Jordan idk if you read your comments but you've already given me the greatest present a person could ever reason and that's a new lease on life..I was a ten year opiate addict and your speeches motivated meto better my life and then my family situation by renewing my relationship with my sister. I put her through hell because of my addiction but now we're closer than ever. After I mended those bridges I started trying to better my local community once I had my act together. I work at a homeless shelter once a week and also at a soup kitchen. So two days a week I donate my time to the less fortunate and it's all because of you. If it wasn't for you I could be dead. I quit heroin cold turkey and when I was at my darkest times and it was your speeches I would listen to that got me through the worst and darkest moments of my detox and recovery. You are literally my hero in a world where people call athletes and celebrities heros. However, you're a real hero and I hope you continue doing what you do. I love you Dr. Peterson. Thank you for everything.
Beautiful!!! Congratulations. And you don't need mercy from no damn demiurge. You made your own life better...and then others lives. Never forget that personal power!
I have used some of his lectures in my work with individuals that have an opiate addiction. They enjoy it a lot and gives them a fresh perspective on living a better life ;)
I always loved the Sunday School moral of the story of Joseph: you are never too good for the situation you find yourself in. If you’re in Jail, make them glad you’re there. It mirrors the verse in Ecclesiastes: What ever you do, do it with all your might.
Jesus came to save us sinners. He was crucified, buried and then rose again on the third day. Now when we believe in Him we have eternal life and forgiveness of sins. God loves you believe in Christ Jesus! For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16
I think of that often. There's this video of a McDonald's drive through employee in the UK who definitely holds that standard. He turns a very mundane task into an absolute joy, both for himself and especially his customers. And what happened? Someone recorded it and he went viral. It's an unbelievably important lesson. Whatever you do, give it all you've got.
"..He is acting like a person who is not a prisoner even though he is in the prison just like he was acting like a person who wasn't a slave even though he was a slave... It makes you wonder who you could be, despite the fact that other people think that you are whatever you appear to be." 1:24:00
So much for going to bed... God is not dead. I had to bury my grandmother who was basically my mother on the day of this lecture. I held her hand as she was dying from septic shock, alone with her in an awful hospital room. She couldn’t talk but was mouthing the word “help” and I never left her side to make sure I was there to get the nurses to relieve her pain. It was a huge responsibility to keep it together for the final hours of someone who lived 92 years. All I wanted was to crawl into a ball and sob and plead with God to not take her from me. I did the opposite, I made sure she knew I was there for her and I pleaded with God to take her for her suffering was too much. She didn’t deserve this. Why would God make her suffer so much? She obeyed him for 92 years and she died clawing at me in desperation. I try to be as good as a person she was. I’m not but I will always keep trying. I was the “useful” person at the funeral and made sure everything was perfect and according to her plans. Two weeks later and I’ve been feeling very lost without my 92 year old confidant who was my key to the past. I plead with my 3 year old to remember her since they just shared happy moments and hugs days prior while we visited her home before her sudden illness leading to sepsis. Also, thanks Dr. Peterson because I just wrote down everything I was thinking moments prior as I was trying to sleep. I usually listen to religious topics as I drift off to sleep but I couldn’t find anything that was interesting enough. Perhaps, because everything seems to irritate me these days. I got a notification of this video and I felt a bit of happiness for the first time in 2 weeks and something to look forward too if I don’t finish tonight.
Z T, I lost my grandfather to septic shock. He got home from the hospital after being in for two months because he took a fall. I had dinner with him at his favorite BBQ place and that night he fell asleep and never woke up. He was in the hospital for two days and finally passed. It was the hardest thing to hold his hand as he shook and writhed in his sleep. I know how it feels and I am so terribly sorry for your loss. God bless you and I pray that your family finds healing. Though it was so brave of you to stay by her side. I knew I couldn't stay by my grandpa's side for more than an hour. Seeing him suffer was too much. You're an angel.
I am a Christian and I am so humbled and grateful to Dr. Peterson for approaching these sacred scriptures with such gravity. I have rarely encountered a teacher within my own faith that has treated these stories with as much care and respect as Dr. Peterson has in these lectures. His perspective and insight have breathed new life into my own understanding of Genesis. Many times listening to this series, my heart has swelled with joy as he expressed his respect and admiration for what he understands within these pages. I wish I could shake his hand and say thank you in person, but until that day, "THANK YOU DR. PETERSON! It has been a transformative journey, one that I will continue to consider as I grow in my own faith." Blessings on you, Dr. Peterson. May you find illumination and peace in all your endeavors.
I'm 51 and have struggled with anxiety and depression for as long as I can remember. A few years back I asked for help and my physician put me on Lexapro. That was it. No suggestions regarding therapy, self help books or even a follow up to see how I was doing. Six months ago I reached a new low and couldn't come out of it. I started reading the Bible which eventually lead me to these lectures. I have read 12 Rules for Life and am ready to start the next. With what I have learned so far I have decided, thankfully not too late, that I need therapy to help me make sense of it all. Well, anyway, I know we all have stories, that's why we listen to him. But I'm glad I found him and that his books and lectures are helping me realize I can and will get better. I hope others see their potential through his books and lectures as well. Thank you sir!!!
Jordan peterson, I feel gratitude that cant be expressed in words. When the world falls away from under my feet. I lost my wife , it broke me, I was unable to care for myself ,let alone my 3 childeren. Now im alone and a knife is getting stabbed in my heart. I couldnt see the edges of this beast that had taken me out. But I heard you say the exact right thing that made something perk up inside me . Look around and make something better in my life. Just any little thing . Just start a with little thing I know I can do. Thank God I finally found a place to begin to repair my life. I would not be here if it wasn't for Jordan Peterson's youtube. The most heart felt appreciation that a human is capable of giving another.
Well done. Your children will benefit, more than you will ever know, through your courage to grab onto that rope of hope and wisdom, and to make rhat small difference. I know. I watched my own Mom go through this. Your children are watching and learning. Your courage will give them courage and resourcefulness in life. 💓
Hi Dan, I just posted a comment to Dr. Peterson, and maybe your comment "Look around and make something better in my life" is the answer. I have tried to make a bright spot in people's lives, tried to be a Light, but maybe if I increased the intensity and the focus, maybe that would be restorative. Thank you.
I have a friend who told me this amazing story, he was walking through calcutta and around him was a sea of beggers just begging and pleading for coin which naturally makes you feel pity, anyway he saw one man sitting on the floor, no arms and nothing but rags to his name, this man was not begging he was using his feet as you would hands to make arts and craft like trinkits to sell to tourists and people passing by, when he told me that I didn't feel pity I felt awe because inspite of having nothing with the prospect of having maybe just enough to survive a little longer his life was still worth his effort, it didn't matter matter that he couldn't amount to what we would consider a low status and standard of living yet alone a high status and standard of living his life was still worth it because he hadn't given up on putting in the effort and becoming a better even tho he had every reason to. Contrast that with upper middle class rich kids who are resentful and bitter just because someone who isn't them is doing better or is famouse or successful.....its like this guy has every reason to give up and be resentful or hopeless yet his self worth transcends a fate I don't know If I'd have the strength to accept half of.
Every single one of my 33 years on this earth, I have spent in deep spiritual and existential pain. I woke up in pain, I went to bed in pain. The most euphoric moments of my memory are simply memories that I hold that I remember without pain. Dr. Peterson has helped put that pain into perspective, he has helped make that pain make sense. He cannot, and does not intend to make my tortured and tormented childhood OK. What he does is give me a roadmap towards the future. His teachings give me an existence based on positivity, based on the creation of a positive tangible reality. Thank you. Tonight in particular, December 19, 2017, I spent the entire evening out in my garage, crying, as I remembered my immensely unhappy childhood life, all alone. I locked myself in my garage, away from the world, because even my pain causes me embarrassment. Feeling empty, and embarrassed for my own emotions, I came inside to go to bed at 1:15 in the morning, Without anything to live for, without a reason to wake up. But much to my pleasant surprise, here I see an upload by the good doctor, and I know that at least for tonight, the world will make sense.
We're on your side, all of us. Childhood is something out of your control, but you have the logos, the free will, to make the decisions that decide your future. The only constant in this world is change. Chin up.
Wow isn’t that interesting. I had a tormented childhood too. Thanks for giving me the words I’ve been looking for ... “he doesn’t try to make it okay” ... so perfect. That is what sets him apart. He doesn’t say “oh don’t let that bother you anymore. He says “man what a nightmare ... here’s some ways reasons to still push forward if you can”
Lena Green I really enjoy Stefan Molyneux for the same reason; he does not allow his listeners to minimize the injustice that has been done to them. It isn’t about minimizing the injustice, and moving forward. It’s about identifying the pain and injustice, understanding that it is not OK, and moving forward in your life with a sense of pure justice.
