Bien de rappeler ce qui se passe en France (Mohamed Kaci) parce que ça se passe aussi en Allemagne (Abu Sittah / Varoufakis ont été interdits de conférences) Mais aussi aux USA ou des journalistes sont régulièrement virés (le fondateur de de la chaine Zeto viré d'MSNBC Medhi Hassane - Briahna Joy Gray / Kathie Harped Guillaume Meurice aussi. et j'en oublie sûrement
@@InternetdevMehdi Hassan declined the offer of a lesser position by MSNBC. He’s doing Royally with his program he started (Zeteo) Katie HALPER ( a jew), she’s doing her own program with AARON MATTE , (2useful idiots). Briahna, (Bad Faith). Krystal Ball( breaking points). They are 1st class journalists. I wouldn’t trade them for any of the propaganda filth media the western countries have!
J'oubliais de préciser... Parce que ce qui est plutôt dingue là dedans, c'est que certain ont été viré avant le 07/10/2023. Et je trouve même que cela fait des années qu'il y a, en France aussi, une sorte de préparation au consentement à ce qui arrive et choque, à raison, tous les humanistes, alors que cela devrait choquer tout le monde. Le fait même que Netanyahu était invité en France pour les victimes Charlie alors que son armée était accusée d'avoir assassiné Shireen Abu Akley , c'est tellement dystopique, autant que de voir Valls s'inventer anti-raciste alors qu'en 2009 se raciste réclama plus de Whites. Dans un monde aussi dingue, même le factieux Trump qui est le premier président à avoir causé une insurrection est moins ennuyé par les médias que les manifestants non décérébrés des campus universitaires (là encore un copier coller autoritaires en Allemagne , en France et Angleterre (et peut-être ailleurs) suivit pas les médias qui insultent les étudiants d'antisémites) qui manifestent contre un génocide. Je ne suis pas fier de vivre dans ces temps Orwelliens
Brilliant Brian ENO, and Frank Barat:Thank you so much for standing up against these horrific atrocities and warcrimes being commited every Day on the palestinian people! So few artists are daring to take a stand against this obvious genocide, its mindblowing! 🇵🇸💚🇵🇸
@@chris33337 See who controls the music industry. Only very rish, famous established people can disregard what that mafia can do. Young upcoming people can't.
@@thornil2231 Yes, i agree with you! However, it was the very rich, famous and established artists i was talking about , those who always used to back up humanitarian causes, suddenly they are nowhere to be seen.... .
Thank you, again, for your conversations with people. They don't have to be history or geopolitical lessons. Sometimes just talking to intelligent, thoughtful people, good people, is good to hear. So, thank you, again. Good conversation. ❤
Thank you Frank, thank you Brian. Thank you for keeping the light of humanity on, thank you for being brave, humane and most importantly for speaking out for justice. ❤️🙏🇵🇸❤️
T'was the same during CONVID: an absolutely shameful period where almost the entirety of music artist showed themselves for being the feeble Middle Class strivers that they actually are.
The Israelis have dehumanized the Palestinian people to such an extent, they can do whatever they want.. With American support. Thank you for supporting Palestine.
Thank you for this sensitive interview, Frank and Brian. I totally share the feeling of fear that there is no "moral" institution which can actually prevent horrors. At the same time it's always been like this (Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Namibia, South Africa, etc etc, and of course Palestine...), the difference now with Gaza is that it's crystal clear to everyone (or perhaps to those who care for humanity). There has never been such a global movement like the one for Palestine, not even for Vietnam, let alone the other horrors. This is probably the biggest crisis of the capitalist, colonial and racist society. It is the first time that the Global South clearly and strongly acts for global justice. This is totally unprecedented, in my 62 years I've never seen anything like this, and this makes me think that a huge societal change has begun. The people are moving forward, and the governments will sooner or later reflect this. But it will take time. In France the problem of the far right is due to the fact that a huge number of citizens do not vote. Who are these people? If we think that mental health issues are growing exponentially, perhaps these are the people who are so depressed and pessimistic that they cannot possibly see that they can make a change. And yes, I sometimes feel powerless too, but it's not true. Interviews like these are contributing to this change, inspiring us and uniting us. I'm an artist too and I work with youth, with addicts and with prison inmates, and I feel that facilitating the empowerment of the people who suffer is a way to contribute to this change.
