  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024
  • Bath in Somerset is a world famous City which tourists flock to there is a huge difference between the rich and the poor here. We visited Twerton which is most deprived part of Bath, home of poverty and poor health. Bristol Rovers formerly played at Twerton Park which is the only reason anyone ever visited this part of Bath. Everybody we spoke to had problems with the housing association and drugs. The crimes were described to us by the residents and we explored with some new camera equipment and conducted our first interview on the Turdtowns channel.


  • @iangalley3464
    @iangalley3464 10 місяців тому +95

    Poor Bryn. I can believe his predicament, as I have an anecdote I will share. 20 years ago I briefly lived in a midlands town, in an area that was full of post war, terraced housing. (Despite their age, there were in good condition). The council had the idea that they could sell off the land and make a mint, but the majority of the housing was owned, (there were people who had been there for 60+ years). First, they sent surveyors to the houses, but the houses were in good nick, so they couldn't make people move. Then, they just offered large cash sums to the residents to move, some took the money and ran. But, some (mostly pensioners) didn't, they wanted to stay in their family homes, places they'd lived their entire lives and had strong memories. So the council, annoyed, moved in problem tenants to live either side, (e.g. drug addicts, vandals, noisy bastards, aka anything that would scare the old). The place went downhill rapidly. Beforehand, it was a nice, safe, working class area, but now it was a shit-hole, (I'd moved down south by then, but when I visited, I was shocked). Then 2008 happened and the big banking crash. Whomever was doing the land redevelopment must've gone bust, as the area was left undeveloped, a waste-ground.
    Thanks for the videos, makes my town look like a paradise in comparison.

    • @altaccount5931
      @altaccount5931 10 місяців тому +5

      West midlands Area by chance? This had been common practice and has was a lot more prevalent in the Black Country especially. Give it a few more years and i wouldnt be supprised if it will be poorly maintained private HMO's over the whole county and barekly any privately owned homes alltogether.

    • @chriskessell4579
      @chriskessell4579 4 місяці тому

      If you want answers listen to Barbara learner Spectre and watch Europa the last battle this has been planned.

    • @RyoHazuki1
      @RyoHazuki1 3 місяці тому

      What was the town? Thanks.

    • @iangalley3464
      @iangalley3464 3 місяці тому +1

      @@RyoHazuki1 The town was Hanley, (Stoke on Trent)

    • @ladylaois8184
      @ladylaois8184 22 дні тому

      You’ll never win against them the masons

  • @ThePersian61
    @ThePersian61 10 місяців тому +163

    Finally get to see the man behind the Turdtowns voice.😄

    • @laurastuart3814
      @laurastuart3814 10 місяців тому +5

      That was quite exciting wasn't it.

    • @philcollinson328
      @philcollinson328 10 місяців тому +1

      At last...he must be shy beard.

    • @laurastuart3814
      @laurastuart3814 10 місяців тому +2

      @@philcollinson328 Smart hair cut, neat beard ✔

    • @ol1ver89
      @ol1ver89 10 місяців тому +4

      Was it him though ? There is two people ! I did wonder ?

    • @xtonys9786
      @xtonys9786 10 місяців тому +5

      Markyd123 is his other channel

  • @JedHall-t4k
    @JedHall-t4k 10 місяців тому +80

    So happy Turdtowns is back 🙂. Great video as always

    • @larryjimbob
      @larryjimbob 10 місяців тому +3

      Glad it hasn't gone down the pan 😁

  • @badvalleycrow5291
    @badvalleycrow5291 10 місяців тому +85

    Lived in Twerton for many years as well as my wife. It was never posh but it was a nice area with a vibrant high street and a decent non league football team. Have seen the shocking decline of this area over the years and I am glad to see you highlighting it. I am just glad we escaped many years ago.

    • @grahamrawlings7327
      @grahamrawlings7327 10 місяців тому +5

      Born in Twerton, a great place in the fifties but now?

    • @uws5604
      @uws5604 10 місяців тому +6

      You lived in your wife?

    • @debb4809
      @debb4809 10 місяців тому


    • @shuvision576
      @shuvision576 9 місяців тому

      That's a lie , twerton is fukin grim lol

    • @staceyleeellis9160
      @staceyleeellis9160 9 місяців тому

      Nothing wrong with Twerton. you’ll pay 350k+ plus for an ex council house.
      The guy talking about the development by the council and it’s housing is talking nonsense. The whole of the lower Bristol road has been allocated for student accommodation,maybe 3000-4000 students which is an asset. To be fair the developments are really smart.
      There were plans to redevelop the footy ground and regenerate the whole high street,but nope this idiot probably kicked up a stink about the noise and the whole project was scrapped.

  • @jacquesmertens3369
    @jacquesmertens3369 10 місяців тому +160

    Twerton is just Turdtown spelled wrong.

    • @museonfilm8919
      @museonfilm8919 10 місяців тому +13


    • @womagrid
      @womagrid 10 місяців тому +4

      It's affectionately known by some as Twertonia. There's nothing a bit of rebranding can't fix.

    • @glenking877
      @glenking877 10 місяців тому


    • @iesroo
      @iesroo Місяць тому


  • @dickiegreenleaf750
    @dickiegreenleaf750 10 місяців тому +23

    Wow. Poor guy. I hope something changes. This is a great video. Thanks.

  • @mattg5878
    @mattg5878 10 місяців тому +270

    Finding a local nutter should be a permanent new feature. End of year, should then have a "nutter of the year video"

    • @bezenby9804
      @bezenby9804 10 місяців тому +45

      I fully endorse this suggestion. It's not like there's a lack of them in the UK.

    • @Fubar1462
      @Fubar1462 10 місяців тому

      ​@@bezenby9804we have more supply than demand 😂

    • @johnrandall125
      @johnrandall125 10 місяців тому +14

      Oh yeah! Definitely do a local nutter feature!