Dr. Peterson reminds me of John The Baptist getting everyone ready before the Messiah was born. He's calling all us people back to the accounting of our souls, and is a voice in the wilderness of reason.
@@valley5617 I think you are mistaken. Watch this interview with Dennis Prager where he answers the question, do you believe in God?
@@valley5617 a lack of discernment is a matter of ignorance, not malevolence. By their fruits ye shall know them, and ive seen very few rotten fruit from this guy. He acts as though he believes God exists, which is much better than all these self proclaimed christians who bear no fruits of the Spirit, and many lusts of the flesh, all while hating their brethren. Do you have infallible discernment?
Even by Dr Peterson's standards, this is one humdinger of a lecture on the story of Joseph. He was on top form here. These lectures of over two and half hours are so absorbing, thought-provoking and stimulating that the time just flies by. There is incalculable value in Dr Peterson's lectures and they are all worth hearing multiple times. "We Who Wrestle With God" was excellent and it has been selling well so far. Dr Peterson is the gift to humanity that just keeps giving.
47:00 Wandering in the desert 1:15:25 Corruption of character 1:17:55 Walking with God 1:20:30 Joseph and Potiphars wife 1:23:30 The Lord was with Joseph 1:36:00 Bookmark
Forgiveness is one of the biggest lessons in the story of Joseph. Almost nonexistent in today's society. Keep on preachin the message JBP. You gotta love how the Lord works.
Walleye Agreed. Forgiveness is absolutely necessary to live a meaningful life . Giving it out is as much for you as it is the one who needs forgiveness. It’s hardest to give to yourself unfortunately
Jesus came to save us sinners. He was crucified, buried and then rose again on the third day. Now when we believe in Him we have eternal life and forgiveness of sins. God loves you believe in Christ Jesus! For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16
This lecture reminded me of a quote by Robert Heinlein: _A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects._
He did read a sci-fi book a day for many years as a kid, including Heinlein. It’s interesting I found your comment as I’m in the point of the lecture where he describes how the things that interest you are the things you need to follow for maximal development.
Doctors and other highly specialised people are stupid and insect-like. I'd mutch rather have a Jack of all trades do open heart surgery on my daughter. After all, specialisation is fucking pathetic. Einstein wasn't a very good scuba diver and therefore was a pathetic waste of space worthy of slaughter. Specialisation is great! But not without its flaws
Like a voice calling out in the wilderness, Jordan B. Peterson is an End Times Saint and prophet. This man has been shouldering a burden that is much to heavy for any one man to carry. Christ says "you will be hated because of my name." This could not be any more true than in the case of Jordan B. Peterson. In a world where the systems of man have gone to war with the people God. Where His name embarrasses the wealthy and the powerful... Jordan you did not shy away. You did run in fright. God bless you! God bless you our family. You're the father I needed and never had. You're the uncle I needed and never had. You're the brother I needed and never had. Your message has allowed me to grow up and become useful. Useful to myself, useful to my family, useful to the world. Satan uses the decadence, the rat race, the world system, to crush people who may have been too eccentric or think to far outside of the box. Thank God for you, Eric Weinstein, and Joe Rogan. In a world it's bankrupt true masculinity some of us have had no other place but the internet to turn to for positive role models. Thank you so much. You helped me to help myself save my life. .. Edit: you once read a letter from a young man who you would helped who said you were sent by God to awaken up the divine Spirit of masculinity in this new age. The moment I heard that it's sent reverberations through me and I realized how true it was. That was around the time when I first began to believe in God again. Thank you.
If you told me 5 years ago that I would not only listen to these lectures, but as a result purchase a bible (off honest eBay lol) and read it, I would have called you a liar. I’ve read 10 Rules for Life and bought a copy for each of my brothers last Christmas. Thank you for helping me restore my faith. As a result my life has greatly improved.
I think the "coat of many colors" also refers to his ability to learn from his older brothers and extract the useful parts of their personalities. I'm the youngest in a huge family as well. I've learned a great deal of how not to act by simply watching my older siblings and cousins.
Never could I have ever thought that one of the Bible parables could hit home so close that it made me tear up. God bless Dr. Jordan B Peterson. God bless
There is a Jewish tradition to bless: "חזק חזק ונתחזק" (strong, strong, and growing stronger), every time you finish reading one of the books of the Torah. And so I extend this blessing to Prof. Peterson on behalf of all of us.
It's been more than two months of me watching your whole lectures of Bible. It's a wake up call in my life. It has turned my life around from having the proclivity of going down the pithole. My appreciation and gratitude for your value is beyond words to describe. It's been a great journey to walk through this biblical series, and to be honest that your lectures never bore me a little bit and it's been a huge pleasure to learn a tons of wisdom from you in this series. My hat's off to you, you've changed my life forever. I will never thank you enough, I have an ideal, ideal that one day I can be talking with you. I am now 19, I set it goal for 10 years, I hope that I can meet you at the time you are a 70 years old, handsome and wise man!!! Thank you so much, bow down to you, Dr Jordan Peterson!!!!
I agree, they are something else. His book is great and the personality classes were eye opening, but there was just something in the mix of these foundational myths mixed with his psychological knowledge that clicked for me. I find myself feeling like a son of Abraham as I walk down the street, and that's nice.
@@mztwixed shiny clean room for one thing. and i agree, the effect of listening these lectures is great no matter what kind of chaos you are in, one that requires for you to get rid of your weakness to become stronger or one that requires some aim and meaning in life to calm you down once you already are strong
Hard to imagine I've spent over 30 hours devouring every bit of content in this lecture series and more. God bless, and from a Jew to you, Merry Christmas, Dr. Peterson.
I've heard this phrase recently and I feel its VERY applicable to this. Worry less about those who you may offend and care more for those whom you may inspire! And I truly believe this has done that very thing for the vast majority of us who have watched these lectures from the beginning
I am four years late to the party 🎉 Loving JPs lectures but a little nervous after watching Noah and the great flood, a pipe burst in my bedroom and flooded my home. I skipped Sodom and Gomorrah (forgive any misspelling) and chose this safer lecture instead.
@@sjokevanberendonk6675 Another priceless aspect of my flood story, I was prepared! I had just cleaned my room so there was minimal damage to personal items.
Always the best use of my time! Becoming more educated and understanding the reality in which we live in is an obligation of our existence. Keep up the amazing work JP!
Jordan, I'm just crossing the line of the years, watching this masterpiece, drinking some Champagne and feeling thankful, having met you in the 2017. Thank you for your contribution to mankind. Your humbleness does probably not realise your importance. Thanks and cheers!
I could fill a pool with the tears I have cried the last three years. I owe you my life. Thank you Dr. Peterson and family for the effort of making your work public to everyone.
I am in awe of how many people have said this. I am in awe of his impact on my own life. Yeonmi Park is the only other person to have such an impact on my life, helping to guide me to the good in life. I hope they somehow benefit from our gratitude.
5 million people have watched these videos so far! I would like to congratulate you all! I've read plenty of comments on here and seems like most are either agnostic or atheists. And a vast majority of you have commented in a very mature manner! I'm a Christian and this has most definitely open my mind to a more parable mentality that I've thought of the early stories for a long time. From what I've read from a lot of you, this has also done the same. So I hope this has given you a thought that has shown you relevance to the Bible
Well, for me he's helped me look past my infatuation with my intellect and taking it literally. It does not matter if god exists or not. It's existence, the nature of being and our relationship with it and it helps our primitive brains thinking of it as a being and have as an axiom that you don't question or blame it. If it actually was a being there would be quite a bit for it to answer for but as it stands there's no use to expect/demand such.
One thing more, Joseph the coat of many colors. Joseph,s coat a shadow of things to come. These United States the coat of many colors. Excepting the coat, puts us in favor of the Father,s heart . ❤️ God promises Abraham his seed would be like the sands of the sea, and the stars in the sky. Thanks to the American Indians how still hold that they are of the frist fruits of the land here in America.
I dont think you realize how important this work is this series has help me understand the bible soooooo much more and that has created a living relationship with the word bless you
thank you so much for doing this series Dr Peterson. Educating enlightening and inspiring this 45 yr old to be better person, husband, and father. Cant wait to get the new book.
shootlightsout he’s really inspired me in my Fatherhood path as well over the past 6 months. Thank god for all of the cringe videos that led me to him.
