Is it weird that this is just a more cynical yet identical interpretation of death as Keanu Reeves when he said to Stephen asking him what he thinks happens when we die: “I know that the ones who love us will miss us”
kind of like how nowadays atheism is a popular idea in the UK and America, and literally no atheists will honestly engage with the evidence of Christ's resurrection.
Sameer Verma I don’t know how about the numerous historical accounts of it, and the numerous people that were willing to die and be tortured for simply claiming to have seen him after his death. Also the fact that the romans didnt have Jesus’ body, also the fact that an entire religion emerged from the event despite pretty much every society at the time trying their hardest to prevent the spread of Christianity. You believe Alexander the great existed because he was written about hundreds of years after his death. The new testament accounts Jesus life as early as 30 years after his death, yet you hold the new testament with an unfair skepticism. In history, you can never prove anything to be 100% true, so you look at multiple sources and see what is likely to have happened, and you atheists that say dumb shit like “there’s no evidence of christianity” just want to blindly ignore any evidence for it because ultimately you dont want to accept that their might be an authority superior to your own.
There is a God his name is Jesus Christ he is the way and the truth and the life and no man or woman can enter the kingdom of heaven without him in their hearts John 14:6 wake up the end is coming Matthew chapter 24 please understand Jesus loves you and wants you to live with him in heaven you need to walk away from all the worldly things you last after Love you
Rick Gervais comes onto the late show Stephen colberts brain: Don't say it Don't say it Don't say it Don't say it Don't say it Don't say it Stephen colbert: "why don't you believe in God?"
@@baddamrakesh He doesn't hate God, he doesn't believe in god. He likes the idea of jesus, that he was kind and compassionate. He loves dogs, because of how lovable they are towards us.
Atheists dont hate god. They might even like the idea. They simply can not believe in god. Like you probably do not believe in Zeus. Do you hate Zeus ?
@@Midg-td3ty Some people do hate Zeus. Some people hate Muhammad. Some people hate Jesus. Some people say, "Choose your poison." Others ask, "Why choose poison?"
I don't know about "more than it loves itself," but dogs definitely love you. This has been demonstrated by numerous scientific studies. When a human interacts with a dog, the dog's oxytocin (aka the 'love hormone') levels go way up.
Ghandi really didn't know our Christ, though, did he? I think he missed a few things, like the cursing of the fig tree out of pure spite, like the "unbelievers are like the dry faggots for the fire" comment, and a lot more. the making of a flail and whipping the money changers (performing a useful financial service so people could make donations)...he was a fairly unpredictable fellow, anxious to lay blame on others and take credit unto himself, even to the point of stating NO ONE had any way or right to deal with god on their own. He was a typical narcissist, making himself the center of all communication between others.
Prefer dogs generally but had a phenomenal cat in childhood and she was just a beautiful, playful and loving animal. She did not have any superior complex. She crawled onto my lap for hours, never bit or scratched. We just were both content to spend time together. She passed away in 1993 at age 22. Still miss her now.
moonwalkingthroughlife Being an atheist isn’t newsworthy in any other western country.......only in America. Certainly not here in Australia. We consider it normal. Why should he apologise for being normal.
Colbert seems smug and condescending in his faith, and of those things we as a species can't actually live with is the moral absolutism of belief systems that work against humanity and it's need to grow.
What I love even more, is that 2 people with opposite views on religion can talk about it respectfully and have fun. There's room for all views, as long as you don't try to force yours upon another. @will crow: I don't know what video you're referring to, but I don't see ANY smugness or condescendence from Colbert in this video.
i love how they are both opposites, one a believer and the other an atheist and still make a great constructive interesting funny respectful conversation
If people stopped being so offended by everything and just made jokes about each other's beliefs, then both laughed and accepted that they believe something different and shared a handshake (and a drink) as friends, the world would be an infinitely better place. This interview was awesome.
Very true!!!....its just so serious, if you don't believe in my god i will kill you!!!lol...........there should be a "laughing gas festival" 4 times a year, compulsory for the whole planet, world leaders everyone, all snort at the same time and have a fucking good laugh!!!lol....the whole planet needs to lighten up a bit!!!!....religion has made people funless.....I'd love to hear Kim jong on sing imagine to Putin while on laughing gas!!!lol......if i wos president of the whole planet, this would be compulsory.
it doesn't stop only believing and praying, you know. There were zillions of wars because of religions... THE biggest set-back to the humankind is its false imagination
You would be a fool then but I will give dogs some credit. 2 male dogs won’t have sex with each other because even they know that’s not natural but 2 human guys will be gay and have sex and the human population now in all their great knowledge according to you will say that’s ok. Smh 🤦 Good luck with the demons in hell you’ll be begging Jesus to save you and he will say he never knew you. But hey you had fun on earth right.
Yup. He really thinks things through. In one interview he said to Stephen the difference between you and me is that you don't believe in 2999 gods and I don't believe in 1 more, i.e 3000gods. As an atheist, it really stuck with me.
Ricky has a degree in philosophy, he & Stephen knew what they were gonna chat about, he's witty and fast and natural but these are not things he's never thought about or discussed before.
@@Grace-fv9zq If there's ever a television show I would never miss, it's these two gentlemen discussing major topics like religion. There's a superb - and funny - connection between them even on topics they completely disagree on.
"It's not about the credibility, it's about the popularity" - Ricky Gervais. EXACTLY what is happening today with news, people are fed lies and that are pushed and repeated so strongly that they start to believe, the when the lie is louder than the truth we get...what we have now in the U.S.
The real sad thing is facts have been so corrupted I can't even tell what you believe is a lie with your post here. Those peddling lies have built their success by calling facts lies, which makes it hard for the majority who have poor reasoning skills to actually realize which ones are the lies and which ones are facts.
@@Leafsdude In my country mainstream media is actually accurate and a reliable source of info, but extremists will say its all lies and push their agenda in social media instead.
For those who think Stephen is pressing Ricky or something...he really isn't. They do something like this every time he comes on. Stephen is asking all the right questions for a mainstream CBS primetime audience to hear a different perspectives and Stephen often responds with what more religious people (like himself) would obviously say. They both enjoy it, It's not that big of a deal. In fact, it's pretty great and I'd love to hear them talk about it at length.
nicolasviaje from the other times he’s been on it’s always a good conversation but I can’t help but feel some underlying tension because Stephen would like if Ricky changed his beliefs. Like asking if his views had softened at all is a very probing question.
Nathan Cooper The people who made our calendars that are so precise and did very well in dealing with the small increments of time that aren’t perfectly aligned with the year and build up over time ,causing days to shift were Jesuit priests.
Agnostic Atheist I understand why you feel like that I used to feel and believe the same way until I realized that it was actually my choice when I was choosing my lifestyle which is in exact contradiction to the lifestyle of Jesus Christ. Then I realized it’s almost like when you join a certain type of club they have certain requirements of their members those people have a choice whether to abide by the club rules and become members of the club or to disobey the rules and not keep the rules and they are not welcome into the club the same is with heaven Jesus is not forcing anybody to go to heaven it is their choice if they want to ““ obey the club rules or not.. Jesus loves you and simply wants to have a relationship with you and he wants to live with you in heaven someday it is your choice if you want to have a relationship with him or not..
Always Negative Agnostic Atheist I understand why you feel like that I used to feel and believe the same way until I realized that it was actually my choice when I was choosing my lifestyle which is in exact contradiction to the lifestyle of Jesus Christ. Then I realized it’s almost like when you join a certain type of club they have certain requirements of their members those people have a choice whether to abide by the club rules and become members of the club or to disobey the rules and not keep the rules and they are not welcome into the club the same is with heaven Jesus is not forcing anybody to go to heaven it is their choice if they want to ““ obey the club rules or not.. Jesus loves you and simply wants to have a relationship with you and he wants to live with you in heaven someday it is your choice if you want to have a relationship with him or not..