    • @michaelj3282
      @michaelj3282 10 місяців тому +4

      I like this idea

    • @griswald7156
      @griswald7156 10 місяців тому +5


  • @ignatius-inreality
    @ignatius-inreality 10 місяців тому +32

    "...they cemented that on me shag pile carpet". Legend.
    Love Turdtowns. The interview with a local 'character' would be a welcome addition to the future chronicaling of Turdtowns

  • @daniel_vaughan
    @daniel_vaughan 10 місяців тому +55

    I used to live near Twerton about 20 years ago. I am sure this was the guy I had a conversation with about a van he bought in an auction that had been owned by a guy who was struck by lightening and killed when fishing. He told me inside he found a safe full of money. Such a great story.

  • @primordialpouch565
    @primordialpouch565 10 місяців тому +41

    Grew up there before it was studentville - couldn't wait to leave and never wanted to go back - its one giant bowl of pollution and snobbery, it's geared up for consumerism and tourists, drinking, drugs and late night expensive dining and one night stands - it has a certain pretentiousness all of it's own - yes there is some wonderful architecture there but as a place to grow up, it was for me terrible and I left as soon as I was able, much of it is dreary and neglected, even the once beautiful botanical gardens are more or less grown over because they council don't want to pay for maintenance of anything
    The homeless are many and petty criminals are attracted because of the perceived wealth of the place - one man moved from Bournemouth where he was homeless, to Bath and worked stealing designer glasses which were sold to a dodgy pub owner - I used to work in a 24 hour shop and saw all the dreggs of society, crims, dealers, grotty freaks, smack heads a plenty - getting robbed and attacked for booze after the clubs came out was a regular occurence - one regular used to come in with her little girl, very normal, within 2 months of living around all the grimness she'd got into smack , lost the kid and was asking me for money
    There's a really dreadful side and consequence of putting people in extreme poverty right next to such extreme wealth - Twerton was always grim though, even the market was just low quality tat we'd laugh about and just as grim was Whiteway, Snow Hill, Norfolk Crescent and Julian Road - which is directly behind the pomp of the Royal Crescent - funny thing people living in those areas were often much easier to be around than the other side of Bath which is just grandiose rich kids getting wasted, making music and generally just living off Mummy and Daddy whist doing almost nothing beneficial to anyone, don't get me started on the students!

    • @katewolfspirit6722
      @katewolfspirit6722 10 місяців тому +3

      Thanks for your interesting input. Good to hear it from someone who has lived and grown up there.

    • @primordialpouch565
      @primordialpouch565 10 місяців тому +4

      @@katewolfspirit6722 that;s kind thanks :) I should have said the chippy was the only positive of Twerton, best garlic Mushrooms of any I've been to before or since, plus there used to be a bakery that had a tiny hatch you could get fresh dougnuts from -in the 80's there was a lot of families and most people knew each other but now it's just mainly students, the gardens are just full of rubbish and recycling boxes there was a time though it had a nicer community but boy am I glad not to be trudging those street anymore!

    • @helenbenjafield7351
      @helenbenjafield7351 10 місяців тому +4

      That's a fair assessment of this place,&everything is done for the university!

    • @sherston
      @sherston 7 місяців тому

      I had a deep fried mars bar from there many years ago. Wasn’t great, sadly. I should’ve stuck to the chips.

    • @sherston
      @sherston 7 місяців тому

      It’s even more studentville now. Pretty soon there’ll be more students than residents and tourists, the way it’s going.

  • @susanparkauntiesuze5447
    @susanparkauntiesuze5447 10 місяців тому +36

    Who’s surprised that our illustrious Lord Cameron is in the middle of this vile company?

  • @ollyharris9438
    @ollyharris9438 10 місяців тому +45

    The "uuuuhhhh" sound made as the chap starts talking was the sound we all made.

  • @swansong5263
    @swansong5263 10 місяців тому +21

    I really liked your compassionate ending commentary.
    Poor Bryn, regardless of any opinion of him
    I felt very sorry for his plight.
    What a sad secret Royal Bath keeps.

  • @RJRC_105
    @RJRC_105 10 місяців тому +20

    Sounds a bit like Oxford. Get away from the dreaming spires and into places like Cowley or Blackbird Leys or Rose Hill and it's pretty gruesome.

  • @MrWrob32
    @MrWrob32 10 місяців тому +25

    Curo is the largest owner of those posh Georgian buildings and even own one on the Royal Crescent and are hated just as much by those living in those posh homes

    • @Danbotology
      @Danbotology 3 місяці тому

      The standards of their van drivers are absolutely abysmal also.

    • @Kevinly_Tube
      @Kevinly_Tube 2 місяці тому

      It is not CURO that's the issue, some people working for CURO are actually honest hard working people trying to stay's just that CEO.

  • @JaymzZeppelin
    @JaymzZeppelin 7 місяців тому +57

    Creator has said on his other channel that he is taking a break from this channel as there has been a bereavement close to him therefore needs to stay close to home for the time being.

    • @Jim-so3zm
      @Jim-so3zm 7 місяців тому +4

      He has another channel?

    • @JaymzZeppelin
      @JaymzZeppelin 7 місяців тому +4

      @@Jim-so3zm Yeah Markyd123

    • @JaymzZeppelin
      @JaymzZeppelin 7 місяців тому +4

      @@randomuploaderguy Hi mate, he is just keeping the integrity of kayfabe alive on his wrestling channel. I asked him earlier this month and he out right told me the above information on the Marky channel.

    • @russc788
      @russc788 6 місяців тому

      Ah I was wondering

    • @MrSekund
      @MrSekund 5 місяців тому

      Sorry to hear that, though I'm a bit relieved tbh... I was worried that they were "convinced" to stop the channel after messing with some (Bath's) wrong people.. Fortunately it's not the case

  • @AZ-vv1rf
    @AZ-vv1rf 10 місяців тому +18

    Thanks! I was asking for this video after you did Poshtowns last year. Tbh I've been expecting worse, but anything that reeks of that level of corruption is just plain disgusting. I bet you'll find hunderds of such cases in and around London though as well. More videos with interviews from locals would be really interesting.

  • @jondixon4937
    @jondixon4937 10 місяців тому +27

    "Subscriptions of mephadrone"
    Who would want an annual commitment to buy plant food?

    • @katewolfspirit6722
      @katewolfspirit6722 10 місяців тому +4

      Yeah, I clocked that too. He meant methadone, but I guess it's easy to get the two words mixed up.

