Haven’t played hearthstone in literal years since c’thun was a thing, this channel randomly appeared on my feed and I’ve been back at it now. Thanks for the content 🎉
Don't let any haters dissuade you, its a great time to get back into the game. The team has been making it really fun with new mechanics like Titans and pretty accessible with catch up packs. Wild is especially fun right now too with Renathal decks dominating lower ranks.
If you are going to play hearthstone again, dont open packs until you make the quests. They willgive you catch up packs and each will give like 50 cards
15:33 i usually call this the "new game magic". When you start a new game for the first time, everything looks like magic because you are continuing to discover something new every time
What I love most about this channel is I can just have it on in the background and just listen as its purely numbers and strategy in terms of using your resources for the highest potential
As with the last 2 expansions, I still haven't needed to buy packs. Smart resource management does go a long way, though it also depends on the total amount of decks you'll want to play. I tend to play a few each expansion, and usually have the Dust for the Epics and Legendaries. All things said though, I do buy every miniset. I'm not sure if there's ever a reason not to, if you've gotten the resources for it.
I played Twist "Fast Forward" all last month and it actually did a pretty good job of creating the experience you described of unlocking more of your existing collection over time. It was a lot of fun!
The idea of bot is interesting. I can imagine an arena type game where you open 40 or less packs and you need to build a deck or several out of that. After a week or several loosing match. You would loose all those card for you to open the packs again. It would be very fun for the people that likes to create decks and you would also fight people that also hand made their deck (or atleast partially)
There are multiple kinds of resources that are spent to create cards for this game. Design is the generation of card ideas and mechanics. Adjustment is the process of reworking card ideas to adjust flavor and balance so that they hopefully fit into the set and land in the rough area that the team wants them to in the meta. Coding resources are required to make new mechanics work. None of these are significant losses of resources with regard to intentional pack filler cards. Designs are abundant because there are far more design ideas for any given set than the total number of cards that actually make it in. They literally have spare designs lying around because designs are so cheap and easy to mass produce. Adjustment resources don't need to be spent in order to properly balance intentionally bad cards. It is FAR simpler and easier to create very weak or very overpowered cards on purpose or on accident than it is to create properly balanced cards. The HS team doesn't tend to create new mechanics for most intentional pack filler cards either. They instead usually rely on bad cards using the mechanics that they already programmed for other cards in the set or on repurposing code designed for cards in the past to minimize the cost. There are notable counterexamples that people could make to this point, but the discussion then becomes "what is pack filler?" Is the new Whizbang pack filler? He's interesting and flavorful. A lot of players really enjoyed/still enjoy running games with him for fun. He's not good, and he isn't meant to be good. He's only meant to be silly and fun. Is that pack filler in your opinion? It isn't in mine. I consider filler to be the bad cards that don't mean much of anything to anyone. All the bad cards that were never meant to stand out or be special are pack filler cards. Whizbang stands out and is special despite being bad. The team does dedicate resources to intentionally bad cards with fun designs because they keep the game interesting and let people do silly things. They don't tend to dedicate many resources at all to intentional pack fillers that don't have interesting designs.
@@greed1sgood130 That... doesn't even make sense. The number of cards in each set is fixed. They create a specific number of cards for each class and for the neutral set in every expansion. If ALL of them are good, then you will need to keep buying until you can craft them all. If only some of them are good, then you can dust the bad ones and craft the good ones with far fewer total packs bought. How in Hello Kitty do you think that pack filler cards mean more pack purchases when the total number of cards in each expansion is fixed? Your stance works somewhat for physical card games and games without crafting mechanics. It does not work for Hearthstone.
You do realize they need to have vanilla cards for arena mode and a reason to buy more packs in the first place ? Oh wait they should just make every card over the top powerful so all you need to open is 8 packs and you can win any match at 60%😂😂😂😂 ffs do you have a brain?
