Grazie per aver guardato e commentato! Sono onorato di ricevere il tuo commento dall'Italia. L'Alfa Romeo del passato aveva un gusto ricco e peculiarità, che sembrano essere direttamente collegate alla sua individualità e leggenda!
I owned a 1969 "GT Junior" myself. Absolutely loved driving this car and wish I'd been able to keep it until now. Beautiful car, and great handling for an older vehicle! Thanks for the video!
The 1960's were very creative years for Italian car designers and your guest has chosen a beautiful example. Yet another young man with impeccable taste ! Another good reason for not driving old Alfas in the wet is that the electrics on some models don't like being wet.
Thank you for watching and commenting! I think the information is very useful for the owner, Hiromu. It's very thoughtful and loving that he prepared a Golf as an everyday car!
Old Alfa-Romeos really were works of art and this Guila is a truly beautiful car! It always feels a bit special when you have young guests that love a their old cars! :)
Thank you for watching and commenting! When he was a student, he could have bought a car with my small savings, but he didn't look away and ended up with his first car. We admire your single-minded attitude!
Thank you for watching and commenting! It shows respect for the car culture of each country. Perhaps it is precisely because of values that don't exist in one's own country that one can respect the culture of other countries!
Thank you for watching and commenting! It's so beautiful. I was surprised to see it up close. If you buy it, please let me interview you. We want to go to Italy too!
Grazie per aver guardato e commentato! Non posso fare a meno di considerarlo un'opera d'arte commovente. Continueremo a distribuire con costanza video dal Giappone, rendendo omaggio alla sensibilità degli italiani!
hello, congratulations for your fluent Italian and thanks for the videos of beautiful Italian cars of the past. greetings with esteem and sympathy to the Japanese friends.@@boys_and_wheels_tv_
Is that a Black Bay? You need a Boys and Watches TV! Recently became an Alfisti when we purchased a Giulia Carbon Sport. I would love to own a classic Sprint Veloce! Lucky kid.
Thank you for watching and commenting! I'm glad you took such good note of the details. Cars and watches go really well together, don't they? I'll take that as a hint for the future. By the way, congratulations on joining the Alfisti family!
ご視聴とコメント、ありがとうございます! そうなんです。成熟して達観していますね!
ご視聴とコメント、ありがとうございます! 取材していると麻痺していますが、確かに極めて珍しい例ですね!
Grazie per aver guardato e commentato! Sono onorato di ricevere il tuo commento dall'Italia. L'Alfa Romeo del passato aveva un gusto ricco e peculiarità, che sembrano essere direttamente collegate alla sua individualità e leggenda!
Hiromu is a real car guy. He’s so young and already owning a legendary car (in my eyes at least).
Great episode, keep it up! 👍🏼
Thank you for watching and commenting! Hiromu-san is a brave car guy. We will continue to introduce such wonderful owners in our videos!
ご視聴とコメント、ありがとうございます! 一生懸命に稼ぎ、クルマを楽しんでらっしゃいますね!
ご視聴とコメント、ありがとうございます! よい時代のアルファ ロメオの共通点かもしれませんね。おっしゃるとおり、最高です!
I owned a 1969 "GT Junior" myself. Absolutely loved driving this car and wish I'd been able to keep it until now. Beautiful car, and great handling for an older vehicle! Thanks for the video!
The 1960's were very creative years for Italian car designers and your guest has chosen a beautiful example. Yet another young man with impeccable taste ! Another good reason for not driving old Alfas in the wet is that the electrics on some models don't like being wet.
Thank you for watching and commenting! I think the information is very useful for the owner, Hiromu. It's very thoughtful and loving that he prepared a Golf as an everyday car!
ご視聴とコメント、ありがとうございます! オーナーさんの勇気にリスペクトですね。バンパーレスが程よくいけてます!
Old Alfa-Romeos really were works of art and this Guila is a truly beautiful car! It always feels a bit special when you have young guests that love a their old cars! :)
Thank you for watching and commenting! It really does seem like a moving work of art. We salute this young car guy for being the first to notice that!
This kid has a large bank roll to own so many nice cars as his age. Impressive
Thank you for watching and commenting! When he was a student, he could have bought a car with my small savings, but he didn't look away and ended up with his first car. We admire your single-minded attitude!
I like the cultural exchange we have with Japan, they love italian cars, we love JDM cars
Thank you for watching and commenting! It shows respect for the car culture of each country. Perhaps it is precisely because of values that don't exist in one's own country that one can respect the culture of other countries!
ohh this Alfa is a real treasure and a true legend, such a very respected car here in Italy, how lucky is this guy !
Thank you for watching and commenting! We appreciate your comments from Italy. It's all thanks to the hard work of our owner, Hiromu!
ご視聴とコメント、ありがとうございます! おっしゃるとおりですね。オーナーさん、さらりとおっしゃっていましたが、並々ならぬ努力だったと思います!
ご視聴とコメント、ありがとうございます! 美しさと可愛らしさ、それだけでなくセクシーさも同居していますね!
この時代のアルファは、軽量+ツインカム(確か) + 4輪ディスクブレーキ(確か)だから超面白いんですよね❗️
ご視聴とコメント、ありがとうございます! 早くも確固たるスタイルが確立されているようにみえて憧れます。かっこよすぎる若きカーガイです!
ご視聴とコメント、ありがとうございます! 実際にそばでまじまじと拝見すると、記憶よりもはるかにデザインが立体的で、セクシーでした。同時に研ぎ澄まされていました!