    • @godfreypoon5148
      @godfreypoon5148 8 місяців тому +2

      @@katewolfspirit6722 Probably can't say the proper word without getting demonetized.

  • @keiththorpe9571
    @keiththorpe9571 10 місяців тому +51

    There is another side to Bath...The scummy ring of grime that clings to the inside of the tub!

  • @katherinestott685
    @katherinestott685 10 місяців тому +27

    God bless this man from Twerton. He's got true grit. You've got to admire his spirit.❤❤❤

    • @jamesrobert4106
      @jamesrobert4106 5 місяців тому +1

      He also has an IQ 20 points higher than Einstein 🤔

  • @TheWtfnonamez
    @TheWtfnonamez 10 місяців тому +56

    I lived in Bath for the best part of a decade and I only ever set foot in Twerton ONCE, and that was an accident.
    Going there is like that scene in the Hurt Locker, where Jeremy Renner wanders off the base and goes into the darkest reaches of the town.
    People normally only go to Twerton for two reasons:
    1. They live there
    2. They are in the back of a Police car being driven around trying to identity who mugged them.
    What you have to remember is that Bath is literally the most beautiful City in the UK, and there is some national beauty competition that they literally won every year for about twenty years in a row. They spend millions of pounds every year on FLOWERS which they plant in the spring on nearly every roundabout and border, and yearly transient population of students and tourists outnumbers the residents by a factor. Bath council is entirely aligned with the principle of making the city pretty and posh, and they will cut funding for essential projects in order to do that. They are also notorious for cutting shady quasi-corrupt deals with businesses to bring even more funds to the beautification budget. Its not an accident that the council cut a deal with a bus provider which made the bus route up Norwood Hill to the University the most expensive bus route per mile in the UK.
    If Bath Council had their way, they would round up the "Poors" and dump them all on the outskirts of Bristol. If they could get away with, they convert one of the old disused mines into social housing and throw them down the hole. I have only heard of immigrants being housed in a Bath hotel ONCE. Pretty sure the council put an end to that.

    • @aslc2547
      @aslc2547 10 місяців тому +8

      Interesting, I worked in the area for a while around 20 years ago so used to go over in the evenings to explore the City as everyone kept saying how great it is . Glad I looked round and definitely interesting but the most unfriendly, place with the rudest people I have ever spent time in.

    • @PinarelloVelo
      @PinarelloVelo 10 місяців тому

      3. For football

    • @BeanFace-oj2en
      @BeanFace-oj2en 10 місяців тому

      Lived in bath for 4 years, years ago now, whole place is shit, if you want to be a cunt to posh people its great, shit, piss ant city, useless

    • @killerStranngle
      @killerStranngle 10 місяців тому +2

      haha funny about Twerton. I think Bath was the most beautiful City in Uk but I think that mantel has been long over taken by places like York, Stratford upon Avon and Canterbury although i lasted visited York in 2004 it was very nice.

    • @TheWtfnonamez
      @TheWtfnonamez 10 місяців тому

      @@killerStranngle Haven't visited those places recently so maybe I will give them a shot.
      Strangely, when I was younger, Canterbury was legendary for its fighting on Saturday night. If you were in the centre of town on a Saturday night you had even odds of someone punching your lights out. It was like Plymouth but worse haha.
      The Cathedral was beautiful mind.

  • @vixenghoul
    @vixenghoul 10 місяців тому +27

    I was born in Bath and lived in Weston village till I was 12 and loved it there. Was a great place to grow up. In 1992/3 I lived in snow hill when I was 14/15yrs old and it was ok but could get quite rough. Just tried not to fall out with anyone. The park in snow hill in the early 90s was brand new and was good for small kids, sad to see it like that now. At 15/16yrs old we lived on the paragon ( social housing ) and they were fancy. Like whole houses within a building. Two story flats. I never lived in tweton but we used to take the piss outta it as kids. I moved away at 16yrs. I miss it. Visit occasionally because most of my family are there. I've also heard how bad curo is, so glad I don't live there now.

    • @spana123321
      @spana123321 10 місяців тому +4

      Is it bath or Barth?

    • @vixenghoul
      @vixenghoul 10 місяців тому +5

      @@spana123321 well I haven’t lived there since the mid 90s so cannot say but I hear people saying it’s not the same as it used to be. So… I dunno ! Growing up there in the 80s and 90s was awesome though, from going into town and doing activities and shopping and then hanging out at vikki park to also playing all day in the fields surrounding Weston village. Back then it definitely was Bath .

    • @djinnxx7050
      @djinnxx7050 10 місяців тому +2

      @@spana123321 Depends on how middle class your teeth are, I reckon.

    • @DerekDerekDerekDerekDerekDerek
      @DerekDerekDerekDerekDerekDerek 10 місяців тому

      ​@@spana123321londoners don't pronounce the letter R, it's more like Bawth or bahff

    • @dominicegan4547
      @dominicegan4547 8 місяців тому +1

      Its still a place for students to splash the cash was in the pig n fiddle pub a round of beer n a double vodka with some fancy beverage cost me just shy of 20.00...i used to frequent the indie clubs back in the 90s fusion and alot more its just lots of shops, tourists and big bucks unlike Twerton sadly..I lived Snow Hill for a few yrs keep yourself to yourself..don't make a target for others..otherwise you become unfortunately the whipping boy or girl..Longacre Tavern, Hatchets or The Bell the places to go..also for cheap added sawdust The Beehive too..

  • @CattCreature
    @CattCreature 10 місяців тому +8

    Just a little history. Twerton did have a train station, the smallest. That tall building on the corner, at 1:52 where you turn from the main road and go under the bridge. That was the entrance but it closed years ago. Also driving along the Lower Bristol rd, you see lots of little doors in the wall under the trainline. That was an attempt at making some housing. I'm talking victorian era here. I was born and lived in bath for 20+ years and never knew that was the purpose for all those little doors. Also as an ex local, I used to go to Twerton market, that was nice but don't know if they still do that anymore.

    • @Turdtowns
      @Turdtowns  10 місяців тому +4

      No the market has stopped sadly.