My way to go when opening packs is: 1) I open packs for 100 gold each until i find a legendary 2) i open Golden packs for 400 Gold each until a find a couple of legendaries 3) i make dust of all the Golden cards that get nerfed 4) i conserve all Gold until the miniset releases 5) dust every card that gets nerfed After the post miniset patch 6) i wont buy any packs (titans, badlands and festival) because they will rotate next year, so i focus to keep my Money for adventures and next 3 expansions that wont rotate next year
Tbh i opened a lot of Whizbang because i want it's achievements, and i was about to get enough dust for Zilliax when i got it from a Tavern Pass pack, now i'm just gonna save for the minipack. Buying a golden got me a legendary (only bought it for the guaranteed 300+ dust right before getting Zilliax)
Yes Mathematician is fine, as for that mode mechanic it can be similar to a "Progression Series" format from yugioh or the Expansion series made from Rarran. though I think it's best if it's done to put you against other players in the same level of the expansion progression, maybe with a few free cards by random rarity that are duplicate protected from the expansion you're at as a reward at certain intervals of that mode's special rewards track. Maybe a Catch-up pack or two for expansions you barely have any cards for. Could even just be small gold discounts/availability to buy for gold on adventures at the end of the rewards track.
Just saying, don't dust everything expect duplicate cards. You never knows some legendaries will buffs in future. For the packs, Tavern Pass is best method for farming gold nothing less.
On PC you can use the Firestone application. To follow this list you do not need to know the exact number of open packs. Just check your collection to see if you have all the cards of a certain rarity. To do this, write the keyword “Missing” in the search column.
Numbers are cool and all, but its hard to tell someone "whizbang packs are not the best packs" when their goal is to acquire whizbang cards. The idea of this video is to maximize your dust value, and in turn you can craft the cards you want..... You could also just buy the packs you actually want instead of buying the ones that are "dust efficient" lol.
You could buy 1 whizbang pack, get lucky and get the legendary you want, and be done with it. Or you could buy like 20 of whatever the recommended pack is to get a bunch of dust in order to craft the same whizbang Legendary you wanted.
This is true for those of us who have kept up with the release of each expansion, and this video provides a breakdown of which packs are best opened depending on where you currently stand with your collection. Each pack is assigned an inherent dust value. As we acquire cards from an expansion, the packs from that expansion yield diminishing returns in overall dust value. So where Badlands packs are generally better "value", they eventually reach a point of having less value than packs from Whizbang as you acquire more cards from Badlands. So, for those of us who may already have a significant portion of Badlands and other sets, Whizbang packs are probably the way to go. If you are looking for cards for a certain deck and/or do not care about owning cards of a certain archetype/strategy/theme, well... this breakdown is not considering such nuances. Use your best judgement in that situation. At least, that is how I interpreted the video.
I think you completely forgot to take 1 aspect into an account. The Whizbang Cards are going to be in Standard for the next 2 years. It's highly probable that some cards will become useful in the future while the other expansions will rotate out in a year.
One question I really want to know about packs is does Blizzard nerf the packs after a patch so you don't pull any nerfed card??.... because I have tested this with just a few packs in multiple expansions and never pulled one.
Same for me, from 17 Whizbang's packs that i opened after nerfs, i didn't pull any nerfed card (i obviously turned to dust the nerfed cards to increase hypothetically the prob or chances (%) to get again the nerfed ones to dust them, but it seems that there's an unknown and hide pattern that Blizzard does after every nerf patch to decrease the % to get nerfed cards in post opening pack's, at least that's what i think in my case)
I have pulled freshly-nerfed cards from packs. The duplicate protection does not ensure you will pull cards missing from your collection if you had previously owned them but disenchanted them, so the chance of pulling them is often just as likely as anything else since many players already own all the commons and rares of a set. So with that said, I doubt there is anything happening beyond normal pack mechanics when it comes to pulling nerfed cards.
In theory, this fact should not affect the guaranteed legendary card in the 10th expansion pack (on average in the 5th pack). I created a new account and haven't received my first badlands legendary card yet, but I still haven't opened enough packs.
I don't want to hate on this too much because I can tell you have put in a lot of effort on statistical analysis; however, you guys need to keep in mind that optimising expected value is not always the best option. With the method that you are proposing, as a whole, the player base will have a better more optimised collection. But as individuals, many will have less optimised collections as only the particular 1/16 people who get the optimal cards from a given expansion are being benefitted. That is to say, it is better for me AS AN INDIVIDUAL to take a guaranteed 100 dust than to take a 1/16 gable at 1700 dust. When making future videos please keep this in mind, and try to reword what I said to fit your audience as it is a key insight.
