiprasūtā asyai saṃ datta vīryam ||
    mā vo riṣat khanitā yasmai cāhaṃ khanāmi vaḥ |
    dvipaccatuṣpadasmākaṃ sarvamastvanāturam ||
    yāścedamupaśṛṇvanti yāśca dūraṃ parāghatāḥ |
    sarvāḥ saṃghatya vīrudho.asyai saṃ datta vīryam ||
    oṣadhayaḥ saṃ vadante somena saha rājñā |
    yasmai kṛṇotibrāhmaṇastaṃ rājan pārayāmasi ||
    tvamuttamāsyoṣadhe tava vṛkṣā upastayaḥ |
    upastirastuso.asmākaṃ yo asmānabhidāsati ||
    English Translation
    Translated by Ralph T.H. Griffith
    1. HERBS that sprang up in time of old, three ages earlier than the Gods,-
    Of these, whose hue is brown, will I declare the hundred powers and seven.
    2 Ye, Mothers, have a hundred homes, yea, and a thousand are your growths.
    Do ye who have a thousand powers free this my patient from disease.
    3 Be glad and joyful in the Plants, both blossoming and bearing fruit,
    Plants that will lead us to success like mares who conquer in the race.
    4 Plants, by this name I speak to you, Mothers, to you the Goddesses:
    Steed, cow, and garment may I win, win back thy very self, O man.
    5 The Holy Fig tree is your home, your mansion is the Parna tree:
    Winners of cattle shali ye be if ye regain for me this man.
    6 He who hath store of Herbs at hand like Kings amid a crowd of men,-
    Physician is that sage’s name, fiend-slayer, chaser of disease.
    7 Herbs rich in Soma, rich in steeds, in nourishments, in strengthening power,-
    All these have I provided here, that this man may be whole again.
    8 The healing virtues of the Plants stream forth like cattle from the stall,-
    Plants that shall win me store of wealth, and save thy vital breath, O man.
    9 Reliever is your mother’s name, and hence Restorers are ye called.
    Rivers are ye with wings that fly: keep far whatever brings disease.
    10 Over all fences have they passed, as steals a thief into the fold.
    The Plants have driven from the frame whatever malady was there.
    11 When, bringing back the vanished strength, I hold these herbs within my hand,
    The spirit of disease departs ere he can seize upon the life.
    12 He through whose frame, O Plants, ye creep member by member, joint by joint,-
    From him ye drive away disease like some strong arbiter of strife.
    13 Fly, Spirit of Disease, begone, with the blue jay and kingfisher.
    Fly with the wind’s impetuousspeed, vanish together with the storm.
    14 Help every one the other, lend assistance each of you to each,
    All of you be accordant, give furtherance to this speech of mine.
    15 Let fruitful Plants, and fruitless, those that blossom, and the blossomless,
    Urged onward by Bṛhaspati, release us from our pain and grief;
    16 Release me from the curse’s plague and woe that comes from Varuṇa;
    Free me from Yama’s fetter, from sin and offence against the Gods.
    17 What time, descending from the sky, the Plants flew earthward, thus they spake:
    No evil shall befall the man whom while he liveth we pervade,
    18 Of all the many Plants whose King is, Soma, Plants of hundred forms,
    Thou art the Plant most excellent, prompt to the wish, sweet to the heart.
    19 O all ye various Herbs whose King is Soma, that o’erspread the earth,
    Urged onward by Bṛhaspati, combine your virtue in this Plant.
    20 Unharmed be he who digs you up, unharmed the man for whom I dig:
    And let no malady attack biped or quadruped of ours.
    21 All Plants that hear this speech, and those that have departed far away,
    Come all assembled and confer your healing power upon this Herb.
    22 With Soma as their Sovran Lord the Plants hold colloquy and say:
    O King, we save from death the man whose cure a Brahman undertakes.
    23 Most excellent of all art thou, O Plant thy vassals are the trees.
    Let him be subject to our power, the man who seeks to injure us.

    • @racheldove748
      @racheldove748 2 роки тому +1

      Incredible!!!! Thank you for taking the time and making the effort to post this!!

    • @DKMKartha108
      @DKMKartha108 2 роки тому +1

      @@racheldove748 Wonderful, at least one person noticed!! Did you notice that the Oshadhi-s = healing herbs are called both Mothers and Goddesses ? I am proud of having coming out of the tribe that had the wisdom to see both the Maternality and Divinity of herbs, which by the way have healed me numerous times since 1967, the only and last year when I took chemical drugs! Peppermint helped me kick the nicotine habit, and Sage has healed me of various ailments, etc. etc. May more and more people turn to them for help resorting to chemicals and surgical solutions solely in crisis situations!