Im delighted, though not surprised, to see Brian Eno, compassionate, articulate, and standing firmly with Palestine. I admire his courage and wish others would follow this great man. And calling Israel and its enablers out for what they do and what they are. We can make a difference, but we must stand together globally and collectively not spend a penny, even if only for one day! We know money is all these people in power care for. I need someone/ group who organises to think about this or anything else we can do simultaneously around the globe! This genocide has to stop somehow, it won't be our governments who end these horrors being endured by our Palestinian brothers and sisters, from babies to the pld, everyone is a target 😢
Boycott all the Israeli made products until they stop 🛑 the colonizers and stop 🚏 the genocide in Palestine! Boycott Estée Lauder L'Oréal Lancome Motorola Macdonald Starbucks,ect.
Thank you so much, Gentlemen. It's so straightforward, isn't it? But somehow our leaders "cannot" see it, and even less say it. Thoughtful, intelligent, needed conversation. Thank you.
After seeing the interviews with the latest palestinians released with signs of torture, nothing gives me hope ............... what the hell did we become ?!
Thank you for this interview, Brian Eno expressed so well how many of us are feeling about the continuing brutal violence in Gaza and the West bank.Thank you for mentioning the effect this is having on the vitally important international institutions.
As a Palestinian Jew (Not mentioning the I word anymore)- thank you Eno. You're so spot on. I'm taking my magnificent Eno boxes back to Europe. Fighting Zionazism demographically
Let’s be honest though, these great global institutions where never able to do much for the Palestinians. Aid yes, but keep them safe or give them the protection of international laws, No. That’s why it’s come to this.
FREE PALESTINE & THE HUMAN RACE , We are morally bankrupt . Always loved Enos work Great to see honor in character in the creative culture SO SUPRISINGLY LACKING in the arts?? its insane Rodger Waters & You? thats so depressing, money trumps Life of innocent. in our faces, God Bless Good Work Gentlemen please keep speaking up , Thank You
Thank you for this interview. In 1978 I was 17 years old and and Brian's music changed the way I perceived the world until this day. The biggest influence in my life! It is so meaningful to me personally, to listen one of my cultural icons speaking out about this deeply horrific moment in history. Thank you for speaking up. Many, many regular people are being silenced in the US by depraving them of their livelihoods, or the threat of losing it. I would like to mention that one of the biggest forces behind it all is the evangelical christian right psyonists and the Iz-rael lobby. They have managed to silence the country.
Ireland has been one of the countries that has stood up strong on behalf of Palestine, good on them, but Bono of U2 has been on the side of the genocidal US policies since having photo ops with Bush. Brian Eno is completely correct here, I wonder what he thinks of the U2 vocalist's toxic views, considering he produced some of their music.?