I see atheist stuff or anti God stuff and i get so angry. Some people just have a nonchalant response to God. There's good and bad in this world, so there has to be an ultimate form of each. I've had doubts that would creep in my mind and be like "Maybe all this stuff isn't real,"but then a miricle happens in my life.Your right God just wants a relationship with you and if you trust and believe in him mountains will be moved.There will not be a struggle in your life that you can't surpass, and it's all with God's love and grace.
I admire both men for the same reason; they are thinking individuals. Did you see Colbert actually listen and digest what Gervais was saying about the umpteen billion years before we exist on this planet? He listened, thought about it, and approved, "I like that!" Neither are threatened by the other. I bet Colbert does join him on his Sirius radio show!
What’s bothersome is that it sounded as if that was the first time Colbert had ever heard that. How can a thinking man at his age and in his position never considered it before?
I'd love to see these these gentlemen talking about religion at length. As an Atheist I really enjoy Steven Colbert's attitude towards religion. Not pious - it's just part of who he is.
he's not "religious" - it's part of his upbringing and culture - i doubt he actually believes in anything supernatural - you can tell when he says things like "well i'm a Catholic" he knows it's just a big hoo-ha
@@Capt.Schlieffen No, surprising as it may be, he is very into religion. He talked about it seriously in many interview. He does have some doubts, as any intelligent person should.
Jaques "Colbert is a practicing Roman Catholic and used to teach Sunday school. He is an ordained minister with the Universal Life Church Monastery" Wikipedia Good enough for me to call him a religouse nutjob - although a sympathic one. :-D
@@ishaanthakur7382 Your Bible condones slavery, is homophobic, and full of misogony. If you see your God around, Do me a favor, seek help. You're obviously deranged.
@@squirmdwerm8856 Calm down, there's nothing we believe in that's un-corrupted. Politics, Comedy, Truth, even the Water. The best we can do is pick something, test it to our own values and morals, and hope for the best, even if it's absolutely nothing
As a comedian his way is through jokes - as a researcher it's my way to present the history. Jews conquered Rome in 66 ad. And burned it all down. Then Romans invented a new bible to divide the Jews and make them docile. Until then the word Jesus was just a term for the Savior. And the words "the Christ" Greek for the Messiah. Messianic Jews labled anyone heroically standing up to the Romans as Jesus the Christ. In 69 ad. Rome had a succession of Ceasars Galba, Otho, Vitellius, and Vespasian were the literal four horsemen of the apocolypse. The last was Ceasar Titus Flavius Vespasianus AKA Vespasian. He is the most important. In fact he is the most important person to have ever lived. And not in a good way. He killed off the warrior Guals of France and Spain. He then did the same to the messianic Jews. He started antisemitism to keep the Jews down. He took their holy objects like their menorah. And he became Ceasar and built the Coliseum from the spoils. And that's where - for many years they killed Christians in vengful violent games. Ceasar Titus Flavius Vespasianus AKA Vespasian. adopted the last Messianic Jew and gave him his family name - Flavious Josephus. And Josephus was Rome's personal scribe - they wrote the new bible and rewrote history. The Flavians invented Christianity to divide the rebel Jews with lies. They had it all written to promote Vespasian's perspective. And they retroactivated the new testament so the bible's fictitous character Jesus's prophecies would come true. They had it back dated some 40 years. It is Roman spin. It is propagana. After the Jews destroyed Rome - the Romans came back with a vengence destroying Jerusalem and sacking their temples. Vespasian proclaimed himself Jesus the Christ.The Savior Messiah. Flavious Vespasian was originally a mule breeder. And a mule is the offspring of a donkey and a horse. Vespasian metaphorical Jesus’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem in Matthew 21 tells how he sent two of his disciples to a village to get a donkey with a colt beside it. He told them to bring the donkey and the colt to him so he can ride the donkey on his way into Jerusalem. This being a metaphoric way of saying that Jesus was Ceasar Titus Flavius Vespasianus AKA Vespasian. Jesus is a fictional character invented to represent Vespasian & Titus his son - and make everyone obedient to Rome.
Because it was one of the most beautiful things he has said and I have heard in my life. So true. Shame you did not get it. That is why they were cheering.
@@calysagora3615 That's so offensive. You can't call people 'religitards'. At least use the correct terminology, the politically correct and accepted expression when referring to them. They're called 'religious nutters'!
What atheist do you know that has ever killed in the name of disbelief in a deity? Atheists don't bomb buildings while screaming "In the name of nothiiiiing!". That's all religion, my dude.
Yeah, unfortunately, *I feel,* Colbert wants to be a proponent of Catholicism a bit too often on his show. Regrettably, he likes to debate about religion (why, I don't know), but if you are 50+ you should already understand that other 50-year-olds already have their beliefs. Hence debate is pointless. But Ricky Gervais is always hilarious and wicked smart. He has an infectious laugh. I'd choose a dog, too.
I love how real Stephen is. Ricky and Stephen are just so comfortable talking about these kinds of things. It's great. Stephen is such a great late night talk show host. He understands that people want to see the conversations about the politically incorrect, sensitive topics. You would never see a conversation about religion on Jimmy Fallon's show.
I remember that Religión for Breakfast (a channel dedicated people about religión, it's history, sociology,, etc from a academical point of view) said that probably that is because he is very knowledgeable in the topic in a way that most people aren't. The thing with the Nicean Creed is a great example, I'm not a believer (I'm in fact an open humanist skeptical atheist), but I can appreciate that.
The problem is that this is the most difficult subject only to the most simple of people. And i say problem because we need change that, we need more educated people to worry about the real stuff.
"Why don't you pray just in case there's a god" "Why don't you hang garlic over your door just in case there's a Dracula" LOL SO TRUE AHH THIS IS GOLD 😂 even better would have been "why don't you stay home past nine pm in case there's an alien ship that's gonna abduct you" or "why don't you start caring about growing up in case Peter Pan comes and wants to fly you away to neverland"
Jenny Larsson Haz listen dude I was like you against religion and god for 24 years. Wake up brother ! Hollywood is an illusion to control the masses funded by the WOLRD elite while they fund the bad politicians around the around . It’s all connected . You’ve been tricked into thinking we’re supposed to watch tv and movies and radio, WRONG THATS ALL MAN MADE TO COMTROL SINCE DAY 1. they don’t want you to read the Bible because it will set you free it is the code to happiness the code to freedom.... THEY WANT YOU AS A SLAVE CONSUMER.... THINK ABOUT IT MAN ALL MEDIA DOSENT WANT YOU TO STUDY THE BIBLE... IF YOURE SURE OF YOURSELF WHY DONT YOU OBJECTIVELY READ IT AND SEE FOR YOURSELF WHAT THEY DONT WANT YOU TO READ ITS THAT SIMPLE.
@@skatechris100 bet you haven't even read the Bible. Funny how most atheists have read the Bible, while so many Christians haven't. Really gets ya thinking.. also, shut up.
Colbert- why don't you pray just in case there's a god Ricky- why don't you hang a garlic over your door just in case there's a dracula Me- welcome to india 😂
I agree with him about death. I don't care either, it's going to happen eventually. That's Nature. I'm just afraid of how it's going to go. Hopefully it won't be too painful.
I like to not leave things undone so that if I do have a fade-to-black at least I'll not panic about my anchors, It'll just be the pain and the last few thoughts forever unrecorded.
@Battle of Valmy Unless the people of the future just decide to harvest you as parts or something. I mean, there is no guarantee that you will ever be unfrozen or "brought back to life". Hell, there's no actual evidence that it will be feasible, or that the company you choose will be around when/if the technology is ever developed. And there is always the chance that a natural disaster will strike and wipe out the facility, or just cut power to it (or, you know, faulty parts/human error can always happen). Sure, you are betting that none of that will happen, and yes, you will have a better shot at it than those that don't get frozen, but you are still betting on an unproven technology. For all we know, the current cryogenic process is faulty and makes the human body unsuitable for revival. Or, the only way to "revive" someone is to brain-tape them into a computer - so no body (or, perhaps a robotic one), with no ability to ever make love, touch, or feel any of the senses we have now. And, of course, *some* of those in cryo have to be the first test-subjects - which will likely mean that they will be damaged during "revival". So even if they have the technology, you may come back brain damaged, or worse. I wish you luck - you will probably need it.