Mini-sets give you guaranteed dust, but only if all cards are destroyed. Of course, maxed dust is good when you really need a specific card but there are no available ways to get it. You will still have to buy packs that contain the same amount of dust. So why give up the correct order of purchase, which, in addition to guaranteed dust, can expand your collection with a useful card. Yes, the chance in some cases is not great, but still. If you have all the rare Whizbang cards but no previous expansion cards in your collection, then what's the point of continuing to buy packs of the new expansion? I created a new account to test this method in practice, at the moment it works great, but I continue to research.
Bot Mathematician: "Everything is very simple. We've created a benefit factor that allows us to numerically determine the conditional value from purchasing a specific pack." Me: What do those words mean again? 🤔🥴
I must just be me but I never understand how people don't have gold for packs each expansion and mini set. I've always had 8k+ gold at the start of rotation since they changed the way rewards work. I'll buy 60' packs which gives me some left over and I've earned enough from rewards by the time the mini set comes out. Rinse and repeat. I only use the free passes for arena, I've always been able to play most meta decks with maybe 1 or 2 cards subbed in... just me??????
I'm primarily a Free-2-play player. I have never purchased resources in the game except for the Tavern Pass. Your advantage is that you have a strategy for obtaining resources. Not all players play every day or throughout the entire expansion phase. Not all players can collect resources for 4 months, as the lack of progress kills them.
@@HearthstoneMathematics some fair points, my only advantage over new players is I've been playing since just after beta so I've been able to accumulate most cards however I've never spent a dime on it. Everything has only ever been bought with in game gold. I don't play every day (I don't have the time) but i do always try to complete the weekly quests and generally save the dailies until I have 3 then bang them out in 1 day. I've never hit legendary, best was Diamond 5 and I think that was back in the days of Pirate warrior before the nerfs. Not playing the entire expansion season is how most of these TCG games are designed to "get ya" meaning they want money from you. Early one I would have to sacrifice being able to play a lot of decks and craft just one maybe 2 and play those for a season or Area to build up gold and then plan for the next one to buy those packs. It's not perfect but it's let me keep my money from Blzz going forward.
@@kevinc8612 it sounds from your reply that you understand how people wouldn't have gold. you've been playing for 10 years. that's on a conservative estimate that's like 100k gold. and that's not including all the other benefits you gain from events, having collected most of the cards as they come out etc.
Please stop using cyber voice or upgrade the AI voice to sound liek they really would, it could do more views and really sound good, like Dubbing I mean
I received over 13k dust from the last round of nerfs😂😂 just from my extra cards. People who can afford to buy packs dont really care . I opened every card in the set and I spent $80 on the mega bundle and $20 on the track from which I got another 200 packs so I got $280 packs for $100 couple that with an amazon discount for coins and I paid $90 bucks for 280 packs and got every card. People keep thinking this game is outrageously expensive but its actually not compared to a lot of things. If you dont like the cost dont buy it ffs.
Just buy past golden mini sets and disenchant the cards and get what you want. They refund younthe exact cost of the normal variant. If you buy packs you will have to spend even more then the golden mini set.
@dime4026 buy a golden mini set from any expansion. They have both the regular and golden versions in the shop. I believe there is a mini set tab that takes you to them. Some come with 60 to 70 golden cards that will give you alot of dust value. You are able to craft like 7 to 8 legendaries per mini set or alot of other non legendary cards.
@Heatranoveryou you get less dust value on average from 60 packs from the shop compared to the mini sets. It gives you about 11,600 dust that let's you choose the cards you want compared to random cards you probably won't use and the dust value is horrendous.
Al minuto 12:22 tienes la guía de cuántos y en qué orden deberías de comprar paquetes de cada expansión, lo único que recomienda es comprar los mini sets antes de abrir paquetes (menos el del festival)
Al minuto 12:22 tienes la guía de cuántos y en qué orden deberías de comprar paquetes de cada expansión, lo único que recomienda es comprar los mini sets antes de abrir paquetes (menos el del festival)
Al minuto 12:22 tienes la guía de cuántos y en qué orden deberías de comprar paquetes de cada expansión, lo único que recomienda es comprar los mini sets antes de abrir paquetes (menos el del festival)
Haven’t played hearthstone in literal years since c’thun was a thing, this channel randomly appeared on my feed and I’ve been back at it now. Thanks for the content 🎉
Totally loved the cthun otk mechanic
you have much to consume then, friend
Don't let any haters dissuade you, its a great time to get back into the game. The team has been making it really fun with new mechanics like Titans and pretty accessible with catch up packs. Wild is especially fun right now too with Renathal decks dominating lower ranks.