Me neither. If anything, they’ll go angrier and resent the world for not supporting their g-enocide. They are extremely depraved and radicalized. There is no hint of empathy in any of them
“Don’t we have any courage left in this? …If you don’t think this is an outrage…what is an outrage, if this isn’t?” Thank you, Brian Eno (& Frank Barat), for helping feed & save humanity and “build a kind of future we want to live in.” A future where “singing, dancing, & camping” is the norm, as well as the default response for conflict resolution in every country. And if all beings listened regularly to Brian’s music, there would be a more peaceful, humane, unified, creative, courageous, responsible, ethically-advanced world of higher consciousness. A world that serves humanity for all beings, human & non-human, & our dear planet. I played my “Music for Airports” CD on repeat years ago for a 6-7wk very traumatized, feral street kitten I’d rescued off the street that was severely ill, and within seconds of my turning it on, he stopped crying & pacing frantically around the carrier, and curled up in the corner just listening. After his vet visit (treated for a bad roundworm infestation, a URI, infected eye that had sealed shut, malnutrition, dehydration, & ringworm), I took him home & continued his treatment and playing “Music for Airports” on repeat 24/7 and within 2-3 days, he let me pat him, then willingly came out to me and nestled beside me as I fed him from my hands. Eventually he would curl up in my lap & begged to be held. Almost 16 years later, and my boy still loves him some Brian Eno.🙌🐾🎶☮️❤️🇵🇸🌎
Gracias a los 2 por el compromiso. No sólo músicos, los artistas en general, intelectuales, deportistas...La mayoría de ellos callan. Y como dice Brian: Cómo puedes mantenerte neutral frente a esto? A dónde hemos llegado?
immediate subscribe....anyone who not only interviews Eno in this day and age.....but in regards to this subject.... my most heartfelt thank you to the both of you.
It would be great if artistes & musicians could organise a concert to raise money & awareness for Palestine. No use asking those in the music industry owned by the Zionists: Geldof, Bono, etc. But there are others such as Roger Waters, Eric Clapton, Lowkey, Paul Weller.
I am so glad to hear Brian, every statement, grounded in a functional moral compass: he was and is stil (now even more) a great inspiration in my work, and all he has done has now a bright meaning, somehow new, renovated... being consequent has weight. Thanks a lot Frank for all your work and passion, so human!
It hurts ,its hurt the entire time , life feels hopeless , i dont future is going to be good for me , i think im going to die of loneliness if the pain doesnt stop
At some point, we will have reached the tipping point, where the critical mass facilitates a switch of paradigm and the small forces become the driving force for tomorrow's big changes.
Peace PROCESS. PATHWAY to peace. But not peace itself. The Iraq war on behalf of Israel began when there was talk of a ROAD MAP.. All talks were then suspended.
193 nations multiply by 1000 for each nation’s politicians and key business leaders comes to less than 1 million people that 8 Billion can over come.. impotency doesn’t make sense
@@lulusp1023 In addition view Ryan Dawson film How Israel Stole the Atomic Bomb and Killed ____ Dawson also offers up 13+ yrs investigating Epstein & his intimate Israeli connections
I feel sorry for generations of young Israelis being brought up on a totally skewed sens of history, on fear, on hate et on total lack of empathy! To what kind of society does it lead?? You both said it! Where are Edward Said and Daniel Barenboim to bring young Palestinians and Israelis together? Or is it still possible?
How can you make it a condition on Palestinians to accept Israeli Control of their borders, Control of entry and exit, Control of Imports and exports, control of who comez and who leaves, control over their Land Sea and Air
When are you Brian, Roger Water and Eric Clapton going to play together? There has been Bangladesh, South Africa... isn't it great time for a Concert for Palestine... and of cause Sting and Bono won't show up... 😂😂 I am actually serious. Those concerts did more to fight apartheid than all the you tube preaching.
Is Eno positive about Palestine or has he completely given up and is seeking for his own 'self' preservation methods? Its difficult to figure out from the interview. Frank is quite clear on where he stands, there's no doubt.
I'm wondering if all those musicians who have deemed its ok to play concerts in the apartheid state,will now no longer do so,because it says of them,that they are ok with what the zionist entity has done to the Palestinian people.Thankfully there are musicians with a moral compass,muscians like Brian and Roger Waters.
The situation is so appallingly out of control. Why is this horror allowed to continue? Money money money. I call and write my reps and the whitehouse regularly, almost daily… and zilch… just lies and deflections from Kamala and all.
