Anxiety is no is deliberating both emotionally and. physically .....and the effects can be rather scary....all part of the menopause journey ...learning to live and deal with it is the key to help manage it and i have learnt to do just that....this is great information and another outstanding vlog....thanks Eileen👏👏👏👏👏
This is my worse perimenopause symptom along with palpitations. I just try to get through day by day. Hrt hasn't really changed anything so I'm just trying to eat, sleep and exercise to keep as balanced as I can
Anxiety, panic attacks, intrusive thoughts. Had all of them along with the physical symptoms over a solid 2+ years. This was the worst part of the pre-meno years. In full on meno it all tames down.
This is an old video, but I just wanted to thank you just for making me feel seen. I never struggled with anxiety at all prior to starting perimenopause, and sometimes I really feel like I'm falling apart. It helps to know that it's "normal", even though I feel far from it. I literally started crying when you were mentioning all the symptoms I've been going through for the past year. Thank you!
@Brokentofixed Yes! A lot of it also depends on where I am in my cycle. My anxiety is worse about a week or so before my period. The brain fog and insomnia are worst around ovulation for me. I've also learned that I have to seriously cut down on caffeine consumption. I maybe have 1 or 2 caffeinated drinks per week. And sometimes even less than that. I've switched to decaf coffee. It affected not only my anxiety, but also causes heart palpitations or makes them worse. Small things here and there help. Even just taking a good multivitamin has helped me a fair amount. I also started taking collagen, and started on a peri supplement, though it hasn't really been long enough to notice a difference yet. Fingers crossed!
I suffer from palpitations, anxiety n breathless everyday. Sometimes, dizziness. Do you have muscle tension or soreness in neck, shoulder and back? Do you still experience that?
I had high anxiety, especially as soon as I opened my eyes in the morning. No hot flashes for me.....but anxiety was through the roof. I'm almost 50 now and I just quit smoking weed, which means I'm doing better now. HOLD on tight my sisters. It does get better. I did have breakdowns and I did go crazy for a few years. WOW, it was intense. I didn't hang out with people. I slept for 2 years and I was so busy all my life, I didn't care. I was tired and needed the rest. I surrendered. I almost died too because I was suicidal for a spell. We need to TALK about this, so you don't feel alone and unloved. I felt so unloved. I didn't want any love. I didn't want to live. TODAY, I want to LIVE! I never thought that would happen. Eileen, you look amazing. A true lady.
@@saharnassif2849 I'm going to the salon to get my hair done today. Once a month I treat myself to a hotel with a pool and I have a swim....I go alone. Pamper yourself in anyway you can. You will get through this and reach the other side. May I ask how old you are?
@@Godisfirst21 Oh Thank you so much for this message! It feels so nice knowing that someone else understands what we go through 🤗 I am 40 years old now, I had to have an induced total hysterectomy at 39 years old. The hardest part was and still is the anxeity, and the early morning cortisol spikes! Yes I tend to try and give my self some self love. But it’s hard to get the mood up and motive myself to even get dressed and be put together like I used to before. But like you said, it will get better… ♥️
I am going through the horrible anxiety right now. It's every morning as soon as I open my eyes I feel the adrenaline and cortisol run through my body. I've been going through perimenopause for about 2 years now and the anxiety and depression are the worst. I don't have any hot flashes. You can't even imagine how happy you make me to hear that you experienced this and now it's gone...can you please tell me what you did or what you took? How long did you go through this and are you already post menopause? I would really appreciate your response. Thank you.