  • @WinnerWinnerEmmaDinner
    @WinnerWinnerEmmaDinner 10 місяців тому +9

    I'm currently applying to be rehoused within BANES, chap helping me with the paperwork said 'Don't bid on properties in Twerton' I was a bit miffed. Thank you Turd Towns for answering this for me.

    • @Yoyo-01
      @Yoyo-01 10 місяців тому +2

      It covers over 60% of the council housing in Bath tho, so not easy to avoid when looking at places on offer.

    • @WinnerWinnerEmmaDinner
      @WinnerWinnerEmmaDinner 10 місяців тому +1

      @@Yoyo-01 That's a lot 😬. I'm on the edge of BANES at the moment, top of my road and turn right is Bristol. I really don't want to go into Bath if I can help it.

  • @toby319
    @toby319 10 місяців тому +211

    IQ north of 180. Right.

    • @jacquesmertens3369
      @jacquesmertens3369 10 місяців тому +39

      Don't push him. He might get so mad that he invents the wheel.

    • @woogle463
      @woogle463 10 місяців тому +26

      500 million in losses

    • @SabretoothBarnacle
      @SabretoothBarnacle 10 місяців тому +11

      If I can do ok with my low IQ of ~138 then this guy should be a god when it comes to business 😂

    • @larryjimbob
      @larryjimbob 10 місяців тому +21

      I reckon that the guy who shat under his kitchen window meant it 😉😁

    • @crozwayne
      @crozwayne 10 місяців тому +2

      @@jacquesmertens3369 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @GamiGreen
    @GamiGreen 10 місяців тому +8

    I worked door to door in Twerton, before we got there I assumed it would be like the rest of Bath that I had seen up until that point. Was shocked to find it was really grim and pretty much like any other council estate I had worked on before! Though, I had always wondered where the reprobates you see milling around Bath city centre came from.......

  • @brantnuttall
    @brantnuttall 10 місяців тому +24

    that was hard hitting and a great rant by Bryn!

  • @121zoso
    @121zoso 10 місяців тому +25

    Bryn needs his own podcast. I’d happily subscribe 😆😆

  • @TheDoctor881
    @TheDoctor881 10 місяців тому +80

    Brin for mayor

    • @larryjimbob
      @larryjimbob 10 місяців тому +3


    • @laurastuart3814
      @laurastuart3814 10 місяців тому +6

      At least he provided us with a real turd.

    • @johnnymacf1
      @johnnymacf1 10 місяців тому +1

      He couldnt be bothered to put his own trap on a sink in 5 months. He would be a terrible mayor😂

  • @KittyChinchilla69
    @KittyChinchilla69 10 місяців тому +172

    The way you had to dodge answering his “Do I seem mentally unstable to you?” 🤣🤣

    • @laurastuart3814
      @laurastuart3814 10 місяців тому +10

      Master of tact.

    • @Mattriver7
      @Mattriver7 10 місяців тому

      'I don't know you mate' hahaha!...

    • @jasonsutcliffe1973
      @jasonsutcliffe1973 10 місяців тому +24

      An IQ north of 180 🤣🤣🤣

    • @Simonsayshmp
      @Simonsayshmp 10 місяців тому +9

      He’s the local nut job ! I live up the hill

    • @obelines
      @obelines 10 місяців тому +6

      @@Simonsayshmpwouldn’t you go nuts having to put up with all that???

  • @sherston
    @sherston 7 місяців тому +6

    ‘Snow hill is an interesting Estate.’ I’d go along with that description 😃 Especially with that tavern that used to be around nearby and is now a pizza place. Interesting for sure. Top video, as ever. My home city, I was raised in the BA2 area, Southdown way. Be good to see you cover that area and maybe the interesting area of Whiteway? Or would that just be too risky? 😉

  • @andyovhull1875
    @andyovhull1875 10 місяців тому +163

    After the old fella claimed 'an IQ north of 180', I found it hard to take him too seriously 🤣

    • @nothereandthereanywhere
      @nothereandthereanywhere 10 місяців тому +28

      After he has said that, all went south :D

    • @edmundprice5276
      @edmundprice5276 10 місяців тому +3

      there are lots of differing IQ scales

    • @Silent002
      @Silent002 10 місяців тому +1

      I was gone before he was a sentence in, lol. It used to be that these tin-hat loonies just stuck to their crackpot conventions; you find 'em everywhere these days. He's gonna find himself in court if he keeps making comments about people on camera like that, though. Good on Turdtowns to bleep the name.

    • @tomcat2395
      @tomcat2395 10 місяців тому +12

      he is as mad as a bag of frogs

    • @Baerchenization
      @Baerchenization 10 місяців тому

      @@edmundprice5276 There is only one, or else it would not be a standard for comparison. Ask me how I know... happens to be one of my favourite conversation pieces, I had even read a book on IQ testing already 30 years ago by the Mensa Society, there are no secrets about IQ testing. People talk about intelligence all the time, if only in the negative, by calling someone stupid, which has to be relative to someone intelligent, or else it would be meaningless to call someone the opposite of that. But ask the person next to you what the definition of intelligence is, and they will not know, and neither do you, I have never met anyone who knew the definition if pressed for it, so I do not mean to give you shit, it is only that people talk about it all the time anyway, obviously it carries a lot of value to us... err, smart, clever.. or something, innit? Intelligence has exactly one meaning. - But yeah, it is one of the two things that occupies our minds the most... whether you have brains or not, and whether you are good looking or ugly as fuck... 90% of all insults can be reduced to alluding to either of the two ;) Now, 180 is a lot, really a lot... we need more information here, is the best I can do for him ;)

  • @richardwest4212
    @richardwest4212 10 місяців тому +14

    Love the featured historian.

  • @kra6750
    @kra6750 10 місяців тому +9

    Visit Nottingham’s Aspley, Rise Park, Bulwell, St. Ann’s and Meadows (where I used to live) if you dare!
    Take your pick.