0:17 Sorry Brian ..but i have to question your use of the word Genocide in regard to what is happening in Gaza .....also your statistic that all countires except perhaps for Germany are against the war in Gaza aza do you know how the German people feel about this ....and that "ireland" is the only small country doing anything about it ...which suggesys automatically that all irish people are standing bravely against the war in Gaza ...this is simply not the case.....but because you are some self appointed specialist on the situation people seem unwilling to challenge your opinions ....are you up for a discussion on this are do you just want us to listen to you and prostrate in front of your holy utterances.
@@shasta8sisyphus mean their government's...the peoples of the countries did not's a mistake to judge a country or people by the actions of their governments
@@edmundhamill2916 Of course I mean their governments; that’s who votes at the ICJ. I would never judge a whole people by their government. I certainly don’t feel represented by mine.
I think Gideon was saying that when Israel was supposedly doing the right thing the accusations of anti semitism were at their lowest but when they are obviously doing the wrong thing the accusations are soaring. Meaning, I think, it is a jack up to divert attention from Gaza. I have been equally puzzled by the absolute silence of most of the spiritual gurus of our time. People I normally respect have chosen to be in some position of neutrality I guess. I've challenged those I follow but they have also been silent in the face of challenge. Disgraceful really. After WW2 everyone said "oh if I was there I would have blah blah blah"... well no they are silent. Brian is right. It is a lack of courage and willingness to suffer somewhat for your convictions.
If you liked the video, please give it a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel, thanks !
Bien de rappeler ce qui se passe en France (Mohamed Kaci) parce que ça se passe aussi en Allemagne (Abu Sittah / Varoufakis ont été interdits de conférences)
Mais aussi aux USA ou des journalistes sont régulièrement virés (le fondateur de de la chaine Zeto viré d'MSNBC Medhi Hassane - Briahna Joy Gray / Kathie Harped
Guillaume Meurice aussi. et j'en oublie sûrement
@@InternetdevMehdi Hassan declined the offer of a lesser position by MSNBC. He’s doing Royally with his program he started (Zeteo)
Katie HALPER ( a jew), she’s doing her own program with AARON MATTE , (2useful idiots). Briahna, (Bad Faith). Krystal Ball( breaking points). They are 1st class journalists. I wouldn’t trade them for any of the propaganda filth media the western countries have!
J'oubliais de préciser...
Parce que ce qui est plutôt dingue là dedans, c'est que certain ont été viré avant le 07/10/2023.
Et je trouve même que cela fait des années qu'il y a, en France aussi, une sorte de préparation au consentement à ce qui arrive et choque, à raison, tous les humanistes, alors que cela devrait choquer tout le monde.
Le fait même que Netanyahu était invité en France pour les victimes Charlie alors que son armée était accusée d'avoir assassiné Shireen Abu Akley , c'est tellement dystopique, autant que de voir Valls s'inventer anti-raciste alors qu'en 2009 se raciste réclama plus de Whites.
Dans un monde aussi dingue, même le factieux Trump qui est le premier président à avoir causé une insurrection est moins ennuyé par les médias que les manifestants non décérébrés des campus universitaires (là encore un copier coller autoritaires en Allemagne , en France et Angleterre (et peut-être ailleurs) suivit pas les médias qui insultent les étudiants d'antisémites) qui manifestent contre un génocide.
Je ne suis pas fier de vivre dans ces temps Orwelliens
Brian is a genius who also has morals. Thank you for interviewing him.
What a great artist he is.
Viva Palestina!
Palestinian Dignity Is A Force Of Nature.
Brilliant Brian ENO, and Frank Barat:Thank you so much for standing up against these horrific atrocities and warcrimes being commited every Day on the palestinian people! So few artists are daring to take a stand against this obvious genocide, its mindblowing! 🇵🇸💚🇵🇸
While anybody speaking against genocide is labelled anti-semetic, they (Israel and its allies) are murdering Semites 😢😢😢
It is extremely disappointing. At this is extremely cowardly and shameful actually.
