Download this video and audio version by subscribing on PayPal, plus early access to all new videos and more. First month is free! Cancel anytime. Sign up & more info here:
Ben it's years later and still my favourite, thank you, at anytime day or night it's an opportunity to rescue & care for Aussie wildlife. Bless you Ben💞🕊
I came here because I was having a rough day. No one else seem to believe in me as I try to pursue a computer science career. Not even my significant other. Today, I felt so low that I seriously contemplated ending it all. This video slapped me back to reality. I should fucking believe in me. Who the hell else will?
iLoveTurtlesHaha Don't give up on your dream man!! People doubting in you should spur you on to prove them wrong. Believe in yourself. You can be whatever you want to be.
iLoveTurtlesHaha I believe in you and please know you are not alone in this. I hope you will block out the negative opinions others have of you, that you will always believe in yourself, and know that although times may get tough one day your smile will be real again. Please give a thumbs up, so I know you're still with us.
iLoveTurtlesHaha I love computer science too! Keep programming keep learning don't let them hold you back because you know the supreme art of computing....those that doubt you are just arrogant and naive. Your amazing!
My biggest flaw was letting temporary emotions control my decisions. Now I do whats needed to complete my long term goal. I believe success starts with understanding why you fail & fixing it. If you believe you are a victim, you will always be one. Believe you are a winner and do what you know yields a win. Positive thoughts produce positive results.
I've finally found what the internet should be used for.. Not people hating each other, not people been divided but finding your real self.. The self that has been pushed away by a society that has made us blind to our reality.. Videos like this are the path to been truly awake.
I watch this video everyday, every morning, every night before I go to bed. People say these kind of videos don't make a change and you'll return to do the same thing you did yesterday tomorrow, well maybe they don't work for all but I know it helps me. I've had my problems so have we all, but we got this life cus we're strong enough to live it. I encourage people to live up to their dreams, do what makes you happy, be confident and never stop believing in yourself. You are perfect in your own way.
ForeverJustice This stuff ABSOLUTELY works. When you listen to something like this over and over again, in time you will have a mind shift. You WILL become a different person and you will notice certain things will change dramatically in your life. You keep doing what you are doing. I promise you it WILL pay off. You are on the right track!!!!!!!!!!
"You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in the future." -Steve Jobs
financiaI success is assured to anyone who seeks the help of a financiaI consuItant. I engage into a lot with the ldeas of my consuItant, I have acquired so much already
I will say this Save, Invest and Be Frugal. It's not important when you start but what you'd achieve in the end that counts. I have been investing for long and will say comfortably that it is a very bold decision for anyone who's out to survive and gain financial independence
Thank you soooooo much!! I really needed this!!! Being in a coma for 6 month's in 2001 and getting addicted to pain pills from having over 50 surgries, losing my grandma a month ago and my only niece ( which she was the daughter I never had. I raised her from birth, she passed 4 weeks ago and being sober, no pills for almost 3 week's. This gave me the push I needed this morning. I'm taking 1 day at a time. I could grieve now sober cause I numbed all the pain physically and mentally and emotionally with pain pills. God bless you all.
Hope you're still doing well Chrissy! You can be that person for someone else, and spread that love that you've given to that child, to another. You're stronger than what has brought you into that comma and stronger than what wants you to be put back in it. Live large Chrissy, much love.
Aviri Thank you soooooooo much! Yes I'm still doing good. I have my days but I take a day at a time. I'll be clean for 2 month's December 10th. I'm going to a meeting tonight. 😘😘😘😘😘😘
@@MotivationMood Anything I can do...please let me know. My students call me Momma G because I try to make sure they know that they are my babies and I will feed their minds as much as possible. Our motto is “No excuses, Be accountable.” Thank you again!
It's an opportunity not and obligation. Change your perception of the situation. And for whoever is reading this, I believe you can do whatever you set out to do. I believe in you!!!
This video got me through my bachelors degree and into medical school. I watched it so much I can remember the words. I may not permanently have the mindset but I know I am capable of it and thats what keeps me going. That I am capable even if sometimes its not clear to see.
Whoever is reading this now, remember: You are the light! You are unique and worth it! You are blessed to be in your body and experience all that is! Blessings to all beings! Love and Light!
This got me to start studying for my bio test tomorrow and get my shit together in general. To focus on the opportunity instead of the work is better advice than anyone in real life has ever given me! Thanks so much!
You FIND it complicated. Because you go in with the mindset that it is gonna be complicated. If you go in and only think about how much you prepared, how you got the answers right before, you are going to be better. Another approach that is helping me since alot of years in school is just if the one side of you says that you cant, you have to prove this side wrong with the other side. If you go in and say "I won't be able to do it" just think "I will prove myself wrong now" right afterwards
I downloaded a lot of these motivational videos and put them into my USB flash and listening them every day in my car. It is so strong and I believe everybody can be, who we want to be.