So you admit to being an asshole for 45 years? And this tool has now shown you the light? You have a very simple mind. I could hypnotize you. Want me to? Let me know.
This series was insanely helpful for me. I didn't just view it, I studied it. I had to watch some of them again and again to extract the full understanding out of it. JBP deepened my love and understanding of God/the Bible. Helped bring so much more clarity of how to live well. How to bring out the best you that resides within you and with the help of the biblical teachings. I'm insanely grateful for this 🙏 . Please do more of these.
Jordan Peterson instantly changed my life! And I introduced my mother to Jordan Peterson's videos, and it instantly changed her life as well! If you know somebody who wants to improve their life, I would suggest you recommend them Jordan Peterson!
I have recently discovered Dr Peterson and he has answered most of my lifes questions. So happy too that he is doing a Biblical series! Sending love from the beautiful islands of the PHILIPPINES
"My good intentions without works, my good promises without performance, have ruined me. I have said to God, tomorrow and tomorrow, till i am fallen into the night of death." - Henry Suso
Just because something bad happens to you does not give you the right to get off the path and make it worse. . ..that is the best lesson I am learning.
Thank you, Dr. Peterson. You've helped me align my life and realize my goals. You've helped me face a recurring nightmare I've had for years and I finally feel like im making progress in my life, albeit slowly. Practically, you have brought about the building of my ark so I can withstand the flood- which my current familial situation is bringing upon me nearly daily. It will be hard road to walk, but one that is worthwhile, for the ultimate aim shall keep me upright in my endeavors. I will strive to be the best I can be in all areas, contemplating constantly how I can do it better.
"Successive approximation of the ideal person." What a profound summary of the entire story. Like Tolstoy, saying more in one sentence than others take an entire book to say. JP is an absolute genius! Get well Professor we need you back in these times more than ever.
Better to spend two and a half hours becoming a more educated person by listening to Dr. Peterson, than spend two and a half hours listening to the Young Turks where the opposite happens.
JP is a wise man but I think he needs to keep with the times. Hard for such a busy man I know but I wish JP would talk about the genocidal spirit of a lot religious people nowadays where evangelicals are praising trump for fulfilling an end times prophecy with the Jerusalem issue. I love the Abrahamic religions, mostly thanks to Peterson but they have end time prophecies that enables people of power like Trump or Erdogan of Turkey to mask their genocidal tendencies with “morality” by “fulfilling” these end times prophecy.
@shugo104 if you reread the comment, opposite views are not mentioned. The opposite effect on one's self education is the point, which certainly rings true. Best 👍🏴
It is his humility that makes him such a hero to me. Humility is not a common resource nor an easily recognizable one, which makes it all the more valuable. Dr Peterson's self-deprecating manner and child-like wonder are what attracts me to him.
Jordan Peterson's interpretation is full of interesting and thought provoking ideas. And his references to the human condition are in my opinion truthful and well considered. This video deserves to be seen more than once to grasp the wisdom of its contents properly.
Dear Sir Dr. Jordan Peterson. Thank you very much for this unbelievable series of lectures. Making education available to hungry minds of any age and backgrounds. As for intellectual desire and practical utility for life. You are the force of making order out of chaos, making sense out of the insane world and total confusion. The dragon seems much more tamable. My hunger for knowledge has not yet satisficed. Looking forward for your full recovery from the flood that came to you. Wishing you all the health and prosperity potentially possible from the bottom of my clean rooms of my heart :)
" We do a very bad job in the modern world, for testing to see if our systems can go wrong" - JPB Thank you, Professor, the world needs your wisdom in this current crisis. Prayers and strength to you and your family.
My cat listens to Dr. Peterson. She is angelic, and wise, playful, and content. A dog, in cat coat. She is a true companion, looking out for me. She enjoys me and is not at all embarrassed to show it.
2018 has been an incredible year. I've 'cemented' and intergrated so much since watching this lecture series and my brain feels that it has finally found a real place to feed. I am literally already counting down the days till May. Greetings all from Rochdale, England and thank you Jordan B Peterson.
@@googlearchipelago2825 It has certainly been one hell of a year and a half. I am alive, I am grateful for what I have and I am vigilant. I am just sticking to creating my music. How are things in your corner of the world right now?
Every single lecture has been brilliant... a masterpiece of human knowledge for the future. But some how this one felt like leaps above the others....just outstanding and life changing!
Was I the only one that was so happy when he said "If you've asked a question in the past 3 lectures please do not tonight"? I was honestly getting sick of that one kid who would talk in a funny voice, saying, "Hello Mr. Peterson". Brown nose of the year award if I ever seen a candidate. Lol.
I kind of liked “Citizen Peterson” guy. He was wierd and quirky. Ratzinger is actually an extremely interesting figure for addressing religion in the modern age. I actually laughed at his crazy complex question last lecture and Peterson’s super amusing short response deciding not to tackle the complicated question he posed. But other people should get to talk.
A psychologist giving a bible talk effectively and discernible.Am I in the real world? Love this so much.He really brings the word to life and gives it breath and meaning.
I can listen to you all day Dr. Peterson. Ive watched and listen to your lectures countless times. I listen to them all day as if it was music. They motivate me while I do chores or journaling. I'm even listening to your audiobooks. You helped me so much. I love your lectures on Genesis. I can't wait for Exodus. Thank You Dr. Peterson.
I made it. All 15 lectures in 27 days. I already watched the 2017 Personality Course and read 12 Rules for Life. The Maps of Meaning lectures come next.
I love how these are nearly 3 hours long. I was at so many of these in person and my ability to concentrate and stay focussed for so long shot way up. Also helped having triple Americanos at the coffee place that was across from ROM before standing in line, but anyway, these lectures are so amazing. I cannot watch an hour usually again. Someone should make more of these. Maybe ....
Brillant..... and it's comforting to hear him answer the first question as 'ten templates' overlaid with the Light/Truth shining through. He mentioned as his process and is exactly how I described it to people I'm talking to about his lectures. Amazing legacy of work. Thank you. By God, literally, you're on a mission!! x
I was in synagogue as a young child and my cousin was reading his portion for his bar mitzvah. When he got read out "Seven fat cows came up out of the Nile", I sung out very loud "Uh huh huh" Elvis style like the song in Joseph and his Technicolour Dreamcoat. And the whole bus got up and clapped.
I learned from a spiritual Master long ago: "Make no comparison with your fellow man." This has helped me tremendously and has been a commandment I have lived up to. Instead of resentment, jealousy, competition, and all negative reactions, I live grateful with every gift given. Imagine if Cain would have considered how to make himself better, instead of what he did chose.
Nothing wrong with comparing yourself to your fellow man if it inspires you to become a better human. Competition is fine… it should anger you others are living well and that anger should be channeled toward action. The panoply of emotions are all to be used… not rejected.
I cried at the end of this. In 30 years from now, we may look back at this series and name it the refounding of western civilization. The deeper meaning and knownledge in this is so necessary for people's lives that even after hundreds of millions of dollars in anti biblical propaganda, millions of people decided to take the leap of faith to look into this. This is the adapting, actualizing and renewal of an entire civilization. Jordan Peterson will go down in the Pantheon of history with Alexander the Great, George Washington and Napoleon Bonaparte.
I totally agree brother. He's (& a very few others) are currently being used by GOD to quite literally SAVE the West. Among them also, the Qanon/Q/GreatAwakwning movement : www. Qanon. pub
It was red and yellow and green and brown And scarlet and black and ochre and peach And ruby and olive and violet and fawn And lilac and gold and chocolate and mauve And cream and crimson and silver and rose And azure and lemon and russet and grey And purple and white and pink and orange And red and yellow and green and brown and Scarlet and black and ochre and peach And ruby and olive and violet and fawn And lilac and gold and chocolate and mauve And cream and crimson and silver and rose And azure and lemon and russet and grey And purple and white and pink and orange And blue
Go, go, go Joseph you know what they say Hang on now Joseph you'll make it some day Sha la la Joseph you're doing fine You and your dreams go ahead of your time
"Physician, heal thyself." I love that Dr. Peterson sees the relevance and worth of all work and walks in life. Get something out of it all. Learn something. " Don' t compare yourself to others. Compare yourself to who you were yesterday." I may have adlibbed that. Thank you Dr. Peterson.
Dr. Peterson, I would like to thank you for this lecture series and for helping me understand a lot more about my own culture. I learned a lot during quarantine so far! I hope you'll get better soon.
