I had a friend who's a big Green Arrow fan explain to me the relationship between Green Arrow and Deathstoke. Deathstoke seems to have respect for Batman because he feels he Batman can defeat him in honest combat. But apparently he absolutely loathes Green Arrow because he feels as though Green Arrow only beats him with stupid tricks, and will go out of his way to fuck with Oliver.
You for got to mention that Prometheus, also was kind of responsible for the death of Roy's daughter that was like a grandchild to Ollie. So him killing someone that killed his kid's kid makes it rather sympathetic.
He'd also nearly killed Prometheus several years earlier, basically turning him into a pincushion. I think it might have been back around Infinite Crisis?
TheBlues32 no he ran away for a bit trying to kill other people who conspired with Prometheus. Turned himself in to Flash and Green Lantern. He was then placed on trial where he was unmasked and the people of Star City exiled him from their city, Black Canary divorce him and then Flashpoint. Hopefully his relationship with her in Rebirth gets better, as long as their memories of Pre-New 52 don't emerge
Victor Von Deathstroke no go read the full comic even after superman got hit by kryptonite he was still standing and batman just got a heart attack so they stopped fighting. I don't call that a win.
arrow was the one who really took out superman for batman with a kryptonite arrow. alot of people forget or underplay arrow's role in fighting against superman.
BLUE MARAUDER arrow could beat superman with criptonite easy I think, batman struggled a lot because it was h2h combat but arrow can use his range and beat sup much more easy(I think I killed the english but you will understand what I mean)
Another interesting fact about Green Arrow, he is sometimes portrayed as having a friendly rivalry with Batman, the two sometimes competing when working together who can get more done.
Sadiki St. George Seconded. Dude has been considered a joke for too long. His body can survive the crushing depths of the ocean, for god sake! Do you realize how durable that means he is?!
If anything, the being useless without his bow point isn't the case as since everyone knows him best from Arrow, there's more hand to hand combat than archery in that so they wouldn't get it wrong
Blake Adams the character of Thea Dearden Queen is based of Mia Dearden. Thea doesn't exist in the comics. He do have a sister in the New 52 but she's called Emiko Queen and she's the daughter of Robert Queen and Shado.
Green Arrow is my favourite DC hero, he has since great stories, plenty of depth, and I love the Robin Hood motif. Superman is fun, but has to have ridiculous stakes, Batman is good, but they really oversell his intelligence, so much so he's generally as invulnerable as superman. The Green Arrow though has much better more relatable stakes in its stories more often.
Hi, I'm a huge Green Lantern fan and after reading GL & GA presents and watching DCs animated series, I would like to start off with Green Arrow. Could you recommend where to start or a couple good GA stories to start reading? Thanks in advance :D
Carlos Mariano Moya Caballero I've not read any of the new 52 stuff, but for older stuff I recommend Green Arrow: Year One, also Longbow Hunters (which he and Black Canary move to Seattle and the Green Arrow comes back to hunt a serial killer), and Quiver written by Kevin Smith covers his life after being resurrected by Hal Jordan and has some great moments. Another favourite of mine is The Road to Jericho which is a great collection of stories including one with Batman and the Red Hood. Happy reading 😁
Just want to point out here that the Arrowette photo they used was Miss Arrowette's daughter, Cissie. The Arrowette that Ollie was involved with was her mother Bonnie. LOL!
Green Arrow most famously killed Prometheus??? I'm showing my age, but he killed Green Lantern, and it was a way bigger deal. (Even though he came back years later).
Well he killed Hal Jordan who was posses by Parallax if my comic knowledge hasn't failed me during the events of Zero Hour. After that Jordan became the Specter
He'll yeah Simon covering my favorite hero. He is such an interesting character that has been reduced to a cw tv show. He's so cool, uber liberal, sarcastic, who will legit murder you. So much depth. Thanks what culutr.
Well the Arrowverse certainly treats him like a discount Batman. Also it would be nice if the tv Green Arrow would drop a joke every now and then, instead of being serious all the time. I like the wisecracking Green Arrow from the comics, cartoons, and video games; and it would be nice to see that reflected in the tv show. I would like that. So there!!
The point of the arrow tv show was kind of to show what superheroes would more or less be like in real life, no time for jokes, barely time to sleep or eat as he's the mayor and green arrow. He's working around the clock with the thought of everything being his fault because he made a mistake.
KevWebsz The CW wanted to take Green Arrow and have their own spin of it. It's pretty much a "fan" show. They literally ask their viewers what they want to see and they do it. That's why Filicity stayed on the show. She was only supposed to air 3 times but the viewers wanted more of her.