Change your mindset and you will change yourself. I shed tears of joy listening to their words. In the pursuit to become the best nurse I can be. Thank you so much
I really enjoyed this video, this past 2014 was a struggle for me to believe in myself and to motivate myself to do things that I really want to do. Thank you for this video, I'll definitely be looking back on this when I lack the motivation. (:
2nd part gave me goose bumps. truly inspiring. I don't like too much the 1St part. it teaches to believe in yourself but mere believing is nothing. it should be believing and doing/acting otherwise the person would be a big show off material.
Clarity is power. Like will smith said. "just decide, who your gonna be, what it is your gonna do and how your gonna do it, just decide". I have tremendous clarity as of this moment. It took me a couple years to get here in regards to answering all the questions like "what do i want from life etc" but once you have a plan and the correct beliefs, then its like achieving it becomes a formality. Just remember Michella. No one else needs to believe in your dreams except you, their your dreams, they were given to you, nobody else.
You need to figure out where you wanna be in 5-10 years. Your dream house, car, location etc. Then you can say this is how IM gonna get there. EG - My dads gonna be 70 in 3 years. My goal is to move out and achieve financial freedom to do what I want without being tied 9-5. Im 23 living at home. MY dream car is maserati, and open living home on the beach. I also want to learn how to fly and own a helicopter. I knew I wanted to use property to get there. It took months of researching all the different strategies to make money in real estate till I found someone who had built a portfolio of 150 properties and $400,000 in passive income in 9 years. I knew straight away that that would be the quickest way. I sought him out and he is now helping me. I just bought my first property and am hoping to buy again in august/september. Im giving myself 5-6 years before reaching at least 100,000k in passive income. See how it is in alignment with my goals. Figure out goals first, then research the quickest way to get there and set a detailed plan
I have this opportunity tomorrow,I know I have worked hard,but even if I don't make through it,I will stick to my goal,I will never give up I want to see myself in IIT one day,even if I fail I won't quit I will try next year❤️ I have JEE MAIN tomorrow 😙 INDIANS understand this well
This makes so much sense like what's the point of being here if your just gonna slouch and drag through life. Everyday your breathing is a great day and there's endless opportunity in store for you don't let anybody tell you different😀‼️
+edgartj17 U still can do more dude,just keep pushing ur self & don't permit ur fears to govern ur life,don't permit them to determine how much u can stretch out...keep going
im gonna listen to this before playing my basketball game tomorrow. i wanna go to the cities and win gold for Senior Girls. then i wanna be a pro. update: I WENT ON TO TOURNAMENTS! next stop, cities! here i come guys!
build ur mind to be the strongest in urselft to conquer urselft to prove to urselft u are greater than u think u have greater reason to be in this tiny world
We are alive. this is a big opportunity. We have to look at the options. There may have some close door. No problem. There are lots of opened doors also. We just want to follow the opened doors. That's all to keep ourselves motivated. Thanks for sharing this awesome inspirational video.
that's the spirit of Satan.He thought that no one should be above him and was eventually cast out of Heaven by God Jesus. Serve Christ not yourself.Reason why there's so much problem in the world is because those on top always want to be on top , so the poor is left to starve and die while the greedy rulers horde the wealth.
***** You can never really be shit at something. You just have to look at it from a different angle and think about what your thinking about when you give a low effort. If you can get that, then you can have any success you want in life.
I wanna be an ACTOR but it’s hard to believe in my self and seeing your videos pushes me to try harder in life and to reach my goal! Don’t stop posting your videos change people life’s!!!!!thank you GOD BLESS YOU!
Looking back at this months later.. I can say that this video has changed my life. Now an executive in my career and have developed so many meaningful relationships. Those who were in my spot, hang in there and be relentless - YOU WILL get out. Thanks for getting me out a dark dark place, OP.
I want to change the world. I want people to see the problems we are facing and solve them, I want them to take a way in life which can lead to happiness. I really want to make a world without any prejudice. I know it is hard. But everybody deserves a second chance.
Baby steps, doing something good for someone is already a change in the world :) so appreciate every step you make towards your goal! But the best of luck❤️🙌🙌🙌
I think, that this video has one of the strongest messages, that I have ever heard in those kinds of videos.. I am not afraid of pain.. That's how I am going to live now, and this is probably going to be my life motto..
Man!! What a rush! I just got a job as a safety advisor, with no experience in the field. I was afraid to approach people to correct them, even though it was my job. These people have been working here for years. But I’m supposed to tell them to be safe? But I still do it. How? I spoke over myself. I said, “I’m a good leader. A great communicator, a persuasive talker, and confident woman.” And I repeat these words about myself. All of a sudden, I feel this surge, positive thoughts flood my mind and my emotions will battle, but I’m determined to succeed. I hit the books. I re-read my training manuals, because knowledge is power. Im only saying this for those who don’t think they can do it. You have to tell yourself you can. Speak positive over yourself. If you lack confidence in an area, learn about it until you’re confident in it. You’ll see!!!