@@hayleyanna2625 YES, it really IS shameful!
Respect to Brian !
Excellent channel 👍
Excellent video 👍
The silence in the art industry is defeaning. Thanks for this great interview.
Yes, i agree! Where are ALL the artists that stood up for ANC and Amnesty international, and for every other human rights issues?! Nowhere....
@@chris33337 See who controls the music industry. Only very rish, famous established people can disregard what that mafia can do. Young upcoming people can't.
@@thornil2231 Yes, i agree with you! However, it was the very rich, famous and established artists i was talking about , those who always used to back up humanitarian causes, suddenly they are nowhere to be seen.... .
@@chris33337 you mean Bono and Sting??? Sunday bloody Sunday, but massacring Palestinians is OK. That kind?
Love his music. Free Palestine 🇵🇸❤️
Thank you, again, for your conversations with people. They don't have to be history or geopolitical lessons. Sometimes just talking to intelligent, thoughtful people, good people, is good to hear. So, thank you, again. Good conversation. ❤
Thank you Frank, thank you Brian. Thank you for keeping the light of humanity on, thank you for being brave, humane and most importantly for speaking out for justice. ❤️🙏🇵🇸❤️
The silence from the majority of musicians is deafening ….. Thankyou Brian for standing up .
You should listen to Roger Waters
@@marysalisbury9270 That's one.
T'was the same during CONVID: an absolutely shameful period where almost the entirety of music artist showed themselves for being the feeble Middle Class strivers that they actually are.
@@brutallyremastered4255 that's something that I will never accept again.
Thanks for this beautiful interview.
Yet another reason to love and respect Brian Eno. Thank you.
The Israelis have dehumanized the Palestinian people to such an extent, they can do whatever they want.. With American support. Thank you for supporting Palestine.
Baby’s on Fire! 🔥 Go Eno! And Frank!
Thank you. Another brilliant insightful conversation. Brian eno is one of the good ones. Your channel is very good.🍃🍃
Brian Eno. You’re an absolute hero. A musical genius and a most beautiful, righteous soul. ❤🇵🇸🍉✊
Thank you for this sensitive interview, Frank and Brian. I totally share the feeling of fear that there is no "moral" institution which can actually prevent horrors. At the same time it's always been like this (Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Namibia, South Africa, etc etc, and of course Palestine...), the difference now with Gaza is that it's crystal clear to everyone (or perhaps to those who care for humanity). There has never been such a global movement like the one for Palestine, not even for Vietnam, let alone the other horrors. This is probably the biggest crisis of the capitalist, colonial and racist society. It is the first time that the Global South clearly and strongly acts for global justice. This is totally unprecedented, in my 62 years I've never seen anything like this, and this makes me think that a huge societal change has begun. The people are moving forward, and the governments will sooner or later reflect this. But it will take time. In France the problem of the far right is due to the fact that a huge number of citizens do not vote. Who are these people? If we think that mental health issues are growing exponentially, perhaps these are the people who are so depressed and pessimistic that they cannot possibly see that they can make a change. And yes, I sometimes feel powerless too, but it's not true. Interviews like these are contributing to this change, inspiring us and uniting us. I'm an artist too and I work with youth, with addicts and with prison inmates, and I feel that facilitating the empowerment of the people who suffer is a way to contribute to this change.
Im delighted, though not surprised, to see Brian Eno, compassionate, articulate, and standing firmly with Palestine. I admire his courage and wish others would follow this great man. And calling Israel and its enablers out for what they do and what they are. We can make a difference, but we must stand together globally and collectively not spend a penny, even if only for one day! We know money is all these people in power care for. I need someone/ group who organises to think about this or anything else we can do simultaneously around the globe! This genocide has to stop somehow, it won't be our governments who end these horrors being endured by our Palestinian brothers and sisters, from babies to the pld, everyone is a target 😢
Boycott all the Israeli made products until they stop 🛑 the colonizers and stop 🚏 the genocide in Palestine! Boycott Estée Lauder L'Oréal Lancome Motorola Macdonald Starbucks,ect.