  • @ComeJesusChrist
    @ComeJesusChrist 10 місяців тому +10

    I lived in Bath and in a village a mile away for years. Bath is nice, you need to leave it to appreciate its full beauty and how comfortable it is. It was getting claustrophobic and once you start seeing the Masonic architecture everywhere, you cannot unsee it. Surprisingly, a large chunk, something like a sixth of all Georgian properties in the city belongs to the locally based housing association. Even in the Royal Crescent or other parts that are the most expensive parts of the city centre, you could ind social housing tenants. There is a large estate, Foxhill that was always notorious, but things are changing as more and more people are priced out as generations grow up, unable to find social housing matching what they had growing up. I personally hated Oldfield Park and the fact that people were willing to pay that much for properties with restricted privacy, often no usable gardens and pedestrians seeing through.

    • @dominicegan4547
      @dominicegan4547 8 місяців тому

      Oldfield Park the rabbit den..was ok only really good part was the high street with the pubs and local charity shops..!

    • @finnjb3249
      @finnjb3249 26 днів тому

      Foxhill's been gentrified beyond recognition these days. I lived there as a kid in the late 2000s-early 2010s and while it did have a bit of a reputation I don't think it was that bad, although I do remember it being in the news that someone had been stabbed outside some of the flats towards the top of Sedgemoor Road. My family moved out around that time, but I went there a few months ago and the place looked fine.

  • @lightsatsparkwood21
    @lightsatsparkwood21 10 місяців тому +32

    I live in Bristol and people seem to be really into shitting in the street here too.

    • @hollowhoc
      @hollowhoc 10 місяців тому +3

      'mon, get it together down there guys

  • @q3hdi
    @q3hdi 10 місяців тому +9

    We’re waiting patiently for you to visit East Anglia 😊

  • @daveepsin4795
    @daveepsin4795 10 місяців тому +11

    I do pest control in Bath, so its pretty safe to say I've seen the city's arsehole, and Twerton definitely takes the cake in depravation. Everythings falling apart, even the Morrisons there is a mess that their head office would rather forget about. Its just one of those places the council would rather sweep under the rug and its to the detriment of the rest of the city. You wouldn't think bath would have gangs and the like, but it does and they all hail from Twerton. Even get them going to places like Frome and Westbury to cause trouble. Cant blame them, the kids have been left with nothing better to do and no money

  • @YllaStar95970
    @YllaStar95970 10 місяців тому +10

    🇬🇧There's a croft with 3 acres for sale at the very end of the United Kingdom, isolated single track, 10mins from nearest other occupied property.
    I wonder if that is the answer in 2024's broken Britain?🇬🇧

  • @metalgrandad
    @metalgrandad 10 місяців тому +10

    Great video, excellent idea interviewing the local mentalist!

  • @Lester1979
    @Lester1979 10 місяців тому +7

    Great video. As a resident of County Durham I’d love to see you make a top 10 because I know my town would be near the top. We’ve been ranked as the number 1 cheapest place to buy a house in many newspapers.

    • @thathurt
      @thathurt 10 місяців тому +2

      I'm still trying to come to terms with the architecture of Peterlee now I've discovered your county when looking for affordable homes.

    • @Lester1979
      @Lester1979 10 місяців тому

      @@thathurt That's one hideous town but doesn't quite beat Newton Aycliffe.

  • @philcollinson328
    @philcollinson328 10 місяців тому +3

    Pleased to see you're back mate.

  • @allthingsgood156
    @allthingsgood156 10 місяців тому +7

    Thank you for sharing your pain, so funny. Great episode.

    • @rivergladesgardenrailroad8834
      @rivergladesgardenrailroad8834 10 місяців тому +2

      not really funny, it's sad. This chap does not have the means or skills to upgrade himself, and I bet the young people see him as a grumpy old man. But hero for taking on the Council, the Landlords and the courts, but one ain't going to win against the elite and powerful.

    • @CaptainHomey
      @CaptainHomey 10 місяців тому

      this is Me from on the video I DID have means and also as local community leader did what council failed for forty years... single handedly raise half million to rebuild youth ctr. but then near murdered protecting 6yr old in riot by footy ground opening left disabled and STRESSED chaps from TT caught me going for milk at shop n i asdked about filming then blurted out my tale. Mistakes in quotes but FACT all conivcited FACT police most dangerous criminals in the city next to bent courts and CUROand that building now stands condemned since 2004 and not maintained in over 60 years as proven... but ignored by all. Councillor tim ball as ex mayor and part of community group who helped me convict them all is now millions better off working for curo as second job titled property developement manager for Twerton but LIES cheats n defrauds as that and also lib dem scumbasg working alongside corrupt bilderberg who replaced don foster and that withc is wera hobhouse who also made promises to sort it but ran for the hills never to be heard from again. I could go on but who cares I'm busy trying to find WHERE the scummy councils moved my elderly mum after forcing her into care (the strewss of it all and assaulted by pedo funeral director then covered up by bent cops ruined her after serving local hospital for some 45 years)@@rivergladesgardenrailroad8834

  • @andrewroberts4736
    @andrewroberts4736 10 місяців тому +5

    Nice to see TurdTowns back !!

  • @OGxCSH
    @OGxCSH 10 місяців тому +10

    Welcome back...ALWAYS looking forward to another video! Cheers from a wet n raining California

    • @larryjimbob
      @larryjimbob 10 місяців тому +3

      Turdtowns is international! 😊

  • @ishotjfk4
    @ishotjfk4 10 місяців тому +19

    You fuking tell 'em, Bryn!

  • @narannavan
    @narannavan 10 місяців тому +13

    Jesus this brings back memories. Curo were rubbish when I worked for the council. Anyway, now go the other end of Bath and see how bad that is...
    Also my mate found a pair of Rayban up the top of Twerton and lost them on a rave boat on the Danube.

  • @wayneprewett6114
    @wayneprewett6114 10 місяців тому +7

    So sad to see Twerton park looking so dejected, very fond memories of Rovers time there. Was ten when Rovers went there and twenty when they left. Many an illegal pint in the pubs around the area.

    • @martinking9945
      @martinking9945 10 місяців тому +2

      Even Liverpool came to town to play there against the gas lol

  • @nkmade2004
    @nkmade2004 10 місяців тому +8

    Welcome back to TurdTowns!