  • @BridgeWINGS
    @BridgeWINGS 3 роки тому

    Very informative.

  • @alexx3495
    @alexx3495 2 роки тому +1


  • @sawtoothiandi
    @sawtoothiandi 4 роки тому +14


  • @domwick720
    @domwick720 2 роки тому

    what is name of book two rows over from Outer Gateways.

  • @Owen741.
    @Owen741. 6 місяців тому


  • @zaahafizah4808
    @zaahafizah4808 3 роки тому


  • @TheMalka770
    @TheMalka770 Рік тому

    Today is the New year for Trees,in Judaism. The sap begins to flow....very deep(not only roots) Man is the tree of the field. the tree of life is Torah

  • @1voovvoov1
    @1voovvoov1 4 роки тому +3

    Love your position on trees but it is the human that needs to responsible not a particular colour of human.

    • @76biggdogg
      @76biggdogg 3 роки тому +3

      At the very top , or should I say very bottom of the "pyramid" of this world are the "rulers of this world" . They are they are people who are destroying the Planet through industrialization. We don't need any more "creature comforts" . We need to start building our spiritual bodies but there is a lot of interference in the frequencies we need . It's not a coincidence that they all have pale skin . Evil comes in all colors . It just so happens that this epoch we have the 13 families . They all come from the serpent's seed. I know it sounds crazy. I can't explain like these kind lectures. Check out Fritz Springmeier (sp. ? ) . He breaks down the whole thing. David Icke is really good too for connecting the dots.

  • @PhiTonics
    @PhiTonics 2 роки тому +1

    29:31 There's your biggest, and most glarring problem, you think the ancient people's were irrational thinkers, look what they built, nothing could be further from the truth, the ancient people's had it figured out, it's us that's confused.