I loved this talk!
Thank you for this interview with Brian Eno! We must resist fascism and genocide! Peace ❤️☮️☮️❤️☮️🇵🇸☮️☮️❤️❤️❤️🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
Beautiful Brian .... Free Palestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
Thank you so much, Gentlemen. It's so straightforward, isn't it? But somehow our leaders "cannot" see it, and even less say it. Thoughtful, intelligent, needed conversation. Thank you.
Thank you Frank and Brian for these important discussions. Viva Palestina ❤
After seeing the interviews with the latest palestinians released with signs of torture, nothing gives me hope ............... what the hell did we become ?!
Thank you for this interview, Brian Eno expressed so well how many of us are feeling about the continuing brutal violence in Gaza and the West bank.Thank you for mentioning the effect this is having on the vitally important international institutions.
Thank you for this great discussion 👍
As a Palestinian Jew (Not mentioning the I word anymore)- thank you Eno. You're so spot on. I'm taking my magnificent Eno boxes back to Europe. Fighting Zionazism demographically
I love your mention of not mentioning the I word anymore. Good on you…. Good on you…. ✅✅✨
Thankyou for your conscience 🕯️
thank you for the voice of sanity...🙏💓🌿🙏
Hard to love Brian Eno enough!
I feel exactly the same.
Wonderful person
Thanks Frank! Another great show.
Let’s be honest though, these great global institutions where never able to do much for the Palestinians. Aid yes, but keep them safe or give them the protection of international laws, No. That’s why it’s come to this.
FREE PALESTINE & THE HUMAN RACE , We are morally bankrupt . Always loved Enos work Great to see honor in character in the creative culture SO SUPRISINGLY LACKING in the arts?? its insane Rodger Waters & You? thats so depressing, money trumps Life of innocent. in our faces, God Bless Good Work Gentlemen please keep speaking up , Thank You
*Thank you Eno & Frank*
Free Palestine 🇵🇸 ❤
Thank you for this interview. In 1978 I was 17 years old and and Brian's music changed the way I perceived the world until this day. The biggest influence in my life! It is so meaningful to me personally, to listen one of my cultural icons speaking out about this deeply horrific moment in history. Thank you for speaking up. Many, many regular people are being silenced in the US by depraving them of their livelihoods, or the threat of losing it. I would like to mention that one of the biggest forces behind it all is the evangelical christian right psyonists and the Iz-rael lobby. They have managed to silence the country.
Me too. He is really beyond. Just the most beautiful.
Ireland has been one of the countries that has stood up strong on behalf of Palestine, good on them, but Bono of U2 has been on the side of the genocidal US policies since having photo ops with Bush. Brian Eno is completely correct here, I wonder what he thinks of the U2 vocalist's toxic views, considering he produced some of their music.?
Bono is an ass, who only cares about Bono
I don’t think the national guilt will happen.
Me neither. If anything, they’ll go angrier and resent the world for not supporting their g-enocide. They are extremely depraved and radicalized. There is no hint of empathy in any of them
Merci Frank et Brian!
Nick Cave and Fat Boy Slim were asked not to perform in Israel as part of BDS. They went ahead anyway. Rag'n Bone Man cancelled his show.🍉❤🩹
Only cultured people like Brian and Frank, can be sensetive humans
“Don’t we have any courage left in this? …If you don’t think this is an outrage…what is an outrage, if this isn’t?” Thank you, Brian Eno (& Frank Barat), for helping feed & save humanity and “build a kind of future we want to live in.” A future where “singing, dancing, & camping” is the norm, as well as the default response for conflict resolution in every country.
And if all beings listened regularly to Brian’s music, there would be a more peaceful, humane, unified, creative, courageous, responsible, ethically-advanced world of higher consciousness. A world that serves humanity for all beings, human & non-human, & our dear planet.