@@rubythecraftgirl7097 I understand exactly what you are experiencing. It's horrible. I am 49 now......will be 50 in October. I am still getting my periods each month. I'd like to tell you that I did something to change things, but that's not true. At my worst times.....2 years, nothing worked. I lost interest in everything and everyone. Now, looking back I do regret not getting help. I don't like Doctors or meds, so I just used cannabis. Without cannabis, I'm not so sure I'd still be here. I was so suicidal. Today, I still want to live. I woke up this morning to a beautiful sunrise and I do NOT dread the day ahead of me. It's June and summer and I'm excited about that. I will let you know when my periods stop. Perhaps I'm reaching the end now. You never know when you will have that last period and I'm very excited to never get another one. I'm sorry for the pain and suffering you are going through. I have also never had a hot flash. Hang in there. If you had of seen where I was at and where I am today, it's like two very different people. Perimenopause literally almost killed me. That's how I felt, as though it was something killing my spirit each and everyday. My hormone levels must have been in a terrible state and one day.....I woke up and poof, it's like the clouds lifted. I wouldn't say I have anxiety now. I have a very carefree.....I don't care attitude. At almost 50, I'm been through many life challenges and I am going to FULLY embrace and ENJOY my 50's. I'm sending you so much care and HOPE and LOVE. You can ask me anything. Or I can listen........ My advice is to be MORE open minded to help than I was. I wanted to go all natural. I was very stubborn and once my mind got very dark, I was in my position to go see anyone. I thought they would lock me up if I told them my real thoughts, lol. I do NOT have any suicidal thoughts now. I look back and it all seems like an absurd nightmare and I have no idea why a woman would have to go through that. Nothing about thee experience seemed natural to me.
So glad you tackled this topic! I am dealing with panic attacks in the morning hours and so much anxiety through the day….I do feel like I am losing myself. The panic attacks accompany hot flashes/night sweats. I ❤️ your weekly posts! Knowledge that “this is normal” and I’m not alone actually helps me feel more in control.
I want you to know that it will get better, even though you can't see that now. I was there and now I'm not near as bad as I was. Hang in there. We are here to support you.
My friends and family will tell you that they've never known anyone as laid back and chilled as me, they've never seen me panic or lose my temper. Since I hit menopause my anxiety has gone through the roof, often over trivial little things, and my husband says I'm a panicker these days - it's horrible. Thank you for posting this video
@@elainehughes3253 You still feel this way after a decade with no periods? Wow, I thought it was different once you stop getting your periods for a year or two? I appreciate you sharing how you are feeling at 62. Have you felt like this the whole 11 years? We really help each other by talking about this. I am almost 50 and I feel so much better. The last few years rocked my world in perimenopause.
Absolutely Sherri Lynn. I still have dreadful hot flushes, muscle aches and pains, insomnia, anxiety, the lot. I was great when I was on HRT but my GP won't let me take it any more due to other health problems. I keep hoping it will pass one day!
I've allways been a worrier,but once I hit perimenopause it hit 20 times worse!!I haven't been able to work for three yrs because of it..why isn't perimenopause considered a disability?
Yes I’ve always had anxiety too, but now I have it times 10x, plus insomnia is so bad that I can’t get good quality of sleep. It’s also been giving me disturbing thoughts. Peri can certainly be debilitating😢😢😢
this was a big one for me, huge anxiety all of a sudden and panic attacks out of nowhere, I never had anxiety until this point. Your advice with dehydration is very on point, it was a huge thing for me. Things that helps me , Aconite 200 for panic attacks(this is a must have , I have one in car, one in my purse, one in my house), bach recue remedy , Arsenic Alba 200, Frankinscence essential oil etc
Thank you for your tips. Much appreciated. Deep breathing is very useful. My issues are paranoia, anxiety, sleep disturbances, and now I'm concerned about my bones. (Mum 76 just found out she's broken her back... lifting a tool box - unaccustomed exercise). I cut out dairy at the very start of my hot flushes and within 6 weeks huge improvement, and now don't have any. But sleep and worry is what I'm left with. Need to get meditation in my life, and yoga... I'm 57.
Hi Skippy Great to hear that stopping dairy has had such a positive effect on your flushes! For bones, weight bearing regular exercise is vital, even a brisk 15 min walk daily, and make sure that you take a bone supplement containing calcium, magnesium, vit D3 and vitamin K as all of these are needed for strong bones. For sleep, you could look at herbs such as Valerian or Passionflower and they can also help with anxiety. Meditation and yoga are great too! :) Best Wishes Eileen
Yeah feeling anxious at times like ive never felt before. Tough being a woman! But....feel good listening to the lovely lady above 😀❤️ p.s. go easy on the coffee everyone. Yes not easy i like my coffee too
I am 55 and awful anxiety started to show up this year and worsen. But my status is crazy, still menstruating but with all the symthoms you can imagine of perimenopause, reciently (and I thank for this) is that suddenly libido comes back without any warning, lol, I mean, after a loooooong time of not having it. Crazy stuff!