10 things Arrow got wrong about Green Arrow. 1. Oliver Queen / Green Arrow. 2. The Black Canary'(all 3 of them.) 3. The Focus of the Show 4. OTA (Original Team Arrow.) 5. No Goatee. 6. Ra's Al Ghul ( He's a match maker.) 7. Seasons 3 and 4. 8. Almost Everything about the Show when compared to the Comics. 9. Felicity. 10. Olicity. Things it got Right. 1. The Bad Guys for Season 1,2 and 5. 2. Nyssa Al Ghul is ok 3. Got the Flash started. 4. the fighting in seasons 1,2 parts of 3 and 5. 5. Oliver's List in season 1. 6. Roy was alright for what he was. 7. Thea was actually a good substitute for Speedy. 8. Diggle. 9. Bringing in John Constantine. 10 teaching DC what not to do with with DC rebirth (try make the comic more like the show.) and what not to do if we ever get a Green Arrow Movie.
To be fair all the DC-shows are pretty inaccurate on many characters, plots and pretty much everything. There is a reason why it is called the arrowverse and not part of the DCU
I loved this character in Justice League, he was extremely everyman but also had the greatest sense of responsibility and self sacrifice to get the job done and his allies safe. Like that Wildcat fight, oh damn was that impressive.
The Arrow show is not accurate at all for green arrow, He is a wisecracker and not that serious, plus the only reason he was made is cause DC wanted another not powered hero instead of focusing on batman so much.
Meh, it's different enough it's like the show is it's own mythos rather than just copy-pasting the comics entirely. Yeah I know most movies and shows about comic book characters are different but this one even goes as far as completely changing how he became the Arrow in the first place. Some people might not like that but I do for being it's own thing even though I think it takes itself a lot more seriously than it needs to sometimes.
If I am not mistaken it was success of Dark Knight Trilogy that made them want to make Green Arrow very much like Batman. He even got some Batman's villains like Ra's Al Ghul and they also made Prometheus evil version of him when in comics Prometheus is evil version of Batman.
Eddy The Martian Yeah and that's why I don't like Arrow Oliver that much. He is just given Bruce's gruffness instead of Oliver's light hearted banter. Anytime I see him being happy, I want to see the happy go lucky Oliver that I saw in Justice League.
Uhhh... His political side hasn't been addressed out side the comics? Bollocks. The CW's Oliver McQueen is freaking mayor of Starling City. He ran a political campaign for the better part of a season. He makes clear policy statements at press conferences on a regular basis. He stopped being the Arrow at one stage to focus on his political career. How much more political do you want to get?
Yeah, he wanted to become mayor (and is), but he doesn't really care. The mayoral office isn't really important to him in the show, he'd much rather be out in the streets. He isn't really bent on anything, he's just doing whatever will shut the press up. Not very political, except perhaps for Spectre of the Gun.
While he was never a big enough character in Justice League: Unlimited for it to really shine through, Green Arrow there also made several remarks regarding his political affiliation. This was mostly during the arc where Luthor was running for president and causing increasing friction between the Justice League and the United States.
If the show is so political. Is TV Oliver a Republican? Democrat? Socialist? Independent? Libertarian? Yeah, you have no clue. Because they haven't addressed his political side AT ALL.
To say his politics have not been addressed outside of comics is a bit not true. His character in Justice League Unlimited on cartoon network was political. Calling himself a Liberal and a lefty. Batman wanted him there to keep the rest of the league honest
BobnosaurusSteve To be fair, that was originally meant to be Batman. So they decided to take Green Arrow in a more serious direction. And in all fairness, he's The Arrow rather than Green Arrow.
"It's about the destination, not the journey." Simon, you fucked that saying up pretty badly, mate. It's entirely about the journey, otherwise all the damn reboots would have completely ruined comics for all of us.
Finally a video on my all around favorite comic hero green arrow nobody want to do green arrow like he's not one of the best and hawkeye got nothin on green arrow he is a infinite # of times better idc about anyones opinion on that because that's what i believe GREEN ARROW FOREVER!!!!!!!!🎯
I just want to know how he became such a tactician. Especially with a sword. I thought his training just consisted of hunting on an island for a while.
One thing many folks also don't know about Green Arrow is that he was a member of DC's second superhero team - the Law's Legionnaires aka the Seven Soldiers of Victory.
Actually in the original pre-new 52 comics Shado was a love interest of Green Arrow and may have been the mother to one of his sons. It wasn't until the new 52 that she was retconned to be his father's lover and the mother of Green Arrow's sister Emiko.
Another reason the "Hawkeye" copy argument is false is that in the Golden Age there were numerous archer heroes across many publishing houses, including Golden Arrow (from Whiz Comics, which DC might technically own since they own Shazam) and the Arrow from Centaur Publishing among others.