Brothers: "You're in a pit" Joseph: "Hold my cape" 🏳️🌈 Slave master: "You're a slave" Joseph: "Hold my cape" 🏳️🌈 Prison Guard: "You're a prisoner" Joseph: "Hold my cape" 🏳️🌈
Jesus came to save us sinners. He was crucified, buried and then rose again on the third day. Now when we believe in Him we have eternal life and forgiveness of sins. God loves you believe in Christ Jesus! For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16
He puts strong emphasis on the empowerment of the individual so Im sure hes uncomfortable with it like what are yall cheering me on for I know nothing you dont already.
This hits hard for any truth seeker or loner or misunderstood Hits even harder now that we know what he was inadvertently putting himself through with barbiturates.
Maybe the reason all along I started to feel attracted to Jordan B Peterson's videos and books was the calling to get closer to the word of God. And the christ.
Had an interesting thought on Joseph's coat and his brothers selling him into slavery. The "multiple colors" of the coat (the Hebrew, I believe, actually could mean "seamless") could represent the multiple possibilities that Jospeh has in front of him. Multiple possibilities brought about by his being Israel's "favorite" son, and Israel's pouring into him all the attention. This makes the coat an embodiment of the myriad potentialities of Israel future via Joseph. Joseph's brothers sell him into slavery and cover the coat in goat's blood an indication of the death of those possibilities. The goat, as sacrificial animal, represented sin, but not the atonement thereof. Could it be that the coat of "infinite possibility" was "killed" as Joesph's brothers relegated Josephs to a single, actualized, outcome. But an outcome that God used to redeem the remainder of the family, leading to the birth of the nation?
Jesus came to save us sinners. He was crucified, buried and then rose again on the third day. Now when we believe in Him we have eternal life and forgiveness of sins. God loves you believe in Christ Jesus! For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16
Dr Peterson I recently learned of your admitting yourself to rehab, subsequent to your wives illness. My prayers are with you, being someone who just lost my mother after a 4 year battle (with metastatic colorectal, liver, lung , stomach, and most likely brain cancer). As her sole caregiver I can relate to yourself and your wife's plight. Hang in there. Things look bad now. But in the end you will get through it!
Yes Dr Peterson, this too will pass and boy, just think of how much better you're going to be after this season of suffering. God is preparing you like he used to prepare the first church believers: a long period as a catechoumen, then baptisms, then fire for Life everlasting. God keep you unto that Day. Amen (from a Messianic Jew)
I'm starting XV!! Thank you Dr. Peterson. I've never heard of any of the people you quote, but your lectures speak to me. I'm a Commercial Painter and not an educated man. I'm trying to find the proper path thru life and trying not to be a monster. I've been looking at myself differently lately. I am definitely a fixer upper. But I have this feeling inside that I can change... That I can make a difference in my family's life and I can be better. Thank you
same , those words put together... is just otherwordly... i spent years with a "ficitious" smug thinking how happy i was to read on atheism and bla bla.... just rebellious in my father's eyes.. I suppose there was a time when i was more concerned about the vagaries of the church than one of their own priests... .. if that makes any sense ...; /
What is so unique an amazing about Petersons lectures is how he brings proof that Christian faith works, practicly and psychologically. All spiritual aruments left aside. It works as a way to live your life in the best possible way. No preacher i know of manages to do this like he does. He puts words and evidence, ik a way I never could, to my own experienced in my life - that Christian faith works!
Hi Dr. Peterson, in the Q and A at the end of your lecture, someone asked about "Ego-death" and your answer encapsulated the death and destruction that I have experienced in the aftermath of a bitterly contested divorce. This death happened when I escaped a narcissistic husband and in the process of doing so, I lost my two children, who believed his convincing narrative. To this day, 23 years ago this last Thanksgiving Week, they have remained lost to me and I have no family. I have always believed that Love was the most important value in the cosmos, and when that is betrayed, it brings about a death that reaches out through time and space to destroy all one once valued. I never understood the cataclysmic destruction I have had to endure, and I never felt anyone could understand the depths of loss I have experienced. But your words about "ego-death" painted with a broad brush my experience. I have to admit, after all this time, though I have tried to go on and have a career and tried to be open to a new relationship, I have not been able to re-build my life - to rebuild love - and I feel stuck. Is there a lecture you have done which speaks to the effort to rebuild your life - and you've failed - in the aftermath of experiencing such a thing as I've described? In closing, I would like to say that I have much admiration and respect for you in your quest for truth.
I've listened to so much Jordan Peterson that his voice has become my conscience.
I can so relate.
Lol same
You lucky bastard. I think in pictures...
He's your Jiminy Cricket...
That's so cute yet a compliment I'm sure. :-)
Jordan idk if you read your comments but you've already given me the greatest present a person could ever reason and that's a new lease on life..I was a ten year opiate addict and your speeches motivated meto better my life and then my family situation by renewing my relationship with my sister. I put her through hell because of my addiction but now we're closer than ever. After I mended those bridges I started trying to better my local community once I had my act together. I work at a homeless shelter once a week and also at a soup kitchen. So two days a week I donate my time to the less fortunate and it's all because of you.
If it wasn't for you I could be dead. I quit heroin cold turkey and when I was at my darkest times and it was your speeches I would listen to that got me through the worst and darkest moments of my detox and recovery. You are literally my hero in a world where people call athletes and celebrities heros. However, you're a real hero and I hope you continue doing what you do. I love you Dr. Peterson. Thank you for everything.
May Yahovah have mercy on you
Beautiful!!! Congratulations. And you don't need mercy from no damn demiurge. You made your own life better...and then others lives. Never forget that personal power!
I have used some of his lectures in my work with individuals that have an opiate addiction. They enjoy it a lot and gives them a fresh perspective on living a better life ;)
Hats off to you, that's quite the dramatic about face, well done! I hope you're still doing well.
God says, your ways are not my way, my ways are higher than yours. Who can have the mind of God? “Your thoughts are not my thoughts says God.
I always loved the Sunday School moral of the story of Joseph: you are never too good for the situation you find yourself in. If you’re in Jail, make them glad you’re there. It mirrors the verse in Ecclesiastes: What ever you do, do it with all your might.
Jesus came to save us sinners. He was crucified, buried and then rose again on the third day. Now when we believe in Him we have eternal life and forgiveness of sins. God loves you believe in Christ Jesus!
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16
That's a lovely insight
It’s easy, really. You just have to get past the anxiety and self-loathing first.
I think of that often. There's this video of a McDonald's drive through employee in the UK who definitely holds that standard. He turns a very mundane task into an absolute joy, both for himself and especially his customers. And what happened? Someone recorded it and he went viral. It's an unbelievably important lesson. Whatever you do, give it all you've got.
Colossians 3:23
"Maybe the only real misfortune is to become corrupted." That quote hit me hard, Dr. Peterson.
Duke of Argyle where was this at in the lecture?
@@joshwilkes5514 1:17:24
and its a really hard fight we continually face
maybe, the hardest thing to do, is simply walk with God
anything personal = based in lies (::) fake ideals
"..He is acting like a person who is not a prisoner even though he is in the prison just like he was acting like a person who wasn't a slave even though he was a slave... It makes you wonder who you could be, despite the fact that other people think that you are whatever you appear to be." 1:24:00
It is an AMAZING idea even though it’s so simple . Love that thought
You are exactly right.
God, that is a profound statement. So simple, yet so difficult to enact.
they even help you to be persuaded to that false notion, inadvertently or not.
So much for going to bed...
God is not dead.
I had to bury my grandmother who was basically my mother on the day of this lecture. I held her hand as she was dying from septic shock, alone with her in an awful hospital room. She couldn’t talk but was mouthing the word “help” and I never left her side to make sure I was there to get the nurses to relieve her pain. It was a huge responsibility to keep it together for the final hours of someone who lived 92 years. All I wanted was to crawl into a ball and sob and plead with God to not take her from me. I did the opposite, I made sure she knew I was there for her and I pleaded with God to take her for her suffering was too much. She didn’t deserve this. Why would God make her suffer so much? She obeyed him for 92 years and she died clawing at me in desperation. I try to be as good as a person she was. I’m not but I will always keep trying. I was the “useful” person at the funeral and made sure everything was perfect and according to her plans. Two weeks later and I’ve been feeling very lost without my 92 year old confidant who was my key to the past. I plead with my 3 year old to remember her since they just shared happy moments and hugs days prior while we visited her home before her sudden illness leading to sepsis. Also, thanks Dr. Peterson because I just wrote down everything I was thinking moments prior as I was trying to sleep. I usually listen to religious topics as I drift off to sleep but I couldn’t find anything that was interesting enough. Perhaps, because everything seems to irritate me these days. I got a notification of this video and I felt a bit of happiness for the first time in 2 weeks and something to look forward too if I don’t finish tonight.