Good evening Eileen Thank for this important content. At the very beginning of my journey at 45 this was a top symptom I was commuting to work and every evening on the tube an overwhelming feeling would hit me fast heartbeat sweating and clenching my hands I just wanting get off the tube and the relief that came with that only to then worry the rest of 1.5 hour home about my WHOLE LIFE. 49 now on hrt and still have little moments of anxiety Thank you as always Best
Your welcome EB, glad to be of help! Maybe try one of the Flower Essences, these can be really helpful when you need 'something on the spot' as they can be carried in your bag and taken straight on the tongue. Best Wishes Eileen
I think it's all good advice except the eating. Its counterintuitive but the more you eat I think the worse you feel. I notice I need a lot more water but a lot less food and to eat less frequently. That has reduced my symptoms massively. Cut out sugar and avoid too much carbohydrates, that will keep your blood sugar more stable, keep the weight off and take your energy away from digesting food so you have more energy. That's my experience and recent research by ZOE backs it up because it showed that as we get nearer menopause we experience more inflammation in the body after eating. Inflammation causes alk sorts of problems.
I've had to cut out most caffeine. None the week before my period. Cut back on sugar and salt. I'm having painful breast tenderness before period. Waking up during night with heart palpitations. Hot and cold flashes. In addition to following all of your advice, I'm also having to increase anxiety and depression meds as well as blood pressure meds a bit. I'm an older mom and I'm raising little ones. Not an easy combination.
Thank you so much for sharing this useful information, you have literally answered all my worrying question that i have had for a good while. I really thought i was dying as my fatigue is so bad and on going along with feeling out of control and crazy with the sudden estrogen drop. You have calmed me by explaining exactly what is happening to my body. Thank you so much for suggesting ways to help ease these symtoms in order to live life again. X
Thank you so much for posting this video. I love your calm caring energy. I can relate to what you say. It's so comforting to know I'm not alone with this and why I'm feeling these symptoms. I use magnesium and taurine to help, along with lavender and valerian tea. I also have some aromatherapy oils I like to use. Breathing, gentle self massage and yoga can help too.
Same:( when it all started I took months off work and truly struggled financially and thought I would never be ok, be able to support myself, recover, or be normal again. It was a very horrible, scary time in my life.
My anxiety is so bad… I am having muscle twitching too which feeds my anxiety… I started to take magnesium and calcium.. Do you recommend intermittent fasting? Ant input from anyone I would appreciate ✨🙏🏼✨
Hi Claudia I don't recommend intermittent fasting as many women can have issues with blood sugar control and fasting for too long could lead to feeling ill and this often puts further stress on the nervous system. However, this diet does suit some people if you wish to try it. All I would suggest is that if you start to feel ill or your symptoms get worse then it is wise to stop. Best Wishes Eileen
@@paulasmith9230 Hi Paula, have you tried anything that works? I started HRT ans it’s been 6 weeks…it’s helped in some areas but that the twitching yet🌈
@@claudiahawk1527 haven’t tried HRT, yet. But I will if it doesn’t subside soon! I’m going to start magnesium glycinate first, to see if that helps the twitch!! Praying for all of us! 🙏🏼
This is probably obvious but im starting to keep a diary so when i think the pmt is coming on and im extra moody i know whats happening and maybe i can cancel a appt. If i think its too stressful for me at that time. Hope that helps someone. Xo
So sorry to hear that you're struggling just now Gk. I have posted vlogs on frozen shoulder and crying what you can do to help so please do take a look Best Wishes Eileen
Hi Gina Yes, it is best for your daughter to see her doctor, there can be a number of reasons why periods stop and they can do a proper examination. Best Wishes Eileen
I have Anixety not sure if this is the same as a disorder I'm 5 years post now and i find that i got worst i can't sleep my bladder is effected by this too i drink alot water plus I'm on meds so what can mix herbal for sleep
Hi Puffy Muffin It really depends on what meds you are on. There are a number of herbs for sleeping but some can't be taken with certain Meds, however, magnesium can often help with sleep so you could look into this supplement. Best Wishes Eileen
Hi Aurora Yes, the Flower Essences such as Concentration Essence and the herb Ginkgo Biloba can be used by both adults and teenagers. Best Wishes Eileen
Hi Sally Rashes and itchy skin are really common in the menopause and often associated with anxiety. It can be caused by a rush of histamine so you may find a nettle supplement helpful as this is used as an anti-histamine. Remember to drink loads of plain water too as dehydration can be a big factor too! Best Wishes Eileen
Pure CBD helps immensely for me. Thank you for this video, it was very helpful. It’s good to get validation and makes when anxiety hits a little more easy to deal with knowing why.