I think the majority of Batman comparisons come from the TV show. Weather it be Ollie's to serious personality to outright stealing Batman's villians and storylines
Ummm in the New 52 and Rebirth, Ollie has a half sister, named Emiko. The story similar to Thea's, except instead of being the daughter of Merlyn and Moira Queen, she's the daughter of Shado and Robert Queen. Also in Rebirth, Seattle is rebranded as Star City, literally making them the same place.
It's pronounced Die-nah, not dee-nah. I don't know if that's just an accent thing or just not having any knowledge of what you are talking about. I would hope it's the former
Hawkeye's deal is that he's a supervillain turned hero, and a spy who is a perfect shot with a bow, and can go toe to toe against Bullseye in marksmanship. In comparison, Green Arrow is a modern day Robin Hood, sticking up for the poor and the oppressed - but he's hardly a perfect marksman. He's really good archer, sure, but relies more on gadgetry, planning and equipment than raw aiming skills. All they have in common is that they both use bows and arrows, but that's like saying Batman is a ripoff of Superman because both fight with their fists.
Simon....you Ben,Peter,Jules,and Adam...(yes Plumby) are the best What Culture have the best...your humor (especially om the Sony messing up the Spiderman brand rant was classic) i always smile when i see your reporting...cause your humor is spot on...you damn Brit..you make this USA kid laugh...never change and i look forward to your next expose...keep up the great work guys... -Aires Warchild
Well, the fact that the Ollie from the series IS a Batman ripoff doesn't help making the case for him being his own deal, tbh. But truth is, out of the whole DC universe, Ollie has always been one of the few people the Bats truly trusts.
In the current Rebirth run of Green Arrow his home city is of Seattle, however due to the planned actions of the 9th circle to bankrupt the city and rebuild in their own image using their own piles of wealth the city of Seattle was rebranded as Star City after the leader of the 9th circle blew up the Space Needle, along with other terrorist level of attacks on the city.
Before New52 Ollie paid a number of martial arts masters to come back to the island he was stranded on and train the entire Arrow family in hand to hand combat.
I think everyone knows GL/GA more for the scene in which an elderly black man confronts Hal Jordan for his casual racism, than for the "Junkie!" cover. (Here's a fun fact some people may not be aware of: Neal Adams has been retouching his art for DC's digital editions and while newcomers may not know the difference, it's an abomination to us olds--not just because the art is changed, but because the replacement art is terrible.) Also, that was the issue that Green Arrow came out as full-fledged liberal. It's been an essential part of his character ever since; he made a speech about it in Bruce Timm's Justice League Unlimited and he squabbled constantly with uber-conservative Hawkman in the JLA comic during the '70s. The only "everyone" who gets that wrong are those who only know him from the TV show. Warner/DC themselves can't stop making the Batman comparisons in shows like Batman: The Brave and the Bold. And prior to the GL/GA days, that was accurate. Green Arrow was a wealthy playboy superhero with a colorful young decoy sidekick, an Arrowcar, an Arrowplane, an Arrowcave, and even an Arrowsignal for the cops to summon him. (They fired a flaming green arrow in the direction of the crime, hoping he'd be looking up at just the right moment and praying it didn't take out an apartment building.) He just wore his utility belt slung over his back, that's all; he probably has a shark-repellent arrow in that quiver. People stopped giving a damn about GA until Dennis O'Neil made him a working-class in-your-face hippie, eliminating most of the Batman-imitation elements.
"He managed to give Deathstroke a run for his money" How? How in the holy name of flying fucks did a B tier street level hero give DEATHSTROKE a harder fight than Batman, an A-lister whose whole thing is being the best at hand to hand and ingenuity? I will never understand that.
Yes Green Arrow has been for many decades debated as being a variation on Batman as a review of mine in an '80's issue of Detective Comics even points out.
Whatever. It's all vacuous in the show. I wouldn't even stoop to call it lip-service. No actual political ideology is clearly present in the TV shows version of "Oliver Queen"
Everybody likes Green Arrow from the Justice League Aninated Series. He is a happy Batman with a better conscience and moral compass than the other heroes. Everybody who watched him there has a soft spot for the guy.
I'm a huge Green Arrow fan so I knew a lot of the stuff already like before he even said it I knew Seattle was another city home to Green Arrow and about love interests and stuff
A multi billionaire with programs in all types of sciences, a cool hide out with high tech computers and tons of gadgets. Technology such as trackers, heatseakers, smoke grenades, EMP weapons, and no firearms. Doesnt kill unless absolutely necessary, and has been apart of comics for decades. You decide which one im talking about
FACT: Green Arrow makes the BEST and STRONGEST chili.
Yea batman is the only guy who can eat it without any reaction. Even superman can't eat it.