If you are going to play hearthstone again, dont open packs until you make the quests. They willgive you catch up packs and each will give like 50 cards
15:33 i usually call this the "new game magic". When you start a new game for the first time, everything looks like magic because you are continuing to discover something new every time
What I love most about this channel is I can just have it on in the background and just listen as its purely numbers and strategy in terms of using your resources for the highest potential
15:00 Don't worry Holomancer, Bot Mathematician is perfectly fine and continues to suggest some great ideas for new modes!
As with the last 2 expansions, I still haven't needed to buy packs. Smart resource management does go a long way, though it also depends on the total amount of decks you'll want to play. I tend to play a few each expansion, and usually have the Dust for the Epics and Legendaries.
All things said though, I do buy every miniset. I'm not sure if there's ever a reason not to, if you've gotten the resources for it.
I played Twist "Fast Forward" all last month and it actually did a pretty good job of creating the experience you described of unlocking more of your existing collection over time. It was a lot of fun!
The idea of bot is interesting.
I can imagine an arena type game where you open 40 or less packs and you need to build a deck or several out of that. After a week or several loosing match.
You would loose all those card for you to open the packs again.
It would be very fun for the people that likes to create decks and you would also fight people that also hand made their deck (or atleast partially)
The idea is cool but arena is kind of already that
Ye it's true actually
The idea of a seasonal mode with a separate collection would be a lot of fun if it wasn't too monetized, it would also cut back on net decking
I think that's why they decided to make twist, and have it as a third mode that is not active all seasons.
I'm a big believer in quality over quantity and so many cards in HS are trash. Such a waste of dev resources just for pack filler.
There are multiple kinds of resources that are spent to create cards for this game.
Design is the generation of card ideas and mechanics. Adjustment is the process of reworking card ideas to adjust flavor and balance so that they hopefully fit into the set and land in the rough area that the team wants them to in the meta. Coding resources are required to make new mechanics work.
None of these are significant losses of resources with regard to intentional pack filler cards.
Designs are abundant because there are far more design ideas for any given set than the total number of cards that actually make it in. They literally have spare designs lying around because designs are so cheap and easy to mass produce.
Adjustment resources don't need to be spent in order to properly balance intentionally bad cards. It is FAR simpler and easier to create very weak or very overpowered cards on purpose or on accident than it is to create properly balanced cards.
The HS team doesn't tend to create new mechanics for most intentional pack filler cards either. They instead usually rely on bad cards using the mechanics that they already programmed for other cards in the set or on repurposing code designed for cards in the past to minimize the cost. There are notable counterexamples that people could make to this point, but the discussion then becomes "what is pack filler?"
Is the new Whizbang pack filler? He's interesting and flavorful. A lot of players really enjoyed/still enjoy running games with him for fun. He's not good, and he isn't meant to be good. He's only meant to be silly and fun. Is that pack filler in your opinion?
It isn't in mine. I consider filler to be the bad cards that don't mean much of anything to anyone. All the bad cards that were never meant to stand out or be special are pack filler cards. Whizbang stands out and is special despite being bad.
The team does dedicate resources to intentionally bad cards with fun designs because they keep the game interesting and let people do silly things. They don't tend to dedicate many resources at all to intentional pack fillers that don't have interesting designs.
dude its not a waste, it makes people buy more packs so they get more $
@@greed1sgood130 That... doesn't even make sense.
The number of cards in each set is fixed. They create a specific number of cards for each class and for the neutral set in every expansion.
If ALL of them are good, then you will need to keep buying until you can craft them all. If only some of them are good, then you can dust the bad ones and craft the good ones with far fewer total packs bought.
How in Hello Kitty do you think that pack filler cards mean more pack purchases when the total number of cards in each expansion is fixed?
Your stance works somewhat for physical card games and games without crafting mechanics. It does not work for Hearthstone.