Anxiety is no is deliberating both emotionally and. physically .....and the effects can be rather scary....all part of the menopause journey ...learning to live and deal with it is the key to help manage it and i have learnt to do just that....this is great information and another outstanding vlog....thanks Eileen👏👏👏👏👏
You're welcome Island Girl :)
This is my worse perimenopause symptom along with palpitations. I just try to get through day by day. Hrt hasn't really changed anything so I'm just trying to eat, sleep and exercise to keep as balanced as I can
Anxiety, panic attacks, intrusive thoughts. Had all of them along with the physical symptoms over a solid 2+ years. This was the worst part of the pre-meno years. In full on meno it all tames down.
Great t hear that things are easier for you now.
Best Wishes
This is what I'm going through now smh. Feels like I'm falling apart
I have the worst anxiety every morning, just don't know how to calm down. So much health anxiety and just a very grim outlook on life. 😢
How long or how often would you say that you had the symptoms that you mentioned, all the time, everyday or just once in awhile?
How long does the worry and the anxiety typically last once it starts is it temporarily or throughout the whole perimenopause stage?
This is an old video, but I just wanted to thank you just for making me feel seen. I never struggled with anxiety at all prior to starting perimenopause, and sometimes I really feel like I'm falling apart. It helps to know that it's "normal", even though I feel far from it. I literally started crying when you were mentioning all the symptoms I've been going through for the past year. Thank you!
Do you find that the symptoms are with you day in day out sometimes more than others?
@Brokentofixed Yes! A lot of it also depends on where I am in my cycle. My anxiety is worse about a week or so before my period. The brain fog and insomnia are worst around ovulation for me. I've also learned that I have to seriously cut down on caffeine consumption. I maybe have 1 or 2 caffeinated drinks per week. And sometimes even less than that. I've switched to decaf coffee. It affected not only my anxiety, but also causes heart palpitations or makes them worse.
Small things here and there help. Even just taking a good multivitamin has helped me a fair amount. I also started taking collagen, and started on a peri supplement, though it hasn't really been long enough to notice a difference yet. Fingers crossed!
I suffer from palpitations, anxiety n breathless everyday. Sometimes, dizziness. Do you have muscle tension or soreness in neck, shoulder and back? Do you still experience that?
Thank you anxiety is one of the most difficult things to go through
Absolutely Amina, it was certainly my worst one!
Best Wishes
I had high anxiety, especially as soon as I opened my eyes in the morning. No hot flashes for me.....but anxiety was through the roof. I'm almost 50 now and I just quit smoking weed, which means I'm doing better now. HOLD on tight my sisters. It does get better. I did have breakdowns and I did go crazy for a few years. WOW, it was intense. I didn't hang out with people. I slept for 2 years and I was so busy all my life, I didn't care. I was tired and needed the rest. I surrendered. I almost died too because I was suicidal for a spell. We need to TALK about this, so you don't feel alone and unloved. I felt so unloved. I didn't want any love. I didn't want to live. TODAY, I want to LIVE! I never thought that would happen. Eileen, you look amazing. A true lady.