You obviously did right and the best you could which is all that matters. I've tried pleading and it doesn't work.
Z T May her memory be a blessing. Be strong. 💖
Z T, I lost my grandfather to septic shock. He got home from the hospital after being in for two months because he took a fall. I had dinner with him at his favorite BBQ place and that night he fell asleep and never woke up. He was in the hospital for two days and finally passed. It was the hardest thing to hold his hand as he shook and writhed in his sleep.
I know how it feels and I am so terribly sorry for your loss. God bless you and I pray that your family finds healing.
Though it was so brave of you to stay by her side. I knew I couldn't stay by my grandpa's side for more than an hour. Seeing him suffer was too much. You're an angel.
Hope you're ok kiddo
May your love for, and kindness to your Grandmother be returned to you a thousand times......
I am a Christian and I am so humbled and grateful to Dr. Peterson for approaching these sacred scriptures with such gravity. I have rarely encountered a teacher within my own faith that has treated these stories with as much care and respect as Dr. Peterson has in these lectures. His perspective and insight have breathed new life into my own understanding of Genesis. Many times listening to this series, my heart has swelled with joy as he expressed his respect and admiration for what he understands within these pages. I wish I could shake his hand and say thank you in person, but until that day, "THANK YOU DR. PETERSON! It has been a transformative journey, one that I will continue to consider as I grow in my own faith." Blessings on you, Dr. Peterson. May you find illumination and peace in all your endeavors.
My feelings exactly Sarah
Same here, and same here. Hugs sister :)
I'm 51 and have struggled with anxiety and depression for as long as I can remember. A few years back I asked for help and my physician put me on Lexapro. That was it. No suggestions regarding therapy, self help books or even a follow up to see how I was doing.
Six months ago I reached a new low and couldn't come out of it. I started reading the Bible which eventually lead me to these lectures. I have read 12 Rules for Life and am ready to start the next.
With what I have learned so far I have decided, thankfully not too late, that I need therapy to help me make sense of it all.
Well, anyway, I know we all have stories, that's why we listen to him. But I'm glad I found him and that his books and lectures are helping me realize I can and will get better. I hope others see their potential through his books and lectures as well. Thank you sir!!!
Jordan peterson, I feel gratitude that cant be expressed in words. When the world falls away from under my feet. I lost my wife , it broke me, I was unable to care for myself ,let alone my 3 childeren. Now im alone and a knife is getting stabbed in my heart. I couldnt see the edges of this beast that had taken me out. But I heard you say the exact right thing that made something perk up inside me . Look around and make something better in my life. Just any little thing . Just start a with little thing I know I can do. Thank God I finally found a place to begin to repair my life. I would not be here if it wasn't for Jordan Peterson's youtube. The most heart felt appreciation that a human is capable of giving another.
Well done. Your children will benefit, more than you will ever know, through your courage to grab onto that rope of hope and wisdom, and to make rhat small difference. I know. I watched my own Mom go through this. Your children are watching and learning. Your courage will give them courage and resourcefulness in life. 💓
Hi Dan, I just posted a comment to Dr. Peterson, and maybe your comment "Look around and make something better in my life" is the answer. I have tried to make a bright spot in people's lives, tried to be a Light, but maybe if I increased the intensity and the focus, maybe that would be restorative. Thank you.
Yeah family separation. This lecture was much much needed in that realm.
I have a friend who told me this amazing story, he was walking through calcutta and around him was a sea of beggers just begging and pleading for coin which naturally makes you feel pity, anyway he saw one man sitting on the floor, no arms and nothing but rags to his name, this man was not begging he was using his feet as you would hands to make arts and craft like trinkits to sell to tourists and people passing by, when he told me that I didn't feel pity I felt awe because inspite of having nothing with the prospect of having maybe just enough to survive a little longer his life was still worth his effort, it didn't matter matter that he couldn't amount to what we would consider a low status and standard of living yet alone a high status and standard of living his life was still worth it because he hadn't given up on putting in the effort and becoming a better even tho he had every reason to. Contrast that with upper middle class rich kids who are resentful and bitter just because someone who isn't them is doing better or is famouse or successful.....its like this guy has every reason to give up and be resentful or hopeless yet his self worth transcends a fate I don't know If I'd have the strength to accept half of.
Beautiful ❤
Amazing. Thanks for the story
Every single one of my 33 years on this earth, I have spent in deep spiritual and existential pain. I woke up in pain, I went to bed in pain. The most euphoric moments of my memory are simply memories that I hold that I remember without pain.
Dr. Peterson has helped put that pain into perspective, he has helped make that pain make sense.
He cannot, and does not intend to make my tortured and tormented childhood OK. What he does is give me a roadmap towards the future. His teachings give me an existence based on positivity, based on the creation of a positive tangible reality. Thank you. Tonight in particular, December 19, 2017, I spent the entire evening out in my garage, crying, as I remembered my immensely unhappy childhood life, all alone. I locked myself in my garage, away from the world, because even my pain causes me embarrassment.
Feeling empty, and embarrassed for my own emotions, I came inside to go to bed at 1:15 in the morning,
Without anything to live for, without a reason to wake up.
But much to my pleasant surprise, here I see an upload by the good doctor, and I know that at least for tonight, the world will make sense.
baychevy hang in there bucko. You got friends praying for you.
We're on your side, all of us.
Childhood is something out of your control, but you have the logos, the free will, to make the decisions that decide your future.
The only constant in this world is change. Chin up.
Wow isn’t that interesting. I had a tormented childhood too. Thanks for giving me the words I’ve been looking for ... “he doesn’t try to make it okay” ... so perfect. That is what sets him apart. He doesn’t say “oh don’t let that bother you anymore. He says “man what a nightmare ... here’s some ways reasons to still push forward if you can”
Lena Green I really enjoy Stefan Molyneux for the same reason; he does not allow his listeners to minimize the injustice that has been done to them. It isn’t about minimizing the injustice, and moving forward. It’s about identifying the pain and injustice, understanding that it is not OK, and moving forward in your life with a sense of pure justice.
baychevy try to take those stories in account as reality and then you shall see what happens, might help
Dr. Peterson reminds me of John The Baptist getting everyone ready before the Messiah was born. He's calling all us people back to the accounting of our souls, and is a voice in the wilderness of reason.
Well said!
He’s not a believer. That’s very evident from his lack of discernment.
@@valley5617 I think you are mistaken. Watch this interview with Dennis Prager where he answers the question, do you believe in God?
Valley 56
(Kermit voice): “Well... it depends on what you mean by... believer.....”
@@valley5617 a lack of discernment is a matter of ignorance, not malevolence. By their fruits ye shall know them, and ive seen very few rotten fruit from this guy. He acts as though he believes God exists, which is much better than all these self proclaimed christians who bear no fruits of the Spirit, and many lusts of the flesh, all while hating their brethren. Do you have infallible discernment?
"If you're not willing to be a fool, you'll never be a master."
That's right.
So you two are masters?.
So Christians will never be masters?
@Samantha Yep
Aye agree with ya
Even by Dr Peterson's standards, this is one humdinger of a lecture on the story of Joseph. He was on top form here. These lectures of over two and half hours are so absorbing, thought-provoking and stimulating that the time just flies by. There is incalculable value in Dr Peterson's lectures and they are all worth hearing multiple times. "We Who Wrestle With God" was excellent and it has been selling well so far. Dr Peterson is the gift to humanity that just keeps giving.
47:00 Wandering in the desert
1:15:25 Corruption of character
1:17:55 Walking with God
1:20:30 Joseph and Potiphars wife
1:23:30 The Lord was with Joseph
1:36:00 Bookmark
Yes, thank you!
Forgiveness is one of the biggest lessons in the story of Joseph. Almost nonexistent in today's society. Keep on preachin the message JBP. You gotta love how the Lord works.
Walleye Agreed. Forgiveness is absolutely necessary to live a meaningful life . Giving it out is as much for you as it is the one who needs forgiveness. It’s hardest to give to yourself unfortunately
Jesus came to save us sinners. He was crucified, buried and then rose again on the third day. Now when we believe in Him we have eternal life and forgiveness of sins. God loves you believe in Christ Jesus!