You mean the most delicious Paint Thinner. :3
I had a friend who's a big Green Arrow fan explain to me the relationship between Green Arrow and Deathstoke. Deathstoke seems to have respect for Batman because he feels he Batman can defeat him in honest combat. But apparently he absolutely loathes Green Arrow because he feels as though Green Arrow only beats him with stupid tricks, and will go out of his way to fuck with Oliver.
You for got to mention that Prometheus, also was kind of responsible for the death of Roy's daughter that was like a grandchild to Ollie. So him killing someone that killed his kid's kid makes it rather sympathetic.
LupineShadowOmega He also took responsibility for it...I think. I know he wound up behind bars.
Yeah, he did. It was the only good part of that Arsenal Mini-Series.
He'd also nearly killed Prometheus several years earlier, basically turning him into a pincushion. I think it might have been back around Infinite Crisis?
TheBlues32 no he ran away for a bit trying to kill other people who conspired with Prometheus. Turned himself in to Flash and Green Lantern. He was then placed on trial where he was unmasked and the people of Star City exiled him from their city, Black Canary divorce him and then Flashpoint. Hopefully his relationship with her in Rebirth gets better, as long as their memories of Pre-New 52 don't emerge
*_Lets not forget that Superman ripped off his right arm..._*
NodMan don't forget he got revenge by shooting superman with a kryptonite arrow allowing Batman to win their fight. Revenge!
Victor Von Deathstroke no go read the full comic even after superman got hit by kryptonite he was still standing and batman just got a heart attack so they stopped fighting. I don't call that a win.
Shrey Vaghela Batman won the fight and had a heart attack because of it. That's why superman walked away.
Victor Von Deathstroke no superman had to carry him to his grave and he looked alright to me...
To be more accurate, Superman cut off his arm with his Heat Vision. That's less brutal.
Don't mix it up with Superboy Prime's arm-tearing-off fetish.
arrow was the one who really took out superman for batman with a kryptonite arrow. alot of people forget or underplay arrow's role in fighting against superman.
BLUE MARAUDER arrow could beat superman with criptonite easy I think, batman struggled a lot because it was h2h combat but arrow can use his range and beat sup much more easy(I think I killed the english but you will understand what I mean)
Superman can catch arrows when aware.
Another interesting fact about Green Arrow, he is sometimes portrayed as having a friendly rivalry with Batman, the two sometimes competing when working together who can get more done.
Everything people get wrong about Aquaman this is needed
Sadiki St. George Seconded. Dude has been considered a joke for too long. His body can survive the crushing depths of the ocean, for god sake! Do you realize how durable that means he is?!
He has a magic trident, super strength, can control sea life, and, oh yes, HE CAN CONTROL WATER. 75% of the earth is HIS!
He also founded his own Justice League team.
It was the Detroit one...but still.
One of Aquaman's main villains is Black Manta, who was a Black civil rights activist...with AUTISM.
Oh he also had a baby...named AQUABABY.
Sadiki St. George they'll just get 90% of it wrong again just like they did on this video.
If anything, the being useless without his bow point isn't the case as since everyone knows him best from Arrow, there's more hand to hand combat than archery in that so they wouldn't get it wrong
Arrow or as it's colloquially called Green Batman.
"he's just DC's Hawkeye" the main difference is that green arrow does stuff and is useful
Die-Nah not Dee-Nah, Thee-ah not They-ah
Pretty sure it is Me-ah not My-ah aswell
Nick Creson it's Thea not Mia ...smh
Blake Adams the character of Thea Dearden Queen is based of Mia Dearden. Thea doesn't exist in the comics. He do have a sister in the New 52 but she's called Emiko Queen and she's the daughter of Robert Queen and Shado.
Thank you! I didn't wanna be the only one to say it.
been my favorite superhero since I was 12, keeping in mind Arrow came out when I was 14 and I had no idea Arrow was happening
Green Arrow is my favourite DC hero, he has since great stories, plenty of depth, and I love the Robin Hood motif. Superman is fun, but has to have ridiculous stakes, Batman is good, but they really oversell his intelligence, so much so he's generally as invulnerable as superman. The Green Arrow though has much better more relatable stakes in its stories more often.
Hi, I'm a huge Green Lantern fan and after reading GL & GA presents and watching DCs animated series, I would like to start off with Green Arrow. Could you recommend where to start or a couple good GA stories to start reading? Thanks in advance :D
Carlos Mariano Moya Caballero I've not read any of the new 52 stuff, but for older stuff I recommend Green Arrow: Year One, also Longbow Hunters (which he and Black Canary move to Seattle and the Green Arrow comes back to hunt a serial killer), and Quiver written by Kevin Smith covers his life after being resurrected by Hal Jordan and has some great moments. Another favourite of mine is The Road to Jericho which is a great collection of stories including one with Batman and the Red Hood.