ご視聴とコメント、ありがとうございます! 逆、これもまた自動車趣味の楽しさですね。音最高でした!
ご視聴とコメント、ありがとうございます! 大先輩の激励メッセージ、感無量です。楽しむのが一番ですね!
ご視聴とコメント、ありがとうございます! 一貫した思想というのは、それだけでクルマと人をかっこよくしますね!
ご視聴とコメント、ありがとうございます! 素晴らしい視点に驚くばかりです。おっしゃる通りかもしれませんね!
Bravo to this guy, real petrolhead, he chose a lagend car to drive
Thank you for watching and commenting! He's a true car guy!
ご視聴とコメント、ありがとうございます! 全くもって正しいですね。手前の時点で欲望に負けちゃうのもよくある出来事ですが…笑
Классная картинка, ребята, и классный формат интервью с микрофоном :) с уважением
Спасибо за просмотр и комментарий! Спасибо за комплимент. Я продолжу держать микрофон и сделаю все возможное!
Beautiful, really beautiful car! Hope One day to get me One too...
Greetings from Italy 🇮🇹🤝🇯🇵
Thank you for watching and commenting! It's so beautiful. I was surprised to see it up close. If you buy it, please let me interview you. We want to go to Italy too!
Alfa for Life forever 🫶👍
ご視聴とコメント、ありがとうございます! アルファ ロメオに乗ってらっしゃるのですね。はい、Hiromuさんを50年後に取材するのがわたしたちの目標にもなりました!
hi, this model in Italy was called Alfa Romeo GT....beautiful video...greetings from Italy
Grazie per aver guardato e commentato! Non posso fare a meno di considerarlo un'opera d'arte commovente. Continueremo a distribuire con costanza video dal Giappone, rendendo omaggio alla sensibilità degli italiani!
hello, congratulations for your fluent Italian and thanks for the videos of beautiful Italian cars of the past. greetings with esteem and sympathy to the Japanese friends.@@boys_and_wheels_tv_
Is that a Black Bay? You need a Boys and Watches TV! Recently became an Alfisti when we purchased a Giulia Carbon Sport. I would love to own a classic Sprint Veloce! Lucky kid.
Thank you for watching and commenting! I'm glad you took such good note of the details. Cars and watches go really well together, don't they? I'll take that as a hint for the future. By the way, congratulations on joining the Alfisti family!
ご視聴とコメント、ありがとうございます! かっこいいですよねー!
Another great story
Thank you for watching and commenting! We will carefully cover the unique stories of each owner!
ご視聴とコメント、ありがとうございます! 素敵なスタイルですよね。本当に好きでないと、たどり着けない境地ですよね!
Incredibilmente bella. Complimenti
Thank you for watching and commenting! As Japanese people, we are very happy to hear praise for Giulia from Italy!
Maravilloso coche. Me encanta. Muchas gracias por compartir.
Obrigado por assistir e comentar! É lindo e legal, não é? Obrigado por visitar.
Es un coche muy bonito y bien mantenido, próximo a su estado original.
ご視聴とコメント、ありがとうございます! これは本当に面白い側面です。いったり、きたり。あるいはそのままだったり。
ご視聴とコメント、ありがとうございます! まだ間に合うかも⁉︎ クルマ趣味を楽しみましょう!
ご視聴とコメント、ありがとうございます! オリジナルでありながら、少しずつHiromuさんの個性がありますね。
ご視聴とコメント、ありがとうございます! なんと! すっかり有名人ですね笑
@@boys_and_wheels_tv_ 自分も同い年の67年式1300Junior乗っているので自然と目がいってしまいました😊
ご視聴とコメント、ありがとうございます! なんと懐かしいタイトル。あらためて読み直したくなりますね!
Un pezzo di antiquariato! 🪙
Grazie per aver guardato e commentato! E' un'Alfa Romeo d'epoca. Ce ne sono molti in Italia?
@@boys_and_wheels_tv_ No, sono rare, si vedono ai raduni delle auto d'epoca.
ご視聴とコメント、ありがとうございます! あら?
우와.... 줄리에타!!
시청과 코멘트, 감사합니다! 한국에서도 알파 로메오 줄리아는 인기입니까?
ご視聴とコメント、ありがとうございます! 悪魔のささやきにも聞こえます。オーナーさん、見ているかな?笑
ご視聴とコメント、ありがとうございます! 注意点、オーナーのHiromuさんもこのコメントをご覧になっているかと思います! そして趣味の先輩からの空冷の誘惑、こういうのが次のクルマ選びを大きく左右するんですよねー!
ご視聴とコメント、ありがとうございます! 勝ち負けではないですよ! 156 V6、たまらない甘美な魅力がありましたね。アルファ ロメオらしさも色濃く残っていたと思います!
ご視聴とコメント、ありがとうございます! ポルシェの魔力ともいえますねえ。たしかに何度もポルシェに戻ってしまう人、多い。
ご視聴とコメント、ありがとうございます! いや大変な思いで貯金されたとおっしゃっていますよ。すごい!
「なりまァす」 やめてくれ!
ご視聴とコメント、ありがとうございます! 恐れ入りますが、もう少し詳しくご教示いただけますか? 今後の参考にさせていただきたく。
ご視聴とコメント、ありがとうございます! うれしい着眼点です。細かくご覧いただき感謝いたします!
Thank you for watching and commenting! In Japan, cars tend to be maintained relatively carefully!