  • @jonathanellis1842
    @jonathanellis1842 10 місяців тому +6

    You could stop in Chester, very similar to Bath, very posh and expensive houses and then just outside if a little hidden is Blacon. Cheshire police even moved the police station from the centre of the city to a new building in Blacon. Often the people who live there are the real people of Chester, the ones who do the real work and need a voice but those who visit only see the gentrified nice Chester not the place that is forgotten about!

    • @The_rifter24
      @The_rifter24 9 місяців тому

      Blacons police bacon 🥓

  • @That_1ModelTrainGuy
    @That_1ModelTrainGuy 9 місяців тому +3

    Can we have Oxfordshire next please? Love your videos mate!

  • @stampatron
    @stampatron 10 місяців тому +50

    I thought you'd misspelt Tiverton in the title. Plenty of human shit there!

    • @adrianfitzpatrick4638
      @adrianfitzpatrick4638 10 місяців тому +9

      A local social worker told me they have a departmental acronym, NFT, or Normal For Tiverton. 😅

    • @nicdoye
      @nicdoye 10 місяців тому +4

      From memory, Twerton is a contraction of Twiverton, so pretty close!

    • @7ofthem
      @7ofthem 10 місяців тому +3

      @@adrianfitzpatrick4638I’m a nurse and used to say NFN ‘normal for norfolk’ I think every place has its version

    • @adrianfitzpatrick4638
      @adrianfitzpatrick4638 10 місяців тому

      @@7ofthem 😂wow, at least Tiverton is just a town. Norfolk? Wow . I did once go to Kings Lynn, and if the rest of Norfolk is like that , then I understand completely. 😂

  • @Yoyo-01
    @Yoyo-01 10 місяців тому +7

    Dirty Twertz it's a council/Curo dumping ground like you say 60 odd percent all together in one area that hasn't been touched since it was built. No regular maintainence on the buildings or outside. Lots of homeless addicts get housed there after coming to Bath to beg from the tourists it's pretty mingin :D

  • @chrissybee18
    @chrissybee18 10 місяців тому +52

    I was waiting for that guy to say Lord Lucan was having a beer in his garden and his neighbour plays call of duty with the real Elvis.

    • @kerethmakura4502
      @kerethmakura4502 10 місяців тому +5

      Elvis prefers GTA IV. ;)

    • @ScandalUK
      @ScandalUK 10 місяців тому

      @@kerethmakura4502yeah I was gonna say Loony Lucan only drinks Guinness cans from M&W

    • @particlecloud
      @particlecloud 6 місяців тому

      Lord Lucan escaped on Shergar while Bryn was distracted by Turdtowns.

  • @radiobez
    @radiobez 10 місяців тому +8

    When are you heading up North? There is a plethora of hovels that have more than an abundance of faecel matter to choose from. St Helens, Skelmersdale to name but a few

    • @Eric_Hunt194
      @Eric_Hunt194 10 місяців тому +3

      Skelmersdale is a sight to behold... a sh!t knock-off of Milton Keynes designed around the car but with among the lowest % of car ownership in the country. Built after WW2 to house people from Liverpool but has no railway station and isn't in Merseyside.

    • @Jim-so3zm
      @Jim-so3zm 10 місяців тому +3

      Doncaster, Mexborough, Barnsley...

    • @RickDeckard6531
      @RickDeckard6531 10 місяців тому

      If you go to Skelmersdale, do drop in on the Maharishi Dome by way of contrast.

    • @RickDeckard6531
      @RickDeckard6531 10 місяців тому

      @@Eric_Hunt194 You can get a bus from Skelmersdale to the Upholland station. It takes 15 mins. They'd have to build a railway line to connect Skelmersdale with the Northern line. But yes, not the best planning.

  • @GodLovesYou828
    @GodLovesYou828 7 місяців тому +1

    Much love from the states!! Found you thru ring of the hawk!

  • @bencross3759
    @bencross3759 10 місяців тому +4

    Always look forward to your uploads!

  • @stuartstibbs2069
    @stuartstibbs2069 10 місяців тому +1

    Subscribed. Cant live without Turdtown! 😢🎉🎉

  • @Return_oftheMac
    @Return_oftheMac 10 місяців тому +9

    We need a better index for turdtown rankings - index of multiple deprivation is too scientific, I recommend 'abandoned dog turds per 100m', and think Bexleyheath, SE London would rank pretty high, the local mouth breathers love sharing the output of their mongrels with the wider community!

  • @shaunw9270
    @shaunw9270 10 місяців тому +5

    I have family living in Twerton . It is rough as hell ! Snow Hill is better but probably the best council estate in Bath is Weston.

  • @tommyball1863
    @tommyball1863 10 місяців тому +5

    I grew up in Oldfield Park, round the corner… I can no longer afford to live in Bath. Twerton has always had a bad rep and you’re right, it’s the area of a UNESCO world heritage site they don’t want you to see. It’s got worse. It’s good to see you on film, keep this up and you’ll eclipse Backpacker Ben, Wendel and Turnip!

  • @marktannertt
    @marktannertt 10 місяців тому +2

    I love going to Twerton Park for the football, I hope you stopped at The Crown for a pint! Loads of good memories growing up in Twerton and Oldfield Park - lots of money is being pumped into the High Street soon!

  • @jukeboxjohnnie
    @jukeboxjohnnie 10 місяців тому +22

    That blokes fantastic, got to love him! 5000 gallons of industrial bleach, crikey! I cant even imagine that much bleach!!!

    • @YoLo-bb2vc
      @YoLo-bb2vc 10 місяців тому +2

      the only time ive seen that much bleach used was after the texas oil disaster that broke BP they used a fuck tonne to clean the oil up lol

    • @glenking877
      @glenking877 10 місяців тому +2

      Walter Mittys second cousin from Bath.

  • @dominicegan4547
    @dominicegan4547 8 місяців тому +1

    Snow Hill worth checking too..another big estate..used to live there yrs ago..!

  • @pestopizza2001
    @pestopizza2001 9 місяців тому +3

    Please do Turdtowns in Hampshire and Oxfordshire.