I am going through this now. 😞 Thank you for sharing and giving some hope that this will get better ♥️
@@saharnassif2849 I'm going to the salon to get my hair done today. Once a month I treat myself to a hotel with a pool and I have a swim....I go alone. Pamper yourself in anyway you can. You will get through this and reach the other side. May I ask how old you are?
@@Godisfirst21 Oh Thank you so much for this message! It feels so nice knowing that someone else understands what we go through 🤗 I am 40 years old now, I had to have an induced total hysterectomy at 39 years old. The hardest part was and still is the anxeity, and the early morning cortisol spikes! Yes I tend to try and give my self some self love. But it’s hard to get the mood up and motive myself to even get dressed and be put together like I used to before. But like you said, it will get better… ♥️
I am going through the horrible anxiety right now. It's every morning as soon as I open my eyes I feel the adrenaline and cortisol run through my body. I've been going through perimenopause for about 2 years now and the anxiety and depression are the worst. I don't have any hot flashes. You can't even imagine how happy you make me to hear that you experienced this and now it's gone...can you please tell me what you did or what you took? How long did you go through this and are you already post menopause? I would really appreciate your response. Thank you.
@@rubythecraftgirl7097 I understand exactly what you are experiencing. It's horrible. I am 49 now......will be 50 in October. I am still getting my periods each month. I'd like to tell you that I did something to change things, but that's not true. At my worst times.....2 years, nothing worked. I lost interest in everything and everyone. Now, looking back I do regret not getting help. I don't like Doctors or meds, so I just used cannabis. Without cannabis, I'm not so sure I'd still be here. I was so suicidal.
Today, I still want to live. I woke up this morning to a beautiful sunrise and I do NOT dread the day ahead of me. It's June and summer and I'm excited about that. I will let you know when my periods stop. Perhaps I'm reaching the end now. You never know when you will have that last period and I'm very excited to never get another one.
I'm sorry for the pain and suffering you are going through. I have also never had a hot flash.
Hang in there. If you had of seen where I was at and where I am today, it's like two very different people. Perimenopause literally almost killed me. That's how I felt, as though it was something killing my spirit each and everyday. My hormone levels must have been in a terrible state and one day.....I woke up and poof, it's like the clouds lifted.
I wouldn't say I have anxiety now. I have a very carefree.....I don't care attitude.
At almost 50, I'm been through many life challenges and I am going to FULLY embrace and ENJOY my 50's. I'm sending you so much care and HOPE and LOVE. You can ask me anything. Or I can listen........
My advice is to be MORE open minded to help than I was. I wanted to go all natural. I was very stubborn and once my mind got very dark, I was in my position to go see anyone. I thought they would lock me up if I told them my real thoughts, lol.
I do NOT have any suicidal thoughts now. I look back and it all seems like an absurd nightmare and I have no idea why a woman would have to go through that. Nothing about thee experience seemed natural to me.
So glad you tackled this topic! I am dealing with panic attacks in the morning hours and so much anxiety through the day….I do feel like I am losing myself. The panic attacks accompany hot flashes/night sweats.
I ❤️ your weekly posts! Knowledge that “this is normal” and I’m not alone actually helps me feel more in control.
I want you to know that it will get better, even though you can't see that now. I was there and now I'm not near as bad as I was. Hang in there. We are here to support you.
May I please ask how old you are and if you are still getting periods?
I had the same , I highly highly recommend Aconite 200 homeopathy for panic attacks, it stops it from escalating , love this stuff. hope it helps
Glad it's been helpful for you Lori and great that you love the posts, thank you!
Best Wishes
Brilliant tip, thanks!
Best Wishes
this is the worst symptom along with palpatations of the perimenopause. You feel like you don't recognise yourself.
That so true omg
I agree 😣
My friends and family will tell you that they've never known anyone as laid back and chilled as me, they've never seen me panic or lose my temper. Since I hit menopause my anxiety has gone through the roof, often over trivial little things, and my husband says I'm a panicker these days - it's horrible. Thank you for posting this video
May I ask how old you are? How long since you had your last period?