Happy reading 😁
Sweet, thanks man! I'll go check em out
Yeah, like how Superman has laser vision, is made of steel, can fly around the world in a few seconds and has super strength. Not exactly relatable.
Just want to point out here that the Arrowette photo they used was Miss Arrowette's daughter, Cissie. The Arrowette that Ollie was involved with was her mother Bonnie. LOL!
Green Arrow most famously killed Prometheus??? I'm showing my age, but he killed Green Lantern, and it was a way bigger deal. (Even though he came back years later).
im intrigued
Well he killed Hal Jordan who was posses by Parallax if my comic knowledge hasn't failed me during the events of Zero Hour. After that Jordan became the Specter
He believed he killed Green Lantern, but it wasn't the case, and Hal met him a little before Oliver died, so he knew he didn't killed Hal.
He'll yeah Simon covering my favorite hero. He is such an interesting character that has been reduced to a cw tv show. He's so cool, uber liberal, sarcastic, who will legit murder you. So much depth. Thanks what culutr.
Well the Arrowverse certainly treats him like a discount Batman. Also it would be nice if the tv Green Arrow would drop a joke every now and then, instead of being serious all the time. I like the wisecracking Green Arrow from the comics, cartoons, and video games; and it would be nice to see that reflected in the tv show. I would like that. So there!!
batmanfanforever08 do you really think, after all he has benn through, that he would "drop a joke" no
Even soldiers with PTSD still have a sense of humor.
The point of the arrow tv show was kind of to show what superheroes would more or less be like in real life, no time for jokes, barely time to sleep or eat as he's the mayor and green arrow. He's working around the clock with the thought of everything being his fault because he made a mistake.
batmanfanforever08 - He has cracked a few jokes here and there. I'd imagine you would would know that by now.
He's underrated af
10 Things CW Always Gets Wrong About Green Arrow
Oh if there were only 10 things....
KevWebsz The CW wanted to take Green Arrow and have their own spin of it. It's pretty much a "fan" show. They literally ask their viewers what they want to see and they do it. That's why Filicity stayed on the show. She was only supposed to air 3 times but the viewers wanted more of her.
KevWebsz too many, too many
KevWebsz watch mojo did a top five
Killing off Black Canary is a start.
10 things Arrow got wrong about Green Arrow.
1. Oliver Queen / Green Arrow.
2. The Black Canary'(all 3 of them.)
3. The Focus of the Show
4. OTA (Original Team Arrow.)
5. No Goatee.
6. Ra's Al Ghul ( He's a match maker.)
7. Seasons 3 and 4.
8. Almost Everything about the Show when compared to the Comics.
9. Felicity.
10. Olicity.
Things it got Right.
1. The Bad Guys for Season 1,2 and 5.
2. Nyssa Al Ghul is ok
3. Got the Flash started.
4. the fighting in seasons 1,2 parts of 3 and 5.
5. Oliver's List in season 1.
6. Roy was alright for what he was.
7. Thea was actually a good substitute for Speedy.
8. Diggle.
9. Bringing in John Constantine.
10 teaching DC what not to do with with DC rebirth (try make the comic more like the show.) and what not to do if we ever get a
Green Arrow Movie.
Pronunciation is key. You do not have the key.
Your pronunciation of Dinah and Thea is cringe worthy
CircuitBreaker if you played injustices 2 you should know how pronounc her name
KB The accent has nothing to do with it. I've heard other Green Arrow vids by Brits and they pronounced those names correctly..
KB the accent doesn't change anything, I'm English and I say it properly
Guys . . . . . .
Friends and neighbors . . . .
Esteemed colleagues . . . . . . . .
J. A. George who cares if they do why do ppl care how something is pronounced
To be fair all the DC-shows are pretty inaccurate on many characters, plots and pretty much everything. There is a reason why it is called the arrowverse and not part of the DCU
I actually didn't knew nothing about Green arrow before the arrow show now he is my no 1 fevourite superhero and 2 is spider man
Jiga exactly like me.. My favorite superhero before I started arrow was spidey but then I started this show and fell in love with it
Jiga , then in reality you love Batman and not Green Arrow 😂 the show is a rip off of Batman
@@Incenitivity you clearly didn't watch the video 🤡
@@hmt-0764 you’re replying to a 3 year old comment & in addition, the show is long done by now. Who’s the real 🤡 you
@@Incenitivity cry me a river 🤡
Don't forget that he also killed Hal Jordan when he became Paralax
Deena? Who's Deena? It's Dinah (the "i" is pronounced "eye")
Also, Thaya? Really?