I like how quite a few of the points Ricky makes during these religious conversations with Stephen, over several interviews, show up in his show After Life. His love for dogs being one of them.
Except the theist wasn't being nice. He was constantly being rude, with a smile on his face. Not even just rude to Gervais, or atheists generally, but also to those of cults that follow th Norse gods. Gerrvais was polite... at least there was that.
@@judigemini178 right, anyone whos thought about their atheism comes across the same tired arguments time after time so nothing Ricky heard here is new to him.
It's just much easier to defend his position, nothing about wit, really. If you get the wittiest guy in the world defending absurdities, it's not going to end well lol
imagine if atheists were door to door trying to convince you by the non existence of god and the empathy and love of and for dogs, this would be a lot of a better world rn
Add to that an empathy and love for the environment in general. I hear of theists deliberately wasting resources because they think it will hurry the Rapture along. I mean, that's bonehead thinking for you...
well Ricky walked on this talkshow and was leading the conversation about issues like "Atheism"..etc To think Atheists don't "evangelise" others to their way of thinking is just wrong. Atheists very much do have an agenda, they just don't go "door to door". Its more of a "mockery" of Christianity and faith. Also notice they will never really insult Islam?
@@studmalexy atheists always insult Islam. Just because we make fun of your of your imaginary friend doesn't mean we won't insult other people's imaginary friends
Ricky killed it! He used humour and respect. These comments here show there’s hope. Many people are woke! Fastest growing segment of population is now non belief
Unfortunately it will create a vacuum and be replaced by another iteration. Most humans don't have the capacity to accept the finality of death. It's as frightening as the concept of immortality is to me. just think about it. That's a shit ton of time.
My father told me a long time ago .. .Don't be afraid of death. You don't feel anything about the time before you? Then don't worry,you won't feel anything.
A German Shepherd, a Doberman and a cat died on the same day. All three are sitting together with God, who wants to know what they believe in. The German Shepherd says: "I believe in discipline, training and loyalty to my master." "Good," says God. "Then sit down on my right side. Doberman, what do you believe in?" The Doberman answers: "I believe in the love, care and protection of my master." Ah," said God. "You may sit to my left." Then he looks at the cat and asks, "And what do you believe in?" The cat stares back at God and answers: "I believe you're sitting in my seat." May All Beings Be Happy ☸ Make Peace☮ Be Kind 💞 Be Gentle 🌎 Be Patient☯
You ever seen a cat-dog face-off? The dog usually backs down unless he has back-up in terms of human or canine support. Cats are not nice 'people' but they are very brave. And when they're the big guys, they win. Like lions or tigers.
Hahaha soooo his 8yr old little brain figured out what men of the most advanced brains have not in thousands of years since ancient civilizations? Really Ricky. Very dumb answer.
@@peaceandlove544 out smarted by 10 year olds. Don't feel bad kids have agile brains and can adapt quicker. I reckon i figured it out around 12 when i started thinking about it.
As a fellow atheist, I love Ricky Gervais for his ability to stand his ground, be respectful (mostly) and keep the comedy going. If Hitchens or Dawkins had a sense of humor, I'd like them more. Right?
Hitchens had a si ked sense of humour! Dawkins is a professional educator, not an entertainer. While he was Oxford Prof for promoting scientific understanding, he had work to do…not entertainment.
For me, personally, the only thing worse than a Christian trying to convert others to their beliefs is an atheist doing the same thing in reverse. That's why I love both Ricky and Stephen, they're comfortable in their own beliefs and comfortable with others with different beliefs. Live and let live.
I feel like they both advocated well for their side while still having a respectful conversation and being able to say the other had a good point - I hate saying that we don't have enough of this anymore because we do, we just have to switch who we pay attention to.
TV news shows, pop culture, and the administration all allow disrespectful disagreeing to become the norm because it's 'popular', and that just means we're paying attention to it. Lets be more mindful about what we consume as a society and what we allow as popular
Living in the Bible-belt of the USA, I re-watch this interview over and over when I'm feeling indoctrinated by these fundamentalist idiots in my community. I'm an proud Atheist and have no friends and bad family relationships only because I disagree about theology. I love Ricky for taking my hand and grabbing me up out of this cease pool of jesus freaks we got down here.
Hopefully you can get out and move to a more accepting place. Its bad down in the southeastern states hopefully you can find a place to live that gives you a real community
What is amazing is that in the 21st century Free world the God they pray to is PUTIN! Think about it - Putin says, "those who believe and support me will be rewarded with the good life(Oligarchs). And those that do not will suffer(and so many have been poisoned, jailed and tortured) And we have "God" who says, "those who believe and support me will be rewarded with Heaven and those that do not will suffer in hell!" And we see the attacks on people like you, Rushdie by these supporters of "God", just like the supporters of Putin have attacked those deemed a threat to him Amazing isn't it ? Not even the best of minds realize they are praying to Putin! The amazing brainwashing power of Religion!
@@TonyEnglandUK Hah, good luck. The theistic/christian population in the USA is so large that it’s literally illegal to run for office as an atheist in some states. It’s been shown this law can’t actually be upheld, but the density of hardcore religious groups in those areas basically have such a stronghold that it’ll be YEARS before someone who isn’t a bible beating christian runs in their state.
This is beautiful interview He is not an atheist for a fact He is agnostic - towards idea of God (which is antropomorhed idea of universe, nature, whatever) He believes in the same principle to that of God (,,unconditional love") - he just relates it to dogs
I feel like he broke Stephen at 7:57. Stephen attempts to throw a jab at 9:03 and is slightly bitter til the end. Logic vs Religion = Comedy. Thank Dog for Ricky.
@@samipbhattarai6136 there's people who fight but there's also more people who just have conversations with each other and bond despite having different beliefs
I also was about eight. I was in bible school at ****. I asked a question and got an answer that may have changed my life. I don't remember the question, but the answer I remember. YOU ARE NOT TO ASK SUCH QUESTIONS! YOU ARE TO RECEIVE THE WORD AND BELIEVE! I knew right away that that was a response full of baloney. I remember in the 4th, 5th, and 6th grades I was hammered at and I lied and said I was Agnostic. In the 7th grade Middle School, I had just finished a book on atomic energy and all that. Next time I was pressured I stated I was Atheist. I said to believe in something that does not exist is easy, but to force others to believe the same is evil. How is that a kind god?
As the saying goes, if you want to become an atheist just read the Bible. If you have to question whether a supposed God is good, then that tells you right there, that you probably have a better moral direction then this supposed God.
This is probably the healthiest conversation between two people who adamantly disagree you can see. Like man seriously, we can't take for granted how incredible freedom of speech is, because this kind of conversation was never the norm throughout history and it's so beautiful.
Ricky,amazing as always! Really appreciate Stephen too for being chilled out and receptive. Fun interview.I am an atheist but really dont mind reigious folks if they are laid back and chilled out like Stephen here
the part where he says after dying is the same as before you were born is actually an Alan Watts aphorism. He was a philosopher, not an comedian but he is ridiculously good
Stephen wouldn't have been offended if Ricky had asked him if he was "still a Catholic." Neither of them seems the least offended here. They both seem to enjoy this conversation. Why are some in an uproar about it?
I like Colbert.... yet, he seems to have an insecurity issue where people who have very different sociological positions from his lifelong “norm” make him somewhat uncomfortable(?). It’s comparison. “You’re different from me, totally comfortable with it, and that makes me uncomfortable about me”. Look at how he was about meat and vegans for the longest time. Comedians are some of the most insecure people.
Every once in a while, Stephen lets his white, male, christian privilege slip into his jokes and interviews. So, yeah. Now and then I also whisper "wtf" under my breath while watching his show not in an uproarious way. 's ok but because he's 99.9% aware of his privilege, no one is going to make an issue of it.