You do realize they need to have vanilla cards for arena mode and a reason to buy more packs in the first place ? Oh wait they should just make every card over the top powerful so all you need to open is 8 packs and you can win any match at 60%😂😂😂😂 ffs do you have a brain?
Yeah I agree
My way to go when opening packs is:
1) I open packs for 100 gold each until i find a legendary
2) i open Golden packs for 400 Gold each until a find a couple of legendaries
3) i make dust of all the Golden cards that get nerfed
4) i conserve all Gold until the miniset releases
5) dust every card that gets nerfed After the post miniset patch
6) i wont buy any packs (titans, badlands and festival) because they will rotate next year, so i focus to keep my Money for adventures and next 3 expansions that wont rotate next year
I just buy stuff with money
@@sheildingepicness why would supporting a game they like be sad? if no one spent money the game would die...
I already spent a lot of gold on the expansion packs. Yikes.
Anyway glad to see that you guys are still around! Its been a while.
You are kinda late doe, I've just used all the money I saved from last expansion 😂
Unfortunately these things take time and yes...
I just got into hearthstone this week and im in love, this game is so good!!!
Tbh i opened a lot of Whizbang because i want it's achievements, and i was about to get enough dust for Zilliax when i got it from a Tavern Pass pack, now i'm just gonna save for the minipack. Buying a golden got me a legendary (only bought it for the guaranteed 300+ dust right before getting Zilliax)
Yes Mathematician is fine, as for that mode mechanic it can be similar to a "Progression Series" format from yugioh or the Expansion series made from Rarran. though I think it's best if it's done to put you against other players in the same level of the expansion progression, maybe with a few free cards by random rarity that are duplicate protected from the expansion you're at as a reward at certain intervals of that mode's special rewards track. Maybe a Catch-up pack or two for expansions you barely have any cards for. Could even just be small gold discounts/availability to buy for gold on adventures at the end of the rewards track.
I liked the idea of duels but with arena style deck creation
Me too :)
Thanks for the info! As a returning player, I've been wondering which packs would get me the most bang for my coin.
I like gradually getting access to cards.
Returning player here, is it more or less efficient to buy mini sets before opening catch up packs?
This channel is so underrated!
Just saying, don't dust everything expect duplicate cards. You never knows some legendaries will buffs in future. For the packs, Tavern Pass is best method for farming gold nothing less.
I have so much dust if I press the button. They might get nerfed. I only dust when I need the dust or the card is nerfed
I think twist has shown new modes need a lot to be popular. A mode where you gradually gain cards probably would not see play
Actually don't buy anything from Blizzard
Hey guys, is there a way to know how many packs I've opened from each expansion? Or is there at least a way to know how many cards I have from each?
On PC you can use the Firestone application. To follow this list you do not need to know the exact number of open packs. Just check your collection to see if you have all the cards of a certain rarity. To do this, write the keyword “Missing” in the search column.
@@HearthstoneMathematics thank you guys for the swift response!
i personal buy all mini sets,try tell more about each card sets and diamond cards for each collection,i was see on achievements
8:08 I do save for the next set already
Numbers are cool and all, but its hard to tell someone "whizbang packs are not the best packs" when their goal is to acquire whizbang cards.
The idea of this video is to maximize your dust value, and in turn you can craft the cards you want.....
You could also just buy the packs you actually want instead of buying the ones that are "dust efficient" lol.
You could buy 1 whizbang pack, get lucky and get the legendary you want, and be done with it.
Or you could buy like 20 of whatever the recommended pack is to get a bunch of dust in order to craft the same whizbang Legendary you wanted.
This is true for those of us who have kept up with the release of each expansion, and this video provides a breakdown of which packs are best opened depending on where you currently stand with your collection.
Each pack is assigned an inherent dust value. As we acquire cards from an expansion, the packs from that expansion yield diminishing returns in overall dust value. So where Badlands packs are generally better "value", they eventually reach a point of having less value than packs from Whizbang as you acquire more cards from Badlands. So, for those of us who may already have a significant portion of Badlands and other sets, Whizbang packs are probably the way to go. If you are looking for cards for a certain deck and/or do not care about owning cards of a certain archetype/strategy/theme, well... this breakdown is not considering such nuances. Use your best judgement in that situation.