I have actually faced this situation of having zero memory and was brain dead for few months...My energy n enthusiasm all low since then but after long I am going to try to work on myself and be happy 🙂 ...Thank you uploader 🙏
I’ve listened to this countless times. It’s been an anchor in my journey. Thank you for keeping it online. It’s become like vitamins to the body to me.
Sometimes in life you have to make a bold recovery. Don't fret things done to you. Be kind to them, but get away from them. The twisted words and thoughts can be their own. Let them have them, but create the ultimate boundaries in which they deserve. If that doesn't work.. You know what you gotta do, proceed with whatever it takes that you never have to see them again. If you don't have anyone, go to God. He knows your heart
I sincerely believed that if I can set my mind to do something I can do it ... Regardless of how hard or how many challenges or obstacles are on the way ... I can reach that destiny of greatness ... its all in the mindset !!!!!!! You can be anything if you put your mind to it
This made me feel a little better about my slowly falling gpa and the fact i may be a disappointment to my family, if that happens. Thank you very much
William, who you are and what you can be in life is so much bigger than what your GPA says. Set goals, make plans for achieving those goals, work hard, and believe in yourself. What others say or what some number reads on a transcript has got nothing on you!
rage boi hey you got this , I'm praying for you . I hope you are feeling better . i don't know you but I'm overwhelmed with your comment for who knows what reason honestly . you are loved keep on going . strive for greatness !
Every one can be everything, Just follow one thing what you wanna do so do it. Just trust in you’re self. Just train for it. Just dodge the haters. Just focus on it. Just be yourself. Just use you’re talent. So guys keep it positive and good luck every one❤️
I've interview for Qatar airways tomorrow which has been my dream job for years. I came here just to get some motivation before cracking one of the hardest interviews..
every one should have inspiration.My inspiration is Jesus,every i play basketball I thing about Jesus dying in the cross for me just to live and reach my dream and I can only repay him through reaching my dream and giving him the glory.
I can only list one thing I don't regret quitting, but if I were to list the things I DO regret quitting, I could fill a novel. I won't let my life finish as a list of failed and quitted things. My life will be a story with an ever building plot; you will flip each page with anticipation for the next chapter, and at the end? Everyone will look back on the story they've read with admiration and inspiration for their own life, their own novel ready to depart on a thrilling tale of their own.
To wake up in life... it doesn't mean to get up early in the morning... and continue with your day... and do the exact same thing tomorrow... To wake up in life means to handle what happens to tomorrow to assist with what your goal is to achieve it! To wake up in life is to be you, to express yourself, to show the world how you're the best and how you will be on the top! To wake up in life is to enjoy it the fullest and give it your all achieving every single thing you possibly CAN!
Thank you so much! I get in my car and put these motivational speeches on my Bluetooth and when I'm home I'm taking notes constantly. From someone just peaking out of a dark place in life, had been battling with depression, these videos are changing my life! I am ready to start producing my dream of writing a book and helping other woman with domestic violence. I'm grateful to have found such inspiring, motivational speeches, thank you so much again for sharing and helping others as you're helping me. Sincerely Gina Marciano
I'm am 13 and I'm going to be successful and achieve all my hopes and dreams So should you as well You never know unless you try And remember anything is possible if u believe And don't forget, that someone up there is watching over you. God didn't make you to watch other people be successful and you cant. NEVER GIVE UP. ITS GONNA HURT. PEOPLE ARE GONNA LAUGH BUT NEVER GIVE UP. I DECLARE THAT YOU ALL READING THIS WILL BE SUCCESSFUL AND ACHIEVE ALL YOUR DREAMS. GOD LOVES YOU.
My coach in basketball doesn't like me,my teammates hate me,my friends say that I can't do it.I will show them that I can and I know I can do it because i truly believe inside of me.This video woke me up thank you so much
Be courageous. Challenge orthodoxy. Stand up for what you believe in. When you are in your rocking chair talking to your grandchildren many years from now, be sure you have a good story to tell."
This Video is what fire's me up everyday it brings tears to my eyes every time knowing that I almost lost my life last year.. Now I'm back stronger than ever!! Please recomend this speach to someone who needs it right now could save there life :)
I just want to impress my family. What I've been through and every single one has stood by me and never lost faith even when I have. I just want to live to be half as good as them as they are the best people in the world
I always remember one quote that a army veteran said, when your body is sore, and in pain and hurting, your body's actually only %30 done, that helps me to keep pushing,
"You don't choose your path, but you choose how you walk it." You can either choose to walk it safely and get to the end with no accomplishment, or you walk it whilst taking risks and get to the end with a smile on your face knowing that you have accomplished everything you set out to do.
Download this video and audio version by subscribing on PayPal, plus early access to all new videos and more. First month is free! Cancel anytime.
Sign up & more info here:
Please upload wid subtitles
Brother and next video will give a Bengali subtitle .... please ....
... I'm Bangladeshi.🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩
Toomuch motivation
One of tha bast motivationl video.||AR Motivation||👍👇👇👇❤
Ben it's years later and still my favourite, thank you, at anytime day or night it's an opportunity to rescue & care for Aussie wildlife. Bless you Ben💞🕊
I lost a lot of battle against depression but im aiming to win the WAR!!