As an atheist, I get where he's coming from. As I get older I've noticed that I'm certainly less aggressive towards religion and more accepting of an individual's beliefs. Also there are supposedly atheists who "come to Jesus" when they are close to their own death. That might just be because I was a complete twat when I was younger, but I like to think that I'm wiser and more empathetic.
“Death is like being stupid. It’s only painful for other people”
- Ricky Gervais
A bit of a harsh answer for greiving kids or spouses though...
Is it weird that this is just a more cynical yet identical interpretation of death as Keanu Reeves when he said to Stephen asking him what he thinks happens when we die: “I know that the ones who love us will miss us”
As a stupid person, I can say with confidence, it sucks.
@@chrissonofpear1384 it's much better to lie to them
@@sleepysteev2735 me too. can confirm
It's not about the credibility of the truth, it's about the popularity of the idea.
- Ricky Gervais
Spot on !!!
The host agrees. So he doesn't care about how true it is but just wanna follow along? ok... sheep
kind of like how nowadays atheism is a popular idea in the UK and America, and literally no atheists will honestly engage with the evidence of Christ's resurrection.
What evidence?
Sameer Verma I don’t know how about the numerous historical accounts of it, and the numerous people that were willing to die and be tortured for simply claiming to have seen him after his death. Also the fact that the romans didnt have Jesus’ body, also the fact that an entire religion emerged from the event despite pretty much every society at the time trying their hardest to prevent the spread of Christianity.
You believe Alexander the great existed because he was written about hundreds of years after his death.
The new testament accounts Jesus life as early as 30 years after his death, yet you hold the new testament with an unfair skepticism.
In history, you can never prove anything to be 100% true, so you look at multiple sources and see what is likely to have happened, and you atheists that say dumb shit like “there’s no evidence of christianity” just want to blindly ignore any evidence for it because ultimately you dont want to accept that their might be an authority superior to your own.
@@ericsonofjohn9384 More testaments coming up.....priests says
I like how ricky gervais has worn the same outfit for 20 years
Jim Morrison
he raided Steve Jobs' wardrobe
RunningBlade2184 I don’t think he is the kind of person that cares much about his outfits, as long as he is clean.
@@w.kamaranjoku1712 He is awesome, funny and his partner Jane is amazing.
There is a God his name is Jesus Christ he is the way and the truth and the life and no man or woman can enter the kingdom of heaven without him in their hearts John 14:6 wake up the end is coming Matthew chapter 24 please understand Jesus loves you and wants you to live with him in heaven you need to walk away from all the worldly things you last after Love you
"if you don't love a dog he won't burn you in hell"
- Ricky Gervais
...unlike the narcissistic and malevolent god of Abraham.
@@zajournals Wait til the other 1000s of gods get their hands on you!
He might crap in your slippers though.
@Kieron Overbury I understood that reference
@@zajournals what a nonsense you are
Ricky's laugh is such an obvious gesture of approval that it must be deeply satisfying to amuse him.
Wow! It's a bullshit laugh. You can't be that much of a sucker.
In this case I believe it is caused by a series of foul defeats on Colbert's side, on the actual stage.
It's like Groucho's moustache. It instantly says All's well, expresses profound good will. Though his nastiness at times belies it. ha ha
Agree. Very good observation.
Satisfying God
Is love.
Rick Gervais comes onto the late show
Stephen colberts brain:
Don't say it
Don't say it
Don't say it
Don't say it
Don't say it
Don't say it
Stephen colbert: "why don't you believe in God?"
David Kershaw Stephen Colbert’s brain:
It’s like American chat show hosts compete to be the most irritating rather than the best interviewer.
Nt4ubs Oi...Not all American hosts.
Conan O’Brien is a right laugh.
whats there to believe?
"A dog loves you more than it loves itself and that's why I worship dogs." -- R Gervais
@@baddamrakeshIsn't that the reason people love God? Oh, wait...
@@baddamrakesh He doesn't hate God, he doesn't believe in god.
He likes the idea of jesus, that he was kind and compassionate.
He loves dogs, because of how lovable they are towards us.
Atheists dont hate god. They
might even like the idea. They simply can not believe in god. Like you probably do not believe in Zeus. Do you hate Zeus ?
@@Midg-td3ty Some people do hate Zeus. Some people hate Muhammad. Some people hate Jesus. Some people say, "Choose your poison." Others ask, "Why choose poison?"
I love my dog.
“A dog loves you more than it loves itself” always makes me tear up :’(
Except it doesn't
That's the most Pit bull shit statement ever. 😄
They totally do they’re lovely
They truly do .. 🐾💕
I don't know about "more than it loves itself," but dogs definitely love you. This has been demonstrated by numerous scientific studies. When a human interacts with a dog, the dog's oxytocin (aka the 'love hormone') levels go way up.
"As Ghandi said, I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ."
Except that you are a Christian for Christ . Not for other christians.
@@eafanboyssuck just a quote. An example of religious thinking
Ghandi really didn't know our Christ, though, did he? I think he missed a few things, like the cursing of the fig tree out of pure spite, like the "unbelievers are like the dry faggots for the fire" comment, and a lot more. the making of a flail and whipping the money changers (performing a useful financial service so people could make donations)...he was a fairly unpredictable fellow, anxious to lay blame on others and take credit unto himself, even to the point of stating NO ONE had any way or right to deal with god on their own. He was a typical narcissist, making himself the center of all communication between others.
@@jilliansmith7123 Thank you for that! People do not want to talk about those ironically irredeemable things associated with Christ!
Dogs: "They comfort me, they feed me, they house me, they MUST be gods!"
Cats: "They comfort me, they fed me, they house me, I MUST be god!"
Ha cats are amazing
Underrated comment!
Nicky G well it’s stolen so not really underrated lol
Prefer dogs generally but had a phenomenal cat in childhood and she was just a beautiful, playful and loving animal. She did not have any superior complex. She crawled onto my lap for hours, never bit or scratched. We just were both content to spend time together. She passed away in 1993 at age 22. Still miss her now.
Credit to Gary Larson...........................
I love that Ricky is an unapologetic atheist and always feels comfortable talking about it
moonwalkingthroughlife Being an atheist isn’t newsworthy in any other western country.......only in America. Certainly not here in Australia. We consider it normal. Why should he apologise for being normal.
Colbert seems smug and condescending in his faith, and of those things we as a species can't actually live with is the moral absolutism of belief systems that work against humanity and it's need to grow.
What I love even more, is that 2 people with opposite views on religion can talk about it respectfully and have fun. There's room for all views, as long as you don't try to force yours upon another.
@will crow: I don't know what video you're referring to, but I don't see ANY smugness or condescendence from Colbert in this video.
Proud atheist here
Yep, while Colbert looks very uncomfortable talking about his faith and is left speechless, which doesn't happen very often.
“Dying is like being stupid, it’s only painful for others” god damn if that isn’t the truth 😂 amazing quote
he is not the first one who said it
@@lepetitchat123 No, but he's not ashamed to say it out loud.
@@dan_hitchman007 👏👏👏👏👏👏
@@lepetitchat123 Who said it before Ricky?
Dog bless Ricky Gervais
Actually, it is "Joe Pesci bless Ricky Gervais."
Bill S. Lol
*Grrrrrr Ruff Ruff*
Dog spell backwards is 🤯🤯🤯 ricky was right all along.
i love how they are both opposites, one a believer and the other an atheist and still make a great constructive interesting funny respectful conversation
I disagree. Colbert was flinching for most of the time whilst Gervais was being himself.
@@antoinettenovella1630 Colbert is pretending to keep his job
only because it was on tv, it's obvious Stephen was being passive aggressive
@@lukagrdzelishvili his beliefs were being mocked so do you blame him
Thoughts Before Actions if he didn’t want to be mocked he shouldn’t have brought up the topic lmao
If people stopped being so offended by everything and just made jokes about each other's beliefs, then both laughed and accepted that they believe something different and shared a handshake (and a drink) as friends, the world would be an infinitely better place. This interview was awesome.