@@Godisfirst21 I'm 62 and have been going through menopause for the past 11yrs!
@@elainehughes3253 You still feel this way after a decade with no periods? Wow, I thought it was different once you stop getting your periods for a year or two? I appreciate you sharing how you are feeling at 62. Have you felt like this the whole 11 years? We really help each other by talking about this. I am almost 50 and I feel so much better. The last few years rocked my world in perimenopause.
Absolutely Sherri Lynn. I still have dreadful hot flushes, muscle aches and pains, insomnia, anxiety, the lot. I was great when I was on HRT but my GP won't let me take it any more due to other health problems. I keep hoping it will pass one day!
You're welcome Elaine, hope the tips are helpful for you.
Best Wishes
Finding your channel has been a lifesaver for me. Thank you so much for all you do.
You are so welcome! Glad to be of help!
Best Wishes
I agree. These videos are so so important and helpful to me.
Brilliant isn't it ❤
I've allways been a worrier,but once I hit perimenopause it hit 20 times worse!!I haven't been able to work for three yrs because of it..why isn't perimenopause considered a disability?
Good question Lucy! For some women, their symptoms can be extreme so help and support should be available for all!
Best Wishes
Yes I’ve always had anxiety too, but now I have it times 10x, plus insomnia is so bad that I can’t get good quality of sleep. It’s also been giving me disturbing thoughts. Peri can certainly be debilitating😢😢😢
this was a big one for me, huge anxiety all of a sudden and panic attacks out of nowhere, I never had anxiety until this point. Your advice with dehydration is very on point, it was a huge thing for me. Things that helps me , Aconite 200 for panic attacks(this is a must have , I have one in car, one in my purse, one in my house), bach recue remedy , Arsenic Alba 200, Frankinscence essential oil etc
Great tips, thank you!
Best Wishes
Thank you for the info on the homeopath.
Thank you for your tips. Much appreciated. Deep breathing is very useful. My issues are paranoia, anxiety, sleep disturbances, and now I'm concerned about my bones. (Mum 76 just found out she's broken her back... lifting a tool box - unaccustomed exercise). I cut out dairy at the very start of my hot flushes and within 6 weeks huge improvement, and now don't have any. But sleep and worry is what I'm left with. Need to get meditation in my life, and yoga... I'm 57.
Hi Skippy
Great to hear that stopping dairy has had such a positive effect on your flushes!
For bones, weight bearing regular exercise is vital, even a brisk 15 min walk daily, and make sure that you take a bone supplement containing calcium, magnesium, vit D3 and vitamin K as all of these are needed for strong bones.
For sleep, you could look at herbs such as Valerian or Passionflower and they can also help with anxiety.
Meditation and yoga are great too! :)
Best Wishes
@@AvogelCoUk thank you Eileen. Will look into your suggestions. Much appreciate your reply.
Yeah feeling anxious at times like ive never felt before. Tough being a woman! But....feel good listening to the lovely lady above 😀❤️ p.s. go easy on the coffee everyone. Yes not easy i like my coffee too
I'm glad you like the videos Penny.
Best wishes,
Eileen x
Very helpful now am beginning to understand why I am feeling this way
Glad to be of help :)
Best Wishes
Such a great speaker and presenter
Thank you Alycia!
Best Wishes
I am 55 and awful anxiety started to show up this year and worsen. But my status is crazy, still menstruating but with all the symthoms you can imagine of perimenopause, reciently (and I thank for this) is that suddenly libido comes back without any warning, lol, I mean, after a loooooong time of not having it. Crazy stuff!
Wow Matay! :)
@@AvogelCoUk Why is that though?
@@thankyoudoris this can be due to things such as fluctuating hormones, reduction of stress/anxiety or even improving the diet!
Good evening Eileen
Thank for this important content. At the very beginning of my journey at 45 this was a top symptom I was commuting to work and every evening on the tube an overwhelming feeling would hit me fast heartbeat sweating and clenching my hands I just wanting get off the tube and the relief that came with that only to then worry the rest of 1.5 hour home about my WHOLE LIFE. 49 now on hrt and still have little moments of anxiety
Thank you as always
Your welcome EB, glad to be of help! Maybe try one of the Flower Essences, these can be really helpful when you need 'something on the spot' as they can be carried in your bag and taken straight on the tongue.