Yay, stay strong, you can do it!!
+TheHarslord gl dude, take care of yourself!
+TheHarslord me to we can do this!
+TheHarslord Fight to the last minute! Never give up!
me too, I know that we'll win
Pain is temporary, giving up is forever!
Yusuf Azmaz oh yeah yeah
💯 preach
Yusuf Azmaz 🥺
Giving up is eternal pain
Super words
This video saved me from quitting dance. I ended up getting an A* and I have performed in front of 80,000 people. Thank you, I am eternally grateful
Many Congratulations....
I am also a dancer
Good luck for future
you are beautiful
You go, girl! Congrats.
i wonder how great you've become by now :)
And remember, people, when you're successful, stay humble.
And for that you shall get the 100th like
Yes sure...
I don't know about that since my family is only looking at my bad grades...
I came here because I was having a rough day. No one else seem to believe in me as I try to pursue a computer science career. Not even my significant other. Today, I felt so low that I seriously contemplated ending it all. This video slapped me back to reality. I should fucking believe in me. Who the hell else will?
i believe in you you got this 💪💪
iLoveTurtlesHaha Don't give up on your dream man!! People doubting in you should spur you on to prove them wrong. Believe in yourself. You can be whatever you want to be.
iLoveTurtlesHaha I believe in you and please know you are not alone in this. I hope you will block out the negative opinions others have of you, that you will always believe in yourself, and know that although times may get tough one day your smile will be real again. Please give a thumbs up, so I know you're still with us.
iLoveTurtlesHaha I love computer science too! Keep programming keep learning don't let them hold you back because you know the supreme art of computing....those that doubt you are just arrogant and naive. Your amazing!
Spot on mate
“Your value doesn’t decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth.”
That is so true, so so true. Thanks for the reminder!!
Yeah, it's just that you don't have a worth.
I'm 17 and I'm going to be the best architect out there!!!
Sarah O Im an architect Student also 😀
I believe in you! 😊
We believe in you :)
Sarah O I believe in u my guy❗️
Yeah you are!
Quinn Fabray you already are!!!
Know it, feel it, be it. Then just watch what turns up for you!!
One day I will watch you on that stage
My biggest flaw was letting temporary emotions control my decisions. Now I do whats needed to complete my long term goal. I believe success starts with understanding why you fail & fixing it. If you believe you are a victim, you will always be one. Believe you are a winner and do what you know yields a win. Positive thoughts produce positive results.
I'm going to buy mirrors and place them throughout my room so I can be surrounded by winners
+gentleman bryan I love your spirit me too ^_^
Damn straight
+gentleman bryan winners aren't in their rooms
+Relentless ISTP. why did you have to kill the vibe smh if he feel like he a winner then hes a winner💯
I'm going to get rid of "I'm not good enough or smart enough" mindset. From now on I'm going to study to become the best lawyer that I can be💪
Forget it.
Any updates?
How are you doing now? Any updates?
@@ruatitochhawng633 toxic is here
how are you doing now? did you do what you wanted?
After five years I'm gonna come back here and thank myself that I did it and that I'm proud of myself for never giving up no matter what, I promise.
I'm here to remind you that, you are on the way, keep going, never think about quitting 👊🍻
Good luck bro❤️
U can do it ,I don't know u but I believe in u
reminder that u HAVE TO KEEP GOING
"if u wanna do,
what u never done before
if wanna be,
what u never been before
then change ur mentality"
Sick and tired of feeling sick and tired
you will get well.
I'm a Whore Fuckin same..
Change your name for a start
I've finally found what the internet should be used for.. Not people hating each other, not people been divided but finding your real self.. The self that has been pushed away by a society that has made us blind to our reality.. Videos like this are the path to been truly awake.
I'm 16 and I'm going to be a surgeon and save lives
Maya Noonan Thats my dream💛
How’s it goingv
It’s like I’m reading something I would write
Good for you. Dream big!!!!
Maya Noonan yes you will!
I watch this video everyday, every morning, every night before I go to bed. People say these kind of videos don't make a change and you'll return to do the same thing you did yesterday tomorrow, well maybe they don't work for all but I know it helps me. I've had my problems so have we all, but we got this life cus we're strong enough to live it. I encourage people to live up to their dreams, do what makes you happy, be confident and never stop believing in yourself. You are perfect in your own way.
ForeverJustice That is the greatest comment i have ever seen.
Rob Whitby Glad you agreed buddy. Have a nice day/evening! :)
ForeverJustice This stuff ABSOLUTELY works. When you listen to something like this over and over again, in time you will have a mind shift. You WILL become a different person and you will notice certain things will change dramatically in your life. You keep doing what you are doing. I promise you it WILL pay off. You are on the right track!!!!!!!!!!
+ForeverJustice you're awesome.
Are you alive??
“Faith means trusting in advance what will only make sense in reverse.”