Very true!!!....its just so serious, if you don't believe in my god i will kill you!!!lol...........there should be a "laughing gas festival" 4 times a year, compulsory for the whole planet, world leaders everyone, all snort at the same time and have a fucking good laugh!!!lol....the whole planet needs to lighten up a bit!!!!....religion has made people funless.....I'd love to hear Kim jong on sing imagine to Putin while on laughing gas!!!lol......if i wos president of the whole planet, this would be compulsory.
Look up Catherine Tate the offensive translator you'll laugh your ass of lads
The world would be a better place if people in Cults weren't trying to make decisions for all of us.
Yeah, it was surprisingly wholesome
it doesn't stop only believing and praying, you know. There were zillions of wars because of religions... THE biggest set-back to the humankind is its false imagination
If Ricky started a religion around dogs, I would then be a religious man
It'd be too dogmatic.
Well at least you’d have seen a dog
You would be a fool then but I will give dogs some credit. 2 male dogs won’t have sex with each other because even they know that’s not natural but 2 human guys will be gay and have sex and the human population now in all their great knowledge according to you will say that’s ok. Smh 🤦
Good luck with the demons in hell you’ll be begging Jesus to save you and he will say he never knew you. But hey you had fun on earth right.
@@rrod7958 ok boomer
@@rrod7958 are u dumb? Homosexuality has been recorded in every species of animal ever.
being dead is like being stupid... it only hurts others... lol
Case in point: our president.
he nicked that from John Cleese!
Yup. He really thinks things through.
In one interview he said to Stephen the difference between you and me is that you don't believe in 2999 gods and I don't believe in 1 more, i.e 3000gods.
As an atheist, it really stuck with me.
@JJ I don't want Trump dead, just out of the WH before he gets more people killed by his bullshit.
dude... this is pure poetry!
Dog I love Ricky Gervais.
dog bless you
@@47and28 I believe in Dogs!
No such thing as a dog-delusion.
sure i like dogs. i like caravans more
Spread the words of Dog
"I don't have a problem with Jesus, I just don't like his fan club"
IconoclastXVII way to copy gandhi
@@1deagwonder440 You gotta rephrase things sometimes. You know, keepin' it hip, for the kids.
No Jesus was shit
The fanbase strikes again.
As cult leaders go, he ranks right up there. 😊
This was masterful - his answers were actually quite profound yet produced and articulated on the fly
Ricky has a degree in philosophy, he & Stephen knew what they were gonna chat about, he's witty and fast and natural but these are not things he's never thought about or discussed before.
@@Grace-fv9zq If there's ever a television show I would never miss, it's these two gentlemen discussing major topics like religion. There's a superb - and funny - connection between them even on topics they completely disagree on.
Yeah but his rebuttals on the fly were, for example the part about the popularity of the idea.
Gervais is always a great guest.
He very much deserved that standing ovation.
You edited your comment and still didn't spell ovation correctly.
TheMovieMyLife I agree.
Rocket Raccoon you made a profile and still didn’t change it from a fictional raccoon
"It's not about the credibility, it's about the popularity" - Ricky Gervais. EXACTLY what is happening today with news, people are fed lies and that are pushed and repeated so strongly that they start to believe, the when the lie is louder than the truth we get...what we have now in the U.S.
Religion is the original fake news.
We have the same issue here in the UK with the media.
The real sad thing is facts have been so corrupted I can't even tell what you believe is a lie with your post here. Those peddling lies have built their success by calling facts lies, which makes it hard for the majority who have poor reasoning skills to actually realize which ones are the lies and which ones are facts.
+Rod Brewster yep!
@@Leafsdude In my country mainstream media is actually accurate and a reliable source of info, but extremists will say its all lies and push their agenda in social media instead.
For those who think Stephen is pressing Ricky or something...he really isn't. They do something like this every time he comes on. Stephen is asking all the right questions for a mainstream CBS primetime audience to hear a different perspectives and Stephen often responds with what more religious people (like himself) would obviously say. They both enjoy it, It's not that big of a deal. In fact, it's pretty great and I'd love to hear them talk about it at length.
nicolasviaje from the other times he’s been on it’s always a good conversation but I can’t help but feel some underlying tension because Stephen would like if Ricky changed his beliefs. Like asking if his views had softened at all is a very probing question.
Yea right. Stephen did it with Bill Maher.
I think he was just really interested in Ricky's point of view cause every answer made sense
You think he really is like that? I doubt he is. It’s just for show. No intelligent person believes in god.
Nathan Cooper The people who made our calendars that are so precise and did very well in dealing with the small increments of time that aren’t perfectly aligned with the year and build up over
time ,causing days to shift were Jesuit priests.
I’ve never liked a guest interview more than this!!! Ricky is so funny , very straightforward and smart!!!
A devout and an atheist and it's all fine. They respect each other and that's amazing. Hands down to you guys.
Funny how that works. Getting along
It’s cool watching debates, but seeing civil conversations between atheists and theists is refreshing.
Yeah but who looks more uncomfortable about their believes being challenged...
colbert ain't devout
Oh Ricky, you legend.
Colbert: who'd you pick?
Ricky: thor
Colbert: why?
Ricky: big hammer
*"I'd like to thank God for making me an atheist"*
How ironic lol
Agnostic Atheist I understand why you feel like that I used to feel and believe the same way until I realized that it was actually my choice when I was choosing my lifestyle which is in exact contradiction to the lifestyle of Jesus Christ.
Then I realized it’s almost like when you join a certain type of club they have certain requirements of their members those people have a choice whether to abide by the club rules and become members of the club or to disobey the rules and not keep the rules and they are not welcome into the club the same is with heaven Jesus is not forcing anybody to go to heaven it is their choice if they want to ““ obey the club rules or not.. Jesus loves you and simply wants to have a relationship with you and he wants to live with you in heaven someday it is your choice if you want to have a relationship with him or not..
Always Negative Agnostic Atheist I understand why you feel like that I used to feel and believe the same way until I realized that it was actually my choice when I was choosing my lifestyle which is in exact contradiction to the lifestyle of Jesus Christ.
Then I realized it’s almost like when you join a certain type of club they have certain requirements of their members those people have a choice whether to abide by the club rules and become members of the club or to disobey the rules and not keep the rules and they are not welcome into the club the same is with heaven Jesus is not forcing anybody to go to heaven it is their choice if they want to ““ obey the club rules or not.. Jesus loves you and simply wants to have a relationship with you and he wants to live with you in heaven someday it is your choice if you want to have a relationship with him or not..
I see atheist stuff or anti God stuff and i get so angry. Some people just have a nonchalant response to God. There's good and bad in this world, so there has to be an ultimate form of each. I've had doubts that would creep in my mind and be like "Maybe all this stuff isn't real,"but then a miricle happens in my life.Your right God just wants a relationship with you and if you trust and believe in him mountains will be moved.There will not be a struggle in your life that you can't surpass, and it's all with God's love and grace.
Unconditional love.. what a statement by Colbert. Love how much these guys respect each-other despite their differences in opinion.
I laughed so hard at Stephen's _"Jazz hands, big finish"_ comment. I'd watch these two discussing any topic they're so entertaining.
I admire both men for the same reason; they are thinking individuals. Did you see Colbert actually listen and digest what Gervais was saying about the umpteen billion years before we exist on this planet? He listened, thought about it, and approved, "I like that!" Neither are threatened by the other. I bet Colbert does join him on his Sirius radio show!
Agreed. They're respectful towards each other.
Their interactions definitely seem genuine. That's what you get with Gervais though, what you see. He's honest and open. I think they like each other.
Nobody is threatened by nobody for speaking about religion (except Islam).. the only victims in this planet are the non-humans-animals.
People who are genuinely interested in the truth are willing to have their ideas tested.
What’s bothersome is that it sounded as if that was the first time Colbert had ever heard that. How can a thinking man at his age and in his position never considered it before?
I'd love to see these these gentlemen talking about religion at length.
As an Atheist I really enjoy Steven Colbert's attitude towards religion.