Best Wishes
Thank you for addressing the panic attacks.
You're welcome Emily!
Best Wishes
So helpful thank you. Also progesterone days 14-25 and HRT have been very helpful in treating hormonal anxiety/ panic at this time.
Thank you so much for great information ❤️❤️
You're welcome Merisa!
Best Wishes
I think it's all good advice except the eating. Its counterintuitive but the more you eat I think the worse you feel. I notice I need a lot more water but a lot less food and to eat less frequently. That has reduced my symptoms massively. Cut out sugar and avoid too much carbohydrates, that will keep your blood sugar more stable, keep the weight off and take your energy away from digesting food so you have more energy. That's my experience and recent research by ZOE backs it up because it showed that as we get nearer menopause we experience more inflammation in the body after eating. Inflammation causes alk sorts of problems.
For me I get anxious without eating, thats because the low blood sugar impacts the cortisol levels. So eating frequently is a must for me.
Thanks for your info Helen, very interesting! I know for me, I had to eat more but we are all very different.
Best Wishes
Me too!
I appreciate the info. I have so many of these symptoms especially in the belly button area. . thanks much
You're welcome
Thank you for this video ♥️it makes me feel better
Glad it's helpful Joanna!
Best Wishes
I've had to cut out most caffeine. None the week before my period. Cut back on sugar and salt. I'm having painful breast tenderness before period. Waking up during night with heart palpitations. Hot and cold flashes. In addition to following all of your advice, I'm also having to increase anxiety and depression meds as well as blood pressure meds a bit. I'm an older mom and I'm raising little ones. Not an easy combination.
I have symptoms almost all month long. If I'm not anxious I'm sad. Some months it's not that bad and some months it is
Hope this resolves soon for you Amanda
Best Wishes
I’m in that same boat. Sadly I think we as women are screwed.
Thank you so much for sharing this useful information, you have literally answered all my worrying question that i have had for a good while. I really thought i was dying as my fatigue is so bad and on going along with feeling out of control and crazy with the sudden estrogen drop.
You have calmed me by explaining exactly what is happening to my body.
Thank you so much for suggesting ways to help ease these symtoms in order to live life again. X
You're very welcome, glad to be of help!
Best Wishes
So helpful.So well explained
The week before my period is the worst. Anxiety is debilitating, pain all over the body, and palpitations.
You may find taking a magnesium supplement every day, approx 200mg twice a day, can ease all these symptoms!
Best Wishes
But do you feel that during non period days?
Thank you so much for posting this video. I love your calm caring energy. I can relate to what you say. It's so comforting to know I'm not alone with this and why I'm feeling these symptoms. I use magnesium and taurine to help, along with lavender and valerian tea. I also have some aromatherapy oils I like to use. Breathing, gentle self massage and yoga can help too.
Super tips, thank you!
Best Wishes
Sad to say not all ob gyne are aware how to handle this concern
I have missed alot of work because of this
Same:( when it all started I took months off work and truly struggled financially and thought I would never be ok, be able to support myself, recover, or be normal again. It was a very horrible, scary time in my life.
@@sheilaemadian Are you getting better now? When it started and when it’s better?
Hi Please make video on pelvic floor syndrome..which is v common during perimanopouse..really needed .
I'll put it on my list Garmina, thanks for the reminder!
Best Wishes
@@AvogelCoUk Thsnks a lot for considering my request
My anxiety is so bad… I am having muscle twitching too which feeds my anxiety… I started to take magnesium and calcium..
Do you recommend intermittent fasting? Ant input from anyone I would appreciate ✨🙏🏼✨
Hi Claudia
I don't recommend intermittent fasting as many women can have issues with blood sugar control and fasting for too long could lead to feeling ill and this often puts further stress on the nervous system. However, this diet does suit some people if you wish to try it. All I would suggest is that if you start to feel ill or your symptoms get worse then it is wise to stop.