    • @DKMKartha108
      @DKMKartha108 2 роки тому +1

      Here is what one of the ancient peoples sang:
      Vedic Hymn to Herbs (with translation)
      yā oṣadhīḥ pūrvā jātā devebhyastriyughaṃ purā |
      manainu babhrūṇāmahaṃ śataṃ dhāmāni sapta ca ||
      śataṃ vo amba dhāmāni sahasramuta vo ruhaḥ |
      adhāśatakratvo yūyamimaṃ me aghadaṃ kṛta ||
      oṣadhīḥ prati modadhvaṃ puṣpavatīḥ prasūvarīḥ |
      aśvāiva sajitvarīrvīrudhaḥ pārayiṣṇvaḥ ||
      oṣadhīriti mātarastad vo devīrupa bruve |
      saneyamaśvaṃghāṃ vāsa ātmānaṃ tava pūruṣa ||
      aśvatthe vo niṣadanaṃ parṇe vo vasatiṣ kṛtā |
      ghobhāja itkilāsatha yat sanavatha pūruṣam ||
      yatrauṣadhīḥ samaghmata rājānaḥ samitāviva |
      vipraḥ saucyate bhiṣagh rakṣohāmīvacātanaḥ ||
      aśvāvatīṃ somāvatīmūrjayantīmudojasam |
      āvitsisarvā oṣadhīrasmā ariṣṭatātaye ||
      ucchuṣmā oṣadhīnāṃ ghāvo ghoṣṭhādiverate |
      dhanaṃsaniṣyantīnāmātmānaṃ tava pūruṣa ||
      iṣkṛtirnāma vo mātātho yūyaṃ stha niṣkṛtīḥ |
      sīrāḥpatatṛṇī sthana yadāmayati niṣ kṛtha ||
      ati viśvāḥ pariṣṭhā stena iva vrajamakramuḥ |
      oṣadhīḥprācucyavuryat kiṃ ca tanvo rapaḥ ||
      yadimā vājayannahamoṣadhīrhasta ādadhe |
      ātmāyakṣmasya naśyati purā jīvaghṛbho yathā ||
      yasyauṣadhīḥ prasarpathāṅgham-añghaṃ paruṣ-paruḥ |
      tatoyakṣmaṃ vi bādhadhva ughro madhyamaśīriva ||
      sākaṃ yakṣma pra pata cāṣeṇa kikidīvinā |
      sākaṃvātasya dhrājyā sākaṃ naśya nihākayā ||
      anyā vo anyāmavatvanyānyasyā upāvata |
      tāḥ sarvāḥsaṃvidānā idaṃ me prāvatā vacaḥ ||
      yāḥ phalinīryā aphalā apuṣpā yāśca puṣpiṇīḥ |
      bṛhaspatiprasūtāstā no muñcantvaṃhasaḥ ||
      muñcantu mā śapathyādatho varuṇyāduta |
      atho yamasyapaḍbīśāt sarvasmād devakilbiṣāt ||
      avapatantīravadan diva oṣadhayas pari |
      yaṃ jīvamaśnavāmahai na sa riṣyāti pūruṣaḥ ||
      yā oṣadhīḥ somarājñīrbahvīḥ śatavicakṣaṇāḥ |
      tāsāṃ tvamasyuttamāraṃ kāmāya śaṃ hṛde ||
      yā oṣadhīḥ somarājñīrviṣṭhitāḥ pṛthivīmanu |
      bṛhaspatiprasūtā asyai saṃ datta vīryam ||
      mā vo riṣat khanitā yasmai cāhaṃ khanāmi vaḥ |
      dvipaccatuṣpadasmākaṃ sarvamastvanāturam ||
      yāścedamupaśṛṇvanti yāśca dūraṃ parāghatāḥ |
      sarvāḥ saṃghatya vīrudho.asyai saṃ datta vīryam ||
      oṣadhayaḥ saṃ vadante somena saha rājñā |
      yasmai kṛṇotibrāhmaṇastaṃ rājan pārayāmasi ||
      tvamuttamāsyoṣadhe tava vṛkṣā upastayaḥ |
      upastirastuso.asmākaṃ yo asmānabhidāsati ||
      English Translation
      Translated by Ralph T.H. Griffith
      1. HERBS that sprang up in time of old, three ages earlier than the Gods,-
      Of these, whose hue is brown, will I declare the hundred powers and seven.
      2 Ye, Mothers, have a hundred homes, yea, and a thousand are your growths.
      Do ye who have a thousand powers free this my patient from disease.
      3 Be glad and joyful in the Plants, both blossoming and bearing fruit,
      Plants that will lead us to success like mares who conquer in the race.
      4 Plants, by this name I speak to you, Mothers, to you the Goddesses:
      Steed, cow, and garment may I win, win back thy very self, O man.
      5 The Holy Fig tree is your home, your mansion is the Parna tree:
      Winners of cattle shali ye be if ye regain for me this man.
      6 He who hath store of Herbs at hand like Kings amid a crowd of men,-
      Physician is that sage’s name, fiend-slayer, chaser of disease.
      7 Herbs rich in Soma, rich in steeds, in nourishments, in strengthening power,-
      All these have I provided here, that this man may be whole again.
      8 The healing virtues of the Plants stream forth like cattle from the stall,-
      Plants that shall win me store of wealth, and save thy vital breath, O man.
      9 Reliever is your mother’s name, and hence Restorers are ye called.
      Rivers are ye with wings that fly: keep far whatever brings disease.
      10 Over all fences have they passed, as steals a thief into the fold.
      The Plants have driven from the frame whatever malady was there.
      11 When, bringing back the vanished strength, I hold these herbs within my hand,
      The spirit of disease departs ere he can seize upon the life.
      12 He through whose frame, O Plants, ye creep member by member, joint by joint,-
      From him ye drive away disease like some strong arbiter of strife.
      13 Fly, Spirit of Disease, begone, with the blue jay and kingfisher.
      Fly with the wind’s impetuousspeed, vanish together with the storm.
      14 Help every one the other, lend assistance each of you to each,
      All of you be accordant, give furtherance to this speech of mine.
      15 Let fruitful Plants, and fruitless, those that blossom, and the blossomless,
      Urged onward by Bṛhaspati, release us from our pain and grief;
      16 Release me from the curse’s plague and woe that comes from Varuṇa;
      Free me from Yama’s fetter, from sin and offense against the Gods.
      17 What time, descending from the sky, the Plants flew earthward, thus they spake:
      No evil shall befall the man whom while he liveth we pervade,
      18 Of all the many Plants whose King is, Soma, Plants of hundred forms,
      Thou art the Plant most excellent, prompt to the wish, sweet to the heart.
      19 O all ye various Herbs whose King is Soma, that o’erspread the earth,
      Urged onward by Bṛhaspati, combine your virtue in this Plant.
      20 Unharmed be he who digs you up, unharmed the man for whom I dig:
      And let no malady attack biped or quadruped of ours.
      21 All Plants that hear this speech, and those that have departed far away,
      Come all assembled and confer your healing power upon this Herb.
      22 With Soma as their Sovran Lord the Plants hold colloquy and say:
      O King, we save from death the man whose cure a Brahman undertakes.
      23 Most excellent of all art thou, O Plant thy vassals are the trees.
      Let him be subject to our power, the man who seeks to injure us.

  • @deniserothwell6325
    @deniserothwell6325 4 роки тому +3

    Check the vid No Forests on Flat Earth. Mind blowing!

  • @divinejustice536
    @divinejustice536 2 роки тому