Not pious - it's just part of who he is.
he's not "religious" - it's part of his upbringing and culture - i doubt he actually believes in anything supernatural - you can tell when he says things like "well i'm a Catholic" he knows it's just a big hoo-ha
@@Capt.Schlieffen No, surprising as it may be, he is very into religion. He talked about it seriously in many interview. He does have some doubts, as any intelligent person should.
it's a sham - you can see it in his face when he talks about it... but doesn't matter anyways
"Colbert is a practicing Roman Catholic and used to teach Sunday school. He is an ordained minister with the Universal Life Church Monastery" Wikipedia
Good enough for me to call him a religouse nutjob - although a sympathic one. :-D
Thor is the best! he said he'd get rid of the ice giants. See any ice giants?
That would be Odin actually, not Thor !
See any thor?
@@ishaanthakur7382 Often..and paintings..and he's in books. LOTS of books. What's your point?
@@ishaanthakur7382 Your Bible condones slavery, is homophobic, and full of misogony. If you see your God around, Do me a favor, seek help. You're obviously deranged.
@@squirmdwerm8856 Calm down, there's nothing we believe in that's un-corrupted. Politics, Comedy, Truth, even the Water. The best we can do is pick something, test it to our own values and morals, and hope for the best, even if it's absolutely nothing
As a fellow atheist I love the way Rickey makes his point.. I personally do it differently but I love his approach.. a genius
As a comedian his way is through jokes - as a researcher it's my way to present the history.
Jews conquered Rome in 66 ad. And burned it all down. Then Romans invented a new bible to divide the Jews and make them docile. Until then the word Jesus was just a term for the Savior. And the words "the Christ" Greek for the Messiah. Messianic Jews labled anyone heroically standing up to the Romans as Jesus the Christ. In 69 ad. Rome had a succession of Ceasars Galba, Otho, Vitellius, and Vespasian were the literal four horsemen of the apocolypse. The last was Ceasar Titus Flavius Vespasianus AKA Vespasian. He is the most important. In fact he is the most important person to have ever lived. And not in a good way. He killed off the warrior Guals of France and Spain. He then did the same to the messianic Jews. He started antisemitism to keep the Jews down. He took their holy objects like their menorah. And he became Ceasar and built the Coliseum from the spoils. And that's where - for many years they killed Christians in vengful violent games. Ceasar Titus Flavius Vespasianus AKA Vespasian. adopted the last Messianic Jew and gave him his family name - Flavious Josephus. And Josephus was Rome's personal scribe - they wrote the new bible and rewrote history. The Flavians invented Christianity to divide the rebel Jews with lies. They had it all written to promote Vespasian's perspective. And they retroactivated the new testament so the bible's fictitous character Jesus's prophecies would come true. They had it back dated some 40 years. It is Roman spin. It is propagana. After the Jews destroyed Rome - the Romans came back with a vengence destroying Jerusalem and sacking their temples. Vespasian proclaimed himself Jesus the Christ.The Savior Messiah. Flavious Vespasian was originally a mule breeder. And a mule is the offspring of a donkey and a horse. Vespasian metaphorical Jesus’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem in Matthew 21 tells how he sent two of his disciples to a village to get a donkey with a colt beside it. He told them to bring the donkey and the colt to him so he can ride the donkey on his way into Jerusalem. This being a metaphoric way of saying that Jesus was Ceasar Titus Flavius Vespasianus AKA Vespasian. Jesus is a fictional character invented to represent Vespasian & Titus his son - and make everyone obedient to Rome.
@@playtime5051 WOW! Thanks for that information. 🙂
Just two smart and funny guys talking about life. Must-see TV.
@xyz productions I'm an atheist but I still enjoy listening to the both of them. Everybody thinking the same = boredom.
better wake up really really soon. click my name to watch FINAL WARNING
Moisés Cituk lol
Americans will cheer anything
Ricky: "dogs"
Audience: *loudest cheers you've ever heard in your life*
Maybe the crowd was just smarter and had more humor than the typical American religitards.
Because it was one of the most beautiful things he has said and I have heard in my life. So true. Shame you did not get it. That is why they were cheering.
@@joshuastam7704 no need to be rude, it was clearly a joke mate. I get what he was saying.
@Explodingtraps real mature
@@calysagora3615 That's so offensive. You can't call people 'religitards'. At least use the correct terminology, the politically correct and accepted expression when referring to them. They're called 'religious nutters'!
If only all religious people and atheist attitude are like these two people.......
...........we will have a more peaceful world
I believe Ricky "is" actually that way. I'm not sure if Stephen is like that off camera? who knows. I agree on you point, though.
And a much funnier one too
So atheists should constantly take the piss?
Everyone should be able to... and not taking everything too seriously actually is a positive personality trait, don't you think?
What atheist do you know that has ever killed in the name of disbelief in a deity? Atheists don't bomb buildings while screaming "In the name of nothiiiiing!". That's all religion, my dude.
As a dog loving atheist, I can totally relate to what he’s talking about 🤣
Is there such a thing as an American atheist??
@@phoenix-xu9xj just a tag given to people of different locations,not a matter of segregation
Same here 😂
@@phoenix-xu9xj just look at atheist experience on UA-cam plenty of them
Likewise 👍🐾
it's pretty brave of Ricky to talk like this in America. Where 40% of the population believe that Earth is 5000 years old 👌
They believe the earth is so young because their country is still a child In comparison to some parts of the western world and the eastern world
@@bendefusco8706 Pre 1720 America didn't exist, also it's a joke if you don't understand please don't engage in conversation
@@gabrielmumbray4287 No. Source that the Earth isn't just 5000 years old
@@bendefusco8706 The earth is billions of years old.
Just Ricky Gervais being brilliant and charming again. Awesome dude.
Jason918114 Always
They always end up having damn near the same conversation... yet, it has always got this new electric energy I love! 😂🤘🙏
Yeah, unfortunately, *I feel,* Colbert wants to be a proponent of Catholicism a bit too often on his show. Regrettably, he likes to debate about religion (why, I don't know), but if you are 50+ you should already understand that other 50-year-olds already have their beliefs. Hence debate is pointless. But Ricky Gervais is always hilarious and wicked smart. He has an infectious laugh. I'd choose a dog, too.
It's called the Colbert conversion but it ain't gonna happen.
What a smart man. His prospective on religion is so logical
The only thing more precious than Ricky's laugh, is his dedication to his beliefs in such a loving manner. 💜✊🏼
I love how real Stephen is. Ricky and Stephen are just so comfortable talking about these kinds of things. It's great. Stephen is such a great late night talk show host. He understands that people want to see the conversations about the politically incorrect, sensitive topics. You would never see a conversation about religion on Jimmy Fallon's show.
I remember that Religión for Breakfast (a channel dedicated people about religión, it's history, sociology,, etc from a academical point of view) said that probably that is because he is very knowledgeable in the topic in a way that most people aren't. The thing with the Nicean Creed is a great example, I'm not a believer (I'm in fact an open humanist skeptical atheist), but I can appreciate that.
I love that they can talk about the most difficult subject and still be friends and laugh. So cool.
The problem is that this is the most difficult subject only to the most simple of people. And i say problem because we need change that, we need more educated people to worry about the real stuff.
"Why don't you pray just in case there's a god" "Why don't you hang garlic over your door just in case there's a Dracula" LOL SO TRUE AHH THIS IS GOLD 😂 even better would have been "why don't you stay home past nine pm in case there's an alien ship that's gonna abduct you" or "why don't you start caring about growing up in case Peter Pan comes and wants to fly you away to neverland"
Jenny Larsson Haz listen dude I was like you against religion and god for 24 years. Wake up brother ! Hollywood is an illusion to control the masses funded by the WOLRD elite while they fund the bad politicians around the around . It’s all connected . You’ve been tricked into thinking we’re supposed to watch tv and movies and radio, WRONG THATS ALL MAN MADE TO COMTROL SINCE DAY 1. they don’t want you to read the Bible because it will set you free it is the code to happiness the code to freedom.... THEY WANT YOU AS A SLAVE CONSUMER.... THINK ABOUT IT MAN ALL MEDIA DOSENT WANT YOU TO STUDY THE BIBLE... IF YOURE SURE OF YOURSELF WHY DONT YOU OBJECTIVELY READ IT AND SEE FOR YOURSELF WHAT THEY DONT WANT YOU TO READ ITS THAT SIMPLE.