Best Wishes
Thank you..I have been intermittent fasting so I will stop and start eating breakfast..Thank you 💗
I get the same thing!!
@@paulasmith9230 Hi Paula, have you tried anything that works? I started HRT ans it’s been 6 weeks…it’s helped in some areas but that the twitching yet🌈
@@claudiahawk1527 haven’t tried HRT, yet. But I will if it doesn’t subside soon!
I’m going to start magnesium glycinate first, to see if that helps the twitch!!
Praying for all of us! 🙏🏼
This is probably obvious but im starting to keep a diary so when i think the pmt is coming on and im extra moody i know whats happening and maybe i can cancel a appt. If i think its too stressful for me at that time. Hope that helps someone. Xo
Great idea Penny :)
Hi i am in so much pain.frozen shoulder and so many others things I am crying every day 😳😳
So sorry to hear that you're struggling just now Gk. I have posted vlogs on frozen shoulder and crying what you can do to help so please do take a look
Best Wishes
I didn't know that good to be informed
I’m 46 been having anxiety when I hit 45 , now at 46 I’m all over the place I don’t feel like myself anymore I feel doomed,,
Hi Sacha
Hope my tips are helpful for you but if you're really struggling please do see your doctor
Best Wishes
My anxiety is high up the roof I had to be hospitalized twice because of it.
Hope you're OK now Jocelyna
Best Wishes
Do hope you are doing okay.Yes, anxiety is scary
hello maam i have question about my daughter 7 months her menstration did not come why is it? hoping you help me
She needs to see her Doctor. You can't expect her to be able to tell you why your daughter isn't getting periods.
Hi Gina
Yes, it is best for your daughter to see her doctor, there can be a number of reasons why periods stop and they can do a proper examination.
Best Wishes
I have Anixety not sure if this is the same as a disorder I'm 5 years post now and i find that i got worst i can't sleep my bladder is effected by this too i drink alot water plus I'm on meds so what can mix herbal for sleep
Hi Puffy Muffin
It really depends on what meds you are on. There are a number of herbs for sleeping but some can't be taken with certain Meds, however, magnesium can often help with sleep so you could look into this supplement.
Best Wishes
For brain fog, would the stuff teenagers take to help them focus on exams help us with work? I have no concentration and the fog is thick!
Give it a try! And please tell us if it helped.
Hi Aurora
Yes, the Flower Essences such as Concentration Essence and the herb Ginkgo Biloba can be used by both adults and teenagers.
Best Wishes
All your videos are so true!
Thank you Claire!
Best Wishes
Thank you thank you Lord
You're welcome!
For anxiety I have been following tim box, the mind coach on youtube, its been so helpful especially his Ted talk. Check him out as info is key
Thanks for the tip Loz B!
I’m on peri menopause, I had rash on my neck is this is symptom or something else going on can’t figure it out
I had skin tags and some bumps as well and it went away.
Hi Sally
Rashes and itchy skin are really common in the menopause and often associated with anxiety. It can be caused by a rush of histamine so you may find a nettle supplement helpful as this is used as an anti-histamine. Remember to drink loads of plain water too as dehydration can be a big factor too!
Best Wishes
@@AvogelCoUk Thank you so much I appreciate it your respond Enjoy the sun shine
Thanks Sally, it's raining up here in Scotland today :(
Talk to your doctor. I had reccuring major depression and GAD. I needed meds and went to a therapist for a year. Get help if it gets bad.
Very important advice, thank you!
Best Wishes
This is exactly what i am going through 😢
Hope this eases soon for you, Heather
Best Wishes
Pure CBD helps immensely for me. Thank you for this video, it was very helpful. It’s good to get validation and makes when anxiety hits a little more easy to deal with knowing why.
Glad to be of help Rebecca! Yes, a lot of women say that CBD is helping their symptoms.
Best Wishes
When am not well .why is it that menopres attack you as well
Unfortunately, if you're not feeling well symptoms can get worse :(
Best Wishes
I have missed alot of work because of this