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16
@@cruark81... as to the one who needs forgiveness; hardest to give oneself.
This lecture reminded me of a quote by Robert Heinlein:
_A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects._
Good at all, master of none
He did read a sci-fi book a day for many years as a kid, including Heinlein. It’s interesting I found your comment as I’m in the point of the lecture where he describes how the things that interest you are the things you need to follow for maximal development.
@J Lo it's pretty cool that you have died gallantly. I respect that highly and furthermore would love to read a dead mans sonnet ;0
Doctors and other highly specialised people are stupid and insect-like. I'd mutch rather have a Jack of all trades do open heart surgery on my daughter. After all, specialisation is fucking pathetic. Einstein wasn't a very good scuba diver and therefore was a pathetic waste of space worthy of slaughter.
Specialisation is great! But not without its flaws
Like a voice calling out in the wilderness, Jordan B. Peterson is an End Times Saint and prophet.
This man has been shouldering a burden that is much to heavy for any one man to carry.
Christ says "you will be hated because of my name."
This could not be any more true than in the case of Jordan B. Peterson.
In a world where the systems of man have gone to war with the people God. Where His name embarrasses the wealthy and the powerful... Jordan you did not shy away. You did run in fright.
God bless you! God bless you our family.
You're the father I needed and never had. You're the uncle I needed and never had. You're the brother I needed and never had.
Your message has allowed me to grow up and become useful. Useful to myself, useful to my family, useful to the world.
Satan uses the decadence, the rat race, the world system, to crush people who may have been too eccentric or think to far outside of the box.
Thank God for you, Eric Weinstein, and Joe Rogan.
In a world it's bankrupt true masculinity some of us have had no other place but the internet to turn to for positive role models.
Thank you so much. You helped me to help myself save my life.
Edit: you once read a letter from a young man who you would helped who said you were sent by God to awaken up the divine Spirit of masculinity in this new age.
The moment I heard that it's sent reverberations through me and I realized how true it was. That was around the time when I first began to believe in God again.
Thank you.
If you told me 5 years ago that I would not only listen to these lectures, but as a result purchase a bible (off honest eBay lol) and read it, I would have called you a liar. I’ve read 10 Rules for Life and bought a copy for each of my brothers last Christmas. Thank you for helping me restore my faith. As a result my life has greatly improved.
I think the "coat of many colors" also refers to his ability to learn from his older brothers and extract the useful parts of their personalities. I'm the youngest in a huge family as well. I've learned a great deal of how not to act by simply watching my older siblings and cousins.
Heavy Machinery very interesting point!
Heavy Machinery I would like to hear more about birthright from JP.
Heavy lift, I have discovered the same, learning from 12 older sibs, especially 2 older brothers
Same here! I've learned a great deal from observing the missteps of my elders and betters.
Same here.
There are few things I look forward to more than the release of a new biblical lecture by Jordan Peterson.
Really? like what? can't think of anything.
So true
He's definitely the rock star of professors.
I can't believe that I totally agree
I'm only 5 mins in but already this lecture is better than the new Star Wars movie, that's for damn sure. No joke aye.
The Beat Fabrik I can promise you I would 10/10 rather listen to this.
I would pay a movie ticket price to watch these rather than those goddamn superhero movies Hollywood shits out every month.
Well that wouldn't take much. Rian Johnson has ruined Christmas.
Fr I'm more enveloped by listening to some guy talking on a stage pacing back and forth than galactic starships and laser battles
Never could I have ever thought that one of the Bible parables could hit home so close that it made me tear up. God bless Dr. Jordan B Peterson. God bless
There is a Jewish tradition to bless: "חזק חזק ונתחזק" (strong, strong, and growing stronger), every time you finish reading one of the books of the Torah. And so I extend this blessing to Prof. Peterson on behalf of all of us.
Oren Elbaz I like that
Thank you for sharing that blessing. (From a person who values all religions minus a few cults.)
It's been more than two months of me watching your whole lectures of Bible. It's a wake up call in my life. It has turned my life around from having the proclivity of going down the pithole. My appreciation and gratitude for your value is beyond words to describe. It's been a great journey to walk through this biblical series, and to be honest that your lectures never bore me a little bit and it's been a huge pleasure to learn a tons of wisdom from you in this series. My hat's off to you, you've changed my life forever. I will never thank you enough, I have an ideal, ideal that one day I can be talking with you. I am now 19, I set it goal for 10 years, I hope that I can meet you at the time you are a 70 years old, handsome and wise man!!! Thank you so much, bow down to you, Dr Jordan Peterson!!!!
You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger.
Fuck that’s DEEP.
100 percent...what we impress on a subconsious level we express on a consious level.
@Dylan Draper I'm actually atheist /agnostic
@@jackhartcup It's good to see atheists on this channel.
@Dylan Draper You are talking to yourself.
When is Dr. Peterson resuming his biblical lectures? Sometime in 2019?
I found his Bible lectures far more profound than any of his other stuff.
@Finessa Nugget I really do hope so!
Sounds like fall 2019 through winter 2020
Then u haven’t looked a much.. he talks a lot about most of the things he’s saying in these In other classes only doesn’t relate them to the Bible
Stomach Hurts ,erson
I agree, they are something else. His book is great and the personality classes were eye opening, but there was just something in the mix of these foundational myths mixed with his psychological knowledge that clicked for me. I find myself feeling like a son of Abraham as I walk down the street, and that's nice.
When there is too much chaos in my life I listen one of it's lecture and it bring's back balance.
Imagine what a steady feeding of this kind of wisdom brings! 😜😜
@@mztwixed shiny clean room for one thing. and i agree, the effect of listening these lectures is great no matter what kind of chaos you are in, one that requires for you to get rid of your weakness to become stronger or one that requires some aim and meaning in life to calm you down once you already are strong
Hard to imagine I've spent over 30 hours devouring every bit of content in this lecture series and more. God bless, and from a Jew to you, Merry Christmas, Dr. Peterson.
I did, too.
This is sooooo good, I'm an atheist by heart but this biblical lecture is eye opening. The messages behind these stories are so deep and meaningful.
I've heard this phrase recently and I feel its VERY applicable to this. Worry less about those who you may offend and care more for those whom you may inspire! And I truly believe this has done that very thing for the vast majority of us who have watched these lectures from the beginning
I am four years late to the party 🎉 Loving JPs lectures but a little nervous after watching Noah and the great flood, a pipe burst in my bedroom and flooded my home. I skipped Sodom and Gomorrah (forgive any misspelling) and chose this safer lecture instead.
@@laurahano2587 Your reaction is priceless Laura,thank you!
@@sjokevanberendonk6675 Another priceless aspect of my flood story, I was prepared! I had just cleaned my room so there was minimal damage to personal items.
Always the best use of my time! Becoming more educated and understanding the reality in which we live in is an obligation of our existence. Keep up the amazing work JP!
Mr Peterson... just thank you. I don’t know how to express the gratitude I have in mere words for your availability to be used by the Most High!
I send you my prayers Dr. Peterson.
Jordan, I'm just crossing the line of the years, watching this masterpiece, drinking some Champagne and feeling thankful, having met you in the 2017. Thank you for your contribution to mankind. Your humbleness does probably not realise your importance. Thanks and cheers!
I could fill a pool with the tears I have cried the last three years. I owe you my life. Thank you Dr. Peterson and family for the effort of making your work public to everyone.
I am in awe of how many people have said this. I am in awe of his impact on my own life. Yeonmi Park is the only other person to have such an impact on my life, helping to guide me to the good in life. I hope they somehow benefit from our gratitude.
JP has grown 15000 subs since November 2017. Keep spreading knowledge
かつしんりゅう人づて I don't know what you said, but you're here so you get a 👍
1000000 + now
5 million people have watched these videos so far! I would like to congratulate you all! I've read plenty of comments on here and seems like most are either agnostic or atheists. And a vast majority of you have commented in a very mature manner! I'm a Christian and this has most definitely open my mind to a more parable mentality that I've thought of the early stories for a long time. From what I've read from a lot of you, this has also done the same. So I hope this has given you a thought that has shown you relevance to the Bible
Well, for me he's helped me look past my infatuation with my intellect and taking it literally. It does not matter if god exists or not. It's existence, the nature of being and our relationship with it and it helps our primitive brains thinking of it as a being and have as an axiom that you don't question or blame it. If it actually was a being there would be quite a bit for it to answer for but as it stands there's no use to expect/demand such.