Ghabks for this sir,,,
"You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in the future." -Steve Jobs
This video is beyond amazing. I achieved wealth doing this.
financiaI success is assured to anyone who seeks the help of a financiaI consuItant. I engage into a lot with the ldeas of my consuItant, I have acquired so much already
for further lnquiry about my financiaI, consultant, you can look up her full name below
•Isabelle Chloe Scott•
I will say this Save, Invest and Be Frugal. It's not important when you start but what you'd achieve in the end that counts. I have been investing for long and will say comfortably that it is a very bold decision for anyone who's out to survive and gain financial independence
Thank you soooooo much!! I really needed this!!! Being in a coma for 6 month's in 2001 and getting addicted to pain pills from having over 50 surgries, losing my grandma a month ago and my only niece ( which she was the daughter I never had. I raised her from birth, she passed 4 weeks ago and being sober, no pills for almost 3 week's. This gave me the push I needed this morning. I'm taking 1 day at a time. I could grieve now sober cause I numbed all the pain physically and mentally and emotionally with pain pills. God bless you all.
Chrissy_love_animals Be strong Chrissy! God bless xx
Tufayel Miah Thank you soooooo much!!!! 😘
Hope you're still doing well Chrissy! You can be that person for someone else, and spread that love that you've given to that child, to another. You're stronger than what has brought you into that comma and stronger than what wants you to be put back in it. Live large Chrissy, much love.
Aviri Thank you soooooooo much! Yes I'm still doing good. I have my days but I take a day at a time. I'll be clean for 2 month's December 10th. I'm going to a meeting tonight. 😘😘😘😘😘😘
Chrissy_love_animals r
This is what I play for my students. I am a 6th grade teacher and this is what they need...NO MUST hear and embrace. Thank you gentlemen!!!
@@MotivationMood Anything I can do...please let me know. My students call me Momma G because I try to make sure they know that they are my babies and I will feed their minds as much as possible. Our motto is “No excuses, Be accountable.” Thank you again!
"I am going to be the best motivational speaker in the world."
What about your dream job?
This is what I want too, I hope me too!
"You ask me what is truth. All things are possible with God. Nothing shall be denied to one who will not be denied. That's truth."
Dr. Billy Alsbrooks
Then read some books and first become a rich person
I m 20 and tomorrow I am gonna ace my test and will become the best dentist in the world InshaAllah
So you are?
@ yes
It's an opportunity not and obligation. Change your perception of the situation.
And for whoever is reading this, I believe you can do whatever you set out to do. I believe in you!!!
everyday I face a battle of wanting to give up, and wanting to quit but deep inside there's always a voice that pushes me to go forward.
+Dominique Perry Never give up.
Kat thank you!
+Dominique Perry Keep it up man!
ilagwithaccuracy thank you
suffering from deppression this is really helping
This video got me through my bachelors degree and into medical school. I watched it so much I can remember the words. I may not permanently have the mindset but I know I am capable of it and thats what keeps me going. That I am capable even if sometimes its not clear to see.
just got cut from my basketball team gonna make those fools look stupid when they see me On tv as the greatest ever
NEXTGREAT do it. 👊🏽
NEXTGREAT kill em! Wait.... that came out a little psychotic.
Prove them wrong💪🔥
Hey same here buddy ill see you there :)
NEXTGREAT yeah let's go prove the haters wrong 👍🏼
i'm going to continu my studies and be a doctor😤 inshallah إن شاء الله ☺
Rimita na insha Allah sister
Imma pass this beep test inshallah
like me i will became doctor insha allah
Allah akbar
I watched this when you first posted it. It was one of the videos that I listened to daily to change my life.
Thank you for this, Ben.
when i feel losing my hope, when i feel downing myself, i always came here to watch your video.😔and continue fighting again, THANK YOU VERY MUCH💙💙💙
Whoever is reading this now, remember:
You are the light! You are unique and worth it! You are blessed to be in your body and experience all that is!
Blessings to all beings!
Love and Light!
Im 17, I‘ll study in the US and I’ll become a pilot
Haha, kids.
I did it :D Haven’t started flying yet, but soon :)
@@dianacaceresv OMG!!all the best!!
@@dianacaceresv Ameen god bless you !! wish you a wonderful life!
Good luck
This got me to start studying for my bio test tomorrow and get my shit together in general. To focus on the opportunity instead of the work is better advice than anyone in real life has ever given me! Thanks so much!
+Roy Vivat How was your bio test? :)
lizy shery 95%! This test had the most fails of the year. more kids failed than aced.
+Roy Vivat true it was hard, how was Chen?
+Xx Justapasser *chem?
You FIND it complicated. Because you go in with the mindset that it is gonna be complicated. If you go in and only think about how much you prepared, how you got the answers right before, you are going to be better. Another approach that is helping me since alot of years in school is just if the one side of you says that you cant, you have to prove this side wrong with the other side. If you go in and say "I won't be able to do it" just think "I will prove myself wrong now" right afterwards
I downloaded a lot of these motivational videos and put them into my USB flash and listening them every day in my car.