  • @HenrysAdventures
    @HenrysAdventures 5 днів тому

    Twerton used to have a railway station but it closed as long ago as 1917. The station building is still there and of course the line is still open. The nearest railway station to Twerton now is Oldfield Park.

  • @TheCho-k4m
    @TheCho-k4m 10 місяців тому +14

    You'd never find Jeff Jarrett walking around that estate!

  • @dominicegan4547
    @dominicegan4547 8 місяців тому +2

    If you offered me a swap deal between Runcorn and here its a swap deffo lots of estates here. Try Windmill Hill small but full of activity again another place i lived but the buses refused to service. Made Twerton look hospitable. Why? Im eager to come home but priced out of the market within Bath City Centre..great insightful video..

  • @kerryfry1857
    @kerryfry1857 10 місяців тому +11

    You say B'aa'th correctly well done you ❤

    • @YoLo-bb2vc
      @YoLo-bb2vc 10 місяців тому

      i said that and sounded like a bloody sheep ahahahahahahahaaaa

  • @ThecodbroZ11
    @ThecodbroZ11 3 місяці тому +1

    Thanks for the video, my hometown, and a neighbourhood I know well

  • @jamesd512
    @jamesd512 10 місяців тому +3

    You should do more videos that include interviews like this. Sure the guy was a bit of a nutter, but it was kind of interesting from a journalistic stand point. I'm sure there a thousands of people like him with stories to tell who don't normally get to tell them

  • @lukeguy6091
    @lukeguy6091 10 місяців тому

    Appreciate the more empathetic take on this one, the guy seemed a bit nutty but you listened. I'll subscribe on the basis of you showing empathy for communities like this, thumbs up to you.

  • @aaronhooper1110
    @aaronhooper1110 10 місяців тому +16

    I used to deliver parcels to one of the local schools in twerton and often the headmaster would be outside the school gate with a litter picker picking up used junkie needles, why local councils give priority to these degenerates when it comes to council properties rather than struggling working class families baffles me, I know plenty of good families that work just to live and would give their right arm for a council place to get on in life. Priorities are all wrong and something needs to be done about it maybe a monthly drugs test would put and end to it, 3 strikes and your out 🤔

  • @ellisenvironmental8843
    @ellisenvironmental8843 10 місяців тому +1

    You should visit some of the estates in and around Belfast Northern Ireland

  • @RickDeckard6531
    @RickDeckard6531 10 місяців тому +3

    There were some older houses with character there, but a lot of the housing looked like it was UK Army family accommodation. Bryn: Justice or not, if you can, get out of there - living there is obviously very, very stressful.

  • @immortalwolf1277
    @immortalwolf1277 6 місяців тому +2

    Hi mate hope you are going to do some new ones soon

  • @paulhynam7332
    @paulhynam7332 10 місяців тому +3

    Hats off to Bryn for telling it as it is.
    If you go back to the 1950's you will see it is a common strategy of rich property developers to make poor areas adjacent to high yield areas unliveable by moving undesirables into an area.
    As soon as he throws in the towel they will pull down the building and build yuppie flats.
    Let's hope Bryn sticks it out and the developers offer to set him up in a high end flat in a better part of the city.

  • @jameshall3566
    @jameshall3566 10 місяців тому +2

    If you do County Durham for your next video you should look at Ferryhill, Peterlee and Bishop Auckland. The north-east of England is beautiful but the way that some of the towns there have been neglected and left to rot is very sad.

  • @kroneditor9266
    @kroneditor9266 10 місяців тому +8

    The band Tears for Fears came from Twerton in Bath.

    • @HKFunster
      @HKFunster 10 місяців тому +3

      Curt Smith lived in Walcot, not Twerton

    • @paulk7663
      @paulk7663 10 місяців тому +6

      Every Bryn wants to rule the World.

    • @tosspot1305
      @tosspot1305 10 місяців тому +1

      Didn't they end up in a mansion up shamcastle lane?

  • @monikacorgi
    @monikacorgi 10 місяців тому +14

    The way this guy showed how someone used his wall as a toilet cracked me up 😂😂I know it's awful but it's just the way he showed it 😂😂😂

  • @LucyCampbell-k6o
    @LucyCampbell-k6o 10 місяців тому +7

    It's sad that you missed the huge double fronted Creative Twerton, run by Little Lost Robot, on the high street. They run free arts and educational courses, events and activities. They are giving so much to the community in this area. I know Twerton looks bad, but, having lived very near there, it really isn't awful. The train stop is Oldfield Park, and is a short walk from Twerton high street. Things have gotten worse since Tory rein, but there is a community movement going on to try to improve it. Obviously, council input is necessary, but I just wanted to add that there are efforts being made to make life more bearable 😅

  • @rustynail1194
    @rustynail1194 10 місяців тому +3

    My mum and dad grew up in Twerton and my grandparents lived there, my grandad still does actually, he's 104 this year.
    A LOT has changed in Bath in the last 30 to 40 years. My dad bought his house for 3 grand, yes, just 3 grand in the mid 70s on the other side of the city. It's now worth 500k. How the fook can anyone who grew up there afford that? Answer, they don't. We've all had to move out, barely anyone from my school can live here now. I had to move out to one of the neighbouring villages.
    My dad's house is just up the road from Snowhill. That's how weird Bath is, we have pockets of rich people right by people who have basically fook all.
    We have our problems just like anywhere else. Don't believe everything you hear about our city.
    Oh thanks for doing the video by the way, that's the real side of my city. 👍

  • @anokata-kd8oc
    @anokata-kd8oc 10 місяців тому +2

    As a German I asked myself: WTF is Curo? and at least at 7:30 I got it.. Oh, it's the British version of Vonovia! This poor man better hope this companies will never come in contact or they'll bill him not 10 grand for the windows but eventually 7 for heating he never used(and the windows will fall out by itself probably). Edit: 11:12 Oh, they already do it. Where is the government? Companies like this should not be allowed to do any business with affect any people directly.