I played my “Music for Airports” CD on repeat years ago for a 6-7wk very traumatized, feral street kitten I’d rescued off the street that was severely ill, and within seconds of my turning it on, he stopped crying & pacing frantically around the carrier, and curled up in the corner just listening. After his vet visit (treated for a bad roundworm infestation, a URI, infected eye that had sealed shut, malnutrition, dehydration, & ringworm), I took him home & continued his treatment and playing “Music for Airports” on repeat 24/7 and within 2-3 days, he let me pat him, then willingly came out to me and nestled beside me as I fed him from my hands. Eventually he would curl up in my lap & begged to be held. Almost 16 years later, and my boy still loves him some Brian Eno.🙌🐾🎶☮️❤️🇵🇸🌎
idk who you are but i love brian eno and palestine so i subbed and liked. long live the resistance
No more silencing and keeping silent! Global solidarity now!
Gracias a los 2 por el compromiso. No sólo músicos, los artistas en general, intelectuales, deportistas...La mayoría de ellos callan. Y como dice Brian: Cómo puedes mantenerte neutral frente a esto? A dónde hemos llegado?
Thank you Brian. Artists matter we need to hear your voices!
Great podcast episode! My first time to your channel,sometimes the algorithm gets it right.
Thank you both for the conversation.
So much truth in this discussion. Israel does not want peace but they definitely want the cake and to eat it as well.
Great convo! Brian pls consider talking to U2, and ask them to move away from the darkness and towards the light. 🙏
Gracias por esta entrevista!
immediate subscribe....anyone who not only interviews Eno in this day and age.....but in regards to this subject....
my most heartfelt thank you to the both of you.
Thank you so much, both of you, from France..
Brian Eno, such a dignified man, full of empathy and compassion
It would be great if artistes & musicians could organise a concert to raise money & awareness for Palestine. No use asking those in the music industry owned by the Zionists: Geldof, Bono, etc. But there are others such as Roger Waters, Eric Clapton, Lowkey, Paul Weller.
The US suffers the same symptoms as the UK! We have no one to vote for as neither party supports human rights and international law!
Thank you... Sincerely, deeply..
I am so glad to hear Brian, every statement, grounded in a functional moral compass: he was and is stil (now even more) a great inspiration in my work, and all he has done has now a bright meaning, somehow new, renovated... being consequent has weight. Thanks a lot Frank for all your work and passion, so human!
Great discussion
Vídeo maravilhoso❤
It hurts ,its hurt the entire time , life feels hopeless , i dont future is going to be good for me , i think im going to die of loneliness if the pain doesnt stop
Please stay well. Take care of yourself. In the blue sky you can find peace. Palestine will be free from the river to the sea ❤
EUA unabashedly supports Israel.
At some point, we will have reached the tipping point, where the critical mass facilitates a switch of paradigm and the small forces become the driving force for tomorrow's big changes.
Yes Brian! Love that you called out Nick Cave.
It is dangerous. That’s what I’ve been thinking.
Very interesting conversation, if only the people who held power felt like more of us, we could perhaps have peace.
Beyond Chutzpah.
"Band Aid 2024"... is that even possible ???
Thank you Brian and Frank!
Peace PROCESS. PATHWAY to peace. But not peace itself. The Iraq war on behalf of Israel began when there was talk of a ROAD MAP.. All talks were then suspended.
eno never does not hit
193 nations multiply by 1000 for each nation’s politicians and key business leaders comes to less than 1 million people that 8 Billion can over come.. impotency doesn’t make sense
What is the moral position???
Certainly not the west hegemony.