Tuba_G lol Abraham from TWD…
I loved this character in Justice League, he was extremely everyman but also had the greatest sense of responsibility and self sacrifice to get the job done and his allies safe.
Like that Wildcat fight, oh damn was that impressive.
The Arrow show is not accurate at all for green arrow, He is a wisecracker and not that serious, plus the only reason he was made is cause DC wanted another not powered hero instead of focusing on batman so much.
Meh, it's different enough it's like the show is it's own mythos rather than just copy-pasting the comics entirely. Yeah I know most movies and shows about comic book characters are different but this one even goes as far as completely changing how he became the Arrow in the first place. Some people might not like that but I do for being it's own thing even though I think it takes itself a lot more seriously than it needs to sometimes.
If I am not mistaken it was success of Dark Knight Trilogy that made them want to make Green Arrow very much like Batman. He even got some Batman's villains like Ra's Al Ghul and they also made Prometheus evil version of him when in comics Prometheus is evil version of Batman.
Both Batman and Arrow fought Prometheus. They just tweaked the Origin to tie more into the Arrow Story.
Eddy The Martian Yeah and that's why I don't like Arrow Oliver that much.
He is just given Bruce's gruffness instead of Oliver's light hearted banter. Anytime I see him being happy, I want to see the happy go lucky Oliver that I saw in Justice League.
Eddy The Martian Arrow is a reimagining. I love both versions of the character personally
Did he just call Dinah, DEENA?!?!??
ShinyNumber1 Ahhh yes. Someone's in the kitchen with DEE-NUH.
LeafLock 😂😂
Ant Thea Theya, and Mia Maya
Dana NBT that thumbnail...
Dana NBT Dianna
ΔΗΜΗΤΡΗΣ ΓΕΝΝΑΙΟΣ do you mean his profile picture?
Luis Alvarez right
AnthonyPotato 125 oh my bad
The comics Green Arrow Oliver Queen has been "Robin Hood in Reverse" ever since at Denny O'Neil got ahold of him.
I love all your channels but the pronunciation of names triggers me. It is Dinah not Deena. It is Thea not Thaya. It is Mia not Myer.
People think that he is rich but it was just his father
Uhhh... His political side hasn't been addressed out side the comics? Bollocks. The CW's Oliver McQueen is freaking mayor of Starling City. He ran a political campaign for the better part of a season. He makes clear policy statements at press conferences on a regular basis. He stopped being the Arrow at one stage to focus on his political career. How much more political do you want to get?
Yeah, he wanted to become mayor (and is), but he doesn't really care. The mayoral office isn't really important to him in the show, he'd much rather be out in the streets. He isn't really bent on anything, he's just doing whatever will shut the press up. Not very political, except perhaps for Spectre of the Gun.
disenchanted.forest you could of said the episode about the 2nd amendment
While he was never a big enough character in Justice League: Unlimited for it to really shine through, Green Arrow there also made several remarks regarding his political affiliation. This was mostly during the arc where Luthor was running for president and causing increasing friction between the Justice League and the United States.
Exactly! That’s what I was thinking!
If the show is so political. Is TV Oliver a Republican? Democrat? Socialist? Independent? Libertarian? Yeah, you have no clue. Because they haven't addressed his political side AT ALL.
Thank you for making this as an actual green arrow fan!
To say his politics have not been addressed outside of comics is a bit not true. His character in Justice League Unlimited on cartoon network was political. Calling himself a Liberal and a lefty. Batman wanted him there to keep the rest of the league honest
Oliver Queen doesn't have his own villians
Uses Deathstroke as an example of his own villain
Eh. Slade isn't really any one heroes villain. Except maybe the Teen Titans, but even then, that's a team.
I know something people (in this video) get wrong about Green Arrow, how his supporting cast names are pronounced. 😬
He isn't anything like the TV show version
The Smallville one is way better and more accurate
BobnosaurusSteve To be fair, that was originally meant to be Batman. So they decided to take Green Arrow in a more serious direction. And in all fairness, he's The Arrow rather than Green Arrow.
but he is called green arrow in the show now
ShadicRothZz1998 That's exactly the point, it's not really Green Arrow, it's a completely different character
BobnosaurusSteve well both comics versions and tv show version ia amazing
I hate it when Simon fucks up pronunciations. How do you fuck up "Thea" by this point?!
Shawn O'Connor Give Simon a break. He actually works for WhatCulture Wrestling so he’s out of his element
Pronunciations of Dinah, Thea and Mia:
Deena? Thaya? Maya? Nope.
Die-na. Thee-a. Mee-a.
apparently, Simon Miller always gets pronunciations of Thea and Dinah wrong
"It's about the destination, not the journey."