One thing more, Joseph the coat of many colors. Joseph,s coat a shadow of things to come. These United States the coat of many colors. Excepting the coat, puts us in favor of the Father,s heart . ❤️ God promises Abraham his seed would be like the sands of the sea, and the stars in the sky. Thanks to the American Indians how still hold that they are of the frist fruits of the land here in America.
I dont think you realize how important this work is this series has help me understand the bible soooooo much more and that has created a living relationship with the word bless you
thank you so much for doing this series Dr Peterson. Educating enlightening and inspiring this 45 yr old to be better person, husband, and father. Cant wait to get the new book.
shootlightsout he’s really inspired me in my Fatherhood path as well over the past 6 months. Thank god for all of the cringe videos that led me to him.
So you admit to being an asshole for 45 years? And this tool has now shown you the light? You have a very simple mind. I could hypnotize you. Want me to? Let me know.
“Ill start on Exodus depending on what happens next year”
Perceptive, I hope he gets the chance to finish the whole Pentateuch
What happens: lock down the globe
This series was insanely helpful for me. I didn't just view it, I studied it. I had to watch some of them again and again to extract the full understanding out of it. JBP deepened my love and understanding of God/the Bible. Helped bring so much more clarity of how to live well. How to bring out the best you that resides within you and with the help of the biblical teachings. I'm insanely grateful for this 🙏 . Please do more of these.
Jordan Peterson instantly changed my life! And I introduced my mother to Jordan Peterson's videos, and it instantly changed her life as well!
If you know somebody who wants to improve their life, I would suggest you recommend them Jordan Peterson!
I have recently discovered Dr Peterson and he has answered most of my lifes questions.
So happy too that he is doing a Biblical series!
Sending love from the beautiful islands of the PHILIPPINES
Thank you Jordan. Your work means the world to me
"My good intentions without works, my good promises without performance, have ruined me. I have said to God, tomorrow and tomorrow, till i am fallen into the night of death." - Henry Suso
"You're probably right, it is a stupid idea." I love this man.
Just because something bad happens to you does not give you the right to get off the path and make it worse. . ..that is the best lesson I am learning.
Thank you, Dr. Peterson. You've helped me align my life and realize my goals. You've helped me face a recurring nightmare I've had for years and I finally feel like im making progress in my life, albeit slowly. Practically, you have brought about the building of my ark so I can withstand the flood- which my current familial situation is bringing upon me nearly daily.
It will be hard road to walk, but one that is worthwhile, for the ultimate aim shall keep me upright in my endeavors. I will strive to be the best I can be in all areas, contemplating constantly how I can do it better.
"Successive approximation of the ideal person."
What a profound summary of the entire story. Like Tolstoy, saying more in one sentence than others take an entire book to say. JP is an absolute genius! Get well Professor we need you back in these times more than ever.
Better to spend two and a half hours becoming a more educated person by listening to Dr. Peterson, than spend two and a half hours listening to the Young Turks where the opposite happens.
Or 16 hours watching CNN which Stephen Crowder did. It almost killed him.
Yea, they are!!! But that's offensive to garbage!!
JP is a wise man but I think he needs to keep with the times. Hard for such a busy man I know but I wish JP would talk about the genocidal spirit of a lot religious people nowadays where evangelicals are praising trump for fulfilling an end times prophecy with the Jerusalem issue. I love the Abrahamic religions, mostly thanks to Peterson but they have end time prophecies that enables people of power like Trump or Erdogan of Turkey to mask their genocidal tendencies with “morality” by “fulfilling” these end times prophecy.
@shugo104 if you reread the comment, opposite views are not mentioned. The opposite effect on one's self education is the point, which certainly rings true. Best 👍🏴
It's a privilege to be part of this.... What Jordan is doing will let a good mark on the world and I was there to see!!
It is his humility that makes him such a hero to me. Humility is not a common resource nor an easily recognizable one, which makes it all the more valuable. Dr Peterson's self-deprecating manner and child-like wonder are what attracts me to him.
Jordan Peterson's interpretation is full of interesting and thought provoking ideas. And his references to the human condition are in my opinion truthful and well considered. This video deserves to be seen more than once to grasp the wisdom of its contents properly.
Dear Sir Dr. Jordan Peterson. Thank you very much for this unbelievable series of lectures. Making education available to hungry minds of any age and backgrounds. As for intellectual desire and practical utility for life. You are the force of making order out of chaos, making sense out of the insane world and total confusion. The dragon seems much more tamable. My hunger for knowledge has not yet satisficed.
Looking forward for your full recovery from the flood that came to you. Wishing you all the health and prosperity potentially possible from the bottom of my clean rooms of my heart :)
" We do a very bad job in the modern world, for testing to see if our systems can go wrong" - JPB
Thank you, Professor, the world needs your wisdom in this current crisis. Prayers and strength to you and your family.
"Sheerly because of his character and competence"
Who blessed Joesph with such gifts and wisdom/discernment? God.
My cat listens to Dr. Peterson.
She is angelic, and wise, playful, and content. A dog, in cat coat.
She is a true companion, looking out for me. She enjoys me and is not at all embarrassed to show it.
2018 has been an incredible year. I've 'cemented' and intergrated so much since watching this lecture series and my brain feels that it has finally found a real place to feed. I am literally already counting down the days till May. Greetings all from Rochdale, England and thank you Jordan B Peterson.
Hi there, how did May pan out for you? Things have changed since then. How are you holding up?
@@googlearchipelago2825 It has certainly been one hell of a year and a half. I am alive, I am grateful for what I have and I am vigilant. I am just sticking to creating my music. How are things in your corner of the world right now?
This lecture was incredible and hilarious. So happy I was there in-person. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Radius Unknown I envy you so much :-)
Congrats. I hope he comes to New Zealand. Seeing him speak in a setting like this is definitely on my bucko list.
Show off
I’m jealous!
Radius Unknown Jealous
Every single lecture has been brilliant... a masterpiece of human knowledge for the future. But some how this one felt like leaps above the others....just outstanding and life changing!
Was I the only one that was so happy when he said "If you've asked a question in the past 3 lectures please do not tonight"? I was honestly getting sick of that one kid who would talk in a funny voice, saying, "Hello Mr. Peterson". Brown nose of the year award if I ever seen a candidate. Lol.
Yes, thats who I was referring to. Very annoying person.
I kind of liked “Citizen Peterson” guy. He was wierd and quirky. Ratzinger is actually an extremely interesting figure for addressing religion in the modern age. I actually laughed at his crazy complex question last lecture and Peterson’s super amusing short response deciding not to tackle the complicated question he posed. But other people should get to talk.
A psychologist giving a bible talk effectively and discernible.Am I in the real world? Love this so much.He really brings the word to life and gives it breath and meaning.
I can listen to you all day Dr. Peterson. Ive watched and listen to your lectures countless times. I listen to them all day as if it was music. They motivate me while I do chores or journaling. I'm even listening to your audiobooks. You helped me so much. I love your lectures on Genesis. I can't wait for Exodus. Thank You Dr. Peterson.
1:17:25 “Maybe the only real misfortune is to become corrupted."
Word 💪💪💪✅✅✅🌼🌻🌺🥀🌹🏵⚘🌷💮⁉️⁉️⁉️👍👍👍👍🗣🍑🐕
Which is to say that you allow yourself to become corrupted.
I made it. All 15 lectures in 27 days. I already watched the 2017 Personality Course and read 12 Rules for Life. The Maps of Meaning lectures come next.
I love how these are nearly 3 hours long. I was at so many of these in person and my ability to concentrate and stay focussed for so long shot way up. Also helped having triple Americanos at the coffee place that was across from ROM before standing in line, but anyway, these lectures are so amazing. I cannot watch an hour usually again. Someone should make more of these. Maybe ....
Brillant..... and it's comforting to hear him answer the first question as 'ten templates' overlaid with the Light/Truth shining through. He mentioned as his process and is exactly how I described it to people I'm talking to about his lectures. Amazing legacy of work. Thank you. By God, literally, you're on a mission!! x
The camera work for this particular video is amazing
I was in synagogue as a young child and my cousin was reading his portion for his bar mitzvah. When he got read out "Seven fat cows came up out of the Nile", I sung out very loud "Uh huh huh" Elvis style like the song in Joseph and his Technicolour Dreamcoat. And the whole bus got up and clapped.
My archetypal father and his good advice
I know he has challenges with his faith but his interpretation and deep understanding of some of these biblical texts are invaluable
I am awed at how he expands a familiar story and abstracts the truth of it as it applies to us now.