It is so strong and I believe everybody can be, who we want to be.
what do you mean?
Change your mindset and you will change yourself. I shed tears of joy listening to their words. In the pursuit to become the best nurse I can be. Thank you so much
I really enjoyed this video, this past 2014 was a struggle for me to believe in myself and to motivate myself to do things that I really want to do. Thank you for this video, I'll definitely be looking back on this when I lack the motivation. (:
You're welcome! I look forward to more of your content, it's really inspiring (:
2nd part gave me goose bumps. truly inspiring.
I don't like too much the 1St part. it teaches to believe in yourself but mere believing is nothing. it should be believing and doing/acting otherwise the person would be a big show off material.
Just keeps you going!
Clarity is power. Like will smith said. "just decide, who your gonna be, what it is your gonna do and how your gonna do it, just decide". I have tremendous clarity as of this moment. It took me a couple years to get here in regards to answering all the questions like "what do i want from life etc" but once you have a plan and the correct beliefs, then its like achieving it becomes a formality. Just remember Michella. No one else needs to believe in your dreams except you, their your dreams, they were given to you, nobody else.
You need to figure out where you wanna be in 5-10 years. Your dream house, car, location etc. Then you can say this is how IM gonna get there. EG - My dads gonna be 70 in 3 years. My goal is to move out and achieve financial freedom to do what I want without being tied 9-5. Im 23 living at home. MY dream car is maserati, and open living home on the beach. I also want to learn how to fly and own a helicopter. I knew I wanted to use property to get there. It took months of researching all the different strategies to make money in real estate till I found someone who had built a portfolio of 150 properties and $400,000 in passive income in 9 years. I knew straight away that that would be the quickest way. I sought him out and he is now helping me. I just bought my first property and am hoping to buy again in august/september. Im giving myself 5-6 years before reaching at least 100,000k in passive income. See how it is in alignment with my goals. Figure out goals first, then research the quickest way to get there and set a detailed plan
I'm 15 now and i'm going to be a Software Engineer in the future 😤 I CAN DO IT
Yuuko Sammi you can ❤❤i believe u
Yes, you can do, belive your self
Amazing ♡
I have this opportunity tomorrow,I know I have worked hard,but even if I don't make through it,I will stick to my goal,I will never give up I want to see myself in IIT one day,even if I fail I won't quit I will try next year❤️
I have JEE MAIN tomorrow 😙 INDIANS understand this well
Forget it, four eyes.
That feeling when you believe in your self 💯
Good one
Yeah, when you start to love yourself in such a way that you almost forget about your flaws!
@@emotionalvibemusic hello
I feel so motivated for my test tommorw now.. I just needed that push
How are you now?
This gave me goosebumps... amazing
ET is an inspirational talker 👌
me too
AYGUL where are you from?
This makes so much sense like what's the point of being here if your just gonna slouch and drag through life. Everyday your breathing is a great day and there's endless opportunity in store for you don't let anybody tell you different😀‼️
to whoever made this video just Thank You! this video has help me so much giving me motivation to keep pushing! just yesterday I finally Bench 225lbs.
+edgartj17 WOOO! Congrats!
+edgartj17 U still can do more dude,just keep pushing ur self & don't permit ur fears to govern ur life,don't permit them to determine how much u can stretch out...keep going
keep pushing dude
Wow your strong.
im gonna listen to this before playing my basketball game tomorrow. i wanna go to the cities and win gold for Senior Girls. then i wanna be a pro.
update: I WENT ON TO TOURNAMENTS! next stop, cities! here i come guys!
How did it go
How is it going? Wishing you more success. More power to you!!!!!!!!
What's the result?
build ur mind to be the strongest in urselft to conquer urselft to prove to urselft u are greater than u think u have greater reason to be in this tiny world
I'm 16 and I want to be the best Software Engineer in the World
Henok_ G xD I'm 16 and i want to become the smartest mathematician in the world
Henok_ G than you have to work for it🔥✔
Henok_ G you got this man just do you
Do not forget something, there is no "the best" Software Engineer! You can be one of the bests! Good luck for it!
I am going to be the Best Software Engineer in the World! Take on the necessary mechanics to get You There! Henok..
Jaret and Eric are two of my favorite speakers
We are alive. this is a big opportunity. We have to look at the options. There may have some close door. No problem. There are lots of opened doors also. We just want to follow the opened doors. That's all to keep ourselves motivated.
Thanks for sharing this awesome inspirational video.
Everyday when i wake up i go to the mirror and say: "No one is better than me."
That's the spirit
that's the spirit of Satan.He thought that no one should be above him and was eventually cast out of Heaven by God Jesus. Serve Christ not yourself.Reason why there's so much problem in the world is because those on top always want to be on top , so the poor is left to starve and die while the greedy rulers horde the wealth.
+Perry Froze man plz just because people want to be the best doesn't mean that he's Satan, wtf is that bullshit
that's wrong dude. you gotta be confident be mindful be gumble.