Simon, you fucked that saying up pretty badly, mate. It's entirely about the journey, otherwise all the damn reboots would have completely ruined comics for all of us.
Finally a video on my all around favorite comic hero green arrow nobody want to do green arrow like he's not one of the best and hawkeye got nothin on green arrow he is a infinite # of times better idc about anyones opinion on that because that's what i believe GREEN ARROW FOREVER!!!!!!!!🎯
100% True!
Base God Grab a snicker
I just want to know how he became such a tactician. Especially with a sword. I thought his training just consisted of hunting on an island for a while.
Dinah=die Nah Thea= fee ya, that an easy way for me to let you know how to pronounce their names right
Thanx! I love Green Arrow so much, I wish we hag a big movie instead of tv show
One thing many folks also don't know about Green Arrow is that he was a member of DC's second superhero team - the Law's Legionnaires aka the Seven Soldiers of Victory.
Mike grell written green arrow stories are top notch period. Anyone who likes any version of this character owes grell period
Fuck off. Grell sucks period.
Actually in the original pre-new 52 comics Shado was a love interest of Green Arrow and may have been the mother to one of his sons. It wasn't until the new 52 that she was retconned to be his father's lover and the mother of Green Arrow's sister Emiko.
In pre 52 shado raped a delirious green arrow and that’s how she got the son, this what Simon went by it not classifying as a real relationship
He's actually white
J. Diamond Well... Pinkish-Beigey-Eggshell colour.
I'm offended by this. I am a person of colour. I'm Irish. I'm pink. Except in the winter, when I'm translucent.
That's what the English thought... once.
I'd love to see more of this series :3
Basically everything from the arrow TV show
I cringed every time he said Deena Edit: and Thea
#11: He's not actually green! He's Shamrock.
He is my sworn enemy! But he's also someone I can work with... I'm so confused😟
Another reason the "Hawkeye" copy argument is false is that in the Golden Age there were numerous archer heroes across many publishing houses, including Golden Arrow (from Whiz Comics, which DC might technically own since they own Shazam) and the Arrow from Centaur Publishing among others.
I think the majority of Batman comparisons come from the TV show. Weather it be Ollie's to serious personality to outright stealing Batman's villians and storylines
lance orchardd Dc relies too much on overselling Batman in general
Here's Simon everybody The Hulk Lookalike on WhatCulture.
MrJ Hahahahahahahahah
Prometheus also killed Roy's daughter
He is supposed to have a sense of humour
2:21 the adventures of green green and lantern arrow XDXDXD
#10 green arrow isn't a green arrow
Green Arrow is by far my fav avenger
Quinton Lane he's not an avenger
Quinton Lane nah Superman for me
Evan Block But Hawkeye WAS a member of the Justice League once.
Quinton Lane ehh jesus is my favourite president
Quinton Lane ehh jesus is my favourite president
Ummm in the New 52 and Rebirth, Ollie has a half sister, named Emiko. The story similar to Thea's, except instead of being the daughter of Merlyn and Moira Queen, she's the daughter of Shado and Robert Queen. Also in Rebirth, Seattle is rebranded as Star City, literally making them the same place.
It's pronounced Die-nah, not dee-nah.
I don't know if that's just an accent thing or just not having any knowledge of what you are talking about.
I would hope it's the former
Hawkeye's deal is that he's a supervillain turned hero, and a spy who is a perfect shot with a bow, and can go toe to toe against Bullseye in marksmanship. In comparison, Green Arrow is a modern day Robin Hood, sticking up for the poor and the oppressed - but he's hardly a perfect marksman. He's really good archer, sure, but relies more on gadgetry, planning and equipment than raw aiming skills.
All they have in common is that they both use bows and arrows, but that's like saying Batman is a ripoff of Superman because both fight with their fists.
Wrong Arrowette. That's her daughter.
Deenah Lance, Thaya and Maya
They do that all the damn time.its annoying
Saymon from WhatCulture can pronounce names however he wants.
Simon....you Ben,Peter,Jules,and Adam...(yes Plumby) are the best What Culture have the best...your humor (especially om the Sony messing up the Spiderman brand rant was classic) i always smile when i see your reporting...cause your humor is spot on...you damn Brit..you make this USA kid laugh...never change and i look forward to your next expose...keep up the great work guys...
-Aires Warchild
Lejuan Smith stranger danger
Well, the fact that the Ollie from the series IS a Batman ripoff doesn't help making the case for him being his own deal, tbh. But truth is, out of the whole DC universe, Ollie has always been one of the few people the Bats truly trusts.