Thank you. Bring on Ryan Dawson film The Empire Unmasked (2017)
I will watch that film. Thanks
@@lulusp1023 In addition view Ryan Dawson film How Israel Stole the Atomic Bomb and Killed ____
Dawson also offers up 13+ yrs investigating Epstein & his intimate Israeli connections
If there is injustice, and you remain 'neutral'; know that the next injustice will be against you, and no one will speak up for you.
6:00. It’s not only those kids - Inshallah, - but also 20,000 children missing…. This is rarely covered. Please look into this everyone….
I feel sorry for generations of young Israelis being brought up on a totally skewed sens of history, on fear, on hate et on total lack of empathy! To what kind of society does it lead?? You both said it! Where are Edward Said and Daniel Barenboim to bring young Palestinians and Israelis together? Or is it still possible?
Chanter ne suffira effectivement pas! --- Singing won't be enough!
How can you make it a condition on Palestinians to accept Israeli Control of their borders, Control of entry and exit, Control of Imports and exports, control of who comez and who leaves, control over their Land Sea and Air
Blame the billionaires!
Things are going to get a lot worse for everyone unfortunately
I thought Eno and Bono were mates?!
Have a word with Bono, please.
When are you Brian, Roger Water and Eric Clapton going to play together? There has been Bangladesh, South Africa... isn't it great time for a Concert for Palestine... and of cause Sting and Bono won't show up... 😂😂
I am actually serious. Those concerts did more to fight apartheid than all the you tube preaching.
It's more like a bubble burst. And it's making a lot of mess
Is Eno positive about Palestine or has he completely given up and is seeking for his own 'self' preservation methods? Its difficult to figure out from the interview. Frank is quite clear on where he stands, there's no doubt.
Comment a-t-il pu supporter une crapule comme Bryan Ferry ?
I'm wondering if all those musicians who have deemed its ok to play concerts in the apartheid state,will now no longer do so,because it says of them,that they are ok with what the zionist entity has done to the Palestinian people.Thankfully there are musicians with a moral compass,muscians like Brian and Roger Waters.
The situation is so appallingly out of control. Why is this horror allowed to continue? Money money money. I call and write my reps and the whitehouse regularly, almost daily… and zilch… just lies and deflections from Kamala and all.
Sad to see yet another artist, blind to the realities Israel live in. There can NEVER be peace as long as islam is one of the parts in a conflict.
0:17 Sorry Brian ..but i have to question your use of the word Genocide in regard to what is happening in Gaza .....also your statistic that all countires except perhaps for Germany are against the war in Gaza aza do you know how the German people feel about this ....and that "ireland" is the only small country doing anything about it ...which suggesys automatically that all irish people are standing bravely against the war in Gaza ...this is simply not the case.....but because you are some self appointed specialist on the situation people seem unwilling to challenge your opinions ....are you up for a discussion on this are do you just want us to listen to you and prostrate in front of your holy utterances.
Um, just look at the way these countries voted in the ICJ… the UN…
@@shasta8sisyphus mean their government's...the peoples of the countries did not's a mistake to judge a country or people by the actions of their governments
@@edmundhamill2916 Of course I mean their governments; that’s who votes at the ICJ. I would never judge a whole people by their government. I certainly don’t feel represented by mine.
Unfortunately governments have more power than the actual people. Just look at the US…
I think Gideon was saying that when Israel was supposedly doing the right thing the accusations of anti semitism were at their lowest but when they are obviously doing the wrong thing the accusations are soaring. Meaning, I think, it is a jack up to divert attention from Gaza. I have been equally puzzled by the absolute silence of most of the spiritual gurus of our time. People I normally respect have chosen to be in some position of neutrality I guess. I've challenged those I follow but they have also been silent in the face of challenge. Disgraceful really. After WW2 everyone said "oh if I was there I would have blah blah blah"... well no they are silent. Brian is right. It is a lack of courage and willingness to suffer somewhat for your convictions.
Thank you Brian! What’s Bono’s issue with Palestinians? Why is he and the other members of U2 so quiet? I can’t figure that one out.
100% agree
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