At least, that is how I interpreted the video.
I think you completely forgot to take 1 aspect into an account. The Whizbang Cards are going to be in Standard for the next 2 years. It's highly probable that some cards will become useful in the future while the other expansions will rotate out in a year.
One question I really want to know about packs is does Blizzard nerf the packs after a patch so you don't pull any nerfed card??.... because I have tested this with just a few packs in multiple expansions and never pulled one.
Same for me, from 17 Whizbang's packs that i opened after nerfs, i didn't pull any nerfed card (i obviously turned to dust the nerfed cards to increase hypothetically the prob or chances (%) to get again the nerfed ones to dust them, but it seems that there's an unknown and hide pattern that Blizzard does after every nerf patch to decrease the % to get nerfed cards in post opening pack's, at least that's what i think in my case)
I have pulled freshly-nerfed cards from packs. The duplicate protection does not ensure you will pull cards missing from your collection if you had previously owned them but disenchanted them, so the chance of pulling them is often just as likely as anything else since many players already own all the commons and rares of a set.
So with that said, I doubt there is anything happening beyond normal pack mechanics when it comes to pulling nerfed cards.
What TTS do you use?
i'm so confused, did yogg unleashed get changed? i got it from my first 5 packs but the text of the card is different did it get changed?
I can't understand how to earn Lor'themar Theron card, have to beat any adventure? Please someone reply, i want him so badly 🤣
Have goldrn packs a higher chance for signature cards?
1/40 golden 1/320 normal for signatures pity timer. Just from memory but it’s something like that
Watch rarran opening golden packs
Are the 40 returning Player packs from whizbang worth it?
Do you have a breakdown video if it's better to buy Gold packs over normal ones?
I plan to publish an updated final table soon (if I have internet, it will happen tomorrow). I'll add the golden pack for comparison.
If I opened catch up packs, will I still get the "first legendary of an expansion" within the next 5 packs?
In theory, this fact should not affect the guaranteed legendary card in the 10th expansion pack (on average in the 5th pack). I created a new account and haven't received my first badlands legendary card yet, but I still haven't opened enough packs.
7:00 I crafted only Yogg
All I need is just spend first 1k gold (means 10 packs) each expansion, guarantee 1 legendary.
Hi there. Im looking for someone to offer an opinion on my sets as to what i should buy next. The opinion is paid
I don't want to hate on this too much because I can tell you have put in a lot of effort on statistical analysis; however, you guys need to keep in mind that optimising expected value is not always the best option. With the method that you are proposing, as a whole, the player base will have a better more optimised collection. But as individuals, many will have less optimised collections as only the particular 1/16 people who get the optimal cards from a given expansion are being benefitted. That is to say, it is better for me AS AN INDIVIDUAL to take a guaranteed 100 dust than to take a 1/16 gable at 1700 dust.
When making future videos please keep this in mind, and try to reword what I said to fit your audience as it is a key insight.
Mini-sets give you guaranteed dust, but only if all cards are destroyed. Of course, maxed dust is good when you really need a specific card but there are no available ways to get it. You will still have to buy packs that contain the same amount of dust. So why give up the correct order of purchase, which, in addition to guaranteed dust, can expand your collection with a useful card. Yes, the chance in some cases is not great, but still. If you have all the rare Whizbang cards but no previous expansion cards in your collection, then what's the point of continuing to buy packs of the new expansion? I created a new account to test this method in practice, at the moment it works great, but I continue to research.
Bot Mathematician: "Everything is very simple. We've created a benefit factor that allows us to numerically determine the conditional value from purchasing a specific pack."
Me: What do those words mean again? 🤔🥴
I must just be me but I never understand how people don't have gold for packs each expansion and mini set. I've always had 8k+ gold at the start of rotation since they changed the way rewards work. I'll buy 60' packs which gives me some left over and I've earned enough from rewards by the time the mini set comes out. Rinse and repeat. I only use the free passes for arena, I've always been able to play most meta decks with maybe 1 or 2 cards subbed in... just me??????
I'm primarily a Free-2-play player. I have never purchased resources in the game except for the Tavern Pass. Your advantage is that you have a strategy for obtaining resources. Not all players play every day or throughout the entire expansion phase. Not all players can collect resources for 4 months, as the lack of progress kills them.