Kinda funny that Arrow's sidekick is named Speedy
In the current Rebirth run of Green Arrow his home city is of Seattle, however due to the planned actions of the 9th circle to bankrupt the city and rebuild in their own image using their own piles of wealth the city of Seattle was rebranded as Star City after the leader of the 9th circle blew up the Space Needle, along with other terrorist level of attacks on the city.
The Benjamin Percy run on Green Arrow for Rebirth is excellent.
Before New52 Ollie paid a number of martial arts masters to come back to the island he was stranded on and train the entire Arrow family in hand to hand combat.
the phrase is actually its about the journy not the destination
aviv *journey
I think everyone knows GL/GA more for the scene in which an elderly black man confronts Hal Jordan for his casual racism, than for the "Junkie!" cover. (Here's a fun fact some people may not be aware of: Neal Adams has been retouching his art for DC's digital editions and while newcomers may not know the difference, it's an abomination to us olds--not just because the art is changed, but because the replacement art is terrible.)
Also, that was the issue that Green Arrow came out as full-fledged liberal. It's been an essential part of his character ever since; he made a speech about it in Bruce Timm's Justice League Unlimited and he squabbled constantly with uber-conservative Hawkman in the JLA comic during the '70s. The only "everyone" who gets that wrong are those who only know him from the TV show.
Warner/DC themselves can't stop making the Batman comparisons in shows like Batman: The Brave and the Bold. And prior to the GL/GA days, that was accurate. Green Arrow was a wealthy playboy superhero with a colorful young decoy sidekick, an Arrowcar, an Arrowplane, an Arrowcave, and even an Arrowsignal for the cops to summon him. (They fired a flaming green arrow in the direction of the crime, hoping he'd be looking up at just the right moment and praying it didn't take out an apartment building.) He just wore his utility belt slung over his back, that's all; he probably has a shark-repellent arrow in that quiver. People stopped giving a damn about GA until Dennis O'Neil made him a working-class in-your-face hippie, eliminating most of the Batman-imitation elements.
In 2013, it was revealed that Oliver has a half-sister named Emiko. Her mother is Shado.
His base is called the Arrow Cave while it should have been called the Quiver. Thank you Harley Quinn for suggesting that.
In your discussion about the sister you completely missed the character of Emiko Queen - his sister in the New 52 and Rebirth stories.
Everyone forgets Ollie has a sense of humor
"He managed to give Deathstroke a run for his money" How? How in the holy name of flying fucks did a B tier street level hero give DEATHSTROKE a harder fight than Batman, an A-lister whose whole thing is being the best at hand to hand and ingenuity? I will never understand that.
Yes Green Arrow has been for many decades debated as being a variation on Batman as a review of mine in an '80's issue of Detective Comics even points out.
FYI he's the mayor on the TV show and has been constantly talking about improving the city for three seasons now. He's VERY political
Whatever. It's all vacuous in the show. I wouldn't even stoop to call it lip-service. No actual political ideology is clearly present in the TV shows version of "Oliver Queen"
According to the Smallville storyline he also appeared in Metropolis and fell in love with Lois Lane for a while.
I like green arrow and the arrow tv show
Im watching this on my Iphone and at about 2:45 where he says "this series" triggerd my siri. I cant be the only one. Tripped me out.
1. Green Arrow
And I seriously like his longer goatee design more, its just distinct.
Everybody likes Green Arrow from the Justice League Aninated Series. He is a happy Batman with a better conscience and moral compass than the other heroes.
Everybody who watched him there has a soft spot for the guy.
Nice, someone finally giving recognition to Bill Finger
Why can't he pronounce "Diana" or "Thea" properly?
Awesome Video!!I Just Started Readding Injustice And That's Why I Clicked The Vid
The show never managed to get him right. Where are the quips, the alcoholism, etc? It's like getting the flash and making him dark and gritty.
Hmm don't wanna start a fan war, but I still think green arrow can beat Hawkeye
Andres Gonzalez he can easily
dimitris likopoylos thank you
Hawkeye vs Green Arrow.
Subline don't use death battle man, they usually downplay characters man
Spiderman and Batman have the best rogue gallery
Finally a video which doesn't try to degrade the green arrow
I'm a huge Green Arrow fan so I knew a lot of the stuff already like before he even said it I knew Seattle was another city home to Green Arrow and about love interests and stuff
A multi billionaire with programs in all types of sciences, a cool hide out with high tech computers and tons of gadgets. Technology such as trackers, heatseakers, smoke grenades, EMP weapons, and no firearms. Doesnt kill unless absolutely necessary, and has been apart of comics for decades. You decide which one im talking about
Green Arrow Batman does't kill AT ALL
@@addisondrake733 Tony BatGreen Arrowman Stark definitely kills people
At least he never had any physical or magical augmentation to enhance his talent of using a bow.