    • @CaptainHomey
      @CaptainHomey 5 місяців тому

      prost! my friend.To enlighten you USA Supreme courts kicked HSBC bank out of USA but David Cameron BEGGED them not to convict instead they settled for a fine of 18 billion GBP. Then Cameron handed them the entirew nations public housing. HSBC also own all insurance compnaines who since WWI pay our judges so as to avoid bias acts.. in effect they own judges courts land housing all illlegally and no legal help no matter how much money you have as ALL sign an NDA so they can never act against any interest of the HSBC Cabal. Victor da Cunha - Chief Executive of CURO was a mafia linked money launderer but after 500 years Italy put all in proison in mass arrest ending a half century of mafia crime. DeCuna brought all mafia money to uk started up curo using HSBC who all corrput politicians launder through.... and on and on it goes. Even in past two years HSBC were fined twice once each year to a total of almost 100 million GBP but think back to the 18 Billion fine from US supreme court.. and that was for far lesser money laundering cirmes and deaths

  • @bulldetecting2230
    @bulldetecting2230 8 місяців тому +6

    No video for ages, I hope you are ok.

  • @laverdajota8089
    @laverdajota8089 10 місяців тому +2

    Try the Medway towns in Kent , isle of sheppy is a sh’t hole , and Strood etc ,
    Many dumps in Kent .

  • @Merle1987
    @Merle1987 6 місяців тому +4

    Hello my good man. It has been four months since you released a video and it is now nearly summertime. So please release more Turdtowns videos. Thank you from beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

  • @user-mn4te3it9q
    @user-mn4te3it9q 10 місяців тому +1

    Please do a videos on Edinburgh, Glasgow and Aberdeen.

  • @uws5604
    @uws5604 10 місяців тому +8

    This is what is missing from previous videos. Interviews with quirky locals. More of that please.

    • @womagrid
      @womagrid 10 місяців тому +1

      It may be entertaining for you but exploiting people for clicks is pretty low TBH.

    • @uws5604
      @uws5604 10 місяців тому +2

      @@womagrid I thought they were pretty fair to him. He was entitled to say what he wanted and present himself how he liked. They did nothing to lead him on. Of course media is about allowing people to present themselves and this has happened long before the dawn of the internet. True exploitation of people is unpleasant but I don't think this was it.

    • @womagrid
      @womagrid 10 місяців тому

      @@uws5604 For sure it could have been worse, but (at least for me) the thumbnail gave the game away. Also, I have no idea how much context was given about the purpose of the video and how it would be presented. That being the case, I probably shouldn't assume the worst.

    • @uws5604
      @uws5604 10 місяців тому

      @@womagrid The thumbnail wasn't very complimentary, I'll give you that. Personally, I would never, ever get into a public conversation with anybody who was capturing UA-cam footage.

  • @paulburgess9786
    @paulburgess9786 10 місяців тому +1

    Great video as always. Video on Berkshire west Berkshire ? It’s not far from you 😊

  • @cmilter6360
    @cmilter6360 7 місяців тому +4

    Where did you go?

  • @nerielarisma1
    @nerielarisma1 9 місяців тому

    Another great video as you flush the streets while taking a bath. Im sure people would love your descriptions of Cas Vagas and Ponte Carlo :D

  • @amcluesent
    @amcluesent 10 місяців тому +7

    Around May/June visit Scotland and do Cumbernauld, Motherwell, East Kilbride and Dundee. There's piles of turdtastic material there.

  • @AnythingThomas
    @AnythingThomas 10 місяців тому +2

    Go to Great Yarmouth especially at this time of year it's uhh interesting

  • @colcester
    @colcester 10 місяців тому +9

    Funny how his bespoke front door can be also purchased in B&Q...😂
    As a format going forward, you might have stayed with Bryn a bit to much, I confess that I fast forwarded a bit to skip most of his bit, just watched snippets of him. Maybe if you can find more than one person to interview next time and have a section in the film called LooneyTurds or something...
    Still, good potential for expansion of Turdtowns, although I still prefer the Countywide visits, picking off the floaters from the flushers, to coin a metaphor...😂

    • @freeman10000
      @freeman10000 10 місяців тому +3

      Agreed, the interview was a little long.

    • @Turdtowns
      @Turdtowns  10 місяців тому +1

      Agree. This video was mainly just practice. Gained a lot from doing it. Gotta try new stuff and learn new skills to grow.

    • @vividdreams7072
      @vividdreams7072 9 місяців тому

      Agreed , too much of him

  • @Rleatfitness
    @Rleatfitness 10 місяців тому +1

    knew this would be about Twerton, its down the road from where all the students typically live. I was told to avoid going there when I was at Uni in bath.

  • @mcharrisment4765
    @mcharrisment4765 10 місяців тому +11

    The man in the maroon cardigan was annoying me initially. I thought he was rambling and tbh I found him boring and a know it all.
    Hang in there because this man does know his stuff and talks complete sense. I really feel sorry for his plight and others in similar situations also.
    Both leading two parties , government, have let this male and other communities massively down

    • @YoLo-bb2vc
      @YoLo-bb2vc 10 місяців тому

      sadly its true and hell is coming as the dumber head of this political ogre is about to take over and oh boy when they do its gunna be hell on earth! and the other head isnt much smarter either.
      still i find alot of the commenters here are really not being nice to a man who clearly looks desperate.

  • @peterclarke9859
    @peterclarke9859 9 місяців тому

    Can you please do North Essex, Colchester, Witham and Braintree surely contenders. Suffolk, Haverhill etc

  • @mariemccann5895
    @mariemccann5895 10 місяців тому +13

    You should do a doc on Curo to expose the truth!

  • @stephenthomasgreen3895
    @stephenthomasgreen3895 2 місяці тому

    I lived in bath for about 8 years. My missus lived in twerton whilst studying. Everywhere has its deprived areas. Being Bath twerton compared to other areas in the county is quite nice. Also has best chippy iv ever been to.

  • @zapptuff5186
    @zapptuff5186 10 місяців тому +7

    Twerton and the Roundhill area (Whiteway etc) can be absolutely horrific. Wild to see an area I'm so familiar with

    • @martinking9945
      @martinking9945 10 місяців тому +1

      Lived whiteway 10 years Twerton 10 years am not damaged... nervous tick intensifies lol