@@HearthstoneMathematics some fair points, my only advantage over new players is I've been playing since just after beta so I've been able to accumulate most cards however I've never spent a dime on it. Everything has only ever been bought with in game gold. I don't play every day (I don't have the time) but i do always try to complete the weekly quests and generally save the dailies until I have 3 then bang them out in 1 day. I've never hit legendary, best was Diamond 5 and I think that was back in the days of Pirate warrior before the nerfs. Not playing the entire expansion season is how most of these TCG games are designed to "get ya" meaning they want money from you. Early one I would have to sacrifice being able to play a lot of decks and craft just one maybe 2 and play those for a season or Area to build up gold and then plan for the next one to buy those packs. It's not perfect but it's let me keep my money from Blzz going forward.
@@kevinc8612 it sounds from your reply that you understand how people wouldn't have gold. you've been playing for 10 years. that's on a conservative estimate that's like 100k gold. and that's not including all the other benefits you gain from events, having collected most of the cards as they come out etc.
Firestone has a tracker for this, PC only but it's there. Not sure about others.
I dont buy packs, normally just the preorder 80 packs 2 legendarys.
Thanks for the vid!
I'm genuinely more invested in the high quality skins they bring back into the shop on occasion than the new sets at this point.
Emo Aranna and the good Garana would take my gold, and it would feel good.
Loving the channel. Came back to HS after getting tired of Marvel Snap.
Welcome back! :]
me who spends all gold on arena :)
great video as usual though guys
Thank you:]
Thank you 🙏
Just when i bought 10 packs 🤧
But from badlands :D, nice
buy new mechanical friend
jk, i like the idea
Oops! I bought both of those prepurchase packs hahahahaha
I dont care take my money i need all cards have already 80%
I'm so frustrated rn
Oki guys guesss i won't buy any Whizbang packs (i currently own all the cards aleady)
Never Buy Hearthstone Packs (unless its for gold)....
Dw guys, i don't even play Hs anymore do im not gonna buy packs
ai sucks
dont play this crappy game, just dont.
Please stop using cyber voice or upgrade the AI voice to sound liek they really would, it could do more views and really sound good, like Dubbing I mean
I kinda love the robot voices. Theyre iconic to these characters at this point
Quit commenting on UA-cam comments and do a reply video
I received over 13k dust from the last round of nerfs😂😂 just from my extra cards. People who can afford to buy packs dont really care . I opened every card in the set and I spent $80 on the mega bundle and $20 on the track from which I got another 200 packs so I got $280 packs for $100 couple that with an amazon discount for coins and I paid $90 bucks for 280 packs and got every card. People keep thinking this game is outrageously expensive but its actually not compared to a lot of things. If you dont like the cost dont buy it ffs.
Just buy past golden mini sets and disenchant the cards and get what you want. They refund younthe exact cost of the normal variant. If you buy packs you will have to spend even more then the golden mini set.
I dont understand. Can you please explain a bit further
@dime4026 buy a golden mini set from any expansion. They have both the regular and golden versions in the shop. I believe there is a mini set tab that takes you to them. Some come with 60 to 70 golden cards that will give you alot of dust value. You are able to craft like 7 to 8 legendaries per mini set or alot of other non legendary cards.
No that's just buying dust at a terrible rate when you could be opening cards worth their craft value because you actually wanted them
@Heatranoveryou you get less dust value on average from 60 packs from the shop compared to the mini sets. It gives you about 11,600 dust that let's you choose the cards you want compared to random cards you probably won't use and the dust value is horrendous.
no entiendo ingles 😂😂😂 alguna buena persona que me haga pequeño resumen, gracias😊
Al minuto 12:22 tienes la guía de cuántos y en qué orden deberías de comprar paquetes de cada expansión, lo único que recomienda es comprar los mini sets antes de abrir paquetes (menos el del festival)
Al minuto 12:22 tienes la guía de cuántos y en qué orden deberías de comprar paquetes de cada expansión, lo único que recomienda es comprar los mini sets antes de abrir paquetes (menos el del festival)
Al minuto 12:22 tienes la guía de cuántos y en qué orden deberías de comprar paquetes de cada expansión, lo único que recomienda es comprar los mini sets antes de abrir paquetes (menos el del festival)