@@skatechris100 bet you haven't even read the Bible. Funny how most atheists have read the Bible, while so many Christians haven't. Really gets ya thinking..
also, shut up.
Colbert- why don't you pray just in case there's a god
Ricky- why don't you hang a garlic over your door just in case there's a dracula
Me- welcome to india 😂
@@skatechris100 Please.. shut up
@@skatechris100 Caps make you look crazy
I love what Gervais quoted: "I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians."
Thor is an awesome choice.
I like the reason he gave for his Thor-belief even better....
Gervais is all class.
I agree with him about death. I don't care either, it's going to happen eventually. That's Nature. I'm just afraid of how it's going to go. Hopefully it won't be too painful.
Not existing is more natural than existing, more things don't exist than do exist so being here is really odd anyway.
The way I sometimes phrase it is that I'm not afraid of death, only of dying. I.e. the process is scary, but the end state isn't.
Whether with a bang or a whimper, just make sure you don't go out with a whine.
I like to not leave things undone so that if I do have a fade-to-black at least I'll not panic about my anchors, It'll just be the pain and the last few thoughts forever unrecorded.
@Battle of Valmy Unless the people of the future just decide to harvest you as parts or something. I mean, there is no guarantee that you will ever be unfrozen or "brought back to life". Hell, there's no actual evidence that it will be feasible, or that the company you choose will be around when/if the technology is ever developed. And there is always the chance that a natural disaster will strike and wipe out the facility, or just cut power to it (or, you know, faulty parts/human error can always happen).
Sure, you are betting that none of that will happen, and yes, you will have a better shot at it than those that don't get frozen, but you are still betting on an unproven technology. For all we know, the current cryogenic process is faulty and makes the human body unsuitable for revival. Or, the only way to "revive" someone is to brain-tape them into a computer - so no body (or, perhaps a robotic one), with no ability to ever make love, touch, or feel any of the senses we have now. And, of course, *some* of those in cryo have to be the first test-subjects - which will likely mean that they will be damaged during "revival". So even if they have the technology, you may come back brain damaged, or worse.
I wish you luck - you will probably need it.
"It has nothing to do with the credibility of the truth but the popularity of the idea"
The best testimony!!
Love his sense of humor!
Love Gervais and agree with his point re dogs.
He is also a fan of cats
Ricky is the most genuine celebrity ever. I too love dogs/animals Salute.
I like how quite a few of the points Ricky makes during these religious conversations with Stephen, over several interviews, show up in his show After Life. His love for dogs being one of them.
A non-believer and a believer having a nice conversation. These two are true gentlemen.
Except the theist wasn't being nice. He was constantly being rude, with a smile on his face.
Not even just rude to Gervais, or atheists generally, but also to those of cults that follow th Norse gods.
Gerrvais was polite... at least there was that.
“Yeah we’re definitely taking out the part where they cheer for you” 😂😂
And Ricky’s laugh! I nearly died 😭😭😭
I love that laugh
This reminds me of the dyslexic, agnostic insomniac. He lay awake all night wondering if there was a dog.
Dyslexics untie! I mean unite!
I could go on about sado-necro-bestiality, but I'd just be beating a dead horse.
good one.
I see what you did there
singularity64 n
"its a crowd pleaser.."
".. Is it? ( condescending)"😂
Hello good morning how are you doing today?
Ricky outwitted Stephen a bit this time. He had well prepared answers to his questions or remarks in a way Stephen couldn't counter. Nice chat tho.
The whole "it doesn't matter the credibility of the truth, it has to do with the popularity of the idea"
Ricky outwitts him everytime
These are not “well prepared answers” you can tell he’s just someone who is clear about his beliefs or lack thereof
@@judigemini178 right, anyone whos thought about their atheism comes across the same tired arguments time after time so nothing Ricky heard here is new to him.
It's just much easier to defend his position, nothing about wit, really. If you get the wittiest guy in the world defending absurdities, it's not going to end well lol
These two men are so smart, one can listen to them all day!
"One mans religion is another mans belly laugh." Robert Heinlein
Ricky's thoughts and ideas are not only original but he brings humor and sensitivity to them
imagine if atheists were door to door trying to convince you by the non existence of god and the empathy and love of and for dogs, this would be a lot of a better world rn
Add to that an empathy and love for the environment in general. I hear of theists deliberately wasting resources because they think it will hurry the Rapture along. I mean, that's bonehead thinking for you...
well Ricky walked on this talkshow and was leading the conversation about issues like "Atheism"..etc
To think Atheists don't "evangelise" others to their way of thinking is just wrong. Atheists very much do have an agenda, they just don't go "door to door". Its more of a "mockery" of Christianity and faith.
Also notice they will never really insult Islam?
@@studmalexy atheists always insult Islam. Just because we make fun of your of your imaginary friend doesn't mean we won't insult other people's imaginary friends
Look at that: Two people with different opinions loving each other's company. How is that possible?
Lots of things make it happen, but they all boil down to one thing, millions of dollars!!
@@mkg304 and cameras everywhere.
It' called open-minded.
Ricky killed it! He used humour and respect. These comments here show there’s hope. Many people are woke! Fastest growing segment of population is now non belief
Unfortunately it will create a vacuum and be replaced by another iteration. Most humans don't have the capacity to accept the finality of death. It's as frightening as the concept of immortality is to me. just think about it. That's a shit ton of time.
Ricky has a contagious laugh, I die in tears when he jokes and when he cracks up lol 😂
Ricky and Stephen together is gold .
They should do a series together where they try to convince each other , it’d be wonderful car crash televsison .
"Its like being stupid, it's only painful to others"
I love the fact that he cares so much for animals. He’s my hero for that. Plus, I still believe that The Idiot Abroad was the best show ever on tv.
Im glad i watched this. I struggle w thinking of death multiple times a day. Watching my fav comedian speak candid about it helped.
My father told me a long time ago .. .Don't be afraid of death. You don't feel anything about the time before you? Then don't worry,you won't feel anything.
A German Shepherd, a Doberman and a cat died on the same day. All three are sitting together with God, who wants to know what they believe in.
The German Shepherd says: "I believe in discipline, training and loyalty to my master."
"Good," says God. "Then sit down on my right side. Doberman, what do you believe in?"
The Doberman answers: "I believe in the love, care and protection of my master."
Ah," said God. "You may sit to my left."
Then he looks at the cat and asks, "And what do you believe in?"
The cat stares back at God and answers: "I believe you're sitting in my seat."
May All Beings Be Happy ☸
Make Peace☮ Be Kind 💞 Be Gentle 🌎 Be Patient☯
No weirdo. The cat gets eaten and mauled by the assertive dominant canines! Dogs for the win.
You ever seen a cat-dog face-off? The dog usually backs down unless he has back-up in terms of human or canine support. Cats are not nice 'people' but they are very brave. And when they're the big guys, they win. Like lions or tigers.
Its what they would say to everyone else
Brilliant x
April Hall PRICELESS!! Just made my day, thanks!!
"Within about an hour, I'd figured it out"
Hahaha soooo his 8yr old little brain figured out what men of the most advanced brains have not in thousands of years since ancient civilizations? Really Ricky. Very dumb answer.
@@peaceandlove544 I guess you believe in god?
@@peaceandlove544 actually it was a great answer because it makes logical sense
Some people asks questions before believing and some just shove everything inside their head....
@@peaceandlove544 out smarted by 10 year olds. Don't feel bad kids have agile brains and can adapt quicker. I reckon i figured it out around 12 when i started thinking about it.
I'm here binge watching all the ricky gervais clips after the Golden Globes baby.