+Perry Froze Dude. This is some real life stuff in this video right now, not some mad sky fairy stuff. Lets keep it real
In so hyped after this. We all need videos like this to keep us going through hard times. Never give up!
***** You can never really be shit at something. You just have to look at it from a different angle and think about what your thinking about when you give a low effort. If you can get that, then you can have any success you want in life.
اللَّهُمَّ يَا سَمِيعَ الدَّعَوَاتِ ، يَا مُقِيلَ العَثَرَاتِ ، يَاقَاضِيَ الحَاجَاتِ ، يَا كَاشِفَ الكَرُبَاتِ ، يَا رَفِيعَ الدَّرَجَاتِ ، وَيَا غَافِرَ الزَّلاَّتِ ، اغْفِرْ لِلْمُسْلِمِينَ وَالمُسْلِمَاتِ ، وَالمُؤْمِنِينَ وَالمُؤْمِنَاتِ، الأحْيَاءِ مِنْهُم وَالأمْوَاتِ ، إِنَّكَ سَمِيعٌ قَرِيبٌ مُجِيبُ الدَّعَوَاتِ
I wanna be an ACTOR but it’s hard to believe in my self and seeing your videos pushes me to try harder in life and to reach my goal! Don’t stop posting your videos change people life’s!!!!!thank you GOD BLESS YOU!
This made me cry because its true
Looking back at this months later.. I can say that this video has changed my life. Now an executive in my career and have developed so many meaningful relationships. Those who were in my spot, hang in there and be relentless - YOU WILL get out. Thanks for getting me out a dark dark place, OP.
I want to change the world. I want people to see the problems we are facing and solve them, I want them to take a way in life which can lead to happiness. I really want to make a world without any prejudice. I know it is hard. But everybody deserves a second chance.
Paola Marianne 🙌🏾
Paola Marianne "To be able at any moment sacrifice what you are for what you will become".
Then u can do it my dear. Your will will be done
Ditto Paola! You go girl!!
Baby steps, doing something good for someone is already a change in the world :) so appreciate every step you make towards your goal! But the best of luck❤️🙌🙌🙌
I'm going to Tokyo! I will run for the US!!
Alright!I hope to see you on T.V
Hope to see you there!
You can do anything you set your mind on.
I think, that this video has one of the strongest messages, that I have ever heard in those kinds of videos.. I am not afraid of pain.. That's how I am going to live now, and this is probably going to be my life motto..
This is helping me feel confident for winning my football game to night
Did you win the foot ball game?
Rocket Tiger sadly no :(
you won man?
"When you don't give [your best effort], you're thinking of the obligation, not the opportunity," I love that.
Man!! What a rush! I just got a job as a safety advisor, with no experience in the field. I was afraid to approach people to correct them, even though it was my job. These people have been working here for years. But I’m supposed to tell them to be safe? But I still do it. How? I spoke over myself. I said, “I’m a good leader. A great communicator, a persuasive talker, and confident woman.” And I repeat these words about myself. All of a sudden, I feel this surge, positive thoughts flood my mind and my emotions will battle, but I’m determined to succeed. I hit the books. I re-read my training manuals, because knowledge is power. Im only saying this for those who don’t think they can do it. You have to tell yourself you can. Speak positive over yourself. If you lack confidence in an area, learn about it until you’re confident in it. You’ll see!!!
I have actually faced this situation of having zero memory and was brain dead for few months...My energy n enthusiasm all low since then but after long I am going to try to work on myself and be happy 🙂 ...Thank you uploader 🙏
Congratulations for healthy life 😇
Definitely the best modivational video
“Opportunity vs Obligation” so true!
I’ve listened to this countless times. It’s been an anchor in my journey. Thank you for keeping it online. It’s become like vitamins to the body to me.
Sometimes in life you have to make a bold recovery. Don't fret things done to you. Be kind to them, but get away from them. The twisted words and thoughts can be their own. Let them have them, but create the ultimate boundaries in which they deserve. If that doesn't work.. You know what you gotta do, proceed with whatever it takes that you never have to see them again. If you don't have anyone, go to God. He knows your heart
I sincerely believed that if I can set my mind to do something I can do it ... Regardless of how hard or how many challenges or obstacles are on the way ... I can reach that destiny of greatness ... its all in the mindset !!!!!!! You can be anything if you put your mind to it
Tasi Madzi You have to find that power within you, its there.
I will find it .... It's hidden inside me .... It's hidden inside us all
That's just fucking stupid. There are things that are just practically impossible.
This made me feel a little better about my slowly falling gpa and the fact i may be a disappointment to my family, if that happens. Thank you very much
William, who you are and what you can be in life is so much bigger than what your GPA says. Set goals, make plans for achieving those goals, work hard, and believe in yourself. What others say or what some number reads on a transcript has got nothing on you!
rage boi hey you got this , I'm praying for you . I hope you are feeling better . i don't know you but I'm overwhelmed with your comment for who knows what reason honestly . you are loved keep on going . strive for greatness !