I learned from a spiritual Master long ago: "Make no comparison with your fellow man." This has helped me tremendously and has been a commandment I have lived up to. Instead of resentment, jealousy, competition, and all negative reactions, I live grateful with every gift given. Imagine if Cain would have considered how to make himself better, instead of what he did chose.
Nothing wrong with comparing yourself to your fellow man if it inspires you to become a better human. Competition is fine… it should anger you others are living well and that anger should be channeled toward action. The panoply of emotions are all to be used… not rejected.
Another important lecture. Miss it at your own peril...astonishing, riveting, impactful.
I cried at the end of this. In 30 years from now, we may look back at this series and name it the refounding of western civilization. The deeper meaning and knownledge in this is so necessary for people's lives that even after hundreds of millions of dollars in anti biblical propaganda, millions of people decided to take the leap of faith to look into this. This is the adapting, actualizing and renewal of an entire civilization.
Jordan Peterson will go down in the Pantheon of history with Alexander the Great, George Washington and Napoleon Bonaparte.
I totally agree brother. He's (& a very few others) are currently being used by GOD to quite literally SAVE the West. Among them also, the Qanon/Q/GreatAwakwning movement : www. Qanon. pub
Great Awakening
It was red and yellow and green and brown
And scarlet and black and ochre and peach
And ruby and olive and violet and fawn
And lilac and gold and chocolate and mauve
And cream and crimson and silver and rose
And azure and lemon and russet and grey
And purple and white and pink and orange
And red and yellow and green and brown and
Scarlet and black and ochre and peach
And ruby and olive and violet and fawn
And lilac and gold and chocolate and mauve
And cream and crimson and silver and rose
And azure and lemon and russet and grey
And purple and white and pink and orange
And blue
Go, go, go Joseph you know what they say
Hang on now Joseph you'll make it some day
Sha la la Joseph you're doing fine
You and your dreams go ahead of your time
**Mental image of Ned Flanders walking around his house watering his flower pots**
Love you Nuance Bro!
She was beautiful but eeevil-ah!
Seems to be joseph was a gay.
"Physician, heal thyself." I love that Dr. Peterson sees the relevance and worth of all work and walks in life. Get something out of it all. Learn something. " Don' t compare yourself to others. Compare yourself to who you were yesterday." I may have adlibbed that. Thank you Dr. Peterson.
My mind and heart lights up every time I listen to him. Its as if he knows what Im going through. Amazing!
Dr. Peterson, I would like to thank you for this lecture series and for helping me understand a lot more about my own culture. I learned a lot during quarantine so far! I hope you'll get better soon.
Brothers: "You're in a pit"
Joseph: "Hold my cape" 🏳️🌈
Slave master: "You're a slave"
Joseph: "Hold my cape" 🏳️🌈
Prison Guard: "You're a prisoner"
Joseph: "Hold my cape" 🏳️🌈
Jesus came to save us sinners. He was crucified, buried and then rose again on the third day. Now when we believe in Him we have eternal life and forgiveness of sins. God loves you believe in Christ Jesus!
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16
@@user-xb4mh6jz3g you're amongst friends.
I can see the pain in JBP's face during the initial applause and his silent _man, this is a slippery slope._
he has a phobia to be part of a group, he wants to stick to just being individual. without meaning to being a part of group at same time
He puts strong emphasis on the empowerment of the individual so Im sure hes uncomfortable with it like what are yall cheering me on for I know nothing you dont already.
I noticed that too. It's a tricky situation, to be sure.
This hits hard for any truth seeker or loner or misunderstood
Hits even harder now that we know what he was inadvertently putting himself through with barbiturates.
Listening to this lecture series has been one of the greatest joys of my life.
Maybe the reason all along I started to feel attracted to Jordan B Peterson's videos and books was the calling to get closer to the word of God. And the christ.
he showed many.of us how far we stray from god
Had an interesting thought on Joseph's coat and his brothers selling him into slavery. The "multiple colors" of the coat (the Hebrew, I believe, actually could mean "seamless") could represent the multiple possibilities that Jospeh has in front of him. Multiple possibilities brought about by his being Israel's "favorite" son, and Israel's pouring into him all the attention. This makes the coat an embodiment of the myriad potentialities of Israel future via Joseph. Joseph's brothers sell him into slavery and cover the coat in goat's blood an indication of the death of those possibilities. The goat, as sacrificial animal, represented sin, but not the atonement thereof.
Could it be that the coat of "infinite possibility" was "killed" as Joesph's brothers relegated Josephs to a single, actualized, outcome. But an outcome that God used to redeem the remainder of the family, leading to the birth of the nation?
Craig Gorsuch
Redemption out of tragedy. Yay!
I've got two in my study.
Astoundingly under apreciated observation.
Very insightful.
I'm thinking of Chesterton's observation on the saw, "All roads lead to Rome"--"All roads lead to Rome and that's precisely why we never get there."
Greatest Sunday school teacher EVER🌞
Jesus came to save us sinners. He was crucified, buried and then rose again on the third day. Now when we believe in Him we have eternal life and forgiveness of sins. God loves you believe in Christ Jesus!
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16
GOD BLESS you Dr patterson
You are so loved and respected
This is one of the best lectures I have ever listened to. Absolutely fantastic
I do not know how many times I have seen this talk, over and over and over again...simply genius
Dr Peterson I recently learned of your admitting yourself to rehab, subsequent to your wives illness. My prayers are with you, being someone who just lost my mother after a 4 year battle (with metastatic colorectal, liver, lung , stomach, and most likely brain cancer).
As her sole caregiver I can relate to yourself and your wife's plight.
Hang in there. Things look bad now. But in the end you will get through it!
Yes Dr Peterson, this too will pass and boy, just think of how much better you're going to be after this season of suffering. God is preparing you like he used to prepare the first church believers: a long period as a catechoumen, then baptisms, then fire for Life everlasting. God keep you unto that Day. Amen (from a Messianic Jew)
I'm starting XV!! Thank you Dr. Peterson. I've never heard of any of the people you quote, but your lectures speak to me. I'm a Commercial Painter and not an educated man. I'm trying to find the proper path thru life and trying not to be a monster. I've been looking at myself differently lately. I am definitely a fixer upper. But I have this feeling inside that I can change... That I can make a difference in my family's life and I can be better. Thank you
Hope you are well
Thank you Rhonda. Everything is going well. I'm actually just waking up with Lex Friedmans podcast playing in the background. Lol. How are you??
Thank you very much Dr. JP. PLEASE keep up with the biblical lectures.. Lord bless you
"the willingness to demolish your intellect in the face of superstition." Wow. That rang.
same , those words put together... is just otherwordly... i spent years with a "ficitious" smug thinking how happy i was to read on atheism and bla bla.... just rebellious in my father's eyes.. I suppose there was a time when i was more concerned about the vagaries of the church than one of their own priests... .. if that makes any sense ...; /
What is so unique an amazing about Petersons lectures is how he brings proof that Christian faith works, practicly and psychologically. All spiritual aruments left aside. It works as a way to live your life in the best possible way. No preacher i know of manages to do this like he does. He puts words and evidence, ik a way I never could, to my own experienced in my life - that Christian faith works!
Hi Dr. Peterson, in the Q and A at the end of your lecture, someone asked about "Ego-death" and your answer encapsulated the death and destruction that I have experienced in the aftermath of a bitterly contested divorce. This death happened when I escaped a narcissistic husband and in the process of doing so, I lost my two children, who believed his convincing narrative. To this day, 23 years ago this last Thanksgiving Week, they have remained lost to me and I have no family. I have always believed that Love was the most important value in the cosmos, and when that is betrayed, it brings about a death that reaches out through time and space to destroy all one once valued. I never understood the cataclysmic destruction I have had to endure, and I never felt anyone could understand the depths of loss I have experienced. But your words about "ego-death" painted with a broad brush my experience. I have to admit, after all this time, though I have tried to go on and have a career and tried to be open to a new relationship, I have not been able to re-build my life - to rebuild love - and I feel stuck. Is there a lecture you have done which speaks to the effort to rebuild your life - and you've failed - in the aftermath of experiencing such a thing as I've described? In closing, I would like to say that I have much admiration and respect for you in your quest for truth.
So lucky to be present for this lecture. Definitely can't wait until the next series starts up, hoping to attend more than a few!
The Holy Spirit has entered Dr Peterson’s soul 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
Thank you for the gift Dr. Peterson.
Merry Christmas!
Love and respect from Czechia! Those lectures have changed my life!
I love this man! I really think he has helped change my life. He has an anointing on him that is just insane. I love his honesty and passion.