As a fellow atheist, I love Ricky Gervais for his ability to stand his ground, be respectful (mostly) and keep the comedy going.
If Hitchens or Dawkins had a sense of humor, I'd like them more. Right?
Hitch could be pretty funny sometimes.
Hitch was fucking hilarious!
Hitch was funnier than Ricky when it came to Humour surrounding religious debate, he even did stand up a few times (albeit drunk).
Hitchens had a si ked sense of humour!
Dawkins is a professional educator, not an entertainer. While he was Oxford Prof for promoting scientific understanding, he had work to do…not entertainment.
so perfectly dark and funny. LOVE Ricky
wake up myname to watch FINAL WARNING
@i Rostom G9 To those who live in the real world you learn to laugh at the dark sides of life or you just end up depressed.
@i Rostom G9 Nothing is funnier than death.
I love the respect of beliefs between these two.
Ricky is awesome!!
Stephen shakes his hand and accepts defeat again
Atleast Dogs exist
I'm genuinely impressed with Ricky's wit. Insane!
I have a newfound love for Ricky Gervais, first the golden globes and now this, he really put into words what I’ve been thinking since I was like 10.
For me, personally, the only thing worse than a Christian trying to convert others to their beliefs is an atheist doing the same thing in reverse. That's why I love both Ricky and Stephen, they're comfortable in their own beliefs and comfortable with others with different beliefs. Live and let live.
Ricky was so humble when he was getting that standing ovation, it was so sweet to see how absolutely in shock he was.
humble? ricky gervais .... lol
Being dead is like being stupid. It's only painful to others. Love it.
I feel like they both advocated well for their side while still having a respectful conversation and being able to say the other had a good point - I hate saying that we don't have enough of this anymore because we do, we just have to switch who we pay attention to.
TV news shows, pop culture, and the administration all allow disrespectful disagreeing to become the norm because it's 'popular', and that just means we're paying attention to it. Lets be more mindful about what we consume as a society and what we allow as popular
"It's like being stupid; it's only painful for other people".
This is why Ricky is the best comedian
These two would have the biggest podcast in the world if they teamed up.
“Corgi, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change...”
This is a lovely interview. Made me smile a lot.
Living in the Bible-belt of the USA, I re-watch this interview over and over when I'm feeling indoctrinated by these fundamentalist idiots in my community. I'm an proud Atheist and have no friends and bad family relationships only because I disagree about theology. I love Ricky for taking my hand and grabbing me up out of this cease pool of jesus freaks we got down here.
Hopefully you can get out and move to a more accepting place. Its bad down in the southeastern states hopefully you can find a place to live that gives you a real community
What is amazing is that in the 21st century Free world the God they pray to is PUTIN!
Think about it - Putin says, "those who believe and support me will be rewarded with the good life(Oligarchs). And those that do not will suffer(and so many have been poisoned, jailed and tortured)
And we have "God" who says, "those who believe and support me will be rewarded with Heaven and those that do not will suffer in hell!"
And we see the attacks on people like you, Rushdie by these supporters of "God", just like the supporters of Putin have attacked those deemed a threat to him
Amazing isn't it ? Not even the best of minds realize they are praying to Putin!
The amazing brainwashing power of Religion!
@@PhilipStruthers I think if I were American, I'd take a huge section of the states and label it _"The Atheist Belt"_ just to even things up a little.
It seems to me to be a mistake to use the term _"Bible Belt"_ in any country because all its doing is validating a belief through terminology.
@@TonyEnglandUK Hah, good luck. The theistic/christian population in the USA is so large that it’s literally illegal to run for office as an atheist in some states. It’s been shown this law can’t actually be upheld, but the density of hardcore religious groups in those areas basically have such a stronghold that it’ll be YEARS before someone who isn’t a bible beating christian runs in their state.
This is beautiful interview
He is not an atheist for a fact
He is agnostic - towards idea of God (which is antropomorhed idea of universe, nature, whatever)
He believes in the same principle to that of God (,,unconditional love") - he just relates it to dogs
I feel like he broke Stephen at 7:57. Stephen attempts to throw a jab at 9:03 and is slightly bitter til the end. Logic vs Religion = Comedy. Thank Dog for Ricky.
It was H-I-L-A-R-I-O-U-S.
Thank Dog. You got me. Lol
I dont think Stephen gets that upset over it. He has faith and it's always tested for religious people.
I got the exact same impression, slightly bitter. It's surprising, he's usually not like that.
Not bitter at all. He is too smart for getting upset over this
What a lovely man Ricky Gervais is. Funny, clever, humble, even with that dark british humor (which I love) is kind. He is adorable!
Yes, mocking other people's beliefs is adorable
@@thoughtsbeforeactions714 with facts and logic....yep
@@samipbhattarai6136 yes, there's something very logical that the whole universe was created by accident
@@thoughtsbeforeactions714 fighting for different religions like a child is even more logical😂😂😂 the real god must be laughing at us
@@samipbhattarai6136 there's people who fight but there's also more people who just have conversations with each other and bond despite having different beliefs
I also was about eight. I was in bible school at ****. I asked a question and got an answer that may have changed my life. I don't remember the question, but the answer I remember. YOU ARE NOT TO ASK SUCH QUESTIONS! YOU ARE TO RECEIVE THE WORD AND BELIEVE! I knew right away that that was a response full of baloney. I remember in the 4th, 5th, and 6th grades I was hammered at and I lied and said I was Agnostic. In the 7th grade Middle School, I had just finished a book on atomic energy and all that. Next time I was pressured I stated I was Atheist. I said to believe in something that does not exist is easy, but to force others to believe the same is evil. How is that a kind god?
As the saying goes, if you want to become an atheist just read the Bible.
If you have to question whether a supposed God is good, then that tells you right there, that you probably have a better moral direction then this supposed God.
And all that. N stuff and things. U know. 😖😖
This is probably the healthiest conversation between two people who adamantly disagree you can see. Like man seriously, we can't take for granted how incredible freedom of speech is, because this kind of conversation was never the norm throughout history and it's so beautiful.
Ricky,amazing as always! Really appreciate Stephen too for being chilled out and receptive. Fun interview.I am an atheist but really dont mind reigious folks if they are laid back and chilled out like Stephen here
the part where he says after dying is the same as before you were born is actually an Alan Watts aphorism. He was a philosopher, not an comedian but he is ridiculously good
Ricky has a degree in Philosophy apparently, so that explains that.
"Still an Atheist? Hasn't softened over time?" WTF Stephen
Stephen wouldn't have been offended if Ricky had asked him if he was "still a Catholic." Neither of them seems the least offended here. They both seem to enjoy this conversation. Why are some in an uproar about it?
the question is a preface to continuation of a humorous treatment of a serious subject
I like Colbert.... yet, he seems to have an insecurity issue where people who have very different sociological positions from his lifelong “norm” make him somewhat uncomfortable(?). It’s comparison. “You’re different from me, totally comfortable with it, and that makes me uncomfortable about me”. Look at how he was about meat and vegans for the longest time. Comedians are some of the most insecure people.
Every once in a while, Stephen lets his white, male, christian privilege slip into his jokes and interviews. So, yeah. Now and then I also whisper "wtf" under my breath while watching his show not in an uproarious way. 's ok but because he's 99.9% aware of his privilege, no one is going to make an issue of it.
As an atheist, I get where he's coming from.
As I get older I've noticed that I'm certainly less aggressive towards religion and more accepting of an individual's beliefs.
Also there are supposedly atheists who "come to Jesus" when they are close to their own death.
That might just be because I was a complete twat when I was younger, but I like to think that I'm wiser and more empathetic.
6:48 he does things like this because he thinks it makes him look smart and educated when in reality it just makes him sound crazy
In dogs we trust
I'd pick Thor too, also for the big hammer. ;)
I'd pick Captain America
He’s such a great defender of animals, apart from being so incredibly funny
Hello how are you doing today?
That laugh at the end was pure joy. That makes me kinda root for him even more. :D