Thank you, I suffer from depression.. this gave me the strength to get through another day. Thank you
I love how inspired and passionate people here are, you guys made me tear up. Keep it up guys! do it! :)
I believe in my self and I'm going to be the person of dreams FOR SURE ❤️
watching this before a job interview. Let's gooooooo.
Every one can be everything,
Just follow one thing what you wanna do so do it.
Just trust in you’re self.
Just train for it.
Just dodge the haters.
Just focus on it.
Just be yourself.
Just use you’re talent.
So guys keep it positive and good luck every one❤️
This video really helped me a lot. I should watch it everyday.. Thank u so much.
I've interview for Qatar airways tomorrow which has been my dream job for years. I came here just to get some motivation before cracking one of the hardest interviews..
every one should have inspiration.My inspiration is Jesus,every i play basketball I thing about Jesus dying in the cross for me just to live and reach my dream and I can only repay him through reaching my dream and giving him the glory.
Basketball soul think*
Basketball soul That is a beautiful way of thinking.
Think about him when training. But don't think about him in a game. Don't think at all. Let it flow
Ball'n young ppfff I can't wait to see you there with me 😂
Ball'n young Amen bro that was great
I'm going to be a doctor no matter what it takes. Bring it on! Thank you for this
Me too we can do this!
Update pls!!!!
I can only list one thing I don't regret quitting, but if I were to list the things I DO regret quitting, I could fill a novel.
I won't let my life finish as a list of failed and quitted things. My life will be a story with an ever building plot; you will flip each page with anticipation for the next chapter, and at the end? Everyone will look back on the story they've read with admiration and inspiration for their own life, their own novel ready to depart on a thrilling tale of their own.
To wake up in life... it doesn't mean to get up early in the morning... and continue with your day... and do the exact same thing tomorrow...
To wake up in life means to handle what happens to tomorrow to assist with what your goal is to achieve it!
To wake up in life is to be you, to express yourself, to show the world how you're the best and how you will be on the top!
To wake up in life is to enjoy it the fullest and give it your all achieving every single thing you possibly CAN!
Thank you so much! I get in my car and put these motivational speeches on my Bluetooth and when I'm home I'm taking notes constantly. From someone just peaking out of a dark place in life, had been battling with depression, these videos are changing my life! I am ready to start producing my dream of writing a book and helping other woman with domestic violence. I'm grateful to have found such inspiring, motivational speeches, thank you so much again for sharing and helping others as you're helping me. Sincerely Gina Marciano
I'm am 13 and I'm going to be successful and achieve all my hopes and dreams
So should you as well
You never know unless you try
And remember anything is possible if u believe
And don't forget, that someone up there is watching over you.
God didn't make you to watch other people be successful and you cant.
My coach in basketball doesn't like me,my teammates hate me,my friends say that I can't do it.I will show them that I can and I know I can do it because i truly believe inside of me.This video woke me up thank you so much
"Think about what you're thinking about"! What a great message! Really enjoyed your intensity here!
Be courageous. Challenge orthodoxy. Stand up for what you believe in. When you are in your rocking chair talking to your grandchildren many years from now, be sure you have a good story to tell."
Thanks from the core of my heart for compiling this video.
Thank you so muchhh for bringing back my self-confidence. This video deserves a heart.
Who knew there could be so much impact in a 4 minute video ... Wow
I'm always fat in school and life I'm now believing in my self you will go to heaven thank you I'm crying right now
This Video is what fire's me up everyday it brings tears to my eyes every time knowing that I almost lost my life last year.. Now I'm back stronger than ever!! Please recomend this speach to someone who needs it right now could save there life :)
I'm 14 I am going to be the greatest footballer to kick a ball❤
Hope you are still working on it even after a year of commenting
@@AnkurAwxyessir yes i am happy with my progress too
Wish u the best. Am on the same journey.
Don't give up
Nah i am going to be the best🔥
I will be the next motivational speaker for those, who lost their hope.
I don't know if I can compete with such good students, but I will not give up. I'll do it
I just want to impress my family. What I've been through and every single one has stood by me and never lost faith even when I have. I just want to live to be half as good as them as they are the best people in the world
I'm gonna make my dreams come true no matter what, I don't care how much hard work i'll have to do, I'M GONNA DO IT BECAUSE I BELIEVE IN MYSELF
I always remember one quote that a army veteran said, when your body is sore, and in pain and hurting, your body's actually only %30 done, that helps me to keep pushing,
It's actually closer to 40% but close enough
"You don't choose your path, but you choose how you walk it."
You can either choose to walk it safely and get to the end with no accomplishment, or you walk it whilst taking risks and get to the end with a smile on your face knowing that you have accomplished everything you set out to do.
2024 still one of the best motivational videos
I'm 15 and i am gonna be the best neurosurgeon in the world.
The only problem is that you'll be nothing🤭
@@ruatitochhawng633 ur a loser
And you will be. Bless you
I'm 1 and I'm going to be the best baby in the world
I will surely pass my licensure examination. I'm claiming it☝️👊❣
Did you